Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 12, 1884, Image 4

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Omithn Oltlco , tso. ! KAinnm Bt.
Council HliitT80nicoNo "i IVnrl S
Street , Near Ilwmilwfty.
Nr.w Vork Offlco , Uoom OP Trllmiio
Onllrflnic. _ <
ah Wonttny tuoinleg dally.
Yw < cio.00 I Thu-o Month * IS.W
( lxlfoti < i OOiOnB Monlh LCO
Ttrcol : , StCentf.
tn < rfc , v s ,
nuvs rogmtr.
0 < 7 t . JJ.OO I Three Month-i . I 10
It ostt * . . 1.00 | One Month . 10
4u Oocmninbtttloni roWInc to Ntwi ndIMIlort l
mttt rhMiMrrtivdlroi , , < d to th Kotroa Of Tilt
Iranian Limes
All B'JrineM I.sttora nud IUmlt nc < iS tboald bo
iili ! < wd to T ii Hm Pimusmjn COMPACT , QHMU.
Draft * , ( TbKiMi tnd PcwlolUco ordojs to bo made v 7
tblt to lli nrdci ol the company.
A. It. Titch , Matineer lallyCirculnlion | , 1 *
O. IJox , 488 Omaha. Nob.
BOTH polilionl parties are waiting uull
the cloudti mil by.
"KEEP cool" is the beet advice tha
can ba givuu dining thoao hoatcd dnyo o
political oKcitonioiit.
Tin : Inat election troubluis npttobrin
to the surface a now gouornlion of con
etitutional hwyorc.
; v in only seventeen and ono
, holf conta n gallon in Canada. What an
economical place it must bo to run n cam
paign. _
WK haven't hoard from Govorno
Diwos since election , Wo prcaumo ho i
engaged in writing hia thanksgiving proc
Tur "rolurns" nro BO far behind them
selves that it seoma impossible for any o
the canvassing boards to go behind them
oven if they should try.
E--K- prohibition editors are indulging
in numerous cocktails since election , and
even many journals of metropolitan "pro-
tensions are turned Into illustrated lion-
Jr Church IIowo had not gone to Tori-
neasce , and the money throvn away by
him on the solid south had boon expended
in Now York , the rofcult might have boon
THE democrats continuo to criticise
Mr. Blaine on account of that Now Vork
dinner. Perhaps if Mr. Blnino had taken
a glaos of beer and a ham aandwich at o
free lunch counter ho would havn I ad
moro democratic voteo.
Mu. BoYP"ln hia jubilco cpooch ,
dwelt at proat lonatU upon the miatakes
of Jam" G. Blaino. Mr. Boyd should
not /orget that even such a great atatoa-
.uan an Moacs trmdo a great many mis-
tako3 , if Pope Bob is to bo believed.
THE associated prooo has boon charged
with partiality in the present campaign ,
and ita methods have boon severely criti
cised , but it should not bo hold respon
sible for incendiary editorial articles pub
lished in the Chicago .Tribune and repro
duced in the Omaha Jlcpublican under
thij head of associated press dispatches.
DuniKa tluTpiflt yeav moro homeotond
claims have been tnkon up in Nebraska
than in any other atato. The state has
increased wonderfully In population dur
ing the past four yearn , having almost
doubled in that time , mid a largo portion
of this increase is made up of farmers.
At the ructnt oloctlon Nebraska c&at
about 135,000 votua , vfhioh Bhovre that
her population is nearly 800,000.
Tm ; changes made in the stroota by the
laying of pavements havu left the eiilo.
walks in many plncaa in a very bad con
dition , and as a consequmico acoidonts to
persons arc continually happening. An
inspection of the sidewalks ia needed and
n detailed report of their condition
[ should bo made to the council , mid cvoiy
defective walk nhould then be immedi
ately repaired. Another thing tbul
ahould bo done is to fence in dangerous
places thut have boon caused by tbo
grading of streets , otlu > rv > iau there is
great liability of loss of limb , lifo and
TJII : board of education baa decided to
ro-oton its night echools , which were so
ducccoeful lost winter. Tlieso schooli
afford a good opportunity togotanoduca
tion for thoao parsons whoso time is t&kon
up during the day so that they canno
attend the regular schools. They are in
tended moro oapociclly for thoao whosi
education has boon neglected owiuito
circumstances over which they had no
control , and for thoao who have boei
been obliged to labor from childhood
The attendance , therefore , is largely
made up of elder persons , who othorwieu
would ( not have the opportunity of roenta
Now that the people have voted t
grant a franchise to the cable rmlroat
the city council should insist that tin
ordinance granting the charter shall con
tain a clause compelling the building and
operation of a certain portion of the road
not Jess than half a inilu , within a cer
tain period , otherwise the charter to bo
uull and void. It will not do to Issue
charter for epeculalivo purposes lo some
monopoly that will barter it away with
out iavosting a dollar. Wo have en-
toaraficd Iho enterprise an a public improvement
provoment , but wo do itiaitt that tliero
* lm1l bo a limit of time aa to when the
vrork shall bo begun , and n distinct
statement a to how much of Iho road
* tul ! bo built and operated buforo the
charter btcomes fully valid and the j
proper'j ' > of tbo ctnipsuy.
Under Iho constitution the proaidmil
of the United States ia chosen by the
electors rppoinlcd by the various states ,
each state having ono elector for cncl
member of the honao of representative ! !
and ono for each senator. The coiislilu
t tonal provlson regulating president ! !
elections is contained in the twolftl
amendment of the constitution , \vhicl
rrnda asfollowa :
The electors nhall mcot in their respective
ivo states nnd vote by ballot for presiden
and vice president , ono f whom , a
least , shall not ba an Inhabitant of tin
satno stale with thomoolvcs ; they aha !
laino on the ballots the person voted fo
ao president , nnd on distinct , ha'lotfj tin
irraon voted for as vice president , ant
.hoy nhall make distinct lists of nil per
sons voted for aH president , and of the
number cf voloi for ouch , which llstn
they alnll sign nnd certify , and transmit ,
sealed , to vho neat of government of tin
United States , dirtcted to the prosidom
of the senate. The president of the senate
ate Hhall , in the preuoncn of the senate
and houBO of representatives , open all the
certificates , nnd the votes shall then bo
counted ; the person having the grcates
number of votes for president nhall bo
president , if such number be n majoritj
ot the number of electors nppo'nlod ; anc
if no person have sush majority ,
then from the persona having the
highest numbers , not exceeding three ,
on the list uf thoao voted for ud preol
dent , the house of representatives ohal
cheese iinmodialoly , by ballot , the presi
dent. But in choosing the president ,
the votes nhall bo taken by states , Iho re
presentation from each atato having out
vote ; n quorum for this purpose nhall
consist of a member or members from
two-thirds of the states , and n majority
of all the states shall bo necessary to n
choice. And if tiio house of roprcaonta
lives shall not choofo n preaidont , whenever
over the choice shall devolve upon them ,
before the first day of March next fol
lowing , then the vicu-prosidont shall act
as president as in the casp ot death or
other constitutional disability of the pres
ident. The poraon having the greatest
number of votes as vico-proaidont shall
bo the vico-prcaidcnt , if such number bo
a majority of the whole number of
election opponents ; nnd if no
person have n majority , then Irom thu
; wo highest numbora on ho Hat the
aonato shall chooao the vice-president ;
a quorum for the purpose shall consist of
.wo-thirda of the whole number of sen
ators , nnd n majority of the whole num-
> or shall bo necessary to choice. Put no
person constitutionally inollglblo to tno
oflico of president shall bo eligible to
that of vice-president of the United
The electors are required by law to
moot in the capitals of their respective
states on the first Wednesday in Decora-
bor , which is juat three wooka from to
day , and eohgrow canvaaaos the returns
on the second Wednesday in February.
If thp cnnvasa in Now York should not
b' entirely completed by the first
Wednesday In December , whicn , comes
on the 3d ot that month , the olcctorn of
York will bo unable to caat their
votes aa required by the constitution nnd
the law passed In accordance therewith.
In that case another question would per
haps come up , which has never before aris
en in any electoral contest during the ex-
istoncoof the republic. Mark the laugusgo
of the constitution , which says : "Tho
person having the greatest number of
votes for president ahull bo president , if
such , a number bo n majority of the whole
number cf electors appointed. " Novr ,
suppose that Now York has not appointed
such electors for the reason that the
board has not boon nblo to ollicially decide -
cido who are entitled to act aa such elect
ors. What interpretation would congress
give to this part of the constitution ?
Would it require a majority of nil Iho
electors to every stnto in the union ia en
titled , or simply a majority of all the
electors actually appointed , and who have
cost their votoa for president in
their respective otatoa ? In the ono
case the house of representatives
would elect the president nnd the
senate would elect the vice president.
But if the interpretation should bo that
the failure of the state of Now York to
appoint ita electors would exclude that
etato from the r.ggrcgato of electoral
votes and therefore u majority of the
other states should be sufficient to elect
n president , then the democratic candi
dates , Cleveland nud Ilondrioxs , would
bo otcctid by ono majority , aa follows :
California 8 Alabama 10
Colorado ' 1 ! Arkansas 7
Illinois li ! ; Connecticut I )
luwn lit Ut'lnwiiru I !
KiiiiMiH U Kloiiilu -1
.Miiiiui 0 ( Unrein lii
JMiuHitulmsuttx MIK diaiiii 15
Michigan IB Kentucky it
IMIiiiit'Hotiv 7 lout inna 8
Nebraska 5 Matylnml 8
Nu vin In il
. !
Ohio 211
Oitigon II North Carolina 11
Puniinylviuiin 110 South CArollua 1) )
Kliodo lulaml -1
Vermont ! IVxns Ki
WtBCOllMIl 11
\VoBt VirRinii.
Total 181 !
Total 183
Doubtful , NowYorlc , 80.
Whole imwbiir of vote * , 101.
Nocosary to oluct , " 01.
TiiEiti : are altogether too many persons
boarding in the county jail. They are
being fed at the expense of the county ,
when in fict they should ba tried and
sent to the penitentiary or sot at liberty
The last bill of the shoritt' for feeding
prisoners was over n thoucond dollars. It
occurs to us that Iho jiill is becoming a
little too much of u boarding houto. The
number of prisoners should bo reduced
us speedily as pieeiblo. It is not a place
for permanent prisoner * , but is intended
moro an u place of temporary detention.
If there are any boys in the jail that
are booked for the reform school
lot them bo tent tliero at once. If tliero
are any men thuro who nru convicted of
crime , they should immediately ba taken
to Iho penitentiary. A few days ago six
or seven prisonura were aonvlctod in the
district court , but they have not yet been
contunccd , Why are they not sentoncnd
at once and taken to 1/nojlii ? There is
no reason why they hould bj kept hero
for tno or throe weeks after conviction
to rim up u big board bill , If there ure
lunftl'cs in U.p jiil tlu-y rli'iill 1 > tx'
nminod nnd sent to the asylum. Thor
ought to bo a workhouse in connection
with the jsil where prisoners eont up
from Iho police court , or imprisoned f J
ofl'enccs under the at&to Inwo where the
penalty ia a term in j ll , could earn their
binrd by breaking stone , which could ba
used in macadamizing Iho county roads
Their labor would not come into coinpo
tilion with nny other class , and it woult
certainly bo n saving to the county. Tin
jail , na it ia now conducted , is nltogothe
too Inviting a winter resort for dead
The next senate of the United State
will bo republican by a small majority
At present the republicans have a mnjor
ity of four , and judging from the polit
ic l character of the legislatures whicl
olact senators next winter , this majorit ;
will bo Increased to eight. The twc
Virginia senators , Mnhono and Iliddlo
borgcr , who were elected as roadjuators
will probably continuo to act with the ro
publicans. The terms of Slater of Oregon
gen , Farley of California , Voorhoes o
Indiana , nnd Pondloton of Ohio , all dotn
crata , expire next March. Henry B
Payne has been elected to succeed Pen
dloton , which makes no change in th
senatorial representation of Ohio. It ivory i
very likely that Indiana will elect a democrat
ocrat as the successor of Voorhocs. In
Oregon the legislature ia republican
lican and Slater will bo sue
coodcd by n republican. In California
Farloy will probably stop down and ou
to make room for a republican. The republican
publican senators whoso terms oxpir ,
next March nro Morlll , of Vermont
Blair , of Now Hampshire ; PJntt , o
Connecticut ; Laphnm , of Now York
Cameron , of Pennsylvania ; Logan , of II
llnois ; Alliaon , of lown ; Cameron , o
Wisconsin ; Ingalls , of Kansas ; Hill , o
Colorado , and Jones , of Nevada. Vermont
mont has already re-elected Mr. Merrill
Now Hampshire , Connecticut , Now
York , Pennsylvania , loira , Wisconsin
Kansas and Colorado have chosen ropub
lean legislatures , thus insuring the ro
; nrn of republican senators in nlno oul
of the eleven states represented by ro-
mblicacK whoso term expires next spring.
Senator Jones will bo ro-olcctcd in Ne
vada. Illinois , however , is n doubtful
state on the senatorial question. It will
10 neon that the republicans will have a
safe majority in the aonato , and this will
certainly provo a safe-guard against any
dangerous or unwise legislation on the
> art cf the democratic houso.
While the political complexion
of the housu remains unchanged , the
lomocratic majority hna boon materially
educed. The house at present is com-
)03cd of I'.M ) democrats , lift republicans ,
> fusioniata , there being -wo vacancies ,
"ho vote on strict party questions has
) eon about 120 to 20 ! ! . In order to got
a republican majority it would require n
; ain "of over forty republicans. The
opublicana did not in this campaign
lave any expectations of doing this , but
hey made a big stop in that direction ,
laving made so far aa ia ascertained a
not gain of twenty-five. If the ropub-
leans contiuuo to reduce the democratic
najority at this rate it is almost safe to
irodict that in the fiftieth congroaa the
IOUSQ will bo republican. It ia figured
out that in the next congress the demo-
rats will have only a majority of a little
over thirty on a strict party voto. \ \ ith
his reduced majority the democrats will
irobably bo very careful to pursue a con-
orvatlvo policy.
NOTWITHHTNDINO the gonorojly ac-
opted fact that the vote cut at a prosi-
lonti&l election taken as evidence of the
mpulatlon of a city , the St , Paul J'ionccr
"res * maintains tlmt it cannot apply to
ho cities of St. Paul and Minneapolis in
ho election , when St. Paul cast
about 10,000 votes and Minneapolis
about 20,000. It chims that the same
ouditiona did not exist in the two citin" ,
> ecauao in Minneapolis the exciting con
gressional contest drew out a much larger
vote thim would otherwise have boon cast
while nt St. Paul there was no such nx-
citomont to attract votoa to the polls
Josldea in Minneapolis there were twon-
y-oight conviont polling places , and n
very full registration , while in St , Paul
there were only nineteen polling places ,
poorly located , and the registration Hit
was very defective.
Tin : district court ought to give the in
dieted councilmen a speedy trial , no
mutter what may be done with ox-Mayor
Chase. Wo have an acting mayor in
place of Col. Chase , but vo cinnot supply
the places of the councilmcn. Tliero are
now ouly nine members of the council in-
atcad of twelve , which leaves city matters
in u very unsettled condition. There
is a great deal of committee work ,
especially in the committee of streets and
gradco , that ought to bo done , but wliioh
ia now moro or less rutnrdod.
LouKwooi ) is now known to
liuvo received at least two votes for presi
dent ono at White Ilivor Junction ,
Vermont , and the other at Vinconnea ,
Indiana. The vote at Yincunncs was
cast by n Indy and was received and
counted by the board. This ia probably
thu first vote over cast by a woman for
preaidont. This ought to bo regarded as
a gloriouu victory for womnna sutlrngp ,
nud the event ought to ba celebrated in a
becoming manner.
TUB Dta Moineii Jwmmlof Commcrct
givoa the following aenaiblo ndvica to the
republicans :
K cp cool. If Cloviilaml la elected ,
remember wo had n Buchanan and an
Andy Johnron. Such men are necoteary.
\\'o noi'd punithment and instruction.
KxporioDca i J a dear school but fools will
learn in no other.
TJIUKIS ate n great many contingencies
liable to .m'tu in '
our iloo'.innt , now that
the two great parties are so equally divid-
od.which will attract mro attention than
n contingent congressman.
Am wp a nation of horn UowMsl Wo arc
St. John was waihml out to tea , by tin
How the lion .InyOmild did hurry in on
of tbn wet.
How'rickinnd ' Logan lo\oosch other BOW
like tival cats.
Think honxon Wro lo how no more of th
Mulligan Idiom.
The country h nil riirht. It is the politi
clans who ntu wronp ,
AdUco to political agriculturist * : If yoi
want a good paying crop plnnt Mugwump * .
Tlio country will bo lobered up in n f o\
days. It has been on ft wild political spree.
It wnsnbtg drop frnm 102,000 to 1,200 ii
Now York State , but it seems satisfactory *
the democrats.
Sunipt Cox gnc * back to congm * . This
what Mr. Cox gets for keeping quiet during
the campaign ,
It ecomn tlmt ( Grant didn't tak
enough intercut In tbo election of lllain ? t
cither register or vote.
It is bolicvod that David Da\i , of Bloom
Ington , will become an independent candldnt
for United States senator.
Mnrk the man who talks with his mout !
laboiit goio nnd ravolution. Vivo tlmos out o
ej J ho Is either a coward or aa idiot.
' ? Jay OouM has become a trillo too powcrfii
WL'on the country Is coiniollcd ] to await hi
ilfebtston ni to the result of n presidential con
Not n word from Dakotnl Wo begin t
Biiipcct thntOov , 1'iercols holding back th
retnrai until bo know * just how big a major ;
ty Is needed to save the country.
Koran of Ohio , was for
cooper. Ho is thoroughj !
harrcHofnllsortisnud know
how to."W-hopi ) > 'em up" for the boys.
The nhrcwmnp is coon In every quarter oj
the NorthH liBhis hnbitnt is Mastiachusetls
ConuoctioutrAfwl Now York , When a magnetic
notic ( xudnalgn la afoot he appears to tb
greatest .advantage.
The nblo democratic gentlemen who holi
Ohio down in October KUCIII to hnvo lot it "o
away from them In November. That state i
doubtful in presidential years about the Ham
way Kentucky is.
John Kelley ayn M yor-Klcct ( I race , o
Now York , cannot take his snat because ho i
not an American citizen. Wo should nil b
perfectly happy now if John Kclloy , who Is
wo belie o , an American citizen , would tak
his seat.
Jtov. Hcochcr doea not want any office , bu
ho ia still of opinion that when he meets Joy
of Mid igan , nt the throne on high there wfl
bo a scrapping match. The democrats couh
not have won if they had n t had somebod ;
on their tide who could chaao the republican
to the court of last resort.
Wo fcol terribly distressed nbout K. O
Herr , who hna just bean defeated for con
Egress in the Kighth Michigan district. Still
wo have reason to believe that , with prope
encouragement , ho will bo of usefulness to
the world us foreman of one of the Saginav
saw-mills. ,
Kov , Dr. liurchanl' says ho meant no die
espect to the .lloniau Catholic church when
10 denounced the democratic party as "tin
mtly of mm , Romanism , and rebellion. '
Tjfun , of course , ha meant ro disrespect to
ruin" or "rabellion. " What d ! d Dr. ] Ju ch-
nrd mean ?
Hiatorlc Close Voles.
jhicago Inter Ocean.
The democrats are having a great jam
> oieo over Now York , an though the fact
of close vote worn an extrairdinary
mcnomonon and meant all eorU of tio-
uus and extreme conaequoncca. Close
'utea nro nothing now in this country.
Mr. Ilondricks , who ia 0:10 of the loud-
jot ahoutera in the present instance ,
cnows that well gnounjl. Or if ha does
lot , ho need go no further than to the
gubernatorial vote of Indiana in 1872 in
order to refresh hia memory. Ho was
elected governor of Indiana that year by
a plurality of only 1,148 votes , and yet
ha Capitol waa not overturned , nor did
ho heavens fall.
Aa early as 1824 , in the contest between
Adams and Jackson , there waa a diiTor-
nco of only lO'.LJa ' Iaryland's vote on
hoeo two candidates , in favor of Adams ,
Hit it did not occur to Old Hickory to
ticlto his minority to sack the cities and
.car . up the soil of Maryland. Four years
ator that state voted on these samn can-
( dates , and though there were nearly
° 5,000 additional votes divided batvroen
hem , Adams still led by 1,181. In 1832 ,
when Clay nnd Jackson were
andidatea , Delaware gave Clay but ICG
nero votes than Jackson got , and in
Maryland there was an actual diil'jrenco
f ouly four votes , Clay getting 19,1GO
nd Jackson 19,150.
This ia a healthful precedent for Mr.
londricka tn look to , remembering that
lis party prototype did not therefore do-
land the execution cf the Maryland
ribunal. The vote in Now Joraoy that
ear atood. Clay , 23,092 ; Jackson , 2U-
S5G , a trilling , jut all important , difbr-
ncu of 404 votes. In 1830 , when liar-
ison nnd Vim Buruu were thu petitioners
f null'rayo , there wna n different in Con-
loctictit of only 708 votes , in Ljuijiiuia
if 270 , in Mississippi of 201 , and In Now
fcrsi-y of 615.
In 1810 , when Ilorrlaon ran against
Van Baron , tliero was n difference in the
vote in Maine of only 411 , in Michigan
of 1,835 , In Pennsylvania of 1,315 , in
iotnl vote of 287,097 , and in Virginia ol
1,392 Between Cloy and Pols in 1844
: hero wcro dlilaroncos in Louisiumi of
701 votce , in New Jeraoy 823 , nnd in
Tonnecsco , Polk's homi > , Olny led him b }
just 113 votes. In 1818 , batweon Tuy
lor and C.iss , the dill'jrencft botwotin
votes for thu two was , in Alubtnia , 1)81 ) ,
In Delaware 523 , in Iowa 1,009 , in Mia-
slsslppi 015 , and in Virginia 1,402.
The race of Pierce ngiinst Scott in
1852 was correspondingly oloto in some
Stiles , the advantage being in Delaw
only 25 votes , in Louisiana 1,392 , in
North Carolina 080 and in Tennessee
1,880. In the memorable and romarkn-
bio contest of 1800 Lincoln only had 057
votes the hotter of Douglass in Califor
nla. In 1801 McOlollan got only 012
moro votoa than Lincoln in Delaware.
In California in 1808 Grant received bul
" > OG moro votes than Seymour , and in
Oregon but 101 majority. In 1872 again
between Gruoloy and Grant , Delaware
bold her party votoa within 909 of each
Ills ItexponslpllU } ' ,
licpnbllotn ,
If Graver Cleveland is elected prcsi
dent ho is elected to a burden of respon
libility greater than any president has
berne since Lincoln. IIo has been chosen
as the tirst distinct representative of th
principle of reform of the civil service1 ,
ind at the eiimo time as the represent.-
live of a party which has been out oi
lower for a quarter of a century. Thu
few thousands scattered through various
itatos whovo conscientious change of al-
pgitinco from the republican party in
jplmlf of the whole country hna eilocted
lia elevation have thus placed him under
hu heaviest bonds to stand an a bulwark
'or honesty nud against imrtisinship in
ho ollicbl eorvlca of the United .Stuluu.
Jo will be us'jailod by aimics of huu : y
cllico-scokeiB from all ] > artn cf the
country ; this faction and that fan-
ion uf democratic _ politieinna will
ireeont their "cluiuia" upon him.
nd ho will luvo to 4wlthgtHiid them nil
wj'h ' c-.ol ten'pT , a cljar ho d .tn'l
unbending will. It was not for nothing
that Cleveland was given that big neck
that Ins been the subject of so many
potty jeers With a good working brain
above it is a posseoaion of inestimable
value , as h'8 short but potent career has
shown. Just the vital quality nnd wil
power that his physical make up indicates
are what the first democratic president to
tnko the oath of oflico einco the war
needs. It is hii work to show the coun
try what lie hua BO ably and rcpeatrdly
proclaimed as hia cardinal belief , that
"public office ia a public truat. " Ho
knows thoroughly what that means ; it is
the root and stem of his rapid advance
meiit ; nnd it lioj with him to make it so
strong in the nation that the old order of
spoils shall utterly pass away.
Several tralnload * of cannon ami mu
nitions of war have boon dispatched tc
Hamburg for shipment to the Germai
stations in West Africa. The govern'
in not has ordered a series of uiuill forta
to bo built thoro.
A AVtltl , ItnrnltiK llch , tht Qtrllics
AVitlia Tlioiismul Klf
EDITOR At/rooMlV , Cut. . I wish to tny '
tlilnjf inpraUu ixl valuable iinllclno , Uutlcurn ,
which I inwnd'crtlfod toyourptpir. 1 Imo hail
thit old Icpronv.of nhlch > ou read In tbo lllbli > , nlieo (
tbo Jcwj llftt K"t It tuiiojc them , nnd did not know
how to euro t. It hns mnnv othir ( iiRllsh nimce. I
hatohadlt on my body for o > er klxty Jcirs. N'o
doctor c itilil tcllmawbat ItwM.and pruhabl > Incvcr
unuld ha o Lnunn , had I not seen the ailmil'ctccnt
In jour \alnablorancr. 1'lrtt It la a ical ) tffertlon
of thOBXIn ; nt\t It 1 iaka like barnacles on acmtl's
bottom , tr an ol il ' g that htx laid In the \\atcr for
a loni ; time , inil just the fame In tny fcit , Hic' , atl
clbawj , n.d by t'aklnir n tnkroscoinitnd Iciotlnir at
mo It looks worse. lu other words , wo will tall It
lichlhj.HW , or lUli skin ; then coma on what I call
the wild burnliiif Itch , Hint will sitlka ) oulth a
thouiiuid clcctilc Itchy ticcilke. J u
r ou then hate to run out Into the open nlr to get
cllctcil , Why.Ills dreadful , nnd hating BO iiany
cmlrcnt doUoia audncno knotting what to do for
you , liut 1 lime found the loft treasure at last. It
did not tnko two nsoonfullsotthoCtitlcurallreoltcnt
bcloto It tuok burning Itch hy Iho throat nnd
hid them to hold off. and it Is oil 11 } llesh In be com
lag kofter , my hair I ) becoming sofl ml tllky , and I
tbon got to mini ; external appllcJltons Cullcura
Soap and anoint Ibcptrli with Cullcura. If Iho
thiuiamlit knew the goodness cf cf thh medicine ai
I do , they would Lot be ticnlr-fonr hours without
21. It Ii not only mlajtod to myj case , but to nil
others , and II any ono diabetic * oa tills lot hltn slop
next door to the L' > gan Ilouao hole , take my nlcrog
cone and 830 for Irniitlf.
Jrssph W. Rlloy.
IIollIdBjsbuTB , Pa. , Kov. 12.1S84.
And Iniriiln sUn diseases Instantly rillcxrd hy a
narmhath , v. 1 h lutlcura honi ) nnd n slnile ; "ap-
pllolloii i f rutlctirn , Iho gnat Skin Cure. This
repelled iblly wllh two or Ihrco dcvcs of Cnll-
cum llcsohcnt , the New Btocd rurllltr , to keep
the blood cool , Iho perspiration jiurc atil untrrllal
inn , the bowels open , the liver tny Kidneys act \c ,
will pjenlll | } c.iro Kczema , Tetter , Hin uorm , I'uo-
riasla , l.lchon , I'/inluw Scala Head , ImndrulT nml
e\er > species of It-hin" . Snly and I'linply llunnrs
oftho.Scnlp nnd Skin , \\hrnthobcst phyalciaiH and
allIIT.VIIroniG.llcifill. 8oU evorywnere. t'utlcura ,
LO knt , Soap25 ounU ; Itcsohcnt , $1.
Potter Drug and Chornical Co , Boston.
VnnlllnT.eninnOrnnee , clc.nnvor Cnlcei ,
rcMin.l > dellcntelyundnrit-
ritlly in the IVult rruinxihlcli tbey lire made.
Price Baking : Powder Co. ,
Chicago , III. St. Loula , Mo.
Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder
- NO
Dr. Price's Liiinilin Yeast Gems ,
licit Dry IIn | > Vcn.t.
VI ) E.OAH Kor.av.
Ai ( C'"ItV ' TO I-OAN In sums of { "KOaii'J upwards.
> > ! O. P. laxlj ard Co. , Kcul K tala nud Loan
Agnts , It05 rarramSl. 33 If
X.IUNKY loaned on ciiatto ! ' . lUIIroad TIckotM
lYJL bought ud hold , A. Foreman , 213 8. I3th
7 < 8tl
OVfAHA Financial Kxthantre , larro osreull loam
mule on uppriivtKl Bueuntv Clllco liuurb U t > S
week il-i > ' , 10 tolSuinU , . 1IOIJ FJIIUIU sirttt
lil to tiec. Z
\17"ANTBO Iinraiillatelyaflrtt-claw noiiun cool
V nzoCap'.lolavo. 'J71-12p
. , Mrs.V. . V
M. > rc , corner lUih nnJC'.pitiil ave. iS3 1.
. - U-indre < i and n Ublu waiter at the
WAMV.D-A ' Hoiiao , co.-cer lull Mhl IJtm as hi ,
Mi Up
" \ \7ANTKD Flllain men t llnlln'j Initallment
Hloro , on J76 per nioulh. 270 lip
WAXT D-A fleet and iceond girl at 1721 Uouif.
Us. 2EO-ltp
TV'ANTKH AfOPdyounir man for general olllee
IT wnrk , mi ; < ! iiabouttftOjier uiontli , must Ime
eooilielerunce. The H.untAlok llilko lljllcndor Co ,
609 S , 10th St. , City. 'J72-13
'AKTKU AcoodcooVw . .man orulrl at T O.
Miluii'd ri-ntaiirant , 2'JJ north 10th St. 213-llp
7ANT1 D An enterpr'tlni ; m i lo Introduce a
TT Uhoreatlreiiatent In Neb. tiolld In otery
famll ) , llheril commtailon audcxclus'vn right ghtn ,
Tlicioumoiiay In this. C , K. Lautell. tax 3 > .1i ) di > u
Utah. ttt-llp
\\7ANTBU A man and Mile ID do dining room
TT wrrxmul imutodo w < .rk tround the houto
Aprlyat Oi : II ugUi struct. 2M-lf )
comint'nt mid tellable printer Ii wantrr at the
A G'hromclnollice , Kuimon , Iowa , 214 15n
" 1 \7ANTEI ) > gOit ! to rauvasi theeltvfnrchroiron
tiacll onwfoilj lajmmtB. Jl. K. .M..tln.
South 1Mb. 217 If
\ \ 7ANTHDViuan railry nook. C. Uanbauru'v
T T Uosta r lU , 1M8 IJO.Uc Br , 249-12
\\TANTKD Agoo.1 03ukrclcten roiulred. Ap-
nl ) luMra. f. S. Phlllpj , 2210 Uodfj St.2J&K
-\\TANVEI > A KOIK ! ncrrpulcnt ulrl for giniral
hoj o woik 2iU poujflis bl , "I1. K " tro-U
-Tnii.eglrIiattheHU\i.n Houn i
\ \
UUiMrt'cl V10-
"l l/ANTBH - \ | jlrl ( > rgciiornl h iiupwork In af m.
TT iyuf : Ibivv. App'i at Or. Aru-ntionj ; ' , 1 M
S lilhntNit ' /C7 11
\T 7ANTKD-To buj a c'ty lot to b p UI la weekly
oruioiitlJy huUlliu uM. AdJrc "lI. II. " Dta
S t it
" \\'rA'NTKI > A good Rlrl , 1621 Capitol avenue.
WAN IKU * * * barber , lot ) a , lath emeu
" \\TANTUD A girl for general housework at 18c :
T > rarn m street Muit bo n good coo't and
l undrew. Heltrenreilequlrcil. l 7-tf
lTANTr.n-TalIori > . nrit-clwi rilling n
V Ullora at 82112th St. 633 1m
\\7ANTK1 > Agtnlii for tno iimii * H n In-iir.n
> T Co. Addrcsu the Company at.Stu.irt Neb
\Tl7'A < iTKD Lndlesorirentlomen Indty orcountr }
it totakonlco , Unlit urn ] ulewxnt work At thel
own homM , { 2 to { 6 a J\y oftnlly Mid quietly niA'lc
work sent by u all : no cama stiiff ; no s'.ftinp for rcrl
rietteo ddrc6iiIlclhbIlIftnTsCo ) , rhliadchihlt , r
CUM 01
01 cuuntty , to Uko nl.'o. Mzbt and nloatan
workatlhclr ownhomosj 81 teA ] > cr day oislly am
qtilctl } iimiiejwopk tontliy null : no cAimsslnr ; no
ttnicp for roplv. r.'oAie ftUtcUellalila ItnuIV Co.
rhUaclflphU , ( ' * . ( OS-ID
Vy/ANTKO-SKuatlsn lij a ( lonnin jourjj laly Ii
Vt jiilvntc Ir.nil ! ; to do general lieu n wctk.Va
gc not a much an object AS n good It ino u hero ch
cwi learn tlio Hugiijh UnKUnBe. Addles ] " \ . X. X
Ilco oince. 23112j
\\TANTH-llvft youiii lady , n Iioclllon to d
T > | ililnco liiri-d | "Kilt lieu e work. Ilcnt cltj
rctaicnccsghcii. Ho im4Crounro Block. f4S-lli
\ \ auux mirtloil nutn w uts rltuattan o m
2\ . keeper , In whokn'.o cstabllehiiicnt la Omalu
Addrtcn "C. " mro Boo. 070-tl
_ A Brcmd hand 'f < l III lo-dnrdcr , No
TV 0 or 8. Anrly lo Julius IVpperbcrg 07 N Ifth
SI , Ornah. . 275-17 ]
"Vl/ANTKD Three or four gentlemen I > occiipj a
TT suit of rooms nt the north wittcorntr 1 Ittl
nnd Cass , well furnished. 573 11
l IfANTKP-A few table boanlvii nt 1720 Oass St
" \ \ ANTEU A few more tiblo bmrdcrjatOiSN' ,
ii ICth s root. Tivo shewing rooms for ru t ti
gentlemen. 100-tf
Uuslnoss. An nctho nn-rchunt of
thorough hutlnnss education nnd habits o-n
tumplatlng a chanso January lit. 1885vlhes to pur
chase an intercut Ia a well established mcriantho or
manufacturing business , would buy out a email bus-
nesshas 810000 cashcan , furnish references ofn bljh
orldcr and would expcctBomi ) . To BCCUIO reply , nil-
droas glIng full nnmo and particular , "Merchant'
care lice otttco. EoO-Ot lowkp
WANTED 82,000 on flret-clftq ] city eocnrlty.tor G
years , it B per cent. Address Vex (20 Pot-
ton. uiJMT-Bonaaa tnu Lota.
TJiOIl IlKNT Three un'urnUhcd rooms 10th street ,
i1 fifth house north St. Mary'aaatercon > enlcut
C.V , Nelson. 2'0-i2p
7IOH ItENT Two furnished roon-s26th St- , fifth
' homo north St. Maiy's a\c. Water convenient.
O. F. Nclion. JC:2p :
1OH KENT Hooms at 1013 Harnoy St. N W.
Mcrrl'l. ' 2 l-13p
, < OH BUNT Two unfurnished rooms 1015Chicago ,
F 235-12p
" , (01 ( KENT House with four rooma. Inqulto S.
I 1 W. corner 24th nnd Chicago St. ! OM3p
OH WENT FurnlsheJ room at J3SO Capitol avc.
TTTOH HUNT Nlco cottage en 12lh. between
L1 Pacillo and Pierce , ? 10 per month.V. . V. Motsj
&Co. U4-17
FOH HENT-4 1 etory and lascment , brick store
on Jones Sticet , near ISth , t25 per month W ,
V. Morses Co. 35 17
I1ENT-3 furn'stied ' rooms with board i block
from P. 0. atUlg Dcdgo liS8-lCp
FdHHHNT Ncwhfu o3roorr.B , closets nnd cel
lar corner Walnutnid-ith St. Inquire olAug.
Handow , 1317 Chicago Ht. 282-12p
ClIl KENT 8 rooms und furniture for sale. Splrn-
I ' ilu t'jnnco lor a drcm maker , 305 NoithKlh bt.
FOK lliNT : A tin room cot'nge , gocd lot , * ith
Iarn , on 1'icllic street , near lllli etio3t In
quire cf C. 1' . Goodman. 220-11
IlKNT Furniuhtd front room nnd one Lack
Full 1711 California St. 279 21p
lttJT--T o u ell furtiisl'cd rooms nt the N.
FOH . ccruerof 11th and Cue for three cr four eon-
llemtn. 26711
HENT 1 houses 88 60 lo * 30 per monlh.
POIl , agent Iflth nnd Dcug'as streets. 258-lf
IUNT Small cottage , three rocms south 23d
street. Inquire J7C9 Jackson ttrect. KBl Up
HENT An elegant suilo of rooirs wllh hith
1 room , furnished or unfurnished or single room" ,
alio burn and canlago , house al 007 S 2clhSi.
F OH HENT Pleasant furnlehcd room.OO N. 17th.
rOH niNT-A : deslrnrilo furciehed room 710 inth
btrei.trcir Webflerttreit. 242 Up
Lf OH HKNT A furnished room at 1318 JncNoon SI.
I ? S.41-lBp
Two elegant rocms In suilo with mod-
' n Improvements. Inquire on upper floor.
Brunncr's blojk , S. W cor 10thand Dodto. He'cr-
ciicca required. 076 I''p
IjvOJl HKN1 Furi.lehcd room 010 Pacific street.
U 211-1In
NT Two furnished rooms with HI without
board N. K. corner 28d nnd Davenport. ] S5-12p
Rl'NI' A ttoro nnd five rcoma o > er htoro on
FOH and Nicho'as ttrtels , ncarOll Woilb f.
FOH HINT Furnished roon.8 1810 Dixlgo Strcot.
FOHHENT OH S\LK A nvoroom hou-eNo.2317
PifrieBlrctt. Aiply li Mr * S. 0. btcvfii'on ,
015 Casjnlnct. LSJ--f
OHHKNT-A furnished room. Inquire nt 1012
1 Farnom St. 231) ) If
FOIt Hi.VT New dvve'lieg cf ten ronni- . All
modern IrnprovemcnsJ. oituited nt 8 W. cor
lardoy nnd 2 < ith street. See liallcu tro'sor . ( amis
"ITlOH HENT Nicely furnllhed room ( or ono or two
.I.1 gentlemen , S. K , corner -utli und Dirciipoit.
' . I'KNT-In HhiPD'M 3d addition , nice south
FOI' v.vt cornrr lot withd room hi.usu ? 'B ' , pur
iionth. Pollcr It Cobb , 1615 farnam SI. lit it
< OIl RENT A hou'eaud birn with tlireo ccieaot
I7 1 K round Inquire of Eu.'euoO'Well , corner llth
and Dorcis. 102 If
FOH RENT Fiirnl' lied room and board ? S 03 per
week. Very beat location , 1811 Uavcnpoit.
FOH HKNT Two rooms lurnUhe 1 for light home-
keeping. P. W. cor 8th and Howaid 170 If
Kurnlahed nnd uniunil < heii room *
IpOllllKXP ' , modern con\euleiiceshomo coinlnits
1SCO Farnain , block above new Couit homo. 032-If
HKNI Hooin comer of 17h tml Oraco Sto.
FOH . If
Foil ( RENT The corner Btera 10th iiud Leaven-
woilh. Apply O. II. Pelcruon. 103 If
> OH ItKNI Laigo furnltbed front loom , uultalilo
1 for one or two gentlemen ; 1710 Chicago St. 002-tt
friOR RENT Cottage of five rooms , dei'raMe ' lo *
1 cation , 0. K. David & Co , IOCS
HKNT One unfurnished room for hotue-
FOH . Ueenier'd blook , cor.fcth and Howard.
FOH UKNT-Hrst-claM thieo ilory brick , metal
roof , warehouse , hjdruullo iltvator , concrete
nmrufiitr. Itaiiroad track to door. Barker b Majn ? ,
Sthai.d Faruim. O.6-tI
FOR RENT A new store room and olllctuun.stairs
on January lei , 16S5 , tn 13th between Willi.ucH
anil Hickory Inquire at f. J. Knsper. OlG-tf
R'OU RUNT Pleasant furninhul loom S. E. ro
Hth undllouaid trtw. f03-tl
FOR RKNT-hloxanllv furuUhcd frnnt room eail toulh cxoosure , OJnv i nloncen. 8. W
ourncr 17thnil Cass tei If
JjlOR HE.V1 Thirteen revvdwtlllugii b > C. T Tay-
1 Icr , corner Uth and Uw lan. h4-tf
Fort KKKr Huute 7 room ? ifOfHl la llly by a T.
Tajl r , a ruir 14lh and Donn-ln. D .t
IOR HKNT OH SALK-A house of fi roonu
1 > mltvli waltr , lotBwllh birn 21x38. It-lit ftG.
n'l tuontu , luiiulto uortli-cajt coiner iOtli and
iuco fct , 773-ti
710R HOJT Toor Ibrotflrcnt room furr.nbsd
1 to Mid wlli > , 115 CV.lfomla St.
- . orwlnicf Apriy
ROOMS-WithbMrd.dMrabe , 7 r'-tt
nrOR HF.NT Very doslra'jlo furnished ro > tr on-
P trallrloonted. Apply ai Atkinson' * u > i Itiiry
torc , ItthSt. ' < "
IIURRAT hM gocd posturing. Epr'.ng wttti.
I/OH HUNT Uottavu of are rooms. J. l'hl [ > p Hcc
I1 Itt2 f Uth Bth Birr ot. tX >
poll RENT aullecf rooini and bond 1912 Dmtsco
I 1
T0n RHKT A furnlfhod oem UOO Farnam ft ,
FOR KENT Oac ( fr id aqturs pi na Inqult *
olFMhnlra tnd Erlckflon. 440 U
cOR SA1.B.
OH S VU-Tho : bo t busing lot at thr Stock
j arm South Ounht , 00x163. Will bi > north
ilouli'c the prlco askol now ln l Ic 12 month * Apply
nt ollice Now York lr ) } Ooods Jtcro , 13101'ormm.
SAI-K Ort TH1)K ) Ino billiard and to pool
no73 ! 1'aclllo St. ' .71-21p
OH SI.i-A ; ( rood family liorso nt 1013 Ihrncj
St. N.M. Moirlll.
> /It SMK Thofurnl'uroof ' four riom Inonwof
1 thaimntilDtlraMelnntlnni in tli9ilt\ . Unit
rcaionablo. Aitdrets ' 'W' . " IJco office. SOli-ISp
rnll s l.i : S3V03 wlllliuy agoo < l mare ,
JL1 and hirncsj , lf07N. lOthit. 252-llp.
1/U/Il PAI.ff A ho-Jsc und j lot on eouh : uhl 11'lcrcc I
11trcot and 23J. See the owner at the hou o altir .
:30 : p. in. V54 ISp
J7M1H SALK A property Investment of 11.0 < Asb ,
111 pa > $2fl per month interest. 1'rlnrlua' well
: curcd. In uLu Oinalu F uncial Euo'iatiije ,
5C3 Farnain. 2t7-l.rji
"C OR S4LE OU UKNT A LvllcV noanllnic.lloute ,
-T In peed locality. Address Mrs "K. II. " Dee oHIoe.
| 7 OK SAT.K-Chcap , roitaurant hist ID
1 oily. Address "L. " Uca otllco. 152-12p
FOUSAU : ClUUr-Pnny , cart and harnos * om -
| .lcto. AOdregj box 033 pcctolllce. 214-llji
J UUS.VLK A Hnu driving hotio biiBV | nml
' harness. HcloneB to an citato lluit bo Bold.
Irqiitre nt McShino's Uo'lso Street barn , or of tllinc-
InuRh Ii Talor. 213-14
iOK 8AI.K 180ncroj ol tnoery boit rf Uiid
. near O'Connor , In firooly county , 60 a"rcs under
ciillltatlon. A houseout housce , well , fruit trees
and nice ori\c. A great birgAlnonly $10'per acre
\Ullfloll lhofumfarmli : > ( ; implements , stock and
lurnltura for 82,000. YTouM tike city propel ty for
$1,003 nnd Sl.SOJ inab. Address U. P. II. Ileo ( .tlicc.
FOH SALE Krcsh mllcb cows at my yard on S8th.
aiu' Uurt streets near Iilcy ! A ; Oljcn's Brick rurd
J. W. 1 enny. 182-lSp
FS SftOOO slock of dry goods notions , un-
Icrwcar. furnishing goods , linens , ladles' Hosiery
KC. Mcoclo unlock , and take property and eoinu
ca h. darrabraut & Cole , 1208 Douilai St , 147-llp
fjlOll SALE OUEXCHANQK-For horses or good
V mules , ft $2 000 Block of goods , consisting of
clothing , hats , caps , bools nnd shoos , and gents'
underwear. Will lake some horses In pait paj merit ,
part on four months' time , balance cash. Address
"W. J. 13. " Lock Box 21 , Onana , Iowa. 018-11
TJESlAUKANTFOllSALK-Oneof the best res-
JLV tauranlA and bakery o > mbincd In Nebraska with
good location and trade establlshe t In city of 6000
population. Only first-clans restaurant In the place
and doing moro In b ikcry line than all others In city
combined. Ice cream parlor in season. O\en < > , itu
hou cs and oierv thing complete. Will sell furnished
nnd lea ; oeter } thing. Will Boll nt a rargaln and to
right man wilh small cash payment nnd balance ) on
long limo. so purchaser can make It pay for Itself.
W. S. W1SU , I'lattsmouth , Neb. 817-u 2i
TpOH SAIn l'our 18 foot , walnut counternand SO
Ju feet of first class shch ing , dcslrah'o foi dmg.gro-
rery or book store. Inquire at the olHce of Concdon
C nrKson & Hunt , 1324 K.irnam street. SOOtf
TT OKSALK 1 pausago chopper , horse power ; one
X1 rertdciing Kettle , one lard press. Apply nt Urook-
Ij n Market , cor. 13th and I'iorce 802-tf
FOH SALK-SlO.COO feet dry lumber , Ash , Oak ,
Hire , HansHood andSoftMaplo. K , A. Stlnson , St.
Charley Michigan. SOUnSlp
'T YPE Aquaulitt of Job ana newspaper tyj c for
JLsalo. Alsongjod Zilher. U. T. Uunce , earn Itea
olflcc. 7f5 If
n\OIt \ SAIjICottage of G roomsbarn , corner lot In
I ? Kliinn'aajditlonniily$1.5fOBmallcash ; ; payment
and balance monlhiy. Bargain. McCaguc , < > pp.
poslollke. 6I9t (
Foil SAlK OH 13XCHANOE A water power 0,1st
mill , leasons fjrpclllnj , ' given on application to
Oco. E. Bragg , Wa\erly , Neb. V -
F 10H SALE New phaeton. Inquire ol Goo. llg >
gins at northeast corner 16th and DodgeESMf
I OH SALE 86 feet on Tarnam street between 28
and29. M. Leo , Orooer , 2Zd and Lcavenworth.
633-1 m
TjiOll SALE Fine business chaueo Grand Island
J ? Neb fS.OOOnujs the bank bull ling 22i44 , an
oince building which rente for $15 a mjtjtli ; a Urge
Ire nnd burglor prool eafo with Yale lork co t
fl.fiOO , nleo very largo bank brtokflro proof rale ,
tank counfer , ilfsks , hard coil Btotn , In fact , a com-
ploti ) bank ou'.llt , together v.lth lei * U:68 on Locust
treft. Illlo veifcct. Terms 1 ca-i' , Va'uico oa one
an I two j ears time If dcslrod. CM , t a or address Jay
L White , Grand Island , Neb. 622-tf
> OR SALE 160,000 brick oa cars at Bellovuc. II.
T. Olarko. 2M tl
FOR SALE A goo.1 ramo house , 6 rooms , nil In
good order. Must bo moved nt once. Apply to
ho Wcitern Newspaper Union , cor. 12th nml How
aril directs. 811.11
FOB 8ALUrhenp a second hind high top bii.-p
Inqulro c. * aimiiHon's Carrl.vo Factory , Uoi'pc ,
between 14th and 15th. 2 0-tf
F Of. 8ALK A whole tock of clothing , hoots and
. shoes , buildings nt cost , retiring from busmen.
0. If. Peterson , SOI south Tenth Btreot. HS-8m
FOR BALE Two open ftocond-naud buggloo ind
ono delivery wagon , ohetp , r.t 1810 E rnev "t.
BSn-l (
Inblo iKnrd i-50 per week , 311 N. I'Sib '
St. 203-Up
. Ono red ami wl.lle jonrllni helftr.
Any po Mm finding such , please notify Nn. 1020
Soulh 18th St. 271-13p
LO3T Oil STKAYED A ILIarl : Irieh setter , on-
bttcrH tutl.nimme of "Him" has a 1 either < il-
lar around I l-imek Anvoua rolnriihigjilin toUll
Park Vi'lul ate , will ha tultably ro ird d 2 1 12p
AK'nuUmin , H jrarsof ago , w > li perln-t habits ,
nnd a in < reliant by profumlnn , would like to cor
respond a liily of wea'ta w o t , u'd liken true ,
Uulaid allu tlor.atu liUblULcl. Address ilh full
particular ] , V , a Him ? . 21.lip ,
/1'0 KXi IfANOi : Western lands for a small faim
JL in low a or eastern Nebraska. 0. B. liurrowt ,
Norfolk , Neb. 105-12PJ
A MANPONKI ) HOMtSTKADa-Porsoiiswhoabari-
2cloiint hointhttulB In Wealcrn Knntas , lhat vine
aVcnprlor to J ino IDth , 1S80 Plcate oddnts me
rgtrdlng Iho tame by letter only. Isaac Mulbol'and
teal cfctale ajcnl ( , Norton Kinsaa 17 < * IDji
I1AKKN UP-On October 28 , a light bay hone ,
X whl'.a tjiotln forohcmland vhll i-p t ju t above
bettlllo. W. Eillolt , ouu lullo west uf the Urra'.ks
[ 7UMILY Storage , otovo repa'ri ' and general r -
L1 pairing , C.M Eaton , 111 8. llth St. 74C-nl >
MRH. HCimODICH.Magnetlo Healer , ID now I oca-
lo i N. W , corner 20lh anil COM HI D.'agnoi > e .
723-n 17
vaults , elnV ) and ) cesipooli ) cleaned at tbl
f-hortcst notice and at any time ot the day , In an
Llln ! y or Jirlem way without the least molestation
occupants or neighbor I , with our Improved anil
odorleiia apparatus. A. trunj St Co. , 1009 Capita
re. 710-niep
vaults , lnl.s and oepspoola cleaned with
PRIVY cleaner. Hitlslictlon iniaranlood by K.
U. Abeleuccesiiorto ( J. M. Smith box 118. 033 nlflp
T > UI1RKH STAMPS -On y nmuufaolurera In Om ha
LI Hetis Prlnllng Co. WZ-M
At the old ttand 1417 Farnun fStroct OrJcrd by
elegrjplno olujdiunpfouiptly attended to Tel
> hone Ho. 2s.
OhGniical Ofeii iig
0. T. PAULSON , Proj rletcr <
GcntleTJCtii' Clath'ng ' Clraned , 1'jixl ' ami Rupilrel.
adliM * Irw > c9 C.uannl and llyvdvithout Ripping-
'iumeaCl.anidor Coloro.1 any ulu'ls , to eamplt.
Ilk * . Vtlvdlsano I/acos Clciuod , U ) i mil I'tic -
I2 D-m iAs Siraof , - OMAHA , Ntt ? ,