Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 20, 1884, Image 4

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    I \
MAY 1 , 1834 , 30,000
11 W7ATE3,1 A. II
I're lJciit Vloo IVnt.lenl
eft X , liftden , Asiljtant UK' Actto ; Cttklor
i orncil
The iron Oartk ,
INTURK3T allorred on time dapoilla npon
Avornblo lertng And npou aosouutj of
Bondi and Connty and City eeoarltloc bought
end sold.
In ita troatmout of customers the most llby
etal policy ia pursued csnaiatont with oafcld-
and aouud btnkingt and no invite corrospoucs
enca cr porsonM inquiry in connection there
NKW YORK , November 10. Money Lent
Ai afternoon closing at 1 cent offered.
Prime paper 5gGc. (
11111s Firm at 4 80g4 80 ; demand ,
( .jo\ernmonta Strong.
Kallwayg Firm.
Stocks Opened irregular ; generally lower
or the majority ; active for shares , but before
midday was advanced ic to Igc. Lackawanna
was the special feature. Demand in the after
n son was quiet and slightly weak until the
clo o which was strong with many shares sold
at top figures of the day ,
V *
4Vs Coupons
U. S. now4'a
I'aclficG'sof ' 93 120
Central pacific
Chicago & Alton 129
do do pfd 144
Chicago , Bi'rlington & Quincy 1213
Delaware , Lackawana & Western 10"S
Denver & Ulo Graudo !
do pfd . 20
Illinois Dentrnl . 117 }
Indianapolis , Bloom. & Western . 1C
Kansas k Texas . l i
-ake Shore & MichiRan Southern . G7j
lM\A \ illo & Nashville . 2iig
lichigan Central . . . " 0
Missouri Pacific . . " 3J
Northern Pacific . 18
do do pH . 423
Northwestern .
do pfd . 12 H
New York Central . fS&
Oregon Trana-Coutinontal . 131
VacificMail . 018
T. D. & .K . 13 *
Pullman Palace Car Company . 1101
Itock Island .
St. Louis & San Francisco .
do do pfd . 3'J
ChiLigo , Milwaukee * , St. Paul . 7 ( > 1
do do do pfd . lO.T
St. Paul&Omalia . 29
do do pfd . 89
Tataj Pacific . 121
L'nion Pacific . -r'0g
Wabush , St. Louis & Pacific . U
do do do pfd . 114
Western Union Telegraph . ( in \
U. It. , tN . 70S
, i ; < c-div. tasked.
CHICAGO , November 1'J. Flour Dull and
Wheat-Quiet and steady , opened easy ,
declined Jo. rallied c , and c'osed | c under
yesterday ; 72@7-'iu for cash ; 72c for Novem
ber ; 7 V ° f ° r December ; 73i73ic for Janu
ary : 7Il@74c for February ; Snfc for May ;
No. 2 red , 73 jg73ic ; No 3 red , COc.
CrnQuiet and weaker ; November do-
clinwl ic and closed as yesterday ; year de
clined ic and closed Jc under yesterday ; de
ferred luturcH quiet and eaiy : 411@41ic for
cash. 11 Jc for November ; 37Jc for December ;
37 r 37\c for the year ; 35gc for January ;
iwljc for'February : Sllc for May. Uejectud ,
i Dull and quiet and about unchanged :
'J. , 'c for c.ish and November ; lijjc for Do-
cambei and year ; 25.Jc for January ; 2
for May.
Kyo-Dull a
B irley Nominal , n8@5'c. )
" Timothy Dull ; pinna , 1 171 18.
" Kliw seed -Quiet anil J@lc lower ; No. 1 ,
Vork Active , eas _ qr and l'JJ@lSo _ lower
11 2"i for February ,
Uulk Moats -Shoulders , C 005 2'j short
cl-nr 6 :15@G : 40 ; short rib * 5 7.rfeG CO.
Wliiskoy Steudy at 1 13.
Butter Quiet ; good to funcy creamery ,
'l'aU7o ; fair to good dairy , 12f < ztlCc.
Chepflo Stuady ; full cream cheddarc , 11 { @
1 . > c ; skims , OJ/8c.
n ( julet ; 19@21c.
- Unchanged.
Tullow UuchaiiRcd.
I'lour. bbls . 38,000 20,000
Wheat , bushels . 211.0CO 180OfO
Corn.buflhols . 281,000 100,000
0.itH , buahels . 118,000 71,000
Kyo , bushels . J8.000 21,000
JUrley , DitilicU . 71,000 25,000
Sr. Louis , November 19. Wheat
Opened bottw. declined , and closed firmer ;
No , 2 rod , 73J7lf ! for cash ; 71jj for Novem
ber ; 7f > i75J ! , closing nt "fi4 forDecemboi ;
7.'i'g78J , closing at 78478 § for January.
Corn Shailo higher and slow : 38 } for cash ;
3334 ( for the year ; 32g@32tf for January ;
S : < i for February.
Uats Very nlo r21 ; @ 23 for cash nnd No
vember ; 251 for Decemlx-r ; 24 @ 25 for the
year.RyeDull ; 17.
Hai ley-Quiet ; 00@7Cc.
Uutter Dull ; dairy , 21@2 c ; proamory , 25
@ -'tfc.
-lllghor21@21. ;
VUxaood Steady ; 1 30.
Hay-Quiet ; prairie , 0 03@10 H ) ; timothy -
thy , 10 W@13 OU.
Corn : i ! 15 © 2 20.
CAI.D ItOAlliJ Wheat 754 for Docembt-r ;
73'/ ' / for the year ; 774 for January i 77 for
Co'.i-Stoady at 33 | for the year ; 33@33J
for February.
UatH Nothing done ; bids a fraction lowor.
KA.SIAB Cm , Nov. 1U. Wheat-ljuietj
ovih lUJo bid , J9J aaked ; December , BIJj
January , Ml.
Corn Lower ; cash , ' 30 ; December , flint
lulf , KOI bid , 27 ? asked ; year lit ! bid ; January ,
I'M bid , UCJ asked ; May , 27 .
OaU Dull and nominal ,
Kffirt Lower ; 13io.
NEW YOBK 1'llOlilCE ,
NKW YOIIK , November 1 ! ) . Wheat Spot
l , a active ; options a almdo lower. Kccoiptu ,
loa COO ; exports 40,000. No. 2 pnn ? , fife ;
imgwlJsl red. ( ilffi'4 ; No. 3 red. i \ ( t < > \ ;
No.- red , 81 j.83 ( ; January closiir ' nt 8'JJ.
Corn--Spot , i'Olll nnd options 4@i lower ,
clusiiiR btoatly ; ro Pipts , 153,031 ; xport ,
f.r.CCK ) iirjRriyled , HiftjO'c ; N'm ' \ - > ' "
January clnfciuK ut Ki o
OaU Without imp rtatit diitiBe. Ite-
Mipt . AOOJ ; exports , iionu ; roixwl wcbteru ,
S.'iir.21 < j ; wblto , 33 333.
1'gR * Western frtuh firm and in moderate
demand at 'Jii"a 7c.
1'ork Dull and hem y.
Lard Dull and weak , ihuico , " 17J
llnt'er-Quiet and > t niV' . .
Hulk Meats Steady ; lion lors o 16 ; shutt
ribs 7 8"i
liarloy Quiet and unchanged.
Hay Firmer ; timothy 10 U010 25 ,
llran Sternly atr > G@ > ft7.
Corn Meal -Dull ; i ! 35.
November 19. lireadstulls
Wlimt Winter Gi@Gs Sill spring , Os IdG
fid G .
Corn fij 5Jd
TOIKHO , Ohio , Novombsr 10. Wheat-
I'nll ; No 2 mil , cash and Xo\ ember 67c.
Corn Dull nnd nomitiah No. 2 c.ish nn
No\omvcr 41 a ked.
Oats Dull and nomtnnl ; No. 2 , 27.
CiNdSS'ATi , November 11' . Wheat Quiet
No 'J red 7fijt ( > 7 < ) ,
Corn Fair demand : No , 1 ! mixed , lOCflll.
Oats Uood dcmntid : No. 2 mixed , 2Sjc.
Kye IJuIi t ; N > . 2 , Me.
Harloy-Quiet ; i"ctra No. 3 full , C3c.
PorkKiuior at 12 75.
Lard Hood demand nt lower rates ; 7 CO.
Bulk Moats Hi > .i\y ; shouldorg , 5 ( .0 ; dior
rib , 0 25.
Whisky-Quiot at 1 11.
UAI.TIMOKK , NoM'iubor IS ) . Wheat West
rn steady and quiet ; No. 2 nlntor , rod spot
. /oru--Western ato.'wly and dull ; mixed
spot , l7iS ( > 48cyenr } ; , 4G < 47c.
Oati Dull ; eitern white , 3l@3ic ( ; mUo
Hyo Quiet t C2@0"c.
Kegs Kuler at 2."i@2iic. Steady at 1 18@1 IS" .
MIUVAUKKK , No\ ember lit. Wheat
Heady ; No. 2 MllwauUeo and November
lie ; Deccmbor 71J-o : January 72Jc.
Corn-Quiet ; No. 2 37@3'Jc.
Oats-Quiet and ate.idy ; No. 2 , 2S@2Hc ; No
2 white , 80.
Hya Inactive ; No. 2 BO ft.
Uarloy Lower ; No. 2 spring , 51c.
NKW OIILKANM , NoNombi-r 19. Corn-
Good demand ; In packs , white and white
mixed , 17)48o ; choice yellow 50c.
Oats Wcatoru ( pilot and steady ; primp , Sic ;
choice , 8Bc.
Corn Meal Dull ; 2 25.
Pork-Dull ; 13 75.
Lard Steady ; tierce , rofiuod , 7 07i ; keg ,
7 S7Z.
Whisky Steady at 1 05@1 23.
CHICARO , November 19. Drovers' Journal
cpnrts :
Hogs Ueceipts , 41,000 head ; opened 10 ®
oc lower , cloned firmer at a decline ; heavy ,
20 ® I 10 , mixed packing 100@115 ; light
bacon J 004 30.
Cnttlo Koociptc , CCOO head ; firm , a shade
itgher and in i oocl demand ; common to choice
hipping 1 005 75 ; mainly 4 75(35 ( 50 ; exerts -
orts , G 50 ; natlv o butchers 1 90 a 3 80 ; cows ,
U0@4 25 ; Montana , 5 00 ; Wyoming , 4 CO.
Sheep Receipts , 2.GOO ; quiet and un
hanged ; poor to choice 2 00@3 85 ; limbs 1 50.
KANSAS crrv.
KANSAS CITY , November 19. Cnttlo
! c eipts 2SOO ; natives steady ; exports
(0@i ( 33 ; commnii to choice shiplpng C 00@
90 ; cows 2 G0@3 25. ?
Hogs Receipts,6,000 ; weaker and IDc lower
14 00@4 50.
Sheep Receipts , 2,500 ; steady ; fair to
oed muttons , 3 00@3 DO.
ST. Louis , November 19. Cattle Receipts ,
.300 ; demand largely exceeded supply ; pnceb
: oady and firm ; exports G25@ti 50 ; common to
: ioico shipping 1 5U@G 10. [
SnKEr Receipts ( iOO ; dull ; common to
boice , 176@375.
lions-Receipts , 9,000 ; slow ; Yorkers , 390
@ 4 15 ; packing , 4 15 ® I 31 ; heavy , 125 ® 1 50.
AVholcsjklo I'rlues.
Wednesday evening , November 19. J
The following prices are charged retailois
> y jobbers , wholesalers and commission mer-
hants with the exception of grain , which is
uoted at tha prices furnished by the elevators
nd other local buyers :
Grain ,
Wheat-Cash No. 2 , 51 ? .
Barley-Cash No. 2 , 1318.
Kyo Cash No. 3 , 364-
Uom No. 2 , 275.
Oats-No. 2 , 2U4' .
Live Slock ,
Hogs-3 ( J0@4 00.
Calves-5 OOgli TO.
Steady : pieen butchers' ( i green Baited , 7j@
; diy Hint 12 ; dry salt 10@11 ; damaged .
lidos , two thirds price.
Sheep Pelts 25@1 00.
Light fine lli@15c.
Heavy line 12@1 If.
Medium 15@llicQ )
Utirry 2 to 5a oir.
Market dull.
Flour nnd aiillsliiflK.
Winter Wheat -lioat quality patent nt 2 81
G2 9J. i
Second quality -'J 20 ® 2 50.
Spring Wheuliest quality , patent , 2 80 ®
Second Qinlity 2 15@2 50.
lir.mGuc pur cwt ,
Chopped IVtd-Per 100 II. ) . , 0c.
Corn Moal-1 00@1 10 per cwt.
Scroeniuu ; C'5@7ooper ' ; cant.
Goncral 1 'rod i ice.
Apple * Receipts contmuo heavy , only
uiicu btuck sulabto at 2 tO' < $2 50. JSiilk ru-
; uiptij Helling at " 5f OOo per bmhol , according
o ( | uidity.
lleaim Very dull. Only clean stock sale-
bio. Nitveis ( clean ) per liushel , 1 25 1 50 ;
lediiun , 1 OOgl 25.
Comb Honey In good demand. Receipts
ory small and meet with ready sale at 18@
Oc in 1 and 2 Ib frames.
ISet'Hwax - In guod demand. Choice bright
cr Ib , , 2i@28c ( ; ( .omimn to gooil dark parlb , , '
fifcSiic. '
Uutter - Receipts for the last four days v
tavo been vny heavy and It Koums that the
Hitter market Is going to make a turn already.
'rices have weakunadconniderablo and buyers
re picking muro cloio Choice table butter ,
whuu cariimlly wrapped in muslin and neatly
acked. mecU with roiuly uale , while mixed
grades in largo packages are drugging. Cold
torugo creamery Is very slow sale , even if
lioice , and quotations on fresh creamery are
Imost noinliml , : i there Is hai Jly any elf ered.
vtoamery fresh , 2(5 ( ff27c ; creamery ice house ,
1 ( & 2 Ic ; inferior grades , fcd10cj thoico table ,
7@-3c ; fair to good , 12@15c.
Older -"Ohio" per bbl , , 700 ; "York
State" per bbl , H 00 ; pur 4 bbl. , 1 75 ; con-
onuml per gal H5c ; crab apple per gal 35c.
Chreso Full cream , wet ni , 12c ; Wiscon-
m new 124c ; young American , 12 a 13o.
1'ggs Aru now in liberal supply and prices 3
weaker ; sales were made to-day at J5@2ic ) ;
narkot rather unsettled.
Hay Haled 87,008.00 loose , $5,00 n
6.00.Mapla Sugar Pure , in bricks , per Ib. lOc , a
) hio , 13c ; smal cakes liijc.
POPCORN Choke dry In fair .demand , at
224o ( per Ib.
Poultry The very warm weather of late has
joon a itevtre chbck on tha poultry binlnens
and the outlook for Thanksgiving trade Is
very | xior , as orders fni'n fur distances ulll
irobably rrnuin unfilled , and having to rely
ip .n the hmr.o mirket allognthcr , prices mity
M duprosiid ; lecoipts aia light at present and
lumand good for nil kmd < ; dressed poultry
or thU market should bo dry picked , ontraifs
amoved and head and fttt cut elf , in order to
jrinf top market prlcuii , Ib should aUo bo
pmiurly cuo'od elf heforo packing ; chlckenu ,
illvo , JMT dozen , S52 60 ; chakens , d C-HHW ! ,
per Ib. , 8@10c. ; tuckeya , droned , jier Ib , 12 1/ )
iic ) ; ducks , alive , per dozen , $ .1.00 ; ducks ,
Irested , per Ib , , 12@13j ; ( { OCia , dredsod , per
Ib. , .
OamoQuiet and aliu "under the weather , '
a go d deal arriving In bad condition ; door ,
caroa" , per lb , 8fj)0cj ) de r anddles , per Ib , , IS
, . l > or Hi , 850cantc :
lopa ftddlco , lr lb . li'1'.1 ! ' ! ptnlrto clnrkonn.
l > cr .lotmi , ? 20Q73rO ; r\\v\l \ \ 81 < Ka ) 1 Wj
peetc , | * r ( lumi. $3.Ne lO : jack raM" ,
l > cr dozsn , SI t fi" > 0 : ip ll rhtibll * . prr
def n , 81 < M@1 lo ; nli . l > ef ' ' " ' " . Sl.Wiji
l.Sfi ! ( hck . mnllAiil , l.TOSl ; tml nnd
, . .
Potatoes Tlicro is still fomo dtffn.iiid for
choice flock which n now bringing better pri
ce * , var.ving from 3. ) to lOc ) > er bushel. Pricw
on inferior stock nro uncertain
Swi'et Potatoes Only choice
atlJ < B > 2cporlb.
OASSKII ( Jooiis
3 00 ; tra\\ berries 2 It. , per case , 2 20 ; ra-p
bon ii-s. 2 Hi , per case , 2 50 ; California l > oav < ,
per cti o , fi . ' 'O ; aprlcota per cnio , B ( X ) ; jieiuliBi
p"r cn p fl'.H ' ) ; white chprriea per case , G 76 :
plums pe.i CH O t 50 : whortlcbeirias , per cape ,
3 CO ; ppp iduni' , 2ti \ , per ca o , 2 1)0 ) : Rreen
gngot , 2 H , IM-T uv s , 2 DO } plno apples , 2 lb per
wo , ; l OMft M.
Koi'K Sisal 4 inch and forger , 9c , g Inch ,
) Jc it'ch , lOc.
CANHI KS HuxcB , 40 lb , 1C * , lc ; f , 13c ;
lw > es 40 lb , U ! o ? , Os , 1 Ic.
MATCIIKS Per cnddio , 3. " > c ; round , c'kup" ,
2 55 ; tiqnaro , caioi , 1 70 ; Oshkosh , casw 1 10 ;
Sl'OAiw Powdered , S c ; cut loaf , 8c ;
granulfttixl , ( i c ; confoctlDiirra' AGJo ; Stand
ard extra C , ho ; extra 0 , fijc ; medium yol-
ow 6c : ( fork yollovv. c.
COI.-KEKS Ordinary griulea , lM ! > 124c ; fair , 1 ,
< ai3Jc ; gixid , 13Jc ; prime , ll@ll > 4c ; diolcc.
lG@17cj fancy green and > cllow , KiJllG4c ! ( ; old
government .lava , 20ft > 20a ; Arhucklo's rev < t
( d , lOjfc , McLau hllu's XXXX ronstwl ,
15l'c ; million .lava , lGin)181c ( ) ; Clark's
Auiorn , l&j'c. '
Sv iiur Stamlard Com. 83a bbls ; Standard
do , 44 gallon Keffs , 1 85 ; S iudard do , 1 gallon
keg ? , 1 50.
SODA In lb papers , 3 20 IKT cane ; keg per
lb , 240.
PICKKW Medium in barrel * . G 00 ; do In
half barrel * . 3 50 ; small , In barrels , 7 00 ; do in
hnl f barrels , 500 ; gherkins In barrels , 3 Oil ;
do in half barreli , I 50.
TKAH Gunpowder , good , l.ljy'c : choice ,
GO@7Gc ; giKd Imperial , I0@l3c ; cl.olco. GOffS
G5c ; Young Hyson , gowl , Si@50c ( ; chotcit , G5
© 1 00 ; Japan , natural loaf , 75c ; .li\pan ihoicn ,
( iO@75c ; Oolong go < xl,35il4flc. Oolongchoifa
; Souehong , good , 3j@10c ; choice , 3. )
HICK Louisiana prlino to choice , Gi@7c' '
fair , lie ; Fatntu , GJc.
FISH No. 1 mnckero half brls. , 7 CO ;
Family 1 bbls I 25 ; No. 1 kits 1 05 ; fnm. kits
GO ; No. 1 white fish , half brls , G 50 ; No 1
kits , 95c. family i bbls , S 00 ; family klU and
palls , G i ; No. 1 , trout , i bbls , 5 25
WOODKNWAUKTwo hoop pails , 1 85 ; three
hoop pails , 2 10. Tubs , No. 1 , 9 00 ; pioneer
washboards , 1 85 ; Double Crown , 2 90 ; Well-
buckets , 3 85. C
SOAPS Kirk's Sivon Imperial , 3 15 ; Kirk'a
satinet , 3 GO ; Kirk's standard , " 3 75 ; ' Kirk's ,
White Russian B 20 ; Kirk's cutoca , 2 IB ; t
POTASH Pennsylvania cans , 4 casein case ,
3 35 ; Babbitt's ball , 2 dor. in case , 1 90 ; An
chor ball , 2 doz in case , 1 50.
CANDY Mixed , Ilal2c ; stick , lOallc ; twist
stick , 104c.
VINKOAH New York apple , IGc ; Ohio ap
ple , 13c.
SALT Dray loads , per bbl , 1 GO : Ashton , in
sacks , 3 50 ; bbls dairy , GO. 6s , S GO
STAUCH Poarl44c : Silver Glo 8c ; Corn
Starch , 8c ; Kxcelsior Gloss , 7c , Coin 74c ,
SPICKS Popper 17c ; spice , 14o ; oovoa 20o
nesta , 15c.
Dry Fruits No. 1 , quarter npp'es , bbls , BJo ; >
N C sliced , boxes , Gjc ( ; evaporated , boxoi , 9Jc ;
jlackborries , boxes , 104c ; jieachef.boxes ,
4c ; peaches , evaporated , lieraspberries ; , 32c.
Dry Goods
BUOWN SllKKTiNoa Atlantic A , 74c ; Allan-
lie P , Gc ; Atlantic LL , 64c ; Brunswick , 74c ;
Uoaver Dam LL. Gc ; Lawrence LL , 5Jc ; Pacl-
io II , 7ifo ; Royal Standard , 74c ; Indian Head
\ , 8c ; Wanchusott A , 7 c.
joroll R , 7c ; Salisbury R , Gjc. (
ULEACIIKD COTTONS Ballon 4-4 , G4n ; Bal >
Ion , 7 8 , 5 c ; Cumberland 1-1 , 8c ; Davoll DD , L
34o ; Fairmount , 44c ; Fndt of the Loom 4 , L
3c ; Glory of the West , 84c : Golden Gate , 8c ;
Hill 7-8 , 8c ; Hill 1-4 , 7ic ; l.onsdalo , 84c ; Now
York Mills , lllc : WambUtta , 104c.
DUCKS ( Colored ) Boston , 8 oz. , 114c ; Bos
ton , 10 oz. , 144c ; Boston , U oz. , lie ; Fall
River 84c.
DufKS ( Gray ) Wwt Point , 8 oz. , Ho ; West .
Point , 10 oz. , lie ; Point Bear , 8 oz. , lie.
DENISIS Amoskeag , 14c ; Beaver Creek
AA , 12c : Beaver Creek BB , lie : Beaver
Creek CO , lOc ; Haymakers , 8c : .Taffroy D &
T , 12Jc ; Jaffrev XXX , 12Jc ; Pearl River.
13c ; Warren AXA ( brown ) , lc ; Warren BB
brown ) , lie ; Warren CO ( brown ) , lOc. !
CAMUBICS Fifth avenue glove finish , Co
Keystone glove finish , B4c.
JKANS Amory , 74c ; Hancock , 8cj
ICfiarsayer. 81c ; Rockport ,7c.
PRINTS Aliens , fijc ; American fijc : Arn
ulds , Gc ; Oocheco , Gc ; Harmony , 44c ; Indigo , li
rtc ; Indigo 7-8,114 ; Indigo 4-4,124c ; Steel 5 i
llivor , 5ic ; Charter Oak , 44c.
PIUNTH SIIIIITINQH - American , Be ; Co-
ihcco , 5c , Gloucester 5c ; Southbridgo , 44c ;
Wavorlya , 4 c ; Rose < lale , IJc. .
GINOHAMS Amoskeag staples , 8j.c : Bates .
itaples , S c1 Lancaster staples , 8c : Pluukot
ibida , 9c ; Hudson chocks , n4o ; Amoskoag
L'erslans. 94o I
UoonsAtlautio Alracca ' , 94c ; Per
cashmere , 23Jc ; FT amfeton cashmere I
.0-c } ; Hamilton Fnncus , lljo ; llumloto 'jro-
laded , 15c ; Arlington brocade , 18o. !
JmH ,
Dnaaa ANI > I IIKMICALS Acid , Carbolio
5c ; acid , tartanr , GOc ; balsam cupabla , per lib
I5c ; bark , BasiufriM , per lb. 12oj calomel , per ,
b. 75c ; cinohonidia , poro/ . , ? 0 i5Uilorofonn ; ,
or lb. $1 05 ; Dovom powders , per lb , SI 25 ; ,
ipaom salts , per lb. 3Jc ; glycerine , pure , per
b. 25c ; load acetate , per lb , 22c ; oil castor ,
o , 1 per gal , , 1 CO ; oil castor , No. 3 , per gul ,
SI 10 ; oil , ollxo , per ( gal , $1 10 ; oil origanum ,
iOc ; opium , SI W ) ; quinine , P , & W ; and H. & I
, per o&t SI 05 ; potafl lum , Iodide , ] > er
i. , SI 50 ; aallcm , per or. , 40c ; snlphato
norphino , pel oz. , $3 50 ; sulphur per lb. , 4c ;
trjclmluo , per oz. , $1 35. :
I'nlntH OIlH mid VarnlHlion ,
OILS 110 carbon , per gallon , 12fc ; 150 °
loadlight , per gallon , 12Jc ; 175" headlight ,
wr gallon , llijc ; 150 water white. ISJc ; lin-
oed raw , per gallon , ' 18c ; linsoud belled , po r
ullon , 51o Lard , winter str'd , pur gallon , 70c ;
Jo. 1 , GOc ; No. 2. 50 ; castor XXX. per gal-
ra , 1 GOc. No. 3 , 1 40 ; sweet , l er gallon. 1 00
perm W. B. , pur gallon , ICO ; hah W. 15. ,
ior gallon , G5neatflfootoxtra ; , per gallon , 90c ;
Jo , 1 , 75c ; lubricating , zero , per gallon , 30o ;
ummer , 15c : golden machine , No. 1. per gaU
in , 35c ; No. 2 , 28c ; sporin , signal , purgation
Oc ; turpoutlno , per gallon , 4Hc ; naptha , 74 ° ,
or gallon , IGc.
PAINTH IN Oiir-Whlto lead , Omaha P. P.
Jo ; white load , Ht. Louis , pnru , fVc ; Marsoil *
H , green , 1 to 5 lb cans , 20c ; ] < ranch zinc ,
roon aoal , 12c ; French zinc , rod neal , lie ;
'rencli zinc , in varnUh asat , 20c ; l''ronch ' zinc ,
oil asst , 15c ; ruw and burnt umber , 1 lb
113 , IOc ; raw and burnt Hiomui , lOo ; vandyke
own , IScj relined lampblack , 12c ; coach
ack and ivory bl ck , IGc ; drop black , IGc ;
r us nl an blue , 40 : ; ultramailno blue , IHC ;
hromo gruon , L. AI. & D. , IGc ; blind and
liuttor green , L , M , & D , , lc ( ! ; PariH
PC ; Indian roil , IBc ; Venetian rod , Do ; Tun-
an rod , 2c ; American vormlllion , I , it P. , (
; yellow ochre , 9c : L. M. . O. & D. O. , 18o
rollow ocliro , Uc ; golden ocbre , IOc ; patent
Iryor , 8c ; Draining colora , light oak , darKoak ] ,
valinit , tboHtnut and unh , 15c.
Oak lole , 83o ® o ; nomlook tola28o@83c |
ifluilock kip. BOoi rnuuer 660 to 75o | liom-
oik calf , 85o to 1 00 ; hemlock upper , 22o
bo 2-ie oak npper , 21o ; ftlllzator , 4 00 to 6 60 ;
ll kid , 32@35 ; Orolaon Ud , 2 CO to 2 76 ; oak
Idp , 80o to 1 OOj oak calf , 1 20 to 1 80 | French
Up , 1 10 to 1 55 ; rencb calf , 1 26 to 2 00 ; rua-
ictH , DCOto 7 CO ; ln a , 600 tc 8 60 top.
piora 0 00 to 10 60 ; It L. Morocco , ! M > a to 35c.
bble O. D. Morocco SCct ilmon , 2 60 ( 3 00
HAntJKHS. No. 1 st r oak , IlBc ; No. 2 Sic ;
35c | No. 1 Ohio oak , < Cia ; IMo. V ao , Mlc ; No ,
Mllwaakeo 84oi No 2 do 83c ,
No. 1 1'ltte o k bar , FGo ) No , Hj Pltti o V
AiCOHOl 188 iiroot Aloohol , 2 20 pat trlua
citrH UalUorola eplrl'j , If 8 proof ,
1 18 per proof gallon } triple refined uplrlta
187 proof , 1 17 per proof e&llnu ; ra-dUtlllod
whtaklua 1 00@1 60 ; fins bianded , 1 602 W |
( llN Irapurtod , i 646 00) ) iloiuootlo , 1 10
© TOO.
HOJIB ImportaJ , 4 WC 56 W ; : i < w Un < l ail
100 ? ,1 ( / ) ; domwllo , 1 MOW f.O ,
Psicii AHII APPLS Uiunnr 1 76(31 00.
CIUMPAONEJ Inoporti'l per caifl
31 00 ; Auotlian , pat uvio , 12 00 < 16 00.
Toliacco ,
Ptoo ToDAOoo Cliuiax 45a ; Bullion 45c
4k ; Htar , 4Qc-t Uudy , 4Sc ;
ncy's , 40c ; Ulncic , Rs * < MOo ; Sw.-vrlii | > nd , 4(5c ( :
Our ItoiT ! . , 4Sc : rixrU | ( < IM , * k , Olo.
1'INE ClT-'Commnti 3V ; , MoilmmlCo Rxid
4 ; > tV ( , llnnl lolloatT'1 ' c ; fnv ' 'fltf , 0V ; iJla
ni'Midrrowii , fj.'c ; Swcrt SUl < s < n , Me-
SMOISIMI-U. B. , 'c ; Mcpnc. wm , ftK ;
Pnrham 10 d. , M ; Dnrlmm. S 07. ,
xjj Durham I o' , f > "ci Mu.'hiim t
( . , OOc ; Si'nl of IWlli C.trolini , I1 * < ' '
Hci 8 ftl of North Gurollnn. S .v. , Uc : Si il of
North Crtrolinia , 4 cw. _ tfj Ko l of North C ro-
linp 1 ! or. , 60o ; 0 K. Durlmm , I o28ej
O. 1C Diirhtm Jot.:30e : , Undo Ned , 1 >
2.r > e : Tom and Jerry , Vic.
. . .
nets Inmlwr , ihtti r\uj
.IIJ > at Mifl follo\1ns ; pt'
foiro ASU BuAHTtifa 18 wiA nadct
'JO ( V.
Tivnwa 18 foot ( .ml u.iju-,50 CC
TIMBSM .txu JOIHI CO It , 23 for 24 ft ,
25 00.
KixmNfl Ko , t , 4 ud 3 ( c. , SI 00 ; Ho. S ,
SiiErnita Vo. 3(2J ( coujnon binrd. ) , IOOej
No. 2 , 18 00.
STOCK OAH r A , 15 00 ; 11,40 OJ0 , > 00.
FtooutHa No. 1 40 00 ; No. 2 , ES W ; ItV.
, 2fl 00
HiniNa , clear 27 00) ) Xj. 2' ' 2i ! 00 ; tiefl
-J , 87 OOf J , 2S
, best 1 60 ; itaudnrd , 3 f > P ,
j 25 per M.
LIUB Per bsrrsl , 1 3Rbnlk | per buaM , 35c |
oomont , bbl , 2 25 ; Iowa pliwrtor , bbl , 2 oO | l\\'t '
tor bn. 60o ; Tfticod fait 10(1 ( , g -
bo rd 8 tO ,
lleftvy HnrdTfftro Ijnt. |
Iron , rate , 2 30 | plow twi epccint cant , ( io ;
cntciblc , 7c ; Bx | < clal or Gorman. 6c : cant too ;
do , 15V20 ; wagon spoke' , net , 2 'J.'iCt 00 ; hubi
per sot , I 25 ; felloes , sa\vr < l dry , 1 I0toniru ; < a ,
onch , 7 ( > a8Eej axles , each , 7r > e ; piuiaro iiiitn per
II ) , 7allc ; wivahcm , l > or Hi , R.vlSc : rivi'tn , porlb ,
lie : cod chain' per H' , iVvl'-'p. millonblo , So :
iron wedge' ' , Cc : crowbar , C > c' harrow tfcth ,
Ic ; Rprlng stool , 7aSc : IniHcn'a hornediooa ,
1 40 : Unrdi'ii'a imiloahoot ft 70.
UAUIIKD WIIIK In car lutx , I CO per 100 ,
NAILS-KaUw , 10 to GO , 2 30.
Slior-Shot , 1 85 : buck thot , 2 10 : oriental
liowder , kegs , 0 40 : do , half ki s , 3 18 : do ,
quarter kcga , 1 88 : blasting , kcgn , 8 33 : fnso ,
l > or 100 feet , 60c.
IJKAD Har 1 ( V > .
COAL CumlKjrland blncksmlth , 10 00 : Mor
ris run Hloasburg , 10 00 : Whltobroast lump ,
B 00 : Whltobroant nut , 5 00. Iowa lump , 5 00 :
lown nut , 5 CO : Hock Spring , 7 00 : Anthra
cite , 11 2dall CD : Canon City , 7 00 per ton.
Drr I'alnta
Whits lead , Rul French iliic. 10j | Paris '
irhlttug , 24o | whiting glldere , Ifci whiting
com'l lc ; Iamt > blaok , Oermantown , 14o ;
lampblack , ordinary , Oc ; 1'n' Ui bine , 66c ; I
imtramarino,18c | vandyk < ! , i t , 8c ; mnbor , ,
burnt , 4c ; nmbcr. raw , 4i > t ouna burat , 4oj .
slonnn , rk < r , 4o ; Paris grw.n , genuine , 25o ;
Parts green , common , 20achromo ; green N.V. ,
2Cc ; cnromo green , K. , 12ok vormillinn , Hug. ,
[ Qovormllllon \ , Ajnorlcnn. 18c ; Indian , rod ,
IOc ; rene pink , 14o | Venetian lud , Oookson'e ,
Jtfc ; Venetian rod , American , Ifc : rod load ,
rjo ; chroma yellow , gonuluo , 70o ; chroma yol-
w , K. , 12cochro rocholle. So ; ochro. French , '
2Vo ; ochre , Ainorlcnn , Vet Winter's mineral ,
24o ; lolilgh brown , ' / iO | BpiuUh brown , 2Jo ;
L'rlnco's mluorol , 3c ,
VABNIBIIM Barreli , pa * RMlon : Fnrnl
mro , extra , 91 10 ; fnmltnro , No. 1 , $1 ; coach ,
xtra , $1 40 ; coach , No. 1 , 81 20 ; Damar
utro , 31 75 ; Japan , 70cagi'h ; Uutn , oitra , 85c ;
iholloc. S3 EOl bard oil fmlah 81 60,1
FLOUH Colorado , 100 Ibs , 1 25@l 55 ; pat-
mt , 100 Ibs. , 2 72@3 CO ; Kansas , 100 Ibs , 1 ! 76
5)100 ) ; Minnesota , lOOIbn , 390 ; graham , 100
bs , 1 75 ; ryo. 100 Ibs. , 2 25 ; buck-wheat ,
LOO Ibs , 7 60@7 75.
GHAIN , KKHI > , ETO Wheat , 100 Ibs , 80fi990c ;
lorn , In sacks on track , 100 lb , 1 15@1 20 ;
ats , in sacks on track , 1 < X ) Iba , oa < ttern white ,
15O1 25 ; Colorado white , 1 10@1 20 ; mixed ,
20@1 2.1 ; barley 100 Ilw , 1 30@1 35 ; bran ,
an , on track , 12 51@13 DO ; choji , corn , 100
bs , on track , 1 2001 ! 5"chop ; , mixed , 100 Ibs ,
in track , 1 30@136 ; corn rnoal , 100 Ibs. 1 I'i
$1 G5.
HAT Baled , upland , ton , 13 0015 00) )
iplaud , loose , ton , 13 00@1G 00 ; Bocond bot-
.om , baled , 9 C,0@10 00 ; alfalfa , looo , ton ,
10 001100 ; clover , baled , ton , 1100 ; clover ,
ooqo , ton , 13 00@1D 00 ; atraw , baled , on track ,
on , 8 OU@9 00. V ,
BUTTKB Creamery , fancy , lb. 3ig38 ( ;
jroamory , fine , Ib.if.T ; creamery , fair , lb ,
f2g23 : dolrv. choice lb , 20@22 : d.iiry , good ,
1 )8@20 ; dairy , lair , lb , 15@1G ; cookinif , lb ,
Uoaa State , eandlod nnd warrauteJ , da/ ,
0@IU ; ranch , doz , 2.3I. (
OHEE3K Full cream , l6@lGa : half c'onm ,
b , 10llc ; skim , lb , 9@13c ; Swiis , domoatlc ,
b , 22@23c ; Swiss , Imported , 31@32o ; i.lm-
rar er , ll@lSc.
PODLTBV Llvo old chlckona tloz , 5 00 ;
ivo sprlnRB , doz , S Q > ' $ I Ol ) ; livu ducks , do7 ,
00@5 2fi ; live turkeyn , Ib. , l.r17c. :
PoTAT ) Z3-CoIor ao , 100 Ibs , 1003)110 ) ; '
wcot , forlb , , 33ic. !
VEOKTADLKS Unlnns , yellow , IQOlbn ,
25@1 DO ; cabbofio , 100 Ibs. 90@110s boots ,
10'lbn , 1 00 ; tnrnliw. 100 Iba , 100@1 25 ;
iarrotn , 100 lbs.1 2 f.@l 60.
I'nniTS LomonR , per casa , Monalna , 7 50@
60 : oranges , llodi , cam ) , 8 OOS8 60 ; oranpoH ,
joniniuna , 101) ) Ibi. 3 2 > npploi , fancy bbl ,
76 ® 50 ; npplon , modmm , bbl , 3 25@3 SO ;
iniiles , llullellowur , boxl 6U@2 26 ; pears , box ,
26@H f)0 ; Oaliform.t grapes , box , Molvolno ,
'oru , Muacat , 176(2200 ( ; craiibomo , bbl , B
Ic B , 1550.1J & C , 13 50@14 00.
CuKKi ) MKVIH Ilruin. sugar cured , lb , II ;
inmn , Hwcct plckli'il , Ib , 13J ; baoon break-
v.t. lb , 1JJ ; dry P.ilt aldoa , lb , llf ; dried
joef , lb , 10 ; lord in paila , lO lOJ ; l.irtl in
lorcoB , 9i(8 ( ! .
I IUCHH fllKVTH DroRHod bcof Oolor.ulo , per
h , bGc ; cfoico vnil , lb , 11(5113 ( ; lingB. Hi ,
ii@7 ; mutton , Ib , 6w : lamb. Ib , 10@124.
Jjiv STOCK Colurad > htcoiH , p3r IOO Ibi ,
40@3 75 ; COWH , 1W II ) . 3 OOCq3 ! 50 : choice
oal calves , lb , I4 ( < j7c ; ahoop , 2 00 2 60.
Hides. Dry J''lint ' No , 1 , porlb , ll@12c ;
o. ! i , lb , fl10 ; green nlo rH nnd branded
alf , Ib , 4(015 ( ; green citlf. Ib , HfojlO , green kip
b , ( J7 ; ahoop sklni , dry , 8@10 ; door Hkins , '
iiminer , lb , Ifi20 ; doer nlciiiH , winter , lb , Ifi .
5)10 ) ; antelope skini' lb , 12@lo ; tallow , lb ,
WOOL Coloruilu No. 1 , per II ) , U10 ;
nick , lb , 8 ; Mexican , 8 ,
KIHII Mnckorol , No.l , 120 , kit , mine ,
762 26 : Oallforula aalmon , half bbl , 10 50 ;
lolland herring , kw , 1 TO l CO ; trout , per
Tbauie ol Ibeleim " Bhtr
Line" In connection with U k '
cur ; > orate name of a qiaatroad
conveys an Idea ol j jst what
requited by the traveling put-
lio-a Short J.\n \ O'lt k Tin I t
an ) the beet ; oJ < '
tlons all of wlilUi a > g laio- 1'
hod by tbu ruutoit inlln r lu Arael = .
And St. Paul.
It oDI uid opiirttefl over I , COO mllofl ol
ortliorn IlllnoUVlaroneln , Miunojoti , Io\rt
likott ; mil M ta mtlu Unco , lirancliun mil conuee
long fetch nil tha uriutt biulauM control ] ol UK
orthwost anil K r Wont , U naturklly inawori ll.i
ascription of Bliort J.l'i" . > nil Ilout Ilouta Iwkwcen
Olilc&KO , Mll ul < eo , HI. l' ul nil HlnnoajiolN.
ChlcaKOlIllwaul < uo , IA Cron a anil Wlnoim
Chloago , Milwaukee , Aberdeen anil KllomUlu
O , Milwaukee , Kau Claire and HtlllwaUl *
o , Milwaukee , Waunau and llcrrlll.
O , Milwaukee , Heaver Dam arid Ouhkoih.
Chicago , Milwaukee , Wankusha and Oconomnwoo.
OhlcaK' > > Milwaukee , MadUon and 1'ralilodii Uhltn
Chicago , Milwaukee , Owatonnaand FalrlUult ,
Chicago , Ilololt Jane vlloand | Mluorall'olDt.
O , KU-ln , llocklord anil Uuburgue.
O , Clinton , Hock Island aud Uadar Iliplitl.
O , Council Illuff * and Oinaha.
O , ffloux City , Hlnui Kallaand Yankton
Chicago , Milwaukee , Mitchell andChainkerKJa
Hook Island , Dutmqtiu , Ht. I'auland Mlnnonollt.
Uavenpoit "almar , Ht Paul and Minneapolis.
I'lillinan bhtiiwraand ( lie Klnwt DliiliiK Car * lo
Iho vtr ilil are run on the m&ln linen of UiuCIIIUAOO ,
uttcntlon U paid to pu DKeri by rourtuouti einil | < > ) e'
9f the Company.
MK1U1ILI , , Qea'l ManikKer ,
A. V II. ( JAHI'JINTKl ! , QeD' ViH , Atft
T CI.ARK , Ueo'l Uupt.
UKO.IIKK rOUD , Au't. nn/l. I'a A < l
AI.IST , 303 ruitli Uft , Lc'.A' ii , 1 anil Ilai
iit-y. will witu ( ho u''j of iinnl ! n rlilti , uttilnin <
lor 111.0110 iduice n. thu iiMt anJ prusout , ami on
otrUlu conditions tr. tSO rutuie Uwtn anJ liu i
made orJtr , ftiiecl nMtlon \ \ \ EU > raut i l
Time Table
it , itr. : > civt. M.
T itt < intl n f OK trwclllniT pi ' 1 rt ! | , I to
tlieUitthit Hi ii ilu- , ' ili ci ii | lit i in u < wlni i
i Hire1 llmo IV K < | .uMi lnv' l tlic ii\ ,
All trnltw Mrlin nt ami il H rt from Onnli\
( Ylilrnl Stvi.HH Time.
iMlnmr thor St. r. M 40 attire ftt oiiil l
| * * rt limn tlulr iIoHt | , cotncr if tith ami Wr'mtir
lrwt , iMlnt cii the H AM , O. II , V , HIM ! K , C
Sv J A C. It. from the 1) ) . t M , depot , nil others from
htjrnlnl'K < fcilri | (
1 , IMltt , li , fM | ' ( biUllnh ) , o , to < | > t .1 lni ) ) , I
( . J. M Union Pnclflc > I r M.
SSM Ofsttoiiil VM" ' " < , . - -01 ,
iuV " In r-Mm-K
O. A Hop. Vnlk
126 n . Mull nmi jurist *
Q. A. M. In flsb. -1- I
T 45 : . . Still Mill K\r"e H 7 OC
I ) IU 10 00
10 3V in
835 Vlnlit l\vrt : . 6 ! 0
C. B. St. J..S.K.C.
7 4M \ .1 I'I Alt " 111 .lit 7 30 >
( I .VIA Council llhilN 7 MM 7 BA
Wabush Route-
4 Llui i : i\iir | < . . 1 !
1 00 . St I.nin K | > toM . ' { Kit
iovs'jwvii > .
C. M &St Paul
S Ho 7 S5c
4 S5b . . Mill t KMirim
3. RI Pacific
S Uo
4 2M ) .Nliilit K\irt"4 | ovi
. AccommiHUtlnii
C , & , N-W.
Ill ) K\pn < ] . . . .
4 SMi
B .t O.
a 45n 4 MVi KoUi riX Um'th
U Ibn 4 6n or ChlcoKO x U 0. Illufffi 0 4tm
c st. P. r.'i & . o.
Slnui Ultj lUi'rt * ' . iOo
60V HMaml VivoimnixUtlnii IU .
own Dlv. S C &P.
0 < 10a bt I'n'tl 1)\\ r is !
0 f.'n . M. 1'nul NlRlt
The 9 n in ami ft p m iliiMuuj trnlnj nl < . ) nnuo r.t
it ( lie transfer In IInui to nnko uautota ounuoctlong ,
) Ut not to chock hai ; ita
Dummy TrnlnstiwoOmni
CO , IU IX ) , 11 15 in , 1 01) , IX ) , 3 ( HI , 4 ( XI , 6 VU , 9 CO.
OStipin Oil Sum ! * ) H tliu 8W jiul 1000 n in RIH (
00nml400 p in tmltmlu noi tun Attho nt , tiium-
or ilvpot 13 iiilnuti-9 Inter : llroaJway depot L'i ) niln
itoa Inter ,
LC.IMI C'oundl lUulTn ( llronilwky ilc | < ot ) nt 7 20 , B80
80 , 10 30 , 11 40 n m ; t 39 , 2 30 , 3 30. 4 30 , C > 30 , 0 36
n > ) 11 05 | ) m. On himJn > B tlio H 30 aiul 10 30 n in
.nJ 3 SO niiil D 80 p m tralni will not tun. Arthu nl
Criuitfor 7 minute * Intrr , Uninha SO minutes Intur.
TrnnsforTrnlns-i * ! > o om h nt a 15,953
005 ft m , 42ft , 0 10 ami 066 ti in , daily.
ArrhoatB45niul 11 15ft m , 12 26 , 7 35 uuJ 815(1
'o anil from ChlotfO \ U tlio Trlpartlto AllliMioo Linos.
Mil IM. | N-W I N W | 11-1 | Mil
JjSiimUy fxcnliiRan.l Monilay morning ; aln arrltu
11 oorrenpoutlliiic onlcr. U. 11. & ( j. trains run a\Kij
in WAV or
lilt VIA
'umirctlniC In I'nlon Dnpots nl KIIII-H ( lly
Dunv ui \ \ itli tlnoiigli tiiilns lot
Ami nil points In tin- diuatVe.t
( miLCtlng In drmil ttnlon liniiitiil | dili-n o
Vltll tlllOIIKll tIKlllH ( III
JN'/J W YO li K , JIO , S 2"OV ,
And nil I'I'/I-HIM ( Itlct
At I'l-oil'i uilh IliuMMralns Inr iiiill.iini ; )
ill" , Clnrliiniitl , ( . 'oluii . ' . ij , and nil poliitH In
III MMItll IIl9t At SI" "Ollll Wltll tllllllll | )
uilns lor all points SIM H
UiKiiit D.iy Coii'lii'H , I'luloi 'arHltli Hn
Iliilnr''li.ilMHi-ils ( lire ) , siniikliiKCiiis with
livuhini ; Chillis , I'ulliii in riilacu Sln > | ilii ) >
n i mill llio IIIIIIOIH ' ; . II ,1 ( j. Dining ( ; u-
iinilailv tniinil finin ( ( " | ; anil KaiiHiisI ll\ ,
liUnuoaiiil C.iuni'il lllnlN Chlc'igo nnil Dit
iliilllis , Clilc l"i , , " -I Just'pll , Ad llhon nnil
iiprliiiIIhiiul ( h.dign. ( Inly IhioiiKli HIM
iiiini IK Ihri. < iun IlillMH In I\\irn t'llUnio
mi oil ) mill Driun , utul ( 'hlni | ; < i , h MI-I ;
Mv unil Doiuri 'I'liioiiuli can lii'tuicii
ii'Ilaiiapnllsuiiil C'liiiiirll lllullHla IVoiln
sullil Tinlns ot iir : : uit Day Coiiclim mill
nan l'iil.iiiiSliM'iii ] | | { ( m H inn i mi tin Iv In
ii'l limn st Louis , \ln llunnllml , ( jiiliii \
. 'iikiik , Hull I union , Crilnr ItiiiiiiMiiiiil Allii'il
iiLtuSt. I'unl nnil Mlniiuipiills , IMiloi an
ilth Iti I'llnlnt ; Chulirt In mill liom K | Imil
nil 1'i'oiia. Only ( HID cliiuiKO nfdiiH ) ' ( on
t loiilHiiml Pen MoluiH , Inuii , LliiLOln , .Sc
IIIIH | > II , unil Denvi-r , ( 'oloniilo
U iHiilMi the only Tliiongli l.lni ! bf IHCI n
Ills known ns Dm urciit TllltOIH.II t'Alt
INK ol AimiiLii , unil Id imtu-isUly uilinit
il In bit the
'incst Equippoi Railroad In the World fa
all classes of Travel.
Thmuch TIclictH \ in UiH linn for tut' ntm
II ( oiinoii UcKetDllkub..i Uiu Unlh.'lstatic '
iiil ( iiniiil.i.
' . J. I'OTTEK. I'KlirKV AMOU'I.M ,
Vla-l'iti AU9n.Mti.tfrr ( Iru Vut A l.Ciu-i *
. . . . .
r.ictico Jjiinitud to Diseiiwea ol' the
Eye ami Ear.
OIJ Slioot , -OMAFU
V'lliiiiilrr ( In DLOOD.'rotrti
I .u tli , . LIVCI7 inn ! KIDNCVB.
u i < l ] ' -I > lll. Ill' : JIHA-l.TJl
i.i.a viaoit i > f youaiL i > >
ii in iuv mi < > i AM "to , jii'
, r j. u , i , ' L' n tJ ' ' ! < "Kill ,
i Hi < ' n ah .luti'ly
in i u n I\M u > lurcu
Li HVI UK I ) , i uil nl unil
U-lre. < wll
il > > > ii miu. 1.111 1 1
lil .i iou" , : . , ? . " , ' i . , " / Vs
ft 11 U Is M < .for ou , imi A
in iii" ' ' iMitnl luloiumwou frfi/
Growers of Live Stock and Others.
lOUtl Ua
It is Mio buu { and chonpost food for atock of any Virul. Ono pound ia cnUnl to
Ihrooimn ds of mi. Slock fed with Oromid Oil ( Take In thn Full nml Winter
irotoad of running down , Mill incroaao in wc htMid be In 15001 ! mnrhoiablo condl
li in the jpritiu ; Diiirytnon , na well w othom , .vho UBO it , cr a testify to itn mor
Its. Try II .uid jud/fo for yonnolvoi. 1'rirn 52T > IX ) nor ton. NV > chnrjfo for uncka
Ad.iroH , \VO ) , M VN LINBEKD- OIL CO'.VTPANY , Omaha , Web.
[ all's 'Bafe and Lock Gosap'y
Ln ogff" ni
UbRo. tsb.
LI. B. LOCKWOOD , ( formerly of Lockwo < xl & Draper , Chlmo ! , Muu gor of'
Tea , Oigur nnd Tobncco Dopnrtincntn. A full line of nil grades of j >
the nboxo ; nAno Pipes nnd Smoliora' carried in atocl : . Prices
and BamiiloB furnlohod on application. Open ordorn
hit run ted to us ahall receive our uaruful
iittuiition. Satisfaction Oiiarnntucd.
r *
' Milwaukee , Wis. ,
GTTMBEE & GO , , Sole Bottlers ,
1301 AND i0i : ! ; FAHNAM STIUSET , COll. 13TI1 ,
A. L. STKANG & CO. ,
Double and Single Acting Power ana /Janf
IJi < ! nu TrlmmlngH , Mining Alaohtnuty , Urltinj ; , Hcti > , lirecR und Iron lMttriB. (
at wholesale nnd rolidl. II .4 LI A DAY V.1M3SU1LF. . '
Corner ? 0ih Farnsjn St. , Omaha Neb ,
18 FA HI. AM STUEKT , . . . . . OMAUA , NEB.
| f < * * * '
. L.
Importi r , Juliliur unit lf"iiufactnrcr'B A int of
lUih Struui , Hut. Karnuui mul I
> Irli I.nlnn
I ! ) Camlle I'owcr
lot ,
tl/r.llHOfJ 1'IANO OO O rJ Ttmi luitruinmM. Ortu4H cire and Vbritfbt , M totll )
itlruuwnU and nnrlf aUw Hot l aatf ( A t < and ftuUh. Mv * u U > ounKiatuJttU you ou jom i
UiJofAVK t \ i j b > ll
ute r.
n . : ' ,
tt suwi tsti e ut