I DAILY BEE fr-ATUKPAY , NOVEMBER 15 1861. SPECIAL NOTICES. NOTICB. Spodil A vartlsornents , ewe at test , Found , To toMii For Sale , To Ron ! , WAntd , Board- Inj ; , etc. , will bo Insetted In thl oolamn ft * ths law rate ol TKN ( KNT3 PKIVLINK lot the flrst Ineerllon and FITK CKNT3 TKK UNE ( or each subsequent n- ertlwi , I/OMO advortlsaraentj ftt our oScc , No , Pearl Street near Broadway mission , t ) . Wlnto\0lonwood , Iowa. WANTKD Bj Haling man with ft tjpo wilter o' ' his own , n dltimtlon M ttcncgnimor. Ad' j OrcM L. llm olfico Council niuff . TjiOU HALt Piano , II. K. Scfunin , Taper , lleofcs JP and Statlonoiy , Council JllulTj. Tj Oll HALf OH UKNT The Orvla I'lxckliisr house JD mid machinery , located In this city , tor00" } ' 160 hogs tie ilay. Odcll it D > y. TTTANrKU Kvory body in Council llhids to t ko YV Tinllm. DellvcreJ by ctrrlerkt only twenty .sentl k wook. OLD 1'APKllS-For eulo kt Ills office , t 25 oenUi a hundred Railway Time Table , COUNCIL BLUFFS. The following tra the times of tha arrival anil do * turturo ot trains by central standard time , at tbo local deiots. Trains leave transfer depot ton mln Ut earlier and arrlro ten minutes later , cmcuoo , BURUMaroH AND HUINOT. L11VE. AMUVB. 6:35 : n in Chicago Express C:00am : 9:40 : a m Pant Mall. 7:00 : p to TilOam I'ilall and KiprGM , 7173 pm 12:20 : p m Accommodation. t : < ! 0 p m At local depot only. K1VSAS CITT. ST. JOB AND OOUHC1I. BLBTTS. 0.06 a m Mall nud Express , 0 65 p m 8:16 : pm roolflo Kiproai , GI15 urn CniCiOO , MILWiOKRR AND ST. TAUL 6:25 : p m ' Kxprcss , 0:05 : a m 0.25 a in Kxprosa , 8:65 : p m COIOAQO , 1OCK ISLAND AND rACIHO. 6:25 : p m Atlantic Exptcou , B.OS a m B.Zfi a m Day Express , 11:64 : p m 7:20 : a m * Des Uolnoa Accommodation , 0:16 : p m At local depot only. 'WABAsn , ST. LOUIS AND rACIHO. 6:10 : pm Aooommodat.on 0:00 : am 1:30 : p m I.Louis Kxprees 8:45 : p m 4:60 : p m Chicago Express 10:65 : a m At Transfer only omoAoo and NOBTIIWISTIIB. 6J : ) p m Express , 8:60 : p m 8:24 : a in Factflo KxprcBS 0:05 : a m BIOUX CITT AND FADIFIO 7:40 : p m St. Paul Express , 9 CO a m 7110 am Day Express 7.00pm "UNION PAOIFIO. 8:00 p m Western Express , 8EO : a m 11:00 a in Paclflo Express , C40 p m Il0am : Lincoln Express , 1:13pm : At Transfer only. * DtTMHT TRAINS TO OMAHA. Leave 7:20-8:30-9:30-10:30-11:40 : : a. m. 1:39-2:3 : 8:30-4:30-6:30-8:80-11:05 : : : : : p. m Sunday 7:20 : * 9:30-11:40 : : * . m. i:30-SSO--6SO-0:3 : : : : < Mlo5 : p. m. Anlvo 10 mlcu'.ca before leaving tlrnr. From transfer only. E. Eice M , B. ot other tumors removed nlthontlh j knlfa or drawing o blood. CHRONIC DISEASES ° 'klnd- ' " > Over hlrty yoara practical experience OXoa No. I'carl troct , Council Blufli OConcultatlon tree JACOB SIMS. B. P. OADWELL 8IMS& CADWELL , -at- j COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. Office , Jfaln Street , Rooms 1 and 2 Shugart & Ifo- Mahon's Block. Will practice In State and Fodcra ourta. mns. OFninui , IL X. Council BlnSj Established 1856 Dcalerg In Foreign and omostlo Exchange an Urrna Swnrltl r BIG DRIVE. AT HOMER'S. S Mala Street Council Bluffs J. B. TATE. WAKRHN WHITE. T < Sc W JdLITE. Practice In State and Federal Courts. Culloctlong promptly attended to. Room in. ShuRort's Building , BLUFFS ZDr , W. B. Sherraden DENTIST , Masonic Temple , Council Blulla owa , Mrs , H , J , Hilton , H. I ) , , PHYSICIAN & SURGEON , ! 2J Mld4l8Br avy. Council Blum. ' ADMISSION Gents IBo Ladles lOc. BICATES-Ocnta ICO. Ladlej lOc. Adrnlwlon Kree to Ladles each morning tnd Tues day and Iburaday afternoons. UEO of Skatej 15 cents. A. F. SCnANCK , IL , MAUTF.NS , Manager. 1'roprletor. 200 limur Ilroadway , nt'atn to tba 1'ront. Studi , rOlluct and come and Kxamlno , and see for ounclvcH what you can buy for Ci at my plae. < ] uotoou ai follow ui 131b K nnulated sufar for $1 03 30 li > ei"L' ! r for > I CO 15 IbiVH'u uxO sugar f r 1 CO Ka ljurb Klrk'dwlilto llunlan SCUD for 1 0) j l > ari falira equal to Kirk's UaBsUn soap for. 1 CO 20 bun Kirk's blue IndU so p lor 1 00 Dupont'n l > e t powder per Ib M 21 18 luicf ot matches for " 5 8j run t'ftlifurnla lioncy drips , per K l 6U Sirup , arantcdttilitly | mro Vcrrcout maple pcrfcal 100 Sorrham per ( , ' ! . AJso , 1 lln llili cunantsHlbifor 1 00 IovrU'I.a , n-rmlnuIO toxoi for , 100 Canned lilno < betrles , presimcd , 6 tans lor . ICO Camiud3l ] > y.lIowreicrfsli httoBjnipSfor 1 CO CanntdSll ) l6tiUlllyTcmatoes | lOfor . . ICO A No 1 white flub , per kit - 70 Tobtoto , I irllard Climax , per pound CO T. T. 1I can sell jou acsorillns toqualty f.-oin 16oto7Coi > rlb. . . . . riout-We sell tin celebrated Patent lancy r r - . loptliia First Clm Orocurv , nid warrant ocrjthliiR o tell Ooodi rle- lltorcdficolnariy partoltlio cltj. 1 also handle Olotesani Jlltions , Dry t'1" B"J Notion ! , Iloits inlbboji , aulBKOcdnaiortmtnt of Tlnwiro He- mtn'bt' ; I will not only bo not undersold on an ) ceod * , but w i I Bell 20 per cent below any Competition Fit thaclt ) We are ntm rcccltl' can Involo otUMi In vthlchttd can cite tbo griato4tl > ar ( { lii8crorollcro in tbo city Ml oipcnsea are \ory llzht , with no Itents o | ay I am enabled and will Boll chop far CASH. Call when you Jay it tbo bust of Birjtlna In 'my line , ( J. P. FILBERT , Sfl9 Upper Brcntlway , Council COUHCJLjmiFFS ADDITIONAL LOCAL NEWS. THAT PRIZE FIGHT , A Oioat Sell on the Council Hind * Police Force. The discovery of what was supposed to bapit for n chicken or dog light , nnd the rumors arising therefrom about there liavlng boon n prize fight , liavo c.utao d no little commotion. The police watched the pit nil night in the hope that aomo of the pugilisiio or. aporting parties would nppoar. The ollieera were then to telephone - phone to the mayor , who was also losing iloop , nnd who liad n special force nil ready to awoar In. It was to bo n grand capture , nnd another feather for the mayor'a hat. It now nppoara : hat the whole commotion was over n very little nnd laughable causo. Some of the boya had dug the the place , nnd thrown up the dirt , ox- looting to cover it with a rude roof nnd mvo it as n resort during the winter , ao , hat when tired of skating , nnd wanting o devour yolio 17-covered literature nnd amoko cigarettes , they could got under cover nud have n wild aort of n club- nom , without any of the roatrainta ot ionic. Iho discovery of the ground thin dug up by the bays aooms the only ouudation for the talk about the prize fight. Telephone to No. 113 for dry hard atovo wood nnd kindling. Big supply. Prices low. PL ATI OVKUTON. Notion goods at reduced prices for 30 days. J. J. Auwordft & Co , 317 Broad way. Window shades nt cost to cloao them out. P. 0. Miller 13 Pearl street. COMMIillGlAIj , COUNCIL DLDrra MABKET. Wheat No. 1 mllllnff , GO@G5 ; No. 2 , GS ; No. 3 , 50 : rejected 35 < g40. Corn New , 25@28. Oata For local purposes , 35 , Hay $6 00@7 00 per ton ; baled , CO@CO. Kyo 35o. Corn Meal 130 per 100 pounds. Wood Good supply ; prices at yards , 6 00 © 0 Coal Delivered , bard , 0 CO per ton ; soft I 50 per ton Lard Falrbnuk's , wholesaling at 9 c. riour City flour , 1 B0@2 00. Brooms 2 95@3 00 per doz. LIVH STOCK. Cattle Butcher cows 3 25@3 75 , Butcher atsore , 3 76(3-1 ( 00. Slioop 2 50@3 00. Hogs i 00@4 25. rEODDOE AND WHITS. Poultry Live old hens , 2 50 per doz ; spring chickens , 2 50 per doz. Butter Creamery , 28@30o ; choice country 18@20c. Eggs 24 per dozen. Vegetables Potatoes , 30 ® iOo per bushel ; onions , 40@50c per bu ; apples , cheico cooking or eating , 2 6U ; beans , 1 50@2 00 per ) uahol ; Sweet potatoes , 2o oar Ib , Cider 20c per gal. Oiangos 8 00 per bid. AVILIj CIiTSVELiAND MAUHY ? The Prospective Dady of the "White IIoiiBO Under the New Admin istration , Albany Special to Philadelphia Times. Hero it is regarded aa settled that Gov. Cleveland ia the nest president , and al ready the cjoaaipa are busy with conjec tures as to who will bo the lady of the white house. There ia a well defined belief - lief among hia frienda that there ia a young lady In Weatern New York who will soon bo led to the altar by the prssi- dent-eloct. Others who have known him long and well say that ho will never marry , and that this talk simply comes of the fact that ho has shown this young woman some alight attentions alnco ho was elected governor. Early In life his tapes and ambitions for a wlfo were crushed by the hand of death , and hia nf action for the lost ono has kept him : reading the wino-preas of lifo alone. If : ho reports that ho is marry are not trno , ; hon his own immediate family will fur- ilsh the lady to do the social honors of liis administration. It ia generally believed by those who him beat that there will bo leas Nativities during hia term of oflico than there has been for many years past. Ho lias been a hard-working governor , and will probably continue his industrious habits as president , Bachelor as ho is the White liouso will , however , have a most creditable mistress. There are four ladies in hia immediate family , cither of whom can well do the honors of the liouaohold. His oldest oiator in this country , Mrs , W. E. Iloyt , of Fayottes- villo , would fill nny position with credit. She ia a middlo-ogod lady , of pleasing ad dress , who has spent a good deal of time nt the executive mansion hero since her brother has boon governor. She haamado many friends hero in the capital of the atato , and will doubtless do the same in Washington , whore she will probably go on the 4th of next March. Mies It. E Cleveland ia thomnidon Bister. She still resides in the little homo cottage nt Holland Patent , just above Utica. A good public speaker , a quick convorsa- tionaliat nnd generally a plain woman of intellectual force , she would do her share in entertaining her brolher'o guests at the national capital. Mr. Cleveland has a sister who for twenty years has boon a missionary at Ceylon. She haa two charming young lady daughters , Mary and Carrie Hasting ! , whom the governor has boon for years educating in this country. Ho has given them every advantage - vantage nnd they have improved thorn. They will , no doubt , bo a part of their uncle's family circle at Washington , as they have boon at tlmos here. With Mrs. Hoyt or nny ono of the three other ladies syokon of , the social end of the grat democratic administration for a quarter of a century will bo will ausaained , even ahould the president elect continue a bachelor. STOP THAT COUGH By using Dr. Frazior'a Throat and Lung Bal aam the only sure euro ( or Coughs. Colds , Hoarseness and Sore Throat , and nil dlaoasou of the throat and lungs. Do not neglect a cough. It may prove fatal. Scores nnd hundreds of Kratoful pooplu owe their lives to lr. ) J'razier't Throat and Lunp Balsam , ami no family will ever bo without It after once using it , ' and discovering its marvelous power. It 13 put up in large family bottlot and Hold for the Binnll price < if 7S cent per bottle. Sold Kub & Co. and C. I'1. Goodman. PitUburp Chronicle. _ Both Were Satisfied. Yonkorfl Statesman. "Excuio mo , madam , " trnid n gentle man politely to a lady from -rrhoap hcnd ho had accldontly pulled a faleo switch in crowded car. "I have neen enough of you to con vince rno that you nre no gentleman , " exclaimed the confused woman. "And I , " returned the auavo man. handing back the lost switch , "havo aeon enough of ynu to convince mo that you are no gentleman , either ! " Tot Would A on TnUtV" 8. B. McMamii She was rotdy for bed anil 1 ly on my n in , * In her little frilled cti | no fine , With her golden lioir falling out nt the uilge Like a circle of noon Rimshlno. Atd I hummed the uld tune of "lUrbut\ CroM " And ' 'Three men who put out lo > on , " When she sleepily sixiJ , M cho closed hoi blue eye * , " 1'apn , fet would you take 1m mo1 And I answorcdi "A dollardo\r iltlta hoarl , ' And oho slept ) Inby uoary with play : But I held her warm In my lova utruug arms , And rocked her and rockoil away , 0 the dollar meant nil the world to mo , The land and the son aad sky , The lowest depth of tlio lowest place , The highest of all that's high. The cities \uth street * and palaces , Their picture * and stories of art , t would not take for ono low , soft throb Of my little one's loving heart , tfor all thu gold that was over found In the busy wealth finding past Wou'd I take for ono smllo of my darling's face , Did 1 know It must be the lait. . So I rocked my baby nud rocked away , And 1 felt auch a sweet content , < \ > r the words of the song oxprcsaoJ to mo moro Than they o\cr bnforo had meant , \tul the night crept on and I slept and dreamed Of things fur too glad to bo. And I wakened with lips laying in my oar : " 1'npa , fet would you take for me ! THlKlA'S TRAMP. 'mily Lennox in the Cincinnati Times-Star. "Oh , doarl" exclaimed a protiy , blue- oycd girl , jumping down from the summit of the Wayland tally-ho , and shaking out lor pretty flannel aklrta , "I'm us atlff ns n atatuol" "Why , I thought you liked coaching , Thokla , " said her cousin Bob. "You nnd Severance scorned to bo having a high old imo up there on the box. " Thekla shrugged her shoulders , nnd icgan to pat her pretty golden bang , in a anguld way. "I'm tired , " aho said , briefly. "Corao on into the honao , " suggested Severance. "You'll fool bettor when you ; ot your dinner. This is the most prom' sing place wo'vo struck yet. 1'vo got rny expectations raised all the way up to > roiled chicken. " . "Morcyl" cried Thokla , ralsiug her lark , level brows. "You don't moan to ay you have nny appetite loft ? Why , you had your pockets full of crackora and choose. " "You don't know Severance , " said Bob , aaghing. "He's ono of Pharaoh's loan kino. " "I always thought there was a limit to mman capacity , " Thokla observed ; 'thero is to mino. I don't care for any dinner. Don't wait for mo. I'd much rather atop ont hero on the piazza and rest. " "But , my dear " objected Mrs. Way- and. and."Now "Now , aunty , please lot mo do as I wieh just this onco. " "But what will Dr. Browning sayT whispered Bob. "You know ho " "Dr. Browning's verdict is nothing tome mo , " said Thekla , stiflly. "If you want me to like this paragon of yours , Bob , you'd bettor not bo holding him up con tinually. I always did hate those Sm . less examples.- - "Lovo and hate are near akin , Bob retorted. "You couldn't hate him if you tried. " "We'll ' see , " Thokla answered. And she shut her little tooth In a quick , determined way. "Hob , " Mrs. Wayland said to her lopoful son , on their way to the hoiol dining room , "I wish you'd have n little moro tact. " "They've made up their minds to mar ry mo to that English doctor , " saidThpk- a to herself , with a grim little smilo. They might know that the only way to urn mo against such an idea was to talk about it. " She had seated herself in an old Shak er chair , but the fresh , green smell of the mountain woodland was moro pleasant o her than the odors that came drifting out of tha dining room. "I think I'll ' take a walk and got lim- jorod up , " she said. And taking up her parasol , she started down the mountain road. It wound in and out of a wild growth of trees , with hero and there a mellow path blooming with wild flowera. "Why , there is some golden rod ! " she criid , rai the graceful plumes nodded iindiy in the soft breeze. "How do you do ? You nro early this season ) Oh , pou pretty thing 1 now I do love you ! " She gathered n great golden bunch , 'ringing it with a few bright sumach loaves. "How pretty that would bo to paintl1' she mused , wandering on through the mountain sweetness , her cheeks aglow , her eyes shining , and her pretty hair drifting about in the broczo. The dinner hour sped away. "Goodness mo , " she cried , glancing at ior watch , "I must go back. They will jo hunting mo ovorywhore. " She turned , and observed for the first .Imo that she was in a little wooded in- closure , around which tno trees grow densely on all sides , whllu the mountain .ops loomed up beyond. "Why , which way did I come ? " she exclaimed , with a thrill of dismay. Oh , pen , that's it ever there 11 remember that ) ld mossy stump. She turned her stops in that direction and walked rapidly , but did not come to the clearing she expected. Deeper and deeper she kept getting into the foroit , She know she was wrong , altered her course , but still could not find the right way , "I am lost ! " aho said , hopelessly. But still she kept on till her foot were weary , and nnd she dropped down on the moss from sheer exhaustion. The afternoon were away , but Thokla was not very much frightened , for she thought they would surely come to hunt for bur. Not until the fair summer sky became clouded , and slip hoard muttoringa of dis tant thunder , did she feel any real terror , "What shall I do ? " she cried , cluspini ; lior hands together. And her need of help became momen tarily greater , for juat then there was crackling of dry twig * , and n man , tall , broad shouldered and unshaven , came stalking toward hor. Ho stopped short when ho saw horand Tliokla could hardly roproas n wild scream , ft was evidently a tramp. Ho was shabbily dressed , his boots were muddy and worn , and on his back ho had strapped his luggage in military fashion. For a few momenta they stood etni Ing at each other in rrntual astonlthmunt. If ha had announced his intention ol murlering her then and there ThcKU would not have'been surprised. But , Instead of that ho took off his old slouch hat , nnd said , I" deep bat not unkind voice : "Ikcuso me , mia , but if ynu live ncnr here you'd better go homo rlghl nway It's going to raiu very I'nrd. Thekla vas afraid to toll him ho was. lost. She dared not lot him knorr tlmt her friends were not within call. "Think you ! " she said with ridiculous Imntour. "I don't mind the rain. 1 think 1 shall remain here till the passes over. A loud peal of thunder made her start oven M she spoke. The tramp looked nt the sky and shook liln hcnd. "If you take my advice you'll go liomo , " ho said. "It's going to rain very hard perhaps nil night. Thoro. " The big , polling drops amo down in n sudden burst , accompanied by n vivid Hash of lightning. "t prefer to remain here , " Thokla re- [ ilicd with the dignity of n tragedy queen , "But really , " ho urged , "it is not safe. It never is in the woods , during n thun der storm. " " 1 wish you would lot mo Mono1" she cried with nervous petulance. "Why don't you go nwnj ? " "When I llud n young lady nlono In the woods " Thokla sprang to her footblay.ing with nngor. "If you dp not leave mo ntonco , " she crird , "I will summon my friends ! " "You needn't do that" ho said , shortly and turning on his heel walked away. The storm had como up rapidly , nnd rain wns falling la torrents. The thunder pooled forth In n quick succession of sound , and just ns the fol low turned nwny , there came n frightful crash , that seemed to shnko the whole forest. A livid touguo of llamo darted down n giant onk only n few yarda nwny , nnd shivered It ns though it had bcon n toy. With a terrified cry , Tliokla hid her fnco in her hands nnd aat there cowering with fright. When the rumbling of that nwful crash died nway , nnd oho dnrod once moro to rniso her head , she saw the tramp standing beside hor. "You shall not stay here , " lip said , stenuly , "What nro you thinking of ? You nro lost no , don't deny itl Como with mo. Don't bo afraid ; I have n compass. I can take you to the Moun tain House. " By this time , Thokla was too muoh frightened to oppose him , and there wns .moroovorm his voice an accent of author ity which she instinctively obeyed. "Can you1 ? oho faltered. "If you will bo so kind " "You will go with rae , then ? " ho said , gazing down at her with a kindly pair of clear gray eyes. "Yea , " she answered , simply , "I will go. " Ho took off his coat then and threw it around hor. "Button this up to your throat , " ho naid , quietly. "You will have your death. " "But you will get wot. No , no ! 1 am not so selfish as that. " "Wear it ; I insist , " ho naid , in n tone that permitted no discussion. "Cornel Will you give mo your hand ? Don't bo foolish ! It ia slippery and rough. " Thokla had given up to him entirely now. ' You are very kind , " she said. And putting her hand iti'his ' , slio wont with him out of the forest. I was a long walk through the blinding rain , with the thunder pealing overhead and the .lightning flashing before them. TMoro thnn-cue jeii < ldaahrank shivering to the sale of her slrnnvo companion. "Don't bo afraid ! " ho said , in a * o : e- that reassured her. "Wo shall soon bo thoro. " What with the storm and the waning day , it was almost dark when they reached the hotel. "Oh , you don't know how 1 thank you ! " said Ehokla to her unknown friend when aho fonnd herself under the shelter of the pizza , "You are coming In ? Don't go any further to-nlgnt. I will " She meant to odor to pay his expenses , but there was a look in hia oyoa that sil enced her. "Thank you , " ho said lightly. "I will go around the back way. I nm glad you are safe , and hope you won't fool any the worse for your wotting. Good night ! " "Good night , " Thokln said , kindly , for she was touched by his goodnoes "What n pity ho JB only a tramp ! " she added , aa aho wont into the houao. Her return caused a scene of wild ox- cito. Mrs. Wnylnnd was in toare. Bob and Soyoranco had boon out with lant erns , hallooing like madmen , and the story of her rescue waa received with ex clamations. "Wo must see this man in the morn ing , " said Mrs. Wayland. "Ho should bo rewarded handsomely. Now , Thokla , go and change your clothes at onco. Supper is almost ready. 1 hope this will bo n warning to you. " Of course they wont no further that night. Thokla'n tramp was put out of consid eration till morning , but when they came to auk for him ho wns gene , nnd they heard of him nn more. The Wayland tally-ho had reached Stratford , and the coaching tour was over ended a little prematurely by the ill ness of Thekla , who h.-d taken a frightful cold , and lay ill at the hotel with pneu monia , "I am so glad Dr. Browning ia here , " sighed Mrs. WaylanJ. "I could not depend - pond on those wretched country physi cians. " SD Thekla fell uidor the care of the particular "him" whom she had made up her mind to avol-i. Ho was a tall , imolooking man , with a full beard , and fmo , honest eyes , When oho was getting better Thokla became well acqualntid with him. "I always thougtt I should dislike you , " aho said ono city , as ho eat beside her on a pretense of wading aloud. "Why ? " ' 'Oh , I don't know" oho uaid , Hushing slightly , for she did. "But you are so much like some one dao whom I " "Ah ! who is this individual whom I resemble ? " : "A tramp ! " ' I have heard of bin. " "My tramp ? JIa vaa BO bravo and , ttrong ao courteous , nd considerate ! 1 wonder what became f him ? " Tlio doctor loaned ever her chair. "Tfion you only GIB for mo because 1 am BO much liku him'ho said , reproach fully. ' 'Conld you no like mo a little for myself , Tholkat" " 1 don't know pohaps. " "I wiah you would ry , " ho said , taking her hand , "bocauso 1 earned to care n great deal for you , dor. 1 think that 1 fell in love with you c flrtt sight , that day in Iho woods , when you throw yourself BO confiditijly on my protec tion " "I you Doctor Iiownlng ! " "Yea , you and I , Tolka ; L am your tramp. 1 wan footli ; it through the mountains for my heath. When 1 found out Avho you were , am that Mrs. Way- laud'A party \vnsnt the liolcJ , I left precipitately cipitately , for I Imdn't nny decent c'oilica \vilh mo , mid I looked protiy rongh AS you sow. No Trondor you took mo for n trflinp. 1 hndn't boon shaved for n fortnight nud I was black ns a Hot- tontot. " "And i was you , roftlly"Thclkn ? cried. "Yes. Thnnk hcnrcn I was there to snro yout and by God'a help , 1 Imvo boon nblo to bring you through this long illness. Thclkn , darling , if you could loam to love mo n little ' 4 It would bo sulUblo ' only n reward,1' alio BAld , putting her hnnd in his. "Woll , I nm willing to try , nnd J I do not des pair of success , doctor. " "My darling ! " ho anid , nnd ho stooped to klsa hor. "You dear old trninp' " she nnaworod , nnd aho ncatlcd in his nrina. CAPITAL PRIZE $150,000 " H't lie ktrt Jj/ certify An I at tujiertitt ( At ci tnat unli tor all thr Monthly ami SfmMnnu * Dtntnnji tf tktx > ti < ti4tta Statt Letttry Cmnrnnti mil ( n \ > trton inanaqe ami control tkt Drauing tkemitfva , nnd that the cams art eomluetal uitl \cnttty , fairnttt. and in goottjaii touard all par titt , otuj us authcntt the cempaiij/ un Mt cer ti/lcatint\/M-ntnilei ef Mir tignaturu uttatlei ( n id adixrtuttf.tnti. " . , OVr.ll 11AU' A MILLION D1S1 UIUUTKl ) . Louisiana Slate Lottery cumvanf , laootporaltd In 1SSS tor 15 yem by Iho IwlslMnu ar educational and ohailtablo purposeTlth a r * l I ot 11,000,000 to which a reserve ( and ol eve 1550.000 has slnos boon added. By an overwhelming popular tola Hi franchln waa made a p it or the present Halo oonitllutloc adopted December 3d , A. U. 1879. Its grand dlnglo nuinhor drawings Uki ilaco monthly. Il no * or icalei 01 pottroncf . Look nt the follow Inr Dlstillmtlon l"5th GUAM ) MONTHLY , ] AM ) THIS Extraordinary Semi-Auinial Draw ing. [ u the Acnilpiuy ol Music Now Or leans , Tuesday , December 1C. 1SS4. Jndcrtho poiioiialsiiicni8loii ( | and maiiARcmcnt of ) K.N. O T miAUKUIAKD.ofLouhlaimu.id . (1UN JU11AL A. KAKLY , cf Virginia. CAPITAL PRIZE , 8150,000. jtirNotlco. Tickets nro Ten Dollntu only. lUhoa $5. MUIi , (2Tcntn ) , SI. LIST OF PHIZES. CAPITAL ViUZR . _ _ . . . .CH09Ct , 1 Grind do . ( OOCI 1 rte do . SJ.'cOl i L/uianpRizKaOMio.ooo / . io.o 4 do Jo 6X0. . 2J.001. 10 I'Ul/KS Of 1000 . 2)001 ) DO do 800 . 2500C IK ) do 3X ) . a.CO ( SCO do 2)0 ) . 4).OCt ) OX ) do , 10) . OU OOC 1000 do . 60 . IO.OOC ArrnoxiMATioN rauia. 103 Approximation prlica of tiOO . 20 00 , SOO do do KO . 20.0 iiOO do do 7S . 700' IS79 Prices amounting lo . $513,101 Application for rates to dabs ehculd bo raada call o the offloo of the Company lu New rioUie. . " " " For further Information wrlto dourly giving full addrcea. POSTAL , NU1KS , Express Honey Orders , or tfiw York Exchange In ordinary letter. Currency by Kxprcsa ( all sums of ? 6 and upvsarus at our ex pense ) addressed M A. DAUPHIN. or U. A. DAUPHIN , Now Orleani La. C07 Seventh St. WnsblnEton D ( I Make P. O. MonoOrJ..a "payable and adjrcea NEW OKLKANS NATIONAL BANK. Now Orleans , La. Pictures of All the Presidents Free , A complete act of pictures of the 21 Presidents , each separate , with dnto of inauguration , birth , etc. , mailed free to everyone that sends lOc for sample copy and illustrated premium Hat of the Rural Nebraska , a 20-page , 80 column farm and family journal established 15 yoaiB. The pictures alone are worth 10s apiece and no ono who accepts this odor wili ever regret it. Address n. S. Smith it Co. , I'ub'rs , 100 and 108 S. 14th St. , Omaha , Nebraska. no8-lin ets tissss rroacrlptlon of a nolnl 0nocUllil ( noirr * tired. ) DrugKliticinflllll. AdJr > k. . DR. WARD co..i.ouisriNA.Ma. J , T. ARMSTRONG. M. D. Pructtco Limited to Diseases of the Eye nnd Enr. 1503 Fnrnam StrootOMAUJ. . Diseases and Health of Live Stock , AH owners of live Block nro no doubt interested in keeping their animals in o Bound hcnlty condition , and are anxious to bring to a halt any disooBO , no inuttor how trilling , as POOH aa it makes itn op- poaranco. To nccompliflh oltlior or both of thcso , the Western Live Stock Heine- r/y , manufactured at Omaha , has no equal. It ia easily given to cattle , horBos.fnvlno , and ahoop , and is an articln tliut haa never failed to clvo ( satisfaction , if prop. orly administered. Thousands of dollars might bo saved annually if breeders , farmers , and , in fact , any ono from the person owning an extensive herd to the modest gardner with a pony and a cow , would keep their animals in a thoroughly healthy condition. Keep stock healthy and over ; conta gious disease that comes along Trill not toke hold with the grip of death. To do this there in nothing equal lo the West ern Live Stock Homedy. Do not trait until the horse is stolen to lock thostablp door , but lock it nor before the thief comes along , by the rut- lay of only ono dollar for a trial packigo jf the celebrated and thoroughly teatoJ boon , the Western Live Stock Homujy. Enquire of your druggist , or general itorokoepcr , and if you are unable to ob. an it there , Bond Ono Dollar for a pack- igo , post-paid , to the WKHTKIIN LIVK STOUK HEMKKY Co. 0 J5ox nO'.l Omaha , Neb Special Discounts lo the Trade. nov8 1m MUST BE US33D. Dr. Young's Electric HollH. foil 7HH CIBK CK MuioiiMMtMi IIKIIU. ii , UMH vr MAN- " " " " ' ' ' * ' " ' < " ' " " > * * " "I Nil , 101 iiin-i. KIIIIOBH , . A Mrilltit. WOIIK TO UK KIVKV AWAV , UllOUllU 1'ilfvroM how they nny lie curid. i d itouui llcatli , HtruriKtli un.l . Ma'ilvigot , WITHOUT TII urtiicisr , will bu uut fruoliy I'Ojton real | < t . , Jill , It. VOUNU , 416 t'liiil btrcot , New York. THi CHEAPEST PLAOE IN UMAEA TO BUY I1 J One of the Boat and largest ; Stocka in the United Staten touselect from. NO STAIES TO OLIM& ELEGANT PASSENGER ELEVATOR ' n ' itt PIA t Ft Diploma of Honor , Modal of Merit , AND CERTIFICATE of DISTINCTION attheCENTENKIAL THESE INSTRUMENTS POSSESS m. HIGH f Power , Eiohness and Ssrmpatlietio Quality of Tone , $1 $ Elegance and Durability of Workmanship. j T Pronounced by the Artists and the Press , both at home and in . ' Europe , as the \ Sweetest Toned Piano Ever Made.f V vj \ -i ; General Western Agents : I THAT IS THE NAME OP THE TOWN WHERE FOF ? ALL ARE FOOWD I OTiere They Can Eiajoy Pure Air fa Water ! W A TTTTW And all of the 0od nuci jilcanaul things that go to malco up a com plete nnd liuppy oxistonco. Tlio town of South Omaha if tiuunted south of the city Jof Omato i the line of the U. P. Railwny , and it is lesa than 2J miles from tie Jniuhu post oflicu to tlio north line c i the town site. South Omaha is nearly H miles north and south by 2i east acd ; . and covers an area of nearly foursquare miles , The stock yards are at the extreme southern limit Nearly IGO lots have been aold And the demand is on the incroa'e yards are being rnpidly pushed to completion. The # 00,000 beef packing house is progressincr finely. The $30,000 Wntor Works are finished and furnish on abundant lupply of PURE SPRING WATER. The B. & M. and Dolt Line Railways have a largo force of men at work and will , in connection with the U. P. Railway , have a union depi t near the park at the north end of the town. Suitable grounds will I o Lurnished for Church and School purposes. Now is the time to buy lots.in this growingjcity. They will not or bo cheaper than they are to-day. at the Company's oflico , at the Union Stocks Yards. M. A. UPTON , Assistant Secretary , & BOLTS , UANUFAUTURERS Of- oirutr Wtndovri , FluUla , Window C ruIrou Urcillnxi , Metallic Sky-llghtr , Ao. Ho , Iroulind BlateOoa | Q trx HlOfinain lt ) ' Street Oiuah * Mobrukt , WHOLESALK BY L. A. STEWAET ft GO , , 1013 Jonea Street } ASKFOH UID OSS. { OMAHA HEB