Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 12, 1884, Image 1

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Berision of fie Vole of N&w & Yorfc
by Comities ,
About Half the Total Number
Returned ,
No Changes Shown ; None
Soberly Expected
Possibilities of a Few Irregu
larities in tlio Oity ,
fanatical Eadioals Alone Dis
pute the Apparent Eesulti
Tammany's ' Great Opportunity
for Bloody Eoveuge.
Bolters In Itrooltlyii Vn-
i Ions ICvlJcnccK o. Small Irregu
larities Proxnostlciitloii.q , etc.
The following table priuted in the New
York Times of the iltli inst. with jour
ual'd confidence of its nccurncy , ii hero given
fur reference. It will bo found by comparing
it with the returns that the Times matlo its
t'fltiin.ite rt'lth nlmost precise exactitude and the
inference ) that the full returns of the revised
official vote will tally with the tubulated totals
if not inoro than reasonable. However , the
anticipated discrcpancios are located in Now
Vork City and as it so happens that no rovi
a'ons of that vote have yet been Bout , largo
nud decisive differences may ba found ,
, - 1884
Counties : laud. Blalno
Dem. Hep.
Albany . 010
Alleghaney . 2785
llrooine . 140i
CattarrauRus . 13'JS
C'ayuga . 3iGi
Chatauqua . 4809
ChomunR . 181
Chenango . 1052
Clinton . 822
Columbia . flit )
Cortland . 12t > 8
Delaware . 97S >
Outchess . 1022
Kiie . 1-491
Kasex . 1773
1'rauklin . 1090
1'ulton and Hamilton . 104
Uonesee . 958
Ureeiie . ' . . . . 1C
llerkimer . 81 (
Jefferson . 19IG
Kings . l.r > 7 ; " > ( ; "
Lewis . 78
Livingston . 1103
Madison . 1741
Moriroa . " ) l)7fi )
Montgomery . yj
New York . 4322r >
Niagara . 31t !
Oneida . C'J '
Onondnga . 372
Ontario . 731
Uraigo . 127
Orleans . 10:10 :
Dawego .
Otsejto . 430
1'ntnam .
( Jiiefms . 1922
Itensaelaor . HID
liichmond . 1971
Kockland . 1101
St. Lawrence . 7-103
Saratoga . 23 H
Schenectady . 283
.Schoharie . 1807 '
Schuyler . 57'J
Seneca . 318 '
Steubon . 'JSii
Suffolk . 053
Sullivan . 315
Tompkina . 42S
Ulster . r.'J
Warren . 784
Washington . 311r
Wayne . 2113
We Hchestor . 223S
\V yoinmg . ] 252
Vates . 1273
Total . . G9701 (18103 (
Uemocralic plurality in 188 1 , 1.801.
Nnw YOIIK , November 11 , The following
figures give the result of the ofllcial canvass in
each county in New York state.
.Schohario county's vote gives the following :
Blame , 3,472 ; Cleveland , 5,339 ; Butler , 3' ; St.
lohu , 173j plurality for Cleveland , 1,807.
haruioga county Blaine , 8,1)0 ! ) ; Clo'-o and ,
"i..Slli ; plurality fur Ulaino 2,314.
Niagara county IJlnlno , electors each
: > S75 , Cleveland G195 , Butler ! ) . ' , tit. John 42j ;
plurality for Cleveland , 318. The board of
county canvassers met this morning and ad
journed till to-morrow afternoon on account
of incomplete ) returns ,
Yates county Blame 31)1 ! ) , Cleveland 1)18 ! ) ,
Butler 130 , St. John 200 ; plurality for Blame
Orleans county Blainn 3997 , Cleveland
'J'.KW , Butler 03 , St. John 009 ; Blaino's plural
ity 10-9.
Now York county To-day at noon the
board of iilderman were sworn in as a bjard
of county canvassers. C. B. Waite , rep , was ?
elected chairman. The board room was
tilled with lawyers interested in the count and '
spectators. Among thine present represent-
lug the republican national and stitn com-
initteoa were Win M , Kvarts , Blisi , Sewell ,
Howard and Win. A. Butlor. The demo
cratic state and natlunal committees were
icpro oiited by Francis C ) . Barlow , Fr-nklin
Biirtlett. Aurou J , Vauderpool , O. 1' . Mlllor , li
Frcnclri M. Scott , Francis L. btstson , 1'Jd-
ward Jt , Bacon aud James C. Carter.
Olsetfo county. The board of canvassers of
tlio county assembled hero to-day. Finding
errors in tha returns , adjourned until tomorrow
row afternoon ,
flllnton county Blaine 5.973 ,
Cleveland 5lfil , Butler III , St. John 35. Plu
rality for Blalne , 822.
Hotnselloar county Blalne 13,759 ,
Cleveland 13,411 , Butler GSC , St. John 410
Plurality for Blaine , 315.
HfSencc * unty ) Blalno ) 3,301' ' , Cloxo
In id 3.IJ27 , llutlof 6J. St. John 119. Plurality
for Cleveland. 318.
Watrcn county ( otliclal-Blatnii ) 3,577
Cevelaud 2,793 , Butler UU , St. John 123
Plurality f or BlAlno , 781.
Sehneclttdy rounty Blalno 3.200 , Clove
land 2,977. St. John 100 , Butler 41. Pluralitj
for Blaine , 2SV
Putnam county Blalno 2,103 , Cleveland 1 ,
520 , Butler 4 , St. Johu fci ) . Blame's phuality
577.Tioga county Blnino 4,3(17. ( Cleveland 3.
379. Butlfr 201 , St. John 401. Blalno's p u
rality , ! W.
OW-KO county Blaine 9,97l > , Clovolaiu
7.431 , 1 tiller 205 , St. John GOD. Blalno's
plurality 2,512.
Cattaraugus county Blaine 7,403 , Clevo
laud O.UM , Butler 32 , St. John U30. Bl.dno's
plurality 1,450.
West Chester county Blalno 11,280 , Cleveland -
land 12,521 , Butler 2.ij. St. John 437. Clo\o
lund'H plurality 1,238. Itottirns from all towrn >
except Oasiiirjiiig and Newcastle are canvasm
and those will not change tha result.
Tiocklnticl county Blaiuo 2,5U3 , Cleveland
3,097 , Butler 28 , St , John 123. Cleveland1 !
plurality 1,101.
hewis county-Blalno 3,854 , Cleveland 3 ,
778 , Butler II , St. John 114. Blame's plural
ity 70.
Wayne county Blaine 0 843 , Cleveland ,
730 , Butler 408 , St. John 133. Blalno's plu
rality 2.113.
llerkimer county Blalno 0 13S , Cleveland
5.328 , Butler 50 , St. Johu 327. Blalno's iilur-
ality 810.
Onandaga county Blaine 10,892 , Cleve
land 13,11)5 ) , Butler 99 , St. John G'jl. ' Blalno's
plurality 372.
Allegheny county Ilaino 0,068. Cleveland
S.f.SO , uutler 730 , St. John 1,180. Blaino'i
plurality 2.782.
Washington county-Blaino 7,337 , Cleve
land 4,222. , Butler 115 , St. Johu 225 Blaiuo' !
plurality 3,155.
Kssox county Blaine , -1,551 ; Cleveland , 2-
770 ; Butler , 01 ; St. John , 0" . Blulno'a plu
rality , 1,775.
Madison county-Blaine , (5,008 ( ; Cleveland ,
4 804 ; Butler , SO ; St. John , 629. Blalne' .
plurality , 1,744.
Montgomery county Cleveland , 5,413
Bliiine. 5.505 ; Butler , 48 ; St. John , 134 ,
Blaino'd plurality , 92.
Steuben county Blaino. 10,017 ; Clovelaml ,
9,000 : Butler , 5S7 ; St , John , 904. Blalne'i
plurality , 987.
Fulton and Hamilton counties Blame's
plurality , 1,047 , showing no change from the
former figures.
The board of canvasears in Wayne countj
sent out committee * to several towns to.recou-
vouo the inspectors to correct clerical errors in
the returns. No chungo is expected in the
figures already published , The official vote ol
Ontario county can not ha ascertained until
to-morrow , the board of canvassers having ad
journed until 11 ,
The Monroe county board of supervisors
mot to-day as a board of canvassers. Tlio mo
tlou to canvass the electoral votes was first
lost. .Tho pointjwas raised and sustained by the
chairman that only the tawns whoso supervis
ors had original certificates of returns sfcnei
by inspectors of election could bo legally can
vat sod. Only 7 out of thu 35 supervisors hai
such certificates with tlinm , Three of these
towns were canvassed and found all right ,
The board than adjiurued until to-morrow af
The supervisors of Columbia county ad.
journnd till to-morrow for corrected roturni
from the first district.
Cliatauiiua county , Blaine 10,070 , Cleveland
land 5 801 , Butler 431 , St. John 510. Blame'
plurality , 4,809.
Cayn a county , Blaine 9,200 , Clove'an '
0,011 , Butler , 421 , St. John 591. Blame's
plurality 3,105.
Liviugstoni- county , Blalne 5,191 , Cleve
land 4,039 , Butlur 118 , St. Johu 3/5. / Blaiuo'i
plurality 1,152.
Schenectady comity Blaine 3,200 , Cleve.
land 2,977 , Butler 41 , St. John ICC. Blalne'-
plurality 283. Klection returns from nine
election districts woio without tickets attachec
and were sent bae J : for correction. The boari
meets again to-morrow.
The canvass of Duchess county is half com-
pletnd. Koturns from Hoveral towns sent back
to have clerical urrors corrected.
AVyoming county Blaine 4,441 , Cleveland
3,189. Butler 53 , tit. John 4S3. Blaine's plu
rality 1,25' ' .
Orange county Keturns from several town/ / ,
and districts were sent back for the correction
of clerical oiror.s. None material.
Ulster county Some returns were sent
back to inspectors , owinrr to irregularities
which do uot effect the presidency. The
democrats and republicans were represented
by counsel.
Otnego county Cleveland , 7,307 ; Blalne ,
(5,871 ( : Butler , 81 ; 'St. John , 432 ; Blame's
plurality , 430.
Niagara co nty Blaine , 5,875 : Cleveland ,
0,193 ; CluvelaDd'a plurality , 3i8.
Queens county The supsrvisors sent back
the returns of nine districts to the in > poctors
In each oato the inspectors failed togivotho
total number of votes cast , When the returns -
turns from the fi st district , first ward , hang
Island City , were prebeuted , the counsel rep
resenting the republican slate committee ques
tioued their vahJity , claiming they were not
signed by the properly qualified inspector.
Ho said ho had been told that Huaney. chair
man of tlia board of inspectors , left the poll
ing place , had leceivod no ballots , and had
not been present when they were counted , nml
that another person had taken his placa and
signed the returns without being duly quali
fied. Supervisor Mclaughlin tuggesteil that
tlw objections of the counsel were interfering
withjtho work of the board and movoJ Unit
the canvass proceed. This courco was adopted ,
and no further notice wnu taken of the conn
sol's objection. The counsel also claimed that
the vote of Newton was In frxcess of th8 reg
istry , but upon inspection of tha reentry
books it was discovoiud it wan
hundred less. It is now almost certain that
there will bo no ch iigo in the liguroj nlrculy
published , showing Cleveland's majority to
bo 1,9.2 The board re-convenes nt 9 u , m
to morrow , and expects to complete the can
vass of the electoral vote before noon ,
Jtichmoml couuty Tlio chuirmii of the
boatd of canvasseiH Invited the chairman of
the county republican and democratic commit
tees t > witnib j tha cjunt , which was oaly In
terrupted by the olfuiingof four affidavits of
inen who declared they voted for Butler In
Smithfield , but believed their vote * weio
rodi ; d to Cleveland. Tha hrmnl of cin- :
I'fiHHjr.s Look no no'.Ice of the allidavits. The
'III 'ial xolo wai ilbclirod as fullowx : lililno ,
1,101 ; I lovolard , fi,133 ; Biillor , 75 ; t3t. John ,
U ; CloVi'lan'Trf ' ( ilurality , 1,071
Fulton conUy Blalne , 4 ; 17 ; Cleveland ,
1524 ; Butler , 38 , St. John , 227. Jilaiiio' * plurality -
rality , 1093
Hamilton countv Blaine , 521 ; Cleveland ,
< > 7 ; Butler 3 ; St , John , 21. Cleveland's plu
rality. 40.
Tompkins County The board of canvassers
adjourned until to-morrow no.n.
Broomu and Chanatigo connllos &re not
yet completed owlnt ; to clerical errors.
Onelda county 'Ihu canvassers adjourned
until to-morrow on account of defective re
turns from the flrat and fourth wards of
Homo , Tlio errors are m'mply clerical ,
clerk rottirnn nhnw Blaine , 13,780 ;
Cleveland. ' 13,820 ; Butler , 189 ; St. John , KM ,
I'lcv lund'd jilurallty , 40 ,
Lnter , Tlio Niiigara county board of su
pervisors adjourned without making a declara
tion , owing to Irregularities. Figures civon
Blaine nud Clox'rland will iloiibtloM ntnud.
DiichtM County. The canvanj will j > mlia
lily bo finished to-morrow. The supervisors
fiom several towns WITO ont back to lu\i
clerical orrnn only , conrctoJ.
Renojecounty--Boanl of\a rpri ! foum technical errors anil tent the returns
luck for correction Adjourned till to-morrow
It is not thought that tlio errors in qua tloi
will make any ilillerenco in tliv majority first
( liven.
Jefferson county Board of canvassers ad
jouniPd until 12 o'clock to-morrow.
Krio ejunty Tha canvassers to-night fin
ished the | Mo Hlt > nHnl vote without making
oavcl-atige - from Bh nu's mnjority of 1,4'.H ) .
Bn-TAi.o , N. YNovomborll , Dlspstcliea
to the Courier confirm the old fieurrs inCatt'i
ratiRiu county of 1,395 majority for Blaine.
Chautauqua county gives 4,809 , mnjority for
Blaiuo , nnd Wyoming county 1,252 majoritj
for lilaiui ; .
NKW YOIIK , November 11. The following
coiiiitirs Imvo yet t'i rciuirt olllcl.illy ou the
Vote for preiMenthl electors at the
recent election : Alb.iny , Boouo ,
Chemuntf , Choiiaugo , Columbia , Cortland ,
Delaware , Dutchceo , 1'Jrie , I-'rJiikliii , (7onoti > o ,
Ureeni' , ieir ) rson , Kings , hlvingitouo. Mo
roe , Now York , Onotdii , Ornngp , Oswego ,
Queens , St. hawrenuo , Bcmiylor , Sullolk , Sill
livau , Tompkliis , Ulster.
NEW YOIIK , November 11.-Midnight ( )
Up to this hour the result of the battle for the
presidential electors has been declared in
thirty-three of the sixty countioj of this stato.
Tlio last pit'vious rt'iiorts of the rounty clerks
showed a democratic plurality of 1 280. To
day's oinvu'H showrt a tint loan tn Blatna of
four votoj. The remaiiiing twonly-savon
counties , with two exceptions , reported pro
gress , and will , for the most part , report tha
result of their canvass to-morrow. To-day'ii
reports tjioak of it regularities in form.
No mnntion \ nude of any corlous discrep
ancy in the counts. Several comities , which
did not to-day complete their oiliciai canvas
reported that fhera was no reason to believe
that when completed the figures would show
auy change from these already given. Can
vassed returns have been received by the dem
ocratic state committee from twenty-four
countiesindicate a change ofslx [ votes in favot
of Blame against sixty ( in Livingston ) In favor -
vor of C'eveland. No ioturr.8 have been re
ceived at the republican national headquarters
and Chairman Draper , of the republican
state executive committee could not bo
found. General John N. Kuapp , stalwart
republican , from Auburn , taid ho believed
the oiliciai canyass would maku no iraturial
change in the published returns. "If there is
any hitch , " said ha , ' 'it will bo in Now York
and Kings counties , up in the country the
people kuow within twentv-four hours afttr
the closing of the polls what thn result is. I
think it is a sure thing. " The oiliciai canvass
in Kings county board of supervisors , returns
in six wards examined to day beginning with
the first showed Cleveland to ha\o 11,2'J
votes , and Blaiuo 8,210.
NKW YOIIK , November 11. The Mail and
Kxpress says : The oiliciai count of the bal
lot * of every county in the state is now ir
progress. The work will be very thorough
neither party yields an inch. Kvery figure
will ba closely scrutinized. In the counties ol
the state a week is usually consumed at the
work. This city and Kings county raquiro
less time. Four years ago the official count ol
the state was not ( ompleted until November
20th , over a week distant. Prominent law.
yers on bath nicies watch the count.
Niw : YOKK , Nov. 11 , The Kings county
b > ard of canvasser. ) mot to-day. A number ol
citizens and counsel representing the rejiubl !
can and democratic national and executive
committees were present. John C. McKano
was elected chairman and the usual commit
tees appointed , niter which the board went to
work on the canvass.
The ( Queens county board of canva ers
alho organized , and will probably complete the
electoral vote this afternoon.
The Loari of canva fccrs of Suffolk county
also got to work. Lawyers were present rep-
Renting the republican and democratic parties
to SEO u fair canvass.
NKW Youir , N venrnr 11. At a meeting
of the republican general committee of Kings
county to-night , the state senator Albart Dog-
? ett , moved to drop from the rolls of names
nil these members who voted for Cleveland.
Alexander Konnan and Kdwin Packard , tha
latter a delegate to the republican Chicago
convention , admitted they did not support
Ulaino , The motion was not ucted. Tim IDS-
( jnatlori of W. C Bcccliir him . : f lov. ! Henry
Ward Bcechor , was accepted.
Special Telegram to Tin : BKK.
NKW YOKK , November 12 , 3:00 : u. m. As
.ho . returns by counties of the oiliciai canvntis
cumes in , it becomes inoro and more apparent
tint if Cleveland's plurality as originally ro-
> rted is to be ovi-rcniuu aud the state Pcuurod
or Itlaiuo , it mist bo done in Now York or
Brooklyn , or both. There it much specula-
ion hero over the result of the organisation
of a canvassing board in New Yoik to-day ,
L'nmmany members j lined v/Ith the ro-
mblicaiiH in the olrction of Wnlte , ropuhllcin : ,
is chairman. The democrat ! ) feel that this
miles them no KOOI ! for it demonstrates that
vith tha aid of Tammany tha republicans havn
.ho majority and the I-OWIT , nnd if to dixposcd
o chooHO what presincts that will throw out
to technicalities. Tnmmany men are very
ore over thu lesult of th-i election in the city ,
? hey stood by Cleveland in good faith , there-
ly bringing his election among the probiblli-
les , to eay the luust. Inuo doing they eacri-
load all the opportunities to inako trades In
aver of their local ticket in which they were
lone interested , for it is well known how bit-
ir was thn pill they Hwallowed when they
.ook . Cleveland. The result is , Tamirnny has
obt control of the city oflicoH , which huvo
lorotoforo benn a g'iat ; olnmcnt to their
itrengtli and U without anything oxcupt Its
ilntory to rally upon. On thu other linr.d ,
.ho . county democracy 1ms elected its candidate
or mayor and the churgo is mode that it was
uabled to do so by rxtonxivo trailing at the
xpittto cf the rcfal uf the democratic ticket ,
or it is noloj ion * that this wing of tha pirty
s not in the majority. All this makts
L'ammanyitcs cxcft'ilingly wore and
notwithstanding Jolm Kclly'u Hceing
denial , it M believed that having
arritxl out its pledge to cost Its ballot for
Cleveland it is nowoilling In the bittemojs of
ocal defeat to xeo that no inoro of ttiom are _
cQiinted than till strict letter of tlm law lie- ;
nnnds. It will bo uoto'l that while Kelley
ays Tammany "will will watch the count ai
llto cat iloni a mn io" ho iJiwn'l fay
tutored they will WAtcn It. I'lrreland'ii
friends nro unea y nt Iho n pert i > f alfairj for
iinlPM the jmlgpa of elocllou in Now York and
Bnwkljrn hns boon nnnmnlly pxnct , it is IKV
Iioved tht ptet-xt' can bo fotuid for throwing
out eiurash ol the votas to olvo Blalne a plu
rality. U may bfl that the knowledge of xnino
b.irgiiin between Tammany nnd the rcpitMN
cam to thHnd may account fir _ the r.Uher
morn favorable turn towards Hlaiiioin betlliig
for fho p st two dny .
By Associntod 1'res * .
NKW Yonic. November 11 , John Kelly , of
Tnmmaiiy Imil , cnld to-night , there Is no po
litical Mctilficnuco in the election of al
derman Waite ( republican ) as president of
ths board of mipervlsci-s by votosof Tnmuiniiy
alderiucn. Mr Kelly adds that Waite has
often voted with Taiunniiiy democrats in the
board , and the latter Imvo only eoire poini ! > d
with the retiring aldermen's drain ) li.r the
courtesy of the election. ICelly declares Tam
many aldeimeti will watch the count rf the
electoral vote as a cat watches n moiif.e ,
Now York Herald , November Uth.
The city authorities were startled yesterday
when they discovered that no nlcutlon n-lurns
had been made to the county clerk or thn
board of aldermen from the twonty-fou-th
election district of the first nosoinbly dintrict.
As the chairman of the bmnl : of Inspsctors Is
n "trong republican and the district is over-
whylinincly democratic there was a feeling of
alarm aud the facts were communicated to dis
trict attorney Olny at once. As the failure to
lilo a sUtoiunnt of' the vote within twenty-four
hours after Iho cauvi 9sfcfelony. . As < sutaut
district attorney IVuflB.11 . * fur the election
inspectors of the iliKtnSife They tire William
Hunt , chairman , of No. JilWushliigton street ;
James Siillivnn , of No.I imVasliington street ;
ChrlHtophor Wyttotf , of NJS274 Woat strnot ,
and Kclward Conklln , of 195 Hudson tn < ot.
Both Hunt and Sullivan are ro inbllcain , Wy
kolf belongs to Urn county democracy and
Couklin Is a Tammany man.
When brought fnca to face with Assistant
Dlttrlut Attorney 1'arrls the men appeared to
bo confined and could not tell what hud be
come of the ti'turns. A muasenger was sent
for Justice Unify , who came to the district
attorney's office In a hurry and opened court.
The case was laid before him and ho declared
it to IM a matter of the greatest importance
that the loturnshouUl bq found as soon KM
] ) os lblo. Detective Tom ( Jerchtou made affi
davit charging the iiiBpcctors with a f.illurfl to
file the Btatomout of election within the time
specified by law. Justice Duffy then commit
ted Mr , Hunt the chairman , to the Tombs for
examination in default of ijiC09. ; 'I lie rest
were held in default of IUOOO ball ouch. They
will bo examined in the Tombs police umrt
this morning.
In the meantime great consternation pro-
vallod lest thn loss of the returns might Invali
date the vote of tha district. A Herald reporter -
porter was allowed to talk with tha prinonors
in the tombs last night. Hunt and biillivan.
tha republicans , wore qulto jolly and confident
while the democrat ! stood around the steve in
the corridor in a most despondent mood. They
were all waiting to bo locked in the r cells.
-'I took my registry book in nu unsealed
envelope to the clerk of the board of alder
men , " said Chairman Hunt. "Ho gave mo a
receipt for a ntatoment of the vote , although
tbcro was nothing in the envelope but tlio
book. "
"And I , " said Sullivan , the other republi
can , "took my registry book to the bureau ol
elections. "
"But where are the signed and sealed returns -
turns ! " usked the reporter.
The four men pjiook their heads.
"Did you not sign statements of the votes ? '
"Yes , " answered thn chairman.
"And seal thorn In an envelope as the law
"No ; wo sealed nothing. "
"Thou are the statements you
signed ? " t
The men shook their heads and looked at
each other.
"When did you sro them last ? "
"Just nfter we. nignoil them in the polling
place at No. 113 Dosbrosaes street , " aiisw.rtd
the chairman ,
"In whoso posKFSJion were thojV"
"Michael J. ( Jillau , the republjcan poll
clerk , had them. Ho promised to deliver them
fer us before twelve o'clock the next day. "
" sober "
"Weroyou ?
"Yns , si ! . Cold jol-er. "
All the inspectors agreed in this statement ,
although thu two democrats did not oecin to
have a very clear recollection upon the mib-
ject or to understand anything about the return -
turn ? , although they were qiiito biiro thesy
Kigned rome papers.
AH tlio reporter withdrew the two ropubl ! laiighod mid sai.l . :
Oh , we'll get out of this all right. Don't
wony about u.s.1'
Tim Inspector * nil agreed tint the vote of
tlio district wa : Clovt-Iaud , J.J , ' ) ; ilainn , 01 ;
Biitliir , 2 ; St. John , 1 ; defective. I. Clovu-
land's plurality , lll. !
Thi rcjioiter allied upon Michael J. 011-
1-in , the Itoptiblican po 1 clerk , who was . 'aid
to have taken possession of the returns Ho
ivuj at No. 4L'o Greenwich street.
A rmrrrv i > iKclor : ncms'iviii.
"f didn't touch the rotiirns of the iuapoi-
, ors , " ho Buld , emphatically. "Tho whole
mard was drunk , nud Wo had a lively time ,
BO that I had nil I could do to attend to my
lid not return. Ho did not nlgu thu poll
int. and 1 don't think ho got his poll book ,
L made a return of two , lists to tint
Joiiuty clerk , 1 understand Jfthat one xhould
livu gone to the bin can of ( factious , but 1
iid my work to attend to tin Jdid not know
t was necessary. I haven't tin slightest ide.v
) f where thoinspectors'rotiiriissfirH. 1 should
hink that the chairman of thuoaid oil ht to
mvo thn raturcs lu his ponhPHsily. "
Mr. ( iillan said that ncoordiont'i his re.cnl-
Rtfo the vote plven to the rcjurtur by the
nepoctor was entirely correct ,
A visit wai made to Mr. ItoynolcU' cigar
tore in Ieshros eH ntreot , where thn returnn
vnro made out. Mr. Heynohls snid that ho
aw no raturns aftnr the inspector and pull
ilqrks left. Ho duclarud that ithinall party of
loIateroiiH young mon got into the place while
ho count was going on. Mrs. Keynnldx said
hat he picked up Air. Frederick A Whito's
lull book in the morning when hu was mvxnp-
ng up and returned It to him , Mr , White
Hays that ho baa not the faintest idea of whore
he ruturns nro ,
AViirlllcc r-.viiiploiiis ,
1'llll.Anci.niIA , November 11. A confor-
inco began to-day , with closed ( lours , at the
iflice of the American Iron and Steel luuocla-
.Ion . , Ono ono ulda nin mcmbois of the gun
foundry , board of the Uiiitud States govnrn-
innnt , appointed to iiumlro into the bust
means for the manufacture of hua > y guns ,
adapted to modern warfare , on the other by
representatives of the lending steel manufac
tories of the country.
Basins Yesterday in Livestock and
Active Oixttlo Market With nn
Inadqnato Supply ,
Hoga Kulo Heavy Under the
Light Demand ,
Wheat Unsettled lo Very Moderate -
orate Businons ,
Poor Business aud Nervousness
in the Oorn Pit ,
OAK HliMiiKr anil Strnrty All Intvr.
cut In Janunry I'oi-k linitl
Knslcr. In Ktnr DiMiuiiul.
Special telegram to TIIK HKK.
CHICAOO , November 11. Among Iho fresh
arrivals wcio 100 to 1'JO cars of Texatisnnd
westeriH. The supply socmcd considerably
below the demand and the general market
ruled active wltli a slight advance on the best
sorts of nativoi , yet they sold rather Irrogular.
ly , the quality biltiglug moro of premium
than for some time past , As for hmtatici' , two
car-loads , averaging only 1,1(00 ( , mild at f15
aud there were steers of nearly tlu > eamo
weight that sold for a dollar a hundred lorn.
The highest price sale of thlHiiuirniiig was two
loads tliat nvenutod 1 tW ) and sold for 0.05.
These were very nearly first class , which may
be quoted nt ( > .70@0.80. The bulk of
tlm so-called good cnttlo woi-o soiling
around about CTG@0,15. ! Second
class natlvo Btoors Maybe quoted at 0 00@5 50
aud common at 4 U& © t .SO ; natlvo hutchorV
stock of all sorts were In fair demand and
Htoiuly. Westerns aud Toxims were ncr.rco
and sold at strcng prices. Ono car of apodal
grade Moutanns averaged KUH and sold fern
n ! ! 0 and a big ilrovu of Stuart Kohr t C-o'd
Montnnas averaged 1U57 nnd sold for 6 10. A
drove of the Gary & Forrest Wyomlngs , aver
aging 1130 , mndo 05. Good to cholea , 1200
to 11150 pound ) ' , fi 70@0 L'5. Common to fair ,
1000 to 1200 pounds , 10@5 ! 50. Sales-
Montanas , 115\ ! I5 ! ; 101 cows , 11CO1 10 ; lil ! !
Montanaa , l iO , 5 10 ; 20 cows , 1077 , ! 1 HO ;
171 ! Montanas , 11U ! ! , 5 'J5 ; HI cows , 11 SO1(0 ( ;
M7 Montanas , lUlil , 02.V 20 Moiitanan , 1'JIO ,
fil > 5 ; 11 ! ) Wyomings , IM1 , D 10 ; 23 Montana * ,
Kecolpts , aSOO.
lions ,
The muket opened active aud D@10c higher ,
a few loud * ul fancy heavy making SI 05"m (
0 00 , but later there was n falling oil' in thu
demand nnd the market closed rather weak ,
with the advance of tha morning almost lost.
The main cause of the advance was the largo
shipping orders on the market on Now Kng-
land account. Common nud rough packers
sold around about St10 ® I fi'J ' nnd good pack
ers at SI 05@-1 70 , whtlo boat ho.ivy mnilo
SISU@ti > 0 ; packing and shipping , l ! : < Uo 310
pounds , SI 00@SOO.
A inoclorato l-imiiu-ss was trnusnctpil In
wheat tn-duy , but the market was unsettled.
l''oreign advices continue unfavorable. Ko-
ceipts continuo largo , and the visible supply
reporf posted to-day showid nu iucroasii of
2)00OJU : ) , bushels. The market oponeil weak
under thvso influences end after slight fluctu
ations declined 10 n point 4i uuiln- closing of
yo.ftonlay ufiernoon , then rallied j'c under a
good Hpeculatlvo demand , largely from ( -hurt
intorcst , At the advance , olTorings were quitn
large , nnd prices receded Jc , lliKtiiitflil , nnd
closed on the rogulnr board .J3 under yestorJny.
On the afternoon board the market continued
to riilo easy , and closed n shndo lower at 71Jc ;
for Novembor. 71ic ! ; for Uacember , "i3jaTJ&u !
for January , SOjJc for May.
Itccdptuof corn were 331 cam for the last
48 himrH , against 180 cars yosU'rd.iy. There
was moderate business tiaiiHaclcd , nnd the
feeling was ono of great nervoiiKiiuss , At the
opjning there was a very i Tegular nirl uiiiiet-
tied market , ami prices vailed widely , with
the aalcH made at higher prices , but quickly
broke elf lie for November , mill to lor Iho
year ; rallied ' /o / for November , but latflr waa
ugiiin weak , aud closed on the regular board
ut lo lower IW Niivmiibcr , and J lower for the
year than yeatordny. On the afternoon board
[ no irmrlioc again ( loclirieil \ .
ruled ntroiig and Hto.idy. nt 25Jc for Novom-
jer , L'6c for December , Ii8 c for May ,
Trading was only mnduruloljr active In mess
* ork and tlm interust coiilorod in contracts for
ilumiary delivery. I'rici-H nilfd Irrnmilar , declined -
clinod 15 'Oc , closing tamo. Clo ing figured
were S113f ) for the year , § 11.35 for January ,
$11 , 15 for Kebriiiiiy.
1 titled n shade cnsiur , with i * fair domain ! ,
, ho market clohing at li..l.'i for Novombnr ,
SO.S'Ji for IJccembur , .SO.SD for Janmry and
5li'S ! ' for 3''obruary. '
CHICAO ? , November II. The nimrul report
of Major General Schofiold , communding the
the division of the Missouri , Is imbhrlieil to
day , In treats of the oporulions In that ill-
vinlon dining thu patl your. The rontcr of
troops in the division shows seven rvglmonts
and two companies ol * cavalry , nineteen regi
ments nml onu company of infantry , fuur bnt-
toiicH of field artillery , The report urges the
naccsKily for liberal appropiiatmns to jirovidu
poriiianerit Mieltor and birruckri for troops In
the division. Ho refers to the dcslltuto run-
lltlou of certain Indian tribes In the depart
ment of the 1'Ktto and urge * meaim for
their rolluf , lie urgt's the ncc ititv
for u practical 8 < ; heel for field
artillery fiishioni'd uftxT thu nchoolx of npuli-
cnlloiiH for uifuntry aiul cavalry ut Koit l.oiv-
enw rth. Hu lii'mtloin HID encampment if
thn Illinois national guards iluring the month"
of July utid AuuiKt whim tlto limpnction of
troops occurred by liluiitenant-Coloriol Kwnlt-
/.ur , of the Kighth cavalry , ( Jcneral Schotielil ,
in thin connection Invitus uttentton to the.
Importance of Hchooln for practical Instruction
of thu militia of the Koveral utates , nnd
thn need thrro for the
mliiealioii of both ollicers and mrn
in Iho ii-a of thn modern rlHc ,
n iti iil innuwiivriv , ni-ccMjiy o make tha
UriMif thcrilKi chYctlw , nud in Iho ( Mull nf
Briny llio , both in i-amp and In garri > nn , Olio
jiwr of such 11 strnctlouto > oungiuonbotwron
" vfiieen nnd twenty jcarn of npo would
make , lion VIIM , rxcotlont mldicw , far mme
taluajilo than mniiv tlmr * their number of
utjtrainrd mllUia. The notional government
might well glvo ran onnh1n aid tothoia ncinmli
in money , military matrritU nnd cxp-'niMited
lintructors , ouch m won il nmlto tyMun iucx-
to the ntate. .
r'Attw , Novomhor ll.-Kighty-lhroo deaths
fr m cholera hern yonterdaj- , Including thoio
In the hiHptUl. Onn hiimlrril and nineteen
IMHCR were ndimtted to luwpitatu , whnrn It1 ! )
are under trpiMiiicnt , lictwcun midnight and
iioi-n lo day there tliirtvfour fresh cases nnd
thirteen tlenthi oiiUido of liMpitaln. The
epidemic Iii confined to unhonlth ? pnrU of the
city ,
TIIK KltKNfll ni.Ol'KADK
HHANHAI , November 11. Two Chlncsolron
clad crulvers nri' prepmlng to Itnvvo for thn
tmrpodo of nttemptmt ; to force the
VOTUOSA , November 11. Thn Chincw
bought nearly Iho wholn stock of KngllMi coal
ill Shanghai ,
The riaviic In
VAKH , Novembi-r 11. Hetwcen noon and
iilovun hint night there won ) ! > 7 fresh pasui of
cholera , and U deaths In this i ity. Thexo li -
nie do not include the mlilitlonnl cawes ami
doatlu which occurred at the hospitaln. In
numerous Inttnucos the victims were
seized with Iho ilnoano without warning ,
In omillliiHO" , on the streets and other pubho
phicos , and when about tholr ordinary voca
tions , The luiHpitnls cot npait for thn cholera
patienU nro nil full and others nrflhoinccp'aced
m rcjvdinom , Many cases occiirriHl nuiong the
troops nt thn Garrison , The rotiilcncns occu
pied principally by KuglWmud Americana are
in the moat excellent sanitary conditions.
HKIIMN , November boards
of health of Germany , Auxtria nnd Hungary
nro acting in concert to endeavor to prevent
the cholera from entering cither country.
DOIIMN , November -I'nuick N. KittRcr-
nld , a I'Vninu suspect , arrested In London
last April on the charge of treason nnd fiilony ,
has been acquittm ! . Owing to this result the
crown has abandoned the Tuba curry cases
and nil prisoners hive boon roloneud.
The VriinrlilHi' 1)111.
LONDON , November 1 1 , In the coinmoni
to-dity the franchise bill passed thu third
reading without division.
INDIANAPOLIS , Ind. , Nov. 11. The demo
cratic nUto jollification hero to-day was large
ly attended , although there woio uot a largo
number of vlnttois from oiitsido tha city , Uo-
twunti three and four o'clock the nicotine won
culled to order and Govrmor Hoti'JrichH ' bohiR
iutroiluco 1 mnilo n epooch , n portion of which
was dovotcd to Iho oxpaxitiuu of his well-
kinm'ii views on tha tarilf , To tha Ht'ind
taken by the ilemocraU on this que.-ilion ,
HendrlcKs nttributod much of tlieir Bud-el's In
Indiana. The sponker Haiil : "As n result of
thn national election , I wish to cay to you that
the value of public nocurltieH hat nlroaily cd-
yimcod. Many who do not think rightly slid
the effect of our victory would bo lo nducu
the vuluu of United Status n-
cmltlrs. Such , you rue , hni not linen
the effect of the election , coutIiiiiodHiiilrc : ! ! > s.
" .Somehow the republicans diil not get as
much money ai usual to use in tin election in
Indiana anil the roault was iiift to Iho bodt
judgnipntof the pooplo. Wo H.-O . the icinlt. "
The address closed as follows : "My countiy-
mon 1 cannot oxpresn to you under how iiiiiuh
nnd how great obligation I fed to you. 1 diil
not doxlro the nomination for vlco president
( several voices "You will bo president four
yearn from now. " Ithar.umo my duty to ac
cept It I wont as far as I could over the hint i
ami fpoko to the people frankly , us I have ul-
ways Hpokim mi public queiitions , mid now to
you and lo thn mini , women nud uhihlren , wli' )
are at home , I louder my heartfelt tliunkx thii
day , " ( jownior ilcct ( Jiny followed with n
fhorl speech , Other udiln'H'es wi.'ro niiidn by
local sptiakors. Nellhor Voorhces or MoUou-
nht spoku. At night MIOIU was n torchlight
p.iiailu rovloivotl y llonilrlcks. Thn stroelH
wern throiigod ,
Jllj ; tViniirliy. |
TOPEKA , K s. , NovombiT II. II is cstl-
inatid full ruturiiH will give Illaiiio ( XOOU
plurality in Kansas.
Maud ? - , Beats Her Own and All
Previtns Hrcorts ,
Trotting A Afilo in the Marve
lous Time , 2:09 : 1-4 ,
Greatest Tiuf Oconsion in
the World's History ,
In the Presonoo of a Fovr Blue
Grass Aristocrats ,
A Grand Spcctaolo and' ' Great
Enthusiasm ,
l < > Itoniu'i'H
liat ; Vniuloi-lillt line Not
Sold On" Mnrc.
3IAUI ) B.
The day war > bright for November. At tho1
track wan a' vos > 7 largo gattioriiig 'of the very
bust pooplli1 of''tho blue gr.isi region , nmonjr
them hundreds of church-xor < ) and saveral >
divines , A placard was coinpiouomly posted
on the grand stand ,
The jlldcoH iiml timers .weio M ajor 11. C.
McDowell , Colonel It. Wont nnd W. HiVil -
sou. Iii the opponito ntaiidwro Mr. llonner ,
lioneral J , I1' . Itob'tmui , Ij. J' . Brohoad ,
Uichnrd Anderson nud Hamilton llusby , The
conditions worn : Maud S. to boat her own.
rccor.l of 20tf ; ! ) for a cup tillered by the Wood-i
burn farm , where she was brodi Bairjoggud
around the track , went to the head of the
etrotch , ami cinning' down nodded for the
word. Notn single mletnko wn made , nnd.
it would bo dillleult lo iu\iiKlno n more
than the ono picHonWU by the noble animal
as nha o.ime into full viuw of the c.ctant |
thr.ongH on the grand t > ind. When the three-
quarter polo wns reached Mr. liowarman
joinoil her wi'.h n runnur hltcled to a. sulky.
The finish wns moiii'icent ( ; nnd tbough
tha mnjoiity of the vinitorn' wntchea made the
tlmo WJ. Tha pa no vvhon tlm queen re
turned to the etunil. for Hair toveli ! | ; wns in-
iksciibablo. Ci-owds filled the qnnrtor stretch.
nnd cheered themnelves hiiHky , It w&s the
greatest pcrformunco of the kind ever wit
nessed lu the "orld1 nnd tha Kentucki&mi
nhouted oa only KentuoUlans can ,
.Mil. IIAIIl.W.\H > aiNailATUI.A'CHI ' >
on every tide. While Grant , the nolorod'
groom , was cooling llauil 8 on the lawn ,
scores of Indies gathered oround nnd' asked
the privili'go ot tonohiog her on the'nono. '
Bimner , rjulckly ns possible , hurried to the
tnlegrnph ollicc. where his first dixpatch was
alollowH ! "W. 1U V-iudoibllt- m ro.
will now bo turned o'ut for the winter. , " < rf-t , \h\ \ \
Tllll T HW < XJOO. (
The whole town to-t i UkN' ' * tidkirg about.
thu wondei fill performance. 'rt\o interest in
thu oloctlou htut bor-n iiitnti-o boie , l it isnb -
morgnd by tbn tidnl WHVM nf xeitci > ui , p o-
ilucinl by Maud M. Among Iho smuy dla- 41
patches rucclvod by 15.niic ) r in the followitje
from tin ) owner of . ( ay-iyo ) Hoef "Allow niO' .
to congrntiilaw jcu on Iho wnmlerful'per-
forminicn of jour grent marc , M nud H.'V-i' '
( digued ) .f. I. 0.18K.
"CII15 KIOT AOI' . " '
TIIK srillKINU ilWICIl . . ,
Coi.fMfti'H , Ohio , November 1 ' . Governor
Ho'idloy ' to-ilay ii-suwl n proclamation to the
cltl/.oni of three'H In which depreda
tions ocDurrod on account of tha stiiku of min
er H. Ho enumerates the destruction by jn >
Cfiidlniiesnnd iiilinar ( that it IH in ii ffruut
measure dim to the ijuip.ithy extenilod by
i.iiiioim , nud c.ill.i on them to Ui-o nil itr-orts to
pn Horvu the prnou'liy illhcounti'nancing
luwful nctn nud to : ! tlm focal anthori ties in
their efforts to i > i > : > erv projwity nnd the-
jieiici ) . Ho uiouio.'i tlinm it ilia ijiiturbanco
. ontiniirs it will be Hiipiie.-aeil | If it requires
tlm entire military foice.
\Vliai 1,11 iii in- l-i Join- .
November 11 Uhiln-i raniain
iiiliotiy at homo. He app.-.iw ti bo w'.iltiug ,
liku ovei'ybody else , nml occupies hinifielf
n.'iiiu' ; his oriliuary ulF.iird nud cntartaining
friends whu cnl ! . , ,
ST. 1'Ai'I. , November U. lllaino'j majority
in Minnesotn is now estimated nt over Dl.OOO , .
and It is lliongl.t will evoic-d 5 : > ,030.
Tliat I'xvrnllngly ilii'igriTiiMo anil vy Knrloiis C0iifi'iiiiin ( | < . | 's are llnlili ) I
prevalent illMeasr , iMtiirrh. In i-.iusi-d liy srinl- i-HlaiTti it not : ul 'iidi if to In season. fTlltt
iiloin t.iluL In tint lilooil. Moiiil'M S.irs.ipiirlll.i , Irrip'ieiill.t ile-liojn tlleiiellHOllt BniolL , m
by Its powerful purifying and vltuU/lngiietloii I ' and nflen ilevelopes Info lironclillla ur puimo-
Upon thu blooil , Rpei > illly removes tlio cause , niiry I'niisiimplloit. I'mlniiljteilly many cases
nml tlm.l ullccts u niillenl and peiiniment euro i of I'oiismiiplloii in lylualo in catarrh. I food's.
of catarih. These who Milfer from Usarlril j Sarsip.irill.i ; cures ruUtrih iiml hus oven
nyinploiiis imcoinfortiihlii How Ironitlie nose , clferleil retnarkablo ciuvs of cunsumptlon
nirenslvo brouth , ringing 'Hid liursllni ; noises Itself , tn Its caily xlngi . A liookciiiitulniiiir
In the oars , swelling of Iho soft parts of tlio slalemiMiti of many cm en by llooil's Harfuip.v-
throat , nervous proslratloiM'ti1. should tnku l ilia , will Im Kent freoioiill wlioai'ml niUicH.i
Hood's Sariainlll.iunl | : lie curi'd. IoC. I , I fond il Co. , Lowell , Muss ,
The Best Moclicino Catarrh and Impure Blood :
" I liave siilfereil with eataiib in my head "llooil's Karvipanlla has helped mo inoro
forycais , ami panl mil liiiiulreilsof ilolhirsfoi1 | for I'lil.'inli and lmpic : , lilooil than anylidn
meillcliies , lint have heivioforo received only j cl > o I over iisrd. " A. I' ' vii. , Hyracuso , N. Y ,
temporary relief. I began to take IlooilM "I suirered tlneo ye.usvltli i.'atacrh , aud
SarHapaillla nml now my catanli Is nearly my general heullU was pour In coutciiuuncu.
cureil , HID v.'ealiliess of my Imily Is all gone , \Vhen I took 11 cod's Haisapajrllhi I found I
inyiipputltolsgooil Illfai-l , 1 fcelllUeaiinihiT | liMdlliorlglitrenK'ily. 'I'lio catarrhbyleldln ; ; ,
jicrson , llooil's KirKut : > ai Ilia IH thu he.Htineil- a.'i Ilocd'a Karaariiirillii Id fluiiiioinc my blood ,
Iclne I have nver taki'ii. " JIiiB. A. ! and the general touo ol my syctutn Ulinprov-
HAM , rrovldeneo , It , J. Inj ? . " KIIU < K WAsuiwiifit Kixhostkir , N. Y.
hy all ilni-'Kl.'l ! t"I * f < * S5 , Sludu Hold by nil ilni't ' si % fur S.l
onlyliyt' . Iliwil ) t , lo\vell. M.iis. only by C. I. HOOD CO. , l.o\\i'llMasi. .
COO Doses One EOO Doses One Dollar.
I 1