Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 25, 1884, Page 2, Image 2

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nws w ; 'g S533
1111 tc
C17 St. Chnrlns S M Sf ; J.onK Mn.
tSVt 'n > ' "ifi ' fid rhttJci n ( . Jx K
' 1 > t < ntt i' n > o t. >
ntlir ft ] ' - si * < ' VT ' it' "
Nervous Piofitr.illofi. Dcblilly. Mental and
l htslca WtaKncs Me rcurlal and other Alice-
tton * ol Thrdat , Skin or Goncs. Dtood Polsonlno ,
old Sores nd Ulcots , m * MfniM niin tnrit nk <
Diseases Arlslnn frum Indlscrctbn , Execs ? ,
Esnosurc cr IniHrlsencc. * * - h irft ioMwe of iVi
C4ll' > * ltiK rf n | icrvoiinft ddllitf , Jin | | Af lcN
id ilr ( rUf < t tufroorr , t'tnr * Art 'to law , f V/ilrtltU * t ) ,
rtndcriiiR Mfttrlnpe Imp'oprr or tinu ppy , M
I if MM rntMt'i" , T' < t < mt VrrCnntutUllon ttF
S'PositlvoV/rltren Guarantee
cltr In kll etrMfteit % , Wfdlclne * ton * ftfty htft.
§ , Knellfth or German , 04 p
iovo disfraico Inraaloor font a !
eMMfM , flnerl * ' * * lUmirttM la tlntttanfl
t % moiitj rfo iitf ( t Mfne | | of corrrc , ap Ttti lo *
cf > t > iAl&i 1t itir fLtfoti. rtfcuum ) tt laotUIUte . t M
lee * . A NK > X cfsrtM litvr H W 1L He tilt *
. -
lata tlio LIVCR ninl KIDNC
umi j t.r ii nM m * * *
nnd VIOOH of YODTlt. l > /
\VntitnfAlipflltP , III-
U of HtretiRlh ,
ciirV'l. Holies , iiin clcsniul
ii-n M i t'Colvo ni-w lorcp.
ii : llvoiii llio iiilml nnil
fniplillcs llRtln I'owrr.
, FnirtrliiKlroin caniplalnti
JlM'Bllllar l tllPlf ' 111
arwv-uur u i ' tt'f
tied In DR. U' ' .BIER'S IRON TOKIO n f ln nnd
e'-c lycmo. KlUfsni-k-ar , lieallliyromiili'xloii.
"rrciiuanl itlrmptn nt o"--1"rr. ' < iliil , ' only mill
to thuiioiiulirltynrtliu orlclinl. Do not cxpcrl.
Bieni jrcttha OIIIIIINAI. AND Hi w.
f Sport rournildrPMtoTb l > r. .
OMuLouta. Mo.Jor onr "BnEAM.UOOIC. "
V , % FrOlo etnin : * imd useful lurormnuoa. tmn.fl i
Science of Life Only 4100
Eih a toJ Vitality , Nervous and Plireloal Dohllll )
Prcmnturo Docllno In Man , Errors of Youtliaotl tbi
untold mlscrlofl remitting from IntlUcrotlonn or ex
OOKC * . A book ( or every man , young , middle tgtd
am ! old. It conUlin 16 prcscrlrtlonn ( or all acnl
nnd chronic dlnouofl each one ol which U liivnluatilo.
Holounu by the Author , * ho < o exiwrleuco for 17
yoarH la BIICII an probably never peloro ( oil to the lot
ol any physician. COO page * , bound In beautiful
French miiplln omposscJ covers , full , gilt ( larantued
< o bo a finer work In every eenao , machanloal , lit
erary nnd professloral , than any ether work sold In
this country ( or 82. 60 , or the money will bo refunded
In every Initinoo. Price only $1.00 by inall , pout
paid. Illustrntlvo sample 6 cents. Send now. Gold
modal awarded the author by the National Medloal
Atiaoclatloii , to the oflloersof hlch lie rclora.
The Science of Llle should bo rc J by the yonne
( or Inntructlon , and by the afflicted for rolluf. It nlll
l > cncflt all. London Lanoot.
Tncro It no member ol society to whom The Sol
cnoo of LJo will not bo useful , whether youth , par.
nt , guardian , Instructor or clorpymnu. Argonaut.
Aiidroiis the Pcabody ITodlcal Int.ltiitc , or Dr. W
H. Parlior , No. 4 Bulflnoh Street , Hoston.llasa. , who
tuay bo ooniultoil on all dlooases roqulrlnR till ) and
oipcrlcnoo. Chronlo and obntlnatedlBcaaes that hive
the eklh ol all other phys-ncAl clang ,
ft npoclaltyi Such trcatwl BUOOOBS ilLnL lully
without an Initanco ol lalluio. -
Cor. IBth and Capitol Avenue , treats all eaoof Crippled
plod or Deformed , altodlseascs of tt
ffTorvous System ,
Blood , and
Urinary Organs
All oiMit ol Curvature ol the Kplne , Crooked Keel
T KS and Arras , Ulncaseg ol the Illp , Knee , and
Aukle Joints. Also Cliroulo adectlons of the Liver
nboumailsm , ParalyBli , 1'llr * , Ulcers , Catarrh , Aoth
nut fcml Uionohltls are all treated by new and nuo-
< netul methods. All diseases ol the lllocxl and Urin
ary QtKtns , Including those ronultlnR from Indiscre
tion , or ciponire , aru ealch and nuocessfully treated
and B cure Ruarantecd. Young men , mtildlu a ud ,
and old men luflorlns from Weakncnu ami Nervous
oihaustlon , produciiii , indigestion , Palpitation ol the
Heart , Despondency Dlzzlnesa , Lous ol iIctuoryLaok
of ICavrgy and Ambition , can bo restored to noalth
and \lgor , If cam Is not too long tiivloctwl ,
The Burgeon In charge It a K'vluato of Ji'dor-
BOM Medical College IBflJ ) and has ttudlod hit
proft-solon In I/ondon , Paris and IJorllu. II atlllctoil ,
call or wrlto lull dcucrlptlon of your oaa , and inoJI-
clue may bo eont you. Consultation frr . Ad dies
Omaha Dispensary , Crounso's Block , Omaha , Neb.
Ollloo bouri I&-1J a. m.,1-3 and 7-8 p , m Eundafg.
.10 a m
ffi.Bond for treatise either on mala illsvatm or
tlU ruiltles.
Oenoral Delicts ID
Har lor Bal tOO.COO aorco eartlnHy Ml ot d land
u Uwtaru Mebiaaka , at low prloo and on uy tenci
Improved larma ioi tale In Douglas , Dodgt , Colin
if Utta , Bail , Lrtnitnir , Hrpy , WMhlnelcn , tfiilcl
uoders , and Butler Jotintfoi.
T M paid In all parta of Ibe Btali ,
Hooey loaned on mprortd ( arrot.
Kourr inibUo alwavt U office Conwpond
An Inten-ntlnu trcutl'i ) on Illoml nnd fikliiniP i
will Iw nmllod f rtxi to any imo \s Im will fond tlidr in
Jri-u in thuh lttriK.filleC'o. | Uravr3. . Allnntii. C ,
OouM not bur from me uhat Kuilt't Rjicdllo hi
< 1 n Ijr me. It curul me ol Hcrolula lu lu won
fnrnulUjr I hmt ull > red ltl > UUIUvn IOM jcar
am ) livl tiled all the remeolcs , unly to briak don
iiy liciHIi and mak" " iim t bn'rlni.
Muk Kuuemi IliUit ,
Au uiin , Ua. , July IB , J&S4
Koine tight \ u > m SKO I Uume thv \ Ittlui of a lea
ful Ubod I'oiion , oomuualuittd ba nur o to m
li ( tut , an'ltheoco ' thrcuxli tl > ol > ret > t nod rufTm
r lit lon jeirJ The Ui-iciir' and Potuhtiui
iixnt Meuiul lo drlva tha i ol > mi fiutlicr intuui
fkt iu oali to break out In wor > o rimcnotlu
V"tlou ol inj l.udf , 'Jlirt-a inoiithn < > KU ' lega
Ukluif Hwllfifijifcclllc. fciid U lai wired in * noun
and null. It U Ibu Kttatcet blcwlu uhich ) ia udiii
luiuinklnd lu jran. Mxu. T W. LIT ,
Tfcc Beef Prodnct o ( Wyomicg For
the PfESbBt Year.
SIMj Tlniiimnrt Cnlilo SlilpiiPil Over
i tie1 Northern Piiclllc.
Yesterday morning the Loader pub
lished n brief and somowhU hasty tkotch
tf thn catllo shipments of the neaton.
Since that time reliable data has bocn oh'
taincd of the shipments of stock over the
Northern Pacific and by other avenues.
The complete fitjurcn aa compiled to the
present time are Interesting , showing
changes in the routes to market and the
magnitude of the caltlo business , which
will surprise these not familiar with the
details and aggregates of the industry in
The total number of cftttlo sent to mar
ket from this territory In 1883 was 1-18-
012. Of that number 110,138 were shipped -
pod over the Union Pacific. The North
ern 1'acifio carried to market 21,009 head
of Wyoming stock , and the Burlington
and Mlisouri carried 11,820. Over the
Sioux City line -1,070 head wore shipped.
After the shipments had begun this
year it was estimated that not moro than
100,000 cattle would bo marketed during
the season. That estimate , wliilo _ mode
by gentleman who wore in a position to
know whereof they spoke , was undoubt
edly based upon the belief that the Union
Pacific would bo the only conspicuous
roulo to market employed by Wyoming
catUomon. The events of the season
have demonstrated iho error of compu
tations based upon that supposition.
As stated yesterday , about 0,000 cars
have boon ordered of the Union Pacific
by our atockgrowors , That number of
cars carried , according to the oatimato of
nineteen animals to thocnr , 11-1,000 head
of Block. OIHclnl data , howuvor , show
.hat . up to Iho 1st day of October there
wore shipped over the road 52,880 head ,
caving 71,1M head as the shipments
during October and November. Tlio ro-
) orts for October and November have
mt boon received as yet , but the estimate
a BufiicionUy ocourato for the purpcoon of
the moment.
Jlut shipments , largely in oxcces of
hose of previous yearn , were this year
nado over ether routes. Over the North
ern Pacific were marketed , up to the 1st
of November , 00,825 head. Of that
number 22,003 were loaded at Dlcklnion.
From Mingusvillo , 10,710 head were
nhippod ; at Billings , 5,805 , and at Miles
Oity1,708. .
It will thus bo seen that Wyoming has
narkotod 11-1,000 cattle ever the Union
Pacific , and 00,82-1 head over the Northern -
orn Pacific , making a total of 17-1,82-1
attlo us the ( surplus slock of the season.
It will bo observed that the estimate
inito any reference to cattle shipped ever
ithor the Burlington and Missouri route
r the Sioux Oity route , neither does it
How for n per cent of Montana cattle
hich may have been included among
10 00,824 sent ever the Northern Pacific ,
ranting that the Montana cattle In-
udcd in those shipments will about
jual the Wyoming cattle sent ever the
3. & M. and Sioux City , not included ,
still head of cattle bo-
t loaves 17-1,82-1 -
onging to Wyoming stockmen as mar-
oted in 1884. Thoao cattle , at the
vorogo of f.'iO per head , represent tbo
utn of § 5,214,720. Allowing for all ox-
looses it will therefore bo uvon that the
> oof out-put of this territory for 1884
amounts to a production , from tlio grasses
f its plains , of about five million dollars.
It is oubmittod that no state or torri-
ory In the union can tnako an equal
hawing upon the basis of an equal nuin-
jor of stock cattlo. While the beef pro-
uct hero does not dopund exclusively
pen the legitimate incroasoof the herds ,
ut includes thousands of young cattle
which are yearly brought from ether
, ock regions for the purpose of propar-
ng thorn for market hero , tlio fattening
: id hardening qualities of the grasses of
Vyoming are novortheloea the mines
rein whence the great yearly returns are
btainod , and hence it comes about that
Vyoming'o beef product oxcltoa the ad
miration and astonishment of the world.
'lio Buliuino NotnH Vlslimnry nH Sonio
Would llavoiiH Ili'llavo.
' 'rum thu Jioflton Commercial Hiillollii.
Tliosu who are anticipating a failure of
ho Do Loaaops achomo ahould give duo
onsidurfttlon to the fact that the total
ixpundlturo for the construction of the
SUCK Oanal up to the date it was opened
or trallio waa ? 8UCO,000 : : , of whlch$58-
00,000 was for actual construction and
$25,000,000 forjtll other expenses. This
would bo at the rnto of 1.08 per cubic
motor. The total time occupied in the
vork was ten years. The amount oxca-
atud ut the end of the eighth year was
nly ono-third of the wholn , the ether
wo-thirda having boon excavated in tlio
ast two years. The gross earnings for
lie Suez Canal for 188 ! ( amounted to ? ! ! ) ,
02,4IH , out of which a dividend of 17.3
) or cent was paid lo slmro-holdera.
The total amount of excavation for the
jut/ canal was 77,000,000 cublo iiiotora
A liberal estimate for the 1'anama canal
110,000,000 cubic maters. Coin-
nandor Gorrlngo , of % yptian obelisk
"amo has just written a letter to the
Mow York Hun , in which ho estimated
.hat at this rate the Panama canal will
cost about $120,000,000 and bo com
pleted within five years , or certainly by
January l t , 181)0 ) The work on it Is
now progressing at the rate of 750,000
cubic uiotoiB per month. The pro *
jroBsivo increase will bring this amount
up to 15,000,000 for 1885 , 20,000,000
for 1887 , leaving-it,000,000 to bo excavated -
vated In the last three years. During
the last two years on the Suez canal 55 ,
000,000 cubic motors were removed.
Aloatured by the actual amount of work
to bo done , Iho Panama canal ia not a
very much greater undertaking than was
the Suez canal. The comparative disad
vantage of the climate and greatest COB to ]
labor are compensated for by oxporioncc
gained in the earlier work , improved machinery
chinory , nnd the greater efficiency of la
bor. The problem presented on the
Central American Isthmus diU'ors frou
that presented at Suez in only ono OBSOII
tial feature : At Suez there was no rain
und therefore no Bwollon rivers not
streams nur torrents to contend with , at
them art ) nt 1'annumvhoro u single nigh
of rain , ouch as frequently falla at Colon
nielli destroy the work ut months.
\\'o can form sumo idea of the amoon
of this drainngoby the fact that IH
inchro of ruin full at Colon during 18811
Co provide fur convoying thia imoruiou
volume of water to the sea , whib oxdud
ing it from the canal , ia thu greatest mi
i > mcering font tlmt nmn has over under
tikun ; but Oimuimndor Ooiringo behove
it will bo ouccesafulJy noonmplUluMl.
h it ) true that up to July , 18KI , mil
abi ut ono-tuvouteuiith of the actual wnrl
of digging thn Panainu canal Imd bcei
aoooiupliahed , at the cxiuudituro | o
abcut uno-eixth of thu ohtiuiatcd cost o
the wholi < Tlio mnnoy has bt on
on plant and mnchlncry. Cmuar * /
with the prngrcan of the work f > n the
Suez canal , this is a very satisfactory re
eult , nnd ought to ituplro entire confi
dcnco In the tiltimato succc sof the un
dcrfaking. Work on the Panama caaa' '
in pomp ratively at least two years ahead
of the work .n the Suez canal.
rictnrcKiio | Costume of x ItoilCnr <
rlrrKcon After tlio Klcctlwi.
Now York letter to llntlalo
Ono of the Uritons who have person
ally como fortune seeking to America , bill
altogether on a high piano , Is Harriet
Jay. She in something of an authoress
and all the nister-In-law to Robert
[ luchanan. Slid is a big , handsome
ilondo with plenty of flesh and fluency
and original enough to command popu
ar attention if once eho gets the oppor
.unity. While waiting for a poasiblo do
aut on the Now York slagosho is wrilinj ,
the concluding chapters of a novel that ia
running in n London paper and drawing ,
.ho illustrations for it. A caller on en
.orlng found her at a desk , pencil h
land. She was clad in a suit somowha
iko that worn by the Orosvonor of "Pa
.ionco , " consisting of a tunic any trousers
of black- velvet , the latter reaching to the
tnccs , below which were silk stockings
and slippers Mies Jay said in cxplana-
ion that skirts worn a nuisance , in her
estimation , and that forrelicf _ , especially
rhon composing , she discarded them In
aver of the knickerbockers. She never
went abroad in them , of course , but saw
no impropriety in receiving visitors while
line arrayed.
" 1 am not exactly a dinciplo of Oscar
Wilde , " she added , "and yet 1 am nston-
shed that ho did not inako a deeper atk
nero norious impression upon your pee
lie. You laughed at his absurdities , ant
jtlcrly overlooked his principles tha
were sound. And yet you are inclinct
o bo picturesque in Homo respects ii
epito of your utilitarian characteristics
Now there ii a building going up across
: ho street , and in watching the workmci
[ was delighted to BOO the variety am
[ ) icturcsquoncB3 of several hod-carriers
: lolhoB. Ono ol them , do you know ,
bad on some garmontn almost mcdiiova
n cut , and something like a helmet 01
liis head. I inado r akotch of him , nm
lioro it in. Toll mo Is it usual for
liod-carriora in this country to exhibit DO
much of artistic sensibility in dress ? "
"Only after election , " wes the reply.
Thu follow had utilized a campaign
club uniform.
UU DliinnrrH with Dim-rent , People
nnil JIlH QimllllcntloiiH lor
thn I'ruHldcncr.
Albany corrcapandcnco Baltimore American ,
( Hop ) .
The governor la a hard worker. I
ion't pretend to know whether ho makes
iard work of what ho has to do , or
whether it is really a difficult task for
lim to discharge the duties devolving
upon him. I am Inclined to bollovo the
attor. IIo cornea out from his inner
llica Bovoral times during the day ,
liakos hands , passes common place re
marks , writes autographs and talks with
vcrybody who happens to como in , but
10 evidently does not 011307 it. With
Id women and children ho li short and
risp , with young women ho ia inclined
o bo familiar , and with solid old men ho
a almost dignlnud. But it is with Dan
tlanuing nnd his Buffalo cronies that ho
a most at ease. Bis manner with thorn ,
ind with these introduced by them ,
s decidedly Iroo and easy. Ono of his
lose.'it friends , with whom I passed the
ast ovonln-j , told mo that the high-
onod democrats are likely to bo slightly
hooked by their president's manner at
imos ; bub that they will find him honest
s the day is Ion ; ; , and happiness when
n a very small company. From the
amo friend I learned that all these
atorlos about Cleveland's prospective
narriago are without foundation.
'Cleveland" said ho , "la not a marrying
"Thoro are some old maids and designing -
signing mothers who are probably anx-
oua for an alliance with thu president ; but
tlr. Cleveland has no Inclination for
nnrriugo. Ho is n worker and haa no
imo Jor anything olao. Ho la not much
on dross jarado , but great on common
"Except In cauea like the loiter to Mra.
Joochor , " sug catod I.
"Tint was u mistake , " said ho. "It
< vas all riht ; to write it , but ho ahould
over allowed It to bo published. lie
; ot about 100 telegrams about it before
10 did consent and then only at the last
lomintt did lie nay ho did not care what
was done with it.
iruoklyn Kaglo ,
It is undoratood that a gnntloman who
cairos to marry wears a plain or chased
; old ring upon the fust linger of the bft
r heart hand. When ho becomes on-
aged the ring passes to the second finger.
iftur marriage it passoa to the third tin-
; or. If , however , the gentleman desires
is lady friends to clearly understand
hat ho Is uot "In the market" and dooi
lot wish to marry at all , ho woara the
ignot upon his little finger. This will
nform all ladies that ho is beyond reach.
With the ladica a plain or chased gelding
ing on the little finger of the loft hand
ndicatos "not ongigod , " or ready for on
oll'er. When engaged the ring pusses to
ho third linger of the right hand , When
married the third finger of the left hand
receives the ring. When a young lady
desires to defy all sultora aho places
rings ono on the first and ono on
.ho fourth finger. A writer on
the Btibjcot of ringa Bays : "Though the
ring of gold has long been looked upon
aa a necessity in the marriage ceremony ,
it is by no moans indispensable , and civil
inarrlagoa may bo contracted without it.
The Puritans abolished the ring , or ,
rather , tried to do BO ; they looked upon
Ita uao aa superstitious and of heathen
origin. Quakers generally object to the
ring on ao.ount of its heathen origin , bu
thu ladles of that persuasion have showi
a decided preference for its continuance
on account of the invidious position li
which a married ludy might bo placed foi
the want of it. Wedding ringa are plucod
on the left hand to typify obedience
The converse is probably the reason why
the engaged band ia placed on the thin
right hand tinner of a fmnco , who etil
tioEsesuca n largo amount of freedom , tun
frequently exerciiea her power in an ar
bitrury niuiniur. "
lly Dr. Kriiilpr'n MiiKlo Ointment. Cure * a
if by manic : 1'impUui , lllnck JluaiU or ( irulu
ItlutcliOH and l'rut > tluni ) on thn fuco , U < uvhi |
In- skin clcur ami litaiitiful. Also curtu Itcli
Suit Ithuuui , Sure Xlpplm , S.iro Iiu | und old
Oliktluutu UUi-M , M ld by drujrxUta , o
nillc l -'li ' rccuipt of lirlco 00 contu , Buhl li )
Kulm & Co. ami 0. V
A Bridgeport , Conn , nun agreed tr
uat two crown If Bluino viva not ttlcctod
Y/fiat / ibc Araalgainaleil/isiDciation / is
Alilo to Accomplish
Controlling the Iron nii'l Siei'l Initim *
try of Tlio Unluil hlntc *
FcAtiircnor llio Oruniil/.n-
I Ion Satisfactory to llio
Special Corroj > nn < lnc9 ! to tha l'hiladel | > Ma
PtiTHiitmo , Nov. 18. 1 sat recently in-
the general oflico of the most powerful
tradii union of the I'lilted States.
Thin la a great country fat ono labor or-
ganlzitlon to control , yet the Amalga
mated Aesochtion of Iron and SteelWorkers
Workers docs it most successfully in their
particular branch of the great industries.
KB jurisdiction extends to the outward
boundaries of the nation. The mill
farthest cast under its control is at Port
land , Mo. ; the ono furthest west at Oak'
land , CM. ; the uno furthest aouth at
Birmingham , Ala. ; the ono farthest north
at liay View , Milwaukee , Wls. The
numoricalstrongth of the organisation in
estimated at UO.OOO skilled workmen ,
\Vhllu this is its actual membership it
really dictates the movements of 75,000
or 100,000 men , for , when the skilled
workmen of the iron and otccl rnjlls strike
or demand a change in wogca it thrown
out of employment , or affects the wages
ot nil dependent Inbor iuthcoo mills.
The association in strongest in the
west nnd weakest in the oast- while in
the north and south it is abundantly able
to take care of itnolf and add continually
to its numbers. The great majority of
iron and atool establishments In the coun
try is under ita control. Only in the
east has It met with decided opposition
on the part of both employes and cm
ployors , but the present management nro
directing their bunt efforts to convert the
men in that section , and they report 11
steadier accession to tholr ranka east of
the Allcghonica than the manufacturers
have any idea of. John Jarrutt , Into
president of the amalgamation , who
earned the reputation of being "tho
ablest and conservative labor loader
in America , " inaugurated the eastern
policy of the union by breaking a strika
in mills near Philadelphia two yonrs ago ,
and now- his sucosaor , lion. William
Woiho , is vigorously carrying on the
sarao policy. The moat extensive mills
in PHUburg , Chicago , Wheeling , St.
Louis , Clorolond and Birmingham are
and have boon controlled by the associa
tion einco its inception.
At a few intermediate points the non
union workingmou flourish but have a
"iard time of it. As very little real skill
is to bo found lying outside of the asso
ciation , they receive less than the asso
ciation wages , and , haying the ill-will of
Fellow workmen , find it next to impossi
ble to secure employment elsewhere.
Aa a m del for trades unions the amal
gamated association can bo recommended.
Ttadea-uuionhm is In ita in/ancy in this
country. English labor boasts of Ita
thorough and effective organization.
But their trades unions are older and
liavo the adrantogo of years of ex
perience over those of America. Tbelr
leader , Thomas Burtt , M. P. , while in
thin country n few years ago , made the
remark that ho almost envied the system
of the Amalgamated association's man
agement for his English associations.
They told him that it has a larger mem
bership than the full quota of the stand
ing army of the United States , and that
Its finances are such that if 20,000 men
are thrown out ot work the treasury is
perfectly able to sustain them for months ,
or perhaps for years , although they have
never been tested thit far. To all this
Burtt "Add education and
replied : co
rporation to your objects and you will
have a trades union that England will be
proud of. "
HOW IT IH < ; ONIUCTK1 ) > .
The nucleus of the association was the
old ona of Vulcan , a local organization
if ironworkers exclusively , that existed
between the years 3870 and 1870. In
the latter year a convention was held , at
which stool-workers were admitted , and
now , as the Amalgamated Association , it
nmbracc.'i all regular skilled occupations
about iron and steel mills. It is divided
into eight districts in the different parts
of the country , each of which is allowed
a vico-prcsldout , Tiioso vice-presidents
are then regarded as the presidents of
their respective districts and attend to all
matters of locil concern. In each mill
n "mill commlttou" attends to matt rs
'or the employes in that particular
establishment. The wa'jos of the members
ore uniform all over the country , being
regulated by a sliding ucalo that goes Into
ofluct on Juno 1 , annually. This scale Is
> ruBcntod by the association to mill
iwnyrs for their jignutures every Juno
T7ntil two years ago the filing of this
calo for the entire country depended on
ho Conference committee of the Pitts-
> urg district. With the growth of the
association this became impracticable ,
and now district conventions are held in
all sections and delegates elected to n
'scale convention , " which moots in
April of each year at Pittsburg. This
oalo convention then appoints a con-
oronco committee that calls upon n likn
committee from the manufacturers'
i\tlonnl : organization. Nothing is done
jlindly ; the markets , condition of trade ,
etc. , are all thoroughly discussed , but
when a conclusion is arrived at it is final ,
and no concessions are made. It means
either utter defeat or full triumph.
At present the wages in the eastern
division , i. o. , in all nulls east of Pitts-
burg , Is ? 1 a ton for puddling when bar
[ rou is selling for two and one-half cents
per pound. In the vroatorn district of
the association , that ia at Pittsburg and
Ml points west of it , and south also , thor
r to is ? 5,50 per ton for puddling. The
sliding scale does not go below a two and
one-half cent base , nor above a ten cent
maximum , for the reason that the associ
ation argues , dud the manufacturers ad
mit , that if a two cent rate was reached ,
consumers would demand the difference
and the workmen would bo forced to uo
copt lees wuges. In case ol a rise elsewhere
whore the wages incronHa in proportion
It Is not dillicutt at ull to account for
the BUCCCM of the organization. The
members are among the most intelligent
classes of the country to day , being skill
ed in metals , thrifty in industry mid , us
a general tiling , well voraed in sciences
and mechanics. The scum of the trade
is all outside of the association. They
make good wages and can save con
siderable. Much of their earnings
go into their association's treasury ,
thus creating a money power that
all writers ngroo Pn . "
the kevstono of success in tradoa-union-
Urn. More relinemout among thorn than
among the lower classes of tlio labor tile
ment , they are never known to wort to
violence or mob law in ( itrikf , lockouts
or di'iiiauif * for increased wsgi'M. Thep1. .
gantio Mid generally nuoocaiful 8tn .t
they iwYjfc conducted in hUyi' " * f" '
corr b rali n cf that statement , fill
glrcs thorn the popular approval. Then , , the nianufac'urera admire their or
g < n zUion nnd freely pxprcss their eat
isfastion at having to deal with ono mater
or a committee of five , every year in th (
matter of wages inttcid of 11)0,000 ) mot
individtrally. The present president ,
HOD. Wilarn ) Wt-iho. n puiidlor formorlj
in a Pittsburg mill , is a mnmbej of the
Pennsylvania legislature. The previous
president , John Jarrott , in at present
eotretary of the Tin Plato Aisncitlon 5
protective organizitinn of manufacturers ;
was recently cindidatn for' Congress ,
arid wai named by President Arthur aa
commissioner of the Notional Bureau of
Statistics. Ho was also a puddler thrao
yearn ago.
M8T OB1 1
. ; In thn postoiHca at Omaha Sntur-
tiny , N'ov ember 22 , IBtt ;
Allen V W Abbott O
AHx T Andrnws J : 0
AnnberfrM Alln fl
Atkinson 1' Abbott HI.
Uroilcrfon > I Jloweri 0 i !
BuUitCW Burke M & Sra
Brown .1 I'ergori J
Boll J A BowihmMr
Badger G Bowen H
Uolcht-rt ] I Bartholomew II M
Christian * uu J V Carlson O 1
Cole W Castlei W W 2
Camp W A Christomon A
Clenry A Crawford ( J K
Collins ( V , Chrlsti Mison 11
DavoyC Uo Bough C W
UaltonV Dcmnan fj-1 ,
Unwy W Donifhorty T
Dillon if
Khrhiut L Kvnni It
HiiKolsmati it Kvane ( ! 0
Kkhurt .1 j-jjintinda 1' W
Krnbcrtr 1' i !
) ' 'faming .1 At Vay li
l-'itch W C Korkncr M
Vitztrerold 1' M
Goldman A Gormus M
Graves .J H Grenn < I A
GallJger H
llorrin ? W it Ci > Hanson P
] Icndersnn J T' Halliday J , \
Hnnpcll C Humphrey C
HUSH M Hullwrgu K
Hewitt K 2 Hughes J
IIiilTKT Hnfi 1)
MaUmanJ Hamilton 1.
lloin U Helm J
Holmes W A HIjjRS Jl
Hcingartnur P Hnuion 1 *
Hull OK Hinye/v
HunrtF Ik'rstH
HeuniiigH UiiinnT
.Incobn.l Judge M
Juctnon C ] ) .TU.JHOII 1 {
-losopli. ) .I.-iokel J
Jamrfl W J Johnson H
Jonpntten V H Jt-nscn C
Kctth D Knuick C
Kullo / M Lvhrty (
Knrcliur Ci Kittloll U
KennoilyWH K.ilcr II
Kiniieur 1 11 ICirl 1C
Uo C 11 l.yon W K
"Lown J Jf J coH K
] < ayelleA Lampl J
i uitchT r.iloiilo P X
liCilingwoll 0 A Ijango Tj
Luisy II I/impiuf ; T
I.araon A
Mullengcr W U McKay T
" *
Mason A MilUr U J
McCormick S S Majsey C
Motinder X 15Murphy J
Mclnetnoy J May li W
Nnglo M Newhall W A
Nowumn W Nowinan O
IS'owtou L W Nulvo C
Newton K
O'LijRou J O'Hanlou I'
Olcsou 1' Overtoil A
O'Toolo M Olton M 2
Oldenbufg II
1'cck W P I'cntiRtio W
1'al i-r O Valousky C
1'avnt J 1'careon 1' " M
Palmer 1 > S
llahmon B llosnvist J P 2
Kyan 1) Hadloy U V
Kandall N A Keicbatein L
KobliiiH T Ityan M 1) 2
Ueinillard M C Kuslicr J
Uamoy J 2
Shopliprd I ) 1" HchmertBch F T
Smith R M Scarlea W G
StvleH A U Salisbury lj M
Scbatiold A S Hayer 0 & Co.
Shnrician W SauiekJ
ShiMyW HlgucroS
Shalfor II hvsnaon K
ThoinpHon C Tucker M K
Tomsoull Thierry. !
Thorning J
Vaslmy V li
Wilson E Wheeler O
Whittomoro G Watt KO
Wakeficld A M Wheeler S
young II Yoru J ,
Yauehtor A YuibuchcaA
Audoraon C K A'len Mra UK
Adorson Mra M
Bowerraan U liulck Mrs A
lirnmior Mina TJ Iri8anmn ! Miss A
ISnrcluy Min K liuttrick L.
Huuklt-y Mrs N K lUinicy Mra J
Brown MIES J lionner T
llcekmnn Mipj A U
nunnlnglminMra A C'llius Mr ,1 It '
Cloud .MM G A CrnlK JVHns M
Craft Mm C Convln Mrs \V Ij
CookoMrsJ H CUrkMral )
Doliium I- ' Diigand Mra H
lee Mr-t A V IJouaglmo Mils J
Dowald Mian li Den Miw I'
DlroH.i C liilliin Mra M
! -rsl.-y : Mini L
1'raiuheim MrH M A I'llcl : Mrs 1 ;
' ! rooms MrH M J Galogur MM Ij
"libson Miss M Gtlmoro Minx B
iiHIMraWH Go.ilMmi :
lleiidiicksoiiMiaxN IIfool Mrs A
llarvcrMissJ Jlowrl Mrs J W
Houch Mra L
loscphsim Mls H M .Ttuios Miss M A
ICltcb.'ii Misa J King Mn H
l.ooMUalj l.nmon Miss A 1' .
I.ustciMra 1) U LeanMlsaL
UomMiisA Mitchell Mrs 0
Mitchell MIPH J 2 Murphy Miss F
Mak-hi Mra J Marlay Mi s H
\lonrof Mra M Mcl'arty Mrs 14 JC
Mi-Niillv M ! 8 N Moora Mien H
S'ilMinKM NnNonMraL
Sllson Mi'slI Ij Ni'i-sdii ' Misx O
3'J.rlliir Mrn K O'lWIly U 1 ,
Oiiia S I )
I'ryor H 1'rihhlu M
1'uh.Mr MM J W 1'hippnl ,
KobhiBun MifflK UaVton MIsa K.
Uo ej Mrs J H W
JunloyMrflM Smith Mra B
toorr Mrs O Stoltenborpr Mm T
Shopliard Mr 1 * Swawon Mis M
iclilckstii'f , ' Mh.i Jj Hundlwrg Mra A
SUt'lly MUa T .SchiiiiiU MUa A
jtoher Ml a 1 Stolior MUs U
Shepli.ird Mra Jl
rliorpo Mrs S
XVulton Mi'w 1- Wiluon Mrs K
\VuMon Ml. * i , Walt ! Mi.a X
Wolf Miaa S Way MrH J , M
Wiuhter Mir. S Wnddlo 1
KOI urn cu\s.s.
Klrst Kuril T\vlnp.
Aa the soiison advances , tlia pains and
achua by which rlicuinntiain inukcs itself
known , ro exporiwiced after every ex-
poauro. It ia na'i claimed that Flood's
S\rcaparilla ia a r > pecitio fur rheumatiam
we doubi it tl'xiro i" , or can bo , such a
remedy. Hot the th.uijands benutited
by Llond'a Suynparilla , warrant un In
urxu.g oiliors who uull'er from rhoumatiiui
to take it before the first keen twingo.
Tim Gordon expedition his
coat Hoglnnd
For dia/rhoca. cholera murbus , dyson
iry ml blojily-tlux , colic or cjamps , use
Ur. 1 Si * rcu'nUtiin pound Kxtreet of Hmirt-
\Vonl. \ SEcliv : % rtlao , for breaking up
, . , , , Bi | i - *
niiuco dies { .ir Thankigivtivjfiii
thfl lioatoil Troiafttt'l J uie f'ot TlQt
Iniiiiirn Illnnil , Knliirlmf liHNntiit
umi Nrtirnluln.
Jtlsttn unfniliinT n n-ci5y for iM aops of 'h ,
KlitiK'jn anil l.lrpr.
It IH itivirltmlilo for PI PH5M fioo'ill.'tr W
\Viminn , ami nil So lonilsriUiiturj' lives.
fruliioo romtipitinOAT /
itcnrirliesninl purifier th.
Ihoappotlto.nlila the usslmlliitlr/n of roe < lre-
tit- i Hcnitti'irn ntiil liclrMtin ,
in' tlin ninvolcs nnil utrvc !
Pur Intotinllti'iit Kovor- ! , .
iin sy , c. , it liai no ttiual
fir Tim RC milnc linn nliovo trniln mnrk ftn-l
{ recoil rcil lint-son wrapper Tnkn noothi '
rt o ll. IIUOW rllBJlllll , HI. . IIJI.TIJIOHV. .
Kver ollorcd lo
The tteamshlpg of thlo well-known line are bnllt
iron , In water-tight oompartmento , and are furnish1
3d with every requisite to make the passage botli
life and acproeable. They carry the United State !
ind European mallo , ami leave New York Thura-
3 jT ! auJ BaturdujB for Plymouth ( LONDON ) Choi
bourpt , ( PARIS ) and nAMHUHO.
Rates : Btcerego from Kurojw only 18. First
Cabin , ? i6 , (65 and { 76. Btooine ; , fin ,
Uenry Pundt , Mark Iltnscn , F , K. Moorofl.M. Toft
wjontsln Omaha , Orcnowee&Schocntgon , Bzcn
Council BIuBa. C. B : UIClJAHD fc CO. , Gon.
Art 3. , ( II Broadwtr , N. Y. Cbaa. Koiinlnskl is Co
Qencral Western Ac-inta , 170 Wuhlngton St. , Chic
& 0.1U.
. V 'ij-ChurlercilbytlieStateofllll
ncnr fop tlieexprcsspurpcis
\ ' e.-'r- < . f ! ; iit Lossi . by Driams , Pimples on
he t .u c. L.OM Manhood , i tiaitli'flj/otrni , fliertt
i , 'riin , nittu ! . TJ.5 nppropriatc rt.r.
dtvnre u' = rt In each cue. Consultations , per-
oal ulv letlfr , iacrrdly confidential. Hed-
j < -i ns'it bv Kail and Express. No marks on
ACC.1L1 : 11 indi.itc conteuts or sender. Addtesi
. , Chcsgoll ? ,
VARICOCELt S8f.4 ! ! noot IT '
iKK. Avittimofjoiithfiillmpriiiienoo
rromnturo I > ecajrti > noi ] Dfbimr , Ixist
. , tc .liavinc triwl Inaln ertry knoHn
.HilUcnvBrKilniimpleniiiiinHofsrlf ura ,
whk'tl lin , / ( : BHiiiJ nir.i ; . to IUH fnllow-BUlIonira.
drt-iia , J.II.imi.Via , 43 Chatham SUJf iw York.
Will , -iim NIIiwi , Lnni'uiI I ' um I-IMII riirnlTut'
fi . AM limn , , , ' . i'i i' I'M
in. II i i ,1 - s n ] , -I , i. n -
hii > ' III- I ilir-'i. l-t . - , . I i - | i v J , ii h A I
ra ihitt ni > iil iht1 1 li 11 , i u u l n i'i t-'ihi i ) M u.-'l , .li
Doiij , uajtl iau l > o ruitturjiuU lu uu ln& itut b. ) lliu j luionu
Winter la cmsn , the soasono tlioyutr for aches
> ntl palne. Inluwcl this farfwue r l"iy ono
I'r. Homo's Fltctrio H lts. liy so doing yon
vold HhoutnatUm , Kidney Trimbles and olhor
that ( lean Is heir to. Io not delay , bat mil at
otllcoMidexamluo bcltn. No. 14S2 Doadas htmo
0. F Goodman'a. mo F ru m flt..0uuili , Neb ,
IctR f | ) l n O D
PtoicU AMDIUOM Oo. , ol 021 , C'
'I , 7 , , CtplUl OOD,00 ( .
mUeroUkrb , of Ne u1r , K , J. , C&iilltl 1,576,00 ; ' .
tarJ Klre , l'hl. ' iehU ) ! , upllil. . . . ] , ? n-J , cn
eci'.n' * tTnif r | > |
IS DWm 13V
Royal Havana Lottery !
Drawn ofc Havana , HViba , Every 12
to 14
S.ibJorJ > o no mtnlpnlitlo'i , not oantrollul lly tb
parties Li InU'rcjt It Is VM Ulievt tjtn in th
aatursoJchanoetn nilitcsw.
Forlrooviuatlonand ji ri > otJ rs apply loOUIBBT ,
CO.O n. Aaent , 1S12 BrDajway , N Y , city.
E , KAUU A CO. , 417 Wa.r.uJ street , St. Luuls Uo
ir VtKi'x Lobrmio , L. D . Su Wyindnttv , Kui ,
| y VJ-mA fc w Iv
On. K 0 West's Njiayi ADD HnunTBJiis.Mimt , a
rcArxttKodcpeclfk'.cr Ilyiterla , t'ulnoso , C&nvul-
tiiiBA , Mts , Ner\oo Nonralijla lUidaclm , Nerioub
fiuKbiktiou onUHiiby l-iae usu oliuuuhol o toulncio ,
VVatefulnou. Uiili : l depiebhlm , 8rftoiicx ' tlio
irji , raiultitK In , ( neanlty and Ictpln' ' ; t wils
( oca > mJcatA. \ . I'rvauturt OWau , iWcuns ,
iljowirm eitV\cis < x , In. ! I. * - > < i.ji-1 > iper
ai U.rboraoay.-i hy over oxi'tjt-viiof liu brati , sd !
sbjso or ( nor iiuliilvcii'o. Kult buj , ( uuUlns ou
nonth's tie taicbt ( l.OOatox.n vti tMttk'a td
15. 00 , sent by u.a.'lpre | > aM on Kj.iuipl ol pjlce ,
rocnruiav Citaa. With t cb order laoolvodbq uu
( or alx bclUm , acooraj'ikV l ullh Ji.00 , r > wil. | < wr.d
lhopuich 8tourwr 'Un ituoj nto to rjlur l tht
ucuoy It th trv-itrao tidponnrl uflorta onto. 3j i
lutcuiliHUcd only by JOHN C : WEST' i ) ,
Jy . ' . * ( ? tt Uadl on St. , Ohlcfcfo 111
, , , M. D ,
Physician & Surgeon
Uetlldeuo No. 1107 Jones St. Oiiice No. 1600 Far
nam etrwil OtHro hours 12 into , p. m. and liom !
to s p. uu TtileS'-Sone lor O , M T , tulibwtt W ,
The romnrkablo grorrth of Omsha
during the lost few years Is a matter of
great natoniahniout to thoaowho pay at )
occasional visit to thia growing city. The
development of thu Stock Yards the
necessity of the Bolt Line Iload the
finely paved strcoto the hundreds of now
residences nnd coatly business bloclu ,
with the population of our city moro then
doubled In the last five years. All this
is n great surprise to viBltora and Is the
admiration of our citizens. This rapid
growth , the business activity , and the
many nubetantlal improvements madn a
lively demand for Ouinha real estate , nnd
ovoiv Investor has raado a handsouio
Sinoo the Wall Street panic last May ,
with Iho subsequent cry of hard times ,
there has boon less demand from specula
tors , but a fair demand from inventors
seeking homes. Thia latter class are
taking advantage of low prices In build
ing material and are securing their homca
at much leao cost than will bo poaaiblo a
year hence. Speculators , too can buy
real oflta' ' 3 cheaper now and ought ta take
ndvant proaont prices for futur
profi s
r i few years promises groato
vo'ipmcnto ' in Omaha than ttw pa * ,
li years , which have I jcu us good s
o could reasonably dca ro. ITow mao
ttfnctnrlng establishments and largoan
bing houses ara added almost weekly , jo
all add to the prosperity of O.-niha. an
There are many In Omaha and through-
bat the State , who have their money In
the banks drawing a nominal rate of In
terest , which , if judiciously Invested In
Omaha real estate , would bring thorn
much greater returns. We have many
bargains trhich wo are confident will
bring the purchaser largo profits In the
near future.
Wo have for sale the finest resi
dence property in the north and
western parts of the cifcy.
North we have fine lots at reason
able prices on Sherman avenue , 1 7th ,
18th , lath and 20th streets.
West on Faruain. Davenport ,
Cumiug , and all the leading streets
in that direction.
The grading of Fariiam , Califor
nia and Davenport streets has mnde
accessible some of tlio finest and
cheapest residence property in the
3ity , and with the building of thu
street car line out Farinun , the iiro-
perty in the -western part of the city
ivill increase in value.
We lso have the agency for tliw
Syndicate and Stock Yards proper-
.y . in the south part of the i ity. The
levolopuients made in tins section
> y the Stock Yards Company and
ho railroads will certainly double
he pricw ui a short. tiinn ,
We also have BOIII fine
ots and some elegant inside n-si-
p for si le ,
Parties wishing to invest will find
OHIO good ourKHIDb U > CfllllllKOll U.
South Mth St ,
13et. voen Fanj'hnm anJ Douglas.
1S. . " > Vft ask thoao who luiva
roperty for 'sale at nbargnin to give
sacailVe want only bargains.
Ye will prv .itivoly not handle prop-
rtv fit EDCrethau tin real value.