HIE DAILY BEE , COUNCIL BLLTFFS MONDAY NOVEMBER 24 1664. THE DA1JLA BEE . Mondav Morniiig Nov. 24 $1C.W tyW 0 - - OFFICBI SO. 7 rtarl Btteet , Near MINOR MENTION , The council rucotn tonight. II. U. Stewart , artist , at Chapnian'o. See U , Holler's now itock of cloth ? . "Burr Oaka" is ino attraction nl the opera houao Una evening. Another assortment of hata juat ro celvcd. J. J. Auworda it Co. All the trains wore several hours late yesterday on account of the atorm. The atorm cauacd a postponement cf the apirltual aoclal until next Saturday evening , Place your ordcra for crayon portrait for the holidays with Stewart , the artut at Chapman's. Justice Sehurz ontortalncd about i dczin of hia frlonda the other night wit ! an oyator auppcr. Saturday evening Justice Schurr. per formed the ceremony making J.W.B.ink and Tillio Schulln husband and wife. Ucuiomber that Seaman In positively closing out hla business and you will nav money by purchasing your gooda atlOi Broadway. OIIIUBTMAH OAIHIS Uivu.v AWAY. On all cash purchases of fifty cents and up warda at J-teamnn'n closing-out aalo , 40r " , Broadway. The mayor oirora $50 to any citizen who will capture a burglar and deliver him at the city jail. Why not offer the reward to the police ] J. T. Ilartoria cleaning out the dltchoa along < wonuos A , B , 0 , etc , , In a manner which pleaaoa greatly the residents in that part of the city , who say that it Is the best work done yet in that lino.T ed Since the burglars made a break for ) the private olllco of Mark Diiryoo , man ager of the Ogden house , oven the bell boys have boon armed , and a sorry tlmo or time Is In store fur the next thief found loitering about thoro. The mud and rubbish has boon allowed to aceumu'ato so on the paved streets ? that a atrangor visiting the city would hardly know that Council Bluffs had any paving. There should bo aomo system of cleaning adopted. Even the democratic organ will not have the gall to say thlo time that Coun cil Bluffs sent a largo and enthusiastic delegation to Omaha to attend the ratifi cation. A little too wintry a night. A delegation of young men from the Omaha association will visit the V. M. 0. A. this nvoning to hold the monthly con- fcronco. Tnoso gatherings have all boon era profitable and troll attondod. An in altii creased attendance Is expected this oven- 'ov Ing. All young men are invited to bo U.rac present. ; The Nonpareil laysjit "believes that it hia lad is honorable journalism to acknowledge Uor siul rectify errors that may occur In its whi columns. A gentleman always apologises when ho finds that ho Is in error ; a conceited - ing hoi ceitod fool never. " As that paper hai hat never apologlr.jd for publishing that bogus Noirs editorial , and never ac aloi knowledged or rectified numerous other wit grave errors that have lately orept into OX Uoi Its columns , it seems In Ita own opinion hln to bo "a conooitod but give the old lady but time. She is a little alow getting around. elm Fa. Very True. Jll It ia not atrango but very true thai wh when people wantboota or shoes for mud wn snow and actual sorvicti they know thai 01 is the only kluu wo keep , and coaiu to Bill us for thorn. Wo appreciate thn favor V shown us. / . T. LINDHKY & Co. Oh "Tell tlio Truth. " del The Globe , which IB , hi fnct , only the Th am deur old lady's evening doec , gives the above hcadint ; to an article attacking fol TUB BEB. It starts out with , "THE UKB , with its usual bad raleoa wii grace , a hue am cry concerning the excavating on loner iigi Hi Broadway , preparatory to paving. Ifr , Tilton should have road the contrac ! but bsforo publishing hla attack agoinot the not ho city etc. " The old ' government , lady'a lat twilight nap is characteristic of the old toTe lady herself , and is on a par with the bous NOWB' editorial. Lot the Olobo surprise iU lf tor once and "Toll the Truth " The fact IB , TUB UKB makes IK such attack , aud raises no such hue IUH uur to cry , aud the He ia nindu un out of whul cloth. Yut the Olobo Itaolf admits there is sumo cause for complaint , but that "tho prrparty ownorH will have little if any oxlru excavating to pay for " They may liavo BOIJIO to pay for after all , ohl To Hliou Ktmembor wo ivo Chioago discounts mid terms on Rubber Iloott , Shoes and and have the largest ezclusivo west ot Ohlcauu. 'A. T. LlNDSBV it Co. , the 0'iuncll lilull'j , Iowa , ( llillit. L colored nmii named F/i'eiiian , living pel oil Washington avenue , wna yt a'trd y or frrcstod on complaint of tiome neighbors , wo * s-y Lo waa beating hU little child in a tu osl brutal nmnutr. Free man has > iot any gtcaljreputution fivx klndiiuii toward his wilN uiwd children , biui if hu is hulf HA WOK brutal as li i'liHr iui. tie hnuld bu madi > to fcol tbo amat t < > f tH' ' law thin time. was Dr. To close the bu iuO I "ifer niy stock of on mUcolIanoous books , pio. ' " . " 'y geode , notion * , fire screens , ca u ' . willow and by cane high chairs and ohildr. " " reckon , at prices never known before i.n J'10 ' w.'st' ' H. K. 8oatn n. pupor , Ixmks ana "tatiou- cry , fXM Broadway , Cimucil BlufJj. of Order hard wood of P. Over ton. , ifl TH.EVES . ANDJHUGS , A Mm Hcl } Up on Main Street and His PocKets Another Victim Olaima to Have Lost His Several Arrosioct on A mm named J. 11. Grouch , was licit Up anJ robbed on Main street about 1 o'clock ' yesterday morning. Ho had boei in the nuloon formerly kept by Oapt inHu Huasoll on Uroadw&y near Seventh street , and on leaving there wont up to Ma direct nnd down M in street to nor Oregory'n ' bhokstnlth shop , whcro ho wai attacked , thrown down on the sidewalk , nnd after a utrugglo whs relieved of what money ho had , about 38.00. llo noticed two men follow him out of the saloon , and was quite certain that they wore the onoa who robbed him. From the deaoriptlon given of them. ' Oflicoru Cualck and O'Hrion yesterday arrested two follows , who gave their namcH an Tom Howard and FranK ClilTord. Howard waa cnargod with the robbery and Clifibrd na an accomplice. Howard had § 5.25 on hia person , and the other had no money. They will have a hearing to-day. The man who waa robbed ia a farm hand. Ho did not ro- colvo ' any aorloua injury , but hla clothing ill badly ; torn. MIKHBD HIS MnjfKV. A man named Foaa complained yester day that ho had boon robbed of S-IO. It appears that Saturday night ho waa in a condition where ho required help to got tel bed , and his eon and Mike Kildare , neil known to the police , are aaid to haven put him In hla little couch. Foau on waking found two ? 20 bills gene from ila pocket. Klldaro was taken into cus- ody ; ycatorday , and the pollco are work- ng at the case to aoo if they can got moro Igh upon it. IghA A MIDNIC1HX J'llOWLEIl. About 1 o'clock yesterday morning P. M.No. Pryor , of THE BEB olTico , living at No. 81 ! ) Sixth avenue , wart arrouaod from slumber , and hoard somebody apparently working at the kitchen door , llo wont there i , and called out "Who ia there ? " Dioro was nilonco for a inomont , and In roaponao to another moro sharply put query , the prowler replied that ho want to t find the way to Dalo'n barn. Ho did not wait for any great urging to go , but quickly aklpucd out , the marka of ila foot showing that ho had taken across ota in hia haato to got "to Dale's barn , " Bomowhoro olae. Pryor had no gun with him , but has now arrayed himself iko a walking arsenal , this being the second end visit made to his houso. If another one cornea Pryor will doubtless get that 50 reward offered by the mayor. 50L Ladies' Slribloy & Co.'a ( ino and medium dlui line shooa reduced In price. X T. LlNDSKY & CO. ELAINE BhTTEKS , How SomoIInn to 1'ny for UohiR Too Burn ot Hln lOleutinn. Saturday afternoon some of the novel bet : made before election wore juid off , much to the amuaotnont of the by-stand- , who watched the sport with glee , although the weather waa anything but fovorable < for street corner gaping. E. . Odoll , the secretary of the board of trade : , waa ono of the victims. Bocauao favorlto , Blalno , did not got there , ho to make good his promUo to GUI which ho did by kicking his whlto Blalno hat along Broadway , about * "Hurrah for Cleveland" ovury ( imo kicked. There wasn't much left of the or of Odoll'a voice by the time the of kick was over. Gus Bergman marched along with htm , boating a big bass drum with two atloka , ono not being enough to oxproaa ] hia delight and enthusiasm. Bergman , as a bittm drum soloist , showed hlmsolf to have great force and spirit , lacked in that delicacy of-touch which characterizes p.noli artiata aa Wall Me. Faddon. . Still hii debut waa a success. Jim MoMahon waa another victim He wheeled George Mtirwoud along Broad way In a barrow , and ho too nhoutod for Cluvulaiul , , as often aa hia gasping breath nnil waning strength would permit. Neil 4 Voorhla : was atill another victim. IK had to shout for Cleveland as often aa his democratic friend , John Tumplotoii , did. They carried brooms with ling * on top , and Decor Kopllngor , and \Vhlttloeoy , the brother of the Ulobo'a city editor , followed ! ault. Altogether It was a novel procesMon. It wan cut atiort by the wind and anew , which proved alike dia agreeable to victor and victim. Harry Hunter , of thu Nonparlol , waa to have bciHi ' among the alioutura for Cleveland , aa the old lady who employs him has yet given up that Blnino la defeated , or was excused by Mr. Tompleton until later in thu suasoii , but he utill promises come out in dun time. AVhnt IH till ) What in the matter with buying a good pair t'f ladles shooa for one dolhr out of I odd lot baisliot. Former prlco two four dollars. / T. LINDUEV & Co. HELPING THE HEA.THEN , Tlio Mlhxionnry JMci'lliiKH lltilil Hero In accordance with the action of the Proabytorian synod , mleaionary conven tions nro being held at different points In state to awaken , especially among the " PrCHbytoriatiD , renewed and Inotoated In terest In the work uf uproading thu gos In forulyn Inndr. Such a oonvr tition , iiuiro properly meeting , was held here yeetorday. It waa planned to Imvo a Saturday evening mooting , but the storm delayed the trains eo that some of the apcakuru did not arrive and the meeting not hold. Yesterday furonoon there 2 a Isrgo and intorealvd audience gathered in the opera house tn hear Huv. . Jchnson. He jpoko particularly up Alio the work in India , n subject with which ho has benn made very familiar a reulduuco there of twenty-two year * , end ho on B < I'xpcols soon to return to that Hold in nidi which hohas so long labored. Ho tpoko thu necoaeltica ot the work , the accoiei- l > bility of the people which the work has already Rccompllehcd and ii nccompllsh- inp , and jzavo seine very interesting nar ratives concert IIIR thu cud'oms and pr- cnliaritica of the people. In the aftoriioMi at the opera housa there wrm a fair slz-d nii'lienco ghthorcd to hear Miss lln-plan speak on the work in Slam , a fifld whrrn she hm been U1 r- In ? for five years. Ikr address was a very interesting and Inatructivo one Another meeting was arrancrri for the evening with Hev Dr. Mi'choll us speaker. llo Is a member cf the board of foreign missions of the 1'rcsbytorhn church. U v. T. S. TUiloy , the state sy indis l mieelonary , Mrs. Walker , ot Colorndn , and ethers who nro greatly in torestctl in the work , wore alee present ItfHlli H Reynolds Bros. , fine shoes reduced in prices. Call and pot the now prircs / T. LINPSBY t Co. TEDIOUS TRAMPING , A Mfin mill Hln Wire TA'ulk From Davenport to Council Mlnffr , There appeared at pollco hoadquartora hero Saturday ft man and woman who had , Indeed , a strange tab , they claiming to have walked clear across the state of Iowa , from Dxvonport to Council Bliifl * . Their pitiable appearance , their apparel , their marks of exposure , their shoos with solos worn clear off , a'l ' acomod to bear witness to the truth of their statement. They were objecfa of pity , indeed. The man gave his name as Duke Gregory , and said that three years ago ho married the woman in Omaha , her name being Clark. For two years ho worked at brush-making , but a year ago mot with ati accident which crippled his feet , nntl laid him up for six mouths Being out of employment and out of money , ho concluded to start back for Omaha , hoping there to moot some of his old frionda , and qot employment. The officers nt headquarters chipped in enough change to got the norry couple plenty to oat , and paid their faro across the river. GnntltMiion Try the Uanan Shoo. Z. T. LINDSEY & Co. I'KUSU.VALi. 0. O. Jlilo * of Denver , is at the Pacific. T.jM. JJnlloy of Kaglo Grove , nut in Sunday at liochtflcfl. 1 * . J. Gallafjlmr of Webster , was nt Boch- telo'a yesterday , Mr. .Tool E.iton , the gas mau , has returned rDin the east. Loolbourow and wife wore at the Ogden ycntorday. j. F. llnclno of St , Louis , took his Sunday dinner nt the I'ncllic. Conductor Sanderson , of the St. Paul , spent Stimlny at the Ogden , with his wifo. Kov. J. W. Harris , of the ISnpllst church , of Omnh- * , was hero Saturday in route for Nebraska City to preach thcro yesterday. lion. 11. O. Neal of Oregon , spoilt Snnday nt thu Option , where ho wan called on by Mr. 1'iuoy , Mr. Wirt , mid ether Council Bluffs Friomls. J. P. Full , the broker , of Silver Oily , wa in the lilnlTj Saturday , anil palil his rcipocti to this olBco , nml g vo ordorn to Veep right along nemlinp him TllK HKK. Thomas Griffith died at his residence , 300 Pierce street , at 7 o'clock p. m. yes terday , aged 70 years. Notice of funeral borcaftur. Llzzlo Dugan , a colored girl , has boon aont to the reform school by Judge Aylos- worth. "Sport" Miller is now taking stops to liavo his wayward son sent to the reform acliool. Uov. Thos. MoClullati , of Tabor , ouo the professors in the college there , nroached In the Congregational church hero yesterday. GOMMKUGIAIj , OOONOIL nLurra JIAUKI.T. Wheat No. 1 mlllliiR , 60@G5 ; No. 2 , 58 ; No. 3 , 60 : rojoctoil 85s40. Corn Now , lfl@23. ! Onto For local purpouofl , 35 , Hiiy-8'i 00 ( < 97 00 per ton ; baled , 60@GO. Kyo 3V ) . Ooru Monl 1 30 pnr 100 pounds. Wood Good supply ; prlcoa nt yards , 6 00 ® Ooul Delivered , hard , 9 60 per too ) soft f > 0 per ton COAl Kuril Kulrbank'a , wholesaling at OJc , Vlour CJty Hour , 1 50@2 00. Urooms i ! 95@3 00 par doz , LIVE STOCK. Cnttlo Dutcher cows U 25@3 75. Butcher Btoorx , 8 7fiC > 1 00 , Shoo ] > 2 60@3 00. HORU 1 OU ( 1 25. ruonuus AND rnutTB. Poultry LIve old hum , 2 60 per doz ; spring chlclcmis , 2 60 per doz. Butter Creamery , i8@30o ! ; choice country 1820o. Al KKRB 2t per dozon. VogoUibliw - PoUtoea , S0@40o per bui > hol ; fl onloimtO@60o pur IHI ; npploa , choice cooking flwi oiituiKi ' M ; IMJIIIIB , 1 W2 ) 00 . per wi buHiml : Swcnt ixitntonn , 'Jo var Ib. Clilor-"Oo per Kn' ' . 8 HO per bbl. . SOI will wll ttio folloHiiiK iiropvrty on euy terms U fai 200 Aero Farm. Kho iiillca north ot Council Illufl * ; KOO > | li rn , lioase orclnril , Mid all fi-ncoil. 400 Acre Farm , R , . lltrrUon , comity , Io , all aril , bun , hotitiii orchinl , CMC. ; t 0 eiL'M umler plimV 0 KJIOI ' mo k'r.nuailow , l ( rrr < tliulwr ki il i 8tunThU Imni o3.i bo cully ill tldv < l iLto tlirco do lr tlo mutll Urrai. 800 Acre Farm , "li inllci riwt oIOn , llonoiu rounty , Iivra , on thc.M ] 'K'iUfr ' ; K'OIHI lioiino , burn SdltO Kit , frt'd jiinlj , hl < l ) , etc. ; ' 'OOacru umliril w , luHincx ) In ilinlior , invftJow anj jiMture ; tint oiuw stock l tiu Invttr ) rc'si-oct. 240 Acres of Wild Laud , Suitable for Furmlng. 50 Head of Cattle , 75 Head of Horses , IM)0 ) Ho d of Hog * . FiimlDif IinpltmenU luitlcient tocairyou tiKl f nn . AUu 10,000 Bmhuls of Corn , and 400 Tons of Tame and Wild [ lay. IJ ntnck , corn , foc.l ami machinery U dUUoi uu iold furint , nj will IH ) Hold only Iu connection MUI ( trn > i. litre U atr' ' > o.lchano lorClii > lco Stock Itinu , veil ockftl , n l ) loruork. IWnlon glun ou dito ol uth > o. | | Unlrdl. C' ll on or fttidro.1 ! C K. P. CADWETJ , , CouucU VluCf. low * . Silks , Dress Goods < & ; Novelties OF TILE SEASON. is very complete iu variety and excellence of Cloakings , Plushes , Velvets , Eider , Down and Jersey Tambour , Turcoman , Gurtain Goods , Window Shades , " Etc , , Etc , STOCK COMPLETE IN MOQUETTE , BODY BRUSSELS , INGRAIN & HEMP Oil Cloth , Kugs , MattingSj Mats , Etc. , Etc. 401 Broadway , Council Bluffs , Iowa : From $5 to $15 Saved on Every Suit , Hi hi in ( ? > onr ( lothlng made tour icr st tlio Affrncj of Ihc Oreixt Merchant Tai'orliiif Hcu c ft WAHAMAKEB & BEOWN , T,2 I'KAIIL ST. , COUNCIL BLUFFS. All ( rooilo oM nulijoct tn Iho crtnpMr protoctli n o ( the follonlrp RUftrnnttc : Mwt71ie epodj to bo s tfirc enteO. Pecniid-Wo n * ) Kimmitie > lit llir.l Tfcpccc lelt twin rutting alwAjriMiit ulth thoKatiucnt. ' rouilh Wo add nut itijr totlio | irrc i Insult ( IT nnj r nl ! l tlm ii tici'X'.ri , 8uhni N' rrow or lirmd limi ) oriililiij | ( < n runt nr ri ; liulm ; | iiiit a I t < MIU nr Im I II cJ ; % Cbaina o skin ; Mfttch i cKct In jionti nrc3t ; n.v klml ot Imttni.s on coat orM : , I'lrnuri \\\\a \ or wrge llnlngj In cmt or t'"t , or 11 tcfit lituk MOM \vel or | > at > t . Wu linlteo\cr\limly rill and waimno ntir cooili ami ] irlcs . OiirfrlTir\iioni f'How. lliutncsi SulU'from ? 17 to sWniiJ $2f. Dress Stilts , Irmi giOnnJ up u\urc < mt < , from 117 anil up. WANAMAKKU A. IIIIOW.VS , Tailoring Anciicy , Council Ultt * . NOEBNE & ; LANDSTROM , Foil Goods Unruly. Sails Mndo to Order in Latest Style , en bhoifc Notice and a Iioasniiule t'rices. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. 205 Main . . . . Street , . . Council Blnfts. fl.OCO Elcctrlo Dolts roM fur the Month o ( Sept , by us , ( -52 References Any of the buslmsa houses In Council DluCa. JDDD & SMITH Proprietor * . Salearooma 319 , Broadway. Manufactory 30 , Fourth St. COUNCIL BLUFFS- KIEL SALE STABLES Keep Horseo and Muleu constantly on hand which wo will aull in retail or wholceulo lota. All Stock .Warranted . as Represented. Wliolctnlo and retail dralcro Iu Oraln anil Ualwl Hay. Trlocg eonnlilc. "atl factiou Outrautrtil. SCIHIIljTJTEH & ; EOLEl' Corner Fifth Avo. & 4th St. , Council Bluffis. SMITH & XOMjEK LKADING MERCHANT TAILORS 7 and 9 Mala street , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. A Complete Line of Fall Goods to Selecc From , 'BiB ' WUOLiKSAM ; DIESAlilSIlS IN J ? ! & $ . and 344 Broadway , OODKOIL BLUFFS 1O\\A COOKING AND HEATING STOVIS Both new aud ? ocniil hand , ranjiing iu prices from $ ! J.50 to ? 25 each. Take advantage and call early to _ obtain. the best bargains. I am making a bis : reduciiou in Ae I nctxl the room t Jltjilajmy stock ot stores. A. J. HANDEL , TF. S2S Uroaduay , Council UluCffl. Iowa , i Mp SSUWf-T A T TWJT&WtrTs'W GAT I ? rSi Jbl/I/iii JrJiJJS ! i7ll.U C > AJLa& . BLUFF \ . . . . . . . It is with a feeling of the greatest pleasure and 'no small degree of pride , that we make this announcement , and we extend a invitation to our friends and patrons throughout the entire community to examine the latest evidence of our business growth. Cloak Department. The low Ecalo of prices that will enrich our customers. Ladies Russian Circulars , Jl wool English diagonal full fur collar and fur ornaments in bnck , 0.00 ( worth $10.00. The sumo as above with corset waist and faced rith satin , $8.50 worth 812.50 , Fine all WQO ! English diagonal , full fur collar and fur ornaments in ack , four inches of fur around bottom and on both sides in front , cor- ot waist and satin faced , $1)3 ) worth $10. Heavy all wool MATALAS3E corset waist with sleeves. Satin need , full trimmed , eix inches of fur on bottom 818 worth 824 : . All wool fur , trimmed NEW MARKE'lS , 87.50 to18. Extra fine quality MOHAIR SEAL PLUSH SILK LINED with IEAL ] SEAL ornaments $25 , selling at other places at 8H5 to $45. Canton Flannels in Remnants. 2000 yards Canton Flannels nt 5c worth 7c. Glove Sale. Second to none which has occurred in the pist , and which which ill in all probability remain a MEMORABLE EVENT in the future. LUPfN PARIS GLOVES in nil si/es and complete assortment colors and black , f)0c lor THREE BUTTONS and 05c for Four But- tons. The regular prices of thtso gloves as sold by other establish mente is $1.25 for lliiuo buttons and $1.50 for four buttons , and they are CHEAP ENOUGH at HIOEO prices. This is WITHOUT EXAGGERATION - RATION I ho evtr iannguruted iu Council Bluffc. F THE MILLIONAiR Professional Man , Mechanic or Laboring Men , are alike interested in where to buy Dry G'tolstho choices' . Our expenses are about one-half that of olher houses , and wo h-ivo leatncd that Dress Goods , Flannels , Underwear Hosiery. At sweeping -ednctioiis Prompt Attention Given lo Mail and Express Orders , COCKE OUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA