Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 13, 1884, Image 1

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    JL JIJL- *
"flic Official Canvass of New York
Ballots ,
No Important Changes Yet Dis
covered ,
A Small Advantage of 46 for
Elaine ,
Cleveland Still Holdiue : a Good
Leading Margin ,
No Ray of Eepublioan Hope Yet
Visible ,
U'lio Slim PioKi'Csi of the Count ii
the City AVlicio Discrepancies
Are IX
Jn tha interest of an intclligiblo and con
else presentation of the whole matter , the
New York Times table is ngaln employee
supplemented with yesterday's returns from
the cthcial canvass in tabular form. By con
lt Uinj the two tables , It will be aeon tha
the Times is stiUiciently correc
in its estimates to war ran
a strong assumption that the
full canvass will sustain its summary
The discrepaucica found yesterday were
small and unimportant , a'ido from the dis
covery of 233 miscounted votes in Now York
county which , however , will bo readjusted in
the full returns. By a loan of 38 and a gan
to lilame of C , Cleveland now stands with .
plurality slightly smaller than the Tunes' es
tiniate. Yet this is insignificant in the
whole count and no indications are \iaiblu
tbia morning that tha nlhcial canvass wil
product ) any decisive alteration in the totals
* Cortland county Blaine , 34 electors gat
. 1,01. , ono elector gets 1,011 , and ono elector
'gals li 13. Cleveland , 31 olectoia got 2,774 ,
two electors got 2,773. Butler 112. St. John
: > 75.
, IfeSl ,
Counties : land. Ulaino
Dem. lcp. !
.Albany ( ilO
AlUghauey 2765
110. !
Cattariaugus 13'IS
C'avu a 31W
Chemuug 481
Chenango 1052
Clinton 822
Coin nbia t)9 ( )
Corelmd 1268
Delawaic 978
Dntcho's 102-
Kno ll')0 )
\ 1773
Franklin Ib90
1'ultoii and Hamilton 1017
Giecno . 15
Herliimor . 810
Jellum.u . l'llj (
Kings . 15751)
Lewis . 78
Livingston . 1153
Madison . 1711
Mouroe . 5070
MonUomoiy .
NowYork . 13221 !
NUnra . 319
Oneida . O'l
Ononddga . 372(5 (
OuUno . 73'J
Oraigc- . 127
Oiwtgo 2512
Otccuo 131) _
Putnam 577
ItenhseUer . 31' ' )
Klchmund . 1971
Itockhind . 1101
fit Lavvroncu , . 7100
Saratoga . 2.1 H
Schenectady . 283
Schoharie . 1807
Schuyler . 579
Seneca . 318 . . . .
Sti-ubeii . SI8U
Suffolk . 553 . . . .
Sullivan . 3Iri
Tiogi . 988
Tompkins . 128
Lrlst r . ' . . . 5'J '
Warren . 781
Washington . 3115
W& > na . 2113
Westchestor . 2238
Yules 127,1
Told . . G'I7 ( > 1
Domocratlc plurality in 188) ) . 1.301.
w Yoi.k , iNovimber 12 The results of
e complete elhiial cainaws are not yet ro.
ceivid irom lf ] iwari ) , Krinklin , Orange
Schuyler , Brooiro , Columbia , Greene , filonru ,
and bt. Laurence coimtiei. 'Iho canvass so
far dues not make material changes from fig
ures already published.
NKVV YOHK. November 12. The board of
canvassers of New York county examined the
returns of the first thn u abtembly districts to
day , 1'ew differences from press reports pub
lished Wednesday moinlag woru discovered ,
but nothing found that will materially affect
Clovohnd * plurality ft published. It N es
tlmattd that Oswald OtU-ndorfer may fall
hundred votes behind Lis comrades on ih
electoral ticket.
NRW Yoitk , ovelnbc It ! . Tha Nov
York JMail and Kxpre a thlt afternoo
ta\i > : The otllcinl cam&M of thoot
of thU state continue , It is generally cxu
ce > ded th it the veto of the counties above th
Harlem bildgo cminot bo changed to iiHVc
Clovcland'it plurality. An accidental rrro
may entialy wtpo out the plurality mid o
thu nlono are bawl the hopet of the trpubli
caiH. At midnight forty of the counties oth
cmlly cuivussed gave Clovclai.d a nc tgiln o
! U , le-.aving tha plurality at 1 , < 2 > according t
democratic cl.ilmi. This practically ends nn\ \
probability of serious increase lo Hlamo's rut a
jiluralitiei , altluuph it is fair to bei
in mud that where gama nro expected ill
cfciivsKi H dohji'd and the case may > ot b
presented in light or ten counties wheio a ci
lias been made up The real fight is in tin
city and the republican hopes were greatl ;
dampened when Kliliu Itoot announced 301
terday ho found the majority to bo 43 22C
wiping rut a gain of 120olia aiinniin cd 01
Saturday , Tha total number of votes 01
which , In come form or another , Gcorgo Blln
expects lo taku exception to the Inlorma
count already had , is about four thousand
About a thiid of these are defective , or blaul
ballots , and the rest mo Bntler , St. John ant
other votes v Inch were ml counted , excludct
or otlieru i e aided to sw ell the Clov eland v oto
NhW YOHK , November 12. A change favor
able to Blalnuby 233 vote.iin thoBuvonth elcc
tion district of thu BCCOIU ! assembly district , a
against thu returns published Wednesda
morning , was undo by thu board of canv asset
in this county to-day , but on careful comp iri
son with the police and pro-n leturns it i
found that the difference will bo niauo up ii
districts jot to bo canvassed.
Ii v Yoitk Noveinbei 12 The board o
tiadei .md trmsportation adopted a resolutioi
cum cuiiug the "e\prcsgionn of inllammitory
ch i icter m connection with thu close contos
of the presidential olcctiona , scouting tha ide :
of fratUt and asaorting that every citizen wil
submit to the determination of the constitute
Ntw Yoitk Novembpr 12 The olhcial can
vusa of twenty wards of Kings county show
gnu of thirty nine votes for Cleveland and tw
for lilalno.
The board of canvassers of Albany count
are m.akiug blow prcgiese. No footings of th
\ ote are yet announced ,
Tltoi.N. Y. , November 12. Corresnond
ents aud reportora of the Troy Telegram inter
viewed fifteen manufacturers in the larges
manufacturing towns of northern Now Yor
on the effect of politics in their industry. Ko
publicans and democrats agreed tlut th
election of Clov eland would have httb elfoc
on any in imifacturing induHries.
There are pending in congress two bills hav
infill view the settlement of controversies con
cerning thu counting of electoral votes , eithe
of which is in n position to bo taken up early
in December and passed in time to apply t
the counting of the votes of this election ue\
February. The first is known as the Hoar bill
which was parsed unanimously by the senat
eaily last session. Its pivotal featuio is foum
in section 2 , aud is as follows :
That each state may , pursuant tr > i'a ' law
uMstiug on thu day fixed for the appi/intmen
i f the electors , tryHuul determine , at le it Bit
day a before thu timu fixed for the meetnip o
tha electors , any controversy concerning the !
appointment , or thu appointment of any o
them. Kery such determination made pur
Huant to such law so existing on said day , ant
m ide at least sU days prior to the said tune o
Hireling cf the electors shall bo conclusive
ov idence of the lawful title to ofhcu of thu
electors who shall have been so determined to
havu been appointed , and shall govein in the
countiug of thu electoral votes as provided ii :
the constitution aud as hereinuftei regulated
The bill further provides that the votu of u
stito from which but ono return baa been re
ct'ived shall not ba rtjccted except upon Iho
ufhrmillve yoto of both houses ; and where
moru than one icturn , or purported return ,
lias l)2en received from a state , those ' otes
only shall bo counted which "shall have been
regularly jzivun by the cloctoia , who are
shown by Iho uvidenca mentioned in section 2
of this act to have been appointed. "
In case * of failure on the part of t tales to
determine their own controvvray "then those
votes , and those only , shall ba counted which
the two houses- , acting Kepar.itely , shall con
current y decide to bo tha lawful votes , "
This lull wai referred by thu house to
ts epecinl committee on the subject , of which
Mr. laton } was chairman , and was reported
nek with an amendment known as thu L'lton
It providQii that "If more than ono return ,
or paper purporting to be a n turn from n
atatj , shall h iv u been received by tha presi
dent of the nonato , than and in that case the
irssidmg officer of thu joint convention shall
iiibmit to the mouthers thereof thu dotorinina-
Jon auto which is thu proper return ; and
hre'O hours slull bo allowed for debate1 , and
he joint cunviiitinu shall thtnproctoj to votu
) oi capita , commencing with tlie xtalu of
Vlibama , and those votes shall be counted
md .uldcd to thu list of votoi already ascer-
.allied which a majority of thu joint cnnvon-
iou stmll determine to have been u ntainul
n the proper nud local return. "
Tut ) substitute wai ath ptod by thu house ,
ml the amended in o inure was ben' , to n con-
ereiro commlllcu from which no formal ro-
KirtH have hncn m.ado to the two houses.
Th t consideration of this subject in con
gress began during thu first icgulnr session of
hu for'y-lifth congress , the eleclonl contro
versy of 187 < > being then fresh In the public
On the first of February , 1881 , Senator
ngalls introduced a resolution , which holng
mended , wai passed by both houses , and
inder Its provisions the last electoral votu was
minted on thu 9th of 1'ebruaty , 1881 , It
vas at follows :
1 , Tmit the two houies of congress shall a ;
emble in tlm hall of thn house of ronrcei nta-
ivts on Widmvday , tha 9th of February ,
881 , at 12 o'ulcck in , pursuantto the requiiu-
lent ) of thu i onstltution and IUWH relating to
tie election t f president and vice prukldont of
is United St > tes , and thu president of the
enato bhall bo the presiding ollicer ; that two
lursons ho appointed letters on thu part of the
enato and two on the part of thu housi of
opre.sentitlvta to make a list of tha votes us
ley shall bu declared ; that thu result shall bu
elfverud lj the prusidout of the temite , who
liall annoutico thu state of the vote und Iho
lemons elected to thu tvo honsea assembled
is aforesaid , which shall ha doomed u dnclara-
ion of the persons elected picsidont and vice *
iresidont of thu United SUtes , and together
with a list of votes , tu entered on thu journals
f the two homos ,
2 , That If u Bhall appear that any votes of
lectors for president or uco president of the
United States lm\o been gUen on n day otho
than tlmtlixid for casting such \otesbync
of congress , ( n pursuance of the coiidltulloi
of the I'nilod Stivte ; if the counting o
oinlttftKT to count such \oten shall not esscn
tially change thn lesnlt of the election , the ;
shall bo lonortod by the p ' Idi > nt of tli9 st n
nto in the following manner Were the \oto
of olfct w cast on the - day of ISsl )
to bv counted , the ro ult would bo for ( A. 11
for piosidcnt of the United States -
\olc" , ami for ( C. T ) for prrsidtnt of UK
Uulrod States - \otos , ami If not counten
the ii'sult would bo for ( A \ \ ) f ( r proslden
of tl i < United Stales - votes , and for ( C
1 > . ) for president of thn I nlte'd Statin -
\otos' but in ilthor event - is olecto <
president of the United St vtos. And in th
same nuvnnerfor vice president.
OI < I\NIN :
Sioux City Journal.
rrom D.ivo Winnie , who for the past soasoi
has been storekeeper on the steamers Helen
unit liatcholor , a lopurtcr jostmday obtnlnoi
some information about the cleaning out o
stock thieves on the upper Missouri. Thee
Block thieves , Mr. Wlnnlo sidd , hai
been taking horses aud cattle in abou
equal numbers from the ranges in eastern Mon
Una. These worn crossed atarlous points
on tha Missouri , mid taken north into the
Hntiih po sijshms for sale Thu c.itilo met
blamed all the wood yard mon and most of th
traders along thn Missouri from the . I uditl
down to Ituford for harboring the c.vttlo
Melvlllo Steward , n wmltliy cattle man o
Door Lodge , who has largo hutds in thoJuditl
basin , is cmhtod w uh originating Iho movement
mont for cleaning out the cattle thieves. A
party of 100 cowboys was orgam/od. The i
we're divided Into throi LmniH of about cqua
number. One band took fie country south
of tha Mfcaouri , working all the way from th
Judith to the Yellow atone , as far down na the
Northern Pacific. A second band tool
the south bank of the Missoun , and the thin
the of that liver. It was of th
two binds that followed the river that Mr
Winnie know of , as they frequently came ti
hjs boat for supplies. These burned am
killed everything before them. Kvcn th
cordwood piled up on thu river bank for th
staameru was ccattoyed , and during the latlu
part of the icaaon the boats often had to
burn drift wood. Trom his boat Mr Win
mo saw the fight at James ranch , wind
ended in the shooting down of the three mti
in the house , and the burning of thu rand
buildings. Shortly before the boat nrrlvot
at Dunn's place , Dunn was lariattod whih
trying to escape from the cow-boys , am
dragged to death. In all , tvvtnty lovcu moi
weie known to ha\o been killed by tha cow
boys , on the tharge , either that they aidec
the stock thieves , or wtro themselves stool
thieves The cow-boys , of latott accounts
were below Fort Ihiford , in search of liol
Matlhewaand Orinnell , two traders , who ar
accused of harboring stock thieves. Th
cow-boys having crossed from Montana int
Dakota , the commander at 1'ort Uufori
threatens to follow them , and put a stop t
their further work.
Mr. Winnie says that aa the woodbnwk
h iv o been run out cr killed , the cattlemen
have come in , and that all the country fron
the Judith to 1'ort Bnford is now being taken
by cittle mon. These are more interested i
maintaining property rights thin the wooil
hawka were , and there will be plenty of gooi
rrder in that country now that legitimate
settlement baa come in. Old citizens wil
remember Tom Haulon , who , a do en year
HBO , was city reporter for the Journal. Mr
Winnie taw Tom at the now gold dipping
opposite Rocky 1'oint. Hois proprietor of n
atora there , and is doing well.
WASHINGTON' , November 12. The r.ito o
yield or corn indicates a product somewhat ii
excess of 1,800,000,000 bushels or an average
rate a small fraction above 20 bu hels par
acre. The best yields are aa in 1ES3 , in vvhal
las boon designated as the Great American
De-sell. The "wild regions" in the vicinity o !
the hundredth meridian have produced heavy
: ropi of mai/o of high quality. Th it line ol
oiiKitudo has ceased to be an .ibsoluto barrier
.0 corn production or general farming. Thu
ate ot jield in Nebraska being " 85 ,
ICansas , " > b , Iowa I5 ! , Missouri 31 ,
Minnesota 33.5. Ohio 31 , Illinois 1 > 0 ,
[ mliium 29 , Michigan 27 , Wisconsin 21 , Ken
, ucky 23. Pacific coast returns yield 35 bush
els in Washington territory , California SO and
Oregon US. The fouthern stains report a
, 'iiIl ) ( of 2U bushels in Maryland , 20 In Tennes
c'o , 1' ) in Arkansas , Id in Viiginia , 1C in
L'exbs , 13 in Mississippi and Alabama , 12.8 iu
Louisiana , liin Georgia , and less in other
states. The Now England states avoiagn
icarjy 33 buihela , Now York returns 30 and
. 'enniylvanla 31 Trfo quality of corn is hot-
er than in ' ) - . ! , nearly ov H yvvhoro , and in the
lorthorn holt is worth - i to 70 per cunt more.
Tliq potatou crop is neatly an averaeo yield or
10 bushels per aero and exceeds I'M ' million
WvsinsaiON' , November 12. Thu secretary
f thu interior recioved thu unnual icport of
ommiesioiier of pensions for the fiscal jear
nded Juno 30 , 1881. The commissioner nd-
ocatea the adoption of remedial legislation
> y contrre.HH which shall takn from thu claim *
nt Homo burdens which in their operation
mount to a practical denial of his claim.
'hu coininiBsionor adds : "Unless legislation
s applicable to them it will bo considered the
amu to specify thu classes to bo affected , and
no character of proof which shall bu deemed
ufliciont to entitle onu to a pension , the result
111 1)0 to prr.tlcally deny the pension to many
lousan Is of bravo and disabled soldiers
ivhosu suffering and unfortunate social condl-
on appeal to tha gratitude , sympathy and
nerciful consideration of cnnxresa. Perhaps
; would ha more to tha purpose to say that
10 plea for and in IHmlf of veterans was fur
istico , and jintlco alone. "
Mlc'hlf'nii'H Ittillotf ,
DiTHOir , November 12. 1'ortythroo of the
ghty Bounties in Michigan rejiort ofllcially
lama pluralltiOH at 13,3U ; fusion plnra'ltlcs '
L ( ! ,870. The renminlug counties are evenly
Ivnlcd between the fiuioniHtH and lepubh-
ana , Thn plurality as given in tha figures HU
ar reported will In cut down to lietwRsn
, ' On and riOCO , _ The congressional deli gallon
auds seven fusion to ono republican ,
"Wonllior To-day.
W HHINUTO.V , November 12. Upper Mlsis-
ppi. J'air weather ; light variable winds ;
early stationary temperature.
Mlmouri volley : Yah weather ; stationary
omperatuio ; light variable winds ,
Eo&lisl ) ,
llavorend Samuel , the Orookod
Judioialy Divine.
"Fedora" Ddvenport and Her
Metropolitan Eiisagauiout.
Mormon Sluwdnoss and Insid
ious Defiance of Law.
Something About Shapely Limbs
and High Kicking.
* (
I'Attl , In llvlnn'Al snliita , ite. : , In Now
York IMaiinjjoiijiol tin Ho-
iiuiiilHiii'niul I'tilliius.
Special to UlO liKK. ,
NKW YOMK , November 10 Your correa
poudeut called on the great Madam
llistorl the other il , .md wso niur
tlnn cha rmcd byitlu > nmiinor In wind
slio waa recoi\oJ , The labors of n nowspapc
corri ) iiomlont would Indcul bo pleasant wet
nil \\linm tlioy interviewed a * court'ona.
Madame readily m-quiCHCed when I asket
permission to put n few questioni to her , bu
before I could do BO sea proceeded to glvo 111
something of her history.
Hoi fixco is full and rather dirk , with fore
hoadbroidnud high , 'llio lovvor face will
nud n llttlo heavy , though never dull. But th
feature that giv u soul and expression to th
whole IB her wonderful ejcs. Their color pii ?
zlea you. They now aeuu brown , now grey
changing aud darkening as she warm * to ho
subject ,
" 1 inndo my debut in comedy in a theatre l
Lombard ? when but thrco months old , " sail
Uistorl , in n play 'called 'Tho Now Year'
Present , in which my mother played the lead
nit ; part. I commenced to study for the stag
when very yowif , anil with the exception of
few years after my marrhgo in ISIli , I hat
boon plnjlng nil my life. I have alway
played in Jfiunch or Itah in , but shall nowdur
Ing my American onjapnineiit pliy only i
Knglish , n languatro of which I know nothln
lour years ago. I have studied \ory hard t
acquire it , and can now undei stand and spc a
it very well. " Although aa Madamo'a daugl
tor , a tall , graceful young lady , who ojcaasion
ally acted tno role of interpreter to her mother
explained , "Mama commenced readin
Shakespeare aa noon as i ho able to under
Bland the language at all , and the Kngllsh o
Shakespeare' * time was BO dilforont in many
respects from that now spoken that bhu ac
quired a peculiar manner of expressing he
thoughts in Knglish , and often found dilliculty
in making herself underjtood. "
I bethought mo that w. re madnmo unex
pectedly cast upon an island in company witl
a couple of Bowery boot blades , well up in tin
slang of the day , she would bo quickly forcoi
to the conclusion that her education wua fa
from comp ete , and Hi ike'pearo's English ex
cecdlngly HmUed. " t
"I shall remain in this country four month" ,
lesuinod she , "playing in several of your larg
cities , but returning to Now York In Decom
her , when I play a two weeks' engagement u
the Star theater. My repertoire will c n is
of 'Mario Antolnittg' 'Queen Kluabuth ,
'Mary Stuart.1 and 'I/idv Macbolh. "
She declaied Mnrle Antoinette to ha her
favorite role , and In sneaking of Queen JHI/i
belli , Baid , "I do not feel the sympathy witli
this character that I could wish to. I admire
jii7iboth ; , she was u-fiiand ! would you say
maseulino and noble , not a queen but rathei .1
great king. Not always tender and sometimes
\ulgar. " When asked if she had over Been
Mary Anderson on the stage , Madame said
that him had not , but tint Miss Anderson had
called on her several juars ago in 1.onion. "A
lovely joung woman' Miidumo Klston pro
lonnced her , while of Barnhardt she paid ,
" .She exhausts herself in order to overwhelm ,
jut foema to 1 ick something Is perhaps not
i symiiathic interpreter of the role ] she
undertake * . "
Of Madamt's charmiDg daughter 1 was
afterward * ) asked a do-cripti'on. winch I guo ,
ogethcr withan cstiniituof what 1 bolloved
lor .igu to bo. I give it as twenty , thinking
hat oven then , I hid , with the itsunl gimti
osity of my sex , donated a year or two. Judgu
hen of my surprise when to-day 1 read in one
of the dailies tint "Mailamo Histori'n only
daughter , a young ludy of 31 yoais , A.C. " 1
cannot help feeling tint the reporter who pen
ied these words I'ud previously tendered his
cird at Mad.xm'rt hotel and received the n ply
'Not at home , ' whereupon hu determined to
vroak Ids vonganca upon the next genera-
The Hov. Samuel who hnsBO suddenly
limped into public notice by hlx arrogant
isHUinplitm of the role of judge , was greeted
jy an unusually largo congregation bimday
nornlng. Ho could not Jet the opportunity
> ics to fnrthet impress his listeners with the
dea tlul hu know what ho was talking about ,
nd made frequent reference to thu politic il
llimtion. Ho IH known of old here > , and the
rusteort of a certain church inNuwYoik
ould tell soina savory stories about the ruv-
rmid gentleman.
ratline Davoniort | i regletered at the JJvo
L'tt , She coinincncoH an engagement at the
'uurlienth Hlreot theater , November 10th
ilnymic 'Vedora" with nearly the a-imo cait
IB last year. Her excillent rendering of that
haracter last winter proved such a Hiirprlso to
ow Yorkers that she need have no four of
nanclal failure this PCMSOII.
I wonder how nmtiy iiooplu liavn read the
etalls of that remai biMo trial that hm just
oachnd iti concluiiini in Halt L.dco City. 1
efer to the cam of the United SUtis vf.
Judgcr Clawsoii. Those who hive read it
mst have been Impiedecd with the fact that
0 cleve-rly Imvo UIOHO panplo sinned against
lie laws of tha land unit morality that in one
way , and ono way only , can sulwt.mtial oti-
onca bo obtained uir.lnul them md that
ruin tli3 lips of their own victims , thuli wives. As iai < l the able prosecutor in
us address to the- jury
"Are you to doubt that the defendant has
lolated the law as wo charge' Are you to sit
1 your cluirs and say , "No one saw the mar
a o ? " If you take this view WH may an ,
well cloto the court * lit re , for wo will never
nako a conviction from thu to.titmmy ofta
DIM who have ecn these iimrnugo * solemn-
zed' Then read the tontliiumy of that Mormon - I
mon of all Mormon * , 1'roaident Taylor.
Cnlled to the wilni'M otand ho U a'kivlhy th
pro < on\tlon
'Thprt' l a ductriiH' of tin1 church , n there
not , Mr. Tajlnr , of plural mairiiigce '
"Why , certainly there n. "
1 N tin-it' any record of theno mintages * '
"It l < \ory prnhibln thiro li. '
"Did jou o\cr moll' "
"I don't know that I Into. "
"If j m wanted to BOO It ii thonuy uirau
of nicertainmg win ro It i '
" 1 rould tmd nut lij inquiry '
"Will you bo good imough to di so' "
"Well , I am lint good enough to d < so. '
An r.uulnh Nomldti of OHVidnch'i "lir
Dm he * ' n driwiug Uigo hmutt at New I'arl
theatre. It U boliiR t\\ng \ bv the Nocioi
Open trmipo , with .NIUs Cathntno l.i > wi II
the titln role Could 1 bo p-rmlttrd the bin r
ty 1 should llko to reUse In r name , writing i
liOwtlncM for I.owli. Sunn nne ehcuil 1 dn th
lady the kinducsn to toll her tint it le s liberi
dhilaof | hi r person would | > roqulto a
tantalumg aud ihnrmlng , nhuo it would hiu
le < nnuieatlng i llect ou aome of her audience
One rather expects high kicking from i
ballet girl dresvd for the cca lon , hut to so
nn nctrt HI gather up hm long robei , retreat ti
the hack of the stagii In outer to gatagocx
t irt , then ciuiio prancing ( ! nu n to the foot
light * and deli\i < r hem-lf of n kick wluw
hnight Umves nothing to ha conjectured , h , ti
say thu lo.vit , a somothinir that ono is unpie
pared for.
I'.Uti the dixiiio U once morn among us
She COIIHH IK mini with a piptty pout , a pa
larrot and her Ntceollnl. The g oat cat o
[ > rima domnihasohgint np\rtmouts in th
Windeor hotel.
Mgi , Cniwl , Kiiino'i luoit able ropresenti
tl\e , talked tu a higonudU'iica In the cathe
dral Sunday oMinng on the Biibject of th
Catholic Church nud 1'olllical lifo. It Is nur
pnslng how well The Axonuo" IK roprcsuiitoi
whonu\erMgr. Capi-1 eondoRConds to grace
the pulpit of the ctthodial. Hn 1m mud
many friends among the fair rich ones nm
not a few coiiMrtH , lint Uunu'it pilitlo st
lence' ou this subject renders it hard to te-1
their actual numbers.
C ntijl < MiH Disuiisi'H In Cattle.
WASUIMITON , November li ! . Dr. K. il
Salmon , chief of the boieiu of animal Industr
submitted to the coiiimi'tsiouor of agriculture
report on cvntugioua diseu cn of animals
Conbldernble epieu is given to a detailed hist
oryof tha iccoiit outbreak among the cattle o
Kansas and to a discretion of its sMiiptoms
lie roicliCH the conclusion that disease wa
ergotism duo to eating fungus know n aa ergo
Upon the treatment and prevention ol th
disorder ho 8a\s. "When tha drat signs u
the disorder appear the most important , pom
to be attended is to make n complete cluing
of food , and so ) that It bo of good qualit )
nutritious and free from orgot. It would ale
bo proper to imo a dose of physic , onn to tw
pounds of J'PMOUI silt * , In order to re-movo a
much as possible of the poison still continue
in the digestive organs , and to follow th !
with soft food , as mashes and roots. In th
last so % ore cases in which p irt of the hm
wai already lifeless , treatment will mail little
Ihogioater numbei of cauw , howovtir , wer
not advanced to this ntage when thu laincnca
was first noticed , And this will bo greatl
bonuhtted by removing the cause and placln
the nnlmal under faxortblu conditions for r (
BJstiiig the ] > oison. Aory important condl
tion is warmth , liven when the annuals are
fed large quantities of ergot , they seldom sn
for except in cold weather and consequent )
in attempting to check the advnncu of the dn
ease , advantage should bo taken ot thu fiic
by placing the cattlu In warm sheds. Auothe
condition believed by no mo to hav
influence on thn development ergotism I
water supply. With plenty of water alwaj
nt hand the animal can roiHt e-rgolism for a
longer tlmn thin whore there is a deficiency o
wnter. Krgotism can probably bo entirul
prevented by cutting hay before seeds form
lu Illinois and Missouri I saw thu clearcs
examples of this. Hay , composed of fnm
kinds of grass , cut on thn tuino land , was fret
froin'JetTJufr ' , ; -largely infected "with it13
scendlug IIH it had boon cut gn on or ripe
Jfay cut n more digestible and in over
way moioalnuhlo tlmn that which is nllovm
to bocoino weedy and ripe , aud the latter i
much uiiiri ) liable to prodnei suvuro dlsoilecs
such as indigestion or ergotism. This dmoasi
may , therefoie , be averted by proper am
careful m.inagemonl ,
lir TinulMcH In SK.\c ,
, November 11. Mho mister of ttu
steamer hochlol , chiiterod by the governmonl
: tike a bittahon of police to thn I sin o
jkyc , rofiisod to proceed , and can roll ad hit
agreement. At n mass meeting at Stornaw./j
, < > -day , resolutions were passed condemning
, hu action of the niithoiities In neuding police
, o Skyo , ami tlmusaudH offered thomselve-sas
MIimtcera to go to Skyo to assist thu crofters.
jollihnmi hi twoon the pohcu mid the croftir <
) f Skyo are feared. Iiirmlnhim secret land
restoration league hai sent a tulcgr un to Skyo
embodying a re'solutlon of sympathy , but ad
vising the crofters to adupt all lawful means
if resistance cirdy.
An A ] > pcnl I' iira Solid
SAVASVAH , Ga , November 1'J. AIIIOBK the
Otolutlons udoptod at thu demucrutlc meeting
tint night was tha following
KEHOI \ KD , That wo welcome the day when
hem shall bo no solid south imd no Hohd
lorth , but a solid union as it was eighty years
go , and when all American eiti/uic , whlto
ind block , mitivo and adopted , at homo and
ihroad , shall stand pqunl before thn law ami
> ] covuied and protected by our eumtry'n
COIIIKM llcill'H VO > .
llAUTtoill ) , Conn. , Novinnbor 11Olhcial
eturiiH show the n'rubbcan canilidutes for
tate secretary , treasurer and comptroller have
iluralitirs over thn democratic candidates of
bout Virt nach. Waller , for Rovorn r , was
lie only democrat getting n plurality , The
ogislaturti , which IH republican , will have the
boosing of the entire ttato ticket ,
IIicKl. Ijouls ( Jalllc Con vonl Ion.
ST. Louw , Novumbir I'--Thu long talked
f cattlumon'd convention will as/irmblo hero
ext Monday. There will hn nearly ! )00 dele-
gatiHimd It is ( l ! , < ) 0 i ittlomim
rom the northwest , west , Texan and Kuronu
rvill bo present. It Is the first time the stock-
ion of the entire country wl 1 moot me m-
cntlon. _ _
A Itcpiililii'iiu t/niii ,
Give NVATI , Niivembjr UThw official ro-
tins from thu ninth Kontuoky congrusHloiml
iHtrict chow the election of W. II. Wade-
voith , rep , , by a majority of 10. ! ,
In JUonlii'nl.
MOSTIIKM , iNiOviunbcr 1U. DlpthnrU la In-
ro.ixing t < i an alarming extent. TV phoid fever
do prvvnllH , Thu doctors attiihutu the epi-
omlu to dr.fectl vii city drainage ,
lilllCll < 'K ( ill )
DUBLIN , Novomlx-r 12. TJw corpmation of
10 city of Llmurlck' duy almost unanl-
iioutly rcfuxed to pay any .itti nilon to th
itcond writ for extra pollen Ux.
A mo oiiuiov
I'OIITINH , Oregon , \o\ombir 12. London
advici's state th-it the Orfgon construction
. oinpiny hii ln-rn aw rdai\ \ the contrait ol
Dallding , equipping niid keeping In repair for
onajiMrn Mtltitad from thn privs nt tirmlnus
il the Orcgm , \ California rund to moat the
California ; I Orof-un nt the stito lino. The
con ti net pifco n two millions.
ST Lot is , November 1'J. - The Central
trust eompiny , > f Nu ork and Jamml' .
( hcmy as b un ) hoi Inrsand defendants In the
suit ot the Wnbishnud vs. the Com ral trust
compiuv it al , nmdn application bofoio
JuilgiTreUm thn Unitid States circuit
rourt for the appoint inont ol a ri'ci ivtr of thn
n abash ou liHluilf of the bond holdout. The
jiresoiitrf euvers nro Solon llninphiuj-s and
Ihomasi : 1'utt and w 01 n appointed May 17
on iiiiplUatKin of the Wnb h road The
hearing was lidd over until Monday ,
1'nrnsmiu , 111 , November 12. John A.
llinlim , president of the Klrtt National bank
of this city , and he-id of a Inuling Imsinoss
firm , to day resigned his position in the bank
and nmdn an assignment. lln liabilities nia
estimated at SM.UOO as ls not RIVIIII Tim
failure will not intorfcro with the business of
the national bink.
run iiiicuisri u Kxioins.
W \SIIINIITON , Nov umber 12 , The total
valifs of domestic breadntulfs nxportod dur
ing Oct hurls tUl.Mt.HJ , iigiiinc 511,711) ) ,
l'U ' ! for Iho cotro < pomllng month In 1JKI.
Ten immlhs , nndnd Octnborl8l : ) > t-l'20lli ! ) , OI7 ,
initial I3,12iil : : for the corresponding period
CHOl't.l-ll '
COOK Klt.NTV , 111. , 1NSVNK V.SU.IM.
Special telegram to the IH K
CHICAOO , Nmointiir 12. A row has broken the county Insane as ) luin between the
members of thu medical sttff on ono sulo anil
the wvmlcn and hli aids on the other , anil
Homo scandalous rovalaltons aio promised. A
sonumttoaof the county Lovil bopan invcstl'
gallon to-day.
Tim ineiube-rB of the irodicnl board testified
that thu patients are not properly fed : thai
thu labor ol some of them is cnilojed | am !
the product sold for thu benefit of the warden' *
friends , that they wore insuthciently clothed ;
and in short , that the niau.iitomont was morel )
.a politica1 machine. Dr. Koullur , of the
medical stair , test ! lied ho had on envcral oco.i.
elons heard a man's voicu for quitu a protracted -
tractod period in the loom of tha mation.
( julta a sconojollovvod this Btatument , nt out
ot tha commissioners , a mombei of the cone
niltteo , demanded that the nniuo bo given ,
Dr. Kooller replied that the volcu was that of
his questioner , tha commissioner himself. The
vvitneis * wont on to gtvo dates , and the matron
was subsequently culled and testified that she
was not in her rooms at Iho limes mentioned ,
having Biitrendored it for thu accommudatlrii
of thu commissioner , who desired to remain
at tha asylum for the night.
Dhs MO.NKS , la , Novcmhar 12. To tin
stitoof Iowa , by thu governor ; a proclama
lion appointing a day of public thanksgiving
In accoulauce with the action of the prcsi
dent , 1 , Huron II. Sherman , governor of tin
stale of low i , lereby doslgnale Thursday
November 27th. 1881 , as .1 ilay of jmbln
tliankamvlnK. On that day , let the people ii
thcli homes and their rcspociivu ii'aeiu ' o
w'WJliy-rBudijc tk ikUjtu. AJurghtyGpd fu
the manifold blestmga of the Tour , for jwace
for freedom from pestilence , foi the gone'ra
prosperity and f jr thn bounteous harvest , Ii :
icstimonv whereof I have hereunto nit nn
hand acil caused to hn affixed the pro it seal ol
the state of I own Done at DCJ Molnos lid
Hth day of Novoiubei , in thu i f om
Lord onu thuusand tight hmidrod and eighty
Tin : ci
WASHINOTON , November 12. Thu WoHh-
iifton mouuinont to duy reached a greater
u ight than that of any other struuliiro in the
world , being 20 feet , ti i inches above the
leer of thu monument. Thu next highest
structure Is the splru of UIH ColoRuo catho-
Iral , which towers fill' ) fci t above thu lloor of
hu building It H estlmali d tint it will taku
int twenth-livo working days to complete thu
inurnment , so there is no doidil of Us being
i mhi din timu for dedication on the L'L'd ot
'ibiuarj. _
Ni.w Onil'ANs , Noviimbor 12. A 1'icay.uiio
Vicksburg special says tha steamer Mississippi
rrivcil this afternoon with all the members of
! ie Miu'lssippi river commission on thu way
own. Thu coimnUsion inspected thu gov-
rnnii ut works at I'lniii Point and Lalio 1'rov-
deuce , also mspectod thu works at Delta
'unit , Tlmyleft hero to night for Kid Ktvei ,
whnro they tuko the Htnamci Pntrol .mil pro-
ooil ilown the Atcbfalay.i , which they will
lioionghly inspect with a v low to recommend-
ng to tno nu\t congress plans und spicItuM-
ions foi itaimprovemiut.
'I'lii'iil i IIM ! Plans.
Si. I.OLIS , Mo. , November 12. McCul
ongh in at the .Southern hotel .md intends to
uavu for Now York to night , whuiicu ho goon
o Pittsburg to play .in engagement next
br. loms , November 12 John McCnl-
ongh did not start eastto-mght hut H spend-
ng his timu qulelly about the hotel under thu
wathchfill c.iro of Ids friend. He seems quite
itional nn all subjects uvcept acting und
isists that ho intends to ni ct lua cngagu-
tents for the hi ason.
/IruldcMilnlly lilllrtl
p > < clal teltgram to Till : IlKK.
Kn > Oioui ) , Nub. , November 11. William
I , Strolnn , ono of tha leading lawyers nnd
iiHine-H men of Itud Clom ) , was acsldontallv
ml diMil whlla out hunting with a number of
loud * to-day. A deep gloom has settled
ver the town.
Dnvvn In
N , Miss. , Novoinbor 12. Yu/oo
Ity urn ! Meridun cell brated Cleveland's
fctlon to ri'ght. Olhclul 111 Miaii'Mipiil ' RIVO
leveland 7s l , , lilalnu I. ,7/1 / ; Cleveland's
nujoiity U5l , > t.
1'ivlll'H I'l'crdiilil.
] ' \lllH , November 12. Thu tribunal pro-
lalm d thu abxulutn dUiolntioii of thu nuir-
Putti and the Murqnla C uix ,
ia1 ? ! ! Biisiofss on Ibc Ctiicep
Marvel ? ,
Ganernl Gallic Market Fairly
Steady All Around ,
Hogs Depressed in ! y os by the
Heavy Ecol g ,
I 5
( V Strone Showinc 2. ill Points
On 'Ohan '
Wheat Improves Gy * ; < 7 from a
Corn Kli incr TlirniiKliii" ! Onts Firm
Kjo Mtontly ami
ProvlNliini IJctlcr.
Special Telegram to TlIM KKR. ,
Cllli'Vno , Xovombur 1J. Thera wore only
about 200 cars of Westerns and Texans auiorg
thu fresh arrival ) ! , The receipts , as will bo
soon , woio heavy and the per cent of natives
was greater thin yesterday. The Relit lal
market was fairly steady here end there ,
There were no really fint cloaa steera on the
market. Mhero were several droves that
countrymen would classify aa good , and for
such , prices remain around about 57E@G25 ,
Two loads of Liverpool cattle averaging 1115
and 1 ICO wore bought at 0 lo'ijli 2"n There
wuru plenty of that class of natives averaging-
1110 to 1200 that arn making ino@l8J or
thereabouts. Western cattla are selling _ at
profitable prican. Thorn wern several trains
of primu MonlauaH and Wyominga on the
murkct that mada fior > ! ltOa535. The
Sudduth and Pr > tt Montinas averaged close
to 130 ) and Bold lor 5 20 ; the Harry Slebnr
Mnntanas averaged 1IOJ ! und idso Bold for 5 1 *
and the Kohrs M ontanns averaged 1 55 and
sold for h Mi ; good to choice , 1200 and 1350
pounds , 6 f > 0&i ( ( ) 10 ; common to medium , 1000
and 1200 pounds , 4 20@5 30. Montanas , 120H
pounds , n 10 ; 100 Montanan 12S.2. 5 U5 ; 141
Moniana.Texans , 1017 , I W ) ; 51 Montanos ,
1313 , h 20 ; r.8 MontMias , 1175 , 4 bO ; 3'JJMon-
tana-Tu\.inj , 1)18 ) , t 25.
Under tha heavy' receipts \alues dropped
strong , lOc per 100 .ill around and in some *
iuetinces tlioru was a cuolmo of 15c which
would make a diop of 15c since Monday.
Common and rough packers s ild down to I 10 I >
@ I : tO and along thoiu but the great bulk of
good to choicu jnckers sold around about 450
@ 1 tiO and best pacUers at 4 OOfo. 1 70. Fancy
aesoited , heavy , sold at 70 ® 1 75 and these
weio thooulsldo ligurua f r the day. Com
mon and sklpp , light , sold down to 4 00 ® 1 2."c
aud boft assorted light of 200 and thereabouts
at 4 10 ® I 00 , largely at I 50. A car load of
fancy Biugcr * , uvcr.ixing about 18H , Bold for
The leadini ; articles in the npnculatu e lists
were improved to d y in that values wore
higher all around , undo BO by the batter
domaod from local traders. The call hovvovar
was mm'nly from sojlpera Thn light receipts
contributed largo y to the general strength.
Thu ulosa of thu morning tesaion was firm at
the iiiotatlou | .
Onoucd steady at well up to yrntcrd.iy' *
closim ; fgurc's , uirly quot itlons being the
lowest of tro I'nv The Brintvvhat slumpy
feuhiig w.ia contiibutcil early in thu dir from
Iho stock innrkut , but thu light receipts hero
and nt other points MICH overcnmothis feeling
aud the latter part of ttiutc'sslon wan firm with
a steady demand from local traders. Tho-
range was within Id irrfgulotly upwards. No ,
2 spring sold at 7 < ST .
Opened a abide hotter than yesterday s
irictiH imd all through the session ruled firuiPiv
.hnn vui-tcrday. The ileniand was principally
'rom local ( uppers. This fiict nod the light
eceipiH helping to a flini market all tbroueh
huHFssion , Kliictuatlous were within Ij. No.
i nth Held at l ! ! .
kept un firm and went In good demand with
out being very liberally nil > cd. i'lnctn.-vtloru.
were very slight ; } c .and steady upward.
UYK , .
steady and unchanged , No , 2 cash being
quoted ut f.Oc and December nominally at 40
woru steady and fractionally bettor for futureo.
in pork and Urd. Cash pork told nt ? 12 75 ©
13 00 and cash lard ut $7 12J.
LONDON" , Ntivunbor 12. The government
Issued deficiency estimates with leferencu to
the cost of thu Nilu expedition. The army
will -out Ul,0)0,000 ( ) dvei the estimate ; the nay
\y L'.t.'l Oi)0 ) : fur tint Bechiiana expedition ,
f.'li75 00 < l will bu required f r the army ; t'50-
lei the n ivy ,
K\ciiitlvo appoliuinnnt.
WVSIIINOION , Novoinbor 12. The proildunt
accepted thu renlgnaiion of Jud < ? o Howklahi
( ! . Wells , of thucomndHsioneranf tl.H Alabama
elaniH i.nd appointed Jndgu Jnmi-aKnrlan , of
luwu , to tuc.ucd him as presiding idgo of t''o '
court. _ _
I > I'IWBIU'H | Tola
WILMINOTOH , Novumber 12. Tllo olHcial
vote of the state of Delaware It. Clevulaudi
17,051. Lhuno 1778. St Johafr. , UutlfnC.
St. John anil lintler votes rjo reporiod in
Nowcustlo county only. TeKanen.ucd Irgis.
lutivo votu is 1,3-V ) . '
Tim Nut tonal Granuo
Nvilivu.LK , Tunn , November U. Thcv
rlghuunlh animal MI mon of thu- National
lirangu cotiuuunccd to-day In the senate ,
clmubi.r of tl a tatu cupltul , ,1 J , Woodman
t CMIchuiuu , worthy nustar , p < c ! deiit. Tie
BOtnlon was p ivuto ,
ClOllVOBtlDIl ,
, Utah , Kovunrrr Ifi Tke Ttah
and IdaH/3 ttockmon'H convection tvoro to dav-
iloclarud In favor oi Gen. Bilsbou , 17. a.
uunv , Jtdahi ) , ttu tr chuicu tux preaiilcnt of the
Ht , Itouls Ktock uau\entlun t > a thu 17th iiist.