Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 15, 1884, Image 7

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THE DAILY BlJ. " ' ATTRDAY N 15 188 * '
Jnflie Biwcf Decides the 1'lalle '
Comity Tar snit ,
Tlio Douglas County .Inry In 1io
Clark Cnsi Still om.
In the United States circuit court yea *
lorday Judge Brewer rendered his
opinion in the caao of Iho Union Pacific
Hallway company ngainat Pintle county ,
argued on Thuraday by Hon. A. J. Pop-
ploton for the plaintiff , and lion. W. H.
Hunger for the defendant. .
The court diamlaaod the bill praying
for an injunction as to all lauds convoyed
by deed prior to the bringing of the ault ,
and also for the taxes of 1881 upon
all lands upon which the aurvoy foes were
paid pilor to the levy in July of thnt
year , From this part of the dociai-n the
plaintiff appeals.
Upon Mr. Hunger's conati action of
the charter that there were no aurvoy
fees as the land had boon surveyed prior
to the passage of the not granting the
lands , the foes mentioned in said act being
ing only auch aa were necessary after the
passage of the net , Judge Brewer held
that the government nud railway company
having acted upon a [ different construc
tion upon the grant , third partioa were
bound by auch construction. From this
part of the opinion the dnfondant will
appeal. This decision of the court holds
na valid about § 3,500 of taxes which the
plaintiff haa always contended were other
"A great portion of the day was con-
turned by the argument in the case ol
Lalk nnd others , ngainat Eilor nnd others ,
In which the plaintiff seeks to enjoin the
enforcement of the judgment in the caio
of Ejler against Hoguo , rendered at the
Hny term of court. The property In
volved in this suit Is some tbroo blocks of
land in Loup City , Sherman county , in
thia state.
The grand jury was busily at work nil
day , but made no presentments.
The jury in the case of Kelson against
the Missouri Pacific railway , tried before
Judge Wnkeloy , yesterday [ rendered a ver
dict for defendant without leaving the
box under Instructions from the court.
Before Judge Novlllp , the case of the
atnto against Clark indicted for obtaining
mpuoy undoa falsa pretences was submit-
to to the jury nt 5 p. m. The defense
i relied upon Is "mistakpnjdontity. " The
defendant claims that it waa , 'his ; brother
who committed the offense.Tito crime
consisted in obtaining fromdohn Edwards
the sum of $100 by false representation.
The jury at 2 oiclock this morning ware
still out.
On Monday the ciso against J ohn F.
Bohtn will bo taken up.
'A , Allondorf was fined $5 for being
guilty of assault and battery.
The case of the state against Dug Ha-
guire for the larceny of broad tickets and
tobacco from 0. F. Elsaser & Son , ba
kers , was continued until to-day on the
statement of the defendant that he had
n a confederate , whom the police intend to
] arrest. When young MaguirJ was
searched In the police station a letter
from his'girl in North PJatto was found
upon him , stating that there were no
police in that city , and asking him to
come out nnd "work" the town.
John F. Diorks , agalnst-whom n com
plaint was sworn out by F. 0. Festner on
Thursday , could not be found yestoiday.
'It Is presumed by the police that ho was
notified , by some means , of his intended
apprehension , and loft the city Thuraday
Do not be deceived ; ask for nnd take
only B. H. Douglass & Sons' Capsicum
Cough Drops for Coughs , Colds and Sere
Throats. D. S. and Trade Hark on every
drop 4
Tlio Ijiu-il Itcllncry Kcliullt The Her
Still-Hoiiso Approaching
The work of rebuilding the Her still-
house is being pushed rapidly. The
walls have been raised to the desired
height and the elevator has boon made
one story higher , The "Jarvis" , column
has come from Chicago and nearly all the
machinery necessary is on ih-j ground.
All damaged apparatus or ma
chinery haa given wny to new , and to
more fulJy protect this great plant its
outer walls have been covered withcorru--
gated iron. During all the time since the
fire , distilling in n small way has boon i
kept up to provide food for the cattle. I
It will bo some time before the hunso
will bo fully completed , but the works
will begin running their full capacity
next week.
The works of the Omaha Lard llsfin-
cry company , totally destroyed by fire
last summer , have boon rebuilt by Fair
banks & Co. , of Chicago. The capacity
has bson moro than doubled nnd the
buildings hnvo boon built entirely of
brick. The machinery waa started this
week and an improved apparatus will
manufacture aoap , buttorlne , and refined
lard. Fairbanks & Co. are now the own
era of four lard refineries , two of which
are not yet fully completed. One is at
St , Louis , the second at Chicago , the
third at Omaha and the fourth in Now
York city. [
Besides all the lard from Boyd's pack
ing house , "leaf" nnd "straw" lard ia re
fined under outside oantracts. It ia in
tended by thoao in charge to have the
whole concern running to ita full capacity
by January 1 , 1885' The company'a cir
cular io Its customers says : ;
"It ia hardly necessary f or ua to give the
trade our reasons for establishing this ad
ditional factory. So many complaints
have been made the last three years of
the excessive freights charged on our pro
ducts from Chicago and St. Louis , that
wo have found it necessary to moot the
wishes of the trade by giving them our )
gwds at a cheaper point of delivery. "
Fraudulent , Drafts.
J. Groenhood & Co , , of Chicago , have
written to TUB BKK stating that a man
by the name of J , A. Ferguson , who has
been living in Omaha , has boon making
fraudulent drafta upon the firm for vari
ous sum * .
Ona J A. KenruBoii. claiming Omaha an hi *
home , is truvuling through different ttatw
madnig fraudulent draft * upon ita for laigo
amounts. lie has already victimized ovoral r <
tmallbniVers. jfois not and cover has been
in our employ. Jlogot away with 850 from
the Third national bank , Sid&lla , Mo. , and
to-day comes a draft for SM tollected nt Hink-
loy s linking eomi.invv ) 1'ellovillo , III.
A few daya ngo M ' > 1 ( Jammings re
ceived n letter Irom UrctC'iood * 0 ° -
slating that the man Ferguson ca.n'o ! ! ' t"
live nt 1204 Howard atreot , in this city.
An officer went to the plnco named am
found that Forcuson nnd his wife had
boon rooming there but had taken thfclr
departure , nnd it is supposed that they
wont to Lincoln.
tt will bo well for bankers to look out
for the follow.
lly Dr. Frazler'a Single Ointment. Cures as
Ifbymnglc : Pimples , Black Heads or 0rubs ,
lUotcIiM nnd Kniptions on the face , leavlntf
the kln clpnr nnd liCAUtifnl , Also cures Itch ,
Snlllihoimi , Sere Nlmiloa , Sere Lips nml old ,
Obsllrmto Ulcers , Sold by drufrfrl't" , or
mailed on receipt of prico. 60 cents , Som by
Kulm k Co. mid 0 , F. Goodmnu.
O'UKUAN-Novombcrll , 1&84 , at On. in. ,
of congestion of the lungs , KIel Cnlhatus ,
infant son of 1) . 0. nnd M. K , OUlegnn ,
i\Rod D months nnd C days.
Funeral this ( Snturdny ) nfternoDn st 3:30 :
o'clock , from the reaidonco of tlio pnrontf ,
South Tenth street , nonr lllcltory. DCS
Hloinca nnd Dnbuqna papers i lease copy.
A Valuable Ohlll Tonic Hentl tills
Dou3EY Co. , , AKK. , January 8 , 1883.
J. II. Soull it liro.
Gentlemen I can certify * to the fact
that JIughex' Tonio is the best Chill Ton
ic I over tried. I consider it bettor than
Quinine. Respectfully ,
( Signed ) M. M. KKSTIRSOX.
Prepared by R. A. Robjnson & Co. ,
Wholesale Druggists , Louisville , Ky. ,
and at retail by Schrotor &
Bocht , Druggists , Omaha. Retails
$1.00 per bottle , oix bottles ,
? C 00 >
WE have no hesitation in recommend
ing the "Garland Stovoa nnd Ranges. "
Their high reputation for durability ,
economy of fuel , convenience nnd artistic
finish stamps them ns the best in the
world. It la the constant aim of the
manufacturers to make the very boat
stovoj that can bo produced , They are
umlvalod , ( ! )
A. Bargain In Corner-Lois ,
ia what most men desire , to keep from
filling a grave in a cemetery lot ere half
your days nro numbered , nlwnys keep n
aupply of Dr. Piorco'a "Goldon Hodlcal
Discovery" by you. . When the firat
symptoms of consumption appear lese no
time in putting yourself under the treat
ment of this invaluable medicine. It
cures when nothing plso will. Possess
ing , as it does , ton times the virtue of
the best cod liver oil , it is not only the
cheapest but far the ploasantoat to take.
It purifies and enriches the blood ,
strengthens the system , cures blotches ,
pimpFes , eruptions and other humors.
By druggists.
The Spiritual Lords ,
Freeman , in the Contemporary Keviow.
The exact position of the spiritual
lords is at this moment a very singular
one. Their seats In parliament have
boon objected to on many nnd very dif
ferent grounds. They nro objected to ,
quite reasonably from hia point of view ,
by the Nonconformists Booking for the
disestablishment of the church. They
are objectedto , no less reasonably from
hia point ofvViow , by the'zealous church
man , whoso idea of the bishop's oUbaJs
ao high that lie regrets , to see those who
hold it mixed up with .worldly affairs at
nil. But there is something to bo said on
the other side. If there ia to be any
house of lords at all , wo cannot afford to
turn the bishops out of it till we
have some other visible class
of non-hereditary lords to put in their
places. Two or three Lords of Appeal In
Ordinary nro not enough. Strange as it
may seem , the Bishops are the only class
of men who keep their seats In Parlia
ment by the old traditionary right of En
glish freemen to appear in person in the
Assembly of his people , They have kept
what otoera have lost. In theory wo
mignt aay the same of the Earls ; but the
Earldoms have utterly loat their ancient
character they have become airaply one
rank in the hereditary peerage. The
Earl , with his illustrious Scandinavian
title , really differs in nothing from the
French Marquess who walks before
him and the French Viscount whi
walks after him. But the Bishop
still hold the aamo seats by the snmu tenure
uro aa when Anaolm braved the vrratli o
Rufue , not for ecclesiastical privilege , bu
for moral right as when Stephen Lang
don read out the charter of Henry , am
wrung ita moro than renewal from John
aa whrn Edmund , meek and ascetic aa
Anselm , could withstand king nnd pope
alike in the cause of English freedom. I
the bishops' Beats had been taken at any
moment up to the present , it would have
been simply giving up the Innermost defense
fenso of the fortress to ita assailants. I
would have been setting the final seal to
the long encroachments of the exclusive
hereditary doctrine. In any moro general <
oral consideration of the whole aubjoct ,
this ma'tor ' , like others , will have to bethought
thought over.
Hood's Sarsnparilla , acting through the
blood , roaches every part of the system ,
and in this way positively cures catnrrh. , -
Heredity in Kyca
IndlanapoliH Journal ,
When both parents have eyes of the
same color 89 per cent cf the chlldroi
follow their parents in this feature , and
of the 12 percent born with eyes other )
than the parental color a part mutt bo
attributed to Intermittent heredity.
More females than males hare black or
brown eyes in the proportion of 40 to 45.
With different colored oyca in the two [
parents , C3 per cent of the children follow -
low the fathers in being dnrkoyod , and GO
) or cent follow their mother in being
iark eyed. .
to Canada.
OTTAWA , November U. Immigration ru s
urns show ; Since January , total arrivals , ci
138,030 SO.OCOof wlioniweto settlers , D8.000
- ' 7 through to the United States. For
ho Hame period Just year , there were 103,000
trrivnis , 97,000 of wtom settled In Canada
xnd 00,000 were passengers to tha United
Pure .Buckwheat Flour and Maple
syrup at J. B. French & Co.'a.
Fine Milwaukee Sellorio Knollon BO-
bon angelongt boi Weimora' .
Try the Minnesota wheat Hour made at 01oi
ho Omaha roller mills. Guaranteed oin f
jest. tf n
Ask your Qrooerfor UA.MUDUQIR : soap. m .0
se ;
log AKB OoAt atJimzon &Iiro. .Jm sec
I. .
Largo atook of Diaries for 1880 at 5Cl 5 <
iVheeler Bros. tf Cl
! <
Cdlifonttu Honey Large invoice just nx
eceivcd by J. B French & Co , x
' 8
Now Raisins , Figs and Nuta a1 AV/e- /
new , VI
Hope for Happier Day Tatos Roe
And Great Joy Provndos .Palaco
Temple and Hovel.
A .Pair of Polygamists Find
Quarters in the Pom
The OloHO of the CnnipjilKii CIlv 'vi
Now A'IKOP to nil CliniinvN oT
Cornwx > ndonco of THK UKK.
] SALT LAKK CITY , November 11 , 1881.
The orn of dullncts nud deadness tlmt
ins charnctorized ndAirs in Utih during
, ho gronlor portion of the proaont yonr
ma boon ouccoodod by a violent reaction ,
tied the oacitotnont In sotno dlroctiona ia
greater than over recollected by the old-
oat inhabitant. This has been brought
about partly by reason of the elections ,
ocal and gonoul , that hnvo caused the
ceonoat intoroat in Utah na wall ns in the
rest of the country ; and nlso by thova-
rioua polygamy trial ) which hare ended
n two casoa in the conviction of the nc-
cuaod , Thoao trials being conducted , as
: ho Moimona think , vrith unroaaonablo
aovority , has c.-xuaod nn intcnao feeling ,
Dspecially : i3 the judge refused to take
jail when the parties appealed to sno BU-
ironio court of the territory. Inatead
of following the rule that haa boon in
variable in the practice of the courti of
, hia territory , to permit the prisoners to
give surotica until their casoa ware finally
disposed of , ho has committed t'leso ' two
men to the penitentiary , where they will
remain , not working out a portion of
.heir sentence , but awaiting the decision
if the higher court until a final decision
[ n reached. Some argue that it ia
A man with the right of appeal who had
boon convicted of murder might just as
well be executed during the time his case
was pending adjudication in the higher
courti as to put a man in the panitontinry
nnd keep him in durauio vile during the
time thnt ho also waa awaiting the decis
ion oflho appellate tribunal , after which
he will have to fill his full term of Im
Arguing from this stand-point the ma
jority have como to the conclusion that
any change In ollicials will bo batter for
Utah , and therefore they are enthusias
tically for the democratic ticket , though
of course In presidential matters , this
being a territory , its citizouu have no
Tha candidate of the people's party f o
delegate , Hon. John T. Cralnc , hoi bcoi
elected by on immense majority , and tin
opposing candidate , Capnin Rinsfon
Smith of Ogden , has received a mud
smaller vote than was cast by hia part ;
two years ago , when Mr. Van 'Ailo we
their standard bearer. Besides these , t
increase the general intensity of feeling
there iavo boon local-matters In whip ]
veiy.atrong epithets , bittbtch fgos"nnc
countbr-chargeBTibara.boon" by op
posing nowspap'ers ; nnd"last Saturday
John Q. Cannon , n son'of''tho ox-dole
' XUuisHED THE 1,00-U , , EMIIOtt *
of the ; TributiO'for ueing Jm nnmo ant
thatof his sister-in-law , a young uh
married lady , as ho asserts , in a.most uu
warrantable manner , and refusing testate
state the truth when It had been demon
stratcd that that which ho had published
waa utterly without foundation. Fo
this fracas Mr. Cannon was fined § 15.0
and costs. Wo have also had n sligh
shock of earthquake. Putting all these
perturbations together , with the expec
tation of the chances thai tZio near future
may evolve the general placid complexioi
of society hero has been wtorkod to a ten
sion that It will take considerable wisdom
to prevent feelings of such a bitter character
actor developing as to endanger the tran
quility of the community. Still judgln ;
from the past , when high feelings , thougl
not so intense , have baforotimo arisen
It will probably pass away because botl
aides will shriek from making the firal
hostile movement. Taking nil things
into consideration wo have no fear for
the future pence of Utah , though some
liavo prophesied that matters , if they (
continue In their present course , canno ;
bo settled without the shedding of blood. ;
With thesa parties the wish is probably
But the general sentiment is , aa ox
crossed by the most conservative men
ihoao who have boon hero the longest ,
ind who should from their position know
the condition cf mattora that thinga
will quiet down after the election , and
jspecially if there should bo a change in L
Jio administration. There can bo no
loubt , for It is openly admitted , that n
-ory strong judicial campaign will bo
naugurated by the present ollieials hero
iKainst tha peculiar institutions of Mor-
nonlsm , bat should those oflicials bo sup.
planted by others It is very
irobablo that a milder policy will
o pursued for the time baing.
The attorneys of these who have boon
lonvicted , and their sympathizers are
trong in the belief that the convictions
atoly attained will , bo quashed by the tlK tlt l
lourt of lust resort on the ground .of the K
legality of the manner in which the jiry , fl
vosi Impanelled by open venire , and for 11
arious other reasons of a technical char- 11t
iCtor , which they claim are fatal to the t
irosocution. ItW
also regarded by those who have civil
asos on the docket ad a very dangerous
ondition of affairs , for It is argued where n
lilliona of money are involved , aa there :
ire many mining cases in this lorritory ,
hat an officer with nn open venire lu his
and can pack a jut/ for either party as
is sympathies may run or as induce
ments may bo offered , nnd that oonsu- '
uently there will bo no safety for Jill- f
ants but all would m
deptnd upon who 0.
ould use the most corruptive fund.
Trade Is picking up aomowhat , nnd ,
wing to an nlmost unprecedented spell
exceedingly fine weather this fall the
icchanioal trades are otill enabled to con-
Inuo in full blast. This will enable
iauy a workman to j.reparojfor tlio irin-
sr , who , It was thought , earlier in the
aion , would 8eo very hard times by
jaiou of the moagronees of the labor
? f the earlier months of the year.
omofow commercial failures have 03-
nrrod , but nothing like so many as woo
eiierally Rnticlpated at the commoccu-
lorit of the year when the freight war
otweon the two rival railroads disturbed [
slues to such an extent that it waa eri-
unly feared tlmt many small merchants
ouid go to the wall. At any rate the i
i j-- o' n
conor.\l oondiltorfw1
Utah if
OgJon 1ms probably aulle.'ed mt
my other part of the tcrrlto.'r through
the dullnoaa of buafneta and thn 'liiputcs
of thu nilroads. Outside of that OK'V i nd
of S ltlko the olfcct haa boon ' \ iry
trivial , Iho grtat ilrnwb.ick at iho prca-
out time , as 1 mentioned in a previous
letter , being the difllcuUy that the agri
culturists have to find n market for their
products at paying rates. WE.NO.
Nxn fArxn OVTICKS ] iNfnrixr
1'Ants , November 14. 1'lvo cancn of
waa reported nmonir Iho employes of the ofti-
co nf the nowsiirtper Jlonltour Vniiorsal ,
Ono dlctt Inslnntly. IS'oithor tlio lin
tlio inurKiie wotila receive the body , so the
commii nry of tlio ixJIco ivivi ublipcd to r
turn it to tlio loilglng ! > .
PAIIIH , November 1 1. The tontitmotl colt ?
\CAlhur keeps the mortality from cholera from
exceeding ono In 30,000. The rnvnew nM
tivial compArcd with tliooo of tjphoid fever.
1 ia knoun Uioepldcmlc-nindo fearful rnynRea
ntnonfr the gnrriRon buttlto iiilllUry olliclnla
Xiblhli no stntomont nntl 'rurtmo U > | ; ho nny
1'AIO , Novcmbor M. lrowcr froah cases of
holort > occurred to.tlny , but tlio iiiortnlltv in-
roa'ieil. i'our Intuilred cholera ; pntionts nio
ti tlio boppltnla. Yestordny there werr ( twenty-
vo tloathii , forty-Hi ) ; of' which were In tlio
oupltalfi , In twelve liours ondintrrvt noon to-
ay tlioro won ) ten tlcnllm- ttu city nud
lovcn In the hoipitnls ,
l\lAl > nu > i September Hi Sovorali KVSCB nml
wodentlm from cholera ocMineil at Sarci'lotm.
line CMC * , Uv ) tatal , occurred m tin I'rurinco
f Vatitioift ,
WAHIUNOTON , November 1-L Beirotary
tlcCulloch has prepared n olrc'tlut1 In relation
o the Importation of old * fionti lufoctoil
orti which modified bo ! oxiatbe orders im
liat subject , so na to continue tlio embargo
ntil further notice , nnd to tloclnro nil Krench
uid Moditarrancan post ? to bo lufccteil ,
I'AlJts , November 1-1. A dispatch to-day
rom Slmiiglmi stales the French forcus have
ccuptod Tnm Sui.
LONDON , November 1 1 . The governiuout
ias aont two hundred tons of torvKXlooa to pro-
ect coalln.7 Htutlona in China.
Conl'orcnue ,
November H. Mosaw. Sanford ,
and Strauch arrived hero to take part
n tlio Congo conference for Iho opening of
vhich to-morrow ovorythmp has been pre-
ared. Bismarck intends to keep out of the
obatu until the work of the conference is
'IViTCstlnl Capers.
LONDON , November 11 , A snvaro shock of
artbqunlvo , nccompaniod wi h n terrific ox-
lonivo ropoit. occurred to night nt Clithoroo ,
ancaslnro , about twenty miles from Man-
huater. The shock throw down hoiB03 _ on tlio
itreoti and caused great consternation uuil ex-
Some Other Year.
LONDON , November 14. The News gaya
that tliuro will bo no dissolution of Parliament
this year.
Tlio TrottbliB in Skyc ,
LONDON , November 14. In the commons
to-day Harcourtsecretary of state for the
home donnrtmcnt iald that the croftora had
hia dcapctt sympathy. He wia not in favor
of tlQ ) employmeii of foroe against thorn , and
earnestly appealoll to the landlords of the
west of Scotland to mitigate the condition of
the croftorsj fff
PARIS , November 14. The deputies com-
mlttoo rejected a proposition by the govern
ment to increase the tax upon imported for
eign cuttlo.
CIIICAOO , November 14. The ijonoral pis-
serjger agents of the Alton and Kock Island
roads Issued a joint circular to their eastern
nd aouthontorn connections to-day sayir ; ;
that they objected to the arbitrary rate of &j
tllowed thorn from C hicago to tlio Missouri
river on through bueineis from the cast nt cut
rates , ai fixed by the Tiunk lines , October 15.
Dint , therefore , to protect themselves and
their connections on business to the Miesomi
river , they will accept their proper proposi
tion , of whatever through rate those connec
tions may find it necessary to make for self-
iirctectlon. This license to make rate is to
ipply to btuinees ticketed through Chicago ,
3t. Louis , liiuomington and Peoria.
NEW YonK , November 1 1 The joint ex-
jcutivo cominittoo of the trunk line cormnii-
ion decided to-day to restore east bound
ar jir rates , ai adopted last July. This will
o into effect on the 17th inst. , and apply to
ill classes of freight , except live Block Hash , nnd CBijccIslly the president thereof ,
vlll DO held strictly icsponaiblo for any cut
NBW-YOIIK , November 11. Failures the
iaat seven doys , 230 , in incicaso of 0 com-
tared with lait week.
HKJirBTKAD , Texas , November , i I , At
ulf pnut ono o'clock thla morntni ; the north.
iound train on the Texas nnd Control railway
ns wrcckodtwo miles south of thia place and
afnrns known ten people were killed out'
Ijjlit and fifteen wound oil moro or loss dan
gerously. Investigation by the railway nu-
horitlfH reveals' thnt the diabolical work waa
one by discharged cmploycos and thlc\cs In
lie vicinity who bought to wreck
ho frolglit train for the opolln
contained. breaking into a Hoctloii
ouse , the wreckers obtained the noce sary
loin , and by pulling Kplko and unfastening
lie hah platea arranged the luil to yield to
rcasnro without , however , entirely removing
It BO .happened that n passenger tral'i
oving the right of way and being behind hand
as Iho float to roach tliw nccnu ot the disaalor ,
tilklng the looaened rail , the engine and tun
er got over safely , whllutwo baxgagocars , the
mil and oxprouH and two ] 'tillnmn itleepe went
vor a thirty-foot ombankinont into the creek.
the baggage car , L. Ccdo a , iviiling pas- |
n or agent of the Now York , Texan and i
lexical ' ! railway , wan drowned , with K. lr.
ion's , baggogemastor , and ( Iroon Lewis , u
jlored parter. The others killed are : Lo
inr Leaks , newsboy ; Ifninp Thornan , of Nav-
iota , a wood contractor ; a Gorman lady
id throe children ; Julia Clilldreau ,
Atlanta , Ga. , aged ( i. Wounded : Kxpross m
cmonKnr H , U McMullcn , ItoUert Victor )
Wallacoj Kov. I ( J , John , of Galvestun ;
Dim nja s , J { . H J'ordtran , IJaii'l Mc-Kiml * .
0. Uuplon , A , H. Jnclr.on , 1 } .1. Cockri-ll ,
uitln Gombrack , W. W. Cluldrcas , Ismio
laeBey , Wm. Masboy John Kilv/atds , W. II. [
urton , Mm. Kdtil.1 Tha injuries of AIcMnl-
iiand I't'opltB are likely to prove fatal. ] tu-
jf trwlna with railway ( jlliclals and n
o at the Bcanu.
J7'3 Hiirnctl JiaHti Hull Italw. HI ,
Ciui'AOo , Novmnber 11. Tlio lo n on A. .I.
& lirotliar' * Block of bpjrUng gooJa
as adjUHted to-day , Iho insiuaiico companlen
lyintr 5 > 75C03 , bting the low Biintwliifd on if
DimKir/a : SALAD DiiitwiNo : ifc Cuiii
BAT SAUOK for all kinds of salads , fish ,
jgotablea and cold'meata. Ohesror and '
3tt r than homo mnde. No eauca
it was over offered
A Talk \Villi tlio Mtm AVIi > Has JU'cn
Sorgonnt Uraiucrd , of the flrooly Aro-
Sic cipodltioif , . paid the Republican a call
fast evening aid requested that the an *
nouncomont of "Storm iJo.ilen/'tho play
which is now boinj ; performed nt the Na
tional , that the survlvoia ol the Orcoly
expedition would appear , bo denied. The
sergeant said that Sergeant liphlcrbock
was ths only ono _ of the eurvivoia who
had appeared in this playr and that waa
in Now York city , and inco that time
neither honor any ono else-of the patty
haa hart any connection with it.
Sergeant lirainerd c\mo to-thia city on
Friday , nnd ho is the first of Iho surviv
ors to arrive hero , llo is a line looking
man of about 30 years of age , compactly
built , with cleaT cut features , dnrk brown
hair and mustache , nud hazel 0708. It
will bo roinombiinji that ho accompanied
the lamented Locliwood on his mauiora-
bio ilodgo journey and Is now the only
penon living of that party which reached
the furthest point north in the /Arctic
The conversation drifted to hia oxjior-
ionoo lu the frozen regions , and ho gave
a graphic description of'tomo of the In
cidents which occurred during the thrso
years the expedition remained in that re-
cloiu Ho sold that nt l x > rt Conger their
llfo vras pleasant enough , aa they had
plenty to road and ont nud abundance cl
fuel to keep them warm.
Doing naked if the mcu xrow despond
ent during the long winter's nights , ho
said that nt first it rras a novelty , nnt )
they rather enjoyed It , but toward the
end of the winter season it was seldom
ono would hear n Inu h or n joke. The
depressing influence waa removed when
the aim made its first nppearanco in the
spring * and they all rrgaluod their good
spirits , lloforring to his trip to the "far
thest north , " ho oaid that although it
waa known nt the time they had gone
farther north than Naro's expedition , the
labors had been so great % a tt ) take all
the enthusiasm out ot them , but
of course they felt some pride
In what they had accomplished. Do
spoke of the preparation that had
boon made for a oucoiid expedition the
next year , and said that thla expedition
had boon prepared in accordance with the
experience gained by the first , and that
they felt confident they would have boon
able to have gone nt least seventy-five
miles beyond the point reached the pre
vious year , but after traveling six dayo
open water waa encountered , and they
wcro compelled to return to Fort Conger.
llo related the experience of Ur. Pavoy ,
who waa adrift on nn ice iloo In the polar
son for two days. Dr. Favoy and his
party followed the route of the English
expedition , being desirous of reaching n
point further north in the tnmo direction
than the English had , but after leaving
the land of Capo Joseph Ilonry a severe
ntorm occurred , breaking the ice up into
many floes. Dr. Pavey fell into Hi
watorbut succeeded in climbing on on
of the UUCP'and wna drifted about fo
twodaya until the current carried th
Hoe to the ahoro.
Speaking of the retreat from Fort Conger
gor , Sorgt. Brainer'l said the groatos
care waa oxorciaed to carry nothing bu
what was absolutely necessary , and ovoi
that carried waa reduced to ita minimum
weight ; tent-poles were vrhiltlod dow
until they had.barelyptrougth"enough re
mainlng"'fcTaupport the tent , nnd eve
Iho edges of the sleeping bags were cu
off in order that they would not enl
have losa weiaht , but alsj take up lea
upaco. Ho said that the statement whlo
had boon published that Greely loado
moro coal on ths steam launch than wa
noccciary , and neglected to carry provia
iona Instead , and that there were sovora
tons of coal loft in the launch when i
was abandoned was not true ; that every
thing put In the launch was weighed wit
the greatest nicety , taking into consldora
tion the length of time it would tak
them to roach Capo Sabino. So oxac
was the calculation thnt irhon the
abandoned the launch there was enl
ono or two shovola lull of cnal ro
maining. In leaving Fort Conger thor
wna not the slightest doubt but that the ;
would find nt Capo Sabine an abundanci
of provisions , if not n vessel waiting fo
them , but they alao thought it probabl
that the launch would bo crushed In th
Ice and the party compelled to return tc
Fort Conger for the winter. In otioh nn
event they would have started the fol
lowing spring and returned overland
There were enough provisions at For
Conger to have kept them during tin
winter , but the supply of fuel had beoi
exhausted , and moro would have to bo
mined from a coal mine In thu vicinity.
The doga had been used for hauling the
sleds , and instead of killing them , aa had
boon nuggealed when they were about to
lenvo the station , decided to let thorn
live and to leave open for them three
months' provisions , as in caao thu party
returned the dcga would have been in
valuable ,
Sorgt. Braincrd doncribod their disap
pointment on their arrival nt Capo Hub-
ino , and said that after recovering from
It they treated the matter philosophically
mid made preparations for the winter.
"Wo had no fuel , " nad ! the sourgeant ,
"and heated our tea by an nlchoholic
lamp , which was extinguished almost bu
fore the water wai boiled so as not to
rrasta any of the alchohol , "
"You must have become pretty well
icquelntod during the winter at Capo
Sabine ? "
"Wo did. It waa a place where the
jhnractor of a man came out. Wo tried
o talk most of the time to keep our
ipirits up , and before spring I guess
ivory man know as much about the
htnilies of all the others e-i ho did about
ils own , Up at Fort Conger everyone
uid been reticent about his family aflairs ,
mt that didn't last long at Capo Sabino.
iVo never know that Gardiner waa a mar-
icd man until the Iaat winter , "
"Did you ever talk about good thinga
o eat ? "
"Vca ; that was ono of the ways wo had
f amusing onrsolvoj , Wo got up olab *
rate bills of faro and ordered Tf hut wo
ranted , and wo nil wanted overytlu'ng on
ho bill. "
"Did you over really make up your
lind ( hat yon must die'/ / " ii
"Yea ; always towards the last wo con-
luded that wo could riot live many moro
ays , but death hud no terror for ua ,
Vo thought of it rather as a welcome reef -
of from our Bufferings , "
"Wan there much lalk of religion
"Not much. I think wo would have
icon good subjects for a bund of mieaion-
rics oven on the day wu wuin rescued. 1
lon't moan that we were irreligious. Any
ircfanity or obscenity was duciiunto
irtnccd. and I don't remember but little
either all that winter , ISut we didn't
all ; inn-jit about religion. I sou it ro.
ortod that Lieutenant ( Jrooly was read-
ng u prayer when the rescuing party
amo , but thut is a mistake , ( ircely wds
'fc'yinK ' In a pemmicun can when the ics-
unig party arrived. "
The Burircunt said tlmt there wi n little
ttrew there , the buds of which weio
very s.i , ct. The plnnte prow in litllo
° 'liml ' . " "a a irMii would Ho down nnd
1' ck and ct all ho could find in on
1'Ucp ' , ihon roll to the next clump. It did
not lake ao inwoh ntrongih to roll ns t (
walk. Wlon ] tVo fiwt douth occurred i
a . ' over tlio aholo parly , but n
ona after the other diopped off they bo
cams indifloront to it , and only wondered
whether or not they -ro&Id bo the next.
lnoeer oMit spoke of the horoUm by
t-wpoMl hlllson , oven ftr hii feet nnd
nnniU hntl been f re K ? IT off nwl ho was
lying helpless In the lent. KIRson was
frozen in Drcombcr , but wna kcp-t nlivo
until iho next July. 1IUiiondhisii was
Horrible. His foot nnd hands were not
amputated , but dropped off , nnu ? the
stumps were bandaged nn. X spoon was
tlotl to hm right arm and a cap of water
placed near him. Ho know bis hands
were gone , but did not know th t his foot
had dropped oil' A month after his foot
wore gone eono ono nskod him how ho
roU llo answered ho was foiling nil
rlqht , but th bottom of his rlpht foot
itched. It was feared that if inlormod
of She losa of his feet the shock would
bnvfr killed him * , Every time the rtnmps
of nro legs were di cased a screen was so
placed that ho could not see their condi
tion. Sorgt. Bnviner.l naid thnt EHisoa
never complained , and whenever any
complwnt waa unulo by others his staple
remark : "Uoy , . 5 don't see what jou
have to complain of ; I don't compln ! . "
That remark was-alwaya ulllciont to atop
Iho grumbling ,
Sergt. Brnfnord Uiinka that sickness at
Damp Conger war > prevented by wine
monaurccsadopted1 'ay Lieut. Oroely ro-
Utivo to oxnrcioo. This they were ro-
mired to take ono hour each day , but'
ivoro allowed to pursue their onn inclt-
nntlon ns to the kind of exorcise to bo
taken. Ho said ho was of the opinion
thnt if the course pprsuod by the English
expedition in rcquring each man to per
form n certain amount of work each day
lind been unforced at Fort Conger , tlio
result would'have boon that the men
ivoiild not grow despondent nud dls-
iaso sot in.
Ho said that at first after they worn
coscuod they did not care for food , but
in three or four days they became raven-
ous'y ' hungry , and nto ovoi/ three Joins ,
Mid oven with these frequent meals the
tmpuleo nb the table was to reach out
md take every nrtlclu within flight , In-
itoad of waiting until they were sorvrd.
1'hia hunger Initcd them for three weeks ,
In which time they accumulated nearly
eighty pounds of f.U each , llo said that
lie found llowora aa far north na ho had
gone , and that near Fort ( Jangcr there
\vnsan abundance of gan\o. They killed
aver ono hundred musk oxen tlio
fho Greatest Medical Triumph of the Agol
H of appetite , Huwrlieniitlvo , 1'nln In
tlio licnilvltli u ilull ncnnntlon In the
Illicit pnrt , I'll I n under Iho nlmuldcr-
blnilo , ViillncNH nftcr nitlnu , with utlU-
lucllnntlon to exertion of body nrnilnil ,
Irrltiilillltvnf tomiior , lovnplrltfl , with
nfccllnrrof liavlnc nculcctpdiqiunJuty / ,
\Vonrliu-HH , ll9r,7liicA ,1rIiillrrlnrnt ( hn
Ilcnrt. Dots bulorotho even , llcnilncbo
ever the rlelit eye , lloatlcnnnoiii , rrllli
ntful dreninit , Highly colnrcil Urine , nml
TDTT'S FlIiX.8 are especially adapted
to such cases , ono < lnao directs Buolt n
They Increase tlin Aiipctllc.nnd CIXUBO tha
body to Take u J'CMI , dun tbo eyncm II
iKHirlnlieil , nnd by their Tunic Action on
the IHBtitlve CronusllcKitlnrHtoiilH nro
product-it. I'rlcn aBc. ! i Murray St..IV.Y.
p wp m " - "
GHAT HAW or WIIIDKRKS ohangO" to n
GLOsar BLACK by a siiiRln application of
this DTK. It imparts a natural color , nets
instantaneously. Bold by Druggists , or
lent by ozprosi on receipt of 91.
tjffico , 44 Murray St. , Now York.
_ J n line 30 j can Uin-clil I'ri-scrlptlonsof
nnomliujnU'liyslclan. KliuiiloSttfoanUSure.
josToi'riiiNcii-ti.iiO'j cyiiun. nucE.
I ovcrrfUoiiKCktlon , Iiill.immatlnn3. . . 'J.1
Vt'oriiM , Wurui 1'uvcr , Worm Colic. . .11.1
< : ryiitiC < ) Ur.o > 'Tt > t.tiliirrf ! ! InfauU . ' "i
Uli rrl ? tiicfi'lirfreiioriVilulti ( "i
Illgoiitvry. Oriplinr , UlllomtJolio41
< ! iifi < * rfi. plotbn < it Vomiting , m
Cniiu l-olil. UronchltU45
Nmir. .ilirlfi. 'J ootlmclifl. J'nconcho .m
1 - - - - i. lilclt JIcatlacbnVoitlgo . ! 4.t
i orl'lif nfcil !
( 'rituiilivncuto or ohionlo ; luilucnrji .nil
\VlloiiliInir < 'otil'll.Vlcili'plJoiKlia ( ,51)
Cli-iiiM-itl > .OillIyriy ] 'nV'cnkiiL-M .fill
JCIlllloy plHVIIHK l
Nurvniinl > i > lIIICy 1.IM )
llrlllliryAVi'iilinrNU , Wnttlnu Hod .nil
i > iiii < oft liiilli-ari'.rAliiitation 1.00
, (
, Kica
\Vaihfr , 'J o ma to ,
" " I'litnjilcln , Starch ,
"VpLO" WI n 4 a n J Fruit
.Sirjinnr. Twelv *
? . / AMED utticlc in one.
Tht Qreitcst Catl-
citla Eccwi.
Mot * told thin all
otlierSleves ind blfteri
combined ) Ifvcrybodr
Ilkci Iliem I W inaki >
tare * &lfiti and Mlierf
for tiand ted power ,
Willelor ctulofue ,
Co. . Cincinnati , O. . 44 *
CinilSt. , New Vert.
Artnti wanted for !
ltcnca 6p claltUi a
UI U > r C.t
rtailrat rldlim \flili-lo inndn.
dui m e iy wltlt ono iiur >
i as with two - - i.-'r -f lie Hpflnui
ullieii nmliliurlrnnrrnrdlniilullinwul.-litIliey
rry. Eiiuully well niluiiteil In f/Jiifli country
tcli und fine driven of cltlt-n. AlnWifufliirfJiiniJ
lit by nlllliRlFiiillnuCarrlnKnlliillili-riiniid llrt-
l. Ilrnry TlMlU n. I'nlmli'r , HI. I.uult.
wil ttiOAUU. ABBOTrullEBV CO
thrlv'B on Horllck'ii 1'ood.rllij
rraullll luotlirrt Mollnn. ' n.UI. v < niiuin > i i.i :
Munll IiaitMrKS'rOODIOUlN''AK'l'xfru
fiiuHiriliH'riiilrc'HiHfo ! ( : il IIIB l'i lu < t txcd In
In ultlt or nil-kin' lor INTAVJ H. 'j li"U' tdiut for
IlVHl'ii'l'liHuiiil : ! INVAI.IDH , IlitililylitT.flU'l'
i.'iiiiialiitfiiiutlii'tvfluailrliik I'rliti < uuu > l'ic ! , X
ilruc'trti'tH , Itotiltoniht ! ticiilincntofhiWn".ifrw.
I liollcvo It to liv Jiurlur tu aiitlblnl ( if ( I
I'oaiorelillJrcir1 D iiwwoiu U. H ) ' . . '
"I'ltlieil'vlluKly l runouui.o jt t1 . U t liWJ lu
II r market " II' .V llurrtlt , V , A , llMlon
"Ouo of frtbi'it lutitltutv * [ or uibthtr 4tulU , '
- ; / . ( / . i lam. M. ILiiwiUini , A' , r.
Will Iw rent I riumll cm ntxli't ' ot tirlcu In ttjinps.
noM ! < " ) i > KIIOD ro. , itufiufVIM. .
4UM'e ' = llo. jlKU'a Uy" 'iiTiitw ur
/itlvcrtlfilnff Clients ,
"I Inn boonmo o common to b9gln An
article , In an clcqant , ititcruntinft MyJr.
"Theif * 'in il into aomo ndrertJcetflont
that wo &vM nil tncb ,
'Auil simpi , * call attention to the taor-
HA of Hop IiHk'ra in aa plain , honest
terms ns poajiMt ,
"To induce pitopto
"To giv.i them one trial , whith ser
r < ? vo tiinir vol totlmt" they will utrur
dj any tiling oko.
"Tint JlKsiicnv HO' ' itira'iljr ' n/.teilln aI !
lin t pery ,
Knl ftait nn'l ' dociilnr , '
"Having i > largo H Je , if ( il mujyfantlny all
other medicine * .
"Tlioro Is mv two denytni ? tliK virtues of the
ltip'i > lAnty nml the ] > r optiiton of Jlen liltttr
urn shown frroat elite wdnon Mid ability *
'Tn coin jflundingn incdlcityr' whowtirliio
ro J it.ilpirilo to every oiHi'aobaHrvatrbi.1'
"Sho lingered and Buffered
tig away nil the time for yoar.V'
"Tha dbctorr doing lior no foodj'1
"And1 nt last was cured bth is Bbp
Httora the napcnronyso much about. "
"Upw thankfW'wo ' houlrlbr f6rthaS
modlcinci" . .
"Elovca years otsr daughter ouf.Srml oiv
a bed of znisory ,
"From vcomnlieaUon rrf kldnoyrliver , '
rliotimntic trouble raid Nsrvous dobllity ,
"Under the earn pC'tho Iboat physJciana
"Who gavtvhor diaoaoo rarious names ,
"But no relief ,
"And now she is restored ioua In. good
health by as- simple n remedy aa H6p
Bittnrs , that wo hrxl'nliunnotl ' for years-
before using it. " 'Simxixyin. \ .
VaUier IB Getting Woll.
"My daiightora nay :
"How much bettor father is slnco ho
used Hop Bitters "
"Ho is getting well nfUr-his long suffering - " If
foring Irrm a disease doolaed incurable. "
"And wo nro BO glad that ho motl your-
Bittora. A L.uiu of Utica , N. Y. - _ r '
.1TNu-jj Rcnuino without a luxcn of Rrcon Hops
on tlio ufclta lubil. slum all ! > ! iollu , polsaubui'i '
tun wltb "Hoji" or "Hops" In their r-aiiio.
llostottcr'a" Stout.
.ilood ilcptircMt , r < i-
tlonalcixthaitla.anil' '
anui > oiliantl bllloui
aroclllo Kr lltcstho *
( Allln oncrflci ot.
tlio dcVlttatfd ftfidi
cliecks | ircnnturbilo-
blllotiH remittent ! .
complain ts 'o
a inn UK the evil *
which It entirely ro-
ino\ci. In Ircplfil
couiitrtoi , wlicruthi
liVcr.aiiil ban els are
onram most unliu or
ftlily ntfuctcd hj : the
comblnuil InlUifiico
of climate , tl'ck ' and or , It (3 a > cry
iccra'ary or sale by all druggicU Anil
Icalers conorally
> * icUBt 4t > rt.itn4laHi4 ftf ltiUlt * flavortiwik3et4Tlli " * * ' * * * * TiplN
1 * * pUi * cf tri > ' .til \ * ill nxic-r drinii Tif It. tii M
A * fiurutil-c41) . / Vi'iiTfruatn't * .NsL
> - ) , nil. A * * zW&
j. w. worrswAini , cots iswst f *
* ' '
] . .t BOTTLES. " '
Rrlnuger , . . . , . . " . Jiavun'a. ; .
Cnlmbacuer , , . .Buvarfu ,
Pilsner. . . . Duhoniian.
Koisor > . . . . . . . . . ) .B.'i"nou. ! :
Budtvoiscr St , Lonio.
A.nhnuflor. . . . .St. Louis.
. . . . .
3clilitz0)lsuer ) Alilwaukco.
iruc'o Omaha.
Aln , I'oTtar , Domestic and Elu'ne
1213 li'nrnam Sfc
The ( be term " SSa
Lino" In connection with tb
M ccti'orato ntmo ot K Kicrt raid
R convoys tu Idea of uatnlut
required by the traveling pub
lic Short Llc Oublt Tliu
tntl the bett 9 ic,5)- = .3ii
B tloue all ot whlcli no run-
icJ by the nateel ullv.fcv tu America.
And St.
Ikowuu unit OJIMUOJ over l.KO mlleo )
uittmu llllno'a , Wtcrutin , Ulnncec
ikoti ; nil a tsm&InHucu , branckea
GDI tench til ( bo prcat ljusliicfs ccutios cf tha
NctlliwcBt and Par Went , It natur Jly tr.awnu Iks
Ifccrlptlon of Ehoit Line , Bed licet llcuto bctncca
Cblc KO , Milwaukee , St. I'nultnd lIlnLccr < ! .l.
CblcoioMIInaulvca , Ia Crotcc BiidV'lnciu :
Cblrtgo , MII ouicc , Aleidten tnd Hlluidjlo
CIilcnRO , Slllwaukcu , Eau Clalro and EtlllntUr
Cblcogu , Mllwaukte , Waurauccd Jlcirlll.
Chlc K , Ullvtaukco , lleavcr Dem nd Cibkcib.
Chtc Kt > , MIlH&ukcc , Waukntka and Occnoiccwoff.
Chicago , llllHROlice , JUdlaon and 1'rMrlodu Cllcn ,
Oblcago , MUwnukcc , 0 ntonua and Filtlbaolt.
Chicago , Uololt JanovlUe and Mmetal Point.
Chlctgo , Hlpln , ItocUoid and Uubuque.
Cblogo , Cllnlcn.llock Island and Cciju R > rt ° 11'
Chlctgo , Cccull DIuffB and Cmt l' .
CbiciKO , Blcui City , Slcui 1'altcacd Ttttt ( a
Chicago , UllMaukcc , Mltckrll ccd Cl f mbcrlalu.
Keck leland , JJubuijUo , Ht. Paul ( nil Uluntapoill.
Ducnpcil , alreir , St. Paul and Ulnnccpclb.
I'ullnran S cti'trB c.nd tbo Flnrtt llnli ) > ff Can In
ilio ; rM aroiun on the rotlnllncaol ILoCIlIOAOO ,
U1LW AOKKK AND SI' . PAUL It AIL WAY , and every
attention li paid to paicccgunby conileouacmplojoj
f tbeCcmpany.
j , Qcii'l ManitKoi.
A. V II. CAlU'lMTWt , Qen' I a ) . Agt.
I/ AUK , Gon'l Hupl.
OEO. 1IEU.KFUKD , Asa'k. Qeul. Pa A. t
017 St. Clinrlr.4 Sf. , Hi. Lonlt , Tito.
A rcBUlxr gr ltat if tHe c'tlcalColliiioi , bo * I e < a lon < f
lUciirillu Ilii i | > eetaitrciitiuiutcr Cmtonif , Nimiol I , BKI *
nu4 lli M > Di nMtlian tn other rtif lclaala fit , J * > bii ,
w eltj \ l'eri iliow anU ail ol.t tcldeoi know ,
Nervous Piostratlon , Debility , Munt&t and
Physical Weakness , Mercurial and ether AHec *
llona ol Throat , Skin or Uonos , Blood Poisoning ,
Old SorCS and UlCOrS , uro treated ultli unvirallcl
ureriii.uii liiltit clrullHo prlucI.M. fc'elrl'rlmUl/ .
Diseases Arising frum Indiscretion , fc'iccsi ,
Exposure or Indulgence , * Meti rruJuc * m of ita
roituui ) t-ntft * ! u riouni 4it titi'llltr , Jlx ofiUtti
fti < l > l rvelhe wftn'irjri Ilmpti ) a ( bo r M. , ' ! . , ! ( ! ilcct ) ,
fcVtnluuiu UK locletuf ( en.itlf , coaruiUi ufUuu , ete
r nderlnrr IJarrln.ia improper ur uuu ppy , ia
riuBti atl/curyJ , I'nuipJilel'i ( | tseicutb ) ate , & !
it a iiJileJ tiiVtlojH1 , frr ( o onfc'Jdrt -j , l'nn uU llooU > f <
Udrturli/iiutUi'Ht. u'l'llnvl.vJ.l U'rlte t > . , jc.Uo ; i.
A Positive V/ricxen Guarantee
gliei lu nit cunWecisn , ilcjtflneitnt ter > Htt r .
, h'niiHah or Utrnmii , 01 paio . d * .
, flue ( -late * , ltluitrtei\ clo'tifeMclltttallnA
cjr r | 'ulifcti i Jie juper court , air Tbli t * l
U tb eurloLn , tloublful vt iuaul | tlt nrt U
* of * rml | ut < rca tu § 11