OMAHA JO Alt A BEE - FRIDAY , NOVEMBER , U (517 St. Clinrlcs S . , Ki. Lonli , Mo. A niK'ir ( ' < ! < > ' < i * ' JllCii 'ft. b | i rnl oirtt tnffKrtdln ih > Ke fti trtimmiif CHEO IC ttrAtl. ) BK flea I LAnn tlfvRirrAt nnvt other TliTIfUn In HI , Lottlt. rllr ftpm rhuw unu n 1 rf' triM ni. kbow. Nctiom piostrallon. Gelililly , Mental and PhrslcnlWiadnejs , MticurUlnnd nlhor Aflcc * lions ol Thronl. Skin or Doncs , ( Hood Poisoning , old Sores and Ulcers , i-nini niih rriraii i < 4 nrr < - > ionl > lc > -lrnlll | rliirr : < F Vlr.rrltmly. Diseases Arising ( run Indiscretion , Execs * , Exposure or Indulgence , * Mth tntac * Mn or at lollowlnit eltctu > - dtlllllr , din m r tlcM nil drrctlti > taemtitf , I nl l l t\ Hit r M rV'l" ! < ) ( } , Mrtrtlontathe orf tor r m tocoofi Ut nt IjrtH& , rcnilorlntr Mnrrlnse Improper or tmutppy. > ra Krmitttettjjetirca , fim.hltit6 | tKei ) ntb0 ftt tfeM iklM tnTelor * , itff t Kh Adilrrtif. C4alOlllltlonalt noflnrhyronl1frr . nilltitlUjJ. WrIK for < utitlmi > . A Positive Written Guarantee ( ttre * In all enr 1 le tttri. Urdleloei dent eitrjwhere. I'amphlcti , Enollth or Herman , O4 pacei. tin- oriblnff aboro dlieaios in male or female , FilEa MARRBAGE GUIDE I rfOftgfi , KttMn. lllnilntKl In eloih tniltlllklnaioi ijet&oDe7 ri it c t itmp.iHpfr eoTcru , XV. Thli bAi e BUloi all the enrloos , doubtrul or laauUltlfo X book r inn Inttrut la all. Ueillii , atM art nrameuU br Science of Life Only $100 BY MAIL POSTPAID. ! * m't KNOW THYSELF , , A. GREAT MEDICAL WOltK ON MANHOOD ! Kihitutod Vitality , Norvons and rhTslcnl Dobllllj rrodutare Decline In Mm , Krrors of Youth , And the untold mlMrio * resulting from lnJI crotloni or ex- COMM. A book far every nun , young , middle agrd and old. It oonUlns 1S5 prcsorlptlnns for all aoal and chronlo dlioMO each ono of which liIn\aluablo. So found liy the Author , whoso oiporlonca for 17 yonrs It Bucn M probably never Doforo foil to the lot of nny phvalcian. 200 J' ( to , bound In beautiful French muilln ompoesed ooven , full , gilt piarantoo to bo a finer work la ovcrv lonso , machanloal , 11 orary and profcanloral , than any ether work loldl this country for fllO , or the money will bo rotunda In every Instance. I'rlco only f 1.00 by mall , pea paid. Illustrative Mmp ] 6 cent * . Send now. Ool modal awarded the author by the National llodloi Araoclatlon , to the odloerg of which ho rotors. The Solcnoo of Lite ehould bo road by the voun for InstrucUon , and by the afGIctod for rollcf. It wl benefit nil. London Lancet , Tncro Ig no member of esclety to whom The So cnoo of Lfo will not be tuoful , whether youth , par cnt. guardian , Instructor or clorgrm a. Argonaut. Addroaj the Tcabody Medical Intitule , or Dr. Ti It Parker , No. t liulQnch Btrocl , Itoaton.Mata. , wh may bo consulted on all diseases requiring ( kill an experience. Chronlo and obstinate diseases that hav baiflod the BUIll ol all other phys-lirII clans Bncclalt > : Such treated sucoons _ fall irltnOot an InjUnce of failure. TU'VC'CI P IHIoLLr EVEBYMSRSON SIOK OR WELL , In Invited to pcnil Die ! nddrcus to TUB SWIFT SrEcino Co. , Drawer 3. Atlanta , Ga , for a copy of their treatise on liloot end Skin Diseases , which will bo mailed free. Cancer for Many Years A ( imlly servant his been nlHctoJ for many joar with a cancer on her none , and wns treated by eons of I ho best physician * , and the old remedies use without benefit Finally wo ga\o her Swift's Hpc clflo and Bbo bag been completely cured. JOHN lint , , DrugglsJ , Tliomson , Ga. , August 10,1881. NOSE EATEN OFF. John Naves , a jouop man nrar hero , 1'ad a cance on bis face which bad eaten awaj bin nose and jiar ot his cheek , and waa extending up tohlaoyos. A a la t resort ho W B put on S llt' Bpoclllc , and I bag entirely cured him. Illsfaoots all healed ore with now ( fcsb , nnd his general health Is excellent Illsfooovcry wu wonderful.IF. IF. F. CnUMI.XT , M. D. , Oitlothorpo , Oa. , Autruitl8,1884. > > > MEDICAL AND SURGICAL DISPENSARY ) . . n u ROUN8ErS BLOCK , h Oor. 16th and Capitol Avenue , trcata all oaaoa Clip- a plod or Deformed , alsodleoasoa of tt , o STervous System , r o Blood , and u h Urinary Organs h All DAMS of Curvature of the Spine , Crooked Fool a : Ixiru and Anna , Diseases of the Dip , Knee , and Ankle Joints Also Chronlo affection ! ofthoLhoi ar Kboumattsm , Paraljfili , Plica , Ulcers , Catarrh , Aath r n > a and Dtonohltl ) are all treated by now and euo- al oemful methods. All dlsoaeca of the Blood and Urin ary Orxane , Including these rouultlng from lutlscro- 01o llou.or oxpoeuro , are eafoli and luoooaafullv treated 01f and a euro guaranteed. Youni ; men , mlcullo aged , f and old men eufforlng from Weakness and Nervous oxbauatlon , produoluk indigestion , Palpitation of the Heart , Despondency Ulizlnesa , Los ) of UcmoryLaok mi of Energy and Ambition , can be restored to health nnd vigor , U case Is not too long neglected. The Burgeon In charge ! a graduate ot Jeflor- ; 1 Bon Medical College 1885) ) and bat etudlod bll protection In London , Par la and Dorlln. n afflicted , W ( call or write full description of your oaao , and incdl- n bo Bent . Consultation free. Ad nft clno may you. drci ft Omaha Dhrpenaory , Crounao'a Block , Omaha , Neb , ftu Officebonra 10-13 a. m.l-S and7-8 p. in Bundajs , ftn 10 A m. n ta.8end for treatloo either oa male dig f dclunnltlcs. o 0 IMMflASK/l LAND AGENCY 1r a a aODOCC3SOR ODOCC3SOR 10 DAVIS tt HNYDrR. ) Goseial Dtilcrt In ESTATE 3 CU06FAI1NAUBT. : OMAIIA.- Dftvo lei ut 130,0(0 aeiel oaierolly wleolod landl o E * tcrn Nebraska , at low prloo and on eaay tcitru. bcpiorea larme lot Halo in Douglaa , Ilodse , Oolfox Clatto.Doit , tmmui ; , Barpy , WutilnttOD , aloiioi : Bauodem , and Butler Oountlei. Taiefl paid In til parts of the State , Ifouoy loaned oa mpiored fumi. Uotiry Pnbllo alwavi In offio * Corieopond f Will purify Iho BLOODi-rcinu late trio LIVIHI ana KIDNCY8. UTIll JtlnlOUti 1MK KKAI'TU mid VICOH of YOUX1C. lljf li ) | ) la.Viuitof ApiiylHo , jn- UlK'llon , J.atk ui ntruiiRtlu \ uinirlliiKatH > lulcly Korefl , musclesnnu ii'rvpurc Jvonuwiorci' . _ a J lllCIIO tilt ) III ) id UllJ - ' tupiilics ifruln 1'owir. 8eGBnflirfimiroiiicoiiiil | liiti ty line Jlliu-to tliulr cx will Had luXiIi. ly.HZBtt'UIJMm VQSllO u iah unil i * 'T/elfnt'iit ' > crJitsft ? ? [ * ' ' " . ' $ $ * $ $ * $ , . . „ . . . - . . Douotesiicrl * t jiMlJIKBT. . " " - - . " _ " , Mo..forour"DMKAM , JU001f rupiat > 4 tue > ol.iularm > U u.ttbe.t > J A BRIDE'S SEND-OFF , Cost of EqnipDiDg a YonDg Laflyor / Marriage , Thnt AVII1 MnkoKnlhcrfiOnel Up Thcli- Hank Accounts DC- Calls of tlic TroiiKscnu niul I ho Kxpenso ol' Iho KcniR , Naw York Mail and Kxprcts. "Getting ready to bo married" is , per haps , the most fascinating employment of womanhood. The bridu's trousseau is concededly the most important feature of the wedding preparations. .Every young woman oxpoota to bo married aoino time , or ought to , and oven where the prospect is not immediate the temptation is Irro- sislablo to devise costumes and make cal culations of expenses In anticipation of destiny's demand. From the point of view of the shops and mant < m-makcr , brides are divided into throe distinct classes : Those with whom money is the object ; these who muat bo moderately economical , and these restricted to the essentials of a bridal outfit in ordinarily well-to-do and respectable society. The trousseau of a young woman of wealth and fashion may bo , and usually is , a thing of bewildering oxponaivonoos. The father of the family is made to fool that the occasion calls for the display of unwonted and excessive liberality. An easy nnd comfortable method in ouch a case Is to send the young lady to Paris to bo gauged and fitted by Worth. She will have her costumes selected and con structed with regard to her figure , gait , complexion and ntylo , and regardless cf the expense thereof. In eight or nine weeks she receives the bewitching boxes P in which are packed to perfection the c : twenty or moro trlumpha of art which h shall bo the envy nnd admiration of her ti tin Friends for a year to como. A chock for1 tiii 520,000 will cover the cost nnd inoludo ii the bridal dross. The rest of the outfit 1 it is impossible to estimate , nlnco with 1a 1n unlimited moans nnd luxurious taste it a may bo made to cost almost anything , S riio richest of lace and undergarments , o Lho finest of silk hoao , the costliest of c embroideries , the rarest of jewels , the d marvels of boots , gloves , bows , wraps and t bonnets , the traveling paraphernalia of 1 trunks , eatoholo , dressing cases , toilet $ attachments and ether articles ot taste h hTi nnd luxury can bring the cost of the Ti Tin trousseau up to § 50,000 , without waste Tia ful extravagance. a A MODEST ESTIMATE. b But now young women must bo content h with trousseaux of a difl'oront aort from iisi that of Alias Jerome nnd Mica Astor , nnd sicl can bo quite as happy without unbridled cl magnificence. Indeed , when calcula- & tioua of cost must enter the composition , acc wedding outfits have a certain personal cc sharm the chic of taste , convenience siai md ingenuity which ought to make ai them doubly precious. The sort of Rl modest ostimatoa in which most young atw women can have n personal nnd possible w ntorost is the best basin on which to tlid proceed in trying to find ouf what It d ( ioata a young woman to got married. A in shock for § 1,100 from n dutiful father be nil fix out his daughter very handsomely ta ind completely , and an odd $100 can bo al cnockod oil without serious complications , ar : this would furnish n moderately luxuri- ar us trousseau , suitable for n church wed- ofWl E ling and reception , nnd including all the Wl locosaarics to n woman of good social po- ch ition in receipt of the hospitalities not- ar irally shown n brido. The wedding siiAi TOSS , the most sacred vestment of all , Ai rould bo of first importance. A hand- arwi jmo whitosilkoraatlugarment , trimmed wimi 1th oriental lace , elegantly made , could mi o procured for $100. Duchess lace uld bo substituted for an extra $50. suitable veil , gloves , white satin boots , cu to. , would probably cost $50. The last , fu owovor , oould bo brought within $25. th ADDITIONAL 1'IXINOH. ch When the wedding dross had boon dia- in i 33od of two moro costumes would do- Ot .and attention ono for traveling nnd Or Or lothor for calling. Both could bo pro- Or irod for $150 , nnd each would cost Or jout $75. The dross pattern of eight On irds , double width , at $2 25 , would TV , ist $18 , nnd this would jjlvo the very Oil On jst material. There are tailors and tail On 's , but an elegant and well made tailor On lit can bo made for exactly $38.33 , in- OnMt udlng buttons , trimmings , linings , Mt tread , oto. Lining of silk instead of Ui : TH nnor'a satin will cost $5 more , and the On irinont may bo finished in n way to On ring the coat up to $75. But fust-class On lloro for women are charging loss than On rmorly , and furnishing trimmings nt On ist price. The $38 83 rroto the figures Tw On an itemized bill recently rendered by Lui Brooklyn tailor to n lady about to bo Toi arrlod. The name artiat made her call- Jo\ g costume for $28,37. ( t was of uoarl JoFm . Ik nnd brocade velvet to match , to bo Fm Sh < orn with or without the detachable | HO aiu. Its whole cost was $72.85. This mo lady had hats to match the first id n bonnet for the second , and boots id gloves for both , The traveling hat " soft brown felt , ornamented by a lot : ldou brown bird , coat $14 , a bonnet of no : jarl gray satin nnd ostrich plumes coat BOl 18.00 , two pairs of boots were made to On dor for $10 , nnd her costumca were On implotod with gloves for $5 , On A black silk suit is desirable for call- On ig or house wear. It can bo made for Tw On 35 , with a very fine quality of silk. No On > ride need bo reminded of her need of a Tli lOrnlng-ROwn. Beautiful gowns can bo On nviiod of delicate shades of auran silk , On ' ilo pink , baby blue and hollotropo being I'll Mt to most desirable shades. They should Tw made with a long Watteau train and OnWi to front ono mass of laco. They coat , Wi om § 25 to $50 or oven moro. Soft Col ishmoroa with fronts of shirred silk In Tel In irmonizing shades of less expensive and On [ rvioeablo. Ono can bo beautifully oouted for $18. Perhaps it would bo oil to have two such gowns , if possible , no moro house dreas of cashmere and Ik or velvet oould bo made at homu for No 1 SO , and would provo moat useful , and lot ; 1th this the Hit of dresses might end. ALSO PKETTY T1IIN08 TO HAVE. But wraps and dresses , gloves , nhcoi las id bonnets by no means constitute a tri oddlng outfit. There are hundreds of a c ether minor but oasoutlal articles oil Inch every woman will at once supply , bo hero are corsets , for instance , ono of bowe itiu at $15 and ono of cotton nt $2 , SCI lalf a doien palra silk hose will cost we com 815 to $30 nnd a dozen of cotton fri 0. Blunlin undergarments , of best qual- ho handsomely embroidered nnd trimmed wl iuy bo procured for almost any thine from po 20 up. In her underwear it ia said the olinement is best shown in a woman , id very many well-bred girls hod much athcr Dtint themselves hi their outorgur- Ml lents in order to got the softest cam- TU PL : rica , the finest muslins and the choicest y < mbroiderica in their undergarments. It : yoi in the lingo-io of her toilet that the trt Crouch woman moat prides herself , nnd pa may bo ( aid that the pride is very jus- ifiablo. Onohundred dollars will not J 10 too much to bo put down on th'u ' no I tn count , A woman's laces como under the dame rule , The aoftcnt , finest webs are luxuries dearest to every elegant woman's heart , and though these may bo had from $10 to S5CO , it Is likely moat cirls will spend $100 for laces if they can take the money out of something not so prized. Under flannels nnd two llannol skirts will coat about $18 to $20. For such parts of a w.cdding outfit as jewelry and toilet articles no estimate can bo made , as they may coat the smallest or the largest amount. A fan and a shopping bag are essential , and so is a dressing- case , with the thousand and ono litllo conveniences of traveling and toilet dear to a woman's heart. Fifty dollars would bo a fair estimate , exclusive of the jew elry. WHE.V HUP. DOES THE 8KWIKO. While the above estimate : ! are very close and based on the actual bills recent ly paid by the father of an expectant bride , they are at the same time much boyound the power and perhaps the am bition of very many young women In respectable - spoctablo society , who expect to marry and maintain social relations , and have a full intention not to call on their hus bands for dresses within the orthodox year. Such a woman at ono stroke would sweep away a largo item of expense by making a part of her garments herself and getting the _ rest made under the supervision and with the aid of a visiting dressmaker. The moro opulent young woman did no sowing. Our present subject does nearly all of hers , and prob ably docs it as capably , as enthusiastical ly. She will bo married in her cloth traveling suit- , which need cost her only 830 , and bo very pretty and becoming. If possible , however , she will have a silk ; ostuaio the chef d'cuvni of the ward robe and this will cost $50. She will nrant a stout , serviceable otroot costume , \t from $20 to $40 , and a cloak at $50. 3ho , (05 ( , will have a morning dross , irotty and graceful , of silk and ashmore , costing only $15 , and lor drois bonnet will cost but $8 , and her raveling hat $5 , for uho bought tLo natoriols , stole the styles at a fall open- ng and imdo them triumphantly herself. Chlrty dollars will cover the cost of her nualin undergarments , and collars , cuffa md ruches will take the place of lacca. 3ho will content heraolf with three pair if gloves at $1.50 a pair , ouo-hulf dozen iotton Blockings , costing $3 , one-half lozcn cambric handkerchiefs at $5 , and wo pair of corsets at $1 50 per pair. [ L'ho flannels will cost her no moro than 8 and her toilet articles $5. When she IBB acquired a traveling bag at $5 and vatcrproof rubbers and umbrella for § 0 nero her outfit is complete at a cost of ibout $250. _ Yet many a nwoot Ri'rl has eon married on much less and boon loppy and made her husband and friends mmonaoly proud of her. Wonderful torics nro told of what may bo done with lovorncBs and $50 , and the man would ot a prize in the bride who gave herself ' creditable outfit for that amount. But ) prtaiuly the last estimate could bo con- idorobly reduced. The silk costume is not a absolute necessity , and the traveling nit may bo made to la t n year as a kroot drees. Nobody knows , too , what 'ondorful artrgainn ; may bo picked np in 10 smaller rticlco , and thoao muslin un- ergarmotita may still bo heavily cut ito. Gloves need not cost $4.50 , nor Diinols $13 , Besides the above figures iko into account nothing the bride may Toady possess. They give her every ticlo now. But , of course , all women / ' ro moro or leas well supplied with most the articles named , and very many ould not consider it necessary to pur- iaso any more than a single now drees id bonnet , with gloves and boots , be- dus patching up glaring deficiencies , nd for the comfort of all whoso puuoa o limited It may bo said that no woman it ith ono decent dross need to refuse to itdi arry the right man. diP' A BAX1IEII LUXU1UOUS OUTl'IT. P'w For the convenience of such as may bo cl intotnplatlng matrimony , and also aa a clol md of reminiscence and comparison , oltt 10 following list of articles In two at assoa of wedding outfits are appended ate f a form convenient for cutting out : Ti ' no wedding nnd reception dross 8 100 no calling costume 70 in no tailor suit 75 a2 no black silk suit 03 IK no morning gown 25 IKE ( ! homo dioss , 30 tit vo pairs shoes at S8 10 10 pair slippers 5 ar lu-lmlf dozen cotton hose G isod io-hnlf doton silk hose 15 od 10 satin corset 15 so 10 cotton corset 2 soU tislln undergarments 10u U iiderllnimola 12 vo llnnuol BkirU at S3 5 " " 10 pair evening gloves 5 ba lo-hulf dozen street glovcu 13 Wl lu noalsltin clonk 150 all 10 brocade mantle 100 10 cloth jacket BOre BU ro do/en handkerchief D 10 pb : 10 Incn handkerchief 16 ccs..v. 100 ph ilotarticles. . 25 in welry iudofmlto ; traveling convon- C11C33 , " " .ro , r. It ! opping bag D Oil Uniul bonnotu 60 Di ' us 1'otnl $1,022 Sa A HATISFAOXOllY TUOUSSUAU. \Vhilo the above may bo road with $1 uging nnd perhaps a touch of envy , the Tci xt will have u much moro vital and per- $1 L n al interest for most young girls : ab 10 cloth traveling suit , . ? 30 00 aa ID silk calling coatumo 50 00 ral 10 street costume 10 00 10 morning dross ID 00 pn ro pairs shoes , ntt > 5 , 1000 thi 10 traveling hat 500 thi o drosa bonnet 8 00 pv iroe pairs | > lo\ea , nt 31 CO 4 50 in 10 cloak 50 00 tn in-half dozou stockings 300 nnnols , ( I00 CO ! uslin uudorgaruioiita 1)000 ) Pr vo palra cornets , nt 81 60 8 00 lei le nnd one half dozen handkerchiefs. G 0) ) no aterproof nnd rubbers. 3 00 then liars , culla nnd ruchea 203 llotnrticloa 500 on Avellng bag , 6 00 SO' 0 mubrolln. , 300 pr Tot l mi HIM FU-HJ , Vacation. sir iwport ( H. I. ) Morcnry , Nov. 8 , of Mr. Benjamin U. Oarr , the veteran to > tor carrier , has dolled his uniform , and id aside his letter pouch for a two joka * vacation , commencing on Monday it. Mr. Carr has boon a faithful and , listed carrier for upward of a quarter of j oontury , and this is the first regular va- lion ho has taken , Of course ho has , ion necessarily abtout , occasionally , but are informed that a total of his ah- 1 ncoa during this long period of service ould not exceed ono month. Ilia iende , and their namols "legion , " hope may enjoy his vacation , a part of hich mill bo apout'abroad , to the fullest YOUNO MAN. HKAI ) X1IIH , nu TUB YOLTAIO WKLT UOSIPANT , ol Marshall In Iclilirou , olfer to nenil their colnbratwl KLEO InUs no VOLTAIO UKLT and other Kuumuo Ar trial for thirty diya to ui : .UNOIUI on : , men oung or old ) alllicted with iicrvouu debility. ill m of vitality nud manhood , and nil kindred ouliloa. AUo for rheumatism , uauralglu , iralyilu , nud iimuy other duoiuoa. Compute . . - 3torntlon to hcultli , vigor and iiiaulood | J lorntitecd. No risk incurred , iv > thirty di\j a' I ° ' iol U allowed. Write thara t once for Ulna. I J'1 ' , Irou , lu A POTENT DRUG , Value anil Universal Medical Use of What It IP , uo\v It Ii 1'repaiecl , and ' ( h-cat AVhatlt la I'scil lor-A of 1'ilcc , Sl/c of Doses , Etu. 1'rnlrlo Farmer. No ether subitanco in the whole range ot the matorla incdica has bcon so great a boon to the human race as quinine ; and in later years it has boon administered to many ailing domestic animals with do- elded benefit. A vast amount of aufTor- ing has boon alleviated by it , and many hundreds of thousands of lives have boon saved or prolonged , during the settle ment of our now country , where there has been constant exposure to decaying accumulations of centuries of vegetable growth. "Ague , " "chills , " "fovor-and- ague" have boon the thing , cf all others , to bo dreaded by thoao going into now regions , especially those covered with forests in somewhat level conntrles. Wo well remember that when our neighbors , in families and groups , emigrated to the wilds of Michigan , the first inquiry made concerning them whether they had yet had , or how they got through with the inevitable intermittent fever , or "fovor- naguo , " as it was usually termed. Dur ing the late war probably moro men were placed hors du combit and came homo with health shattered by malaria than perished from the rillo and cannon mis- silos. It is perhaps safe to say that the amount of auUoring from thia would have- boon doubled had not quiniuo boon a loading article in the army medical sup plies. The largo increase in the average length of human life during the last forty years in duo in no small measure to the In creased production of quinine , and its al most universal uao by physicians. The writer of this can but speak with grati tude , and feelingly , on this subject , after sufi'ering moro or loss for a dozen years from the ofiocts of malaria brought homo From long day and night service in the liospilal camps of Virginia during 18G3-G1. Finding little relief from any otner treatment , excepting when residing tmong the mountains of Switzerland , no began the use of quinine in 1870 , by the idvlco of the late Bishop Simpsom. The change was wonderful. With the ex ception of a temporary prostration by lioat in the summer ot 1883 , ho has not loat a dozen days from ill-health since taking the bishop's advice ; and to-day by iho continuance of very small quantities jf quinine only , ho is moro vigorous than sven in "tho prime of life" period , Between forty and fifty. Ho goes through 'ourteen to oixteon hours a day of vigor- ua work , and oven enjoys it. Wo ittributo this almost wholly to quinine , md ono reason why will bo seen further in. in.A little history of quinine will bo in- oro3ting. The natives of eoino parts of South America , particularly in Peru and Ecuador , had long known the beneficial fleets of the Cinchona tree orahrub. Por- iapa from its having boon found larger In Joru , it received the appellation of "Po- uvian bark , " It has , in ito different arioties , boon called Cinchona bark , /'all a ay a bark , and a score of other leas ommou namoa. Ono report ID , that the Spanish Countess of Uinchon , whoso luaband had boon Viceroy of Peru , irought the remedy into Spain on his oturn in 1G40. After its introduction it VT.H sold by the Jesuits for .its weight in ilver. It only became generally known a England and Franco just about 200 oara ago. But the powdered bark , or a ocoction of it , was employed np to the resent century , and In leading medical rorks of only 40 years ago the bark was hicfly specified. Since then the work f extracting quinia , or quinine , from ) tie bark has cone ; forward with rapid tridos , and during 25 years past the use quinine has very greatly extended , 'hero is now made and used double if ot three fold the quantity of 20 years jo. The English Government cstab- ahod the culture of the cinchona tree in liat India possessions , and those planta- ons are now supplying an immense mount of the bark from which quinine extracted. The present unprocodont- How price Is largely duo to thia norr turcp of supply. Quinine is an alkaline substance ob > lined by chemical processes somewhat idioua and expensive , from cinchona irk which yields 2 to 3 per cent of its eight. This quinia , or quinine , ia now moat universally used in the form of a ilphato a union of the alkali with sul- ' iurio acid and whenever quinine ia token of without qualification , the sul- ; mto of quinine is meant. The reader is doubtless noticed that in all proscrlp- ona the sulphatp of quinine is specified , ,3 ofiocts are quito similar to the powd- > od bark , or the simple quinino. uring the war when providing It for these so of the United Spates mitary commission , or for private uao , cost , if wo remember rightly , about LOO a pound , or $ G to $3 per ounce , D-day it la quoted in Europe as low as an ounce ( -137A ' grains ) , and can prob- ly bo bought in'largo quantities as low that in Now York , This very low to , as stated above , is duo to the csout over stock , resulting in part from o production of the cincliona trees by 0 English government. It is said that ron with the recent great improvement the processes of manufacture or exaction - action present prices are below actual ist. But it ia doubtful it the wholesale rices will over rise to $2 an ounce , mi ss it bo during some temporary "cor- sr. " Formerly there were only two or iroo manufacturers in our own or in any 10 European country. Now there are ivoral ; nnd competition ia likely to keep rices within reasonable limits. The old largo of 3 to G conta a grain may bo aintainod by druggists dealing it out in nail doses ; but any one can got an ounce sulphate of quinine for from $1.50 $2. 'Wo do not believe in recommending iv medicine to promiscuous use. Wo fuse all medical advertisements , bo- n usc , however good a mcdiclno may bo , unprofessional person can Bay that lis or that may bo used or useful in his ,80. What may bo highly valuable to 10 may bo injurious or even poisonous another , and no ono but a quack will [ lor to euro or prescribe for a distant jrson on his ovrn statement of hla &ymp- ails. The best physicians will not pro- ribo for themselves- knowing that toy cannot duao safely when their own idgmont Is distorted by ill health and . tereforo unreliable. But wo consider jlnino , in small doses , to bo tested and tcroased only after carefully obsorting ollect , as ono of the ttafouc and mutt uivoreaily useful medicine * for ordinary > Incss. Anjjootwa Ulitorn. the wnrM renowned ! : ipotlzer and luvlgorator. U otl now over I to whole chllUed woild. Try It , but bewaio 18 ImlUtiom. Aak your grocer or drupclst for I ' 10 prenulno article , umnufpcturcd by Dr. J 15. Sle ert & Boiu MANV TONS 0V BALLOTS . A KAncllul .Study In Slat lit let untile to ( lit ) Ijl St. Louis Poit-Digpatch Iloro are facts and figures not usually appended to election returns. The his tory of past elections teaches that this vote of the nation advances from presi dent to president by ttonj measured in numbers "by 10 per cent. The total vote Inl8G8was 5 724,051 ; of 1872 was G- 465,805 ; of 1870 , was 8,412,733 ; of 1880 , was 11,210,970. Add 10 per cent to this last total and the estimate for the vote going into the ballot-boxes to-day will be 10,132,007 , an approximation berne out by other calculations , and which will bo found not far _ out of the result. A ballot is a picco of paper averaging four inches wide and ton and a half long. Ono hundred and fifty ballots will weigh about a pound. Two hundred and fifty ballots laid on each ether will measure about an inch. To prepare these bita of paper at a reasonable profit coats ninety cents a thousand. If the ballots cast to-day were placed end to end they would roach in a continuous line from Washington , D. 0. , to El Paao , In Texas , or they would stretch from Eastport , Mo. , to Now Orleans , as the crow flics , If ono end of the lonn line of paper were made fast at Capo Flattery , the extreme northwestern promltory of Washington Territory , the ether end would pass Kansas City , with enough miles to spare to roach Sedalia. This has to do only with the ballots ac tually voted. The number of ballota printed , of course , ia tremendously larg er than the amount voted. In St. Louis , for instance , the democrats have had 500,000 , the ether parties in all 700,000 , making for this ono town a total of 1- 300,000. It ia generally admitted , however - over , that the vote of St. Louis will not , at the outoido , make moro than 50,000. Hero , then , la a surplus of twenty-six ballota for each ono cast. This makes the total of ballots ofl'drod to the people throughout America at thia election 200- 000,000. It would require eighty- live freight cars to move thia load of paper , whoso weight is 1- 710COO pounds. The white paper and printing of the mass has cost $234,000. Pasted end to end there would bo paper to got entirely around the globe , leaving 19,000 miles to spare for a gigantic double bow knot , which would cover a greater part of the two Americas , or if ono pre ferred , to keep the string in the United States there would bo miles enough to wrap the streamer thirty-nine times around the state of Miasouri and ntill leave enough to reach from the Post-Dis patch building to Governor Cleveland's private ofiico in the State House at Albany. PILES ! PILES ! PILT5S ! A SUKE CUKE POUND AT A.ASTI ISO ONK NEED BUKTEIl. A sure euro for Blind , Bleeding , Itching and Ulcerated I'llos has been discovered by Dr. Williams ( tin Indian Ilemedy , ) called Dr. William's Indian Pile Ointment A single box has cured the worst chronic cases of 25 or 30 years standing. No ono need suffer five minutes after applying this wonderful sooth ing medicine , Lutlous , Instruments and elec tuaries do moro harm than good. William's Indian Pile Ointment absorbs the turners , al lays the Intoneo itching , ( particularly nt night after getting warm in bed , ) acts as a poultice , ghes instant relief , nnd is prepared only for L'ilos , itching of the private parts , and for nothlno clso. Kead what the Hon. J. M. Coffinberry , of Cleveland , says about Dr. William's Indian Pile Oointment : "I have used scores of Pile Cures , and it affords mo pleasure to say that I iao never found anything which gave such immediate and permanent relief as Dr. Wil- iam'a Indian Ointment. For sale by all drug gists and mailed on receipt of price. COo and Jl. Sold at retail by Kuhn & Co. C. F. GOODMAN , Wholesale Agent. Election Beta In New Haven , ow Haven. ( Conn. ) Paulludium , One election bet calls for the loser to lack his opponent's boots twice each voek for a month. Another calls for the oser to make his weight equal to that of ho winner , the present difference being 18 pounds , Hornford'H Acid Phosphate VALUABLE IN INDIOESTION. Dn. DANIEL T. NELSON , Chicago , says : 'I find it a pleaoant and valuable remedy n indigestion , particularly in overworked non. " VANl'ED TO SHOOT CLEVELAND. Demented Gcrinnntown Druggist AVho Set Out 10 Kill UieFreM- dcnl-Elect. 'liilado'phia 1'ecoid , William Connor , a well-known drug- iat of Germantown , in a fit of temporary naanity on Thursday last created a very locided sensation by taking a Remington illoand _ seeking the reaideuco of Father . V. Byrne , pastor St. Vincent do ot Jaul's Catholic church , with a view to 0. Cln inding Protidont-clcct Cleveland and hooting him. Mr. Conner is ono cf the iost known citizens of Germantown , aud hold in high esteem by the people hero. Ho has once before lost his men- ill balance , but waa not so violent as ho ocamo on Thursday , when ho conceived lie idea that God had commissioned him n o kill Governor Cleveland , and that if o could sco Father Byrne ho would bo irooted to a place where the governor Quid bo found. Police Oflicera Wricht nd Currier succeeded in capturing Mr. lonnor in a wash-shed in Father Byrne's ard after a terrible struggle with the do- lentod man. Ho fired at the officers nd cut the clothing of ono them with a agger. Mr. Conner was taken to his rionds , and has eiuuo recovered from the ttack.1 * * Young and middle-aged men suffering ) rom nervous debility , premature old ago ass of memory and kindred symptoms , hould tend three letter stamps for large llustrated treatise suggesting sure means f cure. World'a Dispensary Medical issociation , Bull'ilo , N. Y. . I It MiiHlicd Them AVolK tocUUud Curler-Gazette. "You like the paper , don't you ? " tnirkcd the editor , a&tho woman in the tripod shall paid oix months in advance , "Very well , " replied the woman In the tiiped ahawl , puardtdly. "During the ' inumtr I have liked it bettor than taual. " ' "Ah ! Indeed ? " the editor happily if hirped ; " 1 suppose you have beou in- created in iuy denunciations of our do- iraved opponmti , the. opposite political ; .arty ? " "No.o,11 said the woman Blowly ; "it ' vasn't exactly that. " "Then what wan it ? ' the editor aakod , miling ; "let mo know what other feature f mA yapor r < n Jero it BO indiaponsible to uy valued lady constituency. What did ou like the paper for ! " "Dtcauee , " the woman in the striped l explained , SB sbu put her receipt where elio never would find it ) igalu , "becauso it ii BO etron' ' , and ia ea f uica to nm h tUes with. " 1 1 = 1 1 = 1 lrl . > * l l 4 Js rif = BEST TON ! I medicine , combining Iron with pura ulo tonic * , niilokljnnd completely t nrri , Dyiiirtiiln , jtiillm-Mtlnn , UTnfdiCB * [ miiiirolIlnoitiInliirln , < JlilllNiimI Fever * , uiulNciirnlKln. Ills an unfailing remedy for Diseases of tha Klilncyn nnil l.ltcr. It Is Invnlunblo for Diseases peculiar to tVntnon , and nil vho lend sedentary 1I\C1. It doc j not Injure the tcttli , cause liciulnchc.or produce constipation oAcr ( Iron medicines < lo. It enriches anil purifies the blood , ctlmulatci Ilia appetite , nlds tlio n lmllntlon of food , re lieves Hcnrtlmrn nnd Dclchlng , nnd strength- tni the muscles nnd ncncj . Tor Intermittent Fevers , v jssltudc , tnclcof fliers ) ' . Ac. , It has no equal. ey The pcnulno has nbovo trndo murk nnil rros cd red lines on \ > rapper. Take no other 2\d.o i7iir nnono tiiEstciL en , IIALTIJIOIIK , en. indnillsputelifltiieDROAD GLAIN'e VERY BEST OPERATING , QUICKEST SELLING AND Ever oJTcrca to the public. HAMBURG-AMEEIOAH DtZECfS LINE FOR ENOLAND , 1TRANOK AND GERMANY. ! Iho GtconKhlps cf thlo well-known line are Lnllt of Hoc , In water-tight compartments , and are furnish dajsandaaturdajsfor Pljmouth ( LONDON ) Cber baurir , ( PARIS ) nud nAMHURO. Kates : Steerage from Europe only 518. Flist Cibln , $ { 5 , { 65 and ? 76. iitcc ; Ko , $ 2C. Uonry Pundt , Mark nanaeo , F j : . Itoores.M. Tof , tRcntaln Omaha , Oronowc r & Schcentpcn , cgentaln Council Blufla. 0. BniOHAnD & CO. , Oen. Pasa Agts. , 01 Broadway , N. Y. Cbas. Koimlnskl & Co- Qenctal Wtatoru Asrrcta , 170 Wfcshlccton St. , Ohlea . 'oaorrnoM , ' nils in all their also all In and II vcdand " .V11 iff/A ) Vi/P' * . rcrrnaneni'ycureaDyrenje k" ? u' < < / / VWr .A dicstest/-dinai'orirrenr H SU > Jit > yiiAj ; > ecJc :2'rac re. Seminal Wex\n ss. Nirhi Lossr. by Dreams , Pimples on DI o'niiftrffinienitndt The appropriate r > ; .redy t OIRC ti'iiil In cacht-cs : . Consultations , per- ac oiial cr hy letter , sacredly confidential. Med. acd -I7C1 Hint bv Mail and Express. No marks on d ui-acc to indicat : contents or sender. Address * f..MMESr.'o. ZUWashinglon Sf.ChIcagoll ! , ci For Men. Qnlck. ur * . nfo. Book fTM. Clt'-li ' ; . . lBOFiilt usl..Na York. st ; stP P < Vlctlmsof jouthfulimpradonce.causinKNonousDo- w illty , Premature Decay , and all duordcre troJsht oa y Indlecretlon or cicf sj.wlll Icara ettaplo remedy. nea.byaddroBalccJ. II. itKKVHa. oOhatliamsUN.K ) R.HORNE'S ELECTRIC BELT i tydi dib3 b3 fill cnro Ii'orvutittucB , 1 umbH o , llht-t matlsm Tarilyslg , ivnrulKlu , 8 : lHtlca , HiUno } . ( iltiu niul I i\i > r illKtiu-ua tt out , Abthmn * HLIIIi dUt-iute DUivphl * nlibllpntl in , 1 i tttt Ipelat , rntnrrh , riltM. I itU ( iiHy IiuHiteiu | v Itn , b At-u rol.iHIII | UliTl Hi Olilj ( liMlluli i ( - Ir II U h. An .r tt M tlmt f tnU the 1 lourli Uy iniil innjni sin tlitnii li .ho Otly , uuil cau bu rbclmr vil la ua Insluul by thu | t vileut * Winter Ia coming , the season o the year for achea Ddpnlna. Invlowct this Uetwosay buy ono of r. Iloroe'a Flcotrlo Helta. By BO doing you \vlll void Kheuinatlxm , Kidney Trouble and other Ilia loS lat flesh Is heir to. Do not delay , but call at our ) ffloo and cxarnluo belta. No. K22 Douglas street , or F Ooodinan'B , 1110 Faroani8t.Omaha , Nob. Or * DTK fllleil 0 O D S ( HEPKKSENT3 crcnli Areoiicea Oo. , ol 03 , Out ) Allots S f * , l01 e tctaorW. T. , CipKil L'M.OOC. eokteroriants , of Nuwok. N , J. , Oaul'.U Ii76,005. raid 71/e , I'UUadeli hie , plU > . . . . I.ttO.OCD emen'itlTirrl CaEittl . . . ia'urffiu Royal Havana Lottery I ( A aOVEBNMKNT INSTITUTION. ) rawn at Hnvana , Oubn , .Every 12 to 14 Days. 10KET8 , 2.CO , HALVES. II. 00 Subject to no manipulation , not conknollod by ti artiraln Internal. It Id the lulvoi thlnif In th atnro ot chauos 1 exintence. For Information tail jiartloulam awply toBHISBY , O..Qcn. ARonta , 1X11 Broadway , N Y. city. KAUB & CO. , 417 Walnut dtiooi , St. tout ] , Uo Kiank Lobrano , L. P. , 10 Wvandotto , Kan , w Iv Da. 1C. 0. V/DM'S NLRV pr d uncdflo for Hj surlx. I ) tzlneii , Convul- us ) Urns , Hba , Niinoua NeuralrU , lleadachi , Nertooi /oetrttlou caused by the UK of alcohol cv toblacoo , TV Vak fuIueM , Mental depNwlon. goftcalng of tha U , rtniilkingln Insanity and ( caplnr to mlN > } , cr Icrty anil diath , Promatjm Old age , iuroneau , foi power In cither an , Involuntary Lcnaes and hpcr- DatMhoacauiwd by oiir eiertloutoMho lirr.ln , Bell * kbuauoiciTor IndulfecM. K vch bu , contain J ono couth's treatment 71. W ft box , or eU botlka lot fW > , lent by mallp > 9ald oa receipt ot prliu. WK QUAllANTKB HIS BOXEi I'o cute iny cue. With jach ctder rcocltod by ta or nix bottleraccompli - h d with (5.00 , we will loud h purchaGeroaiwntienguuantco to refund the vicney If tha trtatmeucdoea not eflect a cure. Quar- Lcteix luued wily by JOHN C : WtST & CO. , jy SS-m.U rr (02 UadUon St. , Chicago , III. JASH.PEABODYM , D , Physician & Surgeon Roillilenca No. HOT Jonea St. Office , No. 1609 Far rum itrwt. Ottlct hours 18 in. to 1 p. in. and horn S Lu 3 p nu Ttleimnno ( > r oiUce 97 , ictldecc * 15 , The roraarkablo growth of Omaha during the loot few yonra ia a matter of great astonishment to thoao who pay an occasional visit to this growing city. The development of the Stock Yardo the necessity of the Bolt Line Road the finely paved Btroota the hundreds of noir residences and costly business blocks , with the population of onr city moro than doubled in the last five years. All this is a great surprise to visitors and la the admiration of our citizens. This rapid growth , the bnsinoss activity , and the many substantial Improvements madn a lively demand for Omaha real estate , and every Investor haa made a handnotno profit. Slnco the Wall Street panto last May , with the snbaonuent cry of hard timna , there haa boon loss demand from specula tors , but a fair demand from investors seeking homos. Thia latter claea are taking advantcgo of low prices in build ing material and are securing their homos at much loaa cost than will bo possible a year hence. Speculators , too can buy real oBta * 3 cheaper now and ought to take advant present prices for fntur profi o Th few years promises greato jvo'opments ' in Omaha than the par 1 > jcjirs , which have boon no good at ira could reasonably desiie. New m aa ufacturlng establishment ! ! and largo an- bing houses are added almost weekly , job ill add to tha prosperity of Omaha , and There are many in Omaha and through- ant the State , who have their money lu the banks drawing a nominal rate of n- torest , which , if judiciously Invested in Dmnha real estate , would bring them nuch greater returns. We have many Bargains -which wo are confident will jring the purchaser largo profits in the tear future. We have for sale the finest resi- lence property in the north and vestern parts of the city. North TVO have fine lots at reason- hie prices on Sherman avenue , 17th , .8th , lth ? ) and 20th streets. West on Farnam. Davenport , 'urning , and all the leading streets a that direction. The grading of Farnam , Califor- ia and Davenport si roots has made ccessible some of the finest and lieapest residence property in the ity , and with the building of the reet car line out Farnam , the pro- erty in the -western part of the city rill increase in value. Wo also have the agency for the yudicate and Stock Yards proper- 7 in the south part ol' the city. The evelopments made in this section y the Stock Yards Company and lie railroads will certainly double lie price in a short time. Wo also have some fine business ts and some elegant inside resi- Bnce ? for sale , Parties wishing to invest will find omo good bargains by culling on u 13 Houth 14th St , Bet * oen Faruhcun nnJ Douglaa. P. S. We n k wb > have roporty for snle at a bargain to give it callWe v/nnt only bargains , ? o will posiiively not handle prop- tv at vx'orethan its real value. * ' n niliiriiilii