Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 11, 1884, Image 1
The Sinn of State sailing the Ms DnccrlaiDiy. Eotarded by the Clustering Bar- naolos on Her Keel , And the FOES and Mists o Doubt Ahead , Does She Bear to the Reefs o -Disaster ? v'The Situation , in all Its Dubious Glooui , Detailed , Contending Forces of Jealous ' Partizanship , l The Bloody Shirt , and the Eohel ' , Yell , " . , ? Counter Oriuiinations of Frauc * < and Ohioanory jj Raibing Their Olauioring Threats i at the National Life , And Impeding Oommeroial and Business Energies , Hie Xcccl ol'a Mortuary tjuiotus ' on SOIIIR of tlio Knbid I'arty ! THK SITUATION' , ! Special telegram to THK BKK. 1 MANKIND HMKLL8 A HAT. NEW YOIIK , November 10. Daniel Man nine , chairman of thu democratic state coin' ' mittee , arrived in this city to-day from Al bauy , and had a long interview witli Senators Gormand and Jonas , of tha democratic na < tionai committee. Manning said that he had learned enough to convince him that the re- P"blicjn national eomnnttoo had concerted a scheme to have alterations made in tha vote of certain counties in the state to make it ap pear tht Blaine had a plurality , Klkins , chaii man , Jones and other Blaine managers , Manning said , were well aware of the fact that the retuins showed on their face that Govemor Cleveland had carried the state , but but they calculated on making the result doubtful and throwing the question into tlio courts and finally into cougtoEB. Minuting stated that the reimblican national committee had , since last Friday , uccured agents in every county in thu state , who are resorting to the most disreputable means to bolster up POIIIO charge of _ fraud , in the liopo of being able to have ceitain districts , which gave Cleveland a plurality , thrown away. "WE CONCKDK NOTHING. " THIDUNE Tno Tribune as unfalteringly as over pi claims its belief thut Blaine and Logan nru elected. It says : ' Wo see no occasion to change our ppiniin thus far maintained that only the official count can determine the result of the election in this state , and that it is likely to show a fcinall plurality for Blaiue and Logan , The democrats themselves In spite of the idle vaporings of their newspa pers which started in , the night after election , with claims of 60,003 plurality , and since da- creased to nbout 1,000 The only count is now a li tlo less than 450 in this state. This and the errors such as nio already discovojed more than wipe it out. The whole canvass must bu conducted n ith the utmost openness : md under the most ligid legal scrutiny. with resort to proper comta wherever necessary. Then if lulr count gives Cleveland n plurality of only a siuylo vote , ho will ba inaugnrnt3d. If it gives Blaine a plur lity , nn mutter how small , he vi ill be inaugurate. ! . Bluster and throats may promote public disorder , for whicli those who use them will bo responsible , but they will not be permitted to tlfect the icavitnblo result. TIIOUIILK IN TIIK SOUTH. The Tr'buno says in its nowa column * that Bhdne rrived jesterdny many distinct nnd telegrams from tt'o Houth , from mon who worn confederate soldierc , expressing the greatest fedr that ditonler may become chronic in the couth if the democrats nro en- t listed with the national administration. The negroes aie reported in a fright through out the tenth at the bare prospect , and mcfl troubles on a largo scale nrd fenrod , nnd many of the bravest mn in thu south , one of the telegiamsj from Viiginia nays , are appalled at the consequence ; ! that might follow from the > .eusi ) of insecurity and cjns qnent panic on the part of the mgroes. Nothing can bo ex tracted from those in authority at the rooms of the national republican committoj nave- that B'ainu is elected , and expressions of ridi cule und disgust , nt the democratic rejoicing throughout the country of the last two or three days. The republican etato commit tee are reported to be in receipt of despatches from v jripin parts of the atute odvislug them to stand firm and not allow demcc'atic bluster to dismay them , The senders day they will ie Bntislitd which over way the official count m&y be determined , but tint it is thu senti ment of thu best men of their localities that no falsa counting or fnmd shall bu allowed to chaugu than unit. 1'Vars of rioting in this city that vvtroso prevalent Saturday uf tor- noon exist no mote. The utmost precautions have been tnken to pi event , any demonstra tion ot popular feeliig on uthor bidw. There will be no moiu such demonstrations nt all ev. nts until lifter Tuaidny. New Yoik is ( ilently , patiently awaiting the ovotts that nra to come. IN TKI : COUIUH. I'roparntions for n hard legal striiBglo is being made by both parties. The republicans have employed able counsel , headed by Will iam M. Kvixtt- , The democrats are not per mitting the grass to grow under their feet. They have requested Hoscou Couldlng to rep resent them befoio the etato board of canvaat , nr . Ho has not yet been hoard from , but i is expected \\illtnKotho great cnsa will out hofitatlon. cnirn.iNn In mercantile nnd financial circles thn tur which nlfnirs nro taking Is viewed with littl less than nlnrm. Should the ounrrel bo pit longed it will prove di n < trous t the business interests of thu country lltriUUIAN < ONK1IIKNCK AND TENACITY. This nftornoon's Mnll and Ktprem ; iyn "Members of the republican nntionnl committee mitteo nro still unwavering in their belief Ilia Hlaino and higntihi\o rocaivcd a plurality o llic Mitoi in UIH state. Thpy awnit with per fact composmo the result of the ofliclnl can vnsslwhieli will begin in the si\ty counties n 1 p. m. to-morrow. Theyndvlsj allicpubMcivii to bo cool aid temperate In nrtimt nnd hn gunge and to a\old nny rxhlbition of _ nn in llBinmatory character. The democratic ncaro crow about altering the returns is the sillies nonsense. The returns were filed In thnollics of the c'erks ' of the several counties four dn.y ngo nnd the only alterations now pos.iblo i through rovlfion , towhich both paitif must bow. TIIK m\Ki.oruKNTH : of TIIK PAH TWENTY rot H HOWrS 1NDICATK Tills KVBNINn llKTTKIt I'ttOSI'Kl'IS Kill III.A1NK1IIAN DI1ITIIOS OK HAirniUY. " TIIK "llI.CODY Hllim" AND niAVIl IN VIUOINIA New is received from Virfinin in this cifc ; to-dny tlmt nil attempt is to ho mode _ by th republicans to raise the "bloody shirt yell nnd show primn-facio evidence of frnud il Virginia. Vor this purpose nllidav its nro being ing gathered in mchtiiond nnd 1'eloi.oburg nnd evidence is collected to show that negro voters have been intimidated nnd tissue bnl lots have been illegally used , nnd that it mnry districts , the republican on the dectioi board of supervisors wns n tnegro selected bj thu democrats. It Is nlso allfged tha in mnny voting places , the ballot bo ; was placed in n high window so fcroutn fiaht that the voter could not see whether his Ute ) wns deposited in the box or thrown tipui the Ibor. Meanwhile the actual vote and the plurality nwnitj the notion of the canvass bj thu counts to-morrow. On that day nt 1 o'clock , sixty boards of ccunty supervisors 13 of which are republicans and 17 democrats meet to open and canvass the returns by elcc tion districts. Legal knowledge of the vote begins when this U done and legttl remedie for wrongs dona will then commence. THK CUOOKI3I ) FIFTH. HOW I'KAUI ) WAS DKTKCTKI ) AND IlKKCATKO 111 THE I.YN\-EV I ) flt'AllDIANS OP THE HAL LOT. KEYSTONK , N. V. , November 10. In regan to the fraud In the I'ifth ward , no contest wil bo made to-morrow by the republicans. Free man , lending the republican party this evening ing , says : "The vote in the Fifth wnrd hav ing been represented throughout the state nf fraudulent , it is only fair to both parties tha the whole truth concerning it should at once bo made known. The full _ electoral bnllo box was found to contain ninety-one ballot1 moro than cast according to tha poll list , am that excess of votes were drawn out by a mat blindfolded , in accordance with the laws o the states' If fraud was intended the parties failed to accomplish what they desired. The r publican party have no reason to find fnull with the result of thi vots. as it gave Cleve land only 200 majority , which is an ordinary voto. The roll was carefully watched n ec' tion day nnd the ct suit ns declared by the inspectors specters appirently gives each party what il is fnirly entitled to. HCAHINd THK WESTERN INION. Special Telegram to THK BKK. NEW YOBK , November 10. A secret meet ing of the directors of the Western Union tele [ jraph company was held lost night. The very unusual proceeding of calling such meeting Sunday night has led to many speculations as to what the urgent business may bo that demands inch haste . One theory is that some development in the Nuw York election may have caused it. Another and nero generally accepted one n that it has joen can ° od by editorials in the Now York mpeis advocating the inauguration of n postal ; elegraph system by the government. It is aioivn that some of the older and better equipped papers were not pleased with the 'ullness with which tlio Western Union cov et ed election news In its bulletins. Their ilaim is that tht ) wide distribution of those Hillotius which went a 1 small and weak pa- > ers and to clubs , hotels , saloons and even to iiivato residences , not only deprived these aige papers of the advantage which their su perior facilities for collecting news would have ; lven them , but also took away from them nuch of their constituency , the bulletins > eing rend to va't crowds of people who would ithcrwise hnvo bought pa ; ers , nnd In buying uper.s would lave naturally bought those Hiving the widest facilities , instead of thu ' and less perfectly organized papers vhich , by these bulletins , were put on n par vith the best as terns late news wns con- lerned. The objections in brief are. that the Western Union became a news gatherer nnd distributor instead of merely a news carrier. TFIK AK3OCIA.TKD IMiKSS. WILLIAM IIKNKY H.VIITIlVi riGtllEH. Jpotinl to the Chicago Unify News. NKW YOIIK , November 8. To M. K. Stone , 'ditor Chicago Daily News : Our footings how that Cleveland has n plurality of l,4f > 0. Tliero are \'A \ places to bo heard from ollicUlly which will reduce this somewhat. If ( iarlield's nsjorilies in thoao places are accepted the durality for Cleveland will bo 71'I , but it is oubtful if Bbino polls as large a vote in lioso precincts as Cnrh'cld , hence Cleveland's > lurality iray bo nccopted nt about 1,000. This nleulution , of course , is based on thu returns which have bcon received from Iho various ireclncU nt this oflico from persona behoved o bo reliable , und also have served the Ar- ocinted press Acceptably in other yoais. An xauiination ( if thu returns shown great dlf- erenco of gain or losi in dilferent Bcctions ; : unco the widely differing calculations. WILLIAM HKNIIV SMITH , ( Joneral Macager Associated Press. I'OIitriUAIj NOT1CS. IHO M.WOIIITIKH IN TIIXIH , Sr. Louis , November 10. Completeleturns ) rom cloven counties in Texas give Cleveland 0'JSl , Blaine 7,403 , Butler 'll'.t , St. John 358. reland , democrat for governor , 11,312 , Jones ndependent , 8,8(12 ( , Norton , republican , 18. LOGAN'S HKAT IN THE SKNATE. CHICAGO , November 10. The present estj- nato ns to the com flexion of the Illinois tatu leglslatiro is that It will be a tie on oinl ballot , the senate having n majority of one republican , and the honeo n majority of one democrat. Contesta nro likely to ensue in hroo districts which may reverse this condi- ion of affairs. Tha situation la made moro interesting from the fuel tlio successor to Uoubrnl Logan is to bo selected , IOWA Dfiif it'V , lown , November 10. r'uU returns - turns pivo Henderson , republican for coiigrcss 1'JOH majority in tin Third district ; Blnluo MO majority in the 1'ourth district , Fuller , republican deleatcdVellerby fi1) majoiity. The uxcitcmeut of Indt work han qniotrd down nnd buftiiu' 4 lm reeumrd. ' 1'ho lown eougrosslonal dolivntion slnnds 7 repnblicnn , ono fuMonlst. Weaver in the Mxth , ami three democrats llivll in the Kighth , Mniphy in thn Scciu.d nnd Frederick in the Filth. Ktntno's majority in tlio Main based on the vote for conircMiiim ; : v\ ill ba about 18,000. YKII HUAVKS. HOW TAMVI.\N\ GOT TIIK VNOHHT Ol1 IT 1-Olt II I.OYAI. IIKVOIION TO OLKVKLAND , KTC. NKW YOIIK , November 10. At n mooting the Tnmmnny hall comiuittea , in orennizatlo to-night , district leaders , almost withnut ox ceptionn , teported that their ticket was beatci by trading on the part of the county deuui cincy of Cleveland for their loc.vl ticket. It ono it.Htnnco only wnsT.vmiuanyhnll member reported dMoyid , It ii claimed th it Tain many wna next to unlvorFnl in its honrst nlle glancn to tha national ticket , Kccister Kelllj siid that Itl.iine men vvere wearing the rntint ; democracy ba-lgo in his district , Kellly nisi charges that Mniirico B , Vlynn , n promincn enmity domocr.icy man , had Riven a young man named Oornmn , n bartender , $ IUO ti depert Taiiituuny. Other mombora madi spcciKo charges , AltTHUU ANI > ItljAINR THE IJl'AHUKL OP THK SUI'l'OIITINd 11HANCIIK3 01 T1IESK TWO VVOllTIIIKS IN THE UEl'UIIMl'A ? 1'AUTY ITS IlKSULT AND SOME MOHK 11K.M1 A1ILK IN'SIDKKACTS. Special Telegrnm to THK BKK. CIIICAI.O , November 10. Criminatlous nnt recriminations nro passing between the Arthur nnd Blnir.o republicans hare nnd in other parts of the atatu on the outcome of the recent election tion , which his not only given the control of tin nation over to the democrat ! ! , as the case nov stands Hit also promisrs tha election of i democratic senator fr m Illinois to BUCCOCI Lognn. Arthur men , many of whom became "Mugwumps , " say if the Blain ites had not insisted on shoving their camliihto dovvn the throats of thu convention and had nominator Arthur , ho would have been elected Hlalno men retort Hint if Arthur mci had not fallen from their allopiance , Blaine would have been elected. 'Iho fact is , nol only did tha Arthur men knife Blaine , but thoywout further nnd refused to vote for Bhiino's conspicuous backers , mich as Cieorge 1C , Davii , who is succeeded by Ward , demo crat , in the Third cougro'xioual district , wind U several thoimnd republican. They went n etep further nnd put tlio knife under the ribs of nil the candidates on the republican state ticket , who did not bear the veiy boat record. The result ia that the democrats have exactly lialt of the legislature on the joint ballot , while there are two district * in doubt , both ol which the repub'icaus must got to imiko it tie , Carter Ilnrrison , having been defeated for governor on tlio democratic ticket , is trimming ! iis sails for a cruise into thu United State : Senate. IUISSOIU1. ST. Louis , November 10. St. Louis city nnd county gives Cleveland 101,105 , Blami 140 , OCI , St. . John 11S2. Cleveland's plurality J0.411. For governor Marmadnko ( dem 150,072 ; Ford ( fusion ) 111,871 ; Marmaduko's plurality 7,381. nj ; up Frauds. _ YOIIK , November 10. Civil Justice Kelly nnd Police Justice Power who linyo begun gun investigation concerning tlio trading o votes in the Sixteenth assembly district on be Imlf of the county democracy , cay they hnvo discovered cloven cases of dis'loynlty ' to the national ticket on the part of Tammany hal memboni and will place the evidence bofoio .ho imtlonnl and state democratic committees. lioscou Conkling bus buen letaiued by the lomccrntlc national committee to net in any > roceedings that miiy arisii in relation to the > endiiig canvass. Conkling is to-night in consultation with members of the committee of lawyers who have undertaken to see a lair count. The Old I < ' | IIK in AIOUSTA , Ga. , Novemkor'10. The deino- : ratic demonstration in this city to-night in onor of Cleveland's election was the linest isplay ever made hero. Bioad and Green treets , two miles long , were streams of lire. Cvery house bora nu illumination with appro- iriato designs. The iirocension was nn hour n passing. There wern displays of every rado and profession. The htudents of the nodical college carried ske'etons. Men who iad not carried a torch in twenty-five yours ; narc'hcd to-night under the lljg of the union , nd Georgia pledged her allegiance anew to o the common country. Speichos were made iy Patrick Walsh , member of the national emocrntic committee , and otheis , The town s nbla/.e. A I'ropliul. In WAriiltTOWN , N. Y. , November 10 , Attor ley General O'B. ion , ono of tha state can- ' a sing board , in a speech to the democrats ieie , Buid : ' ' I have no fears tint the wlahos > r judgement .of . the people , expressed nt the jallotbox , will be faUified or defeated. No iarty or set of men can htonl the electoral vote f the emplro stato. The laws of the state in egard to the elccti'in and the counting of otes are too pet feet to admit of fraud , Thu isoplu of N'ow Vork are toi much in earnest ; o tolerate frunl , even if it were poesibla , 'he votes given br the pcopla of this state vill be honestly counted and tlio result truth- nlly declared. " on llu ; I'liirnlKy. NKW YOIIK , November 10. Klkins , Jon's , ' 'essenden , nnd Senator Hobnrt , of New Jer- ey were nt the reimblican National head- uartors to-day in conference , the result liich is not known. Warren , chairman of ip republican state committee , returns homu lis evnning , nnd Vrooman to-morrow , A , H. iraper bonce is for the present thu committee , Vrooumn said to-day tha domncrats claim the , ate from the Inside by 801 , and thu demo- ratio investitfdt'nn ' of letuins In thin city has owered thut amount to 4ll ! > by roason'of errors , 'alnst Blaine to the sum of 125 votes , At the demecratlc huadijuarters this is not erilied , an ollicial saying tlm democrats were ow struggling for what Is already won , Alliniilun il < ij. AI.IIANV , November 10. Thu democracy of Vlbany held a monitor celebration to-night. 'housandii of strangers in town , The city ivai illiimlnatod and houses decor&tud , Gov , L'luvelaiid witno-ised the parade from the vindow of the executive chamber In the caji- tel , but did not review it , Thu nnmbor of . 'isitors nt thu executive chainber wax very ' I urge , Many congratulatory telegram * were 1 1 ' received , r DOMESTIC , News Hems of Interest from Wilhii Our Own Shorts , Important Decisions in the Su preme Court Yesterday , Lieutenant G-ainral i- Sheridan's ' Pirst'Annual Report , i Second Day's ' Session of the Fie ri i./ 0ni , ) i , _ _ _ _ The Sullivan-Lnflin Fight at Now York , Doubly F tnl Uosuli of an Htcudun Fijlit Fli ott's Amblili Fli-co , Cr.liiK > 4 , Ktc. TIIK SUPUK.MU COUKT. WASHINGTON , November 10. In the eu- promu court to-dny n decision was rendered In the case uf tlin county uf lluena YisU against thw Iowa Falls & , Sioux City Itnilrond coin. pnny in crrcr In the supreme court of Iowa. This was n suit brought by tha county to ea1 tnbhsh its oipiltnblo title umlur thu "swmnri Iniul net'1 to 22,000 ncrcs of luiul within its lluits , which ia also claimed mul legally hold by thu railroad company under congressional grant. The questions presented hero relate to the action ot' the lower court in admitting cortiin : evidence objected to by the defense. That action wan over-ruled by the supreme court of Iowa and judgment uf the hitter in favor ot the railroad company In hero at lirined , A decision WAS also rendered in n case flowing out of the proliibltion law in Kansas , imtltleu John Foster , couuty attornuy ot Saline county , agaltist the slate of Kansas , K\rel Johnstone , attorney-general. This was it suit brought by the against Foster to r-inovo him from ollicu becnuso ho hud neglected to prosecute persons guilty of selling Hitoxicatingjllquors. in the county in violation of tha atntuto uf the stnto known an tha prohibitory i liquor law. Thu trial below before n jury resulted in n verdict igaiust the defendant and judgement thereon removing him from otlice. Ho appealed on thu eround , 1st tint the prohibitory liijuor law was unconstitutional , and L'nd that inas much as tha proceedings against him wore un der a writ quo warranto , wtiich in Kansas was a criminal proceeding , ho was entitled to tiial In accordance with the ciiminal codu This court attiring thu judgment of removal on tha ground that both questions which the do- fuiuiant would raise in hU own defoiiEU hnvu aheady been decided hero against him , the first in Uattenieycr vs. Iowa , 18 Wall , li ! > , and ; Beer Company vs. Massachusetts U'J V , S. 25 , and secuiid in Ames vs. Kansas , 111 U. S. , I ill. HHBIllDAN'3 Will CIS. nilST ANNUAL ItKl'OUT Of I.IKlTi OBNKIIAL I' HimilDAN AN 1NTKHKHTINC1 Mtl.I T\IIV DOCUMENT. WASHINGTON , NLrember 10. Tha annual report of LieutenshYQensral Sheridan bos been made , covering the purled from Lis assignment to thu command of the army , No vember 1 , 1SS3 , to November 1 , 1881. Ho myx that during thid time , the entire terri tory under tha supervision of troops 1ms been unusually free from collisions , resulting in loss , either to lifo or property , but the services if the military in the west cannot bo safuly Hsponsed with for many years to coma. The Lieut-general expresses proat interest In the lational guard of the atato and thinks that lungrosa should designate thu number of men , ) u\t each stiito should have , mid irovide for them arms and camps and rairiton equipage , under some wise method of icconutttbility for this property , whonavor the itata government themselves appropiiato sub- itantial sums of money for thosupport of their of pec t vo military systems in such a manner .hue thoao sums cannot ba ulfoctod by party egiidatlon. ICxcf-pting for our ocean coin- nercu and for cur tunbuaid cities , ho does not bink wo should bo much alarmed nbout the > rohabilily of wars with foreign powers , since t would requite moro than it million and a m f men to mnko the campaign upon and against us. To transport from > oyond the ocean that number uf solditrj vith nil their munitions of war , their cavalry , irtillery , and infantry , ovun if not molested > y ns while in trjnsit , would demand a lurgo > nrt of ths chipping of all Kuropo. He cam- 'stly invites attention to the defenseless con- Illion of th seaboard cities and nifontly tec- iinmeuds the early beginning of a ueneral ystem of son const lortiljcution , ) to bo eon- true ted in uccnrdanco with the lequiiomonts nvolvod by thn latent improvements In heavy iitillory. "This nai ion , " ho says , "IH growing o rapidly that then ) are Hgnu of other troll- ili'H which I hopj will not occur anil which vlll probably not como upon ns if ioth capital and labor will only bo conserv- tlve. Still , it should bo remembered , that obtrnctivo explosives are uasily imtilu , and hat the branks of the United States , sub- rousurias , public buildings , and the largo lerc.'intilo hoiisoH tJii bo readily dumolished , ml the commeico uf entliu cltiei dontroyeil y Infiirialad poopla with moans carried with eifect safety in Ilia pockets of I hi ir cloth- " SUIiMVAN-Ij/VFFMN. OW THK IIOSTON CHAMPION' I'OCNDKII TIIK MKntoroLirAN iiooiiv our OPHIIAPI IKIIIK HKCO.NI ) HOUND. NKW YOIIK , November P. John L. Hul- van , of Iloston , and John M. Lallin , of this ity , had their inucli talked of bout under the jvised ( Jneesbury rules at Madison Sqioru lurden to-night. The better man was to have lia full proceeds of the IIOIIHO. The ijuustion f "knocking oat" WHS not coanldurod alone. 'at ' Kheedy , Kulllvan's backer , said tliat the toston man had no intention tf knocking out Is opponent , About (1,000 ( people we o pros- lit. Domlnick QUCalfroy , Charlie Witcholl , Uf fjreenlinld , and I'addy ] ( yun who will par Hnllivan in January vvcru among tha lining. Jndgo Oilderslenvu , County Clerk Caunan , Ktito Kxnulor Mntphy , Thomas A. 'Mison , Putur Noo/inn , n Wcranton , ( I'll. , ) allroad man , Henry 11. Drown , mlllionuiro onitractor of Piltsburg , Pa. , Oal-e Cn < n , Unity Hill , Jack B.iiko , George Konko , ll .iry Webb , Mike Unnovan , and nil uther "profemtrs" vveie pim'iit. The luttlo wns Rhiitt , sharp nnd deci ivr. Iollln wns knocked nut in thn second round. Lntlln at the IU < < t squiring before Sullivan , nppmrod terror utrii-Ven. Sullivan led for Lallln'i ) fnco but did not land , In-followed flgnin but l.ittlln rn hed to clu-o quarters nnd hung hi * LMO pound * to'ii nr-sk. Tlm crowd hi rd. nnd ( hitcfeieo , Mike McDmf lil , of Chicigo , parted the men. Scucel ; hnd thev fnred each nther th.Mi K lllvni reached for hi * oppnnout nd bi'gautavagn , fhoit-iirm PNpntimcnh upon Lnllin's fnce. hudilenly SulllMin icnxenrd hm ! elf from nilothor hug that Lallln had nlhclcd , and the hitter oniik to thw floor exhausted , lleforn l.nlllm ic nin- od his fi-flt time wns called. Thn second lound found the New Yorker short of wind nnd completely - pletoly unnerved. At the call. Sullivan lunp ed to Iho centre nnd lodged sov oral ittluunrn nn Lnlllln's fnco in such inphl Miccosulon that the hitters felf-eoiitrol , o nearly gone , then left him completely , nnd 1m tutned to tun like n vihipptd dog. Ouick ns thuiifthl the champion HHW his vnntnpo nnd leaping to Lalllln'a side , ho shuck llio Hoeing pugilist behind the car nnd pi > nt him cpraul- Ing Henselojs to the Moor. Tlio IntRO crowd greeted these contrnntrd oxamplea of cowntd- tin nnd pi-owess with mlnglod hicsoii nnd cliorrs. Lnlllln fniling to reniHind to the third rail , the DoHon champion was allowed tlio RAILWAY AND COMMERCE. CVTTIXC KASTWAIID. NKYOIIK \ , No\ ember 10. Virst'clni * pas Honger r.itei to Chicago \voio reduced this moinini ; to SlO.fiO by the Urk- , West Shoio nnd ] , ackawnnt. : The broktis eull for less. i'K.\t \\ANUII. i : : . Niw : Yoiuc , No\ombor 10. It is ntntuil lioro that the West Shore has asked the Now York Central to rest ere the rate * and poo' ' ImstnoKs. It N understood that the Now iitk Central told thu Went Shore receivers that it would agruo to roitoro rates but not enter Into any pooling nrraiiRomont ASbtdNIM ) . NuwYoitK , November 10. U. A. Wrijjhl , president of iho Hnnuoll Vnrnaco company , > 3s.gncd ! to-day. Liabilities SOIL' 000 ; nomi nal nsaoti S518.000 ; nctnnl ns ets S.11,000 , , ual value of which is but L',800 , TIIRKATS. ; NKW YOIIK , November 10. Tho. Lackn- wana is said to have given notice that unless .ho rates to Chicago nro rcstorsd in four or ivo days it will sell Chicago pnssago at ? 0 nnJ Uuirnlont 51. ANCII.O-AMKIIICAN IIK ( Il'ltOCm. LONDON , September 10. Under socrotniy of thu colonial iloiirtniont | replying to nn in- piiry said tlnit it was true that the Diitlsh nlmstor at Washington Lad boon instructed to negociato a icciprocal commorcialnrrange- nent wheioby America should toiult in ra t iho duties on West India sugar nnd thu West IndlosHhunld take elf duties on certain articles mported from America , but no nrrnngomont was contemplated nnd no proposal had been undo wheiuby the West Indies should impose inferential duties on Kngliah ns opposed to American manufactures. BOSTON , November 10. Loading clearing muses of tlio United States report the total ; ross ovchnnpes of the week ended Novomher 8th Hi S71l,0.iT,7iG ) ( , n dexiieaso of 1' per cent compared with the conosponding week last r'ear. F110M CIIIC.AOOIO niEHKA. CHIOAIIO , November 10. A mooting of thu general passoniror ugents of oastwnrel roads will bo held hero to-morrow for thu pnr- ; ioso of discussing the question of the rtwtoru- tion of rates to tlio seaboard. TJio opinion is oxproaicil In railway circles that the attempt will bo successful. IIAJItl rilODUCIs. Ivinix , lll. . . November -Choose , quiet ; 'egulur sides , 7i 0 boxes of p'irt skims , "iHJ , 5utti-r , lo lower , Regular sales , 17 000 poiuuls it : > 0 cent" . Private Bales , clieoao , 7,100 boxes ; inttor , 11"ODD pounds. ' I Hi I'li AT AND rAII.UUK. CAIIILI. , Tumi. , November 10. John A. riiurluy , member of the State railroad com- nieslon , has jn-.t . bcon defeated for ro-oloction , anil the linn of Thurloy , lilovinii k Co. , nuiilo an assignment , Trauliiy'ri ' individual liabili- ics nio > f1,01)0. \ ) . UNION I'M'IFIC HrAlKSIENT. Nivv : YOIIK , November 1 . - The Union 1'n- Ific btatoinent for the quarter ending Sept , Oth , shows : Net earnings , gtt'JJ.OOO ' ; iulor- st and dividends from iiu'dstment , $51OUO ( ! ; otal net income , SlDOt : , < < 00 , l''ixod clpuyos , sltKOuO. ! | Duo togovurnmont , S71I7.00J , teal - al , * L'llfiOOOj miriilus , S-.yOH.OOJ. I'KC'il'Kl'llVK 1'KAl'K. New YOIIK , November 10. It it rumored hat n movement Is on f. . ot to lestorcs rates rom hero by taking into the pool the West Shore and arbitrating of per coinages. curri.Ni ) nitui NKW INIIANI ( > . HQIION , November 10. The HnosnoTun icl routu to-duy reduced juiMungur rates from ioslon to Chicago to Mi ( , Hist class , It being cut of 1(0 , and at the same time iniido u cut f S7.on rates from ISostoii to St. Louis , niklug rates SI' ) for first-class tickets and S1K or cecond class. MAKVKLOITS ! ! ! Ill : JIONUMKNPAI. I.IKrt WHICH A COITMC Ol' I.IYH AUK lIlaATINO CK TIIKIIl AI.I.KIIKI ) MIUACI.K.S IN Till ! IIAUKWOOIIS. Special telegram to THK IK ! CIIICAOO , Novoinbor 10. W. II. Unlkley , ha Quincy street harnciw maker , of faith-euro nmo and W , H. Torrey , his co-laborer , ro- urned Saturday from Wntortown , Win , , vhore , ninco October Kith , they have hold n eriesof inootings for the purposoof curing tlio Ick nnd maVing converts tu the Kreo Moth- Hat faith , Tliuy speak unthuslastlcally of heir success In performing emeu , many nf whiih as di'scribed by them , are of a truly nurvelomnaturo. Tlioy report total of 81 1 icrsons cured , among whom weio reuidonts of , Vi connIn , Iowa , Mimiesota , Illinois and tllchU'iin. Toward tlio cloHO of tlio erios of iiootingH it was nccosmiry to isauo tickitts of idmihBion to tlio chuitli , so gieat was the : rowd collected there day and night , Mr. I'oiiuy , p. oviom to presenting a list of names if persons cured by suuding their handkur chiu'H up by linlkoluy , who by returning hem to thu Benders , thus transmitted healing iower < , This was clone where it wai iinli is- iblo for the persons deciding to ba cured to get near the platform , Uy way of comluclng the skeptics , 111 ! weio cured through tlm in strumentality of green ! ea\cs given by llulke- ey to diipaeod man and woircn who unuoimo- ng the-lr instant cuio as a mitaclu , uiuatad un amount of cunfidenco which no number of Kkoptical Indhlilnnlo could orftthrow. Olh OM having touched the hem of Imlkrloy's R.U inrnt aiinonncfd llieuifrhcs instantly cured The Alabama Claims , WASHIXDTOV , N.\ombar 10. A decision was rendered by the aupromn court of tlio t'mtod States to-day In thi Alabama claima of the Gient Westotn Insurance , np ) > ollnnt , ngnit st the Tinted Htnlcs , appeal from the court of clnims. This wns n suit brought by thr- Insuiaiiee comi-nny to trcovor SSOU.lHfi will mti'test , nlleged to bo due it from the Oonevn nvvard fund on account of n wnr risk tnken by the appollunt against vessels dofttrovul by unfoileinto erulsm * . Tlu court of claims isniUced npiellnnt's | petition upon the ground .hat it had no jurisdiction. This court nf- lit inn that judgim nt , and holds thut tlm court of claims was prohibited from taking jurisdic tion by lApicss statute * us to the merits of controversy between the Appellants nnd tlio 1'mtcd Sutos nrhing out ot the Genovn con vention. This ojlirt declines to express any opinion , lor thn reason that n spccl il tribunal has been created for detiTininlng tueh quos- lions. FOREIGN HEWS. IllMTISII IMtOlH'CIH VIAIIK LANK KM'HKS WKIKM UKrOllT. LONDON , November 10. The Mnrk l.nne in its weekly review of the Biitinh grain trndo snyr : Tint weather for the pant week hns boon fairly propitious for threnhing. Deliveries of grain by farmers hnvo lieen liberal in amount Nntivo w , oat declined 1 ' 's. Bales of Kngl.0i ! uheat during the week axgregated l'ilSIqiiniters ! nt il s , ag.iii st l7 ! , 1"0 quarters nt 40s Id dining tlio corr.spond ing week last venr. Vlour is lower. Medium to infoiior making Imrleys 'Js lower , l-'oreign wheat Is driiirginif along with prices in favor of buyers , The downward movement con tinue. " , and it is Imposslblo to predict when ami where it will stop. The pontion nf Undo is without ptecediMit : the free supply Is crushing the lifo out of it , Mniru Is in small supply ntid prices nro unstained. A heavy drop , liowovcr , Is expected when the Immense American crop of 'HI gets fairly in motion , Tnidu in cargoes off coast Is trilling , There were thirteen nrrivnls , three cnrgoc sold , four withdrawn nnd five remain. Sixteen cargoes due. Trade in cargoes forwaid small and purely nominal. FKANOO.OIIlNltSK IVAH. AN INDKMNITV WANTED 11V THK I'KOl'LK. PAIUS , November 10. Great excitement prevailed in the lobbies of the chambers this afternoon and evening , owing the con firm a tion of thu report published in the morning Liborto , tlrit the ] ctbinot council on Satur ilny decided t > forego demanding indemnity of China , MUCH discontent prevails on ac count of this. In the Tonquln committee of tin ) chamber "f deimtlo.H , Chnrruau , clinirmnn of thu committee , has resigned , and the com mittee ban icsulved to postpone presenting its report until i'erry has made an explanation , Ijonilnn LONDON , November 10. The loss of Stow- rt ] ) ro . nnd Spsncor by the burning of their 11 works at Strood -50,000 pounds. The funeral of Postmaster Ooneral Fnwcott ccurrod to-d y. Fully Ifi.OOO peisona n attendance. A troop ship with 2,030 manner , left for ho Ii-lo of Slcj'o to asiht In roitoring oi-dor in'ing the croftnnt , Ifl'Ilia crofters from neighboring islands nro locking to the Ishi of dkyo to nssist their jrothren in maintaining their rights ; 2,50 ( croftern will meet n detachment of pollen on .htiir airival , and will conduct them to Vig. I'Jion they will demand of them the object f their coming. If an nnnntisfnctory nn worn given the Islanders will c induct the po ! co back to the landing placunnd request theme o leave their shores. The Plenary Council. l\i.inoiiE : , November 10. The 1'lunaiy ouncil nwmblod this morning nt tha semi nry of St. Suljiico for the trnnnnction of bus no'H. All members weru prrntnt , n number f subjects wen ) iiresontrd , but nothing wni uterminud. A dayir two will bu nquired o arrange the Mihjects to bo connidored , after vhich the woik of Iho council will bo presented - nted , The only nbsont prelate Is Itlshop Twigg , of 'ittsbiirg. The tlneo Ciinadian liiehoim MH ! ) oidf , vicar npustollc to Northern Japan , vhilo not taking | art in thu deliberations. lave been aiinigned by court sy the privilege f peats at all M'sslonn. At lh eatliedral to- iglit , 111 hop .lohn Ireland , of St. I'aul , de- xored u permon , Biibject , "Thu Chinch , thu uppoitof the ( iovernmoiit " JVi'W Cnrilliinls. Hosiit , Novoinbor 10. Ala consistoiy to ny the pope created nlnn now cardln tin. In lis allocution ho ad veiled to the painful po tion in which tlio head of the church was ilnccd nnd thu trial tlnough which tlio church as now passing , llo dwelt on tlio progress lat Calholio fuith wai mulling throughout ID world , and especially in the United States vliero thu Iho plenary council hud just us- 'cmbled. ' Jlu mentioned tlm fact niiw bishops ad been appointed in Australia , India and lironghoiit the mint and oxproascd gratllit.i- ion at the rostoraliun of thu t > uu of Cuthaga. Dlsnslcr nt Ken. liotTON , November 10 , Advlcs dated No- ember 'J , from Tin Its Island , says iho brig ulia ! ' . Jloskill sailed from Wnvassn , Octo- > or 11 , for Ilnltimoiu , with guano. October- ! 10 onconntored a hurrlcano and sprung u leak which necessitated abandonment. The crow , ight in nil , took lo the boats and mudo for Juicas Island , and in alrompUng to lai.d thu > oat c.ipsl/.Eii nnd all on board except thu cap- ain and 0114 siiloi- were drowned. ixo Jtlll LONDON , Novaniber 10. Thu franchise bill vas passed by thu house in committee of the vhulo without aniondment. Tlio result wiw reuted with choorH. California , SAN I''it.\NfiM ' ) , Novtmber 10. Litu but ncomplHtu figures plncid the I'lrst congius- onal ijisliict of Cullfornitt in doubt. Later igures show thut Cat-others , republican , still mils by I'M. Thu olliuUl count will bo mudo t ii not probable that this will materially hnngu the figures. 111111 ! ) ' l'n-liii. WA IIINI.TON , November 10. Upper Mis- Mlppi fair weather , light varlublo winds , nuily stationary tempuraturo , Missouri 'alley fair weather , hcht varlablo winds , nouily stationary tumpuraturu. MONDAY'S MARKETS , Bc iuiiiP df itie V/ctk / on CUicap Occnaion for Grnnt Eeooiptg of Range Stock , Hogs Irregular , Scoring a Slight Advance , Wheat Very Frisky with Unus ual Activ/rs'i / Corn Buoyant nnd I tf Better Fig" OAIH Also llul. ( Pork A ( N if ,\ ' ili-s iiHlir.tlc CIIICAOO Special tolrgmm to THK Uis. : CHICAGO , November 10. Among the fresh rocelpti were nbjut)0 ) cars nf Toxnria nnd westerns , mostly Tmnns , which would lenvo nbout leO o ra of nathes of which tin ro were irob.ibly not over to cars th nt could bo cla.v ulliod nn fnt cattle. Trndo wn ? rather slow nnd prices on e\ery thing but thu best natives ladcnvout little or no change at compirod with S'lturdny. Low grades of nativoi sold o or on account tot tlio big run of Texnns , yet native steers that catno nnywhero near Htintlnx the chipping or drersud beef demand. sold fully as well ns nnv time and in Bomo in stances were repotted linnor. There were none that could bo cUssed as first clots on the market. There were only n train or two of westerns that were lirnt class. Among the TOKBIIS were n few trnina that were good Ono train of the Vale Blanco ( Now Mexico ) TexaiiB weio on thn murkot. The Concord Cattle company , of Wyomlrg , also had n train if good cattlu on slo. Ioft > rior to choice shipjiors , weighing l.OiOfTJl.-lfP , sold ntS4.20 vrli , if ) , mainly nt S5 l0ji. ! ( ( ItniiRO cattle In 'nil supply and good demand ; Texas bulls , S2.2j&'J.50j cown , SU.40air. ( . ; steers , S3.05 ® 1.33. Fjr wcstjcottlu , 53. 10o1 Thosilea undo were as follows : 18 Montana' , 1.323 , ? 5.W : ; lll ! Montaun ? , lUt > 7 , -r .l ; 14S Mon tana cows , 1,17 , S4 0513 ; cows , 1.01S , ? : ? .3 ( ) ; 17 Now Moxico-Toxnns , ! ttG. ; S J.O.I : 23 Neb- rnnkn-Toxans , ! I2I , ? 3rU ) , 67 Nebraska cows , JOB , ? 3.-ir , ; 71 Wyomings , ! , ' , St.lifij 7 tailings - ings , 1.1KL' , § 3.70 ; 3a cows , U'J'J , 83.50. lions , The market opanod acti\o with n good demand - mand all along the line. 1'iicoa ruled some what irregular witli im advance nnywhero From Tito 1 DC , thu nvcriigo b Ing nbout lOc. The quality was C'lnsidcrnbly ' below that on Saturday which will pnrtly account for the i regularity of the advance. Light to medium and good packing sorts got tlio bulk of the ndvnnco , best heavy only telling ni-badu higher UH Iho shipping dumand was m.t at all urgent. Sales were -linfrflOO for common nnd rough packoisHiO@l ; 7S for good to choice packers , and 180 4 'JO for heavy. Light sorts nf MO to 223 sold nt 4 75W4 80 , nnd Bort.s of 1(10 ( up sold at 4 ti5rf)4 ( ) 70 , whllo okips ware dull and rejected , n few loaiJa making 1 15 ® 4 "K. " . WIIKAT. The market displayed grantor sign * of lifo t.i lUy , than in many wauks. Trading throughout almcst the entire day was activu and lluctuations qnltu Hovcru nnd rapid. The innikot opencid very wait , Ditccmber touch ing Tl\ \ , than rosn to 73 , H ihl to 721 , r.vlllod shitrply townrd thu cl'iro of the regular KPssion , o T.'i i.7.'l | . "p t ' " ' ' * > n the afternoon boaid , jack uguln to . ' \ \ < 4which : w.ii thu cloiiug ignro. May n.ion | > l diop.iud down to 8U jut nijo to HI ) at the cloEo of tha days trading. Hoccipts continuo free and the strength nliown by the mnikct was n surprise to n g rcnt mmiy tra'.luis and caused somu free covering of hhoits. t'OIlN Alpodiiplayed pioat activity , accompanied ly a tliarp rise in v lueH , particularly for near iituroH. Is'oveinbrr udvnnccd fully Tic nnd closoc atI I or 4c nbovo the lowest fipnrPs of ho dnv. The ye r chund Httonp nt SS7 , Mny 181. lleceipts weru only modernta while hlpmenU continuo free , causing n inaiked ro- unction of the amount in store. OATS. Also tilled strong , closing ( jS4 ( over Satur- lav , 'it 2o-j tor NovombiT , 20 for December , J5- ? for the year , L'8J for Muy. roiiK Advnucjd C0@20c , closed steady nt 11 37i ar thn ypnr. 11474 f ° -Linunry , 11 ( iO for ' 'obrnary. I. A H I ) . A shido easier , cloilng at G 00 for Novem- mr , 0 KU for December , li ' . 'lij ' for .Tnimary. A CJiicMion < > t liiinil T < ! I in re. CIIIUAIIO , November 10.In the matter of pituin lands In Michigan which had oncu ieon granted by Iho guv eru mint to tliu stnte o aid in the construction of railroads , which allroads were never built , mid the grants npsing , those lauds wt ru . cold as nuy other mbllc land. The tecrotary of the interior etcntly hold thut such hinds could not bo lold for $1,25 per ncro until after they had lean olforud at auction. Thu meeting of the iwners of meh lands upoif * whofio titles thin lecislon places a cloud , met hero to-day and appointed n aommittcu t < > taVn i.i-cfainry ac tion in tlio preinin-s. The dpcis'on is saiil to dfect thu title to several million ncrea uf lands u different states , I'niitiuiil l-ul- LeNnox , Novoinbrr 10. Tha house of com- nons tu-day rejected by a vote of IDltolC'.l an uniendineut to tha franchUo bill , tlm pure - > o n of which wits to prevent the bill from go ng operation until thu i-bemoof redistribution should bu adopted. A AVlso I'rojccl. TOKONTO , November 10. St. ( Icorgo eociety .his city , appointed n committal , to consider , bu bo < menus of preventing immigration M mid nndeslrnblo aoe.silon to th population. Mini ) Ir , Lout.svj.l.r | , Ky. , November 10. A walking watch gnubyonleant ) , HM honra , with ulx Female utarte.H began hero to-duy.