TBEDA1IA 12 THE CITY'S BUSINESS , Tno Council Looking , Toward Nex Season's ' Improvements , o Strcpl l-'orc-o Cor October ( ) J- rtorctl Pntil Other Ml ucllu- Hi-oils Ituslncss Ti'Ansnotcd , At the rcgulur weekly meeting of the city council last uvcuing , t ctlng Mnyor M urphy in the chair , members Uechcl , Wood worth , Uedfield , Hascall , Andoisan , Fnray , Thrano , Kaufman nnd Ford wcro present , 'ihu mayor roporled ho hac ivad the tninutcn of the meeting of Oc tober 28 , mid found the sumo corroot. ills report was adopted nud ho wns di rected to look over the minutes of the meetings of November 0 and 8 , and re port nt the licit Reesion of the council. rr.mioNs AND cnMMi'NirATiox * . From the mayor , giving notice that ho bad approved certain ordinances passed nt hat mooting. Filed. From Charles Nubor nnd others pro testing against the violence ! committed about the Third ward school house , lie- fcrred. From W. J. Brontch and others , pott tioning that Howard batm'on Eighth and Ninth streets bo p.i > ed nt the earliest practicable momunt Ucfcrrud. From James Grolf and others asking that certain alloys ba doped down to make them paaonblo. Referred. From 0. F. Goodman nnd others , ask ing that the Frtst ward bo divided into two polling districta. Referred. From City Marshal Cummings , asking I leave of nbsenco from the city for two &d.ny & : < < Granted. From A. Norak and others , asking thai k'somo mcnna bo used to prevent the Sunday - ' day night dances nt Kaspor'a and Kess lur's halls in south Omaha Referred. From Kato M. Ball , asking leave to withdraw her name from the petition for wniver of damages to lot 10 in block fif teen , West Eud addition , lloforrod. From Eugene O'Neill , giving notice that ho had withdrawn his consent to waiver of damages arising from the grading of Gaining street. Referred. From John Wallace nnd others , ask ing that the B. & M. railroad bo mvdo to construct n bridge across its track on Williams street. Referred. The application and bond of Hugh Murphy & Co. as drain layers wore ap proved. The application nnd bond of P. W , Taipy ns drain layer wns also approved. A number of bills wore referred with out reading. From the appraisers , appointed to fix the damages arising from the change of p- * lo of Cuii.mng atraot , , ' making their n ; iort. Referred. v bill of Jamoa Croijihton for lumber and stationery furnished the city wna ro- fo.ed. . From James Creighton , presenting et'.tomont of the time of inspectors on pu ilio works for October , Approved. From same , presenting certain np- ) .i > vod estimates. Approved. " . claim of William F. Hoina of $100 for checking up the city treasurer's books waa allowed. KVom Geo. R. Jlithbtui , calling atton- run of the council to the condition of the intersection of K'ug nnd Char las otteets. Referred. UKSOLUTIONS. By Hnacall , that Jacob Hauck bo re tained in city engineer's oflice. Tabled. By Ford , that the committee on pav ing , curbing nnd guttering inquire into the ownerstiip , otc , of certain uuttoring stimo nnd curbing taken by the Barber Asphalt company from certain streets in the city , nnd report at next mooting. Adopted. By Ford , that Jacob Houck bo retained by the city to complete the sewer map uud addition book. Out of order. By Rcdfield , that the council sit as n board of equalization to equalize certain taxes on November l.'Uti and 18th. Adopted. A sidow&lk resolution was introduced and adopted. By Bt-chel , that the gas company con struct street lamps on Twenty-fifth and Harn-jy and Twenty-sixth and Farium. Adopted. By Thrane , that resolution permitting thci city scavenger to charge 10 cunta per load for refuao matter dutnpad at the foot of Division street bo rascinded , und thut Carl NoJson bo appointed n special policeman and paid $ 10 n month by the city lo keep the dump and road in good order. Adopted. By Radfield , that the board of public wori.j mvito bids f jr fifty thousand or moro yards oi paving , thut thtf aj/i'cilica- tiona include Sioux Falls granite , Colora do Miiuatono. mid Trinidad sheet usphalt- um , tlmt the bidders bo required to give such Rocurity aa the board shall dotcr- mine to insure tha acceptance of thu con tract , to remain with them oixty dnyp , nnd that auch bids shall bo for all or any of the paving. Adopted. KEl'OKTS OK COMMITTEES. Finance and claims , recommending the allowance of the bill of Peter Gees , fur boarding city prisoner ? . Adopted. Same , recommending the allowance of a numbar of bills. 'Adopted. Sitno , recfmmending the allowance of the bill of Houl it Co. , for street clean ing. Adopted. Same , recommending that the claim of C. Collins for damages to property near Twentieth and Harney , bo not al lowed. Adopted , Streets and grades , recommending that the petition praying for n change of grade of West Far n am street be granted , Adopted. Simo , reporting that the grade of Charles street hud been established. Adopted. Fire and water works , recommending that the petition praying for water hy drants on Twentieth street , between St. Marya avenue and Farnam , be granted. Adopted. Gas and electric lights , recommending that the gao inspector bo allowed to ex pend a sum not to exceed S-2j for in struments necocsary in hia ofiica. Adopt ed. ed.A resolution by Wood worth that the street commissioner grade down Wob- flter Btreet between Twelfth aad Four tcouth ulong the curbini ; was referred. SidowalkB audbridgm , reconiuiending that crosawnlks bo constructed in the ( lit- farent wnrdd as follonfi : Kiin * . ward , 15 ; Second ward , -10 ; third W M ! , Oj fourin ward , 40 ; fifth ward , 25 ; autn ware , 10. Adopted. Paving , curbinpr. nnd guttering , rec ommending thitt K. J. Brcnnsn bu al- 3owcd 8-1K7.G2 for extras nn hia Bt SVIarya HVUIIUB contrnct for KtiUoring , end $ ? l i ! 0 for the tmmo on ilarapy st/eot , OUIUNAHOKH. ' Appropriating moneys out of vatione necial .funds to pay for public work. for the pay-1 mont of the street force for the month of Oitobor. Mr. Fumy etnled although the excess of men on the force had been employed in direct violation of the coun cil's order , the city wns nevertheless Hnblo and they should bo psid. 1'asnod. Chancing the grade of West Fnrnnm street. P.ifsed. Ettabliahing the gr.\do of Pier street. Passed. Thu council then adjourned. BOARD OF TRADE. A. Nou Oix'niil7.ntlcn to ( > ro\\ Out o Ilio Ola One. ? 1 Monday , in pursuance to n call isaucc by the president , N. B. Falconer , the board of trade met nt choir rooms it Rodick'a block. It was the first meeting ( f the board tlnco July 8th nt which n quorum was present. After the meeting was called to order , the proceedings w several preceding meetings wore rend , and it wna found that on November 4th the bonrd had on hand cash to the am ount of S7,5.'C'J , nnd § 1200 in the savings bnnk. The proceedings of the board of directorn were approved. Announce ment was then mndo by the secrotnry that the board of directors had reported favorably upon certain nrltoles of in corporation which would innblo the b nrd to hold ronl cntiita. The article of incorporation were road ns follows : Thn name of the corporation ia to bo "Tho Oninlin Hoard of Trade , " nnd its principal place of business shall ba in thia city. The object of the corporation nlmH ba to promote the commercial , manufacturing and KCiicr.U Inlorcata of the city of Omnhn , ami establish commercial nnd linnnciil exchanges therein , nnd it ahnll hnvo and exercise uch powers ns may Do necessary nnd convenient to tlmt end , including the potter to acquire nnd hold real u > Uto. The authorized capital stock of ths corpora tiou i fixed nt SICO.OOD , divided into mom bcrehip shares of Sl' 5 each , etc. The exlntenco of the corporation shall beeln on January 1 , 1883 , and continue until dis solved by ita own net or by the operation of law. law.The The business of the corporation shall bo con1 ducted by n bonrd of directors , eovon in nnnr ber , to bo elected by tha stockholders ; such election to take placa on the firat M inlay in January , each yoar. The oll'iccrs of the corporation nro to bq n president , first , second , third nnd fourth vice president , nkcreUry nnd treasurer , to bo chosen by the board of directors and hold of fice for one year. Tlio secretary need not be a member of the board of directors , nor n stock-holder. The highest amount of Indebtedness is not to exceed two-thirds of the capital stock nt nny ono timo. All members of the old bonr-1 of trade , whoso successor this corporation is designed to bo , shall bo Ipso tncto membera of thia cor porntion. The full mid member ship nh.ires of the capital stock shall bo nFecssnhla to the amount not exceeding S100 per slmro for tin ( purchase of real estate and the erection of buildings , but such nn awsincnt Khali only bn mndo upon a vote of a majority ofjtho stockholder ? . These nrticles nro signed by N. B. Fnlconer , C. F. Goodman , John Evans , G. C Amcu , John A. Wakofield , Chaa. F. Driscoll and W. W. Biiighnm nnd will bo tiled with the county clerk in a few days , having boon approved nftor n full discussion of the same. Thoao nrticlea are designed co aa to permit the board to purebtwn real ustato and in duo course of time build n cham ber of commerce. After aomo other minor business had boon transuded the boarf3 tv.ijounied for ono mouth. Ikcal Kslalc Tha following nro the real estate transfers fors filed for November 10 and reported to TIIE BEE by Ames' real estate agency. J. Solil to J. Schroodof q. c. d. parcel section 3(5 ( 15 11 § 2. E Whitmore and wife to W , J. Broatnh w. d. lots 0 and 7 Capitol addi tion § 2,000. J. I. Kedick and wlfo to H. Schmidt w. d. lot 2 block 181 SB7f > 0. E. Mdjne and yrifo rG. . E. Borkcr w. d. lota in Donecken's nadition $1,800. S J. Donockon to 0. E. Mayno w. d. lots In Doneckon's addition $1,500. M. H. Cuslck to J. F. Qutnn w. d. 5 acres section ! ! 2 1(5115 ( § 300. W. Weckor to P Dorn w. d. lot F. Hnscnlls addition § 800. E Peycko and wife to W. Wocker w. d. lot F. Hascalh addition S800. It Doru and wife to E. Poycko w. d. lot F. Hascnlla addition § 800. Nov. llth. J. J. Loony and wife lo M. E. Loony , v , d , part lot 1 , block 12 , Kounfxa'o . ' 5d add , SI. H. L Garlichs to C. Fitch and wife , \f d , lota 4 nnd fi , Polham Place , § 1000 S. E. Rogers and wife to M. Kaoper , w d , lot IP , blnck 3 , Improvement Aeao- eiation's add , § 000 S. O. Banj > s and wife to M. TIuss , w d , lots 7 and 8. Bang'o sub div , $800. .7. A. Dull'to L Doll , w d , 88 acres , sec 5J1 , 10 , 12 , 5UOOO. F. Buck and wife to W. P. Spoflbrd w. d. lots 5 and G , block 251 § 1)00 ) W. J. Brotjlch and wile to G. W. lye w. d. lot (5 ( blook 3 cub-division , lut 5 Cap. addition § 2.000. A , O'Din.ihoo , et. id. lo Tl. E Cnvo v. d. IOIH 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5. 0 , 7 , 8 , ! > , 10 , block (5 ( Kwlby l'lcn $3,175 NidiL MUlmnl. Last winter the board of education started a night school in this city for the ) oncflt of those who were unable to at- end during the day , and yet are desir ous of obtaining an education. Lut winter's sthool was so well attended that ho board has decided to reopen It this winter. Ono of the best rooms in the Dodge otreet public school building will > o used for pupils in the central part of ho city , and will bo far superior to the oems used on D luglaa street last yoar. Hr. George L. Fisher , who waa in charge of the Douglas street night school last oar , and gave great satisfaction , has ) cn engaged to lake chirgo of th-j Dodge tr o ; night school. It was bo opened ast evening , and will afford boys nnd giria who nro omplojed during the day i chunco for educt'ionul ' advnntagoH , as roe of charge as in thu day schools. Another ncliool wan also opened la > t iveiiiiig , nn 1'dcilic stretl , between Tlmtccnlh und Fourteenth , A ( ! anl nf The ladiea of the Fiiat Ibptint church deaire to extend their tincoro thanka tn ilcssrs. Perkins it Lean , Mrs .Jnulyn , of Metropolitan hotel , L. B. Williaiini it Son , nnd W. B. Gring lor their guner- isiiy ia gratuitously furnishing them vith cola ut < d bedding for the oniertaiii- mcntof thu dcle atoj to the J'.aptiit etato convention. Alto to the ladies of the Conjrculirjnal ( ; church fur thn uao of t a bleu , und to Wcstren t Macloiid fnr tablu furniture. By OKDKK oc CouutnKK. Nmiha , Nov. JOth , 1881. FOR SALFO A good family horja buTL'y and liaruwa. L , A. HATH , Pojt Ollico Box 30. CIVIL AHD CRIMINAL , Cte's ' Trial lo Bfgifl Tc-flay Y/illi / Gnlhrio a Stale's illness , An Application tor nn Important ISrvtrnlnlnn CMilcr to l > o Mmlo in tiio r. s cuiii't. lu the United Stales court yesterday , circuit judge Brewer tat tilone , dislricl judge Uuiidy being nunblo to bo present. The time of the court was occupied in the hearing of motions nnd domurrora. Judge Dundy will bo in nttondnnco upon courl this nftornoon nnd will empanel the grand jury. This morning John 0. Orrlck , of the firm of Noble nnd Orrick , St. Louis , for Ills client the Pacific Express Co. , will make application to the court for n torn- porary roalrAining order ngninat the Hnn- nibal fc St. Joe nud the C. B. it Q. rail roads. It appears tlmt the Hannibal & St. Joe railway , now owned by the 0. U. it ( J , has boon carrying the buainusa of the 1'acifio Express Co. for aomo time pn3t. A short time ago notice \vns served upon the Express Company by the rail way odiclnls thit the llantubnl St. Joe company would no longer carry ita its business after Nov. 15th. To prevent the enforcement of thia notice the applica tion io made , the exproan company by its attorney taking the view that thn defend ant Is n common carrier , nnd ns such it bound under the law to do their business upon the payment of n reasonable com pensation for ouch services. Tno princi ple involved In this cuna has boon decid ed in the Southern express and Adams express companies' cases , by Justice Miller , vrhon it was hold they could bo compelled to carry the business of the express companies. As has boon saidtho application for the restraining order will bo mndo hero , nnd ohould It bo granted the petition will bo filed immediately in the circuit court of the Diatom district of Missouri , where it will bo tried upon its merits. The notion of James F. Johnson ngaiusttho K. 0. , St. Joe it 0. B. rail ways for § 25,000 , damages , personal injuries - juries resulting from n railroad accident at Corning , licit county , Missouri , wna yesterday removed from the district court of Otoo county to the U. S. circuit court , on petition of the defendant railway , niSTKicr COUUT. The jury in the case of Mount against Stoelc , Johnson it Co. returned n ver dict last evening of § 75.50. damages sustained in the payment of attorney feos. feos.This This morning the cnio of I ho stnto against ox-Mayor Chase for bribery will bo called up nnd the , trial proceeded with. Many of thu witnesses have been cnbpoonaed. Yesterday afternoon Deputy Sheriff Crowell went to Lincoln and will return this morning with ox-Maruhnl Guthrie who will give tentimony for the state In the coming trial. It is thought much time will bo consumed before any testi mony will ba adduced and it ia expected several venires will bo exhausted before n full pauol of jurors will bo secured. Judge Neville \\ill preside over the trial. Suit was begun by Mra. Sarah J. Trout against the city to recover the sum of 88nO damages allowed to have been sustained to her property by reason of the change of grade of Sauudora Direct. I'OLICE COUUT. The case of the city ngainat .loo Gor man , who was provoked into assaulting a policeman in front of I Ionian's barn , aomo two weeks ago , and who called into requisition at that time the use of words forbidden to bo publicly apokon , was tried by a jury , the charge being tlio use of obscene and profane language. The defendant waa found guilty nnd was fined § 10 and costs. Not being able to pay liia indebtedness to the municipality , A. I' ] . Coggcshall , ono of the jurymen , be came security for its payment. folice Court. In police Hcourt yoatcrday A. W. Warner , J. Fox nnd John Ilollor plondod guilty to the charge of disturbing the peace nnd wore each fined in the sum of § 5 and costs. Albert Schleshirigor waa the old man who was delivering the stump speech on Fixrnam street. Ho came into court with r. hurrah for Cleveland , his favorite can dldate , and pleaded guilty to the charge drunkonViCBa. Ho wau lined $5 nnd coats by the democratic judgo. G. W. Dow , n railroad mau , came up bcforo the desk with his facu in n badly bruised and cut condition. Ho was i > sorrowful sight to behold and the judge asked him to explain how he got cut up in such nn unscemingly man ner. Ho said that ho was walking along Tenth fit root Monday und accidentally piiiHud between two colored women who wuru walking with a colored man. Ono tit the wuinun rminirked that shn did not iku to be intuited in that manner by white trash , whereupon ho turned nnd inked her pardon. As soon as ho had inished speaking the colored man struck lim Sn the face. Ho then passed on lawn the street to the corner of Tenth ind Douglas otroots where ho laid his land upon n man'd shoulder and naked ilm why ho had struck him ? It proved .o bo the wrong man and 1m turned in tnd gave Dow a pounding after which ho Dow ) wan arrested. The judgesaid that 10 had uvidontly boon badly punished , tnd only fined him $1 and costs , Apollo Club On Tuesday evening , November 18 , the Apollo Social club will give its second end party , this time at Masonic hall. Ilio committees uro composed of the { bl owing : Master of cromnnin * If. K ( jrny. Reception , C. K Thornburg , F. 11. ICcKterH , J. A. Booth. Floor T. 0. .Jones , A 0. Harto , W. 3. Kulli-y , Thco. Kicpun and Jou. A. IJannan. Gen. llou'iml on I There is an excellent treat in Btoro T r .liu pcojilu of ( his city in thn proposed ci'.turu of Gun. O. O. Howard , on "Kxn t. " The gentleman haa but re cently returned from an extended tour of Kur pc , und while absent there paid a eng visit to the land of tlio Pharou , Ho eel : note1) ) of the ) customs of tlio people , itibllo and private structure ) , fystoin of { ovcrnmunt andollior pEculhritioj of thit Jiatant country. A trainid : writer , Ocu , ll'JH.ml in also i trained nbeervrr. U'lipit ho obal ) de scribe , therefore , will borcrHi describ ing , ni A worthy of n Inrco udieno. The lectuto will ba delivered in the opcrn house on the 25th , nnd the pr.o.-od . will bo npplied to the uao cf the \Vmnens Christian nisoclntion for the b-mfit of the poor of Omnhn. Mr. John 1) . Howowni seen about tha city yesterday. Win. 11. MuiiRor , " 1Kromont , h m Omaha un legal business. Mrs , Julius C. Her nud her daugh'rr have returned from lloleun , Montana. Mr. lnm ! ey , landlonl of tha Coi/ens hotel , has returned fiom n trip to Chicago. J. S. Stull , ! > < ! . , county judfjo ot Nenrn- ha county , U in the city nttomllng court. W. U. Wood , cf the Union Pacific railroad company , haj rotuiuod from n \l lt In the east. east.Mr. Mr. W. H. Irwlunnd.J. 1 > . lla koll , both iulerosted largely la the stock interest * of the west , are nt the 1'axtou. Soliciting Knight Agent Max\\oll , of the Union 1'aclfie , with headipnrtcu nt Kansas City , spout Sunday in Omaha. Mr. fJhiM. S. Maroon , of the law linn of Manon & Whoeden , Lincoln , Is lu the city at tending United States court. Mr. Vrank McCrary will act as clerk of the U , R. circuit coutt for n month whtlo Mr. Albon Kratik will indulge in n much needed rest. rest.Mr. Mr. O. N. llaimoy , secrotnry and trovnirer , mid Mr. M. M. Marshall , president nnd gen eral manager of the Oinahi linrbiro com pany , went east to J ow York on business yesteiday. Mr. S. 1' . Norman , npont for the "Margaret Mather" company , registered at the Mlllard yesterday. Ho If hero to iirraiigomonts for the nppcaninco ofbia company in this city next week. Miss Georgia Young , of Hiawatha Kansas , cut Sunday In thia city the guest , of her ouslu , Mr. Will Young , of Tlrrol I Cook's. She was accompanied by u lady friend , Mrs. Itanning , ol thu eamo place. Mm. W. C. llulcttnnd daughter , of Adilati Michigan , arrived in Omaha on Sunday and are nt the Millard visiting with Mr. C. C , HuloU , cashier of that hou e. It Is the first time MM. Hulett has visited her sou in the \\-iutmiditisnncmrcnof much ploasuio to both. both.W. W. M. Itobortson , of Madison : W. T. llandall , of Columbus ; Claudius .limes , ol Sewnrd ; K. S. llarnor of Kearney ; C. S. Rey nold's , of Fremont ; S. H , Sodwick , of York ; nud A. h. Uurr nnd D.V. . Carr , of Alma , registered at the Millard yiatrrday. V. nr. O. A. TJio Y. M. C. A. library in this city contains 9119 volumes , many standard works being among the number. The books miy ba road by any ono who visit the rooms , but no ono is allowed to toke nbokar.-ny In the reading room in kept on file aovon duily , thirty-six weekly , sixteen monthly nud two semi monthly mnvspapsrs and periodicals , making n total of Hxty-ono publications which nil urc free to USD , nnd strangers nio espe cially wtilcomo. Tlio nvorngo daily nt- tendnnro in the reading room so far during the year 1881 haa been 110 persona. Mr. A. D. SchonnorhorH'i'd'tli'o ' librarian , nnd lias a happy faculty of making it pleasant for thoao who visit the rooms. [ P fiul Gnllly and Sontcncril. [ ' . In the district court this afternoon Robert Miller and George Smith , having plead guilty to the charge of petit lar- couywero sentenced to the county jail by Judge Novi'lo ' for twenty-five days each , and fined § 1 and the costs of prosecution. WillininDodson.whohad plead guilty on his arraignment to the charge of grand larceny , was sentenced to the penitentiary at hard labor for two years. John Tumor , n colored boy , who had nlao pleaded guilty , was nlso iivon ; two years at hard labor in the ponitontiary. Jniues Thomas , who , also , upon his arraignment had entered the plea of guilty , wns Renteutonced to the peni tentiary for four ycnra. A CARD. ToiUwUu .0 n-anlng from erion nd laditcrotlonfl of youth nei\ous wrftinoni , owl ) ( iD-jy , Ices ol manhood , oto. , I nlll end 1 icclpl itlKitwillcuroyou , FUREOFCJIAnOK. Tbl K' = l 'ji-mwly ' was ( ) i ooTcr * < l tiy tnUtloncry In SouU iMi < 'il . ScndeeK-aJdruBsU rmelopo to IU . JO 1 niu'ii f. ISM ia. aMlu D. How Vatk. Trains nrn now run on nil the elevated rondu in Now York on Sunday for the price of five cents. The company's method of observing the Sabbath quito Htiitu the public ; nnd the patronage of the roajs on these days h noirly double what It waa on the corresponding duyu of luat yonr. do not only dintltn Kiin tliomiulveH by their flavor nnd iironiaic- odor ubuvo all othoiH gunurully nsod , but they uro nlao n Hiiro preventive for all dUooNoH orii'- inatlug from thi ) digCHtlvoorg.tns. Ituwnro of counterfiita. A k your grocer or driiggint for tlio iomilnu article , iniunifactnrud by it , if. J. 15. Suifjort to Soim San Francisco has but just adopted the now standard time , which , for the P.icilic coast , id ton iniutilos faster than that of the city , Auld VAI.UAIir.BIK IKtiaiSTION. Du. DANIKI , T. NJMOK : , Chicago , says : "I find it n pleasant nnd valuable remedy n indigention , particularly in overworked uiun. " _ _ A paper chimney fifty foot high has it-en uructud in A manufactory nt iires- au. A lioniui/.u iliu 1'olitloiaiis Ijosl Hltfli or. While poMtlciMin uverywhoro wcro ( inarol * ng Tuesday , October 11 , 188 1 , thn 173rd grand nontlily Drawing nf the l.onla- MU Htut < ) Lottery came nlf , M , A. D.nphln N'iiw/leanu.l.a.tti ( whom till inqniriix tliould no addrrHded ) . Ticket No. 78 , 1 Mi drmv the lirrtt c ilt'il ' irUiiof S/fOr / ( ) , nnd It WUH Hold n nholu ticket to u vtoll known bimiucHu man of the Crrtccnt City nul paid to K , I ) . Mnwto of tha I.uuliiim Nutiuiuil Jiunl ; then' . No r7t .0ilifw thoBccond pii/.oof . ? 'J&K0 ( ! , Hold in fiftl h nt onu dollar uach-ono lifth oich l Jlonry Smith , jiidtlcu nf the puaco. nnd Win. M. Kennedy planter , luth of ( Jrecnvillo , Mi H : iinu-lillli to W. 0. lrlXf ! | , of imtliur to K. ( J. lioiinatt , No 'JtO S > tr ut , Clilcui ? ! ! . Twu-liftliH f the third pri/ i.l $10.00 1tickol No. 47l-"il-wa , < won by ( . ) . C. J'V.1 , I'urta e , Ww. 'J'lio fourth pri/ f fKi , ' " ' ' , i h , WITH won by Km. 13,8HSnnd 'il.MI , mild in fifiln of onn dolbr inch , and rcatleicd verv pnjmi cuouBly , noilh , K.iith , PUDS i.nd witet , to pjrtii'H In .M.nnplii" , Toi'ii , I'luluduliihin , l'irnd Now Yoilc ( Jity. &o , tin Hut it will over go on , nnd if j > n ln\o.t it may tiuko you lint will nut break y < > u. Dr. F. Svcnoniua , who liai been rn- gttgud in studying and measuring the gla- ciora in Noirland for I hi ) piHt fo * yoara , reports that there nro ubout a hundred iort ia S odcn , but they < ire very ll , u'jvoring in nil un area not aboi'o vt ' ( ji'iili iq'nro iniica , PLANNING FOR PLUNDER , Legislative ilaoipiallons Already Un der Way at Lincoln , The House Plan for Packing Committees Fully Matured , The Land Ring Fortifying Itself Against Investigation , A lihvly Ucvlv ! ' 1'tillllenl S mill S Special lo TIIK HKK. l.iN'COi.S' , Xcb. lsn11. . The election i earcely over \\lion the fcchomlnp begins. The election of PiiwoR by ninnjoitty of 10,0.0 ! lens limn Hlnlnn cot * In tlu > ulnto MirpriMui no one , mnViitbo IXweS hlnnolflio has prctcmded to bellevo that bo would explain tlio whole nuttier of tb school land frauds to the people in such n comincltiB manner tlmt ho would bo ni clean n follow us the world produced : but now tlmt tlio legislature In elected the ritieflU'r * \ullliefiinlOHchonip. Chinch Huwo nnut bo ( IIA1HMAN < > K THIS SKN'ATt : . in order to put up eoitnuiltceii fur llin rail- runiU and the Iniid riii . In the limi o thn Kiuno RniiR will put forwiud Allen W. 1'iold , of lliin county for speaker. VMA li ni mi- KTupnlom n | ) olititmii ns ever Uod gnve. broatli to , nnd bin county in the Instlepulnturn wtm nut Kitdi ni to cummoml him to any honest innn. He and IIH ! Hlnkora nro nlrnaily.circlliig nronnd over the slain getting pledfiea from memlierii elect vmw the pt < nKo Mit | < . Carua has loi'ii hnro holi-noblmit : with Hill Stout nnd Dnwus , nnd no ono need doubt but tluit ALI , TIIK IIIM.H Will. HTVNM in this v Inter in succeujfnllv ns they did two years ngo. If they can get Hriul Sli ! ililer for cli'rk nnd Alien 1'lolds lor bpunkur , the lumeo will bo fixed. Then n puiiR of liumvit ( ) IIHMI will bo nolacted ( by Kendall , l ) ( Ii it ( Jo. ) for the committi'o of public Inndr nnd Imildingn , nnd wlnn any resolutions nro Introduced look- hip toward nn ! uvp tic.atioii of tin- school land fraud , the BIUIIO will by BOUIO jumping jnck in the inlenwt of the iliiR bo referred to the committee on public Inndii nnd lu'.IUIiiiga. lit the Bciinlo , so fnr ns hoaril from , the re publicans will hnvo A JtA.ioniTV or HRMV , nnd the question of whether the lieiitminnt- govi-rnor nhnll build np the committees or whether the enmo nhnll bo constructed by the semite caucus will depend upon the vote * of Howell , of York , McAllister , of L'lnlto , ChorrVjOf GIIKO , and the senator from the Kurt \ \ anhiiigton district , whose nnmo I can not now recall. The railroad punt * will bu headed by Clmrch Howe , Mclc 1'anl , C. 11. Norris nnd the Garnet Striker from Sewurd If Cleveland la elected Uio rnilrond gang will shout p.irty , party , in hupo < i to terrify the timid fellows nnd acm them into xticklnr to the paily bows , lint , the Unit nn st stnncl by the people nnd aid in finitiating these little Bchoim > . WAHAHII. BAILfAY "STCOHMBBCB , TItOUUt.i ; A A1N. KANSAS Guv , Kovumbar 11. In cotitu- ( juonco of tha uomplicntluiH of the ruto wnr bo- Uvocn Chicngo nnd St. Louin the ltnrlim < ton hn ii nin withdrawn from ( ho ICunai.n City HKiecmcnt. Tlio rrinnining members have agreed on n into ofoto Chicago , nnd $1 to St. Louis , being a fm-ther cut et $1. SrOUISVB MANVVIMj5 , TIIK INTEIIKSriNO PHOCIMilllKOH AITK.NDANT UPON T1IIC L'NfAUIIIINU 01' TIIK "lA1T WII.I. ANI > TKsrAVKSTS" Ol' TIIK flllKAT " 1'lUKs" KIHTOll. Specinl IcU-ftrnm to TlIK URL- . ClIICAi.o , Novombsr 11. In Uio proVato court room this morning' , thu hoird of the Storey cstato nnd their lawyoru nnd the jndgo nnd nnditorH , were nil treated to n surprise. In answer to nn order frum tlio court , nnd nf tor n Ktrugr-lo by both Bides , the lawyer for the widow , MrH. W. F. Storey , put on tile u will dated Aupnut 10 , 1871) ) , iilmimt Identical with the will of 1881 , nxcopt , thut QUO or two points in it in moro Invornblo to the widow. Tlio witneHiiw to it nro Clinton Snowden , now on the W < i h Hilton JEepnblicnn , at that time the city editor of 'thu Clnc.ii-0 Times ; .1. A. Cliuiubcrlin. now of the ItoHtuii Trnoiler , nt thut time nmiiai- niK editor of thu Times , und .lohn Klridiron , then , us now , c.ibhier of the TimeH. It JH from lop to bottom Storey s own handwiltliig , nnd written upon paper not calondcrod and not ruled , HIICU an in UKCI ! in u nuwHimpur'u editorial ritoiim for copy pnjier. In thii ) will no cluuHO IH inserted dubaniiijf the widow from marriage , or nllixiiig n jieiiulty in ca o nho does marry. The cnso was net for 11 ( I'clnclc , but the partien to it did nut uppeur until ll'M : u , in. At tlmt hour thuiu wi re on hand A. li. I'attviHdii , the coii8 < TVii4 < ir , Ansnn Storey , the doceubed'i ) brother and the luw- yoru , Air.V. . O. aondy , Mr. A. S. Trmlo , Jmlgo l.yman Trnmbull , Luounrd Sweet nud Mr. Kobblnn. Thoio wcro , btHidoH , n peed nmny audltorH. The court , with n good donl of nupority , united ofJndvu Trnmbiill if Mr * . Storey win in umit. The judge nntmorou thut hho wits not. 'Lot the attachment is- mio. " Bald Jndgo ] CnicltorLoli-r , with oven moro asperity. .Indgo Trnmbiill rattier tnlton off his ( cut Uy tlioHuddomiui-H mill Hon.'iily ut the uidur , prottHted , nnd while H.uming ilut ho could BOO no n nson fi r Mr . Hiomy K pien- unco , Biiid thut ho held n | ihyxifiin H cortllicuto which allowed tliu liuly'ri indlapueltion. "Call your t'iy ) ici " onleiiil the court. " 1'lieni In no putitlon f r thu probating uf thin will , " continued thti court , "nnd in order to nruperly Met thin court in motion It IB iiLcoeHaiy fur Aim , Hluruy to appear hero nnd Hwuir to tin putltidii di- clurlng thin will , in her opinion , tliu luat ItHtii- mont of thodecuusud , I wlxh ultu tu iisl : her whether ic in the only paper of the Kind In her posHuefliun " AHur loui ; urgnmcnt. .Imlgu Trumbull nuid lu hud unothir will in his poiitBHiun ; thut ho WUH willing to proienl it to the Lonrt but w.m uinvllllui ; lor it tu go < m lilo. liu Hitid , in unnwcr to thu court , tlmUio had thu docnmi'nt In hlx ollica. Thu court diroctoil .Intlgr Tiumbull to prudnco it , which ho did , wluruUion | It WUH ) > bccd ( in lilc. Hoiioun OH tliodocnnient was funded to thu clerk , Air. Tinun hurried bvhind thuduur und bi'Rtu ' rcuilin It. Jndgo Tininbull utiUod thut nobody bo ulluvsed tu rend thu will until it liud boeu mtrkod , tiled und u cuilltiod cojiy Utan nf It Thii ) tlio cou.t ordcrod. Uion | the tiling of UJIH will thu couit ordered thu cjiso o\er until 1'Viduy niorning ut lu n. in. Thoru WIIH tha turnout anxiety on the part of thu holr. ) , ttio'r luwyoru und .Mr. 1'ut'crnun , thu counorvator , to HUU the will likd by Jndgti Trnuibnll. Trud wun thu flint to hurry unmiid und nud , Thou Mr , Uoiriy und Aiifon It Stxney wont ovornt together ; tliiMi Mr , 1'ftllrrnou tuilod for it , und without loading it turned tiuslily to t.oo wlio thu witntb en were. CIVII/ KXAIIIKATION 01' AI'I'LIUANl'H KOII V.OIIK U.S'DKIt U. K , TO UK HUM ) AT OMAIU DKO. 'A. WAHIIINIITO.V , Novcmbar 11 , A norlei of exainliiutiiinH for uipic.mtH | ! fur depirtmcnt Horvlco at Wushingtoii hai been arranged for Docoinber , thi ) wojtaml Hnitli , inclu Hug Mon day , IJuct'inlxT lat , lii .Moiui'i ; NS'eiliKYiby , Ui'mmbcr ! l ( Jinalm. Thu n Lxiinin tioim uill bj ( > f two graded , "liiuHoiT'iiul1 uuorul" I'lin limited in fur uiiijintH | ut u salary of 3720 to 51)0(1 ) ( u } t > arntid thitgcii'jiul in fur clurki > liipi < , i > . ij inlury ( if QUltU und npwiiriiH. 1'crH > IIH dobirii.g tu inulci ) upp.lcati n ii.ul bu imiiied ut thuru ux.iii'inptlulH cftii o'jtii'.n iipiihc titiii blankH i > nd H copy ( .f thu civil rfmvicu luw , rult'ttand rcgiiLitiunuof thu po uiu > t > r ul uiihcr place lumun , or of tliu civil nuiticu commta- itinii ut , Wutliington , nnd m In n.o-t CM ; , thuru will not b i tunu to uilinii. of npilc4tlon | ! bving forwarded to llr ) Cdiiuni lon anil uotitu of npphcntion lotiiti.inl lo uppllc nti' , tliu up- plication , duly cjrrut-M ! , muy In biiMixht to nxumlnutiou nnd dull vi rtd to the chief luer. luer.'J 'J IK * riiidilloiib DUIIUN , Novombur U. Tlu trlul of Fred- crick J , Alton , vicu prruident of thu Yunn Ireland uocluty , unette'l Imt week on thu tiriunii r.id felony , begun to-iliy , Allen \\M cltcorcd npon pnlerlng the contt , lli'ftlor , member if parliament , yr t > rd y cj led | . > tlir Irh | bnr , uppMrctl for Allnn. lln ( l < Mii n4rd tlmt the lottrrs which Allen hid willtcn to HIP Fpnlnn hfndqunrtrni nt rftiid , ei\liiR dct iln of KcnlAii i rgnnizttlon In Irclnnd , < hitild l > innrkfd in ns to proven t HIP ] io iliilliv of any nd'ltl.iin or nb tr ctlnnii b'lnp inidp. Thi ritiiiiral for thn rnron pro- t. ' tid nKnni.t the innnmidn implied In thli ( Icinnnd. TinmiRlttrntu onlorpd thn drcn- umrkM nnd ropiovod llenly for bin In. TIM : KOIIIV.MNTII OONOIU'.sH. HKt.THKriiKNi.TH or Tin : TVIITIKM IM Title llOt < K 01 ItKT'lHiMlXi.VTIVKH AT THS il'tllMI < KS lo\ W.V-IHN , TOX , Nmomber 11. Mcl'hcrson , secretary nf Ihu rrpubltcnn cocgrennlonnl com- niitloc , snj-ii tlmt from the most authentic information - formation ho hai been nblo tn.nccnro the next house of reprciicntntivcs will consist of 182 democrats , 111 republican' , ono grcenbacker , ( Hnnnmof I'onpylvnnln ) , nnd ono furintifat , ( \\Vs\MT , of Iowa ) , glvlnir n domocratia majority - jority oxor all o [ ; tl. ! A * comp.ucd with the ini'iiibortlilp of Uio vntiutm partloi In thu i > rr < < - ( 'tit homo , thit cattninta rbown n loin of 111 votes lo thiMlomocroU nnd four to the inilo- pondontf , nnd n Kniu of 2'J to the ropnMicans , nnd i > ni' tujiotiist vote. DIIMITIIKUIA. 1U\AHK-- THIS TKHI1I1U.K 1)HK.\MK AT rill r.vno. CHICAGO , ? \ntember 11. DIphtlioriA has broken out , among the pnplh of ono of thn public n'huol * , nud se\orM fatal caio nio nl- ready reported. The hi'dth dop.vrtment olli- N nui coiMliloriiif ; Ihu ndvi < nbllity nf clon- ins Kcho.il. The ho.dtli uiimmisiionnr declares tlmt the dlsfnsc is lertninly cptdomio In thn oltv. Ono family I * reported M having lout li rhllilri'ii out wf 7 in tliu Imt two weolci thronnh the diiuum' . l'\it Stock ClIU'AOO , Xo\oinbor 11 , The nnmml fat stock ehtiw opened in tlio oxpositidii building hcru to night and wilt contlnno until n week from to-morrow , Tno ehow wna inaugurated with nn nddrons by Mnyor Harrison , The nt- tendanco nt thu opening inndrnpcd | ! that ol nny formct nhn\v. Thu exhibition in much t'irgor nnd fiiurthnn before. It in our epo- cially nuticoablo in the presence nf good rop- resontalion polled. Angus nnd llolateln cat- tie , which have not heiotoforo npponrad in tticooconiptttltloiiR , Short horn Hereford ! r.rti up to the former standard , nnd there m n peed ehov , ' of heavy draft luirsiw , hufja , nnd dhcop. for Mot NT A KKSOK , X. Y. , November 11. John M. MaHttjon WAH nrrcstod last oxoning un tliu charge of fraud , porpatrntod ngninnt ChnrloH HMiilncks , who dupORitod with the firm of J. M , MnitiHon 81,000 , receiving from him n check when ho was about tu nsslgn nnd know hlmrnlf tu bo iiiRotvcnt. Ho waived e > > > mbmthm beforu n jnntlco of the pence and nppcnlcd the c.iso to tliu comity court , which xv id meet I'ecumlxu' ' 1 , whou thu matter will bo laiil bofuro tlm grand jury. .Mahtinou WUH hold to bill ill $ . " 00. Other chivrgos nro expected - pocted to bo matlo itgnlimt him to-dny , tlio Old Man. Niw : YORK , November 11. Joseph Wright , Jr. , of Habylon , lj. 1. , is nn ontlniHiiutiaduin- ocrathllo till father , who is over GO ycnnj old , ii n republican. On election day Joe locked bin worthy progenitor in the loom of liu b .use and limn pioyentuil him from voting. A coinniittej of republicans c.illud with n conch to lonvay the old gontloinan to thou | u > ll when J JH forbaJn the coinmittru in big ovyn lungniiga to enter Ihu house. The e mi uiiltoo ui'iit away and now Hay they will have louurrctted for mtinililai.ing n voter. Volu of llluiolH. CHIUAOO , November 11 , Thu NOWH ban the ollicial retnniH on tha vote for prenidunt in thU btnto for nil counting except Conk , ( which in- clndoa Chicago ) with n clo > u oiitiinato on thu vote in Cook , Thu ieiult is uifulluwH ; IMatno : it7'l7r. : . , CloveUnd at2,31 , ! ) , Duller 11,10(5 ( , St. John 11,7.'H. Jlaino' ! plurality , 'j ; , , ! ! ! ! . The ollicial cunvu H of thu vote of C ok county wan bj un to-day , nnd wilt not bo completed for Hovoral day . rH Hail CIIIOAIIO , .November 11 , Daily Nown , St. Louie : John MuCnllotigh arrived nt tha Southern hotel , thin city , thin evening , and if rumor ia tu bo credited , bin monlnl condition jiitiublo in the extreme. Hoicnmn here with the intention of opening In the "Gludln- tor , " but thu j.ropimitiim ia to abnurd thai Uio nmnagoment of thu Ulympic thoutro have closed tha IUIIIBU rather than make nn oxhllil- tiou of U < o inlirmltli'H of the actor , Thn ut most Rocreov concrinliig him in iimintiiinod by thoMO in charge of him , und nothing can ko learned at the hotel. Tlic Orchil ! Ail vein IIITT. SKATTLI : , Wuuhlnglon Territory , November 11. The election In xtlll doubtful in thin lonilcry. Clunicon f.ivor Voorheou , domocrnt , fur dalegalo to COIIITOSH. Thn only leBim bo- twuen tiiutwo portion was that of railroad. The ileiiiucrutH and dixalfecled lepu liciiiH do- miiudcd Ihu foifeitnru uf the land gninta which InpHixl over KOVOII vcnra ngo. They httvo prubnlily won their light. VoorheeH1 us tlmnted niDjority in about It , 000. I 'en nny I vn n In I' ' | IIITH. I'lin.AliKi.riliA , November 11. Ollicial ro tttriiH from nil counllon of thn Btalo ut opt Hull ! van , which In o-itinmtml at X > 0 plurality for Cluvolnnd iivo ; lllailm a plurality of SO.b'til The rcpiiblic.uiM will hnvo n majority of 1in thu " ( mat ) anil 81 in thu IIOIIHU , n majority on tin joint ballot f'f ' ! KI. Thu next congroeB iloleguliiin in 'JO republicans und K doniocratx , u republican gain of ! ' A < 'los ( Hun lor Ci HAN I''UA.SCIHCO ' , November 11. The nddi- lional rctuniH from Uio monntnln dlnlrlcli of odoxj county. Cnlifortiiu , lint Hnnley , doni'v er.il fur congreHH in fi.Ht district "il nhund. I'lill rottinm from Delnorto nrti ntlll misig , it in expected they will give C'ariitlicri. rcji , u Hinnll majority. Jf mi that will p'uco thu cundldutuH about oven , Tlio IjOiK ! I'iiclllo HAN KIIANOIHCO , November 11. The cor rected retnniH from counties In the First con- grrmional district of California give llciilny , ( democrat ) , GO mujurity , The republicann conccdu Ilia majority hut will Insist on a re count. Henley will bo tha m > lo representative of the democracy on tlm cntlro 1'ncillu count. Tlio I'Irhl Iowa , UuiaiNQTON , In. , November ll.-'llioclli clal cnnvuifl oi euoh county in the Firnt con- dUtrlct , compliitod at noon , give Hull , dumocrut , n majority of Huventy over Woolnon , For rent Corner store , brick building - ing , Sixteenth nnd Wubitur utntete ; nho store tn my nutr bl > ck nuxt to the oi r- nor. Kii < iulro of John II. lirck , teonth nnd Webster. Ilio 1 -cord , LKXINOTON , Ky. , November 11. Tlm ilato IH broken --Maud rf hut nmdo thu fui-teit milo on rccunl. Tlm : ( ijiitcr , 7 > : i ; half , ll ; i ; thr o-iunrtorH | , 1 : 7 ; mile , 'JiUllj. A. I5nrjulii ; lu turner Loin. In wimt most mini desire , to keep from tilling u grave in A comutory lot ere Iiull your duyn uro numbured , ntwnya keep a HupoJy of Dr. Pierca'a "CUrtou Mcdicil Discovery" by you Wlion the tirnt dyuiutoiiiH of coneuinptlon nppoar lese no time in [ Hitting yourm > lf under the trent- nient of this invnhmblu inetliciiio , It curcB when nothing ulmi will. I'OHBUEB- ing , ne it ( loon , ten Union the vlrlno of the biHt cod aver oil , it is not ( inly the olui.'UKi't but fur the pleaaanttat to tuku. Jt putitita nnd curichou the blood , ntroni tht'iw the Byotein , curca blotuhca , pimples , eruptions nntl other liuinorB. Hy A Vulnntilo Oti MI Tonic ICoad tliln Tcfltlmony. Donsr.Y Co , , Anrc. , Jannary 8 , 1883. A / / . Scull ,0 Jlro. Onntlomen 1 c < n certify to the fnct , hi\t llun/if/f Tnnioh the best Chill Tone - o 1 ever tried. L consider it better than Qulnino. Kofpectfully , ( Signed ) M M. KiwTnusotf. Propawl by R , A. Koblnoon & Co. , Wholoimla Driigcinls , Louisville , Ky. , nntl nt r lftll by Schrotcr & Uoclif , DrugKiufs , Omnhn. Retails 81.0(1 ( per bottle , nix bottlm , cr. no. . - - - - CT-JJUII - robua will noon boco.iie cutios- itica. Cntnrrh ia n conatitutiotml disotiuo. Lloyd's Saranparilln is n conntittitlonal remedy. It cures catarrh , Oivo It n trial. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ immigrants avoid the cotton' atntca. IMIiKSI IMIiUS ! A sum : cum : FOUND AT I.ASTI NO ONK NKKI ) KUKKKIt. A Mire euro for Blind , lllceding , Itching nntl Ulecrutcd I'ilos han been dltcovored by Dr. Willianm ( an Indian Hemedy , ) called Dr. Wlllimn's Indian I'llo Ointment A Mnglo mx has cured tlio worst chronic canci i > f US or tO veura Ktandlng , Nn ono need Riillcr fivu intnutoi nftor applying this wonderful Booth- ing medicine. Lutluna , InttrumenU nnd dec * tniules do moro harm than good , Willtiun'H Indian 1'lln Ciulmrnl nbsorln thn tumcm , al lays the tntonno itching , ( particularly nt night after celling warm In lint ) , ) acts ni n pouHica , sixes Instnut relief , and U prepared only for 1'ilos , itching of the private parts , nnd for notidno ol a. Koad what Uio Hon. .T. Jt. Cofllnberry , of Clovelxnd , says nbont Dr. William's Imliiw I'llo Oolntment : "I have used scores of Pile Cures , nnd It nlforda mo pleaiuru to nay that I have never found anything which gnvn such tmmedlntu nnd permanent relief ns Dr. Wil liam's Indian Ointment. For nnlo by nil drug- RRU | and mailed on receipt of prlco , COc and $1. Sold at retail by Kuhn it Co. C. F. GOODMAN , Wliolcsalo Agent. ( ! 17 St. Clinrlos S M St. LoiiN , Ho. I rrculnr gm < luiilenM o icdknl Collrqci , hm | ri-n lonf inn ertllti tltf * | * r imtrrtttmrntof Cimnnic , KttrMm.Bmm Ami Hioou lt Rt Mthen mi other rhjttclnn In BU t > * l . w flty 1 tj ri ph AW find Hit itfl ifblitrnl * koow. Nervous Piostratlon , Dchlitty , Muntnl and Physical Wnnncss Mc\c \ uUI and other AHcc- lions of Throat , Skin or Hones. Ulood Potconlng , 31(1 SorCS and UlCQrs , h.o lrrfttrtt * tlh uninr.lkk4 lur * * on tdUiiitkntltlo jirlnctf' . H-Vlyrrltt lj. Diseases Arising ( ruin Infllscrotlon , Execs a ( .xposuro or Indulgence , nMrh rr i "umo or ron. tl.R ( l.ctii Hi-r'vou.iK' V ilrMlttV , Jl M or kl nj itrr < < ctiii > uicmrtrjr , | Implc-n , i ttm tuns , | > liy lra itrrilcnto Itto dorletj grtrtnitlei rnnrutl n nt rendering JJnrrlncn improper or ununnpy , are prrtnnnrntlyruiiHl. I'nutf lilet .tn t Vilontlio nuo\ , trtxl fairuM rutrlt > | H % frr ta HUT aJ'lrp n , ConnulliitloQ&lvJ- tlroorlijr malUrrt * . r.iitllnTltc'l. Write for qucnloin. A Positive Wriuen Guarantee Kl\r tn * 1I curfll > 1i > citiK , ifrJIclncsirnieTerjfwhe lfnmphtrta. KtinlUh or Oermun , 04 pticon. lorlbinff abuvo dltcaucB ioumloor fcinulo , F CU9OEF lAOpn ci , flnf I'latrn , llliiitratcil In i.-fl , n-ottej-or i' * tic. ; * ntue | Hrr < * ( nrr % S5d. Ttili eotiinlui ll the curloui. douttfui or lunuUMlfo w nt U know. A lnx > fc or itrrnt Intcrrnt to nlL Ufjltlu 2tc Qt4o y VVlnti fcro nrcziuMtl Or lt aJMrj * HEDJL , PARIS , IH73. BAKER'S & Warranted < iti ! iiit < lij ] Kif- ' Cocoa , from which tlm ciocus o . Oil lm lioi'ti remoed. It Ira thret 'linen the itivnglh of Coeoti mixed with Klnrc.i , Ai-owroot or I niul Is tlicrvfoio far uiara < onl. It In dUlclous , irt-M lii'nlng , t'tteily dl onitil , and admirably adapted fur Invalids * well ns for ix-rsonn In health. Sold uy llroccrs CTcrjrnhfr f. BAKER & Pd BfliSsFfiP. Mat- For tbo Cure o nil discuses of. Horses , Cattle , Sheep DOGS , HOGS. 1'ODLTllY. IlHcd HnccoHsfnlly for 20 yearn liy 1'ar- mors , Stockbrccdci-fi , Jlorso U.K. , Ac- Kiiilorsril t iiKpd by tlio.U.S.tJovfiriiin'l. rl'aiiithlpH | | A Churls Rent frcp.-fts. HUMPHREYS' ' MEDICINE CO , , 100 Fulton St , Now York. Humphreys' Homeopathic " nv vrsiipa - - J usoUOjnnrfl. Tliuonlvnuocofl ful remedy fur Nervous Debility , Vital Weakness , nil I'riHlintlun , fnotu' \Pr-wnrk or other < . Jl per vial. orB vlnUnnil lnri : vlul powilur. forti. ( JOIJliv llllJlilHTH.iiri Mit | io lpallonmcoliitnf lirlun. AiltlreKH.IIiiitiilliiityx' Iliiiiii-iiiiiilillo nlfulclmilo , . 11)1) li > iilloiiSt.Aiui\ * ' . : liri'n on llotllrk'n J'nod , " v.rilo lu.rulrr.li at . 'r.itdnl ivntliirn Jlniln r ' milk ronlnlim no t.it.li. ) lmU"KS'rOOI > rOlUNrANTH < fre 'ruin fUvi ID n > iUlix"iioccMilliii- | holx-i-i fiml In irallli or ciokr.om for 1 M'A N'l H. Tliu Ut diet for mHl'KITICBuiHl 1JVAI1I)9. ) i > nur > luiiiiniuoiiiniiinlrliik. . 'I licllnn II In le Mipriinr lo anjthlnit of Ilio Mii'l lorclullrrn " / ) bimnvni M / ' . . . \ < > York , iiiM * lliirly p'"n gni , tlt < iuirkfr II' Jirrrff , HI , ] i.t M , 'On iif As U.t tuintiiiiirH for uvttli r'H lulu. " / / II I kJXml , M II , UruUyn , X. Y. K \ \ ! ' wnt ! I Mill on ri'oai't ' at price In ptainrw. 110'd.irlK I' < > CO. , rtucln.Win. . Jri-IU t lloi "fit'fi iiv KvniMrr oif UiiTi OMAHA MEDICAL AND SURGICAL DISPENSARY CROUNSE'S Cor , ICth tnd Capitol Avenue , treat * I1 cues Crip pled or Deformed , skodleeiecs ul tt Nervous System , Blood , and Urinary Organs All BUMS ot Cumture oi Ihu flpiue , Cri'.okc.l . Feet lags aud Arnie , Dleonaca ol the Jllp , Jli.cc , nnd Ankle Jr.lnta Alw Clironla alltctlcui oltliu U\ei ItbuumatUui , I'urnljBls , 1'ilff , Ulcers , Catarrh , Atth ma and Ilionchltla uro all treated tj ucw and ruo- cvt-tlul UK tlir.Ju. All illfcnecj of tuo Dlocd km ) Urln- > ry Orifans , IndudliiK thuru itoultluK fitim luc Isoio- tluu or uxporuio , ro eaUli and lucairfiilly Heated mil euro guimntotd. ounir men , u.ldulo tgtJ , tnd old inon uufleilnx from Weakticfo atd Ncituiu i > ilieu8ton ! , | > rai iiKri , iillf'entloura'ltatloHnl : ( | lha Heart , I > cn.oa'Jcce.v ; lMtlmM , Lets ol ileuicry.TAfh ol Knursynnl Alulltlon , can Lo rutojcd to liit&UU and \lgor , II cjhu U uot too | ou iix'l < xu.l. Tlio Buryuoii In charfu l < a yiadiuto tl Ji&ct * ton Ifodical Colijo ! ; It06) ) ai il hni ntuOK'd b(4 ( ] > iofveiioii ! In Liinduu , 1'ailt anil Uerilu. II tltltctnd , call or wrlto fall dcsul ] lion ol ycui ran. , nnJ iccdi- rluo may lo nout ) nu. CoiiniiltatUiii lien , AiUUr < Oaialm i > l ] ) > M ry , L'rruiiic'ii lilodi , t'luuhu , K > : U OtCn > huura 10-lir a. m.l-S * nd 7-H p. la &uvi'kvv. .10 a in. t . nJ lor tmllss < llltr : on ictlo Oof no'llin