Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 15, 1884, Image 5

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Jnilgc Biwef Decides the Plall
County Tax Stilt ,
Tlio Housing Ootiniy .inry In t
Oliu-k COST BlIII Out.
In the United States circuit court yea
torday Judge Brewer rendered his
opinion in the caao of the Union Pacific
Killway company ngainat Plaito county ,
argued on Thursday by Hon. A. J. Pop-
ploton for the plaintiff , and Hon. W. H.
Mungor for the defendant. .
The court dismissed the bill praying
for an injunction as to alt lauds convoyed
by deed prior to the bringing of the suit ,
and alto for the taxes of 1881 upon
all lands upon which the surrey foes wore
paid pi lor to the levy in July of that
year , From thhpart of the docisi'n the
plaintiff appeals.
Upon Mr. Mungor's const ) action of
the charter that there were no survey
foes as the land had boon surveyed prior
to the paesigo of the act granting the
lands , the foes mentioned in said act being -
ing only such ai were necessary after the
passage of the net , Judge Brewer hold
that the government and rail IT ay company
having acted upon a [ different construe
tlou upon the grant , third parties were
bound by such construction. From this
part of the opinion the dnfondant will
appeal. This decision of the court holds
as valid about § 3 , COO of taxes which the
plaintiff has always contended were other
A great portion of the day wus con
turned by the argument in the ciso oi
Lalk nnd others , against Eilor and others ,
in which the plaintiff seeks to enjoin the
enforcement of the judgment in the ceio
of Esler ngainat Hoguo , rendered at the
May term of court. The property In
volved in this suit issomo tbroo blocks of
land in Loup City , Sherman county , in
this state.
The grand jury was busily at work nil
day , but inado no presentments.
The jury in the case of Nelson against
the Missouri Pacific railway , tried before
Judge Wakoloy , yosterdayrendored [ a ver
dict for defendant without leaving the
box under instructions from the court.
Before Judge Neville , the case of the
atato against Clark indicted for obtaining
money undoa false pretences was submit-
tdd to the jury at 5 p. in. The defense
, relied upon is "mistaken. identity. " The
defendant claims that it wai 'hi ; brother
who committed the offense'Tho crime
consisted in obtaining ( rom John Edwards
the sum of $100 by false representation.
The jury at 2 ojclock this morning ware
still out.
On Monday the ciso against J ohn F.
Bohm will be taken up.
" 'A , Allondorf was fined $5 for being
guilty of assault and battery.
The cajo of the state against Dug Maguire -
guire for the larceny of broad tickets anc
tobacco from C. F. Elaasor & Son , ba
kers , was continued until to-day on the
statement of the defendant that he had
. & confederate , whom the police intend to
arrest. When young Maguire was
searched in the police station a letter
from his girl in North Platte was founc
upon him , stating that there were no
police in that city , and asking him to
come out nnd "work" the town.
John F. Dlorks , agalnst-whorn a com
plaint was sworn out by F. C. Festner on
Thursday , could not bo found yestoiday.
It Is presumed by the police that ho was
notified , by some means , of hia intended
apprehension , and left the city Thursday
Do not be deceived ; ask for and take
only B. H. Douglass it Sons' Capsicum
Cough Drops for Coughs , Colds and Sore
Throats. D. S. and Trade Mark on every
drop 4
TinIjnrcl Itcdncry Kcliiiilt Tlio Ilci
The work of rebuilding the Her still
houio is being pushed rapidly. The
! walls have been raised to the desired
height and the elevator has boon made
one story higher. The "Jarvh" , column
has eumo from Chicago end nearly all the
machinery necessary ia on tin ground.
All damaged apparatus or ma
chinery ban given way to new , and to
moro fully protect this great plant its
outer walla have been covered with corru
gated iron. During all the tlmo since the
lire , distilling in a small way has boon
kept up to provldo food for the cattle.
It will bo some tlmo before the hunso
will bo fully completed , but the works
will begin running their full capacity
next wcok.
The works of the Omaha Lard llefin
cry company , totally destroyed by fire
last summer , have boon rebuilt by Fair
banks & Co. , of Chicago. Tiio capacity
has baon moro than doubled and the
buildings have boon built entirely of
brick. The machinery was started this
week and an improved apparatus will
manufacture soap , buttorlno , and refined
lard. Fairbanks & Co. nro now the own
era of four lard refineries , two of which
are not yet fully comploted. Ono la at
St. Louia , the second at Chicago , the
third at Omaha and the fourth in Now
York city.
Besides nil the lard from Boyd's packing
house "leaf" and "straw"
ing , lard is refined -
fined under outside oantrncta. It is in
tended by thoao in charge to have the
whole concern running to ita full capacity
by January 1 , 1885' The company's cir
cular io Ita customers says ;
"It ia hardly necessary for us to give the
trade our reasons for establishing this ad
ditional factory. So many complaints
have been made the last thrco years of
the ciccaslvo freights charged on our pro
ducts from Chicago and St. Louia , that
wo have found it necessary to moot the
wishes of the trade by giving them our
at a cheaper point of delivery. "
I'Vainliiloiil Draffs.
Jf p
f ; hood & Co , , of Chicago have
written to
PorgUBOD who llM
bOBIV fraudulent drafca u , , 1 boon making
i ma .T A. KeMfUBon , dnlin'u
home w traveling through fcs ha as , lSi
1 to-dny comes a draft for S50 tollected nt 1 link-
ley a Banking comiiMiv i'elleville , III.
A few daya ngo . arahnl Oammlnga received -
coivod n lotler Irom GrceP 00 . ' 0 ° -
slating thnt the man Ferguson cln ed to
live nt 1201 Howard direct , in this city.
An otlicor went to the place nnrncd nnd
found thnt Ferguson nnd his wife had
boon rooming there bnt hnd tnkou their
departure , and it is auppoaod that they
wont to Lincoln.
U will bo well for bankers to look out
for the follow.
Hr Dr. Fraribr'i Mngle Ointment. Onres na
If by mnglc : Pilniilea , Blnck Honda or Drubs ,
Blotthou nnd Eruptions on the face , leaving
the skin clpnr nnd boAutifnl. Also euros Itch ,
Salt l.houm , Sore Nlpiilwi , Sore l.ipa nnil old ,
Obsllraxto Ulcers , Sold by druggists , or
mailed on receipt of prico. 60 cents. Sold ! uy
Kulin A Co. nud O. If. Goothnnu.
D1K1) ,
O'KKaAN-Novoinber 1-J , 1S84 , nt 0 n , in. ,
of congestion of the lungs. Klol Cnllistus ,
Infant son of D. O. nnd J5. K. O'Kcgnn ,
ngod 5 months nnd 0 dnys ,
1'uneral this ( Snturdny ) nfternoon at 3:30 :
o'clock , from the residence of tlio pa'ontf ,
South Tenth street , nonr Hickory. Des
Moinca and Dnbuquo papera l lease copy.
A Valuable Chill Tonic Honil this
DOUSEY Co. , , AKK. , January 8 , 1883.
J. IF. Scull itJiro. .
Gentlemen I can certify * to the fact
that Hughes' Tonio is the best Chill Ton
ic I ever tried. I consider it bettor than
Quinine. Respectfully ,
( Signed ) M. M. KESMSbo.v.
Prepared by R. A. Robinson & Co. ,
Wholesale Druggists , Louisville , Ky. ,
and nt retail by Schrotor it
Bocht , Druggiutfl , Omaha. Retails
Sl.OO per bottle , nix bottles ,
? 5 00.
WE have no hesitation in recommend
ing the "Garland Stovoa nnd Tlangcs. "
Their high reputation for durability ,
economy of fuel , convenience and artistic
finish stamps thorn ns the best in the
world. It is the constant aim of the
manufacturers to make the very best
stoves that can bo produced , They are
umlvaled. ( -1) )
A. Bnrgniu in CornorLots.
s what most men dcsiro , to keep from
Illiug n grave in a cemetery lot ere half
your days nro numbered , nlwnys keep < \
supply of Dr. Piorco'a "Golden Medical
Discovery" by you. . When the first
symptoms of consumption appear lese no
time in putting yourself under the treat
ment of this invaluable medicine. It
euros when nothing plso will. Possess
ing , as it does , ton times the virtue of
the best cod liver oil , it is not only the
cheapest but far the ploasaiitest to take.
It purifies and enriches the blood ,
strengthens the system , euros blotches ,
pimpfes , eruptions and other humors.
By druggiets.
The Spiritual Lords.
Freeman , in the Contemporary Review.
The exact position of the spiritual
lords is at this moment a very singular
ono. Their seats in parliament have
boon objected to on many nnd voty dif
ferent grounds. They nro objected to ,
quite reasonably from hia point of view ,
by the Nonconformists seeking for the
disestablishment of the church. They
are , no less reasonably Irom
his point ofvviow , by the zealous church
man , whoso idea of the bishop's ofli 38 _ is
so high that ho BOO these who
hold It mixed up with worldly afl'uira nt
all. But there is something to bo said on
the other side. If there is to be any
house of lords at all , wo cannot afford to
turn the bishops out of it till we
have some other visible class
of non-hereditary lords to put in their
places. Two or three Lords of Appeal lu
Ordinary are not enough. Strange as it
may seem , the Bishops are the only class
of men who keep their seats in Parlia
ment by the old traditionary right of En
glish freemen to appear in person in the
Assembly of his pooplo. They have kept
what otaers have lost. In theory wo
mignt say the eamo of the Earls ; but the
Earldoms have utterly loat their ancient
character they have become simply ono
rank in the hereditary psorago. The
Earl , with hia illustrious Scandinavian
title , really differs in nothing from the
French Marquess who walks before
him and the French Viscount who
walks after him , But the Bishopu
still hold the sanio seats by the same ten
ure as when Ansolm brayed the \rrath ol
Rufue , not for ecclesiastical prlvilogo , bul
for moral right as when Stephen Lang
don read out the charter of Henry , and
wrung ita moro than renewal from John
as when Edmund , meek and ascetic as
Ansclm , could withstand king nnd pope
alike in the cause of English freedom. If
the bishops' seats had been taken nt nny
moment up to the present , it would have
been simply giving up the innermost defense
fense of the fortreds to its assailants. It
would have been setting the final seal to
the long encroachments of the exclusive r
lercdltaty doctrine. In any moro gon- t
) ral consideration of the whole subject , c
; hia mater * , like others , will have to bethought t
thought ovor. V
Hood's Sarsaparilla , acting through the t
} lood , roaches every part of the system , d
and in this way positively euros catarrh. dy
Heredity In ISjcH 1
'ndlanapolls Journal ,
When both parents have eyes of the
same color 80 per cent cf the chlldrpu rte
'ollow their parents in this feature , and rb
of the 12 per cent born with oycs other
hnn the parental color a part must bo
ittrlbutcd to intermittent heredity.
Here females than males hare black or
jrown eyes in the proportion of10 to 45.
Yith different colored eyes in the two
laronts , 53 per cent of the children fol-
ow the fathers in being dnrkoyed , and GOer
> or cent follow their mother in being
lark eyed.
to Canada.
OTTAWA , November 14 , Immigration re is
turns show : Since January , total arrhals ,
138,030 SO.OCOof whom weiu Bottlers , 08,000
panning through to the United States. For
the Baino period last year , there were 103,000
arrivals , U7.0CO of wi om nettled In Canada
nnd 60,000 were passengers to tha United
States ,
Pure .Buckwheat FJour and Maple
Syrup at J. B. French & CO.'B.
Fine Milwaukop Sellorio Knollon BO-
ebon angelangt bei Weimer.s' .
Try the Minnesota wheat Hour mndo ul
lie Omaha roller mills , Guaranteed of
best. tf
Ask your Grocer for llAMiiuiiar.r. soap.
log AMD OoAt ( ttJienzon &Jtro.Jin
Largo atook of Diaries for 1885 at
Yheelcr Bros. tf ;
California 7/oiie.y Large invoice just
cctivcd by J B French A Co.
JSetv Raisins , Figs and Nuts a' Wie- ti :
ra. ' .
Hope for Happier Dai Takes ROD
in MoniioMoii
And Great Joy Provndos .Palace ,
Temple aud Hovel.
A .Pair of Polygamists Find
Quarters in the Pen (
The GloHO of the CrtiiipnlK'i ' Gives
Now Vigor to nil Clintincls of
Trail o.
Corrojt > iuloiico of THE DKK.
I SALT L VKB CITY , November 11,1834
The era of dullness nud doaduoas thnt
has characterized nOUrs in Utah during
Lho greater portion of the proaont year
! ma boon succeeded by n violent reaction ,
and the excitement In some directions is
greater than ever recollected by the old
est inhabitant. This ha ? boon brought
about partly by reason of the elections ,
ocnl and gonoul , th k have caused the
< eonost interest in Utah ns well as in the
rest of tha country ; and nlso by the va
rious polygamy trials which have ended
n tvro C1903 in the conviction of the ac
cused. Thoao trials being conducted , ns
the Moimons think , with unreasonable
severity , has caused an intense feeling ,
especially ns the judge refused to take
bail when the parties appealed to sue supreme
premo court of the territory , Instead
of following the rule that has boon in
variable in the practice of the courti of
this territory , to permit the prisoners to
give sureties until their cases were finally
disposed of , ho has committed tliceo two
men to the penitentiary , where they will
remain , not working out a portion of
their sentence , but awaiting the decision
of the higher court until n final decision
in reached. Some argue that it is
A man with the right of appeal who had
boon convicted of murder might just as
\vell \ bo executed during the time his case
was pending adjudication in the higher
courti as to' put a man in the panitontinry
nnd keep him in duranno vile during the
time that ho also was awaiting the decis
ion of ho appellate tribunal , after which
ho will have to fill hla full term of 1m-
Arguing from this stand-point the ma
jority have come to the conclusion that
any change lu officials will bo batter for
Utah , and therefore- they are enthusias
tically for the domocrntlo ticket , though
of course In presidential matters , thi ?
being a territory , its citizenu have no
Tlia candidate of the people's parly for
delegate , Hon. John T. Cralnc , hai boon
elected by on immonao majority , and the
opposing candidate , Oaptiin llinsford
Smith of Ogden , has received a mucl
smaller vote than was cast by his party
two years ago , when Mr. Van /Alo wci
their standard bearer. Besides thoao , to
incrcaao the general intensity of feeling
thorohavo , been local matters In whiol
veiy.atrong epithets * bittbr chargos"Sn (
coimtor-chargofLai'n boon" used by op
posing nowapapern ; and * last Saturday
John Q. Cannon , a son o ! "tho ox-dele'
of tho. Triburio for uilng Jiia nnmo anc
thnt of his sister-in-law , a-young un
married lady , as ho assorts , in ft.most uu
warrantable manner , aud refusing testate
state the truth when it had been demon
strated that that which ho hnd published
was utterly without foundation. For
this fracas Mr. Cannon was fined § 15.0 (
and costs. Wo have also had a slight
shock of earthquake. Putting all these
perturbations together , with the expec
tation of the chances that Uio near future
may evolve the general placid complexion
of society here has been worked to a ten
sion that it will fiko considerable wisdom
to prevent feelings of such a bitter char
acter developing as to endanger the tranquility -
quility of the community. Still judging
from the past , when high feelings , thougl
not so intense , have baforotimo arisen ,
it will probably pass away becauao hotli
sides will shriek from making the first
hostile movement. Taking all things
into consldoialion wo have no fear for
the future peace of Utah , though some
have prophesied that matters , if they
continue In their present course , cannel
bo settled without the shedding of blood.
With thosa parties the wish is probably
But the general sentiment is , aa expressed -
pressed by the most conservative mon
these who have boon here the longest ,
and who should from their poiilion know
the condition tf matters that things
will quiet down after tlio election , and
especially if there should bo a change in
the administration. There can bo no
doubt , for it is openly admitted , that a
very strong judicial campaign will bo
inaugurated ] by the present officials here
against tlia peculiar institutions of Mormonism -
monism , bat should these officials bo sup
planted by others it is very
probable that a milder policy will
bo purnuod for tbo tlmo baing.
The attorneys of thoao who have boon
convicted and their
, nympathizora are
strong in the bollef that the convictions .
lately attained will bo quashed by the
court of last resort on the ground of the
illegality of the manner in which the jiiy ,
was impanelled by open venire , and for
various other reasons of a technical character -
actor , which they claim are fatal to the
also regarded by thoao who have civil
cases on the docket a * a very dangerous
condition of affairs , for it ia argued where :
millions of money ara involved , as tlioro
are many mining cases in this territory , \
that an officer with an open venire in his
hand cm pack n juiy for either party as
his sympathies may run or as induce
ments may bo oflored , and that oonau-
quently there will bo no safety for liti of
gants but all would depend upon who 0.
could use the moat corruptive fund.
Trade Is picking up somewhat , nnd J.
owing to an nlmost unprecedented epoll
exceedingly fine weather this fall the
mechanical trades are ntill enabled to con
tinue in full blast. This will enable
many a workman to prepare [ for the win.
ter , who , It was thought , earlier Jn the
jeaion , would eo very hard times by
reason of the moagroneea of the labor
luring the earlier months of the year.
Some low commercial failures have os-
urrod , but nothing like so many as wan
generally anticipated at the commenco-
inont of the year when the freight war
between the two rival railroads disturbed
k-aluea to such an extent that it was eeri-
utly feared that many small mercbmita
'mid (50 ( to the wall. At any rate the
iiKALfrtv ASM Mn\n ,
Ogden has probably suire. * a -.ratlin .
a iy other part of the terrlto..v throug
the dullness of business nnd the 'Utputc
of the railroads. Outside of that ot.'v MI
of S.ilt lv ko the effect has been \ irj
trivial , the great drawback at the prcs
ent time , as I mentioned in n proviou
letter , being the difficulty that the ngrl
cuUurisls hnro to find a nurket for tliol-
prodiiota at paying rates. WEXO.
, NoMJtnbor 14. Fl\o cn ion of clmlcrn
was rcjwrtod nmomr tlio employes of the ofii
ro of the nowainiper Monltmir \ nhonal
Ono died Instantly. Neither the lin < < | iltnlanu
Lho morgue would receive the body , so the
commU nry of the poJieu wiw obliged to r
nun It to tire lodglngEs
1\UUH , November 1 1. The continued cola
\c tlior keeps the mortality from cholera from
one In 3(1,000. ( The ravages nt
livial compared with thews of typhoid fo\or
It ia knoxMi tliocpldcmle'mnde fearful rnynges
nmong the garrison but llio military olliclnla
> ublsh-no ) ! stntomont nnd 'roPuBO U > gho nnj
TAIBW , Noveinbor 1 I. lrowi > r fresh ca'ea ot
holern occurred to-day , but the mortality In
runted. 1'our hundred cholurn pntlouts nrt
ntlinhopriltnla. Yeatonlay there werp oonly -
i\o ( lo.itha , forty * * ! * of' ' which were In the
io < pltM . In twelve hours ondinir ftt noon to-
ay there were ton deaths- imv city ami
lovcn in the hoipitala.
MAimtDt September 1 H Sovornli tiws anil
; wodoaths from cholera occurred at
'Jino ' cases , twj Intal , occurred in tk Pnnince
f Vnliueia.
WASHINGTON , November 1-U Selrotarj
tlcCulloch has prepared n clrc'ilnr iu relatioi
o the Importation of old rags from , liifoctcd
lorti which modlliod t'ao oxiatiae orders 01
.lint . aubjoct , so as to continue tlio embargo
until futthor uotico , nnd to declare all Kreucl
mid lUodltorraneun pcti to bo lafcctod.
PARIS , Novombsr II. A dispatch to-dnj
rom Shanghai stntoa the French forces hiwo
ccuptod Tutu Sui.
LONDON , November II. Tlio fjovcrumont
las eont two hundred ton * of torpodooa to pro
, oct coalln ? stations in China.
The COMKO Conroroiieo ,
November 14. Mosarc. Sanford
3ta\iloy nnd Strauch arrived hero to take par
n the Congo couforonco for the opening o
vliich to-morrow ovorythinp has been pre
ureil. Uismnrck intcudi to Ueop out of thi
obatu until the woik of the conference ia
ompleto ,
IViTCstlal _ .
- . < ; "
IA > NI > OX , November 1 1. A snvuro shook ol
nrthqunke , accompanied wi.b n terrific ox
) lo i\o report , occurred to night nt Clithoroo
ancaslnro , about twenty milo3 from Jlan
haater. The shook throw down hoisoa on the
streeti and caused great consternation ami ex
citement ,
Sonic Other Year.
LONDON , November 14. The News sayi
that there will bo no dissolution of Parliament
this year.
Tlio Troubles in SUyc ,
LONDON , JN'ovemborl4. In the common
to-day Unrcourt , 'secretary of state for thi
Kome dopartincnt Bald that the crofters hut
hla dc3pcst sympathy. He vrta not In favo
of the employment of foroe a nicst thorn , nni
earnestly appealoil to the landlords of th
west of Scotland to mitigate the condition o
.the' croft
PAIUS , Norembor 14. The deputies com
mlttoo rejected a proposition by thu govern
ment to increase the tax upon imported for
eign cattle.
CHICAGO , November 14 , The toneral pas
Bcnger agents of the Alton and Kocl : Island
roads Issued n jrint circular to their easten
nnd Houthontorn connections to-day sayirj
that they objected to the arbitrary rate of &t
nllowed thorn from C liicago to the Jllaaour.
river on thtougb bueinesa from the e.iHt at cut
rates , m fixed by the Ttunk lines , October 15.
That , therefore , to protect themselves am
their connections on business to the Mlssom"
river , they will necept their proper propoai
tion , of whatever through ruto these connections
tions may find it necessary to mnko for Belf-
prutcctlon. This license to nmlo rnto is to
npply to bmlnoea ticketed through Chicago ,
St. Louis , ] ! loomiiton ( ; and 1'eori.i.
New Yomc , November 11 Tlie joint e\-
ocutivn coimniltoo of the trunk line commis
sion decided to-day to restore east bound
tarill rates , ai udoptcd last .Ally , This will
( jo into c-lfoct on the l"th inst. , nnd npplv In
nil classoi of freisht , except live Block ICash
road , nnd CBpecUlly the ] ) resident thereof ,
will oo held strictly responsible for any cut
Novurahor II. Failuiea the
past seven days , S3i ! ( , iu incroauo of 0 coin
pared withlait week.
HuMi-HTKAI ) , Toxni , November , 1 1 , At
udf past ono o'clock this morning the north.
bound trnin on the Texas nml Contra ) railway
was wreckoJ.two miles south of this plnco nnd
nsfnrns known ten peojilo ore killed out-
rifiht nnd fifteen wound oil more or loss dan
gerously. Investigation by the rail way au
thorities roveals' that the diabolical work was
done by discharged employees nnd thieves hi
.ho vicinity who Bought to wreck
Lho frqlfjit train for the ftpoilti
t contained. liroaklng Into u section
louse , the wreckers obtained the necessary
eel , and by pulling spikon and nnfastoiiing
tlio fish plutes arranged the mil to yield to
iressnrovltliout , howovei , entirely removing
t. It BO .happened that a pn-songer tr.ii-i
laving the right of wny nnd being behind hand
vus the Host to reach tliu uconu ot the disaster ,
Stilklng the loosened rail , tlm engine uml ten-
Icr got over safely , while two baggugocars , the
nail nnd express nnd twol 'iillmnn slcepem went
ivor n thirty-foot embankment into the crock , o
n the baggage car , 1 . Ccdotrnvcling ! , pas-
eengor agent of the Now York , Texas and
\lu\icau railway , was drowned , with K. I1' ,
MTU , baggagemastor , and firoon LOWH ! , u
colored potter. The others killed nre : ] < o
nur Lunlo ) , newsboy ; Hamp Thomas , of Nnv-
asota , a wood contractor ; a Ciornmn lady
and three children ; Julin Chlldress ,
Atlanta , Co. , aged 0. Wounded ! Impress
H Jt McMnllen , JJoUert Victor ]
. li , Wnllncoj Hov. I ( J. John , of Cluhcstunj
lohn OJn 8 , JI. JI Kordtran , JMn'l JMeKnnln ,
. O , Ituples , A. JI. .Tack on , < i J. Cockrcll ,
Austin Gainbrack , W. W , Clnldrcss , Iboac
Maeeey , Win. MafBoy John Kdwards , W. II ,
Jurtun , Mif. Kdol. ' Thu injuries of MoMul-
ouami I'eojiliB aru liiwly to prove fatal , Ife-
ml trrtina with rail way olhclnlH aud
are ut the scenu ,
iVTS JIlHIIIMl llnhO Jtltll If/llH / ,
CIIKu > , NovBinber 1 1.- The lum on A. CJ.
SjmldlriK & lirothor'a stock of hpwtliiK gooJu
iaa nJjusted to day , thu iiwnranco conimnies |
laymir fc,75j03 ( , bting thu low Buntuim-d u
heir fct ck ,
I > I-IUUH'B : SALAD UJUIMINO ! SAI-OK for all kinds of Balade , fisl > ,
vefjotabloa nnd cold'meata. Chearor and
jotter than homo made. No eauco c < it > ul
o it was over offered
A Tj lU XVilh llio MnnVln Hn < < lloon
rnrthoti Norili.
St. Louis' Jt < MinbllcAti.
Sorgonnt Droincrd , o ( the Orooly Arc-
iio cxpcdltioif , . l > aid llio llojnilillcan n call
fast ovutiing aiiu requested thnt the nn *
nuuiicomont of "Storm Beaten , " the play
which is now boinj * performed at the Nn-
tiona ) , thnt the aurvlvoiB ol the Orcoly
cxpodition would npponr , bo denied. The
sergeant said that Sci-gennt liphlcrhock
wns ths only ono of the snrvivoio who
had appeared in this { > 1ayr nnd that was
in Now York city , and Snco that Ihno
neither honor nny ono olac1 of the party
has had nny connection with it. _
Sergeant lirainerd cimo tothia city on >
Friday , nnd ho is the first of tlio
ors to arrive horo. 11 o la A line looking'
man of nbout 30 years of ago , compactly
built , with clcmr cut features , dnrk brown
fialr nnd inustncho , nnd hazel ojea. It
will bo romomboroi thnt ho nccotnpaniod
lira lamented Locliwoml on hla msuiorn-
slo sledge journey nnd ia now the only
nenon living of that party which rcnchod
: ho furthest point north in the Arctic
' 1'ho convorBation drifiod to hia oxpor-
once In the frozen rcpJons , nnd ho givvo
n graphic description of' BOIUO of the In-
cidontu which occurred during the three
rcnra the expedition rcmninod in thnt re-
; lom Ko aald that nt Port Conger their
ifo vrns plonsnnt enough , ns tlioy Imil
ilouty to road nnd eat nnd abundance c4
'uol to keep them warm.
Boiug naked if the men vrow despondent -
ont during the long winter's nihta ; ; , ho
said that nt first it vrna n novelty , nnd
: hey rather enjoyed it , but toward the
end of the wiiuor ooaann it was ooldom
ono would hoar n lou horn joko. The
doproaalug inlluonca waa removed when
; ho etui inndo ill first npponranco in the
spring , nnd they nil regained their good
spirits , lloforring to hia trip to the "far
thest north , " ho eaid thnt although it
waa known nt the time they had gone
'arlhoE north thrm Nnro'a oxpeditiou , the
aboro had bean BO great s tb take nil
the cntlmsinam out o them , but
of courno they felt aomo pride
.n what they had accompiiahod , llo
opoko of the preparation that had
boon made for a necond expedition the
next year , nnd tmcl that this expedition
liad boon prepared in accordance with the
oxucrlonco gained by the first , and thnt
they felt confident they would have boon
nblo to have gouo nt Icaat seventy- live
miles beyond thu point reached the pre
vious year , but after traveling six day a
open water wa.i encountered , nnd they
were compelled to return to Fort Congor.
llo related the experience of Dr. 1'avey ,
who was ndrift on nn ice lloo in the polar
sea for two days. Dr. Pavoy mid hla
pnrty followed the route of the Englhh
expedition , being desirous of reaching n
point further north iu the mme direction
than the had , but nftor leaving
the land of Capo Joseph Henry n severe
ntorm occurred , breaking the ice up into
many flooa. lr. Pnvoy full into the
watorbut eucceodod in climbing on one
of the tloep , nnd wna drifted nbput for
two days uulil the current carried the
lloo to the shore.
Speaking of the retreat from Fort Conger
gor , Sorgt. Braiuct'l Enid the greatest
care waa exorcised to carry nothing but
what waa absolutely nocoaeary , and oven
that carried waa reduced to its minimum
weight ; tent-poles were whittled down
until they had . barely oUougtli enough ro-
mainlng-'fcTiiupport the tent , nnd oven
'ho edges of the sleeping bngs were cut
off in order that they would not only
liavo leas weight , but alaj take up less
opaco. Ho said that the statement which
had boon published that Greely loaded
more coal on ths steam launch than waa
noccciary , nnd neglected to carry provia-
ions instead , nnd that there were sovornl
tons of coal loft in the launch when it
was abandoned was not true ; that every
thing put In the launch waa weighed with
the greatest nicety , taking into considera
tion the length of tlmo it would take
them to roach Capo Sabino. So exact
was the calculation thnt when they
abandoned the launch there wna only
ono or two shovels lull of coal re
maining. In leaving Fort Conger there
waa not the slightest doubt but thnt they
would find at Capo Sabine nn abundance
of provisions , it not a vessel waiting for
; hem , but tlioy nlso thought it probable
.hat the launch would bu crushed In the
co nnd the party compelled to return to
? ort Conger for the winter. In ouch nn
event they would have atarlod the fol-
owing spring and returned overland.
Chore were enough provisions nt Fort
Conger to have kept them during the
winter , but the supply of fuel hnd boon
exhausted , and more would have to bo
ninod from a coal mine in the vicinity.
rho ( logo had been used for hauling the
ledfl , and instead of killing them , as had
) eon Huggealod when they were about to
envo the elation , decided to lot them
ivo itnd to Icnvo open for thorn three
nonths' provisions , as in caao the party
cturncd the doga would huvo been in-
Sorgt. Braincrd dcncribod their diinp-
lointmont on their arrival nt Capo Hub-
no , nnd said that after recovering from
t they trontod the matter philosophically
nd made preparations for the winter.
f\Vo had no fuel , " uald the soargeant ,
'and heated our tea by an nlchoholio
amp , which was extinguished nliuoat bo-
ere the water win boiled so na not to
any of the nlchohol. "
"You must have become pretty well
cmiolntod during the winter at Cape
Ssbino ? "
"Wo did. It waa a place where the
harnctor of n man camp out. Wo tried
o talk moat of the time to keep our
[ > irita up , and before spring I guess
very man know ns much about the
ntnilioa of all the others 01 ho did about
lis own , Up at Fort Conger ovoryonu
ind been reticent nbout hia family allaira ,
iut that didn't lost long at Capo Subino.
Vo never know that Gardiner waa a mur
ed man until the last winter , "
"Did you ever talk nbout good things
eat ! "
"Vos ; that was ono of the ways wo had
f amusing nursolvoa. Wo got up clab-
rate bills of faro nnd ordered what wo
anted , and wo all wanted everything on
10 bill. "
"Did yon ever really inuko up your
lind Hint you must die ) "
"Vcs ; always towards the last wo con-
tided that wo could not live many more iut rai
ays , but death had no terror for us. In
r'o thought of it rather ua a welcome ro '
of from our Bufferings , " [
"Was there much talk of religion
icro'C' '
"Not much , I think wo would have
eon good subjects for n b nd ot mission-
riea even on the day wo wuro rescued. 1
ou't moan that wo were irreligious. Any
rcfanily or obgconity waa ducuunto
innccd , and I don't remember but little
f otthor n'l ' that winter. Hut wo didn't
all ; mush about religion. 1 oo it ro.
orted that Lieutenant Greely waa road-
ng n prayer wlion the rescuing party
amo , but that is mhUko. ( ircely w a
igging In u ] ) cmmicun can when the ics
uiui ? party armed , '
I'Jio eor-'oant said that there waa n little
llow < w Krew there , the btu' of which wei
Very 8l-cf. 'n,0 , piftnte prow , „ mj (
clumps , * iHi nwn would Iio down and
pick mid ct ni [ jici ooud | fmrt jn 0110
I > UCP , ( hon roll to the next clump. It did
not lalto ao irmoh nlfwiglh to roll ns to
walk. Who , , t\,0 , flrst dc.Kt | , occurrcj j
cnit n . -liif m over the hole party , bnl r.
onn nftor Iho other chopped off they bo-
cam ? nitliilorout to rt , n'ul only wondered
whether or not thuyrotld bo the next.
Koint ep.koof the horoiam by
Kllison , even ff , r hb feet nnd
had been frt.err elF nwl ho was
lying holploja in the tool. EIRuon waa
frozen in Dpcombcr , but wnu kc-l nhvo
until the next July. H | { . oonditivn waa
horrible. His foot and hnnda were not
amputated , but drooped elF , nnuT the
atumpa were bandaged up. X. spoon wna
tied to his right nrm and n cap of w tor
placed near him. llo know his hands
wuro gone , but did not know tint hia foot
liad dropped off A month nfter hia foot
were gene eorno ono naked him how ho
foH llo answered ho waa foilini { nil
ri-jht , but the bottom of hia rlrtht foot
itched. It was feared that if iulormod
of iiho loss of his feet the shock would
bn\ & killed him * Every time Iho i-tmnps
of lira legs were dicaaod n acroon waa so
placed Hint ho could not see their condi
tion. Sorgl. Drmnesil said thnt EMiaoa
never complained , mul whonovcr nny
eoinplMiit wno mwlo by others his eiraplo
remark ; "Uoy , S don't BOO what you
have to complain of ; I don't ' cumplnu. "
Thnt remnrk nna-nlnnja HUlliciont to stop
the grumbling ,
Sorgt. Drninord ihinko thnt sickness nt
Camp Conger wno- prevented by wioo
monaurer ndoptcdiy Lieut. Orouly ro-
Uttvo to oxorciao. Thin they were re
quired to tnko ono hour onoh day , bat-
were nllowod to pitMUe their onn incll-
nntion ns to the kiitd of oxorciao to betaken
taken , llo said ho wna of the opinion
that if the course parauod by the English
expedition in rcquring oacli man to per
form n certain amount of work onoh day
hnd boon enforced nt Fort Conger , the
result would hnvo been that the don
would not grow despondent nnd dls-
caao sot in.
llo said thnt nt first nftor tlioy ware
roacuod they did not care for food , but
in three or four days they becnmo raven-
oua'y ' hungry , nnd nto ovoiy three hours ,
nnd even with thoao frequent meals the
impuleo nfa the table wna to rcneh out
nnd fake ovoty nrtlclo within sight , in
stead of waiting until they wuro served.
This hunger Initod them for thrco wocks ,
in which time they accumulated nearly
eighty pounds of fU cncli. llo said that
ho found tlowors as far north ns ho had
gene , nnd thnt near Fort Conger there
was nn nbundnnco of gnit\a. They killed
over ono hundred musk oxon the fust
Iho Greatest Medical Triumph , of the Ago I
i llinvrln rontlvo , I'nlnln
the lii'iicl , ltli it ilull aviiBtitlun In Iho
Illicit pnrt , I'nln under I bo nbouldcr-
blculc , I'ullni'HH nTlcr utlni , wllh inlln-
liicllnntlou to exertion of buily or nit ml ,
Irrltiibllltvortomiiur , i.owmilrltB , wllb
afoclliiBoriiavliiBiirutcctRil nniliailuty ,
IVtiniliirnN , ] ll77litckH,1rIiltlrrlnirnt ( hi )
Heart , Hots boloruthn oyvn , llcntlncbo
over the right eye , Hcsllctuinemi , with
fitful ilrciiniB , Illehly colnrcil Urine , nnd
TUTT'S I'lljIiS nro ospeclnlly ndnptcil
to suuli cases , onn < loao nirccts ancli n
Thcyliirreaao the Aiictlto.nnilcau < otha
body to Tulle on ] < 'lcnl > .Him tlia ey tcm U
iiDiirlalieil , mul liy Ihclr Tonic Acilou on
tliolHKe tlveOrfninItrKiilnrMtooI nro
prniliioiil. ITlPoaBe. 'I * nfiirriiy
Giur JlAiu or WniNKKiis ohniiBCu to n
Grx)8SY 11LAC1C by n Blngl" nppllcatlon of
this DTK. It impnrtB n natural color , nets
Inslnnlnneously. Bold by Dmgglsta , or
ipntbyoxiirosion receipt of 91.
tlrTico.44 Murray St. , Now York.
_ _ lnu o3Ujo M iiir |
nn eminent I'lirsiclnn Kliit11" uro.
( iliiilirn.ploi-bii * , Vo-nltlng
CnuuliM , Colil. llroiiclillU ' 41
Nuiii.ilrlii. Toothnc-lio. 1 'nconclm .Ut
IIonilui IKH. Hlcklltmil.iclinV'cttlco , 'J" ,
HiilMifUKKi'ill ' orl'iilnliil I'oriodd .145
: ii , Clillld , lltlarla ( ill
r.l )
llrliiaiyViiiUnrNii. . \Vnttln Ilorl .till
" " l'- " ' " < ' ' ' ' ' " ' 11'1"1'1'11311' ' " ' " "
S35SP bolil hy Dniruisi" , ot xcnt , pnHljmld on
tvcvint of iirlco. Hunil ( ur J > r. Iliiliipliri-jn'
Io-u . Iri-n. A'dilriwi , IIUOli'lilliaVH'
UlutllclouCu. , 10 < Ji > 1iiUou' > t..NuwVurU
HTMIitr , Sceop ,
Me.tiurc , Weigher ,
Dredger , Idea
W thrr , 'jornato ,
Pumpkin , S ta re li ,
Wino anj Krult
Strainer. Twely *
ne ,
Ih Qrtitoit Cs = tt-
Ua Ensva.
Mori loll Ihin all
plherblevet tnd Murrf
combined I llvefybod *
llke tlicml W inaki
Ureo blfurs and Mlieri
tor litnd fend power ,
\Vilttt fur cfe
Tb lluntcrSln < rMfi
Co . Clnclnnlll , O. , J
ClnllSl. , tVcvYork.
Artntl wanted fof wt
luu Bpecl llUila4
urry. Kriuully well nilnptcu loj/iiigli country
di iinclllnocJrlvi'Sof cllli'fl , .MnmifacliirrJaiid
nil llifilr'iilliiuCiirrlacollilllilrrMniiil ' llrv
llmry TlmUf M , I'nif iitoti. Ht. I.oult.
f < i nifiniiviiiy i > y nnnnTT fjlicuv rn
Ihrlv n cm Ilorl ! tk'd J'ood" rllo buiulroid ol
1 1 all I nl inotliirf Mollirrr1 n.ill. cinui- ua
ctmcli llOUI.Il'KH' ' I OOI ) I Oil Itil AX'i'ufrvt
'Jli"U tdii.tlor
Iiihl'l I'll ! HuiKl 1N\.M IDH IIUIilJ U-H'lUI-
i 11 iimnuiiuili. r a aJrluk l'rKu > : unuil'5i. \
.11 . u , trictH. liuultiiiiliutri ( > atiui < itoiUIMntifru ,
I Mh vi ll In Iio > u | rlur Uoiijllilll of tl
k ul lurcliilJjiu " > - / > iimmont U II .W La
I i > ti' l'HVtutfly i > rutiouu * ' . Mt ! wl lu
ll < mttku ' 1C il llarrctt , V D. , llaaan
Out ) of fribeit ubiiliuu * for votlier ullk
- / / < l jyxon J. ' II Vivo' If , K , r.
\ \ < il b.i . ft nt I \ uiall on rcccli't of vrlco In tampi.
HO'tl.K'OI'h l'IOI ) CO. , liiu-luc , Win.
a.u ii u Jlo JUt'u'i IW" 'ClTJitoi vtf *
Advertising Clients ,
"I has become to common io bagln Ah
article , in an ejoRiint , intcroatintf tyJf.
"Theif rin it into aoma ndmtiicinont
Hint wo a\'M all kach ,
'Aud flimjji , " call attention to the raor *
itfl of Hop IJHt-'ra in ns plain , honest
lornis ns pos iM .
"To induce piwpto
"To civa tliow OTK trial , whhh sere
ro vo tnoir vol lo-tltAt. " they will uttuv
tij anything oku.
J ITI .UUM ij.-j'l fln'iilnr , V *
"HnvlnTi ( > } ArgoBJicrt'l < I1) fliu lantlng all
" 1'lioro ia m nw denying tli vlrt 03 of the ' i
H'-op planty nnd the pr oprittort of Hop Hitter
hn-xt nhowngront hrc wdno A d nbilit * *
"Tn coinyoundiTJR n mcdlcinjr' whojaiTirluo
nro Jo ii.ilpiiWa to every ono'sowi&Tvntfb : * . ' '
"Sho lingered and onflored
ti ! nwny nil the time for yoar.V
"Ths dbctorr doing her no yood1-1 ;
"And1 nt last wna cured bj th is Hbp
Jitters tlio pnpcro-Bft7 o much about. "
"Indccdf Indeed 1"
"IIo - thnnkfri'wo ' ehould brtfor thn >
modlcinci" -
. - > ? (
" 13lo\ta years otr daughter nufrod on- '
n bed of misery ,
"From vcompliuntlon rrf kidnoyr.liver ,
rhoumntic trouble nnd Nsrvoua dohility ,
"Under the cnrn pC'thoirost physjciana
"Who nnvothcr dieonso rarioua names ,
"But no rollof ,
"And now aha is roalorsS io us in. good"
honlth by ns aimplo a roaicdy aa Hop
Bittnra , thnt wo hod'ahunnod for yearn-
before uaing it. " ' .Ulni L' utNis.
Vailicr IH GoltlnjWoll. ; .
"Afy daughtorn aay- :
"How much batter father ia since ho *
uaod IlopBittcra "
"Ho is getting well nfUrhin lent ; auf- *
foring Ircin a disease doolnsed incnrnblo. " ]
"And vro nro BO glad that ho used your-
Bitters.A L.UI * of Uticn. N. Y. - , r ;
jt-WNo-io Rcnuliio without ft luio& ol green Honifl ]
on the VUo lulnl , .shun alb Hiollu , iiol90uouSF
tult wlti "Hoi" ] or "lloiu" In thslr name. *
HojtottcrV Stoui *
\fo \ ach U.ttcrs lannfliio *
\V .ilooililcinircnt.ra *
V3 tiomlcAUiaitlci. anJi
* * a U | > oibtiiitl Whom
artxillo Urilliestho *
I ulllni ; ( ! ! ] crile of'
the il
cav. l'o\oraiulnKU ,
gp blllniiR rcm'tlcntj '
\ il)6poslaanjbsttet
T oomji Uln t a > o
amen u the cVilft
wlilch It entirely ro-
mo\ci Inlrrplrit
cdiintilo" , Mherotlii
liViir nlbov > cU are
ordain inoit tinfaur
rtlily nductcil by the
combined InlHictico
of climate , il'ctand '
\\ntor , U 's ' acry
iccna'ary or itlo liy all ilriiggicti nnil
I. w. warrsnJiMtu ,
K1 JttlltAnWAY. If.
} . .t BOTTLES.
Erlauger , . . i , . . " liavaria.
Unlmbaolior , . .Buvarlii , : ?
Pilsuor Dt.-honiian.
[ Taisor - . . . i.B.-fttuoa. (
Badwoiscr St. Looio. fn
A-iibmiflor. . . . . .S ( . Louis.
3aBta. . . . Mil vaukef .
3clilitz-i ° ) lsuor Milwaukee.
Iruc'a Oinnha.
Ale , Porter , Domoslic and Rhino
1213 Ii'nnmm Sfc
Tfie aso.c ! tbe tcm " Sbo
Lino" in connection with til
cciporate n mo ot nrc tro d
coutoys eu Iclctt ot tut wlitt '
requited by the triTcllDR pub
lic Sboit Uvt Ou < : k Tb/K
and Iho beet J Ug ; ) c.3Jt <
Hone oil of wblcli MO 'cm-
bed by Iho I'lfttcul i lhv.v In America ,
And St. Paui.,4
It owns * ml dilutes over 1,600 nillce ol
uitbeiu Jlllno'e , Wlsccueln , Sllur.cBClo , Jc-.v ; .
ikotiiiid ; a ta insln I'.UCB , branches tndcctiBti9.
oca reach ell thu fttut builuou ccalioa cl IhJ
KotlliwcBtand Far Went , It naturally B8 ot thi
description ol Short Line , and Beet Itouto betncco
' , , .
Cblc KOJlllwaukeo , I.nt'rofccoiidVlcci.n. .
. . ticltcnuid FUiiU ) > ! >
G > jlc | ; ° i 1'llwaul-eo ' , K&u Clalro and EUIhMtu
no , Ullnaukte , VVouiau ted Merrill.
1' , llll aulito , Ilritvcr Dam and Cibkctb.
O , lltluaukcc , Wauknehit and Occncircwot.
iRe , llllnnukee , Madlion and I'rMrledu Cllcn ,
Cliicogo , llllwnukec , 0 ntonra end Filrlbaali.
ClilctRO , Ilclolt JantsvlMu and Wincrtl Tolni
Chicago , HlL-ln , Itocklord and IJubuque.
Chki o , Clliilcn.Kock Iiland anil CCL'U It ) ! a" .
ChlctK ° i Ccutdl lllulls nd'i.
Chicago , Hloui City , Bloui I'lllfand Y rAt < &
Lblctco , Ullnaukco , Mltcbrll ondClrroberlilii.
Keck Idand , Uubuquo , Ut. Fiul mil WliinctroMi.
Davcnpctt , ahror , St. Taul and Wlnnetpclif.
I'ulliran B cfjcrB tnd tlio Flnett Dlnlni ; Caia In
tlio M ; tM are mil on llio nmlnllncaol tl.oCHICAOO ,
alteutlonla i > ald to pateiDgoiiby couiteouacmplojai
A. V H. CAltl'KKTKIl , Qen1 I'ail.
li AUK , Oen'I Htipt.
OKO. 1IKII.KFOUD , Aim' I. Deal. Pa A
17 St , Olinrhs S < .f S ( . Louis , Mo.
iri8ul rili.iL te"fl J ll- l Collijel , linl < u lon f
nuj HMMIB I > i i iMlbaa m wilier l'ltj leUn la SI.
w city l tKri ligw nnU ml < M i-iuenu know
Nervous Piostratloit. Debhtty , Muntal and
Physical Wtakncss . Mercurial and ether AHet >
llona ol Throat. Skin or Uonos , Dlood Poisoning ,
Old SorcS and Ulcers , uru trtatct will ) car > r&tlelt > 3
ureemuu uut nekuiliio prluc ! ] * > 'i. tU'clr.rrhatflj.
Diseases Arlslny fruni Indiscretion , Excc3it
Expoitiro or Indul oncc , Mfi ire < iucjuif or iu
rullowluf lUictii iiy emu * ; * ! , tltl'lltlr , Jltt nT UU
u4 ifuctlfl ! iiiiniory , ilmulti u Ibe f o , | S ilc ldccft ) ,
rtrrluutultiu tvcliiy vf Jeinial < , ftJuruiUi ul ldajetc.t
renderliifr improper ur uuuanpy , BI I
tcriuiuenllyeunU l'amplilvlB" ( ) t8f ) * 'Utbe tibo > ( ic&l
la fldlt-J fuitlttjt , frrato nn ftlilrin * , I < Diultfttiuo tAfff *
dpAurliuulUrot ) an HUT ! vJ < li fn ' ( Joitluu * .
A Positive V/rhxen / Guarantee
elfci lu All curiblecftiti. Vrilleloeidtnt 0ieryttlier\ ! .
ramiihlcta , JJimlluli or Oerniun , 04 pagot , do-
jorllilUL' lJuvoili ei,6ei ) laiualoor fuuiule , I UEB.
XU pnji'i , lluei'iU'H. ' llluitnteJ ta t\o \ h n4 tlHtlnllnr
Uc , iuuu9jrcr m'.t fc i catui * | uttr eoter > , 25r rtili L i
( oulului > M ia cuflon. duutilul or laoul.nlve ut u
tnoo. A t wk olsrtnl ( UKIt.t lu 11. 'UttiU. Ut * . J.