Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 11, 1884, Page 2, Image 2

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= 3 *
_ Thirty
Teira Bcooru.
l" B.r the use of U. :
ALL nEMEDV , the Bton
o h n n d II o w o 1
the !
epccdlly rec ln
OP ntronctl. , nnil Ui
THE blood In purified. -
f It Is pronounced b
' LIVED I hundred * of fie bo
doctors to bo Uio OH
LY onnn for a
Iclnds ol Kidney
tmtNAnr OH.SOB.
It Impurely TCRI
1 DROPSY table , and cures whc
OUAVEIi other medicine * fnl
DIAHETEa It In prepared cj
prc * ly for thcso dli
DISEASE cuea , nnd has novc
been known to fall
' Ono trial will con
1 vlnoo you. Tor eal
mice i.-s.
Send fa
BIDE Pamphlel
of Tout !
xnanlal * .
or Protlilonre ,
1C. I.
V * 1 fO > BTl H 0 * rf < feHi "J I
BncosasoH TO DA via a SKTDKU.I
Oensra Vctitm ID
1605 FAUN All ST , OMAIU
llaiotoisale M6,000 aero cwelnlly MlscJsd la
o Eastern Nebraska , at low price and on easy ten
Improved ( arms tor sale In Donglao , Dodge. Cell
Platte , Ilurl , tumuiR , Sarpy , WMhinjton , kter !
Slanders , and Butler dounilos.
Taxes paid In ill parti of the BtaU
Money lotned on jnjiroved farmi.
Notiry Itibllo alwavs In offloo Correspond
Science of Life Only $ 100
KihMHtod Vitality , Nervous and PliVBlrsI Doblllt !
Premature Docllno In llui , Krrorn of Youth , and tbi
untold miseries tcBUltlnR from IndldcrutlonB or cz
ccitrs. A book lar o ory man , youiif ; , middle agrd
and old. U contain ! 1D proBcrlptlong ( or all aeul
and chronic illaeuo ) each ouoof ublcn In Intaluable
Ha found by the Author , wlioeo oxporlriice lor li
years It such an probably never DC lore foil to the Iol
of any physician. 800 pnffos , bound In boautltti
rrcnchraudln oinpoaaed oo\ ere , full , gilt ( ruarantceil
to bo a finer work In e > ery Beino , machanlcal , lit
erary and profcssloral , than any ether work eoldlr
this country for pi CO , or the money will ho refunded
In every Instance. 1'rioe only 81.00 by mall , post
paid. Illustrative earuple f > cents. Bond now. Oolcl
medal awarded the author by the National Medical
Association , to the ollloera of which ho refers.
ThoBcUncoof Life should bo read by the yoaoo
for Instruction , and by the aCllctod for relief. It will
benefit all. London Lancet.
Tin-roll no member of society to whom The Bel
ence of LJfo will not houseful , whether youth , par
int , ifuariiian , Instructor or clorKym n. Arpmaut
Address the I'cabody Medical Jtik.ltuto , or Dr. W
H. I'arker , No. 4 Ilulflnch Ktreet , Iknton. , whc
may be consulted on all diseases requiring iklll and
ezpcricnee. Chroula and obBtlnatoiltm-iuus that have
hauled the eklli ol all other phvlir ft I clam ,
lipoclaltj : 8uch treato < l SUCOONH nCHL lully
Mthout an Instance of failure. TUVCEI C
m i.
On Illfxxl Polwnlns l of Intcrcrt to nil rlasscs. Wll
l inallul friH ! on n-ccipt of imir uiltlivm
kiiu bwjir Si'tciifju Co. . Uiuucr a , Atlanta , Gu.
A Rill In my employ has been cured of hat I believe -
lieve was constitutional Bcrolulaby the use of Hwiffi
Soifio. | J. O , McDAMKb ,
Allatoona , 0 , , July 2S , Ib81.
I hava prcsrlbed Swift's Specific In many cases o !
Illood 1'olson aod as a general tonic , and It has inadi
curta after all other remedies had ulletl.
C e Hprluia , , Julj ) t8 , 1881.
Aiiegrpon rny farm his keen cured ol a fearfi
oueof liljodl-olson by the me of three bottles i
8 llt bixKatto. AXDMW J. IIOWAUU ,
Korsytb , Oa , , Aug. e , 18Si.
Vi II tiurlfy ll.n BLOOD.'reiru.
o trie LIVER mid KIpNEYft.
uiul - THE JlKAi.TU
and VIOOH of VOU11U y .
liepsla. WiiiilorAiiielllc. | jn-
illKOllou , J.atk ut MtmiKtli.
cinil i Ir' " ' * * " ' .IKflUiolutcly
L cured , lion , niu cU'snui |
Ilia mind unu
, - > vcure. < flu * a Imr. licA'Oiv'conipli ' xlon.
ri0 iit ti.iTupto u't - / > ItfiiK only add
i.lliei&puUrllyofili orlKliml. Uyiutvimil-
raddr tsto'n l > r. Hurtfr .
U. Woor our-DUEAM J10O1C"
! c.v.t-u lei J
Sivays Biff Finanalal Interests
Tlio Wonderful Unity li\Cn \ of IU
Kind il'KrliniKcr , n 1'nrln I''In nil
clcr , AVIm liiis Vast Knllrnail
Intcrrsls In tlio t'nitcd
The Now York .Journal IMris lo
( aye : Ono of the moat wonderful n
in Paris ia B.iron Kmil d'Krlmigor.
great lirmiicier , who has vast intercuts
America ho thinks nothing of build
railroads coating millions of dollar * in
southern states nil the way from Parl
ia a very youthful-looking man , of I
figure , with an open , hunoat , frank , i
shrewd fttco , Bodilfcrctit from the ua
appearance of moneyed men that it
iilmost Impossible ) to rotilizo that ho l.i
famotia bunker. Ho has wonderful b
oycfl , great , light , gray-bluo orbs that
upon you with A calm , penetrating U
Mid road you instantly through r
through , baron Krlangur , If ho w
not ono of the greatest bankers in i
world , would bo a celebrated artist. ]
ory night of his lifo , nftor his dinner ,
iponda a cou pi o of hours with hia favor
itietrumout the violin which ho ph
ffilh Buoh pathos and tender and true ;
.Istlo feeling as to make it , apeak in 1
lands. llo speaks English hko an Am
can , and half a dozen Innguagcs bouid
Thy baron is half an American. ]
nurricd the and cleverest
Vinorican girls , Miss Slldoll. But , oh
Hunt not allude to the baroness , who 1 ;
ho greatest and most genuine dread
icwspaper publicity. Nothing inak
icr to unhappy as to bo mentioned
ho nowspapon , but the trouble ia th
ho baron is always doing some noble a :
onoroua action which brings his nai
ijforo the public , so that the nnmo
Drlangor has become a household TTO
a Paris. If an artistic benefit is gott
ip M. do Erlanger Is the first to take
ouplo of boxes for $2,000 (10,000 frana
f cholera or any other diHeaso makes
avdgos his purao ia opened immediate !
Jis heart Booms to bo continually goi
lut to all thoao in need. II is nature
o gentle and kind that ho cannot bear
round anybody's feelings , and his old *
rlonds have hardly over hoard him uti
in angry word , llo is ono of the happif
non , If there ia such a thing as happiiu
n the world. JIo ia intensely absorb
n his business , as wall as in his artisi
lursults , and has no time to worry
iropd over Imaginary wrongs , alwa
akinrr lifo cheerfully as it comes. II
omostio relations are delightful. 1
ins four splendid boys ( no daughters ) <
rhom ho dotes , nnd all of whom gi'
remise of oxcollcut development , i
ooks no society ; whatever society ha hand
-and you will find dukes and princ
nd the greatest of the land at hia tab
-comes to him.
His table ! ] 3nron Erlangor probab
ivoa the best dinners in Paris. His t
10 aupplioa como lo $ ( iO a day , and , wit
ut keeping n yacht , or four-in-hand , i
} mmitting any _ of the extravagances
11 r modern millionaires , ho manages
mud , without the slightest attempt i
itcntation , from SlfiO.COOto $1(10,000 (
Jtvr. But the table is laid every nig ]
ir _ twelve. Eight trained men aorvan
ait at dinner , and the untlro cstablial
lent IB the perfection of uloganco ni
jmfort. The baron lives In the hoa
E the busy part of Paris , 'JO Iluo Tal
out. Ho adheres to the old-faahiom
ode of residing in his business plac
no aide of his house is the banking 01
blishmont and the other hia roaidonci
DU go up to the loft to have your cot
ms cashed and to the right to loav
ur card for a aocial visit. The baroi
0 only to run through n short hall to g
mi his lunch back to his ollico.
The house is a marvel of nrtistl
auty. The drawing-room la a perfoc
wer of ( lowers , plants , nnd shrubbery
J the muster-works of painting on tin
Ua , selected with the most ei < ] liiait
to , make it a thing of beauty as well a
oy forever. Millions must have beet
Hit on the baron's gallery , and yet i
1 were to moot him in the mldot of al
splendor you would not but contras
i amaiblo modesty of hia manner , ant
at Booms almost hko the shyness of hii
iioanor , with the ira and assumption !
ithora who are pigmies compared tc
n In moans as well ua in intellect.
ndood , the baron is intellectually n
nt. His father , the famous Baron
Irlangcr , of Frankfort , who founded
house , guvo him a moderate amount
money with which to start a brunch in
: is , and from this small beginning he
i established the banking houao which ,
: t to HothachildB1 , ia probably the
icat in Paris. Ho often makes einglu
irations netting $250,000 to § 500,000.
d yet ho cares vary little for money
'Olid ' the comfort and pleasures and
lotits which his family , his frionds.and
so In need can dcrivo from it. Ik
ms to know everything. Ills financial
irations have been so varied that ho
toll you to the minutest detail ( lie
ido machinery of a newspaper , n rail
d , a coal inlno , or a diamond field ,
1 knows us much about the cost of
SB dispatches ns ho does about the
: o of n loan , llo has n perfect genius
ull'.iirs , and it is a common saying In
: ia that "ovorythinir ho touches turns
i'ho history of the fortune of the Er-
gor family is very interesting. It is
ither illustration of the strength of
lost nnd intelligent competition. The
) Baron Erlangor , of Frankfurt , the
lior of the Paris millionaire , started
h next to nothing. Ho was a wonder-
ly shrewd and clover man , and had
i good fortunu < > t poasesslng in his sons
lil ( now In Paris ) and Louis , who car-
i on the old house in Frankfurt , able
oclatos in his great work , which was
: hlng leu than to break down the mo-
? oljr of the Rothschilds. No loan
ild bo brought out without the latter
Germany. Now the Hrlangors hove
ablishcd a dozen different banks , all
which they control , and which como -
o with the Rothschilds successfully
every loan that Is brought out in Eu-
Huiislnii , lwa In America.
i Hour.
'ow persons know that successful ag-
iltural colonies are being established
ho United States by refugee Ruisians
ho Jowjih faith. Contrary to the
oral opinion that the Jew has an
military dialiko to out door labor , and
ning of all sorts , It is undoubtedly
) that ho iniiktu an agriculturlut of a
li order. The history of Palestine ,
cli in Its golden prime had no super-
in point of minute horticultural do-
ipment in the ancient world , is Bufttcl-
on this point.
'ho ' Monteiloro agricultural old society
his city , BO natnod in honor of the dis-
; uiahcd man whom hundredth until-
ry was recently 10 widely celebrated ,
established no leu than five lucceea-
colonlee , ono of them upon the com-
nist'c ' phn. Thcuocilirlfa rro irado
neccmy by the imrnonso nntpourini
unhappy and pcnnilcos exiles from su
atltion-curaod South Kuan , ' , when , a
yearn n 'o , the anti-Semitic crusade-
sumod violent forms of fanaticism ,
din-val accusations of stolen child
Blue-beard chamber ; , secret orgies
ogcrish banquets , became n part of
ignorant peasant's belief , and found
jircoaion in herriblo ntrocilien , wl
drove thouaanda of people to seek ho
elsewhere. It was about thrco ycara
that the gentlemen who wcro aiding
guido and control the tide of Russian
migration to tliia country found tin
largo percentagewcro tillora of the .
A colony waa started in Louisiana ,
failed , owing to a bad location. Ot
colonica attempted at Kstollovillo ,
Juraoy , and Cotopaxi , Colorado , ;
went to the wall. But later oflbrta h
proved siiccoasfnl. Now Odessa ,
Southwest Oregon near the Pacific , O' '
sovun hundred and fifty ncrca and U
coodingly tirosporous. They began oj
itions in March , 1881) ) , and have e
ported thomaolros by the products
their farm , bcatdca selling , during
past year , cloven hundred corda of i
nrood from their lands ( probably nt f
lollara per cord , which equals the p
: haoo price of their tract ) .
Besides this colony , there are , in '
< ota , colonies at Crnmieux , nt liethlohi
fudah , and near Bismarck , at Pain
iVooda. Another colony ia near Boa
'Jam , Now Jersey , and still another
ilonteliore , Kansas. From the latter ,
ddrcss was sent to SirMoaenMontofic
fliich contains the following : " \Vo i
non of thy race , men of thy faith. 1
lea from Russia , wo found refuge
imcrica , the land of freedom. " 1
) akota colonica arc associated in cl
nity. A corrojpondont of the St. Pi
'ionuor Preaa lately vieitod them , t
peaks In torma of the highest praise
heir frugality , energy nnd success. Tl
ro on the beat of terms with thotrncl
ora. They say "that they mean
rove that Hebrews can bo as auccoaa
irmora na they have boon tradosmoi
lulativoa and friends from Ruasia
oiiilng them ,
The colony of Alliance , or Vinolai
low Jonoy , is the largoat ogricultu
ottlomont the Jews have In thia count
Svory dweller in the colony is said
ead and write Kuesinn or Gornan ,
ioth. The Hebrew Emigrant Aid aot
y of this city began this ontorpri
fach head of a family ia allotted iiftc
cres. Moro than fifty familloa nro nettled
ottlod on thia plan , and number's
thora are expected. The toatlmony
iaitors seems to warrant the conclua :
iiat thia colony ia now well establish' '
ixcltlnc Hpoi-t JWltli HOIHO n
HouiulH Ainonc the TMountnlim
of Idaho ,
tnclnnati Inquiicr
With seven hounds and four hunt
0 luft camp yeatorday morning nt da1
ir n day's run after wolves. When
our out of camp the baying of t
aunds in a coppice to the right of i
ild that something was started , and t
jxt minute a lank gray wolf , with i
ibs streaming after her , , dashed out i
1 the open ground and ran past us
OBO that wo might have killed her wi
revolver , but something like pity stay
rery man's hand , nnd wo lot her go
i without n shot. The cuba were o
sntly lour or live months old , and ke
oil up with their mother , who mover
; or the prairie Hko a gray siren
'lion the dogs finall broke cover si
id disappeared around the face of
Hock , to the top of which wo spurn
ir horses in order to see the roirmind
the chase. In the couroo of n fo
inutea it was plain to aeo that the cul
ire losing their wind , ono of thorn full
; behind BO rapidly that ho was almoi
the jaws of the foremost hound , nn
a others , while keeping ahead , givin
nry evidence of distress.
The mother wolf was not moving i
r beat by and moans , and , if she woul
uidon her cubs to the dogs , migl
illy eacapo , but , instead of doing thai
3 suddenly wheeled around , while th
38 kept on forward , and doiiblln
inro on her track closed with the houn
0 was in the load and not moro tha
paces from the exhausted young ono
fore tlio dog could recover from hi
prise , she had him by the throat , he
g , white tooth cutting through ski ;
1 muscles , then closing and toariu
, windpipe , jugular vein and gullet
ivns only n single bite , but the sproai
I atreitijth of her jaws , as well us th
rpiiosa of her tooth , made it fatal
an B' O humped up her back , and in H
mda had regained the loot ground am
i again in lull retreat in the cuntro o
family. In the nature of things how
r , the cuba could hot atand the killim
10 ; they fell behind in ones nnd twoa
I the result was n foregone conclusioi
it least it was so until the molho
ipted iv now sot of tactics , she aturtet
at right angle with the line pursuct
the cubs , swerving in her course so n
bring herself very near the hounds
> arontly with the purpose of nttractliij
i chaeo to herself. Three of the dogi
opted the invitation , nnd present ! ;
ro out of sight in the rough country
ivhich she led them , while the remain
two busied thomaoluos with the cubs
r left to their own devices.
it n rattling pace wo not off across tin
ntry in the direction taken by the ok
f , and presently from an olovatioi
severed the chase not far ahead. Tin
a were rapidly gaining on the prey ,
wo spurred on in order to bo in at tin
th. hi its osaontiala thia method ol
iting wolvoa ia similar to the Englisl :
rt of fox hunting , largely depending
its pleasure upon good horses , ( loot ,
rp-nosod hounda , nndthospico of dan.
always attending a broak-nock ride
r a rough country. But our sport wai
marred by any Bontimontal pity foi
victim , oa the killing of wolves ia t
itanan service , appreciated as well bj
itors as ranchmen. They not onlykil
, maun ouormoua quantltica of wild
10 but do not soruplo at entering n
chero'a barn-yard and carrying awaj
ng hogs , sheep , ana even youn
res. The eastern method of getting
of troublcaomo domestic animals is it :
no hero against wild boasta to a great
Jut , and thousands of wolves an
rly killed through devouring poisoned
it prepared for them by the tanners ,
'ha run was a short ono , and before
drew noir enough for the ctFaotivu
of our shotguns the dogs had drag ctl
tired animal to the ground and wore
ing ut her throat. Wolf skins in the
itior market bring from $1 50 to $ ( \
i , and aa every pelt wo canturod dur-
the hunt waa to fall to the share eli
i , our cook , ho was probably the most
r member of the chaeo. Ho rode
i the thick of the fight , nnd kicking
doga to the right and loft had tha
i stripped from the animal before the
> d had done llowing from its throat
; i the coureo of the morning wo ran
n three other gray wolves , and uo-
led in shooting u coyote ai well as en
' ! fO for
A in-lent KcMiilnlfscenccs , Koine *
Which Are XDI r
llnnm , Oet , % , Cnrreapondcnce Denver I
\Vo arrived in Home last evening
the Rock liland road , and an old ca
friend of mine from North park , wh
staying hero , Invited me to como
visit htm during my stay in the city.
Is hero , ho eaya , to obtain that po
which ho was unable to obtain on
rango. It has long been his hen
dearest wish to go abroad and compl
nn already very thorough education.
was always pretty fair in arithmetic , :
could cipher the socks right oil' our n
eminent men , but ho was a litllo ro.
on Rome , ho says :
Ho Jins been showing mo the town s
tolling mo nil about it. Rome , ho si
1ms boon the county seat of this coun
for upward of 2,500 years , nnd still 11
haven't got a first class hotel in the pit
Romulus filed on Itomo under the doa
land net 000 years before Christ , t
built n lunatic asylum on the Capitol
hill. In thoao days everybody was hi ;
ly educated , and every cimnion Dago
the streets cDuld talk the dead longua
Hko a normal school graduate. Gr <
and Latin were talked juat aa common
n prize fight or church sociable in Ror
among the mtddlo and lower classes ,
cigar boy Spanish is in Southern Colon
Before the Christian era Rotno \
ruled by kings who were elected for 1
or during good behavior. This was dc
to curtail campaign .exnonana , or so tl
the surplus funds conld'bo frittered aw
nn broad or other Raman dolicacii
There was also a senate nnd a college
pontifices nnd two Inch augurs who e
plained the will of the poda. These ai
urs bocanio at last a great bore ( Etrusc
relic found near a Roman corral ) .
For many years there was n aquabl
between tha patricians and ploboiar
The patricians were people who had ma
a good deal ef money , nnd .whoao blu
blooded daughters showed their proi
and high lineage by eloping with t
family coachman. The plebeians aa
role , were not chocked up o high , I
they generally got there Ell with be
foot , as n proud Roman told mp ycatnrd
as ho aockod his Roman nose- into a tui
bier of Roman punch ,
Homo got this word"plobeian , " I lea
from West Point in an early day.
They had pretty hot times from tli
Dn for -100 years or morn Somotim
3iio was on top nnd sometimes the otlu
I could glvo a long mid glowing rosui
of the history of heathen Homo in r
own crude way if I had space but 1 ha
The present Homo Is built over foi
sr fifty foot of debria that is between ti
ind thrco thousand yenra old. The
ivho have boon in Chicago when the Btrc
jong were engaged in making up c
Doraonalities and things that had be
iccumulating for fifty yeara , will i
nembor the subtle odor of the decoaa
mat. ( Excuse mo a moment while 1
ind oat a little asaafuetidn to take t
aato out of my mouth. ) Well , Rome
> ldur , and , therefore , it is worso. 1 ha
o speak nbout it , but when they n
ixcavnting for a now building hero ni
urn up a faw discorded aocks of the til ;
if Romulus , along with other relica of
orgotton era , the oxcaviats inn and ntl
hair nosea into the bosom of a Lit
mrgor choeao , and the people lloo to tl
nountaina till it is safe to como lion
Thia puts a kind of damper on buil
ng , and real estate is rather dead , i
aast , it ia not fooling woll. So thi
nly build a now houao every fifty <
ixty yoara. Then it takes half a contui
> r the air to got fresh again.
I have been trvinp for aovcral days I
nd some Roman candles to takn aoin
ith mo , but have failed no far. 1 ahoul
iol ashauod of myself to make this lor
id expansive trip to Rome , the vor
ot-bod of Roman candles , and then g
omo without any.
My next letter will bo Verona or Choj
mo I do not know which. I'vo got t
sarfromEli Perkins iirat. Wo agreed no
i write from the same place at the sam
mo , for wo might got coufuaod.
Vcrltahlo tuulduiil During th
Hours ol' biispcnso Yesterday.
illmlolpliia Nowti ,
Mrs. Brownatono encountered ho :
lend , Mrs. Spoonbill , in ono of tin
oat marts of trade yesterday.
"Aren't you glad the election la over ? '
" ' "
"Tho suspense can't last many dayp ,
yhow. 1 shall rojolco when It's nil eot
id. for I haven't been able to got it BOH- -
jlo answer from my husband far i
) ck. "
"My brother said your husband ought
see n doctor , " was the petulant exclo
"Only yeatorday 1 had n lot of samples
ahow him. Imagine hia nnawor ! 'Vet
f duarj it will certainly bo Blnino.
oil , I'm just too happy for any tiling
ia morning. "
"I'm so glad. Whyl"
"My huabind promised monnowdrcaa
Cleveland ia elected ; not that I care so
ich for the drem , you understand , but
u so pleased on Mr. Cleveland's ac-
tint. The dear old man has bean sc
used and slandered. And then , you
"But I think he's a horrid man "
"You do ? " You ought to know Borne-
ing about horrid men. "
"Don t bo personal , Mrs. Brownatono.
night "
The floor-walker was about to interfere ,
ion Mits Bulldozer , an interesting
.idou . lady , touched Mrs. Spoonbill on
i shoulder and exclaimed :
"Isn't it too bad ? I believe Bolvn
ckwood is beaten. "
"If there is anything idiotic , it is to
ir a woman express an opinion on au
decided election"snarledMrs. Brown-
' 'Oh , you'ro real moan , " answered
! es Bulldozer , pathetically. "I ohould
vo loved to have Been Bolui in the
ilto houso. She worked heroically.
my votes were caet for her , but they
ro not counted by the joaloua men. "
"Do you wont to voter naked Mta.
ownstono , abruptly.
"I'd Hko to , " was the meek response.
f the women could votu , wo wouldn't
t the ballot boxea in the back yards
i rum ahopa , ns the men do. We'd
> ot in our parlora and behave Hko la-
a , wo would. "
morning uncalled for in tha Omaha post
i-e for tlio week oudiug November 81
ECU A AiuliTson O A
deiMin.T t\ ' Aiulrtnvn.lS
"uV It Allen M D
[ ilutnn W L
hr M J Neukfum N
U T II HarroU A
irU lUrthuleiiiuw J S
. J'u'l rJ
t'll.l ' I J
HnrrllV Hurgew ,1 T
Dnrber K II Unnn K ! '
llrown A F Hen ? AV
Hlfnia i ; Hotkitia H
lUiclmnnu .1 M Ulock 0
Hack 0 lllrwell V
Heck F T Barr J
llrovoorl W H ] lii chen W
Hallengcr W
HvinrdA Barker A
Cook X S Cupoy A
Clayton H U ChrlattanHon .T-
Carlin I , Cunning SCene
Crinkinan J Cone H
CitaF ClirintUnssn A
Cox W Clcgp A
Cone S Crawford S D
Cltxar S
I Jam it L DoUorY
Dowel .1 Denny W
IAIdwn W JCnckson V 1
Kclcrrinnn A ICbersolu M' 1 *
FtillnrTM Frahm H
l''n st A I'clclitmoler A
l'Vn ' r A li Flint K
Footo A W FlemUtcr W
UllliimiiH OrlllithV
Granden 1 !
UowottnLiW OatigerW
IloudcrtouC Jlnrnlia.Ml
HnaiG llonlsou.l
llnnsoryJ Jlnlated H D
Ilarsen 1'
farpo P .Telfrouy fi
1'hiHimJW .lanson P
Kulil It KimballFII
ICrelyell .1 Kounen P
ICninnrnd A KelloKg C W
KmienP KrouschT
ICohoo S li
l.ittlu .1 l.odera J
I.eonnrdF Lytlo.T A
Lord ,1 M
Mortimer & Co Mollcr I' C
Miller SV Miler F
Meyer V Miller K
Monroe , T U Morris J
iloLuan J H Monitor O S
Miller , T 2 Miller P
ilttnro A A ) JJ
ilitchell B Mnrquardt 0 W
ilcCarthy C McCuo M
layer K P Marttu U W C
rlcGtliiPr D Miller G B
liller O II Miller W K
ilnrah.W F Mttsgraves 1' II
Jiccoli P Newinnu G
few P Nya Nordvcstcn
Jatroin II D
'careon A 1'rcston TII
'ierro J 1'eterson .T E
'resident i'oarBon J P
'arkor K J I'ound G
'ntent G Preish l
leonolda F liickaboueh A
Kiodel A
ladley K P Kartell C
tnnn 11 ltefnn W J
lochs II .T KoocrerG W
leynolds T--2 Ilpbortu T E
tichnrdJK lliepel J
jamb O S Shafer A
chrnidt V Slteirbourno G
chrierG Svomlson P
jastodt A G Sohl J
pechtJ StriiiRham K A
ierta .r V Spaulding L
tein li I ) Snyder O
utton N E Schneelcloth H
tepheim 10 Schmidt A
earvoy A A Spring E U
wartwood G B Schaiick G P
chweiu .T C Soudtlbock J
mith T II Schtnii t N
'lioinoi-on VC TigRejuan T P
'hompson J W Tiiylor U II
"wigfis C Tttnin P
Thrhantmer C
ooda A M Waunor M
tToodmiirk J M Williams O E
Vaguer M Wagner J
ftiRnoa .1 G \ \ hitnuy 15 P
Wilkinson J K W Wachter H
/elmcr H Weber G
t'aito G L West J
iates V York J
eigler 0
.rchUmlil Miss C Alchris Mrs W
.ndorsou Mra A Anderson Miss M
.lien Mrs C AJlen Mrs V
pains Mrs M Abbott Mia O It
.uair.s Mrs M ! F AUtot Miss N
ryno Miss M 'J lirown Miss Ml E
uhror MIsa M Bottig Miss J
eel E Brown M isa I M
owcls Mrs W GarlinMrs A2
arlbon Mrs I Clark Miss P
'aloy ' Miss HI Dccgan N
Ilia Mrs J Ewlng Miss E
telds Mrs M Pliuu Mrs S
rank Miss A
iimesch Mrs P Graham Mra II
rnham Mieu C Grin Mrs J A
iskin Gulnn Mrs S
: ij es Holtgan Miss C li
iueins Mrs C HelvioMissD
aselliom Ij Hoffman Mies C
ildobrnnil Mrs N Hanla lj
inlca Mrs M M Ilayden M rs .T
lid Mrs .1 W Hnyclon Mrn K
nson Miss L .Tones Mrs .1 lj
hnson Miss M ! .Tenson A
nkn MfeH N lohtisctt Miss H
ckson L Johnson M5si ) O
bnson Ml
mlnu Mrs 1\T \ ICiindeon ATra M
oh Mins K
nlmrd M Lindoron Mies M
, rHonMrs .T
; ( 'iiiiro Miss A Mltcholl MTH S
syer E K McGow Mrs K
iller Miss A T 2 Mttllin Miss K
Her Miss M McCniiu Mra J
; ( iitiio Mrs J McSoilcy E
jyets Mrs ] ? Motznor Miss I
Isoii Miss .10 Njcliols N
U on A Nicholson MTB G
Mrj man M rs W Plesclc Miss A
tterrton M J 1'atey Miss A
wi-ll Mrs 0 Patterson Miss M
lierts Miss Ij Hichrrds Miss B
nclier Miss B
Ilivim Miss F ShoaMissM
plicnl Miss A Smith Mrj S
ith Mrs ,1 A Smith M A L'
ith Miss .f Swanion Miss M
milling Mrs M Swanson Mini C
insdotter 1C Safro Mrs C
Hitman MifH S Trace Mra G
rner M rs M
ildon Miss \ , Whiting Mrs J E
Iliimm Mrs C H Woodward Miss A
litt'siilu Minu M.
V BArbour U W Womnior
li St Jolm
: AT SAUCE for all kinds of aalada , iiah ,
( otablos and cold meats. Cheaper and
tor than homo made. No sauce equal
it was ever oll'urod. _
t is aaid that gold and silver mines
iiigod hands over the result of the
ona-Murphy priza fight in Butte
using Dr. Fruiter's Throat and Lung Bali -
i the only sure cure for Coughs. Colds ,
ireonesa and Bore Throat , and all ulsoasoa
the throat and lungs. Do not neglect a
'h. It may prove fatal. Scores and
drodsof grateful people ewe tlieir lives to
Frnzivr't Throat and Limp Balaam , auJ
'ainily wHl _ ever be without It after once
ig it , and discovorliu ; its marvelous ] > ower.
i put up in largo family bottles and sold
the Htnall price of 7fi couU per bottle. Sold
ICiilin & Co. and 0. F. Goodman.
' .eburf Chronlclo. _
'ho production and valueof the
inch oyster fisheries haa wonderfully
roused during the last few years.
Dr. Frazler' Mnglo Ointment. Cures as
y magic : Pltnploa , Black HeaiU or Grubs ,
tchea and Kriiplloua on tlio face , leaving
pktn cli'ur inul beautiful. Aho cures Itch ,
; Itheuin , Sere Nipples , Sore Lipx and old ,
Unit to Ulcers , Sold by dru K'8' ' " . or
led on receipt of price , CO cents. Bold by
in it Co. and 0 , P , Goodman.
t is an unmarried lady of Beaten who
poaes that single Indies hereafter bo
ud "baohalottos" _
'Bright's ' Diaeaae."u regarded by many
ucurablo end it is well nigh to , except
MI opposed with HU.NT'S [ Kidney and
er ] HEMEDV. Thia old und reliable
Heine baa special powers in thia and
other diseases of the kidneys and
Idcr. It it purely vegetable and h
Kly tilers d by p-y jri'iia
T1i ? < mcJIrfnc. cnmVnlnR Iron \vIMi
ifjctnblo tnnlcs , < j\ , truly nml fntniil
I in purr IMnml , . MM lurlii , ClilllHUMil I'm o
unit H Is nn unfnilliiu n-mcdy for Diseases oft
tliliu-jH nml l.lvrr.
It Is Invnltinblo for PI cn M pocnllnr
\Vmn"ii , nnd nil \Um Icndftilctitnry ll\cs.
Itilocs not Injure the teeth , cnti ? c hemliirhc
produce consllintlon o./irr Iron mctltcmm i
itonrlelicsfintl purllles tliolilnod.rtlmulni
llicnppetltp.nMs tlio ni Imllntlon of food ,
ll.'Vfs Henrtmirn nnd llclPhliiB , nnd strjniji
Hi1 tlie inn rlrs nnd nerves
l-'or Intcrinlttctit Fi'Vors , jfltude , iJict
' "i.crpy , AP. , It lias no equal.
atr The genuineIms - nliovo trndo rnnrk n ;
prussod K < J luirs on wrapper. Tnlso tiootlii
K 'l < out ; lu I'lllM ) N IIIJ-JIICII , ( O , I
MUnillspnteilaUie BROAD GLAIhcin
Ever offered to tlio Dtiblic.
Tbo steamship : o ! thia well-known Uno ore bull
on , In watertliht compaitmento , and are ( urn
1 with every requisite to make the inssaco b
\ta and agrcoaUo. The ? carry the United Sti
nil European malle , and lonvo Now York Tin
iya and Saturdays lor Plymouth ( LONDON ) Cl
ourc , ( PAHIS ) nn J IIAMltUllQ.
Ratoa : StcertKo from Europe only g8. F
abln , fE6 , SOS taj { 75. eteui&KeH' .
Henry I'undt , Mark Iliasca , I' .K. Mooroa.U. T
; cntaln Omaha , QroncncxiSchoentcoa , zronl
DuncllBlufls. C. ] 5niOirARl : > &CO. , OeS. I1
gta. , 01 Broadway , N. Y. Cria-j Kotmlnsltt 4
eneral Wcflti.rn Agents , 170 WrahluRton St. , Ci
0,111. q. ' .t
. . . w * > te unit ) a ;
Blood promptly relieved B
pcrmanentlycured by reim
- iiSajJS'iMi Aiec/oTirror 7f I s'ernir
veal.ncss. riifjrit Lossi. . by Dreams , Pimples i
: e Face.Lost Manhood , f.nsitlvcljlcured Ilit
'ti'trxprrhnetiiiHU. The appropriate rt.T. (
iQtunci : used In each cuie. Consultations , pe cr liy letter , tacrcclly confidential , filei
isss sent bv Mail nnd Express. No marks c
iLacto indicate contents or render. Adore
i'.JAMEGKo.2u-TVVa3hing5on5i.Chciool ;
'ictims of jnulhfulimjmidenro.causing Nervousl
Ity , Premature Dreny. nnd all disoid rs liroUEht . '
inillri ml Inn nrnvoncii . w.ll Inarn nf A . > tc . . 1nv .n
: .bvaddri)8 mc.J. U. ilKKVLS - 5ClintliaiiiBUN.
, .O. IUi-uinHlUm 1'nralvtl
, hrlnll.ii. hldlli'\ . > , , ' , , - mnl lu i ( ' : - , ,
It , Anllltlm. Hi Hit Illh. t- . < D'-t ' | i > \ . ' 'Mis I ill ti | |
IIH. i u'Hrili , I'lh-ii , l | .i : . i . , , . , , im b A'ii
lipnui i ion t.i OHI , s , . , , , i , , . , , . ] , | . m , „ ,
Ihnt i > iicli > Uio Klcuii. in HIM ! ii i.i < rnin iiii-.u ill
f , unit euu bu rocUiiruuil In uti In tiuit by cbo \ .iilunu
Winter lacomlnif , tlio season o the year for ache
1 pMnn. In vlow of this fict wo say buy one c
Homo's Kloetrlo Bella. By so doing you nl
Id Itheumatlsm , Kidney Troubles and other 111
i flesh U heir to. Do not delay , but call at ou
: o and examine belts , No. 1422 Doujtlas street , f
' Goodman's. 1110 t'arnam St..Omaha. Neb. Ol
i flllorl 0 O I )
ntx AMannee Co. , ol oa , t'tih
tchtbter , N. Y. . Capital . CCC.CCC.
Merchants , cf Newtik , N. I. , Citittal l7e,000.
Fire , PMladolfhla , tpllM . 1,100,000
nun's iTinil Cicild
, oyal Havana Lottery I
Havana fiuba 12
iwn at , , Kvery
to 14 ; Days.
CETS , 2.00 , . . . HALVES. 11.00
bjett to no manipulation , not controlled hy tb
leoln Interest , It Is the falriit thing tn in
re of chance In existence.
r Information and particular * apply loSniSET '
Oon. Agents , 11 liroadwar , N Y city.
AUBACO.,417 Walnut street , St. Louli1 , Uo
rank Lobrano , L. D. , Xo Wyandott * . Kai.
[ m&e & w Iv
Is Wealth !
i. K. 0. Wurt NiRti IKD Unix TRIUMMST , a
ntecd eneclflo for Hjeterla. D illness , Convul-
, Hts , Nervous Neuralgia , headache , Nervous
tratlon caused by the ute ol alcohol or tobbacco ,
efulnera. Mental depression , EoltonlnR of the
i , rosultlnjr In Ineaulty and leaping to misery ,
y and death , Premature Old sge , Baroness , loss
iwcr In cither s i , Imoluntary Lci-8fe nd Bper-
arhota caused by overexertlontcf the brain , self.
IB or over Indulgence. Each box. contains ono
th s tieatment , ll.coabox.or six bottici oi
) , ent by mall prepaid on receipt tl price.
ure nycte. With each order rooelved by ui
U bottles , occoniplljhJd lth 5.00 , we will send
miohMcr our written puaranteo to refund the
ey If the trcatmencdoes not effect a cure. Ouar
es Ueued only by JOHN 0 : WEST & CO. ,
SS-m&o-ry B 2 Uadlson St. , Chicago , III.
aysici an & Surgeon
illdcnco No. HOT Jones St Office No. 1609 Far
Btnxt Olllru hours 12 m. to 1 p , m. and fiom 2
> , m. Tilfpljrne for rl'ce tl , tculdence 1 .
The romarkabla growth of Omalm.
during the last few ycnts ia n mnttor of'
great sstonialimont to those who pay an
occasional vidt to thia f-rowlnp city. The
development of the Stock Yards the
neceuoity of the Bolt Line Road the
finely paved utreota the hundreds of aoir
rcaiduncoa end costly business blocks ,
with the population of our city moro than
doubled in the last live yoara. All this
ia a great siirpriBO to violtors and la thp
admiration of our citizens. This rapid
growth , the business activity , and the
many substantial improvements niadn n.
lively demand for Omaha real estate , and
every Investor has made n handsome
Since the Wall Street panic last May ,
with the subsequent cry of hard times ,
there has been loss demand from specula *
tors , but a fair demand from investorc-
seeking homos. This latter class are
Ukiug advantage of low prices In build
ing material and are securing their hornets
at much less cost than will bo possible a.
year honco. Spoculatora , too can buy
real osta * a cheaper now and ought ta take
advantm present prices for futur
profi a
Th i few years promises grcato
avo'opmonta ' in Omaha than the par
fi i years , which have boon as good st
wo could reasonably deairo. Now m ae >
ufacturlng ostabliohmonts and largo an-
blng houses ara added almost weekly , job
all add to the prosperity of Omaha , an J
There are many In Omaha and through
out the State , who have their money la
the banks drawing n nominal rate of n-
loreut , which , If judiciouoly Invested Ia
Omaha real estate , would bring them
much greater returno. Wo have many
bargains which we are confident rill
bring the purchaser large profits in the
icar future.
We have for sale the finest resi-
lenco property in the north au d
western parts of Uie city.
North we have fine lots ntrcason-
ible prices ou Sherman avenue.l7tli ,
18th , I'.Hh and 30th streets.
West on Fariiam , Davenport , V
faming , and all the leading streets
n that direction.
The grading of Farnam , Califor-
iia and Davenport streets has made
ccessible some of the finest and
heapest residence property in the
ity , and with the huilding o the
Lruot cur line out Faruam , the pro-
erty in the western part of the city
rill increase in value.
We also have the agency for flie
yndicato and Stock Yards propor-
r in the south part of the city. The
bvelopmoins made in tins beition
y the Stock Yards Company and
le railroads will certainly double
le price in a short linu-
We also have some fine business
ts and some elegant inside resi-
nce ? for sale ,
Parties wishiug to hiv t will find
me good b nrRuins by culling on ir
L3 South 14th St ,
let veen Farnham and Douglas.
? . S. We ask those who have'
> perty for sale nt n bargain to give *
a callWe want only bargains.
3 will positively not handle prop-
y at more than its real value.