Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 10, 1884, Image 1
OMAHA AILY H .H ji , /a FOURTEENTH TEAR. OMAHA , NEB. , MONDAY MOHMN6 , NOVEMBER 10 , 1884. NO. 122 THE POT AHDSTHE KETTLE An Allegory SnggeslcflliylliB Conn ter-AccnsaliQiis cf Fraud. A Pot and a Kettle , Side Side On the Gloaming Coals of th Kitohon Hearth , Sang Lustily Up the Okinmej Wide The Vaporous Lays of Their Nobl Worth , "I ETJoios , " Sang tko Pot , "That I'm ' Not Blaok Like that Rascally Kettle Over There , " When Ohanted the Kettle Prompt ly Back , "By the Side of Your Coat Mine is Spotless Fair. " At Xhis Botli JUoi'cil ' Over and Al most KvtliiKiilBliea lliu Viro Hint GiiTC Tin in Volco. Moral : JMuin'a tlio AVortl , CONViDENCK. HOME HEASONS WHY NK1THKK PAKTY HIIOUL1 K\UI.T Oil YKT DU.Sl'AIIt , HUT BIDK THE UK- SUI.T IN PATIENCE. Special Dispatch to THK BEE. NKW YOIIK , November ! ) . Tha week closed with tlio republican state and national c.iir. niittses still believing that the electoral votes of New York state xvill be cvit for Blaine and Logan , Careful examination of the re turns has boon In progress all day and errors and discrepancies have been discovered which cut down the alleg-d Cleveland pluralticH in a manner to alarm the u.oat sanguine democrat , while it ia also a fact that discrepancies have bean discovered in some instanced in favor of Cleveland , it nil shown tint nothing ; ia cer tain , attl cannot be until the official vote is announced. Tha most important error yet disc , vend was in one of the districta ot this city , where 4GO votes were added to Bliino'a plurality. But this is not the only one. In ( Queens county , hong Inland , 700 democratic votes were found ta have been added to the Cleveland column after tlio result ha-l been announced and the polls clo od. Another in- cidentof thocoofusiun of affairs ia reported from Weslchester countyxvhero one of thoilemocratio election officers , went and p-cit drunk with his friends with the returns in hid coal pocket , and xvas only captured and brought buck after a deputy sheriff had been on his track for BOX-- eial hours. Again , in onn of the election dis- trictn in Ulster county , Clevelnnd's p'urality exceeds total registered vote of the district. Thoeo facts nre all in the hands of the repub- lic'in national committee , and it is safe tj cay tint they will make the moat of them , A dispatch to the committee from the upper part of tnis state says : "The Butler votes here x\cru counted for Cleveland. The tickets were the same size and thickness. It is alleged by Butler managers hern tint the same thlncr has been done elsewhere1. " The committee has re ceived dispatcher Irani four counties giving in substance the forepomg information. The committee has positive evidence of fraud in fitteun counties. Secretary Fessonden , of the republican national ommitteo , was ask.d to-day "Do yon believe the democrats are attempt' ing any frauds-1 "I nm not willing " was the reply , "to make any allegations to that effect , although I should not bo surprised in the least to hoar that fraudrt had been perpe-trat-xl by tbij democrats. Blaine evidently thiuks there liavo been underhand tactics somewhere , nud perhaps he ia riglit. Certainly lie would not make mich a statement until he had pretty ( rood grounds on w Inch to base it. Wo don t like tha appearance of these -callcd 'am ended' returns , and aril taking every pieciu * tioii to tea that no dishonest methods uio car rier ! Into effect. " "D.i you think the republican ) have carried tha htatt ? " "Tlio lepub'icana have ca-ricd thof tatc , nnd according to our firnrcx , xvhirh have been gene over very cirofu'ly ' , Blainu'a plurality xvill raugu li tweon 11CO and 1100 Wo feel quito cheerful over the situation. In a close clep. ti'in like thin , it lit thu duty of every patiwtic riti/.en to i\void saying or douu anything of an Intl.imntory character. This course < > ur national committee has tludioualy pnr- hiied , No good purpose can beseemed seemed by working up exoltabla people into a white heat. In duo time tha official figinoi will > > peak fur themselves , and we feel certain that ihey will speak tor lilalna. Should it happen , however , that Cleveland had a plural ity of the voted , wo tliall bow to the will of tha people , and will do it with good grace , " Chairman Jones nald : "We have not yet surrendered and have no idea of doing BO. , Our banner in out , and i-hall swing until it ia shown that wo have bseu vanquished. Wo Htill niaiutaiu that New York state IB oure , and the only danger ii a falaa count , There h nothing now that wo hear , the situation being substantially us it was yesterday. The incendiary course of soiuo Cleveland papers is ( imply outrageous. " WiN'H 1JAI ) KVE. II SKKH bOMK INTKllKHTINO AND WITH ALL PLAUSIBLE CIIOOKKDNESH IN THK "BODY 1'OUTIO" UK IOKH ) NOT CONOEUE CLKVK * I.AND't ) KLKUTJON XVHKHB JAY GOULD IS IIUTI.Eli'a VOTI-M I'OH CLEVELAND. WASHINGTON , November 8 , General But ler la not one of those who belieto that Gro ver Cleveland hi * a majority of thu vote * of the atato of New York , nor does ho intend to allow himself to bo frightened by any ham. muring upon Tom Toms , or throats like those which llli Imrtl T. Morrlck made lft t night , "tint Cleveland must bo inaugurated peace , ably if wo can , forcibly it wo must. " Butler was asked this evening whdt ho thought of the result In tha utato of New York , lloaaldl do not know the result , no body knows the ro suit yet. Wo know that the vote is xory close in New York , mid it will require tin1 of ficial count to I'ctermino who his Ienu , elected , The republicans admit only that on the facf of thn returns , Cleveland hasasitihll plurality. This Is all. Tlmtj , that in a toUl of 1,2 0 , COO x-otps , tlin footing ! show him to bo n llltlo in tha load , Hoiv inniiy errors there nro in the rnluriH inndo , < ir in the footings , nothing biit the official canvass can toll , I dent bo- llevo it 114 possible for any act of men to font upl.2'KOUO ! ' ) votes separately us cast I the different precincts , without miking mis tnkoi. I feel quite ) certain that otrota will I : discovered. They mtiy bo In Cleveland' favor or they iniy elect Blaine. Why , loot nt Massachusetts. The day after the olectio it was given out that Dlaine's plurnllty wa 10,000 , when in fuel it w.ii 23OwO. No * there is no state in this union that collect election returns so rapidly ns MaMachusotti There la no pulling place more than live mile f loin a railway etirtion. We ) , you could pu four such states as Massa ImsotU In Now Ymk , and yet it ia pn-tumlod tint wo liav the con-ret returns from tint state. " "Jay Gould hai sent his cougratulationa t < Governor Cleveland , " was another suggestion of the repirtor. "Ye ? , I know1 rjspondcd the General "Last night , 80.000 mou were marching in th city of Now York nnd Hinging. 'Il.ingJny Gould to n eour apple tree , now , Gould gu frightened. " "It wouldn't hive scared me , added Gen. Bntlor , drawing himaalf up "Guiild didn't want to bo hung to n sour iippl brco , so ho takes an ui\rly opportunity to satia Fy his would-booxocutiouera by congratulatlni -iovernor Cleveland. He know that if th 'inures ' should change end elect Bl.ilnu hi : i'iiiratuhitory ' ; dispatch would not do him an } lann while in any event it might save hin -rouble. Now I don't know ; but I Oulluvc joidd was ns mucli in favor of Cleveland ni o Ubiue. 1 do know that Yanderbilt rodu t\vi loreos ; he tout Depew out to speak for JHuiiu nnd ho gave Governor Cleveland SlEO COD. T shall wait for the official icturns of thu vote o New York. " Gen , Butler received to-night a dbpatql from I'ittsbute' which said : , 'iYonr vvta , ii in some of the counties of Now York stat'i lias been counted for Cleveland. Do you wan it investigated ? " Gen. Butler telpgraphed back : "Invent ! jato It , of course. " IIu says he knows nothing more about the natter than what the dispatch states , excopi .hat ho U advised that UH persons who BC-IV , ho dispatch are respnnsible , intelligout , urn lunorablo men , who would not bo _ likuly to inko such statements unless they hnd some v reasons for it.j f DOWN IN LilXIK. HOW SOUTHKIIN CHIVALKY 1IOWLKI ) INTIIK VK1IVO Of ITS JOV AT TUB DXXIOSKUT'S SUl'l'O I- ! TIOUH HUCUKSS. l Special telegram to THK BKE. CHICAGO , November 9. In Boveral of Ihe ; sal-thorn cities last night thu demonstrations : of Iho democrats iu honor of tha "election ol ; Cleveland and Hondricks" partook in many features of thn semblance of xvar times. Montgomery , Alabama , was paitted red in honor of tha suppcsed victory of Cloxeland and Ilendricks. Such a calebrnlion has never been xvitnesscd iu the history of thu , city. Agreeable to Chairman ( Jorinan's in . ttructioiis the town xvas Boon agloxv xvitli tteir feelings. The streets xvere packed xvith 111311 bent on turning thiugj upddo doxvn in Ala bama. Field artillery was ( ired100 rounds in succession from the court tqunru. A torch light procession marched through thu princi pal Btreels , la xvas the outburst of long awaited Rl.-iilnaus , and the democrats have novcr Hojoyed such un occasion in Montgom ery's history. At I'arkcrBburtr . Va. , there was no con certeddemoiihtration , but gangs paraded the streets yelling and blowing liorus. Chairman Leonard , of the ttat-j democratic committee , mailu a fpasch to a large crowd at hia iesl * denco. lie was confident in hia claims , and stated that Cleveland had been fairly elected and xvould taltu his seat : that the "fraud of 70" would not bo ropeated. Party feeling is high and several airray.shavo taken place , but uoiio fatal at thu present lime. COUJIAGK. SOMKTIIINi ; ON I1KMOCKAT10 HHOW-IIEATINQ AND KKl'L-IIHCAN NKIIVK AND TKNACITV. . ppiul telegram to the BKE. NKW YOIIK , November 8. The situation ia Now Yoik , aa we are informed trom the high- it authority , improved all day yesterday. A entlemtl in poaeussion of facts , who is of the lighest character , cool , calm , truthful and up- 0 ght one who would not patiautly submit to 10 false counting of a sitglo vote , yesterday out the following private dispatch : "I be- 1 eve we have New York and are going to hold ; . We certainly will if our own party ia not ampeded and frightened Ivy tlio bull-dozing ttitudo of the demo.rats iud the blustering YBtorical proclamation of Barnum acd the j'.iuuid committee. They cry fraud cantinu- . llv In the public cur while plying their last esort wf further fraud in every county in the ; atc , and they howl coipoiation and corrnp- un while their plota to tuvorao the majority ' or Blaine in tliia Btatu are bcint ; formed in i loollicoaof Vuniorbilt , ( Jurratt and Gould , { ud money to carry them out is being Inr- iahed by tii'w plntocrnti. Damu-.ratie moba ro H'lit howling through the btrcctt hoio to rlghten tha republican national committee nil to terrify the party and iotimldnto public linion , they nru purbiiinz this bulldo/.ini ; and itimidating policy nnd tlireatcuing to cause panic in the republican line. If the repub- cans of tha country htand lirm and flay we iropos3 to have a fair count in Now York and o have every vote cast for ns , as King , noth- ng more accepting , uotbineloHH we shall have. Jur own electoral vote of Now York by tlio lajurity given ua at the jtolls , can inaugurate luine if ha Ia ckctuil , ai ho ia ; but if our . looplo can be bullied into panic , the democrat- c game of brag and intimidation will succeed , 'he courage of the republican party will car- ainly come up to the situation , BO I believe vo will win. " AVOIjKl WOW- ' : 1I 1b EW YOIIK DKMOCIIATH I1EOHV ALLEOKD IlKPt'II t b MOAN KllAUDH. i NKW YOUK , November ! ) . HeasJquarters of I M Democrutfc State Committed , November a , 1881. We desm it our duty to announce to e i jo people of the etute that the republican I nanagers have within the last forty-eight i lours conceived n new echeuio for throwing I f I gain into dispute the result of the election in v ur state. Kor several days after the election i in they in entire bad faith claimed for the ro-1 publican candidntcm several states which they | kne-w they hid not carried. In the BHIIIO bad faith , wlii-u bvrry aonnv of Information inclu ding the associated proas , lmi dfinonstrnti-d that the vote of Now York Ims been giveu to the Clcvrland floe- torj , thiy still claim HID nUtis No fact of history U imw better known than that the results > .f the election , aa ascertained , dcclaiud and crrtllipcl by the uh-ction olll cera , and of the public record lhrotuh lit the atato give Now York to the ClnvcUud clec- tow by a dfrMvo plurality , Thesii public uortifiiHl leturns lm\e been ifcd ( in the n'v- oral r luntlts by both p.utii\s with the most oonsciuntioiH cue during the l.ixt four dayn until every possible liouut in tit thn roMtlt has boon lomoved , Knowing this fact they now proposi1 , aa a last desperate resort , to mnko of the boarda tjf county oauviis9 ( < r throughout the rtato where controlled by them no many irtmnint' boarda alter tlio pat tern of those not long tinco uied by thorn in the southern status. Wherever thn boards fail them , judicial mdora are t'.i be applied for. Thus relying upon the parli nnshlp of the lmv < h in the firrt plnco.iud the juilgea of their own political faith In the second. They intend and expect to throw both in dispute the ro-w t of the I'luctiou and involve it in iutermin > nblo litigation. To this end printed paper * have boon sent by them to their ngonts and representatives in every county in llio ftato of Now York to bo used with the courts \vhpuover an oc- CAMOU can bo inauufnittircd , Uf the entire reliability of our information na to this scheme there can bo no qiustiou. Wo call upm : the reprcHOiittitivoa of thu parly in the various counties in this state to bo ai-rt ! nud by every proper mellioil to resist and defeat tnii lost ilo'perato device , awl mindful of the good cou- eeqnences to them and the bnsinuaaintereetaof nur elite , which such a conspiracy "necessarily involvis , oii'l ' wodoFiii it our duty to nt-siuo nur people who have now generally ncrntiicuil in thaitsult ihit thsy may coulidoutly rely tint by no Mich pchurno or davlco will the state bo deprived of the result of ita deliberate - ate y > ice. It may disturb and protract the , ilflibiratlon , but it will not clnngo the re.-ult. ( SiRiied ) W. K. SMITH , Kxecntivo Committeo. NKW Y.OUIC. NKwYonK. November 8. The Sun says : "Tho most remarkable f on turo of till * exceed ingly close election has been the discrepancy of the various computations of the result iu Noxv York state , offered to the public by va rious sources. Not only Imvo both sides claimed a plurality , but their estimates have , ililTerod aa much as 20,000. Although it was : ixpparont Wednesday that the result must bo , very close , the returns collected by the Sim From every county in the state have , from the first , indicated a small plurality for Cleveland , and xvhen this haa been : sloxvly cut down as the corrected figures reached ua , it seems noxv tij have reaciied u > nint where comparatively little chungn ia likely to bo made by future revision. While Lhe associated press returns from election ills- rlcta npioxr to X'ary conriderably from our igurcs and to give Mime countenance to _ the laim of the republican national committee hut lilnino has carried the Btate by a email durality , yet wo Imvu BO far been unable to lieceru any reason for expecting any itateiial ihango in the reault , as shown by our own inrefnllv collected returns which give Clove- anil a plurality of 120(1 ( in tliia htato. " The Times computea Cleveland' * plurality t 1,300 , the Herald at 1)0 ! ) 3 , and the World .t 1-l-J I. The Tribune Fays the ollicial count i-ill bo iudlspcnsablu to dntermiuo. CLEVELAND'S 1-LU11AMT1. . The Commercial Advertiser ( Kop ) pays : "It eema generally conceded by Uxv abiding cltl- . ona hero that the otUcIalcoxint must determine vim carried Now York Btate. Tharo in no , Imposition on the part of republicans to dnny , ho claims advnncutl by the democrats. The argost vote ever cast xvaa polled November y th , exceeding 1,000,000 , , and out of this iin- ncnso x-oto neither party claims a plurality of nero thau1JOO. / . Which party Una plurality ieloii8 ! to xvill bo dot rminod by a body ospo- ially constituted by law for the purpose , and 11 xvhich uvery toosonablo mail place * tlio ut * lost confi.lonco. einco morning no change in he votu of the Btato has IIBHII reported. Cleveland's plurality then stood 1-ICO. " THE EXCITEMENT OVEB. NKXV Yomc , November 8 , 1 O p. m. Thn lection oxi/it-iinotit / in Brooklyn ia ux-er , and i iiisint'iH ia lesiimed. The bulletin boarda and f elegraph ollicea are deserted by thu hereto- .ire expectant crowds , The cnmmitteu of lo/tocrata who are comparing the returns of f ho presidential , completed their labors o-day. It xvaa found that the txyo Beta of eturna agree exactly. The o'licial ' vntii of familton county is , Clavland 507 ; Blaii.e , 21 ; fit John , Ul ; Butler , .1. Tiio txvo pets compared xvero those delivered the county clerks and to the police ommissionera. NKXV YORK , November S. The bureau of lections of this city , of which John J. O'Brien supervisor , claims to hax'O a discrepancy of 25 votes in favor uf Blaine , The laxvyorH1 Dinmittee , examining returns for two da > H. mud them correct. The county democracy eld an impromptu mooting to-night and rip- ointed a committee to arrange for a mooting ir a celebration over the election of thn lloveland nnd llemlricks local ticket. Kllery pr .nderson presided. Mr , Anderson said John an olly hid been taught that hn xx-oiild not bu of ilerated as "boos , Other local speakers th mdu aildrHSsua , in xvhich they excoriated cu 'annually hall and declared thu people would pr > t submit to being again counted out. A no solution xx-au adopted calling for Rxvorn in- in I irrnution as to Belling out known t > i have taken of Inca on election day. NKW YOIIK.November R. Thu merchants led a meeting at the Academy of Music to- iglit to cqlubrato thu election of Cluveland BP id lleiidncka. All thuexclmugoa ml trades sei mt were represented In the p-irade on JNo- seiTl iitilini * lafufttif : , lilomitin.iu M lia lillllnillt/ Tl raa packed , although a notice of the meeting ai first given out only yesterday. The cn- msiaani was extreme. Carl Hciiurxyas mvt i itli tha wildest Kind of n reception , 'He mid nimiel J. Karidall sat togethnr near the lairmau , August lielmont. J\lr. \ lieliiiont , : hia opening address , Haid tlint thu JOIIKI- 6tlo patty had xvon a xictory , ami nothing oulcl be alloweil to Interfere xviih Cloveland'a lauguration , Kvury time this sentiment iiH L-xirCHel | during the uvmiiug the building look with apjilauso. Whou Carl was itroduced there xvas another tor- ado. Air , HclinrBald ; "I tn hare to extend congratulalloni in ono of noiiuleiicndentrepiiblicanii xvha felt it their uty to turn their Incko upon the cainlldato ' thulr own paity and support Gov , CIovu- jnd [ great clie&ringjj thu exponent ami rnpro * putative of official integrity and administra te refi rm , [ Ureat chcuring , ] I apprehend liat this la not a more party triumph , in the arrow use of the word , but emphatically the Ictorv of honest government in America , and > national honor in the oycx of the whole rorld. [ Cheers , ] Its greatness cannot bo leoBured by the sUe of our own majority , for iu majority Is not very 1ft rgr. Imtlt may b uiiMSurcd by the power xvn ha > f > hid to over como. and tliogroatne-'s of the troults it.lnxsnc compllshed. and is ntlll lieatliieiltonrcoinpli'l I nm candidly of the opinion that it xvc hai failed this time the powerful inter i-U cluster In ) ? iirouml the ruling putty , uni'nr ' thn leade they then xx-oulil Imvo hnd , xvtuild in a fcx yrarc , | M < rhaM | , been strong and daring I'lionuli , il not to eiirrupt t ro < ist and n battle thn piuiieful expre'slim nf it , . I re | ja my prediction that , a * long n you and I am our children , ami their children live , no pol illcal party in the United Slate * will d ro ti nomiiiitto a innn for the prc-sidancy xvhosi liiimla are not clean. " ' Mr. 8chui7. cmtcltuletl by rvtolliiig Oov Clsvoland and WM contlntHUsly elii-nied. Daniel Dougherty , i f 1'hila-lelphia , In t chort ailditvR taid : " 'Orovcr ' Cli-vchuid 1ms been elected nnd , by the living (5od , nil thn poxvrrs on rarth ai.d in hell ( hall novrr tear Iho purple fiom his Blumliterd.1 Mayor-elect Gmco Ui made an addro 3 , Sniuuel.1. Itandall met with n very demon nlratlvo reception , In the coursa of hit w maika KiitnUllniid : "U'o iIoinAiid that the Inuulrods of millions accumulated in the lTnlt- ed Htntoa trc.-uuty , agiiinst which there is m claim , shall bo Immediately Jut loom ami tike ita xvnntod placa in the clmnftpln of m-inufac- turo and commerceI * y ilellbcralcly that any wrong shall tike : from thn American. people ple the fruit-iof thla , ictoty , xvhich they nchievoil , xvill ho resisted In ox cry proper and legitimate xvay. ' Kx-Unltiil Stales Senator ( .onion , of IS our- ga ! , HXiul that for thu tirst tima iu a quarter of a century ho could invct hli linarers in hla fel- loxv countrymen. "Kor the lirrt time since Iho hostile cnns of the north Mid south coated to thunder , I foci that I am your equal In our common country. 1 can stand bofmv you to night and faluto your ling tn my own , The mime blood rousea through your veins at mine. Wo hwo liberty , xvo love peed Roxernui'iit and , by the God of the fathers , xx-n intniul to stand with you in the fnturo for It. To you Lhia triumph is a now north ; t\i the fontli 1C is ix resurrection. " [ Great cheering , ] Uesoluti'iuH ' xvero adopted coiiRratnlatlng the business men of the country on tha elec tion of Cleveland and iroudrlcks , airl express ing the opinion that tlio nation xvas noxv aa- Bured of four year * of pure government by a capable and honest iiiiin , From all part * of the country conica reporU uf meeting * held to-night xvhich the demo- cratiu national committim called through the iissociated press lust night. In Bpeechoi and resolutions all are in line xvitli the meeting in Now York. The illuminations are nuneial in iho Bouth. " . { VANDEIIIIILT CONdltATULAIKS CLKVKLANl ) . ALBANY , Novor.-.ber 8. No diminution in ho congratulatory despatches that xvero re- elved by Cluveland to-day. Col , Lament , ho governor'n private secrotaty , and several ittaches of the ollicu wore coimtunlly om- iloyed opening and arranging the imwmfroH. Vt least 40 ,0 Of tlioso have been received dnr ii ( , ' tlio luct two or three days , nnd they hnvo omo from neatly oxery etato in the union , Dho qovornor'a mail IB also very largo , The ixeciitivo chamber xvaa thronged xvith vlsitorn ill day and many of thorn ehook Cleveland by ho hand. Amoug the callers xvas e.\-Secro- ary Uristow. Tlio following letter was ru- eived l-y Clovclnnd from Win. II. A'ander- iiit : "lion. Grover Clovelnnd MyDoar Sir : I ongratiilato you nnd tha people of thu vholu imntry upon your election to the presidency f the United States. You oxvo your election , i my judgement , to the fact that the peoplu olloved you to bo an honest , man and not to ny particular oltorta made by any faction of itlior the democratic or republican parties. iidopondent men xvho care moro for good gov- rnmont thnn for pai ties or-lndividuitla have mdo you their choice because they xvero con- Incod that your ndminlatration would not bo .ir the benelit of any politicft organization or dvored perHon , but for tlnf-lntacat' thu hole people. ThU is juat ii'JToatiltsxvhioh it ] lost deshed. Wo liavu ro/iched a time xvhon party amounts to little. The country ii bovo all and xvantB an honest government by louest men. The belief that xvo xvill find it in on < has led to your election. YOUM rcry truly , W. JI. VANDKIIIIII. ! ' . NKW YOIIK , November 7 , 1S8I. STAND t'ASf ! NKW YOUK , Novembjr 8. The following ddreaa is isaiied by the republican national jmmiteee thia evening : ItKi'biiLiuAN NATIONAL IlKAnijuAUTKits , 1 NKW yoilK , November 8. ( Thejrepublican natlonnl committee are talc- ig the most careful and thorough measures to icertain errors , if any Imvo been committoJ , the returns uf the late election in thu state Nuw York. If Mr. Cleveland shall bo mud to liuvo u ] > 1iir.-ility of ono vote a prompt cquiescpiiua will follow from tha republicans ihu United .State * . H Air. IHtino Bhall bo mild to hayu a plurality of only onu votu rompt acquiosceiiL-a will bs expected from 10 democrats of the I'njted States. The be ef of thia committee , fo-mded upon invest ! atiou , lilaino lim a plurality of Buvoral undrt-d votes , ami if that bo BO ex-ery honest nm xvill demand that it bu olliuially declared. fntil the ollicial ducluritii/n shall bJ made xvu ik the pulicu to unlti ) xvith us in an honorable fort to neinr ) a perfectly hoiiuBt count , urity in nloctioiia is the only B.-iloty for re- iiblican iiiHtitutlons. ( Signed ) 1 $ . F. JONKS , Chairman. S. KEHSSNIIEN , Boeretary. A IIKUOI-IIATIU CUAIII ) . IfF.xv YOIIK , November 8 , About iifty rominont democratic 1-iwycin motto-night id ( linin . - ( : ( tin ) laxv relating to the boaids county canvoHsorH in the varioun contiea iroughoiit the Btatu , Thn rnsult of the dia- iH-ion ia that democratic hiwyurs will bo resent at every board of canvahsoM TucHihy 3Xt , for the purpose of taking prompt action case any ille'gal act U attempted on the part thu canvasxerH , CLBVCLANIl'd HUNIUVJIOIIK IIKVIHIONM. AI.IJANV , November II. Governor Cleveland lent to-day quietly. Ho attendee ! morning irvices at the fourth I'nmbytcriaii church. ho afternoon nnd livening ho paHaed at the cecutivu maiiHion with the oxccptiim of an inr or so at the executive chamber , attending private ui > r. eflpondeiicu , Tlio vote of the unity of Albany wai carefully rovinod lust luht ami thu plurality found to bu 05ii ( | 113 toad ( > IO. CIvxlHiul's plurality in the stut-o nc- irdlng tuillicinl ligurca teuolvod by Chuirmau , lanuing'from the couoty clerk , ia 1'Jdl , , NOTIOS. , . XVATCIIJNO fllK I-OOI.S , o , November H. A great comma * , on was caused this morning over thu minor , mt a prominent poolaollur had decamped 'itli thu money placed xvitli him on the ru- i irrm of the presidential election. The rumor tterwards proved untrue , COMMKNT Oh' I1KITIHII I-AI'KIIH. LONDON. November 8. Tlio TimcH eays : It is unlikely there will bu a xeriuns nttompt conteet thu result uf the eiluclion iu Am- rica. Blaine is a man of great gifts end an ccompliahed speaker , hut IIH has , utifortn * ately , identified himsdlf xvith Bpocnlativo , s and nioniod Intere to. ( 'levelnml hnn fiMvbrilll int qualities. IIU public course has I ten conip-nuivoly brict hiid modi at , but lie has Minwn se-nje cf public duty , niiil will faithfully illseh.xtge hia tru i xvitlimit favoring either the mnijimtpi of Wall street or the ilomniiogue * . HU to bo hnped H.-xynrd xvill accept the otilco under nipvplaud. Itaynrd Ii a man of the hluhext lutegiitv mid ability and not adi crcdit to the bent triidi'ioni of Ameriean diplomacy , The democrats must know thny are true tn the principles of polities ! purity anil administra tive refiv-m The rwmt electoral contests , osprcinlly on the republican iilo. has dli. cliued iho oxlatenco of wldo proad corruption wliioi has alarmed lionomblj mou in nil I.OflSIASA'.l rONllli. NKW OUI.KANH , Niixptnlnir Thofollnxving xvill bo the l.ouUiatmdelrj'itioii to oongross : Kirst district S. 11. Mmtiu , democratic. Second district - Mi haul I Inhr lepubllean. Third ilUtiict l-Mwanl Gay , di > mocrutic. Fourth district X , C. lllaiichnid , demo cratic. Kiflhdinrtct-,1. Kloyd King. diMimcralio. Sixth district- . Herivlor , Uomojratlc. .IOLI.X TKX.XNS. GAI.vicsitlN , , NovoiuborH. Tliodein. ocrats for the third time iu as many d iyn are : elubrallng by the liring of canon ovi r Cluvo- and'a election. Several tlionsxnd people nro gathered In I'rcniont i.troot. The day Is given ip to jollification , I'tuliiosa U uoarly BUI- eniiiil. TUB COAST STATKS. } .XN KnANri co , Xovembor 1' ) . With three counties to hear from Califoi ni.t gave Blaine s ! > , tW.-i , Cleveland 77f-0i. : Butler ! , St. John S'J" ' ; lllaliio'a majority. lO.illO. The lepubli- ana elected a full e'ligrcs-lonal delegation if Ii. With onn county to hear from Nevada gives tliklno T.OS'.t ' , Cleveland tvUKIj Bluiiio's majorl , y no far , 1,1'Sil. Nothing like completn returns can lia ob- alnadfrom Drtgon , but it is know IHnino'i ) najority in thu stktn xvill bo fully 2,000. MISSIMJHI. Sr. Louis , Nov. . Secretnry of State ilc ( > rath , In teply to an Inquiry from an \BeociKtvd 1'reM reporter. Hays : "In this tate the olliai'.d returns are nut opmiud and ouiitod until nil the countlra am in , but I iavo apodal ruturns from I ! ' . ) counties and St .ouis eily , nml from tliopo and a computation if voles iu the -15 counties not heard from I : oncludu that Clex'eland'g t'loctom xvill iavo 17,000 to UJ.COO majority over .ho . fntion clectois ; that Murmnduko'x ilurallty for governor will bo about .100 mid da majority not more than fi,0i)0B'ookx ) , irohibition for govei nor , xvill have 8,000 to iiOOJ votes. The dtato Bonato xvill ] irobably tniul twenty-live dumocratu , ninety op o- ition nnd thn hoiiso 1(0 ( domourata , forty op- Hwitioi ) , which Is a democratic lo.-m of ton ur leven in the legislature. IDAHO. CAUIXVEU , , Nox-ombor 8 , Indications now mint to thu election of llailuy for delegate. Is ! majority foots tip nbout 12JO xvith thu orthorn coiinties to near from , which xvill bu i favor of Hncisflr , but it is not thuught they ill overcome Iluiley's majority. HBKKSIAX. IIKCOUNHKI.S COOLNUSS AND IIODKIIATION. lanaliulil , O , , Special. /The Manpliuld Ilerpld publishes this ove- ing the folioing interview xviih Senator lierman. In anawer to impiriea the senator aid : "It la manifest that thti result of the alec- on dependfi upon the state of Now York. 1 ssumo that Indiana and Virginia are dumo- ratio und Michigan and \Vi conin are ro- ubllcan. The xotoot Noxv York will glx-o a inall plurnlity to cither.lllaino or Cleveland ud uuncluaivoly' 'toltlo ' thii'-i cotiwst. in aver of the candldatu for xvhom t votea. I have bolloved until c-day that No * > York had x-otid for Blaine' , xvas BO HHsnrml hist nicht by thu National ejinbhcan committee. I tliinic so yet , upon iieful examination of nil thu paptraund ru- nils of to day ; but thu estimate of the Now fttrk Sun to-day and otliertelegrams | leave th" latter in such doubt that I xvill xx-uit for the Hiuinl returns , or Home ckliiiite t-Utoim'iitin ntidl iiHunro.i mo of thu rcHiiitj and I will loy- lly stand liy it , wliutlier it is for or uijaintit ur candid.ito. While the matter ia vo oubtful 1 will not niter to-duy aiflu my Hag. 1 think o\-ery cunser- atix'0 man of hot'1 ' parties ought lo keep ( inl. Thu hitmition IH aa dangerous in iu result ia cloau and dir.ibtfnl. ICjcli party iBjiecta the other of fraud , but the mass of D li pnrtion xvill resist any attempt ut fraud or loleiice , and xvill stand by the party that [ airly wins. The danger wo aru passing iruugh has long been foreaeen us prob.tblu , nt there sucma no way to guard aguiimt it. Vo muni depend of the good BQIIBO nnd mod- rr.tion of our people. Kvury man Bhoul I bu n hia good behavior , koi'p in good humor , ml kcop down oxcitomont. In reply to thu question , "Do you attiibulo rfcat to the nomination of Blaine anil Lo- in'"tho senator replied : "No far from it. Their personal canvass aa lumiiikablo fur dlRcrotion and ability , 'hey made no niiatabi > n. Thn p'jrronal clrir- > s agaliJBt Blainu may have talitn from him i.culled iiidopnniloKt vet > H. but hn got otliera : at inadu up the low. Ohio ia all light , Shu : > always republican on national inaiie.sbcoiuHU iu ia patriotic. Wo protmnod Blaine and I.o- un a ImmlBomu majority , and xvu Imvo glynn to tliiiir. " Xlio Army Not. . 10 Kit tl/scil / , iVaxhington Special Telegram. "It has been my constant political prayer iincu thu election of 18i' < > that no preBiduiiti.d ilectlon Bhoiild bu clime , " said an eminent irmy ulliccr thla morning , "At tlio timu of liu llnyea-Tihlen election a politiod xvar was mmlnent , and I xvas In a position to know tow imminent , Wu expoctoJ that Ihu truops would bu called out at nny mlnutn , not In tno nternstof any onu particularly , but to pin- mrvu order. ' 1'ho troops wore not ordered out , nit they xvero In rcailini'HH and xvoro held buck , Hvery man who had a eoinmund xvas given to mdurstiiiiil that ho hnd bettor In ready to mi- iwur tliu HiiintiiuiiH. Yesterday I xvaa gioiitly n fear that the comitty xvould bu in a similar [ [ lander , for thu Incendiary Btund taken by omo of the loading journals of botli purtiuH lodud nn gocd , To-day , Iniwuvnr , 1 fe l but- ( -r. Ic looks as if tin election could l > 9 ret. led lioyonil qiiiMtion , If Clovolr.nd id ulectud .ho republican imity will'Hr.o that hu is'iimugii- ntcil on the -Itli of March , The vagnu tul- hat 1 liavo heard about culling out the militik o rnfnicti tliu claims of a pirty ia prepo.nera IUH and lidiculuii * . Such a course would no ; thought of Mirlously fur an Instant. Th'i nlliUry could only bu lined In maintaining luteo. " Othrr army olliccra and prominent ifliciuh of thu wui department uxjironBed u.nil- . ur opinionu. rilO r < in > 1111(1 ( Aiiil'i'iO4il HlulHiinn lioilK , November 9. Tlio i'opu haa confer- oil the canonical status upon thu American xillegu in Homo and li.xeil thu regulutloria nf hu Kovornment , CEMEBAL NEWS- Some cf llio Normal Prticofilinis if toe World at Lerzc , Opening of tbo Plonnry Council ftt Enltimorot A Magifiobnt Pagcnnt of Pontifi cal Splondor- Annual Ropoit on Our Internal Ho venue The Cholorn , Gniuing Foovhold in rrIHU | > lllvn ! 1'-M'O ItUlWOCII I'YlUIL'O acul Clilua Knllxvity mill l < 'lnnu elal , Crlnif s null C.\HiKilllr-n , 1'OXTI WCli IMCJKAN'I' BAI.TIMOIIK , November 0. Tlio Third i'leiiiiry Council Iu the Unltrd Stalw opnncd .liU morning nt thi < in thi-i city , Thnro were present thirtenn atchbLihopi" , wx- ; j'-ll\obshiip ! < , boiidos nbbotti' , 111 ni'lgnorsi , \icar. , ( Toneiul suportorx , i-ctowif eominaiieH uVd thuoli'glaim. Siuh n fiiu'ctaelo Riid pro. cuit-iun - has not b.foro been tcon in the laud , After the bishops and archhlslnpiwaa aceiisor learorand thtiir ap.istololiodi'lrgato. ' : Arch- ilsliop ( JibboiiF , and aecumpanying him was iin vonoi-ablo viesr gem-ral , Very Uov. Kutlier Mcllolgan. Arcliciihop Oib- boiis , supported by hla dcacona if honor with llov. Vathi'rH Leo and Uoviue < , ils fucri'tary. and chancellor train beurcrs fol- InVviil. ThoHpiiieopulrlig Hparkled. Ilia arch- liisliop , nt all times ancntic In his lookx , his taco Hoained paler than uvor whnn iu con trast with the purple and crimson that rcct the i > yo at nvery turn. Tlio church voicoa ehantud paalnu as the proco > slim movud to the chui-uh , Thu altara were ulilux.o with tight' , and the grand organ Bent forth a wel come , uiul a ttiumnh ; the voicoa of tlio choir uoro teen heard , ami the open oxoruisna of the council brgau. Aftiir the ininfl , the Kov. Archbi hop Hvan preached on church and her councils. At the cliHo of the normon , mostlHov. [ tibbona descended from the throne and pro ceeded to the Bnnctuary in front'of the main al- tnr , where liu olferod ix prayer for the plenary council , Thu upontolic dclegato took IIH ! seat m the dain in front of tno altar with Bishop lvalue on his right and llov. Dovinu on hia oft , after which the roll \vrn called by Itav. O'ConnolI. Tlio prompter then aikeil the pro- Biding officer If it win hia pleasiui.1 that thu de cree of the 1'opo authorising the third plennry council Bhouhl bo read , xvhichv.n unswen-d illirmativoly ami M. Corcoran road the mi- thoiity. Several other decrees anil ordera were then road , all in latin , The prompter .hen asked that all ncla of the council be com- ilutod xvhich xvax ouleroJ. Chancnllvr l-'olov inked If a second public KoxAlon of the council Hliould bo held nt the Sunday , thn lith , nnd it xvna BO decided and u mmati'Icd Inxi. the duily biihlneHH mci'tii : of the council 10 held , begiunlng tomorroxx' . I'AHIH , November ! ) . . Thu cholor.i is in- creHsiug hero , oapecinlly in the llth nnd lUll arroiidlfinionls. During thn foty-ciglithnurit ; ended nt midnight last night , tlu'ru WLTO ro- lotted 181 ! now cai-ea nml li.'l diMtlis. At tlontreulHou now caie.i xvew teporlud during -lio came time. To-day ono frn ii cuso ro- mrluil at St. Nazairo and four dc.ntlm at STautc.i. IHCrol't'LATINII TAIIISIAN IIOTKI.S. I'AIIIH , NovDinber ! l. Th dinlcra ii empty- ug the hotela. The Iiitrani-igi'aiit nuvs fon-ivn nnd provincial nuents 1m o hurrloiily left thn iruiul hotel , and thvrn nuw only eighteen families in the whole himao. SPAIN nilllllTENEI ) . I\r.Milill ) . Novembi'r',1. Owing i < t the prov. ilcncci of cholura In I'r.ui'-c ' , gojjx frnm that rountry will lie fiimlynUd ut the fiontii-rs , Uoveinment ordertd tl.o la/.rtK'tto to bo pie- pared for clioli-ni pitl < nt-t , I ut in umlocidcd whether to inslitiuo aiuuraiilini ( ) , I.-.J lOUNAI ; KhVIONIlIO. ItKI'OlirOP 1HK INTKIl.VAI. KhVKNl'l : I'O.MMIH- HIOMII. WASHINGTON , Novi-mber s. 'Iho annual re- liort of linn. Walter Kvitns , commisfiioner of jitural revonuu , for the fiscal yrar ending .hum IDtli , 1KHI , lusbeim tubmittcdlulhusccrotnry \ f Iho troasiry. Tint total receipt.- ) from all the Dourer * of interm.l revenue taxation for Lhoyuaria tSI''l.n'JO.OH ! ) , an compared SMI , 55' ! , : ) 1 1 fur thu year 18811 ; 9Hlr/.M ( , > 7 : < for the year 1KS2 and SKI 'Ji1- ! ) ! ' ! for the year 1881. It IM chlliiiiituil that SliriK.O,0 ( 0vill bo collected for thn present limal yi-nr. Thn payment of tux on tlio hugo production i'f splnt-i for 1881 xvns a matiriul I actor n the collections during thn jnint yuar ami the ro.n- mii > aionur mty that thu falluiif elf aiiti'-ipnt d for thu present ye/ir / will follow from thu dim- ii-hi'd quantity ol bom bin mil ryn wliinliiuu priMlufiul in IK.S'J , on xvhluh the tax xvlll njji- tmo during the i-urrunt lircil yuar. Another ojiiHO contributing to tlio reduction of ructiiitn will Im thu luivtuly incntacod i < xiortatlint [ of upirita in bond on xvhich , for vuriuua r ajotiu , uwnera cannot [ my the tax. iSoinulhltif , ' like 10i00)00 ; ( ) uallona Imvo already bwii li'rced ' ibro.ul during the current calendar year , bo. aiiiiuof stagnation In the tra'Jo , tinil tin ) ro- IIH il of c'mgiiia to extend thu bonded peiiixl , A comparative KtatnmiMit of thu rocoipU fur the youiH IHHI ! ami 1K8I Hhowd u dccreuso uf .SilitllH)0 ( ) from tubacca ; an increase nf yjriSliIOfroniHirit ( , | ; an ot $1,181 , ' II3K from fiirni9ntod liquorH , nnd n ducroaait oE yiU.OIL'-101 from taxumnlfr th.j ri'ponloi1. nnd pi-naltlud ; making a total ducruitKu of , ' HOW TIIK 1'AIIAN I.'IIINIKK ! ! ! I.KAl > llli A WAU Ol1 1'll.LAOK ANIIUI/TIIAdi : AlA..SVrnillitM'IAT- ( ! . M.SrtlONAIIIKH , , HONII JCoMi , Chlnu , Noven btr ! ' . --Mb have been cootinlitlui ; fi'nrfal initrvgeu on place.1 ! of CliiUtiunViifiii ! < i nud VUBOCO- ill Cartxi : utiil Intel ior ti.int3. In tlio Province of Kv.'uiutung alune. four Uomaii Catholicn anil luo rroti-iilai.t rhiuu'jgtt xviru B liMiulrcil ami tnenty hniiK'S nf rc < itlnS Chriitlaim jtiii > te > d ami r.ccupanta dilvcn n ' * y. In Nauihol , tliroo C l olio clu | > eli ( i ml innvnit IHHIKCH n. r-i pilliigeil , piimU and reoiipaiifc ) bratrn and xvotii1 n nntrnqa'l. At Iho Kung a chinch nf Kmfand rhnp 1 Xfs ( d - Htroycd The im-b IOIB ttm ctotliM from the pnuohrr's wifn and Rlniinsfnlly treated h-r. At ChantMing n. Wt ! ajaii clmpol w s do- Btrnyoil. ClirUtlnivi MO fleeing from the province to liiing Konff. The CliltitBO rrixvu tlintii thn filtun itiv. ' > f n-e-Uico to r.ho Molt or lfnfor lininc. Th.-y | sr. . furred the hv.ttr. Mniiy ot the \MniiRii xvcrJ caught by the mob Kiut iintrngoil. A Florida fire- . I'AI.UAKA. Kin. . Nov. I' ' . I'alatnia h.-xi IIOAII tuvajid by HHIUM wlncli lUxiroyednvnty linltiPM lionoq oxcmit , twn KprarkB. Loss , S''iV.I.OOOiliiturnnci' , ! ? J'0oq. : ; There nto np- | irphen loin nf aiicRro uprising. During the co n II ignition a ke-g of powder Ij.irst anil neat- ti'r d iparks Iu ovury iliri-ction. Two firemen worn injured by ll.vini ; tfjrp. . I'ulldlrgi ncro tlin ft cet xveiof \ . ' nnd tlw lire travrlfilxvltliuneontr.ll/ . . < ! tlfflth'ii lingo brick block nnd U , IIH hotel xvoro HUOH C'iiMimo.1. Col. Hn .1iilldiiii ( ( < , four la iiiiinlier , xvero mum / and the xvliolo liUfinrpH portion of the iv iiumo nioariiu' fiirnnco. Th l.arUin If I'utnatn loti o ami I'rutliytitinri t-liury rued , Klfty-nit ' lirma burin-el , Shocking AI"JI | | MH & * Ml. l lras\nl. . Jh , I'I.KAHANT , I-ilx-i , November 8. A chocking acciil nt orourrc t her. ) night. I'rof , ilonea , HUperhiteinlont of public fchoolf , ix genltumau fri ni'l and llvo kdics eatarcd a hUilV upiuin ( nrlilicinl lake on the nclgo of Uixvn. The bout xtou'd ' only carry tliriv * or 'our ixcd it * oou ovei tinned. 1'rolecwr Joni' , Kiln Ciirpentor , it toauhiT at thi pu'iliu ' choi It , litt-i Tutor , Kditli llrau hBtU'lenti at -lio collrgo xvo o drowned , the othi-r * rs apod. L'n'fi'H'or JoniH loivui a xvifo. All the vie- inn Htmtit in n hUh Hocinl.olrulo. Tha rntlrn city mourn tlii-h1 death' Slonx Ocrunt ? . l'T. ' ItOlllNSDN , November ! ' . [ SpeciilJ. . Iteturne fioiu thri-u distiicta of Si'iux ' county ; lvo n rcpubliiu : moj'irlty of It. nut of a total vote of 'JiK Thcronio two moro pr.'clncts tn hrar from. Vt. Hobinpoo , iu it vote cf 87 , Miowitlarupublican gain of > x-ntes , or 80 pnr cent Dawca wiu nlljjhtlv behind hla tick- t nnd Merrill behind hi * . Tlio grange ; voro has been liK.ivilv rcpublirnu i > nd the ropubli- ran p.xln throughout tha en , nty xvill Bcurcnly averngu tliHii 5 pur rent- \\Vul hi11 To-SJny. WAsiimoTON , November 10. Ifpjvr J\Iia- \ fil slppi fair weather , variubln xviiida , generally From north to xvcet , nllghtly cooler xveather , liigher bnromoter. Ifor the Miasomi volley , fair xveathor , nurtlicilr xvimls. boconu'ii ? var iable ; falling precotod in santhcrn purtionR by i leing barometer ; nli/ht rise In temperature in nortliern | Kilton , nearly Htationaiy temperature - turo iu Miuthurn portion. The Storey ICslale. Cnu'ARO , November 7.--A bill xvivaliled in the circuit court/ ( his morning by Mr.v Kurcka S. Hlnrey afkitif ? for the appointment of a ro- coivir thu ntuto tf AV. 1' . Stcray instead of nil ndmiiiHtrutor , ilnrii'i ; thu pendiiii ; of any unit to cuntunt hia will , Dank Ihi Vli-l. Br.liliN , November ! ! . Gerniao. nnwopaperM untiRr.ittilntu Amerlvi upon tlui doinocratic- vlctory , aim reco ni/.o ( ; - > VITIIOV 0 uvoland as iv notMilo man of clour and steady judgment nnd IiunornWo intoiiUoni and "uurcy , and- - The lint is AVov , Nr.xv Yoiiif , Novomlmr 8. Kiennn'j ) agency given tlio following as th J rUM of brokers to Cliienio : NBW York Central and Tlrie , Sll to 811 f ( ) ; \ \VVstShoic ! " . ' ; Laclaiuinnl-l CO. ' The Now Yurk Central uxpccted to inako further - ther itdiictiijim t < i-il y. I'alisluiu ; up 1'Alti-1 , Nov ! l Tim ' 'Liberto" BIXVB that L'lGCiRir Buiry xvill niiiio.tuca to llip 't'tinitiin | , roiiimiltiiv lo-day f-hat tlt-i cabinet council ? olurilay ugicod to f ri'pji th'i ilniuuml of an mil nimty from China r.ud Hint pre'liminary lourc n.-iotlutloijii | xuth- China Imve- been ilmoit cJ4iclnili ( I. UliiUiW , NovemliiT U. Six pccozul buliotii. vfio lidirn to-day for member.-i to tlio reichir , ag , u > ultinK in tic 6lcc'.i n of onu innserva- ivti , i.a cundli'ntu "f the contro party , ono lutioual libfral , ono G'Tinnn lilmra1 , and two iai.lidutuR of thu ) iJ"pln'H party. A \Vlio'e ' rae Mine Hurrm- . l.oNroN , Novombar I1. Vita damp , caused \n I'xp'iiblon in tip ! colliery nt Wasiner , in lo'jrjum to-day , by xvhicl ) txven'ypersona. . killed. Ve dimlit ir tlir-ro K r oan be , o spoolfu- romeily for ; but thojsamls who , liavo millercil HH piiliis Wo been sre'iitly ben- i-nieil by HtMul'M Saruparllla. If you Imvo lalled to llud relief , ti'if thin gre.-a remedy. "I xvas.alllieted with rheiuwitl-sm t > venty years. J'rex. Imw tu lotn I fonnU no relief , ) it l-rexv xvowo , and nt uno time V.MS les llood'ti Harw.parlllv : < HJ mo more good tliiin aU'tho iithe-t ineilleiiii.i I ever had.- Jl.T. 3AWJOM , SlurJey Yillj e , Muss. " 1 wivlrliiMiiiiatMnitliri' gut no. relief till I look Hpoil'K Si/saparlll : . H luii. ( lima ( -real thliiji [ for me. i rcfoniiflenJ It tir DtlMW. " LKWidllwniA K , niililcJord , Ml1. . Hood'H fiarra ] > nrllla Is charMlrrlzeil H. tlieu pfcnllaullcj ) : IrJ , Iho coaiMnatlon ut Hi'.ieillal age'iitH2il , Uio jiroprxtlon ; ail , llnv 'fturmi ot si-ctirliiR the neUvo moiUcInu" ijiiulltle.s. Vhu resuUlsamciyclno ofuntisus. strtiiiilh , rffectlni ; rmrcs JillJirjilo.iinSaoxvi , e-ewl for l- Mil : coiitrJuIn : ; niUtitloual oiWcncu ' llooil's Husaii'iiilU tows up my Ry.sleiii , ; niiille.s 'i\y Mooii. M'.irpeasi my aiyiellte , auu HI'-IIIS tj inakii iwj ove1' . ' * .Ii r.'J iioiU'iiu : ! , jlegihteiol Deeds , I.oweil , Mass. "Uo il'H SarBjpirlllt : : Tjei.t,1 * nl\ others , and ' . - , . " UAUULMiTOK , i xxm-tll II n V oijtlit 111 ItoTll. - 1 n > U-jnl ; tjlu'o , liuvv Voili Cltv FjQood'Js ; Sas'aapai'HIa tM ! by all ilriia'inis. f I i tit tot t5M * * * < v K bv < \ f. HOOt * t C\ , i.9V.'nll , JUisu. . KO ? sDosos Ono Doilur.