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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 12, 1884)
THE OMAHA DAILY BEE "WEDNESDAY NOVEMBER 12 1884. to. Jr. THESE © TYLES AT MORSES. DOLMAN or SACK , S24. * 6OO Yards Colored Velvets 25c3 always sold for 5Oc. 25O Yards Colored Velvets 5Oc , always sold for 75c. SOD Yards Colored Velvets 75c , always sold $1 25. I6O Yards Black Velveteen 5Oc , Always sold for 75o 6OO Yards Black Velveteen 75c , always sold $1.25. The above goods are suiting Vel veteens , and invariably have sold for almost double the price we ask. P 1IC HM tfrtViMt 1 THE TATLY BEE. "Wednesday MorningUovomber 12 LOOAL BREVITIES , 1 ! . Newmnn's store wan robbed of $100 .Saturday night by sneak thioveu , It was reported yesterday that a boy employed by the B. & M. Company had a left cut elf by the c.ira lait night , but upon invest igation the report is found to bo without foun dation , -rianet I.odgo No. , K. ot I' . , will hold mibscrlption ball nuxt Monday night in Gor- mania hall , and the operetta "Marriage at the Lantern" will bo given. A little boy was thrown from his horse Monday morning and had hia leg broken. Ilia name could not be learned , but ho was it relative of August llohwer , formerly city en * ginocr , to whoso homo hu was taken , " " \ Chan. 11. [ Schrotor was arrested yesterday for selling liquor without n license. He was brought Ixfoie Judge Benoke , pleaded not guilty and his cane WUH continued , ho gtv * ing bonds Iu the sum of $100 for his appear ance , Yesterday I Fred KcUhold appeared in the district court and expressed it willingness to plead guilty to petit larceny , This wax al > lowed , and ho wan Ukon before Judge lionoke in palico court , who sentenced him to twenty dayi In the county jail ou bread and water. Bo uro and attend the supper and fair given by the ladles of the Third Congregation' al church next Tliursday evening , aud thus Becuru a pleasant evening and aid a good cause. Supper rorvcd at D o'clock. Fancy articles as well as useful for tale. All pro ceeds to co to help furnUh the now church. The street car company' * track builders began work cm Vurnam street , went of 1'if. tenth street yesterday. Thin line will bo built out as far as Twenty-fifth btreetand then UITOBI to St. Mury'savfiui'j this season and cars started oa soon as It Ii completed. Lillie Wood was surprised Monday by a number cf her fclioohnaton congregating nt her residence on Shornun avenue. Shifting was the principal amusement of thu uvonlng , A delicious supper was eprciul at 10 o'clock , after which they all di perccd. Among those present were the ft llowlng : Waiters Willie MathowB , Tomuilo Golden , Jihnnla WaUh , Johcniu Gnldou and Johnnie Harding , Mlas lainio Golden , Jlimln II tidar , HUtij Whit ney Nuncy Tuttle and other * . Two druukon men were arretttd yes tcrday nnd drunki'n uinu h > vo i.ot been jmtln thocity jsil In ft lou tliim , One f them was found by Ollicur UuiilU i at ( ha cor nerof Tenth unJ Hi > ey ctnlii mid it win a Lard pull to diag him in A * tit nt m h wj placed in the cell hu dr 'pp'J I u | on l.i li < eU and was doarl-drunb. TlH < iih < riiiitM iiiu bender at the cnrwr of Tuflltli uu I Dinj u'.rtetn. He c\ldoitlv h 'I cm-ki-il luck wLI ky , iu ho wtt t > ueinx h > * l r l.nck liu could beivluntil Ii9 w.iit IMT , tutting hU talj' . He uu ctrrieii In l > > OilU'tin Muji-toii nd litillamy and twik u pi < n < ui ; u thu cull ' , kldo of hU piidtcc tix. very inurt nui FOUND DEAD , I'lio Hotly [ of Qcorjco AV , liarploss Found In JllH Oivu Yard The moBdongor of death has again visit- cd this city in a very sudden and unex pected manner , and has called from the ariours of activity and lifo to the gloomy confines of the tomb , Mr. George W. Sharploea. Yesterday about 7.0 ! ! o'clock the body of Mr. Sharploaa was discovered lying iu his own yard , 1520 North Twen tieth street , cold and atiii' in death. Dr. Aycrs was hastily summoned but nothing could bo done in the matter. The physi cian expressed it an lib opinion that hia death waa cruised by one of the three digpaaas , congestion of the lungs , conges tion of the brain , or congestion of the hoart. The decked had done a great deal of ollico work and had boon continu ally bonding over a desk , mid had com plained a great deal of his lungs of hit'j , lieiico the physician thinln the theory of congestion of the luiu'.s the moH probi bio. bio.Mr. Mr. Slmrploss had not boon homo since Friday night but had remained down town learning the election nowa as fadt as received. It is not known what time ho started for his homo or what time ho lay down within a few stops of his own door to die , but ho mint have boon dead Homo time when discovered as hia body was stiff and rigid. It is , indeed , cad that after making an effort to reach homo ho should have to die unprotected and alone within call of his loved ones. Mr. Sharplesa had boon car accountant of the 1J , t M. railroad company for about four years and had alwnya been faithful and trusted employe. lie about -18 years of QUO AN OLD RESIDENT , Mr. Henry Ii. Imttj Vlhiflng Old. Tlmo FrlcndH. 11 is a pleasure to announce that Mr , IJunry L Liity , formerly cf Omaha , is in this city on a visit to old-time friends For the paat throe or four years Mr. Lilly has boon engaged iu the livery business at Chihuahua , Mexico , a place of about L'0,000 Inhabitants , located on the Mexican Central railrnid. It is n live and crowing city , aud within tlm past few ynaro has become considerably Am ericanized , Jireidi'B his livery busineav , Mr. Laity U also interested quito largely in tliu cUtlo Iu ) iiuis3 , mid In thn owner of ( juito a valunbln ranch , Fortune is ( .niiling upon Mr. Laity , and hia many friouda in ! hid city Mill beiojoiccd to learn that the "ticldu goddcia" hus condrBccndcd to loolr with fluch fayor upon ono ao worthy tjrt'cclvo her Hweoteat smiles Mr Liity vit * iJuntilifd with thu butlni'sa intona B of Onitths for u uwd many yo ra and IUH many warm and intimate friends lioro ai GNGHAMSGCHEVIOTS ! , ETC , ; i,500 yntds now ( Irons filylo ainglmma very beat quality Amoskoatr ; , Uonfrow , etc. , on tbU ale o 1. ! cents n yard , worth 12 * cento. 6,000 ynrdn beat heavy Cheviot shirt in , ? will bu sold for 8 l-3 ! , wholesale pricu is 12J ncntfl , always retailed for 15 conta. At 8"i-3 cent ? , n great bargain. 0,000 yards bnt now calico 5 cents. 1,000 beat Scotch ginghnm that wo do not wish to carry ovar will bo cloaed at 1C yards for § 1.00. ! 5,000 yards beat domestic glnghnma bought at auction very chcar ) , will bo cluaod at 5 cunts a ynrd , DRESS GOODS , BARGAINS , S.uOO yards dnrk Tartnn Plaids , woo cashmeres , garnet armoiires , etc. , will bo cloaed at 10 cents a yard , real value 2o cents. 1,000 yards double width caahmores illuminated Sergea , Foulo , Boigcc , Shoo da , Twill , at 25 cents a yard , worth 35 to 50 cents. DO pieces now style plaid "Ladies Oloth" auitinj ? Flnnnulo , 11 yards wide imported to sull for 31i , but our price is 05 conto. BLACK CASHMERES , Wo secured two lots of GO pieces black cashmeres at 75 cents a yard , always sole at $1.00. fiO pieces black cashmeres SI.00. always sold at 31.35. Thuao nro the finest makes of French cashmeres known , and are a great bar Sain. MEN'SIUNDEHWEAR. 100 dozen Men's Fine Merino Under- hirts and Drawers at 50 cents , reduced rom 75 conts. 00 dozen Men's fine warm white Mo- inn Undershirts and Drawers. 50 dozen all-wool scarlet shirts 7Ccta , worth § 1.25 and § 1.50. JO dozen scarlet mixed shirts 75 cents , worth $1 25 and § 1.50. GO dozen blue mixed shirts 75 cents , worth SI 25 and § 1.50. 1,200 pairs Mons' all-wool Sox 35 outs , reduced from 50 cents. RED FLANNEL 2,500 yards of rod twilled llannol mdo of noft merino wool that wo will ell for 37 \ cents , usual value SO cents. 3,000 yards California Guolamb'a wool , od twilled ibnnul , very soft , and now ro- ucod to 50 cents a yard , last season oold t 75 conts. S. P. MORSE & GO. n reward for his many manly qualities. Ho la iu excellent health and spirits aud \3 \ greatly surprised nt the rapid strides which Omnha has mndo since ho turnud hi ) back upon her. IIo has unbounded faith in the the growth nnd prosperity ol the Onto City nnd is not slow to ex press it. In a few dn > 3 lie will go to St , Louia to visit hia familynftor which Ho will return to Mozdco , where ho aa/a ho will remain until ho ncoumulntoa enough of this world's goods to suttlo down in thu city ol his choicoOmaha and whisn that tlmo shall coino ho will find many warm hcarta and open arms ready to receive him aud prnuounco the well done , Ti'bonio home. Yesterday uf tornoou Coroner Maul i m pannoled a jury nnd hold un in jtiest ujion the renutna. After examining nil the witnotBoa tu bo found Jtho jury returned n verdict that the deceauod canio to hia loath throuh ; c.unjs t-i the jury uu known. Sinoko Saal of North Carolina Tb.u eo. eo.DORN'S " DORN'S ' DISAPPEAEANOE , ( V AVzirrn-il Vur IIIH Aricst Him In yoatorduy's BKE mention waa made of the diiapponranco of Lludolph Dorn , secretary and general manager of the Western Ilorso and dittlo Insurance company. I thai boon known for aomo lime that Dora had loft , and the reason 'or his going was alao known. Doru WM implicated in the Keith county land frauds , and it was to him ihat the fraudulent leaatu were delivered 'or distribution. A few wooka ago the sheriff of Keith county arrived in Omaha , armed trith a warrant for Dora's arrest , Dorn got wind of the fact and hastily took hia depart tire for unknown parts. Ho waa absent for aomo time , and hia wife claimed that oho did not know whuro ho traa , but she inado a visit away from the city and it ia supposed that abe waa with him during her abaenco. lion. Win Neville , prouecuting attor ney in the school land cases , informed a lif i ; reporter a few dnyaslnco , that should Dorn return to Omaha ho would bo promply arrested and prorucuted. 11 has boon stated that Dorn la largely indebted to puraonal friends , and aovoral attachments have been issued , The af fairs of the insurance company , however , nro nil right ua ia shown by the following circular : ( Jinnor TUB WOTKIIN JIOIHK AND UAT. TI.K INHUHANCK Co. , OMAHA , Nub. , Ko\ember I 1B8I. To Whom It Muy Concern ; Wo beg to announce that Mr. Utululf ] ) orn , until ru * ccntly our secretary and manager , is no longer connected with thli company , Wo tjko ocuamon to tUto ttieonncetion with th abo\ nnnouTicomunt tint i-ertam tranxac. tinns In which Air. Dornvna encaL'od , nnd which were thosu'ijcct ' of bineru criticisms ou thu part of plliliuspoiUeni during thu M'cunt political oinipalgn , weroontlrblyhls in- diviiliinl unit prUato uudettiklni ? , ami tJmt neither tUsci'innnnv as meh. n r uny of its llicurd or ftiiokhulduM Individually , uciu ccunrcttvl with thuin in any Why winder. It It kcatcoly tu-cosiiaty to aJJ , that thU Hotels , Ristauranta , and for private families. 1,000 dozen Gorman damask bleached linen napkins nt $1,00 a , dozen , never shown under $1.25 , COO dozen , an immense stock 5 8 German damask napkins warranted to Inundry nnd wash perfectly , hnvo never sold less than § 1 75 , but on this sale will bo S1.25. 200 dozen double satin damai-k napkins that have always retailed for § 2,00 , will bo closed out at § 1.00. TOWELS , TOWELS , The best values wo o\or showed. 100 dozen largest aizo assorted styloa and botdora , knotted fringe , German damask towels 50 cents each ; not inoro than six to each customer. LADIES' AND CHILD'S ' HOSE , Buyers of Ladies' and Children's hose will find this ealo to bo of great im portance , among the bargains wo offer aro72 dozen child's all-wool hose 25 cents , worth 35 to 50 cents. 00 doz childa. ' seamless line cashmere wool hose nt 50 oonts , netual value 75 cents. 50 doz Ladies' aoamloas all wool cash mere hose 50 cents , real value is 75 cents KID GLOVES , 75 doz 3 and -1 button kid gloves 50. cents , worth § 1.00 and § 1.25 ; 100 doz Foster , Courvoiair , Alexander and other makes of gloves in all good colors , varioui sizes reduced to 7" cents n pair , worth § 2.00 to § 2.50. Wo cannot onmorato ono-half the bar- ; ains wo have in connection with this alo. Our aim * in supplying the people of Omaha withvlMyiGooda at LOWEST PRICES KNOWN las always been appreciated , and wo pare no efforts to give yon geode at trices unheard of. S. P. MHsMRSE & CO. clinn u does not at all olfcct tlio Lii'inesa o this company , which will bu carried on as lioretuforo. Arcry respectfully , THE WiarEiiN IIoiwu AND CAITLK I\s. Co , IlKNIir 1'u.NDT. I'lo-ident , KDMIND I'K CKK , Vice 1'rcs't , M.MEFII , Treoiuror. Dorn was a bright , intelligent young man and enjoyed tl.o esteem aud confi dence of hid many friends until hia un- forhinato connection with the tchool land affairs. Absolutely Pure. I hie powiler never Mrtco. A'1 01 intrtily strenKth and wholtsc ruene-e. Moio ofluuomcal ! tlmii the ordinary klijflsarido motbs .ld . III eotaitolltlun with the ruultltiulo of low t t , her oiiiit nliimor iihoepbat | > wilur , Hell only Iu cans ROYAL JUKI 'QWQKU CO. , 118 Wall tiwt N K A1SIIOUS RYlr'GTOHClDDOWN ' EAnLBAKINGPOWOE ITiMBOUNDTORISC PURE CREAM TARTAR. S1OOO. Civen IfaliunuruiiylnjnrlbiuKilisiunusru. liu round In Anttrows" Ponrl Ualdnc 1'owili 1 * t101 thelyPURE. JloliiKinio til.iuidt diuonlaU rtvelvedtruiuRiU'hchurnUtinsh , lUuaUtijB , " tun ; M. lolafontaliu\ C'liltrtgoaii'l U1 lloue , MIliMiiiUre. No\crsol i in bull ; . 29 Ukc M. U91 K. S. P. Morse & Co Will offer to-morrow uioruing an immense assortment o LADIES , MISSES , INFANTS , HE AW COTTON CAS1SMEEE and WOOL HOSZERY. At about half their actual value ; wo commend the goods wo will sell * as worthy the attention of our patrons assuring them that the real value as com pared with our selling price is in no wiao exaggerated in this notice. 80 doz Scamleaa nil wool Hoao sizes from 0 to 8 inchets juat the thing for boys wear 15c a pair ( actual retail value 25 cents ) . 40 doz infants' fmp seamless ) 25c caahmero HOBO , Fink , Blue , I a Cardinal , &o ; 00 doz Misses' | pair , all-wool line Caahmoro Hose , J- actual sizes f 5 to 8 Inch ; 80 doz | value , " ladies' "all-wool Cashmere 50c. Hoao. J 50 doz Misses' English Caah moro hoao , 00 doz Ladies' 50c , Englinh Caohmoro Hose , 25 worth doz Infants' English Cashf 7.r c. mere Hoao , all good colors including black. J 100 dozen. An immense lot of | Ladies finest French Cash- | inoro Wool Hoso. | 75c , 80 dozen Childrona extra heavy } - Worth or extra fine Caahmoro Wool I § 1 25. Hose. I 25 doaou Misses Black Bilk Hosa I S. P. MOESE < 3E -SOLD WITH THE- 2 OF BEING TOE BE " THE-MICHIGAN'STOVE'COMPANY US 'DETROlT-CHICAGO-BUFFALOr SS SOL.O.QY. " , LANCE & THEY MUST BE USED. Dr. Yourg's Electric Belts. ton TUB CURB or MK\OUHMUU nxiiiu. Tl , IXI H OY MAN- 110(111 ( , UKiKVKHH ( Jf HOP ! AND MINI , , lUUTIIFUb Ml 110 lift , iC. A MK11IUAL MOIIK TO UK ( JUKV AWAY , Bhonlllff BUftcrcrj hurt tr.ey mav lie rurcd , nnd reomfr Ho th , Htronuth and Manly Vlttor , WITHOUT Tim AIUOK HKUiciM' , will bo sent trio by po t on receipt cf btumpiil nnrlopo. Aililrcrid , Ml. U. YOUNU , 415 Cansl Street , New York. oct-20mlin Ro not wilt till > n iru forcvd U ) > oii the iff uud > ( you ilU , try tor a Iltt.o ; lmo the 1199 o ) HI IKS' * food , ice K jour hcatlncDLMund ctamitih truublo ii not ilisap- ccar. 1'nll directions 'or Custard t tax thn el r itilho dll'lii9 In CiMH , ; l5c. , Sr. , 81.SS $ i.76. Kol.t by Oruftflnta pvonnliero nd iorro ( > ri < ( n liotelllt Scod to Woolrloh & Co , l' > liner , Matt. , ( or painphlst. } . * BOTTLES. Erlanjjer , . . . . Muvnr.a . , Culuibaohor , . Bavnna. Pilsuor . 1 15olifjmiQU. Kaimir . lirnnieu , Bnrrois r . { -t } , Louis. Anhnusjr , . . . _ , .JJJ. . _ .St. Louis. . . . . . . . .Milwaukoo. Oniahn. AJo , . DomoHtic and Rhino Win * . Farnam U 000 pairs 11-1 White Blankets , § .50 u pair , actual value $4. 500 pairs ll-i White Blankets , 53.50 , actual value § 5. 100 pairs 10-4 White Blankets , warranted all pure wool , for ? ! . ! ) ! a pair the best bargain in the lot. 80 paira California F'ne "White Blankets , a little "mussed' ' and soiled , will be of fered on this sale for § 10 a pair , reduced from 515 and $20. GO pairs very finest quality Mission Mills Bankets in red , pink and bine. A at $12.50 a-pair worth $20. 00 six pound Bed Comforts 1.50 , worth $2 ; 300 six pound IBIBID S2.00 WSRTH S3.00. N- LARGEST STOCK OF Buy your Fine Bronzed Hardware at Home for less than Eastern Cities Can Deliver it. Send for Our 250 Page Catalogue , only one issued in Jiebraask ) < GJ3S HUNDRED VARIETIES } Counter , Hay , Stock and Railroad Track , ADOPTED BY THE UNITED STATES GOVBENMEWT Orders for fho Indian Deuartuient for BuO'alo Scales ex clusively. Scale 1405 Douglas Street. OMAHA. NEBRASKA PALL AND WINTER. GREAT BARGAINS IN 1I -I AND- Gi Visitors to the Stale and others in need ol : Men's , Boys' udildreu' . . Clothing . . . , will do well . . . to call on J The Strictly One Price House in the City And oxnmiue th ir poods and prices , 'iVy carry the lamflst stock , iA sell lower thun any other honso in the city. Mercknnt Tailors dou't fail to call at 1216 FA1NAM ST , 1216 *