Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 20, 1884, Image 9

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Thursday Morning Nov. 20
lii * limo In Uio penitentiary , the ( supreme cour
Laving refused to grant him a now trial.
Clmlio Mack , conductor of Uio dummy
train , was heard to remark jcsterday : "Whllo
the cUmocratg are catiiijj rcmt ox wo will eat
crow. Kh , boys1
A first class will bo gcncd In
r lconcr' * hall on 1'ililay nnd Saturday of
Ihli week from 12 to 3 o'clock , for the benefit
c > f the Tenth ( trecl mission.
Tuesday four Bportlnglworacn arrested for
Iho nonpayment of thtiriuonllilyfinon. U | > on
bcin , ' ; plncfd In jail they quickly cashed tip
nud were thereupon released ,
Tha elono culterx will give a ball at Ma-
tonic hall 1'tiday evening noxt. Tlio boys are
junking every preparation for a first class
limo ,
You please a number of ladies , help a
most worthy chitity and get a rood luticb , all
for fifty cant1 , at Falconer' * hall , next i'tlday.
The residents of South Tenth alreot want
to know why the street lampn cm that lhr > r
cu lifuro are not lighted , Tlio lump ixisls
liac leen erected tor toito time , but no lights
liavo an yet put in an nppuarauco.
You not only net a good lunch , but you
liolpagoocl MUJO by pponding fifty cti. , at
Jfalconcr'a hall , next 1'ilday noon.
Tuesday tlio second party ot the Apollo
club was given Iu Matioma hall , It was a
* ery enjoyable affair , and all w ho wcro pres
ent were hsarllly ferry whoii the hour arrived
for homo-going , The Musical Union orcheitra
( urniihed the mm Is.
The evening clasieti of tlio Y. M. C. A
will be opened next week under charge of
competent Instructors. The studio * will bo
elocution , manic , ' bookkeeping , stanography ,
penmanship , algebra , arithmetic , history ,
Xalin , olc.
The Herald aunouncot that it Is Iho of
ficial paper. It la not the official paper , and
will nc/t bo until the contract is awarded , and
that cannot bo done until the contract and
l > end U approved by a majority fif the full
council ami mayor.
In police couit yehloulay only cm
plain drunk uppcarcd for tilal. Upon stating
liiicanu it wai itparcnt ] that ho waa more of
an imfottunate than \\ilfull lawbreaker , nnd
ho waa discharged by Iho judge with a wani
ng uot to como again ,
At Iho wcokly meeting of tlio city paaloia
Monday , it was decided to hold union Thanksgiving -
giving services in the Southwcat Presbyterian
nnd Firat Baptist churches. Kuv. FriinciH
Vlaynoy will oUiciato at tha former and llov.
Ir. Dolwcilor at the latter.
-The weekly meeting of the W. C. T. U-
will l > 3 held at tha I'M rut M. K. church ,
Seventeenth and Davenport streets , ou Thursday -
day afternoon at S5SO : p. m. Thin in a meeting
oapei i illy for mothers. Como and remember
your 8jm ia prayer to God , Mm. ,1. T , Bell ,
11 Is now reported tlif t the afTalrs of Win.
Bnyder , the carriage manufnct ror , are m
good lnpc. That the claims against him aio
only about $3,509 , while his Block will invoice
twice that amount. As noon M Mr , Snyclcr
, return * from Denver tlio factory will bo Blurt
ed again ,
Oh nol Iho clew wasn't upon the lawn to
nnynl \ extent ycatcrjnjmoinlnt ; , but tliticc
upon the liiilowulka la many plaoen , and It ro
qniitd mighty steady balancing to get along
without a downfall. A few more mornings
like Ibis and tlio email boy will bo trjiriK the
liver uHh 1 U skull's , aud hit lomains will bo
found when Ilia ice gocH out iu tha spilng.
-Jiiuii Liltlofiold , the Saratoga dairyman ,
vai out yesterday with a now wagon ,
\vlilcli H a perfect daz/.ler. It in nil closed up ,
nnd plate glass H iu the front ami sldon , mak-
irg it warm and comfortable , Where the
millc cam ate carried are air chuinborf , which
lccn | the lluld cool in mimmor uiul warm In
winter. It M by all mtdu the finest milk
wngoa. over Hcun In tbusu parU.
Tlio street car company now tliinkrt that
it will ba Impossible to complolo thu Vnrnam
Hired line IHia xcaaon. Tlio line will probably
l > o li lisheil ii far went iw Klnotuonth Htreot
aud then left until next spring. Tills is bad
now * t'j many of the people ou upper Kamam
Direct , wlm bid hoped t < > ride to their homoa
Ju r i n h' the culd winter days.
Tontli Bli-Lcl Mission ,
To the editor of the Hill.
The Omaha people nro generous , and
In recalling their past generosity to the
gra'shoppor aulTerors ; to Chicago the
lima of the great fire , and to our v r-
ioui.local charities , I know not why wo
need hesitate in makiog an appeal to
that generosity in behalf of the Tenth
Street mission.
This mission is the oldest in the city
isnoii-Bocturian and for at least twelve
years has been rcgulaily and cfliciontly at
work in a part of the city peculiarly in
need , of ouch an Institution.It lias not
made many appeals to the public , but is
at present in urgent need of funds.
There is a debt to ba canceled , the
building needs some repairs to bo com-
iorublu ; , rent , fuel , material for the sew
ing tchool. and other cxpencca must be
mot , requiring at least $800.
An cilort was made during the year to
raise the money needed , by flondlmjcards
to individuals , Boliclling regular contri
butions to the vroik , The responses
were very few und now it is proposed to
give a lunch for the purpose of raiting
Wo trust everybody will oomc , but to
those who cannot , the busy mothers and
nice housekeepers of comfortable homes ,
the solid rnal estate , professional , rail
read , banking , nofftpapur or buiineas
men , to all eucli wo give a cordial invita
tion , to Bend by mull or otherwise , any
amount thoyceooso
Address auch donations to Mrf Wil
liam Wttllsco , eccrotary of the industrial
uchool. at Falconer's hull , on Friday and
All members of Division No. 1 , of the
A , 0. n. are requeued to ba protont
punctually at h ) f p nt 7 o'clock ut thir
hall ou Fiiday n'ght next. Ywry fmpor-
tant business to bo oonmdered and a full
attendance upecully rrquoiloi.
JJy order of P , O'Tcoiu , ! > ,
UKI l'\r- 7i II t It "M in
a. m. , Ccc'llu MarUfntilunttUtr of John
I1 , and Amilo T. JIufUy , Kea ijcur.ouu
. - , iimuthaiid nmoluen dij ,
1'uniral tvi I take placu ( o-Jay , Xov. 20 ,
nt''o'clotkji. m , fiotn Uio re Uonc , cw.
ll'lliaucl ' Clark nU , lutcrmtnt st Holy jjvpul-
Clic-r cemetery ,
PeoplG Ooicg Will Over a Faman
Slreet Slore ,
\VHIi One ] Accord Ilioy
Sloro to HOD
i lilcr In I'clt-c'M.
morning n crowd W B noticed standing In
front of a thruo story buildup uhoec
front presented nn elegant nud inviting
nppoarauco. Upon the aidovralk , extending -
ing from the building to the curbing , wan
a fine rod carppt which at once gave ( o
the Bcono an nir of comfort. Upon either
side of tlio door worn piled up immense
( leaps of dry goods of all kinds and from
the windows floated in the broeza clouds
of boautifal carpets nnd ooft nnd elegant
A BKE roportar was attracted by all
.his expensive and fine display , and was
> romptcd to join the hurrying throng
vhich was streaming Into the doors of the
store like into a hivo. Upon gaining
the inside a sight presented iUolf which
vould cause almost anybody to weup for
This was the interior of Smith's mam-
noth dry ijoods utoro on Farnam street.
Jpon every shelf , every couutor and in
all three fltorios of the building were piled
icaps of goods , all bright , and now , and
cheap wull , words itro inadequate to what can bo bought for n Httlo
money in this storo. The reporter
> rcsaed his way down through the atoro
tntil ho found the genial proprietor nnd
ventured to question as to the prices on
i low of his goods. Ho found thai the
louse is noir making u apodal Halo on
Jolliston Milh Duplex , all wool blankets
nnd that they are ollered at $2 50. These *
( oodj are oltared by a largo honso in
Jhlougo as a loader nl ? 'l,50. it is uomo-
hing strange tnat the eamo
oods can bo b3Ught in Omalu
or SI loss than In Chicago ,
> ut it Is nevertheless true , and any ono
tvho is a judge of blankets , can toll at a
; liticu that those goods are the best for
ho money over placed before the trade
u this city. "Wo have , " said Mr.
Smith , " 80 pieces of all wool scarlet
lixnnol which wo are selling at Uo cents
> or yard , which is retailed everywhere
else in this city for 40 cents. " At thij
announcement the reporter's head bo *
; an to swim and ho staggered and
'ell Into a chair , ho revived
and waa given another doso.
"In underwear , * ' continued Mr. Smith ,
'wo will guarantee to make prices 25 per
cout less than the same goods can bo
jought for in Chicago. On Saturday ,
November 22 , wo will make a special
silo of fifty dozen corsets at 25 cents ,
and those goods are actually worth 75
cents. "
But now comes the jmrt which cannot
ail to Interest every lady In Omaha.
Advancing to the dress goods department
MI immense quantity ot brocaded velvet
was exposed to view. These goods are
usually retailed at from ? I 75 to § 5 00 per
'ard , but as Mr. Smith is bound to sell
, 'onda , they have been marked down to
12.70 , and to say that they are bargains
s not half expressing it. They are iu
11 colors and very heavy. Brocaded vcl-
rota which are oiljrod at bther places at
' 3 97 are sold hero for $2 CO and bro-
adud velvets Bald elsewhere at $2.iO ( are
narked plainly in this houao at § 1 25.
In the Bilk department Is found silks In
all colors at 00 cents per yard which can-
lot be looked at in any othur retail house
n this country for loss than 81.15. These
rogcoa , heavy gros grains , a No. 1
uailly. Black silks are ollbrod at from
5 cents to S3 00 yer pard , which Is 15 per
out loss than the usual retail price.
All wool suiting lluinols , 50 inches in
vidtli are offered at 75 cents per yard.
'hose gooda are extra good , and cannot
to bought elsewhere for 1cm tnan § 1 00.
lupollauts , 50 Inches wide , at15 cents ,
iwfully chojp.
In the cloak department everything in
lie latest styles and most approved pat-
erns can ba found at prices which will
naot the purse of all. The carpet de
mrtmont is complete iu all of Its details.
In fact the entire clock is now , and has
inly boon upon the shelves a few weeks ;
lonco cannot bo old style or shop -worn.
t is impossible at this writing to give
anything like a comprehensive idea of the
vondora of this atore , but if you go down
oirn and do not drop in and see for
'ourselves you will bo misiiug it , sure.
leport of lioimlloiiH for tlio 1'iiht 1'oiif
TMontliH ,
The report of the Child'n Uoapitnl and
lomo for the past four montha uhown
ho following donations of moiuy and
iroviaiona :
Mis. Cl.irkeon $ MX )
ilrx. I'opplotou , fi OD
Mm. UtfMwoll J0t ( )
ilrn. V. II. Du\l Ill ( I
tlrn.ooiKO ! Darker 5 IK )
< \\i \ \ M. .1. l.udiiiKtou , 1'hiladolphla , 1 ! 50
) ( iiiution IIOXCH II ( JO
'nnoy cusu 75
AfUfHT ,
Irtt. Catharlno Owen , Now Yoik. . . . 10 00
Win. J. hoid.Hrooklvn 1'JUl
. ' . U. Pouliudy. ( JbicaKu 15 03
lira 14. Jtaynoldn , CluuiRO liCO
ilrH , Itnrkaliiw , Cliicaii ( ' _ ' ( ) l )
, lrJ. Wm. ( ! , Low , Brooklyn Oif.0
\rs. \ ClarUnon , lirooklyn n ( ID
MtH. Dr. Miller 500
Mm. .1. M. \ \ oolworth 16 OJ
MM. Hteln -JOO
: . H. Walwoith Now York 10 III
tov. Dr. K. N. 1'ottor. lonu ! > aX. Y. 31) til
Mm Lieutenant Jlnrunam 600
MM. Oaldwoll 5 Ofl
Mr * . V , JI. la U li CD
Mli-HC. Moriii , 1'hiladulpbia 15 01
vltH. Krtduiick 5011
tov. Uubcit Doheity 23 00
Mm. Uluikbon 5 00
Hiirvcat Homo donations
md lulind 13 8ii ;
Noilh I'latti 7 Iu
ISeittilco. . . ISOj
Kremont 0 PQ
Ashland II Bi ,
Lincoln VJ D ( ]
Tilnity oit'iedral . Ill Oi
Tiinity Sunday chuol -I II / ,
1'lnttiiuouth II Ot
I'Jum Creek , ( i On
Mm. IM'eauody , dilcago 150 , ,
Mix 11 toll Smith , Kutr York 50
MM.CIarlmf.ii fi 0
Mm. K. H. lM\i II 0 ,
llano liall gnino HI 0
Mr. II. 15 Clark 1 I)11 )
Provisions in onerous ( ( uantltica wort
rrcolvcd from frivndu at Ashland ; Clirlat
ohurcli , liealricc ; Sohuyler , PUttemoutli ,
Fremont , H ; . Murku , Oni\ho ; Lincoln ,
Grand lehnd , Little , V Willunu , Mr ,
Wicinir M. Her , Mra. P.ick , JlM
Djanu , Mrs. Arohie 1'ownll , Alrn , Clark
on , .MM. M. T I'atriuV , Mrs Ilulfulor ,
.Mrr , CaMtroll , Mr . Uunnott , Mn. Auu.
IVait , Mm Oirrio Jhrlsahw , Mra. F. 0.
I itebie , Mrr , Thoman , Mrr. Ciirnuau ,
W. F. Krdman , Mra , Ijams , Mrs. Ilor-
b ch , Mm. O. T. Cranduli , Mrs Bjron
Heed , Mm. Kathcrino Prltchott , Mrs. G ,
0. Amos , Mrs lianas , Mrs , Julia Smith ,
Now York ; Dr. Link.
Clothing was received from .Sshuylor ,
MM. Kingman , Mrs. Webster.
Furniture , dry poods , bnokf , etc. , from
D ( n-y it Stone , N. D. Falconer , Dr.
J Hills , Kalph Hichardaon.
Goal and ice from lionzon it Hro. ,
Coutanl A- Squires , M r. Clark , Mr.
Unwell , Mr. Prttorson.
Fancy artlclra frnrn Mrs. Dostwick ,
Mrs. Sherman , Mrs. Lips and Miss Mum-
ford , of Morrialown , N. J.
Tlio child'n hospital dlspoiuftry Is open
Tuesdays , Tliumlaja and Saturdays ; 10
to 1 1 a. in , Dr. Hfidgcs in charge ; 'J to ' . !
p. in. , Dr. Graddy.
FOIl SALK A good family horao
buggy and harnosu. L , A. RATH ,
Post Ollico Box yfl ,
-lneh all woolSultingllan- | |
nols Smith la Nailing for 7f > cents , real
value $1.0U per yard , are juit the thing
for fall and winter vre&r.
Shi * DchoiiH Her IIiiHbanil nnd
ron , Uul It Finally Reclaimed.
About two months ago a woman rosld-
ng in this city took hur two children and
rrent to Chicago to visit friend ? . lior
luabind remained hero , and every few
days received letters from his wife , whom
10 supposed to bo true to him Iu every
way. She was enjoying herself and was
laving auch good health that ho was glade
, o think that she had gene , and urged
icr to remain during the holidaya.
About ton dayn ago the husband re
ceived n telegram from the lady friend
whom his wife had gene to visit stating
, hat hia wife was dying with lung fever ,
and urging him , if hj wished to see her
tlivo , to coino at onco. The news struck
.ho husband like n paralytic stroke , but
10 hastened anay and left for Chicago
on the afternoon train of the same day
Upon arriving In Chicago ho hastened
, o the homo of his friend and there , In
stead of finding his wife upon her death-
) od , ho found his two children in the ciro
of his friend and his wife gono. It was
soon ascertained that she had akippod
over into Indiana with another man ,
and thither the husband followed
.hem. Ho overtook thorn , but
what transpired between tno there
n the Iloosicr town will probably never
DO known by Omaha people. It Is very
> robablo , however , that the hujband
avod and the woman wept , wailed , pulled
icr hair and gnashed her tooth nnd
) c'god ( hia forgiveness. Do that as it
nay on last Saturday afternoon the hua-
jand , truant wife and neglected children
returned to this city nnd have again gene
o housekeeping.
What became of her paramour is not
cuovrn , but to her the lesson will proba
bly bo ono which aho will not forgot
through life. The names of I ho parties
are withhold in hopes that the woman
may have soon the danger aho was in and
nay rofrsin from auch actions In the
Seal of North Carolina Smoking To-
mcco is the best.
Mmy cosmetics for the comploxon
lave from time to time baon upon the
iio market. But none have stood the
teat aa has Po//.oni'a medicated coin-
[ ilexion powder. It in an absolute
Qiirativo for blotches , decelerations ,
freckles , etc. For enlo by druggist.
Some time ago Thomas Murray dopoti-
od a chock for $25 ! ) with Judge Bonoko
as n guarantee that ho would remove the
obstructions from the street i nt the cor-
icr of Fourteenth and Ilarnoy within
a certain lime. lie put a small force of
men nt work and haa succeeded In put-
Ing up hia biaomont walls , but there the
work stopped.
The time inmod when the rubbish was
o bo removed from the streets has como
and gene nnd yet the stuff romiiin. If
tlr. Murray was hold strictly to hia
agreement the $250 would bo forfeited ,
mt Mr. James Creighton , chairman of
the board of public works , proposes
another oohonio. He will employ a force
of men nnd trama and remove the ob
structions from the scoots and clean them
up for winter. The workmen will bo
mid out of the § 250 doponitud by Mur
ray with Judge Bonoko. Tno work will
[ > e commenced nt once and completed aa
soon us potsiblo.
The brick piles , with meadows upon
, opp , have been nn eyesore long enough
and it will seem good to have them re
moved from public ga/.idurltiK the winter
and irmybo another season Murray will
; > ut on another row of bricks.
Heal K
The following transfers were tiled in
the county clerk's ollico Tuesday and re
ported for T.IK BHK by the Ames' real
estate agency November 17 , 1881.
0. 0. Howard to II. 0. Dovrlos , w d ,
part lot 5 , block 81 , $151)0. )
15. Itoach to fl. 11. Roberts , w d , parcel -
col sec li , 10 , 11 , 81000.
S. D. Mercer nnd wife to II. llouck ,
w d , loia 12 , 1 , 1-1 , block 7 , Walnut
Hill , $1000.
J. Barker ot nl to B. II. Post , w d ,
parcel see 11 , 15 , 12 , $10320.
F K IJailwy and wife to K E Bailey w
d lots 11-1 and 115 Nelsons add $1.
F J lleasoy and wife to M Sherwood
w d parcel see 12 1C. 10 , $100.
A 0 Dabonck to C B Furwoll w d part
lot 0 block 122 aud part lot ( I block 8 ! > ,
Smoke Seal of North Carolina
Omaha at present , seems to bo In re
ality a robboth roost. Kvoiy morning
ono or more burglaries are reported to
have boon committed the precoediug
night and notwithstanding that the po
lice are making strenuous cllorts to dis
cover the thieves and bring them to jus
tice , no arrests have yet been mado.
Tuesday night burglars vieitodtho house
of Mr , W , D , Ologg , on Pierce street ,
near the government corral and carried
oil'a gold watch , They were surprised
while at their work aud beat a hasty re
treat , leaving behind them other valu
ables They entered through the back
door which Mr. Ologg had neglected to
look and which stood open bidding the
midnight maurnudern to enter.
' 'Go to Smith's New Store for bent
( Aurtnient of Cloaks at lowest prices ,
An Ode ui the
Let me ting y < < u a 8 < > n #
It I * not very limff ,
It'll a song of the brato and the true ;
Who novcr were Lcit
Except through a cheat ,
The Omtha fircm n In blue.
Their tecord i < known
Where manhood l shown
In fighting Uio Demon of MIC :
They heed net tic fhme ,
Theirilvalf ia tliimo
HJO them carry the ho o plpchlghcr.
t know not the cau o ,
But on this I'll not pau < ic ,
Why they should lava enemies hero ;
Since their name bgau
No firoincn a'cr
I Ike th m without favor or fear.
Oh , many a time ,
In tbh country nnd clime ,
Ilravo hcatU hue fclrugjled to ulo ;
But never BH > ot
Mu t Oiiuha forget
The heroes of uhom I now flnp.
To draw to a close ,
Knch citizen knows
That fire m > y cntno any lime :
Our firemen then
Will fight It like men ,
And this Is the end of my rhymo.
Kcspcclfully dedlcat'd tolUfiremen ; friends
by W i. GwmTiis.
rXlc and Seine to Conu > ,
The crop of matrimonial matchcn is
ripe and the probate court and ministers
are reaping the golden harveftt. The
girla nro making the meat of the few re
maining days of leap year , and the pros
pect ia that before 1881 ehall have joined
the majority a largo number of the meat
eligible young men , withering bachelors
and mournful widowers will fall willing
victims to the winning smilea of fair
young maids and old ones , too. This is
aa it should be. Lot the procession
An interesting event of this character
waa consummated at St. Patrick's church ,
South Omaha , Tuesday morning. Mr.
Chas. Clifford and Miss Mary Kennedy
were made ono by the magic marriage
ceremony , "for hotter or for worse. "
llov. Father Joanuetto officiated. Patrick
Clifford , brother of the groom , performed
the office of bast mail , and Miss Maggie
Kennedy , sister of the bride , that of
Mr. and Mrs. Clifiord at once repaired
to their homo , aa neat and cozy a cottage
as graces Bowery Hill. A reception was
held Tuesday evening nud scores of
friends of the happy couple called to glvo
them a hearty sond-oll' . Refreshments
of all kinds wore lavishly served. The
friends of the bride aud groom testified
their appreciation in substantial tokens
of regard , consisting of elegant furniture ,
table nnd kitchen ware and other useful
and ornamental articles. The most con
spicuous , beautiful and costly of them ,
came from Mr. Clifford's fellow clorkn in
the Union Pacific freight ollico ,
C.trda are out for the nvirricga of Mr.
Thoa A. Dillon to Miss S.idio A. Riley ,
at Holy Family church , Wednesday ,
November 2Glh at 8 a. m. The reception
will follow at the residence of the bride's
parents , 1708 Cnsa street. Mr. Dillon is
the junior member of the fir m of Ililoy
& Dillon , liquor merchants on Douglas
street. Miss S.idio is the charming and
accomplished daughter or our veil-
known citizen , Mr. Thos. U'loy. ' The
wedding and reception will doubtless ba
ono of the notable society events of the
Gutlii'io la Deiilctl a New Trlnl.
The following is the opinion of the supreme -
promo conrt , denying n now trial to ex-
Marshal Cuthrio :
1. At common law in cases where an indict
ment is referred to third purlieu ; v.s per ons to
the grand jury unknown , if upon the trill it
wai made ta appear that the grand jury did
know the names of the perniins referred to , the
accused would Jnve to bo acquitted ou the
ground of varhnco between the itllogations of
the Indictment nnd the proof. But it wni not
neceBsiry for tha stata to provn the truth of
the nllcg'itlun beyond nroisonnblo doubt ,
i ! . The i idUtmunt ia this cue alleged that
the , sum of SHOO was piid to plaintiff iu onor
us u bnliu hy or.u C , It. "mid othnrs whoso
namoa ara to tha grand jurorn unknown. " Tim
proof Hhowt'd that tlm inonny wns piii 1 liy C.
It for the pmpo'o alleged m the imlu-tiiitiit.
Ilo'd ' , Tliit tinv.irlanuo WAH not fatal and the diali nt court WUH jiutiBed uudi-r the
| > ro\HiuuH of uottloiiHi ! of thu criminal cede
in dihrcgarding it.
II Under the allegatlona of the indictment
ami tha clrcuiiihtincoH of the case ns thowu by
the teatlmoiiy It was held compct nt for the
etata to prove othur nets of bribery tlrui Iliosn
idtoged In tliii iiidlctinent fur tlm pnrpoKCK of
corrtiboratmg the Witness upon ma
terlal facts Involved hi the ciiginid contract
of bribery , and also for the purpose of Mum-
ing the ryalom , pHn and design of the parties
involvad in tha tranuautiou alleged In the in
I. See1 Ion 105 of the act to incorporate cltien
of the first-cla s , etc , pugo 102 of tha compiled
statutes dors nut nactijn 17f ) of the
criinlmd code.
Flannel Silo this week a
Snatn's New Storo.
Tlio Old Oftfiinl/atlou 1M ivnl nn j n
Series 01'Coiit'i'rlH ID bu Given.
Durinp the aiinimor season there was
a groit deal of talk that the Omaha
Glee club would not roorgtni/.o nnd a
good deal of this talk was from members
of the old organization. There waa some
dissatisfaction among the inenibera but
all the ditfuroncos have boon adjusted.
At the annual meotinp ; hold in IIospo's '
hall Tuesday H largo number of the
members were tu attendance. Iho annu
al election of ciioera ( enauud with the
following result :
.Tolm U Manelnntur , inopidcnt.
Walter U. tVilkiiid , vice prooldont.
U. II. Yiiiton , uecrctary ,
F. ( ! , li , AVoodnitf , correbpoudiug vecro-
tarj' .
( Jlmti. K Iturmeater , tri'murxT ,
H. W. Siir.w , librarian.
lixecntlve committee W. U. WilUns , O 1 ! .
Durinestor , U. W. Urc-ckemiJgo , W. L.Valalt
and W. J.Hto\cnn. director Franklin B. Smith.
It was decided to give a aeries of con
certs thin winter but the number waa not
settled upon. A number of letters have
been received from noted concert biu ra
and ooma excellent talent will bo brought
hero by the club this eoaton.
Has.ul ,
Tuesday ulgUt a disorderly woman was
taken into the city juil for uot paying hr > r
Rio. She gnra the n&mo of "KocMoss
was a good looking girl , and
ono who would attract atloat on. A
reporter who happened in recognized her
as ono Mabel Warner , who utod to iivo to
0 nnha about three years since. She
wont from hero to Fremont , anl while
there got into an altercation with another
woman of her kind , narnod May Hall ,
ltd during the trouble the Warner TTO-
man cut the Hall woman with a dirk
knlfo. She was tried , convicted , and
given a short term. After gelling out
aho took a trip through the west and
finally "rounded in to Omaha again
about four weeks ago ,
She has taken to heraelf a very appropriate -
propriato name , for If there is n moru
rocklesi wotnin than her In Omaha she
haa not yet been found out.
u , _ , Cornet Sale ou Saturday ,
November 22 , CO dozen more Corsets at
25 cents per pair at Smith'n New Store ,
actually worth 7 ccnta , 1007 Farnam
Showing all cities , towns , railroads ,
counties , townships , just out ; mailed to
any addrcea for luo. J. M. Wolfe , 120
South 14th street , Omaha. 18-l\r
A full line of colored gros grain
Silks in all the popular shades at 05 cento ,
reduced fron $1.15. Smith's Now Store ,
1307 Farnam street.
J'liv ar Oakland ,
On Monday night a disastrous fire
visited Oakland , Nebraska , and the busi
ness portion of the town waa seriously
damaged. The following firms were
anion ' the loners :
J. W. Batterahall , jewelry ; Chan.
Sivauson , mineral atoro ; M. Stoholm ,
IrugBj A. Filzy , barbel ; Qutchinsou ifc
Smith , carpenter ; Henry Bock , carpeii-
lor ; M. Swauson , hotel ; John Ilallborg ,
B. 11. Douglass and Sons' Capsicum
Cough Drops are manufactured by them
selves and are the result of over forty
, 'ojira experience iu compounding cough
mixtures. ' 0
piecuu 27-inch all wool
ararlot llannol at 25 conta per yard ,
actually worth 40 conls.
A Lecture.
The lecture to bo given by General
iloward , Novembar 25th , at the opera
louse , is to bo given for the boncfit , of the
Woman's Christian Asaociation , who are
rying to care for our poor and suffering.
Clio poor are the property of every ono ,
but those ladies glvo their tirao to looking
after cases , relieving the deserving and
exposing the impostors. Many persons
iredict a hard winter. The grading has
lugmonted the laboring force , who will
> o without work as soon as the winter
sots in. The high cost of living exhausts
.heir funda as soon as earned , and little
can bo laid away for a rainy day.
Wo trust our citizens will bo very gen-
< rein and gtvo General Howard a full
louse , as the subject is an interesting
ono and the object a noble one. The
unda are for the running expenses of
, ho Homo. The money collected for the
lurchaao of a Dome is iu the bank , and
lot to ba uaed for any other purpose.
Tickets can bo found nt Saxe's drug
store , EJholm it Erickson's.Max Moyoi'a
and Win Fleming's. Tickets , 50c.
S1OOO. Given
[ falirmoranyliijnrkmsMl ! > staii < .rscu > be fonnii
In Andrews' Pearl BakinKPowtU Ji ] > os-
ttirlypURE. HoInBrnilor'.eillimit ImonliiU
11 Iroiu Mich ciicmMs asH. Diin.i lajc , llos-
tiiii M. Delalinilalne , of Clilc-ii'f ) > : ancl Oufctavua
lloilu , Mlluunki'e. NeverM > ld In bull : .
29 Lttko fat. 2.97. Ite'J i ' "Jl K. Water et,1
the changes tnat , In a tow years , have
taken place iu the manufacture of
improvement after Improvement has
been made , until to-day the clothing
oilerod by Schlank & Prince , 1210
Farnam atroot , is equal in every
respect to the best
Custom Work !
While at the name time the lowness of
price of the fine grade of clothing
they handle Is no loss astonish-
in ? than the
Perfection of Fit I
1210 Farnam Street , 1210
L A Tn'll ' I F8
r nAU MM'Oiir ' Fine , won Kir ,
PlVNS3OnOAN8 B''n.lCAn3l&b.
' ' * ' ' ' '
o LAB'S cYnNAtAQ.t'c1' !
ftgjlfl ONLY lit 1II
HCSSl\t ilfTCO.GlcaceitfrUiu. ! (
Himebaygh $ fe Taylor ,
Buy your Fine Bronzed Hardware at Home fof
less than Eastern Cities Can Deliver it.
Send for Our 250 Page Catalogue , only one issued in ftebraask
Counter , Hay , Stock and Kailroad Track ,
Orders for Mie Iiidinu Dou&rhnnnt given for Buffalo Scales er-
ilusivoly. Scale
M05 Douglas Street. OMAHA. NEBRASKA
l/i /
5 - -
Visitors to the State and others in need of Men's , Boys' nndildren'p
Clothing , will do well to call ou
i Ilklfflllflll \ * WWII
The Strictly One Price House in the City
And examine their goods nud prices. They carry the largest stock , til
sell lower than any other house in the city. Merchant Tailors
dou't fail to call at
1218 FARNAM ST. 216
TO ALL H.OOBS. | 1203 , nOii and 1210 Farnam St. , Omaha , Neb
- - u p -J-y-JSb
'if i ST * " ft * tj' 7ni > t- * , .
L sb /x
* / \
1409 and 1411 Dodge SU Omaha , Neb.
J-fipp - , % !
w . ra O
JlOU BRADY ST. , DAVENPORT , IOWA , U. B. A. Ritabllebed 18V8-Catarrn , I
Dcafuesa , Lung and Nervous Diseases Speedily and tomaneutly Oared. P&tlonU
Bar d st Homo. Write for "TUB MEDIOAL-MIS-IIONAIIY , " for the People ,
"innsaltatlon and Ooriospondonco Gratis. P. O. Box 292 , Telephone No. 2C.
. HON. EDWARD RUSSELL , Poatmastor , Davenport , says : ' Physician of
I lici. ADtltty na Marked Success. " OONORESSAIAN MURPHY , Davenport ,
jrtfii ( ! "An nonor hloM.tit. Ftno gorchM. Wondorfnl Cures.1' Honra 8 to 0 ,
. . .ji.--iYyi'J'-Jr . ' ' aVifi'SnSUfe '
ion wlihl o V- * * ' Tlifl hprfBai
riiiiliouand.hortrnBiH-ordlnBlotliewelz&lb" ,
' "HV < " "i'l ' w * " dni > tcirio rouEU ci > untrj
iiiedrlvesofcltli-s. niaiiiifaclurMl u ?
. .
.r.ULtf llllinlMdlniU'mrrlaeolliilldi-r.a.a lira
' " UrnryTlmU n. l' lnl > . . Ht. I < , CI ,
II * f h ' ' '
Brtjnl nilU.B ,
t > Clermany , Italy , Jfcllarul niul"rarxi
bti jo Oulwnd,520 ; Pitp&ld from Antwerp , jit
txpnieloii , r.9 , Inoludinz UtJOlmr , ttt , Zd C V j
aoaud Tiip , tsa.00 ; xcuittan , lWi ; BiJouuo
W f JO ; ticuicJon 110 la UN ,
tirmer Wjhl ! ; Sor.t , AftDtl. U
* * y N , v
< V.JeL U mlt03 ! * ( . f.
< uafc .V. , SUK. f.D , Kin
fj *
liuvsnft ,
. .Bavanu.
Kaiser . . ,
Buclweisur . St. Loub.
AnhtuiBer. . - St. Lour.
Best s . . . . - . Mil wauke * .
Schhtz-Pilsner - . Milwaiikeb.
Jvrue'fl . Omaha ,
Ale , Portet , Domestic and Rhuj .
1813 Faroam St :
H. a. ATWGOD ,
OBO liHl. . JEflStv CHILL
tflnvj iVwV lot i .