Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 15, 1884, Page 2, Image 2

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' mtt v > * -r r > # *
' * * 5" fcmmjLiu-mrei .1 0
, % * * . r > * TT * Ap f B ? A
| ] t\ _ In ourlnR
' ' .Kldnoy & Llvorf iBrichf * DU ;
Troubles , TcaRO , Fftliui In
the Back , lolni
'madder , Urinary ( OT01lo , Hoton-
and Urer CUcaac ' /Uon or Kon-
y , QraTcland . ' ' . /notontlon " or
, aii.flp' *
I It cures BiUoumMf , npadaohe , Jaundice , Boor
\ otomach , Dnpcpsln , Oonttipallon andl'lloa.//
nd euros InUnnpenneA , Zferroiu Diseases ,
Ooncral Debility , EiocMca and
\ Temala Woaknou.
' It rmtorci Ui KIDNEYS , IAVE11 and HOW-
HL3 , to n healthy aotlon nnd CUHE8 when all
other totxllolncsfnll. llundrodslmvobeen saved
who have boon given up to OJo by Cricnda and ,
HUNT'S KKMinV : CO. , ] > rOTliltnce , It. I.
6 KOi.n nr AI.TJ IUU < UHTH.
Science of Life Only $1 00
Kxbiuited VlUlltr , NorvotH and Phyetcal Dobllll ?
rromatnre Doollno In Man , Errors of Youth , and th
untold mtnrtoa rosultlng from Inillocrotlons or ox
ooosc * . A book t ft ery man , j'oimR , middle agri
and old. jit contains 175 prewrlptlona for all aon
and chrodla dlncuos each one of which Is Invaluable
So found br the Author , whose experience for I'
yean Ii inch as probably netcr oeforo foil to the lol
ot any phfilcian. 800 pafcra , bound In bcautlfu
Frcnon mujlln empoeaed coven , full , gilt ( juarantoot
to bo a floor work In ororr acme , macbanloal , lit
erary and profcsaloral , than uij otbor work loldln
thla country for 92.M , or the money will bo refunded
In every Instance. 1'rlco only 91.00 by mall , poet
paid. Illustrative sample 6cont * . Send now. Gold
modal awarded the author by the National Medical
AMogLtUon , to the olPoors of which he refers.
" * "TBe Solfloo of IJIo should bo read by the youns
( or InstruolJon , and by tbo afBlotod for relief. It will
benefit all Condon Lonoet.
Tnoro U no fiember of stclety to whom The Sol-
cnoo of IJfo wo not bo useful , M bother youth , par
out , Kuaroliui , instructor or dorjTni a. Argonaut.
AddrcaH the Ipabodr Medical Ink.ltnto , or Dr. W.
H. Parker , No. 4 BulBnch Street , Hoaton , liana. , who
tnay ba oonsuItoJ < " > a" dlaeasoi requiring ( kill and
experience. Chr ° n'o ' and obttlnito dlflcaeos that have
IntQod the oldli S > &U other phyo-nrII cl n ,
: Buch treated mooons n tH L ' fully
Oor. Iflth and Capitol Avenue , treata all caeca Crip.
plodot Deformed , abodlaaoaei ot tt
Nervous. System ,
* Bloodi > nd
Urinary Organs
All eaeei ot Currature of the Bptne , Crooked Feet
liCta atad Anna. Dlmaaea of the Illp , Knee , and
Ankle Joluta. Alro Chronlo affeitlona of the Liver
Bheumatlam , Paralysis , Plica , Ulcers , Catarrh , Aoth
talk and Bronobltlg are all treated'by new and euc-
oossful methods. All dlteaaea of the Blood and Urln-
ery Organs , Including these reanltlng from Iml5cro-
tlon , or exposure , ore Mfel ) and nocxnsfully treated
aiid a euro guaranteed. Young men , mlcmle aged ,
end old mch Buffering from Weakness and Ncrvour
exhaustion , produdui , indigestion , Palpitation of the
Heart , Despondency Ulxzlneaa , Ixxw ot MemoryLaok
of Energy nod Ambition , can bo restored to health
nd tlgor , If CMO la not too long neglected.
The Burgeon In charge U a graduate of Jctfer-
iron Medical College 1695) ) and baa duelled bll
prof cealou In London , Paris and Berlin. If attllctod ,
call or write full description of your CMO , and medi
cine mar l > o scut you. Consultation free. Ad drca
Omaha Dlapenrary , Crounto'a Block , Omaha , Neb
Offloe nova 10-12 a. m.l-B and 7-8 p. m Bundaya.
-10 a'in. *
3t.Send for trcatloo ulthor on male illeeaawi or
Qtneial Dealer * ID
JJare ( or ! 100,000 aorea oarefally B l oUd landl
Eastora NebraAJi , at low prtoo and on e ay lerma.
Improrea lanns tor > al In Douglaa , Dodge , Oolf ax
fPlatte , Bnrt , tmmlng , Barny , Wadungton , tferlci
Owmdara , and BntlarOounUea.
Taxea paid la all parta of the BtaU.
Honor loaned on mprored f ami.
Notarr Publlo aliravf In otDoe Correspond
d lnDlt.1 } ' . ' "I ON a'ONiO o rafj an
Meuro. . S.M ix a i Iciir , litalthy complvxlun.
I'rcTticnt tticmivtSet of ' ' ' - ' > K onlyndJ
. Fnslilons l 'rcnkH.
Oh ! fashion , wondrous arn thy ways ;
What pen could write their changeful ttorj ?
The tiiiti the nuluinn hat displays
Outvis n burning nuntct'a glory.
Tlio cay brunt lie begin * to live
In iinppinr'B , sans care or fretting ,
For tliou haU now resolved to give
Her lotellncss its richest setting ,
Ths lovely blond is In despair ,
lsrk cloudi upon her foreho.d gather ;
How can fllio , In her bonnet , went-
A garnet bow of crimson tealhot ?
[ Uoston Courier ,
HONKV l < 'Olt I'llK
Itcd in all iU various tints will prevail In
A'ory liht blue nnd gray gamovcils nionow
In fashion ,
The most f shlon blo color for notopapir is
creamery whlto ,
Feather thlstlcn nppoar among othcr eccen
tric novnltioj in mlllinory ,
riillatlclphin ladles lm\e ngrocd to attend
tbo opoia without bonnets.
There pro BOO plecci In the $15OCO Hot of
china used in tlio Whlti House.
Visiting ends for ladies are of mudlum size
and ongravcd in tmall clear script.
pgKlcclrto blue ia ono of tha most fashionable-
shitdcs either for cloaks or for drcatoa.
T n is Uio favorite color for fall gloves ,
whether of kid , silk , or llslo thread.
Largo , Inoso cloaks , easily put on and ol
will be in high favor an the season advances ,
Hod squirrel fur has como to tko front , am
it threatens to rival llio gray for cloak linings
If you think "there are no birds In lasf
yoat's nests"look nt some of llio ultrafashionable
able bonnets ,
The newest engagement rings ore sot with a
donblo circlet of diamonds and a heart of gar-
nols In the centre.
Bl'nck nnd brown Is a favorlto combination ,
and many of the richcxt brocades are made it
the 10 odd colorings.
Silver nnd gold loop bntcclcts nro again
worn outaido the glove. Tlnoo or four are
often worn on ono arm.
Bl'vor earrings In thn dcoitm of an arrow
stick through , with n , bow , nro pretty one'
fa hlonnblo for young ladies ,
The velvet belts now worn with walking
costumes have buckloa of llhlnc-stono m de
signs of > ion and buffalo bonds.
Olive nnd pale blue is ono of the combina
lions destined to bo In favor this winter , ll
is very becoming to fair haired girls.
Some now lace nine have nppcared in thn
design of n illlo with n ] owdor-bag. HtuddcC
with diamonds or rubles at ono end.
A rouph braid , tufted with Astrlcan
cloth , nnd about two Inches In width , is uiot
for trimming the new rough surfaced suit
The poltsso or plaited cloth , or of strlpoc
.Tornoy noc'tlneUo with uatln ribbon trim
minga , is the favorilovrnp for children this
In many dresses nfold of roil or palo yellow
velvet is busted inaidu Ilia collar , and noino-
times extends down the front beyond the edge
of tbo bitttons.
Little parrots and birds of paradise , made
of precious stones in brilliant coloring , are
imong the latest novelties In collar pins.
3omo of tbsin are mounted on hoops or bars ,
The latest fioak for foinalo head gear in
Mow York is called the norf wiper bonnet. It
ias n hugo rosette , simulating a pen wiper , on
.ho top , nnd Is affected by fashionable young
ladles ,
A Chicago papur tells about a young lady
who was drowned in kid shoos. This n sad
wnrniriff to these who are accustomed to fool
around Chicago girls' shoes in damp weather ,
[ Burlington Free Press.
The prevailing fasjitonablo color for winter
appears to''bo green of various ehades , und
'otlng ladies will bo escorted by their country
: onsins on nil occasions , so ni to have "ovory-
, hing to match" the costumu , including beaus
nd mulls ,
Amber satin poliasos , reaching almost to lhe
lottom of the dress skirt , trimmed with Ve
netian red ostrich feather trlmmtug , and lined
; Ith dark rod eunxh , nro among the costly
Pencil UTapn.for ujiora.iua.
Some of the waistcoats of satin. srgo or vol
et worn under the French guard coat or cut-
wny jacket of brocade or cluth , nrn
uttonod up the back , the fronts being
A/holly covered with embroidery or braid
Young ladies mtut brisk up. American
enovatora now undertake to repair garments
nd cow on buttons. There it no affection
onnoctod with the American renovator , but
lioro is no nagging. Bachelors are growing
orribly Independent. They cadnot marry a
enovntor , to bo sure , but buttons are buttons ,
Agoot way to make mo of old rod tablo-
lotba which are no longer suitable for the t.v
> lo , Is to cut them In good ti/.od pieces and
ccop them In a drawer In the pantry , and on
> aklng days bring them forth to lay the warm
iroad , or cookies or cakes upon , They may
ako .tho place of towels in many other ways
nnd prove a subitantlal economy.
Collet necklaces , made of tiny panslos , via-
ots or cthor flowers In enamel gold , are in fa
vor. The flowers nio made to look very na-
ural and nro placed on bracelets nnd pins
also , A pretty doeign for n bracelet was a
narrow band of gold with n pansy clasp , a
liauiond glistening iu the center like a dew
1'olonalco nnd rcdlngotcs of lawn-colored or
Junker gray nuns' cloth , ligurud witli raised
dots or tufts of chenille or silk , In colcrs of
rich crimson , moss green or royal blue , make
very stylieli nnd elfuctlvo costumes over plainer
or kilted velvetoou Bklrlx.liich match ex-
icily tlio shades of the silk or chenille figure
n the overdress.
Indian Summer.
Leaves nnd yellow nero
Ara already hero ;
And the cool evening breero ,
As it stabs through the trei'H ,
Wafts the leaves to the ground ;
Of every hade , by the King Frost made ,
With scarcely n souud.
And the sky is the hue
Of cthoreal blue ;
And the smoke nnd the hnro ,
Lnavo the soul In mu/.o ,
At this wonderful thing ;
A iibw summer comes , o'er the old one ia
done.With no touches of spring.
And there's tcarcoly n Hound
Through the quiet nround ,
. Save tha xoiriiyr * tlint sing ,
And the rich perfiimu bring ,
Through thu sweet fragrant air ;
Dollclauu , divine , from thu tree nnd the
Kiel ) , ripened and rare ,
It's a singular fact in anatomy that though
n woman cannot throw a stone , aha can throw
an arm around a lullowV neck ,
The statement that pools are born , not
undo , in particularly true us regards this of-
ice. They are barno down staira ou a shut
ter. [ Drake's Travellers' Mugaz'no.
The old doGmtionof a Kentucky bi oak Cost-
two cocktails nnd a chow of tubicco is again
going the rounds. It is disgracefully slander-
MS. No Koutucklnn would over bo satisfied
with less than three cocktails. [ Boston
A young lady who was too clck to wash the
supper dithot recovered Btifllclontly , fifteen
nlnutea after bur mother had performed the
ob , to play croquut two huura and "eit up"
ivltti u young man until midnight , yhat d l >
cftte crenturt's American girla me , anyhow )
[ Drake'n Tiavuleru' Magazine.
Tim following modest itntomeut of a pro-
'eision nnpf nru on the walls of a Montreal
iotol : W. Hill tonnoriul artist , physlugno-
nloil hulr-drcfcier , facial operator , cranium
nanlpul&tor nnd capillary bbiidgur , Hair
cutting nnd sliavintc with iv.nbiiluxterouj fa
It was in a rotaurant. A big man and K
Ittlonun stood hiilu by iiiilo. "Oimme thu
alt plume , " said tholltt'omnn , ' 'I'm not the
waiter , " cald the big man in a surly tone. KX-
ciiao mi1. " wu tlio rutnrt "It was a miituko
Riiv duo would ma Jo. " [ I'ittibutgh ClironMo-
Jl'ha newctl thing in > ascs now is made of a
aJy'u uboo , glidud nnd decorate 1. A Chicago
gi'l mudo one that way , and set It in the cor-
isrto dry. The Jiired ladv dumped four
ju belt of coal into it und Mt , because , the
( aid it WA * only a Imp to get htr to fill Uio
cellar with Ihfl winter's fuel - [ Cincinnati
Mcu.hant Traveler.
The country editor who , n month flRO , of
fered n jear's ' Mibrerlption for tbo largoet
pumpkin , and ditto for the blpgest potato ,
nnd the ffimo for the bulkiest beet had a
clearing out c le a few days ngo , nnd with the
prntTfh jmid off a thousand dollar mnrtgngo
on Innoffico nnd bought n new dress of tyio |
for li's ' papfr. There nro POIIIO innMlve Intel-
IreUlntliBiiowfpajici prolcsIon.-Norri [ town
Nearly ovrrjbody , bo ho a prcltcllonlst or
nn advocalo of frf o trade , is ugalntt icmoing
the duty from tofcncso. Fogg , hnwetor , who
has studied the matter , gncs In for free tobac
co , lint , lart and nil HIP time. For why ? ' 'Be '
cause , " ho says , "lAo Miffcrcd all I care to do
In this life , nnd if they took off the duly eomo
of theco fellows who puff cabbage ttalks nnd
all manner of uuclcanlinoss might use tobacco
Instead. 'T any rate , lt'i worth trying.-
[ Boston Trsntctlpl.
Omaha Mngi trati-"I understand that you
were not ton fcot off when the murder was
committed ? " Policeman -"It Is true , jour
Honor. " "And you notonly did not interfere ,
but after tlio citizen was killed you nllowtd
thiovcfl lo tills his pockpts , nnd did not iceuro
cither the murderer or his accomplices ? " "It
is true your 1 lonor1 ? "What detente can you
make , then ? " "Well , you see , your Honor. I
was so biuy nrroting women for wearing
Mother Hubbards that 1 had no tlmo to look
after ordinary matters. "
A tramp applied to an ISHiaboth woman for
food one day last week and eho scolded tim ,
saying ! "Why don't you como at n decent
time right after ill tner or breakfastnot in
the middle of the morning ? " Ho said : "I
haint cot no watch , " In such n piteous manner
that she relented ami went lo the kitchen to
got him something. Meanwhile her reproof
sunk deep into hta heart , nnd to guard ngaintt
making such n mlelako In the future ho
walked Into the parlor nnd carried elf the
handsome mantle clock--Newark [ Call.
Hardly Ever.
I never had n sltco of IncV ,
But some darned fool whom I tnistcd
lUktd In the pilu I thui had struck
And nil my hopes wore busted ,
I never wrote a little verso
But some galoot , n little smarttr ,
Took up his pen to make it wniso
And spoiled it with his cream of "tartar ! "
I no\ur kieeed a pretty miss ,
But some hlg-linlcd brother
( lot mad because I kinked hisrls
And went aud told her mother.
.Tohn A. Slovoni is playing "Hichelieu'1 In
Now York.
MedjoHka It to reccivo S2,6CO n week for her
coming Hsason in this country.
John Dillon is orcu inoro at eoa , having left
the employ of B.irtloy Campbell.
A scriptural play named Jerusalem is to bo
placed on the boards in London.
It is said that there are more unemployed
actors in Now York than ever before.
"Callod Back" has made H sensation in tha
west , nud is reapingn harvest of money.
Clara Morris is to play nn engagement In
London ns soon as her American seasan
closes ,
The symphony society of Now York will
give Its first concert at the Academy of music
NovemVor 21st.
KHalvini 1ms created a , sensation in Italy by
reviving an old French molodramn , In which
ho plays magnificently.
It was discovered after his death that Signor -
nor Brignoll had barely enough unnoy to buy
the necessities of the sick room.
The Brooklyn Academy of Music haa been
altered and decorated in n most chaste nnd
pleasing style , at an expanco ) ( $25,000.
The now play "Ivanhoff" bad Its first repre
sentation during tlio election excitement In
Rochester and passed through the ordeal fairly
iironnon Howard's"Young Mrs. Winthrop1'
has been received with unusual kindness by
the London prees. It Is represented with
great delicacy and skill.
On his third visit to Now York , Mr. Henry
Irving announces the production of two plays
which ho has not hitherto performed here
" ; rainlot" > iiil ' Twelfth Night. "
"Tho Shadows of n Great City , " a non. -
tlonal melodrama of the Lights p' Lpud.n"
irder , will bo presented for the lirst time In
Vow York at the Grpiul Opera House after
.his week. Tbo play was successful in Chica
go , where it was lirst brought out ,
A cable despatch from Fails announces that
\Irno. Sarah Bornhardt has gene to the sea-
lido , her physicians having ordered her to
naintain absolute repose for n long timo. The
b'igiuo enys that ? 3UOCOO U guaranteed her
'or her tour in America next season under
Messrs. Abbey Ik Scboeffol's management.
SJMI'a Van Xandt , while singing tbo part of
Koslna in "Tho Barber of Seville , " an Satur
day night , was taken ill In the second net and
Imd to leave the sto o. Mile. Cecllo Mezeray ,
who was in the audience , was Induced to take
Mies Van Xandt'a place. She went on the
itage nnd sang the part through dressed just
is fcbu was.
The long run of "Tho Seven Havens" at
Niblo'd Garden if finished. Since the depart
ure of "Sioba , " which lost so much money at
the Star theatre , the business hns been good.
L'Yr the week to come Miss ICato Claxton will
test her powers on a down town audience by
[ iluvlugtho pich'resquo melodrama of "Tho
Sea of Ico. "
The four loading roles In "Tannhausor" on
.ho opening night of tha soison at the Metro
politan Opurn House , November 17 , viill bo
Mine. JCraiiHB ( Kltaiuoth ) , Herr Schott ( Taun-
miiHor ) , Herr Kobineon ( wulfrnm ) , llorr Koo-
; < jl ( Landgrave ) . Special attention _ wlll be
{ Iven to sconia dliiiluy , the opportunities for
Ahlcb are liner even than in "Lohengrin. "
Henry Irvlng'a cuison has not boon , eo far ,
tuo great success that was predicted , ojther
linanclally or artistically. Ho drnur dieap-
[ lointingly small houuej during his two weeks'
loason in Boston , nnd HOIIIU of the patera
Found llttlo tu praiio nud much to condemn iu
liis interpretation of Mnholiu In "Twelfth
Night. " Mies Terry's Ariola , however , was
well rocdvoil.
Gustavo Hulchardt , the German compoHor
who died luBoilin on Tucmluy nt the ad-
fiincod age of 87 , is chielly known for having
: omrojed the niinlc for Aindt'a patriotic song ,
"What In the Uannnu'H Fothotland ? " which
ivn3 vastly popuhr fifty yoird ago , Jlolchardt
: omposod many other German national heirs
itnd win exceoiilngly famous iu his day. Of
Into hit has boon almost entirely forgotten ,
und his death loaves no aorlous gap amonf
German musicians.
Uofcftlcil Oantllilalu'u November.
The world Is drear and the sedge ia sere ,
And gray is tbo autumn sky ,
And sorrows roll through my riven loul
As lonely I sit and atgh
" ( Jood-by"
To the gooso-birdn as they tly ,
With his weired wlshbouo to the temperate
Came the gooio-bird In the spring , "
And ho built hta neat In the glorlutm west.
And aut on a sung to elug
Sweet thing :
Or flap hia beautiful wing.
lint the boom of the blast baa come at Innt
Tu the goose-bird on the lea ,
And the auculuiit tiling , with uluvcring wing ,
Fiios down to a eoulhurn sea -
Ah me ,
That inch such avperatlon should bel
lint it'ii always ao In this world of woo *
The thlugj that gladden our eye
iVio the tnrcst to go to the bugs , and BO
Wo can only wearily siuh
To the gooas'birds as they Ity.
The wlfii of ex-faster Ur. Tanner moil to
; arn SJ,000 aa a phyuician.
ICdward U. Stokes is eaid to bo engaged to
nurry a lulllloiuiiro'u widow ,
A southern editor nisorts that angels ere
jlondeu. It issinpected that ho imrrl.d a
jrum-tto ,
8t , Johu la s id to have taken defeat calmly
ind philosophically beciuuo he II.H been Uiw
narriod ,
BGIrU of n inanlageablo age mo cold for Slfi
u Yokohatnn , Girh in thla country are Hip.
bugui'n uw.iy , but n good tinny of
, br m Und out nftsrward that , they have been
iuld.A young lady who fulled to got the man
lie was trying for wrote to a ' ' ndtliat , for
tlic first time In her lifu she he' ) 'miseed the
rrnlo "
The London Statistician P 'in'outi ' ' apropos
of the dcrthof Kplseop-1 lidli . that of tlio
bishops , fix are now widowrrn , live nro mar-
ricd for the second time nudp 'or ' the third.
"How is it , Fogg , lhat you ro Always nd-
% l lng ou-rybody to many , tut yet joit show
ni bnrry about taking n\ufft" joursell ? "
1 opg "Bocaus" , my boy , I'm t < " much of ft
gentleman to help myeclf until everybody elio
u Mipplied. "
A Northampton county d l > ating cocioty has
ilodded that ( Ingle life i < preferable to the
married stato. o.'ho fate of the married mem
bers who voted In the nffirmalho nnd then
went homo Is itill wrapped in mjstery.
"What n poor match Mrs. Smithm has
made. " "Why , 1 thought Smithcrs was n
rather decent follow , " "No , he iin't. Ho is
n regular calf. " "Then I s prose she hai
taken him for veal of woo , " "Probably both. ' ,
"Don't you dako n liltleslfep after dinner ? "
asked Jnko Levy of MOJO Schaitmbcrg. "I
dnkcs n llttlo rest vrnco in a\ilc , but not every
. " " don'C rest day1 ?
day. "Vy you -lake a every
"PecmiRo my vifa don't go lo ichleep every
day. Von the goes to schlecp den I gets my
rest , but not oderviso. "
Much has been said Inilificatlon of
mcthcra-In-lnw and fathen-In-law , but when
daughters-in-law chow off the cars of their
husbands' relatives , as they do every now and
then in Fltt'sburg , rays the Chronicle , U seems
as though some of the returns had been do-
by ed on this subject ,
The custom which has existed from time Im
memorial in Franco , of sending what are Iboro
called "folro parts , " or pr'ntcd notices from
the head of n family , where a marriage has
taken place , to friends at n distunes , or to
these who luuo not been invited to tl wed
ding , Is coming into very general use in the
United Statss.
Husband ( reading from Scott ) -"Not ono | n
twenty marries the first lo\o. How was it in
your case , my doir1 Wile "How waa It in
your CBBO [ " Husband "You mint make the
'first confession don't answer like n parrot by
nsking tbo same question. " Wife "Well ,
hero's the honest truth. If you married your
lirst love I married my first. If you didn't , I
didn't. "
They were alone. Ho was stretched on the
sofn looking into tha grate , wondering why
coal was not sold for SO a ton Instead of $8 50.
She was reading the moining paper. A con
versation a dialogue occurred : "Hubby ,
dear ? " "What is It , pet ! " "You needn't
buy mo that jersey wo were looking nt. I
wouldn't wear ono for the world. Hero Is nn
article that says the pleuro-pneumonln has
broken out nmong the Jerseys nnd mnny have
died , Ho took Uio tongs and pulled down
the motto , "What Is Homo Without n
Mother ? " from the wall nnd stuck It In the
lire. It was the last pleasant evening of their
live ? .
Tlio Treasury Glil'ii
0. dearl O , dear !
Whit's this I hoar ?
No hope for "Ulaino i nil Logan ?
Now York , they say ,
Has gene to-day
Tor Cleveland like a blow-guiil
What shall I do ?
The avenoo
Is filled with wceulng faces.
Our hope wasiilaine ,
But now''tis plain
That wo must lose our places.
And yet they say
That wo shall stay
That Grover'a heart Is tender ;
That girla of vim
Shall find In him
A bachelor defender.
It's just too bd ,
It makes mo mad
To think of all this trouble.
I'll count my notes ,
And think them votec ,
To make Jim's figu es double.
I'm twenty-one ,
And full of fun ,
Althouoh they say erratic.
I'm far from Blalue ,
And cow bo's slain
l' n turning democratic.
But < liat cnro I ?
AltnnJugh 1 cry
They tell m * } Clove's a rover.
I'll dry my tears ,
And calm my fears ,
And set my cap forGrover.
Mmc. Frescobaldl , Florence , 02 children ,
year 1570.
David Wilson , Indiana , -IT children , year
Mr.Groenhill , Abbots Langl ° y , Herts , 39
Rov. D. Ersklno , Scotland , 33 children ,
year 17CO.
Queen Victoria has almost .t mania for col
lecting relics of engagements in war. Amonp
others she hna , mounted in silver nnd crystal
the musket ball that ended the career of
Ono of the mont remarkable telegraphic
feats on record waa the recent delivery of a
messoRo from Mo ) bourne , Australia , to Lon
don , in twonty-threo minutes. It went by
laud and sea over 13,308 miles of wire.
t A curiosity iu the tliape of n large oyster
shell , the outer nnd inner Mirfacen of which
were covered by upward of ono thousand
minute oysterp , was drugged up in Oyster Bay
Harbor and sent lo the Smithsonian Institute
The old eft person in Connecticut i ) cnld to
bo Isaac Clurke , colored , who is IDii yen of
ago. After working ns a sailor and whaleman
for about fifty years ho became physically dis
abled , and entered tbo Now Kngland nlm -
house , Vthcro he hai outlived two generation ; ,
Tlio ostriches at Anaheim , California , are
thriving well , nnd the young ones , about for
ty , nro growing nicely. Una of the latter ,
four months old , was weighed tha other day ,
und lowered the scales at forty pound * . The
Incubators will be set going again in n few
A deaf family in Now Haxpshiiu bos boon
tincod back to the fourteenth century In England -
land , and In nil that tuna has regularly shown
n. succession nf deaf mutes. In Maine tliero
is a family in which there are ninety-five deaf
mutes , all of them connected by blood or mar
There is n vast bad of rock salt in tlio Colorado
rado desert rear Idaho , and the Southern il'a-
clfia railroad , in laying lha Irack to tbo salt
mine , has been obliged to grade the road for
100 feet with blocks of beautiful lumpi of
salt ciystalf. This is the lirat instance of a
railroad road bed belnglaid nud ballasted with
salt of which wn have any knowledge.
George W. Fox wns over on the const the
other day , nnd brought back with him quite a
curiosity In the shape of a fragment of an abalone -
lone shall with an Infant's foot , blioo and all ,
incased in abalouo In the Interior of the shell.
Thu ehupe Is perfect nnd Indicates a very
young child , Tin sole of the shoe is been ;
the too D worn , and particVs of tbo stocking
may be plckod out with a pin or needle , The
buttons are colored with ubatona nud show ,
nnd the buttonholn whore ono of the buttons
had been pulled oil la Been : ulio the litth tas
sel ut the ankle. The body of a drowned in
fant miut ba\o been carried along by the tide
and tha foot passed into the open shell of the
shell fiah , winch wui closed down and the im
prisoned foot hold until it was tovercd from
the body by decay , In tha meantime the fish
covered the shoo wltb Its secretions The ankle -
klo allows thu decay nnd rotting off of the
member , and was not covered o > or with the
slifll. It U reported that a woman and her
child were drowned elf the coast about seven
years ago , and It la supposed the foot la
that of the child -Redwood City ( Cal ) Go-
zelto ,
"Pa/'askul the small boy , "ubjrdo they
call thn first pifca the organ ptayu in church
the 'voluntary ? ' " "litoautu my bou , " replied
thu old gentleman , "tbo organlit runs bis
Imnda over the keys and tba org.m pees wher
ever It plews. "
It in said that one of the Inghcdt ( if the high
Kpiscopiil churches Iu Now Yurk compjlU ita
women member. ) who confess having sinned
to wear next tlio skin u heavy bras ? plate , en
which Is n crncills. The b.asn , bowu\or , m
cowrad with blumimy and tluu make u very
valuable lilt g protector ,
"Well , hubby , how did you enjoy the er-
vleoUiis morning ? " "To toll jou the truth ,
dulling , 1 didn't take much interest iu It. I
hardly h jar o wurd of tlw turinm"
turinm"t t
"Why I heard It perfectly ; What WAS Ilia
mutter ? " "Well , 1 don't know. It maj
Imvo bwn bccamo jont now bjnnctns so
loud. "
Abarrclof whitky rjplrdcd ! n Clccinnnt
last week. 1'ooplo < * Iio ecoff nt tlia notion o
' 'Miitit mAnifeatfttions" can chew the cud oi
reflection over this fact.
An English clergymnn was rclmkinp ; his
congregation for dofertlng him on n charity
normon Sunday. "Why I ? it , " ho nuked ,
that to-day tlio churcli in fuil. and this day
week , bo nuso them was n collection , It WAS
simply cmptjj" ' 'Coijer don't glvo list"
ehuittcd n volco from the free seals ,
A reverend lecturer from Indin , nt the cloio
of his discourse nt Sto-kton , fa'tnir ny evening ,
ftfter dilating on the folly of wealing Jownlty.
took up n collection and oxhcrtod Indies nnd
gentlemen t > put their jewels Into the rontrl-
bution box , but it was a Ktllf-nccked audlonco ,
nnd ndhorcd to tlioir worldly treasures.
"Now then , " s.ild n Sunday-school tcochor ,
who was trying to explain n mlrnclo to h r
elms , "howdo you account for 1'oter being
ftblo to walk on the surface ; of the wntctV ' 'I '
know ! " said n llttlo bright eyed boy , whoso
father lost n limb at llio slcgo of Vicksburg.
"Well , how do you account for 1'eter walking
on the water ? " Ho had cork loffs and they
wouldn't lot him sink ! " said the little fellow ,
This is certainly a progressive n-jo. Not
only are the receptacles for drinks umilo In the
form of oper.vglasatB , t arasol-handlos and
oven 'prayer-hooks , so that bibulous ladles
may Indulge In a nip nearly nuywhora nnd
any limp , but prayer-books are now mndo
with small magnifying-glasses neatly inserted
In the covers , so that when n lady nl church
appears to ho the most devout she may bo
tnnply taking an Inventoiy of the various
styles of bonnets around her.
Ills | luliltiK Void.
Years coino nnd go ; thfl early home ,
The early loves are left behind ;
A stranger , I have learnt to roam
Abe t the world a homo to find ,
Oh , aching void oh , weary while ,
No heart to inlno n mcwsnge sends ;
Yet there is something In ttiy smllo
That whispers-"We nro fjiends. "
Yours come and DO ; the sere loav es fall ,
The stream is shrunken In its bed ;
The world is cold nnd sol fish all ,
And I have lived to mourn the dead.
Oh , aching void ; oh , weary while ;
No heart to mine n message Bends ;
Yet there Is something in thy mlle
That whispers "Wo are friends. "
Monsignor Ca pel will soon return to Chicago
to deliver twomoro lectures.
The total memborshipof the African Metho
dist Episcopal church is 405,000.
Klectric li htx wi'l ' be used at the next
Easter feitlval , for lighting up Si. Peter's
Church , Komo.
It is slid that Mrs. A. T. Steward has given
a check for $500 towards the build up fund of
an East Side mission in Now York City ,
The Greek Church ntSitki , Alaska , is de
clared to ho the most ornate house of worahlp
in America. Tt is built on the plan of a
Greek cress , and the interior is a mass of gold
and silver , of the magnlGcsnco of which _ ono
enthusiastic writer says ho can give no idea ,
The walls are hung wlthjiictures o royalty
and the priesthood , the gift of a llussian prin
ce's , who has taken this temple under her
special charge.
The great cathedral In the City of Mexico
is the laigest in America , nnd cost nearly 82-
030,000. It was commenced by the Spaniards
in 1573 , on the fiito of the old Aztec temnlo , or
pyramid , and finished in 1GG7. Its facade is
beautifully carved. Against ita western wall
loans the celebrated cvlendar _ atone , covered
with hieroglyphics , nnd weighing twenty-five
tons. Its cast , which the Mexican govern
ment is at present cngnpod in taking , will bo
exhibited at the Now Orleans exposition.
The Baptist pastor at Granville , Neb. , gets
a salary of SlOO n year. A Nebraska paper
says the recipient Uooi not try to live on It ,
but works at his old trade of Rhopmnking. His
congregation do not object to this way of pro-
vidmg cheap ministry to them , but they have
made n tremendous row because on several
Sundays , In mukiug announcements from the
pulpit , ho Included n notice that ho would
mend sliues better and cheaper than the oppo
sition cobbler.
November-1 , 1883 , nyear hence , will mark
a \o y interesting epoch in the history of
Koman Catholicism iu New York city. On
that day the Catholics contemplate celebrating
the centennial of the laying of the corner
stone of St. Peter's church , in Barclay street ,
the first regular church of that denomination
in New York city. The plot of ground whore
St. Peter's now stands was bought of the
Trinity church corporation. Father Nugont
was the first pastor and ho celebrated the lirst
mass in the now church on November 4 , 173G.
It was of biick , 81 feet long by 48 feet wide.
At tint tiino there were but twelve other
churches in the city.
Profoi ser Charles F. Richardson , of Dart
mouth , is at woik on a history of American
literature , on a philosophical and critical plan.
Miss Hoomer , ono of the Englleh misses who
have arrived In Philadelphia to taku charge of
she training school at Blockloy Almnhwae.wa ?
decorated by Queen Victoria for services in
the Zulu war.
Mine. Sophie. Kovalovsky , of liiucian birth ,
fills the chair of mathematics nt Stockholm
university. Most women are said by the pro
fessional wags to object to the tellinp of their
ago , but it is to tha gloy of this intellectual
ornament to her HPX that nie ! holds one of the
highest petitions among tbo learned at tlio ago
of thirty.
The University of Berlin has narrowly us-
cared the scandal of a duel between one of its
profossoiH nnd the rector maxnihcus. The
challenger wan Dr. Schwenniger , who succeed *
ed in nuking Biemark thin , nud was appoint
ed professor extraordinary in consequence. Ho
lus been rltrorously boycott d by tlio rest of
the profecuors , nut ! tliu rector , among others ,
having failed to rflturn hii viiit , was chal
lenged to a duel , but declined.
Seventy-one school buildings ha\e been
erected in Utah nt a cost of of S2,003 ! ) , ncd
inoro than n dozen other tchoola nro held in
rented buildings. In nil , fc5 bclioola are BJIS-
talned with funds from outside the territory ,
in which arc employed 183 teacherswhoso pal-
aiies amount to $1)8,000 ) a year.nnd nearly 7500
children are taught Thin IE the movement
agalnit polygamy helped.
Loft h nded penmanship is now taught in a
number of American nchoole. The method of
instruction Is make the pupil wiite his uamo
In puncd and then go over It with a pen held
in his left hand. Alter doing thid for somu
tlmo the writfr is rumbled to write h a signature
without the aid of the penciled o ny. Tills is
kept up until nsullicient degree of proficiency
la obtained.
Two courts In Kaglnnd have recently decid
ed that "homo lessons tot by teachers cinnot
tie enforced " The CMO was that of n teacher
in n public school who had prescribed lessons
to bo learned at homi * , and out of this arose n
dilli.ulty which led to n charge of assault and
battery agonist tin teacher , Children tiru
somcclmos crammed with studies beyond their
[ lowers of memury.und obliged to occupy hours
which should bo clvnn to sleep or exercise with
study ut homo. Learning which cannot bo
mod in cinsoiueiico of the impaired phydcal
liealth of iti pojsostor U a constatit nggrava-
Mr. lioppit , of Lincoln , lost n line horse.
valued at 200 , by f ill I i IIP into ono of the wa-
tar pipe ditches la't Sunday ,
llo.iriy n 11 "Cow-lJoy , "
The Halberdier in n paper pub'Uhcd
and edited nt Cnindon , Ark , by Mr. V.
M. Laathorinan. Jloar what ho sayn
about hia present condition contraetod
with what it wna Ilo writes : "I o n
uortify to thu ellioaoy of Brown's Iron
Dittcra na thu beat and speediest euro for
indigestion ; ) iavin been troubled with
iiuligcation for four months , I took part
( if a bottle of thu bittflro , and find inyeell
Imlo nnd livarty us u Texas CowlJoy. " It
is a splendid nppotizer.
SVWACUSB , N. y , , Juno 12,1883.
"I Buffered with kidney disease und iu-
tonao pain in hick. Ono bottle relic vet
aud sis bottloa of HUMs ( Kidney and
Liver ) HEMCHV o nnplutelv cured me. "
H. S. Prootcr , Futuiturrdeacr ! , 00 8v %
Una S ( ,
-THE g
medicine , combining Iron w llh pura
tnnlc * , quickly nnd romplctcly
iilnt fmllKi-nlloii , > Vrnl < nri s
" '
mill His an utifnllltiB y for Diseases of thn
lUilni-y.i nnd I.lvrr.
It Is Invnluablo for Disorws peculiar to
\Vonioiii miJ all who lead fcilcntnry ll\cs.
It does not Injure the teeth , cnufolicndnche/5t
produce consllpatlon MT Iran mctlMnritla.
It enriches and imrlfles the- blood , ( stimulate !
the appetite , ntds the nsslmllntlon of food , re-
llcvei Heartburn anil Dclvhlng , nnd ttrenglh-
tin the muscles and ncrvct
Tor Intermittent Fevers. . .assltudc , iJick of
Encrsy. Ac. , It has > io equal.
flJS- The Rcnulno has ntmvo trndo mark nnA
crossed red lines on wrapper. Tnkc > io other
e i c.uijbr inioMStiirjiirii , < ( > . , nAi.TijioiiE.1 ! ? ,
ind unfllspntel in the BROAD CLAIN
Ever o ( To red to the public.
The eteaicthlps of thla we'1-known line are built of
HOD , In water-tight compartments , &nd are furnish
ed with every requisite to make the passage both
iafo and agreeable. They carry the United States
ind European tnaila , and leave New York Thura-
laj-8 and Saturdays for Plymouth ( tONDON ) Cher
bourg , ( PARIS ) and UAMHUnO.
Ratoa : Steortgo from Kuropo only US. First
Cabin , 56 , $66 and $76. Steerage , tic.
Henry Pundt , Mark Ilanson , F .K. Toll ,
izentjln Omaha , QroncwcR & Srhoentgen , agents la
Council DltiffB. O. B : IUC1IAKD fc CO. , Gen. Paea
igta. , 01 Broadway , N. Y. Cbae. Kozmlnskl k Co-
General Weatorn Agonta , 170 W ehlngton St. , Chlca
Vnois for thccxprcss purpose
1 of giving Immediate rclicliG
r > all chronic , urinary ana pri-
Svate dlscaci"1 r-ononrb/BP ,
; Gleet nr.dbyphilis in all their
'complicated forms , also all
diseases of the Skin and
liood ! pi omptly rellevedand
permanentlycured by reme >
, dics.testcdin al'urtyl'carl
, , t < i > cciaH'raftlce. Seminal
iKht J-ossi .by DreamsPimples on
JieKaM.Lost Manhoodf.Juefci > ecl ' 7 < er4
t tncjci.ertinrti ( niit'be appropriate it.T.f.dy
.i at once used in each LV S. Consultations , per-
mal or by letter , sacredly confidential. Mcd-
clcs Eent bv Mall and Express. No marks on
j CKaae to indicate contents or fender. Addresi
' -r.MMES.No. 2U4Wa3hmQton Si.Chicagollt ,
p nn B nt cnr .
Manhood Restored ,
Victims of > outhfullnirrudonco.cautslnp Nervous De-
blllty , Prem&turo Decay , and All uisordvrs broiiRbt on
tw inuiecretion or excetui.\vilt learn of * i Jlraple reme
EVIll cnro Ner nu neB , Lumbago , lUicnmattBm
senrnllH ( , HclHtlcii , hldiuiy , hplno ami Itiur
lout , Abthma , H , > artillHtMii < H. Ili < pt < | thtii , ( oml ! | > nll > ni , l.lj
llH | > lii9ntitrrh , 1'llca , Klilli' | ) r Ini | > "l.'lu'j Iliniib A/n ,
nilHpaui L'torl. U > Dili , hi-lciMllli I Kclilc llc'lt III Aliler
en tlmt hntids thu Klnttkltv uiul inn uutiMin through the
) odj , uiiil mu be rucrmrctKl fu ua tiisiuiit by tbu i > .itlout-
Winter U coming , the noajono the year for aches
and pains . In view of thla fictuosay buy cue of
Dr. Horao'a Electrlo Helta. Ity BO doing Jtm will
avoid Rheumatism , Kidney Troublca and other Ilia
hat fleeh la heir to. Do not delay , but call at our
office and ci.ainlna belts , No. 1422 Douplng Ptrout , rr
D. F Goodman's , 1110 Karnam Kt.OrD lm , Keb. Or-
leramied 0 O D
fhoiali Awnrjnce Co. , ol O3i' ! ti
Awets 96Sf , lOJ.
% eitoh oterN. T. , Capital , OCOCO ? .
i o atorehanta. of Newu V , N. J. , C plttl 1,576CO'J.
raid rtie , Phllailelchla , * pltil . . . lcoUO
tmtn'a tnnd Oa&lt'l . . .
Royal Havana Lottery I
Drawn at * Havana , Huba , Every 12
to 14 Days.
riCKCTS , 12.00 , . . . HALVES. | 1.00
Subject to no manipulation , not oonticlled by th
parties In Interest. It la the filrest thing In th
aature of chance la eilntenco.
For Information and pirtloulara upplr toSlIISEY ,
O0.,0en.Asente , 121S UroadMay , N V. city.
C. KAUB & CO. , 17 Walnut Itreet , St. Lout ] , Mo
ir Frank I.obrauo , L. D , , 20 Wyandotte , Kan.
| y 21-mie Si w Iv
Health Is Wealth !
Da. E. 0. Wxar'a NBRM AMI UR IN TaiiauuiT , a
icuarantcwl unccltlo for IljaterU , I ) nlnew , Cenvul-
ilona , FiU , Ncrvoua Nouralyla , Ilcadioho , Nervout
Ir03tratl6n cr.upodhy the use otnlooto' or tohbacoo ,
VVakefuliicw , MontU dcpreulon. Bilt.'uln of the
brain , resulting In Inniriltr and leap'n , ; to mlcery ,
Jrcay Hid dealt , Prcnuturt Old ae , larouc 9 , loss
ofpovrcrln either au , Involuntary L < . > 8MJd 8wr. |
Katorhoracaused by oitr cvcrtlottof tb drain , mil-
> buceoro\cr Indulgeuca. Mirh bux , ccntilm one
month's Unatmont. $1,00 a lici.ofell boltlui for
| j.OO , tent by mail ) rtjuIJ en r.ctlft i-f pilcse.
To cure tnr case. With each oriler rtoelrc.1 by tu
tot aU bo > , ocoodpllihu tvlth { 5.00 , no will oenj
kha purchurr our written guarafit&o to rotund the
oicnoy It the tieatmcntdoo * nc-l effect a cure , dual
intotateKUed only by JOI1H C : VfKAT It CO. ,
Jy (3 mio-ry Ml MtJIeoa ft , Chloaen , III.
Physician & Burgeon
Itctlldrcce No. WJ Jones St Office. No. 1(09 Far
mm trt < t. Otllco hour * 12 m to I p , m. an J fioia 2
to 8 u ra , Tiltpnono I it oUloo 07 , tMd ! uc-j W5 ,
The remarkable ) growth of Omaha
during the last few yoara la n matter of
great astonishment to thoao who pay an
occasional vialt to this Rrowlng city. The
development of the Stock yards the
necessity of the Bolt Line Road the
finely paved streets the hundreds of now
residences and costly business blocks ,
with the population of our city more than
doubled in the last five years. All this
is a great ourpriso to visltora and is thr
admiration of our citizens. This rapid
growth , the business activity , and the
many substantial improvement ! ! made a
lively demand for Omaha real estate , and
every investor han made n handsome ,
Since the Wall Street panic laat May ,
with the subsequent cry of hard times ,
there has boon less domaud from opecnla-
tors , but a fair demand from investors
seeking homos. This latter class are
taking advantage of low prices in buildIng -
Ing material and are securing their homos
at much lese cost than will bo posaiblo a
year honco. Speculators , too can. buy
real onta' ' 3 cheaper now and ought to take
advanb proaont prices for futnr
profi s
Th few yoara promlson groato
avo'opments ' in Omaha than the par
( i i jrtra , which have been ha good st
wa could reasonably t'esirc. Now mas
ufacturlng establishments and large nn-
bing houses ara added almost weekly , job
all add to the proipority of Omaha , nnd
There nro many In Omahn and through
out the Stnto , who have their money In
the banks drawing a nominal rate of n-
torost , which , if judiciously invested in
Omaha real estate , would bring them
much greater returns. Wo have many
bargains \rhlch wo are confident will
bring the purchaser largo profile In the
near fntnro.
We hnvo for sale the finest resi
dence property in the north and
western parta of the city.
North we have fine lots at reason
prices on Sherman aveuue.l 7th ,
18th , 19thand 20th streets.
West on Farnan ? , Davenport ,
Cuming , and all the leading streets
in that direction.
The grading of Farnam , Califor
nia and Davenport si reels has made
accessible some of the finest and
cheapest residence property in the
city , and with the building of the
street car line out Faruam , the pro
perty iSi the western part of the city
will increase in value.
We also have the agency for the
Syndicate and Stock Yards proper
ty in the south part of the city. The
developments made in this section
by the Stock Yards Company and
the railroads will certainly double
the price inn short time.
We also have some fine business
lots and some elegant inside resi-
dencep for sale ,
Parties wiahiug to invest will find
some good bargains by calling on u
213 South 14th St.
Bet eon Farnham anJ Douglas.
p. S. We cak tli030 who have
property for sale at a bargain to give
IB a callWa wp.nt ouly bargains.
We will positively not handle prop
erty at more limn ils real value.