lj\3Vti. JL 1 > I W V J&AI LS.ll/Jtt , THE DAILY BEE Ofllco , f > o. ttlO Koxv York Oflleo. llootn 05 Xrltmno sr , e > i > Baaday Th at ) fcConday lacrrlDR dMlf , tnvis M MAIL. Osu TOM . CIO to I Thtffi Mcnthi . W.N III UoaiM . k ( 6 03 i Ono Month . . . . 1.03 Pet Wftk , S6 Ooils. tn wmttT mi , rOTUortiD itmr ; vrnniamT. t Vo t . JJ 00 I Three Monlht . I M 1.00On | Uonth. , . W . * , Commnnleatlor.a rthUcg tn Newt and Editorial ttiiltorf should bo addressed to the KOITOB or Tn Dti. I08IKKM Limaf. A.II Barfno * ! tiotton and riomltUne-s Bhonld be MMieuod to Tn Bun PtrrusntKB COMPACT , OMAHA. Dm It i , Chocks and Postofllco ordori to be made pay. tblo to the order ol the company. 1HB BEE PDBLISHINQ CO , , PROPS1 K llOSHWATUIl , KUItor. A , 11. Fitcli , Mnniicor'Dally.Circulaticm , i' O. Box , 488 OmiihA , Neb. WIIITELAW REID , odllor ot the York Tribune , declines to bo n cnndl. dale for the United States sonato. Mr , lloid is a very aonalblo num. Ho knowi what sour grapes nro when they are ir EIIITOH STONK , of the Chicago Ncwi who is roportud to bo "running abon aoliolting the influence of the people' in order to secure the position of post nioator of that city , says that the roporl ia a pnro invention. Ho doesn't tranl the postoflice , ns ho boliovca a rolling ntono gathers no mono , and that it if bettor to write than to bo poatmoator. A western paper is much alarmed lent the increasing popularity of Smyrna ruga , Turkish curtains and Oriental fabrics of nil kinds should introduce cholera and other Eastern plagues in our midst. Don't bo frightened , donr contomnprary. They are all made right hero in 1'hiladul. phis. Philadelphia Call. That probably accounts for the lack of milk in the homo made Philadelphia Cocoatiut. TUB Union Pacific has gone out of pol itics , and has gene into religion. In a circular , requiring certain of Its employes tn give bonds , it aaka , among other ques tions , whether the employe is a member of a roligtaua organlzatioj , and , if so , who his clergyman is. This is a inovo in the right direction. When anch an in stitution aa the Union Pacific suddenly becomes converted and abandons the cor rupt field of politics , there is aomo hope left for the ordinary ainnor. GOVKUNOH BOUIIN of Ilhodo Island hao appointed Hon. William P. Sheffield to .succeed the late Senator Anthony in the United States senate. Mr. Shofliold has loug been a loading member of the Ilhodo I land bur , and has served in the lower hoino of congrosa. Hiii term will close on March -1 , aud the legislature will choose hio ouccoasor. As it ia under stood that ho will not bo a candidate be fore the legislature , it ia probable that Hon. Jonathan Ohaco , who ia at present a member of congress , representing the Second district of Ilhodo Island will bo selected. TUB editor of the Chicago Tribune seems to have entirely lost his mental lulunco over the roault of the campaign. The last thing that ho inaiats on Is that Mr. Blaine should bo elected United States senator from Pennsylvania. Ho actually urges this proposition In all aorl- ousnoas. Even if this could bo lawfully done the suggestion ia so absurd on its face that in a court for the examination of the insane it wonld bo taken as conclu sive evidence of insanity. Why not elect Mr. Blaine from Wisconsin or any other republican state in which there ia to bean an election this winter ? THOMAH A. IIiiNDUOKH has called upon the president elect. "Wo had a very nice time , " says Mr. Ilondricku , ' 'mid I am very much impressed with Mr. Cleveland. " Wo are not surprised in the least at the favorable impression Mr. Cleveland has created in the mind of Mr. Iloudrioks juat at this time , but during thn campaign Mr. Hondricks did not entertain ( jullo so favorable an opin ion of the head of llokot. Thomas A lion- dricknhasaboutcomoto the conclusion that the tail ia not going to wag the dog , but that the dog will continue to wag his caudal appendage as usual. GOVKUNOH DAWEH' ploturo appears among the cheap wood-cut Illustrations of the governora-olect. Ho noror could bo identified by that picture , unless per haps his Honing board , upon which Uio engraver evidently spout a great deal of time in reproducing , might possibly fur nish a clue. In the accompanying pen nkotoh wo are told that in 1882 D&woa re ceived 55,237 votea out of a total of 87- 315 , This statement aa incorrect as la tto picture of Dawoa. In 1872 out of a total of 80,008 votes , Dawes received 43,495 , Morton 28,502 , and Ingoraoll 10- , 091 , This shows that ho received only a plurality , and was in fact a minority gov ernor. A OUKM ATOIIT is to bo established In the vicinity of Now York and Brooklyn for ( ho benefit of thoao who wish to bo finally disposed by being reduced to ashes Instead of being burled in the usual man ner. It is to bo ready for business in February , and twenty corpses are await- iug incineration , Some little excitement Las been created by this enterprise on on Loug Island , ana ono orthodox minis ter hai denounced H in unmeasured tornu , if the Now York Journal la to bo bolieved. Thin minister says that it will oblige sinners to bo burned twice , and Viill loivo otbcn without flesh to at tend the judgment on resurrection day , when no notice will ba taVou of pota ( if aibor , and ono forgiven dinner with his proper boi 01 will bo moio precious than sih birro's full of eaictr. STOCK SPKOrLA/TION. "Bradatrcot's" cf November ! ' con tained a chart showing the variations in prices of Iwontyfivo loading railroad stools dealt in nt the Now York stock exchange from ISi.O to 1881. It affords a most interesting study , nnd shows the ups and donna of stock speculations. It is ovidout that a ( peculator has to follow the markets like cham-llghtning in n very 7\K-7.\z \ manner and the conclusion la that it ia n very uncertain method of earning a livelihood. To-day a man may bo rolling in wealth by the upward tendency of some stock which ho purchased at a nominal figure , but to-morrow the bottom may drop out ot the market and ho may bo flat broKo. It la the Intense excitement of speculation the possibili ty of suddenly acquiring a fortune thai onlicos men into the whirlpool and which koopa them rolling around within the circle until finally they are drowned bj the fatal auction. They do not pause tc think , and are only made aware of tin great risks they undertake when it is toe late , Stock speculation ia simply gamb Hug , and speculators , llko common gamb lorn , hardly over know when to stop If a speculator or gambler wini $50,000 in a day , ho thinks ho cat win 8100,000 quite as oasilybut a rcvorei is bound sooner or later to catch the mat who stakes anything upon chance. Stocli and grain speculation is carried on mucl moro extensively than the general public ha * any Idea of. It is not by any means confined ; to Wall street and the great produce exchange ! , but it extends to al most every city and town in the United States. Take it right hero in Omahn , for instance. The number of men engaged in opocnlating in stocks and grains would surprijo the public. Not only do business men invest in margins , but a largo number of clerks and others put every dollar they can siiaro and fre quently moro than they afford. The few cascaof successful speculation only keep the disappointed oncn in the whirlpool until from the "commis at last they disappear sion" oflicos dead broke and in dobt. The country ia otrowu with financial wrecks , owing to the mania of speculation , which a becoming ono of the greatest evils In ho United States. It 1ms caused moro oinbcr/.lomoii'H , more distress , more sui- cidoa than any other cause during the nat iivo years , and it ia to-day ono of the main reasons for the financial and busi ness depression existing in this country. Whore ono man has taken the ido and boon Heated on to for- uno , ton thousand have gene [ own to irretrievable wreck and ruin. It a time that a halt be called , and that men > o taught that the only safe course is * to tick to legitimate business pursuits. It s true that to DOIHO persons this is a little 'slow , " but It is the safest. The losiro for acquiring great wealth in a day s becoming altogether too prevalent in America , and the uoonor it ia suppressed the bettor it will bo for the general wol- are and prosperity cf the country. If the losses of the speculator could bo con- inod to himself alone little- harm wonld bo done , but ho Invariably drags others down with Jilni , and the olloot of his fail ure is llko a wave , which when once start ed , rolls from shore to shore. TEK PATENT OFF10K The report of the commissioner of ) atonta show that the receipts of the latent oflico for the past year amounted .o $1,145,433 , while the expenditures wore $001,413 , the surplus being $211- 020. Since the year 1837 the patent oflico has boon self-sustaining , and there las been an annual surplus v.ith the ex ception of eight years. The average annual surplus for the last Iivo yoara ms boon $285,092. The money received ntho patent oflico is obtained wholly rom the inventors , this department not > olng sustained by general taxation. It was the intention of the government to make this department solf-suitaiuing , jut wo do not believe the inventors , most of whom are poor men , imotild bo .axed in order to assist in building up a surplus in the treasury , which has already iccomo so largo that wojiardly know rhat to do with it , and hence various chomoj are being euggostod as to how it hall bo utili/sod. Under the clrcurn- tancos it would bo no moro than fair hat the inventors should bo granted a reduction of foes , or else the surplus rov- onno In the patent ollico should bo ex- lended in making various improvements 11 that department and employing ad- litional help so that the work can bo fa cilitated. Ono trouble in the patent ollico s the great delay in obtaining a patent , owing to the large number of applications on file that have to bo attended to in heir order. The accumulation of nearly 10,000 applications shows conclusively bat xhoro is not enough help In the putout - out oflico. The number has increased ifty per cent in n year. This is certainly doing a great Injustice to inventors who can ill-aflord to wait for so long a time jcforo thur claims can bo acted upon. There is no doubt that the force tn the patent oflico should bo mate ri&lly Increased , and that better salaries should bo paid to the skilled employes In order to retain them n the service. The exports ar continu ally resigning and entering the outside ield aa patent lawyers bucatiso they are underpaid by the government. Thoao urn find no difficulty in making money m the outside , and some of them have accumulated fortunes. The commissioner of patents bus laid tlih matter before congress on several occasions , and hat nslud that hotter eahrics bo provided nd morj help employed , but 110 far lit- llo or no attention has been paid by that body to hia rcquouts | H ia to'.bu hoped how. ovnr , thtit at itn next tu'faiou congruia Mil ] ako dome tction in regard to the patent oilno and apply thoaurpliu uiising there rom to n y for the needed improvements n that department. tNnrn ordinary circumstances tin Loman Hrand contest now in progress ir Chicago over a scat in Iho stnto senate f Illinois would seem to bo a maltsr ol only ordinary local interest , but owing tr the fact that the IllhiMi legislature , which is to elect a United States eenatoi la a tie , and ono vote will turn it clthei way , the contest becomes an affair of na < tioaal Importance. The county board ol cinvatocra haa decided that it cannot gc behind the returns , and that the vote will have to stand as returned. This glvce Brand , the democratic contestant , the ccrtificato and a prima facie claim to hi : scat. The democrats thus secure a ma < jority on joint ballot. It is charged that this Is a job put up by the domocraU to steal the legislature of Illinois , nnc elect a democrat for United States son ator. ItU claimed thAt the decision ir favor of Brand is baset' on a forgery o .1 Ully-shoot , giving to Brand 420 votoi in ono precinct where ho only actually rocolvod 274. The attorney for Brant has assorted that his client will not voti for United States senator pending thi contest over his scat. This aesuranci amounts to nothing , because the legisla ture may compel Brand to vo'o. Whotho : the democrats will bo able to carry ou their plan of stealing the state of Illinois and thus reducing the small ropublicai majority in Iho United States senate remains < mains to bo oocn. It may bo that the republican governor will rofuno to givt certificates to the man who 13 electee United States senator If his election clo ponds upon a for-jory. This nt least ii the hope of the republicans , who cannel ollord to lose a member of the United States conato at this juncture. The end is not yet , and uo may expect to aoo r very bitter fi'jht in the 'Illinois lcgisla < turo. The domocrata , nraonr ; whom are numerous aspirants for the senatorial succession , * 7ill n l acruplo a. anything n order to cccuro that atato sonatoor , foi upon his rote the whole matter rests. ONF bravo federal office holder hat iiarod his node for the political gullotluo , 3oorgo A. Molt , postmaster of PoaroaH'o , L. I. , has written as follow a to Govornoi Cleveland : "Dear Sir 1 desire so con. { ratulato yo'i. I rotcd against yon. ] lold the position of postmaster nt Pear- sail's ' , Quoono county , L. I. My place fa oady for n Duccosaor. 'To the vlctora jolong the apoiln. ' I hope you will turn the rascals out , and if there nave bcon any frauds committed go for thorn. Be iresltlont of the nation. God help you , o do right. I am , Bir , very respectfully pouro. " Tn nun has boon a heavy rise in red laint since Cleveland's election , "IjIFT" Oil Be , Tlutl IB UIP OncHtloii "Which I'nz/loH 1'rcHliIcnt AdninH. The scheme o ! the President Charles Francis Adama , Jr. , of the Union Pa cific railroad company , whereby ho pro- JOBOS to "lift * the boating debt of the oad nas learned from a prominent di rector of the road yesterday. VTall Street was rather amused at the atato- mont , others wore chagrined to think that the Union Pacific people mistook them for idiots , and many wore angry at what they termed an oflort to bamboozle ; hem into the belief that the road was solvent. "Tho f'nion Pacific's ( bating debt , " said the friend of Mr. Gould , "last sum mer was 55 , 000,000 ; since then wo have reduced it to $3,000,000 , and by the ap- > llcatlon of the surplus on January 1 , wo expect to reduce It to $2,000,000. To offset thi ] debt the company have $2,000- )00 ) in Kansas Pacific 'bonds , and 31- )00,000 chromoB of the Oregon Short Lino. Wo , however , think wo will not use them at the moment , aa the bond market h in such poorahapo. " "What about the government claims 7" "Oh , wo only ewe them 960,000,000 , and to help ua out of that wo have notes from land sales amounting to 010,000- 000 , nine million acres of land and $00- 000,000 In outbid o securities. " The effort by Mr , Adams to ntraighton the affairs o i the Union Pacilio was inter preted on the street to mean that Mr. Cleveland would take the presidential chair ; th.it ho vraa by no means a friend ( if Mr Gould's , and that ho would insist upon the government roce ving its just duos from the rorvd. "Wo wouldn't object to Senator Thur- man as aocrotiiry of the anterior , " contin ued the rlgM bower of Mr Gould "and wo do not apprehend that Mr. Cleveland will pursue a vicious policy with us. " tf Km OH. Fromuut Tribune. The constitutional amendment relating to the establishment of a board of rail way commissioners was lest by an over whelming majority. This fact , however , can not bn accepted as evidence that our people are opposed to making an effort to bring about a judicions and equitable adjustment of rates on our railways. The public has boon bled too long and too unmercifully for such an opinion to prevail. That amendment was lost because - cause the voters had IIHK'O np their minds that it was an uncertain matter at best. Had they boon assured that they could have had as good aud oflctod > regulation as is afforded in Iowa , Illinois , Wisconsin and other states , wo believe they would have approved of the amendment , but for 8)1110 reason that assurance was not guaranteed and they consequently op posed it. The ooming loglehturo certainly has a vary grave and important duty to perform In this respect. There ia no reason why the people of Nebraska should continue to submit to the extortions they are un dergoing. They ore certainly mighty enough in their combined power to regu late their creatures. Every political party in the state Is pledged to correct those abutoi and there ought to bo a unity of action among all the members when a bill , looking toward the alleviation of this suH'oring ia introduced , hot the legislature fix a maximum rate for ptsacmgur fro and for iroiglit traffic , and then pr wdu eovero penalties fur any violation uf the l.iw. This is all the case ri quiroa and it should bo done. If there ia ai't enough li > gialatiyo vtUdum in the Ifguhtiiru to draft such a bill then let iiumu progrrstho and philanthropic inoni- bi < r emiro thn services nf HOIDO outaidn ptiranii tu that und aud roseivo therefor the approbation i f hifl follow citizens. T"uro ia iu > ro.ison why passenger rates in N'ubraska should rrnmn nt four cents p r mila when ttiuv uru only thrco emits ou lbo.mti\nd Kititns on the south , Noi'hcr is thcro any ri.i" ii cr jmtico ir paym" onojmlf or tn > tiWs as much fi i ha"ln > fniwht frrrn f1 JT. < 1 ° In'njnt n.i m chared ff r haul uf i * > ' " > Chicftijn to OniBlm. 11 Is haruly a hir propositi' n either to ask a farmer to give the rail' w ys ono btishcl of nhont or two of corn to Uaul another to inarkat. AiHlstnnt Coufotli-rnic Democrats , Kearney P/PIS. Thisii the poll to and patriotic name ap plied to anti-inonopolts's by our republican can friends. Gentlemen , If you think this tnodo of warfare will make the re publican party stronger in future , keep it up. Wo desire to noti'y you now that in Buffalo county fully as many old sol diers voted the anti-monopoly ticket as voted the republican ticket , and that they are just as loyal to the flag and c -untry as you are , and that epithets will not drive them from their honest pur pose of driving from t > l co and power railway strikers and school land thieves. They have enlisted for the war against railway monopolies and pooled capital , and wilt continue the contest until vic tory crowns their efforts. They are op posed to white slavery and propose to free themselves from corporation bond- o o. They do not bollevoit just to make the toilers of this country pay a ton per cent dividend on three billion , seven hundred millions , of watered stocks , and will destroy this watered stock by means ot the ballot or the bullet in the future Forcing labor to pay three hundred and seventy millions annually , on stock which represents no actual ' money , ia not only robbery but slavery , of the wont kind , and freemen cannot and will not patiently submit to it longer. The U. P. road , Btookod at 3130,000 per mile and wortb § 25,000 per milo and assessed at $11,000 per mile , is worse than brig andage , when it forces the producer to pay a dividend on 3130,000 per mile This kind of brigandoyo makes slaves of every producer , and places them be neath the iron heel of a hoirtless and aoulcsa despotism ; and because some of the men who bared their breasts to the storm of shot and shell from ' 01 to ' 05 , and in the end goyo freedom to the black slave , now refuse to bo enslaved them selves to onrioh the Goulds and Yonder- bilta of America , they are styled assistant confederate democrats by mean and cow- arnly cura , who never entered the army , and never would , wore it necessary for them to do so , to save the Republic from porishimg as a nation. But to the old aoldioro , wo again say , you ewe the re publican parl y nothing. It has rewarded the government contractor nnd mule buyer , during the war , withhold dollars , and paid you for your services and suf ferings in depreciated paper. It has given to Shylock , more than it over agreed to and utterly failed to make good Us promises to you. We are still o republican of the old school ; auch a re publican as wore those who marched to the front in 1801. Wo are not a repub lican of the Dawcs Paul Barney otripo and never expect to be , and-all the epl- theta of the brass collared gentry In Ne braska has no terrors for us. Salmon l . Chase's Honor. A jiiivato letter from him when he was sccrc- inry of the treasury. WASHINGTON , D. C. , Juno 2 , 1803. To Mr. - , Philadelphia. You informed mo two or three weoku ago that yon had purchased 300 shares of Phila delphia it Erie railroad stock for mo. At that time I was expecting moana of pay ment from the sale of a farm in Ohioand would have beou glad to hold the stock for income. tho'i yet boon eiloctcd , and 1 have , thcreforoiiot boon able to make payment. This morn ing I have yours of yesterday , notifying mo that you have sold the atock at an advance , which gives a profit of1,200 on the transaction , and you incloso mo a chock for that amount. As I had not paid for the stock , and did not contem plate purchasing with a view to re-sale , I sannot regard the profit aa mine , aud khoreforo return the checkfor$4,200. It is herewith inclosed. I am much obliged to you for your willingness to regard the money paid for the stock as a temporary loan from you to mo. But I connot ac cept the favor. When congress at the last session saw fit to clothe mo with very largo powers over currency and fin ancial movements. I determined to avoid every act which could give occasion to any suspicion that I would use the powers conferred on mo to affect markets jnnecessarlly , or at all with rofaronco to the private advantage to anybody , 'lo carry out this determination faithfully , T nust decline to receive any advantage 'rom purchases or sales made with a view o profits , expected from the rise or fall of makota. For theao reasons I must decline to receive the check. 7or , in or der to bo able to render the moat effi cient service to our country , It Is eaaen- ial for mo to b3 right us well as to ueem right and to seem right 03 well as to bo ri3ht. Sherman on the Course ol tint Senate. jiter\iew in Cincinnati Commercial ( Hep , ) . The senate ia a very slow moving body , md no one ia authorized to apeak for it Wo will have ample time to think of what should bo done for the public in- oroatn after the quioc and peaceful iccesaion of President Cleveland , If he hould attempt to bo as bad a president aa aomo fear , there is power enough in lie senr.to to prevent him doing any croat harm. Still , uuy intention on hia mrt to do anything out of the way in note o bo presumed until clearly shown. I lave no doubt the senate will treat hia lominatlons and recommendations with ho usual courtesy , and will not adopt a itio of policy looking to a contest with lim unless the public interests clearly demand it. Ilia cabinet will bo con- iriued , as a matter of course , unless H 31110 very obnoxious appointment is pro- )083d , and ho will bo allowed to fill with UK own partisans , if not fit for the place , ofhcea as they become vacant. Senator Jameron is a good republican and may lave bonn misunderstood , for I hardly hink ho would advise the senate to reuse - use to act promptly upon suitable nouil- latlous for oflicea as vacancies occur. 1'OMTICS AMI I'UISMO HKAIiTH' TlioSlrnln Upon tlio Mental anil rii > Hl ( ! l ItelnK ol'O.iKlidati"- , l Surgical Journal. What form of excitement cau cause a nero tremendous strain upon the nervous energies of its victim than the life of the profissionnl politician * The contest nhich beeina with ( < > r ovrn bsforu ) the "primaries,1' which tluckenn os the time approaches for the nominating cnnven- ion , with its skinr.iflluH , itu attacks , itu > lota aud o > untcrploto , culmiimticg in aucct'Hs or fuiluro incur r\ii ) ( ! the noiutna- tunhioh , witUuut a bioUhitit ! space , plunges into tbo thick of the battle for votea ; the bar funu furecciuinK inlluentia ) Biipporuna ; tno phyaiml exhaustion d ' taking the stump , th'o addressing of thtvo or fi tir ti'j3ioncaafach day , nd thn trav eling at , ntyUt ; the 'i nb f rift < -japlnj wr.rl'l net only f > nr > t > \ * < > v rf > rd , * ut f the moat per a n&lui ! r-1 mutters r , ( the private lifi tl.o ili u of vifupera'ifn and f no- hood which cannot but leave their mark upon the moat callous hehrt ; the still more degrading effect ff netting in mo tion this ARtno vile enginery againtt an opposing candidate ; and last but nol least , the strain of altercate hope and despair after Iho vote is taken and while the result in yet in doubt all this ia an experience than wh < ch nothing could put a greater strain upon the whole mental and physical bein . Those who have played for the highest stake in our polit ical hfo and have lost , as has boon the fate of not a few of our loiding statesman , may not have alwayt owed their death directly to the mental strain and disappointment , but evidence is tint wanting in several in stances of a breaking up of health and courage after the great ordeal which never was recovered from. To RO no further back than the memory of the present century , wo may mention Clay , Wobater , Stephen A. Douglas and Horace ace Grot-ley as melancholy instances of this. And what else could bo oipectodi The attainment of the prizes of specula tion ia often a relative thing. All is not staked on ono venture , and If the success is not all that was desired , it may yet bo considerable. But a public man who has boon smitten with the presidential fever must either win his goal or fail utterly. For years he has kept his cyo on the whltu house , nnd every public act has been viewed in its possible relation to that objective point , As his plans suc ceed nnu the goal comes nearer , his ef forts and his excitamcnt increase. And finally when the pri/.o is almont within his grasp , what must bo the tension of every mental and physical fibre as ho 3Ummcin them to the aid of his supreme effort ? But this subject has bearings of moro practical intercut to the community than thosn relating to the presidential contests alono. The unnecessary frequency of the elections in many patti of thta country is productive of evil reanlta not only to the small army of candidates but to the general - oral public , who waste a largo amount of time , energy and money over every elec tion. In thin city , for Instance , the smoke of the last battle has not cleared anay before wo are involved in u municipal contest. Ono day in the year , or , bolter still , ono day in two years , should sullico to devote to the exercise of the elective franchise , and there aooma no good reason why all atato and munici pal officials should not be voted for atone ono balloting. Ono other aud still moro important point in which politics may bo said to touch upon public health is suggested by the nervous strain which , under our prcs ent civil norvico system , is put upon the great body of federal officeholders at each national election. Every four years their meana of livelihood are threatened. In the uncertainty of their tenure of oflico there h at all times , in deed , a degree of anxiety ; but once in four yeiiri their risk becomes BO imminent that they are virtually put into the po sition of playing for a stake , that stake beint. ' nothing loss than their broad and butter. While the gambler's play affects only himself , the politician Is able to put into tbo wogor not only his own politic 1 ambition , but the hopes , the anxieties , the mental health and happiness , and oven the physical subsist eneu of a hun dred thousand of his follow citi/.ens. 'II o 110 cl llutuini Kb. r Uae" a ronccctlou withttk corporate narno of qreatiotu couvc\ an Idea ol j 1st whkl required by the triwaUnz nab lie Short Lln On'-k TlB.ii and the boat i w-- .ida tlcns til ot whtcn o tniu lioil by thn rosiest ritUwav la America fjJEICAGrO , ffflL WAIT&EE And St. Paul II owoa anil cpoititcfl over 4,600 mlloe ot Northern Illinois , Wisconsin , Minnesota , lowi Utkota ; and aa ta main llnea , branchog and ccoceo ! K > na reach all the great bualnoia centres ot thi Northwest and Far Went , It naturally answers Ibi description ol Short Line , and Best Iloute between Chicago , Milwaukee , St. Paul and MlnnoapoMl. Ghlcn'0Milwaukee , La Crosse and Wlnona nhlaaqo , UUwaukoeAberdeen and Ellendala Chicago , Mllw&ukeo , Kail Claire and Stlllwatei- Chicago , Milwaukee , Wauaau and Merrill. Chicago , MilwaukeeHeaver Dam and Oshkonb. Chicago , Milwaukee , Wnukf ha and Occnoruowoi Chicago , Milwaukee , Mtallecu and Prairie dn Ohl Chicago , Milwaukee , Onatonna and Falrlbanlt. Chicago , Bele.lt JanoaUUo and Mineral Point. Chicago , Elgin , Kockford and Dubuque. Chicago , Clinton , Hock Inland and CixUr ItaplcU. Chicago , Couni.il Uluflu r.nd Omaha. Chicago , Bloux City , Sioux Kallaand Tankion Chicago , Milwaukee , Mitchell and Chamberlala Rook Inland. Dubuque , Ht. Paul and MltinoajroUk Darenpoit almar , tft t'aul and Mlnnoapolu I'nlluiiiii I' ' i per fl nnd tbo Finest Dining Cars ID tbo H rid nre run on the muln lines nl thu CII1CAUO , MIUVAUKEU AND PT 1'AUI , KAII > WAynudc orv * ttcntlonls yiM to iiaeoODgeruby courteous eraployu * o < the Oouij.ouy. MEKHILTi , Gen 1 Mansger. A.V 11 OAl'.l'KMEn , Gin * l'as . ARt. 7. CLAUK , Ocn'l H.ipt. OHO IHTK ORT ) . A-4 Oen' > Ait | SPECIAL NOTICES MoEY to linn m Imiirmed cltproro tj In sitiscfjWand up W II Mottor , 1501 Tar iiam OD2 dt)32t 10 I-OAM In Bums of SSCO and upwards MONKV ravii nnd Co. , lltal Etata and Loan Agtnla , 1005 Farram St. 3)3 ! ) tf loiuiua on cti.ituN. Itittlroail llckota MUitKY and sold. A. Foreman , 213 B 13th 7 < 6tf Fiiiaiujal Hxclnncv , largo or small loans OUAIIA intdunnappnitul tucuritv < tncu hours U to 6 weRkda > , 10 to 1.Sundays. 1603 Farnam bUeut. Ill to IJec. 2 V/A1IM.U \\r.\NTED Two carrier * f r Ejeii'ng ' HOP ; one IT will ) hoist aud onu wltluuit. Must bo Inleill- ff nt and re'tpoiisllitc Call * t s IIL 7'JOtf "I\-\\TED \llist cla si ok Immediittli Must IT be agrod Unudress , wa-j f $5 a week Applv at M T Ptttir'cltiSaundere Htrfet near I ikc Tvko 8th street ram 71SOp \\rANT f.'D-Agrnts ti i > ll Noi llTlih Holder TT und l.onp Kx'InKuUlur. ' Cull at Europrau hoUI on 10th street , Irom Uo > [ > . in 71C-26p A fc'ooj bc > i at K'thtoc's Fur Htnrn. lrANTiil : * ir < 'it coiuritint Kill forKoneral ) T honsi v\orl , 2 * > tl Douglas street ' " " " " \ \7AMH' A flul ilnsiaXt \ > r , ci'ablool talini ; i ' cha ger > f > > lv > p , withstiodt habi'h ' , Anpli at oiut > to ' hlCJu'o Uikeij , Ked OiK , Io a. U-0 9 'IS7ANTI.H Agocdiuan to lakerharat ol ttucita VT olrin , i Ijii ol Iho Urndng Hints Api1 > tJ P A. ( . rIP. . Ost 5i | A No ( lirni to t ko fha'goo ! th ( l aihir i"l , i. iloartuinit | c ( tlio Kinutii 'llirct W ) 2 i | > " \\rANrirl ) Actiw , Iheugfii'iiin morj Muat > in T NtbrMhi , to ivjiitK'iit thu Muiuil llOfurie Kiind LiloAiSieullon t > ! N w Y"rk 11 , H. Itubl- Min , gvi.ci null ! , lekxujah , f > il > KT i" MTAMhD wiu rlur lU'li lioiiuwork md \1 lomru a.N. 1-th St. S 34i A l AS rFK-OIrl at 1212 CapUul a0 > > OS ) M At AMTU llrJo glil IBM Fiiiiiwu ! st ( W5tl WAMI.U Wo want a llr t c'lfti irun , who h f ' litj uao uvpgil > cj la itwiaiHr wurk , to W 1.1 cue wt\ \ > I Uiior " ' ! trell e ° ii * " iiiilticU ( lu > d we * iil ! ' pol'l t ihu ii-ht nun lult mi * * KHiuJret ) . AdJtun UriUt i * OUR | D.M , Mo iHiptJii1 | > U. 870-0 W \VASn.O-Olil r n cor rJOtlinuiU \ \ \-ri i -A , rHhf 'ou t w > Mr Ikcc'if' II „ ' i' tt T.1 O PFT T < rn at ! . " fnt nn' i'inr > ' f r D * t AM ! g b 'nr ifl n I i UP t iit J Tf Mitnuli \ , < ei.trn ! Ftctelfuri n. N h ° ANTEl > Aseiti tosritl i NVfcrnianew r-vk U7 hy a popnlur author. all on rr address Jones and HaclrtrKtIO ( north 17tL/a ( , Ormht N'e'i \ \ 'ANTED To bur i o ty lot t9 bo p lil In i ekly or montbly iBstallmcnts Address" ! ! . ! t " I'co office. 210 tf to l c ni Hsht , plesiitit < rk at thclrown h nics ( tin tunce ni objcctlnti. Wttkwntbj mnl ilto S'i il j cm tu qulftlj m ilc , n-ir m ssl ( > f llcasc ail iltcfu at once , oloho M lg Co , liosti . , 'In , Imx f,314 . ' 03-uec 17 iJuUcsorecntlcrnen In city or country to tal o nice , llaht and t leasint work at their own hon e , 2 to $5 a dav tuvsllj and quietly made work Miit bv i. all , no cuivA'sliii ; ; no stamp fur reply P.e addicts liellablo Man Fg Co , 1'hUadclphll , I'a. MMm WANTKD-IADIES Oil UKNTLKMKK tn city or count rj , ID take nlie ligbt and jilcafiuil work at their own hornet , 81 to $5 t > cr dty ui lly unr quietly inatla : woi k icntby mall no raum lng ; no Blimp ( or rnplv. I'M ! O ( nldriwi Ilellablo Manl'e Co. , Philadelphia , ft. f-KMm WANTKD Situation bihilv ' m houitkccpcrlo ? a nidoHcr Adilrej M , O'O. , Oinaln. 7'S S7p WANTM-Situatloni < i Komi alrl. Inquire at 71KM lethitrccl. 7U2.r.p TA ANTED Situation ? b > Three first il&si httcl V cocks Irom Chicago. MAM , head meat , ton icfond , ul c , hf\d raMrj , ROCI ! bread maker , ( lorn rclctenrci , fobcr and bontst. Address A. II. T. I'oit Olllcc , Blair , N'jb. 711 Zip \\7'ANTEI ) l' t o ( iennan K-'l" fUuatlon In ? T American latLlly to do general ho > > cuorii AJdn 1.9 , "A. K. " Hco olca. 7'J7 20p SIT ! VTIONS For either ladles or gentlemen. Wo want an acoit to re ] resent us In vMr } t n In thnixt Tfrreiinndo kncun on application lor ORinc } Adclr < n , Kmplra I'el'llsh'ilg Co. , 813 S luilisticet.dicnlu. Neb , Lock Uox VJ. Slltntion as a wet nurse. Addro'o 312 AY N llthKtrcot. 717-20p \\fANTKI ) Sew inn In piitate , lamlllcf , by one T \sho untlcrstands drt8 makliiK. C. h B , UBB ofllc ! . 71(12Bp ( \V CANTED Cop Ing or other olll o w oik , In a lauj. Addriss II U , UKK otllct. 7S-2tlp WANTKD II v musawltli ten jears ciicritncc , anil tnod rci > iiinicndaticn , enitlorincnt In lUlretttEt tbarlts Hotel. "Ofl-'l V\7ANTlI-'ltuMlon ! a ? truclifc saleenia-i In ii hocUandehio * . clothing , Uroctriea or dnu'C , luvu also hniullodclKir-i and ti bacco , ha\o the best ot if dn nu m Ictti r , nls * personal relereiico In city Aildroas" ! ! " lisootllco. 07o2lp \\7 A M'KD-l'osll ion aa wtt nuts Aprlj at TT Woman's Christian Association , CU ) Ilnl' ' 0.3 J6p SIT ATIO.V3 Foriltlicriailic8orKfiitIi.mLn. Wo wont nu a ent to rtprn-cnt us lu e\crj tounln tliowut Ttrnia made known on application Inr ngentjildrofB "KmiJlio lubllthliiR Oo , " 813 S lUth St , Omaha Neb. OJ7 25 inartlcl raan wnnts cltuatlon lu bookkeeper AYoun keeper , In wholesale establishment lu Omahi. Addresj "C. " care lien. EOfl-tl VVfANIED In juhate Iainil\ , two stcadr board TT ere , at aoij leosontblo rate. 1312Cumirp street. 712 26p rr0 ( .entluircT can ha\o a Inr/o hacilsomtl > lur- JL nlhbcil tcionil storIront room with exec lent ) oird. kor Inforir'itlon ajijilj at drug store , corner 14th .md loiulae. 705-2J > p V\TANTEJ ) To buy banlr in eomo good town or TT locution lor new ono. Address J. H Adoir , MinncapollH , Minn 652 ! 4 ] > ONE or two boarders watitol , liandsomtlj lur- nlsbcd Bouthronm , pleasant bornee > cry coin en cnce , two rninutt'tua\e ( car , flltten alnuttswa" to 1'ckt otPce , 535 Plea nnt fat 657-24p TV/AM'l'D To exchange one ol the best retail T T grocirlcs in Onuhafor a small tr ct of dcsira- > lo land near the citj. All who rip'y ' t-l\B lull de cnptlon ol lindand owntr'sname. Address , A. S. 1 , lice otlico. ewtt 'KD licsniLBs. An active merchant cf thorough bimin"s8 education and habits o--n- umplating a chance January 1't. 18S5 , wl'hostopur- hase an iutcrett in a well established mercantile or uanufai.tuiln ! ' business , wi uld buy out a small bus- ness.has $10 000 cnsh.caalurnleh references ola high orlder and would expectsame To secuio reply , ad dress Riving lull name and partlculats , "Merchant1 oaro lieu olllce. 8BO 8t IcwLp TTJ7ANTED ? 2,0 0 on flrat-clasa city security.for 6 TT years , at 8 per cent. Address Itox 820 Post- nrtlrw 70fl tf U NV KBOBSH ana T710H llE T A rl n atit Itirnlshed IroDt room , f nun and wile prefcrrul , 1713 Cal fornla , strctt. FOK hE.VT ! Ious3 Hll Calllornm street and part cf the furniture for * ale. Also 3 furnNhod oouis for rent. 7-'J 28 ; < FOK KENT Pleasant lurnUhed room,605 N. 17th BiS 21p [ TlOIl KENT Two rnoius fiirnlchrd or unfurnished I' on second tloor , 1815 Chic-igo St. 7'JI ! J3 , OH It'XI'-Furnl-hod rcorrs In ttuldiog N. V I 1 conur IClh anil Ua\cnpoit Gill alter 3 p ni. 7sf FOIl KPNT A Minified cottage on LeaMiiwoith ntat ' - - 1 Kiirnlturo ! nr sale. Inquire of J. L. ! oorpoat l > ivtim& ( Jalln hcr's TSi 2Bp KENT A hrito fuin'slu'd ' Irnnt room wllh ITiOlt , JlOper miintb 017 .JJth strict , bctHton " \ d i'id Cumln s 7IC 20 | > IJiOll H'.NI A niw hO'serllOr ' tmis.aiid a barn 1 lianl and s I' wain , on Purk a\tuuc , 2 l > otVi rom tar/jam strict Iiqniro DM I arnain "Ostl J Oll UBNT- * mull HOLM ) t cor , J.'d anil liar J 1 I'llco1 * " no pai month 7lj7-V"ij > 701 ; HKST .Nicelj liircirthod front room , 16"0 Uoui ; ! s a'rLLC 7u3 2tj > 17(011 ( HUNT One S rwim hou e - < IO per tnonlhand ; 1 oiji , room hoinu $ liM nr month , hard nnd .ottwatir Aph | to Jolui P. lleaH , lf.tli and s. 721 _ ' 7p IHIIIEN'V hurruhod loom at 323 St. M i\ Aunuu 71B 29 Lp ! l KKNT 10 hausvk , 1 roon s , cull fi p'r 1 montlL. Inquire bin D.dgu htrcct. C4U 2Dp HEN f Four room callage H. 18th St 1'ar- I70U 1 ktr. ' . llu.\ni. UKNT rnrnlshed room siiltabV lor two,18IO Foil St. tibi2dp ? I7llt HENT Nicucottifl | 1524N. 11th bt , onlj 1 one block from Grim corlicc. N. ti , ClaiK. 131-i'p i Ult HEM lli'PMiiil ! HOUSO on Centir M , nnu 1 btxckucrth cft'umlig * . In > iuiroat Edholui V n 035-25 FOlt KENT luoho.iM * . Inquire 163 Content St , ere -2-p 17011 HK.ST Htlck dwelling lioiihj , furnished or. 1 uiifurnl-hed.gahcitiy water aul all m.dmnim- rovtmi'its Inquire on irtmls" > N W. Cor 18th nil tariuni MR Us , 701lf | ? trt HKN 1' Furjiisfctil roouis brick block , ttodurn L luiiroteineils ) , me bliek ( root I'ost olll f , S W xirner I6lh ard Capltolaio. 697 2t | > 17OU HE.NK Kirfjut turn nluxl front room. In nnt > J1 or sinilo , wltli < as , N mil west corner cf Die Midi'ri- " ! ! block toriif , 10th and l > \i npoit bt , OUT dnodj ChjaMloit. | A | > pl > loom 18 , Mis. Ilu. , v.uthuill. OfH ) . ? ] > 17011 II" NT TAumtlomdi nnlj , u pi asiint 3ar Jj nlblxl i m , S. F. . corner fvtn iri 1 bou U8'Uf 8'Uf ' KVNT A iiooil tcntaeiit of B j.iomi OK ! 8Mi E'Olt II 1011 StnilH * ifpjf monlh. N , VI tlMill 0 1.4i | ICCNTyuiiiUbul /conn at 1117 II..v.ard. I 1 Sjl-27p < 0 t hK.ST A liunlihid room , luiiulrc t 'n'J2 ' 17 1 c n St 35C 2'pi , * ii Hc-NI'-A furor-hid toapi ut Iviui , for a I withcu t ch IJr n > | .o. t tiw ruiloa HHilrii tale Inqiiirii 22 D I'nifuiuiu bt. lld > J'.i ITHiit UI M1 liuant 11 ro.im h iisi , htrd m'd rJt 1 atrr allmnljrn iuipr > reT.un'H , bi.rtt ) i cttio'i ti rU ) $7i < llArkcr.V iUjnu. 13th nn1 Farrmm. S2i tl T'Oll UfNTTwo inn \ ( uiiitii til Hunt ri. in > . .ithoahuutt04iJ. . btuti in i " -li Uls I7 < ) Il l > fNTCon t jittMo fiirublud r cm i 'n noit i Him 1 1 hai liiuonbl iK , OJin t ll.iu.ip riui A AVa , I ifu tnci.i ! htngul. Ajpl ) at t. emu ii. Andeiton _ aii * \ \ 7 0rt Iti.sr t JO 18 'ciiui lieu o Ut and Hjtt $4V 8 ( < rnu-onto4riliu ! ) , jky * .s si ni' Uinr li ' , t ' 4 C tr t T ' In f ili V- r 0,3 N n 1,1' "ty l/l'll It "NI lit * ' farn n. ' I ' 1i v > 9 J. ' ihtus. ' 'I , i > f * > t > i-t'i ' an.l P ( > i B ip n IlLNT f.arci f o t ro m w th ln id , nl-o Ft da ) toird fit two or thitc gentlemen ftt 1 WI Jontitt ' ' * * P TTi l l nv.vr-7uAWioJ f'cil t irlnr on flwS , Jl&fii- J1 wllh 1'pd room iflhiM'V , fine location oilj Cip I'ol Hill Addres < tfmti ftrc cw ' X. A. " Il.o olllce ° 4.'L1 _ _ _ - . 171ouin ; > 'T-Kiirnl liel rooin ltli r North ) HI TT HS I FumTgho J ? oou , at , J > i t pltol utu. UENT-Nlcoliirn'shoJ rnnrcn t half lilftek Fc from U y < * Vi ppjia houses it 1. JtarHn 310 J ioutlilMhsircft C07t | IlEIfT KiirnliheJ ronin ami boa per Ipon 1 Vcrv p , l-4'Davonpott. TWdccl poll KENT Tfjt OBtor.v meit market cwner I 1 lUlh and Paulscn & lU , 1513 Fi 1,1011 Kr.NT-Ttvotltcant room ! Ill IteUlcV * bitch. I ? I'aulaen A , Co r51S Kanniii 3t'2 tt , _ 1 7011 ItEVr-Furmslred Ir jnt room llr tint 222 X JD 10th M 3J2tf 7(011 ( KENT Hous wHh 5 rooms and barn. Ap- 1 pl > toP WllgN BJ ? outhl2thSt. Oll IIEN1-A ten room oot'ago , goot lot , itti barn , on 1'AClflo street , near llth tie t. In- 0. F. Goodmam KO'tf KENT OU S M.B A live room houw , No.13'7 ' Pierce street. Apply Co Mra. 3. 0. Stiteniot. , 1815 Cass street. 2CO-1 f KENT Now dwelling ol ten rooim , A FOIl Improtcmcnss eltunted at SV. . cor. Harnoy and 2 th street. SM Balou Bro's or J--n Nctlllc. 203 23p _ 17011 HENT-In Shi'in'n 3d aiWItlon , mco eouth JL and ea t corner lot with 8 room house $18. tier month Potter &Cobl > , 1B1B rarnnm St. 182 1. T70H KENT Two rooms furnlshad for light houn > > JD kcepiag. S.V. . cor. 8th and' ' Howard. 170 tf poll HEN T lloom corner of 17th and d race Stoi I 1 i4ltf OH linjiT The corner store 10th atidten\cn F woitn. Appl ) (1. It. 1'cttreon. 103 tl KKNT Cott go o ( fl > o rooms , doslrablo lo FOIl . O F. l Us & Co , ! 605 Farnamtt. 117-U UKM Urst cla > " ( thrco tt > ry urlck , metal IfoU , warchoueo , lijdraulio rleTOtor , concrete ha'on iitf. Hallroad track to door. Barker i. Maj no , IStli atid Farntiiu , OSK-t HIiNT A now store room anil olilossup utalr IpOU January let , 18 ! < 5 , on 13th butnocn Willlauas and Illckorv Inqu ro nt K. J. Hi * per. DIG tl Oil UEST Pleasant lurnlshcd room S , K oo" ICth MH ! Howa-d stroi.ti , B03 tl ivKNi llilrftntiewdni-llingnbj C ! . T TiJ- ipoll ' , cornir I4tli and Douglas. S4S-tl 7 > OIl KENT House 7 room ? Rood lo .ilsty by 0. T , Tajkr , o rner Nthnnd rougla 819-t OOMS With board , dcs rab o or winter1 Apply R t at CliaikallBtcl 7 6MI T MURRAY bsui Koort pasturing , Sffi tf I70K HfcNl Uottaice ot U\o rooms J.l'hlp" Hoe L1 1512 aouth Dth street. OJO tf FOI : SALE. BALE A KOOil pnng bpardiiiB hnifle cheap FOU ca"h Inquire at 501 corner 5th acd I'iDire. 6DO'4p SALE I ea' on 2',000 acres Rood School FOR for silo in SO acre tr.iit.s and upwinlK ,1 N. lloMiolds , U07 Farnam bt 9J 27 Hare bargain ; 3 acres near water- wnrk < rcsenolr , ? 1 0.0 , easy term ? . Lot 84 * 182 It * launders btrcet , 3 blocks from fttcot pars ; inly ? JW , to ins cm Ono acre , Oiso'j ai'dltion ' , 9I.OCD Deautlful lot m Howe's addition , U'8\132 , ml } $000 Full lot , ( nnll b.uso and barn , nesir Innscum's park , SI 200 ch lull lot , r-outh 13th street , cheap I'or bargains call on liarlier . Jojne , l.ithand Farnonv. 050 S4 T7 > Oll SALEOIl TUADK-A fto-k of general merchandise - _ chandiso fcr pnle nn easy term ) , or will exchange a gooil I mds in Nebraska. Iho ttock will imoioc about Sll.COO. Addr.ta "W. O " caraof Bem Ilice. 677 27p FOIl NILE OH TIIADE A cord stock o ! Hard ware and turni'uro in Pn > tcrn Ntbra'ka ; will rado for good lanoa in Nebraska or Kail n < : pittio- uUrH Rhcn ou njiplica lei ) Address \\lllinirilros. ihube t , Neb- nlO Mdh FOU SALK-In Lincoln , l * eb , tbo IVtrlesa Sttam Laundrj A rara hUHintaj opiortiiiit\ | ) ; the > nl > ( IrKt ( lass bnslncH ) ol < bo kind In the clt } ; U ex tuieiti.1 } \orllitcd bss Ibst cosi help , latest lui- iroied machinery , ottn thing now ; satulactorv na suns for i tiling. ft928p ! FOIl SALE Oil TIIADE llarbtr chair , cup ca o nnd tools ol lje.it make nrd llue > t puerns. C. It. LJrorier , tidnej , Jowa. 031-25p F10II SALE Sir hundred coed lots SlfO to 8WO. Houses and lota on month ) } paj mcnts. Boggs V Hill , real e tate 1403 farnani St 019 . ' 4. TJIOHSALU.OIl RENT-Lct flO\183 with now 6 room 17 home and 4 horse ftnMe , Pierce , near West a\c. line location. 1'au aeu & Uo , 1513 Farnuu. 3U-tl FOlt HALE Iho best business lot at the Stock van's South Om ha , COxlHO Will be worth loublo the price asked now lusidu 12 months Appl ) it ollico New York Drj Goods Store , 1310 Farnam 277-t ! _ _ [ TAOH HALE 1 f-ausago chopjer , horse power ; one LT renilirln ; . ' kettle , ODU lard press. Apply at Drook. jn Market , cor. 13th and Tkroo 001 tl TV'PE Aquantttv nf Job an I newspaper tjpo lor sale Also a good Zither. C. T. Cunu' , oaro liea ) IUce. _ 7K-.II r"OH SALK Cottage of 5 rooms , barn , corner lot in I Shlnn's addition , only H 6 O.tinall avsli p.ijrnen : i mil bilance monthly. Unrgain. McCaguo , npp. fllfltf IjiOH SALE New punuon Inquire ol Oco. III' , ' . Rina at northeast corni r 10th and Icd'o 68UI r,1011S\LI5-Fluo buoHosj rhanco at Urand Island ' Neb 5.CWimj3 thi bank * bmldlne Si4l ; an. Xlicobullil'iii ' ; which rents iorjts a month , a l.ariri. lr and burilev : proo' fata with Yilu tijje lo k co t ' 1,000 , nl-o s > erj lar e Lank biok , dro prool fafe , jnnls c juntcr , dj kH , lurd coal utovu. In fact , a com- do o ban * outfit , to uthtr wlrh lot U\eo on Locutt ! itrout. Title | erlcct 'Itrnu i na h , la anco ou ouu Hid two jtara time it deolrod. Gallon or audru's Jay B. Whit * Grand 'Bland ' , rttb 622-tl { 7011 SM.K Clioop a Hcoond hinil hlirb top buKin. i In | ulre at Slmpnou'a Carrlairo Factory , I > oiUf , " iofveiiu 14th and ISth. 230 il FOIl HALE twliolo i ckof clotblnff , boots aud shoos , bulldlnsd ct'Citat , rutlrlni ; Irom busineet. J. H. I'otcrtioii SQlaouid Tenth Htrout. US-Sm OOK n/tLR IVo opi.ii buoonu-uar 'n . < n j tf. 1' onodoU : ry-7aon. oheiti , tt lira HurJi. . M1SCSI.I.ANKOUH. rosf fair cold nwil spnctocli t , on Pattnimrt- J lntHrui Killi and Jlth strettw Pk'hu lu \ j nU il lUinabanre.torv aorn r 13th indtatifi nil i. O.sroi | | ' , , , , rv | , , with diamond . j will In Iinrr ll3 ri > .rdtil li > leailusjt I81T rAKIIN UP-On Octobtr 28 , a lij-ht L. . novo , whlcoepit In forehand aud nhltai > ilt Ju l above. iho l tille W. Edlott , ono mlla w eat of thu barrn Iw. 042-lt lew. nUDDEIt STAMPS On ) manuUctortru InOnwha. LV. lltt 9 1 nntln Co. 50j tf PKIVV vaults , DlnlMiuid oe | KnVj cl auol ir tnr ! HbortMl notice aud at anj timicltha > JO > In an ntircl ) c / < lit Ices ' ; \y without the ler.ati nos' jou ' ccui nt flr ii , with r Imi1eil anil Jorless iijjiraluo. A. h\am i ( Jo. , irvJ ' " UNDERTAKERS ) , At thn oUHttinl 1417 Fiunnin ! Mr t. Order , ( / lJilh 03'-lUd HiHlltyflptlyltinJnl to. lv J hanv No. 9V6 1 COLLARS i CUFFS CEARIN3 THIS MABX BE TH < TINCST dOODB even MAOC , DEINQ All J.liun , DOTH Lining * MJ Exteriors. Ask for them : > n UmaU'i