OSlAriA DAILY BliE-FRIDAY NOVEMBER r > 14 1884. THE Friday Morning November 13 LOCAL BREVITIES , Warden Nobcs conducted "I ! . C. ( iiitlin back to the penitentiary ycstf.rday noon. The receipts at the cleaving honso ycstor- day amounted to 8255,910.5' ' . " _ A workman at Ilor'e distillery WM badly hurt on Tuesday , by being caught in the Rfr. ng. Tko Union Star club will give a ball nnd sociable in I.ytlo'a ball , this evening , INo \ombcr 14th. Sines election travel upon the railroads lias greatly Increased and neralj- all the trains now are crowobd , In 'polioo ' court yesterday only two plain 'Urunks appeared for trtaU l ach of them reeoUod thausual doao , § S and cost * . County Clerk Leavitt ban prepared tbo certlficates-of election -nd all who are entitled to"lhcm can procure tlio BMno by calling at hla office , It'ls ow thought by the phyoiclana In at tendance that Andreas ITirt , who had hts orm blown oC by the explosion of n gun , wtll ro- cover. A complaint waa sworn out In the police court against John F. Dierko , charging him wlth'obtaining ten stecra under f also prctcnnos. F. C. Foatner % vas the complainant. A boarding house keeper named K. II. il'rnnklln , at the corner of Stxtcimth and Ma- eon street * , has skipped out , after becoming heavily Indebted to n number of Omaha mcr- i chanta. chanta.The The weather prophets in this city arn now predicting an open winter and many a ipoorman sincerely hopes that their rirodlotlonB may provo true. W. J. Wchlians & Co.'a delivery team ranaway on Park Wlldo avenue Wednesday afternoon. The wagon was ron against a tree and quito b dly damaged , Train No. 3 on the Union Pacific road wan about an hour lateleaving thia city yesterday. Just Q3 the train was lo.iv ng tlm tranafor , a drawhoad was nulled out of ono of the cars and the train waj held until a now ono was put In. The most common remark nowadays , next to "JIOW'H election ? " is "isn't thii lovolv woatlior ? I tiDvor saw ouch wo.ithor at this titnoof year , but I am nfraiJ that wo will pay for it later in the season. " Albert Albcrmetz , a young mat ) who was formerly employed in ono of the hotels In thia citywaa arrested hero Wednesday by an o Hi cor troin Sioux City for tampering with the malls , And taken back Wednesday evening. A disorderly woman named .lomiio Davis living at the corner of Twelfth and Dodge etrooU.took a dose of morphiuo Wednesday , with the intent of committing suicide. A stomach pump xoon brought her back to consciousness. A specimen of the genus tramp was lout night compelled to beat a busty retreat from the residence of Mr. Noligh , on St. Mary's avenue near Twentieth , under a fire from ono of the ladles In the house. It la not known whether the visiting stranger was hurt , but hts flight waa greatly accelerated after the ' "Crst'Bhot. City Marslal Ulispio , of Sioux CItywrot to the city marshal of Omaha , yesterday dialing that a colored man named Tom Trlco was in Sioux City , and Insisted that the au thorities in this cicy wanted him. If ho ia wanted no ono hero knows h.it foras no such man haa over been known to commit a crime in theno parta , Examinations of applicants for positions In the civil service of the United Stntci will bo hold in Omaha on December 3 , The ex aminations cover the "limited" aud "sen- oral classes. " The firot U for copyists at a Biliary of $720 to $000 a year , and the second from $1,000 upward , 1'oreona deairoua of being examined can obtain blanks , with copies of civil ecrvico rules , etc. , on application to Postmaster Coutant , A Biirpriaa party wa given at the resi dence of Mr , Sherwood , on Sherman avenue , In honor of bin twonty-anvonth birthday , last Wednesday Mrs. and Mr. Sherwood were highly pleated , nnd great honor Is duo them in their reception of the guoata , Music aud Hinging were the principal amusements of the evening. Some very beautiful pieces were rendered by Mrs , Sherwood , LIIHo Wood , and Mr. Harding , At 11 o'clock a supper was spread , after partaking of which the happy crowd took their departure , expressing them selves as having had n pleasant time. Thirty couples were present , C'Miloimry. On November 14 , 1781 , ono hundred years ago to-morrow , was the consecra tion of the first American bishop , Loahury , ' of Connecticut. Some of the ! American 2 bishops and clort-y are now in the old country to celebrate the fact at the place of consecration. A sermon will bo de livered to-morrow by Archbishop Benson in Westminster Abbey. The holy com munion will bo celebrated at Trinity Ca thedral at 11 n. in. to-morrow , aud an of address delivered by Dean Millapaugh at the Sunday morning service , Diamonds ! Diamonds ! Diamonds ! Finca stock nnd low cut prices at Edholm & Eriokoon's. _ _ nOtf Everything nice at the fair Thursday evening , and lovely ladies to wait on you. _ 12-21 v For rent Corner store , brick building - ing , Sixteenth nnd Webster streets ; also store in my now block next to the cor ner. Enquire of Jolm II. Erck , Six teenth and Webster. n4tf 1C. Largest ; and best stock of Gold Pens in the city at Edholm & Erickson'a , 3) nOtf Opp Foatomco. F. MAOAZINK IIINDINQ. 11. The Roes Printing On. , 100 south 14th street , make a specialty of all kinds of I' . magazine and other binding. Books called 'for and delivered. Lowest prices. Telephone No. 25U. n7-lw Full line of Ofliou Sationory at Wheel er Bros. tf Gen , Howard will lecture in the Opera IJouso November 21st , for the benefit of rr "Tho Woman's Christian association , " day The subject will bo "Egypt. " The proceeds - DC ceods of this lecture will bo applied to the gun fund for building a homo for the trioud- has le s women , and for assisting women to procure employment BO that they may bo rescued ana became Belfupportin # . BUI abi MIOIIUJAN APPLES. weS Meet ( n the City S { < at S , KAIL'S , with 1308 1310 Douglas street. b-jot ba Now Block of Kino Opera Olaasej fur 11 eale or rent otKWIOLM time KWIOLM & EIUCKSON'H , er , - - . Opposite P. 0 , and SUPPOSED PRIZE FIGHT , ConicilBlnffs Authorities in Search jf Omsha Sliders , Midnight Trnmp UlnclcuCH the Hut the Croud liiul Conr. \Vctlnosdny night about 11 o'clock ' the authorities at Council Binds Swore- notified that a party of Omaha people had crossed th riror to engage in n prlzo fight upon the bottoms upon the Iowa side. The Blufia officora , eager to capture the gang , started out in search of the sluggers. They tramped up and down the river bank , viaitod all the lonely and desolate places to bo found , but without discerning anybody who looked like a pugilist , or any spot which resembled In any way ft place where a bloody battle had boon fought or where preparations had boon made for a "mill. " They had become exhausted , nnd were just returning to town diaguatod , as they thought they had boon made the victims of a hoax , when lol as they approached a clnmp of willows aomo little distance west of the transfer , one of the eagle-eyed onea with n smeller like that ot n bloodhound , thought ho could sniff the gore of a bruised , battered and mutilated victim. The solid column of Council Bluffa braves was brought to a stand ntill and simul taneously they placed their hands upon the the handles of their Battling guns and placed thnmaolvos in roadinosa 10 surprise the villlans who would dare to desecrate the spotless soil of Iowa by such a bar- borons warfare. In the distance they could BOO tha moving forma of the specta tors , as with noiseless tread they owayod this wan and that , aa the watchful ones thought to got a bettor vlow of the com batants. Aa the self-constituted vigilance com mittee gazed upon the auppoapd law breakers , they dropped upon their knees and reverently uncovered their heads they solemnly uworo allegiance to the great state of Iowa and vowed n vow that they would avenge the great wrong done their noble state , by the capture of all parties implicated in the fight , or perish in the attempt. Stealthily , on hands and knees , they crept nearer , until the loader , thinking the supreme moment had como , roao to hla foot and in a whisper , whoso every tone froze the blood in hia companions voiua , exclaimed , "Now , by St. Paul , this Is the night that makes us or does us quite. Chargol" With n maniacal yell they rushed upon the clump of bushen and found nothing , except a few trees waving in the midnight air , and as the wind moaned through the almost barren branches , it seemed to bo mock ing the bravo men who had risked so much to save the state of Iowa from a blot of shamo. But they found some thing else. Upon clodo scrutiny it was observed that a ring had boon marked out In that clump of bushes and the holes where the stakes had boon driven were plainly discernible. The graaa was trodden down and the twigs and underbrush had boon bent and broken , but the party had gene , nnd naught was to bo soon of them. As the party of odicors wended their way homeward - ward , each exclaimed , as ho thought how ho had taken the swaying trees for running men , with Richard III. , "Shadows this night have struck moro terror to the soul of Richard , " etc. If there was a party of Omaha men ( wont from this city to Iowa to fight , It has boon kept very quiet , and no one except those Interested have hoard of it. Ummty CommlhHloiiorH , WEDNESDAY , November IB , 1881. j Board mot pursuant to adjournment. Present , Commissioners Knight , Corliss and O'Kooflo. < The clerk was instructed to loan II. E. Gray the largo picture of the now court house for the purpose of making copies thereof. A Ujads No.JlSB and390 B were submitted to the board and final action postponed to the lilth Inst. The affidavit of delinquent taxes of J' M. Slmoral , and thn petition to appoint Phil. Andrea justice of the peace for Omaha precinct No. 2 , were referred to J. 0. Cowin , Esq , county attorney. The official bond of David J. Soldon aa justice of the peace , Omaha precinct No. , was approved. This day the commissioners had up the of question of opening a section line road commencing on township line between townships 14 and 15 , range 10 , com mencing at a point 80 rods west of the southeast corner of the southwest quarter section . ' 53 , township 1C , range 10 , and at running theiico west on section line 11 miles to connect with county road run ing ning north and south , and considering the above deocrlbod route a practical one and of public good , do hereby doolarn the aamo a public road 00 feet wide , nnd instruct - on struct the county clerk to advertise the tie same according to law. lload 800 B waa submitted , and on mo Itwi tion action waa postponed to the 10th wi inst. inst.Tho vo The following Accounts were allowed ; tal ItOAI ) 1'UNII. BUI Okas. Johnson , grading West Farnain aai utroot $ 11,35 chi ( JK.NKKAIi FUND. wli O'ICeelfe , services na county commis live sioner , October , 1881 ? 103.00 amA P. Knight , service * us county com * mlnsiouor. October , IBS 1 111.00 W. Corliss , eorviceu nu county com missioner , October , 1881 lt8.00 ! I ) . Duncan , Borvicoa as fraud tutor , He October , 1881 8.00 J , Tillottnon , clerk of election , 1'irat tyi district Second ward. . . , 0.00 stil Adjourned. tht ( Seal ] H. T. LEAVITT , County Clerk. up iahod morn A cio of mysterious disappearance is Thi reported ] from North Omaha. On Sun tioi but ; last Alonxo Dorsey , son of J. W. vith Doraey , took a now breech loading shot hea and wont out for a short hunt , mid oha not yet returned. tun Young Doraey waa 23 years ot ago , not amooth face , were a light mustache , wa about 5 foot 10 Inohua iu height and T weighed M5 pounds. Ho had 011 u dark Scotch oip , dark stck cent , light pauta ors black atripoa , aud were Joathur Tim * . Jlo waa last soon , nu fur as can TimD heatcortaiiifd , nt Fljronco lake between nn , and 12 o'clock on Sunday. At this 900. ho was with another party , n atraimJ J 8. nnd the two hired a row boat Id. U went out on tha lake , returning Homo 123 , Ken received of the young man , and fond of hla homo anfl ho was very M nweiiti , much anxiety is felt on their mrtMtohl. here bout , If anyone who saw him at or near J : bronco lake , or olsowboro , will communicate with his fithor at once they wilt confer n great favor. It is not believed that ho would voluntarily leave homo , and foul play is suspected. Seal of North Carolina Smoking To bacco is the best. Mr. Kwtitt of the B. t M. , lias gone we t on business. T. B , Burrows , U. S. A. , and wife , are nt the 1'axton , Cliarllo Towniend , ono of tlio mast popular traveling men on tlio road , is at the Mtllnrd hotel. Goo. W. Post , collector of Internal revenue , Is at the Millard. Ben Frank , of Block , Frank A ; Co. , Lout * villo , ia nt the 1'axton , Mrs.H.Mcany has returned from Columbus where sm ! has boon vlilttcg. Mrs.Dr.Glbbi in entertaining her daughter Mrs. McLaughlin , of Waterloo. Captain Sltidcn loft for Fort Laramlo las' ' evening to take part in a court martial. C. II Ilendricks returned WoiJnoday from trip to St. Paul and Fort Suelling. W. II. Eastman , of the Council Bluff Herald , took dinner at the Paxton yesterday 13. G. PattorBon , of the Union Paiific oflice at Denver , Is In the city on a visit to friends Mr. Thomas Swobo , ono of the proprletoi of the Millard hotel , has gene to Chicago. Mr. J. D. Sheldon has been appointed sue cosssor to Mr. C. 1C Crallo , as chief tolegraj ] operator of the Union Pacific company. Wiley lixon , who for a number of year waa policeman at the Union Pacific depot , lof last night for California , where ho will rctnai : for Rovornl months , The followinc Nebraska people registers nt the Mlllnrd to-day : J. II. MacColl and 33 M. F. Lellany , Dawson county ; Mr. nnd Mrs M. A. Kico , Pnwneo"City ; J. K. Ivos , Crete Mr. S. H. II. Clark , J. K. Market , am several other * , went out ever the B. & M. rom Wednesday for a few days' hunt , They occti pied n Union Pacific special car. At Paxton hotul yesterday the followinj Nebraska people registered : G. W. Carloto ; and wife , Sholtou ; G. II. Cutting , Kearney F. P. Ireland , Nebraska City ; W. H. Ashb nnd wife , Wymoro. Engineer Olds , having finished the work surveying tlio B. k M , routu to tlio Omah stock yards , will start in n few weeks fo Buenos Ayres , having boon engaged to mn ; out a rood in South America. JournaliHtiu Vlsltorn. A select party of Kansas journalists nr rivou in the city Wednesday via the B ifc M. , having como from Concordia , KB. to Odoll , Nob. , ever the now lateral o tha Burlington system , now about a month in operation. They all seem mud pleased with Omaha and the activity o its business. Mr. C. W. McDonald , editor tor of the Ropublicau-Empiro , Concordia and Mr. C. M. Dunn , of the Messenger Minneapolis , KB. , gave the BEE a pleas ant post prandlum call to-day nnd exchanged changed fraternal greeting ? . It is to bo regretted that the entir party did not make their presence known 01 arrival , for nothing would havi pleased the Omaha newspaper men mor than to afford their Kansas brothers every opportunity of seeing Omaha as i is , Our morchanta would do well to remember member this now ayonuo to northon Kansas. If the business men there ore a thoroughgoing : men as the nulll-drivor seem to bo , there ia a chance for our ma tropolis securing a valuable demand mar kot. JUolCCIH t Wednesday the marriage of Dr. M 0. Riokotts nnd Mian Alice Nelson wa solemnized nt the residence ) of the bride' parents by llov. P. A. Uubbord , of th A. M. E. Church. The groom Is a talented ontod young physician , having gradua ntod from the Omaha Medical college las spring with high honors , which entitles him to n great deal of credit as ho had to work hard against fate in order to ob tain his education. The bride is n ploaa ing young ladyand ia in every way iittec for n life companion to her worthy 1ms band. The young couple were attoudnd dur ing the ceremony by Mr. Oscar Uicketta and Mies Ida Bruca. After the ceremony the guests partook n wedding supper which had boon prepared pared by the well known caterer , Mr. Thomas Wheeler. The Central HoHpltal. The Central Hospital , which Is located the corner of Fourteenth and Jones streets , ia a hrgo , fouratory frame build and about fifty pationU can bo ac commodated there. Although the hospital lias been open only three months , aa many as eight pa tlonU have boon in the trardsatono time. ia comfortably fitted up and ia supplied with all the modern appliances and con vonioncoa. It ia In every respectnhoapl , there being lying in , eye and oar nnd surgical departments , also a free dispen sary for out patients. The surgeons h charge of It are Drs.SHrotnam and Ralph , who are assisted by a consulting board o ; physicians. . It is a good institution nill doubtless bo largely patroni/.od , Tin ) CIillil'M Hospital , The ladies In charge of the Child' Hospital assert that there are now twen as one childrun being cared for in the in. Cc atitution , and that It is linpossiblo fur them to nocommodoto any moro. The upper ] story of the building is not yet fin. and when this ia completed innny children can ba nooommodated. all ladies ro very anxious that this per of the building should bo finished ' they huyu notjut the meana to go on : the work , If any good , genoroua will teartcd citizen has a desire to do H little tharitablu work hero ia a grand oppur- unity and if ho look far and ividoho will lotfind ! a moro worthy cause , The following are the real estate trans- filed for November 12 and reported to BKK by Ames1 real estate agency. copt . II. Bowman und wife to D. S. Pat- w d , lot 0 , block 15 , Shinn's add , . as Ooltnor and Wife to 0. ed lota 1 , 2. 8 , 4 , G , \ 10 , 17 and 18 , blk Millard , $5500 'i ' FRISKY FRANKLIN , X Hoarding JI on so Kfop'-r Ships the Countrj. For a year or moro past a man named R. II. Franklin has been keeping n boarding house at the corner of Six- oenth and Mason streets , In tddltion , o his boarding house ho has also kept a meat market and grocery storo. A few daya ago ho said that ho was going away ; o get married. IIo haa not been heard ol einco , and haa loft behind hin a num ber of crodltora who are very anxious for lis return. Thia man Franklin has a history which la well known to a gontlonun iu Lhia city who volunteered to relate It to a BRE reporter yesterday. At the February term of court , 1878 , In a little toun in Ohio , this man Franklin was placed upon trial for burglary. He was convicted and sentenced to the penitentiary tentiary for two years. A year late thla same gentleman had occasioi to visit the penitentiary , and there saw Franklin. After serving his term Frank tin made a little money and finally driftuc to Omaha , where ho opened a moat mar kot. lie waa mot upontho _ street on day shortly after his arrival by the gen tleman above referred to , and at one recognized him. Franklin bogged th uontloman not to say anything in rogar to his past life , as ho was now try ing to load a bettor ono ; an the gentleman , thinking hia stor might bo true , complied with hia rcquosl During the past few months sovora boarders atFranklintfhouso were robbo during the night , and no clue to th thief was obtained until now , when it i suspected that Franklin was the man wh committed the Crimea. The gontlema whoso house Franklin burglarized i ; Ohio now lives in a little town butwee this city and Lincoln , and he succoedo in capturing Franklin after ho had com milled the crime. From all accounts , Franklin is a ba ono , and the city of Omaha ia to bo ran gratulalod upon the fact of his havin taken his departure. DISTRICT COURT , nnd Olmi'k Appcnl to th Courts to Secure Tliclr LOSBCH ly FIr . 0. M. Leighton and others , constitul ing the firm of Lcighton & Clark , whole sale druggists in this city , instituted olgh suits in the district court against varion insurance companies , as follows : A gain a the Niagara Insurance company of Now York , for $400 29 ; against the Inauranc Company of North America , fo $1,105 72 ; against the Lancashire Insurance anco company , for $1,105 ; against th Imperial Fire Insurance company , o London , for $1,105 72 ; against the Gor mania Fire Insurance ) company and th Hanover Fire Insurance company to $2,331 ; against the Union Fire lusuronc company , of San Francisco , Cal. , fo $1,165 73 ; ngainst.tho Phoenix , of Hart ford , Conn. , for § 1,105 73 ; against th Firomans' Fund Insurance cimpany , c San Francisco , Cal. ! , for SI , Tr' . " . 72. The petition In the cases alleges tha the plaintiffs stock of gonda at the tim of the loss was woith § 84,500 , covered b insurance to the niiount of § 72,000 , tin damage to the siao being § 42,000. Thi plaintilla further dlego that those sever al sums are the proportionate amount duo from those v rlous companies which now refuse to pa ; I ho bauio. Several rumors have been set afloat ; a ; to why the companies rofuio payment but nothing authentic could bo learned After the summary disposal of the ChaHo action , thocaso of the state ngaina Clark , charged with obtaining money under false pretenses , was called up. Th defendant plead guilty and was after wards permitted by the court to with draw his plea stating , with his cock-oy upon the judge , that it was hia twin brother , whoso resemblance to him wa very close , who committed the crim complained of. "If your brother , " sail the court , "has a cock eye you had bet tor got him to defend you. " The cas was continued ever until this morning when it will bo taken up. FOR SALE A good family horoo buggy and harness. L , A , HATH , Post Ollico Box 30. Dr. I'dinter Appointed U. I * . Surgeon Official notiGcation of the appointmon of OicarS. Pfnifl'eraa chief surgeon o the Union Pacific railway , vice Dr. S. D Mercer resigned , will ba Issued from th Union Pacific headquarters to-day. Dr PfeifFer , who arrived in the city yester day , is a Boston gentleman and is now on his way to Denver , but will remain li Omaha for n couple of days This now appointee Is quite r'oung man. IIo ia a graduate of the Harvrd medical school nnd was $ , wo years connected with the Maesachu setts General Hospital at Boston. Mr. ' Pfoillor will bo statiohod at Denver where " ho headquarters of the mocical depart II nont of the Union Pacific road are. So . soon as the now chief surgeon becomes acquainted with hla work It is oxpoUed an assistant to him will bo appointed in this city , Sinoko Seal of North Carolina CO. Tlio Street Car * . Work upon the various now lines of thostroot railway Is being pushed aarapidly possible nnd just as soon as they are completed cars will bo put to runn ng . upon them. Superintendent Smith informed 3 formed a BKI : reporter , yesterday that juat as ooon as possible cars would com mence running every ten minutes upon the lines aud that cs soon as thia was done the rara would bo started at six o'clock in the morning and run until midnight. Tlio T/u'rtoonth street line probably bo ready for operation within a week nnd cars vrill commence running out that way. T he her r Hov. l > r. "WorttilDKIDII Accopls { Hon. J , M. NVoolworth , member of the commission on notificanau , yesterday re ceived a telegram from Hoy. Dr , Worth- ngton , of Detroit , stating ho would ac- Yiyn the episcopate of Nebraska , if the jiuhops and standing cominittomiof other liocojos would confirm. Mr Wuolworth requested by Dr. Worthington inform Ounon Patterson , Becretary of this di-1 , oceso , of.hia , decision. ot Canon Patterson will at once notify the sixty , eight bishops and slxty-ono Btanditic committees that the bishop elect is awaiting their confirmation. Absolutely Pure , Ibis powder never varies. A romel 01 puidty etionRth and wholcsomenros. More economical than the crdirmry kl d , and cannot bo Bidd In competition with the multltuJo of low tort , ( Oiort wolght nlumor phofpbat powder , Sold only In rains. KOYAL BAH I 'J I n WUr.ll CO. . ICO Wall utroct N. K ARSIIOUS RYINGTOHOLDDOVIN EARLDAKING POWDER. ITAMBOUHDTORIScX PURE CREAM TARTAR. SIOOOp Civera Ifalamoraiiy Injurious nibstaticcscar * be found In Andrews' Pearl Baking Powdc . Js pos- tUclypURE. JtcInRcmlortcil.nnclte- ruceled Irani such chemists as S. Dnna ilays , IJos- Inn ; M. Deliifontalne , ofClilcnBo ; nnd Guitavua llode , Mllnnukee. Ncvprsold Iu bulk. C. E. ANDREWS & . CO. CHICAGO illLWAUKEE , 287. SSU& 201 K. Water SL The Improved Keady Contains tables showing the and value of any quantity of merchant GO at any price from a quarter of a emit to ton dollars , cither by weight or measure. Alao tables of wages and board by the day , week and month ; board , scant ling and plank measure ; cubic measure ment of timber ; log measure and weight of grain per bushel , and interest tables. Also the interest laws of the diftcrcnt states , Businoea lawn in daily us a Busi ness forma , etc. Thia valuable book which shot.1 bo in the bands of every man and boy In the land will bo sent postpaid on receipt of fifty cents by the x PUBLISHING Co. , Omaha , Neb. 1 aud 2c stamps taken. nov8-lm a -3 r. u ) U b , citotjonMUD UD tiiuu KEACB HEREFORD UD JEBSEf CUTTLE AD DUROO OR JKRSI'.V KKD SWISS jTYoun ? stoo'c tir wle t ! urcsnotidimca anllrlnts Rural Hebraska , Tlio loading Agricultural anil the Stock Journal of the west ; 20 pages 83 columns , cut and ttltchcd , maglz nu form , li.is a handsome Illustrated co\cr , and haa boon established 15 jcars. 'Iho beat meth ods of western farming Fruit Growing , Etc. , and the Ll\o Stock Interest of the great Glazing and Agri cultural regions of the west , ably dlsciBcd ard ro- viewed. No ono who tills a flower or plant , or * foot of land ; who owns a homo , cow pi ; or chicken can afford to bo without the Hural Nobraska. The Best Write Contribute to Itsrpaie9 , The IMltorblf are crisp , unbiased and to the point , It Is putbshed at the low HUbfcrlrtlori price of $1,00 a jcar ha * a larger circulnt'on ' than that of any other publication of thia kind In the un-t , and occupies a Front Ilank MIIOIII ; the bent Agricultural mid Lite Stock Jour nala In the United tittles. The Homo Circle. Department of "the Rural Nebranka U a npecla feature bicb alwaja wakes It a welcome vialtor at theFamlly Fireside. Agents "Wanted. Wo pay 1'ostniasters and Local Ak'enta a bigger Cacti Commleelon than any other publlahers In America , and gl\o llonkH , I'ccket Knl\cs , Watches , Kto , I'RKH to Days and GUI' ) who taVc subscriptions for us. llluttrated Premium List 2 cents , The "Weekly Bee And the IIPKAI , NKIlltASKA one \ear each for $2,25 , only U cents mure then the price of the ( Una alone. K\ery Boy and < < lrl who feuds us 10 cents or agent'aoutfit ( , ( ample copies and Illustrated i'rcmlum Mat , will roccho an elegant assortment of lloautiful I'lclurn Curds. AddrwH , S. SMITH & CO , , ice , 1C8 S. Hth St. , Om Neb. m Qalvanizeu iron Cornices CIT ) T n > \Vlnlowi , Tintah. T n , Iron ( Inlay , flp'J'it' * I'atsnt M < tai.h fliyll li nttljuljl Ittllid'.t Uuniid U okat JTiltli tl , ' < l'ril { it < ) C' ' tJ I'D II 41) it I /'ii'l'ij.'t'l ' airilJi , V'jriilii , AMWO run LIKE or THE lilcago. . St. . Paul , Minneapolis m OMAHA FIAILV/AY. Tb < new eilanilon of thin lieu front WnkoCiU Uf EAUTIFUL VALLEV of th.J GAN taotei ) { ho but portion of tfto U'.ito , ( i ; > cc'il ci urslvu retr foe Und ictlurj ovir tt.n line ( , Norfolk and lUrtlitoa , aad tU ftlili to ft ttndiul poYta CD the lOUX'OITy & PAOIFIO IUILHOAD t , t' * 0. KMUfcv IK Oav ica , afsui City , Tonci , LUitlncton , V/4 > iw lad rMk , < iOoxa.xi.oot ii.t "OXyA-if I Xicowat , OikJa.c , Nolljh , and through la Vtl Ha. [ entlae. ciu tttllla andfotmttlaa call OB fiimebaugh < & T 9 J/AKGEST STOCK OF 5 In. ittxe Buy your Fine Bronzed Hardware at Home for less than Eastern Cities Can Deliver it. Send for Our 250 Page Catalogue , only one issued in Nebrnask ONE HUNDRED VARIETIES Counter , Hay , Stock and Railroad Track , ADOPTED BY THE UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT Orders for the Indian Deuarlmenfc given for Buflhlo Scales ex clusively. Scale SZBIOIP 1405 Douglas Street. - OMAHA. NEBRASKA , PALL "WINTER. GREAT BABQAMS IN AND GENTS' Visitors to the State and others in need of Men's , Boys' nudilclrenV Clothing , will do well to call on The Strictly One Price House in the City And examine their goods nnd prices. They carry the largest stock , ni sell lower than any other house in the city. Merchant Tailors don't fail to call at 1216 FAENAM ST. 216 UPHOLSTERY AND DKAi'EIUES , l'ASS NGiRJ ELF.VATOIt TO ALL FLOORS | 1.103 , 1203 ami 1210 Farnam St. , Omalii , Xeb. tri f-'i r'-fr-n WML isjKnsrxoE : & , FSF3 . . . - ? : = = = = - r.7 r ; vi w\-5r s r IV iH ' Ti\ > iW'j45J' ( ' ! ( t - vjs.11' r - * . IK5lV . _ , ? . . W i , ; ' . . . riUTOfAU/aifA'4 . . . . . . - lii. , . . : . . , . , fcl..i yj.i. ? < r < : ( < i7SiJ | | L p = = - ArJW V X A / \ X. /\j A ; \ / ' . . . KS.'sf . * * l " J * ' "r- * .Ji.i5s'f& _ * "i ( r 'Xs i - < ; jrT'Vf . ' * r SSSwS - - - - ATO TWO WEI-EL OAET8. ,111 ! ) tnj WO UtiuDy fllre . l anal d. l tl3tl ! el , | Catalo lDtn < l < td T 1. GERMAN D. WYATT , ca m - W - wan H O 3 g I I | w O p3 O OT 3UMINGS AND 20TH BTS , . OMAHA , NEB Kfitmfrri nmap Ife ' People Consultation aud Oorrcspondfice Qraiit. P. 0. Bor 202 , Telephone No. SO. HON. KD\VARD RUSSKLL , Poitmaatcr , Davenpoit , tr.ra : " Physiclftn of . Ability and Murked Suocow. " COKORESBfilAN MTOPHY , Davenport , Itea ! "Amtonorahlu Mart. Fine Bpccuta. Wonderful Oiirca. " HnurB fl to 6.