Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 08, 1884, Image 1

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    v r *
_ . , . .
ii ' " " ' . _ . _ * - - - -
JL- - - - J - - - T-T - - inuiri - J
is Elected if * llie Contrary i
Not Tim
Blaine is Defeated if not Vic
torious ,
Domooraoy is Winner if it
EspublicaJiism is 'JDownifeKot 01
Top ,
Such is tlio 'Grandly Dubi&u
A G-wat Occasion for Politioa
Manifestoes ,
'Botii Parties Saiso tlis Ory o
Fraud. .
" > WeioBatlor Votes Oounted fo
Olevehud ?
IiHlispr.tublo lOvieloncc lluvt llic Ren
JtoaultVI1J Not lie Known
Until -Itoe'ount
fs Mnelc.
Special Talegraiufto THE BEE.
NF.wYoBK , Nevcmbsr 7. At 10 o'clw
Seciotnry Fessenden announced from the ba'
cony of the 1'iftl. Avemui nottl that Isliin
had cm lied I * , or/ . .Yorkby ItiOO , and ho woul
take his Hoat. The democratic uoimnitta
issued n manifesto declaiing Cleveland elects
md that ho will Lo innuguintod. The Tribun
fctill claims Itli'ine elected.
S peual Tolegrnm to the 1 < KK.
ALDAN * , N. Y. , November 7 , 22:08 ip. in.
To Melville.F. Stone , editor of the Chicag
NewsIt ii now conceded that the fr-oial re
turns from all thi counties in this Btito giv
Cloxoland about 1,500 plurality.
( Signed ) D.V.NIKF. 3. L\.OKT ,
Private Secretary to Gov. Cleveland.
Special telegram to the BEE ,
CHICAGO , November 7 , 12:00 p. in. The fol
lowing dicpr.tch wai received by Genera
Logan to-night from Assistant Gecretnr
Daxvton of the national committee
Republican I eailqnartors New York , o p. in.
.V careful rev : ion by Colonel Groaveuor o
tha leturna from all election districts but fui
which are yet to Lo heard from , cues tun
plurality < > f 1 , "CO in the state. I feel confi
dent of rcsaltand any attempt ro , fraud wil
bo detectei and defeated.
NKXV Yon * , Nox ember 8 , 1:55 : u. m On a
caraful revtowtT tin dlstaist' , ai furnished bj
tha agents of tl.u Associated prvss , correotec
liy the r turn" , received durinsr t'ao ' duv , so us
lo bring tlm inco-d down to thisduui the toti'
vote of the ct ta ft tin s , fur Ul-weUnd fiU b-0 >
Bliino.WS.Jl.'u.Plurality fur CloveUnd , Him
Thi-ie ate j 1 1 IE di ti icti frum which it turns
.uo HI ill heliiud , ocmfBtioueil. . Chi-to in IhSi
pnvo ( iarlu Id u ixlur.ihty of blit ! Thebo conn
Men in vxhicu lire tlio hic-long distrrto nro
j-'nbe-x , M.ulifou , Sarto .1 , biiliu.u. .md Ulcter ,
Nl.w YOIIK. Novo-Jilier 7. r > oon-0winf ; k >
the divcreilied opinion ns to tht
anil m.imnr in whi-ii tliu rotm an from this
htito Imvo boe-n locuived and t.ihitatc.,1 by the
"S'liUuted pr.i"s , ic In. * invited u uommitt-ju
fr in botlt the demi.cruiio and republic. . ! ! mt-
tioiuil nn > ! etat ) loj'itticicej mid t'ly ' newjpk
] iei i of the uly ta v Eit U 10 ollicea this nftoi
noon and f xainiiio iui tcf trns , iis tecaived 'ii-
iftr , fiolu thu vurioim diHti iciK thrnufhont thi
itatn and alao in n ode cf tihiiUtiuif tin in , Mid
tonKS ss in ntib ilatiuf tfiem. Thu Tribune
titill cljinia tliar liliiino liw uairiul thu bt.iti * .
J'rintlnt'lioti'o front of iticfllcx , Is
) > 4clitd ) v < itpioplo. \ \ . Tin 1 1 turns receive 1 by
thn AfiHKuttd 1'iO'S fmn. iour more dUtiictd
will indlratu that , if * oto Mic ivoil by ( iutricts
ucoirtct , Kluhu'd plurality in th ; stuto will
be nbaut UJO , v.'nlu KJOo'.a by couutioi BO far
UK receive ( | will ind'oite . luvemul of thuso
hfe'iires , iviiiK abcut 1100.
IN 1 > 0 LOT.
The Jfail and Jlxprets toys that neither
party yield iNott Yn Ic hUtte. The coctojc N
so clobu that the count llguren in-.y bo
ni'Ctsp.iry to dotorij.1/ie the rosulc. Ilid return -
turn * HH far leo-ivcd indicAio uu apur&ut
. [ iluralltv for Blaino.
Tun offitul vote d Schentttady for okc-
tnrii : BUInP , a,2 0Ciovelau : < 3 2.U77 ; 13ntl < .r ,
o'J ; tic. .folui , 10U. Jilairiu'd jnajority
Ji.curjc-ctly reported at 111 ! .
Who h.ii carried Xa > ' York s'atu , la
chlctllv.i quctiia : : of t 10 u.curato foi > tin ( ; up
ttie h/nf ; columns of iigu'd-i. The Jootiufj of
thu couuty cli'rld with ui'ly n foA' mirisiiK in-
dicito that Cltvuland . ' . .n abui t IOOJ pin-
jalitj- .
Thfl footuiR of th'j ' ulBttion didicicti made
in thu n Hunat.d jirn'B titucu ladlratn thu *
lilaiii'j h.-u a ncnrJj eijiul plurality. Twelve
tUtrlcU in thin ht.iw lud net up to tUa im/in-
ln < i oporto 1 at all , do moCO uthorR lud in-
ported bu < their a'.iracy w.ii iju > 2ctioiiid :
They will bo vorlfled tv'-Juy. Tiu roault of
tint additi in is wall I < H t'io ro < ult of tbu on-
julation cf louuty clerlci" iiffdre < will Lo t > sn-
Uioas'ochtetl pr'ts. This work will
l > rob > bly not bo cninpletoi' . Imforo t cit.
11-45 n in. Ten dif \tictl not hfrctaiurv
repotted nt nil ha\o * / > ' * reached the w o >
ciatod press otlice , w.nuof thont wmn from
inoiuiUln reclona Iy mixil Tlio < i foot up as
follow OJlaino , 6'j | ; Clo\flniid V17 ; net 10
publican ( iluinhty m thoto di te'cts ' , 4 17.
Jay Gould this morning sent the followlnR
U Cle\elaii& : " 1 heartily oorRrntwato you o-
jwirdectio'.i. All concede Hut your adminis
traUon iw governor hts lieen wlsooncl'oon
rervathf , and In n hrscr field , ng prc id nt , 1
feel thnt you will do still bitter , nnd UIB vast
tjinln-jiR inttrpsta of tlto country \vill bo
outirrfiy safe iu jMiir hand ) ,
utliclnlote of Washington co-/nty
7.33" , CluvoliKid 4,222 , St. John 253
Ih tlor 115.
NR\V YOIIK , Novouiber 7. Tito nctinf ; * n
7)eiintonleiit f p ) ice to-day nent u inessaKi
to all police cnptuiDB to iirovcnt nil puradei ! o
} \ \ \ ln ( { tli8 proper imrmiU from the p ) llce , nnt
toKivoaneacoitio thosj tlnxt lu\o such p'r
Saratoga county complete ollicial rcturnt
pi\o BlainnS.lSO , Ciovel.mdi.SIO , Butler 92
St. John \Z5. \
Xhw YORK , Novombor7. Snnator CJormai
chairman of the democratic national oxocutiu
committee , eont the followiiip drlpatch to
the national committee for each etatu nt , nouu
lo-dny :
"It is now conceded on all sides that Cleve
land and Hendricks are sleeted. The plural !
ty in the state of Now York is not ICSH thai
1,30' ' . " ( eiRiiod ) A. S. GOUMAK.
chiirnmn ilemociatic national e\ocuti\o torn
The Pont says : The ndhcrents of Gro\er
ClevelHiid may rett conHdent that this ntato
has n'1' ' him a plurality and that ho has :
larfje majority in the electoral college.
AuiANi , Novumbcr 7. Cleveland ha <
been receiving congratulatory dispatchei Ul
morning front every state in _ the Union
There was a coustai.t stream \isitoM in am :
out of the rvecutivo innn < ion all inoiuing ,
m ny ladies being tha cullers
Ulstei county complete olficiah gives
Ulaino 11.92 ! ) , Clo\ eland ! ) ,870 , Sc. John 1J9
Butler 157.
DUNDEE , November 7 The total \oto ol
YaUs cmuty , is Blame , 8,101 ; Cleveland
1,037 : Butler , ll-lj St. John , 108. Blaino' !
plurality. ' ,274
Official from Broomp county : Blaine , 7,182
Cle\ eland , 5,780 ; St. John , 158 , Butler , 144 ,
unonnKD co millions.
Nr.w YOIIK , Xovomber 7 , I a. _ in. Tin
scenes about the hotels and political ho id
quartern up town leat night were c\citiiu
uxervwhere , but at the national democratic
hendqmrtsis polict-m-ii weio to bo seen. l'u >
p'e ' i-urgert through thcorridora of the hotel
and filled the bars. Xothinir was to bo he\rd
on any side but''J3UiuB"nnd "Cleveland. "JIat-
ting continued but ndila favorol Cleveland.
were oa duty near Urn Western Uniot
building lait uvouin ? . Capt. Bergholdt , o :
the SrSth precinct , Raid nobody had leqneste
the ( terviio there , that he had only tiken the
step as a precautionary moasute. Ho with
draw them soou niter midnht ! | ; as the o
eof med to be no occasion ( or their presence
A crowd of at least bix hundred bnjH and a
few men marched down Bro.vlivay to the
W -stern Uniou building just btf 10 miduighl
shouting "Xo No , lil.tinu won't Go ! " anil
clipering Cleveland. In fiont of the tt-leyrapV
ollico the crowd continued their ch eiing and
cry , bur a doz > m iHtliiemon s id thti crowd
must go , and it scattered.
Chairman Gorman , of the democratic nrv
tional committee , tiout the following despatch
to ex-Gov. John Leo Carrollof JIaryland , last
eveniii ) ; . "Thaclniinof the imti. > nalreimblic.m by oveiyborly. Wt
h.vvn carried Now York boyund ijueHtion. "
Planning , chairman f th > j hluto comiuittco ,
tolls the people that the b < iard of canv&veeru
will eeo that the voice of tlio people is oh
served. Ki-pubht nH , ua trjiiu hcul to jiro
\ent the ollicial aDiiouncomeiit o [ thuotH of
Now York.
N. A. I'lympton. Gnnerr. ! Butler's political
tnan.uer , was sumu-onod to Now York from
Worcenter last night.
met uttho Fiji ! ) Avenue Hotel laat oMiuin , : , ' to
iako HUth action ns Keiiied to tliiiin nececc.try
to ensure Eciutiny and j , fair canvass of the
\otos ciHt 'I'utsclvy. Ainonc these iireroiit
w ro I'lk'-'ecrwlarv ' onjuinin 11. Briatovv ,
oiign asm , in A. & . Hi'vvilt , .lumos C Center ,
; jv ideiit df the ln.r u-.hdciutiuu ; J'x-Govornor
It d u , of Nnw .Ii3t-y ; ] > : -AttoriH'y-Gen < 'ril .
y. H Kail child : 1'rcmu C. liirlow Governor
1' bowery , FroiiiTiclc H. Condifi , Win. C
\Vhitn y , W. II. Barnuni , C. J , Stetson , (
1) . tnct Attorney 0B. . Olney , Charles 1' .
Mllkr. Albert Steskney , W. 0. I'ecltham ur.d
\ \ ' . I , . Updyko. Iph liitionr in accoirt-
anc with ti.o object at tl.u
IK u'.ini ; were adopted , uftn1Auron ' .
V.mdi i po il , Carter , Biiituu , C ndisli , and
Whiniey had dicu-red th'j electim I.IWH mil
coimmttciM wer n ] puiiitod tu tuko Kiicb
tcti-m as they mu hu in lolatio i to the uiti-t
) f Now Yorn , Kiugi , Oweiif , Snlfolk and '
( ichmoml countic/f
mi : KKIUHI u or rm :
The Trlbimu thin moinin o tiuute-i Bluino
\m H plurality in tlio Htity of 111 \otcs. I . The
. ' 'mien' leturm from all but t\vn c uintitH hhnw
jloveland 127i ) plur. lity. Too Sim'd revised
igiuu-i from 5) of the 00 cuimlie-i uul.u
Cloitland s jilur hty 1"'J5. '
Ill * ENi ) IS'TKItDlZIJ.'G , 'NsIDi : 1 ICCKKS. J telegram to TliK ] ! l K.
Ni\v : YOIIK , November 7 , 12tO : ! p. in
Vith tuo juecincts t hear from , Claveland Is
hi ad ubout G03 in the state.
jS'oon Tiio olectidii iif Cleveland ia actured ,
nd the only quuatlon ii iin to the plurality in
lie state , which will hardly exceed 1,000.
'lin is not yetcoiKtdcd by tho'Tribun , ranch
lapei lix ? juct toliili | > nel an auswer to an in-
uiry as folkwsV : conco nothinff. " In
tieir cdltoiial this morning they eay :
"Victory. The figures justify our bbJicf
lat Itblno anl Logan are elected by the vote
f Now York. Indiana and t'io ' southern
tales , of which hope * lure entertained , crn
nly nuall an ulcctotal vote already HiiHisIor.t
'his belief Is bastd upon the rot .ins c lltotwd
jy tin ) Ai oInte < ! i r < n from o\iity totinif prn.
\aor. \ in the Ht ta oxcijit two , whloli wo ! i ivii
arufully i/enfinl as far RB jMHsiblj by spnti.'l ;
Up.itt.uoe. ' ) Iictw } pii cino. roturm giving thoi
cut nhow iiu'Koici , /
or illume , ami f > 5)7 ! > ) . Ciavr'aud , crivin , '
plurality of .171 for Blalno. Tha precu on
lot yr.t . heanl ln < nirn\ a , plurtiity of 7t > U
or I'fdii'Ionfc GarLald. In HJOKO hCditeroil
ounty iin-cmcti thur. ) h is bosiinn di iu icratio
aln for h mil timi p wt and It i < impmdblo Ii
lat there ciu bo twalvumiilll pra.mtU r < j
laiiiingmch iltfn iLniLo g m it < t'j ovirioinn
10 preheat it'imbliutn plurality of 1.15U. As-
sumtnp tlwi accuracy ol the A"oclatrd
dispntJieo and tftl'il.xlion , tha election ot
Blnliio and ] , egan can m > loiiRor ba n mutU'r
nt rxv.'omble doubt. But thn illnpatclm also
in-KcntoahU the repulilicins hnvo cartlod
ll till other northern states cvcept Conncctl-
cvst , Now Jersey nntl jxn iMy liullnnit and
h\\o ix probability of Micoa a in West Virpin-
ia and Florida , \\lnVi would iniurt' thoclpc-
tion of Blaine nnd Logan even without the
vote nf New York "
But this ixlitoilal wai In type Imforo the
nuance of the AmoclAtedprci lmllctlnbotwecn
"and 3 o'clock this morningghlint the stutii
by nearly 1,000 to Cleveland. Thi > busmen
mm hnvo | xitponod their mpetlng call from
fin treasurv tcp this afternoon \\iththo
knowlui'BO that there in to bo no counting out
on clthei ( tile. The Tribitno cNim it n gaimi
f blult and di snUi the ii > publlcjnit and ulnco
tin ) actual returns have come in rnly anuiu'H
the democrats. Yosti'rday It u\citod tht'ir
dipgust und Indignation. OHiclnl toturna nr.i
received completi finm all except twehn
counties nnderyclno ligutos on tlio miming
rountics show that thi' result is beyond iut > 9-
tinti , In every instance the ollicial rotiuni
have Incroisod Cla\eland's iilurallly. Jay
Gould's congratulatory dispatch to ( iiivernor
Clov eland this morning settled all doubt for
Gould is known to luvo had tha earliest and
best infonnntloa of the stito roturns. This
congratulation raised ix yell In Wall street ,
and these whu wcro short of stocks Immed
iately began to cover. The bulletin boards
have boon surrounded by thoiHindi1 , and nvon
up to 10 o'clock to-day they wore catofully
matched , but ulicn the Sun and otheis bog.iii
to t ko down tholr display canvas the excite
ment settled Into conviction The excitement
is now over and nlluiu have about resumed
their normal condition ,
Niw YOUK , November 7. A crow-1 of pen
plo wcro cheering last night In Brooklyn for
Cleveland nnd lloudriclt * , uhcn PatrickBr ly ,
inspector of towers , nnd 1'atrick Cunningham ,
ix car driver , chested for Blaine nnd Logan.
They were set upon by the crowd ml both
weroftibbed. Bray'd wound la fatal. No
NK\V Yoiuc , November 7 The nnUonnl
democratic committee lus Jssusd the following
mldreoa :
"Tho national domocrattc committee ha ;
t.iUun very i.ctive moiuiUics to iunuro fair and
prompt returns In all delixycd and doubtful
diitricts. Counsel arn omptoycd to watch the
ollicial cauvaas nnd arr.xiiqmnouti nro made
to insure the transmission of concct news
over the couutry. To meat th oxpeiises of
this Action , which are necessardy heavy ,
friends in various sections are starting sub-
Fcriptions. I\on y vxill bo thankfully re
ceived by the n-xtional committed , and any aid
of this iiatiiio to atsist in enforcing the pop-
ulrr will should , to ba effective , bo promptly
rendered. "
NK\T YOUK , November ' . Tha lopublican
national committee deny "That Blaine is com
ing to Now York for a conference with thnm. "
They say they "havo no moans of determining
the result iu this ( tatj. except by tha election
district returns , " and that th y will only take
such stejH as miy ba nectssary t > protect the
party's Interests during the prcpro s of the
count , and tint to this "nil , couusel will ap
pear before the county canvassing bo.inis next
Tuesday. Tin coinmittea say they "want
nothing but fair play nud vhat the law allows
in the determination of the result by these
huthoiired to juss upon tha returns , and this
ns ix matter of courou they are bound to insist
upon , "
IlIOT PKlliKI ) .
NivYOIIK : , November 7 , 5:00 : p in. By
orders of acting Rupeiintondent of police , to
day , the captain1 ; ui < > required to hold their
men iu reaiiinnss for any outbri'.ik th it miy
occur. A laigo force of policu are massed in
the station houses nu.xr tha nowsp tper < ) H'nM
The supiomo court to-day granted nn order
requiring thi c'lieC of the l.mvau of elections
to show cUB9 why ho should not peimitn
committee of lav yori appointed nt the la t
night's meeting to inspect the election returns.
Captain Berghold ruports ovoiything quiet
in the precinct in whic i the Western Union
budding Is located.
NEW Yoitk , November 7 , Ii:15 : p. in. A re
vision of thu figure" ) in WiitlcliBster county
shown a clericil rrror in the a'sociated p-e > s
footings. Th'i cnrrecUou of thu ciror fives
Cloveliud 500 morn votfs thn the previous
bttteinoixr , ba > "d on t1 ecMon ditlric s A ilif-
fnreiico of 11) has been foii'.d in ( 'aHnragus
county Iwtv.een the associated press footings
and the loturns of the county clrks. If the
lattei'x figmes nio correot they will increase
lilnine's plurality by 441. It not , there will
lie no change , Thu enors thufai except th it
in WoslcheftiT county nouly bil ncs.
imlii .xtiiiim ntH that the vote will bo closc-i
than any I'jtim itat v rt i'iv < n ' f Many
counties aru ID be rovimil , and tno work will
jj f-low ixnd t ilium.
NKW YOIIK , INovovibnr 7. 7:11 : p. m.
3ompi'to ! Ansocntcil l' . < ns returns by olfc
.ion diitticts IKIIII C.xtturaivus comity i ns
been ropnrtud by t lenrapli and thuw that t'm '
ciiunty clerk ovi-r-taUd U1 tin > 's ptuiality bj-
(52,1111(1 tint tin Ai-Miii lid 1'rCfS ictur'H
i- , t > lrtIavnrCnl < ,
II ilcllculflviinil > ml.
l ti inn ulilt h Chc-y iininnuli' .
Price Baking Powder Co. ,
illiCOEO. Ill- St. LOUi3 , Ml ) .
tUKlHJ or
Or , Price's Cream flaking Powder
- NO -
ir. PrJco's Lniiiilhi Yoasi Coins , :
Jtt.t Ilry Hop Vc.i.l.
fiMintlmt county nnil 1 -foojlngi , Uiprj of
\\-uro correct ns first pubUdhrd lhi < tl ! -
crcpancy , therefore , docs n twj tutb tht > fig
ures or if Innlly giv en , J
\sirraro. .
NE\V YOHK , November 7. 1io Midland
r.xpress pilnt the followliiR ! 3
' 'AoiHtn ' , Jtaliio. To Cnftlnnaii 11. 1 .
.Tones , of the republican nationiu committee
1 am ndvlsed that thcro havp bcon frauds
coinnnttnl In New \ ork nt t f T bcllevo that
tha hnnosc vnln of the stnto gives n re-publican
plurality , nnd I ask the commuteo to ice that
we hnvo n fair nnd honest count.
" ( Signed ) JAMEQO. llutvt. "
Al.n\N\N. Y. , November 'J. The c\cile-
iniiot In this city has largely Mibddcd. Jio
imbllcntiR Renornlly cnuceilo Cleveland's ploc-
tion. I'rlv.ito nnd business houses are docorxt-
i d In his honor. On MimdWlnonslot eelo-
bratlon will lie held in whiclr nil chxbs will
tixko part. JP
IIROOKMN'S liot'iuio iyuv.
NEW YOIIK , November 7. Brooklyn fired n
hundred guns nud hud n grcntjtorch hfjlit pro-
n-ssion In celebrating the olootlon cf Clovn-
land. Several hniultLil othdrt toxvns trod
HAllltCS. yf
NKW YORK , November 7. HcaJqinrtors of
the national dmnocrntie conimitteo , No. 11
West Twenty Tourth sl.root.To tha i > o poof !
of the I nlte'd States There < oan no longer
ba nny ( iuc tlon concemlug thoactual result of
the presidential election. Grove-r Cleveland
and Thomns A. Hondricks have a majority of
18 in the doctoral cnlloAO. Itjls not worth
while for our advorsntles to claim the elec
toral vote of the stntj cf Now1 York. It Is
nbsolutolv curtain Unit the returns of thu
ptvpir olli-ers of election on the night
of thoIth ot November , showed
n dccisivo plurality In the stixto for the oloo-
t ra supporting Clovcland and llendrioks.
If nny different or nltoixd retbrns are now
'jeing prepared or nro promnlpStcd tliny nro
corrupt f Isilir-itions of the rOCqn's of the
fctato of Now 1 ork , and ths inrni aiding nnd
nbettlnf the innkinp of BHCII icports nro
crim-nals Iftisn t expected Hhit you will
tamely mbmit to the machinations of such
men hot them unrionfcnd that yon
will not. Hocognizo , at noon tomorrow
thiou hout tlio United States , the actual elec
tion of Cleveland and Jlendrlcki by tiring
National ralutcs. Jloot tomoriow ; nigjic
throughout the countrx and oxpVosa you opin
ions in n manner that cannctbo iniBundor-
stoo.l. The men of Now York are resolved
not to submit to the groan outrage attempted
to bo perpetrated upon their rights , and will
speak for ehoinselv os. ( Signed )
'Wm.lAM II. BXnsusi ,
Chairman National Uemocratli Committee.
A. 1 * . GOIUIAN ,
Chairman National Executive Committee.
AuiANV , November 7. The Kvcning
Journal concedes the elfctiouXof Clovulaud.
It says : "There seems to bo nojlonger n doubt
that Cleveland lias been e-lcctod priuident.
Kvery county has sontin its full voto. Aftur
carolul vcritieatlon the rosul BSivsiura Clove-
laud a plurality of nbout 1,00 Jr in this utatc
The vote will not vary 200 oucither siiio of
the figures. Now York gives Cleveland
enough votes to elect him , The Jouinal has
devoted all itt , energies toward seeming another -
other result. It now reluctantly admits that
the election has boon decided differently from
its desire , beciuso it believes that the
prompt recognition of the will of the in ijotity
1-4 esitntim tu the niaiiitaiiiancB"and projOrvn-
lion nf Aineiicnn iiutitiuions.Ho long as the
po'jplo ' of the L nited Statsa have decide I to
transfer tlio fodnral admialF.tratlon to the
democratic party v o are glad that the decision
has benn made in favor of a democrat from
New Yoik state. "
TllOV , N. Y. , Novom'iiir ' 7i A fecliA from
Hoosic Fulls to the ToleKFaiuTyinvs Butler
votes there were all countdijijrl Cleveland.
The tickets were of the B'xmo 'af < * and" thick-
UPS ? . It Is alleged by Butler iiinnagcts hi-ro
that tlio e.imo thing VXMI done elsewhere.
Tuov , November 7. 1'olico nro guinllng
thu 'I'elrginm building which was to-night
surrnuuded by n mob of f-ix or eoven htmilii'il.
The Tole ram biilli-tiu boxrds worn torn down
nud broken into i-phntcrs Ny morn bullLtlnu
will b" put out by icqucst of tlio polico. U ho
mob is good natuicd , and tliciu is not niuoh
fiur of violence. 'Iwo newsboyw bid thin-
Tilt grnms tiUen and torn up. All the extra
foico of po'.ico aiu on duty ,
ness K i LI in 'a vim a.
Ni.w YOIIK , November 7. The Star says :
Huudir-iU ( if tele-grams have baan receiveiJ
liom all over the t nmtry iminring ) for viewn
from Mr. Kelly on thn ele-ttuni , nnd euptciat-
ly n < Ins opinion N w Yoilf. In retpom-o
to thcto miiiiiiea | Mr. Kelly tout thu f lloxv-
ini' statoni' nl : " I liu liguieH show n lotjl for
GIiivo and mid Blaine of IlUI , ' > in , and pI'T.d- '
ity for ClnviUiKl of 1.100 Tim Albany Kvon-
iog .Iniiruiil concedes tide. S am < f the
opliiion that the c .unties . when canvn etl
by the hands of thn wiperviBorH , Tno'd.iv
nuxt , will t-liuv.r nn iucu-aM ) oxer the Journal'
liguiuH. The nation .1 demuir tlo comuiilteo'ii
hhiiri'H nn 1,80. ) fir ( . 'levi-and , mil their
i-tatoiiieiit is ba.-i'd i n potitixa information. I
have no doubt of Grover Cleveland1 ! ) election ,
although the pciiplo v. ill bo kept in fiispoiiiu
until the othcial oanv ass 0111 iiftiuro them of
thu result. Mourn have IK en tiikou
to coiiLoul the faets by thoto hav
ing thaigo of the wto cu'il In
election diftriclB m the btatu of
Now York. This indicates tlut I'florti haxo
been nmdu to tumpur xviththi ) lotuins , but
thu vigiluncu of tint demoLr t'c Nationul cum-
iiiltleo III.H provi-ntcii it. on can rely on
thebo figmrs as 1 linva UBoUi-atico thuy are
aecurnto and that Una i-Uto crnvacs will find
them eorn-ct or nriirly K > , nnd if thrio nio
rediictioiiH. the i umber will not bo sulllc'ent
to defeat ClevelamlV cloLtluii.
( Slgm-d ) JOHN ICKi.iv.
i Eiiia-rivn 01 r i II/.UD ,
NEW YOIIK. November 7. Air. O'Biien has
pormlttod the luwyern to hax-4 IXCCI'HS to the
returns , nnd thn comdinmsicd the order In
'howcitiiho , It isitatod the t'lmid imy
lmn alieady foiitul indktiuciitf fur fraud at thu
elcctiun , ijtcpa will alho bi taken to punish
thu inupe'Ltom derelict in muling in thtlr
returns ,
Ntw YOIIK , November 7. In Brooklyn late
to-night the police stopped tljo political pi-
radoM , fiunug they might lo id t itroubliJn
this uty greut crowds gutbore-d to-iii Ut at
thu lioudquartorH of the do.aiocrK.tic and 10-
publican mitlonul u unmiMoiiK , but no lo'unid
were ghtii out. Thi-ip was n > i ciitira ulweni i
of the ft voiliih f'-clingof lint ni ht li nil pjiU
of the city. Tno ( liimo rii'.H inn 'i > > mfii'ly
Lonlunt with the "tlio
piixibnintion , cnntro-
verny in endi'd , Clovelund n ultcted. "
HAMU INO IK s w vein : ,
NE V Yoiih , Novonihe-r 7. Thin morning u ,
siluto of 10'J ' guns WAH lirr/i In thu City Hall
park , byoidiTof the f oader uinnty domocrj
ey , in houorof Ciiovur Clove-'anil'ri election to
tlio pn-bld ncy. The bo lining of gtnu draw n
largo crowd from the bullutiii boards nt thu
oxvspupcr olhc"i to thu park. During thn
firing the poiticm of u wad Irom n gun struck
zUittlo uiiwuboy , naiiud .luou ! ) Klmnoii , in thu
rucj ) , knocking nut liib uto.
Thu Iftruld , Kim and Kxtni have withdraxvii
Imllotin bonuls. At the World's bulletin
lx > ard this morning the' crovvtl vvns qtiito tin-
thuilastlo oxer tlio announced election of
Clove-lnml nnd Itondttcks. This VVM inoren nd.
when it was declared Jay Gould had conceded
coded to Clev olnnd and had sent n telographla
dispatch 11 Urn gc vfliuor congratulating him
upon his olocllon , The republicans cnntinno
[ inn , how vor , nnd ftil : maintain that Blaiuo
[ ins osrtle1 ! ! the tatc.
The fooling abinit the domrcrvtlc hi-xequur-
tots was no eviiliili-iit as lo Cleveland's olcc-
ion that the crowd dlrpemd at noun ,
The republican national commlttro until
they had no now today. They ntlll cUIni
Blaine nud Lrpun hnvoiarricdthostato nnd nre
Ai'bt'DTA , November 7 , I n. ii' . , The
democrats Mimied ] ulto confident of the olre-
Lion cl tholr ticket nnd lastnight celebrated the
victory , The address ot Chairman Manning
as to the vote of Noxv York conflicts with ill
; hu adviccc received tv lUatno , the latter slid
"ho had treated the republican nomination ns
nn honorable trust confided to him without so-
[ citation and hnd thcnloti ) i-paird no tlmo
nnd no effort to secure success. Ho had lull
confidence ho hid bcon fairly e-lcctcd , and ho
trusted tint ox ory effort would now bo made
, o vimlic.xto the tact tdnom of the ballot. JjTo
( note my oxvn snyiug on an iniportiint ocoa *
-ion , " added Mr. Itlaine. "any party In thn
I'nltod Stntoi can boar to bo ( lolratml , but no
arty vx ill hair to bo defrauded. " llliiuu freely
.ixpiod'CB his judgment tint the majoiitv In
Xow York hnd been cast for the republican
electornl UcUut. Ho thought the returns and
lompatlsuni wilh Connor voles clearly estab
lished tluit conclusion.
AvotitHK MAturi : .
I'OKTLANII , Mo. . November 7. The diuo-
crats HUM 100 guno he-io in honor of Cluxe-
laue'o oloctlou
At'dUSTA , Noxem'icr ' 7 The latest ndxlcos
racoIxoJ hero from Noxv York nro to the effect
that the republican committees , both state
and national , nftcr a careful examination of
the vvhtilo ground , nro satisfied that the Btata
has jtmo f ° r Ulaino and Logan. They say
that iho correct count will shoxv n _ smlill to-
publican plurality and that they have tikun
steps ti > cctablish the fact , lilainu's resilience
wns crowded nil day ; many prominent eitl-
7ns from tilstant parts of tlu slate iirttving.
The Interest iu the result in Now York i <
groxving deeper every hour. This aftoinoon
lUainu talked trccly about tha aituatl n Ho
Riiid to n diBtlnguiscd citirsn of Malue ,
1 I feel entirely confident that the honest
vote of Now York , xxithout change or manip
ulation , will show n plurality for the republican
can electors of not loan than 1GOJ votes. 1 do
not ( speak idly but from the most accurate
data , ciirefnllv furnished mo from tha most
comneUnt service. .
lifaino added that the despatch of Daniel
Manning published ycslcrdny contained the
most arrogant nnd olTi-iuivo throat to control
tlio election returns in thu inteicsts of the
democratic ticket over mndo in northern
state , nud equalled the worst bulldo/ing pro
clamations ever IssU'd Iu the touth. Ho
IhoutrLt its elfoct would bo to nro-iso the law-
abiding citizens of Now York , who uinno
alloid to have their etat'i ro'lucod to the level
of Iho lawlossncjs prevailing In South
Carolina and MUslEbippi , The gentleman
askrd l > ! nluu if he felc much disappointed
over the I os > lbo ! pi spects of losing tlio presi
dency by such meatlilnino nnsweroii , "I
do not feel so in any personal sense , but pro
foundly HO , on account of the vast national
interoatn de-ponding upon the result I feel
great , prldu that no Imputation of fraud his
over he-en seriously uttered against tha mum-
burs of the rcpubiimn pirty in any ntivtn 01
district. 1 dojnot bellavo tha Amoricnn poo-
pi o vyill accept a fraudulent result. Tha re
publicans have carried thu northern states by
moi nth in .100,000 majority , and thny du nut
propose In hnvo iho leading statu taken fiom
their by fraud. '
ST. I.ouis , Mo , , November 7. It is impos
sible lo get nuy results on the Kansas elaio
ticket. Mallors are very niiPoltloil Tlio 10-
publican committee claim lilnino has DU.UOO
plurililyj Martin , rep , for govornoi , 10,000 ,
TOIT.KA , Ks. , Novomber7. Thooxcilomdiit
in Iho city during tlio past firty-uight hours
has bociuo mte'iiao ever national politico.Unit
no cHoit IH madu any t no to comiluto ) Iho vote
of tlmbUle. .
V.AIItlKi : IIH'LDI.K.AN' ) .
la. , Novombor7. The fol-
lov/i ngas icnttlni morning to the nntlonnl
icinbici [ ! n ceimnittco by the lovrn republican
immttco :
lih ! MoiNii' , In. November 7.
To the -publican Nntionnl Committro , VI5
1'lfth avenue , New York Iowa ropiibliciiH ,
behoving xxith thu national comii Ittou Unit
Bl.unn is faiily olcctfd , nio ready to protect
tha victory of the-ir p'lrtv In whitovor way it
ImcnmtM necoiiury. Wo bollovo with Mi
any paity Khuti'd ' bo ublu to Btiiml , but up uty wofthy of biiccvss , as Is
. Catarrh Is a very picvnU-nt illscaso , with
distressing and offoiiHlvu hyinptoins. IIooil'H
Karsip.irllU glxos lonly icllef and niecily |
cure , from thu fnc-t It nclK Ihroiigh tlio ilooil ,
and thus ri'.ielicse-vciyp.irtof the sj stem.
" I wilTori'il with i-alarihfiftoen jc.irs. Took
Hood's S.u.s.ip.ii 111.i and I : im not liouhled any
vxlth eaUiriliiiud my lie.illli Is iniicli
Iicttei. " J. W. I.II.I.IH , I'ostal Cli-rk Chicago
& SI. l.mih ] t.iilroad.
" 1 Hiilloreil with catanh 0 or R voais j tried
many \\ondeifnl cures , lulialeis , otc. , spi'inl-
Ing ne.irly one Imiiili i-d dollars without benefit.
I tiled Hoivl'H .S.irsnii.irlll.i , and was greatly
Improved. " M.A.AmnsxXVoreeiiU'rJInss.
Hood's R.irsnpaillla Ii rlmrarlorlri-il H
thrio iKTuli.irltlc.s : 1st , the eumlilnntlon 11 agi'llts ; Ed , Iho jmijmrttoni SV > \ ' )
of i.i'curliig thi ) adlvo iiiulli- '
Thn result Is n inrdlolnn of nmisi.j
ftii-iiKlh , fffiitliiK ctire-n liltlu-rto niiKiiov.ii
Si ml for lioolt conUilnlnj ; nililllloinl iwlili in o.
"llooiiN Hiri-nii.irlll.i toni-s up my nystin ,
'imiiiisj v liiouil , hh iriit'iiH my min | tlio | . > >
n i ins t in.d.e inn nxri. " .1 r. Tnoui'su , ,
JI' ' , ' . .u i til ] > i i Us , J.uunll , Mass.
"Ilooii's Sirsap.irllla boits all ollicrH , i-iil
' < v.oiili us ueliM ; Ini'ulil.1' I. l
J i ) ll.ud. KtiLut , 1'evv Vuik Clly.
Hood's Sc
Bold hy all drtirrlsts. $1 ; six for & . M.
wily by < ) . 1. HOOD & CO. , Ixiwoll , Muss.
! COcS3occo Ono
ho republican pnrty ahould not > told to fraud
n thn riightwt degree nt vvlintovcr ro t.
[ Sigurd ] W , P. WOUK ,
CliMrmnn licpublicnn Stnto Committee ,
Ptmos , November 7 , I'till returns give
Wiuqtio comity for Clovolaud by 1,787 ! ma-
orlty. a grin of 1,218 ever 1O ) , l.lnehnn ,
lemocrat , ran tuco hundrtd behind.
HT. JOHN in nsKn IN m-un.
CKIUII It M-IIH , November 7. St , John wns
turned In pllltyin front of the Kopubllcan of-
Ice thl ov-onlug In the presence of 5,000 poo-
ilo. The people then dragged the burning
iguro through the streets.
DKS MOINKI. lovxa , November 7. Colonel
lopbroii , republican Is elected to congrcw
rom the nixth ili'tiict over Davis , fusion , by
! 3'tl. .ludco lymnn , republican , dofrnM
'otoy , fusion , In the ninth district by li'.KS. '
'yoiigrfs'inmi Ktnibloit ro elected fiom the
iloxouth district oxer Harbor , fusion , by 700.
> oiiRrofnnnn llobuos is la-elected iu the
cnth district owr McCoy , funioti , by
000. W. K. Kullrr , republican , 11
oloited over "Calamlly" Wellor , fiulon , pros-
ml Incumbonl , In thn fourth dlilrlcl , by i'70.
1'ho estimated mnjoiity for Murphy , fuilon ,
ix cr Shaxv , republican , iu the .Second district ,
s nboul 3MX ) . Col. Ili'iidonum has li8'.l ! mix-
ority oxer l.lnehnn , fusion , In the Thin ! din
ric : . The With district will rnmiro Iho of-
lend count to di'cidn the mailer nnd Iho flrfl
llsttict thosnmo. The Seventh dintricl elects
Conger nud Smith , ripubllexni , ever McHon-
y nnd Ki idler , fusion , by 'J , 108 and 2tl3 ) ,
vlthVnrron county estimated.
ANOrilKIl VUl.l'INIi 1IO\M \ , ,
Dr.s MomH , 11. , Noxembri 7. Itppubll-
an state committee issued thu following nil-
IreMs this oxcmiiR :
"lu.xiigi'AHTuits IOXXA Kn-t'iiLicxv ' BTATI :
( 'KS-i ItAI. COXIVIITThK , NOV. 7 , It-Si )
' The national K publican commlltou nnd
ho republican eontinl comnilllco of Noxv
York , after n cire-ful footing of the returns of
otes from Iho xariom prccmcfji in Hint state ,
nivo declared ami do now InslHt that n Min
ority n [ thu votes of that stjxto have boon
; ast for the republican ticket. The public
oil-graphic dippilchot of the non-partiran
[ \Riociixtod pros < support the posit on taken
: > y Ihcso cominllteiH. This being thu situa-
.ion , it becomes the impnrntivo duty of tlio
i epubllcnm not to > iold to the groundlcssc aims
if the opposition , even though nccomiiaulod
vxltti throats of violeiico.Vhllo republicans
u ill not ink. nnd can by no moans nffiird lo
lent a pre-sluent who ia not oleutoJ , they cor-
.aliily cauiml nlford lo conccdo Iho election of
> r submit to the seating of ono vvhu has failed
: o recBlvp the nocessnry votoi , Aho.idya
'nrgo portion of tha south is ngninslns tlncugh
raud nud Intimidation nud violonco. nnd It in
extremely Important to the purity of elections
nnd thu safety of the country that wo concede
milling but what thu facto demand BIU ! the
aw require- ? . ( Signed ) W. 1WALIT. .
DhTltoiT , November 7 , I n. in.Tho olcc
ion in this atnto appears to bo ropuhlirn i by
i small mijnrity. The figures sent before nro
cduci-d Biinmxvhnt. The coogrCHsmon nro ns
icforu elated , with thu exception of the Sec-
mil district ; which is now claimed by both
inrtlt'H , Iho republicans claiming n majority ol
11 } and the democrats 81. Thu democratic i tate
committee plucoi the ri'iniblicin majority
it about 1,000. The 1'Vco ' 1'nws , ( iloni.
ocratic ) , bus leport from ix largo
[ > art of Iho stito , including the Upper L'uiiin-
ula , vxhlch is slrongly republican , nnd states
Lhnt tlm o.Himiitos indie ito a small fusion ma
jority , but it vxill taku the ollicial count lo do-
2ldo. They o > llmato Iho fn-ion vole for
Clovu'nnd at 102,100 , and Iho fusion vote for
Butler ut ! l,800. As Iho fusion vvnu nn ngreo-
oiont to dlxldu thu oloclorul vole piopottlon-
alsly ts the pupnlar vote
Iho fusion victory would give
Cleveland 10 , Bailor- ' , and Bliiimi 1 , by do
fault. The Btatti republican committed don ,
ot ullow tlio claims ot tbe'fniiionlsts , but etil
clulin n mnjorl'y ' of 7,000 on Iho sl-ilo am
electoral t.ckot . The i'ostticp ) clalniH tin
stnlit by from 5,000 to 7,000. Kigiite1
received from c < rrcnpundeutn in 11103
of tlio counties of the stntn , with estimate-
on remaining comities give Blaine n plur
ality of little over ( i.OOO. It nUo cluims t )
hive liftncn topu'ihcans out of twenty-two In
Iho slatu nnnnlo , ami lulfof the roprespnta
IIVIH. Thu | ruhibltionoto 1-as bosn estiini-
ti d by the Kroo 1'ress at about 1,00 ! < ] fnr
I'roston for governor , and 17,000 for .St.
. r ovombor 7. Compailpo.i will
figures from Democratic and republican Four
ceH ehow thu ligun H huri'loforo henl lo bo nenr
ly correct. Thodi mociats coucedo n repnh
lioaii plurality of 1,5'JO and the lepnblic 1119
claim 7 oJU ( plm.ihly.
DUIIOIT , Nnveinbor 7. The congr sio
dulogiiliun is uhaugnl by Iho election of
IChliiilgn , dom > 01 it , m Iho -ciiid district by
a plurality of ( WU. 'Jh-s - makes the ningi-es
Hlonaldnh gallon seven fu-tlunists and four ro
nublicaiiH , u gam of o-io for tint fu-lnnisrs
Tin to will bo u fusion majority in each homo
of thu legislature.
sioi-i-ivn HIE novIN CIIICXUD
Clllcxr.o , November 'f. Harrison
has ifsued n re-quest to all Iho iiowspapcrH o
the city to ei-nso Inning election bulletins on
the ground that they am moving ciunes iu tli
collecting of crowds and causing uiiduj excite
ment. Alllnxo c'Jiiiphiul.
CllioAiii ) , November ! ) , Vnith'-r ' return
from thu st.ilo iiuiic.ito Iho olecUun of ropnb
hcan eougruHHiiiun in thu 1'ir t , I'onith , l''iltli '
Sixth , ruxoiith , Kmhtli , Ninth , Koiirteentli
I'lftienth nnd Twonth III ilIstiietH , und demo
crnlluin thu 'i u , th , Twelfth , Thntein , HU
ttuulh , Haxuntncnth , KiglilPimth and Nineteenth
toonth , will' ' " the Klovfiith Is in ilunbt. Th
duniiKints claim th < t Nuoco iu eh clod ,
Cll'L-Aiio , November " . The Times claim
that the slito legislature will hivu a majority
of Unco on the j Int b illot , giving two doubl
fill districts to thuropiiblicuns. The Noxvs ro
tnins inihcatu a tin b tvvoon the parties wit
two districts Iu dobnt. Thu republican Btat
central commilUu claim u m.ijoiity of ono o
the joint bullol.
CIIICARO , NovemliPr 7. Thu Dally Now
IK.B lujiortH from ! J7 of lOi connllcs in th
state , giving Bliilno a plurality nf IM.881
ThfH ) counties in IKhO g.tvo ( Airfield a lie-
majority of 1-HO ever Hancock. Txvo o
theKo comities rccdved by thu Asaoclatci
tin HHglvo Blaine a plurality of 10' ' , inuklng
Ills plurality in Oil counties ' 21)83. ! ) Thi-H
twoLoiinllcH In IbbUgavo fiurficld 10 inajori
ty. Tlm three icmaimug conntloii gnvo Gar
lit Id li"J , ; ( mujority.
O.I.I-HII ) HAH : .
OllicAfjo. Noviinber 7 With si\ton conn
ti'H to liuai fiom tin ) D'lly NIHVH lopoits tin
plurality of Oglexby for Kovernor ut 1 l.'W
'iho iL-mniniiig Khtoun gixo ( Jnrfidd 7iHI :
Thu Nux/a on tln-rtti fncti Mtnnntui Oglesby'
plurali'y ' ut abuiit 7,000.
I.NUnj.MI A.NAIICin , j
All \M.v , November 7. Tlio clly i > < cole
brtitiiiK Iho e-Itttioa of Cleveland in thu most
cnthualMtto manner. Ix-ndinp ; republicans
&ro addressing the negrooc , telling them they
hixxc eloctixl Blimo and that they must sco to
It that ho Is not counted out ,
SANANNAII , On. . November 7. Intense cs-
tlomcnt prevails In this city ; such scenes are
nkuoxv hcroitnco 1800 , Tha city were the
ppOArnnco of n holiday , IVoplo gnthtred In
rroups ( llncusing the great event in the cloc-
Ion of Clovolnml. Business men and clerks
ro all on the street * . In many Instances thn
tores are closed. The pcnpo ! ate wild with
' > ' . . -
AfousTA , Go. , Nrt ) or 7. Patrick
Vnlshj motnber of the I , _ > emil damocratic
xtctltivo committee of ! rgla , telegraphs
ohn Kelly nt Now Yol - "I congrntulnto
oil on the full , fu\- 1 r honest vote of
'nmninny xvhich innilo ( - , . . iland president ot
ho United Status. .
ST. l.OUIs , November tV fovv more conn.
en , making in all St. i majorities and
ilurftlities for the hf aiM v" iho stnto ticket n-
ollons : Marmad like , uitT.ncrat , for govern-
r , l7,7 ! 0 ; Kord , fusion , 18.-1 17. Net majority
or Mnrmadnke- . ' L .
TUB i-tmnuno rt.AN ,
1'irTflnunn , 1'n. , November 7. A prcclasna *
Ion * wns Imue-d to-diy by Chief of 1'olico
trnum foibldding pouting of election bullo-
ins nnd bloxving of tin hums on the atreots.
'his bad the cllect of reducing the crowd-i
nn'e'rlnlly. ' The best order provnlls. The
lool-rooms nro also closed until nltor tha pros-
iloulial contest Is settled , by order of Mayor
' 'niton , n betting calculates to keep up the
xutomeut of partisan feoling.
JJClsciNNATi , November 7. Street demon'
trntloiu here have boon uniformly good na-
, ured , though very noisy with tin home , etc.
'ho tendency has boon to grotesque nnd cnrnl-
vnl-liko demonstrations. The Commercial-
a/otto announced that It would issiw no
nero bullotlns , and advised the people to go
iiuno and await the tegular mode of receiving
news. The advice sceiiH to bo taken. The
trootn nro comparatively quiet to-night.
Cl Kv-KLANt ) , 0 , , Novemlier 7. IJeimcrntH
iirod ono hundred guns this afternoon over the
uloction and will pir.ida tn-ninht nnd to-mor
OIIKIU.IN , November 7. After learning the
report last uight that Blaine was ehcteil ,
come college students nttemptcd amock _ Bor-
niadu to Itev. Mr. Mills , a senior in the college -
logo nnd an ordalnnd minister , who has been
n ( conspicuous prohibitionist. The moment
tha chaiivari began In front of his house , Mills
Iirod four shots from his revolver into the
ciovvd , ono of which slightly woumlod n stud
ent named Mitchell Mill was arrested and
put under $100 bail for trial to-morrow , The
feeling agninst him Is strong.
INDIANAPOLIS , Novombar 7. Sixty-eight
counties show n net republican giin otl.ll ,
Cleveland's plurality , -1,333 , The state will
( irobably glvo Cleveland . ' 1,000 plurality.
INDIANAI-OUS , November 7. Ilnndncka
luia received n gront many con ratuhtory tcl-
{ nims to-diy and has boon busily tn iyud in
i ucelvlng and i-ntertitr.ii.if callers , among whom
wcto iminv republicans , pomonal friomlu. An
Asenclntid pruas rupiitt-r fonail bun iliii evenIng -
Ing in conversation with ix number of politl-
tiuans , Senator Vooihocd among
thorn. Ho wai in nn npparoutlyhnppjr
framoofrrind expressing Imnself iw pntlstied thu democratic candidate's have been
clictnd. Hu had nothingho tnld , to add to
\xliat had already been < \preceod by him for
thu past day or two respecting Iho olcction.
The excitement of Urn past three nights ia
bi-giniiing t tell on the people1 , Mid the croxvd
on thoptroot to-night is much rmillrr and lees
ilemonstrativo. No bul'otius mu ditplxyoil
nnywhe-ru nnd alfiiiM are biglimiug to lesumo
thUr normal condition.
mu xvtHiKiiN UNION'S
I.SKIANAI'OI.IH , Noxomber 7. Si'potinteu-
ilent Wallick , of the We-stsrn Union Tele
graph company , publishes ncard in the Jour
nal to-morrow fiiiinswrr to the strictures of
Mr. Hundiickson the manner in which ] the
election ri'tiitnn wcro Co ] Net' d In thin t-t.ito.
The first returns choxvprl consiilorablo republi
can gdiu , and Mr. HcndilclcH rlnltnwd the
facts hud boon intoiitliiiially mlnepriHoutod by
MrValllcV. . Tlm ronsim for thi- , Mr.VaI -
lick slid , that the precincts Iu ivhie i
giiliis wcro , v/ero rrpirted first. Ai s.xmjiloB ,
ho showH that of 215 democr.itlj urucinctH
only.'Dwnro ri ported during Tufsday night
and Wcdiuhdny , xvhilo of aOl republican pro-
- liicUHfi were ruporUiil.
, Ala , November 7. The people -
plo of Montgomery passed into the streets at
nightfall nnd In n short time loeonotinn was
dillicult. There was u torchlight procession ;
houses were illuinimited and ICO guns vroro
fired. The city wns bright a dny for Bovcral
liourH 'J'ho advertisehna ! ndviscH of the
ntmoht enthuhiasm thrnuBjiout nil Alabama.
S100O. Oiveni
Ifalum oriuiylnjnrluni kuhtlances cui- Lie found
In AnilrowH1 Pearl Baking Povvdr Is pos-
Uvt-lypUnE * Jlelmi ndorkednnit | .linonliU.'i
ruehedironiBiiehchcmlslsimH. Dana Ia > , llos-
ton ; M. Deliifontulne , of Clilrago ; nnd tiuhtavus
Doue , JlllwaiiUeNovirwilil In bulk.
29 J.aku bt. C87 , W & Ml K. \ \ utcr St,1
e eru-