Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 12, 1884, Image 6

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Wednesday Morning November 12
BunscnirrioN K
"cnta w k
-M ftt
- - - - - - -
. 810.00 Wr yc r
No. 7 1'oa.rl Btroot , Wear
H. R. Slowart , arlist , at Oapmim's. '
See J. Uiotcr'a now fall stock of cloth-
A little son of ofllior John Dunn is
quite ill.
Dealers will find bargains at Seaman's
o losing out sale , on usual terms.
The Y. M. C. A. had another enter
tainment last evening and a good ono.
The portraits made by Stewart , the
artist , are the finest over produced hero.
Superintendent Matthews ia to hold n
teachers' convention at Macedonia Nov.
Holiday , birthday and wedding gifts
at Seaman's closing out sale , at reduced
Sneak thieves got into Sullivan &
Fitzgerald's store Monday night and
helped themselves to cigars and other
A marriage permit was yesterday given
'to F. W. Kaulilz , ot Cass county , and
Edith M. Astbury , of Lewis , this
W. K. Stewart , the crayon portrait ar
tist , has completed a second p'ortrait'of
the late Frank Koolino , which is being
framed by Chapman.
D. W. Bunch yesterday commenced
divorce proceeding against his wife
claiming that she had bestowed her afloc
tions too freely upon others.
Mandormakcr & Van are building for
J , T. Hart , at Noola , a barn , , ' )8 ) by 40 ,
having thirteen stalls , carriage and stable
rooms granary and corn crib.
L. C. Taylor , who has boon lying in
jail for some time on a charge of lar
ceny , was yesterday turned loose , the
prosecuting witness not caring to appear
in the cose.
A Bon of Paul Boquot narrowly escaped
aorious accident yesterday. In jumping
from a Broadway street car his haol got
caught under the wheel , but his shoo
heel instead of the flesh got the pinch.
A preliminary mooting has boon bold
the organization of a ledge of the Knights
and Ladies of Honor , and the next
gathering for the purpono will bo
Wcdnosd/ty evening , November 19.
The s4l. TJ. S. 0. , " which , translated
moans the Musical , Literary , Social club ,
of the Methodist church , mot at Colonel
Talley'fl , Monday evening , and arranged
for a social at Mr. Orctitt's Thursday
evening , and took the preliminary atopa
in arranging for a carnival to bo hold in
Masonic hall Thanksgiving night.
While the Nonpareil is trying to make
friends with Iho democratic business men
whom it BO grossly inaultod , the Glebe ia
trying to pacify the republican women
whom it insulted no loss grossly. These
bitter partisan papers got wild some
times , and it takes the lots of patronage
to make them como to their nonecs.
Mr. Iloagan , the paving contractor ,
left yesterday for Dea Moines to upend a
day or two there and then return hero.
Ho took with him as a present to his
wlfo , the oil painting of Magdalene ,
painted by Miss Mamio Vaughan , and
jnst puiohasod by Mr , lloogan. The
picture ia ono which has hung in Father
McMonomy's parlor for aonio tlmo and
has boon greatly admired.
William Gibson was yesterday arrested
for assaulting his rrifo with a butcher
knife. Luckily for her a by-standor in
torforcd and thus saved her. The old
man Booms to bo crazed at limes , and was
apparently BO yesterday , for ho was not
drank , and the assault seemed not in the
least provoked. Ho is lying in jail
awaiting examination before Justice
The Nonpareil roali/.od that it made a
bad break by its abuse of some of the
best private citizens in the place simply
because they were democrats and joined
# i in a democratic parade. A largo number
who have tired of the little partisanship
of the Nonpareil , have boon stopping
their paper and advertisements , and the
dear old lady becoming frightened came
out yesterday morning and made a most
sickly apology. It claimed that the edit
or , the local , and the basilicas manager ,
happened to bo all away from homo , and
and objectionable article was written by
eomo ono who was not of the regular force
of scribblers. It has been noticed for
uonio time that the Nonpareil did not
seem to have any responsible editor , but
it must have been humiliating for the old
Udy herself to acknowledge it.
Orders by telephone for Hour , food ,
wood , coal , and hay , will bo promptly
filled by Cook & Cooper , 700 Broad
way. _
Fremont Benjamin , of Avoca , waa in Iho
city yesterday.
A. H. McClurg haa ROOD to 1'iltaburf ? on a
short business liip.
W. H. Bwnn ha Cnibhed hU vlult to friends
here , ho returned to Cheyenne.
Mrs. Manning , f Dunlap , is vUltiog her
brother , F , W. Oliniteud and family , oil Bixth
Itev. FreUelt , pastor of the BaptUt church
at Ited Oak , wa Joined in marriage last Fri
day to Mita Stephen * ,
llobtrtO. Palmer was callol lo Louisville
jwtt-rday by a telegram aminunclug Iho prob
able ( Rial iltie ! B of bin brottior-ln-l w. Mr.
I'ulwtr ha bud mow thsn hU klmro of giief ,
having lokt by dtalh uii-e relative * within a
very ibort time ,
Citizens Complaint Against the Board
of Underwriters.
A Talk IVHli MiuiMRcrVcli' .
AB already stated in Tin : BF.K there has
been considerable of a atir caused among
the business mot ) , concerning the tatos
fixed by the board of underwriters. The
city council had n talk about it the other
day , and it was suggested that the com
panies doing business hero , bo aubjoctod
to a local tax in order to irmko up for
any increase of rates , but no notion was
taken. It IIIXH also boon suggested that
n citizonB * meeting bo called to discuss
the matter and take action. A. document
has been circulated , and received numer
ous signers , setting forth the following ;
COUNCIL Bium , November 10 , 18C4.
Whereas , The manager of the board
of underwriters has issued an arbitrary
tabulated rate advancing the cost of in
surance from 10 to10 par cent , which is
fully 50 per cent on the average moro
than the cost of insurance during th
days of hand engine protection ; and
Whereas , Wo have n most ozccllcn
system of waterworks and an increase' '
force in the fire department , with pavoi
streets for moving hose carts ;
Therefore , Wo the undersigned proles
against the advanced rates and liorob
agree to withhold our bualnena from th
companies maintaining the advanced
rates and retaining the present manager
David Bradley & Co. , Stownrt Bros. , J
T Stewart , Dooro' , Wells it Co. , Key
stone Mfg. Co. , pr Wm L llattorson.
manager , Jlarlc , liana it Co. , 015 Jncquo-
mln & Co , Sandwich Mfg Co , pr V
Sprnguo , cashr , Wirt'A Duquette , Mar
sollloa Mfg Co pr W S Oasa , Boston Tea
Co , John Lindor , E L Shugart , tihugnrt
Waite A Woiso , Taylor & Calofi
J II Davidson , John Bono it Co , D Malt-
by , John Bono , J M Phillips , Crysta"
Mill and Grain Co , James Portorliold ,
Empkio Hardware Co , E Dowling , Smith
it Crittondon , Miller & Co , Koolino &
Felt , II K Seaman , J Mueller , Oarknoss
Bros , Gronowog & Schoontgon , Yau
Brunt , Thompson & Co. Casady , Orcutt
& French , J 0 Bixby , A 0
Graham , J T Oliver , L Kirocht ,
II A Gloason , II II Motcalf , Cooke &
Morgan , II Ersoman & Co , Motcnlf Bros ,
Eisomnn , Rodda & Co , Mauror & Grnie ,
I D Crockwoll Simon Elaoman , N D
Lawrence , T J Evans , J P Filbert , L T
VVhitohoad , Scofiold & Cavin , George K
Dylor Manufacturing Co , J L Foreman ,
W 0 Spotmon , W II llobinson , P potman
Bros , Parka A ; Plainer , 0 A Boobo & Co ,
\ M Beardsloy , T J Clark , Boll & Hall ,
3 N Hoislor , IIII Jones , Morgan , Kol-
or Co , UoVol & Wright , McClurg
3rackor Co , W D Hardln , Poregoy &
ilonro , Bookman it Co , J T Baldwin , J
) Ilofi'mayr & Co , Lowia Hammer , S S
Colldr , M Keating , 0 Dootkin , L H
Icaalor , John Bennett , A D Foster
a Bro , Goo II Board , Cooper it McCee ,
One of Tufe BBB men yesterday had a
alk with Mr. \ . M. Wolr , the Council
Jlufld manager of the board of undorwrl-
era. Mr. Weir aoomod to toke the sit-
intion ( [ uito coolly , and did not feel in-
ilinod to say very much about it for a
ow days yet , being disposed to wait un-
II ho had hoard from the ono hundred
iompanios who are doin'j busincas hero ,
ind bjforo whom the matter has boon laid ,
Acting in the intoroata of these companies
> nd by their direction , [ ho
laturally if willing to abide
ly whatever they may instrnct.
"How is it , Mr. Weir , that there is an
iicreiino of rates , now that the walor
rorka have boon oalablishod , and the city
iaa bettor protection than under the old
nglno system/ / "
"Thoro haa not boon an advance al-
ogolhor. Somu rotes liavo boon in-
Tensoa and others have been lowered.
L'hoy have been equalized rather than
aisoJ , The fact is that many of the
ales were lee low betoro the water-worka
voro cstabliahed. AH I have done has
> eon to equalise the rates and make thorn
loarer what they ahould bo , Many of
ho rates , to bo sure , have boon raised ,
nit still they are not as high aa in Dos
yioincs or in Omaha. "
"How do you go about it to fix the
rates ? "
"Why the old way , ; 7hioh used to bo
'allowed ' hero , was what was known oa
, ho 'Hat' plan. A man would stand on
, ho sidewalk , look across at n building
tnd then estimate n rato. That isn't ' the
, vay now. There is a regular suhodulu
ivhich is followed in making up the rates
lore. For instance , for a iirst class , now
Iro-proof building suppose the basis h
" 5 cents. Now , on a building which Inn
i compooition roof , there will bo moro
risk , and 10 cents would bo added to the
rate , If there was an elevator running
from the bottom to the top thoru would
bo additional rlik and hence 5 cents nd-
Jed , and so much is added for uvory
story abavo three and so much for a
wooden cornice , and so on. The better
lha building , the lower the rate , you see , j u
because there is less risk. Then the mat-1
tor of occupancy is figurid up the same. So )
nuoh extra if used for a drug store , for
instance. In fact , a minimum rate is tisod .
for the best possible risk , and to this is I
iddod regular sohodulo prices for all do-
foots , und thus the rate on ouch building
is figured out by an inspection and by a
figuring in acoordandanco with the rates
which the insurance companies have fund
in acccordanco with the risks as ahown by
their oxporlenco in having losses.1
"You don't go about , then , and fix
rates , as an assessor valuing property I"
"No , certainly not. Kvuty item about
the building is noted , whether it is brlok
or frame , a ziuo or a wooden cornice ,
what kind of a roof , what sort of wall * ,
whether it lias an elevator , its surroundings -
ings , its occupancy , and , in fact , every
thing , and then the rate is figured up
from these items , so that rates cannot but
bo equitable. "
"What will bo the outcome of this
matter'/ / "
"Well , I do not like to say anything
about that. Just wait a few dayt , 1 am F
satisfied that when business men understand - t
stand the facts und compare the rates es-
tablUhcd hero irith thoio in Dea Mpincs ,
Omaha , and other cities , they will bo
satiifiod that Council Bluff * is being fairly
and oven generously trotaed. "
"What if the council decides to tax
the iiiturunco companies doing business
here ? "
"Well , that i * something I have noth
ing to do about. In BOIUU cities they delay
lay a tax. In other cities they have tried
and failed. That is a matter , as I just
said , that I have not any thin ) ' to do with
now. In fact , I do not uaro to say much
about it ft present , and if you eay any
thing in Tins Ben , 1 wish you would sim
ply say that the people ought not to ho
ton hasty in judging the ca u , fur the
manager of the board of underwriters
may have nomoexplauatlous or statements
to mnko on the other side , I don't care
if you mutD ; eomo such paragraph as tint
if you want to.
Itriil Kfltalo
The following transfers wore filed in
county clerk's office yesterday and re
ported for the BEE by J. P. McMahon ,
real estate agent , November 11 , 188-1.
S. J. Brown and wf to W. II Vaughan ,
lot ' - . ' , block 2 , Bayliss and Palmer's add.
li. II. 'luttlo and wf to John D. Clark ,
lot lt ! , block 72 , sub-div. of lllddlo tract.
§ 250. _
The roller skate mostly in favor scorns
to bo the ono with the 2 } inch brass-
lined wheels , the largest in use. II , L
Miller , 100 ! ) Fourth avenue , Council
Blulfc , is the western agent for these
skates , and is having an immonio success
in selling the same. Ho carries a largo
and well assorted stock of club , half club
and strap skates.
Order hard wood of P. Ovcrton.
Tie Criu'k of Doom ,
The court house , which has boon tak
ing a tumble to iteoli faster than the
people have tumbled to the fact that they
need n now building , yesterday gave an
other of its cracks , which Indicated the
coming doom , dome of the plastering
fell from the coiling of the auditor's
ofilco , where the county board of super
visors froro canvassing the voto. The
crack and the f.illing of piaster caused a
hasty exit. Ono of the supervisors , aa
ho crawled cautiously back into the room
with his hair on end , and his face deathly
whlto , dared to suggest that the county
records bo moved into aomo such safe
building as Dohany's old opera house ,
but the suggestion will not probably bo
complied with.
Stewart Stoves , Do Vol & Wright.
COUNCIL nuirrs XAiiKs
Whont No. 1 mllllnff , CO@C5 ; No. 2 , C8
No. 8 , 60 ; rejected 8Cg ( 10.
Corn Now , 25@23.
Data For local purposes , 35.
Hey S < 5 00@7 00 i > ar ton ; baled , 00@BO.
Kyo 35o.
Oorn Meal 1 20 per 100 pounds.
Wood Good supply ; pricoa at yards , G 00@
0 Coal Delivered , hard , 0 CO per ton ; soft
1 CO per ton
Lard Fnlrbnnk's , wholesaling at 9Jc.
Flour City flour , 1 50@2 00.
Brooms 2 95@3 00 per doz ,
Cattle Bulchor cows 3 25@3 75. Butcher
toore , 30(3 ( > J 00.
Sheep 2 E0@3 00.
UORS 1 OU@'l 25.
PRODUCE AND riiurra.
Poultry Llvo old hens , Gc ; spring chickens ,
Bttttor Creamery , 23@SOc ; choica country
B 22 pot dozen.
Vegetables Potatoes , S0@40o per bushel ;
nloiiH , ' 10@50c per bu ; npploa , chsico coolcmg
r eating , 2 23 ; bound , 1 50@2 00 per
iwhol ; Sweet uotatoen , L'Jc vor Ib.
Wrought Iron Ranges atreducod prices ,
> o Vol & Wright , CO-l Broadway.
Window shades at cost to close them
at. P. C. Miller 13 Pearl street.
It will pay you to see our line of atoros
oforo you buy.
501 Broadway.
Out ,
To "loss the business I oiler my stock of
liscollanoous books , picture , fany goods ,
otlons , fire screens , easels , willow and
uio high chain nnd childron'o rockers ,
t prices never known before in the wcat.
[ . J3. Seaman , paper , books and ntation-
ry , 504 Broadway , Council Bluffs.
Senator . ( ones' Alaska IMinp.
E. D. Kelley , of the Winnomucca Sil-
or State , a few days ago received a pri-
ito letter from Gov. Kinkoad , which ,
inon many mutteia of general interest ,
jntains the following in regard to a
lining operation in which Senator J. P.
ones ia largely interested : " U Jutioau ,
10 first slop in Alaska , the party were
iyon a hearty reception by about 100
liners and citizens of thn place , among
icm being many old California and
lovadans. Of this place the aovornor
tya : 'Jiinean City ia the present centre
E mining interests. Back or the
mil , high up in the mount-
ins , ia Gold Bavin , where
lacer mining la succesf fully carried on
tainly from decomposed quartz The
ashings discover many small ludgcu of
no noid ijuarln , but the chief attraction
ow is the quarts mill of Troadwill &
o. , on Douglass island , which in literally
mountain of quarts. The lower tunnel
lows n ledge of at least -100 foot of
aarlz , assaying from $10 to $15 per ton ,
ho company expect to have their 120-
.amp mill runnim ; by the I'Jth of Jan-
nry. They will huvo expended by that
me from § 300,000 to ? 100,000. A few
lontha will repay them , und they have
Dars of era in sight , The company is
lainly of San Francisco capitalists , but
am glad to My tha'/iur ' Nevada senator ,
ones , has n largo ultco of it one-fifth or
no-sixth , I behevo fortune enough for
: iy reasonable man. " '
Mrs , flJ , Hilton , O , .
:3 Hid ( JltEiadwHy. Council Bluff.
lil mil the { olloHini ; iiroporty on nantuioij II
bought \ \
200 Acre Farm.
| vu uilk'i north ol Council ninlln ; good barn , liuuxo
orchard , ami all fenced
400 Acre Farm.
ivomlltseiwto ! Logan , lUrrlnon , county , loin , nil
inceil , Icixl ard , turn , humid , orchird , 010. ; j 0
: ru n under \ < \i\v \ \ , I' ' 0 aorim Ininu KMW ine.nlow , 100
rt ( tlinlwranl lUbtutn. Tills fitmcS.i booullydl-
Idcd Uta tliroo uculrable mimll ( aruii.
800 Acre Farm.
Ix otOiiiWa , llonom county , Iowa , on
lulUplorlter ; Kond lioii c , l ) tn S5xl0 loct , fond
tnli , rhciU , ela. ; MO acrm iinJiriluw , b 'ani In
inbor , uiuidow and puturo ; a Hnt clui iitook ( arm
i vtor >
240 Acres of Wild Land ,
Suitable for Farming.
150 Dead of Cattle ,
75 Head of llirsoa ,
; $00 $ Ho d of Hogs.
lie KarmlDg luiplouienti nuillciont tucuryou a IJ
Urini , AliD
0,000 Iiu hols of Uorn , nnd100 Tons of
Tame null Wild Hay.
ild itci I , corn , fwil aud machlimrv 1. dlUiUl up
n raid l.irnn , kiid Mill ) < u hold gnij In conuirllou
, ltli iia .
lliiroll ute tixiilchahCuirCllolro Stock ( uwi well
to < ktil , r * ll tat ork. 1' gucu 1.1 iatu ! it
iuru rlii c , it dmlri'd ,
, Jg ,
Silks , Dress Goods & lovelties
is very complete in variety and excellence of goods.
Plushes Velvets
Oloakings , , ,
Eider , Down and Jersey Cloth
Tambour , .Turcoman ,
Durtain Goods , Window Shades , Etc , , Etc ,
Oil Cloth , Ruga. Mattiugst Mats , Etc. , Etc.
401 Broadway , Council Bluffs , Iowa :
largains in la
.n order to make room for an immense stock of Spring Goods , I have decided to
( Tor all goods now in stock , at prices never bcforo quoted in this city.
GEO. II. BEARD , No. 32 Main Street , next to P. O.
201 Upper Broadway Cor. Shiftman St. , COUNCIL BLUFFS.
> rders in the city or country solicited. Prompt attention nnd satisfaction
Guaranteed. Plans aiul specifications furnished free.
Gutting and Fitting a Specialty.
NS.VQS , Switches , Whatnots , Langt.y aud Pompadour
Frizzes ,
. G . d.
Having opened in n now atoro I inviio iho inspocUon of L-ullon.
IKS. B. .7. NUKKIS , UU ! ) Ilntailw y , - Ouiinolt
a 17 nnd S1 ! ) S. Main St. . COUNCILBLUFFS
AUMIH310K-OenU 15c - 100.
SK.\TE3-Onit 15o. ICo.
Ulmlulon Free to Uvllea each m.-diln ; ami TUM-
lav and lbur < Jay atcruacu ( , Via ct bkatei 16
Attorneys-at-Law ,
OHcw , Jtain Street , Ilocma 1 and 2 Slmgari k Uo-
Mukon'ullloci. Will praoUoe to BUt ud
THO * . iirricis , M. M.
Council lilufl i U.
Establisnea - - 1856
Diulam In Witln and OOKitlC Kiolunn ia
llrtco HtcurtU \
Fnll Goods Ready. Puifs Mnde to Order hi Latest Style
on Short Notice nud n Iteiuontle Prices.
205 Mam Street. . . Connc | , Bn , ( , , §
0,000 Electrla Belts oJ ! for Ibe Month o ! Sc t , by iw.
Uerercnecs Any of the business liowce In Coiiorll niufls. JUDD & SMITH Proprlotou.
Salcarooma 319 , Broadway. Manufactory 30 , Fourth St. COUNCIL BLUFFS-
Keep HorsoB and Mules conotautly on hand which
wo will Boll in retail or wholesale lots.
All Stock Warranted as Represented ,
liolomle androtall Orators In Grain unil Baled Hai. Prices
_ sonnlilo. latlsfnctton CluitautfcJ.
OIEHIILjTJ'X'IEIE ' ? , &j BO3L33'5
Corner Fifth Avo. & 4th St. , Council Blutfa.
7 and 9 Main street ,
A Complete Line of Fall Goods to Selecc From. ? &
Q ,
In Iowa and Nebraska , and sold for the least money at 337 Broadway , CouncH
Bluffs , Iowa.
MRS , D , A , BENEDICT , Mannfactnrer ,
urtalcs , In Luce'EllJc , Turcoman , Eto.3 Olllcloths , Mattlnss , Linoleums Eto
holcest and Best Selected STQOE in the WEST ,
D mo and bo convinced that we are hoadqanrtors for all goods In our line ,
hpapost place to buy CARPETS , Curtains and House Furnishings In the
City. Upholstering and Bedding Supplies.
Mail Orders Pilled PromptlyCnrdauo
Both new and second hand , ranging in prices from SS.50 to
$25 each. Take advantage and call early to obfaiu
the best bargains. I am making a big reduction in
A3 1 nctjd the room to display my stock of atari * .
A. J. MANDEl ,
K5 BroiJuay , Council Eluffa. Iowa ,
Knilorsttl by FRANZ LISZT ,
UnrlvalloJ cr Tone or Flnlahi
liest Modcra Price to Buy.
The Ximball OTfjan , ao lonfj and favorably known In the west , rucorsraeniH
S'FBVVART , Solo Agent for above Hans of Goods. Warerooms , 323
D'jncil'BlufTs ' OorresponJonce Soliutad. AKont Wan taJ.
ind 344 Frnadwrv ? .
fr ma UOKDOK moved on thu LITTDI3 GIANT trucks mil ny dtatanoa on.l . ever anjr kind ot if round ,
1UICK HOUSES raise J. All work Kuannteuil
W. 1 * . AVlSWOimj , 1010 Nlnth'etroet.
- AU. TI1K tATKST ST il3 IN -
( V. F. G. EDOAU , 0. FBKSWICS ,
Manager. Assistant. yc-cietury.
Council Bluffs Detective Association
nrilliloallklmliKtftkUctive ork lor liankB , X r. lelcBHiih an I UaJway coupanlw , Merchant * ,
. ' ' tiibtllKtloni and D'jtilct ' AWorno > fc VtopeHf re-
J nii ) ctorle. . Corporations , 1'ut llo aod 1'ihate 2 ,
: o oitd Collectlona n dc , Mtssluit Wenda found. IXvoiwn | iri > curj I * ! M > rowarJ offtTod lor Ihe arieat
ind tonvlctltn c aay iicrson or irers-.TU iiauiuleutly reire oritliu Jnln Awoclatlos All cotamiinleitlont
itrlUly conUentlal , Olflcc ; Malonlj Teniuli Council WlulU IUVA. P C. Box JJ33.
Vie would call jour tU'iitlou t the lifi thtt lh
Bargains Which Cannot "be Obtained
Woc-an coinlntuuMTjUodj tliat say what e mean ami latan hat e ia > . Jiut thl best wa to
twt thu trulhlukv j u ( our akwfrtlonn U to call * nd examine tmr .tock and | irlc i , alHai reiuombTlnj
4JTCASI1 Ijthamailo word whUh ' ' .l a'tMEttho attenti" ! ) of cier > bed } , It U ths ord w > osod
alwn worufhixxlourtfixxl * , and that u tharcj. can ortor Hnm to you at lol w a fl ur * . i cnu
ii ; , ttic. h ) pxtech y \ * . j. ; ichar < u
J5 L AlVUb f , 117 l'vc 'Jn ' ttutn 1 Uwflj