Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 11, 1884, Image 6

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Tuosda ? Morning November 11 ,
. .T. . . . . SO tent * rerMk
By Mall . . . . . . . 110.00 p r jcar
ornoB :
Ko. 7 raarl Streol , Hoar
See .1. Ueitcr'a now fall stock of clotli
Richards t MoodinRor have opened
moat shop nt 821 Main street.
Dealers will find bargains nt Soiunim
closing out sale , on usual terms.
Ilomonibor the entertainment nt th
rooms of the Y. M. 0. A. this evening ,
JolT Green waa yesterday fined for being
ing drunk and having lmd > tutslo wit
Ollicor Tdwns.
Edward Watts , a butcher employed a1
803 Main street , yesterday morning cu
his hand badly.
Leave to marry wns extended 'yes
torday to Frank Durlln find Eda E ,
"Withrow , both of this city.
August Anderson has commenced nui
ngainal the Council Bluffs wntor work
company for § 100 , claimed for hbor.
Charles Saundora , known bettor a
"Onto , " was yesterday fined SD.CO fordia
turning the peace ot Wagnor'a aaloon.
The examination of Qudu on n charg
of picking the pockoto of a Rod Oal
man , ia to bo hold before Judge Ayloa
worth to-day.
P. P. Jones , cashier at the "Wabaal
freight depot has moved into his now
residence on Third utrcot between
Eighth and Ninth avonuca.
Frank Jackson yesterday pleaded guilty
to stealing a clock and some other nrtl
clcs from Mr. Jennings , and was son
tonccd to thirty day a in jail.
During the democratic pow-wow Satur
day night , some reckless shooter sent a
ball through one of the largo plato-glaas
windows in Andy Koating's store.
Tickets are soiling well for the dance
of the police force at Masonic hall on
the evening of the 20th. The boys
ought to bo encouraged and give them a
rousing benefit.
It would bo a good scheme for the
democrats to clear up the remnants of
the burnt tar barrels loft on Broadway ,
before going over to Omaha to clatter up
the streets thoro.
There wore several Y. M. G. A. work
ers from abroad who visited the rooms
hero yesterday. Among thorn were
three from Lincoln , throe from "Weeping
" \Vator , and throe from York , Nob.
While hunting about for reasons why
the insurance raloo have boon increased ,
would it not ba well to see whether it is
not because the insurance men consider
the fire department aaj ofliciont as under
Chief Tcmploton ?
The report roaches hero of the burning
of a barn belonging to Louis Mined ,
living near Mr. Birchard'a , about eight
miles from the city. When the informant
mant left , there was some danger of the
house going too ,
The salooniats are paying up their li
censes quito promptly. The mayor says
that so far as ho can laarn , this is the >
only city in the otato that is getting a
revenue from its saloons , although they
are running in other cities.
A document is bolng circulated and receiving -
coiving numerous signatures , protesting
against the advancement of rates of
insurance , and a roeing to withdraw in
surance from companies , thus increasing
the rates. It is claimed that in aomo
cases rates have boon advanced per
cunt , while the promise was made of
cheaper rates after walor works were es
A traveling nun at the Pacific house ,
who has boon celebrating too freely , tried
to sober off on chloral and got uo heavy a
dose that ho came near passing over ,
where elections are no more. His con
dition yesterday morning was very
alarming , and it was only by the most
persistent and skillful efforts that his :
life was saved.
B. F. Clayton was in the oity yester
day looking after this county's part of
the $30,000 to bo contributed by Iowa to
the Kow Orleans exposition. The un
derstanding is that at the next mooting
of the loglslatuao this amount will bo
covered by the state tax , but in the
meantime naclt county is expected to piy
its share , which will doubtless bo refun
ded by the state. The county board hero
does not seem favorably inclined to nd-
vanciug the money , thinking it is not
utrictly legal , although fooling favorable
to the enterprise and in ca u the board
trill not arrange it , it is the intention to
got twenty or thirty citizens to sign anole
nolo , securing the money Urns.
Wrought Iron JlanRcs atroducad prices ,
Do Yol & Wright , 50-1 Broadway.
Window shades at erst to cloeo thorn
out P. 0. Millur 1 ! ) Pturl struct.
llt-ul KMAtu'Jrantl'ciu
The following transfers were filed in
county clerk's ofiico yesterday and re
ported fur the BKK by J. P. McMahon ,
real calato agent , November 10 , 1881 ;
Robert Wilson and wife to Tyler
Baircl , L. 0 Cartady'a rubdiviaion of L ,
82 , 0 P. , alsn L , 0 , Cftsnady'o subdivi
sion of L 82 ; 200.
Jacob Brown to Thninto U'aulnn ' , L ,
10,11 Mid 12 , B. 10 , Nooli , ! . ; $85.00 ,
Clotting Out ,
To close thn buninuis I olfer my stock o
mUcellaueous books , picture , fanny goods ,
notions , flro ecroons , easels , willow and
cano high chairs and children's rockers ,
at pricta never known before in the west ,
11. J ! Bcr.tnan , piper. Ixirbs and station.
cry , 504 Broadway , Council Bluffs.
Snperrisors Run Against a Snag
in Canvassing ; IDG Vole ,
A Now Elector May bo Ordered in
the Fourth Ward ,
I'roinlsciif a
Board of Supervisors , November coi
sion , Monday , November 10 , 1881.
In accordance with law , the board t
supervisors of Pottawattamio county
Iowa , mot in regular acssiou.
Present S. O. Underwood , 11. Kirk
wood , S , B. Frum , A. C. Graham and H
This being the tlmo lixcd by law fo
the canvasi of votes cast at the genera
election hold on the 4th day of November
bor , 1881 , in the several precincts o
Pottawattamio county , Iowa , and the returns
turns from all the precincts having boo
made , the board acting as county cu
vassora proceeded with the canvass o
said votes publicly , and canvassed th
votes of the First , Second and Thin
procincta of the city o
Council Bluffa , and upoi :
examination of the poll book of the
Fourth precinct , a discrepancy was found
in the number of votea cast , and thi
number of votes tallied , and the ballo
box for that precinct wna sent for , as
one of the clerks of the election at that
precinct , who was present , claimed that a
sheet of paper left in the ballot box with
the names of the voters on that should
bo in the poll book returned to the
auditor , and upon I ho arrival of the
township clerk with the ballot box ,
W. F. Sapp made n verbal protest
against opening the ballot box for the
Fourth precinct and ngainst the consid
ering of any papers or any other th. js
that mny bo therein contained on the
ground that the same was illegal and not
authorized by law. And after a hearing
from several parties present on _ motion
the board adjourned to moot this morn
ing at 9 o'clock.
The above ia the oflicial record of the
doings of the board of Supervisors yes
torday. It is claimed that the clerks in
Fourth ward precinct filled their jpj'1
book and the additional names wore written -
ton on a shoot of legal cap , which waa ac
cidentally loft In the ballot box instead of
being attached to Iho poll book This ia
said to account for the fact that the board
of suporvlsora found yesterday in canvassing -
ing the vote that the poll book showed
only OCO names , whllo the returns show
ed 908 votes cast.
It is predicted that thla will glvo rise ,
to aorno * contests. County Clerk Stropt
is said to have got aomo information in
regard to fraud a having boon perpetrated
in aomo of the polling places outside of.
Council Bluffs , and is consulting as to ;
what ho can do about it. The race bo-
kwoon aoveral of the condldatos is thought .
to bo BO close that the result would bo
ilmtiRod by a contest oor the Fourth :
ward alono. Judge Aylosworth , who la
in doubt aboct his having A majority ,
ivaa hunting up hla legal points jester-
ifcy. It is said by oomo that in case the
fourth ward error should affect the re
sult of any nUtu or district office , a now
election could bo ordered in that ward.
It will pay you to BOO our line of ntovos
joforo you buy.Dx
Dx Vol. & WEIGHT , ,
00-1 Broadway. >
L'lic lolii H of the City Council Yes-
ten lay.
A special mooting of the city council ;
vas hold yesterday afternoon , the clue !
lurpoao being to issue a warrant in favor
f IlcDgan Bros. & McGomk for amount
luo on paving. The warrant wna grant-
id , and < t is expected that the work will
low go on , it having come to a aland-
itill yesterday
Property ownoro petitioned for the
illiiiK of Fifth avenue from Tenth tn
LVolfth street. Granted and the clerk
nstructod to advertise for bide.
Notices iroro presented that Mra , B. >
topp and Thoj. Glnfalylo had commenced
iuitH against the city on account of over-
lows , the former cUtming $1,000 < hun-
\pos , and the latter $1,500 , llufcrred to
: ity attorney. (
Attention was called to the pool of wa ,
ter standing In front of Mr. lloiighton'a )
residence , coiner of Seventh strout and
Seventh avenue. The committee < ni >
itroolo Yrna instructed to remedy the mat '
A lengthy discussion was had about the
mprnvemunt of Indian cruok. All
loemed agreed that itUB advisable to go
MI with the work , and open the crook
lcar to the river at once , the only dif .
ference being as to thu muthod of raising )
iho necessary money. The niattur was
itmlly referred to the committee on
lOKorago , the city engineer and city at
torney , to report next Friday night , to
ivhich time the council adjourned.
Order hard wood of P. Ovorton.
The following are the shipments of
itook from the Union stock yards for No
vember 10 :
W. S. Wonloott , 2 cars hones , 1)0head ) ,
ircouut of N. Talor , North Loup , via
J. P.
0 , D.'ProNcott 1 cir horses , ft head ,
tccouut N , Taylor , Arkansas City , via
V.van * , V Unas , 2:2 : cars cattle , -110
bond , account Palmnr & Richmond , Chicago
cage , via 0 , B. it Q. \
J.V. . Vail , 1'J cars cattle , 211 head ,
account Palmer & Richmond , Red Oak ,
Iowa ,
Clay & Forrest , ( i cars cattle , 117 head ,
account. ) . M. Robiusou , Chicago , via U. ,
M. & St. ] ' .
0 W. John , II cars cattle , DO , account
J. M. Robinson , Gmfton , via B. & M.
rieimbaum it Merriatn , 1 car huge , (15 (
head , account J S. MoFarlan , Chicago ,
vlnO. , R. I , A-P.
S. Durmouth , 1 car hogs , 120 hood ,
ancountJ. S. McFarlan , Hostings , via
L , 1.
J. Within , 1 citr heirs , 58 head , aa.
count ,1 , S. MoFurlau , Chicago , via 0. ,
II. I & P.
0 , Lamport , 1 oar hogs , 05 head , ae >
count..I , S , McFurlan , Chicago , via C. ,
R I iVP.
J , Maun V Bro , 2 cars rattle , fiShend ,
account J. S. McFarlan. Sanilbuty , Mo. ,
vm Wabnsh , St. Louis & Pacific.
W , Myers \ Co. , 2 cars sheep , 2211
head. HCCOUIU , ! . K. McFarlaii , Chicago ,
via \Vabmh , H' . LouU \ . Paciiir ,
W , Myi-rn iCe . 1 car ikcep , 12'J
to Ccuuctl Blutl'ti ,
Mra. Dr. Hilton has gone to Chicngo on ft
\ ! tt to lior mother.
W. A , Crawford , of Itockland , MAM , wni
nt tlio Ogdcn yesterday.
K , M. SUiwlinin , of Undo Si\m'n secret per-
vicouns In the city yesterday.
Mr. and Mrs. T. A , Clark mid daughter
linvo fjono to Now York tin to on n visit to Mr.
Clnrk'nnld home.
Harry Curtis , necrelary of the Y. M. C. A. ,
leatotUy for Co < lnr Itnpid * to attend Iho
state convention of tinncKodntion Ho is to
lend n paper on "Tho Literary Work of the
Association , "
The roller akata mostly in favor acems
to bo the ono with the 2 { Inch brae
lined wheels , the largest in uao. II. L
Miller , 1009 Fourth avenue , Councl
Bluffa , ia the western ngont for tliea
ekntcs. and is having an immense auccoii
in soiling the tutno. llo corrioa a larg
and well assorted atock of club , half clu'
and strap skalca.
Stewart 3tovRB , Do Vol & Wright.
Whonl No. 1 milling CO@G5 ; No. 2 , C3
No. , ( .0s . rejected S5& 10.
Corn w , 2J@23.
Oats Kor local piirpoRM , 3i" .
Uny 8H 00@700 jer ton ; baled , C0@50.
llyo 3'x : .
Corn Meal 1 ! 50 for 100 poanda ,
\Yood-Good supply ; prices nt yards , C CO ©
0 I
Goal Delivered , hard , 350 par ton ; oof
i f > 0 per ton
Lard Ifclrbank'a , whola-mHnf ; nt OJc.
Flour City Uour , 1 OOfe'J 9J.
Itrooms 2 OSigy 00 per dor.
Oattlo llutchor cowa 3 25@3 73 , Dtitche
stoora , 3 r > (3.1 ( 00.
Shocp 2 50@3 CO.
JIoRa 1 CO ® 125.
Poultry Live old lions , Cc ; upring chickens ,
2 10@31)0 ) pur doz.
Butter Croumory , 23@30o ; choice country
22c.KERB 22 per dozen.
Vegetables Potatoes , C0@40o per bushel ,
onlonn , 10@50c per bit ; npploa , choice coulung
or c.itinif , 2 25 ; bunus , 1 C0@2 00 per
buahol ; Sweet ootatooi , 2\o \ oer Ib ,
Orders by telephone for flour , feed ,
wood , coal , and hay , will bo promptly
filled by Cook & Cooper , 700 Broad
Oscur AViltlo DII Woman's Orcas.
London Pall Alnll Gazette.
Mr. Oscar Wilde , who asks us to per
mil him "that moat charming of all plena
urea , the pleasure of answering ono'a
sritics , " aonda us the following :
"Tho 'Girl Graduate' must of couraa
travo precedence , not merely for her BOX ,
but for her sanity ; her letter ia extremely
icnsiblo. She makes two points : that
iigh heola are a nccoasity for any lady
irho v/ishoa to keep her dross clean from
lie Stygian mud of our streets , and that
vithout a tight coraot , the 'ordinary
lumber of petticoats and etceteras' can-
lot bo properly or conveniently hold up.
"Now , it ia quito true that as long aa
ho lower garments are suspended from
ho hipa a corset ia an absolute necessity ;
.ho mistake lies in not suspending all ap-
larol from the ahouldora. In the latter
nao a coraot bacomea useless , the body Is
eft free and nncoiifincd for respiration
uul motion , there ia more health and
ionscquently more beauty. Indeed , all
ho most ungainly and uncomfortably ar-
iclca of dress that fashion has over in
icr folly prescribed , not the tight coraot
r.irely , but the farthingale , the vortuga-
lin , the hoop , the rrinolino , and that
nodorn monstrosity , the oo-callod 'dress
mprovor , ' also , all of them have owed
heir orirjln to the same error , tbo error
f not nooing that it Is fromtho nliouldera
ind from the shnuldcru only , that all
armonta should bu hung.
"And as regards high heels I quito ad-
nit that aome additional height to the
hoe or boot ia ncconsary if long gowns
ire to bo Trorn on the atreet ; but what I
ibjost to la that the height should bo
ivon to the heel only , and not to the
lolo of the foot also. The modern high-
leeled boot ia , in fact , merely the clog of
fco tlmo of Henry VI with the front
irop left out , and its inevitable effect ia
o throw the body forward , to shorten
ho stups , and consequently to produce
lint want of grace which alwaya followed
Tftnt of freedom.
"Why should clogn bo despised ? Much
irt 1m * been expended on cloga. They
iiivo boon made of lovely wooda and tlol-
cately inlaid with ivory and with mother
if pearl A clog might bo n clroam of
eauty , and if not too high or too heavy ,
nout comfortable ulao.
"But if there bi uny who do not like
logs let thi in tiy HUIIIII adaptation of the
rouser af tlui rurliish lady , which ia
Xiao around the InnS and tight at thu
uklo. The 'Gul Grudurfto , " with a
: tlui3 to which 1 nm not insonnibh' , en-
ronta mo not to pithuE ) ) > 2d 'i lint awful ,
Tinged , bi ll'in.cii'l mill b killed di-
'iiled pkir- * . ' Well , I > ill acknowledge
hit the fdugi'8 , thti 11 luncca mid the
ailing do o-rimiily dufiutt ihu whole ob-
> coftho ( Irt-tH. wliiob in tiutifuaso
ma hberl ) ; but I n t-'urd tlicau tilings as
uoro uisliucl Buptoiliiiiiev , trai-ia proofs
.hat the dividcil skirt ia Hthnuud ot ito
wn divieion. Tiiu iirinuipti ) of thu drew
B good , and , though it ia n t by any
ncnns ptrfpo'ion n i * on to 'MnI it "
MI'S , 11 , J , HU1UO.M ft , ,
2MI < ldl il't < jw y. f onrrll Fltfj
\ \ tlBcllthoolloMin iirojert ) on vas ) toiuu If
bought ttllLiu 3Jil ( ) S.
200 Acre Faim.
'liv mllejni rtli nlCDiincll Hlult * ; ( jooil liirn , house
oichird , aiid all tnuwl.
400 Acre Faim.
inll'sraitof L'is > n , IIitrl > ii , onuity , lo-a all
1 1 ceil , I'i'cl anl , turn , lull u "roh nl. oo ; 'JO
ICIOM unitor { ilnv , I ORJIUit'i'u ' urt-n unalou , Id )
\tn * tlllllnjra' il | m nrTMi ' < ulu bi ) .bll ) dl-
ildod It. to tliitu tUBlrttilo miiall farml ,
800 Aero Farm.
U in'Icss ' t ot O'nw Mn"icon itv. I w , n
lieMtplmttor ; K > xl IIOIIHU , IKIII HU1 o loci , lot
anl , rlidi tto.j 'J'dnoioi U'i ' r I w , In * ' 143 I
ImUur , meadow and | iuum ; ilr.t eiat it ck ( aim
uotur ) rcujiect.
240 Acres of W Id Lind ,
Suitable for Farming ,
i 50 Head of Oulfclo ,
75 Lloft'l ' of II
: HH ) Ho (1 ( of Hog * .
IiOi1 | meiiU nifllcignt toonryou g > id
10,000 Bu h la of Corn , und 400 Tons of
Tame and Wild Hay.
S lcl tock , corn , fotd and machinery l < dhltlol ii ) >
Mil raid fiirnu , und \\lll to Bald only In roiimctloo
with ald I krnt < .
HorvU uBomlclimci I jr Choice block lunia. well
itx-l > d , It ul ) ( nr Munr , Voxi Ion g\\tu \ en tiatu cf
| iurcli > H' , II ilielrt'd.
C'lll in or a'diu *
Kl' CVnWKt-L ,
Couucil 1'lullj , ( OKI.
e >
Upoinlieoiienineof the season for
the Holiday Goods trade , I beg to inform
my customers and the public in gener
al , tht I have made extensive prepara
tions for a large trade and feel confi
dent that I can fill all orders that may
lie entrusted to me to youri entire sat
My assortment of imported and do
mestic goods , I am pleased to assure
you , is far superior to any of previous
seasons , and a visit to my establish
ment , 103 Main street , Council Bluffs ,
Iowa , will repay you ,
The entire stock has been selected
by myself with a view to meet the
wants and demands of the general
trade in the west. Should none of my
agents be able to call on you ( luring
the season it will be of great advan
tage to you to pay me a visit and per
sonally select your wants , as travel
ing men never can carry such a full
line as is shown you at my head
Sound ] Bluffs , Iowa
.n order to make room for an immense stock of Spring Goods , I have decided to
ifTorall goods now in stock , at prices never before quoted in this city.
GEO. R. BEARD , No. 32 Main Streol , next to P. 0.
201 Upper Broadway Cor. Stutamiui St. , COUNCIL BLUFFS.
) rders in the city or country solicited. Prompt attention nnd satisfaction
Guaranteed. Plans and specifications furnished free.
Cutting and Fitting a Specialty.
Craves , Switches , Whatnots , LangL'y aod Pompadour
Frizzes ,
Uaving opened in a now store I invite the inspection of ladies.
IUH. 8. il , Vomit" , Uilll Itroiulwmy , - IJimnolI IllulTrt
2J7 mid ' > U S. Main St. . COUNCILBLUFFS
AlMIS3HK-Otfnt IBo-Iailci lOo.
SKATKJ-Ucnt * 150. Ladle , Ko.
Vdnilsslon i'rre to Laille * each luninlnx f.fld Tut -
larand'lhurdday uderuwn , Via c [ bnatoi 15
riu | > iletur.
Attorneys-at-Law ,
Office , Main Strtwt , HoomJ 1 and ! Shuzart & Ho-
U hon'Ulock. Will iir otlo In State auj Federa
u. M. rca < r ,
. u.
- - 1856
id omcitlc Kichicz , aa
Fall Goods Hendy. Fails Mndo lo Order in Latest Style > * \
en Short Notice nnd n RciiFoimle Prices. * \
205 Mam Street , Council Hlufli.
O.OM Kloctrlo IJclts f old Jor the Sronlh nf Sept , by us.
Uefcrcnces Any of the business IIOUPOS In Couijcll iJluflj. Jl'DD i SMITH Proprietor ,
Salesrooms 319 , Uroadway. Manufactory 30 , Fourth St. COUNCIL BLUFFS-
Keep Horai-B and Muloa conntantly on liuud which
wo will sell in retail or wholcaalo lots.
All Stock .Warranted . as Represented ,
Wholofalo nudrotnll Ocnlcrs In Grain nml Haled Hay. Prices
eonablc. Catlifaction Guiraiitccil
Corner Fifth Avo. A 4th St. , Council Blufla.
7 and 0 Main street ,
A Oompleto Line of Fall Goods to Selecc From.
In Iowa and Nebraska , and sold for the leaat money at 337 Broadway , Council
Blufla , Iowa.
MRS , D , A , BENEDICTManufacturer , ,
Turcoman , Etc.3 Olllcloths , Mattings , Linoleums Btc
hoicest and Best Selected STOCK in the WEST ,
3mo and bo convinced that wo are headquarters for all gooda in our line ,
hoapoat place to buy CARPETS , Cnrtuinn and IIouso Furnishings in the
City. Upholstering and Bedding Supplies.
Mail Orders Filled FromptlyCardniie
Both new and second hand , ranging in prices from $8.50 to
§ 25 each. Take advantage and call early to oblaiu
the best bargains. I am making a bis ; reduction in
3F" TT Z = t KT Z OP TJ
As 1 need the room to dipUy tuy stock of stoves.
Endorsed by FRANZ LISZT.
Unrivalled or Tone or Flnlehi
Boat Modern Trtco to Buy.
The Kimball Orfan ; , go long nnd favornbly known in the wnst , rncommondn
STKWAKT , Solo Agent for abo\oHm > 3 of Goods. Wnrarooms , 329
ouucil BIulFa Correopniniloiico Sol ! itad. Agents V/nu to.I.
and S-t-t IOV.A
Fraroo Houses mocJon the LITTtvK GIANTtruoUl auil any distance nd over uy Ulna PI
D1UOK 1IOUSK3 raised. All work Kuamnteed
W. 1 * . AYtSWOirrn , 1"10 Nlnth'etreot.
Manager. Assistaut. Seoietiiry.
Council Bluffs Detective Association
Will do all Milt's or iletcctho urk ( cc Bankt , Kspieti , 'Jo'uirbph anl llalli ay companlm , Morcaanti ,
ll uuactoilc ( , Coiporaliont. 1'utllowid I'lhatelimtnutlouaand Uistilct Attctnajii Stolen prooccly re-
co crtii Collccilom made , Jlienlnir ( rlcnd. Jouad. Di o c i prjcura 1 5Waward pfftrod tor ttva | * ie l
and crwvlctlon cl any i-erson or per jn , IfauJulcntljr reiiri ntln this Asiwlatlon All oommuukatloDi
ttrtcOy oouadeutlal. OIBce : Ma ODlo Temi ie Council Blul ! lwa. I' C. IJox 12M.
We ouia caU your uttcutiou to the diUh tt\ >
Bargains Which Cannot "ba Obtained Elsewhere.
Wo ran cornlua , men both that we a ) hat * e me' . > id mtan liat o lay. Hut the V t v. y to
tthotr Vhil\jMoo ? \ V rtlon. U tucallaud c ju > o our tock anJ j-rlcw , alwaj , i < i > dn > Uilo | (
/fl-OVSIUi the waslcworiUhlch UI a'trac1 the attoutivi ' e crbody , It l th word p uijxl
hf ti o i urchwed our Bocd , and that li th rf . . „ . c n jUtt < huui to you at iu luvs a fi ui * A ix