THE DAILY BEE- COUNCIL BLUFFS ; SATURDAY NOVEMBER 15 THE DAILY BEE BLUFFS Stxturdav Morning Novoinbor 15 By Hall 110.00 per yea. OFFICE : No. 7 Ptarl street , Near Broadway. MINOR MENTION. II. 11 , Stewart , artist , at Chapman's. See J. Rioter's now fall stock of cloth. Lyman'a majority is now figured al f)58. Spiritual social this evening. Music and dancing. Mail and paper boxes cheap at Sea man's closing out sale. Attend the closing out sale at II. Fried man's , 341 Broadway. Russell Campbell and Charles Bailey have boon arrested for vagrancy. Dealers will find bargains at Seaman's closing out sale , on usual terms , Glenwood baa n democratic hurrah to night , to which Council Blufft will send a delegation. Grand closing out sale brglns this Sat urday morning at n. Friedman's , Oil Broadway. Leave to wed was yesterday granted C. II. Perry and Lois A. Valentino , both of Oakland. Everybody should buy n ticket for the policemen's dauco at Maaonle hall , on November 20th. My entire stock of cloaks will bo closed out within thirty days. II. Friedman , 341 Broadway. Place your orders for crayon portraits for the holidays with Stewart , the artist , at Chapman's. Democrats and republicans concede that J. J. Auworda & Co. , handle the finest millinery goodn. OURISTMAS GAUDS GIVEN AWAY. On all cash sales of fifty cents nnd upwards , at Scamon's closing out sale. J. A. Murphy has commenced the erection of n now brick residence on Eigth street , near Fifth avenue. 1 Stewart , the artist , is locatdB at Chap man's. Persona desiring portraits for the holidays should BOO him at onoo. Word cornea from Mt. Pleasant that \V. H. Hoover , who was recently sent from hero to the asylum there , died on Monday. The Planter's Wife is to bo given Mon day ovonibg. Harry Lacy appears as Oolubert Graham , supported by Miss Edna Carey. The driver of Hogg's boor bottling wagon proves to have boon quito badly hurt by the runawayono Icgboiug broken and some of the bones of ono hand. The spectacular molo-drama of the Romany Rye waa presented at the opera homo last evening , and is to bo given again this afternoon and evening. The streets loading up to the water works reservoir and Fairmont park are being put in shape tor travel , they hav ing boon badly washed away during the Bummer , Work has boon begun on the now gov ernment building and twenty-two men have been sot at work , stono-cuttors and masoriB , and the force Is to bo increased at once. The heirs of Vincent J. Bailey have sued the Mutual Benefit association cf this city for § . ' 1,000 , claiming that ho had a policy in full force when ho dlod In February last. Harry Hunter , the dear old grand , mothers local , has been presented with n novelty made up of sausages , n very unique affair which needs to bo scon tote to bo appreciated. The boy , Willlo Dwia , who ran away from Webster City , was taken back there by his friends yesterday , and it is ex pected ho will bo sent from there to the reform school. A dozen or so of the Romany Rye troupe are stopping at the Revere house , and seemed greatly pleased with the way the hotel is running under the manage- inunt of the St. Johns. Several parties , Including Maj. Gen. Thomas , Thee , Lund , and others , wore noticed , getting away with election bet oysters at J. W. Morse's. They Boomed B&lisQed with the counts. There is to bo a quarter raca this after , noon at the driving park between a hors belonging to Mr. Uodiuhall and ono belonging longing to Johnny Cor. The race is fo : 8200 a fiide. The Second street bridge is to bo fur nished with now braces , stringers and flooring , ao as to < make It good for four or five years. This la ono of throe bridges that wilh-stood the great Indian crook flood of two years ago. Charlie Wilson and Mr. Scales have bought a speedy runner , a two year old of Major Thomas , of Lorington. She is by Lao Lips , dim Ellco , and promises to make It lively for any company she may trot into. She arrived at the driving park this week. "Out of the joys urd gricfc of earth Death proclaim ] glorious birth. " Sjiir itual circle to-iuorrow ( Sunday ) after noon and evening in Spiritual hull , at 2 x.nd 7:30 : o'clock , Entrance ou Main .and Pearl streets via stairs two deere eoutli of the peat oflice. P. R , Bolden yesterday received the d now * that hia brother Frank Beldcn had mat with a terrible accident at Han- ford , Tularo county , California. In fir * ing off a aiunon in honor of Blaine , a premature dU'jhargo tore oil' bvth his hands and burned hij fuco bidly. The citizens nt once raised a pnrso of $100 i gold for him. Ho Is n machinist by trad nnd mndo the very cannon which was beIng Ing fired. Ho hns always led n very no live lifo , and the accident to ono In h clrcumctftiiccs , Is indeed a terrible ono William Gibson , of the K. C. house scoirm to have reached the end of h ropo. Ho lias lately made a good deal o trouble with hii family Dy his drinkin and quarrelsome habits , and had to glv bonds to keep the peace unfit the nox term of the district court. The otho day ho was arrested for assaulting hi wife with a butcher knife. Ho wo placed in jail on account of his failure t keep the peace , as provided for by hi bonds , and has also bcon hold to awai the grand jury on a charge of atsaul with intent to kill. Mrs. Gibson has nl BO commenced divorce procoedinga nnc the notice was served on him in jail yea torday. She charges him with cruo treatment and habitual drunkenness. Wrought Iron Ranges at reduced prices Do Vol & Wright , 00-1 Broadway. A FALLING HOUSE , Connty Board Petitioned to Order a New [ Court HODSB Election , Tlio ly Fathers 1'cop at the CfnckH. It is now conceded that the court house a In a toally dangerous condition , ant unfit for further occupancy. The walls are settling moro and more , and are bulging out , the cracks are larger , and no ono can look at the structure without fooling that it is easier to breathe out side than inside of it , Yesterday after noon the city fathers inspected the building , with a view of taking some action. Ao a board of health they have the power to condemn the building , and forbid its occupancy , or oven to order it boarded up , or torn down. If the build ing gets much worse some such action will bo necessary to protect the public. If the building cannot bo used , the prisoners will need bo taken into some other county jail , or put in the peniten tiary , nnd this county will have to p y their board. Rent will have to bo paid also for some building for the use of the countv officers and the keeping of the record ] . The county is taking great chance in many respects , there being a liability of its records being destroyed , or its treasury mulcted for a largo amount. The county board docs not seem dis posed to take any action , in view of the last election hold on the question , there being so largo a majority against anew now court houso. A petition signed by a largo number of business men was pre sented to the board yesterday , asking that a now election bo called to vote Upon the question of a now court house and jail. The board concluded not to take any action upon the potion until to-day. The only seeming objection which is presented against calling such nn oJooUou in the claim that it would bo useless to do so , for the east end of the county would vote solid against it and defeat it. It is thought by othora that the people of this county now realize that the present building is not only a disgrace to the county , but is endanger ing the property and the lives of citizens , and something needs-to bo dono. Order hard wood of P. Ovorton. Stewart stovoo , Do Vol & Wri ht. llio Coming Jurors , The following have boon chosen as the jurors for the December term of the dis trict court : PETIT Junoim R T Bryant , oily ; Wm Leigh , Shulby ; Jos Butler , llazgl Doll : W M Maxwell , James ; B Y Graybill , Nprwalk ; J G Carter , Viilloy ; Martin Nilon , Bblknapi J.F Grove , Pleasant ; John Dargo , Sr. , Grove ; 0 A ROHO , city ; Allen Smith , Lewis ; J W Ilumilton , Macedonia ; H G Harlow , Knox ; Ezra Carter , Hockford ; J 0 Thraildkill , Garner - nor ; Y C Wilson , Lincoln ; W M Couch , James ; Alex Glud , city ; James Marge- son , Liyton ; JohnKnox , Grove ; Simon Reynolds , Bolknap ; 0 M Porter , Wave- land ; 0 H Gllmoro , city ; Wm Curry , Orescent. GIIAMD Juitoiis : David Sihonoman , Walnut ; Herman Mendel , Ncola ; W B Newton , Oikland ; Joa Beck , city ; S S Keller , city ; W II Froomau , Oakland ; W S Quick , city ; R M White , Oakland ; Robert Wilson , Kllot ; Otis Hardonborg , Walnut ; J A Iloko , Avoca ; Robert Adama , Crescent ; A Oaslor , Wheeler's Grove ; Jos Ellis , Minden ; E II Ohlon- dorf , city. Buy your Thanksgiving hats and bon nets at J. J , Auwordn & Oo.'s , Itl ? Broadway. It will pay you to see our line of stoves before you buy.DK DK Voi , & WmaiiT , 501 Broadway. t IMCKSONAIiH. J. 0 , Iteaguu IH the happy father of twli boyu , born ut Kiullmm iiuiiriiOB ycHtorday All doing well with increngjiiR majority , J 0 , wants thorn called Cleveland and lien dricks to nul the reform , [ Town Daily Lender , November 1-lth , K , J. Bond , who lived horu for no many yciirH , has lotnrned from Duiucr. Itcnl JCwtulo TrainlVirH. The following transfers wore filed in the county clerk's oflico yustorday and ro. ported ior the Bun by J. P. MoMahon , real estate agent , Novoinbor 14 , 1881 ; Crawford > t Morrinm to J B Goitgon , I k ! l and1 b 2 , Whitney , Crawford & Hen-lam's add , Walnut , § 100. R. B. Wilson and wlfo to Moaloy Jhaso , 112 , b 15 , Carson , 81GO , W. 8. Mann and wif to lliiBsnll Robin- ion , und A orswj no , and und A nwf scj , 15 , 7510 , e 00 , Sarah Tonohnor and husband to Wm. : . Oruin , wA , sej.lii , 75,41 , 81. Orders by telephone for Hour , food , rood , coal , and hay , will bo promptly illod by Cook & Cooper , 700 Broad * ray , _ Stewart Stove * , Do Vol & Wright. St. John Droir , have bought , cleaned nd refurnished thu Revere House , 540 troadvvay , opoositu thu opera house , louncil Bluff ) , tvhero you will find clean Doms , clean bi > Ja and well filled tables , 'urms ' § 1 50 per d y. i PATERNAL PRATTLE. The Oily Falters Condemn tbc [ Conrl Iljiise as Unsafe. They Propose to Tax the In surance Companies. Otlior Cl'y Concerns. The aldermen mot lant night as a board of health , Aid. McMixhon and Keating being absent. Aid. Sicdontopf offered the following resolution , which waa adopted : Resolved , That the clerk bo instructed to caUBQ a notice nerved by the marshal upon the board of supervisors , apprising that body of the action of this board of health in declaring the county court house to bo in an unsafe condition , and that in the opinion of this board the building complained of is injuring all persons and the public in the enjoyment of lifo and health , and that the said board IB requested and required to repair said building or othcrrriso place the Hamo in n safe condition , within fif teen days from the day of [ service of such notice. The body was then transformed into a city council. A sidewalk waa ordered from Broad way to the crook on Six'h ' street , and a lamp-post at the bridge. A petition waa presented , asking for the appointment of John Jonca an super intendent of the work of keeping the paved streets cleaned , and that the clean Ing bo lot by bid ; Referred. Aid. James moved that the city attor ley prepare an ordinance providing fo the taxing of all insurance companies do ng business hero. The city attorney reported ported that ho waa already preparing such in ordinance , and the resolution wa adopted , | The city engineer was instructed to prepare a written report on the proba iillty of { ho proposed ditch to the rlvor , > olng widened by Trashing , thus damag < ug adjacent property : also to the result at an overflow from the river , nnd whoth- r such ovoillow might not rush down his now channel , causing a wash and amago. The question of the interference of the reposed ditch with the waterworks main nd the railway tracks waa referred to : io city attorney. A resolution waa passed requesting allways to put only span or trass bridges cross the ditch instead of platform ridges. . A resolution waa passed Instructing 10 city attorney and engineer to define nero definitely the boundaries of the vard. The fire committee was instructed to ut an alarm box on the 0. B. & Q ewer , as there is a watchman there night nd day. The committco on special assessments oported in regard to Irregularities in vidth of Broadwry , that all in ozcoos of ! io ordinary widtha bo designated aa ublio places , and that the cost of paving ills excoaa bo paid for the name aa inter actions , Instead of being charged to butting property. The city attorney omlndod the council that ho had already oportod against the legality of euch a ourse , and the council had ut a previou nooting concurred in hia report. On motion the report of the committee was oncurrod In and thoattorney Instructed o draw an ordinance. On motion it was decided to hold nccial mooting Monday at 2 p. m. , to iston to objections of Mr. IIolFmayor as o paving assessment. A resolution < ras adopted'doing away rith the Main street hay market , and making the space botwocn the city jai" md the city building , the only markoi > lace in the city. The street railway company was noti led to extend iU track up Broadway to Jabbltt'a place , in accordance with the ho charter. Adjourned until 2 o'clock Monday ftoruoon. To Newspaper Men. Ono who has had ton years experience a a newspaper writer on both daily and vookly proas , and who is also n practical rlutor desires a situation on some wide- wako weekly paper. References given. Jesirca to chaugo from dally to weekly ork. Addrois L. , Council Blulfj , BEE fllco. In York township the returning board oportod 70 majority for Judge Loof < ourow , not stating whether it was for 10 short term or long term. The coun r board counted It no for the long term GIOBlllK Out , To close the business I offer my stock of nibcollauoous books , picture , fany goods , otlons , fire screens , easels , willow and auo high chairs and children's rockers , t prices never known before in the west. I. E. Seaman , paper , books and station- try , 50-i Broadway , Council Bluff * . I liavo licou llll < itcil with nn Affection > f the Tlirout from childhood , canned by ditili- horlii , nnd have used various romculios , fmt mvo never found anything equal to DROWN'H .iiiONCiUAL TIIOCIIKS. 7fct' . ( I. .V. / ' . Jlamp- oii , J'Htton , Ky , Sjld only In boxoa. will Mil the following jiropcrty on eitty bouKhtslthhi DUiU ) a. 200 Acre Farm. Ite miles north ol Council DIufTs ; good barn , bouse orchard , and all fenced. 400 Acre Farm. | voi llfiicaiitof Logan , lUrrhon , county , Iowa , nil uncod , foodaril , titn , houut , orchud , etc. ; 2'0 . under i > low , ito aorci faiuo iri meadow , 100 cru timber and iu turf. llila farm c3.i beeielly dl luvd IHo tbruo dcuublo tuiall I rmj. 800 Acre Farm. U nillca cMt of Onaw , Monout county , Iiwi , on lie lUHoliter ; KOCH ! lioune , barn 86x1(0 Icct , lowl ardi , tb/'di. et3.i 200 acres unJir'pluw , bilancxj In uiber , uicadow and | iwturo ; n ! lr < t clvu utock farm ictcry rcM | > nct. 240 Acres of Wild Land , SuiUblo for Farming , -A.XjEO ! :50 : Dend of Cuttlo , 75 lload of IForses , tf < )0 ) He d of Hogs. 1(0 Fanning Imiilemeutu iutSci at tocairyon ttld ( nni ) . AUo 3,000 Bushels of Corn , and 400 Tons of Tame nud Wild Hay. IJ Block , osiu/fxl aud machinery li divide I up i ild farnu , Mid will bo old only In oonncctlou tli td ( irir . lleruli uKcxHlclui'ooljrClioloo stock farmi , well ocked , rcu ly for woik' . JWsjlouItm ou d tg if ircluse , If denlred. U'jll Oil Pr ttJdlSH K. P. CADWKtL , Poundl J. PROPKIETOR OF Music Hall Upon ilie onenine of the season for the Holiday Goods trade , I lieg to inform my customers and the public in gener al , tint I hava made extensive prepara tions for a large trade and feel confi dent that I can fill all orders that may be entrusted to me to yours entire sat isfaction. My assortment of imported and do mestic goods , I am pleased to assure you , is far superior to any of previous seasons , and a visit to my establish ment , 103 Main street , Council Bluffs , Iowa , will repay you. The entire stock has been selected by myself with a view to meet the wants and demands of the general trade in the west. Should none of my agents be able to call on you during the season it will be of great advan tage to you to pay me a visit and per sonally select your wants , as travel ing men never can carry such a full line as is shown you at my head quarters. WAT' Council Bluffs , Iowa MANDEMAKERS & VI N , STAIR BUILDING A SPECIALTY. 201 Upper Broadway Cor. Stutsmau St. , COUNCIL BLUFFS. Orders in the city or country solicited. Prompt Attention nnd satisfaction Guaranteed. Plans and specifications furnished free. MRS. L A. WARBURTON , 'ASHIOIABLE ORESSMAKE dutfcing and Fitting a Specialty. 230 linOADWAY COUNCIL BLUFF& L. F. CLAITEUIIUCK , Q. EDOAH , O. E BESWIOK , Manager. Assistant. Secretary. Council Bluffs Detective Association YIll do all kinds of clctccthu work for Hank ? , Express , Telegraph anl Hallway cojjpanlc ) , Merchants , UnufactorlcB , Corvorallone , Public and Private Institutions and District Attornoys. Ktolen property ro- ororcil Collections intilo , Missing friends found , Dva ! > co < i procure 1. JS'IO rowanl offered ( or the an cat , nil conviction of any iienon ur iicrsom frauJulontly roprountlii ; this Aejcclatlon All communications trlotly confldontlixl. Olllcu : Masonic Temple Council Illulls Iowa. I1. C. Box 1253. Lates Ilnring opened la n uow atoro I Invite the inapoctlon of lad Ion. HTR3. S. J. NOIUllS , ililO Ilroailway , - - - Oounoil * * W 0 SToa. 217 and 210 S. Main St. , COUNCILBLTJFFS W. P ALYSWOETH. llouws rooted on the LI rrUUHANTtruoki and auy illataneo and over ny kjna 01 gioana IHI01C I10UKKB rained. All work Uir utcod W. P. AYtSWOHTII , 1010 Nlntb'itreef. COUNCIL UUIFF8 Wo would call jour attention to the fact tint the -AUK OFFKHINO Sargains WMoh Cannot "ba Obtained Elsowhoro. -ssass ± :5isls EVKUV l'AUTICUI.All , THAT WB DKFY COMl-BTITION IN aUrootthenltiinthnof everjbody , It in the vionl e iwcd /JrOABIIUtheir2lo ur roe Crai J lilUiwlll : the rca on o on ojl.'r tlicio to you at so low a figure. A cash " " muff From $5 to $15 Saved on Every Suit. 11 } hMlng jour Clothing made toordcr &t the AKcnc > of the Oreat Mmhant Tailoring Hou < f & BROWN , 32 PEARL ST. , COUNCIL BLUFFS. " I II. WAN'AMAKKIt It , imnw.VS. Tflllorlnc A I. NOBENE & ; LANDSTROM , Fnll Goods Ready. Suits Mndo to Order in Latest Style on bhort Notice nnd n Kensouulo Prices. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. 200 Mnln Strcot , ' ' Council Bluffs BE. JUDD'S ELECTRIC BELT. 8.000 Elcctrlo Belts fold for the Month of Sept , by ua. Agents Wanted ! Rcfcttnoos-Any of the business houses In Council Bluffs. JDDD & SMITH Proprietor Solcarooma 319 , Broadway. Manufactory 30 , Fourth St. COUNCIL BLUFFS. KIEL SALE STABLES Keep Horses and Mules constantly on hand which wo will soil in retail or wholesale lota. All Stock Warranted as Represented. Wholeialo and retail dealers In Oraln nd Baleil Hay. eonable. Satisfaction Guaranteed. . Corner Fifth Avo. & 4th St. , Council Bluffs. SMITH & TOLLEU Affte. , LEADING MERCHANT TAILORS 7 and 9 Mala street , CODNOII. BLUFFS , IOWA. A Complete Line of Fall Goods to Select Prom. LARGEST AND BEST STOCK OF ALL KINDS OP In Iowa and Nebraska , and sold for the least money at 337 Broadway , Council Bluffs , Iowa. MRS , D , A , BENEDI&TManufacturer , , urtalns , In Lace , jei'k , Turcoman , Etc. ? oilcloths , Mattings , LinoleumsEto ! i hoicest and Best Selected STQOK ill the WEST , ame and bo convinced that wo are headquarters for all goods in onr line , heapest place to buy CARPETS , Curtains and House Furnishings In the City. Upholstering and Bedding Supplies. - i NOB. 5 , 7 and 9 MASONIO TEMPLE - . COUNCIL BLUFFS 4 Mail Orders Filled PromptlyCnrdnne I. & l. "UI JJ. Waves , Switches , Whatnots , Langt/y aod Pompadour- Frizzes , ALL KINDS OF 29 MAIN STREET , 0 JUNOIL BLUF F UALLETT , DAVIS AND COMPANY PIANOS Endorsed by FKASI IIEZT , EMERSON PIANOS. Unrivalled or Tnno or Flnlchi KIMBALL PIANOS Beet Modern Price to Buf. The Kimball Organ , ao lone nnd fnvorubly known In the west , rncommonds STEWART , Solo Agent for abovolinfla of Goods. Warorooma , 329 nncil Bluffs Correspondence Solhitod. Agoata Wan tod. sat ) V/HOLESALK DJJAL.KB8 IN J& & * 'a tk ? ! &l und 344 Tfrondwny. OOUNOTL BLUFFS TOUA L. 0. ARBUTHNOT , ALL TIIK IATE3T STYLES IN PA1TKUNS JUST 11ECFJVKI ) . 5iS BROADWAY , - - COUNCIL BLUFFS COOKITCAMD HEATING STOVES Both now nnd pecond hand , rmiping in prices from § 3.50 to $25 ench. Take advantage nnd call enrly to obtain the best bargains. I am making a bi reduction m 1 TJ DF& . KT I aOEa"O" 1.3SS At I neud Uio room to dUplay my Block of etovoa. A. J. MANDF.L , * Council JlluHe , Iowa. 826 IJroailway , - Special Bargains in Wall Paper. vn order to juako room for on imraento stock of Spring Goods , I li&vo decided to ) ffor all goods now in stock , at prices never before quoted in this oily. GEO. R. BEAUD , No. 32 Main Street , next to P , 0. N , SCHUEZ , ace of He OFFIOK OVE11 AU1UUOAN KIl'KEQS COUNCIL BLUFFS. IOWA . o. o. DENTIST , 100 MAIN STREET , COUNCIL BLUFFS - i on A