Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 24, 1884, Page 8, Image 10

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Monday Morning NovMrB 22
A man with a violin was found on F
teonth utroot this Saturday In a b < mlly Htnto
ot into\tcation. Ho was haulexl Into the city
The Jury In the Bchm C KO catno Into
ctfnrt at llj'B Saturday report that they
were tm b1o to ftRrco. The jury stood ton to
two for aocinlllal.
f ? " In police court Saturday ono disturber
of thspoaco WAS fined $5 and oasts ; ono par
son ( or committing a , nulsanco WM tnxodSl
nnd cojts and a poor , harm'oas crank WAS ills-
charged ,
The "Oolden Vloeoa" society of the St.
Mary's Avenue Congrorjatlonal church , will
moetftt the rosidonoo of Mra. No. 127
Houth Twenty-fourth itroot , on Monday ova
nlng next , utolght o'clock. All church friomla
nro luvltod.
A cltiten of Schnylor named HcUlt WAXen
on Saturday Inst lured into this city by the
hope of n reward hold out tohtm by nn enter
prizing dotfectlvo of the Union 1'ncifio rail
road , nnd while hero wae arrested for nn Rl
tempt to wreck n trnln'nenr the capital of Col
fax county some two months ngo.
Tuesday ovoninjf November 25th , Don
Howard will lecture on Kgypt , nn1 the pro *
coeds go to the Woman's Christian Aid nian-
elation , to bo mod for the poor of this city this
wlntsr. Ticket ? nt the Oporn Homo , Mm
Meyer's And I'Jholtn it Krictoion's.
Mass . Murkol & Swohj hive boon given
Giiperrlalon of all the citing IDIIIOB nn th
Union I'.uifio railway systum. Thona gontlo-
mianra wall-known , nnJ tholr natnoa
are a sutfiiiont guarantee that the oatln ?
houiei will hi cnnduitoJ In A highly aatUfac
lory manner to nil.
Judge Deady haa granted AH Injunction
agatnat thoyorthorn I'.icifio railroad restrain
ing it from njectliii ? Wells Fargo & Co'n. ,
oxiref9 And allowing thnm to do ox prom
buiincEH over the en tire length of its road ,
A clock in SpatiiaVj went to the post-
utficu Saturday nnd oishod n postclfico
orJor for 530. WMIo no wiw talking to the
posUIclork In regard to A pickno ; hm pock
ets wtro plckad. Two young follows wuro nr-
rusted by Olficer Knight nnd nro now hold "
upon suspiciun that they are the tliiovoa.
Saturday Judge lUldwin nppoaraJ In
district court and stHoil that ho w < ii counno
for tlio defense in the CMO of Hnllcr vs. Hallor
for divorce. Ho had filed n nnnwdr nnd ho
wished to withdraw his answer and nlso to
withdraw from the ovta. Ho continued , "that
ths casa would bo trie 1 buforo nnothor court
And In another country , beyond the dark
river , " whereupon Ju Igo Neville remarked ,
that ho ( Uildwin ) would not nppdar as coun ,
sel. A smile broke over the countunancos of .
ths assembled lawyers und Mr. Baldwin loft
the roam.
The second choir of St. L'hllomona's
( Tathodrul , with n membership of twenty-five ,
art ) preparing to produce Diehl'fl oharming
opemtta , "Dross lUlioarsal"i undar the
loadorahlp ot Miss lAinnlo Arnold , nt the
Ninth B trust paroohlal echool , next Thuraday
night. There will also bo instrumental Holes
and dust ) nnd vooal music Tlui procoodJ of
the entertainment will go to the school fund ,
and it Id hoped there will bin large Attend
ance. The young ladion wuo participati in
"UrOss llohoaraal" imi boiog thoroughly
drilled and present indications give promise
of n fiiiiflliod artistic exhibition.
The Bldowalk thief and the coal pllo thief
nro uncomnonly numerous just now in the
south gldo ol town , Kvury aldoivnlk plank
that b.'comaj loom disappoi nnJ the anoaki
go into th 3 yards of renldoncos And carry off
every stray pieos of wool or chuo Ic of coal un
housed , Thursday night eight feet of n threa-
foot tidowulk In the yard of n re Ulonc ) near '
tlii ) rouvenworth street Hohml walked elf , an 1
nt other times an nxo , whoolbtrrn * nnd other
mavoablo ) , tojk wingn. The owner has nn
Itching divilro to moot his nightly tulloni and
loader thim thi mighty Hympathy of hi )
inighty solo , double thioknosj , No. l ( , hung
to a 200 pound trip hammor.
Showing nil cition , lownn , railroads ,
countio ) , townships , just out ; mailed tr
any address for 10o. J. M. Wulfu. 120
South 1'ith atrcot , Oinalm. 18-1 w
A Good I'l-i'roriiiiiuui ) of tlio Allegory
ut tlio Jtoyd ,
The ontortaininont glvon ut Boj'd'a
opera house Saturday night was a very in
utrastivo and ploislng ono. Tno lower
jnrt of the hoasn wai well filled with
frlonds of the children und achoul nnd
when thu curtan ! roao fur the flrit tiino
n beautiful acono was proaontod t (
the gizo. About four hundred children ,
ranging in ago from six yoara to uiglitoon
yoara , were aoatod or utauclinn in tiora
rising gradually from the footlights to the
roar of thu atagu , until the hoadK of
the topmost onus were nlinost o
lost to tight in the scenury ovorhuad.
The oostumoa were all very neat and
pretty and many of the litllo girla were
arrayed in white , witli floral wruatlis and
"Tho Great Republic" was given in it
thia city tw > yonra ago , but the perform-
nnco Saturday was vnatly better , und
everything passed oil" more amuothly
than when before _ produced. It ia nn
allegory representing a clriin of intur-
ostiug ovonta iu the Jitntory of our coun
Tlio participints were nearly all mam
bora of thu high aohool and o oh and
every ono ono to whom was intrusted
( peaking ptrt ocqulttud him or B
nobly. Thiiro wuro so many that
would bo nlmoat Impoiaiblo to giro oacl :
n piiMonbl notice It was under tUo Ui
rootion of Mr. Ilagnr , nlio haa JITDVIU
Jiiinfelf to Imoat eucceasful in Hit1
of ch'ldf ' .
A Man llcpui lei ) Hliot.
Saturday tnor i'ii , ' iibont " o'clock Ilio
night ball at Drcxel & Maul's undertak
ing establishment was rung eovcrnl times ,
Coroner Maul , who was elooping in n
room above , hurriedly dressed hinmtlt
and Imsteiibd to thu door , but up-'ii
opening it found that the caller Jmd
iukou hia d < pirturo. A block watch *
ninn who ivua utuiidini ; near ( hit I'laoi" ,
told Mr. Maul thut lite inunvjio 1m d ho
lung the l v\l \ had raid ponn'thiny nbout a
roan haviog been shot , but li t WUH eo ex
cited that nothing definite us to who thu of
wounded nmu waaor whtirt ) the ( h'Kitini ; trio'
had occurred could be loui-md from him.
Ho could irit trait / - > r the C'loi er to i line
i > l t-n tlui do'jr and hbd t urtt-rl urotind
f P corner on Vi ( eentll tfaovt en u luu , j |
Off on This City for
Gas Lamps ,
and Mould dandles , Elecr
trio Burners in Oomparisoni
How the Oity is Being Hood1
winked by tlio Gas Company.
A I'lnlti nnil I'otcnt I'arloy tvllli Gun
InHpcctorGllDprt ,
"Has the council acted upon your report
port and recommendations yotl'1 was the
morning salutation of a BBB reporter to
gas inspector Gilbert.
"Not yet , " wan the reply that accom
panied a cordial shako of the hand , "Not
yet , but I am sure the aldermen will at
the very first opportunity , for a reform
In the inanngomrnl of lighting the city Is
of the greatest Importance. It means a
largo amount of money saved , increased
comfort and convenience to the citizens
and above all it n a necessary atop to
ward the economical administration of
municipal affairs. Yes , the city father's
cannot bo true to the interests of their
constituents unless they overhaul the
entire gas business. The fact la the com
pany has not lived up to its contract witli
the city at all. "
What wa the condition of the lamps
when youaasumod your oflicinl duties on
the 5th of October laat ?
"Dlcidodly dolapidatod" replied Mr.
Gilbert. "In fact out of the , ' 100 apolo-
os for street lamps in the city there
was scarcely ono fit to light the respecta
ble OmahoR through dipnity'a way. Ful
ly three fifths were really uaolosa because
of broken glass and clogged burners , the
latter being the main cauao of defect.
You BOO the lamp-black ao readily formed
by the vapory generation from thia water
gaa had completely clothed the burners
making their five inch capacity loaa than
three inches and in many cases shutting
out all chance of illumination. The
amps in mo in thia city have no ventila
tion and where the pressure is the
trongost there Is sure to bo a breakage
of glass every time thny are lighted. 1
"lavo already shut off 275 lamps for which
; ho city waa paying and receiving of
con roe 110 equivalent whatever. The
city's contract with the RUB
orapany expressly states that
the latter must furnish the posts ,
put them up wherever directed by the
council and provide yas lampa that cost
not loss than $1 50 apiece. Instead of
tomplying with thia requirement wo find
hat the city itself has. been paying for
ho lampa and the expense of Betting
.hem them up. In fact the Omaha street
amps are not gia lamps at all , but com-
non coal oil lamps , arranged to act on
wooden poats and would hardly bo toler
ated in a well regulated village. Still
the gaa company la paid ? ; ! ' ! per year for
malntalng theao illumination apologias.
Formerly the lamps were hardly ever
iloanod , an indifferent attempt to do ao
being made about once in five wooka ,
in reality justice would not bo
ilono if the lamps were gene over every
ther day. The fact IB , the present im
perfect nnylo ot lamp and the inferior
quality of gas furnished precludes ull poi-
bibllity of keeping the glaaa clean. I
have made live careful oxpcrimonto in
thia matter and in every instance I
found that a Ump lighted to-night would
bo almost unfit for use to-morrow night
on account of dirt.
"How much does the city pay the gaa
company for erecting the poata and fur
nishing the lamps ? "
"Thoy pay $22 npleco , while the ac
tual ooat at thu farthest ctnnot bo more
than § 10 for rach peat , $ L 50 for each
'amp and 81 50 for putting up the poatn
and lamp. "
"Who 1ms to ntand' the brunt of the
breakage in glaaa ? "
"That's tvhiU takoa tbo wind out of
my sulos completely , " was the reply.
\Vould you believe it , the city bos to
foot the billa for all the broken glass , and
give you my word that there ia a now
lamp broken every night on St. Mary's
avenue and the high places where the
pressure ia greatest. Among my rocom-
nipndatlona to the council la ono to the
effect that the gaa company stand thia ox-
poniu' . I nloo advised that fifty now
lampa bo added to the proaent number ,
and that on thu principal bininosa atrcota
the ogg-shaped , or boulevard
similar to that in front of the
oponv house , bo used , the old lumjm be
lug moved to the othur wards , Thi < RO
boulevard linipn will cost
nuly a trill i
uiuro than the old Btylo , and tlioy will
ropsy the dilloronco in outlay in a very
short timo. By the tonim of its contract
the gas company was to fiirniah thu Ooar
liimpa , or otliora of equally good quality.
don't find any of thin grade lu > ru , nnd
the BuhstitutCB nro a miseriblo fuihira In
every way. Any ono , no nmttor how
liltlo his knowledge of f > as illumination ,
can toll by the usual apoary llunen on
our street lampa that thuro ia a llw
aiinowhoro , end the lights nro by no
inoana what they ought to bo if the 1C
cumptny waa hold to the toruia of ita
ntniot , I uiidorsUud that the contract
In a about four youa to run , and you on
readily BOO how muoli the city will ho out &
of pookut if thia atato of things ia allowed
to continue. 1 am cjnliduiit thu council
will take nctiun very aoon if
don't bcforo the cold weather
eels In look out for u ploiilofur the lights
in this city will bo winking and blinking
like will < > ' the wisps in a aotithurn
Hut 1 must go my rounds. It
keeps my old horeo and myself on the
go all the limn trjingto keep the lump
burners alruight and if the council Mill
only Uko prompt nnd decisive action in is
the promises wo m y in the course of
time bo able to got t few lights on the
trout corners strong enough to make an
optiuo object cast u thado w. " ' t
Tno gaa tnnpeotor and the rep-jrtor
broke up their curb atonu itiquialtion
and the latter began to think how
timoothly municipal machinery would
operate if thoeo in charj-u of public ufuilra
nly give ono-lialf the nttentioii to their
di-Ji'palt'd ' dutica as tlu-y do to their cun-
tru'.i of prlviite Ininiiiee" nmtlerf.
A HlKli t'oniplliiiont.
The following letter in regard to thu
lauding'of Air. William 0. Whituioro '
umong hU ncqiiaintancoa in Miis. uchu-
ottw apcdkii for iiaolf ; '
SOUTH Di'-xnnian , Mu s , Nov. 17.
MK. KurniH During Ilio ao fhn of
Afunuuhuautta JogialiUuru of 1877
four o jrrc'sp'HiOi'iit wiu nolluaguu mil
iiom nmto vriih'm. . fl Whitinori',1 OJIH of
thu reprfottiitativurluotfroui y uir d la-
' , tthu Kfbrask'i JoxUlntur-i for the
apprnachiug tonn. I vtould ailii but a ulll
to tin ) loetlmonlul of iu ; worth to W.
which you huvo already oerlillpd. m
IIiii G'jueUluuiitB may well priJo thorn-
'ikes upon having elected n yonng man
> f unexceptionable good habits , < f aomo
'ogislativo ' experience , nnd who I believe
liovo will prove true to tholr interests.
Ho is of n firm but generous nature , and
ill never surrender his manhood by
protnlios or pledges to the unscrupulous ,
nut bo over bo govf-rncd by the wisdom
of a level hend./i OoJ fcarlnq conacionco
| iiid a heart full of Invo nnd loyal devo
tion to his follow men. His election is
doicrvlu * . T. D DUMMIES.
Clerk Irtiiivltt Siilmilts Ilcport of
KxL > untlltiircH for Nine mul
County Olotk Loavitt haa just submit
ted to the county commissioners his state
ment of accounts allowed by the board
between .Tannery 13th and October 22d.
These accounts have boon classified by
the county clerk aa nearly as possible |
and are aa follows :
CommiMioncr's salaries..8 3,105 35 '
County clerk cash expended and ex
tra work 055 10
County treasurer ( extra work hy J ,
.1. Points ) 32000
Assessors 3,517 (0 (
County superintendent of 1'ub Ins. 1,202 25
County attorney 1,0VJ 50
County Burvojoi 618 0 >
Superintendent now cwurt homo. . . 1,035 45
Architects and contractors 38,170 i7
Coroner Jurors 100 00
Coroner witncKcs 211 20
oronor 410 oh
Juatico and countable fees 45 25
THXON refunded nnd erroneous sales , 10 00
Roods for poor house 3,357 31
Supplies for city poor ' 1,038 4(5 (
SuJK-rintondorit salaries of poor
house 780 Gl
Matron salaries of poor house 250 0 <
Physician 41C 60
Work nt poor farm 051 50
Collins anil burial ot paupers 103 OJ
Jail repairs , , etc 2C'Ji 05
Tranportallon 1330.
Hoanlinif prisoners 0,880 00 I
Guarding " 'J10 00
Clothing " 3042
Workonroad 1,010 20
Overseers of highways 3,8(5-1 ( 17
Appraiser * on roads 1-9 40
Grading " 7,141 ! 15
Damages " 3,19310
" ' , repairs . . , lumber . &o . 14,17207
Tooln , furniture , Improvemcntn ,
mach . COO 00
Election . 8500
Advertising and printing . 879 55
Stationery , books , blanks k postage 1,082 05
Kent probate court room . 570 00
Insurance- . . . 12 tO
GOB . 417 70
Water . 15 CO
lee . 27 30
Telephone . 140 65
Miscellaneous . 3,004 06
Clerk diatrict court . 1,081 01
Sheriff , ( court fees , oiponceu , tic ) . . 1 170 17
Halliira . 1,1(11 ( Oil
Grand jurors . 857 38
Petit " . , . -J901P3 '
Trtlou ' . 58100
Witiionaos . 1,09 ! ( il
Insane board and conveying insane. 1,030 32
Meals for Jurors . kOO 05
Total general expenses $109,87 ! ) 05
Total court oxpousei 12J 37 ' 1
Giand total $122,010 50
County Clerk Ijiavltt Trt'iUB a Iiot of
H nml ItootblftckH to
a Good Dinner.
The city m\y bo searched through and
through and no more generous hoirtod
or sympithotia man cm bj found thin
Q. T "Liivitt , the county clork. His
litest act of bonorolonao consisted in
hia giving a dinner to about fifteen bootblacks -
blacks and newsboys Saturday.
The Tenth atroot mission hdioi hid
baon aorvinc ; lunchoi and dinners in Fal-
cDnnr'u hall for two d ys past iu order to
ralso fund ] to pay oil'some dobttj of the
association and to further their word dur
ing the coming winter. Mr. Laavitt do-
slrod to help the work along and do3irinu
to help in two ways , conceived the ido *
of giving ihouowRbays and bootblacks a
dinner and accordingly did so.
The happy faces of the little follows as
they stowed aw.iy the good things in
nnormoua quantities , was reward enough
to Mr. Leavitt , and who knows but the
kindly words spoken and thia chriatlan act
may not bo the means of awakening in
the bosoms of aomo of those little street
Araba thoughts of manhood which nuy
ultimately lead them on to future groat'
in si and renown.
In after ycars.long after the occurrence
of Saturday has faded from Mr. Loavitt's
memory , the little follows who ho thus
bnfrionded will riao up to o ll htm
blessed , and ho will bo called upon to
realize the truth of that old saying , "cant
thy broad upon the waters and it shall
return to thee nftr many days. "
Seal of North Carolina Smoking To
bacco is the boat. I
Mrs. H N. Wittonoll and daughter will re
turn homo on Monday , after a month'd ah-
eonce In IHo onat.
0 U. Doitilch , John M. Kagan , Hiuitliigi ;
K , Wum'ii Nubra ka City , and Hon. A.S.
l'.uUlnck aront thu 1'iutori.
W 1 < \ Post , Konural agent of Iho Sioux City
1'ncilio and Fremont , IJlklmrn it Mietfourl
Vnlloy Hiilroadc , Norfolk , Nebraska , IH in
town. .
Mr. T. , T. I'otti-r , of the K. k M. , hia nrl C
vntii BucieU'y , Mr. S. 1i , Keith , aud 0. K.
riiclpn , of Clilcigo , came in from n wvnttrn yiw
trip on their road aud are storping at the L'ax- yiN
tin , N
Mr. W , H. IjauiH , clerk of the district P
ciurt , was confined to his homo Sat rdaywith T
rliiHitmitl < m. Duputy clerk iloneph Megeittl id
htodllng th' ) buuliit'tt dining Mr , I jams idB
Mls Walbtlilgo , cashier of the I'uxton ho-1 °
l , who hanbuim vUiting rehtivrs in the
Knystuno statu for scverul wcoks past , Inn
returned and asiumt'd the dutiui of htr uld
tltuutiou ,
W. H. Trinplo , Hod Cloud , O. 0. Charles
. . - , Hiiftis U. Wiini'ii , St.'uilim , ] : . 13. ai
Wlnih-y , Ijuup City , J. A. C.impMI , Saward , an
A. T. ( JlKhrlet , llirvitd , V. N. J0r.vlt , t
Hchuyler , n > Kli > turc > il ut tha Millar | joMtmlay ! V
V. T. M.m , , , Tokamuh , 0 I ) . Smith
i , Neb , T. 1 . r.tiknr , JrcieHter | , lu
I'M ) . Knyiliir , Mnrvle | | , Mi. , .f. I ) | | , , , j
C. JJniucT , M ieiiKj , Iowa , C , C. HUbop '
IliirliiiKton , M. M..rton , Mium-Aixjlla\\ , \ \ . \
I'lttinior , CjoatJii , IOWA , HIII | A. M. Morse ,
KUIUM Citj , Mo. , are at the Metropolitan ,
Mr. WlllUm HsywarJ , who haa rupio- yt
, com > u ! , * ! on innrchanU .v *
CliicaK'i' , At tlio Omaha stock yard * fo.
soiiio time , has jut returned fem an mtendtd by b , H
wMtt-rn trip in thi-lr Intorrstt.
. Mr , I lit ) u aid
homif rrbe ld nUfitd ) with the linn of Ml
. W. ! ) * k Co , A'ld will provo u bouuntlv
to Ihi in , ( a lie { one of thu bvst jud on of tntl
Cftttle iu Ihiiecctlon , thia !
to Ibis Well Known natter.
Several Itiillilln H and ConttnlH i > n
JiUli nnd I'urrmm l' rl lly DC *
by AVntcr nnd Fliiincs ,
A feeling of insecurity pervaded this
community upon its retirement Saturday
evening that it would bo aroused by an
' alarm of firo. Thia premonition , which
aroao from the dangers of the first cold
weather of winter , was well founded.
Yesterday morning about half-past
five a well-known sporting man of thia
| city , upon going homo from a night with
curds , saw , near the corner of Thirteenth
and Farnam streets , araoko curling up
from ( the roar of the cigar store occupied
by Stevens Bros. , immediately in the
rear < of the Commercial National Dank.
Word was at once given to the police and
an alarm of Gro turned in from box 42
by Oflicor Buckley. The fire when fint
son by the police had gained consider
able headway , the whole store being lit
up by the llamca. The
department upon its arrival
was unable to open the noarast plug , and
some time was lost in their futile eliorU.
Two streams were filially turned into the
burning store from Thirteenth street.
Pho fire by this time had communicated
with the adjoining buildings , and foara of
a general conflagration in that corner en
sued. A line of pipe through the alloy
was next laid and a stream turned against
the Duildings from their rear. Water waa
also thrown through the front of the
store occupied by General Frederick ,
which , with itn contents , waa also ablaze.
After working for about ono half hour
the department got the fire undercontrol ,
and before an hour had elapsed it was
entirely oxtlnguishod.
The numbers damaged by the Gro are
217 T Sooth Thirtootb , occupied as an office
by the Nebraska Coal and Limo company ,
and Barker & Mayno rral estate agents.
Stevens Bros , cigar atoro , 1224 Furnam ,
occupied by the Commercial National
bank , 1222 , by 0. H. Frederick , the hat.
tor , and 1220 by II. E , Sway aland as a
cigar stuad.
were all frame and not more than two
stories high , the lees to the property
owners will not bo ao groat. Soruo of
the buildings wcro old and it ia doubtful
ifbe the ono occupied by Stevona Broa. can
be rebuilt under the ordinance which
prohibits frames from being repaired
when they are damaged to exceed fifty
per cent. The greatest loaa as ia usual
in such cases falls upon the occupants. II. Frederick , the hatter , Buffered the
greatest loss. His damages ariao more
from water than from firo. Ho had juat
received hia winter supply of furs otc
which ! ho had shelved iu the rear of the
atoro where ho was attacked by firo.
Theao were all thoroughly drenched , and
many of them will bo utterly ruined.
His stock of coeds valued at § 9,000 in
Insured for $5,000 which will consider
ably moro than cover hU loss ,
Stevens Bro's are the next greatest
Buirurors by the fire , whoso loss will not
exceed $800 or $1,000. Barker &
Mayno and the Nebraska coal & lime
company are damaged also to the extent
ofS200or $300. The Commercial .Na
tional Bank upon two sldt/s of which the
fire at ono time was burning , eacapod
with a little damage from water.
Mr. Sivajaland's place was also damaged
by Q thorough drenching.
Where the fire started la not defiuitoly
known. When first aeon it waa iu the
roar of Stevona Broa' . cigar store , where
these vfho worked at the fire believed it
originated. The general opinion ia that it
was communicated to the building from
a hard coal steve situate in a email room i
in the roar of thia building. It ia said
this room waa occupied until about 2 or
3 o'clock Sunday morning , nnd ia though
the lire amoulderrd there for a couple of
hours before breaking out into a blaze
It i.a juat ono year ago that a cigar stand
aituuted In tins same building was totally
destroyed bj fire which was checked before
fore it could aproitd to adjoing tenements
and which originated in the same man-
manner aa this ono is presumed.
Lite yesterday afternoon a colored boy
named * llen Ji-ll'.irson came into Patrick'a
saloon , on Tenth street , hiving in hia
possession several hata and eoil skin caps
Not bctag able to give a oatiefactory ex
planation of how ho got them he was
placed under arrest. At the jul ho anid
they were yivon him by Tom Green and
Joe O'Brien , two colored boyn , for whom
the police have buen making n search , but
have not been able to find. The properly
supposed to belong to General Fredcr
iok. _ "
The O. l President l'asofl
Onmlm Kit Itoulo From a Tilp
to Europe ,
. Mr. Leland Stanford , once governor
of California and now president if the
Central Pacific railway , arrived in Omaha
yesterday morning accompanied by his
wife and neico , Miss Lithrop , Mra. Dr.
Newman , of Now York City , und hia
private secretary , Mr. El. 0. Naali.
Thiapirty , travtlmc in two privats cara ,
en route to S.w Francisco , thu homo of
Mr. : .Stanford. Mrs. Newman , who ac 29
companies ' Mr. and Mrs Stanford , Is tbo
wife of the great Now Yoik divine who
preached in the Congregational church in
this oity several wcoka ago , and who ia
now in California awaiting her.
Mr. und Mra. Stanford , tholr neico ,
and Mr. Nash are on their return from f
' pxtundod trip tlirniiL-h Kuropo , where
they wont in May iif 188. ) , going to Now
York from OMifornn by the aouthurn
route Their return hnmi > , howuvtr , ia
not marked by ttiat clioorfulntas and
hope which wont with thorn on thuir
jounipy to foreign parta. They w ro
accompanied from this country by Mr.
Stanford's only child , u boy then IHtoen
yi-ars old who died in Florence , Italy ,
after it brlof illness , in March of thii
your. His remains were laid iiway in a
vault In that city and when the party
started hoiuu were tjkon out and uro now
la\i \ oscortud to their final resting place
th * aorrowftil p renta.
Att ur thu burhl of hia aon'a romaina
, Stanford will again aaaunio the an-
dui.'o * of { ho prosidonoy of the Con-
Rkoilii1. lie , has been absent from
country HUArly W'J y aw and Ills
official labors have boon shared by the
goncral manager and superintendent of
his company. Mr. Stanford , who has
been il1 Oniaba several tlmo , since lost
seen hero has grown very gray. He
mourns deeply the lots of Vis only child ,
but is still the Saiiio dignified nnd cour
teous gentleman as of old.
Mr. Stanford hna always boon an ar
dent republican and n strong Blahio man.
Although the Malno statesman was not
elected ho does not think the country
will go to the dngs under the rule of
Cleveland , Omaha , in his opinion , has
a great future before it , and will always
bo thn distributing point of the west and
The party left Omaha at 8:25 : last oven
Smoke Seal of North Carolina 2
Ilio UHtinl Number of AcoonntH Al
lowed by tliat Body.
A mooting of the board of county com
mlaaionors was hold Saturday laat with
members Knight.Corliss and O'Kcofo
The county clerk was instructed to re
turn the amount deposited in road HOC B
toJohn Wols.
The following accounts were allowed
out of
Steele , Johnson & Co , mdso for poor
farm 32910
II 1) Shu'l , grnnd juror VI 00
II G Clark , coffee for poor h. 1-1 0
,1 P Manning , stoves for poor U 75
Fred Enfiled , mod for Dan Jordan , . , . 14 00
Frank E Moorcs , 2 tickets for poor 5 GO
J F Allen , wltnosa feei 400
W W Copland , tales juror 10 00
John li l < 'uray , witness fees 2 00
John Bath , moat for poor farm 11 ! ) ( J
J J Galilean , witness fees GOO
II Holln k Co , Kroceriea for poor 10 00
Nebraska Telephone Co. poor farm. . . . 7 00
Chicago Lumber Co , lumber for county 0 MJ
Perkins k Lear , indso for poor farm. . . . G 25
II Uitzen. trocerioa for poor 14 50
Harris k Fisher , moat for poor farm. . . M 00
Mlnmo Halm , witness fees 2 00
Michael Whaferj , witness foes 2 00
Pat Mofltjn , witness fees 2 00
J K Edwards , witness fees 10 00
II A ICoaterfi , work at jail 'i 50
J Schon * , witness fees 200
C S Goodrich , goods for jail 1 40
F K Moores , tickets for poor 7 25
W I'rcston it Co Hour for poor houao. . 12 20
W Prtston k Co , ( lour for poor houso. . 25 50
P J Quealey , Boap for county 10 00
J Shiuley , threshing wheat 30 42
C H P M & O II U. ticket , for poor. . . 4 75
Drexel k Maul , coflins for poor ! ) 00
J Tiekschke , witness foes 2 CO
Neb Institute fur .blind , clothing for In
mates 23 25
L Grebe , balliotf fees 24 00
K U Peironnott , tales juror 12 00
II S Reed & Co , books for county 20 00
Adjourned to 2Cth inst.
II. T , LEAVIIT , County Clerk.
Arrested and Released ,
Mr. Ed Siyro , who haa charge of the
abstracting for Mr. Amos in the county
clerk's cilice , met a gentle surprise in the
way of an arrest Saturday night. The
front window of Mr. Levitt's office ia
left unfastened for thoao at work there
who do not have keys. Saturday evening
Mr. Syro had occasion to enter the
place , and not being possessed of a key ,
throw up the -window and paeeed in
After entering , Mr. Sayro looked out
upon the aidowalk and saw an oflicial star ,
but took no further thought of the matter
tor until after ho had fmiohcd his work
and started out. Upon opening the door
into the hall ho was confronted by a couple
plo of policemen , who informed him that
ho was under arrest. Upon inquiry ho
learned tint ho was in the custody of the
law for entering the ollico. After con-
eidorablo argument on his part Sayro
succeeded in convincing the oflicers that
ho had a right to go in aa ho did , and waa
Mrs. Ilishop'tf Closing JJccinro.
Mrs. S. E. Biahop closed her lectures
in thia city lant night. She has lectured
hero for the First Society of Spiritualints
for ( the past four months iu n very nc
ceptablo manner. At the clnan of her
lecture last night General E. Eitabrook
arose and ou belitlf of the society and
audicnco tendered her a vote of thanks
aud cordially recommended her to the
favorable notice of all societies as a very
excellent lectureea. Mra. Bishop gops to
Fiomont to fLl nn engagement on Tuee
, S1OOO. Given
If Mum or uuy Injurious nubMimreaca bo round
In AndrnwH'PoarllJaldnRPowit ! - . IH ! *
Uu'lyPURE. Ik'InK'oiiilori-eil , mult Imonlals
ri'i'cheil trom such chemists auH. Dunn lays , ltos <
ton ; M. Dvluliiiilalno , of Chicago ; and Uustaviu
lloue , Mllunulicf. .Vovrrsolil In bulk.
Jjiko kl.
* nOTTLBft
ftrlnngnr , . . . . . . . . . Uuvaria
Culmfjiiehor , . . . Buvnnit
Pilsner . . - Bohoiuian
Bucttveisar . - . .jit. Loui * .
. . . .Milwnnkr-p
Alo. f'oi-tcr Domoatic nntl lll
I'Vnnn. .
PJalttuuouth , - -
OiliDKOP nU'4.1jH5BIII 1MD
l . ( Amuejxmdcuw jdlclttJ
Himebaugh & Taylor ,
C3 i # '
Buy your Fine Bronzed Hardware at Home for
less than Eastern Cities Can Deliver it ,
Send for Our 250 Page Catalogue , only one issued in Nebraask
Counter , Hay , Stock and Kailroad Track ,
Orders for < he Indian Department ; given for Buffalo Scnlos ex-
cluaivoly. Scale
1405 Douglas Street , OMAHA. NEBRASKA ,
Visitors to the State and others inueed ot : Men's , Boys' audildren'p
Clothing , will do well to call on
The Strictly One Price House in the City
And examine their goods and prices. They carry the largest stock ,
sell lower than any other house in the city. Merchant Tailors
don't fail to call at
1216 216
S fJiL ft n K ll.MJ . ' " "
- -
CATTI P lAn Ounce of Preention ? is worth a Pound of Cure , HORSES
. . Icrly J'-vory lln-cilor In the country Imi of ten expressed n dcflrc to obtain n remedy
Unit would Keep aulnwls In a lienltliy condlllon , n remedy tlinl would Inkc tlictiluccof tlieuoith-
lets Ptull that Is iiHially Riven nftcr the nnliiml in near the point of death.
TlKiiisntiilH ni Hollars might ho sued nmitnilly If breeder" , farmers , nnd. In fact , any
one from the perron ounlu ; ; iinejten-hu herd tn'tlumodest gardener ultli u pony and u cow ,
would kiep their nnlnmls in a thoroughly heidthy uiudltion.
NotliliiKT Imi Kvcr Itc-nn offered in the linirlict , until the M < < ) Wrn .S/ooV llvme-
itl/\\taA\ecanrcil \ , llinl hna Illled tut bill. A dolmr's worth of thia article e\ery t o or three
montliB iu.iys \ any one who Is Ihe owner of life clock , hundreds or thousands of dollars In the *
course of a year.
I IH Kuslly Oltvii to Cattle. Ilor-es , Swine ami Sheep , anil Is an artirle that has noer
fulled to ghOFatlHraction , il pruperly ucliniinstercd.
Thn .Mip-f Iti'ullli.v HcriN In thu
Avoid Cheap Remedies Preserve this and
country aiu cuppiled with thu II ritrnt
and Worlhlcss
Ucwaru ot
Condition Powders. f.lre . > ( < / . Jii'ini < tanil " farmer or IMITATIONS.
breeder who oni.cugcs ItII1 be without It.
r 'iicliclil. : lt ) ; i > iiera1 erfertri are , uml many dlscatcs ait curtd In thcii ( uilitr
etayefc by carefully follimln Jireciion" .
TluiVlio Mini who mmlc the remark that an "Oiinffif 1'reifittlan In Worth a Pound of
Cine , ' ' ilcecni'K .1 inlU ; medal , for neter wan there n tnitr ri'in uk , and it cannot bo applied more
properly than to thu prou'iition nnd cure of the many dic'iietrons and fatal dlse.i-ca of ll\e ttntk.
Keep Stock llviillliy anil every contagious ill'cii-o thit cnmes alon ' w ill not take hold
with the gi ip of death. To do thin there U nothing cquul to the H'ralem l.lrv Mink Itvuirtli/ .
Do Not \Vnlt until the horce la r-tolen bpfnie you lock tinHtablo door , but lock It now
rlKht aw ay the thief comes alonn , by the outlay of one dollar for a trial package of thu
cclehiatedand thoroughly teettd boon , thu H'rilrrii J-tv < Miielt llrincili/ .
Knqnirc of jour lruv'i ) t , or cential i-torekwpi r for n jiackigo of the 11'eitrrn I.Ire
tttiirli Unite/Ill , manufactured at OinulM , tulve no other , and if you cannot obtain It i-ond one
dollar for a iiackaKu , inrixnil to the
SWINE Keep Ltvo Htovlc llonltliy anil avoid
I'ASSf NQKn ET.EVATO11 TO AtL fLOnilS. | 1203 , 1203 and 1210 Farnara St. , Omahn , Neb ,
1409 and 141 1 Dotlge St. , I Omaha , M
tq Wo