Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 14, 1884, Image 4

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_ -rl'-u ii
Otuahn Olllco , No. Oto Krnam Sf.5
Council KlufT * ORico , No 7 Vends
Street , Nonr Bron
Mow York Onico , Itoom OB Tribune
rahl ! h d tvrrj rrornlnjf , except Bond * ? ' Thfl
ml ; KonJ/iy morning dally.
One YCM . tlO.03 I Throe JTonilu . ( .00
Stl UonVU . t > .m I Ona Uoulh. . . . . . . . . LC3
Pit Wcok , 75 Oontj.
mi WBIKfcY BOB , rmUMan KVEBt ;
has TOM . tl.04 I Three Uonths . t 60
Billionth * . 1.00 | OnoUonth , . . . SO
A Osmmunloatlons relating to Nowi nd Editorial
in Uteri should ba addrcmod to the KDITOB or Tni
Uir ,
i tnrnu.
All nasine'i t/ottcrs Mid RomltUnoca Should be
aildrewcd to Tni Bin I'DFLisnixa OowrAST , QMAIU.
Ciufts , Chock * and PrwtofTlco order ! to ba tnado pay.
able to Iba order of the company.
K. 11OS13AVATKU , 10(1 1 tor.
A. II. Filch , Manager DallyCirculation , 1'
O. Box , 483 Omahn , Neb ,
Tun democratic roosters nro no spring
A VOTE in the ballot box ia worth two
on the ontaido.
WIIF.THEU Cleveland or Blalno ia proal-
deut , the wngea of sin will romaiu the
Wi : wonder if O'ovoland will giro any
of these campaign rooatora a place In hi.i
cabinet ?
ST. JOHN haa boon hung in effigy in
-St. Johnsburg , Vt. The people of St.
Johnsburg will probably clmnqo ( _ the
name of their town.
Wn have scon n great many rooatora
occupying prominent poaitiono in the
columna of the press of Into , but as yet
wo have failed to discover the Hod-
Headed Rooster ot the Rockies , HOB ho
fallen into n proopoct hole in sotno mining
gulch ?
Tun rooator haa been occupying a pret
ty prominent place in American politics
during the last few days , but what has
become of the American eagle , proud
bird of freedom ? la ho played out , or
bp.B ho retired from the political Hold
.along with the bloody ohirt ?
TUB Now York World throws out n
< gentle hint that it would bo a credit to
the Empire Stuto to lay aside party con
siderations and to tender to Roscoe Conk-
ling the United Statoasonatorahipof that
common wealth. Is this to bolloscoo's
oward for hia legal services in behalf of
'tho democrats ? It may bo possible.
HBNDKICKS is on a tour reviewing
democratic procenatono. Should ho got
into the vice president's chair what an
immense procession of democratic oflico-
eookora ho will have to rovlow. Every
member of the party who haa carried a
torch nno single night during the cam
paigns of the last twenty-four yean will
demand n reward. Wo nro afraid that
the cupply of soft placoa will not go
THK refusal of ox-Marshal Guthrie to
testify against ox-Mayor Chase caused
not a little surprise , an Guthrie had testi
fied before the grand jury , and it was on
ibis testimony that the indictment was
found. Although Oolonol Chase haa escaped -
capod the penitentiary , any sympathy
now for Guthrie will bo misdirected.
Having toatiGed in the grand jury
room , and having refused to too-
> tify in open court , ho deserves
no sympathy. If ho told the truth be
fore the grand jury , ho certainly ought
io have testified upon the trial. The
proof that there was collusion between
'Ohase and Guthrie exists in the fact that
tall the appeals and the praycra of the
best people of Omaha , aa well as of the
mowapapors , were unavailing in the effort
to have the mayor remove the marshal al-
ithough the evidence against the marshal
xrna overwhelming. Colonel Chase , how-
ovorha3 already been quito severely pun
ished by his impeachment and removal
from oflico by the city council , and by
hla indictment by the grand jury. The
lesson taught ia one that will not bo for
gotten for years to como.
THKIIK is something very peculiar in
the propoHod scheme of letting the con
tract for 50,000 yards of paving before
winter sets in. In the first place no
more paving can bo done this year , and
therefore there should bo no hurry about
it. In the next place wo should know
< on what streets this paving Is to bo done ,
iso that wo conld decide what material
will bo the most suited to the location ,
.No contract should bo lot until next
spring for the reason that very material
Gauges are needed in the law regarding
paving taxes. Up to the present time wo
Iiavo [ divided the paving tax into
five yearly installments , and fivo-
.year bonds have been Issued
to cover the whole coat ,
It utrikos us that it would bo advantage
ous both to the city and taxpayers to
have the law amended BO aa to provide
for the Issuance of ten-year initead of fire-
year bonds. This will give the property-
owners ten years in which to pay the pav
ing taxes , and they will hardly feel the
burden. Such a change will enable us
to pave our residence atroota and extend
4ho paving cystom to the outskirts of the
city , whuro the people of moderate means
reside. The tax on the five year installment -
mont plan would make it a hardship on a
great many poor people , uorao of whom
might liavo to part with their llttlo
.homes , whereas the tax to be paid In ten
yearn could bo borne without any serious
Inconvenience. If the Douglas county
delegation can ugrco in this matter , there
will bo no trouble in getting an amend-
xnent through the legislature In ample ,
lime for letting contracts for paving that
i4 to bo done the coming year.
A great many republicans have boon
misled by the clatter and clamor of fire-
crtlitift agitators who seem to bo anxious
to plunge the country into disorder and
icvoltilior. It has lieoti manifest to levelheaded -
headed republicans that the prospect * o
Blalno and Logan are almost hopeless
The loaa of Indiana , Connecticut an
New Jersey his loft no poaoiblo chanc
for the election of the republican candi
dates outside tf Now York , and while th
ntato of Now York is very cloao the preponderance
pondoranco of testimony from roltabl
sources haa been from the start it
favor of Cleveland and Uondricks. Th
patriotic and conservative class of the
republican party cannot afford to counto
nauco or encourage any attempt to over
ride the popular verdict by legal quibbles
and tochnicalitiea. The republican party
can bettor afford to accept defeat than to
try to extend its tenure of power by dls
honest methods. The democratic party
haa survived twenty-four years of defeat ,
and haa in a great measure outlived the
odium that was fastened to it on accouul
of its disloyal tendency during the war
of the rebellion. Witn Us patriotic ant
iplondid record aa the savior of the uniot :
and conservator of good govern
ment the republican party
should certainly not despair
of success in the future , provided always
It con maintain the reaped of the groal
body of its followers , The nairow mar
gin with which the democracy goes into
power ia within Itself n guaranty that it
will not dare to noriously imperil the
poaporlty of any part of the country or
attempt to reverse any of the results ol
the war.
The balance of power in thia country
to-day ia hold by the independent voters ,
and they would rally around the repub
lican banners four yoara hence to de
pose the democracy if that patty
should dare to do what the
zealots are predicting , namely , to attomp
to pay the confederate debt , pension the
rebel soldiers , and cripple the commorcia
and industrial affairs of the country by
some radical and ill-advised policy. The
safe loaders of the ropublioan party are
not by any moans these who now are :
shouting for gore and insisting upon re
aistanco to the decree of popular major !
tics , but these who are willing to bow to
the will of the people and accept the in
When Abraham Lincoln was electee
president , the firo-oatora of the south and
Iho spoils-hunters of the domoc-
acy aroused the southern people
nto rebellion before a ainglo
ivort act had boon committed by the re
lublican president. Rather than submit
n the popular verdict they sought to do-
troy the union and establish a confodor-
cy upon its ruino. At the end of twonty-
our years of rule the republican party
iaa mot with a reverse , and an clement
hlolly composed of political donporadoos
S trying to create a revolution , which
rould not only dcatroy the republican
iarty but the government aa well. Are
hoao reckless swashbucklers and spoils
longora who have dragged the
arty down into defeat , to bo
aokod by honorable republicans
i their schemes ? They do not scorn to
aalizo that they have put themselves in
10 same attitude aa the southern fire-
itors and democratic place-seekers gen-
rally placed thomaolvoa immediately fol-
wing the bourbon defeat in I860.
Among these loud-mouthed politicians
ho ondorao the methods now being
ursuod by Elklna , ChaiFoo , Bliss , Jouci
; Co. , there ia net to bo found a slnglo
minont republican loader who enjoys the
anfldonco and respect of the party ,
/ho ia this man Elkins ? Ho was a rebel
urlng the war , and a democrat up
) within eight years ago. Ho has von-
jrod into this campaign like a reckless
ambler and haa grown desperate ever
la impending wreck. Who ia thla "nan
haffee ? Ho ia a bonanza king from Colo-
ido , whoso leadership haa boon BO cor-
upland rotten that his own people have
apudiatod him. Who is thia man Bliss ?
to was the star-route prosecutor , who
llowcd the thieves to escape while ho
row a fortune in feoa from the govern-
lent. Who is thia man Jones ? Ho ia a
on-ontity , withmorr/monoy than brains ,
nd whom nobody ever hoard of outside
f Pittsbuig in the great political otrug-
loa which the party haa gene through ,
uroly these men cannot bo regarded aa
ifo pilots.
Such eminent , influential and discreet
jadora as John Sherman , Eugene Halo ,
loorgo F. Edmunds , William B. Allison ,
Vllliam Wtadom , George F. Hoar , .
loorgo 8. Boutwell , Juatin M. Merrill ,
Iraory Storrs , Joseph R Hawley , Simon
Inmoron , Ben. Harrison , Samuel Kirk-
oed , and oven John A. Logan , have
id nothing to disturb or agitate the
ountry daring this critical period ,
lave they conjured up the bitter roson-
imonts and sectional hatrnds of the war }
> o they countenance any man or any
lovcmont looking towards a rotistanco
9 the verdict of the ballot box ? Is It
ot self-evident that the aobor senao of
bo ablest men in the republican party ,
a well as of the patriotic element of the
epublican masses , does not sustain thn
iloater , bravado , and bull-dozing by
rhich Elklns and hit associates are try-
ng to prolong the electoral controversy ?
SOMK hot-headed domocrata entertain
ho idea that foroo will bo coccssary to
eat Grover Cleveland , and they are Tol-
mtoering their services to wade through
cos of blood if necessary to put Mr ,
Jlovclind in the presidential chuir. The
3t. Loula Globe-Democrat "ofllcially" re-
ulnda fiuch idiots that if Cleveland gets
ho right to bo sealed , ho will not need
my help unices ho should in the inoim-
imo contract the rheumatism , and on
ho other hand if ho dees not obtain the
right , "there are not democrats enough
in the t iinlry to nnlco Its slack of Mr
Okveland'a pnnlalor.iis . -quaintcd will
the plush of Iho presidential chair. "
.Sprelal Diopatcli to the Giobe-Domocrnl.
S.UT LAKE , I * . T. , November 11. The
Idaho nnd I'tah Stock Grower * ' association
in reAtlon at O Jcn , to day passed the follow
Kerohed , the rpprcstntatives of the
lnck Interest ! ! of Utah and Idaho express our
prclcrcncn for ( Jen. iTfttncs S. Hrlabln , of tlio
1'mtcd Stales nrrny , for president of the cat
tleincns' con\rnlion to bo hold fltSt. Louh
nn November 17th , and will tno our best on
joavoni to aocura hia olcctlon ,
The stock-growers of Idaho and Utah
mutt bo hard up for material for a rcpro
tentative whoti they ondorao our own
"irrepressible Jim" for president of Iho
lalional cattle convention , or else they
ro not very well acquainted with thai
nvotorato and indiscriminate inkslinyor.
rhoy hare evidently boon deceived in
.hat mountebank. The idea of having
irasahoppor Jim to proaido ever the
lational cattle convention is enough to
naka n Texas nicer go mad with indigna
ion. It is high-lime for that literary
[ tiaok , who writes so many original nrti
ilon from the encyclopaedias , quack
looks , and war-records , lo lake a back
oat and devote moro of his valuable
imu to the regulations of the army. Jim
itisbin's gall puts the cheek of a govern
nont mulu na much in the shade as the
ilnctrio light looms up above a tallow
: andlo.
THK supreme court of Illinois haa do
tided that Iho dirccloro of a national bank
ire liable for deposits made nfler the
jink had become insolvent , when tlfi
lircctors by duo diligence might have
< nown the fact of ouch insolvency. Thin
a said to bo the lirat judicial declaration
> f the liability of bank directors in sucl
jBscs , except one recently rendered in
Now Jersey on a collateral question. I
a the first in Illinois in any form.
Now that the democratic candidate haa
i fair chance of becoming president , Mr
Daniel Manning , his right hand bower
proposes to enter the matrimonial state
take n flying trip to Europe and return
n time to assist iu putting Mr. Clovolanc
n the presidential chair. Mr. Cleveland
jught to give him a good send-off.
ISN'T it adding insult to injury for Iho
joard of public works of Omaha to notify
William Pitt Kellogg that ho must build
i sidewalk around his property in
) maha , so soon after ho neglected to re-
> air his political foncoa in Louisiana ?
Ai.r , trainmen on the Ohio & Missiaa-
ppi passenger trains havoboon prohibited
rom smokinc ; while on duty. The
onoral manager haa como to the conclu-
ion that ono smoko-atak , located on the
ocomotivo , ia enough for all practical
WHAT surprises ua is that the Omaha
Republican docs not print it'o gory arti-
iclco in rod ink. Of the whole crowd
Dnnootod wiih that warlike institulion
ot ono of them nmellod gunpowder dur-
ig the war.
THK eastern manufaclurora now admil
lat notwithstanding the election of
rover Cleveland , they will continuo to
9 business at the old stand.
Ir there is any virtue in advertising ,
us How Orleans World's Exposition
jght to prove a gigantic success in every
mpoct. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Moro Kullroiul Competition ,
Licagu Tribune.
Another "last spike" was driven Sat-
rday. Thia last spike was that which
uded the "Oregon Short Line , " by
hioh the Union Pacific , bonding up-
arda from its main line at Granger ,
jnnocto by a now line of 800 miles iu
inglh withtho OrogonRiilwayitNaviga-
ompany'a road near Walla Walla , on
10 Columbia river , and secures an on-
anco into the rich regions of Oregon
ad the Pacific northwest. No fostlvi-
es were indulged in on the occasion ,
like the quiet driving of the last spike
jir.o weeks ago on Uuntlngton's South-
m Transcontinental line , the laying of
10 last rail on this new highway waa
catod as a simple business proceeding ,
nd only another stop ferwaid in the
inevitable conjllst" between our great
ulroad corporations across Iho contin-
The same day which brought the an-
ounccmont of the completion of thia
Oregon Short Lino" wo were given the
owa by our Montreal correspondent that
egotlations were in progress for the con-
) lidallou of Iho Canadian Pacific find
io Montreal Ocean Allen Line Shipping
ompiny. The effect of this union
ould bo lo give the Canadian Pacific
.earner connooMon with Asia on Iho weal
nd Europe on Iho oaal , and to make it a
lost formidable competitor for all the
ansportation business that moves along
le endless line it covers. The Allen
tcamahip Company , which would attend
) Iho water end of thla combination , haa
fleet of thirty ocean aloamors , and ia
no of Iho most shrewdly and economU
illy managed companion on Iho ocean ,
ho railroad , buill with cheap stool rails ,
id cheap labor , and with the most gen-
ous government aid , ia , with Its access
i the United States by water on the Pa-
fie cosst end by Iho Great Lakes , well
ttod lo become a very important factorin
10 lailroad business across the continent ,
lit oMurodly will.
Evidently from these /acts it is not at
11 necessary to wall for Iho completion
F the Niagara canal to enjoy lower rates
it transcontinental travel and traflio.
ho Union 1'ucilio now enters Oregon
nd Washington us a serious competitor
f Iho Northern Pacific. The Central
'icilic iu there ulwuya us a competitor ,
'ho Canadian Pacific with Ita Heel of Al >
m Line sleamera will bo there us soon
3 its last upike is driven , The steamers
f the Northern Pacific running to San
'rancisco make it a competitor there of
10 Central Pacilio , which hau another
Ival ht llio Atlanlio & Pacific , and poeci-
ly another in Iho not distant future in
lie Southern P.-.cilic , when llunlington
ud hij partners got ready to give up tlio Pittillc to llio government with
11 ila julco tquceztd out.
The pro pucls for the maintenance of
lie extortionate rates that hiuo been
hurgcd on transconlinouUl butiucta are I
not good , lljilrood n.-n kcup inventing
now kinds of pools , InJUvo no * y t eua-
ccedou in Inventing a " > J W d cf rail'
road man -ho could tr-P hia plighted
fatth. lUtcs that nro too h g " 'o going
down and will go lowtr. "no reeult of
IhiamDy bo to give the rasnngora of thcto
rend the idea lhal li ! - mujfh Irafllo ia a
ccod deal of n will o' the wiap , and that
the really profitable Ining for Ihom to
look after ia Iho locil territory where
they have no competition. When this
idea has gained lodgment it will naturally
suggast thn next , which ia that it will
pay much better to sell their lands cheap
to occupiers lhan to hold them on epocu
lalion. The Pacific roada are now mo
nopolizlng va&t tracts which it waa never
they should hold for the langlh of time
they have kept them from solllcmont.
They want two prices for Ihoso landa.
Their true policy iato turn thorn to actual
settlers in quantities to auit and for a
prlco so low that the farmers of the norlh
and of Europe cannot wilhaland the
temptation to buy them. The monstrous
land speculations of Iho Pacific roads are
a great injury to themselves and lo the
whole country. What Iho Norlhorn Pa
cific most of all needs is moro aottlora ;
moro population along its line ; more
farmers , more mechanics , more minors ,
It can only secure those producers ol
freight and travel by selling its lands
cheap to actual settlers and by reducing
its local freight and fare * to points whicl :
will enable iu patrons to live and thrive ,
and to attract more people each year into
its territory , Have its managers breadth
of wisdom aufiiciont to see and compre
hend thpao things ? Thus far they have
boon blind to them , and have pursued
the narrow , shortsighted , cutthroat pol
icy of charging their local patrons "al :
Iho Irafllc will boar , " and they have losl
millions of money by it. Ltvo and lol
live ia the only policy that will prosper
and aland the tooth of time and the
pressure of competitors.
Government Employes.
Cincinnati Coinmcrclal-CuzoUe.
WASIIINOION , D. 0. , 'Nov. 8 The
effect of a change of administration on
the employes of the government ia now
the most interesting question hero. Ac
cording to the report of the civil-service
commission there are in all about 110-
OCO persona holding oQico in the United
Slntrs , 50,000 of whom are post masters ,
1,000 nro in the railway mail service , and
1,000 in the infernal revenue service out
side of W&ablngton , the roat being
divided among customs and consular ser
vice and oilicora and clorka of congreca
and the federal courts. A largo proportion
tion of the whole , however , are classed
as laborers. Committing within the
provisions of the civll-norvico Inwa and
being protected thereby are throe chases
as follows :
5,052 department employes receiving
aalaries from $900 to § 1,800 per
5i)0 ( ! postal employes receiving from
$800 to § 1,800 per annum , and
2,573 customs employes receiving from
§ 900 to § 1,800 per annum.
In the throe branches of the classified
service there nro , therefore , about 14,000
places that can ba filled by
competitive examination only. This
leaves the large number of
90,000 persons subject to removal ,
moro than half of whom are officeholders.
In Washington the changes will not , it is
believed , roach 500.
Thia will include the higher officials ,
chiefs , messengers , and laborers.
In addition to those appointed by the
president and subject to confirmation by
the aonato , whoso removal is possible ,
are the following :
1. The confidential clerk or secretary
of any head of department or office.
2. Caahlors of collectors.
U. Cashiers of postmasters.
4. Superintendent : ] of money-order di
visions In postoflices.
5. The direct custodians of money of
whoso fidelity another officer ia under
official bond.
6. Peraona employed exclusively in the
secret service of the government or as
translators , interpreters or ( stenograph
7. Poraona whoso employment ia ox-
cluaivoly professional.
8. The chief clerks , deputy collectors ,
ind superintendents or chiefs of divie-
ons or bureaus.
DAISY uoortm.
ccnlinr In Practice Onnlldcnt ol
UcmiUH Ills Sudden Ucatli ,
Jill Nye in Denver Opinion ,
"There's a big difference in doctors , 1
ell you , " said on old-timer to mo the
other day. "You think you know aomi > -
.hing about 'em , but you are still in the
luff and bloom and kindergarten of life.
Watt till you'vo boon through what 1
have ! "
"Whore , for instance ? " I asked him.
"Well , say nothing about anything
else , just look at the doctors wo had in
ho war. Wo had a doctor in our regi
ment that looked aa if ho know ao much
thut it made him unhappy. I found out
afterward Ihtit ho run a kind of cow
foundling asylum in Utah before the war ,
and when ho had to prescribe for a
lunian being it seemed to kind of rattle
lim ,
"I fell offn my horse early in Iho cam-
mign and broke tny leg , I rickoloct , and
10 sot Iho bone. Ho thought that a bone
ought to bo sought similar to a hen. Ho
nado what ho called a good splice , but
the break was above the knee , and ho
Ljot the cow idea into his head iu a
way that set the knee behind. That
was bad.
"I told him ono day thit ho was a
> lamed fool. Ho gava mo a cigar , and
old mo I must bo a mind-reader.
"For Boveral weeks our colonel couldn't
tat anything , and Boomed to feel kind of
jilious. Ho didn't know what the trouble
was till ho wont to the doctor. Ho looked
at the colonel a few minutes , examined
lia tongue , and told him right oil' that ho
iad lost his cud.
3"Ho bragged a good deal on bis diag-
ipsis. Ho said ho would like to aeo the
disease ho couldn't diagnose with ono
land tied behind him.
"Ho was always tolling how ha had
resuscitated a man they hung ever at Tie
City in llio early day Ho was huug by
uiatako it Boomed. It waa a dark night ,
and the tigllanco committee nas In
uoniothini ; of a hurry , having another
wrty to hang over at Dirty Womau'o
anch that night and oo the erroneously
lunga quiet young fuller from Illinois ,
rho had been sent weut to euro n case of
Honcliitif. lie waa right in the miudlo
of an explanation when the head vigi-
antes kicked Iho board from under him
Mid broke hia nock ,
"All at once some one said ; U31y
Ind , wo have made a ridicuku blunder.
Joys , wo can't bo careful about hanging
otttl strangers. A few moro such
Huako ua thuso , and people from the
tutea will hositnto nbmit coming hero to
make their homo. Wo luvo ultv&ya
ohiwed that thia waa a good country loi-
but if wo wuto to llliuoia .nd
thu facto ,
wo needn't lock fur a v ry IM O hegir
from Illinois next season. Dc' , cvi1
you do a/iylbk < < f r this ycunpt roan ? '
"Then thia pbj dan stopped forwrJ
ho soys , and put his knee on thu bnck r
the boy'a nock , give it a Hltlo push , a
the eamo time pulled the head buck with
a ( map that straightened the neck , ud
the young fellow , who waa in the mid'Jl-
r S n largo word , sauirthtng like consume
ly , when ho barrel tipped ovci ,
finished out the word r.ud went right on
with Iho explanation. The doctor ssid
ho lived a good nnuy ycara , nd was
loved and oatoemed by all who know him
"Tho dcctor was always tolling of his
triumphs in surgery. Ha dici save a
good many lives , too , toward the close ol
the war. Ho did it in an odd way , too.
"Ho had ubout ono year moro to servo
and , with hia doctoring on one side , and
the hostility of the enemy on the other ,
our regiment waa worn down to about
five hundred men , Everybody said wo
couldn't stand it moro than another
year. Ono day , however , Iho doclor had
just measured a man for a porous plaster ,
and had laid the atub of hid cigar care
fully down on the top of a rod powder
keg , when there waa a slight atmospheric
disturbance , the smell of burnt clothes ,
and our regiment had to apply for a new
' The wife of our Iato aurgoon wrote to
have her husband's remains forwarded to
her , but I told her it would bo very dif *
ficult to do oo , owing to the nature of the
accident. I Raid , however , that wo had
found an upper not of teeth imbedded in
a palmetto tree near by , and had buried
Ihom wilh military honors , eroding over
the grave a largo board on which was in
scribed the name and ago of the deceased
and thia inscription :
"Not dead , but spontaneously distrib
uted , Gene to moot his glorified throng
of patients. Ta , la , vain world. "
Iowa mid Nebraska Patont.s.
Albert W. Cox , Hastings , Nebraska ,
curry comb.
Henry Hargor , Delhi , Iowa , broom
John L. Harknos.i and C , B. Shaw ,
Oskaloosa , Iowa , rock drilling machine.
William Ireland , Oak Springs , Iowa ,
self-adjusting coupling ior bridge cords
and stiy rods.
Joseph P. Preston , Irvington , Nebras
ka , vafoty pocket attachment.
Homer W. Prindlo , Fort Dodqc , Iowa ,
and C. H. Prindlo , Humboldt , Iowa ,
wino carrier.
Andrew Tracy , Richland , lown , as
signor of one-half to G. W. Snyder , sow
ing machine shuttle.
David A. West , Bcone , lown , car re
The residence of an independent re
publican in Des Moincs was piintcd with
rotten epps the other night.
IF nOrniiEc , etc. , flavor Cakeo ,
Crc m , I' | ilcllculclyunil nut-
irullyiin thermit Irani-nlilch they H remndu.
Price Baking Powder Co. ,
Chicago , III. St. Loula , Mo.
Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder
Dr. Price's lupulin Yeast Gems ,
Kent Itry Hup YtMiit.
' ' ; i-i-yv
< & Ir A
> W\ . A/ VI f l
tbriv r-a llorlle ' .i I ood..nii ) limiilruli of
ri-ttiul imln ! e' ? ! < i'j ) M' n Ii. innljliiH no
( taic'i JIOIil.ICK V 1 iu ) : > l 01. JM ANT.Sfno (
fronihtiith ) I * < ii.I'r-ji < fcoL ) ' \ f UJ Ix1 . froil In
n ilrliori < ltinc ! iii' > rlM'ANl Tbi ln.ntdU.tior
D S'-nTlCVIan.l iVAl IFM. I'.iirtilylicnouU
t iiiur'iiinotieniiaoni' ! ( ! i ! > riiioMaiiiKd' A
diui kts loojoiit.etn..timiitnfililldrcn ) ! ! fiiu
' I tH > ltt\l. It 10 le h lTIOr to AlltltliU ? Of I ) tf
HilfiriliiltlrHi"--/ lun * t : r > , . \n Vnri
I uhnl'ittp7lf ITI n. in ' ' ' . .at 1-uotlln
tlriiurictK if Ei ' .it i ! > . , Italian
* > u * of i .bt.i jbi.titti < i ftr ux-ttifr * nlitt. '
-u u l ' . Ji > , : < iiJii > , / / . r.
Will iir > pout ' Bull ou tvct ip * ot j rii o In Ftamrw.
IlO'tJ.It' , : * FJIW" > CO. , Kai'incVln. .
/twl.'hj llo CW 'J' " .t.UiOV
f.OAIf 111 auniaof fSOanil uiiwanla
MOHKT70 - ard Co. , lltal Kitato and Loan
Agents , If 06 Marram St. 393 tf
ONBV leaned on clntUI < i. llallroad Tltkota
M bought aud told. A , Foreman , SIS S. lllth
7 < 8-tf
OUAHA nandal Kxchtiuu , largo or Bmall loana
m .ilo on approved aocuritv lilco hours 0 t j 6
week ilajj. lOtolSuiuUta. 1503 K-nil in Street.
Ill to Hoi 2
\T [ ANTGD-Hioil girl for general house oilc. AII-
V > jily at brick lioo * oii 17th t.bct tcn Jack-
80n aud I.uavoimoitlu 'I27-15
T\7A.VTEI ) A go.hl girl. Knot bo a trooil oioV ,
T T wet lit rand iroucr a' 18th acil Liatenwottb.
\ 17ANT ) i good buUliiT at 13JI Howard.
V >
\-\7ANTEB-A llMt aud fccond girl it 1721 Doug. .
- - -
Ua 2eO-14p
'rt'1) TOR | lint the Hia'ern Hotel , 10th
il I'atlllo. 319 I7i >
Vt ANTKU A good pitent light man to icll ter
rllorj. II. a Ire ) 1W7 FarnamM. U15-I3p
V7"A .VTEI ) AK itj to sell In Nebraska a new w ork
I' by a popular author. Call on oruddr'oa Joi.i'j
anil narelrlpg.SIB torth 17tn tit. , Onuhi Neb
,07-jan COp
" \XfANTKD A fompDtunt gltl for fanatI Ttua \
i > woik that him kuuwl.ilgecf i-uoklng. d'eroun
irtforroo. C.ilat23 2 Capitol uvc.
" \\TANTKD A coiiipctojt girl b ; JlrKvinttil N.
fc. corner 10th and Uo.ljfu ttiects , no ntlur
iced apply. SOt Up
STUIlA lurttr , SlSBciith I''th bt.
K3 Up
ilto'ii lasn at Maitln'j Iii tallment
htorc , > : hr > 375 per mouth , 276 lip
T17ANTKU t claxa ntumgrcphcr and t > po
It wrIUr upcritor , ( ir.iluai'n k ) > tem prtfcrud ,
Bigageini.iut ) ul > le < .t to trial Apply ( loncrul buper-
l.tuitotllce , tl. I' . U ) . 233-15p
U Olrl.KoodcooV , washea. and Iroaer.
llrfvncncti requlrwJ , llcdtua ca. Mm L , A.
Ur.ttUoorgla. o\e , 1 bloO. touth Btrca caie , Wl-tl I
VNri.iJ A I-
Ca IfuriiK Huuii'i co , * .r 1
\TAXrfl > Amwaml i fo ti iloilnuu teen
wcr r and nun Ii ilu wjrk rjurd t ! h'tue
I'H'K' ' " ) streot. rr.o tf
i-omrtf'nt ndiclhl ) < o pr nltT Ii vant i tth
Ir office , KtneiSOT , Jowa. i' < | J
\\fANTKD emtntiran-an" thedtrlPrchrorro
torell On wet-lily injmiiitd. M , 1 * . MntinSK
South ldth. 217 tf
\\"ANTED Agood ocohtefcrcnctnrp nred. ! A |
t > ply to Mrs. * , .V. Philip * , 2210 Uoito " St.
245 If
A \ rANTKD To buy a c'ty lot to bo MM IB w cckl.
> i ormontlily Installments. Addrw 'if. 11 " le
AA'AVi KDA ( food girl , 1021 ixipltol
TXTANTii : > Tailors. rirct-cl\si sitting p'acoi Jo :
> \ t llorsn' . lin 12th Ct. 6XJ5 1m
\\/AMKl > -1tcnt ; for tneMutu * lUil Iti-ur.u :
\l Co..ddrcsHllio Company at Stnatt Neb
T 7AMnD-I idlc3or.ti ( > tlomon Indty or country
tt to take nlco , lluht tml ploagut work at the !
own hotro ? , 2 to $5 a d y easily and quietly made
work s nt by all ; nn can a'slnc ; ; bo stamp for reply
I'lraacaddroM Itcllablo ManTg Co. , I'lilir.iklptila , 1'a
tA , ANTKD ( j&PICS Oil UtUm < KMRK In cltj
VI or country , to take nlco light and pleasan
worii atthelr own homos ; $1 to 55 per day coolly and
lulotly nude ; work tent by mail : no canvassing ; no
Btamp for repiv. Please uddrcsa lUliablo Manf'ic Co.
I'hlladelphla , I' * . E03-lm
-nrcs'innk-ing'or plain Hewing iafaml
or will take woik home. Call 6051 north 1711
St. ' 317-Uji
ntuition s book
AioimitmMrioOiiianvvaiito In Omaha
Addron ' ' 0. " oaro lloo. S)8-tt
\\TAyTKO Some ono to adopt a bo } babe. Ii
I ? iUlro | at I'osr house. I0j-llp
" \\7'ANTii > inrno ono to adopt an orphan boj U
> cata old , best of reference required. Inqulru
at 1'ixir house. 290-U |
'hl ' > lloom nnd 1-innl In private family
tingle gent. "J. X. " Bcootlicc. 234-13p
" \\TANrnD A ucoind hanil.mfo In codordcr , No
\ > 5 or 0. Apply to Julius I'cpperbcrg { 07 N 1611
St , Omaha. 276.17 ]
Vlf ANTED A few moio table boarders t 005 N ,
I IGth street. Two sleeping rooms for rent to
gcnttcmin. 100-lf
Iluslnnss. An nctho merchant o
tlnrough bntlmm education and bablta c-n
ternplatlng aLhango January lit. 1835 , wl > hcato pur
clitiEO au Interest In a v.cll esltbllehcd mercantile or
mauulattiKlng LuslnteH , w ud ! buy out n small bus
nc nbis $10 000 CA3hca furnish refcrei.cc3 of a liial
orldtr and would ixptctsann To BCCUIO reply , od
Irebs cUing UU nauior.iul particulais , "Merchant'
eire Bee ontco. 850-Dtlawkp
TST'ANTKD ? 2OW en nnt-clr.,3 atv fecurlty.Jor 6
7T yiau. , t 9 per cent. Address lloz tiO Pont-
oftUxi 7fO-tf
a- . Sots
TjlOU IICNT Il3om with bond 17il ! Dcuglss.
\ HV'.N 1' 1 front rooms tinfurniihcil at TiOl !
Ii\OU M. . ' 132-1-p
FOR KKNTElegant 11 room lioiuo , hard and sol
water all tmdern ltrjpro > emcnto , best Iccitlon In
city 70. Also 8 rrom fwuso corner lst and Dav en
joitSJS. Barker a. M yne , 13th andFornam. 322 t
Oil HKNT 'lhieo rocms atnl fijrnituro for sale.
E Central location and cheap rent , 305 N. 15th St.
ll Nrllindomcly furnlshoa room P. W.
1 corner of IV th and Cnpitol a\ < . 323-15 ]
FOK III'.NT Xicelj furnished room for gentleman
board It desired , private f milv. C < 11 at N. 11 cor.
STtli and I ranam. S33-13
FOll HENT Tv\o unfiirnlsieJ rooms In private
fnmllv J li'.cck north ot Ht. Morj-s a\o ttiectoars
No I JO Convent fct. * 3zl-ltp !
TTlOIl IUNT : Tno unfurnished roonia 1015Chicago
UEXTFurnUhud rcoma at 1117 Dodge.
FOlt Dodge.3J11S1
RtNT-lep'ondld store on cumlng strost ,
FOll o for Baker > , butcher or .ui > thing else , al
so one choice corner storj , gotil grocery staul , rent
rcasuinl c. Morse V Brunuer. 2aS-17p
"IjOll HINT-Ono clcgnnt new 0 inoni'il cottage ,
J ? nuil onplcnilid 8 roomed cottage on red car
ine , T20 and ; 24 per moLth. Morjc & Biuancr
KK r Furnished frnt room for rent 22J N
FOU St 302 tf
- unfuitishcd rooma 1017 Chicsito.
310 zip
lU'.ST Nice furnished room , ono bock of
IPOll 1 ' < i Optra Home. M. I' . llartln.SlflS. 16th.
ITlfll HUNT House with 5 roonuand barn. Ap-
1 plj till' . Wils , No. 012 south 12th St. 315-tf
Oll llENf New six room cottage ono block from
red car line 2\
Kit Han 1 1 ! room lUt on street e > r line. 822.01
'Jlu eo brick II Us lots od Cumlng street Irom $25.03
fcurnlshid house on 13th St. , bloc't ' from green car
Three brick btorcs on Cuming street from $35.00 to
303-17 Morse A. Brunner.
FOll HENT- gentlemen , only a I.irye fine j fur-
rlthe'4 front rojin 7.00 | or month. H. K. Cop-
on , south 10th St. , near Center , new house. 07 tf
17(011 ( Kr NT With board , largo fruit i com gii and
JL1 both room No 1410 JOUCH. 10 j-18p '
fTvOIl RENT-A furnished room. Inquire at 1002 :
J.1 Farnam St. 310-lSp
FOll KENT llooica at I0',3 Uarney St. N W.
SlerriU. , OI-I3p
IlEN'T House ni'h four rooms. Inquire S.
1 W. coiner Uth and Chrn'o ! St. 20j-13p
FOll KKNT Furulshel room at i3C9 Capitol ave.
isO-17p !
] 70K HEKl'-l 1 Hory and lascraant , brick store
J1 onJunujSticet , near 1SW , t25pirinomh W ,
V. Uorso&L'u. S3517
I01l lvi.VT-3 : furniflhfd rooioa with board i block
JL' fronil' O. atH18 D.dge 2SU-15p
FOll HENT A ten room cot'ajo , gocd lot , Alth
barn , on 1'jiclllo street , near lllh etie.t. In-
julre cf C. F. Oonliaau. -0 tf
poll HKNT Furnished front room and ono back
1 room 1711 California Kt. 279 21p
HEKT-Tno well furnLhcd rooma at the K.
W , c-i-ititrof llthaud C'atufor thne cr four inn-
lemon. 26711
71011 HHMT-I houses $0 60 to * 30 ptr month.
. ' Ilemls , agent lith and Doug aantrcota. 250 tf
7oTril NT Btrijll cot'age. thrtc rorma bouth 23d
1. ttmt. Inquire ] 7CO Jatk.onstre.t. 2fll Ijp
7011 ItKNT- . elegant Hiito of rco.i a with btth
room , furnished orunfuinl > < hod.or bliule tociin ,
io birn and carriage , houee at 007 B. 'A th S > .
7011 HKNT rioouut luroUhcd room.eoj N. 17th ,
Sf > 8 15p
, OH HKNT A furuUbcd rcomat 1318 Jaelmon St.
-1 241-16p
70U HKNT Furnished roouia 1816 DoOge Btreot.
} S00-13p
70HHENT Oil StLK-Allvoroomhou80No.2317
1 HURC street. Aii'lr to Urn. 8. Q. Sttvrn'on ,
7011 HIKI : New dwelllcg of ten roonn. All
mcdiT.i linprovimciiti' . tltuated at BV. . cor
an e > and 2. IS ttrctt. See Ballcu Uio'u or'd
oillle. 2C32Jp
70U HUNT Nicely furniihcd room for onocr to
- | 'entlumen , H. K. corner 20th aud Daronpoit.
SO tl
TlOll l-hNT-InShliin1 * 3d addition , nlco south
L1 and eait co/ntr lot wlrii tl re 1.111 tumors , per
uonth I'uttci & . Colib , J016 > > ujii ui Bt. 152 tf
70H HrNr A homo and liirn with thro * Bern of
i'orourd Inquire ol Uu.-cne O'Wtil , e-rniir lltn
id Uorcaa. 182 tf
iron UKIiT Twoiouma furnltbed for light I ome-
1 kix-plne. f. W. oat 8th and Hovviird 170 tf
. Oil l'.i-.NI I'lun hiieil and miliiruliliil roonid
with lioinl , inudfin ccn\culenrenhorru comforta
8CO rxniiii ) , tlout aboio new Com t homo. U32-tf
70K Ill'.N r _ liooui corner ot 17lh > nd Grace Sli.
r } it-tl
'JtOU IUEST The corner nl.ra lOSh and > w
I1 woilh. Apply I ) . U. l'eUr cn. 103 If
7011 ItKXr Oittano ol tUo rooms , dt-nlnt'la ln
1 catioa , 0 r' . Iu > Uft Oi-t' '
f7tcmilF.NT-0.o tin form htJ r ra fjr l.-iisc-
7fXui' ' ? 'Jc mor's block , cor , ! tj anJ
1rtoiriiKNi . _
for one or two g irt' m nj 1719 Chicago tt o : tf
J lU'It llK.NT Hisl-T > fvl to'eoU'iy t tiri uTctal
r rftcf , arthcu o , Iiu'f ull3 tJ ator , n--reto
Irtntrnitr. Ilallread tracfcjodixr. Britir & Mtjne ,
13th Fara m , 3 ' 3-t [
J70n HENT-A He' * torc rntvi ofiVp tm-ctilrs
1 rn January lit , 1RS5 , on ISih bctvtom Wllllarca
aod Hickory jnquiro t i . J. Hvp-'r. 0,0 U
T.'OK Kf3T-I1 mwit IjrriUimr room & K co
J ICth an.l If owai rt stro Us f03-tf
FOll ItKN7-leirvtttvft.rnlchiil lrnraim oiiit
untl routb cxiiinuro , rcu > jcruo.-nv ilonc' ' . \ W
cumtr 17th ftnj C s ? . fgl if
J 71011 1IKSI Tfilrfcn uowilwelllu.M ly C. T Tny.
1 fcr , Curnor Uth unj DiuU . 849-tf
I poll HRNT HMUO 7 roorni Rend lo
' TftilT ; , corner Uth ftif4Ioi lM.
ID OOJM With hiirii , 1)09 rSli o urwlntaf Apply"
jL\iatatCfunlealntol. _ _ J j/.if / \
17011 UUMT-Vtry J ! rAbl iiirntehtil roonwcon-
> ; trolly locntoJ. Apply n ) Atkltmm'j mlir.-sory
tore , Uth 3t ; or tt
TMUUIVAY b * . KOMI p nunni { . PprloR waion
Bui. ll
/iOU nr.NI Cotu/o ut ! t\u rc.nni * . 1.
1613BflUthBth _ _ sttfot.
Foil KEWr A rurulshsd room 1JS3 Faruam Hi
fpOK ltST--On-j ! Bjuari puno. Iniiulu
jl.1 ntlUholm > tul EIotaor > . < 40-lf
FOH SALK Ara cninpo'lnl tiv stlt tnjr inlcrctt In
0 scotlotH ol mml In Lincoln County Nco. , ono
nllc from II. H. Station , l.tnilalmu lUlnv watir ,
ilcnt } oflny with an mlinlr b'o ' block raiijfe The
cose bargain In Xebrn t > n , $ , ' { .00 ptr acre ? 1 0 per
aero tarli , talanco IDjeaM tlmaO ptr tciit Interest
Adilrcasor lullonniy agent , J. N" . KeynoMi 1207
Farnam fct. ll'JO-lKp
FOR SALE Oil TIUUK-A RooJ stock n ! Hani
\\nro null fun Hurj In llastern N'obnsk.i
will timlo tor nouilltndi In Nebraska orKancaa :
lartlcuUra id\t'M on apjillcatlon. Addrefslllllln
llros. , Uhubcrt N'ob. 311-17
FOHHALU- ruHtnt lioma No fis b 3 burolnic
sto\o sjuml.ajgiKxlannuw. AhpIyatNo Ml
North Will St.
F OH SALV Iho fnrnlturo ot a fi rciini co'.tn f ,
cheap , rcnlruttoitablc , a irj ilcslrablc toettlon.
: ! :1) ) U > p
Oll SALR A flr.o stock ot oodi elegant ttotn In
thu best locitton . In Omakncll . uitiblMioil
health. Address
i" 13ec cilice. 31418
FOK SAM' Special bargains in residence and l > m
Inesjpiopcrty. Morse Ic Brunncr. 3CD 17
SALE-Tho bojt business lot at the block
jars bntitii Onuha , 00x150. Will be worth
double the pr ca nskel now Inside 12 months. Apply
at office New York Dry Goods Store , 1310 Farnam.
77U > ! sU : Oil TIUDB-Ong bllllar. .x-d to pool
I1 tkldtHat no713 Pacificist. 271-21p
FOU SLn A Rood family horse at 101S Hirno )
&t. N.JI. Merrill. 28 ISp
I poll SAIjP A property Imestmcnt of SOCO cash.
' \\i'I ' pavS2.r per month Interest , rdnclpalncll
ccnrcd. Imiulre Omah ) Fiiunctal Enchango ,
5C3r.trnaui. 2t7-l.rii
XTOIl SIiE OH UKNT A Ladles' noardlnif.House ,
JT In good looillty. Address lira "F. II. " Bee otHco.
1/iOK SALE A Hno ( IrivlnR bugijV and
J ? liarntss. Kdonu'a to an cstntu. Must bo Bold.
KqulroatMcShanu'd UoOgo btrietbarnor of Illmc-
) augh&Talor. 213-14
1 j OK SALK 160 acrej ol tno " ojy boit cf iand
J ? near O'Connor , In Oroely county , CO aTca under
cultivation. A house , out lioints , well , fruit trcej
andnlcocr o A great liir in , only $10 'per aero
nrwiHsull Iho farm , farming implements , Block and
urn'turo ' for 52,000. Would take cltv propoity for
Sl.UOO and $1 COJ cash. AddrciU U. 1' . II. lice cilice.
FOll SALE Fresh mllct oona at my jard on 20th
and Buit streets uear Ihiley & Olson's Brick yard
J. W. I cnnj 18M3p
"OESIAUIIANT I'Oll SALE Ono of the best rou-
JLL taurants and bakery combined In Nebraska w ith
Rood location and trade Oitabllshol In cltj of 6020
lopulation. Only first-class restaurant In the plico
and iloinur more In bikcry line thin nil others In city
combined Ice cream parlor In season. Oven * , ice
10UW3 and eier.Uhlng ; camp'uto. Will sell furnlshud
and lca\o e\crjthlnff. Will sell at a har&aln anil to
Ipht man with small cash pa > mont and u.ilanco on
oils' time. BO purchaser cm mike it pay for Itself.
V S. WISH , I'lattaraouth , Neb. 817-n 22
Fiiur S oot , walnut counters , and 80
FOIISALII class shelving , ilesltab e foi druff.ijro-
"ery or book store. Inquire at the ofllce of CoiiKilon
3iarKson & Hun , 1324 Farnam street. SBOtf
F OK SALE 1 fausage chopper , borao power ; ono
rendering kettle , one lard [ ireaa. Apply at Brook-
jn Market , cor. 13th and Pierce 802-tf
FOll SALD fccO.OOl feet dry lumber , Ash , Oak ,
I'.lm , Hasiwood and Soft Maple. E , A. gtlnson , St.
Carles , Michigan. SOUn''lj |
rYfK Aquantltv nf Job and nonnpaper typo for
ealo. Aho a good Zither. C. 't. Bunco , ciro Boa
SALE Cottage of 5 rooms , barn , corner lot In
Shlnn's addition ; onlj S1.5iOsinallcash ; payment
ail balance monthly. Bargain. UcCaguo , opp.
) ostotllce. OlOtf
[ JiOR SALK OR EXCHANOC A water power Ocht
L1 mill , reasons for polling gh en on application to
! oo. K. firing , \Vavcrly , Web. OOl-l'jiv
SALE Now phaeton. Inquire ol Oca. Hlg-
FOU at northoatit corner 10th and DodgeDSltf
L OllKALE Kino buotnem chance a > Grand Island
D Neb. SS.COOnujs the bank building 22x41 ; an
'dice building which rents for ? 1S a month ; a Iirxe
ire and burglar prool eafo with Yale time lock con
lCOO , alee sery large bank book flro proof Mifo ,
tank counter , dss'ia , lard coal Btove , In f ct , a com-
lote bant : outfit , together with lot 'lueo en Locu t
trett. title perfect. Itrnxi i cath , ta'ance on one
n 1 tvv n j eara time If dcalrcd. Call on or a4drci.a Jiy
I. White , Grand hlmid , Neb. fj2Mf
K A cool ramo liouso , E rooirs , all In
Jeood order Ituit bo rjo\ul atonco Apply to
10 Wcttern Newspaper Union , cor. 12th cad How-
rd street ) . S-ll-tt
7015 3ALI3 Chonp a pocond hind hlirli top bujrgj.
" Inquire at blmpion'd Carriage lactniy , Doilic ,
ctwecn Uth and llith. 2SO-tf
7 > OH SALU A whole lock of clothing , boota and
* ahoej , huildinia at cost , retirini ; from bualnesd.
. II. 1'otcnon , 04 south Tenth street. 113-3m
71011 BALK Two opiil cocond-nund tiujijtej nd
? ona dallvery wvoa , c'oi jp , ot If 10 Husney H.
' OST Oil HTJtAYRO \ brown water fpimcl ilo
_ Vlroni rtaldcrce of Captain f-lulcn , No. "ODiortli
d bt. Any one n.turulog him vil.l bo rcwndcd
3.tJ Hp
" Have a lario lot on 7th and I)3roi3 that can ba
u ed u adumilngpaco ! for manure , ( lust ICno'n.
32 14p
] AVi : taken out llieino fir laj Ir s drain.
EL' 3Up J. O , COHBY
< OOU tab'e bond * 350 per week , SUN. IBth
1THAYED Ono red nd whlto jearlhur beffur.
jAnyneiimn finding such , pleaao notify No. 1U-0
outh 18 h St. ' - ' 7i3l > '
A UANDONKD HOJlF8TKAU3-rersonanhoaban.
1. dwied liomeitiai'iiln ' V'C8tcrn Kaiuoa , thai wtre
J'UB prior t'tJ ' reUtli , ll-SO 1'lca-o addnta me
Ijardlnl tlio Mine by lottf r cn'y. I.aao ilulhol'and '
eal estate agent , Norton KMIBUJ 17X-1 ) p
ilAKKN Ul'-On October 2.J , ft light b j- hone ,
Lwlilt epntlnforohea.l , ail whlt'hp t Ju tabo\u
lottllla tV , Kiliott , ono oilio west of the barra J.9.
042 tt lew.
7UMILY Storage , stovn rcpi'rs nnd general tt-
' pairing , 0. M Itaton , IU H. ItthS ; 740-D19
l/r / r.3 HCHKOUr.H , Wucnitlo Healer , lj now locate -
'tl ' to N. W. corner 20th and Casd bt Diarnosi's
"JHIVV ultl , etn'tHftnd cowi-wla clianetl at tin
shortist notion and ot any time of the day , In in
.tIn.lyorJerltiiiw.iy without the Va t U'olea'atlon
occupaitaorm ! , ! tiof , with o.r Improved and
Juried apparatus ; . . r.Mini k Co. , K'CO Caplto
ic. 710-nlBp
JUIVV \ iUt , cl ikuanu ce rpooi ! cteoncd nita
cttidtarj 'kft cr Kntl f art > ua guamntonl by F.
i AUI(6UCC ( ,6or to J. M. StrJth box 37S. 33 nltf
> VHBiil : BTAMI1- y iianufactururs InOmahi'
V lltea I'rlntlng Co. 592-tf
At Iho eld rtand 1417 Farruta ! Strwl Orjcj * b
tiogmph BO Veiled toUPio-TSutly
rio , StF ,