Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 08, 1884, Image 4

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Ornntm Omco , No , ItlO F rn m Sf ,
Council ninth Office , No 7 Pcntl
BtrcctNonr BrondwAjr.
New York Office , Hoom 05 Trlbu
Building. _ _ _ _ _ _
PaWhhwl Tcry iroralnff , except Sand * ) ' 1
to ! ) liinrt y notnlojf rUlly.
IKMt TT Milk
On Y f . $10.00 I Three Uonthi . tS
D'.sUontnJi . 6.00 | One Month . 1 ,
P We k , SSCenU.J
tun WIIII.T i" , rimunM IYIBT ;
I c YfM . fiOO I Three Monlhl . I
g. . 1.00 | Onellcvjth. . . .
AI Csisrnnnlaitlonj relating lo N w ted Ml lor
rnilt < rt should bo ftddrcsed to the KDITOB or Ti
Di Mrnu 3
All nuttntM Ixbtwra and lUmttUnod ihonld 1
Jlrnse'd toTniUm Fmunniica Oonriirr , OMIH
DntU , Chocki and rmtofflce ordcri to b * md < p
tbli to the order of the oompiny.
13. llOSKWATKtl , Killlor.
A. II. Fitch , Manager Dally.Circulalion , ]
O. Box , 4SS Omaha , Nob.
How is the navigation on Salt Greek ?
POOR Bon Butler , will ho over smil
again ?
THE democrats nro.beglnning to acrap
the moss oil tholr backs.
DRMOCUATIO papers will now spring u ;
everywhere , like mushroomn.
Fito.M a republican point of vtow thi
political outlook ia decidedly mugwump
( ah.
LONG JONES has succeeded Ling John
as the long-follow of Chicago's political
where was ho on thst fatal batllo-dayj
Was ho getting out n No * York Extra ?
HAD James E , Boyd been nominated
by the democrats and null-monopoliata
for governor , Mr. Dawcs would have
bocn snowed under.
IT ia not so much a question who
rocked the republican party at iU birth
A3 it ia who planted the rocks upon it
which it was wrecked.
IF Cleveland secures the presidential
persimmons how quickly the scandals of
the campaign will bo forgotten and its
gall turned into honey.
DKMOCIUTIO victory has advanced the
price of Schurz , from § 250 to100. . This
boata Ec-Sotiator Tabor's 8250 night-
nhtrU by n largo majority.
Mn. Thodoro Roosevelt , where was ho
when the republican "light went out ? "
Ho out-lit to have romainad on his Dako
ta ranch about six weeks longer.
not jubilant over the republican defeat ,
Is very happy in the thought that Kdltor
Smith , of the PhUadolphio Press will not
bo hia successor.
THE Mormon * uro very jubilant over
the democratic victory. They believe
that the Lord has smitten the republicans
hip and thigh for interfering with their
easred institutions.
WHILE Alderman Liwlcr of the Queen
City of the Lakes did not succuod in
making a corpse of his friend Finerty in
the physical order of things ho laid him
oat completely in the congrostional race
DuiiiNa this period of uncertainty
and iiusponso the Chicago Tribune en
deavors to quiet the norvoa of ita
readers with editorials on such ewoot
BUbjecta M "Bjot , Oano and Sorghum. "
two national party committees are
alroidy charging fraud upon each other.
It would seem tlmt the contest for the
presidency haa only begun. Thcro ia now
no tolling when or how the end will bo
A DKMOOBATIU president can keep in
foil acsurd with the rage for the antlqu *
in household decoration , for ho haa sonia
rare old material for cabinet and bureau
making. It has born in the political
drying kilns for the last twenty-four
JAT GOULD congratulates Cleveland
upon hU election. It is a cold day when
Gould can't ' got over to the majority. It
vras Gould who said that ho was n re
publican in a republican district , a demo-
' 'crat in n democratic district , and an Krio
man all the time. From this tlmo on
Jlr. Gould will bo a good democrat.
J. E. RILBY , who ronoivo1,920
volts for the legislature , the highest vote
cast for any man on either legislative
ticket , ought certainly to fool proud over
this endorsement , especially as ho is
comparatively n now nun in Omaha. Wo
have every reason to believe that Mr.
Ililcy will make ono of the boat legislat
ors Douglas county lies over had. His
record in Omaha , during his residence
hero of not more than three years , is
llitlof un honorable and enterprising
I : u ill ; ota man
iMlho DougUs oanty election the
democrats lave elected the following ;
Senators , John A. McShane , Fred Met/ ;
roprcsontativcr , Bitey , Wimpear , Turtle
and Mulvihill ; commU ionor , Tlmme ;
coroner , Droiol. The republicans have
elected : County judge , MoCullooh ; rep
resentativea , Troup , Wifttmoro , Brunuor
and McArdle. The ccnteit lio'woon '
I'crgueon and Clark for float senator is to
close that it will to be decided by
oflid&l count. Leo 8. Katelle , republican ,
lif. been elected for district attorney
over Park Godwin.
On the seventh day of last June , wl
the tumultnons applause over the no
nation of James G. Blnlno shook the
tional republican convention hill in C
cafco , the editor of the BEE wired the I
lowing editorial , written while the 1
ballot was being taken :
If brilliant genius and agrussivo load
ship alone In its standard bearer wor
guarantee of triumphant success , the
publican party could fcolo assured ol
glorious victory In November , i
which yielding to no man or joun
in our sincere admiration for t
noble find manly qualities of Jan
G. Blaine , whom wo have v
ported na our choice for president in 18
and 1880 , wo realize that the republic
party has reached a crisis in Its histoi
In which the nomination of James <
Ul ino becomes an extra hnanlo
orpcrhncnl. It is not a question whet
er the reliable republican states of Ka
MB , Iowa and Nebraska will roll up fre
25,000 to 60,000 for Hlaino and Lrga
3tit whether the doubtful otates of N <
i'ork , Indiana and Now Joroey c
jo carried in the face of the knon
md pronounced opposition to Mr. Blaii
imong the independent votora of the
itatcs. It was because wo have baliovi
Jhcstor A. Arthur , with his clcan-handi
tdmlniatration , discreet , conciliatory pi
cy , was by all odds the safest mun fi
ho republican party at this critical jun
uro that wo have urged his clatmn aboi
heap of oil other competitors for th
( residency. Wo fervently hope that tl
hoico of the national convontioninspire
iy zealous enthusiasm rather than coo !
ellborato judgment , will lead the part
0 triumphant victory.
What wo most feared has como to pas :
'ho ' republican party has mot with
itastor which is liable to retire it froi
ewer for many years. The doubtft
ales which were essential to republics
icccsa have pronouncsd against.ito can
'date ' , and Grover Cleveland will 1 :
1 probability bo inducted into ti
residential chair on the -llh of Marcher
or the beet : ntorcsta of the country i
to ba hoped that the tuspouaa whic !
is paralyzed industry and common :
ill scon bo over. If , aa Is g ] j
needed , Grover Cleveland has recdvec
plurality of the votes of ITovr Yorl
ate , the republican party ahould jielt
the InovlUblo as peaceably na tu !
mocrata have done in the five BUNCOS
re presidential contcats einco the close
the war.
While wo deplore the disaster that has
ortr.kcn the republican party , thoac
10 have with us believed that thi
minalion of James G. Blaine w.13 ar
tra hazardous risk cannot justly be
Id responsible. While the nomination
Mr. Blaine appeared to bo at the
no a spontaneous outburst c : onthusl
u , it vra in reality a skillfully zana.
od canvass , in which Mr. Blaine , it
0 background , directed the wires ,
lilo they wcro manipulated at the
int by such men as Stephen B. Elkine ,
hitolaw Raid , and Powell Clayton ,
ko Ifcnry Clay , Mr. Blaine haa mot
feat at the hands of a mun of Tory in-
ior mental calibre , but it was not ac
joh Mr. Blaino'a individuality that hac
ookcd the republican party aa it waa the
iractor of the men who ware chicJy
trumontal In forcing liia nomination
ipled with the fear of man7 of the ro-
blicans that wo wcro to have a more
rupt administration than wo had
; the oocond term of Grant.
( though the doinocratio victory is a rad-
1 revolution in political ntf.iirsltia not
: casarily n calamity. The country is
o and republican , iustitutioui will tur-
3CLVA Lockwood is known to have ro
ved ono vote without a doubt. It waa
t at White River Junction , Vermont.
O Oabi .ot and bureau makers.
} heat price paid. Apply at once to
Jver Cleveland , Albany , N. V.
) UH own John B. Finch has been
ird from , lie saya ho did it vnth hh
lo prohibition voto.
Cho excitement over the reported cape -
e of General Gordon and the ourrondor
vhartoum has subsided. Latest advtcon
in Lord Woolaoloy , who ia now on hio
y up the Nile with the relief oxpedi-
n , represented Gordon aa still holding
; against the Mahdl'a lorcoa. Ample
> plies and munitions of war Imvo boon
werdod to Djugola , General Woolao-
' 4 headquarters , for the Nile oxpodi-
n and the relief of Gordon is now
Iy a matter of time. Mr. Gladstone
i his ministry have narrowly escaped
rliainonUry dufwU by the contradiction
the reported disaster to Ginoril Gor-
u , Much interest is i.giin felt in
gland In the future Irish
licy. The triumph of the
comment in the matter of the Mnain-
ana inquiry is like the blemish on the
iglish victory at liuukor Illll. Another
; h victory would bo fatal. Although
3 vote In favor of Mr. Harrington's
londmeut was pitiful , that fact docs
t tell the vrholo story. Nearly a hun-
ad liberals who wcro In town refused
a summons of the whip mid declined
attend and vote when Mr. Gladstone
d finally decided tooppoao the Inquiry.
its decision was reached by Mr. Glad-
mo only after repeated telegrams had
en sent to Lard Spencer , in Dublin ,
Kglug him to reconsider his throat to
sign if the inquiry was granted. To
I the inquiries the same dopged answer
is returned by L rd Spenror. The
uechos on the government tide were
linfully weak anil perfunctory , and their
w points were murcilesely nddcd. !
As matters now stand the outlook is
at the Irish morabcM will keep Miles
ijco before the ministry as the yhobt oi
illty dreams , nnU tliiit nooiu-r or latur
cy will obtain the inquiry they have
kcd for and the ju tici > ; 'they donnnd ,
njjlish uympalhy fur the four Innocent
uu in prison may ba tru t ct to row
iiy ! , and eventually itullba nrony
icugh to CKKO the ministry. The
i tout ( Iflut of the ic fusil tc
Ant thu inquiry w It be to m
the ltjjuo mnvomcitt In
oryoouniyln Iro'int' , and , in roove- ,
uiito lituti vi < turd iu Kun uu.l &u < .l
u ItbaraU. Ti ia httor in itec.'f ' nil !
sufHricnt to turn the ocalo against
liberals in roino dfZ'ti constitnenc
\fenntrhilo the Rovernmcnt and EDR ]
press are making strenuous clForts to
ml the effect of the support given by
Irish blahnps to I'rtrnc'll by mean < i of
aertinns telegraphed frum Rome that
p-po doprecttustho octlon of thoblsho
Mr. OoorKo Errin ton , an English 0 < t
He , who holds an Irish seat , nnd who r
resents Etiih ; h intrigue againot Irel
at the Vatican , voted against the inqui
and it is said to bo working tooth n
nail to get another Papal letter conden
ing agitation in Ireland. It is not belled
od that ho will nucced. The fntlcjia
itncc Jiclrfc say Mr Gladstone has pr
fercd the Vatican certain reforms if. t
education lawa of Irclnnd which wet
put the schools in the hands of the JJii
"pi , in rotiirn for tno Influence of t
I'opo npaiiist ; Mr. I'arnoll , Moanwh
the Irish members are getting ready
render the now secretary's lifo not woi
living when ho takes his scat next wet
They expect n dissolution in January.
The result of the Gorman elections w
probbly ! ia n prompt dissolution of t
Reichstag and a now election , for it w
be imposaiblo to weld together a major !
for any ono or any thing out of the hoi
rogoneoua material thrown together i
this week's ballots. The clericals ece
to have about hold their own , while tl
conservatives have gained a number
seats. The great and unexpected inroni
made by the socialists into the ranka
the liberals have dismayed the liberal
whoso papsrs talk ns if the world wo
coming to an end. The Tagtblall
particularly sore , and declares that tl
foundations of the monarchical state a
ihaicn. Whatever rho happens tl
tieat judgment seems to 1
that the progroslita are umaahi
Beyond recovery. The Polls
Hanoverian and Ahatian Separatist ni
ill rBhtrnud. There are great demo :
itrations of delight in Franco over tl
weeping triumph of French cimdldati
n nil the Alsatian districts , especially I
Hoi 3 , where the Germans combined wit
ho Olericnls in support of n French Abl
.gainsl . LI. Antoinc , iv famous ropnb'.icai
ml vrero uevorthcleM badly beatoi
rlany of the defeated Liberals are dlatii
uiahcd men whom Germany will mini
'hu total vote polled will bo not muc
ver halj the number of electors. Th
1cat nown makrs it probable thatPrinc
Sismarck will have not more than 1C
otco in the Reichstag on which ho ca
ely. Ho would need to got 10 other
i order to have a majorlt' , but the ton
f the Catholic prca.i ahowa that ho woul
uvo to make great concesilons in orde
> get thoin from that quarter. It is aal
lat thu Princa is much diahoMtoned a
tie immunao growth of the Socialists
oto , especially in Berlin , where the ;
umber nearly ono-haif of the electorate
The prospecta of harmony botweoi
Ingland and Germany uro not improvcc
y the dieputo over the succc-salmi to thi
ingdom of Hanover. Until 1837 En
| -vud had a hold on this corner of Gor-
lany , and used it to promote her com
lorcial Interests by setting a limit ii
10 spread of the Xollroroin. In tha
uar the death of Williftin IV. brouglv
'uecn ' Victoria to the English throne
at aa a woman could not succeed in
knovor , her uncle , the duke of Gurn <
L'rland , became elector. The Ilanovoriar
jrnnaty In thus a cadet branch
: the Enclinh royal family. It is trut
mt ueou "ictoria'a relations with the
oburg family , to which her husband bo
ingcd , have been moro In tire at 9 thai
5th that of bar roynl uncle. The roixaoi
not far to seek. The Dulio of Cum
orlcnd would hnvo been king of Eoglanc
the Princess Victoria had not been in
10 way , ns the heiress of his oldei
other , the Duke of Kent. IIo was be.
iveJ to have entered into a conspiracy
hao thu princess sot aside IIo used
a poiitiou aa the head of the Orango-
en to aproad roporU that she and her
other were secret Catholics. In such
30 3no could not have succeeded
the crown , which the act of act-
miont of 1701 entails on the Protestant
in of the Eloctress Sophia , of llano-
r , who was a granddaughter of James
The conspiracy wa3 exploded by Mr
soph Hume in parliament , < md the
ango order was then duclurod illegal.
As n consequeuca the court relation
tvroon England and Hanover , after
37 , was "somewhat atrained , " as the
| ) ! ommbts say. But tlmo eilicca many
Her memories , and "blood Is thicker
an water. " The now generation on
th eldcs must incline to forgot family
ends , nnd iho royul priucea in Enc- ;
id will not relish the attempt of Bis-
> roc to eicluds the Duke of Cumber-
id from the throne left vacant by his
.her's ds.-\th.
Thu success of the Fronsh in China ha
t been BO pronouncrd or BO economic * !
to muUo it wiao for [ . Ferry to turn n
nf ear to propositions of mediation ,
linn n ready and nnzious to got out of
0 present imbroglio na soon and as
eapJy aa oho can nor ia there any im-
obabillty in thn report that both powers
, vo applied ior English mediation. Eng-
nd ia in a good position to play the
cific part of mediation , aiuoo her inter-
ta in thfi east impel her ardently to
sire the reiteration of peace. All thu
nld would rejoice it , by England'u
terpoaition , the long'Oiiduriug and
retched half.warfnro iu China ahould
1 brought to n close. The paper * ,
bmitted by the Tonquin com-
isaiou to the French cabinet ,
ntain dispilchra that wcro interchanged
twcen M . Ferry , the prime minister of
ranee , and the secretary of atato at
ashington regarding mediation by thu
vommont of the United States between
rauco and China. The dispatches nhow
at M. Ferry , in replying to * a query
am the American secretary whether
ranco would accept the mediation of
0 United States , said that the minimum
nditions of eueh mediation would bo an
irceervod acceptance by the govern-
ont of China of the treaty of Tion-Tein
id the payment of an indemnity to
ranee , the ituiouni of which could bo
icd subsequently.
Nnplca terms at lost to bo free from
10 priap of the dread of cholera epidum
, Tno terrible scourge lasted ouvonty-
ur clays , or nearly two months and a
ilf , nnd iu that comparatively short time
.used the donth of 7,025 people. No
iff cases have been reported in the city
nee Friday last , end ( hero hnvo been
1 doatns in the sumo period , Thu poo-
o of Naples have nbuiuUnt ciuso to be
atufut tint thu icourgo 1m left them ,
id now they will have nmplo time tu
nnombr whit heroic King Humbert
d fur them when disoaan and duatli
immcd them in on every ride.
The striucjlo bo'wecu the torioa nnd
iiorald in ( Jr nt Britain ia ns bitter ve
ir preaiilnutiil cimpniii [ , without our
tcufo. Tru < rt > ia no cluoticu iui ciuling ,
< Mr. CUJstjiu ( ioolarM ho v.illnoc
iisulvo | urii.nnmt ! on recount if thu
tion of i'ulcrd ' < on tbo franeiiuo b'll ,
o ; Biir.4h a'.ucUiui ; libnl ciH ti.'nei
n tin I'la-frm , aud HrUH u-H now
tiot asrcoly ra in the raott ixci * cd o
tion 1 nonn ( u ui ,
M. DJ Lmsops denies flut ho ia
t-iguingto obtain the ee * a ion of P.VII
to France. Probably this denial is lit
ally true. Ho may not bi intriguing
obmin the cession of ( ho ntara to Fnui
but the oxpondlture of § 300,000,000
$400,000,000 in on tntornriie like 1
1'rtiiama Canal demands , above all thini
a strong and stable ( jovcrnmont. T
canal will bo greater than the govet
mont if Panama remains true to her pri
ent political rotations. Its revenues , c
poiiditurcs and mentis of defon
will bo greater than these
tlio atato government.
will bo Mngnlar under such conditions ,
an emergency docs pot arise which rrou
require the interference of a strong go
crmncnt. When auch anomorgoncy do
ariae aqueatlon of RMVO Importance v/i
arise in American politics shall Frar/
bo permitted to establish n protoctii
ever Panama ? Whoa this question
fairly pre ontod to the American peopl
wo do not think there will bo ao mui
hesitation about the answer. It is qui
probable , however , that the qucatlou wi
yet assume a purely financi l characto
1'rolty missCuniinliiKH Declares
on the Jl'olloe Tlio Court Or
ders llnSU.,000 A'cr-
ilict Sol Aside.
> "uw York Journal.
Miss Minnie Camming * thinks that
the verdict oho recently obtained opaim
her dressmaker had baen $100,000
would not have been nxco > civu , conp.idei
int ; the humiliation and suffering BIO e ?
pcrirnccd by the actions of both tlio dc
fondants. She says.
' 'Ju t think of this big burly policoma
ontcring my hoiiao without & warrant o
the fllmdow of authority , nnd at the re
tjueat of thia woman arresting mo in th
prcaouco of my mother and daughter.
"Sho aaja you rcfucod lo pay for th
making of your dre ea. "
"Refused to pay ? Why , goodncs
jracioua ! the woman ruined my hiauti
rul droaacj , r.nd made an r.wfal Lotch o
.he job. They wouldn't fit , ui.d after reseated
seated alterations aho failed to auccecc
n yetting them in condition to bo worn
I certainly refused to pay her until tht
vork waa done according to agrvomunt ,
; nd I refused to allow her to take then :
iway without leaving security for the ma-
eriul , which was ccatly and valuable.
"Sho _ then attempted to frighten mn
nto paying by her bitf policeman , but I
rouU not submit to ba blackmailed , ao 1
PRS arrested. "
' Wore you.inconvonionoed otherwise
iy the mishap to your drcaaca ? "
"Oh , my , yes ! Why , 1 was to have
ave played m 'Frou Frou' at my Now
Invoii opera house , but on nccjunt of
hia miserable failure to get my drcsse * ,
nd because they were not lit to wear
ftor i did Ret them , I hud to substitute
llomeo and Julie' . ' I hud to gtvo it
ithout my company being at all pro-
arcd and on very abort notice , and it
aa a failure and I was ao chagrined that
have not played oince. "
"But these defendants could not pay
aoh a judgment aa $25,000. "
"No , know that , and I never ex-
ectod to got a cent from them ; but I
repose to make thU a tsat caao to aeo if
srno protection cannot bo afforded by
i'o law n gainst the rough nttacka ot law
> sa p oltcemou who , m place of being
uaroians of the innocent , are often
iiemaelvea the guilty parties. What ex-
130 can policeman DeoTea givu for
ragging mo out of my hovweHo / know
ell that if the dressmaker's complaint
as a just ono the could have every
idross in a civil court ; but , no ! ho madu
brutal assault on me , and I propose to
; ht it out. 1 have no fear of the
Judge Barrett , of the oupremo court ,
la ordered the dcfanlt in the case ot
olicoraan Dcoves and Dressmaker JUelia
'urphy , against cnch of whom Mioa
umuungs recently obtained a verdict for
alicioua arrest , to bo opened. While
a honor does not hold that the amount
the verdict trns excessive , ho contidora
fair that the defcndanta bo allowed tome
mo into court and defend their cane.
10 hearing will begin to-morrow.
Hoinancu of Two Cities Omulin
and St 1'ntil.
"Somo " aaid well-known
yeara ago , a -
mblor to a Chicago Herald man , "I
ifted out to Nebraska , and hulttd ut
.naha. I liked thu place. It wua a
lay , bustling , progressive city , and so 1
icided to remain there for thu winter. I
cured board nt the home uf a widow
dy , and uuttlud down to such upjoy.
enta aa wuro nccesaablu to n man of
ate , nindoit , pruSentiona and
ill moro modest pureo. The household
ia composed ot my hoatesa , auvcral
ning men employed in the ollicea c.f the
tcitio roiid , aud two ; lauchtuta ; of the
rmcr , one of thu Luicitbt and nu at
otherly women by thu way , it haa over
ion my fortune to meet. 1 fell madly in
vo with the oldest daughter , u Auntie , .
uid , auacoptiblu Rirl.'Jod ' bltsi her , mme
o came to bo a paraniau to inu.
lo was poteeseed o ! ojquialto form aud
aturo , with dark.bnzol u > csand u wealth
hair the ancient Orceka nud moduru
unolaieura deaccibo ai Titian. But ho ;
irsonal attractioaa were not to be coni-
ired to the attractions of mind r ul
iart that inapirsd mo with rv love I ahull
> ver outgrow. Did ahn ruciprocuto thu
utimont I Yes in timo. At lirat 3h
gardcd mo aa an udvuntrj cr nnd so 1
u. But after a while aha realized that
inly needed 301110 such inHueuco eisho
IB exerting to pouaibly develop iu mo
iblor traits * and ehu finally yibldod nu
kuowlcdgmont of her allectiou.Vu
id a hard tiuiu contuaosig with the ou-
leitiou niMiifeatcd by her relatives , u
uplo if rich uucltBitxi regarded mu ,
thought rather toohypersrllically , but
u romaiuud true uud luy day were dug.
led for bright thing ? only. Along in the
ring it wus dodJvd between us that 1
ould go west , ougAgo in luaitlmato buui-
: BS , aud at the exiirntUm of a year , if L
id rufoTuiod aud was badiuj ; H correct
ro , wo were to bo married. I accur < 2-
glv wont to Uheycnuu , but tindisg
) thind thcro continued on to Denver ,
iOa in tha full dash cf ita auccusa ua ibu
ity cf the Phina. I obtained emvloy-
ont , and was proapcrbg. Wo c-rva.
mdud , of oourju , lu.t uuu week u Uc-
btr , two yearn a u , 1 fulled to hear
om her. 1 aid no'.hiu , nud tlni ne.
i ok n fihcrt , kindly-toned ooinnmnieo.-
an , was received 1 > > me , brrakiiii ; oU
" \Vn did you dj theui" was oakcd ,
tcr a pause.
" 1 ondoavoroA to nioertain the cause ,
it failed , Then I tent baoV hut loiter * ,
r Ui' ' u other ti/kfiis of tll''Ct'on s > ti
ul ; .ivi > n tut ) , r.tul nlornuA to cards ,
inubndwomoo. She man led ufiUu-
rjiniu , and last luum r 1 ma1 , hoc n
il'jnir.poli * . \Vf ) duu't r.peik bu' . It
> .v the blood from tcr fi\e , nnu u.y
j-.Tn into ny b.rS , DJ i
of hr-r Always. A'.itl she thinks < f
lno , a m "Mines. A 'Kitiion invcr fj
furgelB the man * . ' . < > ha * once loved I
.Sho may not have loved him ; si o i
hiU'e oiven him the no itif.tend t f the
lie / iked her for ; but the rwnombra
thrT JIR diisirfd n j-oi nlwaja tiofferia
thonlhU of him , nrd inikrs her
'ricnt'orover. . At Irmit that'a my ]
In.ioplry. Hut lot'a go into Frank Ulyi
and tlfcp i hnwl. "
7/o ; Only Remedies for the Si
ar.d Blood Universally
\Vm. T. Tottin. 072 Norti Tfiith Street , PI
dclphli , reports tint nnc of nil customers stated
hlui Incidentally that he Mat feelleg no well and I
palncl tucntv-vevtti toundt in the lltear , all
whl' h lie atirlhuttd to n cyitrinHIc t-our-c if
Cutl nral'iioltcnt , hlch.haapio\cd effectual wl
all o'.lier remctlii-9 fulled.
Cli . Erly , Som'r HIn , Miss , whorefers to
J. J. W iod , dtust ! , ol thia city nitlllcs to n vi
ilciful ciro of rumiinsr m ro > , on the necT which I
been treated by hrjplUI plijjlcliuj wlth'iit cu
nd which jlelded cotuj letflj lo tha Cullcuia 111
Jlyfkln ilUcwc , which reil'loJ tmtrol popu
remrdles and cilheriemcdlcs tilthnl by nbyslca
: ias hten cured bjr your i utlcura llemodlos. 'H
urinvrd UA tntst "iLRiiljo txrtc atlont and lar
i .ffected n curi- . J C. AKHXTUUE
Vincent cs , Ind.
All of your ( Juticiira lUniulIc ) irl o very good 9
nfxtlou. Tr.oCul"iiriv t oi | cclally roosinmrnd I
ho dl < ct9cs for which It la usd. I LIIOW fioin evj i
Dll. II. J I'ilAT T , Monlello , AVif.
nhnrro-rdtt.ri.ciINoiwcKlMi , I ha\o learnt
o knowjimr Cut cuia , which ban Inu ehnit tli
uied meet an Eczeaa thai mvphysclan'drr.odlcn !
not hen I
Cllll. HF.MZfiX , Bcr on , Norway ,
A feeling of sratltndo In'pe 8 mr tn ncknnulcd :
, e sieit. intrltfl rtjour C'uticura , and I cordia U re
mii.uiid It to the public as a > try \aluib'o r'liifdi "
H. rv. POWLP.S , Urldgeport , Conn.
For tale cvr } hro. Prl"o Cutlcura , the prci
kin Luic , fOc. Cuthva Hoai < ; .i cxvu'slic Ski
jaiit'0-r , 2:0. Cutlcuri t oj lveut , the new llloc
miller SI.
M | TICUIU SO'V , anoxqu'sit * Tol'et , Ball
" > ' ' nnd Xmaerj auit\e.
. ! * ' -f i ' < VSh In uumsof RtfOan' ' upwards
J O. F. Vitli aril Co. , Hial K.tat anil Los ;
( n' s , l'C5 Jurrft-nHt. 303 tf
. OVEY loancrt ou diaitcK Ujllroail Ticliet
'JL bought ana cold. A. Foreman , S13 8. ! M1
MAI7'AF.L'aiitlolExchar.to1 larpo or small loan
) nxde i n api.rcned btcuiitv ffts- ) hours 5 t- )
rk d.vf , lOtolSunda y. 160S I'-tmm blrcct.
Ul to tide. J
.f./ , ! > xt > d N"- : ,
t7ANTHrnaii to I l.rk and s "
> II. f. jiiiitii's , 310 n. IS h btr.e * . SC it !
' I1 Firot-cbsi Rirl , nm r he a ( coed cook
\7AN7' ullnnst coiner iindand U'libsltr. 1CS-7 |
< saMlliundi } g.rlj at ones ai
Zctij'a r tatu&nt. 1503 FariHin. U0-10p
D A flr t rl-s < C3ol ; aud Isimdro-a also s
Klrl Mr iwond work. Apply N. Ecorn
Icago i lid Sl t. 10110
IrAriHD-Bcyd ai IJed Sfrin ? ftclory rn Caplio
r ave , between 10th and 17th btieets Saturday
rnlng ov bth , toeuil Goasanur 8txwe . lor-7i
l7"irFD Aftood girl for encrcj house wo7 ,
> li'OH'arnmnSt. JSS-Sf
klANTID A nilddle-aoj woman to do light
V houteork In asciall family. u * > h' II. Comes ,
rhar'' , bst ien Irene ana James btrccii.
[ JAN RO Oool ijirl In fmntyolzo ! , waeea reV
V oMi-ct Uernian or > we ith piUifred. Call io > -
di teiat CCS South lOtn St- 1704f
; L-C ilwr , 700 M , 10th sbtet. UKLOIt
1 "S-l'-'p
[ fANTf-D A ( tlrl for Kiineral hoi'aework at. IS67
T K&-nani direct Jlust bo a. oed cooV and
r.dititf. r.olereii'.ciicquiicd. 167-tt
irAITf D A t--hfacook ar.l laundress lo-
> q-jjr at re id5i.c of B. II. V.ceJ. 513 nortlt * M
let , bitAeou CJD * and ( Jallloniii. 1 'J'U
LO K ut r.-.naet Ilcuja. No men sud
\7t \ iil I F.U Talloi t > . First-claw 3ltluij p'ac w for
r t ilorii Kt a/l I2rh ss. K3I 1m
.7 IN LbU tv'iit < t'jr lno M-v.i If > ll lr.-rc.ufo
Co. 4ddri ! tluiroruiiiui/-tt Stuart Nt" > ,
Ki 1m
TAIRD LaJlesorsentloiiiosincitj oreountry
r to'akomeo , liiht nd i.l tun work a ; their
\fcuu < < j , 2 tiv5 u diy rully. and iU.etly | I'laJc ;
11 * .nt 'jy . . nil ; nu cauva-EUiSi' o snunp for rovlv
-x addreM lUillblo Man I'a OS. , 1'hl.adt.lpliiA , Pa.
, A.vnjMDiis : -K i WTLKUKN ; ii , nt >
> or C'juutis , to Ul.u n < i. > . } \glt \ unn vloks.tut
ill atltclr ovlu huravi ; 41 1 iC3lr duy eoily and
etly tn.idu ; work 1-i-iit.b ) LjJ : no cnu n ln. ; ; no
up lor roplv. I'luisu M r > m Heliubla Miul'i ; C. % ,
nadulpnlr. , I/A. 803-lm
TAN1 1.l > A nojllliii ix-k ki' < . | r and
i i.tiu t.ik.oras.-Hj.jt aJ Duokkue , > t ,
roifvf. Adilrcaj "A.I. " lite urllc13J Sp
' - ' as btocnd uiii" or ntirir.
l'il > .Ij limly prc/erri-d. llefur.ucoi cluj.
uriit ! IJIjtiMhniliul. a- . 172-lOp
. * -1 ! ua Ion wl-.b grain i < t\vt. P.xp
Unri-ln bmlij ; un\ \ buck 1 eel Jutf. Ai dtii
II. I. "llc-ooillci , K0-7p
1TAhKI > Situ > tlutibs utouui ; cunlo a ( .lorn
orjrhato faaiiij. s-pnk c lBalIl v'all and
f lih. Adilru-n "A. f. " lloonircB _ lR7.7p
7 AUTF.D Actuation bv a llr .ula' -
I'll ( oii.-e K'UCJ 1 al j UDiblstaad lionto keep a
ot booku. Addrcw U S. II ) er , i are tha 11 to.
AN 1 1 DIn n forvnlint by atrmlv eiicilrnrn1 |
laan , a txitlnn u lirenl an- . cake burr. Iu4 >
, Apply J , In.ln , U ktr N-ith Ilenil , Nek
i7I TKl > - . .ltjjrunf \ Iwv.anl-uatL n H bssk-
' Kttpor or WI/JMI , Adcct * "X. r. V " liea
Viuni ; .U4iilcw ! H..U w.tjhi tttiiAUon M liuot.
. L 8) ) > cr , In ix ! ir < jil4 nUbll.rmenl la OmaliJi.
Ir-'f "i' " 'Sir.i Hoc. ST-if
tao > o > on ; mj . it tooui
& li ! rj > &nt nJ k\.vt'y l hite f ial ! : west
> h S.KU. "Jjuey. " euro Ceo ollUe.
k'AJil'ia- To II , * tmill 'losk of i oveirtts nnd
Ii.tiu , tin cml k'tuti * . ! , nu bJiWli tf ui.u
t urj luw. Add t "A U. " lleocltloo. 011 p
A T ll To r iit two'iirnUlMiro nil ulla'.la
for light \\u \ > liep'.ij AddroH "M. P. "
i cKlce. 100-K.i
few mum tiatderRt8.5N. \ .
' Itfth a ife.i. Twj dja'jilnj ruorut ior rout I"
itltmin. 16 > U
< lc4 and K nteiMn ! to Ivarn
i > pu uiltln - TiTiu * VI3 per
nth. IjJflj-o i : TXvU , llo ui IP , Union Moil ; , p , > .
iri llcaiu. 1.1-fp
I , ' VAYEI > UvK-i 1 l a nt front roooi , or uti >
> oJ luoiiK lm Iw.rd 'ninnf.o ' f.uijilfor K H.
iu > ii , wile and rhlld. 1U . ra.cnnMK. Adilnvi
, v. . u-1 tcoouiio.
I'ASTKU A ( rt-nUeniMi withM Loirl ; ndr cm
fui thowlnt riii ] irlv u fmillv dnvlr. Ut
Ad Jim. " 11 , li. p , " liaj otUw.
. ,
ba ii t--nj e > n.j , oujtllUi } 't W. II.
ttor , I v'j ' rtt.autitet. . 107 "p
\ . > 8 ' fl _ -t ir' ' < . < ' "
I . - 1.6
n r i Ail r of 5 IO
rl ( In < n- , fir nth ! tlior H hly c
il ttiergctleiitrt ivlj : < > > ' . f. M.ittin.
t. I'O
IX ASttr1I'ui.'I ' ) l-i h-r l ' d I * > tinnn y t
> > Jllw J J . luth nd Hi f v > t. 12J-K
KTANTBI T > nu ylo iderja * . 172
\\7AN1KH B'ldfett. ' An MtlM
V } th totu'h -rnifiluaatli'i ! ( wi I ti.ll/.l3
tcmtlMlnir nchinzt Juonaiy 1 t. lS3x-1 hoslsp
rhaftun lulofO'tlt f/ne'l ' M.thhfii ! | mar onlhe
m n'tfii.tiif ! | e I ualtiejs uul ! > uy nun a f.iun
nt ihM JlOOiicasht nfnniuh rsfi-'c'Ltei ola hi
Ofidcrani woul.l ixpeffjtmi To. o r roplv ,
dress olrmir luil ninjo i .it iaitlcul v "Mcrcliai
l e Bee oTlce. S508lowk \
AVAYr.P-S2CW ou hnVsltM cllr
V * yurf , * tt | > frcrot. AldtJH i'ox eiflJ l'c <
oT TTi
C rH'NT Furnlshe , ! ioor.-rl316
'UKJjr We duoMlcir o1 * ton ronin\
FOIl ilropraiemitis' . kltmM > * . 9 Vf. d
larncy and .Mh klrtct , SeoBiIltJ tro'ior Jan
Notllle. J(323 | :
"lA /'ANTKO Uoy , kt OninoMuai Iro'J J3I9 Fi
T I nain strict. 20 1' J
: . Two e'sjjint ' roi ins In enltotlth tn ;
FOHUi.Vr ( / , top Ihor. Djannor' Wo
B. W cor ICthnnd IoJx < - I'.o.'crcoccjciulrLJ ,
FOIl UEXT-lTocso. lncUro | | No It ; } Slicnn :
ave ,2 blotASnorih oJ . H track. 1ST 1
I poll HFJNT N-ocy ! laml hcd room ( or ar > c r r t\
trcntleiiicn , S. K , cornel 2Cth aiul Duanr" ' ' .
If 0 tt
_ _ _
KENT Two juniiRhetl rooms \\IHicr .tliho
lioarcl N. K. corner 27th nud Oruonpsr ; 135-1
FOP. Ii.VT : I'lcasanffr nlroonn nculy furnldii
In Ojil tcl'owa ' blo-k , nqulra utrooTi Ko-2
_ _
i E.N'T - In SllmV 3d a-ld'tlon ' , iiloo soul
and cattcorntr lot with 0 roiim luino8 . ) n
month. 1'ottci & Cobb , 1310 1'xtnamSt. 132 U
11ENT A hoiKoind burn ulth three Lena :
f round Ir ] Ulicof Luetio O'.Vcll , c-rncr lit
anil Doron. 182-U
niST * cottito vrltb lour loom ? . coH )
tolt witur , t 814 per montli. Inquire at No C !
loutli ISth street 101 Fp
. Oll HUNT Vnmlhoil room nnd board $50) | ic
1 cek. Very bust location , 1B1J la\inpoit.
T7\011KVNT \ Onoelpgamly { lirn'jheil Inuso , Jl (
JP out homo S20 , ono louiu COcio ! hciisa SIS.fC
ilx Bli-e furn'sncd toouiJ , o. 1 Ij.-stion. W II
ilottcr , 1(03 Farnam sttuot. 11S-7p
IriOll IlKtr Pleasart Inrlh d roimfor peito !
man In private rcs'.aeuco , on uili r line , 712 ti
Uthstre.t. 169-7p
r70HUhJfT Tworoomt fiirnWiol for Hrfht tou'c
C Keepiifr. S W. cor Sthand IfoAavl 170 tf
POll KFNrMcclv furnlsloa rcon 117 jo"fh 1711
rue' , 173--i |
' llrjrr iVoor HIICB Licj Kvsmcflt roonl
Lj'Olt Eiiutn 17tti alto t 17i-7
OK Hi. FnriualieJ anil '
1 1 s un'urnHliul room :
P with bouJ , nwdCTii cun > eciencBB honn comfort
SCO Farium , bloc' < abo\o now Couit houio. C3M !
HK > rr Th > f o room houao nnd rolla ? . on llixr
[ 'nevnnd 22d a'reet , J12.00. II. ilulet'.cn , Ko
'ork Dry uoo-Js store. Ii3-7p
I7IOII "EMI New h m'o 3 rooms closets rod ctabt
i for twohiraifs Wn'nutst.corn'r 4tafct. Auju l
"lado.v , IJrooiil 1'w.tory , Chicago St. 151 6p
JOn lirNT Furnl hf il rcoirs 16th St. , bitwccc
FBI Mini mill liarncy. M. K Hartln , 31J South
> th. J49 7
KNT I'luasiiitnom atlO3 DoJgo atrec
i luitaMefor ot.o or t.vo tfcntitmeo. Iti-bp
j Oil RENT mallhau < D. unit , ci'ttrn and oed
. cellar , iu utO'.r.h lucjulioif Aicca 34i-7p
llUUXr Uooai corscr cf 17lh tnd Grass Sta.
J10H KENT Scirli collate , three room , pnutli
1 SSJbtreir. ) ; < | uirol7CO Jacks n strict. ! S3-7p
UtNT Frout nnd back pmlor nnd t\-o bed
? room * ftunl-hdl. at iPS N. i3d ttieot , bt cin
pliol avenuu aid Ducnpuit utiutt. l J7p
rOitllKST Voryde lia' > lj roam at 1721 G V'toI '
1 u\niue. Ca'l ' at that number.
TlOKUtXr Furnished ( .aite of rooms ; alco- one
1 single loom , very p'casa-itly located oil Cap'tol '
III , woiol HIjU School. AdJr- with reference.
SI Y Z."BeoolHco. 118 Itp
rOl ! IlKST The corner st ro 10th andlboven-
uoitn. Apply 0. M. Peterson. 10311
fOBBKNT-IIorin" , Oil N. ] th street , ? 10 per
' month. Jcbn Bradford , 102 10 h St iu-tf
1011 RUNT /-.furnlthcd roomat 1318 Jac'-s-n t.
r < OP. linS'C Iniee fuinl. * . J front tocni , c'lOiblo
' foronttor twjL'utlemen | i719 Lhlcago St. fllii-tf
i'OUUEM' V/ith ticatd. lcely furnished soomn
uith 1:0.1 and bath ruoni , at S. W. cor. USi nnd
nuHtrcots. 7S7 Sp
poll KVN : 1' OottKi ! of ; lie rooms , dei'lle lo-
' cation. O ft ba > is& Oo . :5/B : ( Fjiinaiuct.
POll UltNT Two nlca Irjiit roonn In p > l\ ' ! f im
11 } f.r Ilu'ht ) ojt krcpirporlidilny. ; lit cot'j > ga
jlock iiCTili cvfJt. SUrj'o : . % i. slieit cjtd. Amy |
J ConvcntS' . 100 ip
i'lOK HUNT Pleasant d-n-ishcd room,63j N. 17th.
ft II UUXT l'Je aotfjtnl iedroumal-13'DOip
Itilliiu. 87U-7-
1011 Ilf.N'VOiie UDfiurU-Jii'd room 'ej Inns. '
liv plug , iJeemcr'd b'.oH , ior , itn uml IIoH rd
'Mtf :
MR l-.KNT FlraS'clax tbree it ry b'U'k , niitnl
r of , wtAhuii-e , hj uulla iluaVt , cjucroti-
i.c.tntf. H liroadtraji todoor. B.irKi.7 & ilajtip ,
.ha d I'a nm. 9 5-tf
1011 IlItKr One ilo-nblo ioum , BUlab'.e for one
cr two iintloa.t.n. I/xatol one-4uner llorl.
"i St Uuiy'H oxeni . bith rjoin atid rrt. ind
d "i.ti- . ri ) I'kasanictrt-et. 637 tl
HH'iKr-A roraoro room and ( vaiccuin-stilH
< n Jkxnar > Ut , iS.i. > , on 13ih Victnecu Wlllla-m
1 IllcKo/y < nUire [ at t. J. hasr/of. O.C-tl
OK l J.VT I'leoriit furnished .woui S. Kur
K.tha.'id HOMU.da'.rceU.
0 . .llE T-l le < antlv urnlh iifront room at
knlfontli t.iniir , uiOjiriiO-uvcnlencca. II. vV
nir 17th iU CUM. fei-U
IO ! ' . l > lvi ; Thitfrn i owdvcl.lujjj by C. T lay.
: tr , corn or Nth nnd 1) m U3. Eiki-U
> 2ll HUNT H Ufo 7 rooun ' ) rJ ] oallt ' tp C. T.
Tnjl r.c.
'Oil ' VihNTO'tSAbK-A hcut * of fi rooaa lur
awlnof. watif.aluiBwtU biiu'JI\33. Unit < ; i.V
iiu.ntu. liiuliu norJli-cfti.J ujiuor Stth and
tcu > t. 778-1 ,
l ) K HKNT--T oor tlnainnt luotni lurnuhei )
to Kuntleaau and vtllc , D&CV.noinlaSt.8S311
'Oil ' Ui : ' } uricki-jG nu.4. Inquia
corutr ! Ahar.d lci\'Ju ) .
With hiani , dej jab e orHintec Apply
ulea llctnl 7 ( y. f
iOU UtiXT Vcr > Jt.lra.Mo lurolrJi d roomi o.n
tnlljilpcated. Apply fat Atkinson' * mir.lnery
re. liuSt : ron
UL'IUIAY lMgoXi v * una ? . Spring * t < .r.
OK hi NT Cottica , IBvo roou . J , i'Ui'M KM
JtU ttitvt.
N0i ! fli XTs itMO < roomj aui boiid
fiou tamt orut'.T. ( rum tw iWiMn
tp- ' - llospa , Ibl ? Uodzu 4'8-lnl
iiUlAi liuu-u , Joiu
U , i , mvuih.
Oioa.4Nulc.ini B uk.
' .Oil V.I'it-A furulih d IO.KU KJ5 } v.rnMu St.
Hit. > tt\V ; *
. > 'Mr > J-ii 4 id
iOKSvIK-j9)fccroiof thu \ y IwiJ if
icir : u'Cuunai , In irw y o.uut , CO n'rri D
iii.n'lo-i. A SWUMouiliou'16 , well , liu-t
A untt sm iln.oaly S.O 1'Jf ( .cro
nn fitnuc iiniilonnatj , si-oV til
. .O.o.S \ u d tike o.Iy pj. . > i > < ily | \i \
OX ) and ; 'l tuJ caib. , AdJruw U. f. id. IW c Hire.
1011 hM.K U-t Hf. .7 \ lailUuliuriiiof houia ii
a EO.JU Ixa It } . AJtro ! MM. 'T. 11 " lire i > i io.
Wl SVI.UVre ) i in lr > l oowi tt my r.l on S'Jth
ft U lluit 'r.i.t8 in .u I ) If. & ol v ' , llr cu M i1.
W fenn ; Ii-'l3l ! >
'tJfwhmws ISx..i ft-I evh , i n or I it ' .xl.1o
fret , hrui cl tfrell and all c nvii'c > c"i >
HentufirKt I * -t S > 'rl ' jj.rly will in I I - , "n > j
Od'h o trklofor f rm n % r tt-f citv , vlih- . " > , n
vid lmtroiumcnt < . ACatm 1(81 14til tl.e C , e , t.
TVilllair. ! ' . 171-Sf
71 OH S M.K "econd h mlp.l hitil nn I 9flt coM
I [ 1 8to e , at Uarb Wire CVs oincc , cho * | > . h 7-s
OUS tiK An lnt n > t In R uoil t"\yni ? tint-
T < nm .n > ' liail 'or b3U < 3XM. ( v partner return -
turn ' < * * " ' tf ° 01' ' fMiini .Uidrosi box tSi citj ,
lf , 8
OAl.n-CJiH" , rc tw > nt b-st locvt'on In
citj. Addron "j.'Etn office. lf.2-Fp
1 UAVt-JBMi Mor't of div jjocdj nutto- , un-
Jf1 dcrwear. 'irn' ' fjln. | incd' . llnci.n , laHos' Hoj'ery
Ac. < > lcerlevi ftcck , Mil tftlo property and noina
M h , Osrrab.'Jlt & i o > , 12f,8 lieu li > m. H7-Ilp
| 70X Sftti" ttf \ t.otr spleniiM las' lttifr : ,
i EFiih .rn cojk.h ) ? ttovo ovl houitholj fiirilturo ,
> t2117 Di\cnport' trcct. 1.7-8
irUiM-i i U ltAlK-Intatt ( < n new c . .tte
FOIl and lowi blx-ki flora etrual oxr , fet
_ . . . . . . . . ,
- vjcaatijaui , . .
-t , , nj tit property. J.
JIOUHAI.F- Inhn Jeriwy oo\va ltn cilvc < 2to
1 ' 10 dnvs 4'-t , ttxneia bloprlcia , ono mlle w 9t
ot Fair GrouiiliSpring VUlcy StKk Farm.
21 i N. I D. a-JLOMO.V.
H'liK d Ihi'Oinbly CBttMlsh' ' . ! jiwolry
FOIl ' . fvt ptrtlcti us , nddrosi Mrs. Ocorj8
2-xoncr , Tc'knitinh , Neb. 110 S
iTJIOil SAM : OK ra WII VNOK-For hones or good
t1 mulr , a HKU stock o. " K0od < ljljon4lbtlnit o !
clithlug , rjotii CUM , boots and shoca , mid ( rents'
ui derncar Wll. l n ) some liArco In patt paj mont ,
| > a-t on four ! ronth > ' tlmo , bMuce cash. Address
" \V J. K. ' Ijcfc Bat . 'il.Onauo.Ioivx * 018-11
FCHl SALK-Onoef the bcsre
1'wrrants aid balMrj combined In Nebraska with
; otxl location and trad * establlslw i In city of COOO
iiopulMlon. Oi > ljflr < t-ei ) tCHttnrant In thi plaeo
mil d.'lr.jf moro in baktty line thaa ad others in city
omblned Ice crw.m ps-i'or In season. thcn > , Ice
louses and c\crjthlpif c m pcte. ! Vtill sell furu ! hed
indlcttcDferjthirtr. Vrtt sc'l at a nriciiln and to
> Kht ultli simll cnshjx ymcnt Md ualannj on
onif tlim. u tiurch < \ . or c i .mako It pay for Itself. " " ? *
V. d.I5K , I'litUmoutb , Nob. 8l7-n 22
. : I'our irrfoot.w alnut ctnntere , nnd 8P
feet c'Urft class sh Mr > f , de lra'i o foi druir.Kro-
ry or borii etorc. rnnulrDjt thooflUoof Conudnn
Jarkson A , Hunt , 132f Parnaai street. sejtf
n > OHSAIjK I PHUSAZO choppt r , horne power ; one
L' rendering kettle , one Ufd pm 'J. Api Iy at Drook-
tn Market , ftir. l : h itid Plaice EJ2-tf
POH SALIJ 8CO.C05 feet dry .lumber , A h , Osk ,
Klin , nn3J\70od \ andBoftC/Tiplc. K , A. S : naon , St.
ftarlea , lliunin. ! ; bOO ni'lp
rY"E A quvitltv of J ) b fcTt iini npaper type for
calo. AUongjod Zither. C . T.iduu c , oirn lle
fflco. 7 5tf : .
[ J1011 SAt.E iloltazu of 5 ro"ir.H , bat n , comir lot In
Shlnn'saJdillon-.onlygl.B C-.smat cash pajmcnt
t\ balance monthly. Barf/nln. 1 IcCagin , opp.
osXrR'i : . UlStl
7t > l SA 1. Oil i\CUNOI : ! Witu. pjmer Orlst
iiOll ia ° on3f r'flllnR glvxooa Bf pllcntlcn to
tu. K ragj , a rly , fleb. COt-lm
j'O'l SALV-Now phaeton. Inquire ol Goo. Illg.
tiM ! . ucrln- cast cornel IStli-and 3d J681tf
.M.E-60 fe t on Tar-acj xttert twetn 3-
d J. M. bee , iSrosor , 2Jdtsd enworth.
C33. 1m
; > OI' 3ALC-Fiue buiu.cM chvjco at Oran 1 IMjr.l
ob ? n.roOnu.\fltbebil-bui-xllnr 2ixH ; an
Hoe biiiM'jiff KblelnentifirSlSa moiith ; i > Ijrcs
tnd b.xnjler proof tafo with Y&.o time lock co-i- "
.fioo , ftt-3 very hri.i bank bno's. ih-a proof fife. .
in ! : counter , desks. Inrd coil etovo , In f st , n com
a n ban * cmlfH , together v.lth lot 44 Ca on Locust
roit , THV : perfect. Tf rnu J CSIMI , ta'nnco on one
id twojcarstimelf desiro.L Call oj r add re 3jty
White , Grand Island , Nob. 622-tf
/S AuooJ frama house , 6 roorrs. all In
( rood Umt bo moved r.4onrt Apply to
o Wc-tim i/o apapor Uulon , cor. liib and How.
ilsticet , ' . 314-tf
poll SALD Chrnp a ecconrt hundhlgb top buzey.
Inquire c.t Simpaon'8 CarrlskeFavioiy , Uo lire ,
tween 14tti vid 15th. 230-t (
2 1(7
T. Clarke. 21S-tf
O'l SALE A whole took of cothn ! ? , boots and
ohoo , b\iMiis ; at coat , retlrlr-j fum bu < lnet .
II. I'otcrioc , 80- * south Tenth ntreel. 113-3m
9K will buyA pbaoton a 131S rait n St.
1011 ' i vi b-j glo. ; i-nd
' ' 3) . . otfyl ,
\ ' : ' ' ) - ( prl , well
recommeniKd , in a familv fornTil house
ik , ( "an spoi i-'ixit little Knshsh , enquire at A.
nz proceiy itore , corner or 13th ) and Jones
seta. _ 195-7p
TIIAYFD > * * 2ooid v morning , Nenib6r fith
onoro dlh roan cow with straight liorns and
> 'ic treilcow. F.nrer w II plcifc . .Jkword or
11-11 'anutollrj , C'JliPiurco street between Btn
1 7lh.
> O EX''lINGWe lern livdjfor small fairu
! n li uucr oaotein Nebraska C. D.1 Enrro c
rfolk. Nob. I85-12pj
heror type writer Jar a fe-v
IUUI8 dally , or ionser , call on Snips i DcuKr m
Unbn 108-Sp
. coned hoi.'Ec.ri''s ' Iu Woitcrn I intas , that w-re
on pri. . r 1 1 J ! o istli , 15SO 1'Uvj e adrir. ss 1110
nrillns the by lett r on y. aac Mulhol nnd
il ol.itea.'ont. Norton K innaa 17 > t 10p
O\P.DIN ( ! nicely furnished pi sth bic't ' ir.rlur
with bonr-pica-a t h m , mn3 rca onabe : ,
Pleasoit Sh , unr St Mury'siavc. l8D-Sp
TIUYEDFrom mr barn N , W. jorner 28-h nnd
Doujjl s , cn .Uac'c ' h rsi , e g'.it about 10..0 lb
ill borcdLfwimcy u ider rlijl t > w. Any i-ersou
I'm ' ; cucb hi.rj , ploiso notify iV. J. W. Uhun ,
! phone3l3. 11 8 I (
AKE.VJ' \ \ i in October US , a I'trbr ' biv her u ,
whl i : p > tnf r it < n ) t Ju't uoo\e
tllb VIMiott , oaouiila w jitof thob rra ka.
2 t lew.
iY U&nmgo , < tovo repa \ \ mi. I ( jonon ! ru-
-nlrlnrr. C.JI i.aton. Ill a 14th U' . 7-nl3 |
"US. , Maenctlc Ilcalcr , } j no'\- locate -
to HV. . c3/nfrCOthaui : > Cj * ( bt D irn m
as.nfr 3. 7i3-nl7
IIIVY VMIIM. aiiik'i and ca nuooU encd ! r.t thj
shortest ntleo ind at air ilinie of Ihu day , In an
rely cJfiIai < way withou ( She loa i mcIWation
scupar.Uor n > Ih'hborJ , our luu'rovert nmt
rUiu apuaratus. A. Eiaj. ? & Co. , 10CO Paulto
l < rYaulfc ) , "Inks aud ; awpo3li oijiuiil with
latutiry cleaner. SitlcXctlcm curantefd by F.
i.licU8Uoco orto J. M. Smith , ) nox 3)3. 0)3 nlOp.
'JliDEP.BTAMPS On .i3aanufa.iHirera InOnuha.
ll ijintinj ( > j. BO j. tf
.tUio od ! and 1 7 Vw
; rr.Lh n. c'clud ua pi Attended ti > . "
10 lenllu ; ; AijTculturnVund list fitocli u > } of
e f 20 p.ic ) H ) tx'luiiis , rut r.ud v'UJched ,
11 lie fomi , 1 < a lutdfouio lliuitratul cover ,
IIIK hei ) LHtUilUhtid .i.\tar.v 'Ihe be i moth ,
of ttu-teiti i-roii" , Vrult Oivwliu. , IX : . , nud the
i Kto I. lutif.s- tie urciu OrarJni ; ( .jii Ajcrl.
ursl utilui t ol .he ne.t , aily dl cmrd r , d re.
.ml. . Nocouwiio Mia a /-\u-r er pliiit. or
of laud ; vfho uurua herm , cow j-i < < chicken
lUtord to fie without thu 'imral NvbroJta.
trlbutitu Itt ritrOT , Ilio KdliarUla nrurl p ,
lned Mid to t.iu polut , It I ) yullliiieJ nt the
ut > ijrlit'o.i srueoljl.ojft j ar rkk > n IIIRO
Hint in than that cl any publication of
I Kd in th ttii-t , t-jd fcrii ks r. Kiout "
M { thu bv t Acrlculturil w ) Ln-u btocK .
nrtmont i f rtti Kuril t l < a
jtu v.r- % .ilc-ono at \ >
ft : IVitnutto an I l.-iv.l Aetit
rfil n than inv o'lwc | ubllilur InAir.crit ,
u.vuiuol. ! . fiehot KIIHOK , WaU-l g , EV. , I'-M
I ji i > iiil ( .III ) who U i a b oiijiion fur u ,
muiuiu Lut . ( i.iiU
Weekly B
I tb H HAT. NF.lWAKhfc ono M > ftr ca h l-r
U , oolyUcmiii w ru Hi u ifcoinlcutif lliulk | )
iu. * tut ) ll.iyati ! ' < rl vli i itnjs u < 10 our. .
HKtU'n om't , % mt > lv ujjlci and
niuit.t ' v.lllro-vlvi n e'
ut ( Jl i ltirj l ! < a.ili. .ii'Jr
S \UTUCC. „ l"J Us d. U'A fit. , Oa