Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 26, 1884, Page 4, Image 4

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iv : Ofllco , ts < > . IMI ) Kurnxin 8t.
York Onioo , llonm r Triinltu
V itII ill \\g ,
f ;
* mm M
8s Te i . W r
' IK 8 * in . S.TO I 0 * Honlh
fsfWwk , WOtftt * .
WHS W&Stfct * Wt R > K .twn tmi ;
. l.oo | *
"n K ,
r ! ti > u
* tl T 111 * n TIT
All fttiMrion * Latter * Mid H * 1't tie s
10t Hmd ( TBIlB1l Pr M HlF.O OOMrtVT , QMMU
PtMt * , OifcikT " ' ! fcttolilce orders to be mat ] * t' >
tH to the order cif thi oompanv.
15. , KUIIcir.
A. II. Filch , Minacnr Daily Circulation , 1
O. Box , 48S Omaha. Nnl .
. is wrestling rvilh bunlio inci
ntid keepprs nf dona nnd dives. Ou
city ttuthoriticM ( should follow null.
IT is to bo hoped 1'oiv that Omar ;
democrats have squandered money enong ]
in jubilating to f ave n , penny fur ft oquall ;
day. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Till ! hto Senator Anthony van not i
man nfterSt. .Idhii'i ) own heart. 'A'hoi
ha ! Avino cellar was opened after hin duatl
it was found to ccntnin moro than l,00 ) (
bottles of IM'MO.
Hv the way , what has bicome of thi
Omaha belt line ? li it dead or onlj
nlooping ? Meantime the property thai
was condemned is taken out of thu juria-
diction of the asBessor.
\Vm.v : Undo Unfits Hatch oaid that
among the southern delegates to the
national cattlemen's convention at St.
Louia there were n laiyo number who
nnver owned n bull or a cow , ho told the
truth. Ho might have added that there
wore- [ altogether too many played-out
politicianB in that convention.
LVMA.V TuuMia'M , 13 mentioned as a
possible senator from Illinois in the
event of the dpmocrats aocnrinf ; the JOR-
ialatnrc , which now seems ijuito likely.
It will ho remembered that Air. Trumbtill
loft the republican party and joined
the democrats in IH''i. llu was elected
to the United States nonato in J8li7 , and
ono of hia ojiponunln was .John M.
1'ilracr , who followed Trunibnll into the
democratic pirly. Il ii ( juito likely that
they will again ho pitted ngainat cacl
CUMMINOS in doing go
work in wcodipy out the police force ,
but BOino of the members aru In the
habit of loafing abgiit the ttnckinghnm
vaiicty theatre , Baleens , and ( jamblm- ;
jilacce , when they ara anppoaod to bo
nn thuir buatn. .Such 1111:11 : are not IK
to bo on the iiolieii force , and the i
lion of Marshal Cuiiuniti Fi in promptly
appending five policumon , whom ho
found neglecting their duty and lonling
in such places , is to bo commended.
Tin : St. Louis Jtcjiublicitn aays that if
Cdbriol doea not blow his horn pretty
neon the pnoplo of Pennsylvania will refuse -
fuse to ontur piradiau when they nro in
vited to go in and vralk Iho goldonatrurtu.
It is led to this conchmi"n by Iho f ict
that the natural gas which liaa been
"struck" in western Pennsylvania not
only furnuh.3.1 light nnd heal , fuel and
power , but two geniuses have discovered
mnthoda which will turn thu fluid into n
fiqiiirt Bomewhat batter than old Motion-
gahola whieky , and convert the residuum
into ixcoUonl butter.
It now tunm out that tim meeting between -
twoen Tom 11 ondricks and fJ rover Cleve
land WAU not to harmonious as the former
goutlemiin gave iho public to understand
in nn nuthori/.od interview. Inotead of
having "a nice tlmu , " IIB Mr. HendricltR
RiiiJ , thu f.ict is tlmt they had a "fine old
row , " a sort of monkey and pirrol uouin-
bio , In which the p.irrot loat all his frath-
ear. When liendricka preaumod to ad-
vijo the prcaidont elect au to how lie
Bhotild form hia cabinet , he was jironiplly
and olUctually eet down upon. Hia i > v\- \
< lonl that Cluvoland han no great aU'ecti
for the Indunn stuteman.
Ko iuju. I'KTrnioNi : VLOWHR lias at
last bucn heard from. Helms been interviewed -
torviowod , and among other things ho
says that H in well known that Clcvuland
wai not his choice as a candidate but
ha promises to do all ho can to make his
administration aeucceet. Mr. Cleveland
ought to take a great deal of comfort in
that unauraiwo. Incidentally , Mr. Flower
KIJ-B that his name has been mentioned
for a cabinet position , but that he IUK no
inuiitio of knowing Mr. Cleveland's pur-
poeca or withes at present. This is a polite
lito way tif intimating that Mr. Flower
etanda ready to uccpt a cabinet poaition
Wo would suggest that Mr. Cleveland
glvo him a position in the White House
ousorvatory aniou ; ; the tender house
A\ attempt on tlio part of n telephone
ooiopany to erect a bij polo in front of
Senator Edmunds' ruaidtnco in Washing-
ion c&ueed that Kcntlenmu to raise the
quettiou whether tlio cominisiionrra had
the right to grant euch prlvilegei- , and
the rotult wan that Um United .States dia-
tricl attorney decided that tluy had not
. such authority , as that putrcr restedalouu
withcou ieii tii fur \Vaihijigton I'H
oonceruid , Th duciiiou given the tele-
grijh : ml tolcjihuucompau'tn ' s black
yo in the national cijiiul. They will
erect no n.oio pclt cud will bo cuupelled
to put their wiroa undcigf uiu1. Jtio
now likj'y ' tl-a' tovi-ral euilH w.ll bo ,
brought to eiuiia the icmoval of poifi
alrea'Jy orutci ak'd eouiejiartlrs iu y BUO
for damage. I. .
Holntui the cuiionding Ciarks. . n nn.
LI Alton ftp' > cnrs our niRKiniicout N lvras
kA { rnhtlciui Biul Blttlonnaiit Mf. Hi e
nnlor , who jmbiislies a t'y ) letter ovei
hij iwii siynnttiro. Mr. U > sow lor'a con
tnhiuifin to the alT ir is valtiftlilo only AI
nit fvid nca 'f the < ) ? . ! wot-ning pi'lf-onii
cci' nf Ihct man nnd htn evident dpciro t <
ppf r bnfori * thn public in emnowhnt tin
totious C'inipany. A brief quolatlor
fn.m his nnral'rcl ' fir epiitlo will serve t <
li ( > w his tiiint :
II wo * well known that 1 WM n oiitapokpi
ar.d rar rout tvlvncaln of the noiuliuUnn n
Mr. Itlnlno In 1X7 , anrln ain in 1WO hen hi
n delcpile from tlili county t n adn tin
(1)1 ( ) lit In the t.t.ilO . convnntlon whloh reinlU'c
in giving Mr. llhino n nolicl dpIfRfcticin froti
It is well Itnown that in 1880 Mr ,
KitowKtrr expressed no opinion rog'inl
inrj the cnndidatpfl for the prodiclencj
uutl two < Uy baforn the tnnotin cf thi
Btttu ooiivtntiidi At thnt iinio , fvft.-i
the labor of the Omaha A'tM-s had holpct
to rryatsl 79 the IMuinu sontimcni
which was abnndnnt in every portion o :
the state nnd offer il had been nsnurei !
tlmt the Jlnino atatosnian would luwr. i
unlitl dolcpalicin from Hobrailtn , Mr
Hnaowntcr iluclartd Limstlf for li'ninu
In the ntatc con volition thu f.iut that hu
wna friendly to Hlaino ( . > r appeared to hi
tovan llio only danger to Tl.nino'i .
ciiisr the principal hopn and nrnumi'ii1
ft lilaino'a oppouonts. AI * . Hiauwntei
tvim not worth ono vote to .Mr. lliainu HI
1880 , but \7.'iB the mcann of drivlin.
ninny vot8 awny from him--"f/i | / < 7/ir ,
Tlio "uncallod for cpiallo" was viritton
nnd in typn before thu Ilatton-Ulnrksoii
oorrctpondonco had roichod ua by lolc
| > r.tph. Only a very ntnnll fragment np-
plied to Mr. Ilntton'a controversy , nnd
that inuiduntally in an effort to not I'rca-
idont Arthur anil hiacablnot tight before
rojiitblicana who wore disposed to chnrgo
thorn witli the responsibility of Mr.
Ulaino'n dcfoat.
Thorn vroa nothing in that letter to
which any honorable republican
lican could tnko exception. Tlio
nddlc-hcnded pigmy , whom 1'rovldonco
hai for HOIMO Inscrutable rcanon , inllict-
cd upon Nebraska rcpublicnna , rcminda
us forcibly of tlio niydy lly
that Imagined tlmt ho wao
the motive power of tlio vrhccl upon
which ho revolved. Ilia innnnu dceiro to
boliltlo everything connected with the
Drn ia only atirjiuaaod by hia idiotic am
bition to magnify hia own nets1 Itvioa
Kred Nye with hia defunct AVuw that
crynalt ( < : ? d the ISlnino nontimont in this
ntato , v/hcn in fact that brainloea editor
ind his rcndorluaa about esortud no moro
inlluonco upon Nebraska lupublicnns tliiin
the /raf Mule. Jnvrntil. In Omaha ila
: ! rculntion wiia limitud to n few luin-
] rrd , and oulaido of Omnhit
inly reached the country wouklicn
ia an oxchango. Wo kno - that the Kro
nont ] irodigy overwhelmed Blait'.o in
i:80 : with liuiilntoiy lettora and markud
lopicH of hia po'.vurfnl editorials , whllo
hu editor of Iho Urn , whn WUH iiinkiiif/
ho fight fcr lilainu and againat ( irant ,
invor wrote a line to Dlaino or Hont him
( ajnglo copy of thin paper. In Iho fiiht
n thin county , which dutorminod the ro
mlt in Nobrafika , I'Vod ' Nye did not even
iloot it dologalo to thn county convention.
10 v/aa n nuii-cnily , and nobody piiil
ho alightcat attention to him , either in-
ido or outaido of politlca. JJut profoa
ional liitra otiglit to have at k'.ial a
oed niemot'ioa.
On May 2' ' , 1880 , the tUy alter the
tate convention Hint aent a milid dolug t-
ion for Blaiuo to Chicago , the Omaha
' ! * publican , which wai then for Grunt ,
uUu the following etlitori , ) ! o nuiuoiit on
ho result at Uuliiinbus :
Air Kilwanl liinuvvnti'iand noL it Clutir-
inn , Cut. Cliiiiiii | , ni K , Clmnu-v/nx thn
polinHinnu nf tlm Dim lui uiiiuty ilolnx tion.
Ic ctniinl HH vot.M in liiipoclcot ; litliuld tlu
uliiH in liU hanil without iiuy
tut kupt thu niilnmU in llui tr.icm
ho u'lutlo nn r , Mr. lOlvvaid It.iHuuutur . VNKH
ilno thu Ki'iic'ral faclutinn oftlmuuti ( iiitnt
UICIH. 1 li i iittmiitlotm of n .y | piuliln'nn ]
iii ht uxpcct til him and liin paper tlio lc.ul-
iiK nnti ( rantiirgnnof lliu Ht.ilo-in Ilia iivunt
if any "hltkiHK" I'KMn ' t HID C.UUIH irxinio ,
ircivoil nil miflicient. Thu atiti-Oraut rupiili-
ii'am ciiino iilit ( up to the i-ci.vtuli in Ihu cnn-
, 'ontiou like llttlo men nnd liy tliflr Miti'S !
or.k.l Ihu doii > toiiH iiiiuln by tlieir chief. Mr.
Mvvnrd Io cvvitlcr WJXH ulmi Iho manliT mini
if tlm null Crant innjorl'.y in thu u 'immtiun
In tiTti'inl to fay , vihon illrect'y ' and ninnrvly
> lco.l to H.-iy that hu vvc > ul.l vote or imu hU in-
IIIIMICC , or enilcavorto inlliiunco lliu ri < pul > 'i '
.ins of tint Ht.ito to vote for ( { in ( ,
h mill ho IjJ Ilia nominee of tlio u-piilihcan
i-i lly. Hut thin nuilu no ; thn nnti
Jiii .t innjoiily Moiiil iijjht liy h in frnn bo
Iniiiiif ; to fin ! . Nor vvn : h H ru o ol
'moral tiiutlun" iilono. It W.IK n it iho ( iiaiii
iiinority nluno who , na Mr. l.aird uxprcsmd
t , hiiird "th crack of llu leadi'i'H whip"
; 'hu aiitt-tirant majority liu.u.l It , and they
t'oru mnilit to Idol 11 lively HOUMI of ltn ntll < K in
ho event of a revolt from Mr. Kihuinl K.i . <
tutiir'tf dlutatlon. In miito thun on of ) IH |
pcocht'n , on the resolution that thn.oto for
olfgatoH bo by ballot on diUiict cuiili.lnto ,
Ir. Kdvvaid Koadvvatur walked rlht ( { out into
lie iiidlo , turiiiul rounil ami fuced hU follow-
iiK , aud thruutcni'd with nuuajmper nxMnurt's |
nd duiumciatioiiH any man who lutil pirtlel
> sU < d In the cauciif , who hhoulil cant Inn bnl-
at for uny rrpiibhcun except thu r.iuilulalc
iuiif.1 by Dlctutbr Caucui. Thu cloud vote
n the ( mention of ii billet I'l'iiunulriitoil ' pal-
mhly that in cnxo duh ateH nlmuM bu vott l
or by ballot , I liu caucus tltvto would lui broken
nd two mid p3rh | ii ) thrvo ( iratit , di'lt'K.UuH
rou d ha rli'ctoil. There was n priinoimcud
mjoiity in f.i\or of a coinpiiiminii on 1111 1111-
iiKtitictud llluiue deli'Kitiun , with tuch
lljlno mi'ii UK Millaid , Mitchell and Haiiu ,
nd tuch Ciant ini'ii ua l.uliil , ( itro ami
I'HUuor KCFKO. llud tluilmllol bi-eii authoi-
: il a uompr mUo voiildluvi ) IHTII uitiliuil lij
prunouiicttil iiiujoiity of the uniivciittuii.
* lo ! all tliU in U iniiy , it roinuiiH to
) iicliiilo an wo bfijan , Mr. JMwnrd Itoiuwutur
in tin ) ColumbiiB convcntioii. Aftur hiivini ;
; iii ml iiKain liicn * ut down IIIIHIU by thu
iiuljlifiiiiH | i > f tint Htito l.o huii now "at 0110
11 Hwii p , " pitcliltat | < Hl lilumo'f ii | < jii tlm
u-ly , with Mr. K. Ciomieo niul Mi. .Ijinu
' . UtwcH UM hlH liuitaiiantH , tmriu find ouiitli
th I'htto river.
lluvdo , thi-fo frank aJmiesiiMis
innidiatoly f .Ilowin . tlio atato
> n boar enl the niitlicimii atoorlion that
10 I JK : ntrt t-nliilod to no credit for the
Uiiio viotoi ) ' In 1880 ? Daca the cdl..or
1 ( bo ItepuWcaii I repose to discredit
his ovn tnprr , win. . i rcTO(5n' ! " > il and { u'
lish" I the fact that rriUi' ut H ' ! ow t < r
pcrMatnnt light in tV.o caucus st.d . in ih
niipti convention Hlaino would liavc lot
half iho delegation from Nebraska 01
ono of those compromiajs in which Ih
railroad republicans , of both Grant nni
TlUino factions , would linve ponied upoi
a delegation that w.ia half for Orant out
ri ht and the other half rom'y ' ti RI
over to Otant at nuy moment ? In thi
face of the article which wo rvproduci
from the Jl't\it > lrnn ! , [ iho attempt ti
rob thia paper of its duo share of what
ever credit bo1oni3 ? to Iho campaign fo
Blainfl in 1880 must pnvonborlivc. Thi
Email bore avr.iihbnckler is holet by hi pitird.
Ai.Tiiornii the Union PaciDc han gotv
out of politics it still mnintniua John M
Thurstoii on its pay roll. Thla tuanvhi
ia one of the attorney ft of the Unici
Pacific , tramped nil over Nebraska dur
ing the recent campaign ostensibly mak
ing epcochca for Bbino and L igan , bu
in reality making Iho nojualnlanco tim
culduitin" the fricndahip of tlio comlnj
mombera of the legislature , ana puttinj
thorn under personal obligationn to him
When the Icgialnturo mcota wo ] ) rraiiim
ho will bo on hand na usual with tin
propur facllitlea for convurtlng mombcra ,
IIo kiiorra how each member station po
pticilly , and ho ajo ! knoivn what mom
bora arc Btitij.'gling with financijlmortnag
OB , nnd who can brini ; the greatest prce
aiiro to bsnr vpon them In orclei
lo forno them Into the railroad dratj-nct
Her in Omaha wo li'ivo a number o
Union Pacific politicians of both parlici
who are atill figuring quitu extensively 01
the street cornora , in the city hall , in ant
around thu Douglas county court house ,
and about the United Stntca court houio.
The jury flxora nnd political bull dozer ;
have not retired and they will not , until
General Manager Galloway , of the Union
Pacific , adnpta hia now policy to practi
cal ondn > > y retiring them nil from the
pay rolls of the company , and utterly re
pudiating them. It ia n fagt also tint
aomo of thcao political dead beats , who
have been dropped from the pay rolls ,
nro making people believe that they nro
yet in oonio myutorioua way connected
with the road , and conacnuontly they
are exercising about the aamo unwhole
some inllucnco that they formerly did.
TUB Lincoln Joitrnnl ia nlwayo blun-
lorlni ; nlthough itialoca'cd nt thn otato
capital nnd within ouay roach of rcii.iblo
information concerningatalo tilllira Ita
irai nf thu mombera of the logibhturo
vaa very badly mixed up and lament thly
ncorrcct , nnd in ita laat Hat it ia also
ucorrocl no to four or iivo moinbcra.
rim uamo tving is true rogar.lini ; its
ijjnrn and candldutca on the tate
ickol. For matanco it ahovvo that JJtit-
on , domoeratio candidate for district
ittorncy in the Seventh diatrict , roooived
[ , n52 votca , and defeated by Wilbi-r , rc-
mblicin , who received 1 U18 votea.
\n u matter of fact wna
ho republican candidate , and \Vilbjr the democratic nominoo. The v > to
m "constitutional atncndmonta ia nlao
nixed. Accurding to the Jonrnnl there
roro Ut,7.'iri ! votoa cnat for nnd airalmt the
oglalatlvo article , nnd 80,878 votca for
ud rgilnat the executive nrticle. Thcao
- defeat the the legislative arti
lo by leas than 1 , . " > 00 voloa , whurcni it is
enlly defeated by moro than UO.OOO
otca , nnd inatead of 80,878 votes theio
roro doubtlcaa leas than 70,000 c.iit fur
ho proportion , na it ia obvlouj that
hey who voti'tt on 0:10 ammidmuttt vi tjd
m the other.
A.s attempt by nn Kiii > llnh judge to
iverrido tl-o verdict of n jury hai cinaod
ho groateat indignation throughout Kiip
And. It wr.n in r. libul caao brought by a
i.irrietor named Aiiinns ngainat youi g
/olerldgo , nun of Chiuf .luatico Coluriilgu.
sriio had written n letter to hu own sis
er to pnium her mind nyainat Ad.iniu , \ < >
I'limn al.o waa engaged. HIT father nb-
octcd to Adama bt'causo ho waaa pnor
nan , and directed hia son to write the
utter , which the young 1'idy turned over
o Adamp , with the aHtmr.uico that aho
vould remain true to him. Then upon
jonl Ooleridgo disinheriU'd his daughter ,
mil rxpelled bur from hia houao. Upon
ho trial of the cnjo Iho jury returned u
ordiot of ? l."i,000 in fn\orof Adama , but
udgo Mauuly , probably out of reepeol
o ( ho Lord Chief .lualico Coluridge ,
iromptly overruled the verdict nnd founder
or the diifund.iiir. Thia decision ia uni-
ornally denounced na nn outrage and an
iianlt to the jury .lyetem. Tlio case will
IQ brought to the attention nf the house
f commona , and no doubt the judge
rho has dared to not contrary to hw , do-
ovicy and juatico will bo properly dealt
fith. The allair alao puta Chief Juaticu
Joloridgo nnd hia aon in n very nnploaa
nt aUiUulo In the eyea of the public.
TIIK St. Paul J'uiiH' regards
lie wheat outlook ns favorable to the
lore northern atntoa , and or.ys :
"Low ns ia thu price of wheat in thin
Bgion , it ia conaiHorably higher , relativu-
r. than in Kanaaa and othnr woaturn
tntfB. Thia in pnrlly dtip , of courei' , to
lie uupirior ipitlity of thu hard spring
heat of MinnoRotn and Dakota , nnd
artly to tlio competition , for thia hard
hnat atipply between thi Minnuapolio
ulU nnd the short haul to Dulutli. Fur
ii' o reamina higher rulutivu pnren pre
til over thin northern whuat belt thaw
lyvvhiT.t wNo in the I'liited St iti-f ind
10 reaulta , thocgh temporarily cmbar-
lasiui ; , nro not no duojuragiug or no
liiioui to the rrhtnt grower in in other
ctioua of thu ciiiintry. S > fnr fnnn ilnrc-
Jing a'lylhini. dniour.ij iiii ; tn thnvho t
rinora nf Mitincmta in the i siatniK atnte
: the wheat mirU-ot , it ia full of brilliant
Minim for next year , c iiecully. With
in .ilinont certtin prospootof an immriiBu
xiroit'u of tlio acrcVj in all thn winter
heat dwiea , and como/iiontly / of it liin-
nd mippl/ and ciirreBpnudinyly higher
icon n.-xt joar , llnvurn.'i'ra of tliiu
) MUn-CBterii iMioat bolt will fict wi t > ly .
I' ' , irtH'crl of p ttina ; leu land in whoa
nexv sprint * , they iiiit more "
Tin. "Capital vs Libor" MU stion ia o
unending interest ii. Ml countfiot. Nex
Janu iry there ia to bo held in the city o
ISdinburgh , .Scotland , a conference of nrli
eana , capitalists untl permi.a . interested i
the Study tf social probli'ins , to ditciis
from every point of view the qiicatlon
connected "with the distribution of thu re
aulU of Inbor between the actual worker
and those suppljing the capital , t
gniitlcman of K Jinburgh has given $5OC
toward carrying out tha proposed pro
A Slunopjiy Aixninont ,
leti\or Tribune ,
The opponents of governnio-it rrgula
linn of monopolies can nud do prueuu
aaino strong points. Thty show tha
coal Ia cheaper undur the c ml monopo
lice , oil cheaper under the oil monopolies
nnd ra'l ritoa chopper ainc3 the attomp
to abolisti competition through the in
struincntahty of pool inonopolks. Thci
they P.uacrt that the dan
ger in not from monopol' '
but from ovor-compotltiou , Thty nisi
nBcort M a maxim that when c.ipltil ii
free nnd invustniunt frou no invtstmcn
can bo called n monopoly. Tlua n bc.tuti
ful fabric of argument , but it cm be
knocki'd out on ovury aide. Coal nnd oi
and transportation are cheaper than ii
than in the early da > n of mining nnd rail
road l ni , ' . partly because < < f moro capita
and pattly btcauao of the working of com
petition before the altcmpta nt monopoly
made any progress. A monopoly ITII
even put down the prices of ita commodi
ty if by so doing it can Increase conaump
tion and make n largo demand nnd prolU ,
But it will not make reductions belon
thia point , no matter how great its pro
fita. The oil monopoly could oaaily ralat
the price of oil until people would all im
gap. ltdoc.s not make oil cheaper than
gai from the principle of banevoloncu ,
nor bocauau of competition , but aimply
for the reason that it piys. In abort every
ory monopoly nan bo relied upon lo
chnrgo "all the traflio will bear , " which
often yields outrageous profits on the
coat of production.
Tlio nasortlon that there ia no monopoly
where capital and investment nro free IE
correct in theory only. The man who
has the only bakery in n village Is practi <
cally poaaesaed of n monopoly. The
laboroc who has to pay double a reason
able profit on thu baking of hia loaf ia
free to start n bakery of hia own But
ho baa no money with which to do any
thing of thu kind , nnd if ho has hu does
not understand the business , IIo mint
submit to the extortion until capital
cornea with competition or until the atato
regulates the price and weight of bread ,
u thing , by the way , which ia actually
done in many countries.
Whoever owns tlio only railroad sup
plying a community baa n practical
monopoly , nnd it ia n farce to argue thut
if the people do not like the chargea they
can walk or build a road of their own.
Aa a matter of f.ict they can do neither.
Thu claim that cipital cjinpetca with
capital , nud that monopolies are contini
ally lighting monopolies ii true , but U o
( linger of over competninn is not great
Vuiy fuw roads in thn country nro actu
ally earning leas than a fair return upon
the capital ronlly invested ia them. It
ii true that when n road 13 piyini ;
uinirmmn profits another Ituo will bu
built alongside of it and blackmail it into
a c inaolidntton. This is a bid state of
all'tirs , but it ia likely to go on until the
rouda j iin the psoplo in appealing for
govern iiu n tnl regulation of rates ou the
< .no . lund aud of thu building
of compotirg lines that are not
neeaod on the other. The people now
vvolcomo the ndvont of u par.illol to a
trunk lino. They got aomo temporary
benefit from the mouoy dlaburaod by its
sonstructiou , and for awhile thuy oujoy
Lho cutthroat competition that precedes n
2'iaolidntic'i. ! In the end it ia n satisfac
tion t > > them lo foul that the monupoly
which hiia oppreaiud thorn haa been com
pelled to glvo up u largo portion of ita nn-
juat gains in order to buy in the pnral-
lul. Of course , the pcoplo nro the auf-
Forma In the long run , for the consoli-
Jnted monopoly ut , once goca to work to
ijot ovon.
All Htich competition doea not compote
it .il ) , und it may bu n. id that no tvvu
lines of road are between two
[ lolnta. It is fnr better to have ono road
with two , threu , four or six tracks. Upon
it a given nmniint of tr.innportitlion would
: est lose. But ibis will never bo cjn
itjntcd to by the pp'.plo until the roads
ire witling to have the people , through
LIO ! govirnmoi.t , regulate iho rniis
U hen the roads allow the government to
lo thia thu government will protect them
iganiHt nut ecossary paralleling. Until
ionic such arrangement as thia la reached
looln will form nnd dissolve , rate w.ira
ivill perpetually recur , and the paralleling
if paying linoa will grow Into great pro-
lortu IH.
A'ork Tiiiiod.
The lucent uxperinmnta made nt Spe/la
0 iiHcertnin the penuirativu power of tl.u
l'20-ton gun have shown that no armor
, 'et madu can resist the now alee
irojuctilu thrown by thin moUHtor gun.
1'argota rcprpaentiiig the armor of the
ronclad Italia nnd c insisting of thirty-
ux inches of aolid iron with n heavy
tvoodun backing nero completely pierced ,
.ho projoctilu pjeaing beyond the target
Hid burying iUulf deeply In the sand.
It U true that the Italian ollicera believe
: hat the angle nt which the casemate
irmor of thu Italia ia placed would I'im
t to detlect thu allot of even the lL'0-ti-n
; tm , nnd they can console themselves at
ircsent with the fact that they possess
110 otily guns of that ai/a that are nil > at.
kill , the fact remains that artillery has
von another victory over nrmor , and that
ho great Italian iron-clads can no longer
> u held to bo invulnerable.
It soitms perfectly clear that the gun
ntist nlwnys conquer the armor. There
a a practical limit to the thickness of
irmor which any vessel can bo made to
; arry , while there is no such limit to the
nisi of guim No matter how thick the
irmor may bo placed ou n man-of-war *
[ Una will bo made to pierce it. The time
a evidently c lining when armor will be
.bandoned . ns useless , and thu mu les of
ho world will coiuist of unarmored v.ja
elf , any one of which can bo dostnyi-d
iy n tingle shell from thu enormous guns
hat will be in use by all nations.
When thnt man-of-war
day cornea no - -
rill riak a naval battle if it can be
.voided , for the only chance of safety in
uch a battle will bu to plant n abut In
hu enemy's hull before ho ia ready to
r. < . The whole du'y of u
rill ba to destroy muic'iant vessels and
i > keep out of thu tench of the enemy's
umof-war. Speed will be the chief
icrit of n naval Acjsel , nndn crack ahip
111 nut be ono winch fights successful
attics , hut nuu which is most auccrssful
1 running away , gjilora will point
roudlv to tha Victory or the Constitu-
on of thn futuiri' , and claim that the ha *
run nwey frnn moro hojtilo ships Ihni
nnyither \mil afl ml , and the rroudcs
tulo tht a fricate cm earn will bo noi
the "uuciEtiuerabl& " but the "uncnlch-
able. "
Infantile B/OL il Purifiers and Skin
Whl'c mini vour ruilcum lor chappe.1 . , II
er nrr.-il . temp to trj It lor .landruO , from whluh I
mlTirc i n ariit < i"nl , nn , | it not only twllllly curer
tin ilandri IT , hut rii i < mil the hair lo n Urea hkli !
] intii vlim < l ) rn'lroly destitute nt h.iir. It ! < now
no inch Inlinirth JOHN II. PAUKK ,
uj I. Jol n r. . Ch3 > , " iJoston IHrtior.
snuw HANDS.
Your Ciitu urn lUnio'llfi ro lti tl > rccolvl
rccotri It'n'i The niincn find thu UuHcur * S > fti |
| iKn ,11 tor cli'on-lni : thr fkln , anI thivo ho have
lor vumfurTuicd ( mm enic liin : civ innt uy enough
la i > raln * r' it and Cuticura
c. iuhoic : , soronui , ' , c i
I Imo lioen U11 is the Cutlcur * So\p for Clnppeil
lUmld Riicl flntl Ituhci hettcr natiK'n tloti anil opn-
rale * more quickly than anyliiiij ? I hive cvirtrlu.l
It * demising ci-vltlcs | | | anil cclicato | urlunio rccom-
torn.I It as iv most UcHlijvMo BJSII.
W. F. I' , cmilnttcsburs , Ivy.
twainlch nloii : ? tim anJ ttlcil fovrrnl doctors.
Thov pniilii ilo 1110 any KOO I. nn.l HUM I ttlc.l
oillcun Itrin ill" * ami the ) ruie.lmu. . Tlicj nrc
1 ilnx a ( "rent c I pio.l . In Hilt rouutrv.
II. s.M.Lfci : , CiirnlilitiUe , li.v
\VITH * 00 ItHSlTliTS' '
I linvn u-uil vniir Cullo'iri Henn.lloi . vvith itiiil r -
Mild tor feaclu'anml .So-Uu bifuwe Inr H uirnliir of
jcarc. U K. / " "
lloriiclUilllo , N. Y.
Your Outluirn hrnp I | > iutcill > lual iruj loDB ol
the skin ami It vvoid * I KJ ir title.
11 Central Hall , Clilcngi , 111.
For ( "lie everywhere. 1'rlcc Cut'cura , Srr. Cull-
curnHoap , Ific. Cutlcura llu ohcnt , tl.
* - - fJ I I tlio cuticur Scni >
S. W. Cor Farnam and 12th Sfs.
Capital , - , .
( S. W. IIAailhTON , Pros't.
M. T. 15AULOW , Cashier
O. WlLLllAMILro.N ,
Accounts Rotlcltor1 , nnci k > > fn au
| oct to eight chuck.
Cortlflcntsa of Oopoolt Ic&uotl
nbloins 6 ? > nji IR monthn
Intorofit , or on .lctnfin < \vlthoutln l
Atlvnncee nindo to cuntornor i < r
approvedooourltlaortt tvsarkot rnt
of Intorost.
The Intorcsts of CUBtoir.ura r\r
c'ctjoiy guftrdot ! and ovcry 'aclllt
oompntlblo with prlnolploa *
bound banking freely oxtontlcri.
PTIW Bight draltn on Englnnd.lru
: unc ! , Scotland , and all pnrti o7 Hu
Kail KurriBoan Pasea oTInUote
Umf.aa States Depository
S"3 * B &V k * S 'V' 7
Pllbl ! Sduuildl IJdili
Cor. 13th ana j
Tlio OftJssi Banking Eial hshKit > * ,
in Qffioha ,
orsr.nizaa la ier > t ; .
Organized ia & Nation ? . ! Ban1 ; in
C !
X''Xlii ? AND
i Oi'HTt'M Koi'HTta , 2.1 Tlco I'
4. 3. K.-PMTOK.
? . 3.
tl U. WtfiOMSC , AMl t "S CiiihlCT
Tr-vn 'M.13 t co.-ier ; 1 ucnkluz 1 u/neti twne-j tiu !
, - ertlOttoi I. ml. g Intercut. Drtj .li . ! t on Sv
Kran.'U . o tril r'l''lp ' l cltlo3 In tlm TluUcJ Kt < tef
.M'n London , Inihlla , IMInbarsh nJ Ui j ilnclpi
. llluii ot tun conttrcut mil li'iircpo.
MUNI- t" loin o'i lmor ved ctv jroio't )
u i 3ilr > Uj ami u , \V. II. .M jtto , 1'iilH l'.ir
nain tJ.jt. )
In Bums ol HtOun-J unvvnrild
O.K. Davla and Co. , Heal K.Ut.i au.l loin
rnK lf.06 l-ari aii Hf. 3D3 tIC
. luaiiiHl on chatio's. U llr.uil Ilc-Mt
MONK.Y nnd bold. A. ruremtn , 213 K 1311
7 < fl tl
OH A HA fiiiniianl Kuhaimo , lai u uc nniali mun
in uluonniinniil ] | Hocudty i illco lioure 0 to 0
vecli ila.vs. 10 to IHuncUjB. 1603 Faru.ui Hlrcot.
llltol.o.J .
\\-ANTKD Xiitao girl at 2211 Dousln St , nmr
t i Jotleinin. 74 | 21ii
\yA.STFI-A Hooiaiu-auk S Klin
' 760-lh
\\TAVTK1) ) inn'i toilrivu ilo ivait Hattuti HI M
F Jlartlik. SISbouth IStliutioui. 741 2S
ll ANTI ! ! ! * r. ' < | > cctabln ml.ldlo tijeil wi man
M toteXo c uriti ol lanillj , 1101 Farium H * .
7IM5 !
l\rANTKD A thnroiurhli ooinputont cook , also a
> huuiMi-niild at 1720 DoO oSt. 741 87p
It.'ANTKD A Klrl to doijoneral houss vvorlf , 7ifl
S IBtli St. 73 ; . ; ' j ,
l\TANTKU Anollbe IKIV I. . ) A. H , Illlllnifii , Dfii-
IT tltt , nupoilte l'o t Ciller. 73".8,1
UTANTCD ICO nollllor , rood pa to the
men. Addie .Vvbrtn.a Jlutuil Miiriifetno \ \ -
t A oi latlon , Frrmont , Aeb. 7U-der21 :
) - for hvuiup He ; ono
wuh h"i ' uiid one without. Mutbo n'i II-
nt and nuimliV. , . CillutSa. m. 7't (
l\'ANrEII-\tliktcla se ok ImiueJUtclj. Mi t
M liBaitindliundriht , WUK k& it wankpp'j '
tM T I'ntr e 'x , hminJonbtrfct near I > ki < lak'u
Mb utrcet iar < . 71S'l ) ,
lyAVIKIArf.nU tJ h'llVovpllv lul ) llolc-tr
i' an.l I.uiii | r \ inktiihlnr. I'.ll at l.iiroj , . u'i
uttl ou ivth n'.iiut , from I Us p. in. 710itti |
I \'AN'I lilt * BIVU iciiii rtrnt ( ill lor , ' . lumvi
i > liuufce urK'lUDouul.s ktrnt. tWif
il"AvTKi | A < li > t rlu > 4 liaKrr , pn al/Iu dl taulu ;
t'lu K i > r liot | , Hi n o i1 > haul > . A | < plt nt
n.u to h c ni ll.K'i.v , Hul Ojk , Imu. tljfl ? 1
i \7ANTKIi Air l ini'i ' flake. Inrsf of tie Uiy
t > nr u u i n of iho lUruini ; llmm pilt u
A tiarv. . . Oi3 5p
i \ ' AN l'ii : iTNiTTDiiiii to ' ! < < hi- ire of the
I I . tr icinv'.dei nrtuient of the lvillu.'lln.i : <
, ounij in
.Ncbra-ka , to repic'tiut lliu Mmu.l HD vr > u
iil I.iIiMm , o.-ulon at $ r\\ Y < rk II , U. llub | .
( i- r
\'ANTen-Yxmut > iiur | llebt homt ork a-di I
I lo wf { M liil Jrtu. Vt3 if. -tli J hi. aS-JJn Jt t
" \\-\MlT1 dtrltt rir | it 1 ava
\ > n
Al'AMhU .Surie gill 1DJS t-atnnm ht
\\'ANTEt-We want s flr tctssm n , who hi
ii bad xotne cxpc'l ' 'c'e In newsTiarier wntk. t
odd toiiif r rf ' f solicitor * and travtli'ir c rrc <
ponilcbt * . ( > d ViSM " 111 Ix1 paid t < > the llt'h
mivn. llcfen'iicrt ftqu'ro ' I Addrim HRART m do
CoMivKNt , flonnltiittan , Neb. 070-J8
A \ * A T D Aectitu to tell aujustiWe a < n o If pail
i Pfcumiry loss ilth St. ta-tf
\\ANr .l > Olrl f > r gc-nc-ral homework at . E
> > c n.i r 20th and K.niani. 611 21
\V ANTin : A tfirlllKht loiKo-vvork , ( rood homo
> lln. Dcccher llib ) ( ) , 9JS S. W corner 1-th on.
laitd St. 0 ! 8p
\UAMT.I -T nl .lv . c" > olc , first arid
i for tlmt ftril iid fnr nconcl. l.omo nr vulte
J. W. MitaiiK-t , r .tr l ll'tcl , ttvrnorc , .Vob.
hj a | "ip'il ' r au'hor. 'Call on or adilr Jont
and ItMelniric , 810 north 17th at , Omaba Wb
2P7 Jan3 ( . > i
\\ANTKD-Tohuactj luttobc n l.lln . weckl ;
> l ctnioulhj ) Installnicnta. Addrew1' ! ! . II " ! ; e <
"X\TANTED ( Add * nnd Renllemcn to ta'c nn *
htfht , plpn int work t tr.ulrovvn Jmmei ( di-
tann : n " ) jo. ll..n. . Wnrk nt by mull , 91 to if , i
< H > cvn In qiileli ) miclc , no ramasMiiir. I'lcaac a.l
ilrrnaatoncitlohe M Ff Co. , BiKtin , Mi n. , bo
6814 MM Jec 1
\\7'A")1FD lAdlciorecntlenica Inctt ) orcountr ;
to take nice , lUht el.d ploaeint work nt thcl
own lioircs , { 2 to f5 n da > rtslly nnd q J o 1) made
work w.nt 1 > > n all ; no canvassingDO ; elampfor roil
M Hdlablo Man'f'j Co. , 1'ulittdelphl.t , i'.i
( lOMui
11 or country , to tal'.o nlro , light
work it tl.elr . own homes ; j ! to $3 per dny easily am
qulctl ) miJi ) ; work ( cut by null , nocanvaiolnp ; n.
stamp for ropiv. 1'lcaso MlJrcu ) Hcliibla lUnf e Co.
I'hibdilpnK , Pit. S03-1D
\\'ANTKD-Sltu tlnn liv tounp man of P M" > I
ii i1 , trionaw < n tit\ voids 1. oliiid nb.wi an.
pio.-ery : oien , city or citlntry. Good nf rcnco
Address "l. U , C. " Ioo ! olllre. 73S Z'\ \
\\7 MsTIH- xi.l tltuatlon l > y n I lv who hai hai
\ T tt > r < * o .voincxperlcncu as ciNhlur tvinl cork In
h lies da and ictall dry gcoit liou-c. Adclri'-t ( 'It'll'
Utc otllio. 7'i'l-nr.p
\\7ANTKD-A nil tut Ion by n jounj ; Udv us clcrl
i * ii noilme , 3 vtarscvpu lence. Addrc s"U ,
A. ii."iKuoiiic3. "HI ip
T\7AN"Ti : | ) Situation liv alail.v n * hnu keepcrfoi
Vl awidovvcr. Adilrcss M. 0. C. , Oiinln.
WANTED Situation ts icoud Klrl. Inquire nt
71s .V lath-ttrcct. 7H'J.p
" \\fANTK.D-I'v ' t o ( Jcrinin j ; ils a'tuatlun In
i A'tirrlcan ( imily to ilu Kincral hoi"-jwom.
Ad Jr. < , "A. K. " Ueco'rco. 7'7JUp
C ITl'ATIONS-For cither la.llci or Kent ) 'men.Vc
> ' want an spent to ri'rreiout ts In t MTV town In
Ihu west. Ttrirs miilt ) knovtn i applii ition (11
as'incj A.lilnss . , Kmplro I'u INVn < Co. , S13 y.
luli ; ticctOiinhB : , Xcl ) . , l.cck ho4'J. . :
: uur e. Ad.irc s 312
N llth street. 717.-J8p
\VAJ < fKD Scvvmir In p'lvatu fami'lcp , by one
' who uiu'erstancis ' ilrovnnMns. 0.H It. , HKK
olllco. 71 ! ) SOp
V\rAN7KD Crpyliizor other olll o vvoik. t > v a
? T laii.v. Adtlris-4 B. U. . I KK otllci * . 7Jl-2Jp
\\7ANTKD Ilv nu-sswith ten } rarn cxrvnonci ,
* ' aiid wood rojc iniiicuJatloiii ctnilttjme'it in
qulruatst Lhirles Hotel. 70fl-'f
S1TTATIOXS rnrtltliirbdlrHorRcntleincD. Wo
want an a int to rtpnscnt uj In ovrr > town in
thoviu't T > mm iiindc km un on nppllcitlou for
Bjency. Addrc ! it "Kit'ic I'll'jlithhi ' Co , " 813 S.
loth St. , OumhnNcK 027-25
\\rANTRl ) I'nsllmn as vvct iiurs- . Apil > at
ir Wnnnn's At b chtlonCity Hal1.
0 3 ! ! flp
) uui.i ; ciarfii.,1 uui want , itu.n.lGi 1.4 moy
A koepur , In vvhokoa'.o establishment ID Om.ahi.
' < \ " raru BOB. -S3 tl
Ifj mn.
V\TAMI.l-A joiinj nun uith lioi'ul ( Jipltal
TT si-lus tn fn aju in a sniII mam ( t tutlnslma-
Inissln Omaha , nas haJ no ltiitn ai tupt of th p ,
inijloinr | mcr 100 ni'.n in the ens' , hat aUo \per
Uinco in i UK a , ian fnrni hbis' cf ric n s
s to ch.Atii.trr antl a > ilil v in ic > lv. pleme K (1 natiiu
In f 1 AiiilriMW II.1' lieu . Hicu. .41 .Op
tai cc with \if\ail lly l of
acton pi blitrcnt , not oiir : M ; or poy
ill Hi as xioi-Vininn in fjiinly of n ; ; riitltimi ! with
maifm jlilo iUtl'hti : r. Addriss ViBuut 0o il , I'
O. 74 1 : ! 5p
\A'AN'1H > UKintiiimn , wlfo ard toj , board
i n > private t'.imih.r ( eroncc40\iliii i.d. Ad-
ilrewi U. H. " . ' liiuullr . 715 2ll
A\TANIKD In pilvato taipih , two stunlv lioird
ii erf , at n vun lcaiiii.t.llo rale. JSl'-Tumi '
i'.net. 7i ; > 'jTp
rpWO Ccntloi c-n ran have a lar.-o hur.l-omH.v . ( ur
1 niihi.l . seii'nil ttoij front ro' la with uxiu'i nt
loanl. Kor iiiformutioiiappl } uttruuton , or. . '
Hthnnil | ) OIUAI ! > . < tii24p
J To I'Mliaiiifu one J the lui-f rtti
Kr. . eer in In Omaha for a mull trm-t c ! dviiri
blolirid m-artlit eitj . All who lep'j ' pUetulldi.
Kilp Ion of hnd ai.d nwin r's Lama. Address A. S
I. , lid ) ntlicn. eoitf
r.III ,1-iiiess. An actl\e imn-htnt .
tit rou'h t ) ' > In te education and hibtte C'n
iemi litlnv ; uehaiiBe Jnnnarj M. ISsS , t 1 huilopiii
II.VB an interc-t lu a well islaMUhul mir antlin n
mAiin'aituiliitf tiU8lni.iis , i Hid buy out a euiull IMI ;
i.uw.his . iin 000 cTOh.can furnish r fcrui ce of a hlu
iriuvr ami would \pertsam. . ) Tnucii'O reph , a < ;
l'iu ii\iU : ) : full name uml paitieula , " .Merchant
: uolltoo3ko. MO-et lewkp
\\7ASTEI > f2,000 on flrt-rnM ! rity Gur-urity.for
i T jciri , : t J jrr c ot. AddrtiM Iloi f-0 1'oit
"B ° " 7T'-tf (
you EHT--nsae3 aaa rots.
17llllir.\CIIA' > rii-riilnii I'jc'llo llallwaj Cuiit
l on 101 ! ai d fji h < i Ni'hul I fu'i i * < > rr , > . m.M tiK
loity and hi i'Kjr. Call < ir addru d ' 15. " ISO'Fwn
" 747
I OIt IIK.NTl.ariro Mi'ulj furu i'nd ' ruon
firtvMi i-I . u i n „ ' i. tli iiiin nu I wi'i1. AN
miller fiirnUiud r oin ' liolcu Ii . 'ition > > pplva
t , 'iu bio kmu liht Mil ) 71-Jd
ITU'll KENTrurulnlied IOOIIIH brleK blu-l. , n o
I inipro > , fiiu hi ick froji I'ost oil ) t , S W
oner 15th aid C'opltolav. 0) , ' ! 0p
171111 HK.VI-II n vet ( l lit rjoim s mud r
I1 llmrst , II t\tc n Hmariinnd I'fjii.ul M
iiipi r * W. 11. Tliuiiipsou , 1'irs : .Nu , lUnk.
73'- ? :
MOK IlKsT Korpartlcc. htHs ctMpuopTItai
I' t lub lull. DO | ) dicor.t d ami furn-tli.d JIH :
llhall molrn inpro\eini'nts. Apiili to thutiu tu
ire Slax . , t r i Co. 7.11J
| 7 0il HUNT A very di'.irablurooin. li.Ulici . | n
I1 172lt'atltolave. 7 3 j. .
[ 7 011 UKNT-IIOLHJ Nil I'llifornu t.tntt uml pir
'f the ftirnituro for cule. Alnj 3 liirul hcJ
ion , ! ) torrint. ; v-3 .j ,
7 > 0ll ItKNT-rieuant furnUhcd roorn.W. ' . N. 17th
sig aip
'j'OH KENT Two nmnis fnriiMicd or unfnrnl hei
L on sioor.d tljor , 1615 Chlc.ito ; St. 7SI 2iJ
: roilll Nr-Kurnlshel rcorrn In luililinj ; N ]
? cornirlOthaiMUatenpoit. Cill niter 3p in
T'OIIUF'.NT ' A lurnlHlfdrottiKcon LtmniHorth
ncnrSJI riirmturol ir calv. Iniiulcu of J U
I'orijn .it I'txtoni ( lallnnlur'8 ; : , ; > , jp
ru " " ? \TTA hr- ° ' " ' -b-il front room r , . h
J.iari ) , * lflt > cr month. 017 sjlli strict , iitlvum
a'd aid fmnlats 710 o0j
OU llf.NlA ntw ho ne cf : o r.ii . ) .and a barn
liamande ftwat r , on I'uk aiinue , 2 bo ii
om rar. iimbtnut. luinre | 313 rarimui. 70it (
- * miili hoi e ut cor. 2S.I . and Har
m > . IMuia pei inouih. 7i7- > . ' , p
7011 IlKXr-Oiia S room hou o IO p.r ironlhind ;
" " " ° UUll > * ' ltr " "nth
tu" ; ; T ? ! ? ' ; hard and
't ' itr Apil ) to John I' , jua'j ' , , th , lld at 23. H5. M
_ _ '
Nr 1 > oli'iuw < , A ro K'urVnTir * ! ' ,
j'OH | : N -Kour Mom c.ttasu S.
lir iln
. ' f1'ari.ij.hcJ ruJin fUititVi. f.r , i T
i urn.viii su
fl5j wh
pun iiKsTXcMpott Kt wiii , ate M . . i ij
duo block liouiUini'iurll.u. .B. i , U
I0 ' -
WJM'-Two bsutsn. r .JMCoru n"t kt ,
IIKNT nrlrt .t c'lit-i ; h n , fun ' or
furnKh.i'.Ki' . . < l an n - ri. . m
i ro < n" | r.m < .N \ \ . < l th
pr.d . rarnim rujt * . 704 f
/ ' Heifiri1 turn shed front ro ii s In n tn
I/oURBN't , Ith K , trh w l cnci if the
Anc'tMnn Mot * , flfiie IBlh RndOiiwpo.t . * t , over
Mwd ) K Chl.ii Store , Ajiply room 18 , M Thou
" " "
Southwell ,
fjioll H"NT Toerfit' ' mn only , S lil nwnfnt -
I. nl t i.l . teem , S It. corner SOtn and
70ll n KT A rood tfnooiont of 5 foorns en tnth
} 1 ftiid MMon Streiti JI6p month. N , W.
0 fl
ITiOll HENTFurotohod r. . ami M 14Jt lluwant.
0 i RKNT-A farntihvd toorn. Inqulu * nt IfXM
Fan am at S0 ( < i' . | .
< ( ill ItENT A furnl.hi d room or lion o , for n h.v |
1r without chiMr.'n. Al " . a towchniCii'Aldnnco
lot * fur rale. - Inquire 2210 California St. 18 fflp
< ( ) ll KENTtnevantt ) roum IKIISO. hnrdnndgolt
1 ater nil m Klern Improvi'men's , bent ! cation In
citiii1. . barker ft lUync , lath nn.l . Farnnm. 322 11
ll IUNT Two hlo y furnlihcd Muttf motni
with nr without board. StoVea In tn.-h. 1.118
A\t. d ;
II I..NT Furnished rooms with board lot. . ,
1 North 1Mb. Ot J Sfcj.
I.loll ItCKT NIce fufnlihod rooini ono half bloc ) ,
IA from licul'a opcin hnuto. M. K. Jlartln
South 1 6th street. CWt )
TTtOU UKNT Kurni hoJ room nd bonrJ Sfi.OO ( xr
L1 Kick. Very bust louatlju , 1814 bavonport.
OflO dec t
f J\OH lir.VT Thu tw i ntnr ) mc\t market corner
i1 lotli and ilason. t'Aulscn It Co. , 1513 IVrrr.
I'll OH UENT-TwoelcitintrojmilM Ikdlok's block.
L1 1'au'sun.VCo , ISlSFariHin. S 2tf ;
17 > OU HUS'T rurnlshoj fr nit room for lint 2K N
19th ht ,
lOH HGNP Iloifo vilili oronmiftiul birn. Ap *
ply to 1' . Win , No. BU HJUth 18thSt. 318'U
, ' HK.NI' A ion rooui CdV.iue , K m\ \ lot , UM
1'UH , on I' clflo street , near llth otre t. Inquire -
quire cf C. I' . Goodman. 2i-tf )
71011 IlKNT OH S U.KHvo roo-n hmine ,
I 1 1'lcr , e strtet. Apply to Mrs. S. 0. Sum-inon ,
1015 C.I-H street. 23J--I
HENTIn Shlnu's Sd addition , nice south
JL1 and east corner lot withfl room hnii9oft. ) per
mouth t'ottir & t'obb. 1BI5 t'arnara St. 132 tl
77OH HENT Two rooms turnUhoJ for llttht houte-
JL1 keeping. S. W. cor Sth and Howard. 170 tf
170H HEN r Room corner of 17th md Draw St * .
OU HI NT The corner Btoro 10th nndLca\rn
\\oitn. Apply O. II. 1'eti-rson. _ 103 tl
IpOll ItHNT Cnttigo of the rooms , deilra'ile lo-
1 cation. U F. DiMsi Co , ! 605 Karnautt.
Fnli KPNT Flret-civo three etory brick , ruetaJ
roof , warehouse , hjdr ullo doia'or , concrcto
bis > n.cnt ? . Railroad track to door. BarKtr 1 : Mane ,
ISth and Farnaui.
OR HT NT A new store room and oflicestni-fitalr
Tr on Jwuary 1st , 18-.r. : , on 13th bet A ten Williams
and Illckorv Inquire at P. J. Kaiptr. OiO-tt
I.IOH KN1 Thlrfuu uowdwolliuca by C. T 'laj-
JL1 lor , corner llth and Dou laa. SIS-tt
TjM lU KENT House 7 rooms pond lorality by C. T.
L1 'lajl-r , o , rnor 1-ttli nnd Douglas. S43-1
TJOOMS Withlward , dcs rab o or winter- Apply
11 lit It ClrulcalMtl. 7 Oi-tl
TMUr.ltAY h&astona puturing.
. tf
J/ullMrJil Unttaeuut tlvo rooiLs. J. 1'hip. B Hoc
1 IDlSsiuth 5th street. ( J3'l If
' . S\1.3 Another Int of No. ono milrh c JMH .it
n ) > arJ , on 27th and lluit ttroet. J. W. Penny.
SALK Hou c (0 ( toomol and fi-ur lots Will
-.01 ihuap in order to pet iinmolmto e oi
s'.tneai.eraualh cf ni > ctiild , . i : . I'aM'tt , ( lae
oUlce 7(1 Iecl2
TjtO.tRM.n Cheiji , ft m. ) t room cottaRC full lot
r on tf.ade , citnatcrlOth 1'reet , h'f ' able. U P.
of I.f rm\oith , west side , tcrmn cnsy. M. l. e , yro-
.er 'I and T.ik\ > i wonii Mt'iar. 7 1U 1
J/t It i < vdh'cisis onJ .tXlJ ncrus pool chool
li.dsfj. iloin Oncre triU and upwar.U J.
N. Reiiiildu , Uu7 Furnam at
bAI.EOll TilADi-A : to-kof
T70II - pencnl mer-
chamlito f. rmloon oin ) toinp , or will e\ehiniii
tojo id l.i idi In Nebraska. 'Ihu stock will Invoicu
abjutjll.Cuo. Addrifd " * V. ( J."careof DOB tllra.
077 J7p
T [ TiOll MLK OH TilAUK A go-id stook ot Hard-
a' ware rid turi.i'ure in Ka turn Nobra-ka , IU
trade for .ood hiMs ia Nulir.t k t or Kau i < : piitlu >
ulirn given nn application. Addi.-s Wllllni ; Itros.
Shubi-t , Nt'b- nlO.'itdb
fjtnilSALK InUnroln , u < . , thu roorlutH Steam
r1 I.-vundrj. A ran lm-iiisi oppurtiimiv , tlio
in' ) llr t la sliiis'ncs cf buhinilu the cttv ; u ox
; iiHivd.v a-'ve.tUid , h < llrtc'.isi help ; lutc't nci-
iroveil iiiieblncr ) , tvui.Mlu x IICA ; mtiufactorv r <
: ons fur 'tiling. 013 2j ( | ,
ITU ) ! ' . SALi : Olt TIIAUK-Itirhor chaif , cup ,
I1 tn.l to'N tf best mike aud finest pittrni. iIt. .
Jrr/ivr , tidnr ) , lovva. iJ3i J5p
J7IORSALE Oil Ili.VT-Iot : 90\lh3 'tith new Sroom
V h. u i and I huroo stable , Pur" , near V.'ctt avo.
Ing loc'itlon. I'qu'Biin k U.i. , 1MB inuni. 318-t
! < } ll S\L1 } rnibe > .t biKlnegi ) lit at , t'lnlock
> nr iioiith Om'ihi , HOvlBD Will be ftoitb
loul. i HL. jinoo a kt l nnw inBlilo 12 month * Apply
, t . .illnsew Yora Urj odd lloro , ISlOForrum
tpOK SALK 1 paueajto chopper , norsu power ; ouc
r ikriu , , ' tcttlu , one laid t < ttua. Appl ) at U'otk-
) ii M.irkur.cor. . 13th and Plurco feOJ U
I > Y ° r - \ itiantltv | of J , > , ana nonspaj cr typo fo
Mio. Aln 'ood Zither. ( J. T. IJuiij.- ro lieo
' " " " 76D
r-Olt 8A.LI ! < i.ttuKc of. , i joins , barn , corner lot ID
f Shii.n'Bftddirii . ) tl.i o-malloush ; iniiiuvnt
nd balaiuu monlluj. Ikir.-uln. lluCu/ue , 01,1 , .
lubtoillco. UIDU
r ; < on 8AtK- Now phieton. Inmilruol Ore Illjr.
L iflnj at uorth-i.Vit ( n.rnijr lOtliand Doildi.681H
( lJJ.k s LK Kluo biun . K ) cimiico at Urann Inland
„ , / , . -c)9DU ( > the bank Ijuildlii J ll ; an
lllrabulMiiiBHiilclirtntsf rilSamootb- larirf
Ir.- and hurulcr pioo' ' with Vale llmo lork cott
il.fliio , ale virv Utfu binli I , .ok lire iiroof bate ,
iwik c luriur , d.altB h.r.l octl nlovo , In fuel , i com-
, | e.o bimij omflf toKttl. . , r wl'li ht JUOfl ou I.OCU6I
trcU. lltlo i crftct 'I , raw i cash , I a'am-c on cnt-
nd two } oars tlmo if duMrc.t Call on or audron , Jav
. \Vhlto Urind iHlatul , Neb. 622-tf
U'OK hAl.K Cboap a uiron 1 bund hlj/h top IniA'y.
L Inqulro at SimpHon'a CarrUffu laztory Dod c. '
utwcun llth arid Ifitli. 2bO-tf
| 7UK tiALK A uhou HXJCK 01 tlotmiiK , IMIOIB r7rt
L Mioup , bulldiiiKa at cost , rttlrlnp fiom bUHliiigt.
I. II. IVtcrnon SOIbouihTcntln.trcct. 113-3111
ALK lwo open aeoor.o-n iiii riumofcud
ry * ° KU"'th'1'1 tjli"n ; " 'e SI.
osr I'alreoll lowed ppcctaclcs on Uauunort
- / bi-twcui Itlth and 20th htr.its I'le-be leavi at
w'e t0'J ' C0r'"r ' l0" '
71fi w
lAKKN L'l'-On October 28 , n Ilcht i. noreu.
1 . , ' . . * ' . ' ? . ' ' " 'orehs-lnnd k wbito rpi t lu < t above
.l ° ' hlllott'ono n' " ° w tst ° 'tliu ' l > rr ek .
tfii't i lew.
UIH1EII STAMI-S-On ) tnanuJacturus In Omaha
V HWH I'rintlii' Co. 10 > n
> BIVV vaultn , slnknand c inpooii ! cleaned 11 tbf
shortest iiotlro and at any time of Ihu day , In an
tlrtl ) ordirlww way without the leuit molut'ation
occupiut orinlbbor ( ; , with our Improve 1 at.d
orlena apparatus. A. & Oa. , 1003 CinltM
, . ,
V ttflt .la n
jaOCOKSF.0118 TO JOHN Q. JA00881
At the old stand 1417 Farnara ( Street. Ordf n. ly
egr ph so tfcited ann piomptly atUudv. ) tu T. . o
ona iio , i-Zfi
ABC Tilt
Linings xo Exteriors ,
Aatc fbr them
S. , A.ent-i ior Um.jliu.