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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 10, 1884)
OMAHA DAilA BILE * MONDAY , NOVEMBER 10 U17 SI. Chnrlos S . , St. Louis ' " " ' irVllon. c'eiiiill ) , Mental and Phis ca" Wiannrs ? Mt ' t.n lil nnd ether At ec. lion ! ol Th.oTsUn . of Bonci. Dlood Poisoning , Jlld Sorts nnU tllCCfS - ' - tntllh \ n | r lcl ! l iff.SVnlnl.'l M'B < " "t'ln lr. ' . M'flj rrltljttlf. Diseases Arlnlng ( rum Indiscretion Eicess , ClDOSUre Of Indulgence. 1 Ith rrodnre jme of tH t n l | j " < " ' ' " " " o.lliitt , dls tifulslt m4il rMllif nrmorj. | lint " 0.1 II P r , rMJ ' "MVi Minion i il > M-rtnj I > H IM . foufi i i Mii , rt * , r ndm > e Marrlare tmproprr cr iini , rry > wrn n' r7Ci.rrt. r . | hit. . r * t , . , ) ! > the ; ' ' M { Mfcl-1 entpli'I-c. firfllo RirnMn. * C < nalt tlini ftt * * fifet.M > jtn llfr - n lii l -I 1 ilt f. M WH II - A Positive Wriiren Guarantee rlrn In ill cnr > til < > ( ' ( . llr.llftnci if nl ever ; * ) tre. P mphltt § . rnfilUli or Ofrinnn. (14 VfSs. $ ! ; crlbluc bovodl3t ics Inn.alocr female. . RHARRACE § &UBDE I BOTTLES. BrlKr , K r , Unvnria. Cnlmoachor Bnvana , Doliominn. Brnmeu. DOMESTIC. Burteroiser St , Louis. AjahauRor. . . . -St. Louis. Bosk's. . . . Milvmuke * Kchlitz-Pilsiicr Milwaukoo. Krtie's Omnlio Alo. Porter , Domestic nnd Rhino ( Vitm. VD. MAURBR. NEBRASKA LAND AGENCY BUGOK3SOII TO DAVIS fe DNTDim.J Qjnori' ' Ctitart ID < w \ ? ee * & r ivts fit S * 5tf'eI"HB flft & $ Drl Si , , IJC5 FAUNAMfiT OJIADA. Kayo Idi lib K , OV3 ncroft CArelally celertcJ lunJl n l ttrn IfebruV * . it lo * price and on euy tentu Iinprorod itrtni lor cite In UosijUs , Dodge , OolfM Plitto , Hurt , Cnmlng , Unrpy , Withlnjrlon , tftilak Siuiidsm , End ISutlor Jounilui. T ics ptld In nil parts ol the State Unnov lotard on raprovod Urnn. Fnbllo nlwxrn In office Correspond THE ONLY EXOLOSXVU IN OMAIIAi NEB. Science of Life Only $100 BY MAIL POSTPAID. KBOW THYSELF , , A GIIKA.T MEDICAL WOUIC Exhausted Vitality , Nervous nnd Physical Doblllt ) Trcnuturo Docllno m Mau , Krroraol Youth , and the untold miseries remitting from Indiscretions or ex cessm. A book for etory man , young , middle affod bndold. It contains 125 proscriptions for all acul r.nd chronlo disease * each ono of which Is Imaluablo So found by the Author , nhoeo experience for 17 yearn to eucli aa prolably not or oeforo fell to the lot of any ph > slcian. SOU page , bound In Iwautlful French muilln ompossod coven ) , full , Kilt tui ; r&ntcod to bo a finer work in avcry Dense , machanlcal , lit. vraryoud professlor al , than any ether work told In this noun try for 82 50 , or the money will bo refunded In every Instance. 1'rloo only (1,00 by mall , post paid. Illustrative Mmplc Cocnta. Horn ! now. Oold modal Awarded tbo author by the National Medical Association , to tht officers ofvhlch ho refers. The Sclenco of Llfo should ho read by the ouni ; forlu tnioUon-Mid'by ; the afflicted for relief. It nil ) benefit all. London Lancet. Tncro U no member ol s clety to whom Tlio Bel- rnco of LJfo will not bo useful , w hot her youth , par. Bt , cuardltn , Instructor or clerKym a. Argonaut. Address the 1'cabody lledlcal IiUtltuto , or Dr.l II. Parker , No. t Uulllncti Street , Ikiston , JUw. , who Inny bo consulted on all dlseanoa requiring sUll and txpcrlenco. Chronlo and obstinatedlscMo * that hao baUlod the eklh of all ether rhUCAI clln9' tiwclilt ) ! Buch treated nuooeno FICHL fully without an InsUnce of failure. Our Treatise On Illnod 1'olsonlng Isof Interest to nil clnescs. V.1I1 l 3inalltd frri-on riccipt of > nur niMivrs tuubwii-rSi'iiciriuCa. , Umvur : ) , Atlaula , Gu. CONSTITUTIONAL A girl In my f mploy hu been cured of hat I bo llevo wag constitutional Scrofula by the use of Hwllt'i BpcdDo. J. O JH-DAMKI. . AlbJtooua , Ua. , July 2i , IbSt. PRESCRIBED BY DHYSICIANS- I liae prenrlbed B Ill's Hfecldo In many cases of IJood ] 1'olton anil ss ft general tonic , and It has made cures after all other rutncdlen htd failed. II. M tiriiicuLANV.M D t'no Hjirlut'iOu , , July 18,1884. FEARFUL BLOOD POISON ! A nrtroon my farm h\s been cured of a foarfu oueol Illxxl liilsoa by the use of three bottles o S lft' Hpeciflo. AXUHKWJ. Korsjtb , Ga. . , . . . , . . . .t . . . . , w OODtfCKU Utu the LlVCrtaiiil KIONEYti , uuU iti-Hroui : 7MK HKAI > TJI nuU VIQOH nf VOUTJt. lj * pi'pilaVaniof Appelllo , < u > dlKu'duiii { ] , 'ak ut blmigtli , 1 cured , lior ' , luntckiunO lirrvcin - ruiawiarcv. iirllu'in im iiilnd and mipullig Jlralu 1'owir onrrcrliiKlruruvuiiipUlnit lialMiUf U6t * y jiuvullrj-lii - tlii-lr ix wil ! tail InUK-r , ' JilXHWlHOH TOiJIO u ( uft. aod . i 'h ' ( uilcjrtlii l'Jiycouii'lexlun , Jtru/iuuiit Wicaj/yl / ut t ' > IIIK only udd to IJ.c | HiiuUrlty | uf the original. Uo uut tipcrl- WCIIt 1-l-HllU OlIlulKAI AMJjlKST. f * C'l Jouru-ili e lo'Juylr. UartDrMnd Co W UMls. tin. , Jor oor "UMllAM UOOK. A GOLDEN BARON , At the Lo.ely FranMort Home of a Great Banker , llnron Iinnls 1't liuiKor'fl Mfo Honmnor nnrt Ilnpplnfw A. Great Singer - or mill HIT Clmrinlnic CIllllllTII , Xew York Journal. Ootobor 20 , 1881. It would jo dillicult to find nnywhuro in the world a more lovely private rcoltlonco than that jf lUron Louis Krlangor at Frankfort on- ho-Moin. I hnvo naid so much about ho history of this famous houeo cf lankora and thpir vast operations for the NirpoBo of freeing the continent from the luminion of the llolhnchildB , that it i iloasant to turn to the poisonal lifo of mother head of this wonderful family. Baron Louleo Krlannor docs not rc- seinblo liia brother in Paris at all as fir an ppraonal appearance Is concerned. Jis physique in cast in a inoro massive mould. Lto ia largo and moro ruggedly built , nis dark , lionost , brown oyoa and the thick wavca of black hair overhang- ng 5 high , intellectual brow , contrast ntrangoly with hia brother ErhH'a blue orb nnd light hair. There ia altogether ft different look about the men , yet in dis- ) oaition they have n good many pointa of oootnblanco. Louis , like his brother , is of an extremely kind and gunoroufl dts- ) osition. To spend in a small town like 'Vankfort-on-tho-Main § 50,000 per year vould Boom dinicult , and yet Baron jotiis Krlanifor docs not find it at all roublcsomo to do ao , considering that irobably one-third of this sum goca in nunificont donations for art and all aorta f public purposes. Ho takes llfo moro easily than hia > rothor in Paris. Ho ia ao fond of do mesticity and onjoya no much the apciety f hia beautiful wife and lovely children n his delightful homo that ho la moro of a "homebody. " Uo has but to a very light degree the desire to increase hia worldly goods. IIo ia much moro of a man ot leisure and not BO intensely con- Incd to the carca of buslnos aa hia irothor in Paris , although Baron Louis ) crsonally atill directs and Buporviaosnll _ ho ramiiications of the old and extensive > anking house , and haa greatly increased ho reputation and atrongth of the firm during hia management. But I was speaking of his residence , magino , not live minutoa from the rail- oud station and not over three minutoa' Irivo from the fashionable centre of own whore the now opera house ia aitua- od , a magnificent garden aomowhat arger than Madison Square. In the middle of this stands a low villa perfect- ably embowered in ilotvera. Thla fa oc cupied by the Baronoaa Id'\ Von Krlan- Ror , the mother of theeo remarkable 'buya , " It would bo impossible to im agine a lovelier place. The decoaicd iaron bought it over forty yeara ngo. Iho trees , which wore then amall , hnvo proad out luxuriantly. Thia cultivation which has gouo on now for nearly half a century haa produced grounds or. whiuh ho owner of any princely estate might bo > roud. Hero , after a capital dinner , the biron aits under thu trees and amokea hia pipe while little Ejporanco , hia thirteen-year- old daughter , runs about and playa lawn onnia with her English governess. All ho family apeak English perfectly. lore ia a little girl , for instance , who ias boon in England but a few days , and rot if you wore to converse with her you would think aho had been living in Lon- on or Now York all her life. The baronesa is probably the moat > oautiful woman in Frankfort. She was nee the famonu singer Sessi , who cra I ted a perfect furore on the operatic tago. It waa at the magnificent Frank- ort opera hotiso that the baron first mot is wife. Thia house , by the way , ia one f the fineat in the world and the only hoatro 1 know whore mid-summer vonti- atton has made it endurable oven to the roatcat sufferer of the heat. The Baronets' lovely blue eyes , her eng golden hair , coming down to her ect , her winning , awoot _ presence , her tngolio voice , which I think is next to ! 'fttti'a , the most beautiful in the world ill these created an impression that lathing could overcome. After n brief , inpoluoua courtship the Baron won hia ) rldo , and a happier homo docs not exist 'n Europe. The Baronncss aings occasionally at icr own piano , and from far and wide ovora of nrt are glad to come to listen to : hia heavenly voice. Kiuorance prom- BOJ to have all the bdauty of her mother and the intellectual ondowmonto of her clover father. The Baroness Ida , the widow of the a to baron , occupies the villa I Imvo simkoii of. In the roar of tliia atanda u in'gh and splendid mansion occupied by the young baron , und between thu two ia a corridor whichoonnocta the firs atories of both houses und nerves ai un airy coffee foe and reading room. Here the tire FiimllluB meet , and thu Baroness Ida , in spite of her advanced years , _ has aa much Hpirit and vivacity of dhpotition , 1 might say , aa horprotty daughter-in-law. It would take too much of your opace to describe the magnificent equipments of this establishment. Thorn are some thirteen carriages in the stables , adapted for all kinds of service and all kinds of weather. There are also about fifteen splendid horses. And yet n moro unai Burning , simple , quiet and amiable circle doua not txist than that which makes this one of the moat charming , aa it is one of thu most brilliant , homes in the Fatherland. Only a Hlup. When catarrh has progressed to certain extent , it is only u stop to thai terribly fatal disease , consumption. I yon have catarrh , oven ( lightly , It is a terrible mistake to allow it to continue its course unchecked. If you will only road , you will find conclusive reasons why you should take Flood's Sarsaparllla for catarrh , in thn statements of many people who hare been completely curoi of tills disease In ia * most aevern forms Send for bnok containing abundant evi dence , to 0. I , Hood it Co , , proprietors of Hood's SarsaparilluLowell , Mass. A SAXK.COIUJHaiCK , TheHUiry of VOIIIIK Man AVIif "Mlfflit Have HI > OII a Itru/lllau Kinjioror , A Paris latter to the London Trull says ; The youn princa of S 0'Coburfc' whoso collur-bono and skull woru badl > fractured the otbur day in u fall over i precipice on the Frmurwald mountain WHS for eoiiie years regarded by his family as a cnmidg emperor of Brazil , lie IB the only child of the Princess Loopoldino second dauijliter of Dom Pedro , who diuc vitliin u year cf her marriage. Ilia iui- Pi > ri l grandparents came to Europe twelve jearapgo to ace him lie then a little fair-haired , blue-eyed boy , who was watched _ over niiht ? and day by the princess Clementine of Orlcano , his grandmother. She took him about uvery where with her , and WHS in a fever whenever ho was out of ( her sight. 1 saw him under her tutelage telago t at OhAtitilly and VouIloUos , on tt the t coast of Normandy. The poor little follow / longed to run email risks with the hardy t , barefooted fishers' children , but if ho 1 made off from the watchful grand mother to follow their lead , a manservant \ vant or a miMory govonif ss was sent in haste 1rl 1 th capture him and bring him back. The . lllustrrious grandma was too tender hearted to lot her darling risk getting bruised. 1 When ho had companions of his 1 ego , they wore nicely tamed fledg lings 1i 1 who had boon , aa they say here , 1t "brought up in wadding. " tie learned to ride , swim , dance , shoot und practice gymnastics under the care of masters , but ho was rarely confided a la grace do Deux. Without being exactly a "Crook , " his manliness waa an artificial product. Falls from slippery rocka at the seaside would have made him sure-footed and enabled him to climb with safety the Frcssorwald crags. His cousin , Prince Ilonri d'Orloans , aon of Duo do Chartrcs , who Wfia with him , haa been roared as an English boy , and though scholarly , is no milksop , lie aa a reward for passing a brilliant examination for a university de gree , was taken on a trip to the Jf ngar- dine and the Austrian Alps , Prince and Princess do Jolnvillo accompuiiod the duke and duchosa and their children , and wcro mot at Aussno by their Saxo-Coburg relations. The two young princes wore rathcring mountain flowers when the xccidont took placo. Prince Henry on not Hay whether hia cousin 'oil owing to a slip of the loot ir giddiness , but ho rather thinks the .alter. The precipice was formed by a ledge of rock overhanging a cliff fifty feet : iigh. Prince Joseph is a naturalist and already a distinguished musician and draughtsman. He was in the habit of tending his Brazilian grandfather col lections of plants and inaocta which ho tiad made as birthday souvenirs. Since the crown princess of Brazil was a mother became less important in the im perial family. However , as her children have delicate constitutions , there was a probability that ho might ono day roach the throne of Brazil. The Princeaa Clomantino , who has been hia preceptress arranged to marry him to her grandniece and namesake , the youngest daughter of the king of the Belgians. A VICTIM OF OPIUM. The Aftony HO Endured in Trying to Ilrcalcttio JInlili. From the 1'ittsburg Clironiclo-Telotfrapli. "Tho man is inu fit , " said a policeman , on Saturday afternoon , as ho stood over a man who waa lying on the sidewalk near Sixth avenue and Smithfield street. "Ho , ho is only drunk , " was the opin ion of a woman with a censorious cast of countenance , as nho glanced contemptu ously at the writhing figure of the tall , woll-drcasod man , about 40 years of ago. Tlio Bufl'drur'u mouth twitched convul sively ; his eyes , over which the rod lids drooped , were covered with a glassy film ; from botwoun his chattering tooth bubbled a speck of white froth ; his limbs trembled , and his hands groped aimlessly , as if necking for succor from Bomo undcGuablo peril. Then his weak fingers reached his vest pocket , and from thence wore transferred to his mouth with a haaty , aocrotivo movement. The result waa magical. Instantly the man straightened up , the anxious twitching of his mouth ceased , the eyes beamed with the fire of lusty manhood and the whole manner of the whilom shivering wretch was changed. "It is nothing , " ho said to the police man. "A sudden famtncstj , that is all. am subject to auch spoils. " The crowd dispersed , and the man was loft alone , save for the presence of the writer. "Rather an awkward thing to bo taken that way on the street , " was the remark. "I suppose it was the old trouble opium ? " "Yea ; 1 am under treatment for it , but occasionally it gota the bettor of mo , and I am obliged to carry aomo pills in my pocket in case of emergencies. I Imvo not been so bad boforu for aovoral weeks. When opium once gets you down it holds you there. I Imvo boon studying rather hard lately , and that has run mo down.1' "What made you commence the use of opium ? " "It happened to mo as it has to then- satida of others right hi this city of Pitts- burg. I wont to my physician to bo treated for nervous prostration , the re sult of overwork. Ho commenced on mo with bromide of potassium. Then when that lost its power ho administered mor- jhino by hypodermical injection. That ixod mo up. But in allaying my nor- vousncBR it implanted in my being a cravim- for the drug that would not bu satisfied. The hypodermic operation would Imvo boon too troublesome for mo , BO 1 bought opium in the form of tincture. As you well know It is necessary to increase the aizo of the dose slowly but utcadily , and in a very few \rooks I waa n confirmed user of the drug , Opium outing is otcnoously called a habit. It is worse than that it ia a disease , as the opium fiend who ia giving his experiences in this city will tell you. " "Is there any particular pleasure while under the influence of the drug after smoking it , for inutunco/ / " asked the re porter. "Only such ns in contained In a sense of relict. The stories about opium BIUO kors finding thomoelvo.i in n paradise , peopled by houris of surpassing loveli ness , and where more delicious dreams than over strike the imagination in waiting momenta are enjoyed , is all non sense. Plain , work-a-day people have no Buchdroama. They simply enjoy a rest from bodily and mental torments engen dered by the very moans they are em ploying for their relief. Thou , when the influence of the opium dies away , there comes such horrors aa would seem im poasiblo to those who hnvo never fallen victims to this soul-destroy ing vico. In their sleep they auflor from terrible night-inures. They are constant ly on the edge of imaginary precipices , or falling down dizzy heights. Now tlmy are the /ictims of aomo fearful accident : again , they are hurried on by some mil lignant persecution. They fancy that they are drowning , that they are being burned at the stake , inhaling the sicken ing odor of their own burning flesh , fooling it pod from their achiiif bonea. Then comes the awakening wit ) a start or scream , The gradual ro alizition that these thiuga are not real , the cold sweat , the trembling of tlm limbs , as you saw in me just now ; tin Bonsu of utter exhaustion , from whicl you sink into sloop once moro , to liv again the agonizing scenes of u diaeaaei mind. " "You Bjy you are under treatment iluvii you any hope of being cured ! " "Yoij but in thu meantime the nuller ing it Jfjornble worse than can bo do ccribudl liut if cured docs not come thentho ] gesture was oven moro aug i-ojtivw than nvrdt would have bcoii , ) VuljITJClANS. Some oftlic Ijtullfft Who Klgtiro li Hoclrly ll"I Nntlonnl Polities. Krom the Washington l'oit. There are oovcral reasons why W Ington society IB especially interested ] the election oven to a greater degr than is society elsewhere. Ono of these is the fact that what is known na "soci ety" here is made up very largely ol wives nnd daughters and other relatives of professional politicians. They are ac customed to hearing the subject discussed in n bueinoen way , and come to look upon the auccoefl of party as interwoven with the BUccees of their ropcctativo relations who are associated with party. Moro than that , many of these wives and daughters and sisters are very acute pol iticians themselves. The exigencies of aomo political contest in which their male relative was virtually interested haa Boinotimos led them to take nn active part in political life , and , take the lion which never forgets the smell of blood , or the wnr-horao wiio is always excited by the Binoll of powder and the sound of battle , they are thoroughly interested when any contest political comoa _ on. And there are some excellent politicians among the ladies , Every ono knows the traditional effectiveness of woman In political intrigue , and , whether this bo well founded or not , It ia at least a fact that some of the shrewdest politicians of Washington are of thogontlor BOX. That Gon. Logan owes much of his BUG- cess to his wife is a fact BOwell recog nised as to need scarcely be mentioned. "Sho is the bettor politician of the two. " said a gentleman who knows them well and has known them for a quarter of a century , "Sho ia n hard worker , a careful reader , a methodi cal and close student of the subject , ia blessed with a good memory both for facts and faces , and with her largo ac quaintance in social and political circles , and her very effective ways , she is a power. I toll you , Logan would never have boon whore ho is now but for his wifo. Thp help that uho has boon to him in hia senatorial flights haa boon something wonderful , and can only bo appreciated by these who have witnessed thorn. " Mrs. Logan is by no means the only woman here who may bo counted an ex port politician. Mrs. Gon. Williams , the wife of Senator Williams , is another who stands fairly abreast of her husband as a political { ! export. In fact , the bluff war ways of old "Cerro Gordo , " the here of two wars , are not of the sort calculated to find favor with all aorta of people , and the aid that hia vrifo has boon to him in his numerous political contests has boon aomothiug remarkable. That was a memorable contest at Frankfort , when 'old Corro Gordo and his wife and daughter entered battle against Governor McCroory and ono of the ablest and most prominent judges of the western portion cf the state , with a number of smaller fry also against him. The odds were agaiuat the general , and the prosa everywhere was predicting his defeat , but they did not know the hont that ho had in his wife nnd her daughter. The general's rooms at the Capitol hotel wore con stantly ppon , and Mrs. Williams never flagged in her york in his behalf. Day and evening she waa buoy , her keen wo man's wit and calm aolf-possesslon never deserting her in the hottest of the fight , and when old Corro Gordo stood victori ous at the end of a long struggle , she was honored by friend and adversary as a prominent factor in the fight which had made him successful. Another woman who ia an ncuto ob server of politico and a great aid to her husband in his work here and olaowhoro is Mrs. Hawley , the wife of the senator from Connecticut. She ban , for almost a ijnator of a century , been active in the affairs of the nation. From the day olio came from her Now England homo to go upon the battle-field as nurse and do whatever her hand found to do in behalf of the Buffering soldiers in the late war , nho has felt a personal interest in politics. To her huaband'sho is an invaluable aid in the political work and in his labors here in congress. Although she has boon an invalid for moro than half the time of his congressional service , oho haa assisted is him greatly in his work hero , keeping up his correaponpouco , arranging his work , attending to pension and other cases of this sort for hia constituents , and keeping all the time her lingers on the political pulco , not alone in his state but in the whole country as well. Mra Vauco , tlio wife of Senator ? Vance , ia well posted on political niF.Urs , and ia taking a rluop interest in her bus- : band's fight for re-election. > Ouo of tha hardest political workers is Mra. Budd , the wife of the member of this name from California. Her hus , band's district is n very largo ono ; yet alio traveled all over it with him in n "buckboard , " talking to the women at their homes or at the political gatherings where her husband made speeches , pass ing judgment on the babies and t"io preserves , vrhilo Mr. 13udd literally painted the district rod with a marking brush and paint-pot which ho carried , placarding every rock and big tree along the roadside , "Vote for Budd. " Nobody - body expected him to be successful ex cept his wife , for ho had a largo majority ; to overcome , but together they were sue cosaful. "Aly wife helped mo nobly , " ho said , in talking over his wonderful suc cess. "Sho traveled all over the district with mo , and it waa so largo a ono that it took many weeks to cover it once , and her quiet talk among the women und the men , too , did very much in helping mo of in the tremendous fight I had to make. Wo would drive about the diatrict , and when wo would come to a big rock or tree and there nro plenty of both there I would point on it in largo letters , 'Vote for iludd. ' When wo would find a little knot of minors wo would atop and chat with them , my wife among the women and babies and I talking to the men. The result was that tro were sue- coesful , and the worat surprised man on the day after election was the republican candidate on the other aide , who had no aort of doubt of hit election. " a No Kleciion b > I'roolamntlon , Chicago Herald. When rival interests fulminate conflict , ing proclamations claiming victory ant asserting fraud , a durk and portentou shadow , ominous of 1870 , is cast upoi. the situation. The munuco must give pause to all citizens of the republic who value pence , order , and honor above party success. The utterance of Mr. . Maiming ia unhappily suggestive ol n willingness to be taught by the instructions of J. Madison \Vclls \ and , return them to plague the inventors , a The card to which the name of Jonea is i ehjnod contains with other objectionable 1 gruu , open and palpable falsehoods , I Thero'is no juitilication in the returns ao | fur as received for the assertion that t Dhino has cjrriod either Indiana or Now i York or that West Virginia h in doubt. 1 The duty of the hour ia to allay popular I excitement. The proclamations inflame it The duty of both committees is to ascertain tain facts beyond pcradventuro before ( inserting them. The committees hnv substantially no fuller information than the nowspnpora which assert contrat ; claims The evil , the peril of both lies is an assumption as the foundation of n throat. The Herald believes it voices the honest sentiments of the people o thla country irrespective of pirty as snchtion when it avers that the shame am the injustice of 1870 shall not bo repeated It cannot bo repeated with safety to the nation. Thu election hinges upon the result in Now York. If Blain'a has hon estly and fairly carried Iho stale the electoral toral vote must bo counted for him. Il its vote is fairly for Cleveland it must bo so counted. Frauds practiced by any pirty will ho rebuked. That ia the prcs cnt temper of the country. If the vor dipt of the people ia that the party ad ministration bo changed the verdict will bo recorded , however rebellious the man agora of the icing dominant party. Until that verdict is ascertained by the constitutional methods , until the returns of Now York are fuily and fairly can * vasscd , good citinns will endeavor to nl ay excitement. Meantime the quiet resumption of business ia on obvious ne cessity. JTIIEAKTOb-ournxc ; DIAMONDS. VnnkecH TnkltiR Hold of n Buslncoa Formerly fllonopoli/.od by ( lie Dutch , From tlio Now York Sun , 1n The art of cutting diamonds wan not practiced in this country until 1858 , when Ilonry D. Morse , of Boston , allowed what a Yankee could do at it. Since then the business of cutting has spread , largely from the efforts of work men imported or taught by him , and now there are many workshops in America , chiefly in the largo cities , where diamonds mends are cut to order. The tariff has' boon adjusted BO f s to fester the dia mond-cutting industry horo. Uncut diamonds mends may bo imported duty free , but a heavy duty is imposed on the cut stones. The modern process of diamond-cut ting is much the same aa that which has boon followed for centuries. The wages paid the workmen are about the sumo , as these paid the first-class working jewel- era. Mr. Morse has a machine of his own invention which ho uses , and which ho believes is an improvement on the old method * He mounts two diamonds in a sort of double lathe , using one ngninat the othor. This ia a close imi lotion 3 of the old hand method , in which the diamonds ure cemented each ut thu end of a stick or handle and rubbed to gether with n strong pressure. The diamond dust which results from the process , and ia used for cleaning and polishing diamonds , u called bort. It ia also made by pulverizing amall or imper fect diamonds which are of little value for cutting. The ingenuity of jewelers has been taxed to find use for the small diamond chips which come off in cleav ing. Some of thcao chips are used for cluster diamond jowolry. Many aroused used to represent the eyes of birds and animals. The rae for solitaire atones of late years haa tilled the market with cheap clippings. When Mr. Morao cut the big Virginia diamond in Boston , in 1859 , most jewel ers doubted the possibility of cutting di- amonda in thta country. But gradually the inevitable law of trade tsaertcd itself , and ao profitable business could not longer bo monopolized abroad. There are about n hundred workmen now em ployed in Now York city alone in cutting diamonds , and their wages average $25 n week. The export who decides how a stone shall bo cut docs not always per form the actual labor of cutting , but simply directs the lapidary how to cut BO as to bring out the utmost brilliancy of the stone. It hap pens sometimes that the Drat cutting pro- ducca a comparatively dull stone , nnd thai a skillful cutter takes the same atone , and , although reducing it in size , In creases its value by producing greater brilliancy. Sometimes a part of a atone may bo so hard that it cannot bo polished. I It is not alwayi the hardest ntonos that are most brilliant. With free tradp in uncut diamonds it by a common thing to send considerable quantities in paper bags through the mails between different countries. YOUNG MAIKUAI > TllIS. THE VOLTAIC HUM UOSIPANY , of Marshall Michigan , olfer to Bond their celebrated EI.EO Tine VOLTAIO UKLT and other ELKCTUIO Ar- UANCES on tiinl for thirty days , to men young or old ) alllicted with norvoui debility. OSB of vitality mid manhood , nnd all kindred rouble % Also for rheumatism , neuralgia , aralypiB , and many other diseases. Complete restoration to health , vigor and manhood ' ruarantued. No risk incurred , as thirty dnyH1 rial is allowed. Write thorn at once for illns- .rated pamphlet , f rou. ' OUUUXKN'JWN N'OKTII. \ X Ei'i-rotB BoliiK Hcvculcd by IloHcarcli. A Washington telegram to the Cincin nati Times-Star says ; There ore indlca- ioiis that our northern poasossionswhlch iavo heretofore been practically a ccaled jook to the people of this country , are o become better known to us. The ap pointment of territorial officers for Alas , ni ia seems to have already stimulated re search and adventure in that hitherto un known country , and there are likely to bo some very interesting if not startling lovolopmenta. A telegram received iioro from the commander of ono the revenue vessels in those waters statea that his vessel has just returned from Borne explorations in what hare boon hitherto almost unknown regions of Alaska , and that the discoveries are of a very valuable and Interesting nature. A ) letter just received from San Francisco gives some particulars of the arrival of dipt. Hoaloy there from a tour with a revenue vessel in that section. Ho rescued a party of starving minors and the crow of wrecked whaler far the north , saving ninety-eight persons from a E. horrible death. Ho sent boat 91 a a dis' | y tanco of 350 miles up the Kowgat river , stream hitherto little explored , obtain. Ing some very valuable information about the country and the people , gath ering valuable specimens of minerals , { plants , and birds. Ho explored and photographed a largo and valuable is * land near Bogastofi , captured and de stroyed a lot of liquor which whalers and illicit traders woru preparing to sell to of the natives ; and finally made a trip north to rescue the crow mentioned , encounter ing ice worse than any that Sohley found in his trip north , and in oplte of the facl that lie was twenty-throe clays in an al most constant fog , ho dropped anchor in few roda of the upot lie had stavtru to make on hearing of the Buffering crew. It ia oipecled that between the stimu lated spirit of exploraliau that thn ap pointint'iit of these territorial officers thenieulves , the people of this country will got within the next few mouths more in formation about the distant country than they ever had before. tu -4 ryr Hm w * . - HP' * J"i THE BEST TOM. ? l mcJItMno , combining Iron nllh pnm ' " tnnlri , fjinc'tly ' nn'l rntnnlctely mill NciiriilKln. HHnn tiiilrtllln-rrcmeilj- DkcnsC3ofthe ICIillli > 3 < nilil l.l rr. It Is Inviiliinhlo for Diseases pocullnr Is V.'oinoii.niiil nil \ilio IcmUcilcntary llvos. It docs not lultiro the teeth , cnu c lienilnPhcor prtnltiro conMlpntlon ethT Iron mcillcinn do. It enriches nml juirlflcs thp blood , stlmulntLS tlionppctlle.nlds tlio n linllntlon of llovi-1 Hcnrtbiirn ntxl liclchlng , mid strength- Em the muffles mu ! nerve * . Tor Intermittent Kuvcw , iJiEsltutle , iJick of Iuurpy , Ac. , it 1ms no cqunl. 3- The iremilno 1ms nliovo trmlo murk nnd crossed red lines on rnjiper. Tnke > io other. Knlionljlr llllint.'HlllllKUt , II ) . , IIILTlJinilP , t& . AninmispiteilniHeBRQAD GLAIN < elngtn VERY BEST OPERATING , QUICKEST SELLING AND Ever offered to tlio Diibllc. HAMBUKG-AMEKIOAN DtRKCI LINE FOR ENdLAHD , FRANCE AHD GERMANY. ! The Btonmshlps cf thh well-known line mo built c rou , In water-tight coraparttncnte , and are larnleh lid with every requisite to make the pvusga botl jilo and agreeable. They carry the United States ind Kuropean malls , and Icavo Now Totk Thurs days aad Saturdays for 1'lj mouth ( LONDON ) Cher bor.rK , ( PARIS ) and HAMHURO. Rates : Steerage from Europe only (18. Flrei Cabin , 355 , ees and $7A. HtoeuKO , 2C. Henry Pundt , llnrk Ilauesn , 1' , E. MoorcBJT. T igcntslo Omaha , Oronewcg&Schocntgen , tgentaln Council Bluffa. 0. B : RICHARD ft CO. , Gen. Pisa Agte. , 81 Kroidv.iy , N. Y. Cb&a. Kozmlnakl & Co- General Western Aganta , 170 Waekln tea St. , Ghlca disf.tccs of the Skin and Blood promptly relieved and 1'v.t > ' fl rcrmanir.tlycurcd by reme- iSficciaU'ractlcr , Seminal Vc-l..loss. MiKht Dreams , Pimples on . > ; Kai.eLc.tMaiihocd. , ualtlveti/cHreiltilitrA inoe ttrrbnfniMi , Tte appropriate n..r.edyr fit o.iciused In cachci-te. Consultations , per- 'njt ' cr L/ letter , cacrcdly canfidcntial , Med. r att cr-t bv f.Iail.-.nd n.-cpress. No rnart-a on arc to indicate contcuU or sender. Address ; r .5A:1ESNo.204WajhinalonSi.Chcagolll ! : VIGOR For lien. Quick , mro , life. I > o k fr * . W ClT'-la Ae nry , IM Fulton M. , New Yorl VIctlmsofyontbfullinprudenco.causlnRNorToueDe- nlity. 1'romaturo Decay , and all disoid re lironslit on Indircrotlon or ticfBs.will learn ot.i.Ar.i u remedy. free.byaddresslmeJ. 11. JtUC N.y DR.HORNE'SELEGTRIGBELT . . * * * ti r VIll euro Nervonir.osn , I.umlmi-n , Khi'iimallHm I'arft'VJls illir/llKlH , S. Ullhll , 1.1,111. . ) , hpllio anil I. Ml ' " " " tout , Ablhm.i , lU-iirt iJUfiis. . Ol > tp phl , wiiMtlim'l u 11 Ipi'lilH ( iitnnli , IMIe , I | iili < psv liuiii'tiiiM , IMin b A u 'rolapsui rterl etc On ) ; n iLiultli I it r UP IMi in AIIKT ca ttmt hfiulH tliu l.lci till lU unii tiuiciiKi 1,111 thioivh the todj , uud titu bu rcctiaruktl lu uu Inbuilt by tbu | > .uluDt * Winter ID coming , the Reason o the ycnr for m'hcc nd pains , Invlovrof this fact otay buy ono of 'r. llorijo'a Klcctrlo Celts. By BO Aolny you will \oM Rheumatism , Kidney Troubles and other Ills hat flesh Id heir to. Donotdelaj. hut call at our Dice arid examine belts , No. 1422 DoURlaa ntroet , ct F OuodraanV , 1110 Farnam St.OmahaNeb. Oren - en fll'od ' 0 O D J. , of on , C sa Awet 6S.ISl.ZM veatonester.H , T , , Oipltil .CW.CW. - . N. J. , CurJUI ' 1S76C09. - -i.cco i 'P& W jfviom ! IB DKOID UV Royal Havana Lottery I ( A aOVKIlNUENT INSTITUTION. ) rawn at Havana , fluba , Every 12 to 14 Days. nOHCTO , $2.00 , . IULVE3.11.00 Subject to no manipulation , not controlled by th parties tn Interest , It li the fairest thing lath lature of chanoo In exlatence. Forlnlormatlonand particular * apply toSHISEV , CO.Oen. Acente , 121 ! llroadwav , it V. city. . KAUI1 & CO. , 417 Walnut > treotBi. Loull , Uo Frank Ixibrano , L. D , , SO Wywidotte , UAH , 21-inAe & w Iv Health is Wealth ! DB..K.C. W mil's N HT ADD UBAIN TKHABUXNT , a uaroutecd ipedflo for Hysteria , I ) tzlneta , Ccnvul. lone , Fits , Nervous Neuralgia , Headache , Nervous lrostratlon canted by the use of aloohol or tobbacco , WakvfulDOKa. Mental deprceelon. 6olteuln of the brain , risultlnvr In Inoanlty and leopinK to misery , Jecay wid death , Premature Old ago , Baronesa , loss power lu cither atx , lovolunUry IKJBSU.I nnd Hptr matorhora caused by over excrtlontof the brain , self ibu.i or over Indulgence , rixch box , contains one Diontii'd treatment. Jl.OOaboi.or liz bottleo for li.PO tint by wall , repaid on receipt of prlpo , WE UUAUANTKi : SIX BOXB ] To cure ny case. With each order received by us lot elx bottles , accoraullthvd with , wo will feed the purchaser our Mrlttvu Kuarantoo to refund let mcney If the trfitmomdoea not effect a onro. Oun intooj Issued otly by JOHN 0 : WKST & CO , . jy iS-m&a rr M2 iladltou 8t. , Chlcaeo , III. JAS. H PEABODY , M , D. Physic an < & Burgeon RwlWence No. 1407 Jonen St Office No.H03Far mm etnit Otlice hours 12 in. to i p. in and fioin S ) ' , in. T l-pnouo for cttico 97 , lesldeucc Its , The remarkable growth of Ornnlm , during the last few years ia a matter ol great astonishment to those who pay an occasional visit to this growing city. The development of the Stock Yardn the necessity of the Bolt Line Rend the finely paved streets the hundreds of now rosktencoa and costly business blocks with the population of our city moro than doubled in the Innt five years. All this in a great eurprino to visitors nnd is thp admiration of our citizens. This ropitl growth , the buoinoan activity , and the many nubstantial Improvements mad < > a lively demand for Omaha real estate , and every investor hna made a handsome profit. Slnao the Wall Street panic last May , with the subsequent cry of hard times , there has been less demand from specula tors , but a fair demand from investors Booking homos. This latter class are taking advantage of low prices in build ing material and are seen ring their homec at much less cost than will bo possible ) a year honco. Speculators , too can buy real csta13 cheaper now and ought ta take advant present prices for fntur profi s Th few yoara promiaoa groato avo' ' jpmenta In Omaha than the pat 11 > years , which have been as good at wo could reasonably desire. Now m as ufactnring establishments and largo an- bing houses ara added almost weekly , job all add to the prosperity of Omaha. acJ There are many in Omaha and through out the State , who have their money ia the banks drawing a nominal rate of n- torost , which , if judiciously Invested In Omaha rop.l estate , would bring them much greater returns. Wo have many bargains -which wo confident trill bring the purchaser largo profits in the near future. We have for sale the finest resi dence property in the north ami western parts of the city. North we huvo fine lots at reason able prices on Sherman avenue , 17lh , 18th , liHli and 20th streets. Wosb on Farnuin. Davenport , Cuming , and all the leading streets in that direction. The grading of Paniain , Califor nia and Davenport streets has made accessible Borne of the finest and iheapeht residence property in ( he city , and with the building of the street car line out Farnam , the pro perty in the western part of the city will increase in value. Wo also have the agency for the Syndicate and Stock Yards proper ty in the south part of the city. The developments made in this s by the Slock Yards Company rmd ihe railroads will certainly double ; he price in a short tin-it We also have some fine business ota nnd some elegant inside rc i- lence ? for sale , Parties wishing toiiv : if , will find some good b tirg niiiu b > cunng on u BROKERS. 213 South ! 4th Bob teen Farnham nnd Douglas. P. S , We nsk those who have' property for sale at a bargain to gjve > j us a callWe want only bargains. We will positively not handle prop erty at more than its real value.