Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 21, 1884, Page 2, Image 2

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C.17 St. Clinrlr * S . , . ! . UuK Mo.
' . , , rr * tiil- , fi . ' - v > . I . l ; . * .
ifMIn i < * , iii. . . . ' I mini f-i ' . , ? !
IYKo ri , ' .li.ll nV il.rI-llJ.lfl.Mnf. , l-rw
t At" T . I , . . * < " ! " " ' ' ' " ' i'i'.v i < : lM. . , . . _
NcnoM . Fioslrattot , Ofhlilly , MeMst
Physics ! IVwKncSR , Mcrc.irlil nnd ftlher Atirc-
lions el Skin or Gnn & , nion J f'olsrnlnn ,
ldSprcJ anil Ulc irs. . , . . i- ' < -.i nh nnn-nii' , < J
werAi < m ' " " - ' i < ii' ' I -ii . f rnl ii u"
Diseases AtiHng ( rum Indiscretion E r.os %
or Inrtnljenco. inn i"1"1 ' -.m-i'iu
- 1
rMirteriHR TUftrrln h pr pi or nnuappv , * i
iH-rm.nrollrrurr t l' . ' -W ifsr rnlh. nhn\i i I
l f * MI * ,
lteorl ln llfr.- < ' .m.'llinl 1. Writ. , f r qi "Ilim
A Positive WriirGii Guarantee
flvt > In ill oril'loc-m i M l1nr | * > et r > r-fnhfr
. Kncl.ah or O rtnan , 04 pi\tf * . 0 *
vo tii sn * . 9 lamnleor female , FHF.K
0tftr , Ctif r'st ' < * Iliin'rm * ! tn tn h fcn-1 - tl" Molina
, .
eCMfttMl H thf j tlfti Ml | ir tuit | ltltr
h o * . A t < ot > V ( inert t to < . U < " *
"livilic UUOOD.TPi'ti.
iui. -mill. Till lIKAXiTll
uncl VIOOH of YOUTH.
> p'l i. \ \ tint ot AiMx-ilto , iii-
ill/i Hi.ii. ' i < k in Mr. until ,
e.i.i'llr. ' - "ri'nl.-i.liitoly
citn il. Hot ' , iuii i Iriniiil
i * n - i. . io in lorry
Li IIM Hi IIIiiilml mill
iiulrnni iiiiiipl.iliui
, irfillirlrarx will
U = JTu i ; ruer „
, InDKTH'-UJ'En'.SlnOKTOIJJO n Hlfn nml
Knl -
-c. ly urct'iim-s .11lt-.r , liuillliy yonipli \li.ii. .
Prcifucnt .I < rmpl nt * ! > * hi * < "i' ' > n'M '
lolhupoiiiilarliyor liuuilfrliiil. lu not cxpcrl'
raclll-VftllloOIIIIIINAt. ASU IlKMT.
* . n >
. . Molor our "DKEAM 110O1C.
Fnllct > truo-nut
Science of Life Only 41OQ
Krh neto < l Vitality , Nervous unj rhyelc-il Doblllty
rromaturo Docllno In Man , Krroig of Youth , ntnl tbo
untold miseries resulting Irom IniHscrctlons or 01-
ecfsoe. A book ( or c\ory man , yottnx , middle aurJ
and old. It contain ! 16 ) iroBcilitloii9 | ( or all acut
mil chronic discuses each one o ( which In liuahmlilo.
So found by the Author , whoso oxpcrlrnco lor 17
years Is EUCII ag probably nc\cr ooforo loll to the lot
of any | ihittcan. ! 300 picg , bound In bcautllul
French ruurlln omponnod oo\orti , full , Kilt guaranteed
to bo a flucr work In ovcry WIIBO , maclianlcnl , lit-
rrary and profcpaloral , than any ether work noldln
tills country ( or { 2.60 , or the money will be refunded
In c\ cry Instance. Prlco only JI.OO by mall , p'Jit
paid. Illustrative ennitik 6 cents. Rend now. Odd
medal awarded the author by the National Medical
Aoaocla'.lon , to the- otllcorqnlvhlth ho refers.
TJic iWonco o ( Llfo ehould bo read by the young
Inr Instritotlon , and IPJ- the tllllotcd ( or rellcl. It will
benefit all. London Lancet.
Tncro In no member of Bicloty to nliom Tlio Sol-
rnco of LJfo wlllnot IM tuefiil , whether youth , p. r
ent , iruirdlun , Instructor or rlurjin n. Argonaut.
AcJdrcSa the 1'caboily Mcdlc-nl Inh ltuto , or Dr. W
II. Parker , No. 4 Iltilflnch Ktroct , llcinton , llann. , who
may bo consulted on all disunion renulrlnff eklll and
experlcnro. Chronlo and obstinate dmctsra that have
baffled the Bklli ol all other I'byH-il r I
a tpeclaU ) ! Such treated nucoooa tlLIlL fully
wltttoUt an Ingtanco ot ( alluro.
Cor 16th and Capitol Avfnuo , treats all cwca Clip
pled or Deformed , alao dldctfos ol tt
Nervous System ,
Blood , and
Urinary Organs
All eaees ol Curvtturo ol the Hpmo , Croolied Toot
IytT9 and Aruin , Dlsoisos of the Illp , KIHO , and
Auklo Jolntfl. AKO ! Chronlo aflrcllona nlthe I.Uer
Hhuumatlam , raralyela , Plica , UIcois , Catarrh , Afth
ma and Uionchltl9 uro all treated by new and euo
coeadil methods. All dlecaeon of tno Dloixl end Urln-
try OrRanp , Includlni ; tboso roaultliiK from liu Isc'ro-
tlon.or ex ] > oiure , are eael ( ) anil tiucct'B ftilly Ireali'd
and a euro ju raiitroil. Younj ; men , inlcidlo acd | ,
and old men BUderlnir ( rom WeaUicnii KIH ! Nenoui
exhaustion , produciok itidlcoiitlon , Palpitation of the
Hurt , Dvepundency Dlizlneeu , Lose of Mtmoryjiaek
fit Kncrj ; ) ' and Ambition , can bo restored to health
and vlor | , If caeo Is not too lon mxloctt'd
Tlio Hurcoon In cliario In a ( 'raduato ol Jtllor-
ton Uedloal CollcK'o 1885) ) ami ban itudlcd bli
proeasoii ( ! In London , Tartu and Ilurlln , It attllztcd ,
tailor write full dcw-rlptlon ol your cano , and medU
rino m y ho sent JOIL ConHultatlon ( n-u Ad dice
Omth Uiipcnsiry , Crounao'e Dlock , Omaha , Nob.
OtSco hoarn 10-12 a. in. ,1-B and 7-8 p. tn 6und > o.
10ft in
1-O.BtnJ lor treatlM either on male dlsca 'ii or
t C I
II T foi B | I 109,000 aeiel caielollir etltctixl l
D twtorn IVobrMka , at low prloo and oo euiy term
ImpioToa larmi tor wJe In DotvlM , Dodif * , Oolln
flitte , Hurt , tjumlnjf , Barpy , WMUiitflon , tfntck
B and ro , and Duller Jounlloi.
TaiM pld In all parti ol Iba Slal *
Uonoy loaned on ruproved ( arm ? .
Koury imblloalnavt to offloa Oorrcipond
nTJMnyouradilrcMtnfiwlftHiicclflcCo..nrawcin ,
DlJllJJ Atlanta. UK. , for an IntirutitlULtrrutlwuin
Dlool und tikiu Ulscasi-B. Lilib tbi-y Mill laull frm
Inflammatory Rheumatism ,
1 wanuttockiil la t wlntir with liillaiuniatoo tlii'ii
Mia'lulil ut KUCTO l } | e-my Iliit ixilliiUH llli.i'H < lni- <
1-70 ; IliaJurlou l.lmU of trualinintUtli mil ;
tiiii'orurrtllif | , Alter kc\in wiiV.ii I uajritliut. ,
in iilnht 35 IHJUOI ! * , luj no utrcn.'tli nor B | > I i-llu
ui'djHLrnnln. . ' KUryilay In tnli conilllloi
I U an W llt' H ) jclllo , and In Itirni iUy U"-a'i ti
liniirutr , uml In tliruo utx.k I uaifrit-lruiinll > uu < > .
uinl up uttui illn ? toiuv r ( uUr liu.ha < . Jly t | ] w
tltti rttuniKl uinl 1 niildl | ) MlnH nij lluuli I | mti
ualU'l tlill loui ; to li iviiiun tliat in ) emu < | > cr
ibumnt , i ) . i' . CooBum , xlturnv ) at Law ,
llrun.wkk , Ua , , Juuo 10,1MI
1 ba > * hxl rbuumitlMi forty ) earn , and lia\
l ri n-llcicd with a few bottle * of H. H H I tonsidt
lII ( W l Mild V , ihu airlifted.
J li U A < .1 , rvjin | V n , C'a ,
IllQslrali&ns & if the Mage Tfeat it is
Boiler to lie Born My Than Rich ,
Sonn I'niitlH Men Who llit\c Itri-n
Knvitini ) 1)y ) li'i
Tliero n aomalhing in luck. Tncra
nro lucky men and unlucky onea , lucky
dnjs , lucky uvrnto Stephen Girnrd ,
thu millionnirc , laid down three rnlcu
to which ho ascribed hia fortunu. < > no
was novur to huvo any dealings with
nn unlucky man. The Holhchildanovor
hnvo a innti in their employ who Una n
ruputntion for ill-luck. Orovcr Cleve
land is the moat lucky man of the ngo.
Six years ago ho was unknown lo fame.
A lucky ovuiit drngt'cl n'ln ' from ° ' ) -
aciirity. His good luck raised him to
bo prosecuting tittornoy of the comity
of which IJullnlo ia the county scat.
Irregularities nroso in the Shorill'ii ' of
fice , and n reform was needed. Clove-
l.'ind'a good luck attended him , and
liio success was noon proved. Luck
! iK in favored him , and ho ivas raised to
bo governor of the state of Now York ,
n position second only to that of pres
ident of i ho United States. An gov
ernor , dcaplto the odds against him ,
ducpito thu machinations oi monopo
lies , luck attended him , liin administra
tion was nccctJtalilo to the people , who
were determined to still further honor
( iood fortunu did not fail him lit Chi-
c.igo. It has lingered with him during
the most heated und violent campaign
the republic has over known.
! 'i have moro confidence In Cleveland's
luck , " remarked an acquaintance before
the election , "than anything olso. I toll
you ho in born to luck. It will pull him
through. " The result has justified the
remark. What is thin luck ? Where
does it como from ? Who can anal } xa it ?
It is as old as the human heart. it has
found believcra in ovcry ago and among
every people. Tradition and history are
full of ita freaks. Cromwell believed in
it , and trusted in September 'J ; Louis
Napoleon in December 2. Scylla wished
to bo called Felix , the lucky. Mohom-
mad was nil fnto.
than ono liken to admit. Torrcglano , an
Italian aculjitor , owed hia to the blow of
a fist. Ono day ho disputed with Mich
ael Angelo , a student , broke hia nemo
with a blow from hia list , fled from Vlor-
ouco and enlisted. Ho rose U ) eminence
aa the sculptor of Henry VII , , in Eng
land. Raleigh's luck came to him when
ho noticed her Majesty hesitating about
crossing a puddlu. 1'otomkiu , a young
Illusion , noticed Queen Catherine carry
ing the sword through the streets without
the Btvord-knot. 11 o toro ill' his own and
added it , and his rapid promotion fol
lowed. It wr.s luck that directed
Galileo's attention to the equal duration
of the oscillationu of n pendulum. The
name cause Induced Sir Inane ISuwton to
nolo the falling of an apple , and from
thence deduced the theory of gravitation.
Ooorgo Stcphtiii.ion worked in a coal-pit
for twopence n dny , but n lucky accident
gavn him a chancu to Dhow hia okill , and
lud to his promotion aa engineer , and his
subsequent successful career.
which act UB safogilhrda and charms is
universal. How many will wear nn opal
ringf Auguatua wore a sealskin to give
him luck ; Charlemngno nnd Louis Napoleon
leon aoiiio trinket of hidden value. The
Turks use nilnorulp. Sailora will not go
to sea with a corpse , and claim they can
only eecapo abipwrcck when n preacher
or priest Is aboard by wearing the caul of
n child. The fatalist declares that if n
person ia fated to succeed in hia under
takings ho will do so though ho remains
a puaaivo ngont. The Uomana erected a
temple to Kortunn , nnd the Orocka firmly
belicvo in the Katoe.
Who that has over hoard the caao of
the young Scotchman who vrithdniw 1m
fortune from the Glasgow bank the dny
bcforo ita f tiluro can any there ia no auch
thing na luck ? Tlio young man had been
It ft n legacy of § 5,000 , .tnd , having no
immediate use for the money , ho paid it
into the bank. In u feir daya ho saw an
udvertismont iJioul a buaineea for sale ,
entering into negotiations with the pro
prietor , ended by purchase. .Singularly
enough , the amount required was exactly
the Bum ho had In the bank ; so , closing
h.a ! account , ho paid for the deeda nnd
entered into possession. The outgoing
tenant , having no hnmodi.ito use for hia
money , invested it in slmrcu in the Glas
gow City lank. The next day canio the
crash , nnd the man who had sold out
was penniless.
There ia an equally remarknblo atory
of n prominent phjalciun of this eity.
Ho had § 8,000 on deposit in ono of our
city 1) ) inks of odoroua fame. The night
before the fa'luro n warm friend and
partner in n prominent business house
: allcd late at hia house , and waking him
p , eaid : "Doctor , I'm in trouble. Hnvo
ou got ny money ? 1 must have § 8,000
iy to-morrow at JO o'clock. I can not
, ot my firm know of the dilemma , or it
will disgrace mo. " The doctor had the
xuct amount iu the Llttlo Miniim Savings
iank , but it belonged to a company , nnd
10 wua to tnako a aottlomout in a few
daya. "Hero , take those , " handing him
a tmckago of street railroad bonda worth
§ 10,000. "Don't aoll thorn uuloaa you
nro compelled to. " I shall bo out of my
acrapo ia ton days. " The doctor drew
out hia entire deposit at 10 o'clock next
uorning and aasistod his friend. At 1'J
o'clock the bank failed.
A crowd collected ono day on the banks
of the St. Martin canal , in Franco. Who
will not aay that it was a lucky thing thai
a man who lived ucar was urged by hia
wlfo to go and BOO what waa the trouble'/ /
When ho arrived nt the acono of aolion
ho learned that n child had fallen into the
water and gone out of sight. Ileing nn
export swimmer , ho plunged into the
apot marked by n few bubbles nnd rescued
nllvo liia own aon , a young boy of eight ,
who while playing Imi alippod over the
I.U < KV MflNH ,
The aigna of good nnd bad luck that
occur in every dny lifo nro well nigh as
numerous us the incidents of lifo ituuU.
What woman who puta on her stocking
wrong aidu out would ehuiigo it * Who
would ait down to n tnbjo ot thirteen but
the vcrieat skeptic * In llutala tlu-y will
not pa a the Bait. Do not children hunt
for four leaved clovtr , and wh-t that hours
u dog howl In the night or n death wutuli
tick in the wall without foreboding ]
When William the Coi.qiieror waa drcta
ing limanlf on the mori.lng of the gr at
battle of Hastings ho hurritdly put ou his
coat ol mail hind eido before Komo one
hinted that it wua a bad MUD , but tla <
ready wilted Norni&u uaid , ' 'X ) , it is a
'u Vy fT. ; J ni" V' trarsfor-ac- ' n
a duke into a kirn , " nnd a few hours late
the prediction wai verified. Ueppy the
bride the tun shines on , and V n hen
cackles in her now homo as * ! IP 'orossc *
the threshold she will bo a happy mothet
as well as n contented wifo.
i.UNiivrocT's i.rcK.
Who hus not heard of Lundyfool's
luck illustrating the good luck that ia
born of apparent misfortune ? There
lived a tobacconist in Dublin named
LiUndyfoot , whoso shop waa destroyed \ > y
firo. While ho was ga/ing dolefully at
thu smouldering ruinu ho noticed that his
I oorcr noighbora were gathering anutl
from the caimtors. Ho tested the snitll'
himself , and found that the fire had im
proved ita pungency and aroma , The
hint waa worth n fortune to him. Ho
secured another shopbuilt n lot of OVOIIB"
euV joctod the sniiir to n hchting proccxs ,
gavoHho brand n particular name , and in
n few years bccnmo rich by the very mia
fortune that happened him.
It's a common practice to BCD workmen
spit on their hands for luck , but it ia na
old as thu hills. The critic nays :
"Thrlco on my breast I apit to guard
mo s.'ifo from fascinating charms. "
The Greeks used to spit thrco times
into their bosoms at the sight of a madman -
man or epileptic. Children were spit
upon by their mothers nnd nursed to give
them luck ; the old grandmother or aunt
moved round in n circle nnd rubbed the
child's forehead with apittlo , selecting
her middle finger to give it luck and keep
clF witches.
If thorn is aomo unknown thing which
somewhere in nnturo does oxiat called
luck , equally true is it that there ia nn
opposite quantity UMuck. Some people
fail in everything. Tholr houao burna up
on the very dny the insurance policy
runs out. It ia always the unlucky man's
horse that dies. The great Napoleon ,
who believed moat emphatically in luck ,
uaod to aay there ia a class of persons who
always destroy these to whom they nro
attached , whether from want of toot or
good fortune it docs not signify. Such
were Agtippina to Gormnnlcus ; Lady
Macbeth to the Shakapearoan here ;
Uonrlotta Maria tn Charles I. ; Marie
Antoinolto to Lonia XVI. Better to bo
born luclty than rich aavora of old ngo.
But who hai not soon the proverb often
verified ? Who hna not aeon ill-luck at
tend men in everything they undertook ?
Who hai not aoen familioa haunted and
haunted by the demon of ill-luck.
perhaps , tnoro than any ether clnaa bo-
liuvo m luck. It was the good luck of
many thnt Induced thorn to bet on Clove-
land. Their superatltiona as to luck are
innumerable , yet the Goddess of Fate ia
often fickle. A gentleman won § 4,500
at faront Monaco , and waa only waiting
for hit laundre'Bs to bring his dozen shirts
homo before ho quit the plncu. The
Inundroa did not turn up at the appoint
ed time , nnd to while away the hours ho
went in\o \ the Casino. Ho did not play
and hia , uck changed so that ho had lost
all ho hnl already won and § 0,000 beside ,
which mtJu him heartily wish bo had loft
IIM ahirtubohind nnd gone , as their wash
ing cost Hm juat ? 500 npieco , probably
the moat xpcnsivo piece of wnnhing on
A sum cuin : FOUND AT J.ASTI
A euro ctro for Blind , JSleeding , Itching nnd
ITlcurutod 'ilen hnw been dlrcovorod by Dr.
Williams ( .n Indian Kcincdy , ) culled Dr.
William's lidlnn I'llo Ointment. A single
box liaa currl the worst chronic cases of 25 or
JiO yonra Rtnullug. No ono need suffer five
inInuloHiifbr npplym ? tills wondorfnl Booth-
iiitf intidicini. l.utions , liiBtrunn'iiU nnd oloc-
ttmrioH do Moro harm than good. William's
Indian 1'ib Ointment nhaorbn the tnnuTH , nl-
IUJ-H tlio iitoiiHQ itchini ; , ( particularly at night
after cuttnR warm In bed , ) acts aa n poultluo ,
givea innljint rcliof , and in prepared only for
I'ilcH , ilchin of thu private putts , and for
not hino olso.
Koad what the lion , .T. At. Connb ( rry , of
Cluvvlrml , Hny about Dr. William'H Indian
I'llo Oilnttni'iit : "I have u ed Koron of 1'ilo
Cnrw , nnd it nlfordu tno ploanuro to Bay that I
Imvonuvpr found anything \vhich giivu nnch
iimctdlato and | ) orinanont roliuf ai Dr. Wil
liam'H Indian Ointment. Kor Halo by all drn -
R | IH and mailed on rucoipt of price , OOu and
1. Sold ut retail by Kiilm & Oo.
Whohmalo Alont.
Fallen forest louvca nro giving the
Murylnnd Contrnl railroad trains great
trouble. Traiua hnvo been dulnyod by
the accumulation of Icavua on tliotrncko
nt Bleep grndcn nnd deep cuts. Thu
slippery dubria have mndo It diflicult for
the locomotives to nmko time on their
trip .
A. V liiahlo Olilll Tonic Ucnil tills
JINDALL , AUK , Jnn. 10 , 1883.
J'A r . Jl. A. Robinson iCCo. . ,
\ certify with ploasnro to the following
fncta : No prescription over elected
moro than n tempornry ouppreaaion of
the Chills on myself. I wns told to try
' 1 concluded to
your HKI//ICH' Tanio.
give it a trial after two doctors had failed
to atop the ohilla. Ono bottle niiulo a
eomplotu euro. 1 nin now well. I ro-
eommond llughea' Tonic to all aufl'oring
from Ohilla nnd Fovor.
( ignod ) H. K. GUEHNI.K.SH.
Prepared by II. A. Robinson & Co. ,
Wholesale Druggists , Louiavillo , Ky. ,
and at retail by Schrotor &
Uocht , Druggiata , Omaha. Hotalla
81.00 per bottle , aix bottles ,
5500. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
An Italian admiral has invented n
ahrapuoll shell for the 100-ton guns. At
thirty yards from the cannon's mouth it
bursts , tLrowing forward sovonty-livo
smaller projectiles , which in turn burst ,
atrowing in fan ahnpo a thick shower of
balls and fragment * with terribly destruc
tive clloct.
MorHTord'H Acid l > lioNImte ] ,
DH. J.V. . SMITH , Wellington , 0. ,
says : "In impaired nervous supply 1
have used it to advantage. "
John E. Stoufor , of Linn county ,
Iowa , won § 20 the ether day on a wagoi
that ho could husk ana throw into wng
ana , between aunrisa and sunstt , IOC
bushels of corn. Ho scored 10-1 bushels ,
Slouch of
iii which you are wallowing , ou uccounl
of Homo of thoao dieo Bca peculiar to you ,
madame , and which have robbed you oi
the r < > y hue of health , and mndo lifo ,1
burdim to you , you can eniilv got out ol
it. Dr. 1'iorco'a "Fuvorito 1'roseription'
will free you from all such troubled , nnd
sjon recall the rcuu tint of health to yom
chiiok , and the elasticity to your atop Ii
ia a most perfect epecifio for nil thu weak.
netacd r.nti irri'gulariliea pccu.itr to youi
so\ . It cure's ulcoratloiiB , dlaplnccmi'iita ,
"internal fuvor,1' bearing down uenan
' ( HUH , rcmovea the tundenoy to cancerou :
ll ° 4Ctiona , and corrt'ets all unnuiural dia.
ciiurges. I3y druceia'a
An Kngliah aurgvou a y that
IH a deadly practice , and if steadily in
dti'-rcr' ' in e'rr'ons lifq bynrcra' ' yem ,
Gotnam Seciely inGorgcons Array ,
Miss Caroline , Daughter of Mr-
and Mrs , William A.stor ,
to Marslial Ormo Wilson
Tlio Family ninnsloti Ilcdccltad In
Splcnrtor GUIS Worth
Ni\v : YORK , November 18.No ox-out
in Into years has created such a flutter in
society ns the rnnrriRRO nt ; ( :30 : this after
noon of Mies Caroline Schorniurhorn
Aslor , the youngest daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. William Aator , to Marshall Ormo
Wilson , son of Richard T. Wilson , n
prominent metropolitan broker. Car
riages containing guoets began to arrive in
front of the Astor residence , in which the
nuptials wcro solemnized , ns early as 2
o'clock , and the avenue on both sides was
filled with vehicles. The tichly dressed
ladle * and tlinlr male escorts passed up
the broad stops of the mansion and were
ushered into the rccoption-rooma , which
were ornamented with and perfumed by
countless fragrant 11 iwora and planta
handsomely nrrnnHod. The mniu hall
way rcBomblod a llornl bower , in which
rod nnd white ronco predominated , relieved -
liovod nt intervals by orchids and ether
luxurant plants. The art gallery in the
further extremity of the man
sion , in which the wed
ding ceremony took place , wan
oven moro resplendent with llpral decor
ations ; the great iiro-plnco fncing the n-
trance wna partially covered by a bridal
veil composed ot lilies of the valley , pink
rpsea and ether flowers , which were ar
tistically woven together , and fell in
graceful folds. On cither aide was a floral
tree , twenty foot in height while the fire
place itself waa banked up with fragrant
exotica. The four candelabra standing
in each of the four cornora of the cham
ber likewise were beautifully draped
with roses and the Uireo pedestals of the
orchestra gallery , overlooking the whole ,
were adorned with pyramids of roses and
other llowera. Tn trent of the embow
ered firo-placo the couple were united In
marr'ngo ' by llov. Dr. Morgan Dlx , rec
tor of Trinity church in presence of a
largo and brilliant company , representing
the oil to of fashionable society of the
city , Philadelphia , Washington , Newark ,
Hartford and Boston.
The bridal procession formed in the
grand dining hall on the Thirty-fourth
street aide , and entered the art gallery to
the strains of a grand wedding march by
Lander's orcheatra. Miss Aator leaned
upon the arm of her father , and the
groom escorted MM. Astor , who appeared
in a dreea made by Worth , a combumtloii
of palo groan velvet , heavy while satin ,
and point l.ico , and whoso dark hair waa
dressed hith ; and ornamented by a rose
and spray of leaves made of diamonds.
They in turn from followed by eight
bridomaida Miaa Hello Wilson , MIES
Harriet Nolls , Mies Marian Langelon ,
Miss May llobblns , Mian Fannie Sloan ,
Mias Helen Beckwith , Miss Georgians
HicKschor and Mies S.irali Stownrt.
The brldo waa attired in a robe of
white sptin , front embroidered in silver ,
the design af a cluster of roaea , the front
and sides trimmobVjith oratco : ; blossoms ,
n veil of rare oldTaraily lace presented by
the brldo'a mother fell gracefully over the
shoulders ; the waiat was Y-shaped and
trimmed with lacedomi-sleovcs ; , trimmed
with the same. A bouquet of orange
blossoma waa carried. The ornaments
consisted of a nockla o of diamonds , pre
sented by the groom , and pearls.
The dresses worn by the brldomaids
wcro presented by Miss Astor. They
were made of the heaviest white eatin ,
the same ahado ns the bridal dress , and
had full , round trains , not very long.
The fronts were draped and trimmed
with soft llouncoa of fine French lace in
rosebud designs , nnd the bodices were
cut with square nocks in front and
pointed In the back , the lace forming a
bordering. The aleorea came almost to
the elbow , and were met by long white
gloves. They were long veils of white
tulle over the trains , fastened by a cluster
of white ootrich tips. In the right hand
they cmii'd hugo bouquota of very palo
pink Lt France roaea , with a cluster of
liliea of the valley at ono side , and tied
with very wide entin ribbons , the exact
hue of the roacfl. Their slippera were of
white satin , embroidered in penrh.
Each wore an cxquinito little lace bar pin
of gold In n design of llowera nnd birds ,
sot with rare diamonds , thu gift of the
Thu fight ushers were ; S. J. Aator , Jr. ,
brother of the bride ; Lisponard Stewart ,
II. LeOraud Cannon , Reginald W.
Pivos , Woodbury Knno , Brockholat
Cutting , John Furman , and Hamilton
Webster. R. T. Wilson , brother of the
groom , acted na best man. Passing down
the nlslo formed by n double llio of
crimaon silk cord , on either aide of which
wcro gathered the wedding guests , they
stood in front of the olliciating clergy
Afterward the happy couple received
thu congratulations of their friends nnd
then sat down to a banquet in the dining
hall , where covers were spread for 250.
Moro than n thousand invitations were
The wedding presents nro , perhaps , the
most costly that woru over received by n
bride in this city , nnd nro valued at moro
than 8250,000. They embraced nn infinite -
finite variety of diamond jewelry , gold
silverware , and were exposed * o tiuw on
a crimson velvet colored table extending
the imtiro length of the main drawing
room. The gift of the groom consisted of
a magnificout necklace of diamonds and
other articlea studded with diamonds ,
pearls , rubies , and aapphircs , valued nt
Over ton thousand rare rosoa were used
In decorating the houso. The veil of
liliea of the valley which fell from the
high mantle in the art gallery to the
lloor , contained I,000 ) sproya and was
looped up on the side by a great clustoi
of La Franco roses , mndo to represent a
bow of ribbons. 1'otu of Japanese ferns ,
Kngliah ivy , orchids , carnations , passion
flowers , nnd maiden-hair ferns wcro used
In great nbundauco.
The house ia arranged with a wide ,
marble floored hallway. On the loft ia
the reception room , and back of it the
broad , whitu enamel stairway , winding t (
the top of the home and carpeted with
rod velvet. In thu arch formed by the
atnira were placed the musicians , hidden
by branching palms if ferns. On tin
other side of the hallway in , first , the
drawing room , a long apartment will
white and gold walla und costly ( iobolir
tupcetriea faotoucd in aa panels. Hen
the proBontH were displayed on crimson
velvet tabk'B Next cornea the red room
r > 3 it is called , furnished iu soft crimani
furni.uro and haiicinc * . In thia roon
"urn portraits of Mrs. Aotor'a thru
three daughters Mini Carrie , Mrs.
l' and Mre 0 "Ionian L > r ytin
ho a cabinet full of rare china. A round
livan in the corner of the room had a
reo full of pure white roses ia the con-
cr. The blue room or library , which
comes next , Is farniihcd in bluu vdvot
md tatin with ebony bookcwcs nqiinst
, ho walls. MM. Aster's portrait stood
on nn easel near the portrait of a dough-
or , Mrs. Van Allen , who died several
years a o. Thia picture wns ornamented
tc-day by a great cluster ri pure whlto
roaea nnd violcti. The whole hoiuo waa
firat darkened nnd then brilliantly
K.ich gUest en departing received a
ffhito box in imitation of whlto aatiu.ticd
with satin ribbon , and containing wed
ding cike. 1'hcao boxes were piled in
horionhoca on a marble table in the
In honor cf the marrlago of her
daughter Mrs. Aator givca o dinner to
ho patients in the Bollovno hospital.
lenry KrniiN < > I'nylnjj Ills t'ut on
Illiiino Wllli Hxw anil UnoTc
ilio .lob In
IS'OWH , ISlh.
A man drove a vrnijon up beside the
urbntono in front of the government
tuilding a little before 10 o'clock this
nornlng and throw out a cord of the
cnpttioat wood that could bo found in
Chicago. A few minutes later a pro
cession emerged from a saloon across the >
way and proceeded toward the wood-pile ,
't waa led by two bagpipes , followed by
lenry Krauuo , a supply clerk in
ho railway mail service , nnd D. A
Stitt , chief water inspector , while
behind them came fifty federal and
city government cleika. The two federal
ind city employes made a wnger before
hu election that if Cleveland wcro elect-
id Krauao nhould saw a cord of wood in
rent of the custom house stops while
Stitt groaeod the saw. If Blaine was
looted Stitt waa to saw the wood while
Ivraueo greased the saw.
The payment of the wager having
'alien to the lo * of Kranso , he turned up
n the Clark street saloon at 00 : ! ! o'clock
ready to begin work. Ho were his best
iult of black cloth. Stitt waa also on
mud with two American flags , while
Collector Danphy and Cass Chap-
nan , a Chicago architect , being
committo for the purpose , np-
eared with a red-handled saw
and an oak horso. Two bag pipers
ilso put in an appearance. Ono of
'hem was the ancfont D.m O'Keofo , who ,
, weuty-four yoara ago played for a alml-
ar wugor on Walter S , Gurney , whom
Lvny John Wentworth defeated for
mayor. A cord of hickory and oak wood
had been choaon , with a view to its ugo
and toughness.
Aa the procession moved out of the
aloon and across the street , Krauao
bearing the saw and horao , a crowd of
200 federal and city employes , hcckmen
and gamiiia greeted it with oheon and
aughter. Krauao fixed the horse and
ook oil' his coat and vest and hung them
> n a lamp post , while the two flaga wore
displayed in a conspicuous place , Then
ho Blaine man started in to saw wood
, vhilo the bag pipca played. After
bout ten minutes Krause had Eawed
mo piece of wood and called on Stitt
ten or fifteen times to groaaa hia
aw. "I don't know , " said butt , after
, pplying a piece of ham-fat to the ragged
idgo of the saw for the twelfth time ,
'but I think I am getting the worst of
ho deal. " The crowd sot up a dorisiyo
yell , nnd there was a merry twinkle in
"vraiuo's eyo. When ho had worried
.hrouRh the second stick Krause stepped
nnd wiped the prospiratlon from hia foro-
: iead.
Look hero , " ho said to Collector Dun-
phy , ' 'this atn't pine wood. "
Waa the contract for pine wood ? "
asked Dunphy , innocently.
"It wna for wood , " replied Krauae ,
but this ia knots. It ain't wood at
all. "
"Well , you can take a drink for every
knot , " said Dunphy , and a few minutes
after Krauao went over and acted on his
When ho citno back ho eaid that ho ba-
ievcd ho had been fooled , and there were
two cords in the pile instead of ono. He
spent half an hour sizing the pile upand
at 1 o'clock ho had three logs sawed. "At
hi ? rate , " said Stitt , "wo will get
through next January. " Stitt wanted
to go away and leave Krnuso to do the
work under the supervision of Stitt's
friends. Krause insisted on Stitt fulfill-
ii } > hia contract to grease the saw. It
was Bomo hours before Stitt discovered
that ho vrai virtually the victim of a joke.
llo then wanted to draw the wager , but
Kranso refused. The German waa on the
fourth log nt 2 o'clock. If ho over com
letes the task the wood will go to the
Sisters of Mercy.
hllKliI cold , if neglected , often attacka
ii\o ; hvuciuid immt'dhtn rulic-f , Sold only in
IVUo 'J5 cts.
There nro 25,000 mlk-weavera in Ly
ons , France , I5OCO , of whom are out of
work. Those ) employed nmko but 00
cents a day.
Itetl KUM-H oa 1'alo Glu'cktr.
Thin blood moana poor health. Many
girls and women look aa if they had
never enjoyed a hearty meal or a brisk
walk of a inilo. Languor and debility
possesses those sorrowing persons , i-lvo
then Brown's Iron Bitters. Then their
blued will bo pure and rich and they
will enjoy health. Mrs. Jennie Johnson
Cullman , Ala. , says aho took Brown's
Iron Bittora for general debility and waa
Mrs. W. W. Astor'a § 25,000 act of
ebony and gold furniture , which was
nnco iu the boudoir of the ox-Empress
Eugene , ia little worn oxcoptby time.
Catarrh ]
Is a very prevalent and exceedingly dis
agreeable disease , liable , if neglected , to
develop into serious consumption. Being
a constitutional disease , it requires a
constitutional remedy like Hood's Sarsa-
patilla , which , acting through the blood ,
readies every part of the system , ell'oct-
iug a radical and permanent euro ol
catarrh in even ita moat severe forms ,
Made only by C , I. Hood & Co , , Lowell ,
Mlas Emma Larson and her young sis.
ter , who rode on hortoback from thuii
homo in Wisconsin to San FrJiiciuco ,
made the journey in tufoty without be *
ing ouco mulested.
TUB Voi-'Alo JJKLT DOMi'ANV , < i ( M irhal !
Michigan , on or toenml their colebraUxhl'Ll-c
Thio VOLTAIC HKLT and other KLKCTUw Ai1-
rUANCKsi LII trial fur thirty daya , to 11101 :
( yumiK or old ) atliu-ied with u rviU dobili'y ,
loin \itulitv and ninnliooil , ud all klndru !
troutiU'D. AHO fur rlieunmtlsii ) , unurnlcla
p.tralyHi , and ninny other dmeaaca. Cuiniilttt
rettonitlon to Lt < nltli > or nnd maakxn
guaranteed , No risk inrucn-J , w thirty dayn
trial U nllowed. Write them at unee fcr i.'lm
t-aW-l | - - i het ! free.
25 . ;
I !
x > gp
-THE 5
151 " " BEST TOM , - -
JIM-I mcdl' > ! iio , fimliltihiR IT ir > w "i r''t
tv tiiMo tutilf , ji.iil'V i mi ii ! '
( ti.-rs IMnprpiln , imll rtlniicnlinoH ,
Impim-Mlooil , Uuliu-hiiC lilllHiiml I'm r ,
ulnt Nciirnlulii.
lll < Rti nnfiilllno rcnui'.y for JD'-in-JSof ' l.s .
Itliliii'jH nml I.Ui-r.
It Is Invaliinhlo for r > l rn M p , ont'nr In
V < iiiiPiii ati'l nil \\lio lend M'di ntar > Iho1-
, . .
f.r iliii'o ronstlpntloti iilli'r Irnn iriiilicmrv < '
'ittnrlclicsaiul pnrlllei tlio Mood , " -tlmnlntt
I no iippcllli1 , nlds the a limlntlun of food , n-
! h \ ' s ilcnrltpiirn nml Ilel < IMiu ; , nnd ftronjth
Hi" Ilii ! mn i lf < nml nervi s
I'.ir liiliTiiiilluct IVvcra , . .i"tmlr ! 1 nek of
- - > .py , VP. , It Iiu3 no ' < ji il.
tf I liccmi'lnr lins nl < , \c trmli inn'k m '
. -H'l rid nni H'.n tt'tti'lni ' Inli' nmit'ii ' '
1- , . . . , , . , ij i.r HI.IIM \ nil mi i 1.1 n. , i' ' \ n niou . "O ,
icj undispniei in ite BROAD CLAIiDr.iis ! :
Ever offered < o tlio cubllc.
The fltf amxhlps of thia well-known line ure bollt ol
Iron , In wntcr-tljjht oomiiattmcntB , and tc futn ! h-
ailwlth every rc-quislto to make tbo imajiAeo both
i lo and a rucBblo. They carry the United Statoi
tnd IJuropcan mnllo , and leave New Vcr ! ; Tlmra-
and for ' LONDON Cher-
Jiya biturdnys 1'lymoutb ( ) -
hours , ( PARIS ) and IIAMliUUQ.
lutes : StccraKO from Ktiroxi [ ouly 1S. Flrei
Cabin , SSO , $05 r.nd ? 7t. Eteerme , ! " ( : ,
Henry Puudt , Mark Hauson , F .K. Moores.H. Toll ,
tgontsla Omsha , Qronewcir SchocntRcn , it'cnUla
Council Blufla. C. It : 1UC1IAHU A CO. , Geu. I' e3
Asta. , tl Broadway , K. Y. C'haa. Kozmlnekl & Co-
General Wwt in Agst'.s , 170 WttblDKtou St. , Chic *
MZ : x +
iVca : . * ' ' . . , rnt Losi' . t'y Dreams , Pimples on
'icFa. ; t.o-it Manhood , , o /ii"-f/ri ( / r l,1er6
nafjrt erii ifiiiinti * Tl : appropriate ri-.r-eay
, .ionrr ussd in cactiL . = : . Consultations , pcr-
Aor \ by letter , i.iciedly confidential. Mcd-
. \ni * > cnt bv Moil and Lpress. . No marks on
auri : to indicate contents cr fender. Addieaj
. - /iVSS.fio. ' / . 204\Vahinglonr i.Chicagollj !
r.rnuti ttt rur * . Hook free ,
i is uci,11 h-ult.m St. , N.T.
bility , I'retnaturo Decay , anil alldi old ri * lirojeht nn
by Indiccretion cir cxcpfeHjUill lonrnof addru&bini ; J.
Will rtiro Nrnnii in
AtMii i II
' ' t.Tl . „ dm . , i . I . . . . I in Al. . . <
. < ii Hint h. ml * II. . , . 1 u. n i. . i. > . . i I in u .11 . M i . I.I ' .I
otljT , unil lau bo riHl.aritdil ill uli lusuiut b > tl. , . 1I.O.1U
Winter la coming , the I'casono Ilioj-ciir for nclies
Eil j > Mii9. Inlowcf this lactuoeay buy ono ol
r. Hiirno'a Klcctrlo Bolts By so iloluc you lll
itold KheunmtlamKWncyTroublte and nthir ills
that flesh la heir to. Do not delay , but rail at our
olllco and iivnir.luc hclta , No. Wl Dou Ue trcst , rr
0. > ' Goodman's , 1110 Ksrcaia St.Om ba , Nob. Or-
Jernfll'oi ] 0 O U
X. T. , C p al
s , nINe xik. N.J. , 0 pt ! l 1'KtJOCO.
tard ? lie , l-lllxlelrbli , tp'.ta ) l.SCJ ,000
ap.t.l l.lrC.lK
18 UKCll )
Royal Havana Lottery !
Drawn at Havana , Hubn , Kvery 12
to 14 Days.
TICKETS , W.OO , . HALVES. 11.00
Subject to no manipulation , not controlled by th
partita In Interest. It la the fairest thing lath
nature ol chance In eilitonea.
For Information in J particulars apply toSUISKY ,
CO.Oen.Agent8,121 ! lroa ! < lw v , N V. city.
C. KAUI1 4 CO. , < 17 Walnut street , 8 . Louti , Mo
jr Frank Lobrano , L. D , , SO Wjandche , Kan.
| y 21-m&a & w IT
Health 'is ' Wealth !
DR. K. 0. Want's NIRTI * KD DRAIN TRiiBux.iT , *
itiarantecd vj > eclBo for llyttcrlo , I ) illness , Convul-
lions , Kll , J > er oua Neuralgia , Headache , Nenoui
Prootratlon caupvd by the use of alcohol or tobbacoo ,
Wakelnlnciw , Mental dcpredslcn. Bottonlnc of the
brain , rMultln c In luianlly and leaplcc to misery ,
decay and death , Premature Old age , lUroneee , loss
olio | crla t'lther nx , Involuntary Loeaw ud Hper
iritothoracau o < l U ) rexertlontcf the brain , belt.
tbuao or OM-r Indulgence. Karh hot. contains one
month' ) ) tieatment. 81. CO a box , or tlx bottles for
{ J. 03 , tint \ij malli'iepald ' on receipt of price.
To cure my cue. Wltu each order received by user
( or bit bottle ? , ai-wtaiilUh'd with < ! > .00 , we will n rd
the purchawr our wntteu KUirintco to refund the
ucney If the trrMrneuttUieti nut cSect e erne. Our
tatiwlMnucd only by JOHN C : WEST & CO. ,
Jy Jf.mid rr rZ Uadlton St. , Chlcairo , 111.
JAff , H , PEABODY , M , D.
Physic an & Burgeon
ItmlUcncc : vo. 1407 J n , > fit OfHrf KoHCOKar
namttftet Oltlro bour * 12m txi t p tn and fiom2
Iu S p in Tti-fb UJ'T ff - T if- * - ? > i
The roraarknblo grovth of
during tlio last few yonra la n m tfer oC
great aatouishraont to thoao who poy an
occasional visit to this growing city. The
development of the Stock Yarde tha
nocoBflity of the Bolt Line Bocd the
finely paved atrcoto the hundredec f aow
rosiiloncoa nnd costly bnslnoas blocks ,
with the population of our city more than
doubled In the lust five yesra. A ] } this . " I
is a great aurpriao to visitors nnd ia the
atlmirution of our citizens. This rapid
growth , the business activity , and the
many substantial Improvements raidn ; *
lively dcmnnd for Omnha real estate , and
every investor has made a handociao
Since the Wall Street pnnlo last May ,
with the Bubsoqnont cry of hnrd times ,
there has boon leas domaud from specula
tors , but a fair demand from InvcBtore
Booking homos. This latter class are
taking advantage of low prices in bnlld-
ing material and are securing their homes
at much leas cost than will bo possible s
year heuco. Speculators , too can buy
real ccta' 3 cheaper now and ought t.i take
advant . present prices for fntor
profi a
Th few yonra promises greato
jvol opruonta in Omaha than the pat
II > years , which have boon aa good ewe
wo could reasonably desire. Now mas
ufncturlng establishmonta and largoan-
bing houses ara added almost weekly , job
all add to the prosperity of Omaha , and
There are many in Omaha and thrccgh-
but the State , who have their money In
the banks drawing a nominal rate of In
terest , which , If judiciously iuvected in
Omaha real cstato , would bring them
much greater returns. Wo have ciaay
bargains which wo are confident will
bring the purchaser largo profits ir. tba
near future.
We have for sale the finest resi
dence property in the north and
western parts ot' the city.
North -we have fine lota at reason
able prices on Sherman avenue , } 'H L ,
18th , lith ) and 20th streets.
VVet-t on Fnrnniu. Davenjxut ,
Cumins , and all the leading si.reets
in that direction.
The grading of Farnara , Califor
nia and Davenport streets has made
accessible some of the finest and
cheapest residence i rty in the
city , and with the building of the
street car line out Ftirnam , the pro
perty in the western part of thf city
will increase in value.
Wo nlso have the agency for the
Syndieah' and Stogie Yards proper
ty in tin' south purl , ol the city. The
developments made in tins section
by the Stock Yards Company and
the railroads will certainly double
the price w a s'"ort time.
Wo also have some fine business
lots and some elegant , inside rnsi-
deuce.- for sale ,
Parties wishing to i.i vest will find
some good barjiMi f ) j > culling on u
213 Boutfc Mth St ,
Bet teen Farnham and Douga ! .
P. S. We ask these who
property for sale nt a bargain to givt/
us a callWe want only bnrgnmb.
We will positively not handle proj-
ertv at more than its real value. k