I OMAHA Di / * J3EE PAY , NOVEMBERS CAPITAL PRIZE § 150,000 tsnftnenti for all the Monthly end Stmi-Atmut ff > uwtn } ntke Iimiitfana f > tau IjnUsni Oomfani end in vfrttn mtnttit and oond'cJ l l l > ratrtnyi * < msff , rtri/i / ! is , tmf orf emttueled Mi' hmttlli.faimtnt. mwl in floods ( A ( ou.ird nH | ior fiM , rtnct iv nuAHtA ? company to rii1 ( r , ( , triA/i Mimil < o/ cur < ) Ml dwr/t ttii nJl. " COUMfSSIONKIM. TTM'HKOKDf VTKI > ATTItrn .V , , K A MIM.III.V msTiiinimi : ) Louisiana Stale Lottery ilSWfif t y by4heU1l4 ln , 111 pdOMtlcool and ch rit bIa pnrpocet vlth 1 rrv IU1 oft 1,008,000 to which 6 rwcivs [ unO ol or * VHO.C90 b j uliiM IXXMI urtdoil. By an ovrrwhelmlni popular veto Ita frMuhlw vta modi n part ol tin nroMnH vUt < oomtltallon dct d I > Mmber id. A. b. 1B7C. Ita grand oluglo rmmbor drawings tai a place monthly. It nctw ecilon 01 poMoonrf , Look at the follovtln ) , IHftttihuflon 175th OUANI ) MON'TIILV , ] ANDTIIK Extraordinary Semi-Au ual Draw ing. In the Academy ot Music New Or leans. Tnesd-y , December 10. 188J. ITnilcr the personalstiier | l lon and inaiifiKCiiicnt o UKN . ri T liAl'HK ! < l.MCOof t.oul'ljiuiiml UIK. .miA ) i. A. icAiu.Y , u vtipi'in. CAJ'lTAL PitlZB , 8150,000. XinNotlco. Tlcket are Ten Dollars enl > . IIlire ) K. nrtht , t-.Tentlu , l. MHT OK i'lllZKS. CAPlTAtPHIZn _ _ . . . .UIO .111 1 Grind do 10,301 1 > li do 21.CCK o LMlOEPRIZEb Ot 110,000 iO.OOC 4 < do TiKX ) 2i > , OOC .0 I'ltl l S of 1900 U 1,001 DO Ju Ma M.OCK luu do .IX ) : tioo ( S09 do L'W 4I.OVX fl-0 do JO ) C3 OOt 19 JO do 69 lO.COt jirraoiiHATiON r nut 100 Approximation prizes of (101 2000 ] 00 do do 100 20,0.1 100 do da 71. . . . . 7 M : V.iQ Filici anonntlng to. . , IM3tOf ApplIoatlOD for r tB la clubn ihould be rntdn oali o Iso office ot tfao Ooinpany la How Orlcino. For farther Information write clearly giving ( nl dlrcf , I'OSTAL NU1KS , KxprcBU llnnoy Ordvrn , or Niw York Kxcbango In ordinary letter. Currency by Kxprcss ( all sums of W aud upnarun. nt our ex * penEe ) addrca ed It A. DADPHIN , orl f AvDACrtlUl , Wow Orlor.ns Li. ( W7Smenth Dt , W ahliittou ; 1) . CL Mftko P. O. Men07 Orders paytblt arid aJJrcss KcRlstorc-l T.ottora to NEW OHLUANS N4TIONAT , IlAMf. Now Orleans , I.a. OP1 THK ONLY EXOLDhiVE IN OMAIIA' NEB. Science of Life Only $ 100 " MAIL POSTPAID. KNOW THYSELF , , A C3REAX MKIMOAtiVOUK Kxhioslsd Vitality , Nervous nJ PMeloal Dehlllt ) Premature TJoolInu fn Man , Krromof Youthami the untoM miseries resulting from IntllicroUona or ox cemcn. A hook for every man , young , mhlillo afd | ad old. It contalun 12& prescriptions for nil ocul * ud chronlo diseases each ono of which Is Imaluahlo , So fount ! by the Author , vvhoao oxperlonctf for 11 y oara IB Buch aa probably rio > cr ocforo foil to the lot of any physician. BOO pagcn , bounil In beautiful French muslin ounpOTScd out era , full , ( ( lit guaranteed to bo a finer work in every aeneo , machanlcal , lit erary and pkjfoBSloral , than any ether work uoMIn tbla country for l2.t ! > 0 , or the money will bo refunded In every Instance. 1'rloe only tl.OO by mall , poet paid , Illustrative amnlf > 6 centa. Bend now. Oold medal awarded the author by the National Medical Association , to the ofllccreol which bo refers. The Hclcncool LHo should bo read by thovouur ( or Instruction , and by the nflllctcd for relief. It nil benefit all. Ixmdon Lancet. Tliero lifno member of s'cloty to wliou. The Set nco ol LJfo will not bo useful , whether youth , par cnt , guardian , Instructor or rlciKyuma. Arxonuut Addrcsi the Peabody llvdkal fnbkituto , or Ur. W II. 1'firkor , No. 4 Itulllnch V.trcnt , | l04toriMaea. , uhv iuy bo cunaultod on all dliwaaos roiiuliliiK skill and exucrlouoo. Chronic and obelln&tif illsi aaeu that have U&od the cllli ol fell other l' ' ! > > " 1.1 C A I iJpi.n , 'lit ) : Such treated BUtxxniH IILr'.L fully an liuUnoo ol fullurc. "TUV F ! P AGEHM I f. DAV & . , 50C01MSOH TO DAVIU d OJfVBEB.J flcnuul Bolcrtlo KAHNAMHT. Have foi Wl J3S.WIiwn > t uitluUv MUdfd n KiBtorn l(6Vir ul , t Icn prlco nd OD euy torcu , ImptOTM lanni lor lilo In DcnjUi ) , Dodio ; , Gel ) -Flatte. liart , Oninlnp , Buryi Withlcglco , u'tilc fiinujira , cd liutlor Jsoiuftii Tnea pildln ll p rt ol tb Ht l * Uoaoy tonneJca raprovid fira'e. Hutuy l"uMlo iJwkfe In o&ft Oorropond t , Will imrlfr the nLOOD.Tciru. Ute thii ) KIOrlEYr LIVCft bin < t will Jil Mroittt THE HKvUj'iJJ unil VJOOU of YOUTH. ! > > iifptlu , WmitorAiniulllo , 411. L - ' ' . blriMicth. -'KU'lloii , l.nek of curuil. llcinr. , , _ JJi. linns - iho jnl'id anil . . " ' I. jr"ii.- ! ' . ' tuilti | | llralu 1'oviT. B fBTh L ( iff tffiSnfltr/iis / Ironi sou pUliiH fe AU' ! CEZiVlSiiuciilJarlo tliulmcx will tlTA la I > 3. 1. i' MBJlf J JEOlf "IQVIQ u Hif > . nI f. fuv ciiru. omuu clear. l.c < ufny coaijilvxloit. Prtnueiit i.f.ur.jfilo ul i " ' "f-1' Jiiit onlyudcl to ibai'i.iiuiryurihuorlKliii | > i. Du Jiut ciptrt" . . . ) ouriuati. . to'J'j | < 'r. llurlurMrfl.no. ' l/ouf * I'o.f ir C' - \YKSTIC11N M5WS. DAKOTA. Them are ] ut nn oven 103 inmates of tli Sioux VMt j-cnitcnlinry. .Vftrgo clnltni n , rx > | mlrvlion of 21,000 , and the IsrppU town In the territory. Jcrauld county lia n population of betwuei 1,00,1 ami 5 000 , and an nssofwtl valuation ( of $515,00. . The 1'rotwtfttit l ! < ilir > iiiUn , twclvo mllM foutli of Scotland , Imvo church huilillng o stolio tip ntul enclosed. Kntnq ono unknown Imi hcon jmeliing tl " ( inter' ' In Simix Vnil' , and the tills of ntimc out butinc * * men MO < irnainr > nt < d with ljofi [ silver dollar * . 1'rnlrlo fur * hnvo < lavnttali ! il Inrrjn flection of ctmnlry iicnr I'.lsirmrk. lfoii < i"8 , barns nn liny haxo been liiinied , nnd It i < fnarail tlm innny have milTrrH hca\y Io es. The Vallier DeSmcl inino in the- Hill * ha ihclmcil its Ihirly-olghlli dividend , onu o twenty cents i ir Miaro. nRRrcRntlni ? S20,0ui ( Total of dividends thii jonr SlfiO.OW. Tli Homefttakn uill pay Its Me % ( > nlytliii < l mice * " nvo monthly dividend to-dny , ono o ( ttvcntj centanitliari' , nfrgnwitliKf gWCO ) . Total o dlvldoniU thin joar SL'VLOJ. ) A total o SI10 03(1 frmn two mines Is n pretty pom lr.\w , nhowlng Hint milling In thu JJIack Jilll Is a ruofititblu Induntry. Tlio incrcaso of votu In Chpyonno ovrr twi you * ngo U 607 , which Indicates nti adilillui of 'J.OOO people. Tjiu Ilaptlsl ] of Choynnno Imvo built nni dedicated n now cluucli , thu cecnnd belonging to tliu denomination. The ] llllndilo I < nnd and Cattle company capital S.riOO 00) ) , has filu 1 articles of Incorpurn lion In ( Jliojeniio. Homo of thn gieat cattl mon of the territory nro iitockhulders. David Tlmmai , an old nnd ronpectod citizen of Carbon attempted to commit milcldoat Ilia plaeo l.-ut week , by ( hooting hlnnolf in tin head , The woapan unsil win a Inrgo nrmi pletol. The xhot wannot fatal nnd Mr. Thomas was alive at Intl accounts , Over nil the ranges of Mon tana and Norths- ! Wyoming wohos are increasing with sucl rapidity and nro milking such depredation : upon cattle that utock ownom nro nlarmod , Tlio commissloiiori of Johnnon county , Wyo inlng , oiler to Inrnifh frcu strychnine tu wolf Imitcrfl. The wolvca formerly followed tlio liulfalo hcrdii , but on that branch of Itduntr ] Is now out of thuir leach , they take ravenous ) ; lu range cattlo. COI.OIIADO. During October the pollco of Denver cagci 170 crooks of varying grades , The Nellie inino in San Miguel county pro duced $10,000 ! In nineteen days of taut month , The Wcs by the recent dcetrnctivo fire at Silver 1'lumo foot up S7fi,000 ; innuranco , $50,000. Tliu Denver NOWH Intimates that nineteen inch collars will nrovon great attraction on tl white house clothes lino. An electric who rot fire to Iho celling of n clothing ntnru la Denver the other day. The blnzo was nipped in tlio bud. Kvorythiiij ( In said to bo overdone in Anpen , nnd many think of emigrating BOSH to Wliilo 1'ino , believing It to bo u butter cinip. Itucont nssjiy test from the Dora Kail , n [ iropvrty near Irontpn , cnnylng carboimtcH oiul binilders of solid galena , yielded -Ot luncoa Hilvor to the ton. The roller nkating eru/.a rases with increns- ng vlrnlunco In liouldur , and accidents nmlti- ily. I-net week ono of thu proprietors apralned iis ankle , n lady broke her arm , r. prominent Icmocrnt hikil his feU knockud from under dm , the sudden Rtoppago jarring the base of ho brain , nnd cauiu nuar rcbiilting In very erlom injuries. Still the fun goca on. A good htriko was made rccsntly in IJrown's Illicit , in West 1'lacer between J/incoln City > nd Swan , nuar Hrccklnriilga. Thu cruvlco twulvu foft wide und thu mineral is all It. It ahKjys $2i.lhi : : ! and milliuiiH 1128.-11 , both by 3\lr. liurllngamo , of Dunver. Vn afgny of ? lilil.83 WUH inndo by Mr. Doty , f Drecliinridgo , which resulted , gold SI2.05 , llvor ! 5'252.7U. Thu owners nra Mr. Jninoi Hbbcrt , of Denver , Mr. Wiloy Youiif , Mr. ohn Oyphcrt , Mr , John .Incloon. MONTANA. . JJo/.emnn Is to huvo n now four atory hotel. A recent fire in the territorial penitentiary Imniigcd thu buildluga ti > the ox tout of $2,500 , Society Item in thu YullowBtonu Journal : ) vcr 110 acrubby Crow Indian ? , buck ? , qunWH , pappoofcv , with iianlus bringing up ho roar , punned over the railroad ountward uetutday for their homes in Dakota. The nrmlulH huvo been vlaltiug western relatives. A few wceka ago 1'rof. Marth , of llulena , ladu nn Important discovery of coal in the lountnliis n fowiiiilcn oaut of Townsend , The oal is of n very line quality nnd thu vein ii igliteeii feet thick. 1'rof. Marsli hat a force f men at work developing his find , The dU- every is situated about thrcu milus from the allroad. A ack of line specimens of rich gold rock roni a now discovery in Emigrant Uulch was eceivcd recently by Mr. uovo of Jlclena. 'ho rock Is bright with the precious inttal , nd will nsuay away up into the tuns of thoim- nds. J\lr. \ Ciovd does not know thu natnis of ho foilunaln discuvcreiH , a the specimens /era sent thro' gh nnotbur paity. Thu ere iody Is Huid to bj thieo feet wldo nnd so far as puicd Is apparently of uniform richness. Next year the camp of lintto will produce n silver mid copper not lets than $20,000,000 vitb the piuhunt facilities ( or mining , milling , nd mnolttng , The cnpabllilloj of ere pro * luction KCtms to lucrcnau with < ! o\cU > pmont , md this fnU la best , illustrated by the vxten. Ivu additions now being inudu to thu Aim- londn , L'airott , Mont.imi ; ColuMi , and Clnrk'n olusn concentrating ivnd biiieltlng pluute. Thoio Is ivgrai.d oiiuntng for moral ufoim n the territory , 'jhu liulo liitcr-iMountnln ajti ' 'Tl.o next Irgirlulmu of Montana , If t bo oomiio ud o ! honorable iLcn will lm\u u ; loiimn oppoitm.lly to impriAo ( hu publlo norals In the t ribcipnl uitlcH of MonUna. Thu uural Hcnlinient uf thu tenltory will inbku ti-elf full and thu rcHiilt will bu that a cctt iln ints of people who li.odlf the wngea ui.d folly if others w til bo compelled to curn a living linnout toil their " " ouV jy or ply "profmUm" , restrlctudfcalu" , 81 ! ATI Kit I NO NOTUH. Thn ICit Car2on mouimiL'ul U to be crcctod at Bantu Ke. Tlio propoity in TiiCBon , A. T , , in nnscniii'd nt S2,0i7l ( 7A70. An olil crater oil the wi'tt tlilo of Ml Davidson In eald to bo warming up , The Koxnilu and Oregon railroad contriirt ractort will HOOU liuvu live mllu * of road nrjd ud. Ono thousand man nro now employed in coniDloting thu Camudu division o.r the Ntr h eru I'acilic , Four Bort-hum mlllii are now running In Ham'a Valloy. Southern Oregon , v > itU a capac Ity of 100 gallouH per day. A man gathurud off of hia place In wrnlt'rr WoiihiuRtoii territory , thin mt non , 1,100 barrbla of cranberriea , worth ? 10riOO. Thn bum of ? . ' ! " > , ( .00 him boon | > ald for n con trolling Interest in tliu Hilvor Lining mine , In Aur.ru , Nov. The Itodlu men are aninug the compjiiy that ] ) i cltai d. The lun'ffoil vnluo f the taxiblo projxjrty , real anil piT onal , in Klko county , Nevada , for Iho yrur IBSi , WIIB $ y , 00U7i for the year IPKil. it wa t3,087,401j for the your 188i It ( Jreat nmthy exlctn at 1'arin , Hear I.ako county , Kuv , , ircarding fduc.itlonul mntturf. Tim tltlzi'iu of that pUtii icfiitid recently t < > nto n lax of ono pnr cent to rendiT their rchuol liuutu Imbltublo am ing the winter inontliK , , ] .a(7iundo , Oroson , got tiicul of so many ambleitf , loupjitf uud thle\i'i ( , aii't ' the othui duy nottcuii were iiottrd winning "llu-horr uambli'iH , op inn lienda aid trxFluiii" | t Vftvo town within twenty-tour houiu. Al but two left , The Tiinufl ) Los Acgdlu IB lnfpiiit < i with u largo punp of petty lutccny thiov n bunko-ttecrerti , tin-horn gumUnj | ( , roiilulunce men , Hdfu-crjcU'rH and biir l.tru. 'INio poll i force liau btim nearly doubltd within Ilia past few dayH tincu the advent of thU flats. A rovwond lecturer from India , at the clew of his iiUconrto lit M'icKtilD , Ctlifoinfa Hun day ovuilng , nflur dilating mi the fully o wearing it' ' " ulry , tuok up a cnlh ctlon and u . hortedluilloiiRiid men to put thinr | uweU in the oontiibutloii bin , Lut It won u fitilf-nfcked Hinllencu , uud adhciiil to their wurld'y trea urea , lh i Ti mbnto' u ( \ . T ; Mil & Miwutj tuui p.iny produced SO.fiOS 89 ton i of ore , vieldlni an average of ! )5IKJ ) ) ouncr * nf nlvcr , and W ounce ? of gold per ton , Mining la < t year < a ? ! I. HI par tonj milling , $5 flj ; concentrating 81 * > 7 ; Mneltlng , $18 00 ; sundries nd n-linlnn trntion , SI. 77. The ere product l t year wa ] " MO tnM. ThomltiMlmro prndticad bnl In two yenri vnluwl nt Sl.Wi.'jn'.ZO , jot its b mdod ebt is only SlOfl.CO ) lufa than it wa when d\idcndft ! ceaied , OP Skflcioim In Mm TOM-IT l The London Standard , in deecribinR the progroai of the work of "restoration1 nt the townr of London , han tlio follow- ins nbnut the historic church of SI. Polor ad Vincnla , which la nituated within its bounds : In the cjo of Iho Englishman this ohnbby little church in 0110 of the Bicrod places of England. Within it lie the remains of s > mo of the most illustri ous , many of the best , nnd , taking them all in nil , n few of the woret of thoao vrlioao imtnca nro most prominent in our chronlclea. Oppoftitu tlio door is the spot whuro private cxcctitiona for ntntu olfenscs formerly took place , and on thii blood stuitivd bit of f/roimd , now rnnrkoc by a largo oval of clnrk Hints , pcrishod , iiinong others , Anne Boleyn , Lidy Jane Gray , and the carl of Eioox. In the floor of Iho church , and in the crypt , nro the bnncs of Bcoroa of unfortunntos , many ol thorn nameless , hurriedly Blftin , often without trial , and huddled here without any record of their offense or thuir fnti ) , with the knowlodgu that dead men nnd dead women tell no talcs. Tlio entire soil of the toner is , it ; truth , ono vast graveyard. The work men nro constantly turning up bones , to which thu records of the place afford _ no clue , and n few years ngo , when making some repairs in the tloor , they came 01 : numerous skeletons , as though people fiad bean pitched into a pit without any regular sepulture. Largo quantities of charred bodies most probably those of [ lemons burned for heresy were found : lese to the church of St. Peter , and between - tweon it and the crypt. During this disarrangement of the dust of agestho remains mains of Annu lioelyn , Catherine Uow- ml , Dudley , Lady Jane Gray , Somerset , Monmouth , and the countess of Sails- jury or at least skeletons which , from : heir positions in the chapel , wcro bo- iipvod to bo theirs with many other listorical personages , were lighted upon , and decently rccoflinod and rointored , , ho undetermined remains being buried n the crypt. The original interments scorned to Imvo boon hasty as , indeed , wo might except from the well-known 'act that Anne Boloyn'a body wai toesnd n to an old arrow chest , which chest , vitli some arrow hcada hard by , was 'pund holding the remains of * 'a do- icatoly formed woman" when the grave van broken open. So , too , much quick tmo was found in the graves mentioned. KOOHIXG FOIl SOMEBODY. VntI You. Sly I'YIiMul. Hnvo t l llccn ; ( ) ( ) ( for JIIinToo , When the Wild West show wna in own , n big man , wearing a oombrero on load and a gruesome scar on his face , valkod into a ealoon and gazed scarch- ngly nt the congregation , eyeing each inn in turn , says the Boston Globo. "Whom are you looking for , John ? " nquirod the gnntlcman who ntood with is back to the bar , both elbows resting n the counter , and ono heel upon the oot-rail , while ho explained away the lulllgan letters on the hypothesis that lulligan wna an illiterate brick-layor , nd probably hired some irresponsiclo ohomlan to write the letter for him. "Oh , I'm looking for Somebody , " ro- > licd Arizona John. "I've been looking or him the laat two years. Why , I've unfed for that follow from Skowhogan o Siskiyou , and oflarcd big money for ono quiiro look at him. Ho works for our howdoctJ moro'n anybody elao in camp -but I can't got on to him. Ho isn't on ho calory list , but I'd like to work for mlf what it costs to keep him. Ho'a Iwnys doing somothinH. Ono of the julliilocn got into a man's garden up in jpringliuht and hoisted the man over a encu , nnd when I wont to the camp and ski'd who lot the bulF.ilo loose , they told to S 'inubucy ' did it. "Y-obut who in thunder is ho ? " 1 nid , " 1 don't know him. 11 o isn't on hu salary list. I never hired him. how him to mo. If ho's doing ail thcso lings , why don't 1 over moeet him ? " "Somt'budy left a oandlo on the table no night and burned [ the house down. omubtdy lut go Iho drag rope of the alloon too aoon the other day and wo jst the balloon. Somebody forgot to ccd the horses Somebody loft the barn ftho coiral down nnd all the stock tampeded. Now , whnt I wnnt to know a , who in this Air. Somebody , where IB o , what docs ho look like ? Somebody ut mo Bcems ) o Unnw him. I'vo heard ion tell their wives thut they'd got to KO own town to meet Somebody. Gentlu- icn go out between the ncis nt thu licatro to ace Somebody. TJutt fellow iomubcdy gives mo inoro trouble , does nero dainuge , and couts morn ni"noy Imii all the rest of thu outfit. I'm look- ng for him. 1 want to iind him. I just vmit to st > o him a minute only a luin- i'o , I'll die hnpiy | if I over got u ecjutro lunco i\t Soniob dy. " "What in you ? " : iskod the bar-kecpnr ue'nuatingly. ' "Givo mo a beo'n-uwing. I don't mow who'n netting 'em ' up , hut hero's uck to Somebody. " Ho Did Not Not I co It. 'ittnlmrc ; Cbronloo-Tolurapli ! , A PitUburg oportsman came back from lunkakoo n fuw days ugo. ITo had boon hero duck hunting , and on the morning if his return ho met the man ho hired iis gun from. ' lltllo , when did you get back ? " " ' " 'Smorning , "Have a good timer" "Well , I should Binilo. Shot ducks all lay and played a quiet little game of draw n the gloaming. Say , that's a first-class ; un of youra. I'll ' want it again , I ex icct. " "Oh , yes ; I'm sorry about that mistake about the stock. 1 suppoeo it gave you troulnVf" 'What stock ? What do you moan ? " "Why the yun stock. Wo nmda u iris tnko itnd put a Ao. 10 stock on the case with No. 14 birroU " "Did you ? Thunder , I didn't notice it. " "Aha ! " 1'olillcn III "I utuloiutnnd you and Smith had a fight ycsti'rdnj ? " "Yt-s , > vo had a littlp dilHculty about polit'Cf. ' " 1 And ha drew a pistol on you ? " Y .l" "IIu must Imvo been drunk. " " 1 giiCHi litwar. . Al luaat , that is the opinion of the ooronor. " Soil of North Oaroliuu Smokmg To. w UCJ .A t U b t\ , TACTS AIJOt'T I AUU. anil Kaily nist < n7 " ' ' ' " * Omni. _ h II has t'n- ( ICI'lfOMO. Now York Commercial-Achettiscr. "IJavo you any idea by whom or when the g.-uno of fnro waa invented ? " asked n reporter n few days ago while talking with Ohnrloa Dunn , the well known gam- blor. blor."Well "Well , that is n questnn , " replied Dunn , creasing hia legs with a grunt of supreme comfort and lighting another cigar. "Faro , my boy , ciatoa back to the inventors of almost all the games that require - quire thought. 11 was invented , I Imvo heard , by the Pharaohs after they had got tired of playing chess and backcam * mon , and all the other innocent little gatmia which brought them so much en joyment. But the now invention w s the ruining of the Pharaohs , for they gambled so much that finally the shepherd kings wont for thorn and pulverized them , na \ro say nowadays ; so tnro was temporarily forgotten. The Ptolemys revived it , and then it crossed over into Italy , where mosaics in the ruins of Pompeii IMVO been found representing two players deeply absorbed in the primitive game , No , I'm not joking. 1 never joke about any such oorlous matter its faro. But , honestly , no ono knows when the game was really invented. It was ono of those things which partook of the nature of Topny nnd 'simply grow'd. ' "Tho earliest record wo have of the game is in the thirteenth century , when it had assumed considerable popularity in Italy and Franco. I am inclined to bellovo that it is of Italian origin. From the Italian wo got the word "parlco , " which ia used in the game now , and moans to lut the stnko lie and doublo. The Italian origin ia paroli. To miiko paroli as it was originally called , a player was required to bond ono corner of the preferred card over , It was alwaya his right to withdraw a bet after the tlmo when ho had won hij first stake , but pre viously to that ho had to lot his money remain. At that time there were no lay-outs. ' Every player had his own and made his bets on thn cards that Rack o himself turned. When ho won ho simply showed his card to the dealer and ho was paid. A century ago no box was used. The dealer dealt out his hands , and so ran a great chance of showing most of the cards. The box la a great protection against the inquisitive , and it is really the only protection the player has against any possible manipulation on the part of the dealer. If faro was dealt out of hand , as it was in former times , there would bo a decided number ol shootings in this policoridden city. "It I'M hard to say when faro was intro duced into this country. The probabili ties are that it was played in England long before any ono over dreamed ot colonizing the now world. Wo know that it was played in Virginia long before the revolution. Thu old planters wcro not chary about hotting their slaves on the turn of a card , pnd had none of the Puritan narrowmindoducea which kept faro out of Now England. The game was played : it that time without n box. The players choao their cards from thuir own decks , and had nmplo opportunity to manipulate it as they pleased. They got no benefit from a split that is , when two cards of a like denomination are turned up and the stakes nro equally divided between the player and the bank. They didn't even have the advantage of a 'cuo box' to check off the cards which had been dealt. Of course , there was raeh betting in consequence , and manip ulation was common on the part of the bank nnd of the player , and you may bo sure both took advantage of thoia changes to the best of their ability. " "Have tnoro been any recent changes in the game1' ? "I should think BO. And they all have Iind a tendency to make the game much Fniror than it was originally. Thirty years ago , I remember that it iras a rule that if n man put abet down on the table ! io was compelled to leave it there until it had lost or won its equivalent. Now lie is able to change his bets as many times as he chooses. At that time when a man sat down nt a faro-table ho sat down only to bet to win. Now ho can bet either to win or to loso. At that ; imo there wasn't any such a thing us n copper ; now a man can copper the ace and bet that it will lese nnd still win on a loaing card. Then there is coneidorn- ) lo diflercnco in the way faro is played n the west. If n man puts his chips at .ho corner of the king heading to the dpuco in this city the bet takes in tlui dug and the deuce only ; but out west uch a placing of chipa would mean the dug , queen , ace nnd dcuco. Checks lave only been used during the aat fifty years. Previous to the ivory 3iska which represent so much money , coin waa used , and oftontimea the faro able would bo strewn with gold and sil- cr as the game went on. The first time are wns played publicly in Now York vns in 1827. It increased to an alarm- ng extent untl ) 1831 , before the great ire , when that calamity loft the city nl most without money. The distress of ho following two or thrco years almost ailed the giimo , but , ns business revived and money again became plenty , faro arose from the ashes , as it were , and returned - turned ita sway. In about 1810 the legislature - islaturo passed a bill declaring faro to bu illegal gambling , und thenceforth when- n'oraman wanted to 'buck the tiger , ' lie had to do it on the sly. Virginia look action forbidding the game in iho last century. In 1750 eho passed i law requiring 'thn subjects of the king to ro- fratu from playing the game of faro. ' The penalties fur breaking this old law were very severe , including heavy line's and a long term of imprisonment. HoAV Sl'ONGIJS AUK CAUGHT. ] Slimy MtiKBca of "Ijlvi'r" AVtiloli Be- ooiiio Clean mill Dry , The sponging Hoot ia composed of imall schooners ranging from tcu to forty tons , or oven smaller , writes a correspondent pendent of The Now York Times from Naisau , Eioh schooner carries from four to six men , and makes periodical trips out to the sponge bodv. Around Abaco , Andros island , and Kxuma are some of the principal fisheries ; there are hardly any of vftlun in the itnmcdiato vicinity of Nassau. The mon do not diva for them , as epongo fishers in tlio Mediterranean do , but use long-handled things like oy tor-ton s to fish them out of the water. They do not "go it blind" and probu in tlio mud , like oystormou ; in thu clear wntor ttuy can see every Inch of the bottom , make up their minds what sponges to take , and coizo hold of each ono oarofolly , dotnth it from the rock to which it clings , und lift it into the boat They are not tlio uica , delicate , und light-colored things wo ecu in uhop win tlllt'K. NVIinn fint taken fron * the water they look and fool inoro like n piece of raw liv.r than euything ulso. They are slip- purr , slimy , ugly , nud smell bad. Thuir * i r .s . j Lcr.itl > nciU uf brown , very much like the color of gulf-weed , only little darker. Most people are taught , i the days of their freshness and innocence that the sponge is an animal , end whci they vielt Nassau they expect perhaps t RCO the epontjes nwimmlng about tli harbor , if indeed they do not surpris some of the more athletic ono climbing trees or making little cxcur sions ever the hills. But they are dis appointed when they learn thai the nni inol purt disappears entirely long bcfor the spontfo roaches a market.nna that th part wo use for mopping up fluido is only his house , the many roomed residence it which ho sheltered himself while at nea a regular marino tenement house , buil with great skill nnd architectural proci BIOII , in which many of the little bciat lived and died. After the sponges roac ! the deck of Iho vessel they nro claanoc nnd dried and go through a curing pro COIP. They then become the sponges o commerce , and nro divided into t-igh varieties in the Bahamaa. Some , calle d "lambswool , " are as fin and ooft na silk nnd very strong. Others although large and perhaps tough , are noarao and comparatively worthless There are , too , boqnot sponges , sill apon ca , and finger nud glove sponges The process for curing them h to keep them on dock for two or three days which "kills" them. Then they are pu in a krawl nnd Iccpt there from eight to ten days , and are afterward cleaned am bleached in the sun on the beach. Whci they reach Nassau the roots are cut ol rnd the sponges are trimmed an' droased for exportation. Nearly every darky in Naesau understands how to do tliis trimming part. The symmetry o the sponge must po preserved as much a possible , nnd if there nro any place whcio coral sand has adhered to tin sponSo , these plncca muat bo cut out , fo ; no amount of skill or cote will got rid o sand in a sponge , and the sand is sure to scratch anything it touches. The trimming is generally done very oxportli so that nnovlco would hardly BOO that sponge had been cut. T IKON JACK. An Amiaclniis Lltlgantl FojU tlie Sheriff and Dance * "With tlio Hells of the Hull. Commercial Advertiser. "Shoot Iron Jack , " an audacious brig and , fifteen years ngo , was a terror to several counties of northern California Ho waa well educated , handsome , tall , the son of a minister , so all accounts agreed , and hia name had been gained by the immunity from bullet-wounda that ho appeared to possess , Men did not hesitate - tate to declare that they had soon good shots fire point-blank at hia breast and miss him squarely , lie became knowi as the most expert horse thief in the re gion , and innumerable exploits of hia are related in Shasta nnd Tohama counties. On ono occasion ho threw his pcrsuers oil his track , assumed a disguise , met the ohoriirs party , delighted them with hia aongoand stories , put up with them at a little village inn , and during the night escaped with three of the best horses in the party , after having turned the others loose in the woods and leaving a saucy and funny letter of thanks ending with an apt latin quotation for the sheriff , whoso wrath waa of such an abiding seri that brief would have been Jack's life- loasa had ho been overhauled ; in lees than two minutes ho then ircro suredly hauled over and dangling from an oitk limb. Ono of the most characteristic feats of this fellow was performed at a mountain ball in a log cabin. Young people had assembled from many milca distant , some of them coming a day's journey. The ball had hardly begun when a tall , black-haired , well-dressed , handsome stranger appeared and excited much comment. A particularly handsome young girl wns taken out on the floor by her partner , und suddenly the stranger stopped up und with great politeness re quested the gentleman to resign the lady in his favor. lie whispered his name in the young man's ear , paid a compliment to the young lady , took her forth and led the dance , The word wont around that Slicet-Iron Jack had como to dance with all the pretty girls ; that ho had several revolvers , never missed a shot , and probably had friends bid within call. The loiig and the short of it was that the thirty young men present were terror ized , and , ono another , the handsome brigand dauccd with the prettiest maid ens in the room. Then ho bowed to the excited assomby , stood in the doornray a BRcnnd , said mockingly that it was a pity the mon were not as bravo as the ladies wore handsome , and diaappcarcd in the darkncsa. A lUODICIj TlHiHOAT. llii' Dlost Powerful Boat of lh Kind In Use. Xow Orlonns 'runes-Democrat. Capt. Eids' now steam tugboat wau launched on the 27th hist , at the yards uf Neaflio & Levy , in Philadelphia. This jottt , vhen finished , will bo the most powerful one of the kind in the world. 3ho ia 12i ) feet lonjj , 22 feet beam , and 1 1 fcvt diiphth of hold. The entire hull a built of the best boiler etetl plates. Her engines are compound , ! )2 ) inch stroke ; the high-pressure cylinder is 22 ind the low-pressure ono Ii8 inches in diameter , turning a nine foot propeller wheel. She will have two steal boilers of great strength , each 8i feet front and 13 foot long , designed to pass United States inspection for a working pressure of 157 pounds per eqnaro inch , which pressure will , however - over , bo limited in practice by Mr. Enda'a ordora to 125 pounds. At this pressure the engines will develop 700 in dicated horao-powor , or four times aa much aa his other well-known tugboat , Ella Andrews , develops. Capt. Eads does not believe the Unlthd States in spection formula a safe ono. The boil ers of his great iron drcdco-boat Bay ley and those of the Ella Andrews were built to pass inspection for ICO pounds per tquaro Inch , but only 125 is permitted on them. This boat Is designed for uao at the mouth of the Mississippi and in the gulf of Mexico , and will bo made useful in constructing the ship railway , and in the harbor works of Galveston if con gress places the latter in charge of Capt. Eads. This superb tugboat will bo nt Now Orleans about thu time of the open ing of our gtcat exposition , and will boar the name of ita energetic director-general , 15 A. Burke , under whose ordora she will bo placed for an excursion to the jetties. _ jn A "Women's The Elgn was displayed , und somebody wont in to BOO if u man who win tired ol his wife could go there and trade her oft for another ono. Found it was im practicable. The host kin * of uxchauno for women ia that which is pcom aed by Urown'a Iron Bittora. Exclnngo pool health for tfoou. Broken down nnd de bilitated ladles with impoverished blood find vigor and joy in the enrichment whioh this priuco of tonioi buetowa on them lii * medicine , comMnintf Iron with jmrn t'MiiIjlo lonlr , ginrkly nnd rninnlptoly t'utvb HyxiiriKiln , uiillir lliii , U mUm'ftM , tminirc illciixi , .llitlurliM hillsitiiill < 'ct < > r , niiil Ni-urnluln. II l nn unfnlllnR roin-Jy Inr JMsrnresof ti3 ! KIi1nrH nnil l.bor. It Ii Invnlnnlilo ( or l'l oii oi prnillnr to \Vmii 'ti , nnd nil vlio lend fodentnrv lhc It iloos not Injure t lie tcctlicnn clicndnPlic , it firod'iro ' constipation o/A'r / Iron ma/irfiifi tin. Hcnrirhctniul purifies the Mood , ctlmnlntri Iho npnctltc , nlds the nvlmllntion of food , re Mrvri llenrtlmrn nnd Heir-Mug , nnd strength- M - the mu'rlo * nnd ncrxr * Tor IntormltU'iit rovers , .assitndc , I.arV of Knonry , Ap. , it lias no cqnnl. 11- The ernulnp lins nl > no trnfir rnnrk nnj fr < n c < l red lint-son wrapper. Tnkc iiuotlicr piiif-oniriir mumMiiKiiirji , to. . im.Ti.ipitr.r.-v. Andundlspntciintne BROAD GLAIN VERY BEST OPERATING , QUICKEST SELLING AND liver offered to the uublic. HAMBUBG-AMEBIOAN DffiECI LINE FOR ENGLAND , KKANCE AND OERitANY.5 The etcctDBblps of this well-known line are bnllt o Irou , In water-tight comportments , and nro furnleh ed with every rcqulalto to make tbo iM3igo botl ! ( o und ngrccablo. They carry the United Etato and European marls , tnd leave Now York Thura dajsundbaturdaj-Hfor ri } mouth ( LOXDOli ) Chor bourc , ( PAUIS ) and n/iMllUUO. Rates : Stecrego from Europe only F1S. Flro Cabin , ? 56 , * OB nu.l J76. GtoeriKe , ? 2U , Ifoury Pundt , llark llauten , F .C. Moores.JI. Toft vgentsln Ouiaha , Oioncwor & Schoontfrcn , ngcntaln Counsll Eluffs. C. BlRICUAUD &CO. , Ocn. Pass Afrta. , 61 Broadway , H. Y. Cbas. Kozmlnokt & Co Qenrr * ! Western . * B9nta , 170 Wnehlngtcn St. , Chic * ZO.IU.CSH i Charteredby thsStatsofIlil : appropriate rc.r.edy .ntnnce utedin cnchcitc. Consultations , per- .ijii.il cr by letter , sacredly confidential. Mcd. "l..es cnt bv Mail and Express. No marks on & .E.ICC to indicate contcmo or sender. Addres * . JA WES.HO. 204Wa3hinfllon SlM Men. Quick , lore , life. Itook fr * . VIGOR r , lliOFulloua Victims of jouthfulirnprudence.causInBNcrrousDo- ility , I'remnturo Decay , and all ilisold. re broiiebt on y indiscretion or cxcpb .wlll learn of a i , vlo remedy , rte.byaddres | pgj. 11. itUEVKiOjUhatlianieUNTy DR.HORNE'SELEGTRIG BELT ? lll euro Nervoiisnotii * , I.nn . si > nritlKln , hLluti n , KIIIK\ | , Spine HIM ! lu. ii nur. Anlhrau , Mi'iirr tltht ii- * , ' PI * pl t. ' "li-'l i'l Ipt'lils. ( lUftrrh. I'll , ' , } 1 ill | < * \ Iii | > ! ii i I lit ) ri'l l ] ) "i Ltfil oti OMl , ti n iitiu I .LIIH I ca that H'lula Iho l.l < t irU tl. tin I m Mit'tlnm l . ll.t uilf , uud cau Lu rocharKud lu uu Iribuuit b > the j . .iloal. Winter Iscnrnlnc , the soaeon o the yrar for nclics ndjinl/19. \lowof thla fact wo say buy onu of > r. llor c'a Electric Belts Ily FO doing you will void llhouinatitm , Kidney Triublca and otliir Ilia -.it llcsh Ii liclr to. Do not deliy , but cell ct our fflco and examlua belts. No , ll'J'J Douclas ttroot , fr , P Onrdnmn' , 1110 i'aruatn St. , Omaha , Nob. Or- CHfil'l ' l 0 O U Mtar A WM , S AMAA& UEPRfiSEKTa i oa,0 eb estonejtar.N Y. , Caplt&l . , CWCC : ' . ao WoruiuntP , cl Nowut. N J. , Utpltkl 1,275,000. rardjrire.IhUidoljhla , * pilU . I.Sro.COfl ernen'rivad Ctt'lil . l.ltJ.tlt IS DK01D 1)V Royal Havana Lottery ! ( A aOVKRNUKNT INSTITUTION. ) Drnwu ot Havana , Ouba , Every 13 to 14 Days. riOKCTB , 2.00 , . HAtyE3. .00 flubjott to no manipulation , not controlled by th irtionln Interest. It la the fairest thug la > h .iturc of chinco In eiUtonco. For Information and p ticulan prly to8HI8Ky , JO.jaen.Agenta.lSlillroadKav , N Y. city. Z. KAU114 CO. , 117 Walnut otrcot.H * , Loalt' , Uo r Frank Lobrunn , L. D. . SO Wyaudotto , Kan. y Ul-m&e & w Iv Health is Wealth ! Da. K. 0. WKSI'B NHKTI ARD UHAIN TUHIBMJ.NT , a < uarcntrod cncdtln for IljucrU , D ttluoeii , Convu ) . ilc'iia , Kits , Nervous Neuralglt , Headache , Nervous 'rottratlou caun-d by thu use ol alcohol rr tobbacco , Vaktfuluei.1 , Mental doprconlcn. EoftcnlnK of the brulii , rcaultlne In Iniunlty and letplng to mlrery , iL-fiy aud death , Premature Old ngo , Ilaionob * . IDAS oliii | erlu tlther itx , iaioluutary Lents nnd i > tr rcatorhoia cauted by over exrrtlontcf the brain , Belt' ' itbure or o\er Indulgence , K&cb box , coctalna ono month's trratmcnt. f l.tO a boxer til bottled ( or IMO , Bunt by mall prepaid on roculpt ( i ! prlco. WE OUAUANTKU 811 BOXK1 Toonre inr caio. With each ordfr romUeil by tu 'oi ' elx bottles , accorarllth.d with J5.00 , wo will wnd iba purchaccr our written puaianteo to refunu Ihb mcuey If the tre&tmontdo s net effect a euro , duor utcca Irtuod eely by JOHN C : WKKT U CO. . ] y S-ui&e-rr ffl2 Madl < on St. , Chicago , 111. JAS.EPEABODYM , D. Physician & Surgeon Rfeildcnce No. 1407 Jomi Ht Oilko , No. UOO Far niluMrott Otl'co bom * Hm. to IP m. am ! fiomS ( < tf | > 1 , . T | l 1' L9 ( r I' It . ' T ll li * l.'J. The rotnarknblo growth of Oraahcv , durlny thu laat few yparB J3 „ inattsr of great astonishment to these who my nn occaaional visit to this prowhig citv. The development of the Stock Yards the necessity of the Belt Line Head the finely paved Btroota the hundreds ql ao r rcflidencoa and costly business blocks , with the population of our city moro" than doubled in the last five years. All -thlfi ia a great ( surprise to visitors nnd lo the admiration of our citizens. This rapid RroTrth , the businens activity , and the many eubstnntial improvements made a lively demand for Omaha real estate- and every Investor hao made a handiwinQ profit. i Slnoo the Wall Street panic last May , with the subsequent cry of hard timim , there has boon less demand from specula tors , but a fair demand from investors necking homos. Thia latter class are taking advantage of low prices In build ing material and are securing their homos nt much loss cost than will bo possible a year honco. Speculators , too can buy real oeta * a cheaper now and ought ta take advant present prices for fntur profi s Th . few years promises groato ovol pmonta in Omaha than the par ft i years , which have boon us good st wo could reasonably dcslro. Now rd ns ufacturlng establishments and largo 'nn- ' bing houses are added almost weekly , job all add to the prosperity of Omaha , atw There are many in Omaha and through out the State , who have their money In the banko drawing a nominal rate of n- torest , which , if judiciously Invested In Omaha real estate , would bring theirt much greater returns. Wo have marly bargains which wo are confident Trill bring the purchuser largo profits in tKe near future. ft We have for sale the finest _ _ _ _ _ dence property in the north aud western parts of the city. V North -wo have fine lots atreasoii- fiblo prices oa Sherman avenue , 1 7th , 18th. Iflth and 8 th8 ; reolB. West on ITarnam. Davenport , Cuming , and all the leading streets .n that direction. The grading of Farnam , Califor nia and Davenport streets lias made' iccessible some of tbe finest and " iheapest residence property in the- : ity , and with the build mg of th < ? t itreet car line out Faniuui , the iiro-V perty in the western part of the city ? } * * iVill increase in value. AVe also have the agency for the1'1 Jyndicatc- mid Stock Yiinls proper- ! y in the south part oi'the oir.y. The | [ evelopmen s made in this section iy the Slock Yards Company ana f he railroads will certainly double , he price in a nhort tinn- v\ro also have somf business ots and snme elegant , inside rcsi- ence. < > for sale , Parties wishing toinv will find omo good bargaiua t > \ cuhing on u 513 Souijli 14th S Bet v'eon Farnham nnJ Douglas. p. s. We ask those who have iroperty for Bale at n bargain to give IB a callWe want only bargains. , Vo will positively not handle prop- rty at more than ita real value.