Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 24, 1884, Page 2, Image 2

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ijl" J l. Chnrli's St. , M. 1 o l , Mo.
. . . r HnJM
t it * N Nf n , Rhll
1-lij.l lo M ) tu
' Ko lratsi : D-bliltj. Menial Kt.d
Phtslcal WtaitnuA Mi TurU and nlher Al cc
lions Ol thto t , S n o Punei. Blcod Colsonlng ,
riltl § 9r * find Ulecrs , . - < VM 'i knr > r nrMl
Olti.isos Arising ( rum Irulscrtilori Cxccst ,
Rl OHfe or IrUllllSPnco , l -n , riilf m > * M tM
ItollWh t "I1- ' ' f * ii i K iir < of tiM
fttef't ntl > the i n i- . n i * 1-11 ' ic tl Hi < iln
* cft torlnff MurrUre ! mpirf > PT uni.ftppy , '
10 fStlrit pli * f 1 I i fr. > I" ti T iTilr ( r li ullMnn M f f
IMA ot I J nIn \ \ * aL.lintl.vtl w r'w1 ru. . .iluiii
A Positive V/riuen Guarantee
r1rr 1n nil rorAMnfi * * * . ll < Hf 11 * * nl pfrrwhr-rf
iMmphlPts , K * ft It nil or Orrtnun , M4 jmce . n
icribtuff ftbovodiceasofl laniaioor fcranU JllEJi
| fln1t' * | ' 1 | trbt-r ) ( o p | 'h KAtl Jilt tlddtU
11 Ibe r HIM , " ' n ' ) or mqttt-il ( A - * at U
. tocX cTjrtM lntejrv > > t to nil UetUh. "
Js \Vilt iinniv > HIP BLOOD ,
iS'a late UIP LIVER nnd
1. nnd Iir * r' uB TIIK
in l VIOOH of YOUTH. IJj"
l i'p Ii , Wnni orAlip'ini'i * ' '
< } \t \ ! linn. I ink < il btri-nglli ,
iiiil'lir- ' " " -un alisoliitclj
un i | . I ir i. iiiiiirlnnnil
iii-rvm rec U o in lone.
i ; > Ilia inliiit nnil
1 niiM'lli-s Jirnln 1'imcr.
llulli rliiKfroin foiniil.'ilnli
Illl'Irfll-X Wll
! * - W B - IH-Ctllllirln
llnd In DIU Ii BrKlfB IKON TOIHO n mfo nnJ
ri-ccilyciiro. illicit nilcnr , Imnltliyconiiili' lon.
rrciiiic-nt fcrtrmpmat r-- Tfo1.nK | only iiil.l
totlioiio | > nlsrlt > irlioorlfln-il. | Uoiiotcxierl' . |
tnCIlt- lol.
cm J0urmllr.-Mlolholr. llnrljrMprt Do . 'K
St. lo lit. No , lor our "JJJIKAM HOOK. " U
I"nll of ttraDC * and usof al luJormauca. lno.f J
Science of Life Only 4100
Kili .u tcMl VlUlIt ? , Nervous nj Phvelcal Dobllll )
t'rom turo Doollno In Man , Krrorn ol Youth , and thi
untold mlscrlc ? rcauHlnff from Inillecrotlona or KI
C09SW. A book for o\ory man , yonnK , mlilillo URod
and old. It oontalna 175 pregctlitlnn9 | ( or all acut
and chronlo dlsoanoa oaoh ono of wliloli la ln\aluable
So ( ounil by tba Author , whoso oxportcnco for 17
years Is BUCII as probably never ncforo foil to the lot
ot anr phvnlci'an. 200 pagco , bound III Itcalltlful
Fronru nintlln oinpogsod covers , full , gilt friiorontrad
to bo a finer work In every oonso , machan'cal ' , lit
erary and profcnsloi al , tlmn any ether work nold In
this ooantry for 82.60 , or the money will ko refunded
In every limtanco. I'rlco only $1.00 by mall , pcwl
paid. illiu > tratlvoBiuiii > le 6ronta Send now. Gold
modal awarded the author by tlio National Medic * )
Association , to the olllccraol hlcli ho return.
The Science of MIo should bo read by the yonna
far Instruction , and by the anilctod for relief. It nil )
Iwncflt all. London Lancet ,
Tncro In no member of B cloty to whom The Sol
once of life will not be useful , whether youth , par
cot , irnardUn , Instructor or olortyrn ( 3. Argonaut
Aillrc33 the Penbody Medical Inkatiitc , or Dr. W
II. Parker , No. 4 BulOuoh Htrect , lloaton.Masg. . who
may be consulted on all dlscams requiring skill uid
oiporlonco. Chronic and obstinate dWrwcH that have
baUled the eklb ol all other phyn-lCA | I
Rpeclaltyi Buph treated SUOOOM IILrAL fully
without an Initanco of failure. TUVCCI C
Cor. 13th and Capitol Avrnuo , treats all CMOS Grip
pled or Dt-forincd , al o disease ! ol tt
Hervous System ,
Blood , and
Urinary Organs
All oases cf Curvature of the Bplne , Crooked Feel
LCKS tfnd Arms , Dlwasoa of tlm lllp , Knvu , and
Aiikle JclnU Alita Chronlo aRectlons of the Liver
Ilheunmtlsm , Paraljsls , Piles , Ulcers , Catarrh , Asth
ma and Ilionchltle are all treated by new and suo-
occcful mcthoilfl. All diseases of tne Illood and Urin
ary Organs , Including thorn resulting from Indscro-
Hon.or oxpoture , are nafol ] aud suocomfuHy treated
aud a cure guaranteed. Yuung men , middle aged ,
and old men suffering from Weakness and Nertout
oihuustlon , [ iroiludiiL , iintlgontlon , Palpitation of the
Heart , Despondency ululnem , Loss ot ifoinoryLack
of Energy and Ambition , can bo restored to nealtb
and flgor , If cwa Is not too long neglected.
The Surgeon In charge In a graduate of Jrffer
on Uodloal Cullcgo 1886) ) and has studied hll
ptofoeslon In London , 1'arls and Iterlln. If allllrtoj ,
call or write full description uf your ontto , uid modl-
dn may \n > mint you. Consultation fr * . Ad diet
Omiha UlBponsary , Crounte's Illock , Omaha , Neb
omoo hours 10-11 a. iu.l-B and 7-8 p. m Buudayi
10 a m
CS.Bend fof trettlso either on mate dtscoMf or
0. F.
Qtuml Sttitft'.o
j 1655 FAHNAU UT. . OUAUA.
ll re lor ttl * IOO.OM acrci eiietaDy ctledsd Undi
KiiUrn Nebtuikt , fct low prtoa ana on easy teru-o.
Improved larms lot sale lu Doaglai , Dculgt , Oollax
Hattt , Hurl , Oumliijr , earpy , AYtaatngton , Kirtct
Bincden , and Ilutl r Jonnilee.
T IM paid ID all parti ol the Stall ,
Uooev lauied c-n inproved farmi.
fubUaalwavB In offloe Ooneapond
CUKTn y ° r oddriau to Bwlft fll clflc Co. . Drawct 3
OttillJ Atlanta. Oa. , for an Interwtlui : ireatlwi oil
Illood mid SUu IMsconcn. lilcb they will mull frui
Inflammatorv Rheumatism ,
I wan attacked hut winter with Inflammatory rbeu
lua'lmiiof bemcto | inv llrnt teilous Illueim elnoo
1H70 : IliuHarlouaklnda of treatment "lib cnlj
tcinpomry relief , Alter neven vtixki I wan wdu .
in w club 1 35 ( Kiundi , had no rtrength n r pictlto
r l M trn liiK weaVcr u-ry day In thin condition
I lxtan ; bllt' HjKclOc , and In thrco dayii l'au ( to
linpruxi , and In thrwi vuvk * I a frwi I rom dlnooiio
wid up atUi din * toiny rrtculiuliuiIneM. . My apjiv
tile rtturned and 1 rapidU Kalned my tlcen I tii e
woltoJ thU lotiff to be certain that ray cure won | K.r
liny * bed rheunuillwn for forty y < * ' , nl
Je iirelle wlwltlia ewbotUe ofB.H ttI I ooniilde
UaUodeud U tlallllct d.
" J. R W4U.EB , llioupi Oo. , Au . S t
Parties Organizing for the Proe
KilliM Stallions ,
UIMJ of ( Jio NovcIlli'M or Wcfitrri
Itnnuli litre ,
Ji ! > nincrftnff.
Up in Northoaetcrii Wyoming find it
Northtvoslorn > ebr fika many banda r. ;
wild liorena etill roam sa fontlotA nnil ni
lleot na in the day * when Iho cJiintrj
wni an unixplirod wilderness , a torr.
Incognito to tlio white mutt and inhnbi
ted only by the Sioux , the lUackfeut ani
the Crow Iiidiniia K en to econt tin
approach of foes , fleet no the nnttlop <
that may often bo aocn hftnriing it
security at their side , and free us tin
winds that swoop their ptairio homo ,
tlu-y Imo auceosifiilly eluded the rmrauu
of cowbojB and cncipod the dcalructini
the wliito man'a rillo has meted nut ti
the buffalo and the game of the west.
Ono would naturally think that no ani' '
mala that roam the plains would bo lost
inlmlcftl to the industries of the region
than the fugitive bandsofjwild horns and
t will surprise many to learn that purtiuf
have bcun organized in this city for the
Fxpreaa purpose of killing Iho wild stal
lions.Year by year horses are loat from the
bands in the Territory. Sonio of thorn
nro found , but when marcs cscapo ( hey
nro loat beyond reclaim. When wsndur
over the plains they descry a band c f
horses grossing in some distant v.illi > y or
outlined from the summit of rome hill.
Thuy approach the band in iquluo curios
ity , and from that day they belong to no
man. The wild stallions are the guardi
ans of the bands. Always on sentinel
dnty , they give the ahrm when any fee
of thuir htiurty approaches ; in a moment
the stragglers are rounded in , a fleet
Tooted stallion leads the van and with
> thorsnl the flanks and at the runr away
.hoy go in thundering clmrgu. liut the
cowboy mounted over so well no hurao
soaring a burden can ovorlako the ridcr-
t'Eo oneu , and so it has c'jtnu about that
ho herds of wild horses liavo increased
iistcnd of diminnhlng in numbers during
ho past few years.
It has been observe ] , however , that
ow if any colts are to bo aeon among ( ho
janda during the autumn and wintorand
ono naturally wonders what becomes of
.ho natural and regular increase of the
torses. The answer Is simple. In the
spring and early eumtnur conbjjs and
professional horse hunters go out well
nounted for the express purpuno of catch'
ng the young coltu. A b.ind of wild
lorsca la located. They are watched ,
) urhaa"for ] ) days , When a favorable op-
) ortunity is ( ,11'orod tlm nion awoop down
in them. Unable to keep puce with the
; rown horses , caeily winded , and not
horoughly alive to danger , the colts
eon lag behind ; a lariot suddenly hissi's '
hrough the air with unerring him and
ho colt is a caplivo. Token to some
nnch , the colt is fed milk for some time
t BOOH udnpta itself to the change in its
oed and roadlly bocoraoa a pot , inoro
IFuctlonnto and dependent than those of
ts kind born in captivity , llonco the
trofcsaional horse hunters are rather
tloaaed when recruits are made to the
ivlld horses through the escape of do
lostio onoa , and the stallions , which
lotto prevent the capture of the wandor-
ng horeos , become special objects of kind
oltcitution on Iho part < f the hunturs.
The loss of maroa sustained by various
torso breeders has at last become so largo
hat Homo measured must ba adopted to
oclaim thorn and also to prevent further
oss if possible , From the horao ranch of
Ion. M. K. Post , situated about fifteen
niles northward of ttio city , nearly two
undrod mares have wandered away , and
t that number it ia thought fully ono
undrod are now with the wild horaos ,
Ithor horao raisers have suffered proper-
ional losses , and so it has como about
: mt an organized effort will bo mudo this
vintor to exterminate the stallions , for
nco rid of them entire bands may bo
oundod up and secured. To that end a
arty of hunters will soon leave for
orthoastorn Wyoming. They will go
rmod with long range rifles and will
arry n largo supply of forage , so that
loir horses may bo well fed during the
'Inter. ' The rest ia easy. Mounted upon
icir grain-fed unimala the hunters will
ursuo the wild bands when they are
oniowhat weakened by the rigors of win-
Hiding as close as possible the hunters
vlll then shoot down the stallions from
mo to time. By this moans it is hoped
int by oprirtg nearly all of the otallions
fill bo killed and the capture of tin
lares thtia bo made possible. In add !
ion to the killing of the stallions thh
ton will , to UBOII familiar term , "woll
t , " as opportunity may afford. Coyote
elta are worth nearly one dollar in tin
larkot , while a territorial bounty ol
1 HO on each and uvory pelt makoa the
uluoof each about two dollars and a
alf. By poisoning coyotes the men will
o able to make the expedition , if not
Iroctly profitable , at least unattended
ylth great exponao. Cattlomonospodally
uffer loaa by the depredations of the
oyotcs and any efforts to rid the plains of
hose foes of the young calves will moot
with cordial wishes for success ,
The hunting party will bo paid month ,
lily wages and will bo gone all winter.
A report of their success and adventures
will bo of interest in the spring.
the BkliiH Tor Market \
Mystery In Xntitrnl JIlHtory ,
Alaxkn Luttor In SMI I'raucinoa Oliruulclo.
Few of these woarlug seal skin sac uo
ttavo any knowledge of the prooons by
which the skins nro prepared fcr use
Seen whim first taken from the animal
they llulo roiomblo the warm glossy
skins worn upon our streets , for until
dyed and cured they are of a light-brown
tuio , coarao and full of sand. Before
becoming valuable they are shaved
down on the fleah eido until not thicker
than paper , the longhair ia pulled out
and the fur dyed. The coat of the article
ia duo to the labor expended on it. Tin
raw skins ore aold in London where tht-
finishing Is done and then shipped back
to America , where thi > y are suld with u
heavy duty added. The killing season
In Alaska begins about the 12th of Juiit
uuu the 100DUO skins are usuully read )
for shipment a month later , Ttio work
.if slaughtering the animuls la done bj
unlives who live upon the .St. Paul and
St. George Islands , and the process if
an interctnting one.Vhnn bkinu an
wanted the natives go to the rockorloj ,
11 uuon thuiiKolvru ul ng the ahuro bo-
tweou the weals and the water , mid at H
li'vcn ilgn1 * ! spring to their fcot unu
mtko aa much noito as pcemblo. Th
iijhtetH'd ( victims , timid us deer , thei
nUmpido up the beach and are drivm
liku shlcp a few miles inland , until then
colors attiick them with hickory club *
Oalug kuookod Bousolcaa , they are atabbod
with long , sharp knivi s and the aktns nn
quickly stripped frnm the bodies , flu
work ia divided am > n : ; the mm , sonn
knocking the seals down , othiro stabbinj :
them and still othora taking off the skins
The native 1 ndi in number about 'iOO
and , under the terms of the lease , an
provided gtalH by the company will
warm houses , atxly tons of coal , a docto
and ft echoolmnMcr , salmon and othe
neai'ssitics and comforts. For thuii
labor the men are pild some S < 0OoO , al
together , each season , n Mini of mone ;
in TO than sulliaiont to meet the llmitoc
ni'idii i'f life in a region of almost per
putiul fogi and utter iii.hitlon.
After the kllln g Be aon is over thi
pc'ils begin to died their hair , and , n foe
wanks later , duappear from the Biimmo
oatnping | iriiinida for pirts unknown
'he males leave fast , and the female
and young rols liter , until by Novembe
the islatuls are utturly deserted. When
the fur tonliupends , his winter la a qucs
ti-iii tKat hii never been Bottled. Thi
f ot that ho gets away in November ant
returns in May Is all thst can ba learnec
of him ? SOIIIH have sopposed that thi
animiils betake thtmselvts to undiscovered
orod ialanda further a > uth , whore they remain
main during the winter season , but otil
none of thu tminy seekers have been abh
to find tht'so placea. The seal is not i
water nnlmal in the true sonuo of tin
word. llu cannot remain long undoi
water , in not nn expert swimmer , mid > o
ho lo voa St P.uil for months and returni
thcro thin and scrawny. Where is tin
time patsod ? If somebody could tollthu
person would have information worth t
fortune. They no away in sections , tint scattering m their rtturn , yet they so *
lect eVery jear the old feeding and breed1
ing stations , and are found nowhere except
copt upon the two Rocky islands of St
"iuorgo and St. Paul. Hiiro is a eimph
act , yet ono of iniatunablo value U
Alaska. Sail to the sea islands in July ,
lotico the countloDs number of animal !
there , realize the price which the skim
command , the constant demands of tin
narkot , and Alaska wili appear in a now
ight ; it will look to bo worth the mono }
hat it cost us.
A licinnrkiililu U'rottli > Season.
NTOW York Herald.
The trotting ayason of 1881 came to c
> rilliant cloao with the wonderful per-
ormanco of M-uid S at Lexington , Ky. ,
last Tuesday. It has been the most re
markable season In tno annals of the
turf. Never before baa the record been
lowered three timys in ono year or low-
md : so late In the reason. Never before
lias the sovereignty of the track been
won by two different horses in the
SHIIIO yoar. When the aoason opened
Miud S , then owned by Mr. Vnndorbil t
ind now the property of Mr. Bonnor ,
was the queen of the turf with n record
of 2:10.t : , won in 1881. This was beaten
3y Juy-Eyo'Seo by a quarter of a second
at Providence , August 1 , The little
'elding was king but twenty-four hours.
On the very next day , at Cleveland , the
chestnut inuru regained her supremacy
and reduced the ttuio to 2:0'tJ. :
She has now brought it down to 2:00. : }
jy her trial at Lexington. This achievo-
ueitt would bo extraordinary if it had
boon made under the moat favorable cir
cumstances. But it becomes simply
narvollous in view of the fact that it was
accomplished in the month of November
ind on a track who o condition on the
nnor side compelled the driver
o take a course that measured con-
tiderably moro than n mile. A horao that
tas performed this feat and exhibited a
"iltiful ) disposition" two hours after
ward may certainly bo expected to trot a
mile in less than 22:09 : under moro favor-
tblo conditions. It is not [ surprising that
bho Kentucky performance of Mud S
lias aroused the enthusiasm of lovers of
'ast trotting the country ovor.
UOsHII * .
IlnmlallVj Friends AVaiit H im ( o Enter
Olovuluiul's Cnbinct.
Washington Special.
Some of Mr. Randall's friends are
earnest that ho should go into the cabinet
aid state that ho can bd made secretary
of the Interior if ho desire. They said :
lo has nothing but embarrassment bc-
ere him in the house , and moreover ,
taa the prospect of being thrown ever
.ho next time ho goes before his district
'or ' olcctiui. The republicans are over
whelmingly in control of the Pennsylva
nia legislature and will probably rocon-
itruct hia district ao as to throw him out.
Should ho retain his hold on the district
tis position trill not bo pleasant. The
tariff rofortnors will bo in control , and
after the Immense majority Pennsyl
vania gave Blaine Randall's wishes aa re
gards the tariff will not bo much roa-
looted. The now term ho now hw bj-
ere him will , at all events , they say , bo
ess Agreeable than a position in the
abtiiet The tariff question will cor-
nlnly betaken up when the now con-
{ rots comes In and the desire to gat rid
) f Randall's proaenco duiiug'suoh dis
uaaions , it ia thought will l ad to his
> oing offered a place in the cablnot ,
whore his tariff views would do no harm.
A xllglit cold , if Dcgloctod , often atUcka
the liingB. lnov.N' ! UHONCIIIAL THOCURH
[ Ivo Huroand Immeillntu relliif , Sold only in
< oxti. 1'rico 25 eta.
Tlio Dimcou Mini tlio Dudo.
CIndoihook llough Notes.
" 1 ro'lly ' believe wo had bolter go down
0 Nantaakot to-day. It's pesky hot , "
said Deacon Bodkin ono day during the
"heated term "
Mra Budkln and the girls needed no
urging , and an hour or two later they
wore all comfortably seated In largo rock
ing chairs upon the piazza , enjoying the
ocean brecKo.
Hut the deacon was uneasy. Near him
sat'a dudn from Now Tork with loudly
checkered suit , a silver headed cane and
a pronounced odor of patohonly. The
deacon eyed the dude , shifted uneasily
lu hla seat , and at length arose and said ;
"I guoaa I'll got to wind'ard. "
"I toll ye , " auid ho , suddenly addressIng -
Ing the dudu , "I know what'll ' take that
air smell outer your clothes. Yon must
bury 'om bury 'em a month , and then
they'll bo a l right , Naow , when I waa
a b > y I lived in the country , an1 ono day
1 waa goln' to school , an * 1 throw a alone
at a little black kitten by the roadside.
Jerusalem , but I've never stoned a black
kitten sinoo. I reckon you run across ono
o' them crlttors this niorniu' ' by the suioll
Good gracious ! Where's the follow
gone ? Don t BOO what there waa to got
huffy about , " ho remarked , turning to
( tie aniillng crowd that had gathered
round ; "guesa ho niuat ha' gene to bury
nU clothes , "
STOP THAT anuoft
By using Dr. I'riuier'a Throat uuu Lung Dal-
un thu only inro euro fur Cungha , Cold * ,
Hoarnuniws uiui Sure Throat , and all illsoiuo *
of thu throat and lung . Do not neglect u
cough , H may provo fntal , Hcornn tutd
.iiuiilrodnuf isTrttuful iMinplu ewe thuir hvoi to
Dr. 1'Ynzifr't Thnmt and l.uiif llaUnui , and
no fiiiiiily \ \ \ \ \ over bu without It after
noiiig it , and iliseovorlii ? iu iimrvuloui ( x
It u put up in largo family buttled HIV ]
ur tlio mull price uf 7f > oonU | t'r buttle.
Knlu < k Co. ami 0. I1' ,
i'it'Hbiusr ' CUroiilcIo ,
T11I3 MIX 1 l HfMIir\T.
How Ho t.noKi mill Wlini ! ' SIJH-
Inlorvliv Avll'i I fdoii'Tn-Hi- -
ICx.Qiivci'ii'ir Ills t'rimla
1 stopped in Albany few hourj in
order that I might piy my reepeo'n t <
tlio preeldunt-olect and ECO for myeol
what mrtiinnr of man this memorable cam
pat n of 188-i his crowned with the
greatest of earthly honors , writes ] ] d
miind Iludaan , editor ot the Washington
At four o'clock in the afternoon '
found tlio governor sitting in thoM
and nplendld ox < cutlvb cliamber in the
now oapitol butldm How many king
or omparois over received their aubjocle
I wonder , in such n iiublo npart
m.'iit da tills , in which thu elm
ruler of ho l mpiro etnto rnoet
his follow cltizt'iip' ' The white house wll
K"om to him very poor and cheap In com
ptriaon , when ho comes to occupy it
Perhaps the contrast will bo great onougl
to make him an ' .trricot . ndvocnto of n now
executive mansion , or a rebuilt ono a
any ratr. That would bo something to
bu thankful for it it should happen. The
governor sits in a cam-seated awive
chair , before ono of n number of largo
red.toppod desks the others belonging
lo his secretaries. Troops of visitors are
constantly paesitin' thiough the chamber
and these who c.iro to do so walk up to
him and pay thuir respects. Ho naks
no ono to sit , but when there are
ladies in the party ho rises and
shakes hatida and exchanges a few
pleasant words with them. The gov-
ernor'o greeting to a pleasant ono , but
very simple and with no cxcces of
cordiality of vmco or manner. Ilia
volco , onn notices instantly , has none of
the suave and fascinating quality nf Mr.
BUino'u. It is not a voice that has been
used to magnetic or attract men mid
women. It is not the voice of n man who
asks favors of others , nor is it the voice
of an orator. But there i criticism and
ompiiaais iu it , and , whllo not a soft
voice , it Is not hard nor rough.
The u'rst Improsflon ono gets of Gov.
Cleveland is that ho is a ycung man.
Thcro ia a bald pkco ono aeon afterward
that goes well down on the back of his
head , but the face ia the face of n man , in
ttio freshest health a man full of hfo
who has never greatly abused himself nor
overdrawn upon hia vitality. Tall and
stout ho is , it must bo confeoscd , but not
an obeco man , and while ono would not
expect him to prefer an active life , his
power of work must bo enormous. lie
looks like n man who could work twenty-
four hours without rest end then begin -
gin a now day's work , if need bo , with
moro vigor than the averngo man pos-
soasoa after a good night's sloop.
I naturally fell to talking with the
governor about Washington , and asked
him if ic possibly bo true , as reported ,
that ho had never visited the capital.
Ho replied that thcro was no truth in
that statement , aa ho had been in
Washington two or three times on busi
ness , although never of course , since ho
became governor of Now York , flo
said lie had como to no docUUui as to
when ho would give up hla present off
ice and prepare to go to Washington ;
but I learned afterward that , in order to
ivo his successor the fullest advantage ,
ho would probably resign the governor
ship by the 1st of January. This would
leave him two free months in which to
devote his attention to the organization
of his cabinet and the administration of
national affairs.
I remarked to the governor that hia
election hod boon followed by some
thing Hky. . panic among the minor
employes of the government at Wash
ington , who are supposed to hold their
places in accordance with the now civil
service regulations , and I inquired of
him whether it might not bo worth whllo
for him to indicate in some way , if that
were hla purpose , that the spirit of civil
service regulations would bo adhered to
after the -1th of March next. To this the
governor briskly replied. "I thfuk I
have said enough on that subject. It is
in my lottor. It is in thoplatfirm.
There la no use of trying to beat brains
into pooplo'a head ? . Lot them attend to
their business let them attend to their
business , " ho said , repeating the worda
n a very decided manner and with a
feature of the head that indhatod moro
; han the tone in which ho apoko.
In conversation the governor speaks
with a goat1 deal of animation , and the
strongest impression ono gats of him is of
great firmness and force in adhering to a
: oursoonco it Is adopted , Ono would say.
"Hero ia a man surely , who can not bo
driven , but who will do the driving him
self whenever it Is necessary. " Ono
might ask a good deal of such a man , but
o demand , I should think , would bo a
eoing business. Tt is a pleasure to write
IIOBO words , knowing that they will
reach the eye of many who have boon
aying and bolloving that Grover Clevo
and was a weak man , and that ho don't
enow how to withstand the pressure that
uovltably boars upon the fleshly chosen
occupant of the white houao. 1 hero la
strength and decision In his utterance ,
which would seem to eay that if any man
ranted to have a row with Mr. Olavo-
and ho oould bo accommodated
tnmodiatoly , and would not bo
asked to postpone the coromonio
until another day. Ill's manner is no
that of a business man who conductt
largo affairs without pretension , wlthoua
circumlocution , without unnecessary talker
or labor , but with care and judgment.
In the course of the conversation the
governor pleasantly remarked of ho
newspaper men whom ho had mot in
Albany that his relations had al
ways boon agrooabln with tho'tn. lie
had boon accustomed to talk freely with
thorn , and it had never happened him
to have his oonfldonco bstraycd , and
things printed which ho said , not mean
ing that they should bo printed. Plainly
lie la a mau who moots hla fellow-men on
a common footing of candor and fdlr
dealing , a man who has no deep schemes
to hide from the world , a man with
whom it would bo easy to maintain rola-
latlona of coufldonco and oiteom.
Afterward I mot Colonel Daniel S.
Lament , the governor's "right-hand
man , " of whom it is a pleasure to say that
lie seems to bj uu Idoil private secretary
lie has a perfect acquaintance with the
politics and politicians of the great state
of Now York to begin with , and ia
doatined to bp very popular and im
monaoly useful iu the white house , because
cause hia nunners are cordial and he has
an accurate and capacious memory for
fact's and names and U greatly atUched
to hia chiif. Colonel Lament ia an old
no fapaper m n , for many years man
aging editor of the Argus In Albany ,
aii'l ' has boon of great service to Gnv
Cleveland through his oumpiign. Ho tutd
mo that letters were already coining tv to
the president at the rate of tivo huwJred
to six hundred & day , so that it wan
hardly possible to. do moro than arrange
via file them them and answer a fo r of
the more Important ones. Ti'lexrams
aoomed to bo arriving at t'.io rate of onu
two minutes , and a whole foroo of
U kept buy attending to thie ,
au'di n and trc .HI dyj ru h < f i rn.-
p < ndi nco i > y mall and telegraph. Thcr
ISAnrx i.Ant fjg'rrfl uf f x > Ciltivo buai
IICM in the governor's f flier , and It ml
bs natural and oaey for Uol. Inmont lr
Ir.inefor theao bus. ness Imblts tun
methods to the white lunae.
How Girls yiionld Him p.
The main fult to bo corrected u tha
of elepr-tug with the month open. Very
many gltls do it , It 13 a habit carelcsil ;
acquired , but oftnn hard to rradleite
Dreadfully iinfcrulnin * enorlng is a cii-
aequciice. I teach tny ( ( iris I > cloce then
lips snugly before dropping anlaep , and tc
avoid throwing thi-ir mmU too far back
on the pillow , so that their mouths won1
fall open as soon &s the muscles nro re
hxod , 1 cnnjuro them , ton , to prepare
a toilet as careful aa , though less nlaba
rate , than that of the day. Their nigh
ckthrs should bo neat , well lilting am
ndnp'od to thctr individuality. They
should rfgard a night-cap with horror.
Their hair should not bo m-bccomiu ly
done up lit a tight knot , but ndjustu
with a view to both comfort and preson-
lability. Their poses on the couch ohouli'
no moro bo awkward than these of their
waking hours , and 1 Instruct them to so
habituate thomsplvc.i to gracefulness in
bed that it will become instinctive.
Tim'a about all thcro ia of the system.
\Vlion Two SlintpcrN Meet.
IJnlFalo Kxprcas.
A Buffalo man whllo in Now York re
cently descended from the elevated road
station at Chatham tquaro. Aa lie did no
lie .stopped a minute and gazed around to
got his bearings. A bright , spruce
young mau rf pleasing appearance stepped
up to him and said : "Why , how ore
you ? It's a long time oinco I'vo oaoa
you. "
The BulTalonianvlto is a lawyer , sized
the young man up and acknowledged.
with about a ton of ice in his manner ,
that it waa n long time.
"You don'f ' Eoom to recognize mo , "
said the sharper.
"No , I don't ' , " was the reply.
"I am with Benedict Bros. , you
know. "
"Oh , and what la their business ? "
"Dealers in cutlery. "
"H'rn , yea ; well , why don't you attend
, o their bushiest ? "
The sharper thought ho would , and ho
_ _ _
Preparing lor tlio Inauguration.
special to the Chicago Daily News.
WASHINGTON , D. 0. , November 20.
The hotel-keepers of Washington are ex-
> octing a harvest this winter. At all the
ending hostel rica applications are
received in great numbers asking for
rooms for inauguration week. The crowd
n attendance is expcctod to bo by many
, houaanda the largest ever known in this
city. Prosidont-olectClevoland and par-
, y will arrive the latter part of February.
L'hoy will stop at the Arlington and will
occupy the rooms usually assigned to dis-
ringuishca foreign guests. The suite con-
ists of a parlor and thrco bedrooms on
, ho lloor overlooking Vermont avenue ,
and have been occupied in turn by Duke
Alexis , the prince of Wales , Emperor
3om Pedro , of Brazil , Gen. Grant , and
loscoo Cockling. The rooms are so sit-
UAtcd as to give the presidential party the
irivacy of a private houao with all the
conveniences of a public place.
l > r Toll-graph Annulled.
'iidianapolis Journal.
The divorce suit of Sarah Orton Welch
against Thomas Welch came up before
Judge Taylor yesterday. This is the
case which has had such a wide notoriety
> y newspaper publications. The woman
claims that while a resident of Pittsburg
in Juno , 1883 , she answered a "personal"
advertisement in the Cincinnati Enquirer ,
as a result of which a correspondence
sprang up between her and Welch , and
: hey were married , the ceremony being
performed by telegraph. When she
; amo hero to meet him she found that ho
was a colored man. In court the fact
.hat ho waa of a negro descent was cstab-
ishea , although ho insisted that his
'ather was a Spaniard and his mother a
frenchwoman , The marriugo was de
clared void by the court , Welch ia a
> irber. _
Catarrh ia a constitutional disease.
load's Sarsaparilla is a constitutional
omedy. It cures catarrh. Glvo it a
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Urrnio ( Jura for Prend Dim-fine.
Philadelphia Times.
The negroes indulge some very funny
uperstitions about diseases and their
urea. Ono of the things of which they
lave a piculiur horror is the common dif-
culty known as elongation of the palate.
Vhon I was practicing as a newly ili-dgod
tudont in Virginia , an old negress called
u mo ono evening Her hair was pulled
) ick from her forehead and knotted with
i cord in a light bunch on the crown of
lor head. She was evidently suflering
com a cold.
"Mrs * Doctor , " she said , " 1'so afraid
"so got fallin' ob de palate. I'ao done
ied up my Imr as hard as I can , but it
on'fc "pear to make it no hotter , on' I
spect mebby I ueod aomo pills. "
1 examined her throat and found npth-
tig the matter but slight Inflammation ,
' 1 don't think you need any pills , auutio.
f you can only got your hair tied up a
ittlo closer for H day or two I huvo no
oubt your palate will shorten up all
Ight. " She catuo in again in a few days
ud told mo eho wus much bettor , but
ler "olo man" had tied up her hair so
lard that she had to sleep with her
yes open , "cause she couldn't oven make
wink. "
All Tliuru IN In II.
Dyspepsia simply means difficulty of
igesihn. That difficulty makes a great
oal of trouble and causes i"Uch of the
yorld a miiory. Difficulty ia turned Into
aao , and misery into comfort , by the use
f Brown's Iron Bitters , the world's
reat iron tonic. This being the oaae.tho
yspeptio invalid's best plan is to got
Jrown'a Iron Bitter * , just as did Mr. B.
I Oyley. of Van Wort , Ohio. He used
Jrown'a Iron Bi-tera for dyspepsia , and
was cured. "
A Itual Mian Tuwn.
Oil City Doiriek.
"Woll , Mr. Johnsing"iaid nTitnsvil'o '
, urkey to another who had but recently
nived toMoadvillovhat kind o. ' poo-
ilo hab you Rot there P
"MoonncRt kind ob people , Mr , Saow-
all , " w s tlio reply.
"Why , sah , dry stkshully liwk dochick-
en coopa at night. "
YOUNO MAN , KHAIl Till * .
TlU VOL'AIC WKtT UOUVANY , til Mliruhall
Michigan otii'r to oud th Ir colebraUxl KLKO
[ UANCKb on trial fur thirty dayn , to men
[ yoiiuK or olJ ) alHiotud with nervous iloWH y ,
[ nan oflt&i'y } and mnnboml , and all kla m !
troubles Alt > ( i fitr rlieutnatlmn , naiuulgU
liatRl'jVin , and m ny other duaa9 ( i , Oommeti
ro or tl"ii to hc-nltli v'Kor ' AI'A ! nunliooc
pjurnnU-ed. No n k incurred , * thirty d.iyn
( riiJ U allonod , Wrlto them at once for Uluv
| trated psuu hlati free.
7'fti * mMl-'lnf1 , cntnl-lnltiif Iruti wttli
' ( 'abla totiif > qui. Kl > ntiil mini U-t < l >
UK" , lv lir | > l'i , iiiilli'c-lliin , U mil IH'MI
liiinitt-oltliiiiil.ltnitarlni.liliUuiulX' ti > rn ,
! ; Si'ilMilKl. : .
U Is nn inituili- ] - -I > h f < r ri cnrc" ortl'fl
ICiilurjx nnil I.lvi-r.
It t % linnlunblo for J'lci'fiH" ( i < r.illar w
Woman * nml nil who Irml f dtntun ll\r
iiTl'eailiic ! 'o 11
.tonrirht-innil pnntlc t1ioMooi1rtlnmlnt < s
> K' uppftllo. nlils tlio niKtmilnUon of focil , if
, \ "t lUurtlinrn ntiil HiliMtij ; it'td etwugth-
i tli ni'isi im ntul tipnct
i > r IntT'nlt'uit reviPJfvltiulr , Uifk .1 ;
if \A ( , it II.IH IHI iiifil |
/ . Tlic ipimlnclini nl nc trmlnniult MiiJ
" i il i , (1 ( I in < un wrn ] | n r luVi Im ' < t' '
" > 1i.ilrl.T llltl\M CIIHII' It ll-.tlinilflPF Ti
ind Uiilispntel in tte BROS D CLAIN
Ever ollornl to tlio uubllc.
The eteamrlilps of this well-known Hue are ballt of
iron , In water-tight compartments , and are furuidh-
Jiys and baturdajs for riymoutb ( LONDON ) Cherbourg -
bourg , ( PAUIS ) nnd JTAHHUUO.
lUteo : Stceroge from Europe only 113. First
Cabin , $66 , C06 and ? 6. Hteeraxe , 2i > .
Henry Pundt , Mark lleiiseu , F .U. Moores.U. Toft ,
kgcntslu Omaha , QrononeK& Schoentgen , agontaln
Oouncll DluHs. 0. B : KICUAUD A CO. , Gen. Pass
Agts. , 81 Droadwiy , N. Y. Cbas. Koimlnskl k Co-
General WooUin Agnla , 170 WaBblngton St. , Chlct
V - -ijMChartcrcdbytheStateofIlll-
; " 'T'.v f .j'Anoia for thee-tpresspurposo
s * % 'of Bivingimmsdiatc relietic
wMi > aH chronic , urinary ana pri-
0ttlM li''ate disced ? " I : aWTlw ! ' > >
mood promptly relieved end
f errnancntlycured by feme * stcdin at'ortyTcnr *
. , - . . , „ , , ' SjKclcJJ'rortJce. Seminal
' . c.ikr.eIf Ijhi Lossi. by Dreams , Pimples on
lierj-eLo Manhood/osirJt-e/j/riirerJ rtiert
i'ii < ic.xrrrfnifriin < / . The appropriate re.r.edy
l at once usej in each ci-te. Consultations , per- or by letter , sacredly confidential. Med.
cinq's cent bv Mall and Express. No marks on
menage to indicate contents or sender. Addresi
IH. JAMES.No. 2U4Wa3hinflon ! SI.Chicag , ll ! ,
Fnr Men. Qolck. lam , re. 1KH > k rrnt.
- - illouSL , New Tort
Victiranof joulhfullinpradoticn causniKNorvmisDe-
illity , Premature Decay , and nil di md re lirounlit on
by indiscretion or eiceba.will loam of a Ic.vlorerned
.i. It.
Wilt cnr Ni rvn mcn. , l.tinihifro tthiHiin iltsm lirHl- I
. ( Vlttiiit , Milni'V. Si Inn mil IH i ! ' i" f
. . .HI titnmn ll n t < 1'-'iiM. | ll- | i I" ' ni ll HI '
IpBllM I Itlnrrh I-II H F | > lipT ! ' t'tn\ U \ '
'rnlnpi'iM I'tt'ri i-u I'm IMII.IIIII l iu < I ' ' Ai > r
en tlmtn-mlri lliu I Ic. u ln's i.n.l in i.-ni'i .n u nui. i .11 '
bodj , lUiU call bo ruchnruitj In .in tnuuilit bv II. , * jia > > nt.
WUitor la coming , DID Reason o the year for ache *
_ nd pftlns. \Iowof this fiict wo say buy one
TT , Hrio'9 Klertrlo Ik.lta Hy BO doing you
void Rheumatism , Kidney Troubles and other
trot flesh Is heir to. Do not delay , but roll at
3 > fca and examine belts No. 1122 Ueivlr.n strco
0. I1' OH > Jman's , 1110 Farnam SI. ( ) m li , Nob.
ers nilrd 0 O U
HKl'llKSEiiTfl AcJoincM Co. , ol ou , Ctet.
' ' ' '
08toh itMM.T.'ci'r'li i .
of Nen lk. N. 3. , Ca > ISU lST6.0iC
llsdelihlf , p'l J. . . I.JM.O :
f t'l ' > l t
Boyal Havaaa Lottery I
Jrawu at iltivann , Hubn , Kveiy liJ
to 14 < Days.
nCKCTS , 2.00 , HALVES , 1 00
subject to uo ui nlpuitlon ! , not controlled by th
artimln Interest U. Is the ftlrest tUng lath
oiure of chance In uilttencv.
Knilnlonruitlon ami : iarHtrjIsr apply kirilUSlCTi ,
JO .den. Auunts , imilfOKlwsy. N V jtty.
B. KAU11 & CO. , ill Walnut ( -trcet 8t. L-ouls , Ua
r Frank Lobrano , S. D , So Wyandolte , Kan.
jr 21 mAe A w Iv
Health is
Da K. C. VVHM'rt Nmra AND HH.U.N Tjimjiiit'iT , a
uinntd Uf-iull'.o tor Hysteria , I ) izlnow , C'onvjl-
IOOB. K-ts , K > rvnur ) Neuralgia ntndacho , N'rvcus
rJstmtion t acihhy the mo of aloobol ot totihttt/i.
V'keu1ni ) . Mental depre'sltxi , HoftoUn ol the
irnln , reuniting In Insunlty anii leaping to irJicr >
leo.i ) and deakh , I'ramature Old age , Kunut-VS los >
ifpoverb dther s x , Invohtstory Li.jiuauu < ) Hjer
mtorbort can'6(1 by overoxiitlnutot llu bnin , eel I
lnu ojovw Indnlgerce , Koob bio , ocuiUun one
iionth' * tioatraent fl.dOft box.oi six l ttk- ) tot
t'j.Mrs > Dtb- mill prepaid on lux&g * ot | vloe.
ro tare ny ctse. WHkoach order rooelv J bj n >
' . < * tlx bottita , occompUthud with $5 00 , wo will ei.d
< h purchiwr our wptt n guirintoo to refund tr .
n.rey II thu truatuiridt * * not effect a euro Oim
i jtecB Imued only > - . JOHN C : WKST 4 CO .
| ) 'f.nVe-fv fg2UallsonHt.CMoaco III
Piiysician & Surgeon
Bo Uijrnw No. HOT JonM Bt OS * * , No. IMO Far
I rum fctrooU UU ! < hours 18 m. I ? p. m and fiom 1
to t p m. Ttlcpbun * fur olH iff , icjliww 126 ,
The remtirltablo growth of
during the Itust few ycnta la n matter uf
great astonishment to those who pt.y au
occasional visit to this growing city. The
development of the ( Stock Yards the
iiPCCEsity of Iho Dolt Line Iload the
finely paved strcetc the hundreds of new
residences mid costly business blocks ,
with the population of our city moro tlnu
doubled iu the hirst five yunra. All thl
ia a great surprise to visitors end la thp
admiration of our citizens. Thla rapid
growth , the business activity , nnd-tho
ninny substantial improvements tando a r
lively demand for Omaha real estate , and
every Investor hao made a handsome
Slnoo the Wall Street ponlo bat Slay ,
with the subsequent cry of hard timca ,
there has been loss domntid from specula
tors , but a fair demand from investors
Booking homes. Thla latter olaaa are
taking advantage of low prices lii build
ing material aud are securing their homes
at much lets cost than will bu poaaiblo a
year hcnco. Speculators , too can buy
real octa1 : cheaper now and ought ta take
advant proacut pilcoa for futnr
Si few years promlnoa graita
noSpmenta in Omaha than the pa ?
'i v i ji'B , which have been tta good a
t i' could reasonably u..sho. Kow inaa
ufactnrlng uBtabliahmunta nnd largcan
bing houses are added almost weekly , jo
all add to the prosperity of Omaha , an
There are many In Omaha and through-
bat the State , who have their money Iu
the banks drawing a nominal rate of in
terest , which , If judiciously invested lu
Omaha real estate , would bring thorn
much greater returns. Wo have mar y
bargains -which wo are confident mill
bring the purchaser largo profits ( n the
near future.
Wo have for sale tlio finest resi
dence property in the north and
western parts of the city.
North we have fine lots at reasoii-
ahle prices on Sherman avenue , 17th ,
18th , 19th and 20th streets.
West on Farnair. Davenport ,
Cuuiing , nnd all the leading streets
iu that direction. s
The grading of FarHnm , Califor
nia and Davenport streets haa made
accessible some of the finest and
cheapest residence property in the
city , and with the building of the
street car line out Farnuin , the pro
perty in the western part of the city / "
will increase in value.
We also have the agency for the
Syndicate and Stool ; Yards proper
ty in the south part of the oity. The
developments made in this section
by the Stock Yards Company and
the railroads will certainly double
the price in a abort time.
We also havf sonufl p
lots and some elegant inside resi
dences for sale ,
Parties wishing toinvost will find
ao me good by calling on u
Sottth 14th St.
Bet efcaFan > l nm auJ Douglas.
P. S. We imli then- who bavo
propey ior BI , ] ti at a ln.rg in to fjivo
us a all- \V e wimt onlj bargains.
We v/ill positively not handle prop-
t-rtv ftt nvrpth&n ita real value.