Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 21, 1884, Page 5, Image 5

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    iTf hAtl/V Bl , li KIUDAY NUVKMriR 21 1884 5
I Alt U.K.
I'M LAS , T < \ i , N'ov o . -Tl ,0 \ \ nal
na c of Adim < fc 1.eo mr j closed it
door * to-diy. A8 < e' < , ? * iOO.m . . - - . . , in
vestwl In Te\is land. 1
Their ombimssniPiit result * ' .jyri tlioir 'ilia-
bility t > revhze on hrie loa ft.o cattle iron
The aii'pensioii Is a gtt'at t ( tr so.
CAtiniAOKlfjMivs.M.K ,
Mt-uinw , Conn , > * , ovemU > r 20. The \ia-
lional n 'otlallon of omhijoi hardware nnim
fncliirers c < itii ] > li tf j nignm/ilion to day
\ 11 T-T i , t. < v T ri "T r xrosi.n.
CHUVOO , y.oxciuhpr IS.-Ttio line * -.Mil ( Ihupth v < been fotwirdid loiutui
rfottdr rin'.by ' < m ot tlto c mii'StiuK lint *
with the j < Jew YoiU th thu Utlor
ipndh A been -wniHni * , block ot "iCO or too
" - ' ? ' . broker * in this uty f-T silo at - '
> nny i ito obta-tiablo air' oj JJS.OO ,
nllep. > I to ha p d for tho'-i bv tcilpers.
'Ciiey baar ntnin m bunted louml
trip tickois hawoon NuwYo-k and Chicag
Tlieso tiekutt npp'ar to hv o licen 811111(11 ( d
with ddtc < alien ? The cponi from Now
York to ChlnRomo torn oT aid the return
| iart forwatdtdi.ero for sale. It i' thought
thuttho publication of tbo facts will prevent
tha ritificatolu at t-aturd-iy'a meetiugcf agree-
incut for ii t < T.ituni of o.vst bound pi Hiige
rates made y storday by the cast liound tnnu
1NSAS Cm , Mo. , Novembi-r l0.-Tho !
Umliugtoi. has made n ? 1 r. to to Poona , bu ]
'han not met the Alton's S- rate to titimcy nnd
ST. touts , November i ) . At th
lit the n.itutmil ciitlomun's convention , n com
mittee was appointed to confer with a similar
touimittea appointed by the Chfcagj Hv of took
fc , cunvfliition.
Mr. Wood , chilli man of the committee on
ixiimauont organisation , reported tlio const !
tutiou and by-laws of the i > reposed nationnl
T.sjciatiun , the n.iliio to ho the National \A\O \
Stock Association of Ameiicajits object to
pr unoto the mtoii'st of the live stock iiulustry
and bo open to any pur in intorostpd m silil
Industry on payment of tha lultlation fee of
10 uiul thn annual UUPH , not exceeding > " > .
Tim chief olhco of the awociation to bo m tit.
Iioula till fiuthor ordered. The affairs of the
association to bo in the hands of an exoctitivo
committee elected annually , of which the
pru ident of the association slull bo dmiriiian ;
the firat medtmg of the association to bo holil
to morrow , at which olUtors will be olo.tod
The annu l inoeting ? will bo ho'i
the tliitd Monday In November. The
ropmt WPS immediately adopted.
General Stone , of Colorado , chairman of the
committee or reHolmioiu , reported with fa\or-
iblH recommendation a proainblo and rcsulu-
tion relating to the cattle trail. On motion
to adopt the report a spirited debate followed
ltu Hell , of Kaunas , opposed the trail on the
ground that it was hostile to the people of his
stitc. Native cattle had died from contnct
wuh Texas cattle on the trail now used , lit
a l , if the trail followed the proposed route ,
tlut settlers in hia at.ito would not ptimit the
p.issngo of cattle. Alter hoveral speochoi foi
.iiul n0'Hin tthero3olutiunv\as tinaily ondoisei :
by a largo majoiity. The rcbolntion is us fol
lows :
Whereas , One of the objects of this coin an
tn ni is to procure bv nil legitimata moans in
r power auili legislation from coiigress as
fclull buat tiromotu and protect thoontno stock
u totciitB of tha Uuittd St-xteH , and to each
fc < Unman atnplo market nud tr.uiBpoitatioi
\VhcreiiH , This convention desirej that a
s..fe and cheap route 1)3 ppctiud from the
1 reeding ground to thu nntuimg grounds eli
i mirtliUL-st , ami
Wherea We hull vothat this cm only bo
. i om > i/li-hod by thu uatab'isliment ' of a nac
tiouil stuck trail over which btcck can bt
ilrivtn ; therefuro
Hoeohed , Unit this convention do iiiem
iHili/ocoiBru ] < H by mich aipropnate [ les'sla '
tion as slull be suliicicnt to accomplish tlu
piiiliuno liciein intended , to opi n , mt.iblisli
and maintain a national stock trail fruui conu
point mi the Kul .Uivcr to the north line > I
thu United States.
Secund , That a committee of nine IHJ ap-
pointodto jnopaio and present K.iid tnemoriul
to congruss in thu name and by authority ol
this convention.
A resolution was presented which rciintstei ]
the secret iry of the mtonor to restrict ill ex
cept those Indians in Indi m Territory to tlio
limit' , of thtif rcscrvationH. After conndti
able discussion the leiolution was roferrei !
biok to ilu > c'oiiiiii'tteo.for further consiiluia.
tion At ID dock the coiniiuttte adjoiiiuetl
till 3.
PIIOI I Hl l > II.'IUVAV CObltllSIbi- .
On rei.sseinbhup it uai assounced from the
chur that the \Vabjsh , ClneiKO , Alton
J > iirlniKon ! and ( u'my and .St. 1'aul r.iilvvayi
had e\ti.iidtd to tl-o delegates the courtesies o
thtir lines foi a vii-it to ChicaKo und return to
their homes. The thauks of the convciitioi
HI > IO rfctmned and the represent itivun of the
roads ( Uimlintf coiirtccien invited to takt ,
seats on thu IKui.
A number of untino matters ncra then di
linked f ( .
l\\ L hlOOK.
IliE lliHK O Tl'.r tllKAI.O SHOW AND til- }
A\\AUIUOI 11II/KS - \ t\N\lV SfKHt 111r 10 UK our \a ruoi tesios
Cun .uo , NoVLinber0 , Tfio fat htocl
hlniw tl itt-il tonight with the awards fur
drefKcd beef , ( ii.-ml HwcepstaKeH for the b
L ire i - in the thuw , won by thu Can uln Wi hi
< lt 1 jrm n-'t itiutii n four ye.u nld nhoit
linrii i-teur , Ulnn nti ) KnklcMntnn. Tim am
in i wen the Ii * t i t''ii nt evi-jy nlur.v lit whitl.
it vv.iHO\hihit < J xniLU it wn a c'lf. Tin fuur
) iar ; ld cla iwan won by the taic-iss ot n
nhurtho'ii bluer , Chicjgu , owned 1 > > .T K
Andui-nn , of Anih'rsoti , Ohio , Thu three
yeai'iild clw vvai won by the gr.uh ) 1'ulloi !
Angus stti r Aberthany , owned bylie
Al-nltiii Axgns Ashiitintion of Indipond
uucf , Mn. hit two ji-ar old clisn WIIH woi
by the Abi'ideen Angus uteer ( iuahtv , ownei
bv M. H Coclirano nl Compt n C.n..da.
Tin * I'l. ni'ii Council
111 riMOi.f , Novtmber 20. Thu racupluu
t the mumbiTs of the 1'Ioniry connc'l by the
'vJatholiCH of Jiiiltiiiiorii occurred tn meht a
Concordla hill. AdUresees of w < leiimi * w uro
nmdo by Choiles .1 , lionup irto and oJudgi
Wnf. . MtrricK.
YJINNA , November 20 , . .Hteillttin ;
wealthy Kuirian is dnad , lie beiLeathed |
Madaiuo Meiiter , thu celebrated jilaniiite , MIX
Iho blnir An l"sl Helm ,
In the dintrlct court two witnctaoa in
rebuttal in the Iohia ! case were callec
The argument to the wury waa thti
taken up , District Atlonuw ( Jodwln Knak > (
liny the opening add rows. Ife was foi
lowed by Mr Conuoll , who spoki
for about three hourc , analy/.uifi
tcho evidence end making a inaatorly effort
fort for his client. Hie epacch wae in
< teraperacd by an ocoasioni ; ! nnuthemc
upon iJubbird and AlcUatn , i\\ \ \
Falla contMClcrc.
lie wa followed by Judge JLtke , whr i
niadu tl.e cl < > eini { aiuumeiit for ( hi < de
A nd&o < , nt the cjncluaiuii of nliitli court
ttdj ) uuiod f..r the aay. Upon the con
reiiing of court this morning , diat&ot at u
torney Codmn will oh'ixi the case.
.NrlK M-Kt.
Indiana and Nobratkn h > : ve fi'/r " to
joined hando in thn nurtugo of Mr.
FiinlM. . HIM , of Li * iK\wrl \ , t > MISJ
//ittio F. Lirjori , of O.nalu
\2jThowedding took place Wcdnesdaj *
rr tfto nuidenco of thn bride's parents m
T > LUC /-third * lri'ft. ) lt v. A. F. SI1 ml
tied ili ) : n it in the prironco of in.-m bju
t/era of tfri coutr oiing pirtit'S fatnl lea
n few irv 'm.itu friiw ? * . The youjig \
fro iplf left -uf laijt nvtiiiriL'11 ! lr > ln ior
,1 . i . /1 ? , „ ,1 I t
t . . . , r HO
which the tt > tj their future lumo
Lojrni ptt , vrhoto M * . Hico has a
lice ' /rdrivro business. The bride is a
ls-.ith ; or of Mr. M. O. 1/uson , of the
I'nion I'adlio headquarters and has n
&ne ; circle of fricncis in thii city who
rcry much rcurot her depirturo from
their mid&t.
Andy Mojmhaii Is uijoyine ft vwU from
Im brother Humphrey , of Chicago
Mr. and MM. lliehanl S. ValtRwn 110 nt
tha l'a\tou hotel , whew thinr nuy fuciids
be i ec < iv cxl and tuado welcome.
Mr , U i. II. Murray , representing the
"lin ! r Oiks" cumntiiy , is in the city making
arrangement * for tha pmduotion of liu play
hi i em-it week ,
lion. Jt-"oT. DivU of lllair , loll Omaha
lust night fur San Francisco , where ho KOCH to
tnko deposition * in nil Important cn t' now
rf in the Washington county dultict
.T. Stoiliop Motion wa in the city Wcdniv
day and was piesuiit nt th
nion\"B iicr ) at the "Senito.1' llohft llun
iiiutning form \ Moluos to tilto imrt inn
dcniocratlc blow-out in tli it city
" '
"TTeivT'jolm Scott , ninker ' minl'tor will
knovvn on the 1'acilic coast , who hid boon
spendiut ; the smnmer In Iho ontt and Is now
nn i onto to his hi mo In Sail I'laiicisco , spent
jcteulay in the city , stopping nt the l'a\tou.
Mr. Ch.n. Haswin , who made n hit last
i-a5oiics the "Siiver KI'IIK" isat the Mlllaul
and itho "Michael Strogolf" in Mr.
llavcrlj's combination , Mi. iliisoh |
Chenet , bu-lness inamgcr of the i om-
binatiou is also at the Millard ,
H. M. TolliiiKor , Wayne ; Shafo Kant/limn ,
Nebraska City ; James Mittholl and family ,
( Jibson ; Bash Haller , Weepitif- Water ; W.
Ippersen , Wooplng Wntet ; C. 15. ICondnll
und jNIrs. L. H. Kendall , FelthvilliVt. . , nnd
1J. . Smith of hockport , N. Y. , : ire at the
Metropolitan ,
S. C , Smith , Ucatrico ; L. V. Albright ,
Amsworth ; Hen IteynohU and wife , K. D.
Manna , Lincoln ; C. W. Thomas , Grand
Island ; jV. M. Hawkins , Columbm ; JIiiRh W.
Cole , A. 1) . Yocmn , C. H. Weyton , Jlnst
Inga ; Alfred lln/litt nnd wife , Mrs. C , 1' .
Uates , Beatilco , and It. A. Hunter , Wi-ston ,
registered yesterday nt the l'n\ton.
b. S. St-ven" , the well know agent of the
Chicago and fcltoclc Island , Council Ululfs ,
loft Wednesday for California expecting
to spondfl the winter at I > os Angeles
in thu hope of gaining in h alth.
Mis. Stevens and their daughter , Miss Noally
Stevens , the wonderful young piaaiste , accom
panying him to San Francisco , uhere they
will remain for a time.
Tnoao 50 inch all wool Suiting ( Ian-
nola Smith is soiling for 7t > conta , real
value Sl.OO per yard , arc just the thing
for fall and winter vroAr.
Yesterday afternoon the eaao of the
ot.itti against Vocluf .Novajak charged
with assault and battery WMS called up
for trial. The complainant was Abru-
harn Colin ivho w.ia reproaontod by u
joung attorney AvhoHu Jium for Ins enko
auppicsicd. Thu ( juilt of the defendant
u jirovpd bojond a reasonable doubt ,
but the jouug BLicKat.'iio failed to lay
the \onuo and the priaonar at the bar
was accordingly discharged.
Four tramps , ono of them a protonJod
printer , woio acnt up for ten days 01
bread and water.
Soioko Seal of North Carolina
C ) .
Tin1 Apinoiich ol Winlor.
The tender lambs , pig1 , colts and calves
of this year'u crop huvo to far known no
wc ithi.r except the warm ennahino of
aummor and autumn , l > tiio d.tya are
now at hand when. iui aa protected ,
thur boeiei will be pierced to the quick i
ty the cutting bleats \ mil with auch
disagreeable frequency and ( iorseneaa the
fa'ma of more than half thoAmuricui
stites. lion. F. D. Coburn. who is uu
tuvorablo to Uio froe/ing system , thus
plo , os for ilia nholtcrlcBA in the Rural
New Yorker. No nnuna ) , ovcin thoiiyh
tn tturi > driid of the sort ijl'ud ' "tough , "
can ho'd ita own , mush less
thriio or fatten , when in a con
dition of ( jorpuuial di-i'omfort ana in
ing from any cause , and it 13 doubtless
true thut the winter's cold censes not
only more discomfort but actual suffer
ing to lann stoc'i ' than all other causes
combined. It is equally true , if past ox- it
pononco has proved anything at all , that
w.irmtli corves , to a certain extent , the
purposa of food , or , that a considerable of
per cent , of food may bo saved if ita uao
is not u necessity for maintaining nnimal
heat that could bu much moro economic
ally conserved by BtuUblo "heltrr. Those !
who inako oveiy nnimal belonging to
thijni as comfortable and contented aa
loudly shelter and welt llllcd stomachs
imply , .iro thu people who , in the long
run , hud thenmelves possessed of tliu
contentment which is BuppoBt-d to bo the
child of prosperity.
"Weather-boarding ammala on tiio in
side with grain ia far superior to no pro
tection at .ill ; but a portion of that pro
tection vrhlch every animal that yields a
profit must have cm bu nllordud moro
economically by the uao of some other
material. It is both folly and cruelty to a
permit animals to shiver away in winter
the cummer's accumulation of ( leah and
strength , and every farmer should make
sure that Thanksgiving and Christmas do by
not coma nnd find his unlinali a part of
the great throng of half fro/en and h ) f
fed hiillv-rers.
A Xeunpajior .Man in IjilH > .
Si. trills Jtopublicar ,
Mr. W I. Martin , news editor of the
ilobe-Dumocrat , rrcoivod a telegram
I'uroday evening informing him that his
uncle , David flrcgg , of Edinburgh , Scot of
land , had died , letting him i'25,000
rim telegram was from Ins mother in
Mllwackoa , to whom il.o money had henu
sent. IIo continued his work an usual ,
only stopping to tell hie co-laborers of hla
good furtuno , The docuasod undo waa aa
brother of Mrs , Murliu'n mother. His
fortune wae nmdo in thu of
printing prefers Jinfot'o Inu deaO'i he
arranged hifi nH'-iira r < > thut there vrau no '
crnublo in the dis irmti'n < ( * hla property of
ho wish * ' ' Mr. Mr in is
' j 1-irs ot afjo. liu wi/v / continitii td the
hst'tinrxo hin duiinn until the nnd of the
woe ! , , when ha will Jeavo for Milwaukee
cliutn rhn Jvgicy. "
t >
i'f ' imtii'.il ; , 'in nr.i ueon
tr > 4i 10 Ctials tn 'iu
n ti ( r jhosiiiatid f oi , u rabato of to
) ir fiv pi * > iniit pi1 ' " ' ' . * I'h ru tii
dcctlon ie said to make the cost about- u
in 'he fctionpi-st uual .hat cm bo Tt
ht. pun
V t'.ori < ' " "UB had thu oat't'd
b\attetl by the Jlfiidi nod prcsoii' ed
ralfgatntl tn OuifttHo CWUSC it 00 th
dirty and smelled badly
litii > Mit , In iIieNinmnll nl tin-
U lldin loniiinlii" Win
It It , Wlinl It I * 1'IUe.
mill n Trip Into
Oror ( the hills imd fur ay , sity n
loxcnty miles bcjoiul Fort Caster , Mon
,1 , and to the southwest , Mother Kirlh
. . . . two onoriuous i shes In her face.
Ton miln beyond old Fort bmlth , with
its { well kept cemetery , wherein repose
the bones ot a gallant band of regulars
Thi foil victims to the Sioux in V > 7thoso
.jasho meet nt n somewhat ncitto angle- ,
and beyond their coin orgcnco spoeada
and wind * the valley of the Hip ; Horn.
Of ' the lonircr ot the wounds in the coim-
tannueo ot the world n good deal has boon
written , nnd for years the Hitf Horn can
yon has been regarded as one of the won
ders of a wonderful region. Hut of canyons
yens the west has a plethora , and
the innro striking mnrvola of the
adncont Yellowstone 1'ark have
chimed attention to the exclusion
of other topographical phenomena. Sink-
II > L' , oven gr.uid , in nny land , hovmor ,
would bo that other gash which jomo the
Hi Horn and is known in the vicinity
as the Hlnek canyon , fro * "lul Slonx
line known the mighty fjrearn ,
and , of cour&o , ruinora of it reached Iho
eott'emonto through the hardy tr.ippors
aud huntora of the later ai.xtiea. llnrdy
nnd utterly devoid of fear must these
same trappers hnvo boon , for Ulack can
yon yawns whore , up to ' 71 or 7the
liorcest of fierce Indians could bo founder
or would find thu intruder at almost
any day of the year. To General Short
dan and party belong the honoro of hrat
exploration , which occurred in 1871
during ono of the long plain and moun
tain trips of that oilicor , nnd it in under
stood that ho cave the gash the name it
bears ,
Illicit canyon is reft in thovoryaummit
offer the Big ilorn mountains , and yawns
for a somewhat tortuous length of thirty
miles ! , atrotohing from its junction with
the canyon through which the waters of
the Big Ilorn river force their way ,
sot into Wyoming and almost
to the. boundaries of the National Park.
Itbu has'novor boon thoroughly explored ,
but , except nt the southernmost extrem
ity , maintains a nearly uniform depth of
2,000 foot. As westerners ) well know ,
mountains in those parts are treeless and
MOO to the snow line or beyond in gradual ani rounded slopes. There is not
tin slightest indication of the Black-
canyon until ono roaches its very \crgo ,
am the ellect of the contrast between its
densely : wooded aides , whore "tho tall
pines , like funeral pluinoo" vravo tn and
fro and aing ceaselessly , and the treeless
acclivities ( behind , ia as unique us can bo
imagined. Well it is named "Black , "
for these same pines , massed as they are
with , naught but the denser foliage dis
played , , give an air of Erebus itaolt to the
whole huge fiaauro. Bringing into moro
matkcd ellect the flomburneao of the
greater portion of the cinon are huge
white chil's , perfectly perpendicular , nnd
ni < h their sheer height of moro than a
third of a mile towering into impromvo-
new > vhich compels Bilonco on the part of
tin onlooker , bo ho garrulous us Fill-
sUll or iUbiuloiis | aa Ilolman.
ffo would bo a queer American , who ,
looking down into the chasm , did not
feel .in immediate aud irresistible dcsiro
to penetrate the depths and look up. To
accomplish thit is arduous , but neither
dilllult nor daugeroiia. Two or three
miloa south of the debouching of tlio
Big ( lorn canyon a bridle juth loads to
the bottom of the Black. It is partly
the bed of the stream which dupendf
upon the rainy f eason for its ( low and
partly a track made by boars , elk or dour
iorracod as it were in the very aide of the
utoiipneoa. From the cntianco to the it
deep wood to the bottom plateau is about
mile and three ( juirtora l > y thla path ,
and over all but a lialf mile it in possible
to ndo. Steep .is the side of a house in
almost every pnrtbut winding Biilluiontly
to allow thu line of direction to bo main
tained within one's base , a careful hoiao
c-in make good progress until more n
than half-way doirn. Then must for
lia nJer dismount , for what was steep
jiitoro becomes precipitous now , and the in
footway , instead of being hard und oven ,
covered with sand , omb , loose atones , del
and ether detritus from the towering
sides above. Both homo and tuler must flo
slide ; and aa in the middle of the steepest
part the pith bonds round a la > < 'J i ck ,
an acute angle , while to the right any
yawn * n precipice hundroda of feet in
depth , ono has the elation Mhich comci
iieun-Jangcr after ho has passed this
evil half mile and remounlH for the luet
xnd comparatively easy half mile of de
scent. with the cmnplaonncy of him who dog
ma encountered and overcome obstacles.
Yet it lan'r. really very dangerous , ainco
the Icoso earth helps to hold one back ,
and n number of army ladies have made this
the dctcont In perfect safety , but with the
more or IHCB damage to habiliments.
i IKUUSI : inn
Once landed > m the perfectly level
surface at the bottom of tlio big canyon ,
thu explorer linds that the aides do not not
mcnt at the bottom , as they aecmod to do in
when looked at from above , but are
aopnratod by from n few hundred feet to
quarter of a mile. The hugo bare
walls of rock are oven moro impressive
when aeon from below , and seem liltu the
battlements of aotno hugo castle erected dom
Titans and worthy of dofonao by the
Olympian gods. Shut out from the of
world , and singing Ita merry , dashing bate
Bong through the center of the lower
level , runs Canyon crook , hero deep und
narrow , there wide and wftdcahlo , and
always as cold as ice and an clear as
crjatal. Why not' It u fed by snow cus
and ito , nnd on its tvavos tlio sun can shall
pour Ha beams but four or ( ivo hours out
every twenty-four. And in that vate
creel : what trout ! Lovely oalmon-
colored follows ; the mountain trout of
Montana and Idaho ; gumey na the tures
cutest and bravest of their Alle ative
gheny brethren ; delicious to the palate sult
a Ward could dmire nd ai/.iblo in that tire
many attairi tlio noble ai/o of throe or
four-pounders , and feu which the angler
cares to nave weigh loss than a pound
I'huy will Into nt anything , from a pic en to
red llitiru'l coat liniiiu to n i-raet
hopper , und to ecu one aintch the bait in In
midet ( f a headlong rush up btroani , thn
und then to ( n \ the thnll in wriest and
ri'judor ) a Im resunta the barb , it In Wo
"Jiavo fun" i 11.1 tiu and full u icino n ! fur
the hiiartf the tuhuniian ever im . '
twined. .
Black canyon ia not no macrons iblo an neck
iiuku 6 j iii-ney ti r wh r tedumor ] for
tir-Homc. i. d in the near future will h won
pluo of favorlto rer.oi t with sight oern ny
Then : vlll como thn utihtnruui , and th
pt.-tf , wJiirr , ami bo ? ? 'if the steam ai
, t'jruii ' g ir4"hral ilaf" those ern
miislity miMjuiis f pin'1 * ! W'N ' usurp tlii order
stillness niitj fmgl'U'/i & ny fouivrr j Thus
rpepUal flj-ni eci ? vi tlv iTfst I mars
Int tlerniH'o nf l * i j Sjitrlf.
Thai c ' . rvativo pulilicA'mn , the
New . > rk Journil of Oonimorco , oays ,
'la this n free country , and ln\o its citi-
701.8 any personal rights ? Or u It n po
litical dospolism whore free thought , ami
free speech nnd free notion are pmhibittd
by the spirit c f party which rules the
hour' | ' Uo those who rebel nsamst this
ohvory to be placed in the pillory and
pelted with otletisivo missile , and marked
out for public censure nnd dtntrace'
Pnring iho last political campa \ each
half of the people , actuated by the fell
spirit , accused the other hnlf f the most
nofnn as designs , amounting to nutlnng
lo s tltin n purpose to sub\ crt ill Ian f til
authority , and to undermine the very
foundation of the country a wellfue.
And now that the election is over this
spirit on either side ie , if p"i'lble , still
moro bitter nnd intolerant , and the party
loaders sit over against each other with
compressed lips and clenched hand * , on
the pretense that the common sifcty requires -
quires every true nmn to be on yuard as
in the presence of nn onntny. \ \ o admit
thai n few disappointed politicians on one
aide nnd some who nro grown arrogant
with auccess on the other , have done
their boat to arouse nnil intensify the
passions of their followers , but the people
at largo rf nil parties nro niither fools
nor knaves , nnd it is time that r\o had n
rest from the nauumption that prosperity
or ruin hang in the balance to bo decided
by the counting of the billets
It is n niittor of atill greater ngrot
that in the associations and clubs , and
general party organimtiona formed for
political purposes , the miidiieea which
auto dated the election has imt given
place to more moderate counsels now
that the election is over. Both aides
have been guilty of this insolent , doim-
iiouniii ; spirit.
Wo have before us in n parly organ a
report of a public mooting in which the
president , a gentleman of intelligence and
culture , , and a prominent member of a
Christian church , declared that "It did
not aeem to him that any certain mmihor
of republicans had any more right to
rebel againat thla national party than a
atato had the ripht to rebel against the
nation. " Thla is a plain declaration that
n man who has hitherto acted \\ithu
party ' ia to bo denounced ns n traitor to
his country if for any reason , satisfactory
tel himself , ho casts his vote At anemic
against : it. There is no despotism In
nil the world that can overtop
each ! n manifestation of intolerance.
This la the moat glaring evidence of
the hypocrisy of auch n claim to indi
vidual allegi uico. Not only ia pai ly in
tolerance in general universally de
nounced , but in every political appeal all
men of both parties are evermore urging
upon each ono opposed to them the
solemn duty of leaving his present as
sociations nnd turning to those who .ire
clamoring for his vole. And yet , the
moment ono of Mmir own following inniii-
ftstn the independence for which they
are pleading , and supports n nlngle candi
date on the opposite aide , thi y howl at
him na if ho was n traitor to nil that is '
oed nnd had committed an unpardon
able crime. They Insist that every man
outaido of their own party ranks shall bo
independent , and not only have the right
to change to their aide , but is ennobled
by nny such change ; while every one In
thmr rnnka is absolutely dented any mich '
ngl t of private judgment , and la dis '
graced if ho docs not follow his old leaders
whether they are right or wrong.
Over Bgainotthia wo wish to recall the
utterance of ono who had aeon in his day
an exhibition of party rancor and malig
nity tint had filled him with anxiety for
the future , nnd In the most aolomn words
that over came from the lips of a true
patriot vynrnod hia count ! ) men against
the growing evil. In his toitctnng fare
well address Washington said "Lot mo
now take n moro comprehensive view ,
and warn you in the most solemn man
ner against the baneful effects of the
spirit of party generality. " IIo describee
the bitterness of faction as wo have aeon
in our time , and declares that this "is
itself a frightful despotism. "
Wo are accustomed to ( jtioto thcso ,
words with reverence as full of the
soundest wisdom , and yet there nro too
many who are doing in our day all that
they can to fasten thoflo chains upon their
own limbs and that of their follows. If
man has ivcn his name and inlluonco
a forr years to any party , ho la cut til
thereby , aa fast as hm associates can go
the extremes ! exercise of Iho most
despotic power , from nny a ibscquont in-
ondonce of thought and action. Ho is
allowed no farther free will of hia o n.
ta not only plied vuth argument ,
usaaiicd with ridicule , and dogged with
abuao befoio the election , if ho ahotvu [
signs of "npostucy ; " but if theao ara
found unavailing ho is persecuted oven
after the polla arc closed , his name exe
crated , and hia reputation , as far as party to
spirit call do it , given over to the com
mon hangman. Wo "hnd lather bo n
and buy the moon1' than to wear the
collar and bo held in such a bondage.
Wo do not overrate the importance of
subject , nor the iieccimty of stirring
popular heart to resist these encroach
menu upon the liberty of the people to
think and act for them elves Irco from
auch party trammels. The despotism ai na
enthroned everywhere mid demands uni
versal uubjoction. Itainm to ho auprtnio ,
nlono in the primary nBsuinbly , and
the political convention ! ? , but in the
councils of our state , and the scat of gov he
eminent nt Washington.
What member of u utato assembly Jure
vote except at the pirty dictation / Whut
repreaonutivo in congress ban any free
of will ? Of what use are eloquent
speeches , or labored arguments , in laver
this or that public measure ' The de
is printed and distributed among the
constituents of the orator to show how
gifted ho can bo in the presence of his
poorr , but it has no clfect in deciding a
single vote. The members meet in cau
and a majority dictate how the house
bo divided on the question at ISHUO.
What member ciaro uao hla right of pri
judgment and vote as hit ) conscience
suggceta , resting his decision upon sound
reason and convincing logic' Legisla
and oomrtB8 nro no hinder deliber
nsoombhes , where the members con
together for the common good , but
little more than halls of record ,
where thu party behests are registered aa (
decrees ,
If thorn is any despotism nuro galling
u true man than auch parly chains rro
know not whern it prevails 'I ho care i
revolt at all ha/irdu , whotovir may be
threatening penalty. IleiiaUnco if
tyranny is everywhere obedi ncu to fJod
call upon all trun mm 10 stand up
their personal nphU and assert their "
in..nhiiut' Let no one Inw to thia yoke V ,
.vhidi A jwty would hang around hie
, nr wear thu collar on any prutcim
n nux'o ' hour Such mtuloranco li >
, -
* liy f AT than the moot odious tyrnii
uf r.u rtbHolntu nintimchy.
Ktoumio farmer * in Oahlornia trc
einilojiiig | uejjrof ) fn m Tom PZMCO in ,
to ml tbemujlvan if thu G'Uiucno I
f r the tifctirooa Juvo Ltiiif ) uiiil ]
i\vmb \ ] $ ny hbnnus th u U J Uln * (
run : or THI : IM : >
lllnlA hunt ( liunt.liiK ( iliiK i-H Tlnil
lionf \ nlni *
I loin ( lie 1'hllvlclilu | North
"There Is n gieat ditlotenco in tha
[ iriccs of I'jogUnjoa and gpcclnclc * , " nn
ipticmn eaid. "Yon can buy ft imJr of
) yo t'hiRsca for 15 contt ! , while n p.iir iliut
nuks exactly like them will cofit ynn $2
The dilleienco hotweeti Ihoiii ia that by
iif ; one pair n inixn is very liable to
ruin his sight , \\hilo the other will limit )
n.illy aid It "
" \Vhnt makes the difference \nlue'1 '
"Tho quantity of the glass and the
imount ol work used in pnlUlutii , ' thoin.
The cheap > .ica nro uonorftlly niide of
\ery ceintiion glaga , und ate Vy no menna
Derlect. Sometimes there are nlr bub
' a in them , and sometimes there nro
w\y linos. You 1m is looked tlirotifili
ndoH glass that distorted inrry tiling ,
! ia\on't yoiif \\oll , jmt imagine t.\kiin ;
auch kind of Dili's to imprmo your aiyht
ivith. IVrsiuu are not half careful
nough of their eves , nnd the sight of
lumsftiids ( if poraeiia Ima been injured
uiiiiK bvd and unsuitable glussos.
L'oor iUi\liy ) ( glasses nre injurious cnnugh ,
jut nhou a peraon looks through glasses
tint nre both poof in quality and In no
ny lilted 16 iinpro\o the sight , ho runs
i tomblo tiak. "
"Cannot ono tell if the glasses help
' "
"It depends on circumstances. K n
nnu linds that he is getting far-aightod
nnd ( ties on n pair of lar sighted glasses ,
mil they mnko him eeo better at thnt
: imo , ho la apt to buy thorn. They may ,
ion-o\or , bo too old , , mid thus strain hia
sight , or , they may be too young for him ,
ul ho dues not rocoKotho benefit ho
ihotild By going to n tirst rate optical !
Ills sight would be tried in n proper
nannor , and ho would get just the right
und of glasses. I've seen n nmn atop at
a stand in the alroot nnd buy cheap glnea-
os for n quarter , juat by trying thorn on
and locking nt n nonspnpor. Lota of
ersons' eyes nro not of the came
strength , and ought U > have lassos of
dillorent strength in the snmo frnmo. If
\ man of this character gota a readymade -
made pair of apoctaclos ho is going to auf <
Origin or"lAlnllnjj tlio Town Keel. ' ,
llartisburg Telegraph ,
"How la politics in Ilarrisburgf 'asked
Billy Welsh the minstrel manager , of n
Telegraph reporter.
"Kod hot , " answered the reporter ,
'both parties have painted the town
rol. "
Mr. Welsh remarked "That's an
old expression painting the town red
you know where it originated J Well ,
I'll toll you. On my last lour through S
ho country with Calender's ininslreU
n year ago or moro I had ns advance
igont n man named Campbell. Campbell
was a goniiiB at advertising and
never permitted a rival to got ahead of
'inn. ' One day in liufl'.ilo I mid.
'Campbell , 1 hear that I5arlow nnd Wilson
are covering my bills with their piper , I
want that mopped. ' I told him thut lie ' .
vrould strike them nt Adrian , Mich. , nnd
when next I aiw him he hud hmo ;
jundlos of lulls re.idy fur Hhipinnnt to
Adrian , All were printed in bright red.
'What are you going to do ( " 1 ashed
'I nm going up to Adrian to paste thoao
bills over Birlow nnd Wilson's and on
every dead wall in that tihico. 1 am
going to paint the town red , ' and ho loft
When wo got to Adrian It looked ns if it
waa on lire , BO thoroughly had Campbell
done his work. That exprcaaion , 'paint' ' '
ing the town red , ' waa so comic that the
colored minstrels caught on to it , and
whenever there was nny excitement or
anybody got pirticularly loud , they
always uaid aomtboily was 'painting Iho
town rod. ' Of course it spread r.ud is
low in uao by everybody. "
Tlio Olclist Conductor Pond.
William Coulter , said to bo the oldent
railroad conductor in length of service in
hia country , died nt hla homo in Jerajy
Jity yoatordiiy. IIo began railroad lilo
August L'i ( , 1810 , ns a conductor on n
rain of the Now Jersey lUilroad nnd
Transportation company , which rnn
lolwoen Jersey City and Newark. In
1817 ho waa placed in charge of n Phil
adelphia train , aid ontiinicd rniinini !
jotwcon Jersey City and I'/ultdolphm
until n few weeks ag i , when his health
iiegnii to fail , and he was made at.ition
muster nt the foot of Cortlnndt slreot
During his forty-four jema'service it 1.1
eotimated that ho traveled over 2,000,000
inks , and had charge of 7,000 , < > U )
lusHongora. No accident occurred to nil )
Irani of which ho had charge , nnd only
o pjnuoiigera wore Injured. In both
cases the injured pi-raoim were theiriBolvei
blame. JWr. Coulter was born in
Jersey City on September 20 , IS''O.
HI IH Took IlAiicl.
1'lttsliuig L'ljronicli ,
At 10 o'clock Saturday morning a stout
armeddetermined looking woman pushed
htr way into the crowd around thu telegraph i
graph ( illici ) and collared a little nmn who
had ( been doing a grout dual of hurrahing
and bringing
"I want you , " she sai J , us uho gripped
Inu collar.
"Say , Lucy , wait wait just nn hour I"
"Not another iiiinit ! you haven't boon
home in two days. "
"lint Cleveland is elected , fur sure ,
Lucy. "
"What's that to \ < ml It wasn't twc
weeks iigo that you Hopped over to tin.
republican party. "
"Yes , I kn w ; but within the last
two days I've Hopped back to the demo
crats. "
The crowd cheered and hurrahed , and
Lucy agreed to lot up on him until noon.
Cincinnati IH lunkrupt.
Cur. llitli nnd Douglas Sts.
Juiiiln ! Slock , - - - 8150,1)1)1 ) )
Lability of Stockholder , : i 1
ro ? Per ( lent iDtcnislPaiil OB Deposit ; v
" ' '
l"M"lil'NN-/i'F : ) Vlco I'nvl.lnn .
A I'AVJON . . . . kfuiu.uK lllwl
JOHN f. WIMIIW ' " * ' In
IKS K MAHUJ'Uijo.V , T'lri f. hlMDALl. , , f ]
' ' ' cJ
-vuv HVUT ! B'I- ii " 'V.
H. K. EUEKET , tit
ANJ > jMliALMlU : ! g.
1404 Farimm St.OMJIW
Lnndn , Improvwl Farms nnJ
Stock Fnrmn in Douglas , Caea , Cedar
Stance , Thuycr , und Ilowr.rd
Tor RMeftMfftt mi Uth etlfct , r r IHi
lu.v , toain ( < r itltrlrk Hock , ot trutctortii hl
woill I rent tiMlllj. It in tpolil nttMn CO iIsM
It ulllli ultlultixnn nnil tuillt upon. Sniil
U It. , cotnir allrv500 Innliln < i It. , fi.SiO
( j tot Hut , -A linrK'olii. f-lxlS2 ! It on Illli St. , urn
Joie Ht Call niul coo ut In rv nrJ to tula I'toj'
irtivo ht\o n laritnln fur vou ,
It- lot H\lo ( Inocl Imatucci let or. Ciinlue St. ,
( Mxt U ( rot fil.CHXl
01 Put Siile Iniproml Knit ) urn tticctl roxrtjiiori |
ICIh Bticct , 117,000.
17 For Silo -10U102 feet , fjilomllcl lilok linj ro\o
mint , M mKhUmnlurBH M Is In tlui cllj Sld.roo.
C3 JorS lo KUwnt corner 01 dint line , 33i
COiIoto , t n utory. niul tiscnicnt IbiJO. ( lood
IS I'nr Hulo Hilciullil | ImHlnrni ocrnci on ISth SL ,
lot I'.OvlSD , aloru tmll > llii { nul LAIII barcalu
(4,600 ,
7 I'or Halo A tiu liicMiriirtj | | for J4',6CO jlcKI
IMR rich Inrxuuo ut 16 | > cr pent , nttou Ui\wt
63 For Mo On California , rlo e tn licit Uao lol
JliI87. tn o Bton hoiuonn 1 tmrn , } 3. ! > 00.
or Sab wlthiMHo u llalf-of I'oatoIRo
1 5 Ileum and lol . f C.OOC
Sit - lloiiBO nul lot. , . . . . a,60C
-llollfo anil lot . . . . . 2,800
S3.'l Ilininoanil lot . . 'A 600
SOUHoiwo anil lot . . I'.POC
2h9 Hotiso ami lot . . . . KSPO
House anil lot . . ,12,000
SOI Two Honnfs . . . . IS.tlK
-llou-o anil lot . . . . . . il,60C
188 Ileum ami lot . . . . 2,200
171) ) Homuaml lot . 4,000
172 HoiiKO anil lot SBOC
1(0 lloimnaml lot 4,600
BJ IIoiiHo anil lot
t > t ItouKonnil lot fl.WX )
1C7 Iloiisoaml lot. . P.SOC
Hoiisu ami lot 4.WC
j.j lloiino anil lot 0.100
Sl-llolliuniul lot , eec
M lloimo onil lot is.ow
fiSi lloiiHO otiil K > ; 8.00C
10 tlouuo anil lot 12.00C
JS IluUHO anil lot M.Wi
[ loaldoncos for anlo within n mlle clrcloo' '
Poatollico nnd outaido of Uulf Mile.
330 H nro MM ! lot tZ.BOi
llomuanil .Mcto 6'XK '
133 llniiM ) anil lot 8.00C
. , ' ( ! lloilfu nnd lot 2.COO
81 HoiMa nnil lot
li/J lloniioanil lot
l'i ) l iso nn 1 lot
170 lloueoimil lot 7
JOS Housn unit lot
301) ) IlmiHo anil lot . . . . . . . 3,000
loilj lloiiio anil lot 2,000
176 HOIIHO nml lot v.soo
SO lions. ) ami lot S.100
Honao nnil " lotn li.COC
291 JIoiiHO anil lot . . . 1,700
S73 11 oil jo anil lot 2VC
2KI tloiiBO nnil let . . 4.00C
23 Iloilfo u'ul lot. . . . . . 1TOC ! ,
co lota In all imrtn ol thu city and all
UJdltlauH.ALru ) ire | > ort > ni ar thu clt ) . 1'rlcvs and
! New Atlacinnenti >
Warranted 5 Years.
K 7.0VKJOY ,
1 2H Ifitli , Ortiolia.
. O.BKYAAT.flff. D.
Liiii I Fanuira Street ,
OorturllthSt , Olllcc Imurto 12 a in , ! ! to 4 p
'Iui iiiiniefcpuitmt Can Bjitak ( lurmnii.
octal illy
. " K s'-TSTryryacjrtyyKrjgjV : :
/ /jferii rrK per
Jiy < . itrnl ION ion cf 1(0 ( llnr , roinirctJ <
ri iiihi W < bi t. ' * ' * * ( * lioit * t routr , uiul cur
i u i 4b f < K ' < . w nfii * 'i -l * "ih'o of earn , boiwte
i i n M Km IUIM i j t , ( m < u Jtluilj. hinvcn
mil , /Mum ( n Wiun ajuiliti nnd Ht 1'uul I
jinui t * in Um i J" I ' vHli uJl Hit pritic-lpa
IP H i f r ul I < * < i i ) i' A i tiit u und Die I'ai-ittt
i HI liu i ( juij in M 1 1 uni j\ulnt untt mii'jUUl *
M i 11 a ! . < irjpjit il f Most C'oiutoilablu nnd
ii ) Iti y I oji * In K. U i | iiitluent llurton Jtc-
! ' i K C huir L'uju 1'tilluiari'H 1Jrotlii ut I'ahito
) i r'ir.i , r ut il > a it MMLd JJmiic Uarit
Jnini We ili 'Ihrcn ii-niii . - j , Oiv.3 & -id
Miit n 3'ivrr J yliilt J w ' " - * - * n r/i- |
iO4i > jit Uiituuripoliu und Ot. * * * ) , V * > J i unuu
t Tit w uiul Dirci t Line , vtn il nm i and Haiiha
KCI 1 11 4iOtIlyl > on uj * in Itntwi n JtiUimond ,
rloirf Nr wpoil NOAH , I liult uioot1 1 , Atl'inti ' , Au
14 Wtttfliviljc.l o uivili' tLiinKtoii.'ti)4 ) uiiiuti
ijiiann | > oliH it IK ! LJIjt tt * . . tintl OJD aim. Ulitiiuuj-
< unu ti 1'uul u ( J 111(1 ( TfMi iU piu ilH
All 'Jhiu.iCit * 'u * u gti iiun 1 un i Jfct i AJTCAJ
4 1 1 | i ' fnp njle fti oJ ) f IJM ) limit Otfltui * in
UnilidHlatiti mil Ca a
undratrv of Urn '
I.M J < w tt. Luiapcuiuia lUutoihr Jmtt iidv n *
tt < li tA lid jt.urtuotloncrt | I tie Mai uuiid Jtuld *
i our rt jrtu 'J tclitl Olll.t.ur bdilrmi
. n. cnup-R , c. ST. JOHN ,
/in 1 1 , , 1 1 MM ' .
< ' if
National Bank
$ , W. COP f'crncm and 12th Sfs.
Capital , - § 100,000.00
u. i run > rn.N , twt
J.T. BAKI.OW , Cashier
II. M. fAi.uwMi , 11. r SMITH ,
U. \ \ . IIMII.TON , M. T. BAKLOW ,
Accounts aollcltorl nncl kept oub
Joct to olght chock.
Cortmcntos of Dopoolt Inouod par
nblolns o and 12 months bearing
Intoroot , or on demand without In *
Atlvancor ; inadoto customornen
approved oocurltlosat market rat *
of Intorost.
The Interests of Customers are
c'oooly guarded nnd ovary facility
compatible * with principles f
oound banking freely oxtondod.
Drew olgludrafto on England , Ire-
Inntl , Scotland , and all parts of Eu
o Tlc'-toti.
Unitotl States Depository
wov , iJjtfc aacl J'avnam Sta.
T/ta 0/c/csf Bankma Establishment
in Gmvhn ,
nw&iiiscd la isos.
Organised as a National B ik ! u
ornotis mmiosa
ni&ulH ROUITII , ficoUfnt.
Jon * A. CCUIUIITON , Vice PzriMrnt.
A ova-nrj Koimti , SJ Vlc I'icV.Jtnl
A , J , PorrLitoi.
F. U. DAVJI , Cute *
IT n. IlM > sm n , AejVtnlCulilct.
Trnnaicin Krncrkt 1 anklet ; MutacM. Intice tlia
certllc ! tea beirlni ; Interest. Dranri iltt'to on * 3
I'rixnrtKco tnd mlnclpot dtlrl In the United Stitc *
Also Lomlon , Iftibllr , SJInlmrzh tnj ttio virnc'j- !
u of tbo rontlnent nnd Kuropo.
Opera House !
November 21st and 22d.
Tor the nitrclimo "f ft
PIANO i on 'i in : men SUIIODI ,
AMI ii n MIS mn
Hinlir tlio iui plcinif the Iti'itnl of I.lncitlon , IX
K I.m I'reiiilt'iit , II 21. lauio' , tuptrluluiJeiit
ol KrhooN , Tuwnri.r
AiIini'il'Mi fill cent , KpiL"\t I smU 2fi cent fl extra
Kale of tiKirMil fills Hill i inim nco at tlio box of-
lire , 1 hurt l jr morn MI : , iNoitmlmc 20 Doora oponat
u'rloiK , Ki UrUlniunt at S nel > cl > ,
MVIIN i : Saturlnv , \ . . \ .J at 2 p.m.
Aihntainn , Clillilio i , - ' i i-ntn. A..uilH , CO CCUtfl
xntmctl mid , I'liniiii ttii onli , 75 cent'
( JI.AItV Ki I'll IllV , 1'IANIsr.
The Sti Inui ) . 'vSaii H I nourt Graml U'oil la liom
illiuliu & .ini.kroiid : , hlttoAu'i - ta lor htrlnwnyi ,
J M Hat-Li's (5rtiul HH ! it il Dian.i , Fnlltlixl ,
AIL'pori iml lali'iniu , ulnV'iulll IKI clioo under
iHillrtrtlon liy o\ir WO i InrarUrn. til.en by pu-
nl of tlio lllcn ami ( Ic.ininmr HCHoih , I'sittil l > j
i uluati'H ai d otturp
Mlnrotho Allo 'oiv nn < priiilnroj In ( 'malm , It Ini
ni n tlioronn'lil ) ro\lul ami lonioiltlcil , Intioiluciii
nanx now anil vimMliii ; fia'.tute , rjnJciln ; H of
UrlTiijf hlstorli > ! \ iluo. 110117 5t
8. Haas , Florist !
Uul Dealer III I i I'lvitf , II MI I I- .
kt ritlonu , itc ( jr iiti UKL i int ui HIH ill t
irk , IMIoMio mail
| LC | | > | OMU , No ni
171(5 ( DODGE STItBET.
Private rooinn for mliilts t n-asonablo rate , l clu
llni ; nurHiiif. Prompt fcttcntloii irUfii to cm
ami' 1'atliiitHCJui tw attondcil by tliolr own
'olnn f.irlHK'niury [ | ( or tlio | ) i"r 0wn lucrf
iuruila\uiiiidbaturil&vij from 10 to 11 & in.
TTHpoclal riro la taUon In Djtltg , CltanliiR t J
Ourline ul I'liiiuiH am * 7I | .
Kill ami 1'aruuni , uinlo Ntlrrj ) < Ii ; Xfttlor.ul
Si Men Res
. AV. Cor. 15th St. end Capitol Avenue.
On Iho Kuropcan 1'lan. Het oli3i In CYCty o
cot. 'iabla mipiillad with i aino and all dollcacloe of
lie Hwiion , whom jon pay for nnly uliat von onloi nn
bill nf faro. Honiiia attachuif lor tmusltmt cuu-
loin. Will HIM da ) bomltrn at the meet
Finest Millinery
Anil Ha doo-laln thoC'ltj ,
1412 Douglas St. - - Omn' a Neb.
Dr , Amelia Ourrooet' ! ) '
1617 Dodge St. , * Omaln ,
TKLKl'IIONi : NO. 141
Office 15tli street , tirst door north t f
Fornam In Boyd's opera house. Le&vo
orders at oflico or 8axo'n drug atorc.
Heaidonco No , 1U12 Farnnm St.
llesldenco Telephone , 570.
Olhco Telephone , 150.
Oppoulte lioyd'd Opera House.
822 B.
Low | ir'i ' 8 anil fuel Qorxli ftbiu ohlty All o'oil i *
U'.llloUllll | L-OllJ BUloUII'l Oil > h'-I I.I'THO ( Ji |
* I i- " .i ,1 , ' - " jril Si