Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 14, 1884, Page 3, Image 3

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SURPLUS MAY 1,1884. . . . . . . . . . . 20,000
rref.ldcnl. Vlco President
V MOOIIK , JNO , 8. COt.tW8,1.RWI9 9. HEED ,
tnt K. H ydfn , AHstint and Acting Caehlet.
The iron Bank ,
INTEREST Allowed ou time dopoelta npeu
( ftvorablo terms and upon nceonnti of ba
and bankers ,
Bonds and Connty And City securities bonghi
ted sold.
In its , treatment of customers the most llby
eral policy is pursued consistent with enfold-
and round banking , and we invite corrosponco
cnco or personal inquiry in connection there
Nnw YOBJC , Nov. 13 Mono ? Easy
Ic ; closed nt 1 per cent offered.
Prime paper 6@G
Sterling Bills Quiet , firm at 1 SO ; domnnd
GoTOrnmenta Lower.
Hallways Strong , higher.
Stocks Tha stock market was strong
throughout tlio day , nnd towards the close
speculation waa peaitively buoyant. The mar
kct closed strong nt or near the best figures o
the day. Compared with last night , closing
prices nro J to 2fj hlchcr.
3' 1001
4 Va Coupons 113
U.S. new4's 121 |
Pacific G'a of ' 95 120
Central Pacific 23j
Chicago & Alton 125
do do pfd 144
Chicago , Burlington & Quincy 119
Delaware , Lacknwnnnn & Western. . . . 10IJ
Denver & Rio Grande Oi ,
Erie 13i
Jo pfd t28J
Illinois Central 115
Indianapolis , Bloom. & Western 13
Kansas & Texas 15&
Lake Shore & Michigan Southern CGj
Louisville & Nunhville 21. .
Michigan Central 53
Missouri Pacific 92J
Northern Pacific 18
do do pfd 42 ,
Northwestern 85
do do pfd 122
New York Central 87 ]
Oregon Trans-Continental 121
Pacific Mail 51
P. D. &E 12J
Pullman Palace Cor Company 10 ! )
Rock Island 110
St , Louis & San Francisco 21
do do pfd 40
Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Paul 7 IS
do do do pfd 1031
St. Paulfc Omaha 27i
do do pfd 87j
Texas Pacific
Union Pacific 5if
Wubash , St. Louis & Pacific. . ,
do do do pfd 11
Wentern Union Telegraph. . . 59j
O.R.&N 70
* Exdiv.huilied. .
CHICAGO , November 13. Flour Quiet
weak and unchanged.
Wheat Active nntl unsettled ; opened
steady , advanced gc , declined Jc , steadied
and closed Jo o\er sesterday ; 72@72ic for
cash ; 72c for November ; 7aJc ) for December ;
71 Jo for January ; Slic'for May ; No. 2 rod ,
73g73.ic ( ! ; No. 3 red , ulc.
Corn Active anil unsettled ; opened at yes
terday's closing and advanced sharply till
noon ; reacted , recaverod and November ad
vanced lc , the year 4'c , declined , November
IJc , the yonr ic ; fluctuated and closed No
vember IJc over yesterday , the year Jc un
der ; 14 < 44)c ) for cash ; 4)4c for November ;
391 a 392c for December ; 3'Jlc for the year ;
8Gcfor .lauuary ; 3S3Sgc | | for May. Re
jected , 38 39c.
Oats Firm and quiet ; Jc toJc bolter ; 2GJo
for cash and November ; UGJe December and
year : 2G'c ' January. 29c for May.
Rye "Quiet ; 60@51c ,
Harley Nominal ; E8@5S4.
Timothy Dull ; prime 12t < ai 22.
Flax Seed Quiet ; No 1 , 1 3)J ) $1 31.
Pork Fairly active , tinctu'tted frnctionilly ;
12 75@13 00 for cash ; 1125@li 27J for the
year ; 11 40@114 i for Fehniary.
Lard-Active and stronger ; steady early
and active later ; closed steady ; 7 10 tor cash ;
G92i@G95 for November : G 824@G 85 for
Deceinbfl' ; G85KG874 for January ; G 95 ®
U 97i for February ; 7 0 * ® ? 074 for March.
Bulk Meats Dry Baited shoulders , 5 00@
5 25 ; short clear , G 70C 75 ; short ribs , G 00@
Whisky-Steady nt 113.
Butter Dull and unchanged.
Cheese Kasy , unchanged.
Eggs-Quiet , steady ut 19@21c.
Hides Unchanged.
Tallow Unchanged.
receipts , Uhlp'ts.
Flour , bbls 2.1,000 27,000
Wheat , bushels 148,000 19,000
Corn , bushels 93,000 190,000
Oats , bushels 71,000 53.0CO
Rye , bushels 9,000 3,000
Barley , bushels 49,00J 21.0U )
ST. Louis , November 13. Wheat market
active ; No. 2 red. 76@75J cash : 754076 ? November -
vember ; 7Gj@778 ( December ; 78i@G83 Janu-
Corn Active and higher ; 37 cash ; 35f@30
November ; 32g@33J for the year ; 32 ? Janu
ary.Oats Steady and slow ; 2G § cash , Novem
ber and the year.
Rye Dull at 48
Barley Dull ; CO@7Co
Butter Unchanged.
L'ggs Quiet nt 19.
FlaxBeod Quiet ; 130.
Bran Unchanged.
Corn Meal-Quiet ; 2 20 ,
Hay Steady ; prairie , 950@10 ; Timothy ,
10 00@13 00.
Pork Firm ; new moea 17.
Lord Finn ; western eteam spot 7 95@
802Whisky113. .
CALL Boutn Wheat Flrmor.ahado bettor ;
75Jc for November nnd year ; 7G8@7GJo December -
comber ; 79o JaiuiaJv ; 880 May ,
Com Firm ; 40o November ; 'Jljo year ; 33Jo
January ! 33J@83Jc May.
Oatb-Dull ; 2 < > 3c December ; 29 c May.
NEW yon * nionuaB.
NKW YOKK , Novflinber 13. Wheat Spot
iii field , 72c ; No , 2 red , 04'8i ; January
closing at 81 .
Corn-Spotiiiobatter ; closing weak , op.
lions steady ; receipts , 100.000 ; expnit * ,
Bn.OOO ; utigw < led 174@53 ; No. 2 52@53J ; Jan.
uary closing at 47J. . , , „ „ .
OaU A ttilla better ; receipts , 125,000 ; ox-
ports. 1000 ; mixed western , 32@33c ; white ,
Barley Quiet and unclnvnged.
} lay-Finiier ; timotliy 10 00@10 25.
Bran -Stj'ruJy at .V5 ® 'i7.
Corn Meal -Dull : a 35
Kgtrs Wwlern fnhh jnodor.vto demand ;
" Bulk MeaU-Sloidyi dhoulclers 575 ; hurt
rib 7 J-7i ,
1'oik Mull and drooping ,
I ! Lard Dull : weitorn ateam upot , 7 60 ,
Butter Quiet and ctcady.
BALTIHOBK , November 13. Wheat Wei-
ern e&eler und du'l ' ; No , 2 winter , red
ipot , 7 a70t ( . . t
Corn Wcslflrn , tiuiet and steady ; mixed ,
p t , 53o asked for the year.
Oats Quiet and easier ; western white , 31
@ 3"ic ; mixed 32 aS3o
Kyo Quiet at C2Cdic. (
Kegs-Firm ; ' 'Gfn J7c.
Whisky-Steady at 1 1S@1 ID.
MILWACKKK.NOV ember 13 Wheat Firmer !
No. 2 Milwaukee and November 71c ; Decem
ber 72jic ; January 731c.
Corn Weaker ; old rejecUxl , 3i@ ! lOc.
OaU Higher nud very scarce ; No. 2 , de
livered , S9c ; No. 2 white , 2J@30i3. ! )
Kyo Dull ; No | 1 , nominal nsj nic.
Barley Dull and weak ; No , 2 spring , Mo
NKW ORLKANB , November 13 , Corn
Dull ; In sacks , white and yellow , 4G@l7c.
Oats Western , qtiiet an 1 steady ; prime ,
34c ; choice , 35a
Corn Meal -Dull and lower ; 22 @ 2 30.
Pork Steady and in better demand at
Lard Firmer ; tierce refined , 7 75 ; kep ,
Whisky Steady ; western rectified 1 05
@ 125.
LIVERPOOL , November 13. Breadstuffs
Wheat Winter Gs ld@Gs 4d ; uprlng.Ga Gd ©
Corn 5s Gd.
TOLEDO , Ohio , November 13. Wheat
Quiet and firm ; No 2 rod , cash and Novem
ber , G7J.
Corn Dull and nominal ; No , 2. spot , 4Gc
bid.Oats Dull ; No. 2 , cash and November , 27o
I ,
OlNOlNNATlNov ember 13. Wheat Strong
er ; No. 2 red 78@79.
Corn Strong ; No. 3 mixpd I3@43J.
Oats Strong nnd higher nt 28Jc.
Rye Quiet nt 51c.
Barley-Steady ; No. 2 fall , 72@3.
Pork-Quiet nt 13 55.
Lard Strong at 7 15.
Bulk Moats Dull and unchanged ; shoul
ders. 5 35J ; nhort ribs , 5 CGg.
WhInky-Diill at 111.
KANSAS Cur , Nov. 13. Wheat Steady
: ash 50J ; December , 51 i bid , 51J asked ; Jnn
.wry , 13J bid , 54 naked.
Corn Stronger ; cash , 32jj@324 ; Novombe
! 0 ; January , 2 < 5f ] bid ; May , 284 hid , 28g asked
Oats Dull and nominal ,
Egcs Lower ; 134c.
ClUCAQO , Nov. 13. Drover's Journal re
rorts ;
Uogs Receipts 3G.OOO ; opened active nnd
i@10c lower : rough packing , 4 0034 2
lacking and shipping , 4 35@4 05 ; light , 4 00@
50 ; skips , 3 0 4 23.
Cattle Receipts 10,500 ; opened active nm
Oc to 15o lower , exports , ( i 15@G GO ; com
non to choice , 8 90&5 90 ; inferior to good
ows , 2 30@4 10 ; stockcra , 3 20@3 80 ; feeder *
90 04 40 ; range , steady ; Montanas , 5 10(5 (
40 ; Nobraskas , 4 20@4 25.
Sheep Receipts 4,000dull ; and 50@75c
inderlast week ; Inferior to fai % 1 75CM250 :
aedium to'choice , 2 C0@3 75. :
ST. Louis. November 13. Cattle RecoiptSi
,100 ; active , strong and higher ; common to
hoice shipping 4 5U@G 25.
Sheep Receipts 1500 ; quiet ; common to
hoice , 2 OJ@3 75.
l ambs 3 00@4 25.
Hogs Receipts , 7 700 ; lower and active
Workers , 4 30@l 45 ; packlnp , 4 35@4 50
lutchora , 4 50@4 G5. .
KANSAS CITY , Mo. , November 13. Cattle
-Receipts , 1,800 ; exports , G 00@i ( 33 ; com
non to choice shipping , 5 00@5 90 ; cows
i G0@3 30.
Hogs Receipts , 7,000 ; weak , 15s lower
i 10 34 33.
Sheep Receipts 373 ; steady ; fair to good
nuttone , 3 00@3 50.
Wholcsnlc Prices ,
Thursday evening , November 13. J
Tna tollowing prices are charged retailers
> y jobbers , wholesalers and commission mor
hanti with the exception of grain , which ia
[ uotod nt the prices furnished by the elevators
> nd other local buyers :
3 Wheat Cash No. 2 , 55Jc.
Barley C.i h No. 2. 44c.
Rye Cash No. 3 , 3SJc
Corn-No. 2 , 29\c. \
Oats -No. 2 , 214c.
SMvo IStoote.
Hogs -3 SO ® 1 10.
Sheep -3 00 a 3 25 ,
Cows-27C@3 25.
Calves -5 00(510 ( 50.
Hide * ) .
Steady : green butchers' G ; green salted ,
; dry Hint 12 ; dty saltj 1U@11 ; .damaged
idea , two thirds price.
Tallow 5 mi.
Sheep Pelts 25@1 00.
Light fine 13 15c.
Heavy fine 12@14e.
Medium 15@lUt.
Burry 2 to Go elf ,
Market Dull.
Flour tincl Blillntutla
Winter Wheat Bast quality , patent at 280
)2 ) 90.
Second quality 2 20@2 50.
Spring Wheat Best fjuality , patent , 2 80 ®
Second QuaIity-2 15@2 50.
Bran 60o per cwt.
Chopped Feed Per 100 Ibs. , 90o.
Corn Meal 1 OOr t 10 per cwt.
Screening C5@75o per cwt.
General Produce
Apples Receipts continue heavy , only
tolce stock saleable at ? 1'.00@2.CO. Bulk re-
ilpts selling at 25@60c per bushel , According
i quality.
Beans Very dull , Only clean stock sale.
jle. Navies ( clean ) per bushel , 1.25@1.CO ;
.edium , 1.00@1.25.
Comb Honey In good demand , Receipts
jry small and meet with ready sale at 18@20o
1 1 and 2 Ib frames ,
Beeswax In good demand , Choice bright
ir Ib. 2G@2Sc ; common to good dark per Ib ,
Butter Choice rollfl , wrapped in muslin
id picked up nicely meet uith ready sale ,
lulu solid packed U rather dull. Consign-
ents are more liberal and price * less linn ,
reamory fresh , 27 ( 28 ; creamery ice house ,
1 25 ; choice dairy , 20@22 good table , 15@
' ; fair , 12W4 : inferior grades , G' j9.
Cider "Ohio" per bbl $7.00 ; "York ,
tate"porbbl , 88.00 ; per 4 bbl , 84.76 ; eon-
meed per la , U5c ; crab apple , pur gal , 35c ,
Cheese Full cream , western , I2c ; Wlscon.
n new l-lo ; young American , 12 a 13c.
Kggs Iteculpts very light , prices firm and
Ivanclnff. Wo quote strictly fresh 27c ,
Hay Baled 87.00(0)8,00 ) loose , $5,00 a
Maple Sugar Pure , in bricks , par Ib. IGo ,
hin. 13c ; smal cakoa 12Jc.
Onions. Market bare and demand good at
; CO cents per bunhol ,
POPCORV Cliolcs dry In fair demand , at
224o per Hi
Poultry Trad A has been rather dull lately
i account of the warm weather , but will
3ubtIe H Improvii with u change of tempera-
IT. Dressed poult'y for this market ( should
3 dry nicked , entriiU : reinovoj und havl and
! rt cut ntr. in order to bring top markcf.
ilcoj. It should nlni ba properly coolotl till
efoiH pao'iltu. Clilck us alive , per dozen ,
250 ; ttii keiiH , (1 pmed , p r ill. , 8'oJlOc ;
irkovs , ( lreu < ( l , per Ib , 12 u.l3c ; ducks , alive ,
nr ( lozoii , $3.00 ; ducks , dre ) ed , | > ur Ib , ,
l@12 : ; geete , dreuneil , per Ib. , 12@13c
( Jame Demand IH good and price * steady.
leer , carcu , per Ib , , 8@9c ; deer saddloa , per
) . , 1213c ; antelojie , carcana , ] > er Ib. , 8 ' / )
: ; antelope B.idillet ] , p r Ib , 12'4l3 ; prairie
jickoas. par dozen , $2 OD@33 00 ; quail , $1.50
> 2 00 ; gee e , per dozen , S3.00' $1.0 : jack
ibbiti , per oo/en , 8J.OOffi$5 03 ; imoll rub-
its , per dozen , 81.00@S1.25 ; unlpe , per dozen.
1.00@$1.25duck ; , mallard , $1.50 ® 1.7fi ; Ual
ad mixed , $1.50 ,
Voti toc The trade U nearly Mippliml nnd
( leinntul only modointo now , however , there ii
no trouble In placing clioico slock , which will
bring from 3.'c to Silo pet buMid , Small nnd
nmud lotromnin dull . , ' 'flrf23o
Sweet Potato * i Ouly cuoico largo , KftlaUo
at 14@2c per Ib.
tlroi-ors Iilm
CANNxn (500113 Urstorcl.StandardlporC'vio ,
3 90 : strawberries , 2 Ibwr \ CMO , 2 20 ; rnsp-
bciTicg. 2 H > , per cn e , 2 50 ; California pears ,
per case , 5 SO ; nprlcota tier CR-C , 5 00 ; peachoj
pcrcnio 590 ; whits cherries per cane , G 76 ;
plums per case 1 60 ; whortleberries , per cvie ,
3 00 ; CRg plums , 2 In , per ca-o , 2 90 ; croon
gages , 2 Hi , per wi , 211) ) ; pine apples , 2 Ib per
case , 8 20a6 ( 60.
Ifoi-n Sisal 4 inch nnd larger , 9c , j ) inch ,
9Jc M'ch , lOc.
CANDIM Boxes , 40 Ib' , IGs , lie ; 8 , lie ;
boxes 10 His , 1G oz. , G ) , 14c.
MATCHES Per caddie , .T c ; round , cases
2 65 ; square , cafoi , 1 70 ; Oshkosh , cases 1 60
SUOAIIS Powdered , 8jc ; cut loaf , 8c ;
granulattxl , GZc ; confectioners' AC3o ; Stand ,
nrd ottro C , tic ; extra O , 6 o ; medium yel >
ow , 6jfc ; dark yellow , c.
COKKKKS Ordinary gradea , 12@124 ! fairl ,
cd. 16ic | , MoLaughllu'g XXXX roastw !
15j'c ; mitatiou Java , lGi@181e ; Clark
Aurora , ISjfc.
Sniur Standard Com. 33a. bbls ; Standart
do , 4J gallon kegs , 1 85 ; Slandard do1 galloi
kegs , 1 60 ,
SODA In Ib paper * , 3 20 per cose ; keg po :
PlcKKta Medium In barrels. G 00 ; do I
half barrels. 3 60 ; small. In barrels , 7 00 ; do ii
half barrels , 5 00 ; gherkins In barrels , 3 00
do In half barrels , 4 60.
TKAB Gunpowder , good , 45@55c ; choicOj
G0@7fic ; good Imperial , 40 ( < il8c ) ; choice. GO ®
G5c ; Young Hyson , good , 3G@50c ; choice , G"
@ 1 00 ; Japan , natural loaf , 76o ; Japan choice
G0a75c ; Oolong , good , 35 ® lllc. Oolong.choico ,
40(3)55c ( ) ; Souchong , good , 3i@IOc ; choice , 3. '
@ 45c.
RICE Louisiana prime to choice , Gi@7c
fair , ) Oc ; Fatma , OJc.
FISH No. 1 mackero half brls. , 7 60 ,
Family J bbls 1 25 ; No. 1 kits 1 05 ; fain , kits
GO ; No. 1 white fish , half brls , 0 60 ; No. 1
kits , 95c. family J bbla , 3 00 ; family kite auiJ
palls , G3 ; No. 1 , trout , J bbls , 5 25
WOODKNWAHK Two hoop pails , 1 85 ; thrci
hoop pails , 2 10. Tubs , No. 1 , 9 00 ; pioneo
washboanls , 1 85 ; Double Crown , 2 00 ; Well
bucket' , 3 85.
SOAPS Kirk's Savon Imperial , 3 45 ; Kirk'i
satinet , 3 GO ; Kirk's standard , 375 ; Kirk'i
White Russian 520 ; Klrk'n outoca , 215.
POTASH Pennsylvania cans , 4 case in cose ,
3 35 ; Babbitt's ball , 2 doz. in cose , 1 90 ; An
chor ball , 2 doz in case , 1 50 ,
CANDY Mixed , Ilal2c ; stick , lOallcj twis
stick , 10JC. |
VINKQAH Now York apple , IGc ; Ohio ap
pie , 13c.
SALT Drav loads , per bbl , 1 GO ; Ashton , in
sacks , 3 60 ; bbls dairy , GO. 5s , 3 GO
SrAncii Pearl 4\c \ : Silver Gloss 8e ; Corn
Starch , So ; Excelsior Gloss , 7c , Corn 7io ,
SPICKS Popper 17c ; spice , 14c ; covoa 20a
nsnla , lf > c.
Dry Fruits No. 1 , quarter api'OB. bbls , 5So ;
N C sliced , boxes , G./C / : evaporated , boxes , 9Jc
blackberries , boxes , lOJc ; poachetboxeg ,
SJc ; peaches , evaporated , lie ; raspberries , 32c ,
Dry Goods
BnowN SIIKKTINQS Atlantic A , 7Jc ; Allan.
: ic P , Gc ; Atlantic LL , 5Jc ; Brunswick , 74c
Beaver Dam LL , Gc ; Lawrtnco LL , 5Jc ; Pad-
3o II , 7c ; Royal Standard , 74e ; Indian Head
A. , 8c ; Wauchusett A , 7Jc.
FINK BnowN SHEKTINQS Argyle , 7Jc ; Pop-
perollR , 7c ; Salisbury R , Gio.
BLKACIIKD COTTONS Ballon 4-4 , GJc ; Bal
Ion , 7-8 , 6Jc ; Cumberland 4-4 , 8c ; Davoll DD ,
3Jc ; Fairmount , 4ic ; FnUt of the Loom 4 ,
3c ; Glory of the West , 8ic ; Golden Gate , 8c ;
Hill 7-8 , 8c ; Hill 4-4 , 7ic ; Lonsdale , SJc ; New
York Mills , lljc ; Wamsutta , lOJc.
DUCKS ( Colored ) Boston , 8 oz. , lljc ; Bos
ton , 10 oz. , 14ic ; lioaton , 9 oz. , lie ; Fall
River SJc.
DurKS ( Gray ) West Point , 8 oz. , lie ; West
Point , 10 oz. , Uc ; Point Bear , 8 oz. , lie.
TICKINGS Amoskoag , Ho ; Continental
Fancy , 9Jc ; Cordis , lOfc ; Pearl River , ISJc ;
York , 12JC ; Hamloton Awnings 12Jc.
DENIES Amoskeag , lie ; Beaver Creek
AA , 12o : Beaver Crook BB , llcj Beaver
Creek CO , lOc ; Haymakers , 8c ; Jaffrey D &
r , 12 c ; Jaffrev XXX , 12Jc ; Pearl River.
L3c ; Warren AXA ( brown ) , 12c ; Warren BB
brown ) , lie ; Warren CO ( brown ) , lOc.
CASHIHICS Fifth avenue glove finish , Go
Keystone glove finish , 5Jc.
0 itsKr JEANS Amory , 7jc ; Hancock , Sc ,
Kearsayor 81c ; Rockport , 7c.
PUINTS Aliens , fijc ; jVmerican 5Jc ; Arn
Ma , fie ; Cocheca , Cc ; Harmony , 4ic ; Indigo
[ ic ; Indigo 7-8 , lljc ; Indigo 4-J , lajc ; Steel
River , 5Jc ; Charter O.ik , ) Jc.
PUINTS SliinTlNas American , Sc ; Co-
ihcco , 5o , Gloucester 5c ; Southbrldgo , 4Jc ;
IVavorlys , 4Jc ; Rosedale , 4Je.
GiNanAMH Amoskeiig staples , 8Jc ; Bates
itaples , S c1 Lancaster staples , 8c : Plunkot
ilaids , Oc ; Hudson check * , t > lc ; Amoskoag
? orBians < 9ie
DKESS Ujons.-AHautic Alpacca , 9Jc ; Per
iano cashmere , 23Jc ; U amleton cashmere
51c ; Hamilton Fancus , lljo ; Hatnleto bro
ades , 15c ; Arlington brocade , ISc.
Drugs ,
Dnaas AND t HEMICALS Acid. Carbolic
Oc ; acid , tartario , 55c ; balsam capabla , porllti
5c ; bark , Bassafriv ) , per Ib. 12o ; calomel , per
b. 75c ; clnohonidia , per oz. , 8015 ; chloroform ,
icr Ib. § 1 05 ; Dovorn powders , per Ib , SI 25 ;
psom salts , per Jb. 3ic ; glycerine , pure , per
b. 25c ; lead acetate , per Ib. 22c ; oil castor ,
io. 1 par gal. , I GO ; oil castor , No. 3 , per gjl. ,
11 40 ; oil , olive , per gal , SI 40 ; oil origanum ,
Oc ; opium , § 1 50 ; quinine , P. & W : and R , &
! , per oz. , $1 05 ; potassium , Iodide , per
i. , 81 50 ; salicin , per oz. , 40o ; snlplmto
iorj > liine , per oz. , ? 3 GO ; sulphur per Ib. , 4c ;
trychnlno , per oz. , $1 35 ,
FnlntH Olln anil Varnishes.
OIMJ 110 caruon , per gallon , 12c ; 150 °
oadliglit , per gallon , 12jc ; 175J headlight ,
> er gallon , IG c ; 1501 * winter white. 15Jc ; lin-
ocil raw , per gallon , 18c ; linseed bailed , per
allen , 51o Lard , winter str'd , per gallon , 70c ;
To. 1 , GOc ; No. 2. 50 ; ciator XXX , pur gal-
jn , 1 GOo. No. 3 , 1 40 ; sweet , per gallon. 1 00
perm W. B. , per gallon , IGO ; fish W. B ,
or gallon , G5 ; neatsf out extra , per gallon , i)0o ) ;
fo , 1 , 75c ; lubricating , zero , par gallon , 30o ;
Jinmcr , 16c : golden machine , No , 1 , per gal.
> n , 35c ; No , 2 , 28c ; sperm , nignal , ) > f > r gallon
3c ; turpentine , per gallon , 43c ; naptha , 74 ° ,
or gallon , IGu ,
PAINTS IN OIL Wiiito lead , Omaha P. P. ,
ic ; white lead , St. Louis , pure , 6jfc ; Marseil-
is , green , 1 to 5 Ib cans , "Oc ; I'ronch zinc ,
roen seal , 12e ; French zinc , rod seal , lie ;
rench zinc , in varnUh oust , 20c ; French zinc ,
oil aunt , 15c ; raw and burnt urnbor , 1 Hi
us , lOo ; raw and burnt Sienna , lOc ; Vandyke
[ own , 13o ; refined lampblack , 12o ; coacli
lack and ivory black , IGc ; droj ) black , IGc ;
rnssian blue , 40 : ; ultramarine blue , IRC ;
ircma green , L. M. & D. , IGc ; blind and
mttor green , L. M , & D , , IGc ; Paris green ,
ic ; Indian red , Ifo ; Venetian rod , 9c ; Tus-
m red 22c ; American vennlllion , I , & P. ,
; yellow ochre , Oc : L. M , , O. & DS 0. , 18o
allow ochre , 9c ; g > lilon nobro , IGo ; patent
ryor , 8c ; graining colors , light oak , darkjoak ,
alnut , clieatnut and aih , 15c ,
O'A toll ) , B8o@12o | hCBlocttolnKc@SHo |
eu.'lock kip , fiOot mnniur 65s to 75j | hem *
: th calf. rl5o to 1 00 ; hemlock upper , 22s
> l4t ! oak nnper , 'Ho ; alligator , 4 00 to 5 50 ;
ilf kid , S2Si35 ( ; Gnuaeu Uil. ' 60 to 2 76 ; out
Ip. 80o to 1 00 ; oilt culf , 1 20 to 1 SO ; French
Ip , 1 10 to 1 65 ; Itemch calf , 1 25 to 2 03 ; rui-
iU , 6 50 to 7 60 ; JAlnxn , H Of ) tc 8 60 top.
in ? 9 00 to 10 60 ; B L. Morocco , JCM to 35c.
bliln 0. D , Morocou 3.r/oi slmou. 2 603 00
HAIINKSH. No. I star oak , 35c ; No. 2 Sic ;
let No. 1 Ohio osk , , l3.i ; nn , X do , dlr ; No.
Mi Iv ; unban 31c ; No 2 do ? .Jf ,
No. I PKta oolr bur. ? 0i ; Nu , 1l'ltt o V
At'JO'COt If'H ' nroot lo'jhol , 2 2G p i < yiln
tlla.i tit Oallforuli * tptrlto , lliri proof ,
18 jin prcxjl gallou ) triple rofiiiaKplrita ]
57 proof , 1 17 per proof gallon ; is-dirtiUed
lil U M 1 00@1 5U ; fine blDisdod , 1 50 © ! ' EC ;
liiNH TruportoJ , 4 Wrtrt iiyi iJomouit , l tu
Ruub-/Kportod , 4 W'.5fl W ; NewKnaUnd
W J 00 ; domestic , 1 M3 60.
CUAMPAQKEII Imported per caie , 23 00 ©
I 00 ; Ajnsrlcun. par wan , 11 ! K'fJilQ 00.
' . ,
Tobacco ,
PLUO TOBACCO Climax 45c ; Bullion 45o !
lorseshoe , 4ic ; Star , 4Gc ; Rudy. 45c ; Her
jyV 40c ; Black , 3H40cj Spearhead , 4Gc ;
lur JJopfl , 48o : Piper Heldslock , C4c.
FINK CUT CommsD , 30oj Mouium4Co good
43IH > oHnnltoBeat70 | c ; favorite , GOc ; Dla-
mondCrt \ n , " < " , Sweet Sixteen , r V.
SMOKIV.i' ' . 8. , 22oj ; Mepnchium , 30c :
Durham 10 o * . , Cl { Unrlii.m , 8 or
MCI Diulmm 4 oj. , Mci nmhatn
or. , fiOo ! Si'ftl of North C.irolinn , 10 or
41c : Sonl of North Carolina. 8 r > > , \ * . s l <
North Cnrollnlft , 4 or. 48 ; Scnl of North Cnrt
linn , 2 oz. , BOc : 0 K. 1'urliJ'f. I or. , 2Sc
O. 1C Durham. Jor.t 30cj I ticl. < Nod , 1
2 < " > c } Tom nutl Jerry , 23c.
W quota lumber , lath nnd uhlnglM oa cw
ftt Omaha nt the following prlcoil
20 00
TIMBEM 16 fcot and tinder , 20 ( X ) .
TIMBXB AND JOIST 20 l , 2300j 24ft ,
25 00
'FiNOiNa No. 1 ( 4 W"l 6 In. , 21 00) ) ' No. 2
BltKBTlHa No. l(2d ( common boaril ) ,20 00
No. 2 , 18 00.
STOCK Uoxnna A , 4(5 ( 00 ; n,40 00 ; 0 , S5 00
FixjoniNQ No. 1 , 40 OOj No. 2 , 85 OOj No
3 , 25 00
SmiNO , clear 2700 | No. 2,2COOj , No. 3
OilLINa-J , 87 00 | 8 , 2d
BiHNOWB , best 1 60 ; tnnctard , 3 BO ,
TJ\TH $ 25 per M.
Li MI Per barrel , 1 25 ; bulk per bushel. . Sic
comnnt , bbl , 2 25 ; lown plaster , bbl , 2 50) ) ha !
per bn. GOcj Tarred felt , 100 u , 3 MI straw
botud SCO ,
IIoftvjIIiwrtwnro | Iilst.
Iron , rules , 2 SO ! plow stool special cast , lie
crucible , 7c ; pccial or Gorman , 6c ; cast too
do , 15a'iOj wagon spolcoa , net , 2 I"m3 ! 00 ; hub
per set , 1 25 ; felloes , unwed dry , 1 40 ; tongue *
rach , "OiSIc ; axles , each , 7fic ; Kqimro nuts pe
Ib , 7 Uc ; washers , per Hi , 8al8c : rhets , per Hi
lie : coil chain * per lt > . Gal2c : malleable , 80
Iron wedge * , Go : crowbars , Go : harrow teeth
4c ; spring stool , 7aSc : Bunion's horseshoes
1 40 : Burden's muloshoos 5 70.
lUlinKD WlHK In car lotc , 4 CO per 100.
NAlts-Kntos , 10 to GO , 2 30.
Stior-Shot , 1 85 : buck shot , 2 10 : oriental
powder , kegs , G 40 : do , half kegs , 3 48 : do
luartor kegs , 1 8S : blasting , kegs , 3 35 : fuse
[ ior 100 feet , COo.
LKAD liar 1 G5.
COAL Cumberland blacksmith , 10 00 : Mor
ris run UIoBsburg , 10 00 : Whltobroast lump
5 00 : Wldtobroast nut , 5 00 : Iowa lump , 6 00
Cowa nut , fi 00 : llock spring , 7 00 : Anthra
: ito , 11 25all DJ : Oanon City , 7 00 per ton.
lnr Pnlnt * .
White Ie fl , Set .trench tine. 10i | Paris
iriiHlnK , 2Jej whlUnfr ( Aiders , IJoi T/hltlng
ml lie ; lampblack , Qonnantown , I4c
ampblack , ordinary , Ooi Pruoalxi blue , 6Co ;
intramarino , 18c ; Vandyke , brow * , 8c ; umber ,
jurat , 4cj umber , raw , 4c ; tlonn * burnt , 4oi
ri.vr , 4cj Paris green , genuine , 25o
Paris gioon , common , 20c ; chrome preen N.V. ,
ICcj onromo croon , K. , l2ot ! vonnillion , Kng. ,
'Cc > verinlUion , American. 18c ; Indian , rod ,
LOo ; rose pink , Moj Venetian led , Oookaon'a ,
! fcj Venetian red , American , IJJc ; rod load ,
'Jo ; chromo yellow , genuine , , * ! 0c ; cnromn yd-
w , K. , 12oochro rochelle , So : ochre. 1'roncli ,
! ? c ; ochre , American , 2cj Wlntor'a mineral ,
! $ c ; lahlqh brown , 2icj Spanish brown , 2Jc ;
? rluco'a mineral , lie.
VABNIBHIM Barrels , pur gallon : Knml
rare , extra , $1 10 ; furniture , No. 1 , 81 } coach ,
iztrc , $1 40 ; coach , No. 1 , 31 20 ; Dnmar
ixtrn , Cl 75 ; Japan , 70oaspluutum ; , axtza , 8Goj
hollac. 83 50 : hard oil finish 81 50.1
FLOOB Colorado , 100 Ibn , ; i G5(31 ( G5 ; pat
mt , 100 Ibs. , 1 90@225 ; Kansas , 100 Iba , 2 75
g3 75 ; Minnesota , 100 Iba , 3 90 ; graham , 100
bo , 1 85@2 00 ; rye. 100 Ibs. , 2 3o@2 60 ; buck.
rhoat , 100 Ibs , 7 50@7 75.
OBAIN , FKKU , KTO Wheat , 100 Ibs , 80@90c ;
orn , In snck ? on track , 100 Ibg , 1 25@1 27 ;
ata , in sacks on track , 1(10 ( Iba , eastern white ,
. 13 1 15 ; Colorado white , 1 14@1 15 ; mixed ,
10@1 12 ; barley 100 Ibs , 1 30@1 40 ; bran.
on , on track , 13 516)14 ) 50 ; chen , corn , 100
bs , on track , 1 27(5)1 ) 29 ; the ] ) . mixed , 100 Ibs ,
n track , 1 30@1 35 ; corn meal , 100 ibs. 1 05
HAT Baled , upland ton , 13 00@15 00 ;
ipland , loose , ton , 13 00@li ( 00 ; second bot-
om , baled , 10 L0@ll 00 ; alfalfa , loose , ton ,
0 00@11 00 ; clover , baled , ton , 14 00 ; clover ,
joao , ton , 13 00@15 00 ; straw , baled , ou track ,
on , G 00@9 00.
BnrrEn Creamery , fancy , Ib. 3G@10 ;
roamory , fine , lbHO@10 ; creimory , fair , lh ,
2 23 ; dalrv. choice , Ib , 22 21 : dairy , good ,
) , 18@20 ; dairy , fair , Ib , 15@1G ; cookini ? , Ib ,
@ 11.
JKaaa State , candlnd and warranted , do ? ,
[ > @ 2G ; ranch , dor , 2830.
OHKEUK Full cream , I43)15o ! ) ! half cream ,
i , ll(5)13c ( ) ; skim , Ib , 9@13c ; Swi B , domestic ,
j , 20@22c ; Swiss , Imported , 31@32c ; L\w \
ur er , Il@l8c.
PoDtrnr Live old chickens , doz,4 75@5 25 ;
ve sprlncs , doz , 3 Oj.'iyj-l 00 ; live ducks , doz ,
OOS525 ; live turkeyo , Ib. , 15@17c.
PoTATOits-Colorado , 103 Ibs , 95 ® ] 00 ;
mot , rer Ib. , 3i@8ic.
VicaKTABLsa Unions , yellow , lOOlbi ,
2501 5'J : cabbazo , 100 Ibs , 90 1 10 ; boat * ,
30 Ibs , 1 201 30 ; turnips , 100 IbJ , 1 00 ®
25 ; carrots , 100 lba.1 2 5@1 50.
GIIKIJ.V VKaETABLKH Tomatoas , par Ib , 1@
B ; cusumbors , doz , SftlO ; green cora. doz ,
D20 ; string beam , gal , 20@22 ; celery , doz
9n375 ( ; onions , doz bunches , 18@22 ; parsley ,
[ ) @ 12 ; carrotB , 12@15 ; lettuce , 15@20 ; egg
lant , doz , 50@1 00.
FuciTfl Lemono , per case , Messlnn , G C0@
00 ; orangca , Ilodi , case , 8 OOS58 50 ; oranroa ,
.oiiisiaaa . , lbl , 12 OD@12 BO ; opplea , fan-
f , bbl , 3 754 2i ; apples , medium , bbl ,
25@3 0 ; anples , Belleflower , box.l 00@1 50 ;
oars , box , 325@5 CO ; poaclieH , box , 2 25@
60 : California crapes , box , Melvolse , Peru ,
lusuat , 1 752 00 ; b inanas , baDch,3 00@5i)0 ;
uincou , box , 2 50@2 75 ; crunborrioj. bbl , B &
; , 1G50.B&C , 135J@1100.
CUIIKD MEATS Uama sugar cured , Ib , 15 ;
anifl , awcot pickled , Ib , 11V ; baoou , broak-
i8t , Ih , 14i ; dry salt sldea , Ib , lli ; dried
oef , Ib , 1G ; lard in palla , lO lOi ; lurd In
orces ,
lKATS Dressed beef Colorado , per
i. "ISGlc ; onoico void , Ib , 11 © 13 ; hogs , Ib ,
g8J ; mutton , Ib , G@ * ; Iamb. Ib , 10@12i ,
IjivaiSiouK Colorado steers , per 100 Ibs ,
113P75 ; cows , 10U Ih , ; 100@KO : ; choice
sal c-dves , Ib , 7@8c ; sheep , 2 00@2 50.
Illdoa. Dry Idint No. 1 , peril ) , 101@12ci
'o. 2 , Ib , 8@10 ; green fteurn and branded
df.Jb. li'a i ; graencalf , Ib , G ; grpoa kip
i , Of sliBoi ) sltlns dry , 7fiSS : door skins , sum
, or , Ib , 1G31S ; deerskins , winter , > b , ll !
itelopo skins' Ib , 12 19 ; tillow , Ib , 4@5.
WOOL Colorado No. 1 , per II ) , M
ick , Ib , 8 ; Mexican , 8.
Ifisil Mackerel , No.l , 1 60 , Idt , moss ,
7G@2 25 ; Oallfomla laltnoa , half bbl , 10 CO ;
lollaud hning , ke ? , 1 OOS51 75 | trout , par
i. 1718o ?
TO TIIK J. M. II , & D. CO.l
The moit oxUntlTo manutoctarcrlol
tin HockstrMjor Ocnortl AKdit or
H'osttrn Io .
B , Tenth Btroet . . . . OlfAHA.HEH
fffl'ilmua Ullllard nnil eel Tolon * ) I mto rl
* | > pllMtl u
ihemical Dyeing
0. T. PAULSON , I'ropilotori
( ientluaivai * Cloth'ng ' Cleaned , I > jed an 1 Kvptlred.
ulltiDreswi Cleaned riJ Dyed , Ilfi < plii | { ,
lumi.1 Clt&ried or Colored any thtile , to sample.
Ikf , Vcl > UDO Lacot Uleuied , l yed aiid He-tla *
312 Douglas Street , . OMAHA , NED ,
Time Tablo.
In KITcct Oct. in , 1881.
The Nttentlon ol DIP tr > elllneMil.1e ! H culled tc
the t ct that tli ) * U tlie ( mlcomi M nd ulidolutclj
ciurott tliuo tft lotiulillslii'il In Hu it ,
All train * imha at nml Irom Oinnha b )
Central Stninlanl Time.
Tralin of the 0. St. I * . M ft 0. irrhe At ftmt Oc
p\rt Irom their ilciwt , corner of Hlh and Wflutf r
trert ; trains u < the 11. & \t. , C. 11 It Q , uml K , 0 ,
St. J. A U. U. Irom the I ) . & M. depot , all others Itoin
the Union riclflc ilcprt.
, IaMrh ) ; , except SntiUiU } , c , escrpt Suudaj ; 0 ,
except Xfomlay.
Dummy Trains ti o Omaha at a < o,8 oo
0 00 , lu W , It 16 ft in , 1 00 , 2 00 , 3 00 , 4 00 , K 00 , 0 00.
035 pill , On StlmUjntho BOO nnil 1000 ft m nnii
' 00 anil 4 09 i > in tralnn ilu not run. Arrh o nt trainer -
or depot 13 inluutcs htcr : Urondw ay depot A ) mln <
utoslater ,
I.cmo Council Iln ) ( ! ( Drofclwtv depot ) at 7 70 , 8 3d
B 30 , 10 30,11 43 n m ; 1 30 , 2 SO , 3 SO. 4 SO , C 30 , 0 36
anil 11 OS p 111. On Uuntik > a the 8 SO and 10 30 a in
and 3 SO ftiul 6 30 p m train * u 111 not run * Arrh o at
Transfer 7 mlnutoa latrr , Omiha 20 minutes later ,
TrnnsforTrnlnS LoavoOmahantS IB , 869
0 Oi a in , 4 US , 8 10 nml 0 66 n m , dally.
Airhont 0 45 and U 16 a m , 12 26 , 7 35 and 8 1G p
'o and from Chicago v la tlio Tripartite Alliance Linen.
| Mil. I ll-l. I N.W I N VV I U-l I Mil
Sunday c\enlnrand [ Monday ino
n corresponding order. U. U. It ( j. trains run av
'rnctice Limited to Diseases oi' the
Eye nml Ear.
03 Farmun StreetOBIAHJ
Uoynl and U.H , Mall Utonmoro
I'r.eJM t , ( Jcrmany , Italy , Holland and Franct
Kt5oraBoOut\rmd,820 \ ; Tropald from Antwerp , { Is ;
< icurMon , } VJ , Including bedding , , 2d Cabin , JCC ;
laiiDd Trip , COO 09 ; xairs'.on , 3lt"J ; S looa liom ( SO
) t'ju ; Eicarelon tin to tiep.
fari'utor Wright Eoui , Otn AzentO. (5 Uio il
ojld.votl. llxmlltan ft Co. , Omaha. P. K. Flu
niatiOJ. , E03H. 18th Stroat , Omaha ) D. E. Kiel
II , Oun'jaA nnta. cd-ly
11 v w > v or
In Union Dnpotfl nt Knni-mC lij ,
Uliiiilianiid Donvurwltli llnoiiKli tniliiH lot
And nil points Jn the Git'iit West
onntctlni ; In Criinit Union Dopol nt Ulilcio |
with tin ouch Imliwfoi-
NEW YORK , /fOA'S'OjV ' ,
Anil nil JC"Tii ( Cities ,
At I'corla with llnoi. ' ' < tiuliiH lor Indlniiu ; )
UH , Ulnclnn.itl , Uolin J.w , iinU nil polnlH In
liohoulli.Knat. At Hfillf ula with thiouuh
niliiH lor all jiolnlH l '
Kk'Kiint l > ny C'oirlii-B , 1'nrliir CurH , with i
llilliiKJhulrsh ( ( > utH ln-u ) , .SniokliiK CIUHulli
ovolvln ( JIuiliN , I'lillnmn I'alurn hleojil
IIIH nml tliu IIUIIOIIH ; . li. & < } . Dining L'
mi dully toand from ( -illcngo und KuiiHas ( ; i | j ,
lilciiiioanil ( ; oHiitll Jllndi : UlilciiKO und Hit
lolni'H , Uhlciio | , St , JoHuph , Atc'hlmin find
'ujiukii wltlioiit cluuiKo. Only tluoiiKh lint
mini IK thnlr own tiuliiM Ijilwicn Olilcao ; ;
.incolii and Denver , and ChlniKO , Kan.aH
"ty and DUIIUT. ThmiiKh CUIH luiturun
udl.inajiolHand Council Jlliiirj , via I'eoilu
Holld ' 1'nilim ol Dln anL Day Co.iuhcs and
Millnmn I'lilacdSlcojiliiK Cain a in run dally K.
nd fiom .St. Louis ; via Huiinllml ; ( Jnii'iti ,
Ccokiik , lliirllnpitciii , f.Yiljir JIuiilclHiuiil Allini
f.iiuloht. 1'aiil nml Minneapolis ; 1'iirloi "iir
ivilli lU'cllnliiK Clialra to unit liom Ht. l.uul
mil 1'cnila. oiilyonuclmiiKoof I'IUH | j < twi > i i
< t , J.oiilHunil Ju Jlolm'H , Ju u , Lincoln , > io
jniHlta , and Uonvcr , Colonulo.
U lUlllHI ) till ) Ollly TlllOIIKllMlKI bfclMCI'M
It Is known HH tliu ITLU : ' 1'IIItOl'iill OAK
I INI ; of America , and ia unlveiwilly iidnnt
EquJppoi Hallicad In the Wcrld fa
all classes of Travel.
ThroiiKii TIckeiM viu tlilo line fr nalc at ri
ft , I.toiiixjii ! ticket oillccs . .i ttiu Uultuil Sluttcr
' , J. 1'OTTKlt. J'EIIOKVAI.
Vk'rii. . 1. 04D Mm. i rr 'ita Vt.
St. Charles
Four tonlirlck , Ju t trected on 0. itiiit.bc >
wteu 7th ami blh itricli. FlntMt lurnltbixi , bdt
nd inoit ivuouMt rrlrnd homw it tlio tapllol.
ieur Ml draott , MIW. KATKCOAKLM ,
uorsWlm J'foi'rletor ,
t i
Growers of lave Stock and Others.
It isj ho best nnd chonposl food for stock of nny kind. Ono pound ia equal lo
throe now. ds of corn. Stock fed with Ground Oil Gnko in the Fall and Winter
instead of running down , will incroaao In weight nnd bo in good innrkotablo condl
lion in the spring. Dairymen , txs well va others , who u o it , can testify to ito mot
Ita. Try it nnd judge for yourselves. Price § 25.00 per ton. No chnrgo for eaoka
DR. ' JSarSTJfcsJJt * .
Hall's 'Safe and
K d El S
Wq , 1 5 u.
II. B. LOCKWOOD , ( formerly of Lockwood tt Draper , Chicago , Manager of the
Ten , Cigar and Tobacco Departments. A fall line of all grades of
the aboxo ; also Pipoa and Smokers' carried in stock. Prices
and Baniploa furnished on application. Open orders
' . .intrusted to us shall receive our careful
attention. Satisfaction Guaranteed.
Milwaukee. Wis.
GTUNTHER & CO , , Sole Bottlers , s
s s
/Wd /
1301 AND ] 1303 PARNAM STREET , COR. 13Tn ,
A. JL. STRANG & ? OO. ,
Double and Single Acting Power ana Hand
EDjjlno Trlrnminga , Mining Mnchlnciy , Bolting , Hoco , Biasn and Iron Fittlngr ,
at wholimalo Riid retail. BALLADAYVJMDM1LLS , CHL'RCH
Corner 10fh Farnana St. , Omaha Neb.
FAR1. AM STREET , . . . . . OM AD A , NEB
Importer , Jobber and M niifacturor'a Agent o ( ,
13th Strcofc , Bot. Parunm and Harnoy.
OMAHA , , - - - NEBRASKA ;
The I'lco'rln ' Lmnp
M Candle 1'owvr
DOBTO.S-B rch lit , 1881.
rifeimON PIANO OO aun.xu yonr ln tniruNit , artna.fliiQftrauid Upright , ro re lly nolby
n/itrumeaU uid OBjIriJIoJ lot b aaty ut t DUO fcuj tlulah. Allow m * to oaogivtulata you oa your t < rU B
Strnot , Onuih * , Neb.
auco ra Cth.andiDo e'M ' utrecta OMAHAJNKB