1HE 12 , 1884 NEBRASKA D OMAHA , NEBUASKA , ; .VAID UP OAMTAL . $2POPOO < aurvl'l < U3 MAY 1 , 1881 . 30,000 H W VATK3 , ; A. K. TOUZAUH , PrcMdenl. Vice rtcslden * . " > . UOOKE , JNO. S. COLUN3 , LEWIS S. UEKD. out I { . Uiyden , AtMstant * nd .Acting Ctiblcr. orncil The ilron Bank. OOB , 12TH ANDFARNAM STS , A GENERAL UANKINQ BUSINKS8 TRANSACTED. INTKKEST sllowod on tlmo dopotlta open erms oud upon nocounta of bnuka IfOUEIGN KXOIIANGB Government iionJn nnd County nod City loontltloi boniht and Bold. In ita trootment o ! customer. ? thomo9t _ llby erftl policy is pursued censisteut with gafotd- And sound banking , and wo invite correspouce enoe or pareonnl inquiry in connection tbora wltli FINANCE AH9 ROMI RCE. FIIYANOlA.Ii N w YOHK , Nov. 10 , Money Kasy I ® l\c \ ; closed nt 1 per cent. J.'rlma pnpor 6@6. StorlliiR , Billa Hankers' billa firmer at 4 7 ! > i ; demand 83J. ll Govormnonts Vinn. Hallways Steady. Stocks Opened Irregular , but the changes wore unimportant. After the first call there was an advance of j to 2 , Union 1'aclfic and \"andorbilt's being especially strong , subso ( | uently Urangera and Central 1'acific weak unoJto'J / . In the afternoon there was a general advance of i to 1J , but towards the close a rtastion of J to J occurred. Market left oir firm. A report was current early in the day that the Union Pacific intended to issue bonds to take up her floating debt , but this w.is officially denied. Compared with last night , the closing prices are J to IjJ lower for Canada Southern , Chicago , Burlington & Quincy , Northwestern. St. Paul , Northern Pacific preferred , Heading , Omaha , and Texas Pacific , and i to 1 higher for Lackawanna , Denver , Louiavillo & Nashville , Lake Shore , Missouri Pacific , Jersey Central , N. Y. Cen tral , Pacific Mail , Union Pacific and Western Vnion , oocroNS. S' 1003 4Vd Coupons 1131 U.S. new4'a 121 g 1'acific 6'a of'95 120 STOCKS AND BONDS. Central Pacific 32J Chicago & Alton 127 do do pfd H4 Chicago , Burlington & Quincy 117 Delaware , Lackawauna & Western. . . . 102 , Denver &Kio Grande 0 Erie 12L do pfd 20 Illinois Central 113J Indianapolis , Bloom. & Western 13 KausaB & Texas 14 | Ijike Shore & Michigan Southern G Louisville & Nashville 2I | Alichigiin Central C3 Missouri Pacific 1)1 ) i Northern Pacific 17 do do pfd 41i Northwestern 833 do do ptd 122/ / Now York Central 85J1 Oregon Trans-Continental 121 Pacific Mail HO P. D. &K 12i Pullman Palace Car Company 108 Hock Inland 109J St. Louis & San Francisco 20 do do pfd ,4 ? , 88 Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Paul .j ? . . 73 | do do do pfd 101 St. Paul & Omaha 20 do do pfd 8G Toraa Pacific 93 Union Pacific 4'JJ Wabaah , St. Louis & Pacifio -IB do do do pfd llj Western Union Telegraph 58 ? O.K.&N 71 * Ex-div. tasked. 'llODUCK. OHIOAQO rilODDCE. CHICAOO , November 11. Flour Quiet weak and unchanged. Wheat Active ; unsettled ; opened weaker , llnctuated Jc , rallied j'c , receded jjc fluctuated , closed Jn under \ e torday ; 71-\724e \ for cash ; 71J@71Sc for November ; 7-S7 ! for December - cember ; 73go for January ; SOSfeHOfo for May ; No. 2 rod , 72 c ; No. 3 red , 01 Jc. Corn -Active , unsettled ; nervous. Opened unsettled , irregular , higher : BOOII declined ; November lljc ; year 10\ \ ; rallied , November , 'c ' , yoir .1 Bhade ; later weakened , November 2c from liighest iioint ; year H ; cloned. No- vcmber J , year j under yoatarday ; [ \isli for November ; 8S4c year ; January ; 38 0 for May ; rpjectod , 3'Jc. ' tati Strong ; fcteady , aloutunchanptod2.f3 ; cash for November ; 2c ( ! Dccembar ; 25/ / year ; Jtijc January ; .8 0 May. Kyo tjuiot : 50@ . " > 1. Barley Quiet ; E8@DS4. Timothy Dull ; primu 1 22. > 'lax Seed Slow ; lo lower. I'orkActive , irrezul ir , 15@2fl lower ; tliwed taniB nt 12"r raU 00 for cash ; 11 30 for ' the y .ir ; 1135 )11374 ) for January ; 1145 ll ( a1 \ V < " J for February. Lard -Fairly active , irregular ; 7 10 for cash : (5 ( 93rG U7J for Novemlior ; ( i 8 i@ ( ! 85 for December ; G 87i' < ? C 00 for January ; I ! 07J @ 7 00 for Febnmry ; 7 02J@7 05 for March. Bulk Meats Dry salted shoulders , 5 00 ® J > 25 ; short clear , 7 107 15 ; abort ribs , G 50 ® 7 HO. Whisky-Steady at 1 13. liutter Dull and unchanged. Cheepe Kasy , unchanged. jgg : Quiet , etflnly at 20@21c. IlldiM Unchanged. < ! Tallow Unchanged. ivecmpta , Bhlp'tH. Flour , bbls . . 2l(00 ( ] fi,000 2 Wheat , bushels . 2H7.000 37,000 Corn , bushels . 110,000 liiG.OOO Oats , bushels . 95,000 80.000 Rye , bushels . 0,000 5,000 liarlny , bushels . 55,000 20,01.0 BT. Louin Si. i Loum , November 11 , Wheat market active ; No. 2 rod , 75@751 cash : 75J76No / - veinbet ; 7C3i77g December ; 78J@G8g Janu- ary. : ary.Corn Active nnd higher ; 37 cash ; 35J@30 , November ; 32g@33jf for the year ; 32 j Janu ary. ary.Oats Steady and Blow ; 2CJJ cash , Novem . ber ami the year , Uye-Dullat-18 Barley Dull ! C0@75o Butter Unchanged. KKJTH Quiet at 19. Flaisoed Quiet ; 1 30. Bran Unchanged. Corn Meal Quiet : 2 20 , Hay Steady ; prairie , 0 60@10j Timothy , 10 00(313 ( 00. [ Pork Finn ; now mona 17. Lard Firm ; western > team spot 7 05 ® 8 OM Whijky-1 13. ' CALL DOARII Wheat Hosier ; very slow : 1 only nates 70J Decanter ; bid for other months 7 fraction lower than noon sales. Corn Firmer at 39)i ) for November ; 37Z for year ; 331@3.J ) for January ; 853 far May , Oitn Steady ; slow ; 20 } for tha year. NEW YORK rnoDCOB. NEW Yonic , November 11 Wlieat-Hnot BhadsstronKcr outlons gOUge lower , cloHing v\eik ; receipt * 179,000 ; export * 28,000 , ; No. 2 uprmtf , 80\i \ ungraded mil , ( ! 7jab4 ; posted rvo. 2 rod , 71 ; No. a rod 7(1 ( , No. 2 red , H0@ 83 ; Dew mber clo.lntf ut 81 J. . C'orn Spot i a 1 butter ; options opened ife jc better. Ml back ' J'islje , clojcd heavy ; ro cHU.t . , 03,000 ; uxpoitK , 48f)00 ) ; ungraded Is ( f'-O , , Ny 2 5 , ' OIi Decerubsr closing at 1U. t Oata Shade lower ; receipt" , 70,000oiport ; , 70.COO ; mixed western. 32@33c ; white , 33 ® 3 < ii ! No. 2 Chicago. 33J , Barley Quiet niul unchanged. RJIUy Kiriner ; timothy 10 U0@10 25. CTBran Stendy atMittfTtf. Corn Meal -Dull ; 2 35. EKggs Western frh hrmer at 25 ? 2C. Bulk Meats Steady ; shoulders 6 7 > ! short ribs " 37J. Pork Dull and lower ; now moss , 15 00. Lard Weak ; \\estcrn steam spot , 7 B0@ 7 * & . Butter lVm nd fair ; firm for choice. UVKKtOOI , . LiVRHrooL , November 11. Breadstuff * Dull nnd unchanged. Wheat-Winter Os IdgC * 4d ( sprlng.Gi ( id ® Cd 7s. Corn 5s 6 (1 , TOLKDO. TOLEDO , Ohio , November 11. Wheat Kn ier ; No 2 red , cash and November , GO. } , bid. bid.Corn Corn Kasicr and dull' , No. 2 , cash , 42Jc. a ked. Oats Dull nnd nomtnnl ; No. 2 , 20J@27e. November 11. WhoM Dull ; No 2 red 77C " 8. Corn Stronger ; No. 2 mixed -IHc. Oata Firmer nt 2Sc. Kyo-Dullat Me. Bnrloy Fair demand ; No. 2 fall , 72c. Pork Otiiot at 13 7fi. Lard 1 < inner at 7 IB. Bulk Meats-Dull and unchanged ; shouU dorn , 5 3,12. Whisky-Steady nt 111. KANSAS CITY. KAKHAS CITY , Nov. 11. Wheat Steady ; cnsh W ) ; December , C3.J ; January , t3j | bid , 5.1J asked. Corn Higher ; cash , 31 ; November 29 ® 211 } ; year .26 ; January , 2(1 ( J bid ; May , 28JJ bid. Outs Stronger ; 22 bid. KgKS Lower ; 13Jc , BALTIMORE , BALTIMORE , November 11 Wheat Wo' tern Irregular and higher ; No , 2 winter , rod spot , 79A@79ic. Corn Western easier and active ; mixed , spot , 51c. Oata Kirmor , but quiet ; western white , 31 @ 30c ; mixcd:33@3lc. : Hye Steady nt G2@G"c. ICpgs Unchanged. AVhisky Steady at 118@t IP. SIILWAUKKK. MtLWAtJKKK , November 11 Wheat Weak ; No. 2 Milwaukee mid November 70 ; Decem ber 71jf ; January 72i. Corn Kusier ; No. 2 , 40 © lie. Oats Firmer ; No. 2 , 2Sc ; No. 2 white , 28Jc. Rye rirniPi ; No. 1 , 53Jc. Barley Dull and lower ; No , 2 spring , 53jc. NKW ORLEANS. NEW ORLEANS , November 11. Corn- Dull nnd lower ; In sacks , white and yellow , 4G@47c. Oats AVestern , quiet anl weak at 33c. Corn Meal-Dull and lower ; 2 352SO. . Pork Djll and lower , nt 14 CO. Lard Steady ; tierce rotiuod , 7 75 ; keg 800. AVhlsky Steady ; western rectified 105 @ 125. STOCK. CHICAGO. CHICAGO , Nov , 11. Drover's Journal re ports ; Hogs Receipts 28,000 ; opened strong , closed 5@10c under ; rough packing , 4 10M 4 W ; packing shipping , 4 G0@5 ; light , 4 10 ® 175 ; skips , 3 30 ® 100. Cattle Receipts G500 ; strong , active ; well bred 10 higher ; exports , li 30@G 75 ; common to choice , 4 20@G 25 ; inferior to good cows , 2 304 25 ; stockew , 3 00 ( 4 00 ; feeder' , 3 ! IO ( 4 50 ; range , steady ; Montanas , 510@5 33 ; Wyomings , C 10. Sheep Receipts 3800 ; unchanged ; slow , weak. Inferior to fair , 2 00@3 10 ; medium to choice , 3 U0@4 2. . . faT. LOUIS. ST. Louis , November 11. Cattle Receipts , 1,100 ; firm , but offerings poor ; good to choice shipping would bring 5 25@G 00 if hero ; fair to medium I 50@5 00 ; common natives , 3 00 ® I 00. Sheep Receipts 1,303 ; steady ; common to choice , 2 2d@4 10. .Lambs 3 00 ® 1 25. Hogs Receipts , 0,400 ; active ; Yorkers , 4 33 § 1 15 ; packinir , 4 GO ® 1 75 ; butchers , 480 490. , I KANSAS CITY KANSAS CITY , Mo. , November 11. Cattle ' Receipts , 1,030 ; native shipping inomiiully shndo higher , otherH steady ; exports , ( i 00@ G 33 ; common to choice shipping , 500@5 80 ; cows , 2 f)0' 83 30. Hogs Receipts , 3,500 ; opened higher closed lower ; 4 33 $ I 75. Sheep Receipts 1,330 ; peed muttons want ed ; fair to good , 290@340. OMAHA MARKETS. ! AVIiolcsalo Prices. OFKIOK OB- THE OMAHA BM , 1 Tuesday evening , November 11 , J The following pricea are charged retailers by jobbers , wholesalers nnd commission merchants - ' chants with the exception of grain , which is quoted at the prices furnished by the elevators and other local buyers : Grain > Wheat Cash No. 2 , 5riio. Barley Ca h No. 2 , 1 Ic. Rye Cash No. 3 , 38c Corn No. 2 , 2Sc. : Oata-No. 2 , 20/c. / I-lvo-atock , Hogs-IiSO'gl 10. Sheep 300(1335 , Steer * 3 00 ® 150. ; Cows 2753 25. Calves 5 00 )6 ) 50. * Steady : green butchers' ( ! ; green salted , 7J@ ; dry Hint 12 ; dry salt 10@11 ; dam % .ed rides , two thirds price. Tallow 5S.DV- Sheep Pelts 23@100. Wool. Light fine 13rt15c. Heavy fine 12gil4c , Medium I5@lfc. Bnrry 2 to 5o off , Market Dull. B I b. Flour nnd Milletufin in Winter Whoat-Ueat quality ! patent ' 2BO "l @ 2 00. Second quality 2 20@2 fiO. Spring Wheat Beat imallty , jiatont , 2 60 ® Oil. Oil.Second Second Quality 2152 50. liran Cl'o ' per cvvt. Chopped Feed -1'or 100 Ibu. , CCc. Corn Steal 100 ® ! 10 per cwt. Screening G5@75o iwr cwt. , ' _ _ _ lo noncr.nl Produce [ Apples Receipts continue heavy , only iholco stock saleable at $2.25(32.75 ( , JJulk re- : elpU Belling at 25@GOo per bushel , according o quality. Buans Only clean stock Raleable. Navies clean ) per bushel , 1.60@1.70 ; medium , 1.25@ .40. .40.Comb Comb Honey In good demand. Receipts n rery email and meet with ready sate at 18@20c u 1 and 2 Ib frames. BecBwax In good demand. Choice bright ler Ib. 2G@28c ; common to good dark per Ib , 5@20c. Butter Receipts moderate nnd prices un hanged , Demand mofitly for rolls which Tluf ; from ICtfj'Jc per pound more than same uality of dolld packed. AVe again c > ll at- ontion of consumers to the fact that neat ' nd clean packing helps the sale of butter , Jse thin clean muslin to wrap the rolls in , 'reamery fresh , 27@28 ; creamery Ice house , ye 25 : choice dairy , 20@22 good table , dr ; fair , 12M ; inferior graden ( 0 50. Cider "Ohio" bbl , " per 87.00 ; "York , itate" per bbl. 88.00 ; per i bbl. $1.75 ; con- enscd i > or la. 85c ; crab apple , per gal , 85c , ChwHO 1'ull cream , wo/tti-rn / , 12c ; Wlncon in new 12 c ; younx American , 12 a Hie. Upg * Are quite ecirco an 1 havn for the lei ixt few duya wlvanced 1 or 2 cents nt the to i line , Salua were made to day at 25c , and ca1 ilce * may advance further within the next kl | aw days kl Hay-Doled $7.00@3.00 looae , 85.000 klmi .Of ) . pi. . Majiln Sugar I'tire , in I rickn , par Ib , lUc , pi.el Ihio , ll'c ; ainul cakun I''i : . Ouiinrf.Markit lire l uud demand good at ' ' 0 cent * p r bushel , POPCORN- Choke dry In fnlr .demand , at 2@21i > per Ib Puiiltrv I.lvo cb ) ( Itcn arc dull. Oomlpn. ments f dr < v oil iionltry nnmntn Hlx-ml nml demand fMr. Chick n < olivp , per iWcn , $250 ; chi krm , d i' tpd , per IK , 10 ( ? llo ; turak > . drt < f < 1 , * Ib , 12 , 13cduckn ; , nbve , per divon , ? 3.K1 ( ; ilueka , drwed , p r IK , Il(3l2c ( ! ; piv ' , ; lre sed. | cr Ib , 12@13o. Game li'oceipti verv light and daman Komi for all Ulmli. Ucor , carcn < , per Hi. , SQi * S > o ; deer utiddlm , per IK , l-YAlltc ; nntolnjio , cnrca < , pir IK , SftHi ; aiilpUita | xnddlfo , IXT Ib. , 1'Jtiin ; pr.\irlo chukotn. per dofan , Sa.'Bg'SStn ! quail , 81.MKaS2.00 ; pi o , * d.veii , SS.OOirSI.O'1 ; jack rnbbiK , per iloit- eii , $ lMitMOJ ; small rabbits , per don , Sl.OO Sl 25 ; otilfp. ) wr dorcn , $ l.00$1.2.'i duck , mallard , ? 1.50@51.75 ; teal nnd mlxi'd , $ l.fiO. Potatoes Very few cars hav p been offered ( luting the past week , and all choice stock was taken up ( illicitly nt32M'ic. ( ( Demand for .inch is brisk , and wo encourage consign' inniiU , Small potatoes nml niixcnl loti can only 1x5 di.ipu'eil of to peddlctn , and ian > ; e nt 20ft2.'ic. Sweet I'otitoM Only choice large , salable at IJff L'o per Ib. CIOCCTH Iilat Oysters ( Staiulanlpore ) < wo , 3 t'O ' ; elrawlierrios , 2 11 > , per ca o , 2 20 ; rasp- berrii-ij. 2 Hi. per c.vso , 2 50 ; California | K'I > M , per case , 5 80 ; anrlcot ) nor caw , fi 00 ; peacliP1" per ca o 6 ! H ) ; vvlnto tlienies per case , 0 7f > ; plumn per case t 50 ; whortlobomcn , per c.it > i , 11 00 ; ( > KS plumi , 2 Ih , IMT caao , 2 00 ; croon , 2 III , per cats , 2 IH ) ; pine applea , 2 Hi per Sisal 4 inch and larger , Oc , 3 Inch , M'ch , lOc. HLKS Boxes , 40 Ibs , IGs , lie ; Ss , Us ; ixes 10 Ibs , lGiz.Gq , lie. MATCHKS Per caddie , 3 , " > c ; round , canes 2 55 ; square , casoi , 1 70 ; Oshl > osh , cases I 60 ScrtARS Powdered , SJc ; cut loaf. 8c ; granulatxl , GJc ; confectioners' AGjjc ; Stand- aid extra C , ( ic ; extra O , 5jjc ; mudium yol- ow , OJc ; dark yellow , o. COFKKKS Ordinary grades , 12(3J12jc ( ; fair.l , @ 13Jc ; good , 13Jc ; prime , ll@15Jo ; choice. lG@l7c ; fancy green nnd yellow , IGfialGJc ; ohi govciument Java , 20(32c ( ( ! ; Arlnicklo's roast ed. ISJc , McLaughlin'a XXXX roasted , Ifijcs mltation Java , 10J@18Jc ; Clark's Aurora , IMc. Sviiui1 Standard Com. 33c. bbls : Standard do , 4J gallon kcffs , 1 85 ; Slaudanl do , 4 gallon kegs , 1 50. Son.v In Hi papers , 3 20 per case ; keg per Ib , 2Jc. PICKKLS Medium In barrels , G 00 ; do In half barrels. 3 50 ; small , in barrels , 7 00 ; do in half barrel * , C CO ; gherkins lu barrels , 3 OH ; do In half barrels , I 50. TKAS Gunpowder , good , 45@55c ; choice , GO@7Gcffood ; Imperial , 40 ® 3c ; choice. GO © G5o ; Young Hyson , good , 3050c ; choice , G3 @ 100 ; Jap.in , natural leaf , 75c ; Japan choice , G0o ( 75c ; Oolong good , 354dc. Oolong.choico. 40@55c ; Souchong , good , 3j@40c ; choice , 85 @ 45o. RICE Louisiana prime to choice , GJ@7c ; fair.i Cc ; Patma , GJc. FISH No. 1 mackcro half brls. , 7 60 ; Family J bbls 4 25 ; No. 1 kits 105 ; fain , kits GO ; No. 1 whlto fish , half brls , G 50 : No. 1 kits , 95c. family J bbls , 3 00 ; family kits and pails , GJ ; No. 1 , trout , i bbls , 5 23. AVooiiKXWARB Two hoop pails , 1 85 ; three hoop pails , 2 10. Tubs , No. 1 , 9 00 ; pioneer washboards , 1 85 ; Double Crown , 2 90 ; AVoll- buckets , 3 85. SOAPS Kirk's Savon Imperial , 3 45 ; Kirk'g satinet , 3 GO ; Kirk'a standard , 375 ; Kirk's AVhito Russian 520 ; Kirk'a eutocn , 215 ; POTASH Pennsylvania cans , 4 case in case , 3 35 ; Babbitt's ball , 2 doz. in case , 1 90 ; An chor ball , 2 doz in case , 1 60. CANDT Mixed , Ilal2c ; stick , lOallc ; twist stick , lOJc. VINKOAII New York apple , IGc ; Ohio ap ple. 13c. SALT Drav loads , per bbl , 1 GO ; Ashton , in sacks , 3 50 ; bbls dairy , GO. SB , 3 GO STARCH Pearl 4\c : Silver Glosa 8c ; Corn Starch , 8c ; Kxcelsior Gloss , 7c , Corn 7Jc , SPICKS I'cppor 17c ; spice , lie ; covoa 20o assia , li'c. Dry Fruits No , 1 , quarter nrp'es , bbla , G c ; N C sliced , boxes , G c ; evaporated , boxes , 9Jc ; blackboriies , boxen , lOJc ; peaches , -boxeu , 8Jc ; pe.iches , evaporated , llcraspberrio ; , 32c. Dry Goods > BROWN SHKETINCS Atlantic A , 7Jc ; Atlan tic P , Gc ; Atlantic LL , 5Jc ; Brunswick , 7Jc ; Heaver Dam LIGc ; Lavvrtnce LL , SJc ; Paci fic H , 7c ; Royal Standard , 7ic ; Indian Head A , 8c ; Wauclmsett A , 7Jc. KINK HROWN SHKKTINQS Argyle , 7Jc ; Per- peroll R , 7c ; Salisbury R , GVc. BLEACHKII COTTONH Ballon 4-4 , GJc ; Bal Ion , 7-8 , 5Jc ; Cumberland 4-1 , 8c ; Davoll DD , SJc ; Fnirmount , 4Jc ; Fmit of the Loom 4 , Do ; Glory of the Went , SJc ; Golden Gate , 8fc ; Hill 7-8 , 8c ; Hill 4-4 , 7i'c ; Lonsdale , 8Jc ; New York Mills , lljc ; Wamsutta , lOJc. DUCKS ( Colored ) Boston , 8 oz. , lljc ; Bos ton , 10 oz. , 14Jc ; BoHton , 9 oz. , 14c ; Full Uivcr , SJc. DOCKS ( Gray ) AVest Point , 8 oz. , He ; AVest Point , 10 oz. , lie ; Point Bear , 8 oz. , lie. TICKINGH Amoskeag , He ; Continental ' 'ancy , tfic ; Cordis , lOj'c ' ; Pearl River , 13Jc ; York , 12jo ; Hamloton Awninga , 12Jc. DKNIS-H Amoskeag , lie ; Beaver Creek \A , 12cBeuvor Crook BB , llei. Beaver Jrook CC , lOc ; Haymakera , Scs .Talfioy I ) & r , 12 c ; Jaffrey XXX , lijc ; Pearl River , I3c ; Warren AXA ( brown ) , lc ; Warren BB irown ) , lie ; Warren CC ( brown ) , lOc. CAMIIUICS J'itth avenue glove finish , Cc j oystoiio glove finish , 5'.u. 0 HHEr JKAKS Amory , 7Jc ; Hancock , 8c , iCeai-bayer 81c ; Rockport , 7c. PliiNrs Aliens , 5Jc ; Ameiican 5 c ; Am lds , ( ic ; Cochoco , Gc ; Harmony , 4Jc ; Indigo , i ric ; Indigo 7-8 , 11 Jc ; Indigo 4-1 , 12Jc ; Steel j lliver , file ; Charter Oak , 4Jc. PRINTS SHIRTINOS American , 5c ; Co- hoco , fioj Gloucester Cc ; Southbridgo , 4Jc ; IVaverlyn , lc ; Rosedalo , 4i'c , GlNQHAStsAmoakeag Btiples , 8c ; Bates itaples , 8\c' Lancaster Btaplea , 8c : Plunket ilnids , 9c ; Huduon chocks , ejc ; Amoakoag ? orsians 9o _ DRKSS UoonsAtlantic Alpacca , 9Jc ; Per iano cashmere , 23Jc ; II ninleton coshmcM GJc ; liamlitnn Faucus , 11 Jc ; Humbto bio- lades , 15c ; Arlington brocade , 18c. c DRQ08 AND t HKMICAI.S Acid. Carbolic Oc ; acid , tartaric , Cic ! ; b.xlsmn capablu , per lib Be ; bark , misHafrai , per Ib. 12c ; calomel , per b. 76c ; clnohonidia , per oz. , ? 0 15 ; chloroform , , tor Ib. 51 05 ; Dovora powders , per Ib , SI 25 ; / psoin Baits , per Ib. 3Jc ; glycerine , pure , per h. 25c ; lead acetate , per Ib. 2''c ; od castor , To. 1 per gal. , 1 GO ; oil castor , No , 3 , per gal. , il 40 ; oil , olive , per gal , SI 40 ; oil origanum , Oc ; opium , ? fX ) ; quinine , P , & W ; and It. & , per oz. , 8105 ; potMiilum , Iodide , per ; . , SI 50 ; Ballcin. per oz. , 40cj snlpliato fiorphino , peroz. , S3 ( ! 0 ; sulphur perlb. , 4c ; trjchnlne , per oz. , $1 35 , > I'alntH OIlH anil VarnlBliOf. OILS 110 carbon , per gallon , 12 c ; 150" " ' i. oadlight , per gallon , 12ic ; 175 ° headlight , or gallon , lOJo ; ISC' * water white , 16Jc ; lin- aod raw , per gallon , 18c ; linseed balled , per allen , 61o Lard , winter str'd , nor gallon , 70e ; 'o. ljOcNo. ; ; 2 , CO ; castor XXX , per ga- N jn , 1 GOc. No. 3 , 1 40 ; sweet , per gallon. 1 00 ( > ermV. . B. . pur gallon , 1 GO ; fish W. ll. , Ill or gallon , G. ) ; neatofoot extra , per gallon , ! )0e ) ; , , fu. 1 , 75c ; lubricating , zuro , p r gallon , 30q ; m < immcr , Ific : golden machine , No , 1 , per gal- in , 35c ; No. 2 , 28c ; nperin , signal , pur gallon 3c ; turpentine , per gallon , 48c ; naptha , 71 ° , or gullon , IGc. PAINTS IN OIL White lead , Omaha P. P , , ic ; white lead , St. Ixiuls , pure , Me ; Marsell- . , green , 1 to 5 Ib cans , 20c ; French zinc , reon Heal , 12c ; French zinc , rod Heal , lie ; rench zinc , in varnldh osnt , 20c ; French 7lno , oil Hunt , 15c ; raw and burnt umber , 1 Ih inn , lOc ; raw and burnt Sienna , lOc ; vandyke rown , 13cj refined lampblack , 12o ; coach ack and ivory black. IGc ; drop black , Itxs ; russlan blue , 40e ; ultramarine blue , IRC : Tl iromo grnon , L. M , & D. , IGc ; blind and uitter green , L. M. & ! > . , IGc ; Paris green , 'c ; Indian red , IBo ; Venetian red , 'Do ; Tun- in rod , 22c ; American vermlllion , I , & P. , ; yellow ochre , 9c ; L. M. . 0. k D. O , , 18o illow ochre , Oo ; g > ldan oonre , IGo ; patwnt ryer , 8c ; Braining colors , light oak , darkjoak , alnut , chestnut and aih , loc , Ost . ) lo jiijixk ; ilp. flOci runner 6fio to 75o [ hem- ik calf. d6o to 1 00 ; hsrnlock upper , 22o 24e oak npper , 24o ; alligator , 4 00 to (5 ( SO : B Jol biife O , O. r.ro'no n'/orM"m"nti2ToS3 fT6 IlAUSEHi- 1 rtaro-ik , 3So ; No. 2 3lcj 0 No. 1 Oijio oat . - < 39i NO. a rio , alci No , Milwaukee Blai No 2 Jo 33c. No. t ritta oi le hi r , SBjt No n , i > lt { , nsV bar , t i x _ Imiuors HKWHOt 183 prwr slcobol , 2 y , . „ , , Cillon oitra OftHfornla spirit * , \w ptoof 1 IS per proof gallon ; triple rnflnod spirit * 187 proof , 1 17 per proof Mllm. . td-illflMllw whlsklns 1 00 1 M ! tine \\n\ \ \ Ir 1 , \ | W2 ( Mi UINS Imp i-xid , 4 60Q41) Wi tumonio , 1 40 . Ko > ! 3-lmp < irtod , 4 CP < SM tiQi N lMa4 00 ; domestic , 1 M c's V. . 1'KACH ANO AW.K BUANIH1 7S ® 1 CO. ClUMPAONKS Import * ' ! ] nt to. 23 00 ® 34 00 ; American , per cn i. 1 J i\Cilfi 00. I'u-a ToDACco-Chmsx i.V ; Uullinn 4Jic oniO'dioc , 4lc ; btar , 4ilo : liudy , ! . ' ! Her fey' . 40c ; Black , } W"c ; Spoariiead , 4fic C ur li'poISoi VINE Cfr Common , 3 T : Medium ICe gooi I5f 0Vi Hard toBoat70 c ; favmltn , ( V ; ll niondCrovvti , fife ; Sweet Sixle , 5l'c. SMOKIVO O. 8. , 22c ; Mrorochaum , 30c Durham 10 oz. , M ; Duihtin. 8 07 , 6 , " < c ; Duiham 4 oi. , 57c ; Duihatn ' . 07. , OOc ; Seal of North Carolina , 111 07 41cj Seal of North Carolina , 8 m. , He ; Sen ! o North Carolinln , 4 07. 48 ; heil of North Cam Una 2 o ? . , 50c ; 0 1C. Durham , 4 oz. . SSc ! O. 1C Durlmm. 'or.ilWc ; Uucl Nod , i' 2.-c ; Tom and .Torry , 23c. Zjutunor. WI10I.V.1ALI. We quote-lumber , lath nnd thlngtoi on car t Omaha nt the following prlcoat JOIBT AND HOANTUNG 16 ud UnJo 2000. TIMBKHH 1(5 ( foot nnd nailer , 20 CO. TlMBlUl AND JOIbl 20 It , 2il 00) ) 21 ft 2500. FKNOINCI No. 1 , 4 and 6 In. , 24 00 | No. 2 2000. SiiKcnna No , l(2d ( common boardg,20 ) 00 No. 2 , 18 00. STOCK BOARDS A , 45 00 ; B.40 00 ; 0 , 35 00. KLOOBINCI-NO. 1 , 40 00) ) No , 2 , 35 00 ; No 3 , 25 00 Stnisa , clear 27 OOj No. 2) ) 25 00 ; No. 3 2000. Qiama J , 37 00 ; S , 2S SHINGLES , bent t 50 ; itanaard , 3 60 , LA.TII 3 25 per M. Lists Per barrel , 1 25 ; bulb \xu \ bnshrl , SSo comoiit , bbl , 2 25 ; Iowa planter , bbl , 2 50 | hnlr per bu. TiOa ; Torrcd fait , 100 ten , 3 60 | itrnvr bo&til S 50 , Tlwtvjjllnrdvvnro tilnt. Iron , rates , 2 30 ; plow steel Bpecial cast. ( ! c crucible , 7c ; epi'cial or Gorman , Be ; cast too : do , 15a20 ; wngou apokita , Bet , 2 25a3 00 ; hubs per not , 1 25 ; felloes , n.\wcd dry , 1 40 ; tongues , each , 70a8ic ! ; axles , each , 75o ; mpinro nuts per Ib , 7allc ; washern , per Ib , SalSc : rivet * , porlli , lie : coil chain' per Ib. Oal2c : malleable , 8c : iron wedges , Cc : crowbain , Gc ; harrow teeth , 4c ; spring stool , 7a8e : Burdou'a horsushoos , i 40 : Burden's nmloshoos 5 70. llAllliKI ) WlllK In car lots , 4 CO per 100 , NAlLS-ltateB , 10 to GO , 2 80. SHOT -Shot , 1 85 : buck shot , 2 10 : oriental powder , kegs , G 40 : do , half kegs , 3 48 : do , quarter keen , 1 88 : blaatlng , kega , 3 35 : fuse , per 100 feet , 50c. LKAI > 15ar 1 65. COAL Cumberland bhckflinlth , 10 00 : Mor ris run Blosaburg , 10 00 : Whitobroast lump , 5 00 : Whltobreast nut , 5 00 : Iowa lump , 5 00 : Iowa nut , 5 00 : Hook Spring , 7 00 : Anthra cite , 11 25.U1 DO : Canon City , 7 00 per ton. Dry Pnlnt . Whlto load , Be ; French cine , 10o | Var'a trhltlng , 2c ; whiting glldora , IJci whiting rain'l lie ; lampblack , Gorman town , lie ; lampblack , ordinary , Oc ; Pruenlaa blue , C5o ; untramarino , 18c ; vandyke , brjwr , 8c ; umber , burnt , 4c ; umber , raw , 4o ; slonnn burat , 4c ; ilonna , ruv , 4o ; Paris green , genuine , 25c ; L'arla peen , common , 20c ; chrome green N. Y. , Me ; chrome green. K. , 12oi vonnilliou , Kng , , rOcj vorrallllon. American. 18c ; Indian , rod , lUc ; rose pink , 14c ; Venetian led , Oookaou' * , 2Vc ; Venetian rod , American , ljc { ; red loail , rjc ; chrome yellow , genuine , ! 0o : chrome yo'- i\r , 1C. , 12c ; ochre rocliollo , 3cochro. 1'ronch , JJc ; ochre , American , 2cj Winter's mluorn ) , 2a ; lohigh brown , 2 o ; UpauUh brown , 2&c ; Prince's mineral , 3c , VAENionaa Barrels. p * allou : Kurnl tnre , extra , 81 10 ; furniture , No. 1 , 31i coach , itrn , 81 40 : coach , No. 1 , 31 20 ; Damar jrtrn , 81 75 ; Japan , 70cn ; phaltum , extra , CPo ! ihellac. WEOihurdollfinlch 91 60,1 FLOUR Colorado , 100 Ib , ; i 55@1 05 ; put- mt , 100 Ihs. , 1 ! )0@22B ) ; Kansas , 100 llw , 2 75 § 3 75 ; Minnesota , 100 Ibs , 3 00 ; graham , 100 bs , 1 85@2 00 ; rye , 100 Ibs. , 2 35&J2 CO ; buck- vhoat , 100 Ibs , 7 50@7 76. GRAIN , FKKII , Ere Wheat , 100 lb , 80@90c ; orn , In saclu on track , 100 Ibu , 1 2o@l 27 ; mis , in sacks on track , 1 < > 0 His , oa ° torn white , l.Tfcl 15 ; Colorado white , 1 1I1 15 ; mixed , 10@1 12 ; bnrlfly 100 Ibs , 1 30@1 40 ; brau , on , on track , 13511450 ; choj ) , corn , 100 bs , on track , 1 27691 211 ; chop , mixed , 100 llm , n track , 1 30@1 35 ; corn meal , 100 Ibs. 1 G5 41 7fi. HAT Baled , upland ton , 13 00(315 ( 00 ; plaud , loose , ton , 13 00@1G 00 ; second bot- 3in , baled , 10 tO@ll 00 ; alfalfa , loiuo , ton , 0 00@1100 ; clover , baled , ton , 1100 ; clover , ioso , ton , 13 00 15 00 ; utrnw , baled , on track , an , ( i 00@9 00. LniTEH Crenmery , fancy , Ib. 3C @ 10 ; reamory , fine , Ib.WIO ; crounory , fair , l- > . a'tf23 : rtalrv. ch ice , Ib , 22(421 : dairy , good , , 18@20 ; dairy , lair , Ib , lofojlG ; cookini ? , Ib , . KOOH State , candlid and warranted , doz , 5ffi2i ( ; ranch. > 1oz , 2S@KO. CHCEBE Full cream , ll'31'ui ' : half cieam , , ll13c ; Bliim , Ib , il Wc ; Swins , doineitlc , , 20@22c ; Swlw , Impor.od , 31@32c ; J.lin- urgcr , ll@lflc. POOLTHT Llvo old chlekoEB , doz. I 7o@5 25 ; vo sprbiCR , doz , 3 05 ® I OU ; live diick-i , doz , 00f < 45 25 ; livn turkeys , Ib. , l.ri@17c. PoTATOza- Colorado , 100 Ibs , 1)5 ) © 1 00 ; ivcet , r r Ib. , VKQETAIILKS Unloiw , yellow , lOOlbs , 25(31 ( 5'J : cnbb co , 100 Ibs , ! X1 ) 10 ; boats , 30 IbH , 1 ? OrtSl 30 ; turnips. 100 Iba , 1 03@ 25 ; carrotH , 100 lbs.1 2 5@1 50. GitKKN VKaBTAULKii Tomatoes , per Ib , 4@ ; cucumbers , doz , fiftlO ; greoa corn , do/ , 0@20 ; string beam , gal , 2Qw-2l rolery , doz , Doj75 ( ; onions , doz buncliVD ) 18@22 ; iiarsloy , 0@12 ; carrots , 12@15 ; lettuce , 1520 ; egp lant , doe , R@l ) 00. FIIOITB Lomons. per case , Messina , 0 60 ® 00 ; orangex , ItoJi , case , 8 OOMH 50 ; oran on , ouislana , bbl , 12 00@12 50 ; apples , fan- , bbl , 3 754 25 ; apples , mo'linm , bbl , 23@3 0 ; apples , lielleilower , box.l 001 50 ; xars , box , 325@3 50 ; traachns , bor , 2 25@ 50 : California grapes , box , Molvolso , 1'eru , Iiucat , 1 7C2 00 ; b.manas , banch,3 00@5U ) ; iiiuces , liox , 2 50u)2 ( " ) 75 ; cranberries , bbl , B Jc , 155U.1J & 0 , 13"50@14 00. CUKKII MJCAIU Hams , sugar cured , Ib , 15 ; urns , Hweot pickled , Hi , llj ; bacon , break- nt , H ) , 141 ; dry milt nldos , Ib , ll } ; drlml ief , Ib , 10 ; lard in palld , lO lOJ ; laid in croon , KliBHH MKATH Drowsed beef Colorado , jior . 001o } ; c-.oicu . veal , Ib , 11(313 ( ; hogs , Ib , g8J ; mutton , Ib , fig-i ; lamb. Hi , 100121. jivn UroOK Colorado ulcers , per 100 Ibs , 40@3 76 ; cows , 10U Ib. a 008J3 50 ; choice al calves , Ih , 7@ahoep ; , 2 00@2 60. Hides. Dry Klint No. 1 , porlb , 104@12ci o. 2 , Ib , 8(2)10 ( ) ; green ftcurs and brandixl ilf. Ib , 4ioftl ( ) ; green iulf , Hi , 0 ; green kip ( ! ; Hlinnn kins , dry. 7iaH ) : door skins , sum- er , Ib , 1i@18 ( ; doer skins , wlntur , ib , 12 10 ; italopo Bkma' Ib , 12 1U ; tallow , Ib , 4@5. Wour.-Colorailo No. 1 , pur Ib , ick , Ib , 8 ; Moilcan , 8 , FIHH Maskerol. No.l , 1 60 , kit. mes , 75@2 25 ; California nahnon , half bbl , 10 CO ; olland horrlupc , ko1 COJil 7C | trout , per 17O18o' 17O18o'MLEJLIiBLK HE BRUNSWICK , BALKE , COL- LENDER COMPANY , [ 8UOOKSSCWH TO TUB J. U , II. fc ll. CO.J Tim tnoit exteimlyo minufucturciiol 0 IN TIIK WOHUI bti Ilocketraijer Oeneral A ul or N .jriik an VVoatoru luwa , II , Tenth Stroti . . . . uSIAIIA , NHB ffl'rlcca o limiara aua o il 11 ° > EVERY MSBSON , SICK OR WELL , } i IllVitlll lO HOllll tllfil iildrcua to TUB SHIFT Sritnno t'o. , DnmiT ; i \iliintii. ( ! n , f r a cony of UK Ir treatise on lllouj .i.il bLIu Dlsc.iscs.blclt \\lll IIL' uulli-d free. Cancer for Many Years. A family Kcrvantlrii 'icon aflllrtcl for nmnj jours wltli a runpcr on her nortp , niul URI trrntuil by HDIIIU of the heat . mnl tlio i > 1 < ! rcmoillcH uo wltliotit bciullt Plnall > wo uo lier Swift's brio- lllc nii'l lu' un coiiiilvtclLiuoJ. | . Jens lliu. , Uri'KKisl , tliomeoii , ( ia. , AiiKiiit 1U , 18SI . NOSS EATEN OFF. John .Vfupx , a 3 mini ; 111111 near hero , 1 ml a rancor n lila'fuco ulilch ) < ail o > ti > n nnny his nn-o niul part f ) iln chick , nnd Mas iM-inllnu up to hltu)09. AH lakt rcdort ho wni put on S llt' Spoclllc , and It mHciitlroU turiil ! him. IIIifACt-ln all la-ulcil o\or Ith nuw I'cih , niul liii ( 'uncral lumlili It ) uxcullrut. Illslccdiory wan uoiulcrful. If. K C'KI MI.HV , U. 1) . , Odotliori u , Oi. , AUKUStia , 1881. J. T. ARMSTRONG. M. D. Practice Limited to Discuses of the Eye nnd Ear. C03 Fnrnam StreetOMAHJ . . GJ-OinNTGr PRI1TCIPAL LINE rituM m rcAOO.PKoitiA AT.ST. LOUIS , IIV WAI til- OHAIIA AND LIWCOLU TO DE1TVSR , me \ u KAIISAS CITY AND /iTCHISOU to DE1IVER 'oiinii linn In I'lllnii Di-piils at KIIIIMIH Cllv , mil Di'iiviuilli tluijiifjli InihH | iit > Anil nil ixiliitH lii tin1 ( .lent ' MIH utiug In ( iiiinil I'nlon ' Iliipol at C'hlnigi ) with tlumili | Ijiiliis lor A' i : if YOHK , n o .s1 y 'ox ' , Ami nil r.i > i'rii cities. At I'ciiil't wltli lliiui' tmlni lei .iiiliuiiitp. illn , Cliicliiii.ill , C'oliiii'jU ' , nml nil pnlniH In clH'hoiilli.J.ast. At HtV'VidillN with tluoiiull ' .uilMH lur ull jiolatN il Day ( 'o.icliiH , 1'ailur CIIIH , with Kr. liiilrn ( HcutH lii'D ) , hincililiiK ( 'HIM Illi Id-viilv mi ; Chiilix , I'liUiiian I'lilacii MI.TI > | II I'll H HIKl tllO lllllKIIIH ' ' . II. . .tlUlllillK I'ltlri Miiuliilly tu anil fi ouil iilciiKininit JiiuiHiirfCMty , lili'iigoiuiil Council JIlmN IJIileagd nml Dei Molni'H , ClilcHKO , M. , ) ( ' ] , Atclilsiin nml I'upcl.a wltlioul cliiuiHii. only llumiKli line ruiinl i < tlii-l.- nun tinliix | ii < t\vciin ( Jlilnigu , Lincoln and Driivi ! ! , aiul Olllniu | , KUMHUH CHv uml Hi-liver. 'I'liKiugli run lielwitun IiullHiiitpollMiiiul ( 'ounull Illullx , via I'roilu fidl.MS rVOKTII j\.M > HO1JT1I. il Tialim ol Dliuiit Day Cdituhci niul I'nllinuii ruliuii.Slri'ilni : | ; C'.irHiuo run dally to u IK I fioiii st. Jxmh , via lluniillml , oiilney , Kcxilciik , Jliiilln loii , Ccdiil llaplilHiinil Albeit Jiyohi. ( 1'inil and MlmicajMillHi 1'uiloi C.uu ullli ItitcllnliiK ClmhH to mill liiini bt. l.onU uml J'rorlii. Only nun rliaiiKO of CIII-H brturcu a l.dlllBUIIll ! ! Alllllll-H , | 0\\U , MllLOlll , NU- luiiHkii , unit DimviT , I'oluinilo U iHtiluo the only Tlinjngli l.lne li ( IHITII ST. LOUIS , MINNEAPOLIS and ST. PAUL. It IH known as HID Krcui TllltOI'lill ( 'Ml I INi ; ui AIIICIICII , iinU in unii'iM.UIy aUinil 'I to III ) tlio Finest Equlppoi Hallroad In the World ft. all classes of Travel. I'liioiiKli TifkniH v ia llilHlliio for xaln utQl' U It. CUUDOII tiiLetullU'utx.ltllu Unili'itStutfS ' l4iil Cuimdu. V J. I'OTTl It. I'BIU'KVAM.OWKI.I. , r U B I I I Sl'UClAL TO Growers of Live Stock ami Others. \\K CALL YOt'U ' ATTKNTION TO It in i hoio l anil c'loajH-at food for stock of ntiy kind. Ono pound is cnuil to three nun ih of corn. Stock fed with Oroutid Oil Oal o In the Fall nndYintur inatcnd of running down , will iiicrounn in m'ijjht mid bo in gnnd marketable comll lion in the opriiiK liiryuu < n , P.a well its otlutra , < vhu U9o it , can tuetify to ita inor Ita. Try it nnd jtidgo for yournolvoa. I'ri'o 8i25 00 pur ton. Nn ohnr o for sacks Addrcwi WOODMAN L1NSE13D OIL COMPANY , Omaha , Hob. t ' O ff i C1 r1 ; F& 8 TCk 9 $ O COJ.'CtAU. ' . & & > ts > . FIEE AND BURQLAB PEOOF * 'S STEELE CO , , II. D. LOOKWOOD , ( formerly of Lockwood A DMjior , Chicago , Manager of thp Ton , Cig-xr and Tobacco DopRttmnnto. A full line of oil grades of the uboxoj nUo Pipes nnd Smokora" cnrriod in stock. Pricoa nnd niiinolon furnloliod on application. Open ordorn intnibtod to UK nhnll receive our careful attention , Satisfaction Guaranteed. AGEWSFOR BENWOOD NAILS fiND LAFLIN & RAND POWDER CO Milwaukee. Wis. * ' GUNTHEE & 00 , , Solo Bottlers , O.DF. GOODMAN , t mass , i- : OMAJ1A , NEB. * * * /f 1301 AND IBOa FARNAM ST15EET , COJ ? . 33TIJ , A. JL. STKANG & CO. , Double and Single Acting Power ano Hand Entjino Triinnihtgc , Mining KTaclilDcty , Ft-Jtii f , JT n , , linn yd Jro. Illtinqe. nt wholi'aiile nnd rotRll UALLADAV WIMI W ILLir , CHURCH .iND SOI100L DULLS. [ 'Ooruer lOLh Paraain Kt. . Omaha v % > EASTERN PiiICESDUPLJGATED .18 FAH1.AM STJIEST , . . . . . . OMAHA , NEB. tnu.x * < AND DRAl'ERIES , I.LhVAllilt T ) AM * Kl.OOItS. | IVOfl. l'i8 and 1210 Farnnm St. , Ounlu , Neb. ( SUCOKbSUH TO FOSTEll .t fill AY ) . LIME CEIiIEKT , uncu r * Oth and Du gluu ettccta n H OJ1AI1A , N