"AHA H.H EJ ' . . / . Jfc , Jl 1..X , * * F ( ) U fit ? ; HJNT H TEAK. OMAHA , NEB. , iATriWAY MORNING , NOVEMBER 22 , 188i. NO. 133 HATTOH AND GLARKSOK The Pcs'maslpr ' Gmrars ; Rpplf to i c Iowa Diclafor' ' Charges , Total Refutation of Clark son's ' Bora-Head Allegations. Were tbo New YorkPostoffioo At taches Disfranchised ? Explanatory Oorrospondonco onto the Disputed Subjeoti Olarkson's ' Counter Eoply to Hation's Doniali " 'Ills SiMiffllotts Iniionilocs IroaotveroiiB Iinpc.ieliiiiont of tlio l'ro liicnt's Honor , iiATTON's ijnrrr.u. W\MUVOTOJJ , Novcmbor 21. I'o'lmaslet Gonoial Hnllon Bant the following letter today - day to Mr. .fnjoph Medill , editor of the Chtingo Tribune : WSIIINOIOS , November 21. Dear Sir : In m nrliclo in jour piper November 17th , in which Mr. Clarkson , memb r of the republi can national committee , gives many , but in my opinion , not all the reasons w by Mr. Bhduo was defeated , I mil the following : "Tho order of Postmaster General Hatton re1- quiring the Now York poalollico wilh It thousands of clerks and carriers to bo kept open pru.entcil enough republicans from vet ing to bnvo o\oicom what is now known Mr. Cleveland's plurality. " The mini order was posted in tliu Now York ollico Monday saying tint nfter 10 o'cloc1election day the clerks cou'd take n holiday. Mondny night , by Mr. Hatlun's order , Ihis was over- tilled nnd clerks living in distant pirts of Iho city , who bad to c.o t ) work bifoto tbo polh opened aud rontntu nfter they cloned , were un able to\olo. " N i such nrd r as that inferred to by Mr. Clarkson was issued ly mysoif There is no law authorizing the ctos ng if postolhc-os on election dajs. Piior to thu elec tion , dispatches were i owned from many places asking authorily toclosn ollice . Those were auswurad as has always been the custom of thu dep-irlment , to the olfoct that thorn w.is no law million/ing the closing of othoit on election days Mr Clarksun s.ijs my order was ifsueJ Monday Bight If Air ClarkMm did not know , his chief of ceinniittue , Mr Klkjns did know lint I wan not inV luhingtou at tlmt time , but in linrlii gton , Iowa. Thu following di3j.tch will slum : NKVV YOUK ; November 3 I'raak Hatton , pnst'nastar gi nwal , liui'ington ' , Iowa : It in naidjii the postollica in this city that letter earners are not to luv o the usu il holiday dur ing .elections , and that nn order has been is sued to that effect This will lese us ninny hundred votes. Can jou telegraph HOIIIO rem. odv. Answer. S. i ! . KI.KIXS. To this I replied that there was no law m..k ! ) ; election day a holiday , but that the post inast r at New York , if ho desired , could cer tainly arrange to allow the employ cs ID his ofhce to vote without seilously iuterfc-ring with the delivery of mail. It seems that the above dnpatch from Mr I lk'ns ' , or one1 similar , was also sent to Mr Haran , who was than icting pislmactur ccncral , ami who an- 4 wereJ it as follows , the dispatch bjing sent fc'ie n ght boforu olictiou : H. i > . Pearson , pjfclmaster at New York Pi aM give vour emplojeis full opportunity loi\erciM > their right of Milfi.ige. A. i ) . II vhs , Acting Postmaster ( lencril. Hrd Mr. Clarkson or Mr. Klkins been itiListcr general at the time they iniglil , Misuari an order closing all offices in tin 1 mti d States during election diiy , but 1 1.hi illy think they would bnvo dnno eo alter .2111. ntf the law. Very lonjiectfiilly , HVTTOV. CriAUSVHOV.S ItKPIA' . I rs MOIM- , Iowa , November 21. Mr Clatkion , editor of the Stat1) KcgUter end lows momucr of Iho lepubhian nalional com mir..t1 , tiasfeul to the edisoi oi the Cl.ii.-igo Iribuuo the following loiter in reply to the Vtlerof 1'oslirufctsr ( iencial llutton , suit out \lf \ MOISKS , Iinva Novtiubpr 21. I have re I the lutter , m a to'i graphic copy of it , thU day ad < lr" sed to jou by Mr Hntton-is 1'rcLiilunt Arthur H postmaster general. In it lie jvf.'G'ep ' > uth tile facts and by siting bo oi-l not htmue f inniiu Hid order whicii Jjopl the New York postoihco open on elettfon diiy m d piuventid pevcial bun- i od cltrksfrom achinco toyota foi prosidenl itios lo cscapo Iho rehpoiisi' ihty before the , -sjntry of h ivmg ined .1 part of the nilminij- tiutvo Dower I helping lo di feal HlaiiiB The uriith is that thi ) older was issued by Mr. Mar/ , the hrjt n tistant postmasler general , ft Mr. Ho cn , the second , but that it was dorm toy Mr. Hilton's older. J le very shrew d- | j s'vyn , in his quibuling loiter toou , that ' no such order was issued by mypelf. " fThat mny I-o. iTno fignaturo was Uio ti'gnatnre of Man or Hi7un , the s , , 'loidlimto , but the order to do it wax the 01 tire of Halt m , Iho principal That Mi Hat i ton know of tlie order and that ho wits lurpou- tiblj f r it there IK n t Iho leM doubt His 'riini/n nt Now York , otherv/iso his ropubli- r ran iy upathi/ in his desire for the defeat il of I''ni'ie ' , did not deny thin , but gave ns thu ! T ( > vplaiUillJU ° f 1C th.il a i nil r , put on the | ) j.Hit Jioiii 1 appropriation bill provided that elecitou day th iidd not bo n holiday , com- 'i ' tielle Jbiw lo have iho orner i siiud , ftnd that Inattt'uti < .n bad bi on called to tlio provmon by the t'o' * ' " -ratic ihairinan of the hoii'e com- riiitl < 'o < ii a > pro ] li itiona Mr. Hatton IIHM | not pr-'te. vl to say that hn telegraphed the poatma-ter At 'Vow York from liiirhngton nug gcstini'that tLcpont Ih.oempliiycs be nlloMid a ch men to 'oto , but tlui bo only tolegrapliod that valuable1 iyttchlion lo Mr. lllkimt , while Iheacliiiir pot , ' -i" nUrgmutal \Va.dniiglnn ' hi t ho could uudei was left lo n vu " , Iho orders of' t' ' ' chief , giveu by the latter befiro ho l-St th. capital , a dispatch to Iho Mui"P ' po tui.wli r at Novv- ork which that \ . rthv could cill a wo ' "d order not I > let Iho pi ' t * < heo bo closed , which Jlatton could aftirivan1 * claim was n permis sion f T ihe tmplojcd t' ' ' mil' . The facts as well known nt r ow " \ .irk , uro lha' , Ihu em ployes , if they got permUt ton ti vote , did not get pormi-ihlon of elf time In whi h to vote. H IVMJ also uliably staled lo be ti in that tumuli of theut tliua deprive I of Ire time to vote weio kept from voting to have given lilalno a plurality in the htatoof New Yo.'kand elected lilui preelJent. Mr 1 latl/m's lott'r of evasion . haa the uuu merit of not denying ui fact the Cfsenllal Iruth of my statement that ha quote * . This sh-vvs a ( htowdoens worthy of a ixxtmimttr general , for wton ho was in lovvn in the Jwt days before thu election ho lold uevei-al pi r ons , among llionf a lea/ling di'in arAotho \ city of Alt. I'kanant , that ho in- \ / mete \ \ \ keep the New York postolhco open elect ! ni d iy. In talking to thin democratic / gentleman , he naM , with hla thumi1" Uii'mg ' pally 10 the armholis of his waUlcoa * . "lam j a civil uervico rcfuimtr Ibis yiar , and do not inlend to let the pulhc butinwtb o inte."fflrci' tvilh by politic * , " and the accent on thu vv 'I'd' ' ' thin jear' are reportnl by the dtmoc'a' ' to Imvo betn beautiful In their melody and iiguihcunce. Mr. Hatlon I * nutfd mi t and inoft luvod by his admirers of whom 1 am one , for his genial gold < n quality of franknri-s. Tin dignities mid nt ce siiIBS of court life eeem already to have made Mm diplomatic to a very accomplidhed decree. Tne gimtlrman is kind nioiuhlo snppoit what M r , Illktns or .Mr. Clurkxm m'cht ' have done at poatmastcr geii'rulhad Pthpr ) been in his p'.ato ' , I Jo not I'm v how much < f the liw Mr. Klkins or mjnelf mlah lu\0 t pied | lo hunt up , hut 1 may frwlj tny Unit t nm mie oithir ofmwonld Inv l-utit'd n great luntiv mom optortunitip to help the republic piny tluriru the campaign t'lnu lo tnii tpr lieneril Hat Ion seenie I to hm' ' . Mr. Halt n also gen pro * ly gives tin uuputuit Inf Mtiulwli tha 1 linl ii it in liis opinion glvo nil tlie ren or for Mr. Uhmo'rt defeat. I luvn in doubt o tin * . Doubtless Mr. Hivllon and I'lestdeti Arlliur both kit iw of n number nf ngencte employed to iltfcnt thn patty ttcliot tha neither I nor nuy anyone elsij Knows or eve u ill know , ( Signed ) T. S. Ci MIKON. . Til 15 OH 1C U3O "TIUKS. " Till : Sllltl.OIKOXKUSTOHKV'l HKIltTVi.K VOVI1 PUNlUNT AII.HIATIONS VTATKVIhNU O.N Til miKinitn \TIOS. i . " Special tolegrnm to the 1H.K , Ciliinn , November 21 , Arguments relative tive lo the appointment of n receiver In iho os Inlo of Iho lalo Wilbor 1' . Stole1 } * wiln to bi resumed tins afternoon , Previous to Mr CJoudv's making'his argument in fiuor of tin appointment of Austin I * . Patterson on behal of Iho blood relatives of the deceased , ho rcm nn nthdavlt mndu by 1'atlorson , denying thai he over oxc'uded ' Mr * . Storey from nccess lo tlio Times ollico or books , nml nlso that hi ever obstructed tbo put suit of mvcxliga lion inlo his part of the nnnngemont of the es > fctnto nml ptpet. He , on bis part , mike i an allegation lint Mrs. Storey had been r.p proiched somn months ao by ceitun republican publican politicians nml had bee1 ! ! vvou over by them to nnko the Times n repubhcjii mtministrntion organ , to fmo- st-ill which the niollou was mndo by him nml tha relatives to have n cmservator appointed to manage iho citato of Ihu editor , /uiothor alhdavlt w is road from Chas , U Dennot , managing uditor , citing numcroiu facts in Bupoott of Iho piovious assertion tint Mr. Slorcv WAS irro'pmsibly ins inn since 1S7U In tlio d iy of his doath. As strong proof the allegation is undo that during tlio editorial nud business management of thu Times by the affiant nnd Mr. I'uttorton the paper has really prospered , It was stated among other lungs th it the circulation of the Tunes dur ing election week of 1S81 vva i7,000 greater than during election week of IhbO. THT VIKUIMA. I * TIIK I'ISTIUtNTI VI. 1IROI Til IN IIIK Ot.l DOMINION. Lvvi iincrni. , Vn. , Novumbsr 21. I'lirther infonrmtion as to tlio dice'iso prov.iiling il Wise , I.ee , Huchauuu nnd Dickinson counties , shown the previous reports not exaggoratod. Onn hundred nud fifty doitha occurred in \Vii county. ] ! ains whiuh have la'lenintb ' list two daynhavo rophced the foul vvl > r Kupplyvvith fresh watei and the ilHya o is ibiting. Pn\sicians dtscribo it iw ncnto typlund djfiutery. 51potiiij ( < > ! ' ilnsloa nicrulinntc. Ho-rov , Novembci 21 The board i f Irado mot at noon foi tin ) di'cussion < f tlio bmk- nipt Iw , the t\cjssive coinrgo of silvi'i am ; leciproeitv treaties with Mi MCO end Canada. All business rxchnnges in the citv wort u'pre sented. Addresses were made bv Son itor Hear. Congressman lianucy , MuatrM. MorM ) and Collins in favor of a bankrupt Iiw nnc I ! , Noruso against coiti IPI ; of silvur dollars. Itpaabiliona weio adopted jirajing congress to suspend the net requiring the coinage ol silver dollars , find uigin ? tlio impoitauco ol the enactment of the b.iukruutcy bill passet by Ihu senate at thu last session. in CAIKO , November 21. A man who nrrlvct vosterdav from Khirtoum says the Ma lull's position is eighteen hours rnnich from Khai- louni. Di'-e.veo ' is making feirful havoc nmong Iho M ahdi's forces , fully 100 djing daily. Sheikh Morgan , with n largi fnico at n po.nt midvvflv botwocn Uassal.v and lier ber to it ndci assintunco to ( ! on. fiordcn , Ad vices fiom SVardy Haifa slilo t1 o liiittxL troops arriving then ) are di parting for thu front very rapidly. The I'l-n x and Cornwall iHgimentx mo now nn routt. 11 Dongola. TI. ndv.uici ) I.ejond Dongolawill lu mi foi : i monta. 'I'liO I'fiiiuli Ell Cliin.-i. HA ! November 2Tho Chinese inn clads , Clio filing nnd Yung Neinrnvei ! and inlend to ferco the Preuth block ido off tbo island of PurmoE.i. LONDON Noem bar 21. The Tiuio'i Shang hai di-patch pays- Peace iipgotiutions nro ni - pindcil. The French mndo ovetlures lo i'ng- It'll and American pilots o i the Yang T/o liver. Tin pilot4c-hniged-VVi 003. The Chin - n complain tliU isvionp on Ihe juilof neutrals. > from Tom Sin elnli that Admit il Courbet is flill al Koo I.ung , uuible lo ad vance until icinforcod. A "bclicine" Tlivvjtrleil Hl < IIMOMI , V.i. , November 21 , The lie- / rmick i lecloral bmrd bill , iccontly > y Iho peneial a'tcniblv , was rclurne d to djy ) ) ( ! A. ( Jan I'ion with hin objuliom , 'ihe nil piovidcf foi the election by the ligiala uro of i oinity and city ho.irdn , tj In ) invcnt"l utli tin * puvver tn nppoint all registrari and ndges of iilrction , the ilfoctof vvbich action s to place the whulo elcituui machmeij' of Iho I ile in Iho luudn of the cUniuci.it ) . Dull Times in Chicago. - Cinc\no , NovcmbT . ' ! . Noti.e has been ; iveu the woikmoii at Ihi- North Cnicnco roll ng millH of , \ ehut'down beginning next .Sat- rday , owing ta dull trade , i.ijhtun him- a led men will bo t'nown ' out. I'nui'-ijouoriiii , N. 11 , . November "I , ' \ ages at thu 1in 1 jl\ \Vestboroutdi col at on mills will ba reduced 10 per cent Uoc < in H r 1. _ ' .i n ai I n and rlu1 New Orloens Stiovv OIIVWA , November 21. The government oi ecided the lima wn : too shoil for them to ako pail in the New Orleans oxpo'ition. Tlio M enlloman hoio on thu pait of lha e lubilion tul's Ihu reason Canada was not nskeil o.irlii r vas thn nnnagoiN tin ii'ftit the invitilion to jroat Jirituin lucludod Canada , jitardlaii < iC I no tiarllcld Cliildrrn. I.\Viimnn , Vn. , November 21.fun - rrtusmjii Tucker , recently elected from tbo 'onth dletrict by the democrntp , has betn np minted guuidlan for thoimmir children of lha ata I'ukWont ( Jarlield. . Mrs dniheld in nuking thn ifrjmst n fnrred I i the kindly re- whicliOMitcil between Tucker and her 'J'lio Unlli unit U'nr. CI.NCIVNAII , November 21 , The gsm ral lohsoD er agenls of lines we l of the VKulern .criinni uflUofrunk Hues nml oust of t o MiKdoiiM liver Imvu Ueotalkd to moot at the Jrand I'ficlli hotel , Cbiejgj , November "i. o atlompt riKUratlon of rules ti tin full urill in all ( hrectloiiH uithf/i Uio ahovo men iuned tcriitor ) , . CIcvclaiHi'a UIIPMIH. Nfcw YOIIK , November 21. 'Ihcriiiis A. lendrieks and MeK rc , Jonas , Oor.-n.ui , Jindloy , .ludd anil other * of the domojri.tie latiomil committee go by special car vu th. Vow Yerk Cunt nil to Allnny , who o Ihey will bo thagiiflsti of ( ioicrnor Cloveland. It . till be Ihi lirsl nuotln ? of Clov eland nud len Jnclvti HIIILU Iho nleclion. Tlio ( 'Orinaii I'urliainciit. Bi'i.i IN , .November 21. There were no BOLiallata nt the opening of the rolcli Htag , jottorday. JJmporor William looks well , but WM obliged to atop once or ulco during ilio reading of his speech to allet etrenjjth. i DAI n.n KINo > 4. 1-.SONOI | MI-N < COSV S I ON , U If. t Ot IS IMI OHTVN ! A < n NS ! M 1 oi is , November 21. At th-i cattlr menV o invention this morning th" coiirtefif of the Wi stern I'liion Tolegrnph compiuj nnd lha Bwlmgic n rulrond were oxt'i ilwl ti nnd nccepti'd by Iho couvenltnn. Thinkn were extended to the ti-niporiry ollicern fur their orices. . Am t'oit ' to ieroii liir ( the no lion ot the eomonMon In adopting n coimtil ilion - lion was caninl The nction was likfti bo CIIKO the procnt bisM of teprfelitatiou ox eludes m my vvho eonxldcr it but ti ht tint they bo con iderd members os thonpsoiiui if si nsi IUITIONS nm nwuiii tt'nutKu- * . At this point ( lem rnl Cuttir , of Now York , proposed that n collection bn tnkoii un fur tin unlleitrs from drouth in Yirgmlo , U enl Vlr gimn and Kentucky. The proposition W M r ceivid with applatt o nnd SuCO vws iiulcklj rAi rd nud turned over lo Col K 1) . Hunter for triviispottalion to iho enirerors CONQKXTU MINI , I IhVKLAM ) ANP On mntiim the convention unsntmmisly ox tci.iliil llicir congratulations to CIuv eland am : Hendnckx , IlKVIsl.N , TIIK lON TITt TICS' . A coMimlttei ) was then appointed , lo whleli was i-efoned Ihe cons'itntion for revision. Il was nwrce'd to lulnnt all delngilcs nccrnditoil from iho rignlar caltloapfocinliou in old Me\ ice on ciiunl tciuiH vvllh oilier delegates. I'l.viK 01 NIV.T virnnsi , . The report of tlio committee on resilnliotiR was nilojited. It rfcommpndi-d Si. Ioil's ns tha place of the ne\l meollng , and desired Ihn limn of iho no\l mcoliug bo icfoned lo Iho e\ o.ulivocomniillce. HAUMOM SOT Kl Hvl TKI ) . Thn committee appoint ! d to confer with a similar committee ) of the Chicago conve'r.tlni repotted they were not nblo to ngreo on the ijUesltou of merging the two nssoclatnms The couimlttno was disclnrged. Mr Slewarl , of Montana , spoke , denitug to put Ihe delega- lion of his territory on lecnd us unanimously opposing the action on thu trail qneUton tnhei by the convention yesterday. Adjournnionl was then lalcon till 5 p m. " " COMMERCE , THK AlUIITItVIOIt's AW Vlll > . CIIICM.O , November 21. Arbitrator Tucker of the1 Pacific Coast association has complelei his avv.ird of percentages in I'.ulfle coast bus ! ii-pi oiipinatitig east of Iho Missouri ilvor , as follows. Northwcstcin , it ) pet cent. ; Hurling leif , IS ; Koclt I land , 17 ; Mdvvauki'o and St. Paul , 1C. ; Alton , iy , Wabash , 11 ; Mibsoui ; Pacilie , 5. v Mimvi t VIU i.r. MIN-DON : , 111 , Novembei 21 S. H. ] ! rid ley propne'or ' of Uio Mei.don mills , fnil-jd l.mhil.tie-s , $10,000 ; assets neatly as much , A 1.1IVIV I VII.LISP. Si l.oui-t , NoMinber 21. Thu grain eom misimn linn f ttiiei Jiros. failed to-day , liiitbilitn i SIO ( K)0 ; as-sots unknown. Shrinkage - ago in the \alnu tf grain is said to bo the Lit'ii uf the failure1. The fiuluro wasciufed by the inability ol the firm to meet an acceptance ilno todiy. Uohev ing , how ever , Out they could readily obtain n runuvval of thu accoptatice , Ihey chuikod 's7.'i,000 , but these checks wuo thuvvn out b\ the bunks , lien , ( iiiur s > id to niirht that ihe-e checks represent the entiio u-ase cuud indebtedness of Ihu tirmouUido of Rev oial tbouaand dollars duo the Itvnk of Commorco. That bank also hold ; souiiro papei for n lurge nimninl Ho also enid that the failure would bo a smal one , not to exceed twenty to twenty-live thousand , and ho expects to rrsmne in a shot I time. None of their money of lule , ho said , hail been lost on opiums. They had ub ml 10,000 tmshols of cram out for Loucxi lo parties whonru perfectly rcfpouBible , Thf ir lo set. atu caused by thu decline in thu market , which his been unexpoitcil to them. The as ots of Iho linii ami Hiid lo bo in leal Ont.i'o m Peoriaaud live- tvvclflhs intiKst in live eloviiljir- run umler the nama of Ijiion Klevalor coinpiuy. The . Ijiirliiut m ix. ( jnimy rend owns thu grialii pat uf tin' ri in under. 'Ihi tlovalor ( uopi'il > , whicii is worth botwitn thrco nml lour hundred thoiHand d ill irs , nnd include Iho Union olev ilor in JiiilSt. lands , whiih bin a c-tpicilyof over n million buxhels. Uiior iCe Co , , i f Poor in , arc- still in opoialion , I Mll'fcl WL'VVKIIS1 UtODIIII. ' . liojiov , November 21 Itumors sro cur- ix'litol n contenipla'rd ' fhutlmg doViiiof the worsted mill of Hit ? Ijigulow C irpet i umpany at Clinton and putting oa of half limuutlhi v.uivingmill. Pun viu I I'liu , November 21. Nearly nil thi ) iiigniin cirpel mills cl < sod to-day , ovrinj ; to tha nfti'nl of the power loom wu.ive.rn to acci-ht tin- proposed reduction of wa-josbylH lo S'l ' per cent , vuoii'im : Hllirnsr IIOVVN. lifMov , Novcmbor 21. Tlio Wan-ham lion compuiy'n woiks al South W.ueham chut d > wn for an indefinite period , and thu Kianconia Iron and Steel cnmpaiiy'u woikn again MI pctidfyJ opoialions. 'Iho Anilruncog gill Pump company niimmnres cither a Mis- peiioion of work jr culling down of wages. STIC/ . \MIIVI. . KvNMsCm , N voinb < r21. The follow ing pzs ° singer rates nro announced in addition t i the cutH already repoi led by thn Hurhiigtnn lo Ixmisi urn ol ono doll ir , liy HIM Alton lo Kiol.uk , fclOO : Htirhni'lon , § 100 ; IWi i , 51.00 , Jiuslnll , J.'sJ ; lialva , * > . ; Muadot t , -i.OO. ( < t ITINO IIAI Iv VVKHJMAHK , ins , November 21. To-day the HuilintiMiuil [ ; _ ( ( Juiney road ope-tiod ticket olhcu in Ibis city ncd coinmunn In warfan- westuuml ! mien , felling to Kuii'-ns ' City and Si LcuN vii thn I , II. A. W. at 5.M5 nnd to Chicago via the Hhiiou C'cntial 2 ri. _ 'J III-Ijllhl Ciiliiil ( "dlnpli-ll1. Alinxv , Noviinbaril Too hlulo canvasa- H mot at noon , All | iriKcnt , 'Vcn t.uy Wood annininuPil the footing of the tablei an followsHi'lie ( t democratic1 electoi I'rn it , .1 Til ; hin'hiwt republican olactor , Canton , MiJ.OU'i Pliindily 1HI. ! I/iwitt ikniocrttttc- elector , Ottondorfcr , filil.iilsj lowest lepu'ili- cin il'ctor , Ilirrls. rid.'M . ; plurality 1077. nh'l. lpiuhibllimcleilir , Mdls , 2riOJ ( ( ) ; low- nsliilswotl ; 21 'MS. Hirfut | UiilliT i In tor. D'DonncI , 17 (01 ( ; lowoHl , Citnpbull , ll,7ril ! , Aflir thoannoiinccinenl the members of Un Ijoaid higm.l Ihu tat k s and ccrtifi.ntus , Hiihlnri-H Nivv \ OIIK , November 21. raihiHH during he last hovon days wt.ro 277 ai/ninst L'Sl ! uf astw ck , n markud mcieaio. The inureiixo is nninly in the western mid Hontliuin ttuttn IvoutiKol in Iho ai lions broughl In * I'u- uperl ir court ti have the as > igninent of ( Slndenlnck Schwnb A. Co , n t I > M < | U as fraud- ilcnt , to-day KLCIIIHI Iho appointment of John I1' . I'luintri , ai reuiur of thn hnri s asuosU 'tinner V-IH diriilul ti jmy judgniLiil * granted in thcku actions nicountlng to o > cr > s iidViihi ) of Uio .Vnvj , WAHIIIVI rev , November 21 A icportcr of .ho iipcociatoil pn > > < lo day nuked Hccn lary Chandler if he intended nmkii.g a reply tu thu crlticiB'iiH in the fourth auditors lujiort , Hu replied he thought the iinilltor had gene beyond - yond iho tphero of hln duly In crltlcumg Ihe ilfairs of tlioirivy dcpartmonl , nnd it wan mil .lecismry nor difhl fi r him to make it uppo.ii thcro vyiiH anylhing which thu navy dtpait ineiu' widhod to covur up , Tli ( > Karl of bionc | < r'n IJt in IV , November 21. Hulled Ireland stiles that It la the Intention of nationalUtN lo impeach the earl u ! Spencer , lot d lieutenant of Ireland , for conijiirav-v la murder. Itsajs > tlmt thu Iiiidi party U delermlned l < i forci . piibllc inquiry iiito tbo Par ! of S.onctr'H | riii. is , DARK DEEDS. Mail's ' Pa ? ami is ! d i f anil Grimes , The Hanging of Batsman , the Oliild Murdorer- His Criiuo nnd How Ho Ms Death , Anotbor Shocking Infautioid 10 Legally Avenged , A Revolting Oaso of Miscogona tioii at Cleveland. A lUoinlj 111' ' t ! tn Tt-\ * Town Ai Attempt at Stumor li > Minnesota , KlC. A Special to the HKK. SUANN-AH , Mo. , November 2.1.-Olivor lialumnn waa hanged in Ibis city nl 1 p m. . to d iy for the murder of the two B'tl" , ugod 11 nnd lit , at 1'liiRg Spiingi , on the 1st of September. The ucnlTotd W.IB ctvctee on Main street , noit the public square. Tin city wai thronged with people to witness thi demise of the mmde.ur. The > mootinr between llatotnnn nnd hi stricken parent , b-otlnr nnd MJ'CJH , wore more nlTciling thiiu hdtutoforo , Hixtoinuii him self tin ) leant affected uf any of thoin. Abntil noon they look a last latevvollof the con dimmed murderer , the mother nnd hlsturs weeping , the brother aud f ithi r showing mull feeling , I ntthe muiden r fcomiiuly until -veil linlemnn mmmlfd the palloVV * withmt llu i hit ; r nud milnUimd to lha lnftun mm t n irtlin , dolerimmd np | > < nrnnco. He up > ko i f w winds I ) Iho her 11 and other olluuls near him , sijing Ins fiito wus ib . ' ivud _ am lioi ing that his pirenls vvuuld not bo visitu witlt tlio sum c f t'l ir vvav vi'il sou. Thciiinu fii wt ijli P. t mii'i buffered wi n most btutal and lovollmg nut1. 'llugiilr vvoni met by llututmiu m afield ome di-liuci trout t < vvn. 1 ! < ng well acini nnt'Hl tVv per- mittud HttPtnnn to walk witli thutii. Ni irmj n pi-i 11 f iiinlur lintoni.vn iei/d the oh' ( it gilwi b lliuuvidc'iit mleiit on of ontrigitti ; lurptrsin. A htiujiplo rnsuod , duiing whtil lia'.iman thriv. In i down nnddiavvn g n knift cut In i throat from ear toonMoanvvhili thu > ounger tutor ran lovvatd town , cijtnp for hop 1 ! torn m followed hei nni' laid her acotp-e , by Ihe fide ofhu W lull ) tbo warm lifo bloo 1 was still llov1 ing from the bodies of ins victims , tiu ham i < l iiulutoro oil the dollies of Ihoelccruii outraged her. The crime w.19 POOH discovornd nnd Bale mm bunted down nud juloil. The excellent at the time was iiiluii o nnd it wns ouly bj Ihi nssuranco of Iho piofecuting nlloiney thai n speedy tiiil of Iho murderer wouhr bo had that lynching wns prevented. Wl-ci the ttialcamu on linleman plead guilty to th < charge of murder in the brst degree Uud was promptly sentenced to death. ' * . T1IW lUaCIt - lVN'd 11UIDK. OII A WHITE WOMVV'S 1VSANK IS'I'TL VTIOV A KKVOI I INI , C\Hi : 01 > CLIVKI.VNII , Novombsr 21. A year ace , TnmsoiiVulkcr , n 20-j ear old daughter of .1 mm of wealth and 8oci.il Blinding , rin nw.i ) from homo in Wutaiford , West Virginia , will John Ach , a negrn servant m the family , fif teen to tninly yearn hfi cenior , phytiluill } crlppItMl nnd of infnriorpp'jni : nice Tlio liu worn foi rrflly mirrtnd hero. bubsr < | uoiill ) thi'fjthii tir.ct'id bis daughter hum , fomiil her hvinwlono nnd serving m a doan tie in n piivnlo faimlv. ' Ho linally piovi.ilui on h'r lo rotu'rn hnino nnd unt'icd s lit to hive the imriingo oonlruel ninull d. Taiiiso/rH nfbduvitetntpH that Aid , by reason i f his having C'ire of her whun a child , o' lamed nil iijl'uemu ' ever hi I and by me.uiH if HIM and bIhrenls accompllhhtd her ruin Pealing hoipolf nVout to bm oino n m thei , slie i ontjiitud t ) ol pu nud bj marin - in d , but inimodi itely nftei the ceieinony left and rolucod to hvo with him , Af.li ill his suir cl iini'jil tlmt tin ir inlalioaH weiu ighfc In Tamsen , th it marringo vvas at bis , iiihtince , th.it uliu is tindi r ilunm nnd if h [ I lo follow her InilliKi'ioiH would rumaiii his vvifo The common pleis cnuit to-dny , after huirin0' , uniitiliud the mnrringo c 11114101. AND I IIIUC l > k\iv iov , Ky. , Novoiuhcr 21. .lohn Hush ( colored ) wai hanged hen ; nt 12:30 p. m to-day foi the murder of Annie YnnM tei , five \oars and eleven monthH IIRC. P-'iHh aid the jirl' fmber were etigigid in n dill cully win n Iho girl c lining in range nf U Hh'n pislol was i-liol In Iho Ihieh ftud nltnrwirdii died of thu vvoiMid. On tlio ncaUiild hu cpoko for ten minutes , giving his iccuinlof the killing nnd m.'inl intng tliil ho wan iniioiiMil. Ho vv.is Inm ti Iho 1 ist and fell Ihrouf/h iho trap with nfimlu on huf ice. IMINTKlt'J. I0 A I'AKTY 01' Hill NKBS rOlfllM TA < MI1I > hOMF TI.\\H I ( ) U1 IMKV. SIIKIIMVV , T < x. , November 21.W. ! . Akin nm ) mm .Tobt'ph , wt.ro killed lliii over ins in a ntcliuj bnttlo with tli'i clieiiir u.d | so. lr Harms , wild was witli tlio Akin paity , wan voumhid , but in I Hiiloindy. tMllvi r Milton , il tlui n Nan , wax shut through t'ju ' lefl breast. I'lii ! Al.ii s nltcmpUd In paint Ihu ti.wn ml , } iml uhan cillod upon by ollicir Alutun l < > urrcmki began hostilities A IKniiloroiiH Alli'inpl. Citoomrov , Minn. , Novttnbor HI.- \n at empl WHI uiiwlo list ni ht to mnrdcr ? ! ! Irfsolln and wife at their homo , tw oho mili rom h'ra A movrranl lircil oie'.il ( hols rom n | ; iiQ .mil levolvtr , wounding . JtM'lin in tboi.rm , leu ami lilp , prol/nlily / futil. t IH thoiifht Iomn JJarrutt , whuno claim Hciilln IH a.ud have ' to jnmpoil , M the K"ilty isrty. A warrant W.IH muod for hm arrunt. r Uio InniirriiN. < VASHMI , Mieh , Nrjvun.bcr 21 , While if loader mid wife ) living thrnn mllen from here , wore atvork in the nub ] a Hhoitdinlarcn fioni their honif , tholr IIOUHO caught tire nml burned. Thr. . of tbeir chlldron , the eldest iivoyinrHohl , poiMied in the Ilium.1 * . IIIIOIHUIMIIirAriONSOIOHIN-i ! ( 01 J ; l THK CI.IX.KKI ) COI SI IN nm IIIASII..UMill. | . Ciiit-Arto , November 21. A few days iigo it wasannoliice-d in thesii dispatches Ihallirnud , a democrat a. . cording Vi the rulurno to the cai of UiarJ , wan elected to the Htito tniato from UuHlxtli dUtria , iintoud of J man , ro mbhtnii , who had a majority according to tb police iditni , Itms giving Iho d. . mocr itn u majorltyin , the Halo lfgml. tiirto on the ji Inl ' ballot , nd power to elect a Urilttil Slut , s wnalor b HU < cud l.oj-an. TJio dilforcnce w i found to I , In the Heond i.niclnot . , lIiRhlcnitli P" . , , ° /ri"co / rot Kavo Lmnan l > 0 , HrawlUJI. The rcturnd tu the c nva-W Mid ( iie Lemaii V > 0 , nml Brand 11 .hw kiaUinx a thnngu if n la.jr ( . of Brand nnd wvit h.m . n iiajorlty of ton , The I f f w Ju ti I lv li''t < ni 0-1 to 'to Iboorltjiirvl l\i i > t poll b k nppPirol t1 IIRMI iinuullj stini , n Ihe Ttnuru of Hi-1 polion , but i-'i'i ' S'ljtli nil ) nriv ed aud tmile to corifxp i ' w ill th1 til y > het t , iin'll h lf 'f 1'r.itiu it W" Mutrl Unit the uriiiitiid otitry w s n c'eric-tl ' errir. tn betnlf if IAIU n , who oliintetl lie nt'iies hul bur tampered with , It wamdiimu lit it In hl l e clticl thi ) tepulihe m c ndulnte < fur pti iiletil and governor n-eeived ! S.i nnd HH roKie | - lively ly , wiule the t'ouii crnttc eatnlidali n fur Hume Ktli r * received .NS and 2' * , Mid a-difil tint il w is impoisUnV tlmt uch n birri f.illli i ; ol Miotilil Imve oc-uned in ids I.eimm" ) volo. The nutters < f oilllnp on m'gos ' to appnr nud toslify , nmi of the power ol Iho cinv.m- Ing board In go Inlo Iho mttterhavo been under cotisider.itiin tli ci1 , nnd n decision i jot for to mot row nftern on , This tifUruoou the I mtul Fliileidlctiiil nttnruej i | ro i ti'ed the ninttu tn the I'nlteil ' States Rrnud uiiv , mid tbo republic tu imlp. < Itithit ireclnct.the cupurvis > rj of eh ctlor And meMiibnrs ot tlio omvii's.inr' Kiirdviro Mimiin nod tonitirar furlhvvitli. The boiui ! vv.isnlso ordernd tn hntij" thn ba'lnl ' I ox at ) I iho retutns for lint precinct. Thi count } cletk , In whoso oh it-go tin billet box if , np'- peired with others nud slated tint by ll o advlej nf hu i mn" > l , In declmod lo biing Uio billet Tint patl of til-Milder v.-u waived foi the tiiiin bting , and the clerk n-tit for the leturn * UH did not tettirii nnd tlr ) grand jiuy tin illy rotmnod with orih'rs tlmt alt pit lies be hnnulil bl > ro lh.it hodv to moriovv moinmg. It the tnainlinio n squid of p ilico the billet box. TIII : .luncr.'s DATCJITKU. on now i nti.i iisiioi : i oiuitiH.i 's ni m TIOS 10 HIS HAli.HTKI S CIIOIIK IllOll.tl' HIM isro i ) . ti.T. I.OSIHW , No\etncr 21. A notoworlhj lilx 1 CAPO was bcRiin to-day , 1'uuil , Muntol Adam1 ! , a l.oudon liRrrinter , les llornan CoV ridge , RCII of Lord Chief .luslico Co'or ' Admin conducted his own cn e. Ill PCI oh stated that hi wni PiirtiRod t the dniifhtcrof ilndi o Coleridge. Tlio jiulB olij clod to him ai n Hon-in-lan * , and induce liU ton Bet nurd to wiite n lttt > r lo hi dutightcr lilrlnif ; ilmAdmnt ( ) . The yonn liuly turned the loll'1 ! o\or to botrothcil Iliiiilcllo her e\pulnlc n fiom her father IIOUHH Mill thu e\i ur iiijr of her nun o fron her father' * will. Thn ill fom'n ' t entered P'PI that 'ha letter was n pru I.ep-it c mimfn ition , Tae letter wutten liy Berinin ( \iliii ' ? to hU nis'ur waimd hut Hut iiJainH w IH ini'mi > ttd ouly bv Ire desin 'o pun inonoy ut < 1 p > mlon { ! Adi neihad nd mil U'l. ' to thu lettm \\ep \ \ < d. mid that ho con Hiileitd Mn-i Ui'leiidpo tj tie \oid nf persona iliumyi. Aduii's to-diiy ilenlcd nil the iituto nieutn in Beruaid'H letter , and taul thnt Kein aid w.m ai luatod ba devlro t > i > t cnntu 1 o IIM ! RiBtei'ti money. Ad nun contended tha lieru ml nnd his father h ul thnut , the m ir II < KO upon him , llo NMIH thrown miirh in th H iu > ty of MisH Cole id0 ( , in tin ihautable In Ktitutii n 11 f whuh ho was n'crol.uy and she memliei. At that time ho hail no Idua of mar iinK' ' ' . Ho was much a < * toniahod when ho re etued notice fiom hm ! Cotarupi ! liro.il.lni olft e oitneiiiPiit | | ; , 'J'ho imliro rub d thu thiKiiHtut nil its w io inadmii'siblo. Adam it'pliKil Unit in thai L iso ho might ax we ! thrjivnp Ins btief. NOT IMSPOSni ) TO MNAlOllbOI : 1IOTH PMITKS Blil'kl 1 IAIH\\OH IK liI-lllllMV. l'\TI.ONAl.U. WivshinRtou hpeciul to the Chicuo | Nowi. A ntiong otfotl 13 bronchi to bear lu curtni qtiartcrH to inihicu the president to reapjioii all the olliciuls or name republican nucccpsor for thorn ) whoso teriim ox ii > ro or aio nhout t expire by March I , and tt > ha\o them a cbnfirmi d 1 by the republican senate at th approaihii n BI OKIII. Thin it i claimed ( . 'lovclaml would not uo nbl to rcnnno them , < n to pi'l ' u now i en a > their b c.uiFe i 'epubhcan Honate v oiild not coulirn domouriuo immuiationH noltly to i at icpubli i nm Thn fi w repntilu'Jti Hfiiatoro who lia\i bi-'Oii \VanliiiiBton dinmn thn pant few dnju UN i inlo ilo not beluiMj that tliuro will I HI mi > b ) > liin.i.li ) : movunont I okin , ti tL ) in i illu mine of fo ci.il o * ciuln in ] il uo Intlef.rH' place tlii-he iiinalorN do not nj p hrnd nny c l lision j In ItVdon the di iiio..i itic i Minti\o ami the J icpublici.n M nuto c f tlio inl ( uncrisH Nor do ci in cratic cen ilciri four unvlhing if the kin I. Tno iliillv N > ntMiirrvHiuindciit hm talKi ditli Boxeral dcino.rutic Kiiatorj vvho , hiuo di < iissod the Kilu.itiun an it will I'Niht ' afli r March I uuh Iriinln of HIM lmlotiiiiK ; to the republican M lo "f the chambii , Th y s.ij the senate1 will not offui any piitinail oipoi | > tti < ui to J'jcHldont Cliixu- land , urtimlrit iko in i.nv ni'iMiei to h unpi r IIIB i a'linini-iti.itioii i o lonx an ho ) > u i HUH u fan courHiIt m adinitteil that if the pi.hidoiit rhoidd bij'in u wholei lie laid upon ieiubh | uiiiH to mido loom fui ikini/ci / ill , the ma- juiity in thu KL-nati wui.ld intiipono ill pot ui , Imt fkcli aitiou from the Imoi me ' "Ciitho i4 not oxpectcd. BmdoH t is ni'd ' on fi < d iilthority tlnil l'ihidriilrthui would nnl uiiii liiinf.iilf tu anjtluir cnh ttkit il Lo umlmiiatH hli ! MicoHfioi , or In du irno him ol niiv uf Iho jnui'i'fin ' Unit may oi.itimnl'-lv belong to Imn it Nipccleil thut 1'ichiilent Ailhur will mnlo nipi | < int- ncnti aiac men H o cm iinlnnH th re nliall hu Mil ul j i neons lei dilajiuj , ' tlinn , bill ho will lot , it in a Hilled n" any fnithui than if u eimbliciin n Jmlnixli iiion wuie lu follow his ioM r.il \i aiB nn < > , whin iho 41 nalo v/a ihmo crntli' , tfmro was a little fitclion bdv/iiinll mil the e\i ciiliyo is Ihuro h IH boon nlnco I n uct , Ihu mo-it bitter ipi irrel 1 1 Iho part few can \iui bclwei n u lopiibhi m xenatc and a opiiblican punidont , ( jUOVl-Jt'h MAUI ICH. rilK J1LV WHO AIIIC III-iroN-llll hlulllllSI il 111- I AI. hMhTLMI' , Vow York .Journal. Muetof the cridii of biliif'ini ; ( Joxernur lovcland Inlo hi pruxml prounninco is duo o the tluoo men who have been pinhiiif ; him rom a bheiilf of Huff do lo Iho prctiJontlnl huir. They rncognl/id in Mr. UliuUml u 1.111 who would inict Iho wnilicn of Iho nm only of the Aiuurlun ucopk * , ntiU dbxotc'l U llictr rncrfjIrUo lamliiglilm In tliuhlgh ihico winch ho will douhtli'KH occupy on March fi. I'olitulaim miid nut bo tnldlh.it .Ins fohd ( IOVIIIIIII'H rii'hl hand nun nro Daniel J.ainoiit , "Klillu" Apiiu ; nnd.lohn lluyd Tluchor , 'J'ho but Iwo aio 'iniill of Nlalirn , but us the HNull ms proved , they aru lai | , " ) of brain , Colonel Dunli 1 H Ijimont is hvo feet hvo inches blub nnd wn hs } " > r > poiind/t / , llo in iuidy coinploxionrd , ipncl : in inovomrnt mil a norvoiin li mjii nuiiinC A Htubby ml iiiiirtliihu IndiH a liiinclsiiinc' moiilh , and u uniill buhl ppot lendn dignity t the lop uf IIIM liuad C'oluni 1 l.amont la nn allunlivo IIH tuner and a lapid thinkor. llo ban hoi n in politic * froi'i Ins biijliimil aiid IMS nhown gioit iibllity In thai hold , llo IK now acting as private - vato Hucrituiy fur ( iuviTi.ur ( Jlovdand , and riimur crudltn him with \n\i\if \ \ \ bookud for 11 much higher ] iutitiua whuu Uiovir eiili n Ihe while hoiiiio , Mi. IMwaril K. Apxnr , the dnpnty ht.ito truaaurtr , in hrrdly us liirjjn ; u Colonel l..i- monl. Mr. ApKaris d.nk coinploiionul and fuxhinmihlo diofncr , nnd H known na thu put ' ' the ladiuv. llo InvuiluMy C.OMH ! a ipnll loolhpick nml Kcej s hu iluht hand bmiud in ; bin Ir ni'ciH pockGl wlnlii ( .nuiiBin , hhaip mid declaim In Hiieuch , Mi. Ap ar IH > i I at all tiinoa nppr i.icha'ilo ' and oblixii > K > "u ' " p'om lii-lil in huciul llfii in Albany and no p n tn ontidiirid complete wilhout the luniUomi ! 'JMdlo. " Mr. Apgbr i amen a lim.lc of | mtlrj cimHtunt'y ' in IIM overcoat pocket and can quote all the poiitH from livron to < JoliiKiu. with ait < in cliiiig Ibiuiicy flu WUH rucn tuiy of thodtiinocrutio at.ito coinmitteo from 1871 to " Mr. ApgAr Ina now | inicr | man , having been ltor of tlui Worcobter Uinly TIOHH fm uomo upto 1 7I , Jlo will not bo left in tliu ijiiutur John B yd Thnchor li the M < nuBmtof ltd * tirll'liiit ' tri - . Mr. Thach-r H ti i foitiihht lnlMi hlch iind welkin 1 " p uridi HM i * nlmiiiNirt Norkit mil Is lortv ' "vrn jenra old. ll.m aRrultnto of \ \ il maw ( llrRrt and ld father w < w once m \or 1 1 Albiny. 'lie1 Keuiurluvi a R.atidy in v'aelnj and weiu < irol | .imiin d r\e plns-es lie \\oik < with nhi.lglntp on his left hstid. in 1 < HIM bkn a nlin Innnter. Mr. Tlmrlipr sei oditpd with hi ting higher umbltlona thnn en flato rtwtor. HOMTOV , November 21.TinJojtof thea.l- drew of Iho Indi pmilcnts of the country which was lo be for waned In ( Jovornor Chnehmlln now being printed , The follow ing pn sago cc- "I hey wilt uphold jour ndiulnhtrnlion fo v 'olongnslt Is luvscil upon principles .luYlnhimld unileiho nil political patties in i government by and for the peoule. nnd b"- loving tint nil honest nml fuulcsn opposition t > ns uecx s.ry to fiee gov etnmrnU ns an nblo nud viperous ndiiiiinslrntlun ilsolf , Ibey will lot hoall.ito to oprnnojour ndminislintlou tvliMiit CDiiiiints Itself 11 ptinciples which linn en : not uphold , " TltonddroMt wns tent hero from Now Yoik or thn i > | ] irovnl of the ciinnmltie of 100 lea I- ng tuoii' rs , who oppii'i'd II Mgoiously , oh piling to i u implied litre it , urging Unit it would b " i tiiuih to olijecl lo tlio policy if ( lloveliu whiMi his ndminlHtrallon should e fiuuiu . ' lull. IM'.DIhTICIitliriON. l UTTIM1 MVVN Till ! lllisll Ml MIIKIl-Mltr. 1.0N-IIOV , IMIVember-'l. 'l'he Millqiiin Snlii- limy in pu l tug ( Jl.nhlone for n reduction in tlio numliei of Irish mombeta in Iho house of conmioim v nder lha iiroponMl redistribution bill. 11 lit ugnrdnd that lil.ulstomi cons.mts to tidticn the ntulu'r tiy tlvo. Tin1 condiliou of Uu ottremo riubcid and Pnrtiellitt-s In tbu Kuniiioii'i UuenUMis the llbcinlj with n largo del oi' Km. Ill' VOIIIIK' * * Coiiilltlon. PvN rilAMlsco , November 21. The eon ditlon of DeVoiiu , proptietot of the Chron ce thot by Adulph Sprecku'ii , Wediie da Ili'lit | , Is becoming more Nirioti' . He passed ie lltH < ntglit. Iliaeleep vis broken nnd In K * tuaih troublesome .mil the fuv or higher. H ta nyliiiK uaMcr this morning , S. 'i KiiASi'l io , Xavomber 21. It was n mo-id to nikiht tint IJn Vonnn was dent1 Till waa iimckly diopiovod. His ondltion i aili | iiently Iv niiln Iiiissrs. Ill \ , Nevi tuber 21.Tlio Uecori Til puhh < li iin oli\t | ; column article lo morrov iv the fililt ; ol 1'i'iiiis ) hum i ID IK v--r-0"J I iv e tr thrmii ; ! ) thn mmpen nun of coal mimii ) ; in the AnthnuUn te ion lt.nl'0 as-ertH that the losers entailed npoi the hlito tbiou h riiltonil pouli , radio id rn hliieliiiiu in our mipplirs anil coke KMidiciti tn Iho bilummons umun amoiml lo $ ' . ) , ! I7.U1I r. juai. All Kci > flltiht < 'n. Nr.w \ ( Min , Nunhei : i. In Iho \ nitni htitea circuit courl to day .ludijo Binwn do ddod Ah Kto , thu riilnesoeook ntirstiil fo loiuinp n NCI-HI 1 and coming .uhoie iniohi lion ot an act of comticax , was not a laborer a HDeciliod in tlu net , mid ( linclmigcd him wit the under lnmimtr that ho loavn Iho counlr ; wit' ' in HO dii\H. Tlm jud o natd Iho act n | plinil lo a' I Clnnoiio latiDrurn , whether nati rah. d cilucnn of other uumlnno or not. To-l.ty A\TAM ivr.rov , JCou-mbor 22Vor upi t Thio itonni ? weatlior nnd eno or mil. ; o ist In south windn , Hhiftnif ; to noill wentnily ; gem rally uoldii woathci by Hunda Mfawnri v illey : Colder pirtly cloud W'either and liht ) HIKIUH ; wmda Hhfftini' t noithcrly ; lif'htur baromolei. 'J'ti < * Kvvaiin Court WAHIIIV itN , Novembir'Jl. In IhoSvvnim lri.il to day nn nrgimi > nl on the demurrer was ! iiid The judg. ) iidvoi-nlo nmnmnred tin lie would bcrin lakinc ; i vidi nco lo-mortovv. \ VliiINIII ( \ \ A I is. i i\ , Xoiumbnrl.Blaino h.i rcnled a IIOUHO ofKccrdiry Windom In thi city , and 11 expected lj occupy it In abon , \vo v.'uel.n. Hin.ill l < "iCnhiiii'l niAlJn . Ni u'ic , N , . ) . , Novuiiilnr2l The ilomo- rain of Civldwull , Iho hirthnhice of | ire > iileiil- leilf levelnnd , icii'iiimoi.d ' ( Jencral } lun for i euutnry i f Htut" . ' 1 ho Cliiilcrn. I'/.nis , Novoinbir 21. Thirty ono iliullm UNI cholcia in I'.uih jCHtcnl.iv , nil bill eleven n thu hifpltilii. I'm tin ) tvvolvo IIOIIIH end. ng noon , to-day , thuo were ton dentils , hix n Uio boipItalH. Tlic I'OKliiuiHler nl Atiiliilioii , WASIIIMITONovimbir2l. , . - The piim lent ipp iinti d ] ' . . ti , I ohtnr , pohtmaHlur nl Amlu- i3ii , Iowa. Mi .1. Kjirmrr Cunven writes to a London i iinml : "Theie are now , in the iloiinnliry i.hoolBiiI the UniUd / ; | , iibiiul 1(00 ( , . ' ) U thlldirn IcHinln ' to Ning at hijjlit upon our jhleni. 'Ihe 'J'onic Sol fa uolliKO IIIIH US dif- i iciil 1 indH nnd i/id / < s of n.u-icd I'xuiiiin.i- IIIIIH , and thctin wuro jussod I HL j'uni by IH- 1C. perdu H. Kvory e\aminatinn includeH iidlvidnul li nls m n Ki'if ' , " al nl lit. Wo hnvo ioliv < cn l , ( Ull and r > , OU ) te.n lin.i at work , and .1 the primei t tin e iliny havoundtr inntnic- ion KOIMO L'lO.OUO a'ultn ' , in nililition to Iho hlli n n ahtndy mrndonod , I lately Inquired f Million of our mnro a.livi piofrHslonal I'.icln K how mnny pii | IH ! , iidullH nnd ihll- nn , thov wcro Iiihtiiictin pt r vvcil. In llnir lufHCK , The inuiihii moved lo bn ( il li'ij , Inj'iiiK by noli ) in now lining rapidly mtio mid fntii i > lt nn ntaiy Hchiioln. Tint niimbi i f dopaitiiniiits in Kilnnil | and WaluH , tonch- n < iiiL'inf ; by i n.niiilc in Iho I.lit Uvilve nontliH fiom LV.'li li ) ll,71.t. ! ( oveinmunt u w diHoiua/i't | ; ( ; by nar in tl.e must Ifictivuwuv i. i. , by ponitf onlj hill the t.mt for It , " , , „ _ „ FRIDAY'S FIGURES , rfSlCri1fiy'i ' ! QilMliS OD Ml PriiilHccat CUicago , Jight Receipts of lo Boost' Prices. Iocs Bulo Irrogulai f''oak aud Lower.'i Wkoai Moots With ttlo General - oral Trn Oorn Eucoumbs to Several Depressing - pressing Influences. ( s Iio\vcr > all Arottntl 1'ork UnlcO U'ratc n Ml Lower limit Alio Iiuwcr , CIIICAOO SIAU1CKTS. Special telegram lo Iho BKK. ( . - \rriK. Cuic\no , Xo\otnuer -Under the light recoiptniiluon ruled n Hhndo hlher ; nil nrounil nml tha bulk of fresh ni rivals wcro dlnposi'd of it an ently hour. The fad tlmt there are * < ,003 head lets thin for Iho corrospondltif ; l > eriod l.ut week , will accnunl for the tronrth ; BO far. The f nub arrivals of Tetana nnd west- ' crna were BO nmnll that they barely nllracted an attention and cut no parltcular ligntn In Iriido. Them were reall ) no first clmmtivo BtoorB on the market Tliero art thousaiida of fairto Kood Htiern of l,2r > 0 to I , IIM ) pounds that nro' BclhiiR nrouiul about S" > 25 5 75. ( iood nteers of I.IOU lo 1 , 200 pounds , or them- nboutii , nro mnkini ; $ I50 ( < AI hO. Common HteeM of 1 010 poumlH and upward nmy ho iUOli | d nl ? I 2.'i 1 BO. iVativ n hntohiirii' Htoclc in lulling fairly wed ; Iho buH cows , ? S@.l 75 , nnd lliAii donnto 2 'Bjj2 50. Hlockeu ami kedotH am in bolter dtmnud than lait wuok. IVxniismlil from .1 fdu- I , IIOiJS. Tlio oslimatcd receipts for HID day are Js 01)0 ) , iiRalnut 2i h'ti l.nt vvtek , m.ikini ; ISO- ! OJ for llio week to tnr. 'Ihu nnrket ruled irrtmilai , weik and lower. The liral nalert Hhovvod a dccltuo of TiOi Hlz nnd Kl this con- ccH-ion there WMH a. IIII M i umber Hold , but latci thobujeiH withdrew and doclnrid they miiht Klt ( thun cho.ipar or quit. Hi. t huuy only mndn I lOiirt I > , and there wern plenty of common picl.ers tint Hold mound about I C0nfi ( ) 10. 'the general market may bo quoloil UK cliutii ) ; lllgllfic'l worth in yesterday , llarly euli'H of iitHinted li ht vveie nuido at 2 25 ® t : ! . ' ) , but nl Ihu clima 1 10 ® I J'l ' wan about Iho mm kit. These acrU jculonlay sold ul 133 © I 40. wiii'vr. Only modernlu husmccH tratiaactril in wheat lo day , and while llucluatioiiH were uontined In uaiiovv rnngo , puces chaiicd | ; fn iuontly. TrnduiR continue. ) ) ti bo ln ely of n local char acter. The receipts show .1 alight fnlliiiR olf. The market opened xtcady , teen rallied ij. eased ofl } faj , tallied sj , n in ruled easy ami ( iojod on thu inguhir boiid about tlioiamo 03 lesteidiy. On the aftunuon boaiil tlio fwJ- Inff was stronger. 1'uein nm higher , the ra r- ket closlnit at 7.fje for Novembn , 7-lo for Do- " cembui , 7 ; < 2c foi .lanniry , .V0o , ; fur May. coit.v. There was mem d"ing on Fpcculnlivo ac- connl in coin , lint Iho shipping demand rip- p ari d to drug. The fenlmg wa weaker , iu- llucnced by tlio fine vveatln r nnd incro.iKod ro- ctiptH with thn prospictnof hirgonrrivalunpain In moiroiv. Novell herd clini'd H and closed on thu re/nlui b urd al 1 ) c mull r yesterday. May cloaoil Ijj lower. < > .i tlm afternoon iioard the feeling wan luinor , and November r.dliid je , while other fnttuos nilid a ulii.li ) liigher , thn innrkot closing at I'tlj ' ) lor Novein- 'i ' > r , Ilii e for Dcccml er , ! ) ! , ' , foi Jauuiry , SO Q ror Mny. OVTS ipenod docllmni ; nharply foi May delivoiy mil iiiliui' a idn In lower for near opliono. I'he inniliiit chued nl2jjufoi November : 2rilo oi JJccembor ; 2"io | foi January ; 28io wfor lay. I'OIIK. tilntl wink , law or , doling nl 1077J for the oui ; 108rifoi Jantiarv ; 10 ' .I7J for J ubruary. I.AIII ) . nlol weak and lower ; closed nl fi ( I * for No. ; li G7i for liocumbir ; l 724'for ifami- Hitli 1'ilcoil Clmiaolcr. Nnw A'oiiif , Novornber 21. The jury in ID Hinl brought by Win. II. MumJny against Hi/a I'owel In tha xupiumn com t for S100 , ' 00 iimnc's for nmlkionsly mining his character. ml repiitalion , dlnagrccd nnd wcro din- largcd , Vninnn'N Mainlining at Now Orlcnns , NiwYonu , November 21. Afw. B. Wai 01 , of Niagara , Talln , IH nppolntod Bpoola ute cominiHslonor foi thu No'v Orloana' Vorhl oxpnhitlon. All mticlcs will bo for- arde I nnil rolurnod frou of ixpuimo. Her Idrii-HislH West HUty hrnt utieet , Now 'oikClly. jgCJanailMii Cotirlfs ft ) to CIi'\ulaiMJ. MO..TIIKAI , Novcmbor 21. The cainiv.il loiiiinitten remilvtd to imieo J'rosident-clect luvoland to be the eommittio'H guest ilurinp ; in en nival , A depuUti m WQH atipolnlod to ml on him nod Imicli-i him Iho iuvitation , Tln > Conco iJonH-roncc. Itvuii.v , Novcmbor 21 The eommiUeo of lie 0 i go onfeioi co BI Ulud Iho muilo of pro- il'iiounit discu nod lha motlud uf iloallui ; ilh the material bcforo them. That dtsngrrcnhla and Kerloiii conwrniPiKW arc ihblo ( ncnsuolt prevalonl disease , i ilairb , M r Ulseil liy neiof- e.itnrrli IB mil atti mli il to In be.ison. Tin ) i ulous t ilnl In the lilood. llonirsK.iiH.iparlll.i , illsi-auofreijinnil ) ilehlio > slliei > em > oof ainull ir by II powerful pin If ) Ing ami vlt-ib/lngnrtlim and often ilevi Inpis Into bronchitis or pulino- r Upon Iho hlooil , hjiiulily n moves Uio cause , nnry ionsiiniitloii. | I mloiihtedly many cases and thus effc-i'ls a iailie.il and pi imam-lit em o of consumption oilglnatulncMturrli. llooil'a of iit.in li. 'JJmsn wlioHiilIei flow IU varh d B.usiparlll.i cures eatairh and has even yyiiipliiins tun om/oi t iblollovvfiointliunosu , lifted ! ) rcniulublo cmes of consumption oUi-nMvu breath , linking and bursting nolica Itbc-lf , In Hi eailj bl.iges A book containing In thu earn , Mvilllngof the nofl parts of llie M.ili incuts nf m my inns by Jlooil's Bnrsap.v Iliro il , m i VOIH piobtulluii , < Ic slluulU talc- illh , will bu M-iit fne In .ill who send ; ulUrcas by flood's Sarsap.u ilia and lju cured. tu C. 1 Houd & Co , J.ovvt-ll , Mass , THe Boat fVioclioino Catarrh and Impure Blood baio sulTi red vvltli e itarili In my liend "llooils hiisipullli has belped mo moro 'or y .ins , and paid out limiiliiilsofilollaijfoi Jill i.il.uili and inipuie blood than aii > tlilnt ; iiullilnes , hut b.ivo heietufoio leiclved only I el n 1 i vu lixid , " A IIM i , , HjracilbO , N. Y. " , iniiorary | rellif. I bigan lo t.il.o Ilo"ils | ' I miffim ! tluco ye.us with catarrh , and and now my eal.inli Uneuly m > gciioial liuallli was poor in consequence ; . juii'il , tin ) wc.il.nosH ( if my Imily h all gone \Micn I took Hood's H.ir.s.iparllla I found I ii ) ajipetltol-jgooil | nf u t , ifcelllkoanoilitr had the right remedy. Iho catarrh is ) leldlng , person , HuoiiI's mis.ip.ulll.l Is Iho hi l nml as Ilood'H Har.snpailll.ila cleansing my blouil , i-iiio 1 baru cvi r taki n. " ilita. A , and the geiie-ial tone of my system (3 ( improv IAM , 1'rov lib m e , I , ' , I. ing ' TIIAMVA8Uiiuitif , Kochester , N. V. Bold by nil rniTlktK ! 1 fclx for t1 ! . Jf.ido Sold by all drti lsts , $1 ; six for $5. Mailo only by I I HOOD ! . ( ( > . J.uvv II , Mans only by C.I HOOD ti CO , Lowell , Mass. 100 Doses Ono Dollar. IOO Dosco Ono Dollar !