Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 12, 1884, Page 7, Image 7

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    B&fi AVl < JDNT5SJtfO'VEMBJSll .21664.
Proprietors. Super'Dnndenl
D. P. RAILWAY , 7TH & 18TH smiMK'iS
' J
io Elevator Machinerv
talobrated Anchor Brand Dufour Bolting Qlotb
(3 (
tf fc$3
i$8ir " ir i i gaS
n > ig ] , p | > ? gaSO
5 3
y , i , * - T A/Ji - / firf/- * ? \ * * K-wT k. * f , ' ' " "y * - { 3rs
o rj
\Vn ru prepared lo furnish plans and estimates , and will nontracfc 01
M-e erection oi ! Flouring Mills and Grain Elevators , or for ehunginp
} Inuring Mills , from Stoiia to the Roller Svotera.
jgr"Esi > ecial attention given to furnishing Powder Plants for any pur
po = e , and estimates made for some machinery repairs attended
promptly. Aodres-s
NOTICE. Special a vertlsemontd , DUO as Lost ,
FouniS , To Loan , For Sftlo , To Kent , WantO , Ilaard-
log , etc. , 111 bo Incortod In this column at tha low
rate of TEN CENTS PEK LINE for the first Insertion
and riVE CKNVS I'EK LIKE for each subsequent
BOrtlon. Leave ftdtortloemontl at our oflloo , Ho.
Pearl Street near Droadwav
with or wh.iout board , on or licloru the 15th
at9s Ililnl. _ _ _
fTIOil UBXr A aulto iiTrooim In oontril location
X1 Enquire o ! Br nnncliett , No. IS I earl fat
( ' Oil Kt'Nl' Tlio Orvia 1'ickiu.f h
JL' and machinery , 1 > catcd In this city. Cap
160 hoes po'ilav. Odell & Day.
\lfANTBl > " A iTicd normal. l > utch-r ; ono thr ! ;
TV cm niaUx > t.ll Mud ) of HusaKQ A"I > U * At
liroodwaj Meat iituut , 227 Uiol-wjy , Uuu&ul
f srANTKl ) Uverv bony in Council BluDo to take
W ruol)8s. Jjollvsred by catrloraS only twenty
conli ) 3k week.
VLD PAPKHS For ealo at Unit 0X00 , t.t 5 ccnta
* hunJruil
Eailway Tim © Table ,
oorrNoi L BLUFFS.
'jtlowini ; * ro tUe timo1 ; ! arrival do-
ir of tr&tuj by ccalnl etautLinl tliuo ,
, { i'iwt3. Trs/.M leave transfer dupnt tta mn !
urui-r and ir.-lve ttn tulnulusL'tcr.
6:35 : p rn Chicago Bxprces 8SX ) a in
9:10 : a ia I'Mt M.-.11. 7CO p tr
7:10 : ru 'KM anil Ktpronj , 71 * J ji til
12:20 p 10 iccoininoLntlou.
At iocAl ilepot only.
v , vr. Jon AND council VLDPFH
. ra ilall and K iroou ,
SOSi : in I'fcolflc Expiuaj ,
f.K p m nxprm.1 , 9:05 : c in
P.'IS ivi
AtJiotlc G. pre , 0:05 : Ufa
lc.y Expruts , BC4 : p
7.ZO a u 'Dos Molnec AooumuuJatlua , 6C6 : p n
At loci ) tlupot oiy.
WABllin , ta. tOUltl AMb 'AC IC.
1:20 nm Mall , 4M5 pui
Ain : p m Acoomcioilat. on 9 00 n m
< ZSOpm : fi. CM p m
< 0W : j > m Ctilca.tO U' 6'i a m
At Transfer "ii'y '
rniciaom.l xwumv
6:60 : p m Eipnw , 0ici : p m
0:25 : a ra PadQo Kt-prcni BX : ) u
juoux CITT AND ricino.
I'M p in Et. Paul Ktpteet , Hf'0 : ft u
TliO m Day Kxprew 0:50 : p m
"UNION rACirio.
6:00 : p m Wuetera Kxprc i , 8S5 : i m
Padfla ExpruMj
7 : Worn Local Espro < u , lK : in
1210 ; < , ro Lincoln Eiprotu ,
At Trftaifer only.
O-lWO a. in. 1:30-1:8 : :
. m 8oud y aW-llt : < 0
lBCWISO6SOC:3llu6 : : : : : p. m. Arilve 10 mlo
t * before L lvIn tlm
or other tcmoro removed without tb
Ovur hlrtyyoan nracllon1 Jpcrloue Oiiic * No
I'rarl It'A , CiMudl Ululft
icfl ot fclie Peace ,
Omaha and Coancll Blair * ,
Rwl vet&to oollectlou agency , OJd FellowB Il'nck '
over H vlnir IlanV
IVa'tloei In Federal and 8t to C'juiU 01 Ufoad
w > .oiurSnIn- * Bank
. .3IE *
201 Upper Broadway , again to the 1'ront.
Studv , reflect and coma and Examine , and sec for
} ourech en w hat , \ ou c.m buy for Caj at my place.
I quote 5 ou a ? follow H :
131b8L"anulntc < lRipirfor $1 CO
15 11)3 While ex T aunMr f r 1 CO
20 Inra Kirk'a white ltus- < ian scap for 1 01
22 bars Pnlira , equal tn Kirk's Hainan t/iip for. 1 (0
20 ImsKirk'a MuoIndUaoap lor I uc
Dupont's befit powdtr pe. lb. . . . 20
IS boxes of mutches for . . . . . . 2E
s > rup California honey drips , p LO
Sjiup , warantod ttrl tly pure Veriront intplo
pcrfal 1 00
Eorjjham per jfal
A t o. 1 English cunanta 14 lln for 1 00 , fienulno 10 loxejfir 100
C'Jimotl blackberries , preMjtud. ( caaa lur . . ICG
Canned . ' ! Hi > . How poictcH n vhlto H\rii ) > 0 for. l tc
OanncdSlb Utijuility Tfinatoea lOfor 1 CO
A No. 1 unite dull , pit kit " 0
TobcrO , Lurhrd CliDiax , per pound 60
T T. T. Icnnsall jou according U qua ! tfiom
Flour We 8111 tin celebrated Patent Fancy per
Wo l.ocpnonlhirj , ' tiionllr hunt In a I'list CUss
Orocery , slid warrant oicrjthiiij ; t tell. Oooihde- fico hi ai v pnrtoftl.e cin. I alan handle
OIoio an I Mitiors , Dry ( jonln end Notions , Uoots
iU Hhooy , aim airood nn9iirtiiiLnt i f 'linworu He-
inonihor ; I 1II not only be not undersold on any
L'aodi , huh ui I soil 20 per cent'belowam Coinputltlnii
In thocity. We nro now rucuM > g an Inxoloa of Dulls
in which o caujlvo ( the rreatc tb rKaln8t crnlIerc I
In thu city IIv ccjionwia are \cry light , wltli no
KcntHtopav. I uiv o.iabled and u ill Sell cheap far
CASH. C'all when you want the host of Birtralng In
uiy liuu.
2c9ITpiorUrnalwBy [ ( , - - Council Bluffs
; Hiiuu ; ji uu ; i uuuu ,
a : &c
I'rtctl < xIn State and f'ojcra' Court ! .
ColloctluiB promptly tUcni'.cii to.
Eoom Ifi. 8hu art'8
_ O. C-
100 MAIN riTKEET ,
. H. Shei'raden
Masonic Temple ,
Council Blulfa own.
. AT of
a. ) 3\f'iti StreH Council DluflV tfo
Dcmocralic ODCS Proyc to lie
Rooslers in the City ,
The Oanvass of the Vote of the
County ,
Tlio I'rror in tlio Fourtli AVut-d.
The board of supervisors yesterday
continued their labors of canvassing the
vote of this county. In regard to the
error found In the Fourth ward , the
board concluded to count the vote ns re
turned to them. The trouble Boomed to
bo that there were 110 more votes report
I'd than there appeared names on the
poll-book , but there Boomed no dispute
of Iho tact Hint the poll-book being filled ,
these 3 ! ) n.imca were written on a shoot'of
legal cap , which wns carelessly loft in the
box with the tickets , instead of being nt
Inched to tha poll book nnd returned with
it. Having decided this , the wenl
on wilh its labors. The
THI : coi'xr OK TIIK rirv
showed Clovolnnd's ' majority to have
been 192 , The democratic candidate for
secretary of stale got " 02 majority.
J udgo Aylosworth got 280 mnjority over
Loofbourow ; Jackson , 205 over Connor
for the circuit court. Lnlly , for district
nttornoy , got 224 majority over his re
publican competitor. Shon , the demo
cratic candidate for clerk of the court re
ceived 180 moro than Street. Brodheck ,
for recorder , got a majority of 25i. ( nnd
Underwood for supervisor led Jones by
52(5. ( On congressman , 1'usoy'a majority
in the city was -107. On the amendment
to Iho constitution the first received 257
majority , the second 187 , the third 05 ,
the fourth 181.
The democratic town ticket was also
declared carried by majorities already
The official canvass showed that in the
county there nero 8781 votes cast.
31ovoland'a majority is 85. On secretary
of slnto the democratic mnjority is 91.
Dn congressman , Pusoy's majority is I27. !
Judge Aylosivorth has a majority of 191) )
ner Judge Loofburrow , and for circuit
judge Jackson has n majority. Lilly ,
.ho democratic candidate for district at
torney , has a 91 majority. Shea's ma
jority for clerk is 180. Chambers , re
publican candidate for recorder , has a
majority of 89 , and Jones , republican
candidate for supervisor , has lot majority
AYMSVTOUTII : Eiiivrni : > .
It appears from the reports received
from the other counties in the judicial
district that Judge Aylcswortli , the
democratic candidate for judge of the
district court , has been elected , the fol
lowing being the returns :
Majorities for Aylcmvorth Carroll
550 , Pottovrallamio 1)3 ! ) , Frotnoiu lfi ! .
Tolnl 908.
Majorities for Loofbourow Green 5 J9 ,
Crawiord 01 , Mills 18. Shelby 'JO ,
Audobon 20 , Ciss 187. Totnl 8(51. (
This gives Judge Aylosworth a majori
ty of 47 ,
It is conceded that the republicans
have elected Mr. Connor to the circuit
bench and Mr. Thornoll as district
$ R.OO i < > $ in. ( ) ( ) Saved.
All fits guaranteed perfect. Business
units from § 17 to ? 20 and § 25. Dresa
suits 830 and np. Overcoats from $17
up. No extra charge for any or nil extras
in the making up. From § 5 to § 15 saved
on every suit. Call at ; (2 ( Pearl street
and examine goods and prices before or
dering or buying elsewhere. Wanamalter
and Brown's Tailoring agency.
Enongli More Bonds Sold to pen -
fitt tlic Wort
ll'lic Slnlc ol' the Allhlr
[ l > y tlio
AH will bo soon by tlio following lottoro
the work of paving which cuino to n
itandstill Monday is to go light
the mayor having bestirred himself and
sold $40,000 moro of bonds. The follow
ing letters uro self-i xpl inatory :
COUNCIL liuiiTs , IOWA ,
Nov. H , JSBJ. . }
5Ion. Mayor , W. H. Vnughan.My
Ucnr Sir' AB wo promised wo have by
issd ork paved from the M K church
to Sixth otroc't , on Broadway. Wo dirt
ID bccaiiko you worked hard to sell the
bonds und becnueo wo prornisnd you anil
the council wo would do so The prop
erly holders are sloiv about paying dhoir
laving tax , and seemingly prefer to piy
ntetest on the came , nnd us the city ia
owin us n largo sum wo shall stop all
paving until curly spring , and will then
complete our contract. Thanking you
ind the council for nil courtesies ox tended
lo us and.expressions of kindnoes from
rour citksns generally , wo nroyoum very
respectfully ,
limiAN J5uoH. & MuGoiiitiiic.
NovjsiiuKit 9,1884.
Friend Jiagan : The paving must not
rtop. I will sell moro bonds nnd tlw
jjroperty-holders must pay nt once for
iluir paving. Our friends tn lower
Broadway ahould not mid shnlC not bo left
in the mud this winter. Stand by us for
the .good of our city. Respectfully , :
\V. It , YAUUIIAN , Blsyor {
OOIJKIC [ Jout,1 : ,
, IOWA ,
Kov. JOih , JM1 J [
VaugUan JJear Kir : 'I ' must „
gay thtt the Illcu < lld drive jyou gcvo mo u
i'Htenlay in your handaomo buggy and
tUo nuignlflcont ptunce poured in mp oars
the present and futur-o proapuota of
Four energetic and wtdo-nwako city , has
ind its eh'octn ; mo , and tt your n qrcnt
and com/iluiiontary / to yuuccH'orte , Jicvo J
concluded U > tale 10,000 , of youc pavuig
. en 1 regard them lint-class muru-
ci/ml / liondf. 1 am prepared w pay the or
uaiji for the b-judn ,
N. L. Ifor.uhri'ii , .
sh'rFirJtNat. Bank.Hlous Falls , I ) . T.
C'oi'srii , liwrm It , Nov. JO , JH81. JJ
Hon.V. . H Vaughn , Mayor Uoar I li
Sir : Your note inturniing mo that you d
ind Treasurer Olau > pn had cold $10,000 y
paving bonds to thu J Jrdt National bank j n
Sioux Fall * , JJ T. , wt5,000 \
iN'ow Vork city , is nt hand. J am 1 u
Olau to HOO that you have asmn to r.nd j li
nhall now go on with Iho lower't ' t
paring ft9 l'or 5' ur earnest
of yesterday.
' " yottra , ' . r l ; , , < s.
St. John had nine disciples m Crcaton
on ulcctlon day.
Uhrokoo county voted tloirn the now
court house proposition.
The llock Island h s dlponsi < d with
dinning cara in the stato.
Algonix Conrrrcgationaliste are thaetus-
itig plans for n now church.
W J "t io Tolfnor , nnOttumwa boy , was
instantly killed while playing around the
cars on the ( Hh inst.
Counterfoil sllvor dollars ar circulat
ing in Burlington. A well dressed
woman sooma to control the mint.
The tire in the little town of Loimux ,
last Friday , was disastrous. Thirty-six
iiousos nnd"contonts were destroyed , ng-
grognting n loss of § 100,000 , with loss
than half itmirnnco ,
The good people of Jefferson did a
most cridltablo aot lately , when they
bought a hoitso nnd lot and presented the
property to Mrs. llobocca Ozbun , a poot-
widow with n family of little children.
Oono Lopornnd Will liinigor , formerly
of Cherokee , but recently of ( juntquot-n
were arrested nt Ohorokoo it few days
ago by the sheriff of Uuchanan county on
a charge of stealing § 800 from a
ton merchant.
ccording to the llnwkoyo , the great
f estion agitating the minds of Hurling-
ton tax-payora la , "How will the city
bo l able to pay its bills until the close of
the year with the general fund over
drawn to the amount of § 20,0lU'Si" ! !
At the village of Elwood , Clinton coun
ty , on Sunday laat n fanner named
Whitmoro attempted to drive across the
railroad track in ndvanco of a freight
train. Ills team balked and the luce-
motive struck and smashed the wagon ,
killing Mrs. Whitmoro and two children ,
nnd seriously if not fatally injuring Mr.
Whitmoro and another child ,
Willis L. Fowler , late of Kossuth
county , is wanted for bigamy and rob
bery , and § 300 is oll'orod for his arrest.
IIo deserted lib wife , wont to Connecti
cut , where ho married n young lady , nnd
aoon afterwards knocked down and robbed
of ? ; ! 00 the grandmother of his bride.
Fowler's relatives in Kossuth county are
apokon of as being highly respectable
Homo AVoll-Knovvii CronlcH AVho IIu\o
llocn AVoiiHIiy Now In Poverty.
Ot the many well-known thieves who
claim Philadelphia ns their birthplace or
their homo , and who have made fortunes
by their crimes , says the l'hiiuc'j.s ! ;
Times , few are now living who are worth
a dollar. Victims of gambling houses ,
they have lost upon the green cloth the
money which they obtained at the risk
of liberty nnd lifu. A familli.xr face to
the detective of this city and Now York
is that of Frank McCoy , alias "Big
Frank , " the noted burglar , who , with
Jimmy Hope , robbed the Beneficial
Saving Fund , of Twelfth and Chestnut
atroots , of over § 500,000. McCoy is said
to have stolen during hia career nearly
§ 2,000,000. To-day he is hanging around
Now York , at the ago of ' 10 , without a
dollar in his pocket.
Dutch Ueiirichs , well known in this
city , jumped overboard from n steamer
while on his way to Europe , lie was
oupposod to have been crazy. 11 ovn
arrested in this city for picking pockets
by Detective Charles Miller at the time
of the reception to the Grand Duke
Alexis ot Uuaaia. lleinricha made a
great deal of money , bat ho could not
keep it. Jimmy Loguo , who is now
serving n term in Heading for burglary ,
ia a celebrated burglar , and has stolen
half a million dollars ia the lattt fifteen
years. Do haa nothing now , however.
Old Col. Bill Crogar , who is now nearly
seventy years of ago , lives on a farm in
Montgomery county. Do is worth a
good deal of money , And is known as
one of the most nucceeaful counterfeiters
in America. lie Las served sev
eral tortna in prison. During the
past year ho has been in jail sis :
months for stealing horses. Bill Moot-
heart , a horso-thicf , who belongs in this
oity , quarreled with Crqgar abouDayounr ;
girl that they were both in love with
Tlio girl , who ia still in her teens , recently -
contly married Cragar. Moothcart , in
rovcngo , stele nome homes and put them
in Cri'gar'a ( stable , wlioro they were
found. Urcgar was convicted of the theft.
Moothenrt was once sentenced in the
Notriatown court houoe by Judge KOSH to
twenty ycarH for horso-Btunhng. Ho
nerved ten voara nnd then pardoned.
( shortly after ho was caught nt his old
trickn In Delaware county , nnd is now in
the Media jail serving u twelve yoar/j' /
Cregar'a first wife foil In love with Pete
Burns , the noted forger , and got her Inn-
band to sign over to dor a gri'at deal of
bin property. No aouier hud the ink (
dried upon the paper than she exposed
ono of nis many urimip , nnd ho was sent
to prison for live yeara fur .counterfoil ing.
At thut time the two lived on North
Tenth nlreot. After Cregar cauio out hi
wife got him into trouble again , and
while ho was serving another sentence.
obtained n divorce and nianied
Burns. Blio was old a'ld ugly , llurnii waa
young and handsome. They kept hou&o
Pennsylvania nvoiuo. Burnn , who
tiad another wife , nmriied Mra. Orrgar to
'ot her money.Vhea slio died aho left
turn everything. Ho went to Florence ,
Italy , with a celebrated forger , "Colouol"
J. > Buhanan Cross , aid died in prison
there worth § 40,000.
Johnny Burns , ono of Polo's brothers ,
nasgust been liberated from Moyamcn-
sing prison. Ho belotged to a gang of
aafo-blowers , consisting of Pete , Johnny
and Jco Burns , and Jimmy Loguo.
Johnny and Joe Burnt huvo both madu t ,
goodly ipilo of money , but have spent it
all. Pete and Juliluy wore arreitod
seine year * ego in Norriatown , where
hey had gene to rob a bank. The fineit j
it of burglaru' toolc-over captured by the
Philadelphia police wus fjund In their '
cirriagp at the hotel where they stopped.
> oteetivo Charlce Millar wont to NorrU-
town , and identifiud tu ! ( Burns brothers
uiid they apont BOIIIO titso in the Norris-
town jail. Tlw Bamo gang wow implicat
ed in the Boulhirurk bunlc robbery in
Ib7l. As Boon no they got out of thu
Norriatfjwu jail they liir d > room next to
the huk uitd out a hold through the ro f
Sarn Torrance , it burglar and anx
trentely handsome uian , was worlha good
deal of money at ouo time , but w now
, poor au a church uiniuo , Judge Lu'l-
Ijw hint him to prison the other day for
.two years for boating a Chl/iatnen.
'Ool".I Buchunan CVoes , the pal of
Polo Burns , while serving time iu the
Kwtorn penitentiary , forced his own riar-
don. Ho traveled about thn country d/r
years ivith a colored valet end lived mi-jf
nilicoufJy. Jlo is kitncki/fg about in Jti -
end has bewn \erytiic.-eulul . l
h'ndun. i/iiliiiny / ClulM , a coiubr.tti i
itrik cr.u&k-i'iiuf ' , dtolo a i > rluno m c
- ) .ir iKl ivpn1. tCiiB' ) ' , V1 r KM
sollled down on a farm. Ho is now one
of the town counciltnon. Ho used to
grace the corner of Kighth and Sunsom
Jimmy Hope , now doing a se\cn yoara
term t in San Francisco for a bunk burg ,
lary , has made hundreds of thousands ol
dollars , but is nt present poor. His son
is doing tironty years in Sing Sing for
complicity in the Manhattan bank rob-
bory. Joe Howard , alias Leaser , who
was murdered on the outskirts of Non-
York recently , as n bank burglar had
made n fortune , but was nlmost n p.ujpor
when ho was killed.
Max Shinburno , the most successful
burglar 1 ; of his day , wns n frequent visitor
iik this city , and , unllkn his comp.uiions ,
know how to keep the money ho got
through crlmo. Ho finally wont to ( ! or-
many nnd bought an citato and a baron's
tiI tit titled t lie is now ono of the Gorman no
bility. Horace Hornn , alias Little
j Horace , wns recently released front the
Eialern penitentiary. Ho is n specialist
ns n bank sneak-thief. Ho nnd Huckiw
Taylor worn captured while trying to rob
the t safe in Chnrlos Joy'a storoon Seventh
etrost , between Market nnd Chestnut.
They 1t 1 nro now "chumming" it through
the state robbing the country postollices.
1r Little 1 Horace haa undo a fortune , but is
poor to-day.
Philip Pearson made n great deal of
money , but is penniless now in prison in
Toronto. Johnny Irving , who wnt
killed by another burglar in Now York
not long ago , wns well known in tin :
city. 11 o was a colobr.ilcd burglar nnd
uaeil to wear the largest diamonds that
monov could buy. Ho was arrested for
the Portuondo robbery with Jimmy
Loguo and created n nensation by trying
lo escape from the now court house
where ho was being tried. Irving is said
to have committed the jewelry robbery
at Third nnd Arch streo'.s , recently , for
which Johnny Loguo was arrested
William Oonnoly , alias BulValo Bill , n
well-known hotel thief , nan very rich nt
ono timo. Ho ia now nearly seventy
yoara of ago. Ho loft Philadelphia for
the south yesterday , having just been
released from the Moynmonslng prison ,
where ho was aont for robbing Iho French
legation at the Continental hotel.
Bunk Tnackaru , the lender of Iho moat
notorious gang of pickpockets over known
in this country , belonged hero. HP has
often bragged that ho stele § 1,000,000 ,
but it never did him any good. Ifazo-
kmh Corson , alias "Peanuts , " was n
noted pickpocket , lie was sent to the
Eastern penitentiary for picking an old
man's pocket nt Fourth and Market
streets and died in prison nnd naa buried
in potter's field. Ho wns onoo rich.
Charley Mack , alias "Curloy Mnck , " who
lives up town , hna boon n successful
thief since ho was 8 years old , and ia
known aa a "day worker. " Ho hao a
brother who is also a thief.
Nol 11 Urinal1.
JMrolt Free 1'icso.
"Gentlemen1 ho began In n rmooth ,
molasses sort of voice , " 1 am dead broke
but no boagir. J want toraise nboul § 11 ,
but 1 shall do it in a legitimate manner.
Now , then , lot me aak you to inspect
this "
Ho look from hie pocket n piece ol
iron chain ns largo aa hie thumb and
containing six links and paebcd It around.
After it had carefully boon inspected by
each of the party he continued :
"I want to bet my overcoat , which is
certainly worth § 10 , ngainut § 3 in cash
that none of you can noparnto one link
from the others. "
The piece of chain wns passed around
again to bu moro cloaoly scrutinized , and
finally ono of the party , who was n ma
chlnist , returned it with the remark ;
"And I want to put up that sum that
you can't do it youn.ulf. "
"Done ! " Bald the stranger as ho pullet !
oft * his coat.
Coat and cash were put up in thohandi
of a stakeholder , nnd the stranger naked
the group to follow him. lie walked
across the street and into n blacksmith
shop , and picking up a hammer and cold-
chisel ho deliberately cut a link. The
crowd stood around like so many pump
kins at n country fair , but when live
stranger held up the link and claimed
the btakcs the machinist i ecoverod his
wits sufficiently to exclaim :
"Sold by a professional dead boat !
The money ia yours old fellow , but in
exactly tint ty socondu after you receive
it 1 ahull begin to kick , and you had
bettor bo twenty rods oil' " '
"Thanks glad to have mot you good
day ? " replied the stranger , nnd ho waj
out of sight In ton seconds.
Ono of llii * Coming "K
I'ocU'a Sun.
The net of disguising patent medicine
advertisement by covering them up with
an interesting nrticlo iu b crime , and
should bo puniahnblo by Jaw. Men whenever
never swore in their lives have been
known to swear like troopers when Ihey
had become interested in some article ,
and had it end up with something like
thin : "Boor.ino is n Hiiro euro for jimjams -
jams , " or "Uso Quil weed's Cream for
Jooflo Pniiples. " Such advertising
dodges as these can bo seen in almost
every newspaper , tempting men to thrash
their wives , or to kick their mothers-in-
law , and still wo wonder at the prova
lonco of crime. No , it in very wrong ,
and uhould be ntoppod at once ,
t. Charles Hotel ,
Four ftory l > rlek , Jimt ercrUiil on 0. Htmut , be-
twicn 7th und B li HUru'u IllrnhhuJ , loit ,
unil nioit riomnul'lo iirl-ul li w > at tlm I'uiil ol ,
Kimrulilvpotw , MIW. KAIKCOUUKY ,
nov 8-ii.o I in I'rojiiloior.
The ait ol the terra " Hbo
Una" la connection with tb
corporate n mo of Kreatrokd
convoyu wi Ui of tut what
requited by the traveling nub'
lloHliurt LlDf , Ouljlc Tliri
and tha bout 9 luniissdn
tlotn J1 ol which kia fait *
bid by tb ro tc t iillw v la Ainorlc * .
And St. Paul.
It owni and operated over 4 , COO intjot of
ortbrra Illlnolo , VYIeconaln , MlnnoooU , low *
atola ; and an U main llnoi , l > r nclic > aud oonnfd
ono reach all the Krc&t biu > lnOHn centred of ihr
Northwest and r'nrViet , It naturally ns rr It
le'crlptlon of Short Mno , and IlMt Kouto Ixitwoeo
f hlea o , llllwunkco , Ht , I'auluiid Mlnnunjiolio.
Chlcaxo Illuauku ) , 1 CVo u anil U'
OhlRMoilll ; atil < iio , Abcidooii and HltnJila
Chlc.if.rj , WIlwHtiliiH ) , Kan Clalro and lltlllwater'
Cboj/o ! , < 4 , Waiiiutu and Hirrill.
Ui Ullwaul.uo , llcavi-r Dam and Ouhkcnb.
o , illlwankoo7aukni'lia aud Ouunuraotifii
i ) , Mllwaiikoo , MadUon and I'rMrladu Ohlst
o , Milwaukee , Omtnmia and r&lrlUult
u o , IWolt Jano8\Hluund Mlncrali'olnt
Olilou ( ( > , Kliclu , Itocklnid and Dnbiique ,
Orlu KV , Clinton , Hock Mind and OUr Itapiili ,
I'Mct-Ko , Council Illniri lud Oumbt. .
f hlcnxo , Hloux Olty , HD'JI Kallund Vinktca
C Ic tn , MII * uUo , Mltclull tuilOhaubitli'n. I'aiilaml Jllnnuiro'lJ '
rnvi.upoil alirar. Ht I'aul i d hllniiuiofr. | !
nillroun hwintiil | I lie Klnot ] > lnliiK C'ntH In
n il.l arn run on tlm mbln llrwHof tlinCIIIMAOO ,
JII.H AUKKK AMI ) HT I'AUl. ItMJ.VMV , rndovorf
ttuitlonU tuiH to iiawin ir > l < y oo > uUuaacaji > la0 <
the CVint anj , ,
/ < JIKIIH1U. Otin'l ilnnsl-er.
A V It. OAIIPKKW , Osu' I'M * , A
, fn Xv i i , < , rB1 in fnJ \
Are Without A Rival ,
Eto-ve boon Awarded Ono Hundred and eighteen Priao
Medals at all the prominent expositions of the
World for the Last Fifty Years. And
A.U Gxnmmclion of tlioso maKiiificonb Piauos ia politely requested
before imrchaninp ; 11113' other instrument ; .
Qonornl Western lloprosonta tiros.
P. S.-Also Gen'l Agt's for KNABE , VOSE & SONS ,
Where Enjoy Fare Air < ® c Watorl
And nil of the good ana'pleasant tilings that go to make up a com"
pleto nnd happy existence.
The town of Sonth OrnnUo is situated aouth of the city [ of Omaha
on the line of the U. P. Railway , and it is less than SJ miles from the
Oniuhu post office to the north line c f the town site.
South Omaha is nearly H miles north and south by Si east and
weal , and covers an area of nearly four square
The stock yards are at the extreme southern limit
Nearly 150 lots have boon sold and the demand ifl on the inorean *
The yards are being rapidly pushed to completion.
Tlio 500,000 beef packing house is progressing finely.
The ? 80,000 Water Works are finished and furnish an abundant
flupply of
The B. & M. and Bolt Line Railways have a large force of men ai
work and will , in connection with the U. P. Railway , have a union depot
near the park at the north end of the town. Suitable grounds will be
t'urnifihea for Church and School purposes.
Now is the time to buy this growiBgHcity. They will nevnr
bo cheaper than they are to-day.
B3F Apply at the Company's office , at the Union Stocks Yardo.
Assistant Secretary ,
07 or imuo'ir.Y mtoT.oi.Aia
. Neb
* * - - m mm - mvv 4 - w rw jam UP - > JBP CVtM r l Ml IU * Vy H WI H
I0a BRAD ? T. , DAVENPORT , IOWAr U. 8. A. KitabUiihod 1878-Oatarrlo ;
poafuima , Lung and Nervous Disnasos Spoodllj' and Permanently Cured , Patlnntt
ar ed ol Jlonni. Write for "TnK MuDioAL-MjsfliOHAitY , " for the People.
Klonaultatlon nnd Oonronpondonco Gratia. P. 0. Bor 292. Tolcphouo No , 20.
UON. KDWARD RUHSELL , Poetmaator , Davenport , nays : ' Phytlchn of
Ability and Marked Suncosa. " CONGRESSMAN MURPHY , Davcupo.-t ,
f "Annonorabln , 31an. Flno Snecosn , Wonderful Ourea. " Honra 8 to 5.
' * i'rrrerr7 ' wwiroovi