/ - - _ C- _ FOuilKENTH YEAK. OMAHA , WKtf. , MONDAY OHNIN < 7 , NOVEMBER 17 , WM * . Blaiae's ' Remw of tbB Plain and Outlines of the Cause of Defeat , 11 His Protestations of Disinterested ! Party Fealty , ' 'His ' Deepest Eogrot for Repub lican Disaster , " Damaging Mugwump Vote and Prohibition Detractions , He Congratulates Himself Upon Irisli-Amorioau Support And Discredits the Allogec } , . Ger man Dafaotion. How a Tree Trade Policy Will Kill Democracy , Burohard's ' Suicidal "Rum , Ro manism and Rebellion , " Tke Fatal Bad Weather All Through Now York , ItKvinerl June 17 , 1315 : It Rained Nov. 4 , 1884 , The Vsinciuirrtic'cl Ijcnilct'rt ISodily lloallh nnd. CliccrJ'ul Sllon Pros pective Plans for the Future. INTKUY1EAV. Special Telegram lo the BKE. 1'oiuoN , Mlnss. , November 10. The Jour nal's special correspondent at Augusta , Maine , had : t long conversation with lion. James C. Blaine on Saturday afternoon , which will be published in to-morrow morning's ifsno of that paper. The defeated candidate , who by the way , appeared in the beet of health , said that whatever might bo the final result of the count in New York , ho had had from the first no ether desire than that a fair count should ba made. So far as ho was personally con cerned , ho would ba tontuit with either vie * toiy or defeat. Success vvouid not date him and dtff nt would not dtpress him. Ho was tigjgidinn congeLial and profitable work -whim had been mtoriupted by the campaign and the deep regret that ho would feel at a democratic triumph would bo altogether for his party and for his country , not tat himself. "I livoJ too near the preudon'uy in 1SSI , " Mr. Hlaine .uldud after n long pau o "and hav3 too keen n Fcnso of U burdens , its embarrassments and tin perils to bo unduly anxious for the olhcp. " Whqn asked how ho accounted for the closeness of the result in Nuvv York , Mr , lilaino said : "Well , consideriug the lum by THK HOLT of tha independent republicans nnd tlio far largei los.s from the action of the republican prohibitionists , the wonder is at first sight that the deir.ociats did not carry the state by a larga majority , ns _ they confidently expecte I thev would. This lesult was prevented by the great accession to to the republican ranks of Irich nud Irieh-American , voters and work- ingina'iuen of all elates , who sustained ma be cause of my advocacy of a protective tariff. They believe , nnd believe wisely , that free trrdn would reduce their wages. " "You r-'iilly think then that you got a con- Mdeiablo Irish vote in New York ? " "Oh , I had thousinjs uuon thousanila , " 10- plied Mr , IMaine , "and should have IrvJ many more but for the inUlerant and iMrnorKu UKMAIIK ot DR. IILCHMID , which vv as quoted everywhere to my preju dicp , nnd in many places attributed to my- .vjlf , though it was in thu h'ghost decree dis- ta > toful und olfonfivo to me , bub a lie you kuotravojs very fasS , and tharo was no tuna befoiu the election to overtiko and cor rect that ono , and fo I eufferuil for it. .Mr. Itlainu was than asded if bethought 11IK Iltlbll-AMIilllUAN VOTK was nrpiini7ed at all or liad competent lead- oi"Yes , " mid 1 c , ' 'I was deeply im- priaM ( i by the nbilv , tlm eimesc and sincerity of tlu-io vvlioiu I iii'it. There , for iustince , Is 1'atri k 1'ord , of the IriehVurhl , ho is n nun of th ) nio-t niuol h devotion of tha causa he cspo'i t's. 1'osjfisBinp it gr at fanlty for or- gam/.ition , with m-xiky 1 abilUy and untiring I'lietgy , and ( Jeneral Korwin has in a 1 irge degieit the same cturnsterislics , : rid la n farsighted - sighted nnd able man with a fmu roconl Union soldier , and Alexandui Sullivan und John Finerty were v-ry powerful on the stump nnd did royal service , ISot'i nro iiaturnl oratnra of tlio fi rvid Irish typo. Sullivan' * tarllf speech in Toledo contributed very largely to the defeat of Frank liurd , Theau iiiuu with oUoHwhoin I did not per sonally moot have niido a break in the Irish democratic vote , ono that I btliovo will widen and increase in the future as tbe full signifi cance of the democictic party on THK TAIIIKF ( JLH1TION becomt'H understood nnd appreciited. Our Irish und IrMi American cili/.ens will In time get tired of v itmgin nccurdancini with the wlshdii of thn IJugliah tree tradun " IsnidtoMr. lihlne thut thu Jrlsti in BOH- ton thought ho nudm stood thn character of their people borter than any other lepubllc n 1 eadprMr. . lihurit ) replied ttiat it would ba egotistic for him d axsainu that , but said thorn was perhaps u strong leani-ig 01 the Irish cle ment toward him l > c.ui)0 of thu fact that nn hid motiior'u side ha was of Irish dufcont. In 1'oLinylvania , his ratlvo etato , ho h&d rn- ccivod an cnonnoiu vote , somn counties luth erto strongly democratic having beeu com pletely ravBrned in their popular majorities by the change of the Irish In his favor Thin , . bouover , was of co.ireo duo in part to { the fact i thit he stood BO distinctively ss the ropro1 1 uentrvtlve of protutliou to American Indus ' lrl K , .in iiloiv which prevails with moro force in 1'onnsylvftnia thnu in nny other stnto , "But,1' sold I "did you not lo o corrofpond- ingly m THK OKHMAS X.OTF ? " "Not ni nil" replied Mr. Ulalno , "All through the wr t tbo ( tnrnniis supported mo nobly. How else could 1 have cartlod Chicago cage by nine tluiwmJ , Cmcinmvti by five thouaand , Cleveland by fivj thousand , Ohio , Wliconsin , Illinois und In va Ii vo the largest Gorman population in the west and I carried them by splendid mniorltie * . Sm-h able and Influential Orttmn ulltora ns Markbrelt in Cmrintinii , Kiuiffm.in in Cleveland , 1'roolor- iuui in St , J < < uis nnd m my ethers brought great strength to the rep ihlicsn c me. _ Thnro was nn ImmonFo clfort made to prejudice ) the ( ieruinns against mo but it failed. They nio a wonderfully cool bended people , lulloxibly honed In tlioli conelusiona nnd just to their judgments nnd I hnva abundant reasons to thank them for the generous support , l _ shall not soon forget it. At dlfletont points in the west 1 found Herman nnd Irish club ] cordially wailing in publh demonstration ! ! . The corrt iondcnt then brought the con versation bick to Now York , asking Mr. Illainu If he thought wcro honest in the support of St. John , " 1 liava never dur.ng the campainu , " te- plied Air , Blulno , "rollecto l on the motives of nny mn'i , nnd 1 shall not do so , 1 content my self with snj im ? tint I think the prohibition ists wera nl ! slodand that they did not cor rectly mea uro the pofsiblo results of this course. I received from many of them the nssurnnco that mycaudldacy mailo their action dlllicult because they really wanted to vote for mo , but they seemed to bo under the stranjo dohiMon tint the temper.iuco ciuso could best ba | romoted by supporting their own presidential ticket nnd by their course they inlluoncod prejudicially the national issues , which were really at stake. " THKl'VTAI , IIAINV IU\ . "Veu attribute the close vote in Now York , tl on , solely to the action of the independents nnd prohibitionists ? ' "No , not solely , " replied Mr. Blnino. "Ac cording to numerous kttora I have received from central nnd weatTn New York , it vvouid eoom that the rainy day lo saucd tha le publican voto. The democratic majorities hem m the cities , where , by u tow minutes' walk on n good mvcment , n man reacluu his polling place. The n publican majorities He in tlio country , where larco numbers live throe , four and even fivs miles from the polling place , which on election day had to bo reachml ovnr muddy roads , and in n rain 6torm. _ .Had the day been fair , the republican majorities in tbe rural counties would have boon increased. Ono good judge writes me , probably by ten thou- ennd , but all agree by from three to five thou sand , THK ACTUAL DlM-KllKXOP of the putiea in the finnl count will not exceed u thousand. About the one- twelfth of one per cent of the total \ oto , or ono voter in every twelve hundred for the outlro state. So if the democrats have really cariiod New York by this small margin ns _ the latest news indicates , you can BSO how easily n fair day might h we reversed the result. But great political battles , like military battles. me often lost or won by an apparently triv lal incident or accident which no human fore thought can guard atrainst. " A HIIK.ND'H OI-IMON AN INTKIIKVTISO RKMI.N- 1S3K.NSE. Special Telegram to THK DFK. NEW YORK , November 1C. "Ifovv does Blaine take things ? " queried a correspondent of n prominent member of the National i publican committee. "Like a duck t'vkes to water , " was the r ply. "His courage is insurmountable. Ho looks things right airtight in the foco anil never flinches. I know nil about lilaino. I served in cotiKrosa with him und Raw him go through tlio investigation of 1170 , which was the greatest event in Uhiino'rf entire career. I Fat in my seat in the lions' ) when ha raised his hands nlme his head .nil said : "I appeal to OJ.OOO.COI of my countiymon , " and I tell you I thought hm hugors vvouid teach the dome of the cipitol , Juilgo Thurnnn told mo afterwards that it was the greatest event ho ever s&w In the house of congress , and a democrat who cat near lilaino when be stop ped down the nislo told me lately that if Blaine had advanced another foot ho bplieved he vvouid have sunk under his desk No one in the sound of bis voice dnred question his integrity or doubt his innocence. ANOTHKIl BTATHMICNT. "I do not think , " said nn Augusta friend of Mr. Blaine "that ho will take it so much to heart ns many think ho will , because ho ia a trained politician , r ndy to nccept the fortun es of war. You will find he will yield grace fully , ns the lander of a great pirtv fhould. " "Io ) I think ho will retire from politics ? " ' No , I don't believe ho will. His Hplemlid lend iship in the Into canvaes has given him n strong hold on the affections of his party , nnd they will not permit him to be relegated to piivate life. BOSTON , November 13. A special lo the Herald from Augusta says : "Blaine regards the ofhci.il count m New York as practically Bttthng thu presidential question , lilaino , it is fctuted on nutorlty , received a mcssapo this afternoon from Now York announcing the completion of the official canvass in tint city , and informing him the plurality of Cleveland in tint , 'itato would be 1,137. The name au thority status Blaine accepts thu result vtry cheerfully and has no r gd'U grovvlrv o.it i f his connection with the campaign. Ho feels he has made- good light , and gracefully bows to tliH veidict of the American people. Ho behoved thu republic in party will provn triiu to Itu grand pa t and will increase in strength with th'i coming jiurs. Jlo expects that in Ih H it will aguln be oillol back into power , Blame leaves foi Wellington thu middle of next week , where ho und family will upend the winter. Ho hus leaded the Sargent house in Karr.ignt rquare , and will shortly resume Ins work on thu second voluiii' ' ) of "Twenty Years in Congress. The volume will ba ready by Juno next for pnblicavion. XANCY CM-INKS I I'ON THK I'OI.ICI Oh TUB JJKtt IlKOIME. WAHHlNfiT N , Nov. 15 , The Star sajs : The following reply to an inquiry sent to C corf o William Curtis by a government em ploye hero has been received : WIHT Nhvv HiuaiiTOV , N. Y. , Nov. II. Dear Sir : 1 hav lecoivul your letter of thn I'Jth nnd there is no doubt but Cleveland will encounter u tremendous demand for a clean sweep , but I think vvhi'e changes will ho and ought to I o made for perfectly legitimate reasons , ho will roepoct the letter and nplritof the reform law , and that non-political offi cers , who have bion honest and effective In the disihargo of dutyf nnd who'havu not mis- mud their positions for party 01 pohtioal mnU. will not bo arbitrarily dismissed for political reasons. Of conr/to , I have no authority to speak for Mr. Cleveland. My faith is found- ed upon the solo kuowlodgo of his character and convictions , 'Uruly yours , GKOWJK WII.UAM CUIITIH , THE HEW REGIME , Civil Service Commissioners Eaton and Tliomaii Predict , Cleveland Will Observe a Con servative Policy , And'Maintain the Present Civil Service Law' , No Andy Jaoksonian Spoil t3iu Anticipated , Some Vry Gracious Compliments to Grover , Ills Sli'rllnii Iiiti'jjrity nwt ICvi-cit- li\i > Ooniiis Citations to Ills l'a .t Career. KATON'S ( OPINION. WASHIMITOX , Nov. 11 ! . The vluvva of lion , Dorman B. Baton , president of the c\ll ! torv- icocommi'isiun , in regard to the probable of- tocr of Cleveland and Hondricks' election upon the imlntotiince of thu civil service law , lias been obtained by n representative of the Associated 1'ross , nnd nro given in the following - ing report of the interflow ! "You nro from Now York , Mi. Commis sioner , nnd know about whnt Governor Cleveland - land has done there for civil neruco reform , please pivo the Associated picas the facts nnd your ylow ns to what ho is likely to do relative - tivo to removals nnd the civil service not nnd ruloa. These are \ory delicate questions for one in my position to answer. 1 lia\o tnkcn to part whatever in the Into campaign. 1 hive not thu least right to assume to speak fur Governor Clovolnnd or his party. Having tcted with the republican party from it * origin I can Inudly speak without some partybias. Never theless , I will frankly tell you what 1 think. We shall have nil admi istration absolutely democratic in policy , but whether with u member representing tl.oso without whoso vote the democratic party would hav o failed , I will not guess , but the civil aoruco net will not be repealed either at the coming session or during this generation , Governor Cleveland and the statesmen of his party would oppose any attempt to repeal it. The republicans as a body would resist and the senate would defeat such nu attempt. The rules will not be abolished , they will be enforced under the now president but not , I fear , with such enlarging breadth of application nnd such moral sup port from the party in power ns would have been the case , certainly , had 1'residont Ar thur boon re-elected nnd probably had Air. Blaine biiccaeded , The disintoranodnois and patriotism ol the country nro nut very un equally divided between the great pirtipa , but in my opinion my party 1ms micli tha larger put of the intelligent conviction winch has thus f.ir supported civil Rorvico reform. Great numbers cf persons in the democratic ranks are R > prejudiced and uniformed on tha sub ject that th-y will clamor fur removals for the siiUo of patrontge. They do not comprehend that a party which could elect its candidate only by the ail of the lepubhcan friends of re form IMS no chance it itulicnntes those fiiend- in the future when they nra sure to bo far more numerous and powerful than now. They still bnhovo in the old proHciiptivo spoils sys tem , lint comprehending Unit it H doomed , nnd caring more , as do nuny republican ? , also for n four years Saturnalia of spoils than for allthofiitiireboyondth.it. A great struggle over the reform issue in the ( lemccr.itic lanks 13 therefoie certain. The statesmen of the party , Biynrd , Pondlcton , Latnar , Gnrland , Carlisle , Knndall , Cox , Morrison , Tucker , Hewitt , Willis and others , each of whom has already gpjkcn and voted for the civil service act will stand by the new president in its support : liut in my worthy democrats and all demagogues , spoilsmen , nnd the rabble of the party will be against it. The republicans will stand together lor the act tiud rules , unxiously waiting lor the demncratu to ruin themselves by their abrogation. Thu president will lead thu loform element of his party , and his clear convictions , his high BOIISU ot duty , hi * cirri- ago , h B strength of chirocter , will so.uru vic tory. There i i no public man in thin country who lias n higher senuo of moral obligation in olliual life , or who is more certain to with stand mere partisan nnd Holfivh appeals , than Governor Cleveland. This is thu grunt ele ment of h H powei and hid popularity too , as thu peop'o ' tow feel , and leat my motives bo misnndorstoud let mo add that ho has never done mo n favor nnd that I vvouid luilliur i > sk nor nccept one nt his hands. Many olhcern outside of the rules , mid Homo within , will doubtless tie removed for no verv good reasons , but so far ns possible Governor Cleveland will prevent mere political pro scription. He cannot nttonil to everything. ' Much will depend on the members of his min uet and especially on the .postmaster general , If them IB , as is charged , sumo ollicers who have used their influence to enfon.n nst.o-'s- . menls and neglected their duties nnd violated the pr < prietiex of their stations to cngago in party warfare , thu fnto they liavo challenged may very likely await them. If pcrtoiiH urn to bo selected for public work irrespective of politics they had butter attend to Unit woik und not meddle with the elections. 1 What has Governor Cleveland done in Now York to warrrnt this estimate of hlinj" "Buffalo was n city almost as partisan , law less nad badly governed ns Cincinnati , Upon being made sheriff , Mr. Cleveland exhibited those qualities which nro being moro and more needed nnd appreciated by the people. Thny comprehended nnd npprovtd hU Hjiiril. Jlo wns ekLtod mayor by voti H from both parties In thut lepubhcan city. His 11 fo as mayor was n continuous struggle for lionoity nnd fidelity In the office ngainst jobbery , hpjilmnen , and partisan * who had _ long preycit on thu city , Hu mustered the uitmtiun and becatnu known II K the veto mayor. His fearless way of deal ing with them is shown by the language of bin vet'ios , " "ommiffioncr Datcn hero quotes from Gov ernor Clovoland'H message , from his Jottir no- cr-ptliig the gubernatorial nomination nnd from other communications which show bin dicisivu and unequivocal endorsement of the civil nervlco act , and pay a high tribute to tha honesty and non-partHan business capacity of tin governor ns evidenced in Ins administra tion of affairs In the state of Now York , und continues as follows : "Tho raf Idly growing reform sentiment of the country has been demanding moro honoity , courage , and administrative capacity with IBM politic ] In fvecutlvo plates. lov ! mr Cleveland has thtfflldinrtion of b"lng the first mMi unco \ \ nshiiiKton who has iron circled president bccnuio ho p i'c ed these iniollttes in pro-eminent degree. They have advanced Iflin mon < rnpidly to the bend nf the nation than nnlltnrv glory ever did niv nnff of he favor ites. Tn behove eiich n mm with such n hit lory who nnvor sought nn ollico will mnin to the national cipitnl to repudiate his pU'dgcs nud all that is be. l of Ins nfliclnl Ufa to be- t.-nv those who have most tni tel ; him to maKe hostlld nil republican lournals which now mpport him , to ruin iho procprcla of his party nnd di'grnco himself nnd Ma conn- tiy by iiverlurnlntr n work of it-form , Mmhcd to tint upon which his own dlttlnctlon restx , only to secure t frco field for pitronnno nud inongeiing nnd the spoils sjstem of dtbiiuchoiy ; that mich nn assumption should bo'made by nny ft nmblo , well Informed mail , Is to nm simply Impost , bio. If 1 nm mistaken In this vlmv 1 hope the tides will bo utterly ovcrthrownboforothe March winds nro ov rr. If tbe democrat s onfnrca the spoils system | > ohcy they mutt tnko thu coiiHipieucou. No true friend of reform would liavo any part in a perfunctory nnd deceptive ooforceinont of mica mutilated in all essential parts. He would rather nvvnit thilr certain icsurectlon four jiars hence , over Iho grnvrs of their enemies.1' THOMAS' * ( iriMos. Thn viovvfl of JudRo 1 , , 1) . Thonns , the democratic : member of thu cominiislin , vvtie also obtained on the same Hiibjoct ditcumd by Mi. Union. "What do you think will be President Clovoland'8 pulley ns to civil urvieo reform ! " was naked , "I dii not know , but it would Boom that his past public utti'ranctg nnd nets nro Hulliclent guarantee that hU policy will ba conservative and in thorough sympithy with the p'escnt civil service law nnd rules. " " \Villthorobo many removals of govern mtnt olliciuls ? " "Yt , nnd many will remain. 1 nm untie- fled t'int n thorough ndiniuistiatlon of reform will cnuao the removal of many olllrlnls whoso places mod not ba filled , nnd if tha policy is pursued by which tlio business of thu govern ment will bo conducted on biifunocs principles , thu bi-eunial resistor in two yuara from now will contain several thimsam1 ' P names than it does to-day. As to di ( ' llwc I'lordlnato.s in thcso public ollicfs , n ueh wl .d ipond uijoti the heads of dopartmoi U ba eiua and divl- sionB , and also upon imir efficiency In the places they occupy. There never his boon Mich n thing ns a clonnsvvcnp. The power of reniH al in not abridged by UioclvII service law , but places made vaciut cinnot bo filled within the classilicd servlco vylthout a roqiusitson en the commission , thus it is that the motive for removing utllciont clorlca is gone. " In thn course of n further conversation Judge Thoman took occasion to say that had Mr. Blaine boon elected , ho would have moro removals for * political moth us thiin Mr. Cleveland , because in a po litical lilo _ of twenty-five _ years , much of which time was given to Hooking tbo presidency , many pledgei and promises nave been made , " and as u second rinson , "Until his letter of acceptance appeared the public had not boon advised that Mr. Blaine was in Bjmpathy with a leform of the civil service und in no speech during the campaign , al though ho made seivornl hundred , did ho icier to this question. " 'Governor Cleveland , " .Tudeo Thomas con tinued "had declared hjmsolf on every oc casion that he addressed the public , in favor of the system of reform that now is being carried out under the yrovisions of I'miilleUm's bill nnd the rules promulgated by President Ar thur , who at nil times huvo given the com mission n hearty and unwavering sup ; ort GKRM\N Special telegram tXw UKliUf , Ncyrinl .r 1C. Since the reichstup election in Germany a Ills been ascarUinod that thuro wora no less than 050,000 ballots cist for socialist candidates. This remarkably larRO vote for a party v/hich is not only in op position but which hitherto hnnlwn enppoaid to number only u handful of m diclous mal contents in each town , lias set the ov eminent to tlnnUirgTcu Imperial chancellor soon nftei the ulection , ordered close analysis of vote , with thu view of learning the character of a laigo number of the electors who evident ly voted with the sochlhts this year f r the hrst time. The result of this inquiry is taid by the government olllcials nhovv tliat n bulk of iho now rtcniits toHodalism nrs moderate nun who will bo satisfied vvilh the redress of the moro crying evils which resulted from the too /uttlous en forcement of ioiresslvn | Invvs Thu opening of the now reichstag is eagerly nwaitod. Great curiosity nnd no llttlo anxiety as to the effect oltliolarga luivun of Koualism m that body , which nt lonet has nut always been tractable. liisnibrcl ; hopes to bo ubla to nulify thu suc cess of the socialists by pi ov mitlug unity of action on the pirl of their deputies It is waul that a fcpht in already menaced among the so- tinlists , and th it many are willing to support the government in return for some modi-rate conclusions which the government Is willing to make , is I > IS < ; USTI > ; I . UK HVJHIllATIIIh.VATIO.VVI.COMMIIUKtAl-sl.l ) I UK DEKIAI : 01 III.VI.NK. WnBhington Special to Chic.igo Dally News. Mike Cregan , ono of tha not.d republican loaders of New York city , came over to Wash ington Wodne > diy ulcht it is supposed on some legal mUaion. Talking to nn old Now York friend in this city , Mr. Cri-gnu paid : Of course vvo'ro beat. All the boys know that last week. I gave up S.,700 ! I had on ISlalno , and Johnny O'liricn ban pild over to the winners ij-IOO ( ! ho had up m bets. " Cretan charged thu republican dtfeat to the national committee. Speaking of Chairman Jones , K , 1 ! Dlkins , and otheru who con ti oiled thu national republican committee , ho eaid : ' They nru the biggest chumps 1 ever saw In politici. The tnyB all know that. Why , wo lost Now York becaiiDO they wouldn't give us the 'ciigar' to carry It with. They only guvo up S3HJO ( , when wo ought tu luvo had ut least § 150,000 " Hu added that f o continued claim of lilalno'ii o'ctlioii ' ill tbe face of thu returns was moro foolish work on the part of the chump ) of the national committee , STAIAVAHT U Jl'KS. A HdlKJIK rOU UKTUIININQ C'ONMINO TO 1MB HKNATK. Special telegram to TUB I'm. ' vU > , N. Y. , November 10. The bun- day News , u paper which Is responsible for the gubernatorial boom of Grovci Cleveland , and which bin boon hlx homo organ over xinco , ban made a canvas of the western part of thu Btatti on the question of returning Conkling to the United Status uoiiato. It will nditorlally claim that the stalwart assemblymen will unite with the dmnocials and nccuinjilibh thin , It finds thirteen republicans , or enough to uhct , will mil to with the democrats , 'S ' LUCK. Fits New Yoc ; ! liy 1,147 , , Evary Ooimty in No 7 York Eo- ported Officially , The GK'oat Agony Over find tbo Country Survives , No Additional News Sinca Sat urday Afternoon , Two Oity Dislriota Not Yet Of- fioially Eotnruod , Not Hnlu In Ihn 1'JO Ticss Coiicossinn of Dcin- iivrnth' A Ictory , NI3W YOUK. rikVk VNI ) WIN'S. NMVV YORK , Nov. 15 , 'J p , m , A hasty com- pntitirn by thn clerk in charge of the city returns of tlio canvass which bus just boon completed , glvnnCl veland a , plurality of 1117 In the entire utate , Blaino'n not gain in the city by the canviixs was lL'9. PKOIIUKfS 01TDK UH'NT. NKVV Youu , November 15 The board of supei visors rusnmod Iho cvuvass this moriitng. The I'lflco'ith assembly district was complet ed without any chance. The Sixteenth as sembly district was teferrod to the committee - tee on corrected returns on account of n slight error , Monroe countJ'H official count gives Cleve land 1H,2II ! , Blnino 18'tt5 , plurality for Blaine 5,07(5. ( The Seventeenth assembly district was cptu- etnd nt 11:15 : n. in. The count of tliu Eigh teenth nsBcmbly district was objected to on the ground that the total number of votes as read , was shown to bo IDS , whereas It was claimed 'JJO votoj were really onat In the dis trict nnd that the re-publican electoral ticket received SI Instead of 51 , n ) recorded. Thu vote of thu district was tberefoio rofoned to the committee on corrected returns. Thu Tvvunty-lirst election district of tht ) 1'ighteenth assembly district was reached without dlscav cry of errors. Krie cminty , olllcinl Blaine ! 2i-l ( ! ) , Cleve land 'Jl,7fi'J , Burler SCO ! , St. .lohniW ; Blaiuo's plurality ll l ) . Tlio canvass of the Ibth nnfombly district was fmishod nt noon. No othnr errors wore found thin thn one in the _ first election district. Thu I'.lth assembly district VVIIH com plottd without incident. It was resolved to Hipiest the cominiltoo on corrected returns to give preference to the t'lectoral ticket. The canviifs of returns from tin liOth assembly district was completed without incident First iiHFOinbly district , ullici'vl , gives lilainn 2,275 , Cleveland I.UrS , Butlar DO , St. John 15. Fifteenth cfsembly dihtrict. otlici.d , given lilaino 1,17'- , Cleveland ( i , I Hi , Butler 21ft , bt , John tl. Sixteenth twombly district , ofiicKI , gtvos BHluo 2,718 , Cluvoland fiHl : , Butler 11.7 , St. John 17. Hovejitc.entb nnsombly distiict , complete , gives lihiiio 0L'i3 ( , Cleveland (5,30 ( * , Butler , 21I , St. John 57. The olghtuontlmssonibly distiict , complete , gives Blnino 52,785 , Cleveland ( il"i.'t ! , Butlei i0 ! ! ) , St. John li.'i. The nineteenth assembly district complete , gives lilaino I,5b0 , Cluveland ( i,5hO , liutler 10' ' , St John Wl. The Twentieth assembly district complete gives lilaino MMl , Cleveland u Oil ! , Butler 155 , St John 8. Tlio Twenty-first assembly district con.nleto gives lilaino 1,080 , Cleveland 1,010 , St. John 1. Butler 53 The Twenty-second nsnembly district complete ploto give ) Blaine 5m : , Cleveland J,1UI , Butler 1H ! I St , John 01. The Twenty-t' ird assembly district com plete Rives lilainn L',7111 , Cleveland Hti\l , \ , But ler 1'J ! , . St. John IM. Tlio Twenty-fourth assembly dintrbt complete ploto gives Blame 8,015 , Clovulnnd 5iOU , : , Butler 112 , St. John 'J8. The Muvonth , iNiuth nnd Thlrtoonlb as em bly dlhtncls uro vet incompleto. NhW YoilU , Novi-mber 15.Tho national nnd state hoadiiiarterH | of the republican nnd cleinocratle commltleos are cloiTil to-night. Chairman Jones , of thu republican national committoo.loft his rooms early. Secretary Fees' onden nnd Coinmlttivinan Klltius ruinninuil during thucaily oveningand wi'nilnconvnri'a- lion with Walker Blaino. All conceded Clovoland'H eliction , Aefiitant Secretary l.oomisHnid ; "It IH all over ; wo only await the action of thu stnto board of caiivasbers on Wodni sdav nuxt , but wo have imi'lu n good liKlil , coiisidering that wo did not have ono- thud of the amount of fundn controlled by tlm r.atnnal Lommlttoe in the CJarbuld cam- palRii. " Thu democratic national dnmmittci n head- iuartorH ] were dmeitc'd. SonatotB Gormin , .lonos and Bftrnum hud left thu city , fooling that their work was ended. Smith , of the itato committee , lias gniio homu to 1'Jatts- burir , and Seen tary Biimi loft thin evening. There wan little to talk about in the hotels aim public resorts about the i lection , those few who know that Cloveliuul'H < Ihciid plu rality in this city was 13,0 I alone f.paking . on that particular subject. 1'rnfosslonnl bol ting men have not settled their wugorH. but iiwiiit the decision of Kelly nnd BlUs , book linkers , which will bo given nftur thu action of thu Htnto board of c tnvuttsors. Tim Trilnmo given Cleveland a iilnrallty in NfwYork Btatoof 1.070. Thu World gives Cleveland 1,107 plurality In Now York state ' " . The Sun mnk'-i The Times' figures say 1,10" the plurality m the utato for Cluvoland 1,087. FOREIGN NEWS , TIII-4 ( . ONGO CONi'-J'UKNGK. ' fllK I1IISI HUSSION Ol fJIK OIlKAf IIOAIIIJ OV AKIimiATIO.V. BKIII. ! , NovcmbLr Ifi. T Congo con furenco v no formally openud to-day by ln ! murck In the dining hull of Ills rt'feldenio , beIng Ing the 'time room in which tin * conference o 1878 was bold. After thu usual pr llmluarleH Blsmnrck dcllvored short Hpeech to the dele gatea , pacific in tone , and evidently glvini Keneral aatlsfaitlon , At ( ho Miggittion o Count do Launuy , the llalhiu deh-gato , was Ulwiuiinwly plrctrd of the onnftri tu- ' . It limlio , the counclll.ir tinI'tMirh rmb tiy } Schmidt , Ortinnn view ronsul nt St. lVtor < linrg nnd Count William lli'inurk uoro p | Mtitfd cf.-r.tiilcfl. It was tniTdmninly rirrci'il lint tbo in-ocoMllugs bo Kept 'ccret. Tim IK 't IIH cling of the dole- atos vi ill piobntiiy Im on the I'Uh ' in t , The ciinforencK M llnblo to conliniu' ' * ovornl weeks , Alnrgomipcl Afrlci linnga from tlio wall. rxblos nrn covercil vilth pnmphlrts , brnks ( xnd mnpi rcloting to Africa. Htault7 will not bn ndiniUa ! ID thn dt llbc'rAMonit of Iho eeufoi- etur. N W.VK TllICAiniJilKON 1 > - < l HUI , November 15. Advlros tvtm Sli uiyhnl i tntn th it ininnrj of tlio full of Tron Sill nro cuuMil there. SIIVNOIIAI , N < wembor D ! t'ertain Kiito man firms hero liavo nceivod tolo/jrams / ntit- lift that Tnm Hill hns bum cnpt'uod by the Trench The Cbiwo hnvo the wno iifur- nation from smr.'sj which ll.iy eoneVIcr Tiistvvorthy , HUM K fMi nix iioosK. I.ONiiov , Nmrmbcr 10. The Hlivnglnt err- Tipniidont of The Timoa tolegrap'ls that \\r \ \ > iMsleirned frum n Kuropriin SOITCO dalii llai 1'hong , Oct. ClOtli , Shut Aninmt.i ! auxll1- inrins of the 1'roncli nrtuy Im 1 bohen t l llvu itmtlnt l Cliliin opiifoniim utICep Knolon is mt oontpii d by thn Vronch. ThoKrcnch invo foitltied Ki > 1 > ni Tittu und fCwi ng Yen , In the Noitli HviKiifri ) delta tbo I'Vuiuh ' vill ruiuiro luigu ryliiforrpmi'ntn to coi mi'nce iporutloiH. The IIWIH of till J'nmclfll < pass ow da > i havu been 500. Hi KM ) Special Telegram In Tin : LONDON , Nov. Hi C31xd tiiii" nud hisjnp. lortcH still oxpri-'t hopes ' 'f" iii'nprotiriiii vlth the lories on the subject of the frnncS.io > 111 and Its eventual pnsnw0 by thu loid . i'ory If ulera in both housas hnva boon Mm- : uonod to thn conference nu thn uubjcut at t le Carleton clubTuo duy. It Is probable , however - over , tint their decision will bv deferred uutvl vltpr thi ) xpruial election Wednesday tor uccesior to the lain llonry Tftwccttait menibcv or llncknoy. If the tones iihouM , by nny Lhance , bo victorious , or oven if thev largely educe the bbrral majority , U will ur.donbted- y Htilfi'ii the oipoMtlon | to the franchise bill. [ f the liberals hold their own , voi < u > measure of a caiupromUo will piobably bo olft ctod. Alive. I/MON , Novi'inbor 15. A diipaKli from 3airo enys n letter from ( iordon , daUnl Khar- oiini , NoviMiibor , has biion ri-cuvvod by iVolse y , which states that the slimmer bo r- ng Cidonols Svvnrl ? , 1'owor nnd Hitrbin. the Aonch onniinl , nnd HHUO fJreoks- loft Khar- ,011111 Hoptomlwr lOlli. Mossrs , Hniwol and .ondes are safe at Khartoum. l.UAVK IIOUIITS. Special Telegram to TUB IJhK 1.0NIK1N , November 17. The lottt-r from Oord' > n , dated Nov. , I is not accepted an con clusive evidence tint ( ! onion was eafo nt that iimo ami nnxioty ns to his fatu is by no moans iiulcd. The b ° st oxpdrts of 1'gypthn < lliceni in London cny it is iin possible that the mes- Bonger could fmvn got ton from Khartoum to Dongola in ton days , ns lie must , have dime if [ Jorilon vvroto the letter on the Itb insti , nnd It was delivered t > Wols.loy yesterday Somu insist thtt the d.ae munt have been Oat. I. Too lirHttolcgram received regarding the luttor Hinted that tbo dnto was Illegible. Tories do not hmitiito to say that the dnto is October I nud government olhclnls In giving tin letter to thu press falsified the date for purposes of their own. Mllilny critics say if the nicvun or mntln his way from Kb n tcmii to Bon ola in ten days , u nplnudld opportunity [ H o Toied Wolneloy , vvhldi bo would bo prompt to tnUf udvautngi ) of. Ho will , they Hiy , organ'.vo iv Binnll and swift corps of cavalrymen , mounted on camels , niaku n dash acron < < thn dusort on the r.iuto taken by Oordon'H mo sonuor , ontcr Khartoum nnd hold tin ) titv until the arrival ot the main body of the Nile expedition. 3 OKA.OKSMHN. 1IIK1 lllVCk A TK\VH Cltlll I Oil TKX TKOU i.MI noi.i.Aiw. Bitv vv , Tois , November ! ( ! , Between two and three o'clock this morning thn oliicn of Ihn Texas uxpro s com cany nt this t'niowas ' nntsrod , nnd the H.ifo robbed uf Ion thoii'ind eight hundred nnd fifty dollar * . Tliu theivon were nviduntly well p iH'.ed us both the door of iho ollicu and eafo woiu opuMid wuh dnplic. ito veys. It Is ulrfo nvident ti ; it thu < thiuvcs were nwarn of the ro-ipl if inoincy by the lalt train nnd the _ fncti th v. t would not bu deliver d till buikiiK ho in I'i'ii tlioiisind of tlio money WJH coiiHlgned'to ' Clark Bryan & Howull , binki'i' , and ihu ro inaindor 1 \nrioni pirtlcs. The finding of n < nfo ! beating the i utids of n yomif Spam-vnl lamed Barnvt , 1 d to his linmiuliato arrent Dfltectlvi'snioon thu trail of others gupp-Miod .0 belinplt'.itod. Xcltrnt-Un'H lj Due. Chicago NUWH : It is hoped thai' Dr. ( inoriro \j. \ Millet , editor of thu Ornuliu Herald , will loolltid to succeed ( ieoigo B. l.oriliff. as : ciiiimi i inner of agriculture. Wo have hud it ugli opnmin of Millfii'n sup'i-mo fitni-si * for Jin phioiw r slnco wo ron'l IIIH Inttor to tl'n LHicn Observer on iho subject of the tnltiuro > f cali.lpa trecM Tlwt exceedingly ills'ijjrn'ablo nnd prov dent disease , i at.irih , 11 caused by tieroi- nlous t tint In tliu blond. Hood's Saisapnrllla , by Its powerful pitrUjliiK nndvltull/liieiietlon upon the blood , spc-Lily | ] lemoves tha ruiiso , ami thus cllects u radical and permanent cum of catarrh. Those vvhoMifTei from It t vailed symptom : ) uncomfortable How from the nose , offensive breath , ringing nnd ImnUlnif nolBus lu the ears , ( .welling ot the soft parts of the throat ncivous prostrationetc. should take Hood's Karsaparllla and uo cured. T.ho Best Medicine " I have MiITend with catarrh In my lieail for years , and paid mil hundreds of doll.u s for lucdlelnes , but h.ivo liurolofori ) reix-ived only temjior.iiy relief. I lirg.m to tuko IIood'H Sarh.ipullla and now my eit.inli Is nearly ciiri d , iho wi-akiicss of my body Is nil gone , myaipctltulsgood | InfarUIfDclllkoanulhcr person. Hood's tiarxapikrllla la the best med icine I haVD ever talten. " MilS. A. IIAM , 1'rov Idriice , It , I. SATURDAY'S of llic Wctlc Duoir tit World's ' Principal Marfccl& & . The Chicago Money aiid Produce Exchanges ; q Ml Wheat " 'ions Break and f Olos rcoping , i * l' Corn Crushes | , der the Threat- i ! > flnod 4 If y Supply , "rr- . _ _ Money Matti ind the Board of Trail ! Wings , t anil r.tmilmi' Grain Itow Bull nntl' Iti'ar Oiornfli > nM tinV ir Kilrcrl TJIK MAUUKl'S * C'n ir.MMi Novombar " , Tin | ) cculntrve m-vrki tsou ch 11140 to-day looked : -sther n'clc , TM heavy Purvigii fnllrn'H wcro reported. K"7fif'tB ' wcro lingo nnd ihs ccilj'rs wen * "le ! > r out rather than cn'iy the ttulTuver . . . .uriivj. Whe.vt broke le nil around unit closed 'oak on the down gndo. Not Jours was -iVxint thu moat prominent boar. He sayH that hi Ids opinion tliero will bo no permanent cbanrM t ir the linttei In thu ijuin ; trndo until enerivi b iiainess improve" . Cert c'eclbipd ' nbout fie , the chief cnuso Doing thn probation that the receipt ) will in crease Isof ore the end of the month to such nn gxtont > s to swamp * nny cl.iiio | tb'.it has been formed yol. Only thirteen cara of contract cnmo in to-day. The pri vislun crowd wiw doiti ( { very 1'ttlu. ' Vnrlc oamjolf 74c : iud lard -\c. \ The wrric closes with good unpply of loan- r > blo Innd.\ Inch bniika hold Bteany atGrt3 pir cent , thn hulk being at 7 per cunti Docu- inentaiy ckrrl.'nf e\cb ingr Is ( [ iiiet nnd firm at C4 78V , nmlNow Y rt ( mint at GOrpieinitmu Thn nsHOPFod I ) ink cleminss f ir the day were $7iii.00i : : ) , iop the vv okSVt.tU 1 , 000 , a decro.se- from tlio correspondi'tig vieek last > aar/ This weak' * bonid nt trade oli'niings foctad up to Sl , < ! H,077B2fainst.S9J7)22.'V tor the week. I tvorpool Whunt and c rn . qnlat' nnd steady. Ulf coast : \Vb'nU : dulli corn nn- chntined. Tc > arrive : \Vbu.ii dull ; corn not much doing. Whoac nnd 'corn for tlic-Unlted KiiiQdom and continent > . ! n moclcrnta Demand. I . .omloiilient , rather moro liupiiry ; corn steadily hold. Cargoes of oowit : xVbivit trail corn dull. Cargooj oil pna3a,7 : Wh'jaS inac tive ; jorn ipiiotx WALT. KlVIXt NKVV YOHIC rvovembjf ICi Tha block minUet lost to-dnv the it - strengtb gained yes- teiday , Now York Cuotral , J jtko Shore , St. KouU , Central I'.i ilic , and Illinoia Central , In olco nbout 2 pf cent , vvhi'o ' thn ba'nrxjii ' of the list cljsud nhimt 1 pel ci'iit lf. Tlio support - port "is withdrawn this r. > ir.HTi r , to sudden y nnd c mpletoly , a to crevto tliu that tl.o bulU vvevo willing touen u temporary uecllno nud w in plnnmng t > t > Xn ttio market iubandMtgiln next vv < elt The large opera tors i.pp'inred t'l ho doloe bi > livtle on ether slpo. Wo t fhoro this inornln < tut Chicago. tntes to $ ! ) nnd thu Cciitirui jjctt the reduc tion. jTiio bank alatoiuenc i < hov\a that nionpy keeps piJinK up in Ntivv Yerlv The doppfitil Incritased i5.OUO.OoO anil thu roi rvu ov r3- COO.O/W. / 'Jho llontiiifr debt of tha Union Pacific jf to bo nil p-iid by JaMiuiy 1 , mid G per lent divlilum'u- ' will IM runexrul tit ( ho ex piration of llio Ih.'t qiiurtur o. tlia now year. XurtliwcjHtein iiefriitd w n di p esstd near the clono-by FOIIIO largo n Jes of tivck that had I icon hold for lnvo' < tu ent , nnd IK v as paid that. there waj Bomutliliij ; beh'iid ' tl'B no'nns which had not jet como out in rqard to the ruaili Mr Guu'd thiuKs thu ronlidi.nco is being roil - il and thut pifces will uo Nihcr ; { , but iiou Ktiddeidv . ] , onnm rnt'-s rro ( : v.iur. IJUUN TKO-K f HTTI3HS. t ILV'riAN ; CKLl.lj I . Sprunl ToU'ginm to- the ItKK. WAHIIIIWITOV , November 10i Many deino- crats who liavo beeu ImiiRoring and thlrsliug or frder.vl HtHh pnU for so muiy yeais liavo dready , in a li iuvitivti SIIOKO , lakon up the moot nurcli tor the national otpltal. It will HIIVU thu over nn\'i ' > us ones lonbidcrub'o labor and worrhnent to bo Informed ) thut Governor jlovohmd has jiontively lust. ' ictfd his secre- .nrieH i.t Albany to dtstro > , witluiub uliovvlnfp lim , ull letters applying for I'hce. I ) , Hint I'AVVNUI ClTf , November If. l J'bo Cli'voland anl llendiiclis meeting hero ; o-niRllt WIH a gmnd nlfnir. 'IHio ' display of iroworlu HiirpiiHrail anythiix ; uvor teen hart , . coiivqiii'iiccf amllalJo tnenstiolt I citarrj ! U nut .itteiuleil Lo in 'i/nson. 'tlio dlsiM.se freipitntly destioys the eiuuotsmell i .mil flUn ilrvflopiHlulobionchUlaor-puJinc- j nary ixmsiiiiiiitloii. Uml/jiibtoUl uiuuycoscj of consumption orljjlnito In uatiirrli llood'H UarsiiaillU [ cures e.itanb and has oven rlleclwl remnrKablo rure.s of consumnllon llseir , In Us early ht.ifcs. AliootccunUlnlng st.iti'uiuntaof many cm es by Hood's S-irnapa- illl.i , will In ; .sent fun lo nil vvUnseml address to C. I Hood & Co. , l.ouell , Mais. Catarrh and Impure Blood "Hood's S.ir.sip.irlll.i hsui lielpcil me iiimo for c.itanh and linpino Mood than anything rNo I cvei used. " A. llvi.i. , S > rjcnso , N. Y. "I snllcrcd tlucu je.ns with catarrh , and my general health , vv.is poor In coiiseiiivncc. [ When I took Hood'a Saiuaparllla I found [ hud the right rwnoily. Thtu .itarrb Is ylelillug , as Ilood'n H irvapjrlllals clejjislDBinyblooil , nnil the geiieial tone n ( my system Is Improv ing , ' FiiANif WASUUUUN , Uucboster , N. Y. Sold by all ilniKuMs. ? Ij ( ,1s for y > - Mailo Hold liy all UriigKMs. SI , six for $5. Made only by U 1 HOOP & CO. , Lovvill , Mass. only by 0. I. IIOQI ) & CO. , l.uvv oil , Mass. EOO Doses Ono Dollar. IOO Doses Ono Dollar , ere reco gaizeel fo