Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 24, 1884, Page 4, Image 4

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Oinoo , ; so. imJ KftriiAin Ht.
Now York omco , lloom OS.TrlOuni
DullrUng. _
t'atil h ( > d every trnrnlnp , icepl Sand/1 Tli
ml ) Monday morning dMly.
1U1 IT Milk
One Vttr. ' . J10.00 I Three Month ! . W.C
Hi Moninj . 8.00 | One Month . . . 1.01
Per Week , 6 Onto.
rni w8iiUT m , rousniD XTHT ? KIDHMDIT.
n r r . . . . . (2.00 I Three Monthl . t I
llsllonlts. . 1.00 | One Month. „ . >
A i Ocmtnunloillons relating to News and Kdltorli
ntttcn thculd tx > addrcmod la the KDITOR cr TII
All Dnstnnn letters and RomttUnoet Bhonld b
iddreawdtoTniniin rtmunmTio ooMriiu , oxAni
DrMUi , Cbocka and I'ottolHco ordori to tx mido pay
able to Ihe order ot the company.
K. KOSI3AVATHH , Editor.
A. 1L Fitch , Mnn&gor Dally Circulation , 1
0. HOT , 488 Omaha , Neb.
Tun state board of canvassers will can
vntB the vote oil electors and regents ot
Monday. _ _ _
rnoiUBiLiTiKH can't always bo ro
Hod on. llo plnyod an unozpoctcd gam
of frocz-out with the domocratlo jubllo
on Saturday night.
BRILUAST vcrmillion will bo the cole
of Omaha to-night. Look out for th
Council Bluff * shot-gun brigade. Omalu
The shot-gun i a very common woapot
with the bourbons.
Tin : first real touch of winter has como
The weather so far this fall has boor
remarkably mild , and the change IB wol
coined especially by those tradesmen whr
depend upon'seasonable changes for the
enlivening of business.
CJuovEii OLKVKLAND'S friends are vorj
anxious to have him married before en
tering the white homo.Vo wore toll
only a day or two ago that ho was abon
to marry Mies Maria Love , of Buffalo
and no IT wo are informed that ho is t <
wed Miss Jennie Humphrey , of the aami
city , llotwoon applicants for office ant
matrimonial proposals Mr. Olovolam
will have a hard time of it.
FIVK months ago when Gon. Logan
was nominated for the vice-presidency ,
Senator Mandorson filed his pro-omption
claims on Logan's desk in the sonata
chamber , which Is located favorably for
oratorios ! display and for casting snoops
eyes up to the ladles' gallery. The
juniqr Nebraska senator is in a fair way
of proving up by the 4th of March , and
getting his patent for the noxtfour years.
Tint BKB has partially recovered from
Its recent hydrophobicalnttacktnd hopes
are entertained of Its final recovery.
Next to a rabid dog , a rabid newspaper ,
which attacks inoflonsivo individuals
with unbridled license in the paroxistna
of periodical madness , is the greatest
evil with which a community can bo
cnraod. Omaha Republican.
There la a good deal of method in this
madncsB. The U > ; r never attacks any
body without good cause. When it deals
with political hyenas and cowardly bush
whackers it gives no quarter. The wan
ton and malicious assault on the editor
of this paper by the political road-agonta
of the HcpuMlcan called for prompt and
oflbctlvo retaliation. Nobody but a saint
would quietly allow anch fellows to call
him a holl-honnd , a Judas
Isoariot , and other epithets , for no other
reason than that the headlines over the
tolographlo report of Blame's apooch
offended thoit sensibilities. They know
that the responsible editor had no chance
to BOO these headlines written between
3 and 4 o'clock In the morning until
long after they wore in print. They not
only know this , but after the telegraph
editor who wrote them called at the lie-
publican office and informed thorn that
ho alone was to blame , they deliberately
reiterated their libels and repeated their
assaults. But when wo club them with
their o mi weapons they equcal and ekullc
bohlnd the screen of "inoflonsivo in-
dividunla"and "private citizens. " When
they learn that those who give blows
must bo ready to take thnm , they will bo
a little more careful.
LlbT year Dutiglita uuunty cuat botwmui
five and six thousand votes. This year it
oiat between nine and ton thousand.
There wcro not less than two thousand
Illegal votes polled in Douglas , and ull
for Brown and reform. And yet the 13 KE
UDB the cheek to my that Weaver wua
elected by fraud. Falls City Journal.
The man who turns the crank of Mr.
Weaver's hand-organ at his homo in
Fulls City had bettor go alow. While it
is true that Douglas county did cast
9,8T 0 votes at the late election , ho has no
ground for charging that 2,000J or oven
' 20 votes wore coat fraudulently in this
\ county. Omaha has had a wonderful
'growth within the past two yean. She
Jhaa built more dwelling houses this year
rtliau would ba i noluded in three sucli
towns as Falls City. There wore 7,701
votes polled in this city , out of 0,501 reg
istered .voton , which dhows that over
2,000 voters remained at homo. The
vote In the whole district uhows a pro
yportionato increase. Where there wort
only 33,000 votes cast two years ago foi
congressman , there wore over 45,000 votei
out this year. The cry cf fraud b )
Mr. Weaver's henchman is railed simpl ;
to rover the tracks of tlio rascals whc
changed the returns and disfranchlsec
v votcri who cait their votes against Wea
ver by putting Brown's name over his
la Johnson county the return !
glvo h'm ' 272 majority , when Ho received
only 17" . In Cass county and in severa
other counties , rcorcs cf votes given foi
Brown wcro not credited. So far as the
, vote of Douglas county is concerned the
Increased vote went to Blaine aud L'ai
in greater proportion than it did t <
Crown. The republican electors carriei
the county by 438 majority , while tin
fllato ticket was from 000 tu COO bo
The Pacific ita ulmvo vlndioftlcd Ihc
promise their flclegnlos gave in the Chi
oiipo republican nntional convcnllon
Without mannfftclurca. the onliijhtoncc
( icoplo thorclmvcln maldiiKndccislotiin-
eluded in their count the irholo ponploo
the I'nltod States and all their varied in
iliutricr , and have recorded their fnith in
their votes. Compare their act with that
of lliu inon of Connecticut , who reel on
their ability to tnal < o clocks nnd eowiiif
rnachinca , and other chcnp manufncturcc
ivrtlclos fora hvolihood. There ia inoro
culture in the cast , but for bruad-niind
cdncsa the people there do not compare
with the men of the far west any more
than thn Alhghanlrn compare with the
SiomONovadaf.-'aH Ltilir Tribune.
There has been a good deal of clap-trap
about the effect of tlio presidential olcc
tion upon the manufacturing industries o
the conntry , as well as about the ncccs
ally of a high protective tariff to keep the
country from going to wreck and ruin. 1
acorns to us that it is high tlmo that al
auch BonsolcBs gnbblo should coaio. It Is
very creditable to the republicans
of the Pacific coast tha
they have vindicated the promise whicl
their delegates gave at the national con
vontlon , but it ia not at all creditable to
the Intelligence of their section to have
anybody not up the claim that their actioi
was an evidence of a clearer under
standing of the effect of high pro
toctlon than was shown by the
bolters of the Nutmeg atate. As a po
litical stimulant the tariff bolus was
serviceable in the campaign among the
ignorant masses , but thinking and wol
Informed people in all sections know tha
at this day our industrial internals nocc
little or no stimulus of that sort. The
sowing machine men of Connecticut ex
ported and sold plain machines in Europe
for § 35 , while they demanded nnd obtained
tainod from ( GO to $90 for the same
machines In this country. Tide
marked differoncn in price waa largol ;
duo to the patents , but it is novorthelc :
true that the wapcs of mechanics employed
od in the Connecticut factories wore regulated
ulatod by the low price nt which the
machines sold in Kuropo , and not by the
exorbitant figures obtained in America
by which the solving machine monopolists
became millionaires. To dny the Con
necticut flowing machine is made cheaper
In this country than it cnn bo made any
where , and is exported to all the world.
The tariff has no oifoct upon that
[ > rancn of Industry , and if It was nbol-
shod Connecticut factories would still
have no competition from abroad. As to
.ho Yankee clocks , made In Connecticut ,
ho tariff has no effect upon thorn. They
lave boon sold by Yankee peddlers like
Sam Slick into Canada , Now Brunswick
and other British provinces , and Now
Sugland has needed no protection
or its clock-makers. There are of course
ther American industries that do depend
pen the protective tariff , but they are
ory few nnd far between now. Wo want
, distinctly ondoratood. however , that wo
0 not deprecate protection of manufac-
urod articles that cannot bo made as
hoop in the United States na they can bo
But on the other hind , now that the
ampaign Is over , wo enter our protest
gainst the bug-boars which the design-
ng mountebanks on both sides have con-
urod up during the late campaign for
) olitlcal effect. On the ono aide wo have
> eon told that everything would go to
wreak and ruin if there was a reduction
n our tariff , and all factories would close
holr doom the moment It was known
.hat the country had gone
democratic. On the other
Ido rampant free-traders have terrorized
ho farmers and business men by ropro-
outing that protection is nothing more
nor loss than robbery , and that every
ard of calico on the workingwoman's
jack represents n tax of two or three
cents , knnd la' every pair
of overalls which n workingman puts on
mys nn enormous tax to the g > vornmont
Aa u matter of fact the country is
not going to ruin , nor will nny factories
that have not boon bankrupted by over
[ iroduclion , bo compelled to close their
doors , although Clovulund Is now
iiioirn to bo elected president. The rob-
jorrloa of the protective tarllf do not ef-
"oct the purse of any body that buys cot-
.on goods and hundreds of other articles
of common use , uppn which there is a
high duty. The Yankee cotton factories
are producing calicoes , bleached
jooda and other cotton fabric )
with very cheap American labor at a
ovrcr price than they can bo made either
u England or any other European
country. The same is true of boots and
shoos , hats nnd caps , watches , cheap
jewelry , fire arms , tarin machinery , furni
ture , atovoR , stool rails , railroad supplies ,
and n host of other articles which twenty
yoara ago when the present tariff was for
mulatotlfcould not possibly ; have boofi
made in this country as cheap ua they
could have been imported.
The very low prloo of labor which now
obtains in Now England , Ohio , Ponnsyl.
vanla and elsewhere in this country , nnd
the marvelous labor-saving machinery
now In use have tnado the tariff a doaa
loiter in a great many industrial branohot
It cuts uo figure in iixinj ,
1 lie price of American labor 01
the price of American goods one
way or the other. Thu eoonor the maatoc
of our pcoplo got over the delusion *
which the political impostors have crcatcc
( luring the campion thu bettor it will be
for all concerned.
And the uri'at west , with its level
huided nnd intelligent population , ough
to bo the firit to give thu cold shoulder
to thcBO worshipers of fnltu idols nnd
vendors in cure-all noetrums.
IT U ra'.her nmtiMiii ; to road the labor
ed efforts of seine of the country editors
to criticise Iho 13KI : , whmi < wi > r tha cu i h
given by tha Omahn llcptibltcnn. Then
are BHUD pooplu who are yet BO h'.noranl
} ( fhow a city newspaper is conducted
that they imagine tbnt ono pcrsor
not only wtitcs nil the editorials bul
nil the local itoma , the telegraph heat ? .
linrs , nnd all other wotk of MI editorial
character. Some of thesecountrj
editor * , imagine that bccxuao thij
cot their own type , write their editorial !
nnd local news , do their own press
work , folding mailing and delivery ,
the editor of n metropolitan
daily carries on his work in the same
manner. For the benefit of nil such ,
wo will state that the editorial
force of TUP. DKE consists of seven 01
eight men , each ono having his own do *
pnrtmont. It docs not stand to reason
that the editor of THK BF.K , or of nny
other paper of equal importance , can BOG
every line that is written by every mom.
bor of the staff.
Now that the exhibitions of "tho Great
Republic" nro concluded , wo think it
eminently proper to say n few words concerning -
corning that nlfair which really ought tc
have boon natd boforo. Never again
should tin school children of Omaha be
allowed to participate in any such exhi
bition , In the first place the board ol
education has nmplo moans to purchase
nn illuminated clock and a piano without
depending upon a percentage of the ro
coipta of such entertainments. If the
board has not the moans to pay for those
luxuries , then it bettor go without them ,
The cost of Illuminating the proposed
tower clock will bo a great deal more that
the price of the clock itself , nnd wo can.
not BOO much ndvnntago in U anyhow.
The fact of the matter is that this clod
schema was only suggested by the shrowc
manager of "Tho Croat Republic , " sc
that no could utilize- the school childror
in the presentation o ! the drnmn , tin
receipts of which are of course intondoc
for the most part to go into his pocket. .
Wo have no fault to 2nd with that , however
over , ns the children porhapn receive
some benefits , but there is a very sorlou :
risk in collecting between 500 nud OU (
children upon the stage of nn open
house , and attracting n large
audience composed to n grodl
extent of boya nnd girla. Children
are easily frightened , nnd the ulightoal
alarm might create n panic which would
result in the loss of n great nurrbor ol
lives. Such things have occurred , ae
children nro timid nnd like sheep whore
ono loads the rest all follow. Not many
yoara ago , an wo nro told , a panic did
occur at Grand Rapids , Mich. , during
the performance of this same hiatorical
drama , under the direction of Mr. Ilngar ,
and the same thing is liable to occur nt
any time. It is true that 300 or 400
grown persons frequently gather upon the
stage in the production of some popular
) lay , but they have presence of mind and
arc prepared to net in caao of nn omer-
joncy. Even with men and women the
avorcrnwding of n oUiQO'is a risk , and has
jomotimoa resulted in loss of life. The
Dry of fire by some drunken wretch or ox-
sited fool will nt any tlmo create a fatal
> auio in n crowded theatre , and such nn
ncident Is liable to ocsur any day.
'oo much precaution cannot bo exorcised
n gathering a large body of children in a
nubile hall. Wo should have mndo n pro-
oat at the outsat ntgoinat the performance
> ut itho board of education
md given its permission , and
ill the arrangements were made , before
nro learned that any auch entertainment
waa again to bo permitted in Omaha ,
lad wo then made n protest , wo should
> orhaps have boon accused of malicious
ntont. it should never haTO boon per
mitted , and in the future wo shall moatvig-
orously oppose any such entertainments.
There already enough riaka without
adding nny more simply for the aako of
iclping out n trnvoling showman , who
nakca the purchnso of n clock or n piano
the oxcuao for getting up snch perfor
mances , which are really intended for the
benefit of himself. It may bo n good
thing to give dramatic training to child
ren , but it certainly docs not compensate
'or the great risks incurred in thoprcsen-
tation of such dramas as "Tho Grent lie-
public. "
TUB malignity of the Jlcpublicttn toward -
ward Councilman 11 ohm before nnd since
tils indictment has boon shown on vnrioua
occasions. That paper now demands his
immediate resignation because the jury
which tried him failed to agroo. Why
doesn't that paper demand the resigna
tion of other indicted counoilmon ) aud
why doesn't It nsk Councilman Wood-
worth to stop down and out ? All that
lias been charged against Bohm can bo
charged with jnuch greater force against
Woodworth. Behm Is under indictment
because ho accepted an agency for Sioux
Falls granite and took pay for his sor-
vloos. Woodworth has not only boon an
agent for Colorado sandstone , but has
himself been a contractor for snnd'which
by virtue of his Influence as councilman
ho forced upon other contractors against
their will at n higher price than they
ooald have bought It from other parties.
Ia the ono case Bahm Is Indicted
and his resignation is demanded
for accepting a paving atone agency durinp
n short period. In the other case Wood ,
worth goes scot free nnd is allowed tc
oo itinuo in his business , when it is noto.
rio is that ho never would have boon sp.
po ntod stone agout if he had not been a
councilman. Wo do not say that Mr.
Bohm noted properly in accepting the
og 'iiuy from contractors for paving ma.
tor l , but it does scorn outragoou * thai
another member of the council may nol
only druw a regular saUry a > nn agent foi
paving contractors , but may furnish ma
torlals to coniMO'-oru on hu own account ,
when the law t-xprosaly prohibits any
couneilmr. : from being directlj
or il Utroitly interested in RDJ
oontrao ; with the city. If Behm hac
beoti mi njent fir Iho Colorado tantalum
or nny uther paving material ftunUhoi !
by the Union Pacific , ho wouU hav (
been nl' ' right , wouldn't M
IT may ba very satisfactory Id cattiln
republican journals nnd lo < iderj , who
have well nigh wrecked the parly in Ne-
btnika , to copllntin the Hlolic policy
which they have boon pursuing for Iho
last three years. I' slrlktM in , however ,
that they nro not likely to strengthen the
pirlyby ignoring the existence of the
120,000 or more anti-monopolists who
voted in the last election and clawing
tham all ns democrats. They may sue-
oed by this COUMO in driving them per
manently into the democratic camp and
disgusting enough other republicans , who
do not approve the methods of preaont
party lenders , to give the democrat ! full
control of the state at the very next elec
tion. We are led to make those remarks
by the fact that the Lincoln Journal
classifies all anti-monopolists elected to
the legislature as democrats.
Tiir.itn may bo no immtUitUo danger of
nny powder explosion near Omaha , but
nevertheless every precaution should betaken
taken to prevent any such catastrophe as
Occurred near Toledo the other day and
near Omaha two years ago. It will bo
remembered that the powder explosion
just south of the southern limits of
Omaha shook up the whole surrounding
country and killed four boys. Wo understand -
dorstand that the powder houses , some
four or five In number , located not far
from each other , are still used for storing
ponder. They should bo removed to a
safer distnnco from the city , na the south
part of town has recently boon quite
thickly Bottled , and n now town has
sprung up nt the Union stockyards.
TUE national citilatuun'a convention
has unanimously congratulated Clovohuid
and Ilondricks. There is nothing like
being on friendly terms with the long-
Philadelphia Call ( Hep. )
A democratic president will bo inaugu
rated on the 4th of March next. The
cauaea of the change are being rancorously -
ly discussed. Tnoso assigned do not
touch the coi o of the matter. What are
recent nro only the logical sequence of
the primary causes , which date back to
Grant'atorm of office. And those show
that the republican parly is out of oftice
because it wna not faithful to itaolf or to
its principlca nt the criaia period of Us
history. It lacked , at the critical mo
ment , the courage of its convictions. Or ,
rather , the ambitions and rivalries of ita
leaders , led to the abandonment , through
defeat , of ita duty. Lot ua make this
plain. The lesson involved is worth
When the negroea were emancipated
and enfranchised the republican party ,
Lheir sponsor and protector , was under
the moat solemn obligations to see that
they enjoyed the free use of their righto ,
and were educated to their proper under-
atnnding. The southern whites nnd the
democratic party at the north naturally
and logically opposed all this. The re
publicans had congress nnd the executive.
It was in their wowor. as it was clearly
their duty , to BOO that their wards wore
protected and educated. The original
theory of reconstruction included this
And during Grant's term the force bill
was designed to eoouro just thin , Mr
Blaine , the Now York Tribune , and those
of like mind , opposed this measure , in
dulged In maudlin aontimontalism , and as
speaker of the house , Mr. Blaine waa
credited with using his power effectively
to this end. Uo waa already shaping his
policy for the nomination of 3870. The
iofpat of the force bill was part of this
policy. Grant favored it , and its defeat
waa n blow at Grant. It waa the first
move in the series which have since di
vided the republican party.
Ita immediate eifect Traa to create a
solid South. It gave the element there
'roe-swoop , and it very speedily brought
; ho colored people under control. Itcoat
Mr. Blaluo the nomination nt Cincinnati.
Even in the election that followed , before
: ho solidifying work waa effectively done ,
Louisiana and Florida were ao doubtful
; hat their being given to linyca was do-
clnrod an net cf fraud. Since then there
laa boon no doubt aa to whore the vote
would bo coat. Since that date the illit
eracy of the colored race haa been con-
.itiuod as n deliberate policy on the score
thnt in this condition they were more
easily controlled. Thus the illiteracy
stands nt 78 ptr cnnt. among the blacks.
Abandoned by their natural prcljotors ,
left in illiteracy , they are unable to caroler
lor themselves , nnd their full electoral
vote goes to the democracy. They are n
Creator political factor , but no more free
in the uao of their p-wor than when
slaves. And all this is because the re
publican party abandoned them. This
was a largn element in ita roconc defeat.
* * * Now the lesson to
bo learned is thio : That aa long na the
republican party was faithful to its own
principled it auoo odcd. But when it
ibandonod those for more expediency It
Failed Therefore it has only to come
back to first principles and do right aud
it will recover itsolf. But as a mure po
litical machine its race is ran. Will it
learn its lesson )
Hul uilo IHitl'U ' * on
of Witch Hiznl , American
1'lnoUtnada : KirMarlidld , I'l ver ,
t-1 H.OUIetc. . called HA.STOItU'H
IIADICAUCUUK.fortha Immediate
reluf and pi'iinan ntcuro of ovury
foim of ( Jitanli , fiom a clmpl > >
Hold lu the lira I to Li * of Huiell.
Tame aud Ilortui ; 1'ough and
( Varrhtl Con uiiiptlon , Comikto
treat i cut , coaslttli | < uf rue bottla
Itaulcal Ciuo , one liax ( 'atarrnal
Huh til t and ono Improved Inhaler ,
In one packet o , may n vv to hid ol
Ml D ii/L'l-u for 81.10. A-k for
ComplotoTreatment with Inlmlor ? !
"Thu only l elute spcc'llo e lno 01" Mod
Tlma . "Ihobtktvvit have fuunl in a liftttiiio of
uilcrliiK" ittv. Dr Whuln , II 01. "Altor nlonir
itriuulelth Cat uli the 1UDICAL Ouiix Ilia LOU-
qii r r-lltv. b. W. Monroe , tiulitiiiriih , ' "I
liuonct ( juii.l . ac * > It did not relieve at onie. "
Audiow Uf , Minclicilrr. ila i.
I'ottcr Drug nnd Chemical Co , , Itiutnu.
Tor the ii'lM > nd prevention
the | i Blunt 1Is applied , of llhcu-
( , XvnralKU , Sciatica ,
rliu prrtirirlloa tf a nou-l ipocUlUl lu i
i tic ! < l > ) Diusuliia cm ( U il , AiJr.u
1 . .nil. WAftD f' OOr.t-OD
Vnnllln.I.eninn.Ot-nnire , etc.flnvnr Cnkei ,
trenmiI > iitillne , .Vc.iii ilcllcntclyntul nut.
i fully in theft-nit from \\lilch they in cnnulc ,
rncptneo OT THI
Price Baking Powder Co. ,
Chicago , III. st. Louis , Mo.
Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder
- HO *
Dr. Price's Lupiilin Yeast Gems ,
licit Dry Hop Vcn.t.
G-Ax/n xrc o-isocxmo.
Proposals for Building
Departmental the Intctlar , ) '
Ofllco of Indian AITilrf , Nov 17,1831. I
Soiled pro-osal , endorse I "nropoiali foi bul'dinu
HrldK < 8"wlll bo received at thlHftllco until 1 o'clock
Tucsiay the 16th of fccoin cr , 1SS4. for till eon-
ftrucllonot three bridges rn IhoSuntcoSI'itx Ho'cr-
\iitloti In Ktbraska , and I'onea llcnciv.itlon In Dakota
at tlio foi owing locationr ; on theSantoo llcacrvitlon
ovr Ihn U < z locr ck , abridged thnu apans cf 00
foot each with 15 ft ft nupi caches ; on the I'nnca liof-
irvatlon , over tin Nlolira-ailvi-r , abridge 063 fe-t
from onil to cm' ' , and over the Wmt Firkotsaid river
a up n if CO fut.
Tre brldi ; a In question a'o t ) toof Combination ot
vood andironvvlth ciHt Irtm hocp , testing on jii'c
fmindatl' > ii9 , which ovtr tlio M brnrailvcr are to bo
dilvcn 1C 'ect. over llazllo croik , 13 luct , and o\cr
\\'a t Kutk of Ntobraia Hlur , 15 feet botoiratir
level , and nto to bn built In nccnrdsnco ulth i > lans
andtpoclflcatnhs to bo scon at tlix otllccof tlio Depot
tjiiaitermmiur at Omaha Ntbrmkn , Iho ' Iliros" ot
Denver , Coloiadoand ot thi "Intci-Occan cf Chicago
cage , I > ) .
The comtrirlhn o Him lirldfuto under the lin-
noilUtottipcrxnloii olaicrson to bo disunited b >
thlf Diaruiicnt. |
All bids n.nst bgarcotrpirlcil by a ci'it fled chock
on Bomo Unitml tilt's Diin ltorv , for at least KIVB
p r cun'um ' < f thn amount of thu pwixealhlcli
check wl 1 bo fmfcltod nttu I' , ilud Status In ca o
niy bidder or bidders full to cxicnto a cnntract with
Rood ant sni'l.ciunt tuiotl's , othrrulae to be returned
tithe bidder , in Kuh.nitllriR bids , bidders flr llld
tate the tlmo rcqti'rcd ' by them lor 'ho nnsttmtlon
of the bn seaat'Ins nnttir uill bo condroil ! In
nuking the aniird ) , ami trade a part of thocontnct-
The ilaht U iLsentil 'o icject any or all blda or
any part < f any b d If dctmej for the bed intoica : ot
tDOFurtico II I'HICK ,
n 22-0 k9mc'i Commls.-loncr.
St. Charles Hotel ,
Four ttory brick , just erected on O. stieot , bo
twton 7lh and 8ih strcois. Flnoit ( urnhhe.l , best
and most reasonable prlcid houue at the Capitol.
Near aildopots. MllS. KA1ECOAKLEY ,
nor 3-nie 1m 1'roprloto
Ciilcap , St , Faui , Minneapolis CDE
The now eitonalon of this line from WekeOeld 01
through Coooord and Coleridge
[ leaches the best portion of the State , Special t :
surslon rates for land ceekora over this Una I
Wayne , Norfolk aud Ilaitlogtou , and via Blair to a
principal poliits on the
Trains over tht U. , St. P. M. & 0. Hallway to Cov
ogton , Rloux City , Fcnca , Haitlngton , Wayne Mid
Norfolk ,
t , Oikdvo , Nelltfh , ind through to 7i.I-
on aitllln n Itjr.nvtluti ull as
BOJA ! and U.8 Mall S team or *
Fhtlttti taermany , Italy , Holland and franei
Steerage Outward , 820 ; Prepaid from Antwerp , Jig
Cicnrelon , 939 , Including bedding , etc , 2d Cabin , $60 ,
iound Trip , $50. CO ; xcurelon , 9100 ; a looa from 131
In 190 ; Kzcurelon l0 to 160
t Wrlgbl Don ) , Uen Agentl ( t llroad
ay H. Y.
CaMwell. Uainllton a Co. , Omaha. P. E. Fl ,
an k Co. , JC8 N. 18th Street. Cm ba | D. K. Kin
l.OmahaA "tita ml-1r
' ' 11 loin 13 Imiritud c'tv ' pro'ut > . in
M'Tv'nY i (4.0. and 11,1. W. H Mut'o , If 0.1 KJI
nain. u")2ue)2l
MONKY TO LOAN In sums of MtOan'i upwanfs
O. F. Duvls and Co. , U al E tatu and Loan
Agents , IfiOS Fan-am St. 393 tf
ONK.Y loaned ou chattels. Uallroad Tickets
M bought and Bold. A. Foreman , 213 B. 18th
7 < fl-tf
Financial Exchanro , largn or small loano
OMAHA uecurltv < Illco bourn 0 tn 6
week da > e. 10tolSundais. 1503 i'.niiinStreet
111 to Deo. - >
AIDANTA ! : ! gond comntent elil for general
Tl hoiKiMork , 2.M1 Doug ) * * street. I09tf
FOIt HKNT TAO Inuicv , & rooms , exch i fi p-r
month. Inquire 809 podgo ktreet , 140 1-\ \ >
A\rANfKD ( i'rl for gtneml h uito work , nuno but
if experienced nuoii call at 711 uth 17th btUl :
houiu from N. K. loriu'r uf l.iMVunvtoith. "O.-i'Vp
rANTKI ) rVuitJiicriat M. K. Jhnln'H In'la'l.
11111 btorf , .111 H , lith ft. 71U 22
* Tii : > Ani tcla ubakfr , c fab'ocf U1 In *
du ge ot shop , wi'liH cad ) li.lbl M. AI pl > at
oncotu'ij. HolO.ik , loiva. 006
l"\7ANTED-A eiKxl vdlllnsr htcad.v boy to learn
T I trulc otlriui muiiMlnt : founiliv , 10J a. ilth S' .
3' ' 2.'p
\\7ANTii : > AgTdman to takoiiir.- ) thecit )
IT ririu u | ji of the Kvuning linns Apil.v tj
I * . A. liarv if. n-3 5p
AX'AMKH-\ ( lir.ii lo lake rbvgeof tlio
It adur Wng.deiartai'iit of the iilnj1laic
6SI 25p
" \\7 ANTKUcliu. . livn agon n In uvi'ry o unlj in , to npittent tliu Muiuil Heir o
Fund Life AmiKjlatlon.ol N vv Y rk. 11. II. llobl-
nan gv. . . tgini.'HVamab , Ktb. 077-7
7ANTKD Yomu g'rl ' for light lioiiuwork aid
Vi toi-arclur.hlUrin. V20N. 1 thht. Us-i4.i
A.S'rtD-Cilri at 1211 Capitol avu.
051 2tli
| 7A.NTii-- : > IDJ3 Faina-u St
603 tf
\ \ TAVIirAiirliiht : | : ouwMk , nod h. nn
l > tin. Ueccher Illiibj.OjiS. W. coiner I'thaud
UvidSt. MOi'lip
7AM' ' To'adi c ok * . rlr t nl tc HI ; Mi
fort ) t a d $ U for t-uoond. ' ouie < r .lt. ,
J. W. MU utv , C itr.lll ttl , WJIUIIKX.b. .
" \\-\NrKD vVu want a flr t c'liiiuiii , who lin
* I 1 wine evpcii ion In 11' < > ajwr vvcrl. ti
ntd loom con * I > rior < d Iravcll s ' " "
i'i > ii'lm.ti > . ( lu d wti'i "III Ui piiltl i. ih I'ght
J u an. Kuo ( > ri < .f rnpi-ri l. Ad.rcy HttU'.V ' rr tiur
| r\\ , V > wlr tju , ell. o.'oti
IX D A cnt tn c'l ' l f .l'tabIc tlH ( llp lr
V .dry . 10iS. 11'hSf. ' < 3 tl
\ \ ' \ STI.IArool miidi
> > N | A > h , ( 'roamu'4block.
l\ ' /i.MII > ( Mil f > r grntral lieu i w , rk nt" . I'
II c rr rr 2ntb and F n am. 01321
. iiiin | et ! lit ho'i-i" tciejir to ciro lei
tm.\ll foii c , ( nr t o e'rglo cutLaua A'llirt
"J. J ' Hot 1H AlMwrrth Nob. 61911
Tl'ANTfcltAgents to.'ell In NebrMVft anew work
II b ) A popular author. Call on or addrtai JOI.L-
and Haiclrigg , SlOtorth 17th St. , Omaha N < b
207-Ji nM |
" \XTANTKD Tobtiyaoty Ijttobo paid In wcckl <
or monthly Installments. Addtcw" ! ! . II " L'ct
ofllro. 218-tt
" \\rANTiD : I.Bdl s nd pcntlcmtn to lalio mw
II light , plcanint work at thilronn homes ( dls
tnnco iinohjertlnii. WukBintby mull , SI In ? j A
dty on bs quiet' ' ) midc , n icanvaojlng Please ail
il'CM at once , ( jlolx ) M'fg Co. , llcsti n , Mis" . , box
Ml 4 r.O.i-Jcc 17
\\TAnlKD LadlcK or gentlemen In city or country
II to lal.o nice , ll ht find | leasint work at their
own horrcs , 12 to $5 a day raelly and quietly made
work sent by nail ; no canva'&lngjio stamp lor ropl )
Pltose address IlcllabloManTg Co. , Philadelphia , Pa
002-1 ra
or countty , to take nlco light and ploasint
worV at tbclr own hornet , ; f ] to ! 5 per dty easily end
quietly made ; work tent by mall , no canvavlnj ; no
stamp for ropl p. 1'lcaso address llcllablo Uanf'g Co.
Philadelphia , P * . 603-lm
WANTED 11) nuiso with Icn ycari experience
and good rccmmcndatton , omtlovmcnt In
quire at Et. diaries Hotel. 700-
\vrANTKI- A Plluitlon by A joung lady ti do
guicr.Ihou'e-wirk. Call or aidresa lOto Hurt
Et. _ 003-2/p
\\7AN1 ii : > A cltuatlon i s Bar tender , $50 dcpcs-
it if rcqulrcJ , Address "S. A. luklfncc )
olllro flS5-22p
U7ANTfiltuatlon | a ? travcllrg silefman In
boct and bco . clothing , ( lioccrlcs or drugs ,
lav oelso handled cigars and tobacco , have the bed
of icfmn-e bIttti r , also personal reference In city.
Address "H. " llooolllco. 07024 , )
\\7ANTi:0 : Situation lij ajoung Inly , willing to
f do In olllcuscorjlst. Addie-a K. f. " Iko
olllcu. 054-22U
STED Position as wet nurse. Aprly at
Wuinan's Christian Atscclatlou , City HaP.
0 3-20p
\\TANTtD uj on cnf rgctio and practical busl-
II nuss man. tuft thousand { 'ollais In the best
\iiifr busl' i at In Omaha , u ill glvo security or In
ert bt in business. Addrcsj " 11 \ \ " UKR olllco.
050 22p
WANTFD-An Int 11'gcn * lady wishes to go to
New Orleans with pa'lv as companion. Address
'lllrliin" ' L'uo CountlDg room. 032-7p
SIT ATIO.Vd Fortitbcrladlcsorgintlemcn. Wo
want an agent to icpn tent us lu every town In
ho wet Ttrruamado known rn nppllcatlon for
egcncy.ddrofs "Kuplio 1'ubllshlng Co , " 813 S.
Uth bt. , Omaha Nob. 027-23
Aiding reamed m u w mo pituaticn nook.
keeper. In wholettlo ci > tkbllhii.oDl In Omaha ,
Addrcan "C. " care Ico. S53-tf
\\7ANTED -H.v a gfLtlcman and wife , ono or two
T rconiH. nnlurf Isheil or rartlally si preferred ;
a aroiiv nlcntsnddislrab'o looil tj Would like
board In faml v if ogneililc. Address ImmedldtelT
'lvlng partlLiilaiB , P. O HxSoitllj. 7CO 22
rMVO Cientlen ui ran havoalariohird < omcl ) fur-
JL iiNhed tecond story front rom with excolent
'oard , t or information opp ! ) at dm ; store , corner
Uth and Douglw. 70j-26p
- > To buy batil in some good town or
i i Intatlon for now onu. Address J. S. Adtir ,
Mlnn'npollp , Minn. 052 S4p
ONE or two hoarders vvantel , handsoirtly fur-
nlsled eouthrcmn , pleasant homp.ovcry com en-
loncc. two irinutet tuave. car , Q teen ninnies walk
to I'tut otTc ? , M3 I'lca ant St Oi7-24p
WANTED - \ partner with S5no , to take tall In
tcrest In n well istoblinhcd an I tlntclnspay -
Irg bualccs , Ocd ilutco to nmko momr fora
HID man. ddicss O. H. , DKK clllco , Omaha. 041-Kp
WANTKIJ Carpenter lo rent hciuo and barn ,
amlpay icntlnwoik. Win. L Monro > . Othand
DOUR'SP. 603 22p
WANTKD-To oxchanRo ono of the bust retail
KrnccrlcHln Onuhafor a tnull tinct cf dojira-
bio land uear the city. All who icp'y K\\O \ fulldc-
icrlpilon cif land and owner's tame. Address , A. S.
I. , licuollice. eoitt
\\7 ANTKD Boarders at 1212 Capitol ave.
T > CS2 2-2p
WANTED BuBincBS. An actlvo mcrchunt of
th rough bi-alni-ts education and habits c-n-
IcmplatlngRchanto January 1 1.1886 , i hestopur-
haso an Interest in a well establlehfd mercantile or
mannfactuilPK tnalnce , w < uld buy out a small bus-
ueBg.has 810 000 cash.can furnish referetcca of a hl h
irider and would cxpccteama. To eccmc replv , ad-
IrossRlvInK lull name and particular , "Merchant1
; are Boo otllco. 860-8t lewkp
TT7ANTED 82,000 on flrst-class city oocurlty.for 6
TT years , at 9 percent. Address Box 820 1'oat-
ffiof. 708-tf
iicKi--nousoi ) nna Loie.
tfOIl KENT -Four room c.ttaKu a. IBIh HI Far-
kiTJIne. . 038 tf
p oil HKN'r KiiruNlied room suitable for two.1816
i Karnani St. e U 2dp
1flliHHK > T Nct'Ciitt go I524N. IBSh St , onlj
one block from OrifUvarlii f. N. S. C'aik. '
1,1011 KENT O. r niiial ! hctiMi on Center St. . ono
1 llockiicrtli ef t'nciii gs. In iilrd.i5 Edholm A.
r'ckmm. U)625 )
F'OIl UE.ST Tnokon tM. Inquire 4GJ Co > lent St.
I neil IIENPliilck dwolliig IIOIHJ , furn'eheil or
unfurnlshKl.Kindty watir a-il all in lin i'n-
roveoi-iits Impi'ro LU jrimss N. W. Cor l ih
i.d rannin t leulH 701 f.
Oil l.hM' Iliice i iifurnUhrd rooms with modem
em lmpuirt . .i'ntttJlloorP.S' corner it hand
foward. 70'J-1.2p
FOR HUNT FurnUhrd rooms brick blnck , modern
linprvcmi'iiis. . i nu id uk frooi I'ojt olll e , SV. .
oincr > I5ih aid l-i ! ] tolav ' . OV-'J4i ;
IT'Olt ItK.Nr : Higui' turn shcdfr ntro imliiMits
or H lulu , > ithgaa , Niib-ui t u rrtr it ibu
Mi. el son blocl , i on o. jctb HI dllae po tt , ovtr
I < MI'S | Chi , a bioic. Appi ) room 18 , Ms Thus
iintliwv I. 69 , 2-p
Ull U AT Toiioiit'eii'in "nlj , a il uran fui-
Iilxl cdioom , S I ! corner 20ta .rid Dotigla- "
ll'-'Nr A eco.1 trnoiccnt of ft rooms on Iflth
and Jlason htrcLtu $ ISicr moulh. N , W Vo rill.
6 9-24p
pOll KENT Furnished rcoim at 1417 Howard.
rio. I ItKNT-A furniihiit room. iLimlro at IR02
t 1 FarnamSt 3C 25ji
< Oll H'NTA fiirol-bidroom or hoie , farn l dv
1 without eh Idr n 'l < n. a few cliolco ron denco
ot female. Inquire 22iO Ca IfornU St. CM 2Sp
> O t tiKNT Klegantll loom h me. hard and soft
1 wattrallni'Kiern iapnvo ncn 8 , Iient bcitlo" in
itySTTl' . JlaikcrA. 11 0 lie , 13th an I Fornain. 322 If
FOKHFXr- . Inv hus . No H"i > Ci B ktrett
Inquire of Mlm Vejer- a N. 10th ( . 017 2p
7 < 0 It HINT'Iwn nj | < y lurnU'ed liont jo nw
I 1 uitho without Loviil. htuvcs in lacli 151S
, 'afltolavr. .170dec-Up
\ \ HK.NTC'oii f ) itable furnlfhcd r onn In notth
' cndif lb AndoiKonbl ik , corm-r I ) tvenp rtknd
Utb lltfu i-nci 8t\.h iigi > J. Aply at r > om.14. K.
I. Aiidu.uon. _ 012-7411
pvm IlE.Nr-4 r om lunuo 28lh and Unuglan
12 i inn hou e M < t and Hurt ? 15.
h Uriiiron GMurilu f. U > g < > & . Hill , lUalmUlu
lu > i Kainiiutir. Us 24
ItEVT A 4lteof finnl l > ud rnuxu u
17011 liloui ; . Hi. , b twvei , 1-tH and 1 10th. I Olfl 2l
KENT f out rein with bo rd , kl >
171011 loud lo. two or time gi-ntUnun at 14'J1
Jone.ft. Oij. 4p
lU'NI-Furid lad ficnt i aioru'i lint
i h but r nii i'j ' j ill u , tlnu lupition oni t' p-
i ol 11,11. Addrii' KIVII g nferti-cei ' > . ' Ho
G 4 I
I/O t KKNT-Fuinttlitil loonw with Loir-l ! < ' ,
Nurtli ittr. U.iSSji
Toll ' "V.S't r'uriiohiu ice . at S.V uoui.l
OIl Kl NT-Nice fiirn sh l r'QUH 01 1 ka'f bl-cV
I 1 f < om u } d'n OJI.IQ iiiu e. M. K. Mart u 316
Eouth liiliKirsft. Ouji )
1 rvcU HKM'Kn'il itlcr il farnUhoi tiiuui 610
i ? b.ttti 13 Im.uv ; . CJii . .
' H N r-Smal | c > | Uie tbn c to m * south i''d
Ir'OH 1 , l qu r 17(0 Ja < V on.irj I tdl 2p
, ' ( ) ! > i , .NT T u Ullluc. rh.d lOjli
1 1
C'OII Kt.NT Mr , i Ith'il 10 ui. Iiiquiin ilruj teru
.C w Wff W.h i.J Uojk'ncln' ' I''A'WW.i7 ' '
i-7 1
F OIl 11F.NT t 'urnlahcil ' rootn.OOS ? ; . )
17011 RB3T-Pnriiihcl n < 'tn n I hear 11- r 1 r
f weel. Ver > belt laiAibi , JS 4 Datoipir
Foil HK.Sr The tvvj tnry melt rnnrfrt corner
1C th anil Maron. Paulsin & Co. , 1513 Pirni
ell HUNT-TWO i > lcg\ni ro-nu In l .
1'aul'ci A Co , 11)13 farinm. 3'2tfj
C0ll -rurnUlioJ fruit roam for rent JJ" V
' KENTIImi wi'h ' -
Iii'jH - c 5ro-miand barn. o.
1 plj to I' . WIlR , No. OUiouth UtliHt.
J/Oll ItKNI A ten rixiai oot'anc , cu'il l"t uii
1 barn , on I'vrinc titcel , mar Ilth stio t In
quire cf C P. Uoudman , 229 tf
FounnNT or. sUjK \ nvoroon hou cNO2117
Marie street. Ajply tJ Mrs. S Q. -
lOin Casiilrcct. C3J..f
ifMt HENT Nicely furnlfhcil room for otio cr tTn
Rentlcuicn , S. K. corner 20lh and DiloniKtt st
T7IOU UGNr-Now ilwo'llnc ol ten rooim. \
JL1 modem lmproiomons . situated at S W cor
Harncy and 2utb Urctt. Sco Uallcu tto's or
_ _
I710K BKNT-ln SUHn'n 3d addition , meo south
JL1 and cast earner lot wltliO room hnuwj'8. ' tJt
month I'ottcr ft Cobb , 1515 I amain St. 13i : if
KENT Two rooma tnrnishoj for
ipoil light hou o.
'keeping. ' S. W. cor Slhaiid Howard. 170 tl
"I OIl KBXr Koom corner of 17lh and draco Sta.
POIl KENT The corner stare 10th Jid Leaven
woith. Appl > O. II. I'otcraon. _ 103 if
FOIl 11KNT Cflttago of flvo rooms , doa'rablc lo
cation. 0. K. Davla & Co. , .505 > I'irnamtt.
IjlOH KENT Klrst-cla'a three it .ry brick , metal
JC1 roof , warehouse , hjilraullo elevator , concrete
c. Ilallroad track to Joor. Barker & Mav no.
13th and Farnvm. 025-tt
FOR KENT A new atoro room and offlccsuii-cUlr
on January 1st , 1BS5 , on 13th Iratween Williams
and Illckorv Inquire at K , J. Kaaper. 00-tt ;
JTOIl UKNT 1'loasint furnUhod room 8. K oo
10th and Ilowaid streets. 003-tl
T7 l > Il lli.Ni : Ihlrt-cn uewdwolllnfs ( by C. T Tayi
JL1 lor , corner Uth and Dounlas. 843-11
"ITiOH HUNT House 7 rooms Rood locality by 0. T.
Jt ? Tajl-r , oirncr 14th and Douglas.
r > OOlfS With board , dcs rab o cr Inter1 Apply
llatst Chai lea Hotel. 7 OJ tl
MUHIIAY baa soon paoiurinj ; . Sptlm ; vrkter.
ooiliniNI OoUa o of ave rooms. J. Phlppo Koe
IClSoouthEth street. 033 tf
FOU SAI.H A ( 'o-d pay ng boardliig h'lise cheap
forc sh. iLqulrcat 6U1 corBerBth atd 1'ioicc.
I7 > OU SAl.i : 'cattH on 2',003 acres cool cbool
1 1 vi d for silo In SO aero rajtsand u , . uijs J.
N , Ue > noliN , 1 07 1'arnam M. U33-27
{ j > OUSKLE llaro birnala ; 3 acres near woter-
' vvrrk rcoivolr. . SI u i' , casv tcrmf. Lot Mr
J2ncnrfca ndcrsi Mrcet , blo.ks from stiee' cars ;
onlv $8 < o , to ins easy Ono acre , Q\a' \ * addition ,
* IOCP. lienut fill lot In Homo's addlMon , lSxI32 ,
nly9UO I'Hll lot , i mall h u u aid barn , near
fansc-m's i aik , $1 210 ca h lull lot , routh 13th
trcot , cheap Kor bargains call on Harder ! t
o , 13th and F.mmii. CSO-24
SALEOi ; THADE-A ctofkofucniral mcr-
chandlio fcrpnlo on easy tcim' , or will . \change
ORe d lands In Ntbratkn. 'llio ttnek will Invoice
abaut 811,000. Addr. es " ff. CJ " care of lien nice.
FOU S1LE OH TRADE A Rod stock ol Hard
ware anil lurtitHiro In En- tern Nebra ka ; will
rado for food lanns lu Nebraska or Kan a : putlc-
uhrs given on oppllca.loD. Addiv-s WiilioK Rros.
Shube t Keb-
, nlO-5tdh
FOIl SALK In Lincoln , "e\ , the recrles Rtaam
I iuniliy. A ran buslnosj opp irttinltyfthe
n'y ' lusbnsncsof : ! he Und In the citvl'li ox-
cnslvcly ave lisedjli-n flrt-oasi be'pj latest lin-
iroved mnrbinery , evti'thli.ginw8itifactnrv ; ri-a-
cms for illln . OIJ-26p
ITiOIl SALE till TKADI Birl t-r chair , cup
I mill tonls rf bt'stmakoand fluoit interns. C. It.
Crcylcr , iduej > Iowa. 631-25p
F Oil SALT ! 'Ix hundred 5ood lob ? lfO to 86CO.
IIovBsa and lots on monthly pavments , HOITKU
A. Hill , rale tate 1404 Parnam St
J7 O11 SALE will fecii 0 several RCMX ! nome-
steads claims In Gittter Co. Address J. C. orap-
1121Noith MthHh DD2-2i. ii
nOUSALK OU IlENT-Lot 80x183 vitli new B room
P house and 4 In rso stable , Pierce , utar West ave.
Relocation. I'au BOD > ' ; Co. , 1513 Firium. 31341
FOH SALE The bcit business lot at the Stock
jari'B South Omaha , 60x163 Will be worth
oublo the price asked now inside 1 ! months. Apply
t otllco New York Dry Goods -Hero , 1310 Parnam.
LJKSlAUnANT FOU SALE-Ono of the best res.
Ltauranta and bakery combined In Nobraskft with
oed location ami trade citabll hej lu city of 600U
lopulatlon. Only first-lass restaurant In the place
nd doin" inoro in bakery line than ail others In ci * > -
ombinou Ice cream pallor In tciton. Ovenc , ice
ouscs and ovcrj thing complete. Will s ll furntaheKl
nd leave ovorj thing. Will sell at a arsaln and to
Ight man with small cash payment and Dalanco on
eng time , BO purchaser can rnako it pay for Itself.
V s. WISH , 1'lattsmouth , Neb. 817-n 2S
[ 70KSALE 1 pausago chopper , fco 89 po-ver ; one
I1 re cdcilng kettle , one lard prosa. Apply at Ilrook.
vn Market , cor. 13th and I'ierco 802-tf
TVE A quantltv nt Job and nov paper type for
salo. Also a good Zither. C. T. Uunco , care lies
Illco. _ 7SBtf :
/ SALE Cottage of 6 rooms , bani , corner lot In
! ' Shlnn's addition ; only 81.6 Ojsamllcash pavm nt
uid balance monthly. Bargain. llcCague , opp
LjiOll riALE-New phaeton. Inquire ol Oeo. 111" .
i1 gins at northeast corner IBth and Dodge
_ _ 631-tf
! j"UU MALE Kluo buau ess rhauco at Orand Islmd
I ; Neb Jfi.rOO nujB Iho bank buildln ?
ttlcobulldmu which rent" for JIB a mouth ; a Urao
rn nnd burslor prco' eafo with Yale time lei k coil
l.Ofo , alto > verj larsebank b ok flre proof info ,
ank countir , disks Iiird coal stove , In fact a com-
lo u bank outfit , together v.lih lot 44x68 en Lauu , >
: roit. Title i crfect 'lirms 4 cash , I a atica cu i-ne
nd twnj oars time If doslrcd. Cation or audre a Jav
. White Orand Ipland , Heb. B22-tt
I UKhAI.K A peed tame bonw , ft roorrj , all In
1 ifood on'er Must bu moved at once Apply to
ho Wo tern Newspaper Union , cor. 12th and How.
rd etreuts 344-tf
7OR 8AI.K C'beip a second hand hl b tap bupgy.
1' Inquire at Simpson's Ca.-rUre Kactoiy , DoJgs.
etwocn 14th and 16th. fco tf
IJ'Oii SALK A whole took of clothlnji , hocts and
L' Bhood , bulUiio at cost , retiring from liusinraj.
. II. l'utyr < on S0tnou > h Tuntli trn t. 1133m
TiUR 3AlK f o jpjn i ouu-.iuiil , Jj
f one dellvwy waon , cbftp , t.t IS1P Hirooj- .
r osr-nold t > anitrIiirvvithianv | < iMtM9Undfr
. J wit1 1 htx'rtUy rtvvjrded bv leavL , ; it No. 317
) tB'lasSt. f822li
! OST One sirav pen nnru , about 0 vears flit
J K. rVitko , I ) tcinoitBtitor , b.t.'Tid Sflth.
IIAKKN Ul'-On October 23 , a light L , . ,
I tthlunpotliilorchcadand haBi'p t Ju tabovet
ho-tlllo tV. Elliott , ouo mile went of the barracks.
012.1 1 low ,
rjUUIlKll8TAMI'.S-OuymuiuI cturir8inOmah
.V IU.M I'rintln ' Co. Ktt-'J
) HIV vaults , ulnVi and compoola cleaned k4 thj
[ shi > rlf < it notlc.i and at any tlmo of 'he da ) , < n MI
nllril > ordfrlcen way without the lea t molc 'itlon
occupants urnelgbboriH.vith our lmpr vo < l and :
dorhj apparatup. A. hvans & Co. , 1008 CanlVrt
At the old itanO U17 Faruam | SUiiV Oritr. i T
el gr > ph * rfclteJ i n promptly > tr < ndrd rn. T
tSonp Vo ' "
* f > CUFFS"
All I.liuu , sorH
Linings A , a txterlors ,
At\ fur thtrn