Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 15, 1884, Page 3, Image 3

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    IHfcDAIU NOVEMBER 15 , 1884.
* ft i
i IE
I ? AID UP OAriT.AE. . ? 250 , < XX ]
SURPLUS MAY 1 , 1884 . 30,0X1 (
Prcildoit. Vim ItmUenl. :
lat K. tl'.yiten , A&fcUnt ni ) Acting Cuhler.
tiKccra orricit
The Bron Bank.
INTKRKST allowed on time dopozlto upon
nvcrnblo terms and upon acaounta of bnnki
toil baukoTB.
Bonds nnd County and Oily tecurltlea bought
Mid icld
In its treatment o ! mwtomora the moat lib'
f ml policy ia pursued consistent with eafotd
and sound banking , and wo invite oorroaponcc
eneo or poraonal inquiry in oannootion there
Nrw YORK , Nov. II Money Easy 1@
Ijc ; closed at 1 per cant offered.
L'rlma papet C@6.
Sterling Bills l-'lrra at 4 SO } ; demand
Qovorumeula Lower.
llnilways Kirm.
Stocks Buoyant ; prospectuo epcody ad
justment of the freight trouble was apparen'
ly the most important factor In the eitua
tion. Ther6 were sltpht temporar ;
reactions under sales to realize , but the Lea
figures of the day generally current to the
close. Compared with last night , closing
prices i to 2J per cent higher.
S'a 100 }
4 VB Coupons 113 ;
U.S. new4's 121J
Vacific G'u of ' 05 12G
Central Pacific 35 ;
Chicago & Alton 125
do * do pM 145
Chicago , Burlington & Quincy I''O j
Delaware , Lockitwanna & Western. . . . 105 ]
Denver & Kio Grande ! > '
Erie 13J
Jo pfd 20
Illinois Central 1171
Indianapolis , Bloom. & Western 14j
Kansas & Texas 10J
Lake Shore & Michigan Southern 68j ]
Louisville & NuRhville 25g
Michigan Central 53
Missouri Pacific 93J
Northern Pacific 181
do do pfd 43 |
Northwestern 87j
do do pfd 123J
New York Central 89
Oregon Trans-Continental 131
Pacific Mail 5 ] |
P. D. &E.- . 12i
Pullman Palace Car Company 10U ?
Kock Island Ill Ji
St. Louis & San Francisco 21J
do do pfd 40
Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Paul . . . . . . . 7 < > i
do do do pfd : 101
St. Paul & Omaha 291
do do pfd 89J
Texas Pacific 11
Union Pacific 53
Watiash , St. Louis & Pacific 5
do do do pfd 11
3S pptern Union Telegraph ( il J
Exdlv.rnskrd. .
CHICAGO , November If. Flour Quiet
&nd weak ; winter v.hcat 350(54 ( 15 : Michi
gan 3 21(33 ( 75 : spring wheat 3 00@3 50 ; Min
nesota bakers' 3 'Jj@l 00.
Wheat Active and unsettled ; opanoil
firmer , declined 8@ic , rallied c , iiuctuatod
and closed J@3o over jesterday ; 7aif@734c
cash ; 72 c for November ; 7IJ@74c { for Da.
camber ; 7575Jc for January ; S.'c for May ;
No. 2 red , 73j@71c ; No. 3 red , OC@01c.
Corn Actlvq and easy , firm early , later
weakened , declined lie for November ; jo for
the year , fluctuated and closed November
Ijc , the year go under yesterday ; He for
cash and November ; 38i' < § . " 8 c for .December
and the year ; 353 < 3Gjc for January ; 38i@
asgc for May. Rejected , 38\39c.
Oats Steady and unchanged ; 20 o for cash ;
2fll'2r c for November and December ; 2flc
for the year : 29u for May.
Kye Quiet and a * hade better ; 00i@51c.
Barley Steady ; COc.
Timothy Quiet ; prime 121.
IHax Seed Active , i@lc higher ; No. 1 ,
Pork Fairly active , firmer , 5(5 ( , Idc higher ;
12 00 @ 12 50 for caih ; 11 35li 37J for 'the
year ; 11 40@11 U4 for January ; 11 52i@
11 55 for February.
Lard Quiet and 2 50 higher , closed
steady ; 7 10 7 12J for canh ; ( i 95@G 'J74 for
November : G 67iS ( 90 for December ; 0 90 'a !
C 924 for January ; 7 00@7 02 * for Febiuary ;
7 074@7 10 for March.
Bulk Meats Shoulders , 5 00@5 25 ; ( short
cluar , C 50@ 55 ; short riba , 600 0-25.
Whisky Steady at 1 13.
Butter Dull and unchanged.
Cheese Steady and unchanged.
Egpa Kirm , fresh 21@22c.
Hides Unchanged.
Tallow Unchanged.
neceipta , Shlp'U.
Flour , bbls . 10.COO 1'J.OOO
Wheat , bushels . 165,000 01,000
Corn , btuhels . Bli.OOO 128,000
Oate , bushels . 98,000 1 58,000
Rye , bushels . 5,000 ll.OU )
Barley , buahels . 43.0JO II.O'.O '
Sr. LODIS , Novomborll. Wheit mirket
active ; No. 2 red , 75@75J cash : 754@7D1J No
vember ; 7Gggs77g December ; 78 @C83 Janu
ary.Corn Active and higher ; 37 cash ; 35 @ 30
November ; 32g < 3j33J for the year ; 32J Janu
ary.Oats Steady and slow ; 2Gj $ cash , Novem
ber nnd the year.
Rye-Dull at 18
Barley-Dull ; C0@75c
Butter Unchanged.
HgfTS Quiet at 19.
Flaxseed Quiet ; 1 30.
Bran Unchanged.
Corn Meal Quiet ; U 20.
Hay Steady ; prairie , 0 COglO ; Timothy ,
10 00@13 00.
Pork Firm ; now mews 17.
Lard Firm ; western steam spot 7 95@
802Whisky1 13.
CALL BOAIIIJ Wheat llasler ; "OJc Decem
ber ; 90o January ; 880 May.
Corn Kasier ; liljc year ; 33Jc January ; JI5JJ
dfSBfc May.
OaU Quiet 2fic November ; 29c May.
NEW Yonx , November 1 1. Wheat Spot
l@Jo and options yi'ji hiphor ; firm. Uecoijito
32U.OOO ; oxporU , 47,000 ; No. 2 sprin ? , 8lie ;
ungraded red , ( ilfirKI ; No , ! i rod 70 ; pojttd
No. 2 red , 7lie ; No. 2 ltd , 82J@83 ; Janu
ary closlns ; at 81 .
Corn -Sot | , slmJo batter ; ojitlons heaiy.
receipts , 10"OCO ; oxnoitc , 21,000 ; ungraded
45@52 ; No " t igb'AJanuary \ ; cloeiutf at
474.Oats A trifle btrongei ; lecaipts , 50,000 ; 01-
ports. 30,000 ; mixed western , 32&33o ; whlto
Barley ( niel and unchanged.
Hay Firmer ; tun.tliy 10 U0@10 25.
Bran Stwi/lv atOOgJV.
Corn Meal -Dull : 'J 35
KgeeWestern /tub lirnirir ; 2'4S12I1J ,
Jiiill : MeaU Ht'jady ; eli'juMom 5 70 ; shuct
ribs 7 874
Pork Cull aud li.ooplnf
Iiiil KIIIII ; wni'crn HSD.UII ? jior , 7 474.
But.crS iMl > ; fVrly actite.
4 , VVhOk * Steady ;
No. 1 ! rwl 78@7y.
Corn Kwier ; No. 3 mixed 4'a,42J. (
Rye Dull at C4c.
Barloy-Stea-ly - ! No. 2 fall , 72 < 3. .
Pork -Dull at 105' .
l.ard-Qnltt at 7 1& . , ,
Bulk Meats - Quitt nnd iiotlinnrotl ; shoulders
dors , 5 35J ; Mtort tlb > , D fOJ ,
WhiskyGooddomamUt 1 11.
KANSAS CITT , No1 1. Wheat -Steady
cash CiOi bid : December , SI ? bid , B2p asked
January , f3j | bid , B4J askeit.
Corn-Weaker ; cash , 32(332j ( ; ! Novcmbe
0 bid , 29J asked ; year , Etii'l January , 2ilf |
May , 2SJ
Oats Dull and nominal.
Kgcs Ixivvor ; ISJc.
Livitnroot , November 1 1. Breadstulfs-
Wheat- Winter Cn ld@f 3 IJ ; Rprlng.Ca Cdi (
Corn 5a C j.
TOLKBO , Ohio , November 14. Wheat -
Quiet and firm ; No 2 rod , ca h and November
ber , G'J bid.
Corn Quiet ; No. 2 , ca h and November
43.Outs Scarce ; firm } No. 2 , cash nnd Nov
ember , 2"lc.
BALTIMORS , November 1 1. Wheat Wo
torn steady ; No. 2 winter , rodspot , 79s (
Corn Western , uuiot and ttendy ; closin
du 1 ; mixed , spot , 03c ,
Oati ( Juict and steady ; western win to , 3
@ 3Gc ; mixed 32gS3c.
Rye Quiet at G2d6G5c.
Kggs Easier ; 2. > @ 2jc. (
Whisky Steady at 1 18@1 19.
MILWAOKBE , November 11 Wheat Wealt
No. 2 Milwaukee and November 72c ; Deceu
ber 73 : ; January 73c.
Corn-Weak ; old rejected , 39 ® We.
Oats Quiet and firm ; No. 2 , SUe ; No.
white , 29@30c.
Kye Dull ; , nominal 53i@5Ic.
Barley Firmer ; No. 2 tprlug , 53@53.c. }
NEW ORLKANS , November 11 , Corn-
Fair demand and steady ; in sacks , vvhito4Gc
Oats Western , quiet anl weak ; prime
33@34c ; choice , 35c.
Corn Meal- Dull ; 2 25@2 30.
Pork Dull and lower ; 14 50.
Lard Firm ; tierce refined , 7 75 ; keg
Whisky Steady ; western rectified 1 0
@ 125.
CHICAGO , Nov. 11. Drover's Journal re
ports :
UogsReceipts 28,000 ; active , firm and 5@
lOc higher : heavy 4 55@4 70 ; mixed packing
4 304 51 ; light , 4 15@4 G5. .
Cattle Receipts 10,000 ; active and un
changed ; exports , 0 20@G G5 ; poor to fancv
shipping , 4 25(30 ( 23 , mainly 5 25@5 75
butcnera , 1 75@3 75 ; stockera and feederB
280@460 ; Montanas. 512i@320.
Sheep Receipts S.OOO : dull and weak
1 SOgSGO ; lambs , 3 80@4 25.
ST. LODIS , November 14. Cattle Receipts ,
G50 ; scares ; no good natives offered ; exports
8(3 ( 25@G 59 ; common to choice shipping 4 50
Sheep Iloccipts 1100 ; quiet ; common to
choice , 2 033 > < 75.
Lambs 3 00@4 25.
Uogs Receipts , G GOO ; lower and active
Yorkers , 4 30 ® 1 50 : packlrur , 4 30 ® 1 45
butchers , 4 I0@4 GO.
KANSAS CITT , Mo. , November 11. Cattla
Receipts , 2,500 ; slow ; exports , 6 00@G 35
common to choice shipping , 5 00@5 90 ; cowc ,
2 00@S 30.
Hogs Receipts , 5,000 ; firm ; 15s higher ,
2 F0 4 20.
Sheep Receipts 223 ; steady ; fair to good
muttons , 3 00@3 50.
Wholcoalo Prlco.s.
Friday evening , November 14 , J
Tbo following prices are charged rotallera
by jobbers , v > holesulcrx and commission mer
chant' ! with the exception of grain , which ia
quoted at tha prices furnished by tha elevators
and other local buyers :
Whea * Cash No. ? , 55fo.
Barley Ca h No. 2 , 45c.
Rye Cash No. 3 , SSo
Coin No. 2 , 2nic.
Oats No. 2 , 2ljc. ]
Live Brock ,
Shoep-300 < z350.
Steers 3 00@4 50.
Cows-300@3 0.
Calvea 5 00i6 ( 60.
Sleidy : gieen butchers' ( > ; green salted , 7i' < 21
! ; dry flint 12 ; dry salt , K@11 ; .damaged
lidea , two thirds price. .
Tallow 5S5J , .
Sheep Pelts 25@1 00.
Light fine 13@lEc.
Heavy fine 1214c.
Medium 15@lGi , .
Burry 2 to 5c olf.
Market Dull.
Floiir > .nil
H Winter Wheat Boat quality patent at 2fcO
@ 290.
Second quality 2 M@2 60.
Spring Wheat Best quality , patent , 2 80 ®
Sacond Quality 2 15@2 50.
Bran OOo per cwt.
' Chopped Food Per 100 Ibs. , 90o.
CoruAIoal 1 001 1 10 per cwt ,
Screening G5@7Co per cwt.
General I'rnducu
Apples Receipts contmua heavy , only
clinlco stock saleabln at 32.00 2. 0 , Bulk re.
celptn selling at 25COc per bushel , ace rding
< > quality.
Beans Very dull. Only clean stock sale.
able. Navies ( clean ) per bushel , 1,25@1.DO ;
medium , 1.00@1.V5.
Comb Honey In Rood demand. IloceiptH
cry small and meet with ready sale at 18@'JOc
n 1 and 2 Ib frames.
Beeswax In good demand. Choice bright
> erlb. 2G@28c ; common to good dark per Ib ,
Butter Choice rolls , wrapped in muslin
and picked up nlcoly meet with ready sdo ,
while solid picked li rather dull , Consign-
nenti uro nioro and prices less firm.
Jroamory fresh , 27C < 528 ; creamery ice house ,
2i' < t25i choice dairy , 20@22 good table , 15 ®
7 ; fair , 12 ® ' I ; inferior grades , 0 9.
Cider "Ohio" [ > er bbl. S7.W ; "York.
State" per bbl. § 8 00 ; per i bbl. 31.76 ; con-
lonsed per la , K5c ; ciab apjilo , ] > er gal. Stic ,
Cheese Full cream , western , 12c ; Wlscon.
in new I2 c ; > ounj ( Amnrican , 12 a 13c.
l ga RecwiptB very lig ht , prices firm and
adviincifig Wo quote stuctly fresh 27c.
Hi y UalwJ § 7.00 8.00 leone , 85.00 a
o.y .
Mnplo Sugar Pure , in britlci" , per Ib. IGc ,
Oliio , ISc ; smal cal < M IL'Jc.
Onions. Market b'ire and demand good ut
at 0 conta p'.r bixhel ,
I'oi'CORN-Clioico In fair
dry demand , at
' ( 2ic per Ib
Poultry Trade has been rather dull lately
n account of the warm weathflr , but will
luiibtluHit Improve with a change of tgmpera-
ure. Die sed poult y for this market nhuuld
ja dry uickoi ] tntraila removed uud h'n i and
est cut off , in mder to bring top mirlirt
irtceB. It ahould also bo proury | ! cnolud oil
leforu patnliu , Chlclcons allvu. jier ilo/.en ,
: ' 2W ; cliUketH , d i-wod , p r Ib , , 8@IOo j
urkav j , droavil , per Hi , I'JJtl.'ic ; ducks , alive ,
ipr dn/en , 83.0-1 ; ducks , dn > s t'l. per Ib , ,
liU2c ; gepso , drubbed , | .cr Ib. , 12@13c
( JainuUoinunil in ( . ( jii'l ' nml prices ttcady.
) nvr , cfticati- , per Ib , 8(4 ( 'Jo ; deer saddles , per
\3 \ , , I'J'coISc ; antolojxj , carcass , jier Ib , , 8 us
) c ; aiitoliipi n.uldlcH , per Ib , 12 ri3 ; prairie
hickens , jier do n , S'2 05 ® ? ! CO ; quail , Sl.r.O
2 ( X ) ; geoBO , i > er doV.en , § 300uUIO ; Jick
abbita , per do n , 81 m&W O1 ; nirmll rah-
Ait , i > er du/on , 81 00 ( $ l 25 ; Hiiloe , per doien ,
l,00 ? 1.25ducks ; , mallard , Sl.50gl,75 ; teal
nd mixed , 31.50.
Potatoes The trade la nearly eupplied and
einand only moderate now , however , there is
9 trouble In placing chvico stock , which will
britiR from S2o to 80 ? per b'uhol. Small mid
inixcJ lots remain dull as 20 ( < ? 25c.
Sweet I'otiloM Oulv cnoico Iftrgo , silablo
nt 1 Jfffi'Ji1 per Ib.
Groot-rn lilm
OAXSKO Uoons llr tersStntuli\MlXrcvo ( ) [ ) ,
3 90 ! dtrawtxirrip' , 2 lt , JKT CAIP , 2 20 ; rnsp-
bcrni's. 2 ll > , vcr cao , 2 50 ; Cnllfnrnln IH-M ,
l > or CMO , 5 80 ; nitlt per cmo , 6 00 ; iioailio ?
per CASO 500 ; white clirrrltM jicrcaoo , C 75i
jiUiins per civso 4 COj xvliortlfcliorriM , per CMP ,
8 00 ; cpp plitnn , 2 It ) , IHT cn o , 2 OOj eriHH
cngoa , 2 Ih , per i-asi. 2 IM ; pine npplci , 2 Ib per
c.vo , 2050 50.
IJorK Sinftl J inch nnd larpor , ! ) o , 9 Inch ,
9io 'felt , IOc.
C \NDLKS Uoxos10 Ibi , 1C % 13c ; 8 , 13cj
-01bs1inozfljillc. ! .
MATCHKS 1'or cftdilip , 35c ; round , castv ,
2 fifij fiiu.iro , c.1301 , 1 70 ; Oahkmh , cnsi-a 1 I0 |
SuoAtia Powdered , 8c ; cut loaf , 8e |
grniuilntcil , CJc ; confectioners' A.CJo ; Stand-
nnl extra 0 , ( > c ; extra O , 5gc ; mudltim yol-
ow fi c ; dark yellow , o.
COFKKKS-Ordinary grndea. 12@121c ; fair.l ,
® 13Jc ; peed , 13Jc ; primp , M@16ic : choice.
! C@17c ; Iftiicy green nnd yellow , ICQlOJc ; old
RON eminent .favn , 2020c ; Arbncklo'a roast-
l , 15i'c , MoLattghlln'i XXXX roastiHl ,
injc ; mltation Java , 10 > i@18ic ; Clnrk'a
Aurora , If'Jc.
If'Jc.tandard Com. S3o. bblsj Standan
do , 4J gallon kecs , 1 83 ; Sjandard do , 4 gallo
keg ? , 1 50.
SODA In Ib papers , 3 20 t > er cane ; keg pc
Ib , 25c.
PICKKLS Modtuni In barrels. C 00 ; do j
half barrels. 3 50 ; small. In barrels , 7 00 ; do i
half barrels , 5 00 ; gherkins In barrels , 3 Ou
do In half barrels , 4 50.
TEAS Gunpowder , Rood , 45@5c ; : choice
GO@7Gc ; coed Imtierial , 40(5 ( 43c ; choice. GOfi
G5c ; Young llyaon , good , 3G@50c ; choice , G
@ 1 00 ; JntKin , natural le.if , 76c ; Jai > an choice
G0@75c ; Oolong , good , 85 ® lie. Oolong.choico.
40@55c ; Souchong , good , 3 , @ 40c ; thoico , 3o
@ 4bc.
RICK Louisiana prltno to choice , GJ@7c
fair , i Gc ; Piitma , OJc.
FISH No. 1 mackoro hall brls. , 7 60
Family 4 bbls 4 25 ; No. 1 kits 1 05 ; fnm. kit
GO ; No. 1 white fish , half brls , G 50 ; No. 1
kits , 93c. family J bbls , 3 00 ; family kits am
palls , GO ; No. 1 , trout , i bbls , 5 23
WooiiKKWAtUJTwo hoop pails , 1 85 ; thro
hoop pails , 2 10. Tubs , No. 1 , 9 00 ; ploneo
washboards. 1 85 ; Double Crown , 2 90 ; Well
buckets , 3 85.
SOAPS Kirk's Savon Imperial , 3 45 ; Kirk'
satinet , SCO : Kirk's standard , 375 ; Kirk1
White Russian 520 ; Kirk's eutoca , 216
POTASH Pennsylvania cans , 4 casoln case
3 S5 ; Babbitt's ball , 2 doz. in case , 1 90 ; An
chor ball , 2 doz in Base , 1 60.
CANDY Mixed , Ilal2c ; stick , lOallc ; twis
stick , lO.Jc.
VlNKOAU New York apple , IGo ; Ohio ap
pie , 13c.
SALT Drav loads , per bbl , 1 GO ; Aahton , in
sacks , 3 50 ; bbla dairy , GO. 5s , 3 GO
STAIICH Pearl 4c : Silver Gloss 8c ; Corn
Starch , So ; 1'xcelsior Gloss , 7c , Corn 7Jc ,
SPICKS Pepper 17o ; spice , lie ; covoi 20o
assla , 16c.
Dry Fruits No. 1 , quarter app'es , bbls , 5ic
N O sliced , boxes , GJc : evaporated , boxes , 9Jc
lilackberries , boxes , lOJc ; poaches , 4-boxc >
SJc ; peaches , evaporated , 14c ; raspberries , 32c
Dry Goods
BHOWN SHEETINGS Atlantic A , 7Jc ; Allan
iio P , 6c ; Atlantic LL , 5Jc ; Brunswick , 74c
Beaver Dam LIGc ; Lawrtnco LL , 5 c ; Pad
fie II , Tic ; Royal Standard , 7ic ; Indian Uoad
A , 8c ; Wnuchusett A , 7Jc.
FINE BnovvH SIIKKTINUS Argyle , 7Jc ; Pop-
perellB , 7c ; Salisbury R , GSc.
BLEACIIKD CorroNa Ballon 4-4 , GJc ; Bal
: on , 7-8 , 5Jc ; ; Cumberland 4-1 , 8c ; Davoll DD ,
ijc ; Fairmouut , 4Jc ; Fruit of the Loom 4 ,
9c ; Glory of the West , 8Jc : Golden Gate , SJc ;
Ilill 7-8 , 8c ; Hill 4-1 , 7Jc ; Lonsdalo , SJc ; New
York Mills , lljc ; Wamsutta , lOlc.
DOCKS ( Colored ) Boston , 8 ollic ; Bos
ton , 10 oz. , MJc ; Boston , 9 oz , , 14c ; Fall
River 81c.
DurKS ( Gray ) West Point , 8 oz. , lie ; West
Point , 10 oz. , 14c ; Point Bear , 8 oz. , lie.
TICKINGS Amoskeag , Ifc ; Continental
Fancy , 9c ; Cordis , ! 0jc ; Pearl River , 131cj
York , 12jc ; Ilamlotin Awnii'gB lic.
DRNIMB Amoskeag , 14c : Beaver Creole
AA , 12c : Beaver Creek BB , Hot Beaver
Creek CO , lOc ; Efaymakcrs , Set JaiTroy I ) &
T , 12Jc ; Jailrov XXX , ISJc ; Pearl flu or.
13c ; . Warren AXA ( brown ) , l"c ; WarrerTBB
bnyn ) , lloj-Wawn CO ( brornrlOor ] 'JT- - :
CAMBBicas Eitlh. avenue - glavo "finisli , Gc
! Cuystoneglo\o finish , SJc.
O RSKT J3ANsAmory , 7ic ; Hancock , 8c ,
Kearaayer 81c ; Rocltport 7c.
PKINW Aliens , 6Jc ; Americ'in BJc : Arn
oldc , fie ; Cocbcco , Gc ; Harmony , 4Jc ; Indfgo
-4- ; Indigo 7-8 , Hi ; ; Indigo 4-4 , 12ic ; Steel
River , 64o : XJuatter Oak , 4ic.
PRINTS SniRTiNas American , 6c ; Co-
: li9co , 5c , Gloucester 5c ; Southbrldgo , 4Jc ;
iVavnrlyu , 4Jc ; Rosodalo , 4Jc.
GlNQHAMS-Ainoskeag st-iples , 8 0 ; Bates
taiilos , Sip-1 LincastT otaples , 8c ; Plunket
> bids , 9c ; Hudson chacka , rjc ; Amoskoag
? eraianH , 9Jo
DnK33 liixD3Atlantic Alparca , 9Jc : Per
iano cashmere , 231c ; H amleton eashmero
Bic ; Hamilton Fattens , 114o ; Uamleto bro
cadeii , 15c ; Arlington brocade , 18c.
Duapa AND ( nKMlCALS Acid. Carbolic
5c ; acid , tartaric , 50c ; b.ilsam capabla , per lib
6c ; birk , nassafras , per Ib. 12o ; calotunl , per
1) . 75c ; cinohonidia , jior oz. , ? 0 45Uiloroform ; ,
ior Ib. 51 05 ; Dovara powdora. per ! b , 51 25 ;
) I)8om salts , per Ib. "Jc ; glyct-rino , pure , per
( ) . 25c ; load acotatc , per Ib. 22c ; oil castor ,
S'o. 1 per gal. , 1 00 ; oil castor , No. 3 , per pil ,
1 40 ; oil , olive , per cal , § 1 40 ; oil origanum ,
iOc ; opium.'Sl 50 ; quinine , P & W ; and II. &
i , per oz. , $ L 05 ; potassium , Iodide , per
) . , SI 50 ; s.ilieiti. per oz. , 40o ; snlphato
morphine , per oz. , § 3 50 ; sulphur per Ib. , Ic ;
trjclmlno , per oz , $1 35 ,
PnlntH Oils mid VnrnlsltOB ,
OILS 110 carbon , per gallon , 12c } ; 150 °
toadlight , per gallon , 12 c ; 175U headlight ,
wr gallon , IGJc ; 1501 * water white , IBJc ; lin-
end raw , porg.illon48c ; linseed boiled , per
perm W. B. . pur gallon , IGO ; fish W. 15 ,
> or gallon , G.I ; nenWoot axtr J , per gallon , 90c ;
io , 1 , 75c ; Iituricatlng , zero , psr gallon , 3o ( ;
ummor , 15c : toldon ; inucliinu , No , 1 , per gal.
on , 35c ; No , 2 , 2b'c ; sjiornt , signal , per gallon
Oc ; turpentine , per gullon , lie ; naptha , 71 ° ,
ter gallon , IGc.
PAINTS IN OIL White lead , Omaha P. P ,
ijc ; white lead , St Louis , pure , B fc ; Marseill
es , green , 1 to 5 th cans , 20c ; 1'ronch zinc ,
roou Heal , 12c ; French zinc , red seal , lie ;
' 'roach zinc , in varnish asst , SOc ; French rinc ,
t oil nsit , 15c ; raw and burnt iniibor , 1 Ib
n , IOc ; raw and burnt Sienna , lOo ; vandyke
own , 13e ; refined lampblack , 12c ; coach
ack nnd ivory bl.ick , IGc ; drop blac.k , IGc ;
runslan blue , 10 ; ; ultramaiino lilun , IRC ;
iruna green , L. M. & D. , IGc ; blind anil
tuUnr green , L. M , & I ) . , IGc ; Paris grnon ,
ic ; Indian rod , 15o ; Venetian red , 9o ; TUB-
an red , 22o ; American vermilliou , I. & P. ,
; yellow ochre , 9c ; L. M. . 0. & D. O , , 18o
ellow ochre , 9c ; gildon ocnru , IGc ; patent
ryor , 8c ; KratninR colora , light oak , darkjoak ,
walnut , chestnut and mil , 15c ,
Oak cola , S8c'3)12oj homlook olo2SoS.ic ( |
isuJock MII , SOc ; runnar C5o to 75o | hem
Ctk calf. 85o to 1 00 ; hamluok nppor , 22o
to24c oak nppor , 2loj alli utor. 4 00 to 5 Wt
alf kid , 82@35 ; Grolson kid. 2 50 to 2 75 ; oak
Ip , BOo to 1 00 ; oak culf , 1 20 to 1 80 ; Frnnch
Ip , 1 10 to 1 55 ; French calf , 1 25 to 2 00 ; rtif
eta , 6 60 to 760jtnita , 600 to 8 50 top.
ingg 9 00 to 10 60 ; It L. Muroooo , 80a to 35c.
bble O. D , Morocco 85o ; slntan , 2 60@3 00
IlAnNKHH. No. 1 star oak , 35c ; No. 2 Hlo ;
fiot No. 1 Ohio ont , aSos no. no , Blcj No ,
Milu-aukaa 8 la ; No 2 do 83c ,
Nn. 1 Pitta oiA. Imr , El ! : | No. B ] Pitt. o k
ta , ? lo
Irt8 nnxil rJooliol , 2 28 pia wins
allen extra California kilrltt [ , 1KH
18 p-jr proof ? allouj falple refined
87 proof , 117 n .e proof tfAllouj ro-dlntlllod
whUkirw 1 OOftl 50 ; rltio hlsndod , 1 B0@2 W ;
( Ii ! 3 liaportaJ , i Ml0 oyi itumeitlp , 1 < 0
in1 * 1 0.
U M3 In.pc.rtod , 4 ftO'AU C0 | Now Bfyland
99 < 4I Of ) ; domntlc , 1 f.0 , ' 3 KO
PEICH inn Arrws BUASDT--I 76fe4 00.
CaiartaHs-i Jtnportoil per ca o. 28 OC@
t 00 ; imctlcsu , par ca. : , 12 RO IG 00.
T'itiacc'0 ,
PI.CO ToBAcco-Oltmax 45o ; Bullion 4rcf
InnMliofl , 4Jo ; HUr. 40e ; Rudy. 45o ; MH'
eyV. 40c ; Black , 84400 ; Spearhead , JCc ;
ur llopo , 48o : Piper Holdslock , Olc.
FINK Cur Common. 3Dci ModiumlCo good
500c Hard to Beat70 c : favorite , OOo ; Dla-
tnondCrown , 6tc ; Hwoet Sixteen , 5C'c.
KQ-O. B. , Wcj Meenwhanm , S0c |
Durham 16 < > * r'li ' Durham. 8 oz. ,
6T jj ! ' i i , 4 , ° Iv ' 1" ° ! Dinl'am ' ! l
or , , GOv , seal nf f > iarnrnllnn \ ] , 10 oz.
41c ; SOA ! of North Carolina , S „ / , He ; Seal ol
North Carcllnla , 4 or. 48 ; tVM „ [ North Carolina
lina 2or.,60c : 0 lv. Durlnm , \ s. , 2 i :
O. 1C Durham. J or. : 8V ( ; I'nclo Nod , 1 >
25c ; Tom and Jerry , iMc.
We nv.otn lumber , inth nod fMtipl
at Omiha at the follovrlni ? inie i
TiMBKRa 10 tent and under , 20 00.
TiMBin ANI > Joior 'M It , 230C | 21 It ,
FINCINO No , 1 ( 4 nd 6 In , , 24 00) ) No. 2 ,
Hiwrma No. l(2d ( common boards ) , 20 C0 |
No. 2 , IB 00.
STOCK BoAnna A , 4S 00 ; 1J.40 00 ; 0 , SR CO.
FtooaiNfl No. 1 , 40 00 ; No. 2 , 85 00 ; No.
3 , 2500
SUNNO , clsar 27 OOj No. 2'2J.OO ' ) Nr , 8 ,
OmiNO-J , S7 00 ; 8 , 25
SniNOLKt , ucst I GO ; itaitdard , 3 GO ,
LATH 8 25 per M.
LlU t Per barrel , 1 25) ) bulk per btuhel , ftV |
ooiuont , Mil , 2 25j Iowa plMtor , bbl , 2 60 ; halt
nor bn. 60 ? | T tred felt , 109 ffifl , 8 CO ) tlrntr
board 8(0 ,
Honvjllrtrtlvvnro | I.lRf.
Iron , rates , 2 30 : plow steel special cast. Go ;
crucible , 7c ; special or Gorman , 5c ; cast lee |
do , 15a'20 ; wagon spokw , ! > et , 2 25aS 00 ; hubs
per sot , 1 25 ; felloes , sawtxl dry , 1 40 ; tongues ,
each , "Oa85c : axles , each , 75c ; sciuaro nuts per
Ib , 7allc ; wasliero , per ll > , SalSc : rhets , porlb ,
lie : coil chain * per Il > . Gal2c : malleable , Ho :
iron woogos , Gc : crowbars , Gci harrow tooth ,
tc ; spring stool , 7 8c : Burden's horseshoes ,
4 40 : Burden's imilcBhooi 5 70.
BAUtiKli Wins In car lots , 4 (0 per 100.
NAILS Rates , 10 to GO , 2 30.
SllOT-Sltot , 1 83 : buck shot , 2 10 : oriental
powder , ki'gs , G 40 : do , half kegs , ! tIS t : do ,
quarter kegs , 1 88 : blasting , kegs , 3 35 : fuse ,
per 100 feet , 60a.
LKAI > Bar 1 05.
COAL Cumberland blacksmith , 10 00 : Mor
ris run Blossburg , 10 00 : Whltebroast lump ,
5 00 : WhltobroaHt nut , 5 00 : Iowa lump , 5 00 :
Iowa nut , 6 00 : Rock Spring , 7 00 : Anthra
cite , 11 25all DO : C.U10H City , 7 00 per ton.
I > rr
Whlto lotd , Be ; French tine , 10c ; IVtla
whiting , 2ic ; vrhltln glldeni , H'oi whiting
com'l llo ; lampblack , Germantown , 14c ;
lampblack , ordinary , Oci Prusjlsa blue , f)5c ;
untramarino,18c ; vandyke , brawa , 8c ; timber ,
burnt , 4c ; umbor. raw , 4o ; flonna burat , 4c {
slonno , rt.\r , 4c ; Paris green , gonttiuo , 25c ;
Paris green , common , 20c ; chroma preen N.Y. ,
2Ccj ohtomogroon. It. , 12ak vormtlliou , Kng. ,
7Cc | varrallllon , American , 18c ; Indian , rod ,
10c > rose pink , 14cj Vonotiau ted , Oooknou's ,
2Pc | Venetian rod , American , Ijc ; rod load ,
7jc ; ohromo yellow , genuine , .TOc ; ohromo yol-
w , K. , 12cochre rocltollo,3oochro.Froncli ; ,
2fc ; ocltro , Amoiloan , 2o ; Wlntor'a mineral ,
2jc ; lohlgh brown , 24c ; Spanish broKn , 2jc ;
Princo's mineral , So.
VARNIDEBS Barrels , poi gallon : Fnnd
tare , extra , SI 10 ; furnltnro , No. 1 , 51 ; coach ,
ortra , 81 40 : coach , No. 1 , 91 20 ; Damar
oztra , 81 75 ; Japan , 70c ; arphAltum , extra , SSo )
incline. S3 COt hard nil Qnlsh Bl 60,1
FLOUB Colorado , 100 Iba , 1 25@1.53-\tJa ; < -
eat , 100 Ibs. , 2 72@3 CO ; Kansas , 100 Ib3t2 75
@ J CO ; Minnesota , 100 Ita , 3 00 ; graham ; 100
IBs , 175 ; rye , 100 Ibi. , 225 ; bupk-whont ,
100 Ibs , 7 50@7 75.
GBAIK , KKKD , KTO Wheat , 100 Ibs , 80@90c ;
corn , in sackp on track , 103 Ib * , 1 15@1 10 ;
oata , in aicks on track , 100 Ibn , oa > tcrn white ,
1 1D123 ; Colorado while , 1 101 20 ; mixed ,
1 2J@1 2o ; barley 100 Ibs , 1 S0@l 35 ; brau.
, on , on track , 12 51tf31i ) 50 ; chop , corn , 100
bs , on track , 1 20@l-55'chop , mixed , 100 11 > ,
on track , 1 33l35r corn meal , 100 Ibs , 1 15
@ 1G5.
HAY Baled , upland , ton , 13 00@15 00 ;
upland , loose , ton , 13 00@1G 00 ; second bot-
om , baled , U 10@10 00 ; alfalfa , loose , ton ,
0 00@1100 ; clover , baled , tort , 1400 ; clover ,
ooso , ton , 13 00@15 00 ; straw , baled , on track ,
on , 8 OU@9 00.
BOTTBU Creamery , fancy , Ib. SC flS ;
croimory , fine , lbs , < 5 : creamery , fair , 1 1 ,
22823 : rtalrr. clnice. , Ib , 2Jf 22 ; dairy , good ,
-I8@20 I ; dairy , lair , lb , (4i.41G ( ; cookmif , Ib ,
F.OGS State , candled and vv.irr.iEtod. HOT ,
) @ 31 ; ranch , doz , 23@3I.
OnEBlE Full orouni. lt ( lfia : half cteasa ,
b , lOffflllc ; skim , Ib , 9@l3c ; Swi , domestic ,
b , 22@23c ; Swiss , Imported , 31@32c ; tilm-
bnritot , 14@lHo.
PoDLTnr Llvo old chickens doz , 5 CO ;
ivo gprlius , doz , 305 100 ; HvoditcUo , doz ,
iOO@525 ; livn turkeys , Ib. , 15 17c.
PoTAlc K3-Cjlorado , 100 Ibi , 100 § > 110 ;
weet , rer Ib. , Sl SJc.
VsaBTAnLEn Uulona , yol'ow , lOOIbs ,
1 25@1 50 ; eabbaRB , 100 Ibs , 90@1 10 : boot * ,
1 10 IbH , 1 00 ; turnips. 100 Ibj , 1 00@1 23 ;
carrots , 100 lbs.1 2 D@l 60.
Fnnira LBinoni. par case , Mwflna , 7 50@
1 50 ; oranges , Rodi , case , 8 OOJ48 50 ; oraufpn ,
jouixiana , 109 Ib ) . 321 applnx , fancy lib ! ,
3 75 ® I 5'J ; apples , medium , bbl , 3 253 fO ;
Duples , Bellellower , boxl 50@2 25 ; pears , box ,
! 25@3 RO ; Oalifnrnia grapes , box , Melvofne ,
'eru , Musrat , 1 75Q2 00 ; cranborrioj , bbl , B
fc B , 1550.B & 0 , 13 51@11 00.
CouEnMBATfl llnrui. sugir cured , Ib , 11 ;
mms , svrtot pickled , Ib , I3J ; bacon , bioak-
iwt. Ib , 14J ; dry ealt sides , Ib , 11 } ; dried
beef , Ib. 1G ; lard io palls , lO lOJ ; larJ lu
iorces , 9ifTt'Jj.
FIIKSH MKATS DroBsed beef Colorado , per
b , S 'gOc ; C' oico veal , II ) , 11(5)13 ) ; hug * . Ib ,
i@7 ; mutton , Ib , r1 ; Inmb , Ib , 10@124.
J IVIB HTOOK Colorad j Hteors , per 100 Ibs ,
3 40@3 75 ; cows 100 Ib. 3 00 # 3 r,0 ; thoico
eal calves , Ib , KWSflc ; nhoep , 2 00@i 60.
HldoH. Dry Flint No. 1 , peril ) , ll@12o :
No. 2 , Ib , 9o5lO ; ; KTOOII ( tcern and branded
alf , Ib , 105 ; green calf , Ib , StgJIO ; greoit kip
b , G&7 ; BIOOO ! nblns. dry. 8'iglO ; door skin * ,
ummT , Ib , 15@20 ; doer skins , winter , ib , lf
1G ; antelope skins' Ib , 12@15 ; tillow , Ib ,
WOOL Colorado No , 1 , per Ib , 14@1S ,
uck , Ib , 8 ; Mexican , 8.
Fian Maokorol , No.l , 1 2J , felt , muse ,
75@2 25 ; California salmon , hMf bbl , 10 5'J ;
Holland herring , kaIt 0 1 GO ) front , par
iaU03K3SOKS 10 TI1K J. U. I ) . A B. 00 1
The mott intensive muiitfacturcrl ol
ohn ( lockatriuijor Qonccul Auont or Nebraska au '
WoaUrn Io o ,
0 B. Tentl ) Btreit . . . . OMAHA , HBD
ta"ft\oet \ o llllllanl aad ooT.'jlmail ! uuttrla
0. T. PAUf.SON , I'tOfiMot ,
iiiiH' CJotli'ns Clcn-ieJ , Djod ami KirulioJ
/vlloV lroj aCicu'i-d U'vl Dyed , uitlunt HI | > i'In/ '
luirn-H Clraned ; r OalorcJ any ulr. li' , to aimjilr.
llui , VulviJts uiio Jam ( 'luiuc.l , JjyoJ mul Jlls-lli. '
212Dousla fitrnut , . OMAHA , NK1 ?
rrlvito foami lor 4-lulU atreMonalla tatei , laclu
ue nurtluK , I'fomjit ktUintlon lv n to emtrttonoj
I. J'tenU ! cut Uo iittonJe 1 by their own i.ny
clui frMijMa ty let tha poor open TuwJ j , ,
tiundiyii ud Bituril > V from 10 to 11 m.
Bailwav Time
Iii KfTrel Oct. Ut , 181.
Tlio attention of tlic frvwllm i uiiHe 1 eillcd t
tlio Met that this U tlio ontf Itanl Mnolutol.
cotrcittlmo UV lo published In tliocitv ,
All train ) arilio at atul depart liotn Omaln lv
Central Standard Time.
Trains of the O. Ht. 1' . M. & 0 arrUo at and do
iutt from Ihrlr depot , corner of 11th aii'l Wobnte
utreMs ; trains 01 the 11 M. , 0. li A ( { . .and K , C
SU J.&O. IL from the II. A. M , depot ; all other j ( ton
tha Union I'ulfle depot.
a , Oallv ; h , except Saturday ; o , except Suiida ) , d
except Monday.
? 00 and 4 00 pin trains do not run. Arthu At tians-
( er dejiot IS mlnutca later ; liroiUuuy depot 0 mlu-
ulea later.
Ix > a\o Council Uluffa ( Ilro-vlway iloiiot ) at 7 KO , 830
D 3D , 10 30,11 40 n in ; 1 30 , ! i 30 , 3 3d. 4 30 , 630 , G 35
and 11 05 p in. On Sunilays tlio 8 30 ami 10 30 n m
and S SO and 5 30 p in trains w III not run. Arrlt o at
Transfer 7 minute * lut-r , Oinilu " 0 mlmitea later.
10 05 a m , 4 25 , 0 10 and U 55 p in , d.illy.
Arrl\ont945amlll 16 a m , 1225 , 7 35 ani ! 8 15 p
To and ( rein Chicago \ la the 1'rlpartllo Alliance Line * .
| Mil. | K-l. | N-W I N W I U.I | Mil
Sunday cunltigand Mamliy niornlnit ) alnaarrlr
In corrcsjioadlnx order. U. 1) ) . & Q. trains run ur
0 Fl
1 I'OM
nv w > i or
( lit VI 4
oimrrlliii ; In Uiilon llnjints ul | { iuiHi ; ( ' | ly ,
'Jiiiiiliaaiid lii\ci'U ! llh tliiotili | tialim lor
Anil all jiolnls In tlio GK ut Wt-
In ( iniml 1'iilon Ili'ioLiit | ( , ' ) ilcujo (
wltli tliioiiKli Uains lut
If KW YOJtK , 11O WON ,
Anil nil Kp. * 'Tii C'illCM ,
Atrr-niU with lliu > t" VimliiHlor lnilli nu ; >
il'rf. Cincinnati , Colim ) .13 , nnU nM ] i < tlntH In
tin < Mitli-l.ait. At S ; ' ' /yiilti uitll lluoiiuli
'iiiinx lor all piilain b < yuVi.
1 : liy ; Oor. ( lit'H , riulni , 'nib , ullli It"
lining ( lulrnHcntH ( ln-ii ) , Sinnlcliu ; Cain w 1
llcvuh mi ; ClinliH , riillnian I'nhu'ci hlccj. ,
i aiH nnd 111" Illinium ' / ' . It. ti < ) . Dining Caii
i nnlally liiunil lioni ( illcaK'iiiiul KuimiiMCils
i lilciiKunml Coinifll Illulls. UlilcHKO mill ! ) (
Molina , I'lilciiK" ' , hi. Jcrit'ili ] , Alrlilsnii nn > i
IMJIOIOI without. rluiiK" . only tlnoiiKli luu
iiiiuil is tluil : ' nwii liiiliiM lietwiiMi Clili'i : | !
l.uiLoln mill Deiiviii1 , nml ( JhlriiKO , hiniHa-
( lv anil lii'iunr , Tlii < iutli em's liiituuin
liiillim.ii > oln ! mill ( 'aiincll lllnlld , vln i'linlii
Solid TnilnH ol KIc nnL Day ( 'onclics nml
fiilliiiaii ruluci.SIiliiL' ! ) | C'aiH mil inn daily t >
, ind IIDIII hi. I.onln ; vlii llantillial , < nliii'\
Uuoliiil. , lliulliiKlon , C'cdut lliiiildDiinil Alliul
I.cnloSt. 1'iuil mill .MlnncapiAlH , I'uiloi ' 'ale
with llieilliliiK CliallH In unit lioni HI. I. on ) ,
nii'l 1'i'oila. Only inio rlmiiKe of CIIIH lic ( ceii
St. IiiillHlilld DTK Mohn H , louu , Lincoln , Nc >
bmhUa , unit Denver , Colomilo
H iHiilso tliu only 'I'lnoiiKh I'lnn l > ( iwci'ii
it > 4 IUHIWII as HID Kic.ii Tintoriiii n\i ;
I IM. nf Aiinrif.i , nnd H iiiilvribally iidinlt
I In lie tlin
Finest EqulppeJ nallrcid la the World fo.
r.ll clacc2 of Travel.
I'liKiil li Tli'llciH vlii tlilnllnii Tur P.lln liti"
it. 1C. < ouixjti ticket. unices . , i tlio UniliMl Stutut
I' . J. ro'ITKII. I'ICUOKVAl. I.iMVl'.l.r. ,
Vmi-l'iM 1 Ota. ttti ttn 'Iru ' ' ' .lwx
St. diaries Hotel ,
Four ( lory 1-rlck , lint erected cu 0.
lwe ii 7th anil Btti utroetii. * Inert f
nd inoU rwonablo ptlwd IIDUHO t tliu tyjlt
Kou ntldtt'otf , il'W. ' KAUICOAKI.KV ; ,
rr iul tQ
Growers of Live Stock and Others.
Our Ground Oil Cake.
U ls lho bc l and choapuat food for utock of any kind. Ono pound ( a equal (0
thtoo poti ds of corn. Stock fed with Ground Oil Gako In the Fall nnd Winter
iiistimd of running down , will iucronoo In weight nnd bo In good marketable 'eon&i'
lion in the opring. Dairymen , ns well s othora , who uao it , can testify to Its met
lla. Try It nnd judge for youraolvos. I'rico § 25.00 par ton. No charge for sackn
Hall's 'Safe and Lock
, , ,
13. B. LOOKWOOD , ( formerly of Lockwood , Draper , Chicago , Mnnngor of the
Tea , Cigar nnd Tobacco Departments. A fnll line of all grades of
Uio nboxu ; nlao Pipes nnd Sinolcora * carriatl In stock. Prices
nnd Bantplos furnished on application. Open orders
intrusted to us shall receive our careful
attention. Satisfaction Guaranteed. "
Milwaukee. Wis.
GTOTHER & CO , , Sole Bottlers.
KiOl AND. 1 03 FAUNAM ST11EET , COR. 13117 ,
Double and Single Acting Power ana Hand
Endue Trimmings , Mlnlim Mnchlnciv , Ucltlnp , Here1 , Brnce anil Iron Pllllncs ,
nt whole-sale nnd rotoll. TJALLADAY W1KD-M1LLS , CHURCH
Corner lOfch Farnam St. , Omaha Web.
Importtr , Jobber nnd Minnfocturpr'n Ah'cnt vl
13th Streofc , 13ot. Farnara and Haruoy
HOSTONB'Jarcb , lit , 1831.
XWKHBON I1ANO OO (1 i8Tf. iID Voo luilrumrntj , Q ( n4RiUMO tnd Ubrlyiit , r ro lly nst-ftj
rnUumonU uul cnrlrallod for buuty vl ton * * rt Bulih. t Allow Ki tojoouerattiKle > ou on your UerJaf
Strcfit , Omaha ,
anco r * GthEand [ Do glaa itrceta OMAHAJNEB