" "V11 7 THE OMAHA DAILY BEIfl SATURDAY NOVEiMBElt 15 , 1884. TUB PA ILY BE Dm aim GIUou , No. OKI FArnnn B Novr York OfUoo , Uoom OP Tr 0 PoMlshtd Brtrj n-otnlnf , * irpt BaorUj tal ) lloniiy mornlDjj dally. IBK9 M tUlli. ODD Yoir . { 10.00 I Thrto Months . . . . . . Ill ifanilt , . . . . . . . i.OO | Oiid Month . . . . Per Week , Sfi Cents. tin WRIUT ti , mutisms ivnat' WW I DA nnHi rotrrAip. jot Tent , . . . , . 82.00 I Thrpo Month ! . BUltonths. . 1.00 I Ono Month . At Oommnnloatlona relatluf ? to New * nd Edit natter * ihoul J bo addressed to the Kmroa or B r. IOBIHRM MTTKRS All Dn ln i letters nd RomRUnoM Ihonl addressed to Tnt tin Fmuunira CourANr , nu PrafU , Checks &nd Postodlcy ) orden to b < nude tble to the order of the corapanr. TBE BEE PUBLISHING CO , , PRO 13. KOSKWAT13H , Killtor. A. II. Fitcli , MnnnRpr DMIyiOircul&tioi 0. Vex , 488 Omahft. Neb , MUIIAT HALSTKAII'S Now York J2i has petered out. It wan an "extra ! nrdona experiment , " llii : ) FLANNKL has boon declared n vontlvo of cholera , nnd tlioro is a g demand for it. Hero ia a chance for a enterprising Yantao to got n cornered rod flannel. Wo auppoao white flat would not answer. Tun olowncss with which some of Now York county bonrda of canvas , are doing their work la accounted for the fact that they receive the mumflc sum of $1.50 a day for their eorv'cea , they irant to make enough out of the to carry them through the winter. OK account of the democratic colol tion on Monday night , the board of tr traa unable to do anything in the mat of the proposed chamber of commpr. The board should hold another inootl and take Immediate stops towards securing of a proper olto for a chamber commerce. * THK state board of canvassers for I braaka will moot on the 24th of Novc bor to canvass the votoo for prcaidenl olootora and judicial oflicora , such judges and district attorneys , to fill ' cancioa caused by death , resignation , i1 The legislature , which inoola in Janua will canvass the returns on congrossmi utato oflicora and constitutional ntnoi nionte. Ay illuutration of the way in which town may bo completely blotted out b ] change in the tide of traflio ia shown the fate which has overtaken Liabc G . , which a few years ngo was at t head of navigation on the Savann rivor. It had thirty stores and did nourishing business. Now there is uol Binglo house left to mark the spot win the old to mi stood. TUB supreme court has the caao of Marshal Guthrie under consldoratlo Mr. Guthorlo in refusing to testify at t Ohas3 trial on the ground that ho wou criminate himself virtually admitted th ho had boon justly convicted. If tl aupromo oourt should grant him n nc trial it would bo setting n Bolf-confosa criminal at liberty. Ho can only ho ; for a now trial on some technical groun So far as justice is concerned , howovc Guthrie deserves the punishment tli has boon awarded him. Tint cholera continues to spread rapid in Paris. A singular fact ia that wlu the drainage is bad and the water i pure the people are not as yet attack by the epidemic , while in the cloani parlu of the city several cases huvo < ourred. It ia now feared that t ] country will bo visited by the plag next year , and extra precautions shot bo takou. The cholera has made its i poaranco at Buenos Ayres , in Soi America , and It is just as likely to appi In North Ainoricin seaports at atiy tin "GOVKKNOH" WtoilTON continues to colvo a good deal of free advertising. 1 Chicago Ncwa is responsible for the I lowing bit of ROBsip concerning him : Mr. J. Sterling Morton , the Nobrai atatesman who has boon suggested as possible editor of the Chicago Time * ia a rampant ft the near by-and-by , with his long-winded ea n trader , and , ' terror to ov ho has become a' constant oouutiy voilloo in Nebraska. This counts for the demonstrations of dull with whluli Nebraska editors have hai the prospect of Mr. Morton's prompt to the head of the Chicago 2V/ ; When Mr. Morton comes to take cha of our contemporary , ho will surroi himself with frou trade dlssortationisti is able to cull from the catalpa groves the rolling-prairie state. A couuESi'OJ'DKNT of the Chic Timca writes to that paper asking a ill bet that Blaiuo ibo ion of a bet , A.havlng bo * the next president , while B. wag that bo will not. "If Elaine Is oleotoi askea the correspondent , "can B. oh the bet , us March 4 IB Sunday , i Speaker Carlisle acting president1 T correspondent is mistaken In uaylng t the 4th of next March comes on A S day. It occurs on a Wednesday. II < over , If it did corao on Sunday , the pi idont-oleot could take the oath of ofl on that day. This was the case in 18' ' Grant's term expired on Sunday , Ma and Hayes wai privat 4th , at noon , Bworn intooflico at the resldenca John Sherman by Chief Justice Wai but the Inauguration of ilayea c VVJieelor did not take place until Mi day. It wan feared at the time that 'J don might take aorao steps to assume I presidency by being sworn in ui N York city , as the lavr does not rcqn the president to qualify ftt WnshingU As the term of the president absolute expires at noon , on the 4th of Man . and there c n'be no Interim , It was noc ary for Dayes to qualify on Sunday , ji before the expiration of Grnnt'e term , A GROUNDLESS FEAR. Ycsterilny morning several colored were standing on ono of our street ners engaged in dlacustlng in real nor noea the probability of the negroes I turned back into ohvcry now that democrats are nbiul to oome into po Thin feeling of uncisincea among n tain class of the negroes li duo cnt to sensational and exaggerated roj that have been oprcad broadcast by swashbuckler newspapers that hav < regard for common sonao , voracity or prioty. The effect cf exciting the orcd [ race , north and south , into fear for their safety and liberty in li to produce n great deal of disorder even bloodshed. There ia no danger whatever that negroes in this country , either in north or in the south , will lose their orty or bo deprived of their rights In way to go and come as they please earn a livelihood for themselves families. In the first place unlvi freedom Is forever guaranteed to the jilo of the United States rogardlos race or color by the thirteenth am ruout to the national constitution. ' amendment can never bo repealed , parly attempting anything of the ' would sound ita death-knollfor it rcqt throe-fourths of all the states in union to abrogate that or any o amendment to the constitution , even if it were possible to restore sla and remand the negro tohlsformormai the idea that such a plan Is contompl in preposterous oif Its very faco. We not believe that the southern ex-si holders would take all the negroes i gift If they were to bo compelled to vide thorn with shelter and food , otherwise care for them as they di Lbo days of bondage. The fact is the plantation owners are to-day got the negro labor cheaper than I 3 id during the days of f ary , and , furthermore , 1 liavo no responsibility for the lifo , he ind limb of their negro laborers. 1 lo not have to spend a dollar for t raising during childhood or for their i iort in old ago. Formerly if a n < jftby died it iras a loss ot from § 10 $300 to the owner , and the death nil-grown slave , man or woman , amoi id to from § 800 to $ tDOO. , To-day logroes in the fjouthinay die by the h Iroda from epidemics or contagious lanes , and the planters do not loao a liing , nor do they have to contribu ont for physicians' foes or funeral onaes. The negroes may suflbr fi tarvallon or from a lack of mini nd shelter , but the plan tern c ot. The present condition of the no i the south Is no bolter th ' it ia as good as , it waa wl o was hold in slavery , while lastoru are materially bettor' oil by ig freed from the cares and responsi ties of their former chattels. Tl\j > j9j time , a few years ago , when the nogr light have boon in the way of the sou rn democrats who aspired to office i anted to rule the state , but for the 1 m years the southerners have had it iclr own way , and the negroes In ithor by force or persuasion boon for j abstain fiom voting altogether or to v ith them in largo numbers. This i oubtlcss bo the course pursued in ituro under democratic rulo. All' ave so shaped themselves that the b oeor and his shot-gun are no Ion coded to insure largo majorities In outli. Intelligent colored man , however , ot to bo deceived by the dark forol ngs of the swashbuckler press , an is i onced by the following telegram to I Idont Arthur from a colored minister idlng In a western state : From observations extending throi ilno yoar'a residence in the south it ay opinion that there is great danger , general conflict between the two ri n that section , growing out of the f ( if many colored people thai under a di icratlo admiuiotration they would ; radually reduced to slavery ; theref < IB a loyal colored citizen , I beg leave lUggost thut the government leauo insti .ioim to federal clllcoholdora in the BO , o bo cautious as to the advlco they f .ho colored people. Slavery Is dead : jvor , and the possibility of its rcsuri tion ought not to bo proclaimed for pa mil effect. The National llcjnibUccin , publis it Waolilngton , which is not numbc imong the alarmist newsuapors , i .vliioh has boon au friendly to the uc ia any paper In America , is cai jnough to make the following admlss ! The colored man has no evils to 1 greater than those ho now endures , right to go where ho pleases will no kbrldgod , and such avenues of supi 13 are now oppn to him will remain f is accoasiblo In the future. JOHN I. DAVBNPOUT , ono of the 1 republican politicians In Now York , lad a falling out vrlth Steve Elklns. t card in the Nov York JlernM ' . Davenport pays hla compliments to ] Elkim , who , ho says , "was constitutl illy so lacking in ability to decide qi lions which arose , and so deficient In jcntivo capacity as to have Jnovitt ind unavoidably committed serious bl lors in the canvass. " Mr. Davouj Furthermore says that Elklns' defect : .hose respects were BO glaring that , ills judgment , "the conduct of a trt odglug liouso upon the Bowery could ) o committed to his management T my probability of nuccctsful rostiltn \ ittalned. " to the Liuooln Jonn socretnry of State Roggon iutimatoa t \o proposed constitutional amouJin trovlding for a aixty-day session of og'slaturo will lack 10,000 or 1D.OOO ( najority , TJioro must bo .aomo mist : bout this. According to all ncoou 'jut wo hive received this amouilm LOS been generally aupportod , and lany counties U Ins rou ivcd a vi R go majority , This is n vory'importi proposilion , acd Iho people are inlerc in having it declared adopted if it hn ceivcd a majority. Wo know tint tl are persons in Lincoln and olsowi who are oppoied to nny longer aos than the present term. They pr oven shorter sessions for they know the next legislature will have a 1 amount tf work to do and a great doi crookcdneas to investigate. It is nat that this clans of patriots would dosit have that amendment defeated , and sessions limited to forty days. Of co the amendment providing for a raili commission was snowed under by an monso majority , as it should have b TUB only thing that now troubles average republican mind is what c the labors of the lion. Church IIowi Tennessee have had upon the solid so It seems to us that our distinguished low citi/on should have gene bad Tennessee to inspect the returns an aoo that a fair count was had , so thai could dofinltulylioform us as to the ode his proclamations , which ho issued tc unwashed , untorrifiod and unroconst : od yeomanry of that section of the south. WE have never taken any sloe Iloscoo Conkllng , and shall not do i the future even if ho should by hoi crook manage to got into the Ui States senate again through a domou alliance. Ho may bo a pure man , his peculiar methods during the admit tion of President Grant and his anti a later day have contributed largol bringing the republican party to the \ of disaator and wreck. OTHER LANDS THAN OURS The passage of the British fram bill through the house of commons accomplished facb. This great re bill met with but lit'lo opposition o various readings , and its final pot waa a triumph of the Gladstone inin and liberal party. The tories did < utmost to diveat the event of signific and reduce it to a simple formality. ; ory loadorn declare they have no c the bill at o make a fight ever uncturo for the reason it is sure t defeated in the honso of lords. Who ho house of lords will In the face of svorwholmtng popular sentiment in f jf this great reform continue its roi uico to the last is , however , problomi While the torlcs appear to bo confh ) f their ability to defeat the libc ministry and bring about a final o hrowof the liberals before the poi ho indications ore that Iho lords ass the franchise bill in a modified n a modified form before the prci arliamont adjourns. By thia now ch tier 2,000,000 ai onal freemen in Great Britain will lothod with the aovordgn power itizonahlp , and a great stop towc nivoroal Bulfrago and a domocr orm of government will have b akon. Mr. Farnell and his wing of tha T eproaontatives in the commons surpr ud mortified the tories in this insts > y supporting the f rnnchiso bill , and t ot themselves right before the frio f human liberty in all parts of vorld. Lord Salisbury , the loadoi tie opposition to Mr. Gladstone , has oadv Hhown signs of weakness , rrhilo hia followers insist that ho 1 elf will prefer to fight the matter i nd risk a dissolution on the quos nd a contest before the people , it 1s f rally believed that concessions will nado on both sides. The tenth of November is ahva' od-lottor day In London. On that ho now lord mayor assumes his of imtd a parade of inedliwval pomp on rvealth of antiquated splendor , botl ostumo and decoration , which are of nc.st cherished sights of Oooknoyd The ancient charters of a majoritj ho old towns of England were n ossly dealt with by the m Ipal reform bill of 18u. ! _ At le ho outward 'glories of municipal po epartcd with thcao charters. Bel his act , and long before the local govi ncnt board in London had an existoi viiat wonderful manifestations of gn ur were presented to admiring cro ttho Installation of the civic ollic Vhat processions there were on o\ ) osaiblo occasion , of red gowns and b vith ninco-bourur and beadle I To v n toga atato to church , to proclaln lection writ or to open a gingerbread n gold chain and clothed in scarlet ur were no uncommon sights. Bnt those gorgeous diplays have larted , at least from the provinces. I Ion , fortunate London , has boon spai xnd she still has the glorious privilege ntomtptini ; for one day in the year eal bus iuusa of 3,000,000 people loner of the entrance of the now m : nto ollico. The display was equal tc irodooossora and pisjod oil'with iinnu oclat. There was a fine display by the rlous ancient guilds , In the procos were several Nile boats fully n led , , a herd of camels i Soudanese attendants , and drove of elephants. The historical oaux were magnificant. Add to tl ho Lord Mayor's gilded coach and seal al gorgeous historical tableaux , and n ng was lacking to fill the cup of joj overflowing , Truly , the Lord May show is a great thing , and London li rue to her traditions that it is unlil aver to become obsolete. The British cabinet has boon uuabli igroo on a plan for the redistribution mrliatnontary scats and have roloi ho draft of the scheme recently fished ishod to a ministerial committee imendraont. The delay which will t > o caused lessons the chances for the reduction of a bill providing for re ributipi ) , A number of liberal moiul > f parliament outside of the cabinet uivately conferring with the loaders ho opposition on the aubjont of a c ironiuo , The basis of an agroeni > reposed is a division of city constiti lies Into eight tncmbor districts , nomber to represent every 50,000 ) opulationj throe-cornered oonstltuom o bo abolished ; burghs containing or 10,000 Inhabitants to bo merged ountlef ) . mid burglm containing un ,000 inliabitftiito to buallovrod one tin ler. An ngrcomont will probable be tvod at. When two countries that are cngs n a quarrel really want to como t' . Uioemen- thorn l rarely any ditlicull lolnu so. Something of thii kind sa ibout to liappoii bet noon Franca China. A little while ago Franco loudly proclaiming thai there could b pease ( vitlioulhoat the payment of a 1 ; indemnity by China. Tiicrn waa to b compromise , no abatement of the doni by any pt or tittle. China , on the ol hand , wai equally resolute in the m tonanco of the position she had nssun All this rucant that the two did want lo make peace at that timo. 1 they are of a dliF > rent mind , BO , if wo may trust the cable dispatc the French cabinet has discovered i it rually does not wont any of Chi money , nnd China will M promptly cover that her murderous disposi toward Frenchmen was a matter of di macy and not of actual fooling. French deputies and their conatitu are beginning to count the coat nnd culato the tlmo required for this propi conquoat of China by AI. Ferry. 1 have a clear remembrance of the caus the quarrel ( which few Americans i took the trouble to know ) and conai that , as no question of national honi involved , but as the war ia purely an of conquest for a commercial roasoi Is time to find out whether the game actually bo worth the candle. The claims of the French to a fee in Tonquln are baaed upon the help in by two merchant vessels sent in ] } y Mgr. do Bohaino , a Roman pro' , o Gya Lent ; in gaining the thron Annam , French missionaries and i chants in virtue of this pretext , gain * foothold in Annam with a vague , 1 civil , half-military claim for gratitud back thorn. Since then tlioro has bo perpetual struggle on their part to 1 this hold , and on that of the inandi to oust them from it. The French ornmout sent out in 1859 nullic troops in defense of these claimo teen on Lower CochinChina. . The real joct of the French after thia has boo gain full control of the navagation of river Song-Kol. Unco in possession of that , they c open up the trade of LIOB , Thibet Yunnan , and turn all the profits Into I own markets. Shanghai at present ii only outlet for the commerce of mines , fields and wealthy marls of southwestern China , and the BUCCO the French in opening the Sonj moans the financial ruin of that i The advantage to the f ronch in t success can be estimated in solid c but the increasing cost of success begins to appal them. Would the commercial profit ] pay thin outlay ? The Opyiosilion aaked t questions when Bac-Nlnh was attacki year ago. Add , now that the numbe troops nnd eupplioa must bo double amtain their footing , they ask them i more pertinency and tarco. Besides , AI. Ferry knows perfe well that the only reason why the o European ponrerti have watched course so far without Interference ia they are waiting to know whether i are to share In the advantages of the markets which Franca hopes to opon. not , China will find allies who will i donly discover that she in being rutlil ly invaded and robbed. If they are vitcd to aharo the booty , Invasion robbery will , as usual , bo condoned the "nocossnry progress of civilizitlo The question of protection agai foreign competition is growing in inl est in both Franco and Germany ; 1 there is thij important duToronca twoon the atibject as presented in th countriei - .d the same subject as j sontod In ours.fV It la the tarmors i want to bo protected tlioro , end it ia manufacturers who want to bo protac hero. The proposition in Franca i Germany is to impose high duties foreign broadstuQ'a and provisions ; increase tbo prices of these commodi and stimulate the production of then homo. Such duties would dissour the importation of American grain i provisions , and , to that extent , inj our agricultural interest just as high duties on manufactured goods jure the French and Gorman manul turing interest. There ii strong opposition to the m < urp from the French and Gorman mas , It would increase the price of food i this is n serious matter in countries tvli the struggle tor lifo is so hard nnd bit The British agricultural class has t forod more from competition with ch broadotulh from America than the an class in Franco aud Germany ha : , i British farmers aomotimos demand a p toctivo tarifl to enable them to moot I competition ; but such n tariff would crease the price of broad , and the Brll people would never submit to thii. Th policy la free trade with all nations : they adhera lo it through thick and tl It will bo many months before the i commercial treaty which has been rangud between Spain and the Uiii Status can poaeibly go Into operation , will bo presented for ratification by Cortcz as soon as that body assomb but that will not bo until the middh December , and a long debate is expect The treaty Itself is not to take effect til six months after ita ratification by legislative bodies of both powers , BO t it cannot become effective until n auninier at the earliest. The Spar oillcials bolicvo that this proparat period vrill bo still further extendc < the request of the United States so m give American dealers hold in t' la stocks of sugar time to soil before anticipated tall in prices. Spain expi to flood the American market by me of this treaty with sugar , molasses , o from her colonies of Cuba and P < Rico. England is already bocon ; somewhat alarmed atf' the prospect i has begun negotiations for a aim treaty with the United States to as to euro a favorable outlet for the prodi of Jamaica , The tory papers of London have b greatly Impressed with the gains made the socialists in the Ilelchstag eloctit and view with alarm the spread of soc ism throughout the Gorman omp They express the fear that it will si spread to England , and claim that course of the government and of the 1 oral party amounts to an invitation socialists aud anarchists to bring tl propaganda to this country. An important change in the Trust cabinet is expected to occur within a : rt ys. 1'rinco Bismarck has hinted I llcrr von Bennigaou would soon ropl Ilerr Jules von Puttkamur as tbo I't sian minister of tha interior. Ilerr } Uonnlgson is the leader of thu libi party in Germany , and his expected i motion is looked upon lu a cnncees.on the liberals , whoso votoa urunoaded.to iet the unexpected strength developed the socialists. The news from China by wny of ! Francisco is of a kind which may rein Utention at the hands of many eivili U'overnmonlfi. According to the i ilatchos there have boon fierca ontbre In many pr.ounces , resulting lu the gri eat outrages against miseiouariea i other foreign resident * . Catholic i P otritant churches have been gutt t10 houses of priesU and I'rotiutaut c have L on looted ; mai.y cf misnioimrioa hart been subjected to serial violence , aua nameless crlmef 1 baen ctffnmitted upo.i their womanV In other districts the miisiontricn I been given a choice botwaen turning gans and loavitif ; the country abrup and have elected the latter course oul bo attacked and raaltrontod on t journeys. The \vornt sufTerorii appea nave boon nativj ( o-ivcrta to CJiristiat , a fact from which it is to bo inferred \ the whole movement ia slmp'y a fanal religious outbreak. The reports nay that the Chinese g ornmont ha boon appealed to for proi tion , without avail , and that it is IOCA ! authority itself , in many cases , t has done the mischief. In all this there m y bo exaggcrati of course , but it is not certain by i moans that the story exceeds the tru The extreme violence and malignity o Chinese mob incited lo outrage by nat priests , and inflamed about equally roligioui fanaticism and by hatred of foreigners , has boon many times mi fostcd in such deeds as those now ported. LEPE08Y OF THE JEWS , AVlltl , llitrnlDK Hell , llit M-itli a TliouHsnd Eloclflu Itchiti ) Xcoclles. KDITOH Al.Toov.\rA.1CAU--I wish to uy st thing In 1'f.ilfo \aluab1oiccdlcliie , Cutlc which I taw ail ortliorl to jour jiapcr. I Invo that old loprosy.ot nhlch jou read In the lilblo.n the Jowj flist got It nmojg them , and did not k how to curo't. It has tnanv other Kncllsh name ha\o had It on my body for ovtr tlxty } c s. doctor cauld tellmo liat Itwas.and prubably In would ba < oLnon , had I not seen tlio aihorthcr In your \alnablo tascr. Tint 111) a scaly iflec of thoslilniiitxt itlioksl.kobirnaclcsona % es bottom , c r an ol dg that bos laid In the water a long time , and just the tame In my feet , kncrs elbows , aul by I'nldnKft mlerosoopo and lookln mo It looki worso. In other words , wo will ca ! Iichthj Si , or flsh sktnlh < n comes on what I the wild burnlni ; Itch , that w.ll sitlko jou wil thous and doctilo Itch j uccdlce. . ' nm W1IKUK TO SClttVTCH 1'IHST. ton then have lo run out hits Iho open air to ellocd , Why.ItlR ilrcadlul , nnd having so n cmlrent doc'o-s nndncno knouliiKwhat to do jon , but I ha\o found the lout treasure at ln t , did not tnko two nooocfulls of thoCutlcura llccol bcforolt tiok thatburnliu Itch by the throat bid them to hold off , or d It Is elf 11 } llcsh U bet ItiK icftcr , my hair 1) becoming soft nd silky , ai tbcngotto uiInK extutnal applications CutU Scaa-nnd anoint the put ) with Cutlcura. If t'muionds knew thoRooilmsj cf tf thUniedlcIn I do , they would lot be UcnU-four hours will Et. It Is not only adapted to mjjcjss , bull ctlicra. ncdlfanyono dUbellctcs this let him i next door to I bo IViBRi Hoiso heio , tike my n I ; and see for htm'elf. cope Jfsjih W.niloy. HollIdajsbuiK , Ta. , Nov. 12.1334 , AGONIZING ITCHING. And uiirnlnirxUii dUcases lnstantrclle\rd ! 1 warm bath , wl h ( utUtua trop and a slnglo plicillon if rullcuin , the cr at Skin Cure. ' lepuaUd dally with t o or thiec dotca of C cam Resolvent , the New Blood rucllUr , to ! the blood cool , the pcrsilratlou puiu ardunurl inu' , the bottelsoptn , the liver i ny kldncjii n t will epuidily euro fc/ema , Tetter , Itlnswonn , ; rlasls , I.lchen , l'/mltushcalu Head , liandrult . ever } spcciea of Itching , S af > and Pimply Hun of the Sca'p ami ikln , when the best phslciat s nil noun remedies U'l. Soil cvcryvvneri ; . Cuttci (0 knts ; Snip j ocnts ; Hrsolvent , $1. Potter Diiiff and Chemical Co , , Boston s ndrcrt If t'il THE TEST : PI vo a cnn top down on a hot sto\ nntll licatM.t rt niuvu th co\uruiul umcll. A chemist \ill uot LK iiod tu UeucL the presence oC unuuonlo. DOES NOT CONTAIN AMMONIA. TH IIK1LTIIFILNL33 IU3 NEVER HEL.V QILSTIOX In anillllon lining for quarter of a century It itovii thu ctmsmnma' rollnblo U' * t , THE TESTJJFJHE OVEH. L'RICE BAKING POWDER C ( UAKEM OF DP , Price's ' Special Flavoring Extracts 9r , Price's Lupulin Yeast Gen Tor Unlit , llenltliy lirnul , Tl.n IU > t Pry Hop Yeiut In tha World. FOB SALE BY GROCERS. CHICAGO. - OT , LOU I SPECIAL NOTICES TO TO J.OAN on toil estate by Ualloii Dri MONEY 13lh street. 5,15.1 4TONKT1O IX > AH In sums of * 3 0onrl uuviar Jl 0. P. Uavls acd Co. , Kial K.tatj aid L < r\genlg , H05 Far ram St , 333 t _ - \ONKV loaned on chattels. Riilroad Tick bought nud fold. A. foremen , 213 S. 1 ! 7ro t OMAHA Financial Exchaneo , largo or email lo : nndu onapprovod noeuntv > tttc * hourn 01 ok ilaj j. 10 tolSundays. 1603 KAiniin Street Ml to Deo. 2 ' Aniflt to-fellatJu tiM t tot o mil WAM'FD 10J S. lllh St. S3f- ] WANTKD A itlrl to til jnwril fc uw vvo Join e. Atdetiijn , lev imorth , lu vviunT mil Eth 6lt , ; iril-l T\7ANrKD-Mcnti > canva 8 for the Bale of Irun > T cuuUrj. JJ. if. JUitii.&lhSt. Mir.liant 63 S or * KO J Mrpcntiri ai.il call milifiii. lniUlio n 209 itutli Iflth bt. IV * 1) . Mcut au n | \\7Mi:0 Boy at Omalu Shirt Frc or } , : IOS V. 1 IT 8ltet > ' . 3V- | ( A Kond girl. Hint to KOOil on WANTED IT ai Irtli atil Leavenwritli. aa t . ' ) \ gooj biitclur at Kl.il How aril. WA.Vl'El SU-'D AN'IV.U-A tint ami n > cond girl it J7il Do Us. ZSO-1 Two Kl li at the Kan-era Hotil. 1 and 1'iclllc. ai9- t > iuall In N'tbrwla anew vvi by a popular author , Call on rraJJreaaJo nil llaielrlKI , ' , 210 cor III 17th tit , , Quail * Neb J97-J1H ' ' . AtoiDptU-iitglil Jor itoncnl hoi WAV'II'.U h % * knoxvlnl ocli'ojklng. Ccrn iictc-rrtd. Ca lat M 2 Cailtulau- . 30J-I TlfANrKD coinpctowt ijlrl b ) Mn. Kfn IT K. lorncr 19th and IViOgo ktrvgtt , no ot -X01-II if AN1X1 > A liittir , 113 South lilli fat , sc * V\ 7A.\rKI ) Hr t cUw btunifrtpher and t ; VI ? vvrltvr oper tor , ( Irahiai1 * f.v teni prefcn LcftX'uUK-nl lunJi.1-1 to tlUI Apply Uoneril riui' ' Mint" ° mi" . l VU > . i 8-lt | Olrl , jjonJoook , ujihcr anJ Iroi iiciM tenulMl. lle t mge * Mrn U Urotl. 0 - . 1 lil'x k touth Hirct-t c . 16 ndiil'i'jlu printer livMUt k at A ' Kiuc ) I ) , Io , SHI ! DAm n nil wife to do i ' WAI at P. 2 1 > " ; ' itreet. \ AA.NTH'R ilst' ' > n * m ietilvforflhi > > to sol ! on W"ily r JW Ills. U. F. 51 . , t South ] 5tS. Si ? Agoja' < ' ' 1 < , tefeiencc" i criulrcil 10 Un. t * . > 1'hl'll ' M l I'OiliJ St.il il \\rANTED To buy c'tv lot to bo ) > aillniv ! > crn.ontlilj-lnBlillmrnts. Aildtesi"II. H BfllfB. ! l \\rAN7BI-Agtsodltl | , 181 ftpltol rivcnil ! 2tO Up Vlrst-clm elttlri ( { p' ci 833 \\7AN1ED Atcnt ( % forte * Mmn U ul Inmi I 1 Co. AddroM the Company at Stu.ut Nth 632. _ V\7AMKU Ladle orpcnllstaan Indty m'cou II totakBlilcp , ll ht nd plcM nt work at 1 [ > w n boa ts , (2 to $5 a day cislly and qtnotly m nrorkient by n all ; no canva'elnitjo ; stamp lor i I'lcasoaddreaslloIlabloMali'f'fC Co ,1'hliadelprila , COMic ANTUO-LADIKS OH OENTLRMKN-In or countty , to take nlco. ll ht and plea work at their own homes ; 61 to ? 5 per day oislly quietly made ; work tent by null ; no cAnvaotlng " ( Amp for roplv. ricaee ftddrcsi KellaMo Mauf'c Philadelphia , P . SOi "IT AN'TED-DrtsMiiaKlnjt'or pl ln newInK infa ur will take noiU homo. Call WJ ) north St. _ 317-1 toung married m n wants mtuntion H b A keeper , In nholcsilo eitibllsbmant In Om . \ddro3i "O. " rare lleo. 888. T\7ANTKD A Rtoi tuiant for a newhmnoim VV and 1'aul ; r > rooms ulldlnijiloors lareo bed 10 ind closet" , pantiy Rood cclla lurd andiolt vvt iVIll bo ready for occupancy N\v. ! 0th. Icijulro JlllfornU St. _ MO \\7ANTKD Some one to adopt a hey babe. S05-I- qulro at 1'oir house. an orphan bo \\7ANTED-Homoonotoadopt > l ) ears ol il , best of rcfcrenco required. Imp it I'oor touse. 220 \7ANTED \ sccindband sifo In iod order , \ \ \ \ 5 or 8. Apply to Julius 1'cpporbcrg 607 N" it , Omaha. 27C \\TANTED A few moio t blo boarders at OOi ii loth 8'recJ. Two sleeping rooms for rent 180- rcnUcfficii. _ TT17ANTKD Uiisluess. All active inerchr-nt Vl thorough bvtlnoss cducatlou and habits < : omplatin ? u chani o January li t. 1S35 , vvl'hcs to ] 'haso an inteiott U a vtcll csuljllshed mor nntll nanufat.turiri | ; business , w uld buy out n small 1 ncss.tms S10 00 } cash , can furuUh rcfcjetcus of a 1 irldcr and would cxpcctsaun. To BCCU o reph , U-osaqlvinp ; full name nnd particulars , "Mcrch : 850-81 lovvk : are Bee ottlco. - 82,000 OK flrst-tlasa'city socurlty.f WANTED- B per ceut. Address lloi 020 Pi iBca _ 70fl- i'Ok SHUT --Eons S3 uuii Lb\a. HUNT Ono or tvvo 'arpo ; fr.int rnons FOR . . llrltk Louie corner Diviilon St. and liana av.tmc. UKM'-O room Ir.ino Shernnn nvo. Jnq 11453hcrmina\c. 338 RENT Elegant 11 room Inire , hot and ( water all modern Imp ovorccnts ono of best I "onsin " the city , S70 ycr n.oath. Batkcr 3th and raroam , 339 < 011 HB X f House 8 roomi comur 21at and ( F CPS ° , Si5. Darker & JIayno i10 ! IIUKT Furnished rooms 1810 Dodge Etr FOU tf KENT Furnished rooms at 1417 Howard. FOIl 3)1 ltiXT The tvvo ator > meat market coi FOU and ilasoo. I'aulsen & Co. , 1513 1'arn : 441-1 niOll HEM Two elegant rocnii In lledick's bli C Vau'iienSCo.Dia Farniin. 312- HUNT Nice lurnlshi'd fiont roiin suiti tpOR 1 " ent'cmen ; corccr of Kith and Han jnven'eUiobusinca ) . U Smith. . " 30-18 11ENT M.cly furcishcil raous with bo ; FOI location , in > dern convcnlecco ? . S | 1 > 011 IlENT Uoom with board 1721 Doughs. L 331 If IlENT1 front rooun unfurni-hid at f > 0l BiOR SN 332-1 HKNTElegant 11 room licuao , hard and FOR all modern improvements , best Iccitlo ity JTi' . Ahn 8 rnorn house corner ilst and Dai o.t$25. Barker &M > jne , 13th andFarnam. 3 : IlENT 'Inrco rocms and furniture for e FOIl location and cheap rent , 305 N. 15th 3J4-1E _ HANIlUndiomely furnished room P. FOIl of 11 th acil Capitol a\ * . G23- HUNT Xlcel ) furnished oem for ( , 'intlct FOR it desired , private famlh. LV1I at N. K. i 7th and Franani. 331 IlENT Two unfurnlslol rooms in prlv FOIl ) J blcck north of St. Mi r8 ave ttrcota > o 410 Consult St. 321-1 IlENT Two unfurtiahcd rooms 1015ChlcD FOIl 235-1D 17011 RENT tsp'oadhl s'oro on cuiclnc atn 1 sultab.o for Bakery , butcher or anjthln eleo. 9 one ctoko corner stcr. ' , go > . grocery \ ttaril , r eia luble. Jlorso A Brunner. 29S-1' [ 7011 IlENT Ono elegant new 0 room d cctU U and on splendid S rcorned cottage on red nci23 and (24 per inoLth. Morjo i Biunner. 2s,0-17p [ 7 > 01l IirarPurnUhol front room lorrcnt 222 t ? 10th bt 30Z-1 [ TORRENT Two unfurnUhed ronns 1017 Chitsi t ? 318-i _ 17011 IH'.NT Nioo furnijlicd room , ono bock L1 liojil'sOifiallmuc. II. 1' . JIartlu,310S. IE 3U1I ; j Oll RENTUonfo \\ith fj ro-HHamL bain. ; i1 plj tol' . Wlig.No. OlZaouth 12th.St , 31i Toil lUNf-YTcw tlx room C0ttapo ; ono block fn -1 red car Him S2\ Elegant U room Hit on btroet c r llae.S2..03 'Ilirto Lrlck tl.tslotxoil Ciimlnz street I rom $25. FurnUhvd house on 10th St.- , block from green < isn.0. 'Unco brick btoresonCuu log eiruet from S35.CO 501' . 303-17 Morse&Drunncr T OIl RENT Ti > gentlemen , only a largo finely f 1 r.lehul front room $7.00 per month. II. K , Ci ' n , Eolith 15th St. , near Center , now house. tO'i 011 HINT With board , largu front laom gas a ' both room No. 14(0 Jones. iOi.U ? OH KENT A furnlihcd room. Imjulro at H ? Farnaui St. 3(0-18) 7OU ItKNT 1'urnikhoJ room ai , 330 Capitol t > < ' 259-17p 70H KENT-4 1 itory and livocrnont , brick etc . on Junes Stieet , near 13fi , < 2 > per month. ' .Morro&Co. 885 li 71011 KENT- f urn'shed rooms w Ita board k bio ' IroinP. 0. atU18 Doio ! ; 2S9-1G1 7011 RENT A ten room cofoae , good lot , * ' barn , on 1'iclilo ttrcot , mar llth stlu t 1 ilru el 0. P. Oouluian. 22 : 7OR RENT FurnUhwl fiont loom and ono bo ' room 1711 California St. 27J- ! 7IOR RENT- Two well larnlshcd rooms at the - W. cirnerof 14th and C&isfor three cr four C1 emen. E8I J > OH R NT Binalt cot' KC , thrtf ro nm south ' . J strict , luiiulio 17CO Jwkioiulro t. 2311 IlCNT Ai. elegant siitto of rooiujwitb. b : 1 room , tu nlahud or unfuiuiehod or > l-iglu rooi l o biru and coiiiag * , houio at 007 8 2i'thH' . < 253-1 7011 RENT 1'leasant furnished rpoui.OOj N. 17 . ? 838 J6 | , ' OR RENT A furnUHuit room at 1318 Jack. on i 70U1VENT Oil 84IKU o room home , No. . ' rleriestrcot. Ajply to ilra. H. O , Blowi ) l5Cam lrcot. ! 30- ,1011 RKNl New d e'lloK of ten roomi. L * mcUcM Uniprovimcij > * . Bltuatud at SV , c Urccy aud iia'i ttrctt , Sco IWlou tio'u or Ju ovlllt ! . 203-23 7011 KfiNT Mo.ly furnUheJ roam for one cr t 1 ? ucu.lcuitu , P , K. corner Uth and luvonpoit. ( /OK I'.ENT-lu Shlim' * 2.1 addition , nlco tel L' and i ai t conn r let with 8 room luu M'8. ; south 1'ttt r A Cubb. Ulb fuiiiain Bt. M IOK HKNT--Tivoroouu ) turn gb.l lor light l-oi : I' Leepiug , S. W. oor. 6th and llonard. 1701 4 unfurulibud roe vv.th hoird , mivliru ccnvenlcccta.hoioe coiufc ' Uoc < & ' > HiinwCouit home , ° { 5 m RSNI-Room crncr c ! 17.h f ml Grtce Sts. comer Urj loth w woith. Applr tl. U , Peterson. H * tf JrOll IlKKT Goltigo tf five rnotnK , Jcj'tftv le lo- ; 'cation. ' O 1' . JJ Tl34C'J,1606Fjnui8t 11 * < t r I'.KNr Oi o unfiitnVhid room for Stouso * tfiolt 1 Iccmer' ! < bi'wk , cor , ttri and Horard. J00tf ; OR ItK.YT Mrstrla > tVit it ly brlcK , niftftl i IJ ' roof , war hou , hjilnu'lo tUvalor , concrot * \iant l ? . Rshroad track tdil , > cr. Barker & llax ne , 18th a'd K rn M. BI6-U H A MTslororooft a VI ofDcojun-nUIrs en January III , ISffi , on ISih Irtwccn William and Hickory inqir/o .tt t. J. Kwp\r. 910-tf I"ORllF..VT Plov < af i > HiiUli ( > a roonr . K coT -T th and How aid strrcia. B03-U TTjlOH RENT-Flpfcantlv flirnlshod frmt rora call J1 ndfoutli cxbosurs , moicrn oiuvojlencc" . W. W corner 17th and Can. &UM. ' F0ItENI Thlrt-on nowtlTollInRa by"aT. Tav- lorr corner 14th and DoucUs. B19-tf T70R RENT llouto 7 rooms peed losallty by C. T , . -f Tayl r , eirnor 14th and Dougrvi. 349-t R OOMS With hmrd , dea rah o ot winterAppl atst ClnileaHetcl. _ 7 fOR KKNT Very iloilrablo furnlsSed rooms com L1 trallylocotod. Apply l Atkinson's nilllluory itoro , Uth St _ _ _ 7M.tt TMOllRAy IIM good pastunnjt. Bprla ? w tci. Son. tf JjiOH URNI' Oottaito ol Uvo rooms. J. rainpa Rod 1 ? IBUBOUth Eth street. _ 639-tl' ' .RENT A furnished teem 1801 Farnara Si. FOR ! 07-tt FOR IlKNT Ono pr nd equaro puna. Inquire cfGilholm and Krlokson.equaro < 10-tf FOR BALE. SALV Thofnrnituro iif a fi rcom co'ttge , cheap , rent toieonahlc , a very desirable looitlotij \ddrcss " W , " Bco olliJO. SJO-lSp FOIl SALK S7600 wll buy a goo d mate , and barn , ts , 1567 N. 10th St. 252.10p SAfcK OH TIUDB-161 nci tit Kind near POU , Mitchell county , Kas. to J. H. JcSlunc , opp. postolflce. 5-.3 20 SALE OR HKNT-Lot OOxlSJIvlth now 5 room FOR and 4 h' rso ( table , 1'lerce , near \\\st ave. Ino location. 1'aU'sjn &Co. , 1B13 Farnim. 313-tf SALE Am rompo'lcd tu cell mj Interest in POll sections of land In Lincoln County NOD. , ono olio from R. It. Station. Lindshavo llvln ; vvatrr , ilcnl.v of li y with nil ndmirah'o stock range. The cs ! bargain In Xebraika , i.UO ; per ncro SI. ' 0 per icro each , Inlanco 10)carj tlmo ( I per cent Intero't. Vddrvss ur tall on my agent , J. N. RcjnoliU 1207 ratnam it. 330-18p r Ott SAL'S OU TUADE-A Rood stock of Hani- l' \\ori n il fun Ituro In Eastern Nebraska till t rule 'or good 1 mil > In Nebraska orKanias ; iaiticulin J-'lvcn on nppll atlon. Addrcisilllllni ; Iroa. , Shnliurt N'ob. 311-17 Ono mil' nt lionin N'o R8 Vnss burolne steve sound , ( XI goo,1-sriuu. A-li'yatNo 511 , th 19.li St. 3 0-lfip fl OIl BALK A fine stock of r-oodt elegant Btoro In t1 the btbt location In Oninka , well established lusint'ss Can e f r selling failing health. Address 'Bnslneis" IJca olllcc. 31MS . Sjicclal bnrsalns In rLSidcnoa nnd bus- incsj property Morse & Brunncr. 3C9-17 ? OU SALE The bolt business lot at the Stock I yan's South Omaha , OOxlBD. Will be woith ouli'o the prlco asked now Insldo 12 months. Apply t ollico Now York Dry Goods itoro , 1310 Karnam. 277-1 f SALE Oil TIUDE 7no billiard aud t o pnol tables nt no 713 Pailfle St. 271-21p r OIt SAIA A property Invcstincnt of t'jo cash. I1 v\ill par 525 per month Interest. I'tinclpal well eciircd. Inqulio Omaha F rur.cial Enclmn 'o , 5C3 Farnain. 217-1 r > p rrion s LE ou KENT A Luii . " In jjood locility. Address Mrs"F. H. " llco ollloo. 255-15. _ I OllHALE Alluo driving her ow.tn buggy and L1 harntss. llcloncs to an ustato llitst bo sold. tiimlro at McShiue's IloOgo &trcttbarnor of Ilime- kiuKh&Tuilor. _ _ _ _ 213-lt _ rAURANT FOIl SALE Ono of the best ros RES and bnkcry combined in Nebraska with ; oed locution and trade cstabllsho 1 In city of 6030 lopulation. Only first-class restaurant In the plsco nd doinc more jn bakery llnu than aiT others In city ombincd Ice cream parlor in season. Oven ? , lea louses and everything complete. Will sell furnished ndlcavo over } thing. WillBe'l at a bargain and to Ight man with small cash payment and balance on 3) > g time , BO purchaser cm make it pay for Itself. V. S. WISE , 1'lattsmouth , Nob' 817-n 22 rjlOK SALE Four 8 oot , walnut counters , and 80 D feet of first data shclv Ing , dcsiral/o foi drugrro- | cry or book store. Inquire at the ollico of Congdon l.aikson & Hunt , 1324 l\trnam street. 803tf SALE 1 sausage chopper , horse power ; oao FOIl kcttlo , ono lard press. Apply at Uroak- i n Market , cor. 13th and Plerco S02-tf rpOR SALE-800,000 foot dry lumber , Ash , Oak , O Elm , Ilaiwwoocl andSoIt Maple. E , A. fitlnson , St. harles , Michigan. 800 n21p A quantity ol Job and newspaper typo for rYPE Also a good Zither. C. T. Duuco , care lies Rice. 765tf : 011 SALE Cottage of B rooms , barn , corner lot In J Shiim'dadditIoiionlySl.D ; .0sinallca.h ; payment nd lalanco montlily. Bargain. UcCague , opp. eiott SALE Oil EXCHANGE A water power Grist . mill , i easone fur Felling given oa application to oo. E. Braxp , Waverly , Neb. 004-linS BALE-Now phaeton. Iiiquiro ol Geo. Hlg. } gins at northeajt coruor lOtli and DodgoB31tf B31-tf 7 < OIl SALE Flno businceg chance at Grand leland ' Neb. SG.CCO Suva the bank boiMing 22i4 > ; an Hco buildln ? vhlch jcuts foi 915 a mouth ; n largo re and burglar proof eafo with Yale tlmv lof k coil ICOO , aUo i very largo bank nook flro proof rafo , ink counter , desks , hard coal stove , In fact , n com- elo bank orillt , together with lot 44i68 on Lncutt ruct. Tit lo perfect , 'lirms i cash , la'anco ou rnu ul tw o j car ? time If desired. Call on or nddrc's Jav , White Grand Wand , Neb. 622-tf 7\0lt SALE A geol ramo boueo , 6 rooas , all In ? peed order Jlmt be inovud &touce. Apply to 10 Wo torn Kowepaper Union , cor. 12th anil IIow. d btroctj. 814-tf 7011 SALE Cheap a second hand high top buggy. ' Inqulra at SlmpKon'u Carrlara 1'octniy , Dodge , itvvcen 14th and 15th , 230 tf 7 > OH ciALE A whole tocU of clothing , boots and 1 chocs , buIUlngs at oosi , niMrlnj ; from business. . II. 1'ctureon , 804 south Tenth street. lld-3m TvOR SALE Two open nacond-naud hnpgles ind Qao dcllvury wtjon , cheap , 1IS10 llr.riiciy tl , 833tf _ MISOHLLAtlEOUa. ' O3T t l.ick IiUhfobterant ; > r to the name af J " .Shot. " Any emi > jtur.mnir h'into tl. II , & J. ri , s , 131U Uouglo.1 ttrcct , wilt get a reward of V > . ' OST Oil BUIAVEU A btowu water epiniel dog -Jtrom resldurcu olCaptaUi FUdcn , No. 709iiorth - d bt. Anycnu rUurmiig hinivilll be revv id > J. _ 3U-tip Have a largo lot on 7th nd Dorcis' that ran \i3 \ .used as ndumi Ing place for manure. ( Just.Xaor > . " 1 AVE taken out llcciu * farlajlra drain. 1. 81MH' J-'O. COIIBV. 100D tab-'e boi'd SJiO per week , til N. 15th Jf bt. 200-14P I lAN V. donul honus'taililn Wottern Kantu , that vvrrii. tcnpil < I tti J lOlUh , USO I'loai * Odri8S men ga'dtnz thqtuuuib lutt < r on'y. liu i Mulhol and , .ul otta'.a agent , Norton Kinsas 1AKE.S UP-On October 28 , a ! | jht buy hoi/o. . whltUBp."itltttwihcadand hl * i ) tju t above , oitllVi W. KilloH , one nllo wcol.o ( the barrrwlta. 2ttluw. FAMILY Stoiri.ji > . stove tenvra and geucwl ro. ' pairing , O.M t vton , 111 3. 14th Be. 7-W-nia f US 8C51UODKK , Maniu'Jo Healer , li aow loca. , ri to K. W , corner { Othajid Can * bt TJlauiKecu 17 3HIVY vaulti , 8lnV.ii jirt catsnooU dwne'l at th ) diartCHt notice anrji. any ttmo of the day , In ui .tlalyonUrlcm wa. nlthout the Icuk inoluslaiion OojpitiiOr iui'i jil , with our Improved auti ilnilMS appataiUJ. A. Mtns L Co. , 1008 CAflto \r. 5U1VY vaulta , lol ami cct < tioola cleaned with . unitary clo net S > tl lvtit > a Ruatant ad by F. . AbcltucCi-JM > r to J. M. HruUft box 878. 633 n3p UUlKltSTAMl > S-Oa y inufactureu InOmahM X llcua PrtatUy ; Co. f > 9Mt ( atwjf.sso.ta rj JOHW o JACOBSJ JNDERTAKERS 1 A * , ib'j old itaud 1117 Faru.m 'Sttwt. 0 : < 2cn by ; l'iu.h ws'oitsa u4 rroi vt ien Ko , Si5 ,