AHA v DAILY FOURTEENTH YEAK. OMAHA , NEE , , RRTDAY AlORMNG , NOVEMBER 14 , 18&1. NO. 12 NOTHING NEW , Third Das of the Canvass of Now YorK Voles , No Changes of Any Iinportanoo Davoloped. Hew York Oity Returns Disoour- agingly Eetarded , All but Two Outside Counties Of- fioially Eeported , Cleveland's ' Plurality Shaved Off by 101 Votss , Illninc'ri Manly Declaration or Princi ples Brooklyn Mugwump Conn , ell Various Figures. TIIK OFFICIAL FK5U11ES. Another day passes with the cllicial canvais of the vote of the state of New York ttill in progress. The returm from the piling precincts - cincts of New York city are phenomenally and oven suspicion- ) flow , and of thcso al ready in , the alterations from the firat counts are either immaterial or subject themselves to immediate readjustment from the mysterious yet potent powers which team to control their every function. Up to this morning there is not ono return from the city or county of Now York that is worthy of the slightest credence , and which can with safety ba em ployed in summarizing the returns. Outside of the metropolis , oil but two of the counties nro in , and from the total of their revised fig ures , as compared with the New York Times nnd Associated Press estimates ( almost , pre cisely accurate ) , Cleveland's plurality is cut down by 101 votes , and now stands 12(10. ( Wyoming Co - lilaineIIll , Cleveland 3- , 189 , St. John -183 , Uutler 83 ; Blaino's plural ity 1,232. Broomo county Blaine , 7,182 ; Cleveland , 5,780 ; St John , 4 8 ; 13utler , 1-H. Blaino's plurality , 1.-M2 Albany county Cleveland 18,345 , Blaine 17.G9S. St John 312 , Butler 033. Cleveland's plurality 617 , a gain of savcn. Delaware county Blaine r-,931 , Cleveland 4,950 fit. John 437 , lJutler 112. jilaino's plu rality 97S. No change. Columbia county Blaine 0,421 , Cleveland 5,851. Butler30 , St. Jon 1G8. Blaino'a plurality - ity 570 , a gain of 1. Sly S.C07 , St. .Tolm 1S3 Butler 22 , Cleveland's plurality 575 , a los < of 70 Suhuylrr County Blaine 2,010 , Cleveland 2.C39 , St. .Tolm 1C I , Butler 111 ; Blaino's plurality 577 , a lo < 3 of 2. IN NhVV * OIIK Cm. NKW YORK , November 13 I'ho vets on the presidential tjcket as cunvashfd by tha board of canvassers N an follows : First assembly district ( fouttli election dis trict missing ) Blnine , l'231 ; Cleveland , 12 5 ; Butler , 92 ; St. John , 15. Second assembly district Blaina , 2130 ; Cleveland , 52S9 ; Uutler. ! USt. ; John , 8. Third neeembly district Blaine , 2C24 ; Cleveland , 5111 ; Butler , 126 ; St. John , 11. 1'ourth assembly district Blame , 23D1 ; Cleveland , 5012 ; Butler , 120 St. John , 5. Seventh assembly district ( two election districts missiiiBliluino ) , 4053 ; Cleveland , 4242 : Butler , SS ; St. John , 74. Eighth assembly district Blaina , 4722 ; Cleveland , 4140 ; Butler , 09 ; St. John , 10. CO.NKLINO TOR Till : SENATE. NKW YOKK , Nov. 13. The World this morning na\s " in regard to the next senator from Now "York : "Would it not bo to the honor of the state and a credit to the people if party considerations could ba laid ut-iclo and the legislature \ > * induced to tender the U. S. henator > < hp ! to Colliding ? " "ho ( imphio thii < afternoon tays : "What DOW , if Mr , Colliding hhould bo the demo- ciatiu candidate for the senate ? Has he friends enough amons : the republicans of the legislature to secure his election ? " UUGWUMI'S IN CONCtAVK. Nnw Yoiik" , November 13. The indepen dent republican committee of one hundred mot to-night in the Brooklyn academy of muelc. 1'ro-jidcnt Maxwell said that the cpiestion to bo decided was whethei tlio or i anization should be nmde permanent. Ho was m favor of this for tbe purpose of holding the balance of power between thn parlies. Henry Ward Beacher saiJ that ho was alee in favor of making the orgaui/aton ! permanent. In local nmttoic , ho wa ui-publican , In na tional multure a democrat. Ho believed that Cleveland hud been elected by the indepen dents and every man who helpid put him In tha probidonti'il rlnir w&s bound to support him until ho bad doim somothlur ; to forfeit their support. They should keep the organiza tion Intact , ready to be summoned at the sound of the trumpet , A committee was ap pointed to devise a plan for permanent organ ization. IIKMOUIIATIO VBHBION. NEW YOHK , Novemler 13. The oflicial canvats vote received at the headquarters of the democratic state committee to-day from various parts of the state is an follows : Delaware county , Blalne's plurality ! )78. ) Columbia county , Blaino's plurality 570 , Uochland county , Cleveland * ! ) plurality 1,104. Schoharlo county , Cleveland's plurality 1,807. KmgH county , Cleveland's plurality , lfi.784. Broomo county. Bl inou plurality 1.402. Schuyler county , Blatne'd plurality 577. 1'nmklm county , Blaino'a plurality 1,11'JO. Onehla county , Cleveland's plurality 30. TIIK NKW YOIIK IIEIIALU'H HUMMAHV , Ntw Yonu , November 13. The ] f aruld in its Bummiry of the vote of Now York state by counticu , ns far as aecoitaiued by the ollicial count , gives Cleveland a plurality of 1,251 rotes. In case thu wlx countieu , liuw * ever , where the canvuss rn adjourned , owing to nome tauhiiku'.ity , nnd where the pluralities' may bo ch-.ns\d. tinollicial figures nro given- Tht' vets for Butter and St. John sro ai fol lows : St. John 82,760 , But'er ' I' ft2t . In the counties nlrouly cliniipcd thorot line no material changn In the majorities ftinco yestenlay. Blaine hai gained ono vote in Columbia and two In St. Lavvratco county nnd the last two votes In Schuylcr county , making his net gain ono vex ) . Cleveland has Rained ( ix votes in Kings and lost ten in Onolda , making his not lo B four votoj , Ihis reduces Cleveland's plurality by llvo votes , making it now 1,2'iJ. Only three counties Imvo not yet { nriiNhcil the ollicial roiult , Franklin , Greene and New York. AVI rjti'ATTIJl ) 10 I'AHIS ? HAIH TO UK ASMOLN TO IlllKAK IIKR KNOAOK- MKNT WITH MAl'LESON SINCE MKCflUNO I1KII nivoncK. NKW YOUK , November 13 , It was rumored with almost the conviction of certainly in operatic circles yesterday that Madame 1'fttti would noting at the Academy last night. Though , ns it turned out , the diva did make her appcaranco , rumor merely altered its com plexion , nnd vowed that fho would not Mnf- agaln. Air. Maplcsan was found in the aftornooa with n look of stern resolution on his face. " 1 have had enough of this , " he burst out. I want the public to understand that I do not coma over hero ns a piuper. which is appar ently what the directors wish it lo appear tint I am. Directors forsooth ! " mid Mr. Maple- sou fairly snorted with indignation. "Direc tors should bo art advisers. What is their art advice ? Why , good gnd , sir , two of them told mo to-day that they'd rather not ho-r 1'nttl sing , while another gushed over the Mi lan oporn company. The Milan people gave a tolerable Fort of n show , suitable for the couutry districts aid : as they have been unfortunate I tlmll bo glad to give thorn a compliment try benefit. But to mention 1'at'i and Nevada , uot to speak of Scalchi , Card- ! nab , and the rest in the bamo broaHi with the Milan lot is absurd. It all amounts to thlu : 1 won't have tlu-ir assessment , which was levied without my authorltj' . If any of the stock holders wish , out of the graceful appreciation of my serv icon , to hand mo their checks , I will take them. But I spurn an assessment forced out of unwilling pockets. 1 am director hero , and in future 1 shall give opera when nnd how 1 ploato without cousultlntrany one. " ' "I'ltttuo that 1'atti will not appear to night ? " 'Of course Patti will appear. She has a slijht cold , but otherwise she ii well. " The rumor went , however , thai lasl Friday Mr. Mapleson wrote to the directors and told them that unless they iruvo him a certain largo sum in cash , I'atti would not fling , us her guarantee had not been fully paid up. The directors refused point blank to do more than they had alioady prouiiacd.nnd looked forward with equanimity to I'atti's non-appearance , It wps also said that since her divmco is ob tained Pattl will be only too delighted at any excttjo to break her American engagement. Hituerto she hao been unable to slug in Paris , ns her husband , the Mail ] is do Cenx , could under thu French law teuu all her salary. It vvas evonieportod that a telegraphic contract h.id been signed by her yesterday morning for n speedy appoarauco in Paris. TAMRIASY'S IjOYAI/TY. HOW TAMMAXV fllOrOSSS TO DEFHIl ITS IiK VKNQK UNTIL LATR1I , NKYOHK , November 13. The Star ( re garded ai a Tamminy organ ) says : "HioTcnv many hall committee of seven , appointed on the part of Tammany organization to watch the canvass of the electoral ticket , held a long conference this evening with the chairmen of the national nnd state committees to positively deny the e.vstenco of any deal batweuu Tam many hall tiul Ui 3 republican aldermen affect ing the presidential CJutest , Ex-Senator Foster chairman of the delegation , satisfied tha representatives of both committees that tin Tammany suparvisow would permit no action in the board which would lose the dem ocratic electoral ticket a single vote. He fur ther volunteered the servici'i of a committee to act jointly with the nationil nnd Btntu rep- resflnt.itivcs and to carry out faithfully any inttru tious which they deemed -.vould bo litn- clicial to the national ticket. 'rt aTOOKlNG. THE IlKl'OUT OK THEHECKKTAIir OC TIIK TllKAS' USV AI.M01T COMI'LEIKI ) INrKIlKSri.Vli I'l * NAN'CIAI. NEWS. WASHINGTON- , November 13. Secretary Me Culloch is busily engaged in the preparation cf his annual report to congress. It is intima ted that be will make some important recom mendations in regard tonrovieion of the tariff , on which subject ho is understood to have very decided views. Chartera of 721 national banks , with an aggregate- capital of over SIM.i00,000 , will empire during year 1585. This is moro tlun one third of tha entire num ber of national banks now in existence. From nforma'.ion air.ady received by the comp- tioller of the cuireucy , it id expected that . > larg e majority of these banks will contiuuo their exiatouco either by extending their char ter or by reorganizing- under other titles. Thcro are at present moro national binkn in existence with larger aggregate capital than ever before. A ICitlidcallon an Auburn , Special dispatch to TIIK BKS. Ai'Hun.v , Nob. , November 12. The attempt of the democrats to ratify Cleveland's election to-nighl was not very successful , Ex-Senator Tipton was the speaker , und his elfurt was an attack on Church Howe. The crowd b-c. mo excited , and nt tha mention of Howe's name commenced cheering , nnd kept it up to the end , The meeting closed cheering for Howe and Blulno and with groans for Tipton , in which many democrat * ) joined. A pistol VV.IH shot in the crowd , and one man , Chrl topher Macleson , vvus ehot in the arm No arreitn weru mado. The town ii filled with people from the country , pant'JIni ; the streets singini ; "Hang Jeff Davis" nnd "Marching Through Georgia. " It is the most exciting night Auburn haa over witnessed , Quito Tciiiiioi'ud Down. MoPiiKUSoj : , Kan. , November 13 , Angusl Tarhorn , a fanner of tills county , eot fire to his house , barn and granary , then blow out his brains with n shot trim. The buildlneu were destroyed , with 'l,000 in money in the house. Thu total loss Is 811.000. The evi dence uhowu that li' ) intended to murder hii wife und four children , but the denigu wtis fnutralod liy Uio wife , No caiisn 11 atsii-ned except that no was a mm of violent tamper. Tlio JJjCiln ! ' 'Moiiiiioiilh. FIIKKHOI.I ) , N. J. , November 13. The IrindBomo monuiaent erected ti commemorate Lho Imttlu of Momnouthiu L77H , wan unvei ed to-day. Thirty-five thousand perannn were present , Every house and itoro In the town and the public buildings were elaborately d ex : orated. HAMAT AND COMMERCE , CHAHI.KS l-RAVriS AI'AMI ON I N1ON I'ACU'IC. NFAV YOHK , November 12. Special to the Chicago Trlbuno. Charles Francii Adamr , the president of the Union Pacific railway , said to-dav thai tbo first suggestion of n now issue ot collateral tins t bonds topayotf the floating debt was ono ho heard on his arrival hero yesterday. The Union Pacific did not propose to issue now bonds of any description whatever , nor to authorize nuy moro irort- gage. " . The not floating debt in July wns * - , > ,000OOi ) , The bwks had not been trono over nnc > , but were now closed to bo adjusted up to September 30. While dividends vveio suspended $600,000 n month could bo applied to thu payment of the Hunting debt. The company haJ n creat many quick asset * , which were proper tilings to soil olT for the extinguishment of the debt , if n good price could bo obtained for them , Uf the eld col lateral trusts n little under Sl.OCO.OOO re mained unsold. Other bonds , Including sink * ini ; fund ; , Kansas Pucltio consulodated , and Short t lue-p , could not bo deposed of , but tli9 control uf un prupstly would be eunomleiod. The floating < labt gave no trouble. No lo.ms had been made to provide for It nnd there wns no need of making nny. The dividends would bo resumed as soon as the money to pay them was earned , That was a quuatiun of the future. The claims of the government , Mr. Adnina said , amounted to only SI- 600,000 , nnd the company could pay them a : nny time without being crippled in the least. The relations of tlio road with other lines in Iho west were friendly , and there vvas nothing t J menace its revenues. Mr. Adams goes to Washington lo-ir.orrow to consult with the counsel of tha road about the United States bail case , whlili comm up in the court of claims next week. Mr. W. E. Connor , in tpoaklng to-day of the prospsctiof the Union Pacific railroad and the hopes that the oflicors of that company had of Bottling the affairs satisfactorily , said : 'Tho Union Pacific people have no especial reason to fear n democratic administration of the government's altiii . Mr Cleveland Un perfectly fair man toward corporations. " KUK\KI > 11Y JUS I'ARTXEH. ATTEMPT OF AN INSANE CAPITALIST TO KILL- TIIK MAN WHO CAUSED HIS 11CHINKSS UU- VKIWKS. CLEVELAND , 0. , November 11. The city was thrown into a state of excitement to-day by the report that Hcraco P. Woddoll , ono ot tlio wealthiest men in the state , had attempt ed to assassinate Sylvester T , Everett , a wealthy banker. 'Iho failure of Everett , Weddell & Co.'s private banking house , some months ago , involved Weddell to the extent of Sl.OOJ.OOO. This , coupled with domestic troubles , has greatly affected Weddoll's mind. Mr. Eveiett was ono of the partners in the bank , and his losses in stocks are said to have been the cause of the failure. He was also president of the National Bank of commerce until spring , when ho vvus removed , and with other cap italists organized the Union National bai.k. Ho was city treasurer for several years , and two years ago defeated for congress in this district. The financial trouble ) of Mr. Weddell BO worked u ; > on him that Tuesday evening ho left his residence on Euc lid avenue and walked over to the residence of Mr. Everett. Calling him to the door ho presented a largo revolver ut his breast nnd pulled the trigger. Foitunately the cap did not snap ; if it had the bullet would have crashed through Everett's heart. Befoio any feu ther attempt could bo made on his life Ev erett disarmed Weddell and culled assistance. Fiom that moment Weddell has bzeu almost completely out of his mind , acd id watched over by detectives and physicians. MAI ) AH A HAITKS , Fmlher inquiry into tbo attempt of II. P. Weddell to Miojt S. T. Evcrttt ilovelops the following : Weddell , accompanied by bis eon , drove to Everett'n house. The son rang the bull and inquired for Everett , vvhu vveut to the door , but Haw nobody. Noticing a buggy in front , Eveiett called twice or thrice I j know who wns there. Keceiving no reply he went to the walk , .and on nearing the buggy a man in. idc , nut recognised , suddenly and without speaking1 presented a pistol. Everett , reali/- ing his peril , made a rush and grabbe 1 the inun by both hands , holding the pistol down. Then ho discovered that it was 11. P. Wed dell. After holding him some llttlo time a street car came along , which Everett hailed and called for help. Men icsponded , disarmed Weddell and ho wns taken homo , where he is said to have diivou hid family out of tuo bonce and behaved BO wildly that the policj liil ; to ba summoned. Convention cil' CudIciiu-n. ClliCAao.November 13. The oecoud annual convention of tha American Btockmou ns- Htm bled ut the Khaiimm nouo at 11 this morninff. Nearly 500 delegates wern projcnt. Thomas Stnrgis , of Wyoming qxolhcio Hecro- tary , rood a call for tbo convention. On mo tion of Judge Curcyof w yoming.IIon.Dawilt Smith , of Illinois , was elected temporary ary chairman. 'Jhouias SturgiH was elected temnorniy uociotnry The roll call showed delegates present from Iwenly two stales and territories. The committee on permanent orgaui/.atKn nnd order of business was appointed , composed of ona member from each state nnd territory r presented. tiovornl gentlemen from Canada were in vited to take part in thu convention. At noun it adjourned till Imlf-pant two this nfternnoii. Thin evening Jeo. 15. Loriiig , United Slates commlsiionor of ngrlcultniu , will road a paper ou cattle. Among tlio paper * to bo presented Dr. Salmon , of the United States troasuty commission , and others. In thouftcrnoon pormanontoigani/Ation wa'i effected as follows : President , Dewitt Smith , of Illinois ; Sucrotnry , Thomaii Sturgla , of Wyoming ; Afitiatunt Secretary , ( jeurgo E. Morrow , of III ! OIH , Kich stitonnd territory ropiesented wan allowed ono vice president , Cnmmittloa coiupo ed-tif ono member from each of tliRso twenty-two utatos and lerritorloj were appointed to organize u national amocir , lion and prepare icBolutioiiH J. IS. Grinnoll , of Iowa , inado n lengthv repoit of the legisla tion secured bv the notion of the last year's convention , Papers from Miner * . Uadi-dun and Hopkins were then tend mid adjournment taken until evening when Comminiionor Luring delivered an uddro H embodying hU on the cattle inriintry. ST. JOIIN-HIIUUO , Vermont , November Ut. Laid night ( Jove nor St. John nnd O. M. Stone , cimduUto fur tcovornor on the indepen dent ticket , wuio liung in ttiligy from a telegraph - graph polo Lowno.v , Xovcmlwr 13 In tha commoiiK to-day Hiirtington , socrrtnry o ( state for war , j morel the iipproj rim ion of ono millioa I pound * for thu Nllo uzj edltijn. ' PLAGUE-STRICKEH PARIS , Alarming : Virulence of the Cbolora In and Almit Paris , The Death Kato Increasing with Each Day , Strenuous Sanitary Efforts Made to Stwo the City , Further Eeports of ' 'Ohineso" Gordon's Death , The Tariff Question iti England and Franco , Tin * Troubles In K ypt anil China The KrnnolilKt ; Bill Kuropcun Polities Oilier News. C1IOMOIIA IN 1'AIMS. HANITAHV JIKASWIKH. PAMH , Nov. 13. Tlio telephone company has granted tlio use of their olticoj for calling assistance for choler.i patients , The 1'atrlotlc League converted iti meeting hall into n cholera hospital. The nrchbisho | ) of 1'nria IB n dixily visitor at tlio hospitals. It ia uotlcan- bio that the suburbs of this city , where tlio drainage is bad and Ilia water more sewage , are unaffected by the epidemic ; also that tlio environs of tlio cemeteries nro scatcely affected by tlio disease , while in several portions of tlio city , which are well supplied with water , several cases have occurred , bCKNBS. PAIIIS , Nov. 13. The people continue fonr- less , tliough tlio epidemic is threading , Ono vvarehouso Monday sold 20OUJ yards of red llunnelfl , whtch is supuosod tj bo preventive against cholera Iho troops and policemen on night duty are allowed turn with their coffee. The oxodusof foreigners increases : i continu- oni stream of vehicles line tlio neighborhood of the railway stations. Doctors think that strong , healthy people are not liable to bo at tacked by the disease. No hospital attendants Imvo bion seized , houco the plague is not con sidered contagious. The slums of the city have been Hushed with water heavily charged with carbolic acid. Three ciacs occurred in the police depot , situated in tlio slums. It Is loared the disease will spread rn.idly there. The prisoners in the station there nwniltug trial or disposal after sen- tancca are huddltd into nauseous holes wilh scarcely any daylight nnd with the foul est odors. Their bsd linen , which was seldom cleansed , in now being washed and disintectod. There has boon ono death to-day at each of the following places : A.U Vcrvilliers , Cllehg , lion- Ituno and Taatin , Deaths also occurred in villages adjacent to these places. IN SOUTIIFUN IRASCi : . MAnsKir.T.ns , November 13. Three friars of iho Ecolo Chrietlonno have died of cholera. The school has closed. It is believed the iitinv ber of cases in Toulon his been understated through tlio influence- the hotel keepois. Numerous fugitives from Paris have arrived nt Genoa. Spaniards residing in Paris have re turned to Spain to avoid the threatened quar antine. KKONTICK QUARANTINE. LONDON , No\ ember 13. Tlio Swiss gen em inent forbids railway cars fr > .m Paria to cross the frontier until passengers have been , eub jected to thorough medical Inspection. DIIAIII BULLETIN. 1'AHls , November 13 , G p. in Fifty-eight deaths from nlmlora have been reported sinea midnight Thirty cases in ( lie city and the re- maiuder in the huapililii. Two deaths nro re ported nt Oran. THE DEATH RATE. ' . " " tt PAIIIS , November 13. From triJnight to noon to-day there were 33 deaths from clrler.i here , 11) ot which occurred in the hiwpiUU. A reviaod report for yesterday gives the total at til deaths , all but 78 occurred in the him- pitalu ; SI fresh ca-ies were received into the hospitals yesterday. AMICIIICAN AI.AH.M. AI.IIANV , N. V. , November 13. Tin guver nor lo.dity transmitted to Iho state board ol health n long communication from tbo national board of liOi-lthon the subjnct of cholera. Immediately upon its rocelpt tha stafo board of health appii/.ed tha local health ollicorti ol the raj > Id advance of cholera in Europe , and the threatened Invasion of this country , ami ankinp th'j oatabliahriK'iit and ouforcemcnt of quarantine. GORDON'S I.\VTB , I-KIIHY'H imiK TIDINUM. I'AUIS , November 13. Primii Minister Ker ry communicated dispatches to the cabinet this morning from which it would appear that while passing from Khartoum lo Uerber Gun , C ! union ImU been shot dead. It is thought hero lint Ferry's fears of Gordon's death are but the tovivul of rumor * to that effect \vhich gained currency several days iigo hero. * ( iOKJON BTII.L naitTIWJ , Dovcoi A , November 13. The KibbablBh meichnnt , who bus arrived hero in sevontoun days from the camp of Alaluii , on the White Nile , Hiiys that the Miiluli lost nil his muni tions of war und that a novcro faminn hi canned permits mortality among the robeta , The rnhols ci tured umessongnr Bent by ( sen- oral Gordon to Dongula. General Gordon purwnd the rebels to Abuhzug , capturing u quantity of stores , ( Jnnadft. and tin ; AVcM Indies Lavno.v , November KI. Tlie Times Iti itn editorial urgoj the Canadian government tc reduce sugar imports from thu West Indies thereby opening the West India market to its own products corn , lieh und timber , whlcl will enable Canada to export an cheaply aiii largely in thu United Wtatcs , nail nlno Lunblo UanatU to compote with Ameiicn in sugar relining - lining wid other iiuiiinfuct.rerH by obtaining cheap and plentiful supply of raw material. There U nothing to prevent a mutually uih in tagoiu trade with the Wesl Indies. It loat with the Canadians theminlvcn whothnr t allow America a uionopoy of tlio West India trade , i'AltlH , Novemljcr 13 , Six inoro pi-rmjcn wore arrested nt Monlcimu Les Milieu , chirgoc with beiiu Implicated In the recent nttimpt tu blowimthohouKOof thomlno foreman with dyniinlU ) . JJjnumUu cartridge * ) VUJKI ex pludul yesterday in iho hoii.o of thu mlinuf ; t nt Tjcsoegrs department of the Yard. 1'ho o\ilo | lon caused consldorivblo dam.igo ( o iropeity but no person ai injured , Cholcr/i In South AMIIM , VIA GALVKSTOM Novcmbor 13 , Another cn o of cholorn appeared hero , iiR coat nlnrm. The utrictnst ( pmrnntino will bo ubnervcd on nil vessels coming from Franco. The Italian steamers nro expected mon , They will tint bo allowed to enter port. The pros * censures the ngcnt of the Italian line mid nil other * who have t'icdtoovado Lho sanitary Inw , Th < > lUnlull's Ailvnnci1. CAIIIO , November 13 Later d ! patch from thn Mudlr st'itei Hint ono of the Mnhdi's chief lieutenants U marching niratnitt Dongohk with I'.OOO iniMi and another with IL',000 men and another with (1,00(1 ( ( inon in advnnclnc ngninst the Knbbabish tribe. Ifllh AVar DuiiMN , November 13. United Ireland says : "It U probable that n pcncrnl revolt will recommend iUolf nn the laiplo t nml most elfoctml wnyof c impelling the govern ment to yield to Irinh donnvtids " The I'Yanulilso Ulll. LONDON , Novomlcr 13. In the homo of lords this nftertmon the franchlso bill pused first rcadlnp. The bill will to road for the second Hint Tuesday next , The I ) I villa's Divorce. I'AIUH , November 13. 'Iho tribunal con- denmed 1'atll to pay the costs of her divorce enit. TUB Ilt'UNO COMMK11CIA1JUKSTION Ol' K1IKB THADK AND FllOTEITlON AH JLNTKIITAINKD IN KNQLAND AND FHANfK. LONDON , November li ! . The question of the imposition of some sort of tatiir * for the protection ot homo products and industries lias been brought tu the front iigaiu in both Knglnud mid Franco. In this country the question , which Is n veritable bugbear tu the recent government , 1ms been revived by n formal complaint from the nrtisnns in various trades. A deputation of workingmen to-day waited upon Mr. McAlistcr , M. 1' . , who is a tory and an avowed protectionist. They represented to him in forcible lauguago tin hardships to which they had boon subjected by the system of government bounties to nmunfccturo B which has recently been put in operation in several continental countries. They gaidthat _ thu effect uf these bounties upon Kngliih manufactures was precisely the Biino os though the gpvernniont referred to had Imposed discriminating duties against Knglieli goods. The granting of bounties had at first sight n leas hustlln appearance ) than tha imposition of Import duties , but its pract ical effect upon Kngliuli industries was just as bid or oven worse. A J3elgl.ii ! manufacturer , for instance , could produce any given article more cheaply than his Kuglish competitor , because a p irt of its cust was returned tu him by his government. The firs' ; result of ibis was , of course , to shut out the Uugluh article fiom Belgium , because ii could uot compote in price with the homo-mado article. No\t , it injured thotaloof Britieli goods in nil markets of the world by placing them under an artificial but decided disadvantage in competition with the bountlod products. It oven destroyed to eomo extent thu homo market for Knglieh wares , for many articles could ba made in Bel gium and laid down in England at n coat lets than that of their manufacture In England. li'lnally and that was the worst feature o : the case in tlio opinion of the deputation thii unfair competition caused English manu- fcc'urers to cut down the wages of their own workmen to n point that was litllo above star vation. Mr. McAlister listened attentively to thoco nr mncnti and expressed his cntiro sympathy with them. Ho faidthatho had nl- vvnys looktd upon ICngland's froo-trndo policy as n Huicld.il blunder becausn it had compelleil other nations tu meet it by hostile discrimi nations , eit'ier ' in the form of bounties or tnr- iffi ) . Ho promised thftt ho would ueo his in- Huenco anil vote to secure the enactment ol countervailing duties against the products ol those countries which subsid zed their manu facturers with bounties. Tlilj promise was balled with cheers , and thu deputation with drew. The Liberal I are now nglinst nt these outspoken utterances by Mr. Mc-AI- lister , ivud they call upon tha Tory leadora to disavow his "heroay. " The liberal papers say that probably not ono man in lifty , oven of the lories , believes In the McAlister pana cea , and that bin only object was ti add tu the embarrassments of thu govcrntntmt. In Franco Premier Kerry has already dt- cidod upon levying n moderate duty upon foreign cereals , 1'ho public argument in favor of tins measure is that It is ntciHin'y f > i tin prelection of thu French farmer. The rca causoof the Promlei'H dcciiion , however , Is Raid to bo pressure brought upon him by n powerful syndicate of bpcculatoro who aru long uf wheat. TJIK OllKSCKNi' CIl'Y KI ( illA.Nll , IMl'OSINdfj I-HKPAIIATIONH fOll TIIK orKNiNo or nii ; VVOIILU'I KAMI AT NKW ORI.EANH. WAHIIINCTOV , D , C. , November 13. The special press commissioner of the New Orleans World'd Ex position Is perfecting arrangement ] to have a cungieHsinnal cxcnreion ( if the sen atom and ropreKiiit.it ives from hero to New Orleans tJ bo present r.t the opening uf the Exposition on Diiuambor 1' ' ! . Invitations have been extended to I'lesUlcnL Arthur am cabinet , Mr. Cleveland und Mr. lilulno , nlii < to I'jesidimt-elec' Jlaof Mexico , and Km jiorur Uoni 1'odru , of.-l'.ra/.ll. Thu Mvxicar congress will adjourn to attend the opening exerciser. A DIJNVUIC , Colorado , Novombcr 13. Itobeil Staudritig and wife vvuio discovered dead this m. rnmg their homo on a ranch seven mlle.H from Pine Grnvu , a. small vtutlon on thu South Park road , Tlia circimifUncea Indicatu they wt-ru murdered fur money. Standring waj ono of thu Culomdu Pionoerd , quite wl lely known , nnd wan an ordalnod proauhor of tin ; null pulygnmy liranch of thu Murmou church Wrathnr To-day. WAttlllKHTON , November 13-Upior | Miss Issippi fair vvuathur , northerly winds becom ing variable ; Utionarv temperature in thu southern jxirtlon , xllght rlsu In the northern pjitlon. AliHsuurl ; lair wenthar , Htatlonnry toinperatmu In the H'jutheru portion , tlli hl risa In the northern portion , winds shifting tu boutherly ; fulling baromotor. DETIIOIT , Nuvembor 13 , The congruulona delegation from this Uitu Htamlu HO\CII fution Juts , und four republicans , The fnsionlutK loi-t ono , uud gained thiee. A OASTIiK CAllDKN LN I > IK.I1A\T(11HL ( NKCUUIH \VKA1.TIIY \ llt HAND. XKW YOHK , Novrinbor 13.A few wrekn igo n pretty Inunlgrnnt girl named Eliza Irinl/ landed at Castle Garden. In ivdayor wo ho will dart for Michigan a the wlfo of proiulnontbu Ider of that state who h worth \t Iwt $75,000. Kliy. in 2fi venrs of age nnd omw from Ifninburg , She wni ilreraoitory roll nntl hud alittlo money in her purno when ho huided nt Cnitlo Garden She had honrd umors that n lono'immigrant woman was not aft > , nven In New York , nnd , KCO- "R " bonnvolcnt-looklng gontlpiuan in hoC llo ( Anlen landing bureau , ho wont .o him nnd nuked what the had bettor do in itdor to obtain a nitmtion. The gentleman ya iiuicli plcnsed with tha girl , and told her hat ho had merely tutored the garden to call in his fru'nd.i'x-Ai > soinblyinanlNlglutJch who sin the registry department , but ho bollnvod that hn could find lur n place In thuhouichold f ii friend of his \YVstchenter county. The > lace was focurcd lor Hliui , who has t'lnco r - sivrd n number of calls from Iho benevolent * ookiiie gentleman \\lio occured the plnco for ler. Thn ncqualntniico resulted innnongnge- iient , and in n fo\v dajs the pair will bo mar- led. Mr , Niglut-ch xays that ho cannot give ho name of Ins friend nt pros nt , but ho cm ouch fur the fact tlirt ho has considerable iropoity and stands welt In Michigan. THItltlKIO lOXI I.A UQK QUANTITV OP I'OttDEIl NKAIl IOLEDO , 0. , KM'LODKM WITH DKVASTATINO VIQ. I.ENCI * , TOLEDO , Nov. 13. A largo amount of pow > lor in n xlicd on Delaware crook , four miles rein this city , exploded nt 10 this morning. The report wan hoard within n radius of forty niles. Thu windows of the houses in the vicinity were broken. At Urondwny , three nilcs from the explosion , the windows wore irok'n nnd shutters smashed. The workmen n nnd around the shed sw the danger and led far nnii'gli tuotcapo death , The old man who had charge of the sho.i was thrown down by the oxplotinu , but not seriously injured , A wagon in thu road 100 yards away was lilown into n ditch with tlio occupants. The [ oncos in the vicinity were leveled , nud limbs li'.own from the trees. T o ruins ignited from the explosion. The lire is being fought to keep it from spreading tu n largo amount of petroleum near bv. CI.KVKLAND , O , , November 13. A nimble nnd shock behoved tu have been caused by the explosion nt Toledo , was plainly heard nnd felt this morning at Leavittsbuifr , distant from Toledo about 150 miles on the Air lino. Here , 112 miles cast from Toledo , persons who observed the motion , thought it was an oarthquaku. At Chagrin falls , twenty-four miles southeast of harp , was supposed cannon were being fired in this city over election re turns , and telephone inquiries were made to ascertain what tin artillery salnto signified. DIHTANT IIUMIU.1M , CLEVELAND , O. , November 1 ? . A shock was felt this morning in various parts of north- urn Ohio. It is ntttibutcd to an explosion in the dynamite factory in Toledo. GOOD LUCK. CLKVKLAND'M NKAT LITTLE ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OP A HANDSOME IIOUSK-BIIOE. ALLENIOWN , Pa. , November 13. Somt time ago John J. Shacld , of this city , sent beautitully finished horap Blioc Jioaring thi words "Luck to Oev. Cleveland. " The fol lowing acknowledgement was received to ilny. "Siuco the receipt of your present lh contest has been decided in fuvor of the part wlilrli I represent. I shall givu duo credit k the IIOIHO BIIIIO for what hai already happened nnd shall carefully preserve it , in the hope that it may bring miccois to my effort ] to give tlio people- food government. " Oioil of ljoclr.i\\v. | NEW YOHK , November 13.On the morn ing beforn election Park Commissioner Cum- mi us nnd Deputy Commissioner of Public Works Frederick If. llninlin drove J down Lexington avenue with n skittish gray horse , which ran away after thu axle of the carriagu was broken by the dropping of the wheel into a rut ill the street between Sixty-seventh nnd Sixty-eighth streets. As the horse ran bjth gentlemen leaped out. Mr , Cummins es caped without serious injury , but Mr. Hainlin had one arm broken and received n HO- rioiiH cut in thu luite. Ho was cared for first nt Mount Sinai hospital , nnd afterward In his homo nt No 300 Madison avoniio. Us friends supposed tint , ho would recover in a reasona ble time , and the symptoms were at first fa- votable , but lock ) ivvsot In ivnd early this morning ho died. Mr , Ilamlin was bom Oc tober 1 ! ) , 1848 , in this city. Ho WAS a son of Frederick V. Ilamlin , an ol 1 Now York mer chant. Ho giadtnitod at thn college of the City of Now York in 1SGS. Ho then studied engineering. In 1870 ha was appointed as- elitant unclifur In the department of pa * lie park-H anil holpu.1 1 > lay out lorningfildu and Riverside pjrks. Uilihthcrlii In Chleigo Times. That cnnsidorablo interest is felt In tfcopruv- alcnco of diphtheria in thu city was evidenced yeHterdny by the largo number of applications received nt the health department for copies of the board of health circulation on thu sub ject Over two hundred npplicanU anne In person , to nay nothing of thu Inquiries coming by mall , which Dr. Do Wulf regards as a good oilion , lor tha obsorvanee of the rnloii laid down by them , he tliinka , will not only nsilflt in warding off the dlsoaso , but will alfu mitigate its sovxrlty If it should appear In epidemic form. Ono physician who wrotu for circulars said ho had heard of from twenty to thirty cases of tha disease in his neighbor hood in thu pant ten days , which nerved to 10- mlnd thu health il p.irtiiicnt that if thu malady vvas provnilin/f / to liny great uxtont thu iihysi- cians had been remiss In reporting the cases CH Kqulrod by law , Thu records show that less than half a do/.on cases have been reported from the city nt largo for over n week. In feet , ten cases ol scarlet fuvor have boon re ported to ono of diphttioiin , which goes to confirm Commissioner DjWolf in the belief that the prevalence of the difcoaso has been greutly exaggerated , and , furthermore. , that thrro is no occasion of ularm over its spread In the community. .St. Johii < NI * > ' < > tf Nr. OtArilic , ICanoas , Noveinbor 111 , St. John says bo his liuld no lelutionH vvhatover with any political party in thu campaign except tbo prohibition part } ; that ho Mail made thu fight strictly upon thu principle which he represent ed ami rnyii ho will Uko the fluid again after n fuw week * nut. UondrloliH in I'lnliulolpliia , J > iui..iiti.i'iiiA1 : Novumbor 13 , Hendiicku will loviow Iho democratic parade J'rlday next , THURSDAY'S ' TRADE , 's ' Bnsiiiess on tbe Chto and Proilncc Markets. Lovrer Quotations All Around for Cattle , Aotivo Demand and Weak PriccB for Hogs , Wlioat RuloB Strouc with a Olos- ing Gain , Fair Business and Slight Uneasiness - - ; ness in Corn ! Oatu * Hulo Finn mill Higher I'orte mill UiiGlmiigcil Firm. OI1IOAGO JIA1MCETS. Special Telegram to THE Dm. OATTLK. CHICAGO , November 13. Itecciiits wosturi * ind Texans wore proportionately light'flay 2CO cars , which would leave about 0,000 na tives out of the 10,000 fresh arrivals , Amone.- tl < o natives was a largo per cout ol fat cattloJ * that were Belling around about 5 75@G 00. All * descriptions of f.-vt native etocrs may bo quoted " at 10@15 lower than yesterday nnd 20@3 ( > . lower than last week and oven last Monday. Native butclior stock unlesi first class is nl o > lower. Texans wore quoted lower but North * western rangers underwent little or no change. Of the latter , some fancy drives have sold an high as 5 35 ( 5-10 nnd from these quotations down toI 76. Good to choice 12CO to 1353 pounds , -10@fi DO ; common to fair , 1000 to 1MO pounds , 390 < 44 90. Saloa-285 Mon- tfu I.IMVC , iruis. i ov , iUJ a.lcurilsKIl'l , 175 NobraBkne , 1082 4 2P 83 ' , : Wyoming- " * , Texanc , 1010 , 400 ; 312 Wyomlng-texang , 923 , 3 00. IIOQH. Prices again ruled C@10a lower but at the decline there vvns a brisk demand and the market closed quiet with but fuw unsold in each division. Hough nnd common pickers , sold around nbout 4 00@4 20. Light sorts , es pecially ICO to 200 , sold around about 410 © - 4 60. Singers , 4 (10 ( , with skips at 4 00fjl ( 25. The general mnrkot may be quoted 2j(5)30c ( ) lower than last week. Packing nnd nhip- ing 2.0 ! to 310 pounds. 4 35 ® 1 Gfi ; light , ICO lo 210 pounds , 4 0.4 50. 50.WHKAT. WHKAT. There was very llttlo nctlon in Iho wheat ; market to-day , but the feeling was stronger ; and the closing prices of the day wore n ahalo higher than yesterday. The receipts were , ' t small. Voreign advices report dull and weak- " fefiilnftliough "private cibles reported n bet ter f eel i ne. The market opened steads' , nd * . vancod J but under free offerings receded J. < became steadier , closing on the regular bonra } J over yesterday. At the afternoon seas ion another ndvnncu of } * 3 occurrnd , the mnrkot . , cloHi'u tint 724 for November , 73j } for December , 7J8&71J for January , Slg for May. con.v. There was good pecnlativo and moderate shipping business in o rn. Thu fooling was unsettled nnd morn or loss uneasiness win dis played by shorts. The market dovelopad - strength EOOII nfter the opening , November i.J- vnncing Ijjo nnd the voar advancing Jc ; thun declined IJj for the former nnd lu for tlio lat ter ; fluctuated nnd closed on the regular" ' boaid nt IJc higher for Novombsr and4c higher for the year than yesterday. On the- l-v * afternoon board , November advanced i.whie ! > other futures advanced Jc , the market closlnc at 4Be for Novrmbor , Sijc ) { for December ana the year , nnd 383o for M ny. OATS. Firm and abaul H higher , closing at "fi'j for November , Uecomber and the year , and 87A@ . 6 ! ) for May , roiiK , Hilled quiet ( hawing litllo chanro ul 11 S2J for Iho year , 11 37J for January and 11 45 foe February. LA III ) . Firm , closing at ( J 03 for November , G 81 for January. 0 97 for February , jMunJci-or Siilcidu. NEW YOHIC , November 13. Jnmoa Jtyan , nn actor in Johnny Thompson'd Kighth street : theater , went into n liquor ntoro adjoining the theater last night accompanied by Lillie Ellin , of Brooklyn. Shortly afterwards a pistol shot was hoard and Lillie WOH found on Iho floor bleeding from n bullet wound in the head. The bartender eays that Ityan and the woman were In the back room when the shot wax fired. Hynn says that the weinan threatened tothoofc herself if ho did not accompany her home. Ho nlilriuH that he was not in tha room when the shoitlng occurred , The woman wns taken tea a hojpital nnd died this morning , Kynn was before the police magistrate to-day and -fill have nn examination Saturday , The voting woman wni later identified as Li//.Io Krucger by her eister. The deceased disappeared from her homo , 181 Joy street , Tuesday , and was not aeon ag-Jn alive by her friends. AnolliiT > jullleu. KKOKUK Iowa , November 13 , The demo- crals hero jubilated Iftlt ovdninglover the elec tion of Cleveland nnd Ilendrickg , There was * ngrand torchlight procession , a line pyrotoch- me displny nnd much unthutlnsin. The streets wore lined with onthusiatitlc epecta- lora , Down on Harper'n A\Vakly. SALT LAKE , November 13. "Our IJonedict ArnoldOeoi-ge William Curtla/'was placarded on thu k-roast of an eflitfy hanged by the mln en at Terrace , Utuh , The nowa has ju t been icceived , _ _ _ _ The Jeiuiclto Hurt ) , * WAHIIINHTON , November 13. Lieut. Grco * loy called nt the wnr department to-day , after reporting hlu arrival to Gen. Hazeu , at the J HKiml office , and paid his respects to Sicrctury Lincoln.