Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 11, 1884, Page 5, Image 5

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    TIiK A1IA bifilfi-TCF DAY NOVftJiBRR 11 1884
A Gut ory Hovlow ol' tlio UfPat
Imllan Cini * Ixu'ltlodliy tlm VJnltrtl
) * Slates iMipromu Con M ,
The case ot John KU.a Winnobago
Indian ogninst Ohnllca Wilkiiis a judgu
of elections of Untfthft. , fat-ing n suit for
damage i in tbo BUT , of § 0,000 on ac
count of the refiml r , Wilkiiis to accept
the plaiutifl'u vutn. , just decided by the
Suprerno court of t'jo United SUtca raised
< \ very important , question , whothcr an
Indian by abandoning bin tribal relations
for n yuar t > d living Tvith nnil lilco
white folln : .Mado him a ciltKen of llio
Unftod SKI tea uuil'r tlio fourteenth
lurtonclmout , which dccmros that "all
persona 1 > M nor iiatucKlispd in the Uhltcd1
Statea arid subject to the jurisdiction
theroo' citizens of the United Statea
aud Ihr state whure they rcsido. "
' ho cftjo w = o origumlly acguod by
Messrs. Popplotoii and Wobatcr for the
Indian , and United States Attorney
IJP irbcrtaon and 2.V. . Simoral for the
itoftndaut , oil ft demurrer to plaintiff s
petition. Judgoa IklcCnirjr and Oundy
the domurrar vroll taken. T&a ciso
submitted ou bripfo in the United
Bupromo court , United Stf.teu At-
tcrnoy Liai'.iertaoti Bubtuittiug ' . .ho brief
' 'or defendant. Ilia cotitcntioir. wna that
the fourteenth TUiiuiidiueut did not
'Tican to extend citizenship to all per-
nils who happened to bo borr : ou Amer
ican aoli , but only to these poraona Trho
wore hern into the Kovoimr.ont of the
United Stutos , yielding iiliegianco to
its lure and institutions. Tlio Indian
is born 'uador the dominion of hia
tribn and 'yields ' olleginnco to its tribal
head. IIo ia no moro born into the gov
ernnront of the United States than are
the children of foreign ombasundors , or
aliens toaporarily DOJ Miming hero. It
wae also contended tlmt the Indian wan
not uubioct to the jurisdiction of the
UuHod Estates' in the sense of the four
teenth amendment. The Indians , onry
in n qualified sense are subject to juris
diction of the United States and amen
able to its laws. Neither can they vol
untarily 'oSbinib or subject thomoolvca'to '
its laws BO as ' to acquire citizenship in
the 'United ' Status. The supreme court
adopted these views although -Judge
' 'Gooloy ' , of Michigan , and the decisions
of three other courts took the other
' view. ' 5ho Bupromo court doubt IMS
thought that the Indiana , as wards of the
. government , nuder its festering care , pro
tection and guardianship were better off
thiin they would bo if they were clothed
with the rights of citixenstiip. . As citi-
- ' ins they would have to stand on their
own foot just as other citizens The ai-
pvomo court doubtless thought that it
w us not the intimtiou of the framora of
tie foarttwnth amendment lo admit half
civilized Indiana , who know nothing of
civil govcrnmont laws and institutions
li'o citizenship , while intelligent and
oaucated foreigners must bo ruaidentu of
the United States five years fccforo they
r in bo naturalized and bccomo citizena.
If. certainly would bo carrying the
pzinciplc of universal suffrage
to the verge ot absurdity to permit the
untutored Indian to vote , whtlo the cul-
tired HiiJ scholarly Gorman and English
man is disfranchised , because ho is not
iumiliar with tha lawa and institutions of
thio country. It certainly requires tjreat
faith in'tho ' robust virtues of our western
people and the saving efficacy of republt-
can institutions to bolicvo that in addi
tion the natural elements of disorder the
Indian tribes can bo taken tsrtc ourcivilixe
tion and government , and have conferred
on them both the elective franchise and
citizenship. Doubtless congress will be
influenced by this decision to gaaduallj-
admit Indians to citizenohip on terrae
similar to these granted to other aliens
Smoke-'Ceal of North Carolina
A UnnliJt n County PioKterer Ar.
rested tor rihposiiif ; < r { ' > roM.c K < > il
Liit ovotuag Constable A. G. Uhess-
rain , of ILscnpton , Hamilton . -comity ,
Nebraska , wrested Peter Pedersen in
thin city ou e. charge of dispocing of
mortgagor. ! [ tvporty. It that
Pudorson , vth : > is a Dane , purchased K
cow nnd a pour- short time since ef two
mon in Uarnpt'- ' for § 100 r.nd not hav
ing "tiliieionr cuh he borrowed Q-I-O pf W.
J. Wiiliauaenn , 4' > vinj n inortys } ! " ri : the
. cn.v itnd ijoiiy. iJJhortly nftor Podecaou
aold the COK awl traded the i > n > yor u
horse. Three . -nicks ago he came to
'Omalu nnd put u , nt the South Omaha
house uod ninca filon ho uppccra to luvo
benn doing nothii > < .
Last Siturda. ? a telegram vaa snnt to
Conatablo CIICSB'IU.V * : by Mr. liana Youog
of this city whotrao acquainted witn
Puderssn , oaying 6lat the latter was : i
Omaha , and on tbe-strength of this tele
gram the coneCablo nora iact night
and captured hid at the South
t Omaha honao. ,
Priderson , wto ia n plasterer by trade , !
is apparently if ore in icol than a Jitmve-
although ho has plaoi i pimaolf in a very
unenviable position. LIt > la tompcrarily
located in the ciiy jatltfrom which jtluco
Jio will be conveyed /tlampton , uacoin-
ipanied by OoiiKtable Oheasuiac thia
Seal of North Carolina Smoking To-
cacco ia the best.
Army Ordcra-
Krigadier < , ! eneral O. O. Howard , U.
S. army , having resumed command of
thia.department , Colonel Joi\n Gibbon ,
Seventh iufantry , id relieved Crom duty
at these headquarters uud wi'l ' rejoin his
proper elation ( i'brt Lara nie , Vfyo , )
The travel directed is jwceasBrj' for the
public ac-rvicu.
By order f Bngadior it enoral How
ICoul KAIUID TruimferH.
The following are the real wtato trans-
/era filed for November ( J and reported to i
ffiiK BKE by Amen * real estate sgoncy.
Augustus JCountzu t al' / / Kennedy ,
w d , lot 11 , blosk 12 , Ko ] ffr & Huth'n
odrfj $ lf.OO. . M
Alexander lilauk and * ' to J. I' ,
Manning , w d , lot 1 , block 7 , Kountza1 *
4thadc , § 1250.
Capt. John 0. Uourke , 111 U. S caval
ry. wb'j has /or ten yeara or mure &ery d
on General CVook'rf utaff , lus rocc'iiti ' ;
nubluhcd A volume on the curiuua re
ligiou < i ritoiof the ] \I'quii \ of Ar'znn [
'J'ao famoiie enako dance forma one o' '
their corcmonles , end Capt , lourkc ? is
the fir t white JIIMI who as ever wit
nessed and described this ctr.ingo rilo.
It is a Volume that docs gr st credit to
his experience and obiervalion , and
ehowa how ciflicow of the army msy ad-
vnnco the study ( if ethnology by long ami
close study of Indian iniumcv * , customs
nndhiatotv. Four oflicorn have dovcted
the tiiuo uuJ paint and cnre to this
mutter that are ahown by Capl. HourKo'a
book. It has met a kind rucoptlon at
thu hands < if spccialiata both at homo and
abroad. ( , ) uito n cimsid.-ruble number of
copies bavo been sold hero , \vtcro Oipt.
B. is well known , and It dcaurvoa to bo
witlolj ? read , uot only hi the army , but
out of it.
"Tho Field of llouor" in a cmuprs-
hcsim'o his'ory of du 'ling In all cnimlrio'j ,
by Major Uon C Tinman , publiatipdiy
Toido , Howr.rd & Lhilbert , Now "Vfrk.
The author baa jjivon ovideuco of in-
L uatrioua rccoarch down llirough ths long
black line that rocorda the prog jsn of
conventional murder to the period of its
barbarous birth. It in well to preserve a
record of oven these things at which men
under the control of UioirbotVv impulses
revolt. They form , a part of mane
history , and it ia a.part . of the penalty of
crime tlmt the criminal shall bo posted
through all gi'iierations "Tho Field of
llouor , " however , is a mi no of informa
tion OH tbo Bitbjoct of the duello. It
contains M > 7 pagOR cf roll-written
matter covering the entire ficM , and
however much ono may condemn a
custom baaed en a falao dignity and giv
ing L'sprcsaiun to nothing bettor than the
lex tahonis , thin work aa a history merits
cencral approval. The author ia no a | > ol-
dgist for the custom at least in hisbook.
lie oxpreseoa no reqrot at its receding
popularity ; ho docs uot hint that true
chivalry demands reparation for oiionao
according to the code ; ho simply begins
back at the beginning and gives unvar
nished'f net with the of
u , groundwork so
cial sentiment behind and around each ,
as an artist would paint a Dingle object
and throw on his canvas relevant sur
roundings. Major Truman has given no
achrcnology ot dueling , embracing the
judicial duel of Europe , or wager battle ,
the private battle of the civilized world ,
and ppecific descriptions of all the noted
hostile meetings in Europe and America
bring it down to the latest signalized
period August , 1884. It tell how duels
are fought , und how the event is approached
preached in Franco , Gormauy , England
Ireland and Scotland , and publishes
the codes of these countries suction by
section. Duelling in America Is a sort of
unwritten geography. A country so vaat.
BO cosmopolitan , and embracing so groa
a variety of thouo influences that operate
in the formation of the human character ,
must bo moro or less scctionr-liccd , in
mattora and customs if not in govern
ment , So the manner in which the man
interprets the cede of honor will desig
nate his locality North , South East , or
the far West. A chapter ia devoted to
tlio romance of duelling , another to the
remornu of duellists , another to pathos
and sentiment , and another to the grim
humora and pleasantries of the Hold.
Even to those who do not roliah tales of
blood as a regular mental pabulum , the
book ia valuable for reference , and it ia
safe to say that it m the beat work ou the
subject thut has yet come from the prcaa.
"On a Margin , " is a now novel of AVall
Street and Washington , onnounsod by
Fordo , Howard it Hulbert. The author
withholds his name , but the r &dera rec-
ogniza a practiced pan. and a .powerful
hand. The atriking rcjlioui of the ecouos ,
the strength of the situation , and the
shrewd analysis of mood and -niotive ,
whether in politics , speculation or love ,
will give this story of the present crowded
hour many interested readers.
On the firat of Decembar will bo begun
the publication of a novr monthly maga
zine of thirty-two pagoc , o bo devoted
exclusively to the euro i > ' infanta and
young children , mid tbe .ginoral intorcats
of the nurdory. It will bo known as
' "Babyhood. " It will not bo a collection
nf cERdya or dicquinitionn ou debatable
theories. It will strive to bo colpful and
euggeativo rather thaa arQsmentative ,
and to combine so great a variety of sab-
juctp , brii.ily and practically treated , that
each ieauo cannot fail to bo useful end
companionable to all who have the inter-
pets of their little ones at heart.
"Dorcas : Daughter of Faustina. A
Tale of Raino and the lUrly Christiana , "
by Nathan 0. Kouna , author of "Arlta ,
the Libyan , published by Fprda , Howard
& Hulbert , Now York. Thia ntory shows
the came delic < icy of touch and elevation
of feeling that was evinced by the au
thor a former book , combined with c
most Interesting knowledge of the his
torical era dcscrilio ; ! . J t is r. charming
talc , and is beautifully illustrated and
Green , tlio cowboy from Chey
enne , ' . .hovai made the victim of a deadly
TOKOB steer u * . the Omaha . .ockardi or
Thursday night luet , by the now pajicrs of thii
city , ( eft lest night for liU favorite hauutti
among the nago bru. i and cnctua of the
ninie plains. The teiegram to the lady iu St.
Louis did not bring about the doaired end nnd
Green will ( ifam tale up the free aud C . * y
life in the eadd'o ' on tit ; jirairicn.
Yeatorday afternoon Andreas Hirt ,
who lives near .Florence , and a coaplo of
companion ? woco out hunting. Just ,
n.irth of J''iirouco lake ulirt had occasion
tc flro offhia/juii , when iis barrel bunted ,
tha .fragments shattering .hia left arm , bo-
twixm the olbairanelahouLder , in a fright
ful manner. Tht uiifortunnto mfjn'a
would waa cared for there as well as .it
couli bo done. IIo raa then placed in a
wagon and brought to the cfv ( and placed
in C'watral hospital , wfioro "ilia arm woe
ampuUted by iDrs. Oaltiraith and Hod
man , Ho ia thought by hid turgoons to
be in a dangerous condition , owing to thereat
? roat low of blood during his jturney to
Omaho , and fcara of death fiofE exhaus
tion are entertained ,
Toot Tliumb'K
MAk.3 . , . November 10 fntlia
ounty proInU court U-day tliu firstii < x.otint
f tha executora of Chu , 0. Stratton ( ? 'um
litiinb ) wan presented for iirolftte.
bal jnc.0 after all debt * and exi
iuiihir , ( jfSlti , Wl.
Tlm AVIicol at Kmu.riH Clly.
KAVBAS CITI , November 10 Tha Hint
nnuil tourcaiiiont nf thu Kansas City win * ] .
wn v/ni conclude' ! to-day Thu tlireo initn
uuiUur rc'o , T. , r , Orr , of JCuipmni. firet ;
lui Jlitchcock , of ( Mnali-t , riicotid ; K. .M.
hav , of ( iitfcnwood , third. Tiuio 1U:1I : ,
r , MIKN , Nuyomber JO. A fuo thN
turning dt'iljoyod the Uiieoti Lumber coin-
unyV nnu- mill , Oatcrhnrt k HiiKhrnit'ii haw
ill ) , r.lOO.O'X ) f ust nf lumliurc.ur dwolllrg
jiucM and ntlicr hui.'dinfn ' ; ,
) ; iiiiuraccc , SlOO.OOa The fire wai the
uik of an Incendiary. i
Holes cf a flag's ' Ilalt-Topt liv of
llie Rfniou ,
ot tlio luuiellelti
AtU'CttOtfS " BlOHOWftll
< U Sharpsburi * on IhoShonnndoMi rail
road , four miles from Shopntdatown , w
stopped over a. dny to viotr the battlefield
of Autiotam. A neat little station in the
midst ot metetowa and wheat tiolda ia all
one sues ou alighting. The tomi la a
mile awny , nnd the brown ridges walling
in Antiotxm creek on which the battle
nminly raged nre n milo { ni-thor. Sharps-
burg u uo\v n village of some 1,1200 inlub *
ilauts , K\ quiet , demure , nnd old-f.isiouod
Aa when a Hundred yeaia ago the square ,
aggressive-looking brick structures that
line ita principal street bcgmi to be built.
Thiu luitin street begina on one of the
ridgea mentioned , dlpa gently into n hol
low , und climbs a much atcepor hill on
the east , throwing oil 113 it begins the aa-
cent , a narrow road leading between
Btono walla away to the north. Following
thia u milo , we eeino out to the cross iv.ttt
and to the little Danker church planted
in the midst of i\ noble oalc forest so
marked a teaturo la the dcacription of
the Dixttlu. The outlook from it waa of
the moat peaceful description mondowa
and grain tiolda , substantial homea of the
farmers , men driving the teania afield ,
and the white steeples of the village.
The lending tenet of the Dunkcrs was
peace , good A\ ill to man , but the irony of
rate made their old church and its forest
one of the bloodiest scenes of the field.
Iloro the troopj of llooker , Sodgwiek ,
and Sumuor mot the veterans of Stone
wall Jackson and Uill. All day long the
tlamea ot bi\ttlo smote it , dead men lay
about it , shells shattered it , and round
shot wrecked the fine old trees , The
venerable building has boon repaired if ,
indeed , ono may any rebuilt and nhowa
no tracoa of the conllict. Ono cannot
help fooling that it should have remained
aa shot and shell loft it. A striking me
mento of the light wo find , however , in
the mighty oaks and hickories that over
hang it. Nature has been the only healer
of their wounds ; largo oaks cut squarely
off twenty feet from tha ground , branches
torn from the trunks , ton thousand
acara in the bark of the votorna whore
bullota had entered , were mute but ef
fective witnesses of the fierceness of the
conflict. It ia probable , however , tint
the pilgrim of a year hence will lind this
historic forest removed , and nothing left
to recall war memories , The woodman
haa already begun on that portion of it
fartherist ironi the church , and is fast
converting It into lumber and firewood.
The forest was once offered to tlio govern
ment , wo learned , for ti few hundred dollars
lars , but nothing waa done tovrurd secur
ing it , nnd the grand old tree * went into
hiinds that have only commercial use for
The old church was on the extreme
left of Leo's line of battle. From this
point hi3 line stretched along the west
bank of Autiotam creek to with'n three-
four'.hs of s milo of its junction with the
Potomac ft-distance of nearly four miles.
No ono can yo over the ground to-day
without u feeling of respect , for the mili
tary genius that seized on it for o defen
sive position. This west lunk ia a cres
cent shaped ridge , presenting its concave
side to thu crook. A uuocebuion of hilla
and ravines is in ita rear , and a good road
running parallel with it to Srmrpaburg
and Shopardstown allowed rapid niaosing
of troops and an open line of retreat in
case of disaster. In all the distuned
there were but two lords whore the river
could bo crossed , one at the extreme loft ,
the other on the right ; between the fords
were three bridges , all strongly puarded. _
The Union line occupied the opposite
ridge across the stream , which was dom
innted by Leo's position. As wo move <
down between those hills it was dilliaa"
to believe that barely twenty ycara bi
fore 170,000 men in fight had occu
pied them. What is called the Stoi
bridge , over the Antietnm , about
milo ana a half below the villagi
was the pivotal point of the battli
Hero the Niiith Corpsunder Bunisidi
was massed , with order to carry tl :
bridge , the latter being defended by tl
llower of the llobol army under Long
struct. The silence of the old Htructur
is only brokennow by the rumb'o of fan :
wagons and an occasional pleasure vehicl
but theio in n auspicious greenness c
grass at either abutment. At least thrc
distinct charges , aa gallant 03 any of th
war , were niado by llio Eleventh Oonne
ticut supported by Crook'a brigade , upo
this bridge , und oioh : time the asjaultm
column was hurled back. At length
battery sweeping the further end of th
bridge was got in pooition , and with th
oid of this the Fifty-lirst Now Yoak an
the Fifty-first Pennsylvania dasheducroi
&ud planted the flay on the opposite bank
gaining the first really decided r.dvmitad
of the dwy.
tJluturuiug to the village , one may wol
linger on hour or two over its ( juaiu
features and still macro interesting M-JII
nirc rf thi battle. Crowning the ridg
on which tlio village is built i.s a nationu
cemetery of ton acror , tastefully laid out
in which Jio-1,000 soldiora of the union
chiety thoeo who fell about Antietatn
Onouf the most imposing soldiers' nionu
menU wo had seen cat out of llhod
Island granite ia a feature of thi
cemetery , and in tha keeper's cotlago on
, may sec sworde , guns , sheila , skulls , ant
other objects gleaned from the battle
Held , In the poatoflico wo discovered
rcoru imi'juo m&iiontoes , in unctions o
wood sp.'it frone the trunks of treeu
wLich liad boon pierced by minnie balls or
cannon slut. A tMack stain discolored
the wood about the bullet , &d Jn ono or
two caaefl.ho twenty-two aucccsslvo
layew of growth deposited since tlio ball
had entered could bo distinctly traced.
The old Grove rxansion , now the
princjpl tat/ern of the vUlogo
waa in the battle day inhabited by
thu proprietor and bid family. Hero
through tile two-days' conflict iUonunall
Jackson ivas qcurtercrl , tnd Leo and his
generals frequently met fa consultation
Wo hwl thu good fortune to moot Mr.
Grove , sou of the proprietor , an inmate
of the home during the bafcfV , and lut-
Diied to hie narrution of Incidents con
nected with the conflict , SiMon Hhella
( truck the house , ono awhita buiatod
in the garret , and later every raom was
illcd with wounded Boldiers. tVo an.
doles of Jackum were related Mat I am
Hire have never bean btforo pubi.shed.
'On the first day , " * nid .Mr. Urovu , "my
lalf.r ent Jiim tomnthii g to cut on ll'f
ittte-ield. : ] Piirliapo you would hl.t < t"
eo tlm Jotter he wrnto in acLnov/ludg -
lent. " Tie handed njo a gilt frame nn-
Lking a B.nled , crumilud [ leaf , uudently
> ni ti'om n nolo booton ; rjiich was
cncilod in i'traj/glitig cliaraotera then' |
ords : ' .
BHAlU'iUfiu , , Kejitcmbcr 10 , 1 2 , J [ '
I'AII'IKIKH : I liavirec''l the nlco'it
for which 1 am liulobVo. ! to your
limlw" .
"Tii" ! t scvpt my grateful npHwlMum of
jour hiKiiltality. Very nlnccroly yours.
"T. 1)1 ) I.MKsON. "
"Amojaago from the battlefield , " ob
served the owner , "which considering
the circumstances under which itM
penned , wo consider ono of the most
curious and valuable documents of the
Avar."Whllo with us General Jnckson was
alVublo and courteous , and engaged in
convoraation with the ladies ot the houto.
Our day my nistor , thinking to liud out
somothitig about his plans , said : ' ( Ion-
oral Jackson , where are you going next ? '
Ho xvas lookinc over n map , ntid replied
with another quoBlion : This road leads
to llagorstown , doPMi't it ; thia to Shop-
ardstown , tlmt to Williamaport and this
to Harpor'a Ferrj ? ' To each of whHi
she replied 'Vns. ' ' IIo niado no further
reply , but continued looking o\or hia
limp , " | H.15. . T. "
rNJ > KU HOlJ\l > nKUlIN.
Tlio liiimtMisc ( uniiililcH o (
niul ComlullH UntliM' dm
All lolegraph , telephone and electric
lighting wirua in Berlin are nu\v \ under
ground. A popular Gorman magazine
furniahoa aomo details of the under
ground plant of the city. The gas aupply
of Ucrlin furnishes light for 1-1,000 , street
lampa and 700,000 private humors , anil
although gas lighting was first introduced
in that city in 1H02 , it hna been steadily
Improved , mooting the increased demand
ami furnishing power for a great many
email industries , so tlir.t the use of the
electric lighting has not diminished the
productisn ol gas. The pipes are laid
under the aiduwalka , and little incunvo-
niuiico ia caused ordinary street traffic
for repairs or extensions. The water
aupply waa firat introduced in 1854 by a
private company , but atnco IS7 < ) it haa
boon owned and managed by the
city. Twenty-three great reser
voir * supply the city by
means of enormous pumps through a
well devised system of pipes , and 17,000
water motors measure the supply for as
many customers while n complete system
of fiUp.yng the water has boon success
fully introduced. A complete oyalom of
underground drainage , devised by the
chief engineer of Berlin , a recognized
authority in bygone , Hobrecht , begun in
1873 has been gradually introduced , pro
viding canala underground of solid ma
sonry , Biipplomontary system of earthen-
wuro pipes' through which all city wast-
ugo in carried oft' to great fields , where
the drainngo ia recovered and utilised ,
every house in Berlin ia connected with
thia underground drainage by an approved
system of pipes , and the ram tratur from
the loofa and streets ia also carried ell'
through it. Every house , too ,
must have ita water uupplv , and
thia is also regulated by law , with
ful considcaation of the needs of thu in
habitants. Twenty-two otuam cupinoa ,
with 4,100 horao power , in five atationa ,
scattered throughout the city , supply the
power for forcing all tbo westo of the
million of people that Inhabit Berlin out
to a distant point. The coat of the city
gas worka in Berlin amounts in the ag
gregate to hoveu luillins of dollars , of
the water works to ou'ht millions , and of
ci-urso the great proportion of thia large
capital of ovnr twenty millions of dollars
la invested in the work under ground ,
and yet the work ia not complete. The
city of Berlin ban recently contratod
with the German Edison Eloctrc Light
Company for a thorough system of under
ground wircB , by which every street can
ha lit , and every house too , if the owner
chooses to introduce it. Water and light
and drainage are now fully aupplied , but
Berlin ia diocuusing the Ambrican pinna
for heat r.nd power , to bo supplied from
central atutiona through underground
pipes , undo ; auch a ayatem aa may bo ap
proved by its local scientific authorities ,
Dr. Werner Siomona. ono of the famous
family , has uubmittod a plan for supply
ing heat from coal mines only a few
milea from Berlin.
tCIXHO ol' eijuulcili.
Detroit Free lro 3.
A Chicago drummer balanced hta chin
on the cdgo of the Beat in front of him ,
and tickled a sandy-haired pacaougar'a
oi\r with the remark :
' You'vo boon in Chicago , of oouroo ? "
"Whore ( "
"Chicago. "
An uncertain look cimo in tlio candy-
haired man's oyoa.
"Let mo EOO , " ho mused , retro-
pcctlvoly , " 'pours to mo 1 muat have
passed through thoro. I've traveled a
good deal. I know 1 'co heard the name
buforo. What line of road is it on' ? ' '
"Forty lines of road. It's the biggest
railroad center on earth. "
"Not bigger than Croalline , Ohio , ia
it ? " asked thu pauiiengor with an n mated
expression. " 1'vo aeon four truino at
oncot at Crcatlitii ) waitin' to start oil' .
Talk about noieo > .ud confusion ! "
The Chicago inau'u teotli began to
"I Chicago aplaco where trainu stop
for diuuot ? "
"Naw , " said the duguatcd drummer.
"Chicago ia not a place where the pa -
aengeru atop for dinner. "
'tQf conrco that'o what ! meant , " ox-
phiued the red hairtid man gently.
"Fact IB , " ho went on with confidential
franncaa , ' 'I've traveled BO much and
been in uo many different places in my
lifutiu'o that I don't ' portend to remem
ber tnoso'n a quarter of 'em. What's
the nai o of thu hotel in Chicago.
"Tliona ain't any , " said the drummer ,
Then Jio walked forward to the filter ,
filled hfa mouth full of water , gargled hia
throat , whooshed the liquid on the lloor
and hung hie log over the top _ of the box.
"Who ie that evil eyed , pink haired ,
lumpy legged , prairie eared microbe at
Iho other cud of the car ? " ho naked of the
joiiduolbr , who waa passing through the
"Do you mofin that gentleman looking
jut of the witulovr ? ' '
"Ya.aa , "
"flo'a u fuh merchant from St. Louia. "
\ Itotian/.u I IK : 1'nHtiomnx liont Blil ( | ;
While jwi'HIcians ' . Aorywherc w ro iniarol-
affTuoijiay.OctoUir.W . , 188ltho 17drd frrund
uwitnly JJrawicK of thu Loul * .
una Htato Lottery camo.eir. M. A. I)4ui > hln
ioivOrleiv.BKa.lo ( whouiulliniuirim | nhuuld
to uddreHseU ) . Ticket JKi ) . 78,155 , ilrow tlw
iiat/-iijltil irl/oof 87.1.00' ! , iibil It WUH nold
11 nltola tlfkot to n well Jtiu.wn IHIBUIOSH Jmui
f tlio Umcciit City nirli.tlij to K. J { . hhosto
f the IxjiilBicia National liaiik HIITP. No
7OSi ( ilniv HIM ( .ucoiul in'vra of § 26,000 , hold
'liiftUutamiiKllar caalioim fifth ouch Ui
loniy Sinitli , jii lco of tlio pttoo. und Win.
1. JxciiiMKjy , | ilutttir , b .th . ( if l.recnvlllo.
Ii : ono-nuii toV. . O BilCTc , of OIICIIKO ;
r to K. 0. Uonaott , No. .
ir.ot , Chicago. 'JVo-liftho of thu third pn/- .
f 8 ( UOticket ( No. < 7.1.r ! < l-wui w , n by U.
. I'ox , 1'ortajic , Wu , Thof . .urthlu | , . f
i.KK uatJi. WITH won by A" < . ja.iDS nntl
I. Ml , Hold in fifth * n [ unit dollar ruchmil
4 tiered verv | iromlnjuou ljnortli , nniuh ,
t uml wont , to lartirn in MomphliTo MI ,
liiiM/ilphm / , 14 , vml N'ow Yuik City , Ac ,
a JJllt It will ovnr ( fi on , mill if > o
5' ' i lii1. w.JJ jjo { l.p.iic y <
TM13 ( J.VlttKN CITY IMiL'M.
\Mlt.lll\K UNkim \\llim AT TUG ClUCAitn
Sppclftl dl imtch to the HVK.
CMK-AI.O , Ko\cinbcr 10.-Tolm I1. Kinrrtj ,
the defeated cotjRtt"wmnn in Iho Hrcnnil dis
trict' , in eerlously tnlkcd of by I la friend * for
imyor nn\t sprliiRnd ; it \ tlimiRlit th.\t liar-
rl 'ii will Mii-cpid In bfcoinliif ; Unllwl Stnlrt
afiiatiir , and whoii hn Is out of tlu way seine
oft the mnallcr | ur oiH nronnd thu nnblic crib
will luvo cliMifO to | T"i a bito. IH ! | > isltinii
toward thu mayoralty has broil that ol thobic
I'rjj nt Iho jilAtc. I Incry pre ouoe has
friijlitom-d tin1 ucakt-r I > IIOT nwny
Oupltnl Nolt'c.
WA HINOTOV , N'oxeiulwr 10. The i-abhict
incM'l at Iho Whllo hru o to-morrow for HIP
first tune In sovorul iiiontliH.
Uar Adtniral Alo\Aiidcr Murray died to-
day. Ho imrltcln ted in llio Mrxlcnnvnr and
In the iiavnl conlli' U during the rebellion.
WAtlilxisTOV , Xo\cmbor 10. Thn iiii'sl
niixllliod tulo 10 of ttia clxll nor\ico
iiH ! > iu'rifyiu tlmt ollicfir < nvc aM'intit from
.iuiin.'itidiiH , so us to uichulo ill the list dii-
burning ; iilliri'rv lm\inp the custody of money ,
Mho givu boiuls.
WASHINOTON , Novcmlu'r 10. The rumor
that Gcnoral Sheridan ns ordered to topoit
for duly is denied by tlio secretary of war.
The president to-dny appointed Schuylcr
Crenby , of , litst i\ssi t.iut
penontl ,
AH Klcctlon irotilili
CINCINNATI , November 10. On election
day , Philip llcimctsy , n youiiR matricd nmn ,
WAit fhot nt the KlKhteuiith wnrd polls In the
forehead , nnd > osUilny ; ho died from the
wound , Thin nllornoon his wife Xplli ! > , ngcd
'Jd , suicided by dhuotiiif : lii'rrelf throiu-h the
l-'ull Vote.
JACKSONXH.IK , 1'lu , KoemberlO.Olllclnl
roturiiH from nil the counties In thin t-Uto but
ten ( and tliojo oitlnmtod ) pivo Clo\cl\tid : 111 !
majority. Two countioa not hoard from c.-nt
but \otomiltepothcr. . In Iho hecond ills
ttict Uoughorty'fl nmimity is 1-1 ,4 "SO.
15.\irinoiiK , No\embor 10. The
ntrect parndo in colubrntion of tha olcctlon oC
Clovclnud nnd llcmhiclts , ns nnnouuccd , oc
curred thin nfternoon. The Kxunlug NUWB
cstimnlos the nuiubur in the nroco.isum at
20,000. The streets are thronged with poo-
I'lc. '
Has Mel ItlH blaster ut Ijnsl Ar-
rui | : < MiunlH ! fur n Huco NcMny. ( .
The Melbourne corrcapondout of tlio
Lnudon Suortamaa under date of August
i ! ! > , says :
"lliuiltxn aoeina a great deal cut up
at thu IOEC of the chaiupionchip t > f the
world , and , in a conversation with him r.
few days ago , he alill seemed to think
that the effort ha had made U clear the
Tomki in bin match with ISoach took so
much out "of him that ho couldn't
respond to Hoaoh'a treuotit | chaltongea ,
hence hia defeat. My own impression is
that lianlan was not quito himot < lf , and
having to moot a man who could keep
foing from end to mid at a good swinging
Htroko of thirty-sin to the minute , ho was
notable to shako him ol ! ' , nnd eventually
collapsed from cihuusUUioii. If when
they row attain the lido is mth the men ,
probably Il.uiltm will win , but if it in
agaiuat thorn IScach will row him down
at about two mih'S und a quarter , for ho
ia aa b'amo ne a bulldog , and a far moro
powerful man than Haitian ,
The Canadian ban determined to re
main in Australia for eight or ton munthn
in order to have another match with
Beach. A few days ago the friends of
the mon mot with the vioiv of arranging
another mutch , but as liuach rofunud to
rorr under nix months nothing du/iuito /
waa arrived at. Last night they met
again , lionch was not present , but was
represented by Measra. Deoblo and Ivol-
ley , while lianlan had Minara. T. All-
cock and Watuon on his sidu. Ilunlan ,
on being asked if ho would row , in nix
months positively refused , as ho did not
wish io risk uovuro training In the sum
mer , and ho ul&o protested against
the match being rowed except after
high water. Ultimately Mr. Double went
for Beach and returned with the cham
pion , who refused to make any alteration
in the time usually chosen for champion
ship matcher , yir. , between 4 und ! : , ' ! ( )
o'clock. lie didn't know how the tide
would bo , but ho wae willing to take hie
cbanco , though ho oacmod to consider that
if it were with the men it would ho in
lianl&n'a favor , while if it were aguinat
them it would bo to hia advantage , After
a lot of fineeaing on both aides , it wai
decided that tlio match nhould take
place on the firat Saturday in May , nnd
should ba for . ( . ' 500 a Bido. During
the discussion Mr. C. Smith , on
behalf of T. Chlibrd , ollcrcd to
row either Hoacli or llanhui over Iho
championship course for i'5UO a eidu ,
and diroatly after the preliminaries of
thu Bunch and lianlan match were dia-
pouod of , lianlan oxpraoaad bin willing-
ucr.3 to accept Clillurd'n challenge andrew
row in five months , Clilford's frienda at
once conauntcd nnd a depoait ot ' 50 waa
made. This rather utnggcrcd lieach'ti
friends , who liad intended to takti up the
gauntlut thrown ( town by the Clifford
party , but , bain forealalled , they look
the matter quietly.
"lianlan doesn't ' like the I'arramatta
courno , and never loses an opportunity of
denouncing it. The preaencn of the
utouinera eooma io bo liij botu noir , but
though ho laat night stated that the only
match ho would row on it Hhould bu
iigaiust liuach , directly the champion-
ahlp contest waa arranged ho made an
ongBgemont to row Clifford , This atill
further weakens hia OICUHO for hia de
feat by Ileach , and whatever ho may ad
vance , I'm euro ho inwardly thinks Dial
ho wan beaten by the beat man of the
Iho OreaUit Medical Triumph of the Ago !
I.ornol'iipprlltc , Iloweli con live , 1'uln III
Ilia liuuil , wllli u ilull icimallon In llio
buck part , 1'iiln under tlio nhoulilrr-
liluild , J'nlliii'tK uftrr ciillniri wltliHilli-
liirlliintlon In fii'rllon of liuily nruilnil ,
Irrliiibllliyoru'iniifr , J.ou'Hplrllnrllli
iifuitlliiiruniiivlnirnrBlt'rluil noiiio iloty ,
Wrarlni'NN , Dl//lnean , I'liillurlnuni. lint
llmtrtt DolM linforolliovc i llonilucliu
ovnr Ike rlitht rye , Henlleimrien , ivltli
fltful ilrroiim , Illuhly colored I'rlue , unit
Io sucli CRSCH , ono done oiroctH uuoli a
ffiit to uslonluli tun Hitirurnr.
Tlieyllirrr nutlin piietltCiiiiiilcauaa tlm !
liruty to T" III. on I'lcMli. III.H tlm nvstuii 1 .
nmirliihril.iiiiil li/llo lr Tunic Action on
llio JMHebllteU'rKiuiMilIrmil'ir.SlnolHiiru
III' " ' " " ' ' I'/.1" " * " ' ' ' Mttrrny _ MN\
( , 'HAV lUnt or Wuisiciius chiiiiKnii to u
Orx > sur Ji/.Af. ; c l.y a jtiuK1" npiillcutlon n (
tlilHllri : . It liiij.urlHitjiatiiraf . color , neti
hold ly lnin lBtH , or
cnt by uziiroun on
r.iumy ot , flow Yoric.
A Itivnklimt ltli Itcntictt ,
Dnllnrd Smith in Detroit Time ) ,
Shortly nf tor my arrival In 1'arii I was
Ilittcroil by rocoivlng a nolo from the
millionaire journalist , in which ho invi
ted mo to honor him by breakfasting
with hinHii hia ulcgimt. baclielor aptrt-
meiitj. Well , 1 called nt bin eb emit
luchclor apartments. . .lanicaidon !
Unntintt wnathcro. Sii a f jscinting
I'.inaian fiin.ilo who bud not provi * tisly
been honored with my .iiia > ntnuco.
li rl < ( d out in my linli.lny attirn I pro-
trntPii a vnt-y pretty and f.ucinatinj' spec-
lacli1 , l u > 1 wnMi't K huwitchini' iVi'Min '
fcmnlo. A Ini'.ncoii the chirnm i f iny so
ciety and tluuo nf thu beautiful nnli.o.m
a man p'.uecotud of .Mr. llounott'n line
acnso cf discrlmitiiUiui could not bo ex
pected to coiiaumo very much time in
coming ( o a decision ,
"Smith " cnid ho
, cyolng IhoRorcooua-
ncB3 of my altiro with a okillod and criti-
ealoye , " 1 have a faint recollection of in-
you to btcakfaat ulth mo thia
"Yes , air , " ho said ; "I received a note
from you by Iho lormu of which 1 was BO
honored. "
"Sorry , Smith , " ho replied , but I am
leally afraid wo will have I' ) call it
dinner instead. Since poniiing that note ,
the coins 3 of human ovt-nta have changed.
You will lind my eariir.go nt thu door ,
Mr I'.MimHt continued , "tho driver ot
which will IransjMit yon to the cafi *
which I frequently patronizj. You will
bri'akfiiat there and return here to dlno
\\ith \ mo Ibia ovoiiiiiK- "
Tlio { 'Intico Hint Jfr. Bennett cast in
the direction of the door , at thia juuo-
lure , miy IIP.VO been purely meditative ,
but I deemed it prudent to gn out into
the lull and ceo what had attracted hia
attention. I forgot to return at that par
ticular time.
Advertising CliontH ,
"I hna become BO common to begin an
article , iu an elegant , Interesting stylo.
"Then run it into aomo advertisement
that wo avoid all auch ,
"And aimpl\ ' call attention to the mor-
ita of Hop Bittcra in aa plain , honest
terms as potaiblo ,
"To induce people
"To give them OHO trial , which BOre
ro von their value that they will never
so anything olso.
"Tile HEUKDV Botavorably noticed in all
Iho pnpora ,
Kullgloua nnd necnlnr , i
"KavlnfT a largo Halo , and in supplanting nil
other modiclnai.
"Thoro Is no URO denying thn vlrlucn of Iho
Hop plant , niul the proprietor of Hop Itlttor
have fcluiwn froat uhrcwdnosji nnd ability *
"In compounding a medicine ; uhoBO virtu
are to palpable to uvery ono'Houiiorvntion. "
"No !
"fcho lingered and null'orcd along , win-
inc ; awny all the time for yoara , "
"Tlio doctors doing her no ( rood ; "
"And at last T/aa cured by thia Hop
Bittern the pnpnra say BO much about. "
"Indeed I Indeedl"
"llow thankful wo uhould bo for that
medicine. " -
"Elovon years our daughter sufiorod on
a bed of misery ,
"From a complication of kidney , liver ,
rheumatic trouble and Nervous debility ,
"Under Iho care of the buat physicians
"Who gave her disease various uauioii ,
"But no relief ,
"And now she ia rcatorcd to us in good
health by ua aimplo a remedy as llop
Biltora , that wo had shunned for years
before using it. " Tun PAUKNIH.
Kathcr IH OottlnK AVoll.
"My daughtora Bay :
"IIow much bettor father ia ainco he
uaed lloplJittora. "
"Ho ia getting well after hia long suf
fering ironi a dlaeaaa declared incurable. "
"And wo are BO glnd that ho used your
Bittora. A LADY of Utica , N. Y.
jfiTNiino genuine without a liuncli of Krcnn Hope
on llio wlilto Ihlnl. hliun nil tlioilu , polaonoiiii
utiill with "Hop" or "lliis" ) ) In tlielr naiiio.
Diseases and Health of Live
Stock ,
All ownera of live stock are no doubt
interested in keeping their animala in a
flound hoalty condition , and are imxioua
to bring to a halt any disease , no nutter
how trilling , as roon HH it miikcs ita ap
pearance. To accomplish either or both
of those , the ] ] rcf > U ; / Live Stock licmc-
( / . manufactured ut Omaha , has no
It ia oaaily given to cattlehomoB wine ,
and slioop , and is an article that bun
never failed to uivo oaticfnction , if prop
erly administered.
Thousand ) ! of dollnni might bo anvoit
annunlly if brecdere , farmera , and , iu
fact , tiny ono from thn person owning im
extensive honl to the modoat gurdncr
with a pony and a cow , would keep
their animals in a thoroughly healthy
Keep stock healthy und every conta-
gioun diaoaao tlmt cunirn along will not
tnko hold with the grip of death. To do
this there is iiothiii' ' , ' equal to the West
ern Live 'Hock llomcdy.
Do not trait until the horr.o ia ntolen to
lock thoulablo door , but lock it nor
before the thief comcu along , by Iho cut-
lay of only ono dollar for n trial packj u
of the celebrated und thoroughly tcutol
boon , the Weatorn Live Stool :
liiKluiro of your druggist , or general
storekeeper , and if you are unublo to ob
tain it there , aond Ono Dollar for a pack
age , post-paid , to the
Box HO ! ) Omaha , Nub .
Special Discounts to the Trade.
The Improved Eoady Eeobu/iof /
Contains tables allowing the ainjan
and value of any quantity of inorcha.i/1 OL
nt any price from a quarter of u coiit to
ten dollars , either by weight or measure.
Also tables of wjoa and board by
Lho day , week and month ; board , scant
ling and plank measure ; cubic measure
ncnt of timber ; loy meusuio und weigh
jf grain per bushel , and interunt UbFiM
Also the interest lawa of the c'J/ibron /
itatcH , Butiuoea laws in daily nco Buei
IUBH forme , etc ,
Thia vajuablo b.ook which Bhocl bo in
ho hands of every man and bo > in tbo
and will bo cent postpaid on receipt of
ifty cents by tbo
Oiimhu , Nob.
1 and 2o atampa taken ,
'iotures of All the Presidents
Free ,
A complete Bia ol pjclinuN of tlio 21
'roaiduntu , caoh nepar.itc , vvitli date c-f
iuiiiiiration ; , Im-ili , oo. ; , miuloU frco tu
very i no that n uul/i 1'iu for ii.kinphi cop >
ud illuitr.v'.Lil prouiiuni iMt i > f th HurHl
Jfb'aakii , H liO-paji , 80 column /jrn.
nd family j urnal ia aUJHhed li'iyojie.
'ho ' pm'.iirue n'ono ' are worth 10j upiect
ud noonu who acuupln thia ullcr vvjj.
/errogrot it. Addruaa II. H. Smitli V'
o. , Pub'w , 100 und 108 W. Mth St. ,
maho , Nebiaakr. ,
nch IVtttrs Isftudoo
blnoil dcpnretit.Ma-
llnnilrattmtln ftnil
. ltr > lleith < r
l.illlnir cncr lpi or
the ( Iclnlltntfil And
AV e-av. Koicrnml.iifiio ,
< 3j-p = < lil 1 1 OIM TCtnlttcnt ,
ilti > ) iotifilt n-iil hiwcl
Wjhwi ooinpliilntnK'o
" - - f < y ? $ n m n n K tli o cvll
- * <
? gK - nlurli It entirely re-
- SSPP * ino\ot Iniruiral |
v ' eitiiit.loi.uliotoUu
i * ; r : wx * liver nnd uvto'ii aja
orRun i mmt unfavor
/ wi llv ix"ootcil i'.v " 10
' S i miiiou I l > fuinco
' , ,1 M ! ell nita J ut vul
ncruty tI'k'iit or oalo by
< lontcrs KCnerfillv.
liner , ti0 ' ( M.f\\
. . ,1 ( i . . . , r. > 1.1
itrtftur ) ! rtMUjrjr
, Tr/t
Wnrrnntri ! al nlittctif put'
( 'neon , from \\lilch tlm CICOBH ox
'lines ( tie ttrfugth of Coroit mlio I
with HtnniiiVimwioot or Buipr ,
anil la Iliorrforo moro economf-
. nl. Jt la Uellcloua , nourlxlitngr ,
-iKtlicnliii , ' , e.intly illgCHloil , nj
nilnilmlily nilnpli'il for Invnlljs aj |
well ni for pcri < oi In health.
Sold ujlroccr < ctorjithcrfv ,
. BAKER & CO , , DnrcllBSlGL
Boyal AndTT.S , MftH Stonmora
VhcRM t , ( Itrmany , Italy , Holland and France
StoornRO Outward , 920 ; rrcpilil from Antwerp , flfi ;
Ricutslnn , $21) ) , liifhullnf ; boildliiK , els , 2d Cabin , C50 ;
Hound Trip , 30.00 ; xcuralon , 100 ; Halouu from & [ >
la $ CO ; Eicurelon 110 ( a glOC.
/prl'otot Wrtgbt Buna , Ucn A-onta. ( ti Broad *
Oddwoll. Iliintlton * Co. , Oiunbtt. r. r. Fl
ui&Co. , 2oa M. ICth U'.ri.ct , Cm h | I > . K. Klni
ill , OmnhA n'
thru -i ou Until-I'H r iul " Hr.ln lnindrrdn of
i.iit'lul ' i"iillirr li.llunull. . . cnnUlmi i.i >
n.-n-li IIDKl.H'KS' rOl > fOIllMrANTBtrrco
( .uiu titreli ) 11 ipilrisnoc-oo1 lur ' 1 liolwwl food 111
.ultli or Mi-lino. H lor IXVAN'IH ' 1 lu-liont diet for
inNlT.lTH'antiil INVAl.UiS. irKlilyl'tacRdl'
lnntiii > liifii'olIioiiinBndilnl | ' I'lliolOnndTCi.- . ' ,
aruia-UiH. Iloo'.vonilu' tuntnii nlofchildrenfrctt
1 tM-llri , < it In Io MI | > ili.r i fiiTtliltiff of tlio
1 In I for rlilMrrn ' / ' . imnioii , J/ / ) , Ati.f I'm * .
riilu l"Ultiilv liroluiniii. " ' Vil Ioo4 Iu
t' f liiKrK.'t " II' . M 11 int : , tl , / > . , /aon.
" ( IIMi r O t.i'it Mtili.ittntrr unttirr lullk. "
ii. ti I i.-iwi , , 'f. i > . iin'i.Hj.1 , ti. r.
v. ' 11 lip rout 1 Will on > l or vrlro In ptamrm.
IIO'JI.IC 'I'M ' VOOO t' . , j-.fliif. \\lt.
* wllha Ho'"oi'i ' l < t b * > r , , ( . tiv JUi.T'uO
Rural Nebraska ,
The leading Agricultural and T.tvo fitncl. jountit of
ttui\M' ta ; ) | ini'i'a 89 columns , rut nnd Ultcheil ,
niAclz'nii ' form , liaa a hnndioino llliiBtrctL'il coyer ,
nnd Inn bcun cfllolillshcd 76 year * . Tlio biet moth-
oils o ( western fur mint' , Fruit flroulnp , Kta. , and tho-
l.lvo Stock Intcnnt of the Krcat ( Jrnzln and Arl- |
culturnl reptono of the woit , nbly dl cincil nod ro-
viewed. No ono who tlllt n IKmcr or plant , or n
foot of land ; who nwnanhorso , cmvig \ \ or chicken ,
Uijintford to bo nlthout the Hurnl Nebraska.
The Best Writers
Contribute to Itn'rafrot , The Ixllti'rlata are crhp ,
nnhluHi'il nnd to the point. It la publlslioj at the
low mibecrlptlori jirlco of 81,00 n year han n larger
circulation than that of any other publication of
this kind hi tlio went , and uccuuli's n I'ront llank
uinonir the bunt Acrlciiltunl and Live Stock Jour
iial In thu United SUtoj.
The Homo Circle.
Department of Fttio Iturnl Kubraikn h a sjiccli
feature which Elwaja inakca it a welcome v ill tor ad
thut'aiully KlrtDlde.
Agents Wanted.
Wo pay 1'oetm.viturn and Local AKonts n lilKicr Casl >
CumiiilBnluii than any other imbllihuru In Amerlo ,
and K\D ! lluokx. I'oeket KiiUca , VatclitH , Ktc. , I' it
to lluji and ( ilrh ho ta'ie ' aubtcrtptbr.8 for ua.
Illustrated rreinlnm List 2 ceiitu.
The Weekly BSQ
And the KfKAT.1 NKIIIIAHKA ono year cacti for
82 25 , only Itt cmtB mure thin Iho pjfcoof tho.DKn
alone. I.very lioy and Llrl win Fonila IH IU cent *
or aKcnt'oloiitlU , pnmplo coplcu and Illuotratotl
1'ieinliiiii List , ulll rccihe nn ilriniit assortment of
Iloatitlful I'lcturo Cardn. Aililri'jn
H H. asmii i co , , ica , HH s. nth ot , om
gj.Veli. in
mow A D sn K Eoormo.
till Otrjba , Kcb ,
Galvanized iron Cornscoz-
Winlowj , Tint-its , T n , Inn
nto lt'i'lnD' , Hp'iont'u I'ltjrit MiUiil ) Skyll < h
/itiJJintdJ / lluliu'-t llir mid Um CSuUlii
nilii it nirtl , 'J r fir t'li , ' ) > ' ) II } o' 41 )
roiCrj < tIii { < , Kjiilnr.Bit ot.-iln , Vusil * } ,
Oor. letb and Capitol Avenue , treata All catcg Clip-
1'k'd or Informed , also dltoaiica ol tt ,
Nervous System ,
Blood , and
Urinary Organs
All aa-cjof Curv turoctbo Spine- , Crocked Ktek
Luk'ti and Aruid , 1'lsu.mca of tlio lli ! > , Kt.iv , AnJ
Anlilo J In Id Alio Chronic affections cfll.ol.hir
Hln-uiitttl in , I'orolyslB , I'llct ) , Ul < ri , Catairb , Atlh
ui.i iiinl Ilionchltla MO all tri'Alcil liy new and euc.
coai-fut initlicdd All illsuCBoaof ( no Diced aud tJrlu-
try Or kim , lirludlnt ; Ihono ntiultloirfioin IncUcro.
itun ur cipcfuic , are 91(1 ( 1 Mill siirccsflnlly trcatttl
unl nirc. ; lurn , laluJlo gtil ,
tnd olJ men riuiftliiK frntt Witl > mt3 und Ken cm
exhiuiitlon [ TMi ucluK .Iidt'i6tlonl'nlpltiitloiiijf ! tha
Heart , fejj inlciicy 1'lirlnepa ' , I.oeml jrcnicry.LacU
31 Kuertfy ami AruMticu , can u reitorrd to luallu.
ind ii or , If am 1 net ten ten ; ncirltcti'il.
llio HirL-ujii la cLar u Ii a eraiiur.tu of JifTor-
lon U dVn\l CeliiKO IBCi ) but lm tludlcd l.lg
ircifDwIcin la Louden , IMrN ti'dl.'i'rlln If o'l'it , < J ,
i-ill or write full dcurljillon of your taae , md Oiti'i-
slno ui ) lote't ou. Conm ftatUmre . AddiuJ
luitti * . I ) ! iii''.r > , Croun ti'u Hlailr , Omaha , Htl.
Ifflcxilu'Jra ID-IS a. ui.,1-3 Dii 7-SiJ. iu
10 a m
fi .Beiid for IrmUtn efthe' on
( I rinid t ,