.AHA JL JLJLt . FOUKTEEOTH YEAR. OMAHA , NEB. , TUESDAY nlOKNING , NOVEMBER 25 , 1884 , NO. 135 JUNKETlrfu RANCHERS. The Bxciusimi TQtir of the Stock Men. Greeted With Boyal Courtrsies tit All Points , The Garden City's Brilliantly Elaborate "Reoeplioni Sat'ponding Busiaose at the Stock Yards , /Imusing T rforuiEnoe of the Cow Boy Band Tlio Kvcicrsloiitst Ir franit c Pn > - pfi TlHlt ft Ouiiitux Xho 'Hornc ' Siieciid telegram to THE HKK. Cincyao , November 21. The cowbsy brass bind , which scccniuantod the Colorado Cattli linisoTs' association to Chicago , elicited lorn applAv-sc by their performance In the Palme : hott-OTotunda this forenoon. The perform1 unco was the frgnal for the stock ynrds excur fcioniat ) to fona in a procession uud march tc th-j M ichlgan Southern deot , where a speci train awaited them. The party numbere nbout 200 and bcbinJ was a squad of police snap. Near the Mouroo stroofrentranco to th .hotel the band took tip Its position nnd w .ltoi for thoiprocc siou to 'form. A zero brecz blew from the northwest nnd the muditinn ikept thc'r lips to tholrnoutli pieces of the ! iinsirumonts for fear their lips would freeze ti 'the ' mouth pieces a little Inter when the open in , " toot was callnd for. When it was callec for the big double bass was mutj and it owner dashed into n bcrUer shop to thaw i. out. When ho got boob tha other installments had succumbed to the icy temperature. Th. drums , however , wrro not sutlicieutly cou goaled to bo quite useless , and to their inspir ing rat tnt-tas the procession marched to the d-spat , Hanked on e ther side by crowds , twice itssi'-o , nttrac.od by the broad , vvfciti som breros nud huge Spairsh spurs clinking rby Hi metic'vlly on tliu stone pavement At the da- pot tin ovciiHion p-trty h d swelled until it > Slled four coichos very comfortably At the meeting held nt 10 a. in , , It was arranged that thosd who wished to take advantage of the excursion to St Pnr.l , tendered bjtlio Ohio aago , Milwaukee & St. Paul road , should re- ; > ortatthu hotel ot2co during the evening. ' ( ThetMin will start at midui ht , and those who \vi li to return to Clncngo or to Omaha can do HO free of cl.aige. Many of the Color - r rado party will go from St. Paul to Omaha , wbilo tlios.3 from To-.as will return by way of Chicago. The hprco raisers of tha association ncsepted an invitvt on to visit tl.o farm of MnrkV. . Uunharr , a well knuwn breeder of Porchernn-Nornuvn hordes They will rottuii in time to board the excursion train. ClilCAGONov em.er ! 25. [ Assoi-iatod Pi ess ] r T The westein ttuoh men Bpent the daj at the toclc yards unii vvcro dmod ut the Transit liouH1. To morrow most of them leave for St. Paul. A KVicae OH- AhClOV 0V TUB KOMK HOUSE Ol1 HUB If hVBIPOE AOCOSKII Or 1JIAUI ) AND I Klin. LOUIIVIM.B , 2Jovombor 21 A pensition was croited hero to-Uiiy by tha publication in the Hustan Knigl.U of Honor Observer , clurgiug that t'.jbert J. Ureckocndgo , late supreme treasurer of the Knighti oC Honor ; is a defaulter by § 100,003. lasidentally tlio s imo paper roferf to Ureckenridgc na "Rival Captain Kidd. " In addition to its local le- port , tlia Obsun-ar o litan illy arrii ns ISraLk- uaridio as tiemir r.r vi itiblo for lar ; o sunn of money "to wului/3 ancl orphans ot departed bratbron. " Tno Observer is editjd < jy n Mr. Gumming * , who is on intimata terms with ( ieiuril Slo.it , stprmndiet itoruf the Knights - if Honor , nndV. . Hrauch , who ( iiicnoded Hra K3iiri'0'oas H iiireuni ) treasurer , lirfckun- iidfaix iu thu icynutl denioj tha ohargfs , moiijuncnu t'ie v/h ilu tUmg a tissue of talnu hood. Siil by "I hive rocnvod money which lus iut IHOII ] > ai 1 out , I w.ih ordered by the chancery c mrt to pay ivt mure benefits after Octobar IS last , and I ob yoil tlw order. I or this roisuii. l ieid n now a coumderabie ninonnc in the P-'opIo H bank to thu credit uf i Jii Knights of Houur ' The pnnornl opinion among the niuinUtrsof the Knightsof lionor is th it tnu ch irgn is uoc trui ) . lircckuuildga Mill HUO for liucl. ITEI ) OJNIC1T OVKIl THE BUSPiCTKIl CIIIOACO ULUiTIONJJtAUDS CHII AIIO , November 21 , The motion for at- ial.mnnt to compel county clerk Uyautc pro duce IH ! tally cliEft of the pell book and bal- .oth cf tha fcicond pracinct of the iighto : ntj .u ijof this city vraa n-gnod in the fodor.il .court . this morning. Tlio nlkUon is miulo that U.i returns fruc-i thn. precinct vveio taai ptretl with In thu Loin in-Brand senatona' .ctinttst . , and the hnal determination uf which w.ll n.-ttli ) the question uf reputj licr.n or democratic majoniy on the loiut ballot in tl' ) stnto legislature. Ulmlgettcleclartd the com t clearly hadjurid- diction and directed tha county clerk to pro- duo thob illuts , p ill beck and tally shoots 1)9 fore the grand jury v/Ithln one iionr. The grand jury in tin ) inojntlinu adjournid to 2 o'clock thu aCt rnuon. The county cleric ap peared bifort ) the wand tury nt 2 oVi < ck with the tally theu./i nud poll-buuk in rc uunse tu the order of tie court. The ) ury U now on- gagtiii in huaiir.g toHtim < ; uy. Jjcforo Iho grand jury re unvened , ar attor ney a | > ; : eared btforu , lu/jgo lilodgett eariug he reproaentcd th * ctndidnle fjr Itiu IIUUHU of reproientativaa of the vtituji i < laluro whoso diitiicf included ' .tin dlHiuted | precinct , that , nccuidtiifr to the returns msuia , his t liuut was d ( leuted , but ti cat ho hid Impos t' at a recount ( if tlio baliuis in a reulur ; uhctlon ( ' ( inttHt would dhow Ills client ch cttd , tnd , finally , Unit il thn foJur.i ! gra'id jury vvcro ttllowpd > > handle the ballu'.H it would prejiidico hit , cl'i'iits cmittrft. ( Jii ikn Jlateiiu-nt tlwj judgH dHtidod to heir furtlt r argvim-nt tomun uid ordenxl u'ur ' , mil. " icfaniiine tha jui ) ehuuld nut liavo ui.cem in the ballots an i Ouunty < Itrk Ityan Uierefurt appeared before that f d.v nt 2 u'rluuic with i lily hu pill book nnd UHy th"ot , uhlUi worn ikKpecUd by mi ox pert from tha nib treasury JUKI Uio result of lli u | f.\ion u not inado jiubln iii i ' ! tun iiii < ; riAJt'DK. I I hJU'lli ) ! : I VUi H'.OM Hl.lt JltLLOON AT Kl l-Al/A AH. Lturu. Ala , Nuvemb-r M.-About . ' 1,000 ilu in att'/idaiao n. the fair no going os hete vvlliioMud the balloon aiconsion of Mi. * Nt'lllw Leburclu ) lint Uternoun , b t v.iru no ; piepartd fur its . .Ufioit fatal result. Shu M the pupil of l'nif - r J. N J'n.t , Mid thU wus her tfnnn J u ciii-i" , ttie lirit iio nniig * ' . tlio MinUn. Ala , f ilr I nt w k. The Uli .iJonaiit iii..ii'inid . I" nLout 2.000 feet ii the ulr , ml ttd > greeting from thy d.iii LI. fiiwlpititWB i o- p'w n l.iw Kii'JiiU "he wa u uovttfo ( be ciuvk.l ruiit the air with cheers and clapptd lliolr hand * in-PpUud of her nervu , ud saw , w.tb ft ( ling * " ' relief , the great air ji ontttr l"l * : ! ' * dwrwcr ) / there a Hrent anxiety lest something pV.ouhl happen to itr. Slowly the balloon cano down. Hover- like bird In the ns ; in indeciMon It seemed a r looking for place to nllgrt , and then. Hh a moro rapid movement , It wont inward nd downward toward n clump of trees. Vhether Mi s l.cbirrcho lost her balance or er head is not known , but when the balloon vas about half n tnilo from the st-vttlug point nd yet a considerable distance from the rounl , the crowd of gai-ars were ppallcd to sco her leave the ilen- er trpOfo bar ou which she t , nnd the ballc-vn proceed without her. bho \isiblo between earth and sky the frag- icut of a second , and the screams of women nd children foreshadowed an awful fate for or , People from all directions followed the jourso the bftlluon Ind taken , and noon the air grounds tvere emptied ol the syiiipithu- tig men auJ horror stricken women aud hildren. Arriving at the scene thn poor girl vas found stunned from the shock , but , trnngo tu say , no bones broken. Physicians , quickly in attendance , administered morphine lypodenHcally to ease her suffering , when ho w KS brought to the hotel In this city , whore aho now lingers under the Influence hodriif. The extent ol l.rr Injuries rlll lot ho itov eloped until to-motrow , Al'UQIMSrlO PAUSOX. .N IrflANA JIINHTKH TAKK3 FISTIC HEVIM1E WON A L1IIEI.LOUS KUllOlt. lipaANsronr , November 21. The Sun lay before election Itov. W. 12. Loccl.s , pas- or of the First Presbyterian church , preached against adultery and Immorality in politics. Since that time the locsl daily domociatic ) aper has published scurrilous iceintintions -oncoming Louck's character , which were vvico retracted. This afternoon it renew ei : Iho a-sault. Meeting Mr. lcnlhaln , the editor , ou the street , loucks took him to task ib.ut the publicitioH. The editor npphoi an ollenslto epithet to the clergyman whereupon the latter atruck Loutham a \lo ent blow , knocklnr him across tbo sidewalk The preacher stood ready to continue tin ight , but the editor retreated. It Is sail lut Louck's congregation support him in bis nctlun. ri FllAJv'CO-CHlNliSE AVAIL tJlKNCUI VIOTOKIKS. PAHIS , November 21 , As n reprisal for at tack mode by the Chinese upon the French gun boats , Kclair anJ Tremor , on the 19th inst. , on thoClalr river , while Ihey were re- victualling tl o garrison at Tu Yuen Wnu , Gen. DaLislo telegraphs to attack Blackll igs and Chinese regulars entrenched In fortified works near that placo. The French forces captured the fortifications French loss , eight wounded. Iho men killed cud tvvouty-livo Chinese evacuated the Tom ? Kan valley. Duchesno next day stormed without Ions , three fnrtiF.ed villages , and destroyed or cap tured all ILo enemy's supplies. Tno enemy is iu full rotrent , taking refuge In the mountains and foreetc. TlicSlorni in tlio BOSTON , November 21 During a storm last night the Fitchburor K'y Co , s hay and storage shed , -KM * feet long , was demolished. In Forfolk county much damage was done. Trees were uprooted , and feucoj aud chimntys blown down. NEW YOIIK , November 21. Tloitoim con tinues here but the damage is not seiious. The heavy ratu last night welcomed , in it extin guished forest fires that were threal ning vil lages and alarming the peoplo. PUOVWENM : , November 21. In Newport the wind b'ov fifty miles nn hour. At Klls- worth , Maine , several schooners were driven No IOJH of lifo reported , Iowa UMurnH CHCIAAO , Novembei 21. The Intar- Ocem sp ciid says tint the Iowa Loard of can vasteis completed the canvass of the returm fur presidential electors to-dny with the foi lowing rcsf.ltIJlaine , V.)7OS1 ) ; fusion , 177- 2bU ; republican plurality , lt ! , 03. It is im- powiblu to nx Iho St .John uloctors exactly as theio vvna no uniformity amotif ; the b 'Hots throughout the htito. The St. John vote however , vvns close to 2,000. The cinva s of the eongres'ional and btato mturna will begin December ' . Tlio C. & N W , Ulvldonil. NKW YOHX , November 21. hu Chicago nnd Noithwestern Kailwny Co , dhcctors declared a dividend of two per cent , on pre ferred stool : and three and ono half p ° r cant. on common , paynblo December 20. Vice- Pic'sidont Sykos t.in the compm h is oarmd sufliiientin Iho five months ending November 1st to wu-rant moro than I ho payment of diiidcndo. 'Ihopiotits fur Nuvcmbur will bo ah largo ns thu gross earnings und amount to nearly Uro millions. Go NH You 1'lcnhc TjOSliov November 21. Thu , pu-dnys pe destrian go as 5011 please begin at 11 to-dny ut the acrmnri.ini , for the Antic ; belt. Thu contest will eontimiu twelve houtr each day. Theio were twelve ttaitors , no no of whom were American. ! The naincH uf the ci > mpoti. turs nre as follows ; liovvell , l/ittlowaod Vaudt1 , Peer , P ( ttit , UirgjnVron Cartwiight , 1'ranVH , ( itari < o Maton , P , JMacCaity , ( > . Con nor , H. Hart. JNKVV YOIIK , November 24. At nuneoting of 10 Uaptist ministers to day Hov. Mr. I'hillipM olFored n resolution that thn association du- claru Itself nottaipontiblo for the "wild utter- nmos" of Hov. Dr. Justin 1) ) . I'nltoii at the last week'd Bo'Hion. Thu resolution was not seconded and tLn m.ittt r was droppjd. Itov , Dr. Talmago tl ir. made nn nddrocH on ovulu- liun. ih' canvass , Srni.Vi.HFi.ii , 111. , November iM , The atuto cnnvasnini ! board mot hcio to-day und canvassed thu entire electoral ticket except that of Cook county , which was found to bo Informal , being tigntd by only ono member < ithocanva'iwiB buard , Adjourned till to- iri.rrow pending docieion on the matter by lie attorney general , UBV OIUKA.NH , Noveichor2l. The Timoj. Democrat Mubilo hpeclal , says a cullifion hut night nt Pordldo on UIM Umlsvi'lij ' & Nahli. villa railway between nortl. bound pistongor and H iiitU b iiinil froi/nt. 'ill 3 ongmotr was burned t nloath Six pi'iaecgerH were l.illixl , and many wounded Tlic AilaniH-Oilcililuo CiiN" . I.ONIXJJ. , Novemhor i.J .fuigo Mnmdsly , uf the court of iU | ( cn'ri bt-ncli , order" ! ) n ntuy uf oxfcution ( ii the Adiiiih ( ijlerldgc case , The judica explained his action liiturd.iy in uvtrrnliiif ; thu vnrcilct of till jury was takou in til1 ; interest ut both pirtmn , A llOlllhlllllM ( CllI.O NKW ( Juu.tN . November 24 A rycluno Ktnick St. John's [ ; irUh Satiaday , ci-uiliigl * > i of life und property. Tlm rtnldniuki uu the Martin nnd I'urrct | 4iutitiiii ( WOIH cuiuplatxly deiuulished. Aiut lie I'm rut was inktaiitly kilh < i Tlm rcsldmicnu'i Mlal iret'j pUutattun was deitroyol und MUUrut klllotl , 'J'lio Itay him i CJjun\ > 4 ( liosrov Nou-mbnr 21. An pRrthqiukn , ic- purtud inUIKIH furt uf New Jfnmpt-birt , vuiH felt In thU viulnlty also , at 12.10 , 'I ( if lKl > tnci ! Hi-lit. CAIUO , November 21. KiisHi alui deniHiic'u rejirusentatlun in the Caisiie do la Dt'tto Pub- ISurncd , KVASSTON , 111. , November 24 , 'I ho Con grcgatioDal church beta burned lint m rjuK- ! J/oss ? 0,000 , QUAKER PUGILISM. " [ to Fnoeial of Gloc ? Fights in New York , " The Mitchell-Burke fiasco at Madison Square. V Large Audience ( of Policemen aud Reporters ! ) Ihreo Desperate Rounds , Ravisad Gospel Rules- A. Disgusting Travesty ou tbo Mauly Arti V Fljtrt Without * Winner an Hx- titbltlnn Wltlioiit ApplnnKC Hiul oCi'iilillo Spnrrlii ; ; , New YOKK , November 24. The imn.lt talkcd-of boxing match between Charles litcholl nnd Jack linrkv , whovvoro to ha\o 'ought eight ruinds under Marquis of Queonsbury rules , In Madison Square garden to-night , turned out to bo a liatco. About ,00 , spectatots anil fifty reportois went to see the gi oat exhibition of "spmriiiB for points. " Among the 5CO were the police , captains of v ailous precincts of the city , who had been pecmlly ordered to bo present. Ono sport remarked , "This Is the funcr.il of glove fights in New York. " AtlOo'clcek Mitchell nnd Burke nppenred on the singe , accom panied by Billy Madden. Hob Smith mi- nouncod that "In conseqnoncn of the Interest taken in matches by tlm district attorney and police , nnd from ft desire that all prcecnt should bo nblo to get homo in time to drown their Borrows Messrs. Mitchell nnd 13urko would ; gi\o Clunker exhibition of sparring in three rounds , according to the Litest rules of the peace society. " The men were dressed in ilnin wlnto tights nnd dru er * . When 'timo" WIIH called , they ndMincod toward each other , ottered the right hand of poid follow- Hhip , and then drew back to admiioonch other They "chucked" each other under the chin , nnd smoothed ono another' . ) checks In rcnlly affectionate wny ouco or twice. When the first tl.reo miuulos vvero over they gracefully boned nnd retired to their cornerB. Tlio croud which hnd incrensed to perhaps 1IOJ persons groaned feelingly , but the hghtt ra only milled. The second and third rounds wuni bimilar. Unco Mitchell pushed his chosk against liurlvo'a glove. for which Iwrko apolo gised. Then Mitchell patted his opponent' right cheek , nnu in scriptural fashion , Mirko turned tha left tu bint. Another time when llurlcc got close enough to Mitchell , tlm lattci put his glove i > 3 far ns ho could iu the funner'n - mouth i-o it went on until the third lonud was < ver. A moru dingiihtod crowd tlnn tlnl which left the garden II.IH Bt-ldom been s'-en u tills or any othei city. 'Ihoto was no deciBior ns to who was the winner , but thut would - Invo been of no usp , nn there was nothing t divide between the mi'ii. JlI3NimiCI\S AT NKAViUUC. DBMOC1I\T10 IHUIONSTtlATION' AM > HI'ttFCII 111 - TUB VICl1 1'IIKHIIII.XT hl.KLT AT MZW.UtK - .V. .1. NEWAHK , N. J , November . Tlie demo , crnts had n gre.it meeting of rejoicing to-night Aftpr the parade , Vice President elect Hun drloks said : "It is nnpoHsiblo for mo to nd : drei i yon nt length I think you , men o Now Jersey , for the honoryouh'ivo ' done ( ! ov Cleveland nnd mjsolf nt t ho recent el oction i.i [ Cheers. ] 1 hn\o no honor possible to bo en joyed by any man greater than that whicl : is 01 pressed in the confident ! ! of the peeplo - and llicro ! a no mode of cxprosHin tliat confidence higher than UN ball-it in the bo < c. [ Cheers ] Oi the fourth day of this month , Now Jersey did oxpreps ner judgment that wo should lie the chief olhcors < f HUB country That judg- mi nt stands and will hlun i former , bai-auso umu/h of tha other Htitas hnvu concurred in th.it judgment of the nation under tin constitution of the Unik- 1 Stitui F ir the part Unit you have iiorno in that pravo and responsible work , 1 oxprois In you my hi n tore thanks nnd roganls. To the .Sullivan club of the tity of Nmv York ( u part of the seier.ading body ) I derfio to express my thanks mvciy special twins They l.avodoii to ( ino who H doan r 1 1 mo thnn my ou n lift honor tj night. It wni imiHiihiblu tliat him should lo hero to icreivo this honor at tin it bands. They d ( tire to oxpiu's to Imr tlitii respect nnd tin ir regard foi this banner the beautiful biumer thnt expresses cm inutucl love for Iiolmid. ( Chcero I Up n thnt banner it was wiitten by heiiojlfusUci / tu Ireland , " u f cntlmont that , nil men of nil na- lions and nil kliidrodu of the ( tan I ought to respect nnd honor JiiHtioc to Inland thulium fivcn J'nglnud her lirmut soldiers , Ireland , tint Ins sent U thU country of oim , meti who Iiavn fought In all the warn , men who have helped this whole land men who have illimtrntod the slrtiUM ol civili/aLon und Cliriutianity " A II < ; VIOISI1 DICKI ) . A WUSIAlCrt KATAL rilK\THKNT AT I.IK IIA.MIf Or A MINIsrUIIIMI HPIUlrlMMfel. Cn.veu.Kll , November 'ZA \ Herald npec ial to-night from ( iamblir reporla that Mrs \Vn kcr , living two mllui from town , liiy 11 and , boin ) ; a ] iliitimli > l , refund uiedical aid but wnn piiKuaded tJHiibnut to trcatimnt hj n in b n nui/jucl IJiirrnvvH , wlut Nild ho WHH i moihiun under thu i lliicucn uf the Hjiltlt of m Indian thief , liunotvs faid thnt tin I woman WAH nlfticti'd by dovili wide ) hoproceoled to drive out by bonting hit about thti held aud shoulders and other wim maid eating htr , In con eiiionco | ot whith slu itiud hut Wednesday , after co'nlig to LlW.OXli : AITKII JIK HAD xainiuir-hcd the duvi n , Tin n ha InniHU'd that thu evil upiritM cntcrul Ida wifn nn1 ! ho boat her savagely hut KIO Isut u'lvo nnd tin IIIIUDU whuro Mrs , Wclhcrdird win lorkuit ami nib/lv ( pormittud to * nttT it until Hntiudaj wlion ficrouain , Dr Wclkir , foicml Ids wn\ in uikd fiiund horuirfifo Htrctclnxl on thu | H d ! in a HUtu uf nudity. L'nloHS Iturrown \ < nu to ho lusanu ho will lo tried for mnnulaughlor TllO O. It III' ( 'III' wo , N'lvenih.'r 'Jti. "IJnclo" is Hutch of Now York jiaBtid through Chicugi [ "I am jukt frinn thn coiivuntl'in uf cuttlcmci In .St. louiH , " .tld he , ' 'althdiiffh I went thru ' an it dole /ato. It was \ * . \ coiivuntlon , bill not altupatln-r bariuoiiiniix und I imagine tli tl , iH.ir ( ult uf the jo.ilniM /ii'ilin / i-tliiijltid thcro will \ > two Stuck ( Jrowtrn * ufb'u intiui fo/inei ) , oiiu fur the mntli und uu * fur the l-olltll " 1 ho St. I Miid fioaplo HtnrtriJ the w 'iwrne fur the furuiutlon of u natiunal ; i Miciation ( tient ciinnlddiablo inoiuiy , und oxpd ted abe it mx hundred delfgitUs ut tin ) coiivtiiition , Much tu thlrmupri o lher vu r hetwceii 1 , ; < W or 1 ItOJ dcleg to ] in iii , but the ninth - Teian , Now MM c i and AnIM Iwd nv ry' tlnnjf rlitlr < iun wa > , being HII 1 r ely in the ' majority. This nouihern ( leh'gatnm , lioti < vtr , Included a ( ; rcat many men whu nuvt r owntnl tilher COM' ni hull and it becJi/tc / tivdcntti ! < the northern delegate * . that tin- convention hftdbnn packed in lhoint e < tof thosrutliern territory. There were two l \x t otako. The northern men woio in favor of liniliig govern ment Und in the north for gracing purinife * , and the Southern men favored the cvtalthMi- inont of a govormnnnt tti l fr.itn ' [ \ > \M tj the Norlhorn limit of the country. Thin scheme Is Impracticable , booinso It would cost too much money and would help the Southerners too much. They mu t bring their entile North any way to fatten , because thilr coun try i only good for breeding purpose * With n good Noi them KMInt territory , and aided by the government , thing * would bo bettor nil around. Accordingly , It U my opinion that union some ftnucnhlo Adjustment i * reached verv tixm between tlic n. ocifttliii" formed in Chicago and Si Inml * , there will bo a regnlir and general dlvmon of the live tock intoroiU of the North nnd South. ' O.VUINKV NKVV YoilK , November S3 CIov eland and Hondricks are roiKirtod to hive hnd n line old row nt Albany yosterdity afternoon. Hin- dricka attempted to advise dovolaud M tullui po'tsiblo formation of hi * cabinet nnd vvns sit down upon. Much lo the surprise of the politicians Vice President elect Ilondricks returned I torn Al bany late on Sftt\irday night and took up his old quarters nttho Fifth Avcimoliutol. It vvns noted by tbu observant man that hn did not trgister hit name and that hli nuniior was not sosoreno as when holcft to go nnd liis principal at Albany that morning , "Why , governor , " romarited nil acquaintance - anco this evening , "what has brought > ov b.vck so BOOH ? " "It wni my intention lo ntny in Albany > ! hour or two only. There Is n pros * of poopli nronnd Mr. Clove-land .congratulating him n present , mid until ho diapoies of them nnd tin novelty of seeing the n xt president vvoarx elF , little can bo done In the way of businois. " Whit do yon think of Mr , Cleveland' " Ho Is n utco Rontloiniu and luxpitiblo , ' VVIIP the reply. Uov Ilendiicks' return gave rise to th rumor that ho and the prosiili-nt elect had hni n dilfurcuco of opinion. This is what vvai caul in whispers hero nnd there to-night vMien Mr llondiicks had ' ited his chic formally nnd commoiiced 1 1 ulng about tin cabinet , Oov. Clovolnnd Ut\v the conversatloi - round to Mr. llondrlcks' liruoklyn mtiuviting that it was too pnincunced for brginumg , that ttey ahould proccoil mort slowly , aud that after nil there was nmph tune to nrrnngo matters before the "ml o March , lbS5. This is aaid ii to hive nnttlec , lr. Ifcndricks , who gave the president. elect to understand ha did no' ft like the Idea of Senator Voorlue nesuining so much nutnnrity in UK langutgo ho hadusodtuspoctnig the next cab inet , etc. AftiM the 8stesinnn from Indialm is laid t h vvci left abruptly. It Is know that ox-Boita tor George W. Jiright , nlta of Indinnn. is clone personal friend of Senator Vooriieoi while ho M not on the best terms with Mi llcmlricki. "llo has n groit Inlluonco eve Ir. Voorhum , " wna the astorlion nf gen tlcmnn who knows it thing or tvvo of politics ISo thli as it may , the souatar and ox-sena tor Wright loft the Gilsey hou'o together thf livening , nt ( i.'Jt for Albany In nirnvver to tehgrim , while nt the same time Mr. lien dricks was taking matters cody In his roon nt the Vilth nveuno hotel. * ll ASSA1MXG Tlin IIYDUA. ( HOIIMON TAX nU'OBTll COMKMKt ) . SALT LAKK , November 21 , The Ocntilotnv payeis bo an suit to-dny to resist the cell c- ' lion of a special tax vot'icl by the polygamists in tin ? Seventh ward. _ They allege that the tax is illegal and thi ; the school is conducted in the Interest of tlio Mounoii church , by < Mormon teachers exclusively. This H the fuel test over made in Vn'i uf Iho boctarinn school laws. A Itlonily County Soul SMoollon.H ) \ SIMUOUK , W. T. , November 21. Thu ulier ill started to-iHy with n posse uf eighty inoi , arir.ud with Winchester rlllos , to overpower the mob in poisusaion of the court house at < Divonpirt , who refuse to allow the records to :1- bo t iken tu thin place which vva < ch IHOII Ihu : county scat at the ohclion un the Ith inst. , liluudshud ii probible i. , AVcatlicr I'o-Pny ih ) N , November 21. Upper Mil- h pissippi Warmer , fair weather in thu south . ern | orlion ; warmer , partly cloudy weather and light snows in thn northern portion ; ruuth tu wust vvinds. MI'Nourl : Partly cloudy weather , light snuws In tliunnrthorn portion , wind shifting woit nnd nurthwoat , slight rise in tempera uio. . , November 21. ProsMiru has been brought to bear on the government , by the public indignation at the flogging of prisoners at the instigation nf Attorney ( Jen- i ral Miller , cu great that Iho government has been compelled lo dem uid his rcxlgnalion. Miller will luavo the government in about a week. Itnriu'il Cliicino , November 21. A Iho was discov , ered in the Htoiouftho Chici ; < " paper com pany ut 10 o'clock ti night , nnd now (10 ( 15) ) ; thnutons to coiibiiino the untiri ! Indldini ; and contents. - , I/ATI li. The pijMTcmnp'iiy'H Inns ii 880 000 : insuinnco , S25 000. Other minor IIMSI-H , , chiefly to pi intern , nmonnt to S,00 ( ! ( ) ; fully in- nurtid. Tlio building wai owiiod by 'J'rint Onmpbi'll , nnd win dum.igud to the nmunntol &r , ( .UO ; liiHiiroJ. r.nni WIIEEMMI , November 21. At hloydsvill Ohio .Saturday uveninx during n ihimocial julhliCHtlu , Urvillo linwloy , Win llarnrs ni JuEtpli lioperuero fntully , anu two bu < dnngi'roii'ily ' injiiied by the explosion o' box. Tlrl ) t-ol-IjiAY < ' .Men. November 21. At nuuiio- day , four ptiKiinorH CHOspad from countyad by incaiiH uf Ihu ventilntjr , which wax n M.I d _ by a ladder. : " IJi'iulrlcUs Iliini'vviinl Itiiiiinl. YOIIK , November 21 Vice ] elect Hendricks luavm for homo to nlglit Ho HtojH nt Newark , N. J , to wltneM a ( in. " crutlj parade , Till ) Hiiriifil OjKirn lioiiM * . KT , LOUIH , November 21. Iho mdinmcoon | tlio ( 'rand opera hoimo , which bi.rnel taut , Is S' 1 , 00,1 , much gro < tor t'nin nt firs thought 'Ihu ipiutiun of r tijaktruc < lun Is not dec Ided. A I'olnlcr Iruiii ItlHiiuirok. CAIHO , November 21.-It U lolldved thu ( iennan K'lvcrnnant has nuked tin Khedive to appulnt u ( < orin'in mprDHpiitdtlviiin thu bo'iri which niAiiugeii the tjAlmci do hi Ditltii 1'nb liijuo. ' Auodii'r Pirrsi i in , , Novombcr 21.-Tin puddling depuitinent uf , Shui > i.liargui'rf nun mill WMK c ounil'on acioiilit uf Huiiulty f order * . The nail il > | .iitment . , will eliiw : < Iiy nl/ht. Tin ) Hvv aim < ' mri Mai llal , Novembir 21. Tim KWJIII court martial han taken recess until Monda ; next. _ _ Aiiuiiicr ntinl i t.i | , COMOCOUK , N. II. , Novembei 2l.-Th shock of earthqiiako at Ili'imlkor und vfdoity Itlv yutrnluy irionnnifi KING JAY'S REALM , Qjnli Q.Uis TottcriuE Railway Empire , Lobbying to Soouro , bo Needed Boon of Time , And Extension on tbo Union Pn- cifio's ' Debt , Soiuo OaiiBes for tbo Depression of Stock , The Threatening Dnneer to West ern iV U tl. KntiinAVItli lint rnlnt KIIJH of llopo Other Uiillvvii.v Now H. T1UJ UNION PiXCll.'lC. Jew York Special to the Chicago 'Irilmnc. Jny Cionld seems to have some now scheme n hnnd with Iho Union I'nclllc , the nntnro ol Antch is not now clear ; but It may bo giuvieii Int it hat no very leinoto loferonco to Wnnh ngton. Washington dimmtches say them an igns that n povvetful lobby in thu railroad am mother In the vvhlnky lutaictt will gathtv .hero this winter , nnd they may combine fi > nw > nl ndvantngo , The Union 1'nciho peopli ivnnt asixtyjcar extension bill pofBcil , ntn lomo leading democrat'o senators are understood - stood to be pledged to Its ruppurt. Kit l > ecnmt i\ law it would give tbo ono thine which Mr , Ciould always stiives to otitniu where demand' uro made , > ! ? . . Time. Time is the thing immune nnytliing , agree to niiytlnne , BO thn immedinto dtmnmN may bo staved oil. 1 "ho Thompson bill should pass , which require ; A\o immediate pnj incut of 1(5 ( per cent of th net earning ! of the company to the govern nent In liquidation of Its debt , Mr , ( ionld'i ireeent bull ppt-cuhtiou In the stock wuiild lit ; irought to n disastnuis nnd ( it may anyway ) . , uit II time can bo gained thnro is nt feast n fair chnnco that ho may he nblo to unload In lenvy holdings nt n profit. The largo shot jiitcrcbt in this slock , It may bo added , hn jcen nil cloned out TIIK DEUUNK IK 1 N10S I'Alll 10 , The great decline in the price of Union I'a cifio from KiO down to about 50 was nccom pnniod by n constant incronso In the niimlm uf stockholders , nnd Westein Union is goin , through the same experience. Homo wester railroad companies are in n like condition Their ktockn nio getting widely distribntcil nnd for the reasons given. A railroad man c ifreat cxperionco nnd of acknowlcdgiid power in Iho railroad world confessed n fuw days ngit that the situation In roopott to the rnnds wai vciy dark , llo spnko more particular ly of the went , where his interesls He , llo raid that tin ) excessive cUmiMim of tlm roads , the slnliikago in the v. himoof bmi- ness , nnd the low pi Ices of farm products had starved the conipiincs to thnt dtgroo that it wsn Impossible to get goodfmth obaurvtd \inonf ; the manngeis. In hotter tunes tirilfs would be agreed to nnd would bo in dntalned. nt least for n yrar or mure ; now tlio railroad men would meet , ngroa on a certain tnrlll uf rates , oiid within tw nty-foiir hours after ad journment It wtiulil lie found tint r.ich road was cecretly triing to got business nwny from lU CiimpolitoiH byolfermg Inner rates. It was , ho said n genor.il pcramblu to got onoiigh money for interest charges. With ri'bpoil to the future , this gditfcmnn do- i tared ho could see no immediate hopa for im piuvoment The thing vvuulil hnvo to run it Helf out Tlio f u mi r vvns gutting mich luvv prices for his products that them was no mar' gin left for llm rndrouU to make anything on cnrrylng them. Having told enougli to mcut then moro proving want' , the farming clapson were locking up the rcnunidor in the hope of getting butter ( iriceH later , nnd in the inynii- titnu they vvcro bii ) mg as llttlo ai possible bo- can o Ihcy w io selling s > little. Now outer pi lues vv on ntn staniliitlll , and tlniro wan a gimeral JupoBitlon to shave every thing ilown to two Juiwt limits. CIIKAI' HIDING. Tha cfccl un the railroads was ulinvvn In tlm aliniKt imivoru il war uf rates In thu c.ut rival rutds nru cmrjing iiiHHPiigors fui inn cent pcinlld , nnd curtain Wall Ftrout people wh HU Jio nlattvo InteienU huvo been hint , by till nv diy luvo buun tnlkmg about up- penis 0 the coiirti to slop it ; but in thouost thu Hiiro ids am nnd hnvo hcnn furwirkH past : nrring piHHengors 100 and /JOJ / milus fur ? , an I there are no Hlgus uf an end ti the itrifo yiit nppirunt. That would HSOIII to 1) ) a good case for the conrtu , but vvi - Inn nutlimg ab ut nppjrds to tlinui Th facilities uf production nnd certainly transportation / seem to Jiavi t ) mp irurlly iiiUtripKnl ] populalion ; pr diicttim M iniuccH ofunsimipllim , and until tliornhitiuiH uf bull , ( 'tiliiwn ni.uiir to nil i quality thorn IK littl lip o for Improvement in railroad biixlin'SH. 'Jieuo are the o | iiiiuns uf ono uf our promtin n illruad men n gonth man ulioHO mtnrcHls , I ) han any , in the block market vru all on tin nil Hili' Whin nnm in Ins position and u : null ui'lo ' and vnrnul uxpoiinnce have lo con rail thu Hitiiutiun lo bo thin , it HOJIH s.ifo uy that wo are In Iho winter 8ca on in u ore od thun out' . KAMA ! AND COMMERCE. IIIK VVKKK'H ci I.AIIANCKH ioxros , November 21. JVailini ; clear ng bonus nf thu United Stales upurl that the total /.TOCH ixclniriK'i ' f the week unded , 2.2 wi ru tSiJO,7H , 00 , u ilecruaHc uf 15 , 8 per cent cumpari d .ith thu uirrispimiluijf vvuol ; last jcnr. 7IIIM. I IVIt ( OLM.II. CIIIUAUU , Novumber 21. Tlio ioncrnl ; nun ngur nguits of the Trunk line met lion 'tilay tu conaldiT thu iin | ttidii uf the rrntuia- l < 7i uf rales 11 thu Honboard , but ndji IMII"I : \\'idnurtlay \ : ( withuuttcaching a ( uuciimuii. i AIIU ru XJIS , UN , , Novcmbei 21. Cheuju iinet. | lurHlfS. 2'JO IIOXlMof BkllfiH lit 7 ( ! * | , Hcgnlur saliH'-lll.OUO ut.iV PnvatoHjIos ; 1,10(1 ( boxes u 11..W puiiniU of butler. ur i viivii woi'.K , I'l m in , , November 21. The Pranks town iiiing mill , wlm i liux beun Idle lour month lesuincil ( i | iratluns to day , and it in tliuivfiwill b ki-pt running all winter. It In Hxp'Ul ' Hut ilu < now pijio mill recintly built bllii-Hiinn linn , will stuit upVednui - day , | ! Mig Kinpliiymciitto liOU men , | li : LMOV I'A ( II 1C IV I ( HIM. WAHiVujos , Novom'irr 2.'t - The case uf thu guv imeiit | Vrt , the b'ni m Paeilio Pauihu Kallruiijtimpuny , In vvlilili lliu governim nl clalnu artaln per ceiituf th < j nut uurningd and tbu Uroad coinjuiiy claims piyment fui traii < tporioii | , ciim up in tin conn ol claim * today. jy | preliminary inattCM were dl - pjimd uf VI tlm In d will begin rugnlaily to- murruw fall Iho guvi inmnnl elilimi are ulluw ud twill | umoiint tu $1,700,000 , , but ngaiixt tin , til th railruid comj nny claim ) niUnn nratliu , ' § i.rioyooo , . . I A I l.S , fin , Nuvt'iiiber Jl. The Jim lingtu'i unkiaes u du'lar ' rate Iu Ht. Lunl * . Othdr llneill no * , inuot Iho cut , in tliu Jim lltigton uiU luulvo honrrt longer thun thn ) billMi OOIHIN cgun , Nineinbcr'JI.A jmity of tii 0fit | Jtalhvay und Nnvlatloii ( ulh- 'clnU ' left hlthin > fUi/if ( for Hunllnfli.n whom UIPV will mpetthn olllclals of the Oregon gen Short l.lno and drive the last iplko of tbo lourtli IrannciintlnenUl line M C o'clock t ? marrow afternoon. 81'NA'UmItIHON. . SOT VII ril KM'tl TKI1 t IIO1I TUP COVIINO Of imilUKMH. Chlcaco .1'rlbune , llnlted States Senator Win. 1 ! . Alllnon of iimmquo , Iowa , paxdcdthrough the city yes- lenlny ou his way to Wo htngton to attend Iho Inter HMMDII of congrens. Ho does not anticipate that the rcxslon will bo an impor tant ono from a political standpoint , believing that it will be given up to appropriation bills nnd other routine IHIMIICPH. "What will Iho senate do with Cleveland and his apiHiintmenli ! ic'xt prlnB'"was asked. "That Is lniH | ) < Mblo to toll. YmifiHivvo on't know jot what Cleveland Is going tu do or can wo oven form an Idea , bocnuno ho has o rooanl csiccially | to judge by and ho has i > ld nothing an to what ho intends to do. 'ruin tlio hlllo 1 know nf the man , 1 believe hat ho will bo rather conservative than ng- ; res ivo In his ndtnliiintratKm uf allnim , " "Wlmt etfoct nil ! the change In ndministrn ion hnvo un the bimlucus Iiittrttstfl of the \ bad elfect , naturally , because men with loney will be > very careful about inventing un- il tUoy know esaclly what to ciiwit. How- verm my jndgnieiit , there would bo hard lines anyivay biciiu'euf the overproduction i the country. Fnetonr > B nro closnm liccnnsa hu warehouses are oveillowlng , nnd I see no ninudiate toilet fur llus ntnlo of affairs. " rOHKIGN NEWS , Ij UY .IU11V. ISOKINATION IN KNILAM ) AOA1NHT TUB DEC'IHION l.S" IIIK ADAUU1X11 } IIIDOK TASK , LONDON , November 24. lit the commons .0 . day CulKn , n liberal , gave notice that ho .vould cill the nltontion of the house to the jitrnonllnary ruling of .Imlro Mnnlnty in the the ! case of Adnms Coloildgc , vvhoroby the functions of Iho jurymen were made "a mock , A delusion , and snare. " [ Cheers , ] iVdnnis , tlniiiigh couimel , will move before a full bench that the court maintain the veidict uf tin jury , .liutico Mantnty'i action uu Saturday has created n great out- buist uf popular wrath. The curoiit strain if nuvvspnppr cointneiit is tint the jndgo paid much dofoienco to thn personal feelings of Lord Coleridge. It is declared tint iluntice Mnnisty's fondiicl was an Insult to the sustain .if trial by jury. Popular Troubles In Spain. M \Dllll ) , November 21. The conflict between - tweon tbo antlioritloH and the students of the { Diversity grows dally moro surlnns. Hun- Ireds uf arrosU bavo been madn , in atfectinc winch lai o numbirs of puuplo buvo been woundid ) , including several members of thu policn force nnd the gov crnnio.it lion nppuintnd now Ultra Monliuo rector to succeed the Sognstlnn rector who roiilgiied h t week. The imlltaiy precautions that hate been adopted rauRO the btrects to lujumblo a city in n slito of nlogo The press retaliates with uxtruino viulonco upon ilia prosecution of liberal nnd republican papers Tin1 Aiul-UiiKllHli 1'mvcrH. LONIIOV , Nuvombei 21. Karl Crnnvilln , secretary uf stale foi forclirn nlFairs , is In con- ttant communication with Sir IMward Mnlut , KngllMi dulegato at the Congo couferonre. The situation IH unpleasant. Mulct , In the confnrnnco , approved tlm ni | > intmiiit ) of u cumnnllea of inquiry upon Knglaud' , < claim tti OKI jVf.or rlvor , nud the noiiiinallon [ of liiiron DoComcul , Tionch dolngato , ns prcol dent uf tliu connnitU'o , is a marked ovi Jmico of thohostlln combination ngiimit the Iliigllxli claims. Tlio OuiliTn. unit Nun Nui-JCh. I'VIIH , Nuvuiiiher " ' . Kiom midnight Sun day to I ! this DM'inii' , ' thoru luvo been six deatlij in Iho city from cholera. Thu iminic- Ipil cuuncil In day adopted a rrsululnm cun Hiiriug the prefect of thu Suinn for falling to cjiitimio Iho scculai iiliun of hiHpilals by re moving nuns engaged as mimes , and calling1 upon him lo eontlniiu thu work. Thn protect. replvmg In IIIH defense , sdd tint ho ng cod with the council upon Ihu prlncipln iiivulyoil , but cuiiKidered It would bo imprudent to in- move the IIIIIIH dunug thu i pldimlc. Kapiuiou'4 PAIIIS , Nuvombor Tlio Figaro siya tint I'ngla d'u di'clfiun not topirmlt the Congo OJiifi'ronci ) to tutvbhsh nn internaliuiial torn- ii fui the rogul ii in of tlio Niger wni in- tliintlid nt In HID lirnt sosHirinof line infer ( inii ) . Sir IMward Malnt , tin ) Hrltinh dulo gatu , doclnrud Unit thu c unmercu of the Niger ih'lta was mult r lintl'h prutecti m. Knjrland , liowuvi'i , Im aborted would plidgu huiHulf tu ihar the rlv r , rcgul ite navigation , nnd throw thurlvei npcn tu lliu world , Cliolcni Itiillniin. PAIIH , November 21 , Ninolenii duath from cliul ° ra hue yesterday. In the twolvi muni muling at noun thiirn vvcro three dnnlhs Tnu ilrnth uf Admirnl Funitchaii is iiminu d , IlrlllHli SMp Itiilldlii ; ; . LONDON , Nuvombei 21. The ndinlinlty of i o liw ; invited deulgns and tunderi for Un liinldiiiuf | [ now men uf-wnr fium ship build ng hr mi un tliu rlvem Clidc , Tynu and Mei noy , nin mg whom ordcra will bo distributed U remiily lliu present depression in the Klilt mildiiig tiado. ATHOOlOUtJ I < \\NA11C'H. iiuniiKK AM ) I'li.i.Ain : loimirrin IN OHIO nv TI.MI'KIIANOK KIKNIIS , CoiiMlitiH , OHIO , November 21. A huge crowd of the anil liquor oleiiiunt of liladcim buri ; , Knox cuimty , made an atluck Saturday light un Clnpin'ri aluuii. The proprietor was Hit nek on Ihu head b ) a Htoiio , and hi Lull fractured. All tlio Ihlior | was thrown nlo Ihu sin els and when a phyHidun ninvcd , Jhiipin was c't ml. or 'j-ni'j II'INIOST. : ' llll.M f Oh . ' . KU KIHK lOIII'KMPS ll'KN HlOlt \ \ \\VIKS. NKW YOIIK , November 21 , Policeman irantnnd UdViiiH were connnlttu.l Iu await , .rial un tliu thaigsof highway rubbery and itlimpljd Hhootuiif , Whlio drunk on duty a t night , Ihuy attacked a man , robbed him ml liied mvuntl chohat him vthilo hu was iiiliiavnimg to iiHc.ipii Two other | iolicomui im failed to in nut thu guilty olhcern wno iiiijiumlcd by lliu mayor. I'&rlnlnn lieu llcnilH. PMIIH , Noveml r 21. Itadicil nowiipaj > rn CCUMH ihu guvtrmmint of anj/eiliur crowds iiinday by a netidlcHS display uf pullco and illltmy ( area. Urgum/urH of tha meutiiiK iiterininul tu make a duiiunstrutiun Mmiduy oxt. Trouble n e\puctud , < 'linlcrji In Hjmin , MAIHIIII , Novi-iiiliLr 21. Twenty EOVOU CUBIH and LOVUII death * ) > y chtilura occurred in Toledo joiterday. The authorities have ea tnb -.liuil i a inililar/ cordon Jlloin .Miirjililni ) Ihaii iMouo ) . KriiKUh , Novurnboi 21 Dr. P. II. O'Con nor mitcid dtdty with mui fihiuo and landa. num. Hit wu > i a druKK'jt ' hi ro fji twenty ear . Flnuncial truiitiln , Do VOIIIIKV C'otiilllion , SAN FIIANCIHIO , Nuvombor 2 1. Do Vounj ; coiillnueH ty Iminovu. Ho wmea u jocd ; i mihl. ; No unf.-tv urnbit ) nympU'in ' * . . | MONDAY MARGINS. reopening Week on the Chicago Sloct aod Proflnci ) Marteis , A Day of Nervous Activity in Wheat , Ooru Also A ve to Moderate Provisions Ru S-3toady and Al most { ii Oattlo Slow anull Throughout the fusion , .SiiHpoiidrd to Gioct Visit- Men llatllliiK rnilo In W11KAT. pecial telegram to the line , ClllOAno , November 21. The day on change wiw charactcrired by sharp activity. U the opening iu wheat the feeling was \ory mottled and prices for n lime varied widely , omo sales being made at } c under and some. tic over closing of Saturday , lint tlio mar- : et finally sold off lo and then under actlvo myliiR advanced > ' and eased off 8 , fluctuated ml closed on the regular board about the nmo as Saturday. On the afternoon board , ho fooling was stronger , closing nt 74Ji for No- ember , 718 fcr December , 7f > i for January , H2JforMoy. Torolgn advices quoted wheat "irmly held but the cargoes olt coast and on .lansagu as ijulot. Kocolpts hero wore larger , iiggrcgaling IB2cars. against 281 cars Satur day , COHN. _ The market for corn was active on spocula- Ivo account , and shippers bought moderately. 1'ricea ruled mntorinlly lower nil around. The weakness was duo to liberal arrivals nnd to Iho cold weather , which was more favorable to the iuspcclinn of new corn , jjartios antici pating nil Improvement in grading. Novem ber dua'inod 2c nnd closed go lower. On the nfternuon bcnrd greater strength was exhib ited , and the mnrkot advanced 4@fic , closing1 linn nt ! Wio for November , SoiJcforlXcomebr , for January , 37 o for Mny. OATH Knlod stoidy and firmer , closiiu at 2fi-Jc for November , 2)4o for Uocctnbor , 25 c for .lanu- aiy and 2ac for May. i onic. llnled irregular and opened ntrotij , ' at 5@7Jo higlier , cold ulf nt ISJrglfn : , rallied B@lCc , nnd cli od steady , closing ut S10 53 for t'to ' jear , 510 7fi for January , ? 10 90 for rebriiary. 1.AI1I ) . Knled uti-idy. doling at 80 77J for Novum- b'r , 5(1 ( 05 for liecombjr. $ l > 70 for January , i li 77i for Voliruiry Thu oitimatod receipt * of c vttlo for thw dny It 8CO ) , ngiinet 8,173 last Monday. I'ATTLB. Tr.idu was slow amlclnll fiom first to last anil chances nro that it will inlu Ijvvcr all nronncl th in nt the close uf last week yet salcn were sj flow nnd thn demnnd BO limited tint thcru vv.u lardy snllicii'iit businesj transacted to nialto u market. Themweri' but few shipping- uidors , and drtmod bi-ef . ' . . oporatOM . . werotjking' . l * " i t * o-jlyafoiv : "just enough to t along with , " Bald thi'll ImjerH. There wvio only aliont 100 earn of TexaiiM among the nriitdls , and h.ilf of them were iilnppiid direct from ICans is City to droAxed ln'cf dcalera and cini. < lenvingonly about fifty inrs on thn m.irl. i. . Theru wns only one train of westerns , i Ivveenloud" o'clocic n train inivid with -itors from the Kt. Lonii convLtitiini , and from that ou there wns little ur n thing doing in the mnrkot. In the nbsenco of Hjlr , it is useless to feivo quo tations. A better maikot is luoknl foi to morrow. It would U ! o thu best mtivo fctaers to m.iko ? ( i na.O ) ( 25 , really croud ouoi miy bo ( piutcd ut Ti nu O. " . " ) ami fail atl li ( < rt | 85. xlin liuliday ntoars uf li > 00 and up might brim ? ? ( } OOWO 7r > ; exp irts Sfi 20@C ( 0 ; poor to fmcy Hhlppmif. S l.2ri@IS 00 , nuinly at ? ISO 05.0 ; butchers' uiws , S2.oOfe't ( : CO ; ekerH nud feeders. JSIUOJ/M CO ; Texas cattle at Si.h5Ma.25 fur c > ws nnd Ml , IO@3 75- fur stccri" , Montana cittlo nverjginir lU-'l Ibu. sold nt ? 5.50. 110(18. Kstlmiled ri-cfiiU | for the day , I'H.OOO , ng limit I'lst7 : list Monday. The market upcned active and ftiougat C lOc higher all around but with mixed and good pickers mostly wanted. Scalpers nnd speculator ; ) uonni way or uihor gut a "straight tip" mid wont in with a rush. They hold thn market stiunff until iinarly noon , or say when they had about noli ! out , then values began to wrnkun , so wlut wasleftlator buyers gut cim- Nlderably cheaper than thosa that bouglit early , imd thn innrket cliHod rather weak , yet with it 'ess nuinbar unsold than on baturday. Coin- nun to fair packers sold around nbout SI.1G © 1.20 nnd the btwt nacltera < it ? l.2C@1.3t' ' , and tlioliKst heavy iill.'O@l 10 ; heavy , S1.25 ® I ( lri ; light , § 1 001.3S ; rough grades , ? 1.00 © lUUViSIl MAIIK LANK KXIMIkBH LONDON , November 21 , The Mark Lane Hxprois , In Ha weekly review of the com rndo , fays : Young wheat could scarcely look stronger , and there Is not an autumn sowu jrop of uny kind which has not an exception- illy good average appearance. Wheat do- ilinod IH pur quarter in London on Monday , ind priciH liiivo boon weakening over since. ialoH uf Kuglndi vvhoat for thu past week were ! 8llU ! quarters , at.'tlH 7a per quarter , against h ( > ,10 , quartern , at ( On fid per quarter for the urreanoiining weuk lust year. Flour declined is under the precsuro from the London bakers , who i educed the prlco of bread. Foielgn vhcat in London Is uradii illy finking toward hu nnfathoinablu bultoKi , nnd how far yet bo- uru the bottom Is renchod m a matter of puru jiecuUtlon Mai/I ) in linn , owing to Itu ciircity. Oats uro lid per quarter lower. No argues nir thu coast. Tno prevailing' east vlnds nro keeping elf oxpectf d arrivals. Ono nirfii was sold and ono withdrawn , leaving hu matknt bare. Fur caivooj forward there s hut Ilttlo domaiul. WASHINGTON TKIUUTOHY. N.NDAL IIICl'OIITOV THE aOVKIlNOH WOMA.N'lJ IIIUHTH-HTATB AMlllTIONS. WAIIIINOIO.N , November 24. Uovcrnor ijuiro , of Washington territory , In his annual eport Hayas "Although many citizens are dlupojod lo qiie tion the wisdom of the lav/ conferring upon women the right to vote , es- pcclally when attended with the rtqultomentu that women should icrvo us jurow , Itmeeta with the tpproval of a largo majority of people and the women of thu territory nro for thu most purt strongly desirous that thu enact- J'jeut ' be lot lined uiwn our utatulu books. I hus far it BCOIIIH attended with no important result unfavorable to the welfare of the people of the torrituiy " The luport presents a num ber of loasons to 8iipoi | t the claim of Wash , lugtun territory foi itdmlBtiun Into the uniou . . . . 119 .L Hf.sf * Now Itallronil Oponcil. UKAIIINQ , I'a , November 21.-Tho uew rounajhanla Hclmylkill Valley railroad wan formally ojiened , from Philadelphia to Head- .Inp , to-day.