Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 15, 1884, Image 1

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Snail Pace Progress of the Official
Eleven Assembly Districts iu the
Oity Reported ,
All But One of the Outside''Ooun-
tioa in , "
A Reduction of 307 on Cleve
land's ' '
Plursi'ity ,
Ho Now Has a Loading Margin
of 1,054 ,
Pi-iss Figures Tnmtim-
ny'f itutlllcatimi uuil Kamlnll's
.Vndtho : day finds the canvass of the vote
< ai Now York ttnto Incompleted with the tir-
dy tactics in tlio county n New York still In
practice , The tables of the Count as estlmat-
e'l by the metropolitan press on the night of
November otb , with n tabulated statement of
'tho returns from the six assembly district ! , up
'to ' that hour (0 ( p. in last evening ) received ,
are appended. Since their receipt ,
live other ] districts hnvo been
reported with ollhial figures from Kingi
county. So far , on all nuthentio returns
from Now York county , Blaine hai n tot-sl
of 231. Kings county , however , alters Clove-
land'd plurality by an advance of 20. Ac-
eeptingthen figures given , 12CS , as Cleveland's
plurality outside of New York county , it will
readily besuen that on nil returns officially
repartee ! up to this morning Cleveland hai a
total plurality of 105 } , a reduction of 307 on
previously canceded figures.
NKW YORK , November 14. The total vole
of Now York county , witli which comparisons
of the Associated Press progresses , is that
furnished by the city proas bureau on Novem-
bar 5th. It gave the following ( inures : Cleve
land 133,080 , Llaine 89,817 , Uutler 3,313 , St.
John 071) ) ; Cleveland's plurality -13,223. There
are twenty-four assembly district ) in New
York couuty. Their vote , as first reported
by the city prc-s , is appended , liy keeping
it in hand , the roturds , as tfcey are canvassed
and- reported , may bo compared , and any
discrepanciei may bo noted.
AhSKVDLr DIVTKIOTS ± < i liKrOKTKl ) NOV. Mini :
Dists. 15 1 nine. Cleveland. Butler. St. John.
i . . . 2,21:0 : 4,512 89 10
' ' ' ' 0 , , 01 101 8
J. . . . . . 2,027 5.110 . .131 -10
4 2,3 ! > D- o33 , : ; J55 ! )
5 2.C95 1,508 125 IS
I 2,03(1 ( 5,012 122 4
7.x. . 1,8.i ( 1,023 ICO 71
x. OS
x.t ) 4,437 fi/2'i ' : ! 119 121
10 I 177 5,588 111 11
11 3,607 3,312 57 3i (
12 3,0 IK 5,171 71 15
13 1,871 ! 4,4i3 : 130 111
11 , 2,255 1,337 71 20
15 , 4,150 0,137 215 13
1(5 ( , 2,718 5,31il 107 0
17. 5,205 0,401 207 57
18 , 2,812 0,052 2)2 ) ° 5
19 , 4,08) 0,580 117 50
20 3,131 (5,114 ( 15-i 8
21. 4,059 4,01,0 57 55
22. 5,341 J.OJl 2ri8 01
23. 7221 8,812 297 132
24. 3,015 5,133 112 93
, Totals , 89847 13.'f,083 3,313
Clove and'H plurality. 43,233.
\ Tha following Inve ahv.iJy beeu reported :
I'Dists. Blaiiia , Cloeland. . Butler. St. John.
,2 , 2,13) 5i37 91
,3 2,024 Mil 120
j 4 2,3)1 ! ) 0,822 158
, ' 5 2,00J 4,50S 12. " .
0 2f > . ° ii ; 5,012 120
, 8 4,722 4. ] 10 09
. The relative pains and losses for tha above
r six assembly districts of Now Yoik county al-
reaJy reported are us follows : Cleveland' *
I BalBR , 12 ; ClevelandV lo ses , ICO ; Blaiue'ti
grfin , 79 ; JJlaino'i ) 1 js-cs , 01 ; a net gaia for
Ulaioa of IM , Tliin doss not include the dif
ference ! alreuly noted in the complete canvas -
vas of the Firat and Suventh ajsemb'y dis
trict , nor are tlio chaugea in Now York coun
ty included in the stateiuent of the vota which
puts' Cleveland's plurality nt I.2CS. Tlw
Fourth precinct the Flrtt election district
of this city , which was Hont back to the in-
epotors yesterday for correction in its form ,
was counted election night , as havirg given
41 for lilaine , 198 for Cleveland and 1 ior Hut-
The Sixth , Nineteenth nud Twenty-sixth
precincts of the .Saventh assembly district ,
\vhich were eimlldrly rfturnecl for correction ,
pave acconl'ug ' to the firjt liguros reported ,
Jilaino IDS , Cleveland 375 , Butler 0. If these
, Hrnrea ate not changed tno First assembly
. listrict will show v gain of nine for ISIatno
.over the fipnrcs < i [ November 5th , and n IOIB ho
t or Cleveland of ftrty-iuno. The Seventh
.district will thaw a gain for HIabio of 215 and
njjaln for Clovelatd of 91 , Jt li claimed by
tihc democrats that tke irst conn tin theeo two
.districts .was incorrect and that the final can-
.viu. ! will show little or no gain for either aide ,
ftanklin county ottioijd Cleveland 2,018 ,
RlaiBi , 4,038 , St. John 70 , Butler 07.
AlliCJiintica of this B ale have tent in their
official .reports excepting Now York , Krio and
Monroe. If there is no cliaxge in the plurality
of these iv'ireo countlrn from what wai re
ported ) jj'.Ut'ir county clerkn just before the
canvass ufithelr rotiuna bezrui , Clevelt id'u
plurality Ui.tie ntato wi.I be 1,208. The fifty-
e even'coniitJscwhicli have reported ahowpalna IU
.for Clou'laiKl.QC 27 ; losses for CJovelatd/jf
. ( SO ; gains for JJ/aine / of 13 , and losjen for
Slainu of 11.
The Norfolk .oi sty official cauvaus shown
that Cleveland hurt plurality of 553 vet < . [
This ? preos witli the yirn&Vi table. St. I < aw-
rencae.unty official ; Blaine , . .VII ; CJeve- i
land , 0,035 ; St. .Tollman.-tjutler,20. . „ „
plurality , 7.4CI ! ' ,1 , , agros with the Time's
llgurtt. Iho > - . „ | imi luslno's plurality 7,401 ,
again of 4 ,
The count-y clerk stiles tint tha oUlclal can-
v.vsof ( . roentcouniyvtllnotbd completed
until Mr.mlaycvmdugnexl. The Times and
bun ci > ch give Blaine a plurality of IB ,
N'isw YOHK , November 1-1. The otlictnl vote
"j Kings country announced this evening givei
Cleveland C'J,2SS ; Blaine , f3,512 ; JUitlnr ,
2212 } St. John , 1420 ; a twin for IValno of 2 .
M , YOIIK November II. Senator Gor
man , chairman of Iho democratic national
Fxocntlve committee , fiUloa that win , II.
Vandcrbllt has not made nny contribution to
the national democratic campaign fund.
NK\V YOIIK , Novcmierl4. The World says
that It has not touched the Inures on the
electoral vote slnco l t night , thnt thorn has
been no change. Tlio Times gives Cleveland
1,207 plurality , again of ono over yesterday.
Thu g ln is In Kinns c unly.
NKW YOIIK , November II. The Tribune
tnbo gives Blaluu 57731 plurahly in the
counties of the state outside of Now \oik
mid Kings. In the latter counlics it says the
democrats claimed 58,057 plurality for Clove-
land. The losses thus far of the canva-s in
tlie above two counties nro said to reduce
Clove-land's plurality to 68,688 , still giving
Cleveland n plurality in the state of 851.
NKW YOIIK , November 11. The managing
editor of n morning paper here says : ' '
city pro's bureau figures on the election
trlcls in thr city bent to the Wcstarn Asso-
elated [ ireea on the night of election nio cjr-
rcct and nro found to bo correct by the can vncs-
ers , But the buievu In grouping the liaiircs
into assembly districts got them mixed up ,
nnd ictriiis as canvassed uy the atsemhly dis
tricts nro of course cnt'rely dllTurout from tbo
bureau ; . Totals nro the same , but the a-
BCinbly district i all differ more orlcss nnd thus
fnr show nn nppnront gain fur Blaine that in
leality will ba reslored lo Cleveland
Inter on by the figures from the
other distil els. The bureau' figuvci on elco-
lion districts are right. The fign . . of n sem-
bly districts are all wrong. But'o ! tola's of
both agree and the trouble Wiis that the In'-
reau got the wrong lieures into the a'se-nbly
district tubloa. Wo ( tlie managing editor nnd
n do/en others ) nro convinced of tMs , boca'-'o
we hnvo been over the figures over nnd over
again. "
NKW YORK , November II The miss ! > ,
election district of the Ninth assembly disti ,
is the 31st. This was before reported ns giv-
ingjlllalne , 112 ; Cleveland , 103 ; Butler , 3.
NEW YoitK , November 15 , 1 a. m.-r-Tho
olliclal canvass of the Ninth assembly district
of this county , with -Tliirty-fitst.oldctlon
dibtrict miiein ? , civcs Blaine 1.440 vote" ;
Cleveland , 5.117 ; Biitlur , 122 ; St. John , 121.
Tlio vote published { November 5 iravo Blaine
4.1H7 ; Cleveland , 0.202 : Butler , 113 ; SI. John ,
121 Net gain ior Jllnino , S2.
'Tenth ' distrlcl cdinplsta pives Blaine ' 1,177 ;
Cleveland , o.ODl ; Butler , 121 ; St. John , 11 , a
change of 3 in favor o Cleveland from first
press reports.
Eleventh .district complete : Blaine , 3of,7 ;
Cleveland , ' ' 3,2JButler , 57 ; St. John , iO.
No . i
change. > , -
Twelfth dUtrict 'complete : Blaine , 3,018 ;
Cleveland , 5i73 ; Butler. 7U St. John , 15.
Chance of 1 In favor of Cleveland.
Thirteenth district : ( Thirteenth , Sixteenth
nnd Twenty-tightli election district referred
to conindttses on technicalities. )
Fourteenth district comjileta Blaine 2 -
250 ; C eveland1,397 ; Butler , 74 ; St. John ,
20. Loss for Bhlne , 5 ; a gain for Cleveland
of 10 , comnared with e.irly praas ropoita.
nun : couxrv.
BUFi'Aro , N. Y. , X ) vou.ber 14. The boar
of canvassers complttecl their labors on th
presidential vote of 1'rio county. The enl
clunre made U iu the n'rat district of thiIt
vvAril , of Clevdlaud rociving 252 vote
hoi entitled 25-1 ami Blaine H en title. 1 to 23
iustead of 2S1 This docs not effect the pit
rdity of Blaine and Logan , which ii 14W ! i
the county.
NKW YOIIK , November 1 1. The Tnmmanj
ball general commlttae in the wigwam cele
brated tlio election of Cleveland aud Hen
driclis , SpeecliPS were mvlo by Satmtol J
Uandall John Kelly and Comrreasman Cox .
A great cru.wd was present. Uund&ll paid f
tribnle to Tammany fur tbo fnithful efforts tc
bring success to the democratic ticket , am
added : _ "Wo must not expect altogether pvr
tisaiibhip to conm from the next ndminis
trillion. The democratic party must redoen
all its promises to tlie conservative.
people of the United States. They intts
abolish every unnecflssiry ollice ; they musi
bring the government down to economy nnt
they must nt once reducs the extraordinarilj revenues of the ciuulry. A prea
amouu1 ; of tlio public lands that have baei
given away through the profligate IpglUlatioi
of the republican party must bo lakou back to
tin ownership of tha pope ! , to be hold for
actual settlers un'er tlio homeitead
Olfl e holdara must bo tr.ugat to perform their
duties under thu restriction of lawi. "
Kelly defended himself and Tauimanv
hall from charges of disloyalty to Cleveland
NKW YOB * , November 14. The paiice \
commissioners received a communication frou
the mayor nuking tint the police prevent glove ; >
fights such as take placa in Madison squire
gaiden. on the ground they were demoralizing
and differed In no dcgrco from prize fights.
The nuiorintendent of police was accordini ; ! :
iiiBtiucted to jirohibit such exlnl itions in th .
future nnd an order to tht effect WHH sent to "j
nil police cnptaiue. ? '
A'a. , Noyombor U. Kvans ,
Cunioron'd cAiididato for congress in the
Fourth district , will cJiitest the election of >
lJ.idy ( Mahone'i ) candidate ) Kvaui claims
has discovered corrupt underhaud pras-
Mces on the partof Brady and In'j iollowcrH
during the recent canv.'ua.
UO&IOJJ'N Italloth ,
UORTON , Novombar II. The official can.
rw.B ehows the tutal vote of Boston on followa :
Hlalne , 20 27 ; Cleveland. 32.573 ; Butler , 3 , . o f
S ; St. John , 1,251 , Clovehind' plurality ,
, Ml. For governor. lEobinion , 2t48t , ! ; Kn-
dicott , 2JlR7i ! ( McCafforty , 3,733 ; Seoly , U87.
Kudioitt's pluralit } ' , 4,07 ( > .
- * * '
Nt , Joliii'n Vou ; In Now York.
N * Y IIK , November 14 St , John'H of
ficlal vota o far U , Pirgt jusombly district ,
votec ; i Second , ! ) , Third , 22 : Fourth. 1' ;
Fifth , IS ; Kl.\th , 7 Soventli , ( J7 ; Kighlli , 8.
Kill a I SI rout CnlJiiiiiiii.
Cl.sciNN.iil , November U , Truman B.
fardy , grain rpjciilntor , W H probably U-
ully fujiired to-clglit wlillein JiU bupgy in
collision with a et.ru3t car.
Last Day's ' Session of IbG National
Stockmen's ' Convention ,
Seated Disouasion on the Ani
mal Industry Bill ,
Equal Freight Bates on Beef
and Oaltle Demanded ,
Important Action On Tenure of
Bange Lands ,
Measures For The Union of all
Factions Adopted ,
Mass Conclave At St , Louis Kt'nucslod
OIllcerH mill ConiiiilllccH AH-
pointed Ad.lourimiont.
ClllCAfiO , November 1 1. The national
stockmen's convention contiuuod its session
to-day. , The secretary road n letter from
Professor Law , of Cornell College , nttncking
the work of the bureau of animal Indiutiy ,
cioatod by the Inst congress. This created
discussion nnd n motion to tender tin writer n
veto of thanks was tabled.
Tha committee on the nwnrd of Judge
Cooley , arbitrator , fixing the nata by rail of
dressed beef considerably higher than that
for live cattle , reported that the two rates
should be the same nnd stated that the hea'th
of bcef-D.itord depended in ij muasuro in hav >
ing catllo slauchtoccd an near tlio fattening
pilnt as possible , to nvoid the ttnsanitary con-
ditiom produced by transportation on hoof.
The committee on resolutions projontcd an
extended report on the question of fencing
ranges on government Innd. It set forth that
obtaining permanent tenure to these lands iii
some legal form is of the greatest Impci-
tanca to the future of stock raisirrr
That these lands ro lartjelj' unfit for agriou
turo nnd not rcclaimablo by irrigation on * it
count of their broknn surface nnd the lack c
running streams. That Colorado nndjWyou
log Etockmca ! ixfo : two hundred millioua It
vested in the business , adding to the taxab !
wealth of the country , and lowering the pric
of baof. That they would welcome the oj
portucity to buy or rent these lands fnr
term of years. That tlio committee go t
Washington to suggest stock legislation , b
ins'.ructod to endo.vor to secure the passag
of n law permitting the rental toatosk owno'r
who nre actual occupants of grazing land
between the Missouri river nn
the Pncllis coast for the longest perio
possible , at the lowest obtainable rate , sue
rental not to Interrupt or suspend the opera
tion of existing laws for pro omption or homestead
stead ) the rentals being subject to such en
tries ; nurt tlio coinmitteo to bj instructed be
fore Biibmitting m h Inw to congress to as
the assent of the Colorado block growers' as
ncbtion , those ol Wyoming. Nebraska , Da
Hti , Montaua. Idaho , and Nevada beiu
icprecentod in tiiis convention.
A resolution of gteotiDg to tlie slock m n t
in St Louis next Monday , depr
eating the division of intereestnud nppo'ntiu
u committee to c infer with the cunimittu
from that bjdy with a view to union , ale
adopted ,
Olliceis elected : President , Dewitt Smith
of Springfield , JI1 ; pecretary , Thos. fiturgis
of Chojenne ; troisuier , John C'lny , Jr. , o
Chicago. Aho an o\otitiva committea o
Adjourned sino die.
St. Louis Kcpublic.iii.
All the railroads entering St , Louu nre preparing
paring to c.irry 1 irge tlolo itions Irom vnri-ju
parts of the country to tlio cattle men's con
veutiou nt reduced sates. According to tin
agreement entered into botwcan the oxroutivi
commitU'o liaving In charge tha nrrnnpemonti
for the convention nnd the railroad companio
the excarsionists from points east of the Miss
issippi river will be carried for n faro and n
balf 7or the round trip and those west of the ,
Mississippi for n single faro for the roum
blip. l.nstodncsday , according to
i'fj'i ' ' authority , Mo'srs. Murray and Mullnuo ,
f I'm ' Santa Fo route , Newman , Bartholo
mew nud Pisher of the Gould Byjtem , nn
I'rojt of tno Port Worth and Denver railroad A
met nt Port Wortii to arrange forcornfortiblo
transportation of Texas cattlemen who wish
to attend the com -jntlon. A train of sleeping >
cars will convey the visitors to St. Louis.
Due car will leave Colorado City , comu _ on to
Kurt , Wortll nnd join five cars which are to
leave ' Atchisonon the night of the II th. Tlisso
will go to Texarkatm via Donisou , at which
latter ] place n car will bo added to thr train
At Texarkana the train will be joined
y the cars coining up from Houston ,
Austin , San Antonio , and other pointu , "
nud then proceed to the city , There will
probably bo twelve Bleeping cira on this
ipociol train. In conversation witli u K-opub- )
Isnn reporter vcHteiday the general passenger
ngontoftho Ttxas and St , Louis railway
itated that he e\ii'cled ) wovernl largo partleH
rom Texas and Aikaiis ! ? . One party of g n-
rlomon who expect to bring their wives nnd
laughters with them fro n Arkannat had
bartered n sleeping car in waich to make the
Capt. N. T , Spore , of the Atchifton , To-
cka & Santa -I'd route , mid he had been
ailed upon to secure hotel accoiiimod.Uionn
or n large number of delegates and their
fiends at tlio Laclcdo nnd other hotelx. His
iue alona ho thought would furntuh transpor-
atlon for sovornl hundred cattle men from
CIUIBUI nnd Jlexico. All the other lines , and
specially these running from points in the
vest nnd southwest , have been called upon
furnish transportation for n largo number
delegatSB. Cattle kings on come of th <
arger ranches propose to enter the city in
tylo. They Imvo chartered epacial caw
vhich they intend to have decorated gaily f
vith the view of letting people along their
outo know they are no common traveler ! ,
Linongtho spacml patties taat will travel in
tylo Is n largo delegation of gentlemen nnd :
adieu froai Walt Lnko City.
J'tSIIOl' BlUllfltV.
LOSIIO.V , Noi ccnber 17. Services in com-
jemowUon of the Imndreth anniverBury of jj
Mflhojj Hcabiiry , tbo first American bluhop of ga ;
the \irotoitant Kplscopnl ohutch , v no held In
St. I'aul's cathedral. The trtlcteto con
ducted by the Archliwnoi ) of Canterbury , n -
gistod by the Bithops of London ,
NKW YOIIK , November 14.-Tho hun-
tlreiUh anniversary of the consecra
tion of Bishop Sosbury , the hrst American
i : lscoml Bishop , was commemorated by ap
propriate senicos In Trinity church to-day.
Assistant Bishop Potter conducted the sor\ | .
cos nnd lit. D\x \ dolhercd thonormon.
llARTfOiit ) , Conn , November II.Tlioliun
drodth anniversary of the connccration of
llithop Scabury wns colelobratcd at Christ
church to-day , Bishop Williams presiding.
NOKTllWK8l"NHUll \ ! HA.
Sioux City Journal.
T ) , A. Mortal , who nsod to bo county aud
itor , came in by team yesterday \\itli a ludly
sunburnt face from an exploration of northwestern -
western Nebraska. The reporter asked him
about it , and got the following account :
"Tho taud country extends for about eighty
miles west of Yalontino. Some of this conn-
tty is good , little valleys and basins. Some
of these basins are qulto largo , Bovornl sec.
lions in area , and the best kind of hay
land. I do not take much stock iu the Baud-
rldgos. The country between the sand hills
and the While ri\or. n ulretch of about fifty
mile- , avenge ? good. It Is not as rolling as
Woodbuty county. The fiullsoil Is a light
clay , with the usual black pralriolonni on top.
West of the While.river tha laud is moro bro
ken. "
" ' "
"Any timber'
"Yes there is considerable timber. Gordon
City , that is on Antelope creek , ninety miles
west of Valentino , gets pin ? lumbir at S2. " > per
thousand fiom two sawmills about fouiteen
miles west. The timber is mostly pine and iu
gulches. Thoie is ono rhlpo that is
well timbered with pine , but most , of it Is
on the reservation , There arc plenty of
thoao pine laud claims to bo had yot. A man
olfurod to ehow mo a claim with cixty acres
of good pine timer , but I thought I didn't
nuod it You see the tim'i r is mostly In
gulches , where it is next to Impassible to get
It out. "
"Anyssltlers going in ? "
"The biggest rush you over saw. The gov
ernment land ollico nt Valentino is full every
djy , and west of Gordon City ono was In si ht
of teams oU the time. Withina few days they
hive quit coining HO thick , becaueo the xcasou
i growing la'o. The road traveled between
Valentino nnd Gordon City Is the old nponcy
road. Those who go to pointj this side of
Gordon City follow the r.Ulroad grade. "
"How is the crude getting on1
"Thoy are pushing it _ fast , ncd excepting a
few cuts the grading is almost finished for
eichty miles west from Valentino. The road
is located to White Itivcr Junction , forty mile-1 !
west of Gordon. The engineers are betwcoi
Rapid City and Do id wood , locating the Blrj'c
Hills branch , which IB to leave the inrm line
at White lilyer .Tunctiounnd run north to tlio
Hills. It is supposed thnt the branch will be
a narrow gauge , and that it Mill bo gravel
next season before any road IB built west .of
the junction on the main line. "
"How nboul the coal lands west of the
White riyor ? '
' They are a good ways West , nboul 125
miles beyond White Hivor junction , over the
line in Wyoming. I would have pone there
to hive soon for myself , but I did not care to
chance gattiug caught In n bliz/ard. I got
reliable it-ports from these Wyoming coal
fields. The coal boJs crop out four lo iiino
feet thick. The coal is lighter than Iowa
coal , but much cleaner , worlli/moro in tint
morkot , ni , < l nrnio " ' ' .VmmiJIi. I plan tti
get tome of that coal laud rfjifiyB if next
season , " f.
"I low about uinio ! "
"Thero nre plenty of do r nnd autolope.
Just before I loft Gordon a cowboy came m
with some cattle for the agency , nnj the story
that he had eecn : i bunch of about fifty buf
falo seine forty miles poutii. I had n mind at
first to go down , but decided lhat _ the wsathor
might turn bad.1
Mu.vcm , lud , , Ndvombnr 1-1 , Selma , eix
miloa east of here , was the scene of a bloody
riot night. The democrats ot the eastern
> ortion of tlm comity gathered to celebrate
iheir victoiv , nnd the story preceded thorn c
liat they intended t > i .Iso a rebel flag on the t
LJlaino nnd Logan i jh. The report to that
ilfact. tdde < l t3 the st .touient that the crowd
ird shouted for .lelf Divis , ( oming in , pro-
Militated u row. Win. Bidwoll was shot and
tilled and A. K. Bigass wni boriously injured
number of others , badly hurt , fled in tlio
larkncsj and their names wcro not obtain-
nb ! | > . Thu reublicnnn ] ran thu democrati out
f town nt last nud wild ex itomunt continued is
or hours. The rumor that Win. Dotimi eliot
Ji dwell caused the mob to form to hung Dot-
ion , but tober counsel prveailed and thu mat-
aiVM dropped. The end is not yet.
Acuiimul.itcd 'MlHlorl uiiet- .
Ind. , November II. JJoxoy's n
ipera hou3obuin l this morning. Los § 80- fi
"UU ; iinmnurcd. There is no fire department
lores. The building was juit completed , h
oiqy was defeated for concrea ? in the late n
lection. Hu lost'n factory uy fire recently. IIix
ix i
Dropped Hoad.
AI.MA , Neb. , November J4 , [ .Special , ) 0'
Irs. Lucas , wife of II. Lucas , i. fanner living en
couple of miles soulh of town , suddenly tcU
roppod dead from heart dlseaio this nftur- tcol
eon while ridini ; along the street with her olw
aughtcr , Mrs , P , H , Alecks , w
Jin' ninu or i MO ofr \
JACIHO.V , Mich , November 11. A jury KO
ras Hccnred to-day in the Crouch murder KOhi
ill , and tha ( nso opened thin nftormmn for hiL *
ioro ) ecutioii , 10
lfhlrii < ; ( lv ( ! 1jKat Alum , In
ipecial Oigpatch to Tim | ! IK ; , of
Ar.siA , Nebraska , November 11. The ox- ° "
enmo liurihvaioetorn and implement house
I'roltyinan Bros , was discovered to bo on
ro ot 1 o'clock this mor. Ing , The fire gained
uch headway that nothing-could bo done to ho
ave It. Kitimatod lo about 88,000 , partly hu
uurcd. tjuppoted to bo incoudiary , doCi
Tlio KlKiirca From MlulilKM > .
DKruoir November vc
, II
Slxty-thrco be
ountiod of Michigan report the not Blaine beLi
liir llty at1007. . This includes thin county to
rhlch is Htrong democratic , Thoromaining 17 tom
ountiOH willchatiKu thlH v.lM.i v nil" DIUIJV. In MilWl
fllcial figures the reports from 13 of URBU I f
ave fusion 300 iiettjfucaltly. til
Or , the finance of an Old Sol-
flier's ' Escapade ,
A Domestic Drama in Ono Mat
rimonial Aott
Gon. . Harnoy , at tbo Oallow Age
of 85 Years
Marries His Aged and Honored
Housekeeper ,
Noble Eequital of a Woman's '
Faithful Sorviosi
liullfjiintlmi of llio Old Oon-
l'M UclnlivOB Tlironls of Suits
Int cront In j ; I
ST , l.ouis , M . , November 13. The secret
marriage Into yestmlay afternoon of Mnj.-
Oon.V. . S. Harnoy , the here nf three wnw
and one of the best knnwn gentlemen in the
west , wni n fruittul aouroa of convprnntioii t'J-
dny. The event was nltogothor iiE\i > octed
by the friends of the bridegroom , nnd from the
manner in which Ihedvlicato iilfair wai con
ducted it aeoms the , who Is now in
lib 85th year , elolo a march on hit childicn
nnd other mombera of his family. 'ThotJen-
untl is the oldest ofliccr on thoretired Hat , and
hUoluntiry enlistinent for n lunttimonial
cimpiignhas , to uso'a slang iihmo , "knocked
his friends and fami.y silly. Four o'clock
yoitorday attoroooii the Keconlnr wan summoned -
moned hastily tj the Southern Hotel , whom
he wai ushered into the presence of Ien. !
"I want a marriage license , " said tlio old
"Certainly , " replied the rccordfr , win ; atooil
traustixrd withastouiiluneut. "Wlnt is the
lady's name1'
" .Mrs. Marie St. Cyr , " the Ccnoral.
Tli 3 license wai iuiJi- : put , nnd iX bridal * ,
party consisting of the briilu nnd groom , the
hridc'u s' ' tor and daughter , took carriages nnd
drove to the old dihedral on Walnut street ,
whoio Father Tobyu united the old noldior
and his former housekeeper in the holy bonds ,
etc. Tl atwns n rematka'blo scene witnessed
in the old ca'hoilral in the dim November
twilight. Buforo the nltar Blood the old gene
ral , still erect nud Holdiorly in bearing but
the halting step , the dim nnd clouded vision ,
the whitened locks , nnd the tremulous
tones told of the ravageH that tiino
had wrought. The pinooth-fncod , plainly-
droscd lady bcldu him had bsen his minis
tering nngtl througli many a long niglit nud
many n hard light. She had been with him
constantly for the past fifteen years , miniator
ing t : > him , humo-ing him and guiding him.
Hu wai alwayn miseniblo when she was away ,
and alwajH revived with her presence. Ho
determined to reward her , and boiug the pus.
eostor of a fortune of 81,500,000 , lie settled
upon n marriaqu as the most nppropriatu
thing. Ho drew tin a marrlagu contract
wht'i-eby , for tno consideration of
SI , he conveyed to her aolo nnd"st'parata ufco
and to her heiw ona-Jini/ Mio nntfro leal ,
ii r uj , /niiil mixedcutata , nnd ono-half of his
ilfo estate in various lunds , toncmontH , etc ,
T ! R inslruiiienl was duly signed before the
Tno indie.itions arc Hint tha marriage will
produce the biggest In A' unit Keen in St. Loum
for years. A close connection of tin llnrnoy
family was Bern nnd nskod wiiat the moinbcrx
of the family thought about it. "Of course , "
said thoiolativo , "Air. John Hnrney being out
of town , nud Anna nnd Kliza nlso nbient ,
there is no one hero immediately interested.
AH for tha toit of us , wo don't liku it , "
"But wliat would yon have ? Mrs. St. Cyr
is j a very OMtimnblR lady , of wiiuin nil those
who know her ( I do not ) speak well. "
' 'If the general were forty or fifty joarn
younger anil she n'so wore , say , 'tO yeiiH old ,
I don' know tiiat imybody would hive nny
right to object. It neeniH to me that ho is old
enough to know what ho is doliifr , nnd 1 don't
think that thuro will bo nny serious trouble.
Tim marriage makes absolutely no difference
In the position of the hoiiH , HO that thalr ob-
joctlons cm bn only of a sonlimenUl naturo.
Vou may t y it IB tlie senile vafiry of nn old
man. but then there are two Hideo to ovoiy
question , I nm very terry for it , I wonder
that Mr . St Cyr herself permitted the inar-
riD o. But I nm not goln # to pretend thnt it
an awful nail horrible affair , when at the
woist it Is only n very foolish alFjir. "
When ( ion. Jlarnoy first CAIMO to St. LOUM ( ,
mnny years n o , n handdomo , well-connuctid ,
and very poor olUcur , he captured ono of the
first prl/.si in the matrimonial mirlcot of St.
houi-i. IIu was married to Mi'H IC'i/i ' Mnl-
lani > hy , the daughter of , Iohn Mullanphy
nud the wislor of the nvon bettor known
Brynn Alnllanphy , wh HO i'ctntric carour
one of the hounuhold legends of old St ,
Louis , lly tins mitriage Oen , Hai-ney cimo
for imliaro of ono of the r.ioitost estates
uvor divided In the wfHtnuil tha death of Dry-
Mullanphyu childlHh bicholaraddad : to the
Lotnl. Tlio Hiirney ehaio , which was eaiofully
uurcrd by the trustees , now payn A nut income
.ylUOOOO n jcjr , nnd is o tiiiiuted to bo
worth nearly $1CO,000. , ! Tlio property is
dlogcthor in rojl estate1 , nnd scattered all
iver Kt. Ijiuin , Besldei thu iwtato inherited
'rom his wife Oon. Harnoy has accumulated
lomothing over $10OCO worth of real citato of
own , soriiu of which is Mtuatod lu St ,
jOidH , nnd some in MiiBourl , benldcj the
osiduncu lit I'asH Christlnn , Miss , where the
iowly-wedded _ jiair will live. This properly is
in ffu lmploaud can of courao bo illapoH d
as ho HOOK lit. The only uncumbraucu upon
ny of tha iuoi < erty is a mortgaxi' of SilSO-
111K IllllDE ,
Onn of the moat interesting points about
Harnoy.St. Cyr wedding in the fact that
bridu claims to bo ono of the four living
lucendantH or the great Lord Protector Oliver
'romwoll , nnd that her n Kirlon ; ! of descent
rom the first ICnglish tepnblicin is eupiiarted
cry strongly. Miss Marie Cromwell WMH
lorrii iriBaltlmoioin IHJl ) and came lu St.
ouis HOIKU years ago , Shu was married first
I'aschall fit. Cyr , whoau residence , suvon
nlles out of thu city on the liellfoiituiii road ,
van in Us time ono of the chief H atspf the ol 1-
jHliioniid lioHjiltality of Ht. LUUI'H , Komi
imo after Mr , St Q/r'n death , which cccuriid
nbout a diwrn yi-nr since , his widow , who wni
n'jol'H ' iipcond wife , entered the family of Oen.
" "
" nnmyni iinvato tecroUry. She WAS
n liiRiily nduentod lady , and hoi circumstances
cinipp led her to work for n living. She ptr-
tornipil the duttci nothorriinhly that in a nhort
time nlio won the eutiro cnnfiilrnco of lha old
poiicrnl , who conlidcd his nllalM nttopother
lly the terms of the Mullnnphy wills nud of
the will of Mrs. Hixtnoy C5en. llnrnry lini but
n life inton < sc in the o CttonnJ cntiro cjntrol
of its Income' , which upon Ids death In to bo
dttldcd nnioii their children , share and nhnto
idike. Of tliPto childrrn thcro nro thrco now
living , Mr. , lohn M , llnrncy , the ton , ii well
known in St. Louis \\lirro ho Imi tor tuonty
years occupied n prominent position. There
nro two daughter , both of whom wnrn mar *
ried In Francu tw utj-fourjo rungo. Thorldor
WM Atmto B. who in irlcd Christian Hori >
court , Vlcomto iJo Thnry , nnd the youiiRcr ,
Ml7i B. . who married LiuKnio Comto do
Nouo. Both of Iheso Indies linvo children ,
John M , Harnoy is ptosldont of thoSt , Louis
ilocknv Club ; but of Into yean lin ; been
abroad , I Us believed Hint ho mill his nfotcr *
\\illnotlookwlthrifnvorablu eye upon the
marriage. Ho Is awny from the city , and the
manner in which HID nlfair wnnrushod through
ahowa thnt the contracting part'oa intended to
mtko the knot Indlsiolub o befoto it cou'd be
provi'iitcd ,
I William S , Hntney was born In Louisiana
about eighty live yonra ago , nndwns nppolntod
to thi ) n nny from tint ittnln. Ho became n.
second lieutenant Kobrunry 18 , 181(5 ( , nnd the
following January wni promoted to bo firfiii
lieutenant. November 10. 1821 , ho was trnn.
fcrrcd to tha nttlllory iiorvlco , nnd Dccombo.1
11 ! , 182' ' , back 1tlio infantry. In Mny , 18'r
ho becaiup dtptaln In the first infanlry l *
mcnt , JCight years later he wna counnissioiipd
as major. In August , 1810 , ho was made
'louteiiaut-coloncl of the second drngooni nnd
.11 June1 , 18 1C , colonel of the snmo icglmcnt.
Ho bccimo n brigadiiT-gonernl In 185 , nnd
retired in ISM , having been over forty-live
years in the scrvlco , March 10,1800 , ho wai
lirovotoil innjor-gt'iu'ral. Ho nchiayod honor-
nblo distinction in the _ Mexican war nnd In
tovornl < > nj gi > mnti with the hostllo Indians
in FloiIdn.J
' . .Tin ; Hull
ST. .Toannr , Mo. , November 12. A yonnjr.
ii unmed .Toteph Cook , ngcd 22 , was or'
rested to-night by Deputy Shorlft Blngg , of
Noda way county , Mo. , on tlio charge ot Imv
lug munlored Leonard Iloll , mur Blue Hill ,
Nob. , on Saturday , November 1. When in-
tarvlowod by your correspondent , Coik stout
ly maintained Ids innocence , admitting thnt
lie had boon in Itoll'd umploy , nnd that ho had
left the day of the murder , but thnt ho was
ignorant of his death until arreUod by Blngg ,
A largo reward Uv offered for the real mur
derer , nnd Cook will bo taken to Nubr.xska to
Tlio Storey Will UUKO.
CHICAGO , November 11 , In the Storey will
case to-day the court refused to admit the
will to probate drawn by Mr. Storey In 1881 ,
and which is known ns his lint will , on t'io
ground Hint ho wn * then of unsound mind ,
The will drawn in 18'Jcont ? ininy , nearly thu
Identical pravi < lnnn of the ono of 1881 , bos not
yet boon olfero 1 for probate The court nl o
appointed A , L , 1'attorFon , who lipi boon rut-
ing an conservator , ns ndmimstrator of the CE-
tale in n band of ono million dollars. *
AVroi-U of * 1'asseiifliM' Train.
( .iAi.vr.srox , Tex. , November II. A leril-
bio railrond nccldcnt occurred early this morn
ing on tin Houston .t Texas ralhoad ,
ut llnmpatendTha north bo and night ox- (
D7CtH w\j iiroaipitilsdlnt , the Brnros rtvor.
, rt 11 reported ton personi > vero Killed mid fif
teen wounded ,
Capital Not 'F ,
WAHHINOTON , Ndvember II. The fish com-
isBion car leaves here lo-nlght with n carp
supply for all applicants in Illinois , ] ow.i ,
Wisconsin nnd olliar western status
11 IH learned ut tin w Idle house that there is
no truth In the report Unit tha ollico of com
niHsiouor of pension * has been tendered to
n. Bcnxcr , of I'cnimylvnnin.
Asiii.Vdro.v , No'omberl-1 Although no
successor to Col. Uudlcy , m commisiloucr uf
ponsioiiK , has yet been appointed , It is imdi r-
stood thnt deputy commiaaioner
' 'alrk will 1,0 prom > tnd to fill the vacancy ,
AVi'inlicr Tl > y ,
WAHHISQTOK , November II. Upper MIn-
issipplj fair weather , variable winds , generally
rom thu southeast to southwest ; stationary
cinpcratnto in the southern p rtion nud slight
nil in northern poition ,
Missouri vallny ; fair wculnar , wlmlH gen-
nrnlly from the south to , alight change in
Mthcd Glut * ,
i'UAiioiir , Mass. , November II. Thu Klrg
Upton | Rlii'j worlu burned this morning. Loss ,
* ! ) U,000 ; iiiHiirnrico , .S/o.OOO. One hundred
nnd Iwunty-flvo mua nro thrown out of urn-
Thnt cxcroilliigly < llsn recalilo nn < l very
prevalent illsonni ! , c.ilmrli. Isc.iimctlliy boicif-
nlons tnlnt In the blood. Iloml'H Kansaparllla ,
by Its powciful piulfylng and vltall/liigaellon
upon the blooil , speedily irinovrs tlie cause ,
and thus cllecl.s a radical imil jirrinancnt emu
of catarrh. Tlioso ulio Hiillcr fiom Us v.irlcd
symptoms uncomfoi ( able llowfioin the nose ,
offensive breath , ilnglng nnd Imrstlni ; noises
In the earn , swelling of the 8i > ft parts of the
throat , ni-rvoui prostrationelc. should talio
Jlooil's .Samajurlll.i ami lie filled.
The Best Modlcino
" I hnvo milleieil ullli eal.-inli In my liead
for ycais , ami paid uiiiliiindrcilsuf dollais/or
ini'dli'lni's , hut have hi'icloforo lerelvcdouly
tcmpor.'iiy relief. I licgnn to take Hood's
Huih.ipaillla nud now my calanh If ) neaily
cmed , Iho we.ikncs.s of my body IB all gone ,
inynpputltolHKooil infael , ifcelllUoanntlicr
jicrmm , llood'a Sarsai > arllla Is the best UK il- '
Icliio I II.ITO ever taken. " MltB. A , CUNMIMI- '
IIA.M , I'l-ovklencc , II , J , 1
YeslcrW Qnolate 011 Live Ste
anil Grain al Chicago ,
Oattlo Eulo Dull at Declining
The Last Week for the NorthWestern - !
Western Rangers , .
Hogs Active All Around at Firm
Wheat Well Traded With Firm
er Fooling Prevailine ; ,
Good Spooulntlvo DiiHlnosi In Corn
Ontu Qiuot I'ork Blcndlcr
Special Telegram to Tun BKK.
CHICAGO , November 14. The nrriva'd ' of
Texans and westerns were rather light , only
about three trains of the latter , Bay GO care ,
nnd about as many Texans , This week will
tbout end the Northwestern season , as sev
eral owners will hnvo their last train in this
week , Tha general ninikot iitlod dull , and
prices wcro rather on the down tmn all
around. Poor to faucy shipping Bold at
4 25@0 25 , mainly at 5 255 75. Through
Texans nt -10@3 25 f6r bulls and cows , nnd
! i 40@3 83 for steers. Among the principal
sales of'far-west cattle wcro 144 Montanas ,
1281 , 520 ; ' 138 Montana * , . 1217 , . 5121 ; 03
Montana cow * . 1147 , 4 10 ; 72'Mo'ntMHxcp.wB ,
1162 , 4 25 ; 89 Montana * , 1271 , 0 20 ; 271) ) Mon-
tanas , 1201 , 4 0. |
Active , both on packing nnd shipping ac
counts and values linn nt a 510 ndvanco.
Heavy p-rules , averaging i70 to 4CO pounds ,
SI DC@1 70j mixed packing , 220toCCOpounds ,
$1.10 ® i CO ; llfjht , 100 to 210 pounds , $115 ®
$1 05.
There wcs a good speculative business nnd
the fooling during the spHsIou was generally
qulto linn. Foreign ndvlcea quoted spot
wheat nt n bolter tone , but the carroes oil"
const nnd to nrrivo were quoted dull. "Shrrtr" _
mnnifcstod about the same desire to covej nnd
there was n pretty good denuind , InigQUi-ftoui
local operators , however. The rccjjpts ag
gregated 308 cars , ngnlnst 302 earn Jpbterday ,
nnd tlio arrivals nt other poictH did not show
any noticeable decrease , The market opened
firmer , but later cased off about g@jc , rallied
) 'c ; eaaeJ oft ngain ; fluctuated , nuj cloied i
( < 58c higher than the closing fitrurgij-ycsto.rdny. . %
On tlio afternoon board the fooling was' firm. *
I'rices were unchanged , thr arkot closing nt
72o | ( for November ; 74io , , r December ; 7f@
7Bio for .Tnuuory : 82of % Mny.
J-alr trnnmcted
BtlH the market di not nttrnct m much jvtten-
lion as yestciday
Wit Ir.fluoucoJ by
poets of larger nr1 , , _
wcik ; prices deullno.l 1 f for Novulib
the year ; Iliictuntednnti closed li forNovcnj-
bor ; g for tlio year under yesterday. On the
afternoon boaul , November n. nitr declined J
other options declined J and I , the market
oloslncnt 13 } for November ; 3S2 for Decem " 1
ber ; ! Hi@3Sfl for the year ; 38g for JMny. .
Quiet , ihowodllUlu chnngo , cloning nt 2fli
November , ] Jticiul > 9r nnd tin jear , nnd'sj
for May. *
Wns u sliado firmer , nt 11. (3 ( for the jcar ;
1110 for .Tnntiary ; 11 10 for February.
Pinner , at ( i 03 for November ; 0 87J for Du- ' > f
cember ; ti 00 for Jamiory.
CllldAiiO , November II. Int-r.Oee'an'ii
Sringfiold | , III. , special : Oflicinl returns
fiomnll cjiintloi In the state oxcep' Caok ,
give Oglehby ( lopublicnn ) for go\oruor 15,72:1 :
plurality. Unofliclal returns from Cook give
Oglesby nbout 30J pluri > Hty.
Pro n Trail c 1 1 1 ft i a ( J .
PAWS , Noveinbor 1 1 An nnti-proteclion-
1st league has been fonnod in 1'arin , whoso i/f
nurposo iu to oppcso the proposed .duties of
food Importers.
Under HiniK in Klll y.
AVKSTiiuiiYroilT , Mns. , iNnvombor 1-1.
Oen. Butler was hung in cflhy in Browne
t night by eoico ni'Iuioivn
Hold by nil druggists , $1 ; Blx for $5. Made
oiilyltyC I HOOD & CO. , Lowell , Muss.
100 Doses Ono Dollar.
Seilous conswiucnrrs nro llablo tornsiiolf
t'.itnnu Is not allendi'd to In season , The
dlseasH frcqiionlly ilosli oys the sense ol Bincll
I nnd often developes Into jironchltls or pulmo
nary consumption. Undoubtedly many cases
I of consumption originate In catarrh. Ilood'x
3arsiparllla cures catarrh and has oven
I eflecled remarkalilo euiea ol ! conaiiinjitloii
ItNolf , In Its e.irly Ktage , A book containing
MalemenlH of ninny cmcs by Hood's .Sar.sapa-
iIlia , will 1m ( .cut free lo all who send nildiesa
lo C. I. Hood & Co. , Lowell , JIass.
Catarrh and Impure Blood
"Hood's Sni , < up.irllIa lias liclped mo mnro
for eatarrli ami Impiiio blood tlian anyllilni ;
else I over used , " A , llAi.r. , Syruciiso , N. Y.
"I Btilloic'd thrco years witli catarrh , ana
my general health was poor In consequence. , \3
When 1 took Hood's Sarsaparllla I found I 4
liad the right remedy. The eatarrli isivleldliijr ,
: IH Hood's flarsaparlllrv Is cleansing my blood , K
find the gcncial tone of my system IB linprov- * '
lllC. " KlIA-VIt WjtRllllltllU DnMiottor M V - afrf
Hood's Sarsaparilla i il
Sold by all dniKilnts. $ | ; six for 55. Made
only by 0.1 , HOOD & CO. , Lowell , Mass.
IOO DOSOQ Ono Dollar
\ \
recogn izeel
to 5eeafet )
Tobacco ,