Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 15, 1884, Page 8, Image 10

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* > , ' THE DAILY BEE- COUNCIL w.jr--.sryi- BLUFFS ' ; SATURDAY , irv , _ „ , NOVEMBER 15
* >
' ' :
8. rnil OMABA DAILY'ffl"2-sATURDAY NOVEMBER 15 1884. ;
. .
Saturday Morning November 15 ,
' '
The Scientific ncRilf y mcotn t the
Creighton college on Mc.ntlays nnd Thuridnyi
t 7:301 > . iii ,
.Toicph Cublv , ' , n old rcMclont , of Dotiglai
countyt rcfidltiR nvrxr Floroiuc , wft yonlordftj
brought Into tlio uty nd placed tn jail tmdci
ot lu'j .
A clmrRo cy.
CJeiu HowMtl will deliver liis Icctare 01
Epvpt on t'.ic 25th fast. Imtcni o ! Urn 2ht , &
stated In the BKK.
Henceforth tlio clonrirf ; of our " Xntlona
bwiks will lie repotted to Boston O'rory Thim
xlay night. Yesterday tboy wen j § 3M ,
Thurtday at the residence 'jf the
imrcntJ , Mr.Vm. . Mnyall nnd. JTea Minnl
C. Dennfs wcro united \n m&t.TUeo , illcv. A
t" , SlicrriU'oKciatlng.
A mect'iDR of NctirnsVa. tecntSo 'silffnigi * !
will be held todnjto elect 'ileleffntos ' t
the \vornari" * convention , -Khlck ) g 'to bo 'hel' '
in Chicago on the 10th ni id 20th ofairwinontl
The Tittle son of fj. S , Itojir.ond Iw
night strtyodnway from Us loino on Saver
tcenth'nndCalifornia iitrocte ntl > ) ( father
clciks-were hurrying tibonttfto city in near
of the Httlo > 7andorer
Aojust Sclitpporoll * nd TJIias Dot
Ganohb'vero r.nltcc'l in 7f nla o Thuradaj
Mr.-B.iis of'1i wcll-kn < iwn firm -ol Bvnnso
& Co. , mcrchi.nt tojlers , tad Iwe lliocongrftt
ntUns ot heat ot frioiidc.
- Ijast ovcr.lng the driwr of a cart londo
wifck Barbupe , In nttomptinj ( to back dow
Into North K3inahn crosk t Baundori nn
Cciaings , * rftc thrown fram hto > 3eat nnd ttti
ivcrjon nnd U < contonta dcupcd.Hf ou him.
Mrs. . Johnson , who rcsidea on Leaven
worth street , wan severely tnjuretJ Thureda ;
by being thrown from n ba Ry In Avlilch ii
AVAC riding , The vehicle elided > uith a lam ]
poet nnd was overturned nt tlio corner , o
Marshal Cummlnga Tlwrnday .received !
letter froiuJT. Baylor ; of Iowa City , statin )
w : that Im doucktor , Mrs.ICinbe , und her Inn
band started tfor Hot Springe omo tide agi
end nothing has boon heard of them since. Ifi
llilnJ : tlipy ai3 in Omaha.
There will ibo n mooting of all parlies in
loroto-J In the bazaar to bo hold for the benefit
fit of the German-American school at Ger
mania ball Sunday afternoon at 2:31 o'clock.
A full attendance. all those in charge ii
urgently requested.
Pttttctger trains IIos. 8 and 4 will bo dls
continued between North 1'latte , Nob. , and
Cheyenne , Wjro. , until Icrthor notice ; com-
rnenciug with tboio duo by schedule to Icavo
points named ca Wednesday last , November
12 , 1881nndtheraaf tor passenger trains Nos ,
73 and "I will mnkofitips and do way work
between North Platlo nnd 'Demur Junction.
Z The fair and festival given Thursday
by the ladles of the I'irat Presbyterian church
was well attended and the ladles realized a
nice little sum. The fancy goods attracted
much attention ami the confectionery . booth.
4 t , . . " * 7 f&f v < afAf'j"T. ' ( - i
' candles , was well
: wi > rfl. cooked by Miss
'jaeVfT aSVlwnHnuW. , . . . .
-A dinner pwtywaS' given Thursday-
Senator MaaiJeMon by Mr. nnd Mrs. irermsn
i Kountze. Thojejirosent were : Senator and
' 'Mrs MandoTSOnrlif r : nnd Mrs. L. If. Ben
nett , Mr. and Mrs.'Jos. Barker , Mr. and Mrs.
L. Richardson , Mrs. Edgar , Mrs , 0. N. Ram
sey , MM , J. N. II. Patrick , Miss Annie Ilur
ford , Miss Berlin , Mr. Mogqueir , and Mr ,
Robert W. Patrick.
A meeting of the Union Catholic library
association will bo held at their rooms in
Creighton block on next Wednesday evening
at S o'clock p. m. , Nov. 11) , for the purpose of
electing officem. A full attendance is desired ,
By order of the Boar J of Managers.
Tli3 twentieth annivoraary of the wed
ding of Mr. aud Mrs. Edward Kosowater
was celebrated Thursday evening
at their rcaidunccon llornoy
sttcot by a gathering of their rela
tives and neighbors. They wore heartily con
gratulated by all present. The guests wore
handsomely entertained , and n pleasant
evening was spent by nil ,
-Thursday n prominent county'olHcial
of Wajhington county was standing upon the
sidewalk conversing with Mr , C , S , Goodrich.
The Washington county mun was wearing 11
queer looking hat andwa9 explaining to Mr.
Uoodrich that It was n St. John hat. While
he had the hat in his hand a passer-by stopped
and after getting a snllf of the man'd breath
remarked : "Well , that may baa St. Johu
hftt , but that ain't a St. John breath by a long
hot. " The Washington county man fainted
and Chsrley Goodrich went Into convulsions ,
, - , t Members of Myrtle Division No. 3 , U. 11.
X. of P. , will please bear In mind that your
presence Is requested to-morrow evening at
7:30 o'clock tban > ; In order to institute Divis
ion mutt have every member present , It U
required by the Instituting ollicor that each
member thall have with him for Inspection
the oUicial receipt of the lode to belongs to ,
fallowing his good standing. Donnelly from
Myrtle lodge and Johnson from Nebraska No ,
1 , will lt at A.M. Clark'n store , 107 South
* Fourteenth street , on Saturday evening , for
the purpos ) of Issuing receipts to tliosy who
may wish the same ,
There is some fear among the ftiunds of
Mr. William Stockdale'n family that they mny
have boon lost at sea. Last spring Stockdale
and his family loft Omaha for England , from
which place they wore going to Australia.
The bteamer on which they engaged passage is
reported lost and all on board are said to have
perished. It Is uoi definitely kuown whether
the family did take passage on the Ill-fated
ship , and there will ba a great doul of nuxioty
among their friends iu this city until the truth
U ancertalnsd. Mr. and Mrs , lludrill , of
Omaha , were to meet , them In Liverpool and
accompany them to Australia ,
Last evening Mr. Klmer G. Cochrauo ,
of this city was united in inarrin ; < o to
Mies Gertrude A. Elliott , an accom
plished young lady of Honmouth , Jill-
jtoia. The cururnony wna performed \ > y
Jev. W. Ouchfauft , ths U'.her of the
l/ioora , tft the resldtmco of Mr. H , Li.
Allen , at 510 South Clark street , the
utar rolitlvoe , hein the only invited
guoata. Mr Gochran ii the ellicient
nook-keoper for Ooutant & Bquiri > , und
as well u tba Imdc , has a heat of friends
who vriah hui ( oud his all the hap-
pitiees and prosperity which it ij the lot
of man to have.
Lvliesl Fhyaiciana and ohomiata have
analysed Pozzoni'a medicated complexioo
powder end rccommond its ueo to their
wivei and lady frlondi. What better
told of it ? Your druKgiai
O'Hallui's ' ' llfloi at 1303 Dongli ? :
Trnly Munificent
Tli(5 Opeiilii ) ; ti > Tnkc i'lnco Tc
This evening Mr. 11. O'Mft'jhjJ. , bottt
fcnown as Capt. O'Molloy , I\B who i
recognized by everybody ac n lypici
gcnlloman nnd the princ good fo
Iowa , will open his place t"1303 Douj
laa atroot. The mngnlf .conoo dlaplaycc
and Iko fnrniahod ologr moo of his room
will tiako Ida resort by f r the most nl
trncttvo of Its kind in Omaha.
It ia Intended by- the proprietor t
Dparo no pains or expense in making hi a complete nnd first-class aaloor
oyalor nnd 'lich house. Mr. O'Malloy1
place In on Iho first lloor , nnd ia largo an
roomy. The rooms have been mad
I/right and cheerful by the master Irnti
of Charlie Coalers , the prlnco of paper
hnngors , nnd they bear nn air of elogatir
nnd comfort aeon in but few placoa in th
The room fronts on Douglas atrcot , an <
on entering through the front dpo
the bar la to bo on the left , occupyin ,
Iwo-thlrdc of lhat aide of Iho room. Th
furniture.b all of the finest nnd la o
aolld cherry throughout , inaailvo in air.
and of Iho Ejyplian elylo of architecture
It includes counter , cigar counter , bullet
wine cabinet nnd Ice-box , all the vcr ;
latest and best designs. The mirror nr
of novel style , there being throe of then
all connected into ono. The center on
Is the largest piece of circular , bovolec
French plate glass in Iho Unilod States
being aixrfoot'in diameter nnd exceeding ! ;
thick. It is'danltod on either nldo by ]
square mirror of the name glass and tin
whole proconta n unique appearance as i
surmounts the pyramids of crystal glas
nnd shining oilvorwaro. This aide ia al
complotn and ready for Iho opening.
Across Iho-room la to bo the luncl
counter , about thirty foot long nnd of thi
aamo superior workmanship as the real o :
the fixtures , nil being manufactured b ]
the Standard Saloon Fixture company , o ;
Chicago. This aide will not bo completed
od for about n week. It la Iho intontlor
to make thin a first clai > s oyster ant
fish house , the luscious fruit of the ocean
to bo brought to Omaha nlivo and thui
Bocuro to customers all the natural flavoi
they possess on the seashore.
Mr. O'Malloy will keep conatantly on
hand the boat of nil wines , liquors and
cigars. Old Crow , Hermitage , Gibson
and Guckonhoimor will always bo found
there , nnd the beat brands of champagne
will over occupy a place on the shelves.
Ale and porter will bo kept-on draught
is well aa in bottles , nnd old time amok-
ara will always find there the finont
brands of both imported and domestic
: lgars , carefully selected by the proprie
tor who knowa a peed cigar when ho BOOS
t.Mr. . . O'Malloy will bo assisted by Mr.
Pota Bowse aud Mr. Oharloa Lantz , two
; entlomon whoso fame na mixers _ pf
Irinks ia known throughout the entire
Toat. , Mr. F . _ G. Buech , who for aorno
imp past has been connected with the
3onton oyster house , a place of. almost
T.orld-wldo 'fame , in' Chicago , wjll
mvo " charge " of the lunch
inuntnr nndjvill be fully able to ga lS
ho voriott cp > 9iiroT''Tfin9caHoh ana
iloganco of the place , and the many gen-
Ipmanly nnd fine qualities of the pro-
iriolor will servo lo put his resort in" tlio
rent ranka with the many places of its
: ind in the Gate City.
Gun. McBride , of Lincoln , is at the L'nxton ,
Mr. ] Low Hi',1 loft yesterday for n trip
the oust ,
Mr. U. M. Barnes , ot Lincoln , in at the
'axton. . hotel.
Major Miller , ono of Boone county's pi'otni.
ent nttorntya la in the city.
Mr. W. T. Kelly loft for Denver yesterday
nil will bo absent for a wuolc ,
John A , Cruiehtou , of Qmalu , is registered
.t . the Tromont homo , Chicago.
Win , Cartnn , loolck0por ut the Gnrtioau
ckor factory , left Inxt night for a trip to
A. Wildlielui , Doaald Harold , Tlionma
Unlccr , llirtCoato , nnd ll.JJ. Clark , of the
'Dienms" company nro at the Metropolitan
J askans are ut the 1'ar-
on : 8. U. Mores , Juan Boyle , S. M. Moving ,
, ud S. W. 1'owors , Kearney ; Gray Wnrnor ,
ioatiice ; Johu Hayes , Central City.
B. V , Humphrey and A. 11. Xowton , of
vnns.ia City , nnd Goa. A , llimnaford , of
Jhlcngo , n trio of well known i > a scnK6r agents
, ro ! u the city and registered at Iho Mlllard.
Senator Van Wyck , who spent yoUorday In
.lie . cily , will leave for hU homo this morning ,
* ? ext wookjthe Sanator will start for Wash-
ngton where ho will raiimin.diiriiiK the nmt of
iho winter.
Jaquoa Knugger and wife , Walter Hino ,
vllsi. Sally Cphou , Miss Faunio Itlco , Miss.
ilelen Lowell and W. II , Furat nnd wife , ill
if the "Dreams , or Vun io n l > hotogrni > h gnl.
ory" company nro quartered at the Mlllard
lotcl ,
L'lio Part tlio Sornlo ArtlHt. nnil Btn o
Oarpunlor l'laj-8.
The scene painter and stage cirpontors
tro the great ailont forces behind the
icencB. Working avray in their dons up
itnouc the borders and Hies day and
ulcht , early and latu , Sunday and Mon
day , unknown and unapplaudo'd , they
contribute in an important degroo'to the
success of the luodorn play. Not unfro-
ijuontlv they litb tubilantially the trholo
aliotr theinsolvos , for there is nothing to
many of the modern dramas , BIXVU the
nrtiitio scenery nnd elaborate atago sot-
tings. The Buccogaful aconio arliet is a
man nho has been brought e up In
the buelneas. There are no train.
Ing Dchools for this branch of
m , and the only way io learn
the oraft is to servo an apprenticeship in
t theater mixing paints und hauling can.
ras. The scouo painter has a niche to
himself. The houao painter , the sign
painter , the portrait painter , the fresco
artist , uono of these can do hie work , and
in many cases ho can't do thoire. There
Is otto feature about acono painting that
enters into no other branch of the art ,
iiid that it , that all scenes are finished
trith a view of showing off to beat ud-
vantapo by night in the glare of ii9 joka ,
footlights aud prosconiume nud for tills
roascn yellow is moro extensively used
than in any other class of painting. Scot ) .
3iy tliatlooks rough , dauby and unfui-
. The nrsl-clMB .
tiR. .
of Ihaownlty canbo oountodonoP.isfin.
uors. There's Mandon.ol Mafc.en.muan
thoRlro , Now yorkYoogUin , of Cliic o
who used to daub curtains In concert sa
loons and variety hulls but is now th <
Kroatcat spectacular scenic artut In tni
country ; some of his excellent work wai
aeon tit Boyct'a opera honsa with thi
"Ilomany Kyo" company ; Noxon , of bt
of the firm o
Louis , who IB a member
Noxon , Albert & Toumy , who turn ou
moro work every year than leave
and other econlo atudio ii
the country. This firm ifalnto <
the beautiful drop curtain noi
in uao In the opera houa
in our own city. Then thoro' '
Sum Culbort , Merry and Russell Smitl
of Philadelphia. When it comes t
painting exteriors , streets , landscape )
etc. , Smith , of Philadelphia , in the dndd
of thorn nil. Sconlo nrtlsta who are cor
noctcd with theatres , are paid rogulc
salaries , running from $25 to $70
week. The "Bohemian" artists who pic
up iobs hero and there whenever the
can got thorn , take their work by cor
tract. When a combination Introduce
sonio peculiar or isolated econor
. something very elaborate
it carries such soilings wil
it , but othorwlso an attraction whe
booked for a theatre Bonds the house ni
list n design of the scenery needed im
to the Btago carpenter a diagram of th
i 'props" required. If the artist an
cnrpont-r have the articles in stock , vor
well , if not the ono has to paint and th
other to irmko thorn.
The theater scenic artist usually ho
ono or two assistants. The old utylp o
ficonio painting was for the artist to sit o :
n swinging platform and amour on hi
colors. Nowadays , In the well regulate
theaters , ho stands on a stationary plal
form while the canvass is Huspondcd it
front of him on rollora and raised and
lowered by a windlass. The ntng
carpenter , like the scenic ai
tist , usually enters the theater a
a boy , ohifts aconos , swoopu off the stage
lays and HfU carpets , has "supo" shoutoi
at him by the gallery gods and being pos
noosed of some ingenuity , learns a httli
to-day add a little moro to-morrow , help
on this and lends a hand on that , am
the drat thing ho known ho'a a atngo car
Center. A utego carpenter might not bi
architect enough to build a respectable
coop for II. II. Hayes' hens , and still be
a tip top stage carpenter , while
a building carpenter who coulc
put up palatial mansions for c
nlllionairo , if put in behind the
scenes , would In twenty cases out of nine-
eon , bo perfectly helpless. There arc
, wo classes of stage carpenters the one
.hat . is attached to a theater and the one
hat travels on the road with a combiniv
Ion. The former . .attends to the stage
ottings of his house , the latter keeps the
'props' * of his combination in repair.
? ho former gets from $10 to SCO a week ,
ho latter less1 but'is "found. " The atafl
assistants of n theater stage carpenter dlf
era according to the piece Doing pro-
The regular force at Boyd's opera
IOUBO Is five man , but there are nights
ivhen ib requires twenty to handle the
nonory ; and it requires sixteen men to
nako a Mngln chnngo of aceno in the
SllvoE King. ' " E 10 stage carpenter is
xpocted u > lurnlsheverything from the
cull of Yorlok to the allv'ry moon , the
owling hurricane , the moaning BOB , the
urld lightning , the roaring thunder , the
trenching rain and the beautiful , boauti-
il enow.
Thp "beautiful" that falls upcs-the
'Two Orphans , " for Instance , is finely
mt white paper placed in R perforated
lylindor up in the flics. The crnnK of
lie cylinder is turned and the white
lashea go lluttorlug down. A "Supo"
teed to stand above and drift white
iapor snow out of both hando , but n
lupo can't now as regularly and evenly ns
ho cylinder can.
The sighing wind is nothing moro than
ho noise produced by a wooden cylinder ,
vorkoil with a crank , rubbing agnlnat a
rob of ailk that Is attached to It. The
nero loosely the silk Is hold the louder
.he blast.
When a real water rainstorm la Intro-
lucod a perforated pipe , with water con-
lections and regulated by cocks , is
itrotchod across the stage from opposite
lies. A rubber not is spread on the
itago to catch the showor. A fountain
in the stage , when a natural spray is
brown up , is worked about the sumo
ray , waterworks connection being triad o
tnd the water , thrown up , caught cither
> y n galvanized baaln or a rubber not.
When the rain atortn waa moat boauti-
ully shown hero was during the produc-
ion of the McKee Ruiklu'a great play ,
'ThoDanUcs. "
There nro many little thing * which are
ddcd by the scenic artists and atago car-
lontora , which cither make or loan n
day , and the part which thodo workmen
iluyia usually the loading ono.
A ( Irene Giunu ,
This nftornoon , at the St. Mirys
venue park , the ( Ire doparlmont of
) maha , under the captainship of Jerome
'cntzol , will play a game of bill with the
lollco force of this city , under the loader-
hip of Jamas Knight. The positions of
ho fireman brigade nro as follows :
Vm. Webb 1'itclior
, Vin. Coots Catchnr
Comhick let l >
.apa e , 'Jd b
j. Cirubo . ' 3d b
klcCormick ' . SB
iallifaii | , , . r f
. 'ontzi'l of
Mat 1 f
The positions of the police nine have
lot yet boon arranged. It is to bo n
prcat game , and the foremen declare that
, hey will not lot the "coppers" got n sin-
lo run , but if Put Desmond playa they
: an't jirovont him from climbing the fence
o avoid being put out.
1'ollco Court ,
Builncea WAS very dull in polioo court
'eatorday , only four plain drunks np-
) oaring for trial.
Joseph Brandt and George Ludes had
10 excuses to oilier for violating the city
irdinanco by becoming intoxicated , and
verooach linud § 5 aud catp ,
John Magee was cilled up and charged
nth having boon drunk. John nuld that
10 was not drunk but was juat recovering
rom mi oplloplio fit. The judge evidently
: no w something of hla oaaa and discharged
litn , at the same time advising him to
ook medical assistance at oner.
Johu Murphy was called and no ono
nswprod to the call. Only one prisoner
omaiucd and it must bo Murphy , lie
line forward nud said that his tmino was
5eorgo Starr , When nrroatod ho was
ory drunk and jjavo his name to the
ailor as Murphy. Upon galling sober ho
md forgottou the name given and waa
ibligod to give his correct title. Ho was
incd $5 and coats ,
Seal of North Carolina Smoking To-
i4cco ( a the beat.
If uppity VTc-il.
the marriage of Mr. Franl
Bailey and Miss Clara lUdman was aol
omnlzod at the residence of the bride'
father in Nmth Omaha , Ksv. J , S , Dot
woiler , of the English LulliOt'ati cnuch
officiating. The btido waa attended b ;
Miss Dollio Bailey , while Mr. Fran !
Iledman noted aa best man for the groom
After the ceremony a sumptuous wed
ding "upper was sorvoil , which waa par
Ukon of by a , largo number ot invite
gao U. After aupper the Rticatalndulgt
in a dauco until quite n late hour.
Mr. Bailey is engaged in Ilia brie
making business In the western part o
the city , and is an exemplary young mat
The bride la an interesting young lad
and la deserving of all the smiles fortun
may bestow upon lior. Both are men
bora of the Homo Circle club and othc
aocial organization's and are highly 01
loomed by all who know thorn. _
They will take up their roaidonco o
weal Cuming street , In a neat little co
tago which has already boon prepared f <
their occupancy.
FOR SALE A good family hora
buggy and harness , L , A , RATH ,
Peat Oflico Box 30 ,
Visitors ,
Thuraday night burglara entered the roa
donco of Mr. N. J. Kdholm , at 2-14
Chicago street , and carried oil a valuabl
gold watch nnd an > overcoat. Othc
thlhga In Iho houao are aupposod to hav
boon taken , but is impossible at thi
limo to toll just what waa carried oft.
The burglara gained an entrance to th
houao by turning the key lii the frori
door with ft pair of nippers , They wor
pretty slick thlpvea and will doubtless b
haard from again.
Smoke Seal of North Carolina
An Onmliti Man Shot ,
It if ) reported in this city that a youn
man from Omaha wont out to Millar
Wednesday night to visit his brotherwh
is working for a farmer named Allen
The young man arrived at the farm hous
at 1) ) o'clock and found the family had ro
, lrod. All in apart ho rapped loudly 01
, ho door , and in reply to Allen's .query
"Who's there , nnd what do you want ? '
replied that ho wanted his ( Allen's ) mono ]
> r hla lifo. Allen told him to go arounc
o the back door , and seized a shot gun
opened the door and shot the young mat
n the neck , inflicting probably fala !
vounds. i Allen was greatly shocked on
.earning who Iho supposed robber waa
The neighbors think Allen waa juallfied
n the shooting. w *
Absolutely Pure
fbla powaornover varto ) . A mi ml ol ptmlty
itienjith and wholcsomeaeea. Mcie oooomtc&l tlian
.he ordinary klmla.andcacQotbo euld In compelttiui
fi-lth tbo mulUtuclo ol lo * tott , short wolht alum or
) ho pb t powder , SolJ o"y ) In cani UOYAL
; IABI " r OWDKlt CO. . 106 Wall stroll N. K.
S1OOO. Given
[ f alum oriuiy Injurious nulislmu'cs nu > Lu found
n AnclrowB * 3uarl Unking PowdC1 , Is pos.
IvolypURE. .
Tcclvwuroin Rilcli clicmtstii aiR. Uainiilnj-s , llos-
iiu ; M. DelaCoiitalnu , of Olihdiro ; nnd Gustuvus
Uodc , Mllwaukvc. Novrrsoldlu bulk.
_ C. E. ANDREWS & . CO.
! 9 Uku Kt. ' 2S7. UW .t 201 K. Wulcr St.
the changes that , Ink fowyears , have
ta\on place in the mlnufacturo of
[ niproreincnt after Inprovomont has
been made , until to-dry the clothing
offered by Sohlank i rinco , 1210
Farnani Htroot , ia tuba ! in every
respect to thi beat
Oustom Work !
iVIillo at the Bamo time the lovrnosa of
prluu of the fine graje of clothing
they handle Ia no lUs astonlah-
In ? than < ia
Perfection ? Fit !
' 210 Farnam { treet , 1210
Ts Invited to ecnd thcl
nilihcus to THE SWIFT SrECino Co. , Drawer fl
Atlantn , On. , for n copy of tliplr trcntlso on UIocx
uiU Skin Dlscaecs , which will bo mailed free.
Cancer for Many Years ,
A family servant has been nflllctod for many yc&i
with a cancer on her ncse , and was treated by som
of the best physicians , and the old remedies usei
without benefit Hnollyo Rtuo lier Snlft'a Spc
clfio and she has been completely cured.
JOHN HIM/ , Druggist ,
Thomson , Ca , August It ) , 1831 .
John Naves , a young man mar here , jad a cancel
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with ncwflceh , and his cencral health Is excellent.
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