Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 26, 1884, Image 8

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Wednesday Mornirg Nov. 26
Tlio clowinps at tha cliiultifti IIOUIP , yw
efdsy , amonuted ( r > Slltfi-a0.38. )
Monday a min rushed Into the pollca
ttalLin nnd ( nd ! that n niannt Zimmerman'
n.iloon , on St , Mary'n avenue , had Ihrailonct
I. ) tilt hinUironU He wiw ni7. d n | > ami tuld I
fly for home or ho would 1 * > Inckixl up to
Clnrn Thoitio * . a notorlonn ncRicsf , wa
nrrctled hbout 10 o'tlock ytbtcrdity mnrninp
charged \ \ ! Ui Iho robbery of va inloxtcalK
Ocrinatl whom KIO ban oatlccd Into licr house
of $ ff ! .
The Untnn Cfttholic Lilirnry anf ncinlinn
have moved their library and reading room
Iroin Crcichtou block to tha fprvciotu ha'l h
Kt. 1'hilomcnan paiochlal rchnol , corner n
Ninth and Hartley httccts.
Thankrghlng tcrvlct' "ill bo hold in th
Church of lernol at 10 a , ni , Thursday , llov
Harndd vn\\ \ \ deliver a Iccluru on the h-'lijcct
"A VaRO from Aintrlcnn llintory. " Tliu
public In | ; enoral i cordially Invited.
An alarm of fire caiifcd by the rqplrnion
of a lamp In Kobaro'j barn on Hiitnoy etrro
nnnr Koutleuitl ] , nt ubnut 10 o'clock IIH
oiRht , called out the department. The liln .n
wtut cxtiiiBulshed withmit the aid of the lire
A very pletaant party wa ? Rivrnliylh
MicPtH JiuriiH nnd Kcndrick nml Atr . Me
Cftrthy , at tlio residence of.thn latter , Monday
e\oniD ( , ' About twenty coupler Rionlly en
joyed IJivimch ea. About midnt ht rutronli
tncntn warn sorvwl. The pirty did m > L liro.ik
up until early morning.
JJ ? MomlnyJaiiKH Fox , who liven mi lower
Vnrimin atraol , appealed to Iho police , htatinjf
that hia son was Itteliiuf , ' up a row. Ho wan
accompanied homo by an olliccr , who ascor
t.tincd tint ono wns nt much to I > Umo : u tlio
other , nnd pronnsud thorn both loiljlnj ; ; in tlir
city jail if they did nut ctntu their row.
Monday an old gentleman , w'lh ' n
tnll nilk hnt nnd a rloiclcal look , called at thti
dllico of the city innrnhid nn 1 aikcd for a
blank application for a portion on Iho police
fores , llo mid that ho hcnrd there WITO flvo
vacancies upon the force and ho dtisirod to fill
ono of t.liotn. Ha pot an application nnd now
it romaiim to be HDOII v/hothur ho will fjat a job
or not.
An IntcrostiDR lecture on ' 'llinli on Con
versation" wan dellvonxl nl the Y. M C. A ,
hall Monday liy Miss Kinma McAvoy. of
Cincinnati. It wa inlcroHtinff In delivery
and instrnctivo and plcuing in nub Joel. The
lecture WIM the tir t of the winter couri < o
mapped out by Iho Y. M. 0 , A.
Monday a man , whoeo IUMIO could not
ID learned , had an oycrconl Htolon from ! > JO
Hnrnny ntrcot. llo Htartod out njmn the
fUtrot to hunt ni > a policeman nnd mooting a
man hu nuked him wliuro hn could find .in
ollicor. The fellow paid that Ii3 waa an ufliccr
and that bin nitmo WIIH Muck Crow. Tlio
man who had lobt the coat dorcrlhod it to the
xolf itppolnlcd ollictr nnd then gnvo him f 0
cent i with which to lull-phono t ( > Council lilnlFj
loffu if anmn wUbnnoh an overcoat ; IH hud
hem stolen had bwin KOCH thoro. Yonlcrd.ty
the loner of the oont rcpoitad the occur
rcnco nt police lieiulquuttcrrt nnd wan Informed
Uul ho had bean 'work < 1" for u "unc1 [ r" HH
there i no mich | > coinan on the forco.
Mr. ] ) or < ; ey 11. llonckhnacoino out with a
litand uow oxprcna wafjon , nnd it ia n iln//.Ier ,
too. It is drawn by : i dnahing loam of Rroy
linrncH , and jireiiciita a line nnd metropolitan
nppear.mco ua it rollo down the fitruot.
Mr. Isaac Crnno an Lhloc'iucd and pnpn- cniployn of Iho ihoot iron dopirltni'iit of
the Union I'lxclfic nliopti is to nmrtitil thH !
( \Vudneiday ) evening , " ( itli inut , nt oi'Kht
o'clock ; to ono of North Omalm'ri mont nu
oampllthid anil beautiful dnughtoiH. All
nmployi-a of tha ( Ii'pirlnionl of
the Union I'nclfic are invitoil to attend and
p.irticlpnto in the fcHlivitieu of the occasion ,
Cliaiiipjnf ( ; nnd dp ; * in abnndanvo. No
Frank WiH > d'H fit tier d will t.iko place
Lin morninf ; ut ! ) o'clock , nl the Kirst
Methoilht church , on lk\cnport ntieut , neur
KiRhtuenth. Tlio roinai IIH will bu conveyed
to tint depot to hn Kent by the MIcHonti 1'acifio
train , which loaves at lOi'J'i , to TaliuiKo ,
Nub , , \\horu they will bo Interred IwHidn HIUHO
of hln fnlhor. Hiu bnithor in rived thin morn
ing and n number of frlnndd nro uxpi-ctod up
from Lincoln to day , Mr. ( ! . WixulH ( < f Hluo
ijprlngH , brother ol I'm dieo.wcd , doiireu U >
thank hU hrothot'd friendd in Ihin city who nt
teudud him In hlu late illnuin nnd who h tvu
M > kindly looked nflor the nrran amonU for
the funerid. South 1'latto pajMir * ploanucopy.
Hon. S. 1' . Dau'dnoii , Tocunihcli , is at the
Mr. Chan. Shivt rick , the fiirnituru man , and
family have eunu tuTux.iii to hpoiidtho winter.
Intnui Dinln , taw.xrd at thu depot n.ttlnx
IIOIHU , It con lined tu liln bed with rhotmia
Mr. oml Mr , K. H , ICIco , nf Chicago , are In
thu city , the K1"11 "f Mr , aud .Mm. H , C ,
U. X. Kmoiy and Kranlc Hall , two prnniln
nnt lnnini > n inun of lioutrico , wura in thu city
.1. .1 Stabr , Oakland , \V. K. Hardy uml ,1.
H. Mockett , I.iccolu , rrKUtcrcd nt thu 1'ax
to'i jtHtcrday.
Hurry Hull , the old reliubU nml cenia' '
Keiiernl tr.\\thiiK upnnt for the Hnrhi ( Him &
Mlmouii , wltli hoaduaitrr | nt Kinam City ,
iriattlu MillHrd.
MIH , W.Y , Ithoilon , tlio soprano o [ the
1'lrnt IVtubyttrun churth , in thi.-i city , wll
a\og \ in concert at WaUirnnu'n upera lioiuo ,
I'lattumouth , to-morrow ntrfht.
Mia. C. H. Ivcleey , of Camp Clark , in thu
lllack ilillu country , U viiitint- with bur
father , Mr. Domoy 1 ! . llonek , on Shcrnnin
a\cnuo. She U accoinpaniod by hrr sistur-in-
law , MIa Nt'llle KuUry , of the name place.
.1. T. Smith O'Xoil , Jnii'pli Sloitn Not folk
C. U : Mcl'liernun and wio ( l.ouinville , II I'
Haekell l/oKnn , A. K Mnitln Blair , 1' 1)
Uaa Ifonl Liuioln , C. W. Dally Cram ! l.lund
Midi Kmriu MontiRuo Jlai > tiiiK , and J KIcli
art's of UaklanJ , Ntb , are ut the Motropull
I' . Krhemla , West IN.Int , Adulph
< ! oliiml UK , C , O , llut'K , ami wife ] i , it
Join 1' , Dark * , Victnout , .1. H. .MtCluiy
Nor.ollf , II. 15. Nluotloinut , Win. l-'nud , 1'u
inont , J , IISiliT , O 1) . .lili'i.M '
Dlelii , Scribncr , Jo ) n Drjw , Hoi p r , Juhn ,1
Kln , 1'ugei o Mncrr , J. A , Crowd ) , Wis
1'oint , 0. C. CrowolJ. Illslr , K J * . IMiurU
Arliufiton , J 1' . BmiUi , Schuy'er. I' . 11 1 , e
BlherCrctk , end M. Mcllnde. wt < ro
at the Mil'aid ' yi
of $ rt'i '
CO ,
iliBConiicilTransacsils.UsnalMly !
Amount of Bosiniss.
Tito Qna Oomiuitteo Eopoits Un
favorably to the Company ,
of Snvt'rnl
The City Ulrcutnd-
Sovi'i'nl Hjicolnl TaxOrtll-
mulct's l'nhicil.
At the reguhr weekly trioeUng of the
city council lest evening , noting mayor
Murphy in tlio chair , members Andcr
neb , lluchol , Ford , Fumy , II ate ill , Kcd
field , Thrano and Woodworth wi-ro proa
out. The roll was called and the mayor
reported that ho had examined the min
uti'a of thu mooting of November llth
And found them correct. On motion of
Woodworjh I'rcaldont Murphy WAU dl
reeled to cximlnu and report on thnmin-
utco of thu mooting of November 18. h.
From the innyor , Hiving notice that ho
had vetoed thu ordinance lotjintr a tax
to covur the ono-hnlf cost of fir.uliug
Lijavtnworlh from Thlrtoonth to Twou-
ttutli , and the item of 2,70 ! ) 7. appro-
prlatcd to SUiroa ] , Morrison A Ivont , for
the TOM ma tnat urrcira were tmidum levying -
ing I ho grading tax , and thtia nullifying
the r.bovo amount. Vuto auntuinod.
From name , K'v'n8 ' notice Unit ho had
npproycd the romaiiitng ordinances paaa-
ed at last luculinp. Piled.
From Ch&rlea Turner and othori cill-
'ng ' attontlon of tha council to c.n error in
ovjins spcciiil paving tnz on Howard
otruut between Fifteenth nnrt Seven-
; eoiilh BtrcotD , and to an item of § 1-
Ki" 73 , the saino bsint ; in exeoaa of the
con tract pricu , and .inking to have aamo
correcUd. Uoforrod.
From Jume.i Croighton. preuontini ;
inal ostlmftto in favor of It. II. Walker
or 31,017 T 0. Approved.
From Ohria. Potoraun , culling the at-
ontion of thu council to ilia paving and
; radn ! ( ; aaauB.iiiionts alleged to bo incor-
oct. Referred.
From Jnmea Croijjlnon , prcaonting ap-
irovod catltniilo of Utiarloa Uardnor for
' 012 07 for troodoii aprons furniahed.
From city nmrabal , elating ho had aua-
tended Ollicora Owen Buckley , Jamea
) jugUa and William Flynn from thu
orco for neglect of duly. Hoferrud.
Fjom 0. K. Kodlield and othera call-
iif the attention of thu council to thu
nd condition of sircota in thn Second
ard south of Pierce atroot. Thh com-
mniicition won accompanied by a ri-3O-
tit ion instructing the board of public
works to take auch atcpi aa will euro the
vil onmplaiued of , and the aamo was
From the BEK publishing company ,
roaonting bids for the city printing.
Ir. Anderson moved to lay the comma-
icitionon the table and waa nocondod
> y Ford. Mr. Thrano moved to amend
y referring it and was aecondod by Hud-
eld. Considerable debate followed up
n the amendment , membi < ra Ford ,
'hrane , Ru liold , Anderson , Furay and
lagcall speaking.
A tutors ju nttumptod to explain the
tymology of the word "contract" when
I -nUuld moved to take a recoaa of live
niiiutoa. Tha amondmcnt to the motion
was thun carried.
The contract and bond of Millur it
lichirdaon for the oity printing WAS ro-
erred by a vote of live ( o four , Ander-
Dii , Ford , IIiiso. ll and Woodworth
oling in the negative , and Jtuchol ,
' 'ur.iy , Uodliold , Thrano and Murphy in
he alHrmutivu.
From the innyor , appointing II. , J.
) jtrotn aa apooiul policeman at the
) inaha passenger and freight dopola ,
rithout oxponao t ) the city. Uonlirmed
From Uuargu W. Steele , iiahini ; f jr a
tearing into the cnuao of hia diamlaaal
rein the tire department , lltiforred.
From County Clerk Loavitt , givim ; no-
leu Unit the county luul paid § 811 01 !
r grading done onVeat Farnain mroot.
From iloaoph Ilunner , ntaling that
Jontrnctor Dully waa indebted to him for
! > ? l'-.7r ' > on city work , and asking that ho
) ii paid by the city , and the name bj
charged to the account of Ills employer.
A number of bills were referred with-
> ut rending.
From 1) It. Loring and othora , iiaking
the grade ot alley butvuoh Nmotounth
ind IVonliuth and Muinn iini IJMVIMI
worth atreota bo definitely nettled , Uj-
From KJ. Nnlain and others , asking
: hat thn pond at Suvonteonth and Clark
atreota bo Idled. U 'furred.
From .liiniHH Unify , unking that tlui
sum of $ i\\ll. \ \ 47 duo hu workmen un hia
city contract be puid them from the
) roper fund , Rofomul.
From Hobirt Williams and othora ,
asking that a 10 foot i tewalk ho hud < | ii
the north side of Cltrk butwoen S i-
.aonth . and Kightuonth atrceb. H-.for-
From the trustoca of the Child'n lloa-
rital inking that the taxes auaosuod by the
; ityag limit thu property of the institution
jo remitted , Referred.
From city trttaaurur , preaontini ; bid of
Hlako lifo-.of 1 ! mtontotiltotliu $25,000
of district paving bonds at par. Accepted.
By Thrano , thvt the adopted report of
the committi'i ) on gns bu rt'iioindi'd for the
roiiHon tlr\t there was no gaa inipeotor
when the thirty lamps were accepted and
the committee ai not uulliciontly ad-
vuod in thn premlaep. Adopted.
Four tiidmvalk roaulutiuna were re-
ferrud without rimdini ; .
By Thr.imt , that city engineer an'd
board of puhiio works isauu a permit to
the Union Paoifio railroad , to lay a aower
from ita depot grounda to Jones etreut.
ByVondworth , that the city attorney
ennft'ta jiidjjmont in the district court fur
82 l)0 ! ! ) ' . ! . " > . thu balance due J.uiU'a II
Kyner A C. ) for grading Twentieth , bt
t-veen I'lt-rco and Davenport atreote
ISy KtiUlitild , that the city attorney bit
diroutodt ) iitcertuii ) the city'a righta to
lula 5 nud ti in block 118. Adopted.
By HaHCitll , that a committee of three
be appointed to cuufor with county com-
inidloniTu with refi'rence to procuring
for the city the old Court House and nito
Adopted. Members Hodlidd , Haao&l !
and AndtiHon were appointed the com
liylliacall , that Jacob llmiuk bn rein -
' in nitv oiiiiiiuwr'a ; < llbt' , Filed
by H vote uf f > to I.
By ll icall , that city attorney draw
ordiifiiicd iiuthori/.mg the o < > naiiiiotini
of Kidovrallca ten fet-t wide in pavoi
ntrunta not used for business purposes
liliroilT O | ' COMMITl'KI rt.
Finance r.ud eUimis ; that the city pa )
< 11' thu llc-iiii now held by curtain partiea
or taxes on lot 2 id bloek 172 A loptod.
A resolution directing the city nttor-
iipy to cnnfoaa judgment in favor of
" < ) uirni ! Morraon A Kent , Keenan
A Cillihan and Patrick Mo n for
trading done on certtin atroota in the
city was introduced by Iladfiold and
udoplod by the council.
1'ohoe ; recommending the confirmation
( f Jamea Miles aa policeman. Adopted.
flio ' flicial bund of J.ohn Milea was
Member Haacail at this point aroeo
ind invited the city council to attend the
( .puiiing of the nuvr oniino ( IIOUBO at
Kleventh and Djrcaa on ' 1'huraday oven-
ifg next.
Oia and electric light , on the billa of
the company for tin ) monthd of Sept
ember and October reported as follows :
That the item of § 855 ( i ! ) la not c irrcct ,
and ahould ba nducud to ? 778 77 ; th&t
she item of 5858 00 for thirtynino now
street lumps aet in September should bo
wholly disallowed as they are not of the
kind or quality required by the contract ,
and recommending that the company re
place the present chuap and inferior
1 imps and poita erected since the datu of
present contract , and that they bo not
accepted ; that the item of $ ! > 0 ! > 87 bo re
duced SKI5 51 on the lampa that were
not lighted ut all or not at the time
claimed in the bill ; that the item of
$110.00 bo wholly dtoalloTredj that the
provisions of the ojutraot bo otrictly on-
toroed , and Unit double the amounts of
$70.81 and Sl.3.l ! ! bo deducted from the
ttoma found to bu correct , under a pro
vision of the contract with the city. The
rep'irt ' waa locommttUd to enable thu
cjinmitluo to hold a conference with the
151111 company in the hope that litigation
might bo avoided thuruby.
A resolution that the hydrant at Suvun-
uentli and Pierce streets ! bo raised to
iropor grade waa adopted.
A resolution by Ford that the marahal
lumove all proatitutea in the third ward
jchool houae block was adopted.
Levying a special tax to cover the ono-
lalf coat of grading Seventeenth atruot
rom Nichola to Paul. I'usaod.
Luvying a special tax to cover the
ino-half coat of paving Fourteenth street
rom the north line ot Howard to north
ino of the alley next north of Howard ,
Levying a apocial ttx to cover the < ioat
> f building aowora in sewer duitrict No.
; . Paased.
Levying a apocial tax to cover the ono-
lalf coat of grading Arbor from Tenth
o Klevonth atroot. l'a aod.
Lovylng a apccial tax to cover the ono-
mlf coat of grading Seventeenth atroot
rorn Pierce to Center. Paaaed.
Levying a special taz to cover tha ouo-
mlf coat of grading Fifteenth ntreot
rom Williams to Vinton. Passed.
Lsvying a apocial tax to cjver the one-
lalt coat of grading California atrcet
rom Twenty-second to Twenty-eighth ,
' .laaod.
Levying a special tax to cover the coat
if bunding a eewor in aoivor district No.
12 , Panned.
Levying a special tax to cover the ono-
lalf cost of grading Leavenirorth from
L'hirtoon to Twentieth. Paused.
Appropriating moneys out of various
unda to pay for public worka. J'aa.sod.
Granting iho right ot way to the Oma-
la Thomson A , ilouaton cloctnc light
: ompany. Kead twice and referred.
The council then adjourned to this
iVtmniK , during the reading by the clerk
jf the Folkur-Kjgorton morchanta poli-d
) rdiuanco.
< n Tlii'iiii n ha'-'O'H
In Marly Canillo
Monday , n short tinio nftcr ntippor ,
, \vo moil entered Saxo'a hat store , corner
of Kiftounth nnd Farnanatrcots , and
niu of thoin said that ho wan ted to buy
a hat. Mr. Arthur Urigga , the clerk ,
w.ia in the atoro nlono , and accompanied
the customer to the of the atoro to
ahow him n lint aush ai : ho had said ho
wixntod to bay.
Ilia companion , nn hnnoat looking
: ellow , irftfl loft standing in the front
mrt of the store , and jint buforo IMr.
llrig a nnd the cuatoiner returned to the
'rout thu honuat looking follow took hia
Aa aoon as Mr. Brl RB returned to the
: rent pitrt of thu oiitibltaliinunt ho found
, hit a lot of fur trimming had boon ttkon
> y thu honoat looking follow , tin at
iticu tuli'ijh'iiuul to pulici ) lieadijuikrtora
uul an ollicur wont to the atoru. lie WHU
'urnialutd with n Joauripliun of tli two
men and inndo n ru.irch through thu city ,
nit failud to discover thuir whuruabouta
Thuro waa about tiinojiirda of the stiill'
tfikon , and it w.ia valued at $18.
H thuau fullowa are not captured pretty
aoou ttiny will go in uiul atual a ring elf
if it fullow'a linger whilu hu ia wide
Showing all citiua. towna , rnllroadu ,
counties , toj Hhipa , just out ; mnilud to
nny addrooa for lOj. .1. M. NVolfo , 120
South 14th atrvot , Omaha. 18-lw
llit > "I'lM'Iprn" lor
Their Heat * .
M.irohal Cumminga is getting right
after the boya in Llui , and ia nmking
thorn all walk thu line. On Sunday lust
ho made a tour of the boats and found
thut Oilicom Jlunno and O'Hoylo wutu
not where llioy ehould bu , and accord
ingly suspended thorn.
Monday thu oili'-tira 'wont boforu thu
ooinmittuu on police and aekod to bo re
instated , The marshal waa atmt for , and
mid that ho had no objoutlon to taking
them back , all ho vrnntod wan to have
tlii'in attend to their butinvan. The com-
mltteo put thu men back on duty , but in
structed the niftislml to line them in any
Bum ho might think right.
Monday , the luurihal remnined out
upon tliu atrcuta all night and found
thron of thu nu < n Ollicera Uuckloy ,
Duuglaa and Flynn oil' their boats and
eunpeiidod thorn. Tina awakened tlio ire
ot liuckley und Douglaa and thia morn
ing they t'olloircd thu untrahul to hia
homo and threatened to mop the tide-
walk with him , but for BDIIID ronon they
did not do so. The probability now in
that thojo inun Will got n long lay oil'
for diarodpcctfnl conduct toward their
Mnrahul Cuiiuningaaaya that ho pro
pose. ! tlmlbvory under him shall
do hii duty and earn hia money.
Kroih luttucn , rrvdtshos and paraloy ut
Wtomerft' .
of North 0 < uolma Smokinp ; To.
bacco ii thu beat.
Another Grind Mint ( JoinWro > g
lsCiTillliirH in
Tin' Imri'ti ,
About ten days or two wooka ago a
man named Gilbert 0. Park skipped out
of th'a ' city , taking with him considerable
mortgaged property. Ho ia known to
have had three hortos upon which Mr.
K S. Rood held a mortgage /or § 153.
He bought a team of mules of John W.
Dillranco , tnado n Email payment , anil
nave n mortgage upon them for § 100.
These also followed him olf. Ho alao
took off property upon which M. F.
D. > nsgin had a mortgage for § 85.
Ho had been Hvi"g at the corner of
Twenty fifth and Ciaa atrccto , and loft In
the hnuae aoma furniture which ho waa
unable to take with him. Since his
departure n number of hh smaller cred
itors have boon hovering around hia lute
rcaidonn to ace if there waa not
thing upon which they could aoizo to
make good their claim.
S ) on after his departure Mr. Dillranco
and Mr. H nd began making inquiries ,
and finally loratod him at Valentino. A
loiter from Sheriff Carter , of that place ,
n'atoa that Park ia driving a four her e
stage in tlutountry. Mr. Dillranco baa
loft with the nosesiary papcra to bring
him back.
This will bo .i aurpriao to mxny of
Park's friends in this city
During his sojourn in Oma
ha ho nailed under the Mothodiatle
banner and ' himself oil' .
p'uaod .13 an ar
dent , worker in the cause of religion and
humanity , lie need to have miaaion
prayer niootitiKa at hii hoiiio , and used
to gather the pour children in ul > itu oncu
a week and ha"o a Stindiy ac'iool acanion.
Alas the waring , "Bj.varo of falni ) pt-oph-
ots wha citno to you in ahecp'a clothing ,
for inwardly they are rivonoua wjlvos , "
came to late in I'ark's case , f jr ho came ,
got in lua work and skipped out baforo
his true character was found otic.
A Mull Csrricr Hadly Iii.jtirrd uyilio
IlroaUliif ; or Ills
Jatuoa Jabolachnuk ia employed ns u
liorao mail cirr.or , nnd instead of riding
on horaobick hu lisa boon using a two-
whoulod gig or dog cart. Monday night
after ho Imd finiahod hia work , ho was
driving toward hii homo in south Omaha
and vrhon ho had reached the corner of
Thirteenth and Jonca atroot ? , the tvilo of
Ilia cart broke nnd ho v/na thrown out
upon the granite pavement , otriking upon
Ilia lioad and ahouldors. The hora
atartcd to run , ur.d aa the driver waa In
some way tangled up in the roina. ho wan
iiraggod seine little di.itanco , whan the
Siorso waa atjppud and tha in tared in an
wan oxtricaiad from hia perilous position.
Upon examination it wna found that lut
was badly cut nnd brnlacd about thn head
aud fiico. llo waa taken to hia homo and
n physician Binnmonud. Do will prob
ably bo around in a short tlmo.
Mr. Jaboischnek la certainly In very
hard luok. About two yer ra aio ho waa
thrown u\Jin hia ho/su nnd j truck upon
Ina head iip'in sumo watur pipea. It waa
thought at the titiio that hia neck W.IB
broken , but ho .inally managed to 'mil
through , r.lthonxli hm huad hia been
curled to one aide ever since the acci
llo has thn oyinptthy of all hin friouda
in hia lute alllictiuu , aud thty all hope to
see him on duty v rv conn
Hcsiiluiiuii-t nl' I trsM'ut. |
The following reaoluliona wcro pusacu
by the Kmmet Monument asaocir.tion on
the death of Daniel Sveonoy :
Wlutl'i : , < H , It has ulonsod thn Almighty ( iml
to tnko from our ranks uur balo\oil bnithor ,
WIIKKKAS , In the df.itli of lirntht-rSwrenuy
this a-Hocintion has lui-t ono of lUium' f ith-
f ul and dovoti'd niPinburI'm cui oiif I isli
iiiilopi'iidcnco at.titinch nml loyal -tujiport r ,
whu wno\cry : ran ly tn nmko th < Haeriti'n
whiili iiotio but putrints inakf * ; tlit-reforo lid it
lr ! , O.KI ! > , Tli.itvo .sinuornly mourn IIM
lo ! > i , uml thut wt tender our Inmtfu't ' Hynipi-
tli V to hU lipioavod wifn ud < irrow tru Kail
f vniiy ; nnd ! * it ruttlicr
Kh DI VKII , Tint n I'uijy f these n' rlntionn
oa HI lit to the f lu.ily irt uur il o-isi'il lir ttn r ,
mil ( hit thi'y biH.r . > id on the nmii'Vn f till-
nn ' , K 0 IM li r"K
S1OOO. Given
irnliimnriiii ) itii'irlnns ' Mil'sluminn lie foinnl
In AmlHWH'l'oarl Baking Vowrti Is l > 't-
luilvpURE. lioinKi-iutnwl , limit linonlnls
ni'i'mdiruniMieli 1-in.mlsHiiss Iiunii > . llo * .
tun , SI. ) > clutiiilaliu | > , ill riilfii n. mill
lluilo , MlluiuiUiv. Ni-xervil'l la bulk.
Uiku bU 287. Wl \\aterSt
Tor the Cttro of all diiiea-iOH of
Horses , Cattle , Sheep
DOOS , HOGS , 1'01'LTllY.
Used mieceasf ully for 20 jvnr-i by 1'nr-
iners , Stovkbreeilcrs , It. It. , Ac.
Kiuliirscil .V iiM'dby the r.S.MouTiiinM.
1 * A ClinrN w-nt free. ' 5
100 Fulton St , Nov York.
Humphreys' Homeopathic
ln& uso3U > f m Tbo < mK BKMN-K lul n' „
Nervous Bsbility , Vilal Weakness ,
.nil . | > ro lrtiuii 141111. < v > r-uutL i > r utlm rtu > . > * .
' INT vial , - - jN uJ I i-ivul.T f.
litiLMlY Illi I n.lrtit. ur < H'II | IK ttulil nn riwitit uf
rrUv Atliln'4 lliiiuiilkr < > y < . ' lliiineiiimilila
lluillvlnoto > , . tU'J Vuliuu St. , ft ci > Vui lu
r * * * * f\n t p 1 ' * n "t T f f v , > intrh t
n n ttir * r n'i 1 mit \ c t > HI hot I * r -
* ) * j lodvtvct Uiu pro jnco of cu > inoiila *
f n ml'll ' n liomn * f r * \ 'j t rfr ( f - \ rr titMtjr It hat
il-joil tii < > r < tun in > ii' i r < II it * ' t- ' ,
_ _
M K ! Ill 07
Dr , Price's ' Special FlaToringExIracIs ,
Thfiklrf > nettm ( ) tiItUflr > ui Nnd nalurjin or ku < mniui I
Dr. Price's Ltipuiin Yeast Gems
llenllliy llrrml. Tl.o Hot ITy II.
1 I Bit I'l 1lll < Uoll'l
Ifte us ol trctorm " MS' r
tl'ie" ' , n tcunecllon with II k
cotpotito a-vrao ot tro kro j
COUN f > u an Men ol J let whil
ccqulrod by the tnt/dlni ; uih :
lie - flhoet IJuf OV. i "ttRt
I"i4 tbo bo t v.-- _ 3i
tlona tl ii which RIO ( sia
ruaiitk > il ! JT ! u > mirlu
And St. Paul.
llonnt * uil operilci ever iW
N I'thora tlllnnh , VVIacoailn , UtnncBOt > , lov
DiUoK ; i ta DI | U lluo'i , branchon na ( xmncj
tiir.B rosch oM tbo itr--.t UCJILM ! oiiirea ol obt
tforlliwcib anil Far West , It na'.uwlly snbwcrj lh
Iwotlptloa oJ Sh'it Line , and ilcst IloiUo I < otw33 ?
( 'hcv.un ! , ! .IHnukcuSt. Paul anil Jflimiupojll.
Ohl.-noMUauki.ii ! , L MI J Winnnt.
Cblm u , UI1wiu < icoAberilocn nntl Ellcndili
OhlcTto ; , M'.IWMikca , EMI Ciilre nmt Utllhvtt.r
Chlcaj-j , Ulltvaukm , WAUSMI and MtriUl.
Clilcn o , Jf'uji'ji ! ) ) | ItCKMir D.\m nn.l OnhLo-id
rhlcnx'O. V Mi'il cc , Witiitnahti * rnl Ocnnom' - f
Chlca : ? - , V' oo , Mulinou anJ l > nlieilu C
Clilcr.i'O , Milwauiiao , On at > aua ind Falrlbta'l.
Cliiuiyo , Bololl .Inrc'uli'.o atnl rilia'iill'r.ln .
OblcB a , r.'fn ] , H'K''o.-d nn I Uub'Jiur.
Oblcatju , Clinton , | MCI ! luliiM ttiri Liytir lUfldl.
Uiilca o , Couni.ll Bluffs and Onnht.
ObluRu , Glmix City , Slum Kallnaud Ttntttnu
Chicago , tlllwiukuo , Wltchcll oiulChambJrU'i
Rock Isliinil. Uubuijue , ? t. I'iiil ml Mlnncapc ll.
Divnnpoit almar , tit. ! ' ul ntiil illnncapoha.
Pullicuu t l- < . ( - ii and the Flnr-it Dinlnc C r3 In
Iho M r ! < l nro run nn tlio mr.itillnrRot tlioCIIIUAOO ,
ittuntlanls puld to pMSCiicoriiby courl
ol the ( Joujputj.
t , , Qen'l M n KOt.
A. v II. iMKL'bjnmir/Qon1 l' es. Agf.
T. CLARK , OonlSupt.
flrn' ' ! Aei
Dcpirtiner t of the Interior , )
Olliraot IuJlin AHiir * . N 17 , 1WJ. f
Pealetl pr > O'aU foi l > iii'iliii ?
" w IP bo n ctl\ I at this Ilico until 1 o'clock
rucsia ) tlio lOlh o ( ' ci tin tr , list fnr thn ron
ihnc theSinleeSI lc-er- !
ttrucilon ol btnUtsdi UK - -
Mition in ITtbraska , oixl 1'onr.i Hcsuixat onmPnkot
at the fol'ouii1) ) ; Icratlon" ; rn thebantcu Kehervation
our Iho I ) / loir tka liridcoif tdrci' ppai.a rf OJ
( tott-aoh with Ifific'l imp oarbm ; on Hie rmici lc ! >
< r\utioii , over tin Niobra : i ru r a > < Oil ) f < t
from i nil to cm' ' , and our l' < rV. otsaiil rlvtr
u tnn < f ( ! n f > i.t.
&Ti o britl-j tt in question ite t ' beef r'nmbui.ition i f
wood and lion , uitb o at irun HbocK , ics'ui on ) iiV
foundnti HIH.blib < > r Uiu t brara ii\tr arc to bo
tliivonl.'i ibt mur lli/i'it fietlt , in tLet , nnd over
Wo t I'.irk ol Nionrai.i lluir. IS ( e t bu'n'v watir
iiicl , nml ru to ui-liull * In iic < "rilntico lth ilaus
nniti-puiillMtlf IK t"lie nt III * otll'enf tlw Iknut
( JiiaitiiiiifH'iut Omnliii Nibni-ka , Hio ' lliruol
Lt'iiur , Coloiado , and tl tin "lnlci-Oceaii tf Chl-
C3L'I > , III.
Thu co'.ttrii'tion o Itlubriilci'sto uniler the lin-
iToihtc Hlj.innlnn nt a I'cr ' on to bo diii mttd b )
till pHiarnucnt
All bidiiiii t Imafcorrinrlcil by acoit'lled ' cboi-l.
on Hiiina Unifd 1 1 it's bt | ) Jitur * , fnr ixt least I'lVt-J
p r cuirtiin < f tbi amount of tht propc al.vhldi
ibt'ik i I bo Jnifiitoil otic 1) ) lie I htatts In 110
INJ bid. LT or bnliicrs f ll t'UMfiitv n i.Mitract itb
Ifixnl nn1 end cicnt sntetl-s , otlifrwise tn bo rtturnr'l
titl'O blililir. in lnj ; biilM. b'ildtrli ' tild
t.ito tin1 tlnid rc'iiu'rtil b > them lor ilu nnottu tinn
nlthihu ui" < .ai IIH imtt- will bo ion-id roil In
in i klu the \viiiil- - ) . -i'i < i t ; Dili * a part of troc'intrict
Tlio il.'ht Ii us rud o eject am or n'l ' btS or
anvimrt c I anbil it dn'ine ) furtlii'lo1 t inliIBS of
tnoFriCLi II
n _ ' 'lHk "in i'i toinmlH-i ncr.
ro ttio u tnr.t , l ft IL-W ycara , Imvi
In the manufacture of
after Improvement has
been madu , until to-rtay the clothing
olleroil by Sehlank & Prtuco. 1"10
Farimm atroot , in miual in uvory
respect tn t5in boat
Custom Work !
Whthiattht ! saruo tlmo tlio low noes o/ /
price of the line gr\do of clothing
tboy Inudlo ta no Ina.i ivjtoniali-
in ? tluui thu
Perfection of Fit !
1210 Farnam Street. 12W
Thotisnndt ol Infants
.ID OMlV t > ttirVIMJl > tl-
, m-u iiijthurn i.miiot
.iroviilo II u | ir | ur
n llrUhmt'lit. Alter
ni'u nuibiii ) , ' ftinl
ltie'd l-ii-d w II often
'l'h ' all thv lick & 'nl
" - - - - - - -
jo OIK iia ) dull * .
n. ' mill . Trj It.
mothirs , If Nour clil'd
. not tn prr'ixt '
stall ll , aii'J EDO If you
canniv n HI in niuojOn > mth thu th U4anJ * vho
liaio I ecu l > t i li > I B I'-o. Sulil t > \ ilrucul-its In
on * . 4 B zfn Hta'lliiL' M. ' > o , e-a , > t 2i wid * 1 "S :
\\Oiil.lilcll .Vi'U , on intry hbi'l
K. S. dOXKS ,
1 O AilJirM l.i'tk It. . HOT , Cuiini-ll HluH < Inua
Iron & Brass
ItH Soutll I III itrent. OMAII I , XRII
Mm 'Jvtur ri ol "ri-i IVn'liiJt , * < tii < ) Culunn
aihUII i il. 'rcniM * Hi'i i''Cii j spwu' mun
mni y tj tlK'iiiiuutit.tiiroMcv-tiii.'tljt | > ai'iiU
inv'wot klew hourn' no Ino Naworkwl
Ii tlun
OiK\x\jOr tollr , Tlioo. U an.
L \RflEsT STOCK ( > '
n n' '
Buy your Fine bronzed Hardware at Home for
less than Eastern Cities ran Deliver it.
Send for Our 200 Page Catalogue , only one issued in Neliraask
Counter , Hay , ( Stock andKnlroad Track.
Orders for < hc Indian Dptiartmonfc M for BuU'alo Scnlo.s
clusivcly. Scule
(405 ( Pouctln St , OMAHA NEBIlAhK \
Vi itora to the State and others in need ol' Men1 ? , Boys' andildreu °
Clothing , will do well to call on
The Strictly One Price House in the City
And examine their goods aud prices. Th y carry the largest stock ,
sell lower than nay other house in thecity. Merchant Tailors
don't fail to call at.
1216 FARNAM ST. 216
i CATTLE ftn Ounce oi Prevention is worth a Found of Cure.
ni : \ i.viri ) AM > < i 1:1 : i > nv'iiii i-1 MI
> i"H'lj i\i ; ry lr ler tn the conntrv lri often i \ - - a ii-ire ! to obtain n p nn ily
Hut w K Id ki < | i ' 1111111 ils ini ln.'iltln ninililinn n r. ninly tin I unnlil I'.Ui the [ ih.ic'ol the wurth-
li < M-ntt Ih'ir it ii'iinll. * gi"iiurtir iiiuaiiuiril i * iicir ' ul ( | . ah.
'l'lioii-uiiU nl Dnll.iimljlit lie NI\OI ! iinini'ill.N if Imeiler- I irini f , nnil. in flirt , any
n'li' fnini Hu | > i i-nn imnin nn e\ti IIIMlitnl tn III" innle-t inKin i with .1 | K > iii nnil a co ,
uoulil kiep Hn ir.iniin.iK in .1 UiiiKiiiL'lily linillhj iiuiilitlnn.
Nnllilnt ; lins liver Iteen offiuil In the niarkvt , until the " ' / " ( - nivi Slorl : lirmr-
ili/ \ . i Ui-nn rul. that IIH Illlnl t ii lull. A ilol r s worth nf tin- muchrerv tun or time
iniinihn.i > Mi < .nn nnu hu ii tliu O IHT of life flock , humlrcils . - lioiib.lin-t ! : of ilnlliiri in the
i niirit nl u M ir
II Is r.i-llj < : l\en to l little. llnr' < " . ' and Shpip , uml l an artlck- tint Inn n--\
fiilnl Ki , iMti'n lion , n nnifl | ) iiilnnni-
M.nt IleriN in the
\olil Chrr.p [ ieiiicilic ; lleullliy Prc orv. this anil
! ' i.nilithllie lli"/ii-n /
IOHIIIHII' Pii | > | \ \
anil Worllitcss Sew ire ol
I hrIKII Hi ini'tlinnil fiiinn
. \ ; ini'tli/ no r or .
Condition Powders. IMI1 ATIOHS.
IlIlLlIlT H 111) dill < Ml-l * IIV.)1 ) LlUUItllUUt It.
I'l-ni-liclal. K nl rTi ( it- are IK , Mid iivmy illt-uiM - IIM curul in ilur
rii i-n i in 1 illy i ; dim Uoii .
'I lie \Y\n' \ ' . .Jiuiio | niiiilu the remark Uml an "Oitiuvuf f'i'i i / ' iri 'i n t'rniml nf
< ni , il.ITU ii _ ' , i.l | for inl U'is tin re u tril'T n in irk. ni'l ll ' mnot lie ill | > l' d in.irc
[ > roiitrlj tliiin to the | iroi ntion nnd ttirt ul the nrin.N ilioiittrnii' and ta'al ili i 1-1 - uf h > - - ' . '
Keep Sfiu Ic lle.illliy ami o\rry ront-iffinii di i 11tlnit euiniM .ilnii uill I ril I iki liuld
uith Ilir f-'ili | of ili ath. 'I'd ilo Ililr. tluro In liuihiiu' > iiml | M ilie llil < rn : l ; I'.I-IIIK ! .
Il Not Wall until llu > linrDu I' htnlcii In Ture . .ml lorK Hi' M ihliilunr. . lint hnlt it nm
r . 'In iM. . , - In fiiic'lie ilinf i nun's iilnii. ' i.v tin i'iill.i\ of i in ill ll r fur 11 trull p.ul. i c n ( tin.
ii 1 < hr itcd anil tlniriut.'liU liti'd IMMIII , tin * tl i'\trt'it J iff .N/IM-/ . ' I'ttimh/ ,
I'mimi or ; o ir I > ii . . t * , < r t-'i i Mil hdirLHI j.t i ti.r 11 , a L tji nf the llfitrn IJv *
Mtirl. Itfiiii ill/ , iiiuii'ii n Inn il nt iiiinil , lil.i iiiiiii'nr ' , .nd ifju i innol ol.tnin it , mid nne
ilnllir . ' ) i i | i u U i e.a , , i , l in i'e '
SWIWE Keep l.lKiSlnrli He iltli.anil . nviilil DI-I-IIM. . SHEEP
I'ARSKNQKK KT.irV'ATOIl TO AtI. H.OQIIB. | I01 I , l.-Oi ami 1210 IVnain t , Omahi , N l >
/ \ } <
Vi > : rX' " 'x \ - -
OK HHADY ST. , DAVKKPOUT , IOWA , U. K A h-jtnblUK * * 1878 Catum"
i'uthxwin , lumj'iudSi ] > rvoaBDi8Ba8oiiap ( Hiilj' iid > crn > ! iotit y Oared. I ito- ! >
GJ iv ri Hori4B. Wnto for "Tns MBIUI6l hHio.sAnfur the 1'rv \ l
) n ni ; ! > -i , ami Correnrondoutfe ttrafio. T . O. \\i.i \ 2'iS ! T n.j'l > at N . . iff
HuN. KD\VAUIi HlboBLL , i'j t Hw m , n nrij'tn. m * * ' Vpyoo.i , .
m.ii > MiaMtrUd Sncoow ' -NCnU-f-hAlAH .V'M < JMA Diwr-npoi
: "Au nonorftrilo Man. l''luo SiKciitt. Wiirtaertu t'utr ' ' lin urn f > ti. fi _