Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 08, 1884, Page 5, Image 5

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Olllolal Canvns of tinItcfurnv. .
The oflicial caurai of the returns for
Douglas county , conducted by Mr , Loav
itr , ccunly clerk , nnd Messrs. Lewis S.
Rood and dipt , Rustin , was concluded
at 4 p , m , yesterday. The following is
the aggregate for the respective cMidi
dales :
Total number of votes for Blaine and electorn , 4,8312 ; Cleveland and
Llondrlcks elector ; , 4,414. Majority for
Blaine , 438.
Congressman First district Charles
11. Brown , 0,247 ; A. J. Weaver , Jl.llO.
Brown's majority , 3,137.
For governor James W. Dawos,4,414 ;
J , Sterling Morton , 4,803. Morton's
majority , 470.
For lieutenant governor II. II.
Shodd , 4,080 ; L. 0. Pace , 4,725. Majority -
jority for Pace , 45 ,
For Secretary of State Roggon 4,582 ,
Bonostoel 4,771 , Majority for Bones-
tool 180.
For Auditor of State Babcock 4,070 ,
Bonoko 5,272. Bonoko's majority 1,193.
For State Treasurer Willard 4.591 ,
Clancy 4,7CG. Clancy's majority 175.
For Attorney General Leoao 4,348 ,
Montgomery 5,002. Montgomery's ma
jority 054.
For Commissioner of public lands and
buildings Scott 4444 , Alberta 4,910.
Albert's majority 475.
For Superintendent of public instruct
ions Jones 4,017 Dean 4,744. Doau'o
majority 127-
For Regent of University Burnham
4,503 , Scovillo 4,730. Scoviilo'a majori
ty 133.
For _ District Attorney Ejtollp 4,354 ,
Godwin 4,945. Godwin's majority 501.
For State Senator , 0 > h senatorial dis
trict Clark 4,087 , Ferguson 4,710.
Ferguson's majority 23.
For State Senator Smytho 3,053 ,
B.-uunor 4,104 , McShano 5,505 , Motz
For Representative 9th district Spocht
4.232 , Morrison 4,507 , Jeuklason 4,414.
Bruuner 4,798 , Stophunaon 4,051. Mo-
Ardle 4.880. Whiimoro 4,871 , Troup
4,943 , Rasmusson 4,400 , Stiinghno
4.405 , Riley 5,214 , Mulvihill 4,770 ,
Wim-peur 4,803 , Turtle 4,880 , Clark
4,573 , Gelston 4,204.
For County Commistionor Redman
4,532 , Timmo 4,012. Titumo'a majority ,
For County Judce McCulloch 5,017 ,
Points 4,334. McCulloch'a majority ,
Eor County Coroner Horaan 4,208 ,
Drexul 5,125. Droxel'a majority , 017.
For State Senators McShano ( dem.
and anti-monop ) and Motz ( dem.
nnd anti-monop ) were declared elected.
For State Representatives Whitmoro ,
( rep. and anti-monop ) McArdle , ( rop.
nmi nnti-mouop ) Troup , ( rop. ) Baumer ,
( rop. and worklngman ) Riley , ( dem. and
unu-monop. ) Turtle , ( dom. and anti-
monop ) Winspear , ( dem and anti monop )
and Mulvihill ( dem. and anti-monop )
were also declared clectod.
For Float Senator Clark , who was
beaten in this county 23 votes , carries
the district by 24 majority.
Thu constitutional amendments and
tha court house proposition ell cirricd by
haui83mo ? majorities.
Tli ( ; Council UlufTi' K.\ccutivc AskH
( Mat No Moro Bulletins I5i ;
Council Ijlnffa Corrc'sponilenco.
Mayor Vaughin , of OounoilBluflj , last
v night izaucd tha following request to the
Tf . residents of that city :
Inasmuch OT public excitement over the po
litical contest in New York has reached a point
whtoii the peace rnd dignity may bo-
f come endangered , I therefore request
f the daily newspapers of this city that they
cea c displaying bulletins containing exciting
news , nnd ask the people to repair to their
places of business to await tbe result with
quk'tiis3 and good order. As a precaution I
ba > u ordered on a ppecial detail of police with
positive instructions to preserve the psace
and dignity of the city at Ml huzirdi.
W. It , VAUQIIAN , Mayor.
The domocr.its and republicans last
evening tried to BOO which could paint
the town the brightest rod. The demo
crats , with a band and tin hornj nude n
parade and serenaded conjjrcEsaisn Pusey
and John N. Baldwin , who made them
paushca. Piisoy cxprccjocl the hope
th < vt the hurrah was not promaturo. The
ropublicivna weru out in full force on
Broadway shouting lustily for Blaine and
Pictures of All the Presidents
Free ,
A complete not of pictures of the 21
Presidents , each separate , with ( Into of
inauguration , birth , etc. , inatlo : ! free to
nvcrynno that sends 15o for oamplo copy
nnd illustrated premium Hat of the Rural
Nebraska , a 20-pago , 80 column farm
and family journal r Btablishod 15 yoatB.
The pictures alone are worth lOj apiece
and no one who accepts this offer will
over regret It. Addres II. S. Smith it .
Co. , Pub'rs , 100 and 108 S , 14th St. , (
Omaha , Nebraska.
Tins K , O , Bloyclo Tournament.
? > Ir. William Patterson , John Hitch
cock , 0. II. Gordon , 0. M. Woodman
and Bovoral otbor young men of Omaha
loft last night for Kansas City. These
gentlemen have gone to attend the Kansas
City bicycle tournament , which begins
to-day. Mr. Patterson has been engaged
to do trick and fancy tiding , and has en
tered the two , three and four milo and
all professional racsa. Mr. Hitchcock
hus untt-red all open races. Kewa from
that qiurtor will bo anxiously loukod for
to-niylit by their many Omabn admirers ,
aj they are cxpooted to come back with
com a of the prizes at
By Dr. l-Va/ier'n Mnglo Ointment. Cures as
If by magic : I'lmploH , Jilack Heads or Grub ? ,
IJlotclitu and Eruptions on the fuco , having
the fililn clear and be.iutiful. Aho curta Itch , i
K " Ubcuin , Sore NIppItM , Sere Lips and old ,
Obstinate Ulars , Sold by drugh'i t , or
mallixl r.n receipt of price. r,0 conta , Sold by n
Kulin & Co. anil O. IM.oodinan.
Mr. John Taylor who reeidus In north
Omaha haa n real newspaper triasuro , it >
beinx n 'opy of the Philadelphia Public
Ltdger Vol. f No. 1 publlshod March
25tli 1830 , by Sivan Abel and Summons.
' cuts ia it now appear rjiuint nnd
ruriouj. The Now York canals
their t > w b ati on 1 the locnnvi'ivoj ' w' ' n J , '
t'.o ' s'eia fu-.i' ' i" ' iV. tlo r" r o 4 f !
the tender nro a mio r.f the things which
s'.tiko ono nsbnng out of dnto nt the
present timo. Mr. Taylor values it very
highly , and hnj boon olTurcd mote
once n fancy prlco for it.
Oiilj n Slop
When catarrh has progrosned to a
certain extent , il ia only K step to thnt
terribly fatal disease , coimimption. If
you have oatnrrli , oven fligbtly , it is < i
terrible mistake to allow it to continue
ita course unchecked. If you will only i
road , you will find conclusive roaaoiis
why you should take Hood's Siwapirilla
for catarrh , In the stntotnouti of many
people who have been completely cured
of this diaoaso in i'a most aavcro forms.
Send for book containing abundant evi
dence , to 0. I. Hood it Co. , proprietors
of llood'a SarsaparillnLowell , , Mass.
Tlio Phantom H course.
1'AllIs , October 7. HoporU of the dl ap-
pcarnnco of cholera have o depressing effect
uiwn the bourse. Tourists agnin nro leaving
the country.
The Improved Eoady Eeokonor ,
Contains tables allowing the amount
and value of any quantity of merchandise
at any price from a quarter of a cent to
ten dollars , either by weight or measure.
Also tables and w.igca nnd board by
the day , week nnd month ; board , ecant-
ling and plank measure ; cubic mcusuro-
ment of timber ; log measure nd weight
of grain per bubhol , and interest tables.
A'BO ' the interest laws of the different
atatcs , Business laws in daily use , Busi
ness forms , etc.
This valuable book which should bo in
the hands of every man and boy in the
land will bo sent postpaid on receipt of
fifty -sonts by the
WKSTKUX Poiaisiuxo Co. ,
P. O. Box 500 , Omaha , Nob.
1 and 2c stamps taken.
Divsscil Brof to ( ho Hcnlionrd.
CHICAGO , November 7 , The arbitration
committee on the relative rates on droseod
boot nnd live cattle to the scabord mot to-day
nnd failed to airroo. Judge Cooley , on behalf
of the railroads uill report on the rate to Com-
misfcioiier Flnley. S.V. . Albctton , on bobaH
of tbo cattle men , will report nm.tlifA1. Goo.
] i. Swift , on bobalf of the ilrcsaod beef men ,
though disagreeing with both , will maku no
ropoit ,
Acid 1'hospliiito.
IS.vuelloni UosultH.
Dn. J. L WILLIS , Eliot , Mo. , says
'Horaford'o Auid Phosphate gives moat
excellent results. "
Disoassn and Health of Live
Stock ,
All owners of live stock nro no doubt
interested in keeping their animals in a
sound hualty condition , and are anxious
to bring to a halt any disease , no matter
! iow trilling , aa soon as it msikca its ap-
To nccomplish oitlier or both
of these , the Western Live Stock Jlcmc-
dij , manufactured at Omaha , baa no
It is easily given tocattli3borao9awine , ,
and sheep , and is an article that IIM
never failed to aive satiafacti JD , if prop
erly administered.
Thousands of dollars might bo navod
innually if breeders , farmora , and , in
ract , any ono from the pereon owning an
extensive herd to the mudost ( { .irduor
with a pony and n cow , v/oulil keep
Lheir animalu in a thoroughly healthy
Keep stock healthy and ovcrj eonta-
; loua disease that camea nlong Trill not
take hold with the grip of death. To do
this there is nothing equal to the West
ern Live Stock Remedy.
Do not Trait until thu horse is stolen to
lock thostablo door , but lock it now
before the thitf comes along , by the out
lay of only ono dollar for .1 trial package
of the celebrated and thoroughly tested
boon , the Western Live Stock llomody.
Enquire of your dragglst , or general
storekeeper , and if you are unable to ob
tain it there , send Ono Dollar for & pack
age , post-paid , to the
Box 50 ! ) Omaha , Neb. "
Special Discounts to the Trado.
Buy B. H. D.iyla'js it Son's Capsi
cum Cjugh Dropa for your children ;
Jipy am harmless , plcaiing to the tastu
md will euro their colds. DS. . and
Trade Hark on everp drop. 1
LONDON , November 7. An injunction baa
> epn granted retraining Miss Dovly from pub- "
Uhing Jird hytton'd lettuix to hia wife ,
FOR SALK A good family horeo ,
juggy and harnofs. L , A. RATH ,
Post Ollicj Box 30.
An Wjirtlily Hliiilcc.
UrK.VA VISTA , November 7. Tha poverest
shock of earthquake- for three joniw wni
\\i in this ucinity Inal nigh' . At Call a
church nnd several hccsci weru totally wreck
Catarrh id a constitutional
Ilo.d's Sir.iapirillu It r. conolltuHoiiftl
remedy. It cures catarrh. Giro it a
Terrible Holler Hxploslon.
NFW OIILKAN.S , November 7 , The boiler explosion - *
plosion at Afead'sii ! < ar homo Is nion ) terrible
than nt firat reportoil. The hilled aro. Kd Oi
ward IMon. engiueur , N. Uonlc-r. John .10110 ? .
llenry Nhsh , Joiiuph Itichards , 1'aul ] tlchardn ,
.IniiiiuKceB , William WiNon , Jfenry Maria'in
odored ) . The last two nro bays , 12 and 1 ! )
years of ago. Tli9 wo inded number MX.
Dccronalni ; lirlllhli
J.ONIX3.V , . g
British Imports decreased compirud with Oc
lobor InHt year , i'l,7l7,000. ! llxporln decraafud
compared with Octobar List y .ir J.72"i.OOO ,
Qreateit Medical Xrinroph of the Ago ! of
_ _ _ _
lOeimrnppctllv , Ilotrelirnillve , 1'nln In
lju bcnil , uli'n dull ncnnntlun In llio
nick pnit , I'nl n unilcr tlio liuulilcr-
ilaile , J'ullucHfi nficr calluc , vllli nilln-
ncllnntlon in oxn lion of lioily or mind , M
rrltubllltyurfoiiiiioniiitVHplrlli , \rlllt '
rot'lliurot'linvlnz nt'slrctcil HOHIO duty ,
, ll77.liicHH , I'luucrlntriiilliii
leart , llotx liulbrutlio oya , IIciulucliu
> ir tlio rliilit rye , JlCHtlcHnncHn , tvitli
illul Urcnme , Illicitly colored I'rlnu , uud
TDTT'H j'lI.I.H am eiipecliilly mlnptcil
o such CVISCH , ono il a nlluctH Hucli u < '
Tliuylnrrcaiio llio\j > i > etllcii nil cniino tlio
'ily to ' 1'aUn < iu 1' tun * lliu n tcin 1 ,
iiiirl lieil.uMl by Ui < irTimlc . _ Action on
- - - " -
( iRAY IlAIH or Will KKKH chiiif.'P'l lo u
firxbBV Until i > v u biiiKi'i ipiUo4tlon or
this Jm : . U iinpurtb n uiituriif color , net i
inatantailPoui- ! > . h l'l I'I'me ' iOU , or
-nt l/y oxprit.ion uirttof 31.
> / ! Murray > t. , Now YorU.
LtYC SiocK aid Prounco QnolaliOBs 01
ilie Cbicago
Oattlo Fo\v and at Poor Figures
all Around i
Hogs Strong and Lower to Slow
Trade ,
Wheat Crushed at Homo and
The Weather and Politics Flatten
Dcinornll/.cd In ( lie
Rtrnter Inlnrests ) t ICIoo-
( Ion All'Alrs.
Spocinl telegram to THK HKE.
CIIICAOO , November" . Out of n totnl of
nbout HO cnrs of fresh receipts there were 100
Tcxnns and 150 weatcnn , loa\ing only IfiO
cars of nil sotti nnd description ! . Tliuim *
proved demnnd caused prices to nduiuco 10 ®
15c on best , mnkirg nn ndvnnco for the week
ofL'5@Oc. ! ! Three loads of Liverpool cattle ,
averaging 1103 , Bold for ( > 05 , nnd two loads of
nice medium ulcers fnt nnd oven , averaging
13(50 ( Ibs. , Hold for G 15 and these worn the
hlchest lignros during the morning. Good
1550 to 1COJ Ib. steers , (5 ( (50 ( to li 80. Uut the
bulk of the so-colled fat cattle of 1300 to 1100
are aelltug around nbout 6 75 to ( i 00 nnd
i.-edium stoom of 1'JOJ anil upwards SO to
5 50 , while common of 1100 nnd upward * may
bu quoted at1 25 to 1 7i > . COWH nnd butchers
stock nro solllug fairly well : etockers nud
feeders remain dull. Toxnus were polling
nlong i > biut thu n.-uno ni yesterday , nnd wust-
crn rapocinlty the best were making Kpiftlly as
gooil prices na any day this week. Low-
grade Toxaua nnd waste ns were genorAliy ru-
nortod n Miado lowor. S lies : VOO Wyoming ,
1105. 1-10 ; a 10 Wjomlnif , 1101175 ; 101
Wvnining , 1110 , fi 3i ; 19 Montana , 1235 , 5 lj ;
1"J Monti-na , Ii33 , fi 10.
Hccoipts were rather heavier than antici
pated and the absence of one or two big
I1 { lacking dims and ono or two lending shippers ,
the supply was creator than rotild bo disposed
of unless nt lower prices , and most xalesnuii
quoted the general market strong nnd lower ,
with | the decline mainly on best packers. Tim
shipments : of hogs nro nearly CO per cent less
than Ust week and tha receipts 83 per cent
losa. Itoiigh and common packers t old down
to SI 154 25 nud thereabouts. Knlr to good
packers sold nt61CO@l GO and the best nt
poor to good skips ,
o.v 'CHANGE.
The general tonnr of to-day's nnvkets
bordered on weakness with little decline recorded
corded ingrain option * , the Inlluencing causes
boibg thi1 line weath > r ami liberal sales , in nn-
ticipition of a : induced by the political
Wheat opened a shade lower and nt quite a
decline , early. The stock market helped
wheat up about jc , but at the top the nhnlo
crowd began selling ficely on the basis of the
politicil news mid broke the market Vc-
The close of the morning session beinr heavy
ut the lowest point of the dny up to that
time. The weather aho hul : much to do with
the weakness. No. 2 spring sold i.t 7 IJo
early nnd down to 73i'c later. Corn
opened steady at full dosing Figure' : .
The lirst quotations were the best of the more ,
ing eession. The fine weather waj very do-
lircssing to the corc.V , nnd broneht out such
liberal selling that values broke ciiF if at nbout
the snmo ns in wheat. No. 2 cash sold from
41 ® ll.j. Oats were steady at n slight decline
in sympathy with ether grains , but with little
for sale , especially in the May option. Cash
sold nt 25 $ Kyo wna steady and lightly
traded in nt 50.J for No. 2 Novornbr. .Pro
visions moderately active , steady nnd firm for
all kinds , with lard showing 24 ndvnnco all
around , and ribs entirely nominal
liiciiMONi ) , November 7. Ieturrm mostly
ofiicial from eighty-three counties nnd all citiei
in Virginia give n majority for Cleveland of
, 150. Sovontorn counties remaining to bo
hoard from gave n Democrntic majority last
year of 1,270. These counties nro likely to
give the name , if not a greater majority now ,
which will make Cleveland's majority in the
stata nearly 9,000.
Senator Alahouo does not yield the state to
the democrats.
i ) , November 7. H'chmond's en-
continues uuahatod over Clovelanil'n
"cerbniii" election. The joyoui uxcltninent
of the democratic population IK nnparallnlnl.
Two hundred gum were tired. Jint little
business hai boin done pirico yi'nterdaj' . News
centers uro crowded all day with exultant
doiiKicr.Ui , Another great demonstration oc
curred to night.
I'KTKitrtnuni. , November 7. Tlio returns to-
nixht u > nceili' the state to the demo rnU by
0,000 m ijority.
Loumvn.LK , Ky. , November 7. Louisville
hits boon taking thinrs quietly nnd nnxioudly
waited the delinito election returns , but to
night the city has gone mad over the "doino-
ciatic siiccecg " The Courier-.rouriml took
the | initiative in decorating its buil < linff , nnd
the city is now handsomely decorated with
flags , buntirg , etc. Old men and boys vie with
onch oilier in cclob filing , nnd the sticols nro
filled with ontliiiaiastio citizens , who ritjolce
nn-1 ( .hont for "democrncy and reform. " A
call M Ii-Hucd for a mu < m ratllication for Hatnr-
ALL HlUAinilT ,
November 7. The republican
Htato central committee ultimate their majori
ties in the state EH ftllnwn : Dlaine1,000 ;
Conjre sman , ! tf , 01 , nnd for the ntnto tlckot
uverogu of V/iOO. The domocratlc f tate
coutral coiiunlttni giyo no figures , but cluiin
thn nL eve mujorities are over optima-
New OitLKAN'H , November a. Kockets ,
bnmbs and bon firrs light np the city. The
Steles , I'iciyuno nnd TimcH-Domocrat olliceK
and other milldin-Harn illnminiilod in honor
Cleveland nnd Himdrlckn. Crowds in the
ttrreti nra nhouting liHtlly , DiHimtclivs from 1i 1
various point In thlH iut i
tluw great rcjolcintr. 1
CIIAIILOTTK , N. 0. , November -Thn city
wi'd with iixtllumriit over ' Plovol'indV
I'loc'ion. ' " lionfirrH are Imrnlnu on Indrppnd-
MiPti Kfinurn on the pp t wbc'o the declaration
civil liberty was niadH in 1775 ,
HAS TiiA't oj , November -California
rmnplfto rcttuns from nine e-mntipH in ( tie
ktntn nnd paillnl from thn remainder ijivo
Hlaino 7 < J , 7i' , ClevUiid ( iO.fisr.
Comnloto joturwa fu-m tlir-0 cnintlin nnd
inrtfal from ttin fmnlnini ; cloviin i Ivo liluicu
. 101 imd Cleveland. 1,8 > A
C'irN. . .1 , N v mliir 7 , Now
stit' cc n' c < ju mitti n- til\c < | repitU
' . ' ' " .
. > ,
r i i ; i
* r
T'"v ' * b w phiralitv of 21. . . ? fr
Inn i
NOV. LTTII , > ou
\V.\MiiiNnToN , No\onil > r 7 The prooi.lent
l Mi tl thn fillowlng procl unation. ' 'Thu sea-
neil M nigh when It ! i the joatly wont of thU
people to obicrvo n dny nppomtod for thN
I nrpo'ii by the inriident < an wpccUl ccoa.
ion for tlinnkwvliig unto tiod.ow , Ihcre.
fore , in tccpgnltloii of thU ImlKwod ru < tnm.
I , Chpstci A. Arthur , pronii'iit of Iho United
State. , do hereby delgn\ti > 119 Mich dav of
general < 'giving , Thiir'dav , the 27th of
thl * prwent Nov oinbor , nivl 1 do lecoininenil
that tlmtughout the land , thn jiooplo cca'lng
from tholr necnstotnrd , tx-rupntlnnt , do then
keep a holiday nt their several li men nnd
tlioir mnornl plncosof vvornhip , nnd with honit
nnd volco pav rover < > nt acknowledgment to
the glv or of nil good for the c umtlc'i blo.'s-
ings vvhtronlth lie bai < itcd thn n.vtlon.
Ilonry Fnvvcctt.
IXINI > OK , November 7 The late poatmnsUr-
general , the lU'ltou. Henry Kawcett , who o
Jottli WAR announced to-day , wain Ri > nnal fa
vorite with the Irndors of Kali tlui liberal and
the tory parties A great deal of Ids popular
ity may bo accounted for , however , bv the
peiiflrnl sympathy which wai expressed for the
total blindness with which ho vv. i nllbcled.
AatonioliinPiit hns nlnnyi boon ox-
drcwecl at the successful m.inner
n which Mr. 1'nwcott rondnctitl the cmplo\
duties nf his ollice withimt the Aid of thn
ounds of niht , nnd In this connection n great
pal of pr.iHO IIM been bwtjwod upon .Sirs.
Vawcatt , who has for yo.\M nr.tcd In the cal -
l > icity of private secretary to her hutbind ,
often accompanying him to the hoiuo of rom-
inons when lu expoclod lo fpoilt , nnd rentier-
ing him in.ttoiial nstistancoin thoiiorformnuce
of his cuties at postmaster RiMieral.
Ci-ltlulsltiK Our lOlodlou MiMliotls.
LOXD..X , November 7. 'I hi lory papers
.o night contain largo nrlicloj tli'.srriptlvu of
.ha violence nud fraud which tiny assort
uiivprsally prevailed throughout America
duriiiR tlio election of Tuesday. They call
.ho attention of .KtiRlMilnoii to thin phase of
Amuitcan republicanism , anil insist thai It
should bj n terrible warning to tlumi ngiunst
.ho in'ils of the growinir dcinocmcy w Inch has
u the few years mucio such progress in
.ireat Itritalu. On tin ether hand , liberal
journals point with m'guificanco to the qnlot-
iBiH and order which prevailed , and consider
.hit under the excitement ot nn o\cjedlurly ;
: lese contest Iho people of the Uniti'd Ht'itus
iavo Bhown au nmount nf moderation and
; oed RCIIBO entiioly unknown In lilco circnm-
itaiiccB cither in Knglan 1 or on the cent nutit.
NKW YOIIK , November 7 - Charles 1'i.iticls
VdnniH , prosideutof the Union 1'acilic railway ,
lent a communication to Sijnoy Dillon , o\-
darning tha financial condition nf the coin-
utiy. Adams saja that ho expect ) tolm\oby
ha liiMt of .lamnry Slir > 09,00 > i not to npplr to
he tlo itlng dubt , nnd tint from UIH time for-
vnrd the plan la to reduce tha Hunting debt
itoadily and by e\cry means po33iblo until it
s ( xtinguifihud.
Smoke Seal of North Carolina Tbia
A .MhincaiHjlis .tSutlicr.
a mother will read with intoroat
what ftlra.McOtirdy of 007 Cjdar nvouuu ,
Miiinospolio , eays : "Sinco nn attack of
liptithcria , a year ape , 1 Imvo been
roublud groally with indit-eslioii , which
10 doctor'u inedicino would help. 1 beau -
_ au uaiiig Browu'a Iron Uitlcra two
nioutliH ago , and It acted like u charm ,
nvo mo such an appotita I wua hungry
all the timo. 1 consider myself vvoll , and
recommend my frinudn to uo it. Slmll
also uao it whuu my childrou are ailing. "
COI.UMDCS , Ohio , Nuvrnibor 7. President
ireen of the Columbia , Hocking Valley nnd
Toledo railroad has requested Gov. Hoadloy
.0 order out thu militia on account of the
jurning of bridges in Kecking county. Slier-
11 McCarthy of Hocking county to-day ts'o- '
? raphed the governor to order out the troops ,
Ho eaj-8 that Murray City was attacked last
light by 3.0 or moro miners who used tins
fil ed with giant powder with fuses "attached
nnd poino dynamite. Tha ilicrllf unys Hint ho
could manage Hocking cuimtv if 1'ciry nnd
Athena counties were looked nfter. No
trouble has been repoil d so fnr to-day. Gov
ilondloy is in Cincinnati and the call IMS not
-icon answered.
Seal of North Carolina Smoking To-
bicco is Iho beat.
A Ijl < | uor
Louisvir.i.K , November 7. Henry Wolf ,
wholesale whisky , aligned to-day. 1 labil
ities , § 150,000 , carried bynssatH. The ; ipnign-
mentis tinted to bacaused by the failure of
thu c.xtcneion of thu bonded period.
A [ JllCOllllfO'H 1'Jllll.
Siot'CITV , November 7. W. I' . NoUon ,
of Lincoln , Nub , suicided hero to-Jay , shout
ing himself in the head.
DllllS DllHIOil ,
SriiAOUSR , N. Y. , November 7. Tha cloth
ing house ot Thco Diaicll & Co. btunud this
morningj losn § 70,000.
A VnliuiDlo Olilll Tonic IloatJ til !
NA Hi ) ANI : i.ix , , AUK. , January 17 , 188J5.
Mesa. Jl. A. Jivbiiwon A Co.
Louisville , Jy. .
Gontn Send iinmutliiitoly by nil ono
( jroua lluyliH' Tonfa. You nek for whnt
qiuutily of / / / / / / ' Tonlo I am Imiid-
ling. 1 Bold during 1882 , eovon and ono
quarter (7 ( J ) gro D , nnd could have Hold
uioru had 1 not boon out of it on novoral
ocrnsiotiD. It ia the loading 'J'onic cf the
country , and alwaya will bo from the
fact that It given the bast satiHfacllon
As for curtiiicatoa of cures could if I
had dcnircd have gotten you any amount
of thoin. You are at liberty to uau my
iiuino in regard to what J nuy of the
Tonic as you plcasa.
( Signed ) M. M. UHOOM.
Prepared by II. A. Robliuion it Co. ,
Wholcaalo Druggiata , Louiavillu , Ivy. ,
nud at retail by Schrotor > t
Bocht , DruggititH , Omaha. Kolaila
SI.00 pur boltlo , tix bottles ,
$500. _
Our JMcvluan
VIA OAI-VKHTO.V , November 7.
Thu tniaty of reciprocal pannago of American
and Mexican trooH | atroB-i thu boundary llnu
han been uxtended to November ill , Ihlfi ,
A mnii natnod Im UEH it witnctm for Iho
phiintilf In the cane of the ttatu ncnlmt Wood.
mark yeatorday wki-.l , fud/o Neville whi-ro
hii fuo.i weru coining fioni. Ho wan infor.iiod
by Iho court Unit uudcr the rulln 8 of the mi-
ptomo court t hero WHS no provision for tlicir
payment. "Wull , " cal'l ' Iho wilnotH In nn in-
uniting inunner , " 1 will tuko II out of you
jud f. " TJiocouit ordciod him ane lud for
his olfrontcry nnd ho wai kept m jail for r ,
couple of hoiiru , Hu ttion apoloKl/.od to tlio
judxoand v/ai roleaucd ,
lly iiHlrif ; Dr. Frazicr'n Throat uud Luti ( ; Vp\- \
earn tljc ) only curi luru for ( Jiiihn ) [ ; , I'oliU ,
llojiHijuem < iinl tiuiuTtiiokt , nnd nil diafintH
of the throut and In'.ig * . Do not lu' ltict u
couijh , It iiiay pnno fat'il , KCOKJK nnd
.lundrodsof crttaful jwuplo ewe their hviw lo
Dr. I'Vrt ii r't Thru , t uud LIIII/ ] ; % Uniii , nn-1
r.o fiUiuly will t-VLr bo wlthuut II ufltr 01 cu
lining it. and dii > cnutrini/ marveluuH ponur , ,
It in put up in larn ; fnmily bottlon nud H..ld . . ;
( or the fm til prlco t-l TrenU fir b at'-i. ' S. lj I
lCiih & Co , and C. 1' ' ' , ( loodm.ui , i
r " ' . . . - / v ; vj. V
Election Hcinrns Slowly Arriving in
Small Installments ,
I'lic Kcimlillciiti National Tlulcoi Sun-
tain * ItfiMnjoilUtM. lioi'nl Con-
( CsN ITnU
Third Dldtilut ,
[ SpoclAll-Olllcinl roturinRho Ulnioo 10V. ( ,
Kr oy IflSJt , Dftwc * OSS , Slioild 1131 , KORROII
100 , Mlllnrd 1101. 1UU ock 1101 I-ITSO 111 I ,
Scott 1108. .louoj 1111. llurnlmm 1001 , Clovo-
.MuM.M , Xn lllor > UI Morton IVJ2 , 1'aco fi ! > 2 ,
Clniicy 6M , lioncstrol f > 9S , Uonoko. > 51 , Alberti
V.O , Ui-nu SHI , Hcovlllo 612.
MKIlllH'K 1-OrNTY.
Full returns nro nt followfi : HI ulna ( I'JI ,
jlovolnnd 5SO , SU John 10 , rciiihllcan | | tlural-
ty on fctnto nud county ticket nro ni follow * :
Dwos : U ( , Shcdd 140 , Koggon 105 , Wlllanl
WI , Untcotk lUil I covi 351 , Hcott 353. Jones
178 , llurnh.un ! W5. County commlnsionor ,
inlloely f l.r > , roprcxontntlvn IIS , district , LCD
.1 , Vinnl , rviron > nt.itlva'S8 , district , New
Myvr 3KI , , .MelkK'Jolin 3S , Judicial ,
Marshall Hi ,
Hccoml Digit let ,
iu : wn.iuw t-ou.NTV.
The otllrlal roturnn of Hod Willow county
nro n follows lllnluo ( i'C , Clovcland 200 ,
St John lj ( or governor , P.xwes ti2S , Morton
302 , Miller 12 ; lioutoiuiit RONcrnor , Shodd
liKt , 1'nco 1'SS , nccrfltnry ol state , Itiycon 035
Honcfltct-1 L'Sli , Hlcolovv 1 1 ; treasurer , Wlllntd
033 , Clanov 'JH ! > , Ku'ton 12 ; commissioner of
Ditlllc Innds , Scott 030 , Alberta 21)3 ) , Oroby 12 ,
norlntundrnt | of public iu > tmctlon ,
Jones 031 , De.ui 888 Cline 12
Attoinoy Ouncral , lee o 0tl , Montgomery
28H. llostctter 12 , halrd fil2 , Stlcklo 3lf ,
Crr.lib 11 , DUtrict nttorney , Morton Cilil ,
J. W. Dolnii 308. Senator , Dms ( Ti7 , Hohr
123. For KcmescnUUvo. t < oo. llockwoll fuS ,
Thoollicialotti nf Thaycr county is ns fob
Iowa ! lllnluu 1,220 , fusion S ! ) , Ht. John II ,
DAWM 1.1SO , Morton S'.IS , Milli r 10 , Shndd
1,2,7 , I' co8'.l3 , HogReu , 1,100 , Uonemilt S'J2 ' ,
13. U. Wllnrd l,2lU , Clnncv 810 ,
Kulton 1 1 , Unbcock 1,100 , 1 oncko is'.U ' , Norton
13 , Scutt 1,10" , Alberta S.S'.I ' , Crofby 13 , Jones
1,108 , Doan 8SO , Oil 10 8 , I.OOFH , 1,102. Mont
gomery 81)1 ) , Hoatotlcr ' . ) , liiirnlmm 888 , Orn-
hum 13 , laird 1,000 , Stickle 075 , Crali 15 , Sav-
no | 1.0SO , llnmbol 1)158 ) , Suoll 1,170 , S. 1)Vil -
laid 000.
Michigan , nlfur t > Bond their colcbratvd Ki.KO
PUAKOKS nn trlnl ( or thirty dnys , to moil
( youup or old ) nlllictod with norvotw debility ,
losa of vitality nnd in.inhooil , nnd nil kindred
Iroubles. Abe for rheumatism , neuralgia ,
paralysis , nnd many ether discuses. Complete
restoration to health , vigor Mid jnanhood
guarnntcHul. No nek incurred , us thirty daya"
trinl fa allowed. Wrlto thoiu ill once for illus-
trntod p unphlot , froo.
MAHltllOl' .
HUNT HAMIJUKJUT No\embor ( ilh
1881 , by Itev. J. H. Uotwcilor. Mr. An-
how .1. Hunt , nnd Mis * Margin K. Ilnm-
bright , both of thirt city.
The young conplo nio wull known in Oma
ha. The groom in nn upright nnd intelligent
young limn , It ongngud ns cleric In the ollico of
thu I'ncilio Kxprrss compnuy , nnd bin Iho
conlidenco of liU uniploycia. The briilo is
onaof Oinnha'n most excellent young Indies ,
nnd numbers iiinoug her acquaintances mnny
warm personal fiit'iida. Thu frionda nnd no-
qiinintnncuiof both nnito in winning thorn all
innnnor of happinctn nnd prosperity.
The Djniiniitc 0
.ND , PA. , November 7. Up to noon
to-jay Iho bodies of three of Iho men burled
under Ihs mini of slack nt thu Hoblnaonia
furnuco were recovered , buincd boyocd recog
nition. Pour o'.heiH were bnritd under HOV-
cral hundroJ toni of debim. The force of the
dyiinmito explosion was felt within n radius of
thirty miles.
- - -
CAPITAL PItlZfi $75,000
' 5T . Sraroa In Proport ! 7i'tt9
Louisiana Stale Loiter ?
" 1ft tie hcrdy tcrt\fy ttat tie ii/riv'05 tte ei
txngt ifnt for all the Hos.iluy and : iein-Anr\n' \
Otamngt ff /xjmjfaiin tltattlOtteru ComtW
vidinperenn manage nnd cwtrotM
, and that the Himc art cotidtideil
KcnSty/3irnem , and in gooil/aith toward ail yir
( iV , ar (1 IM a'Uhoritt thf camyaiiy to ma this -.ft
ttf.csti , with fjf-eimilt ) nf rur ( 'iinafurct fttlatlt * >
( n lit a.lvtrtitin-ni. ( " : :
. r 71 jbnu by 'ila l xlc - * < *
iducatlonr.1 ruiil dinrllililo paipottto Al''j > . > >
iiilof Sl.000,053 lu which n reborn tuul c ! /j
tJCO.COO bin hl.-uxi Icon added.
Ky au ovurwhcln Ini ? popular vMi U
AM nitvdo n part ol the pijjcnt > i > t <
atlopvodJocomi cr Pit. A. 11. 1819.
The only Lottery over voted on and ct
dowad by the people of any ,
II novel ucalco 01
: > utcbni
A tplomlid opportunity to win n IforU'.no
llth tirniiil Drnwlnft Cln s ] / , In the'
liny of Muclo , NovOrloann , Tunadfty , No
vcmbcr llth'AM .171th Monthly druwlDK
100,000 Tlckotn at Kivo Uollan Kucla. Fraa >
lions , In Kit tha In iiroportlou ,
W8T OjT l'UKiS.
OAPITAt VttlZS . , _ . . . r , wi
1 do do . in.OOi
1 do do . 'O.Qtli
I PU1ZE3 Or 83000 . 13W !
t do 2099 . 1U.UC
11 do 1.100 . 10//0 !
10 io t < x > . io&j :
100 do W3 . ! JW3
eoa u to . is 003
1CCO da Wi
t AvproiJnmion piicuainl
g io deV
V Jo do
1CST Ptltci imaonUsK to . 1l'Kiti
Apflloitloii lii I ! o1 lo oiiitjj otio-uld to VAit ciU ;
o thu oEco ol t > io Comfi.ny la Now OrlotMi ,
Korlcr'hrTlnlonnfttldu wrlJa olaarlv plvlnjf Iti"
tildrm' . I'OhTM.NOlK' , Kxiiri'ii Mnriuy Order * , or
Niw : Yolk KuchanKo In onllnary lottor. Currency
liy 1 Ki | riHs ( nil rmiracl D3 mid ujiwarun at uur ui-
' iiansu ) aililita ud
11 A. XiMJl-HIP.
erM. A. DAIJI'HIK. HewOrr.n ! , : .
07 tuv.-iitli nt. WMhlntttun D. ( J.
. ' . - ! ! nnd
O. K'-noy Ortltri ( ' > >
.i ttcru to
Hvw Urloriiu , Ia.
s ( * Ii < i 4 HHT i "i/bB .nil . u i , .
ff I II v l , I
fmAII i IM > HX rim. v/onici-i
I I 'U Hie t' l > r LtiVir I lit ii
Fjr llnnlriij H'h tlTVKO or ( Vmn'i 'J '
CLAUD , CHINA , &O. , do.
l 8LM
I AclvortlAln/t / Clirntp.
" 1 h.ii boonrno ro common to bij'i { an
article , in nncleKan'i ' interostinff style ,
"Then run it into eomo ndvertiBonioot
thnt wo nvcid all mi oh ,
"And simply onllitltoiition io the mcr-
ita uf Hop lUiter.i in ni plain , lionoit
turms nn possible ,
"To induce people
"To give thorn ono trinl , which nero
ro vcu their value that they will nuvor
.10 fiiij thing eho.
"TllBllKMKliT R \vorVjly f niV-fl In a1 !
the i'ii'or | ' ,
KollKlnui nnd ureulnr , Is
"Having a UrRO snie , nnd is aiiipl.ntln | ) ; Ml
other modiclnoii ,
"Thoro Is n.i USD denying Urn \lrlucsof Iho
Hop phut , nnd the proprietor * of Hop Itlllars
IAn ho n rent nlirewdnens nnd Ability , * *
"In conipdittullng n incdlcinfr whoso virtues
nro so pnlpnblo to o\ory ono'aobsorvntlon. "
" 8ho lingered and aufforod nlong , pin-
inij nwny nil the tinm for yonra , "
"Tho doctors doliij ( her no Rood ; "
'And nt Inat vnn cured by this Hop
Liittorn Iho pnpora pnyso much nbout. "
"Imlocdl ludoodl'r
"How thnnkftil wo tihould bo for that
mcdtcino. "
"Klovcn yaaro otirdntightur BUlTurcdon
n bed of nuaury ,
"Fmni n uonipliuAtioit of kidney , liver ,
rhetnn.tiiu trouble and Nervous debility ,
"Under the euro ( if Iho boat physiclnns
"Who gavohvr diiionso v.irioua unmoe ,
"Hut no relief ,
"And now cho in rcntorcd to us in pond
icalth by its nimplu roincdy nn Hop
ftittora , that Vi-o had ahunnod for yuaij
) eforo using it. " Tint I'AUKNIH.
Rulict * In QottliiK Wotl.
"IkFy dnughtora oay :
"How much hotter father is oinco ho
used Hopltitlcrj "
"Ho ia gutting uoll nftor hia long euf-
* bring trom , \ dlsvnio dticliircd incurable. "
"And wo nro BO glnd thnt ho used your
nittora. A L\nv of Ulica , N. Y.
/MTN'onn / Kcnuinolthoiit i > liunoli ot urcon Horn
on tliu nlilto lulnl. Muni nil the \llu , jiolaunoua
lull lli ( "Hup" or "llupj" lii their naino.
llo tcttcr'n * lnm-
noli ll.ttini lia nlli u
Mxxl I n-
tlmialoAthartla , ami
IV UHlllMlli | ) IvllUllll
ntcdllo Kr.lliuilho
fn 111 in ; cm-rule * ( > (
thu iloliilltn * < l nuil
eliuckit | reiuituiiuli )
oomplal n til n-o
a in o n R thu u\IU
nliTy nfu-liil l > y tlio
u 'tntil'io.l . Inlliicnca
- ' ! " " of cllnmto illct lunl
water , li 'H ' n ury
or sale by all drujfglsU nml
Ic.-ilura gonurnlly
"i ' ! t
/ " FfTf.T . r'7"\r"J \ ; '
-w , f f rf K JtiiL'i'uffli-Jrluiilll' '
g t/ s ©
, , .
tlwT-li-tiodl. * ) hfti i rr it Af " jK.v4lmp * tWli-t > BTJ
riw-r it. , , , . ! to ui i4 .u r JtiAi an. . vJ
. ir "f muni * * < it , > < ( your i onr cr unicr'-kl Ci fHJt
> i' . uuur iunt/Mt./Q I *
f.l MKO +
For the Cure of nil diacasca of
Horses , Cattle , Sheep
Ub-cd BiiccoHsfnlly for i20 years by I'ar-
incrs , SlockbrceilcTfl , Hone , Ac.
Ilnilorscd .t nwilhy the lI.S.Jcriiin'l. ( ( .
ffO'PjiinphlcIs .t ( 'luirls sent frci' . * 538
100 Fulton St. , Now York.
Humphreys' Homeopathic
" U" * * " " * * * * MM O ) W H H'jfl VU/
Infl iieuao ji-nrj. Tliuonliriiumw.fiil niiiii-dyfor
Neiyous Debility , Vital Weakness ,
5Jrnv.mtenrtT. ,
NIIMIIIY llllUOdlHlN.iirMint | i ( lpii | ( | 1,11 riici'lptiif
JM ! 'iil'l' " '
niinllrliiofi ) . , < < iaNt"lVuwYl0rljl' |
At Jlhrir 1ll l 'M i .lf HrnlC"l < ! In- I n l n ( f
flil I iflftO TMnthnft in oil - . Pht.lrlnB le f" . l QlL
r\ fni rl * I.AW nnri ) < itnf. ' If ' ' lit. IDMT '
Ninon * Pi. strMfcii. P"ililly ) , flcrla ) and
> > ; n'lcil Wi f n'Ji M-tiifUI ndolisrflHcc !
llnmnl riuo.i. vmnr tunej. (
.11 1 Sun.9 F..V ! tllcaf.l. , . U
trvru < 'l'tr
'i.-c r 1- . ' .
111 ijrlij vr' , ' , IMJ.I . pii ? f u/ii.v VJ "
1ft inlcJ MI"I i \ h c in IIT aiMrfM. r nnlltlob Al f <
Oct irl.jioMlfr * , amllrivl.c.l Writ * for n illoo * .
A Positive Written Guarantee
Tain | ili I Mil , Cucllth or German , 8 pneet , ti" .
oriblnaabovoUI o c In male or foialt. i'llEU.
nOingr < , flnrpUln. lllniltitM In f ! nlh in.l Jill tlnJb.
t * . Tio3 ; er roM.jt ; i.nif. | | rr coirr , , tin. Till t > ii
t iil ln ll lhi > turlmn , il nlinil or luqnl.kl.n vrcl tl
Boynl nntlU.H
f Ac JZAi e , ( 'nmantJialy , ffallatfi iuvi Frr.nct
't awr.ii , SM , InohidlmjljOilJIii ? , oto.W CtMu , JM ;
1umrt 'fili ) | CW.Wi xi'nrslfln , OlWj Mwii frou flj
tn SJO ; Excursion 111) to 31 W.
r ! hl Bon * , Onn Aiontii S , " > I'ronl. '
vJ. ! Y.
JUaiUton ft Ci. , OITXJ..IV I' . X. Hi )
. iwiiaif. > 9i. o-atSM ; > . r. . Kin
BTTMUcr , Sc : p ,
Measure , \VetRher ,
n r e it u e r , Rica
\Vnher , Tomato ,
Pumpkin , Starch , '
Wine and Fruitl
Strainer. Tvrelv *
Articles in on : .
Tis Cii't CaM-
Mnn loKl thin til
ether Sieve * inJ Sinerfl
cemblnrdl nveryhody
Ilkel Ilieml We inlka
Vv UtceSineronilMUeii
Ir. for hin4 itu ! poner.
Write for ciulo iie.
ftfc :
SaiW * The Hunter SintrMfj
Co. . Clnclnnitl , O. . 40 *
CanktSt. , New Yorlu
Arents wtnt d rbr ouf
Klldien 'ipctliltiei > n4
UunUrUin.lCo * '
PklWW tfEl-SlCLES !
'i rrv. Kqunlly wull ndnptoiPlo rmiRli country
i mliniitlllnaOrlvcHorcltli'n. Atcimnielnri'dRDd
illtlioIrmllnnCarrliiROIlnlldt'MeiM Mrs-
" ! o Yini'lvnlv l > y
< ; .i.c < . -.cjo. r
K wlGiHxnHssiuis "
Ul )
Qalvamzea iron Cormcas
, virJ nn t Wlndawj , TnUli , Tn. Irvivi
'ato ' ItMjn ? . rfpflMt'n I'atjnt Mitilllo SkylU'ht ,
nt > djmtj | UiJll'Jtt Uir nl llru'tolSlijliflny.
a-nMii ifiiiral > , 'M' fi- tit ni'J II u > ' < > " '
lroaOrJ lni ) , ( T J I il i ( , 'J ' il . . - % , Tj/ il.i ,
0. T. PAUL33N , I'roprlotcr.
TJom' Clotli'nir ' Clcano'l , Dyed and Rcpilrod.
V Iro3)03 Cluaui'il ami D > ud , without Ulpplni ; .
et Ulmiifd or Oilarad &nv nlm < lu , ( o etuiple.
Sllko , Velvets ftnO IAWJJ C'loino 1 , Dyoil unl Ko-iln-
1212 Douglas Street , - OMAIIA , NEP
n'Cinionroo.StH. ,
\\ > ou llitir
tit I I , UO | 'V > - < " ! ' ! > ( > lii
nf liiilrun > > iu , hultf , Ca | . , | MJU ! ,
J onuioiil , l'li uteU , Cap-ljimi * ,
Flinill , Drain Mnjcr1. gulll on.I
IhU , hiiailry I'niul ( lullI. Kq
M.tethli. ulia ImlujM Inilriirllaii
> < f r Ali Uur IHiiJi , r.-ul
i'ASHXNOIIlt KT.KVAT > FO AIJ. I'LOOUS. | IJ03.12:8 nud 1210 rariiam St. , Omuhs , Nob.
3 $ % V ffii&X.if
w S Sl fc . H fc $ % 4' '
% y W-
' v-i \f > >
' A16" vvi AS
l .Ss
} j " ' r. *
J K- ' ' " ' ' ' " "
* 'fe'hK " "Jfit , 'f"1 7"S' ?
; taaM Kt . \xTviiija2ii W'a. tt { K2 : i3MA - fl "
f.s rfi'Jtj J.a * fri
toiC © 3 M ;
4" ; Mi' i.'f K'l. , J'A VJ.-n-OKT , JOVA. P. 6. A. T'.J '
, | ' ' . i i r , wi'iN'trvotii l/inc-ftcos - ; vjc ( lily inl 1 rw' > ii'iUy Mvv .1 l'
! l . , i i'liui , VuU ) f r-"Tug Kli'.nifjAVluuEZivi.r.vt" for < Li. K ( > ' . 'II"
. . ' , .
? W- > " -lsy M.