THE DAILY BJfE-COUNCIL BLUFFS THURSDAY NOVEMBER ( j THE DAILY BEE. WOMJIL BLUFFS , Thursday Morning November 6 , sunscnitrioN KATIH. r.y Curtltr . . - - - - - 0 * * nta i > r wcott l rW 110.00 per je r orncs ! No. 7 Pearl Blrwt , Near Broadway , MINOR MENTION , Sao J. Iloitor'n now Ml stock of cloth. Officer Dunn yesterday arrested Ed McOjuloy for asaault. Policeman J. T. iiurloy U confined lo his homo with a Bovcru nold. J. J. Shen was In the city yostordny looking after the returns for himself. The Congregational church has not fully settled yet on the calling of a pastor. The London Christy ininatrol company is to appear in "Chips" at the opera hcuBO this oronlng. The funeral of little Johnny Stewart will bo held at the family residence this morning at 10 o'clock. The funeral of John T. Mowory , who died so suddenly at his homo on Pierce street Monday , was hold yesterday after noon. The case of John Osborn , arrested for illegal voting , is to bo tried before the United States commissioner , George T. The two contestants for county super visor , Jones and underwood , mot nt the court house yesterday and shook hands over the returns. There are some honest decent citizentt in Council Bluffs who know how to behave - > have on election day , notwithstanding ; the howls of the Nonpareil. If the republicans hero succeeded as they seem to have done in electing Jones as a county supervisor they still lack ono vote of having a majority of the board. The now 1'rcabytorian church is fast being roofed , and will soon bo In condi tion so that if cold weather comoo on 18 work can bu continued on the interior. To-morrow evening the Methodist church choir promise the public an en joyable concert in the Masonic hall , the proceeds to bo for the benefit of the church. ' : The returns concerning the judicial election comes iu very indefinitely and unsatisfactory. Judge Ayloaworth is not "down in the dumps" yet , and still has the hope of beating Loufbourow. The defeat of two years ago and the fearful struggle this year , ought to teach ( the republicans of this district that they must , hereafter , in cbooaing n candidate for congress , got ono whoso record docn . not have to bo defended aud apologized for. The ladies of the Harmony mission society return thanks for the liberality nhawn them at their oyster supper , also . k for private donations Their next dime M v . ociablo will bo hold this evening at the ' > 'r&idonca of Mrs. C. Diwson , on Frank- rf ? avenue , ono block south of H. n. 30' Field fc& " are cordially Invited. 50 w&in 8Ucl1 n demand in THE Bi'.i : & , . Council Bluffs ycstuday tlmt despite the extra edition it was inlP"010 ' to furnish , I/ The Ii2ne8' ' ' n ° inP' toy ° ' "P'y ' rather than t .nj whatiEvots ono particular ° f. 'dooms to , 'uialf.o big. TIIK Bun ia appreciated. JviCol. . Sapp is about the happioat man in town ever the rnturns of the congression 01 al district. Ho has fought for Lyman like a tiger , and to him moro than any other ono man Lyman owes his election , Even those who wished Lyman had / been anowed under , oonccdo that as a campaign manager Sapp is hard to boat. The dear old grandmother has taken it all buck and admits that oho wai too nervous abaut this city , and that there was r ally no occasion for her snivelling demand for an army of specials to pro tect the polls. It is true she has done what she could to glvo Council Bluff * the reputation of being a city of roughs and thugs , but as she is sorry now. and as many' do not BOO her scrap-book anyway , the public will generously forgive her. There has probably boon no election nu the result of which moro money has been bet than on this ono. A great deal was staked on the congressional raco. Ono young man who had $000 bet on Pusey was very anxious Tuesday night to msko it $1,000 , aud finding a Lyman pot of $300 , ho emptied his pocktti of $180 and took that much of it even , nftor the returns began coming in , making $1,080 that ho ulono had on Puioy. A number of other well kt-own residents had from § T > 00 to § 2,000 on Pusoy. Stotrart Stove * , Do Vol & Wright. BIuiTlnifo JLIcrnscH. Application was made at the county clerk's oflico yesterday for marriage license and granted to the following per sons ; Andrew Kinsen to Annie Swaneon , J both of Council Bluff * ; It. F. Kloko to Amelia Koscnthal , both of Cuming county , Neb. ; E. F. Wagoner to III. 1 > , K Ciller , both < ' Council Hluib ; .1. B ' /urrio , of Norfolk county , to Alice 1 ! , Palmer , of Oakland county. ' 13 ? It will psy you to BOO our line of stoves before you buy. DE VOL ft WIIIOHT , 504 Hruadnrny. CliiHinuUur , To close the bueiuwb I oifor my stock of miscellaneous books , piclurt' , funsy gouds , notion ) , firn screens , taiela , wile ) > f end cano high chsTH and ditldron'a rocktrs , at pricr.i never known btforo in thu wtot. H. K tieimunnt \ r. huokq nnd ntation- cry , C01 Uroadwey , Council Bluffr , Wirx'ow s'lidta ' . u < bi to cloio thorn ou . J' . C' . Miller 13 P arl stiett. FIGURES AND FACTS. Pnsey Rolls Up a Big Dome majority Bill Still Needs Hew * The Bepublioans Capture Most of the County Offioost Tlio Democrat' . Tnko the Town OfllffH. Vestordoy was mainly devoted to talk- over the battle , and figuring on the number bor of slain and woundod. Every news centers were crowded with eager inquir ers , and hundreds of pencils wcro busy figurine out the reasons and the results. Much interest was manifested in the tola- graphic reports from the country at lartjo , aud yet the congressional , town and county contests received no little atten tion. It appeared from the returns that came in from the district yesterday that Lyman had bcon oloctcd by a majority of between 500 and 700. Pusoy wont out uf this county with over 500 majority. All the precincts in the county were not hoard from /ustoraay , but it appeared clear that tbo democrats oloctcd J. ; J. Shea , of Nooln , for olork of the courts , his majority bciiiK not far from CO. For county recorder it scums that the repub licans have elected Chambers , the contest between him and Brodbock being quito close , however. For supervisor the republican candi date , Mr. Jones , acorns to have run way ahead , the east end of tlio county socm- Ing to atand by him on "cast ond" mot ives rather than moro pnrtlannship. Tlio entire township ticket is elected by majorities ranging from 150 to 250 , The following are the majorities of the Jlllbront candidates so far as returns have a aoon received from the county : vig ron CONOIIES&MAN. am _ Pusoy , democratic , majorities Coun- of il Bliitr , First ward 105 , Second ward ah 139 , Third ward 45 , Fourth ward 100 ; otal In city 1198 ; Boomer 10U , Cro cent lyl 59 , GarnerM , Ilazol Doll 20 , ton Lincoln2'J , Mindou 81 , Noolii pii 18 , Norwolk LM , Vork 11 , WO' Lyman , republican , majority Dclknap Tin W , Carson 57 , Center 102 , Hardin 17 , ing iCnox 5 , Luwia 1 , Silver Crook 38 , of f iVright 72. nwi rna FOIl UOt'NTV ULEllK. Street , republican , majority Bolknap sidi , Carson 09 , Center 95 , Unrdin 21 , the fames 27 , Silver Crook 42 , Vnlloy 5G , are Vashlngton 15 , Wright 73. wh Shna , democratic , majority Council and JlufTs 190. Orescent 07 , Oarnor 42 , Ua- by el Dull 7 , Keg Crook 48 , Kuox 2 , Lin- wo oln 29 , Lawls 11 , Mmdon 87 , Ncola 93 , WOl ' forwalk yl , TJoasant 35. Kockford 20 , all 'ork 2-J. the KOU IlECOUDEU. the Chambers , republican , majorities Jelknap 98 , Carson 70 , Center 100 , lardin 20 , Knox 51 , I owis 9 , Silver > took \Vrif-ht97. . Brodbock , democratic , majorities louncll BlutiH 200. Crescent 01 , Garner ! , Lincoln 20 , Mindcii 70 , Noola 29 , Jorwalk 21 , York 13. .ToncH , republican , majoritloi Bolknnp .28 , Carsoti 152 , Center 101 , Durdin 20. linox 34 , Lewis 2(5 ( , Silver Crook 87 , Co Wright 103. thi Underwood , democratic majorities Council Binds , 530 ; Crescent , 81 , Gar- , icr , 25 ; Lincoln , 14 ; Mitidon , 72 : W vnlk , ! ) ; York , 11. The city retnrnf are an No ' Second ward , urthward , 433. Second ward , ourth ward , 512. ' DISTHIUT .1UIH1E. 45 1 k ° ! 4fbnurow , First ward , 247 ; Second SKird. . 1182 ! ; Fourth ward , 453. Ay Ion worth , First ward , 358 ; Second ward , 4)1 ! ) : Fourth ward , 483. WSTltlOT ATIOUNKV. ate A. B. Thornull , First ward , 258 ; Second end ward , 388 ; Fourth ward , 472. P. K. 0. Lilly , First ward , 340 ; Sec- and ward , 483 ; Fourth ward , 504. OIHUUIT.IU1H1K. J. P. Connor , First ward , 250 ; Second end ward. 38 ! ) ; Third ward , 312 ; Fourth ward , 477. 0. II. Jackson , First ward , on 44 ! ) ; Socimd ward , 480 ; Third ward , 303 ; or Fourtli ward , 500. bu CM : KK. S. D. Street , First ward , 270 ; Second l' ward , 3)5 ! ) ; Third word , 323 ; Fourth wurd , 400. J. J Shea , First ward , 335 ; Second ward , 483 ; Third warJ , 2)0 ! ) ; Fourth ward , 518. UKCOllPKK. on II. J. Chamber * , First ward , 251 ; Sou- oud ward. 390 ; Third ward , 301 ; Fourth ward , 400. J. F. Brndbi-ck , First ward , 347 ; Second wurd , 4 ! > 1 ; Third ward , 315 ; Fourth ward , 518. Iw M KM HiIt : 110AU1) ) Of HUl'EUVlSOllH. ) vt Ilobort T. Jonus , First ward , 238 ; Second end ward , 30 ! ) : Third ward , 277 ; Fourth in ward , 385. Samuel G. Undorwoad , First ward , 300 ; Second ward , 5UO ; Third nu ward , 311 ; Fourth ward , 591. by .lUhllUKH. llendricks , First ward , 355 ; Soond ward , 517j Third ward , 307 ; Fourth as ward , 470. Schurz , First ward , 350 ; Second ward , 490 ; Third ward , 310 ; Fourth ward , 492. Franoy. First ward , 312 ; Second ward , 435 ; Third ward , 282 ; Fourth ward , 480. Abbolt , First ward , 200 ; Second ward , 375 ; Third ward , 300 ; Fourth ward. 452. Itodu- beck , First word , 255 ; Second ward , 300 ; Third ward , 290 ; Fourth ward , 450. bo Copigealmll , First ward , 210 ; Sooond word , 375 ; Third ward , 310 ; Fourth ward , 474. I'OKSTAlllEH. Wall MoFaddBii , 391 , 312 , 403 ; John Fox , 385 , 305. 459 ; M A Gregory , 382 , 317 , 471 ; 0. Wi'sloy , 400 , 300 , 482 ; J. Whito. 493 , 300,487 ; John Barhyto , 500 , 308 , 517. TltUhTEES , II. n. Field , 389 , 311 , 405 ; Ilobort Iluutiugton , 480 , 300 , 510. CLKllK. Jj. Klnnohan , 401 , J10 , 480 ; A. Gain , in 470 , 305 , 498. TJiu precincts hoard from us nbov ; gUo for Putoy n majority of 457 , Shea 190 Ohain- 10 mid Jones 73 , but thcsu will bo ged HOinowlmt by the returns from thu miwiii | { townnliipf , which will prob Ally swell the majorities of 1'usoy , G'mnlH'M ' nn'l Jones uud cut down thu majority of Shea. 'l do ir ports from the concretsionaldit- triot outside of thin naunty uro very un Mi'itfaotrry to all parties , I oiiiK oluw in in and mcagro whin they ronch bore. bore.Tnu Tnu dirocnnls rlnim that Aiidubon comity ( > ivi'H 1'uri-v ' . ) , " ) , Milla 35 , llarri- ten 100 , ur.d the Glebe insUts tlmt ho is olociod , but gives no reason for the faith I that is within it. Col. Sapp places Lyman's majority reaching nearly 1,000 , L. C. Arbuthnnt's millinery oponin takes plnco on Friday nnd Saturday Novorcbcr 7th and 8th. Tbo roller skate mostly In favor seem to bo the ono with the 2& inch brass tlli lined whoeln , tlm largest in ueo. II. L Miller , , 1009 Fourth nvoniio , Counc BlufTs , is the western ngont for thcs skates , and Is having on immense succos in selling the samo. Ho carries n larg and ! well nwortcd stock of club , half-clu and strap skates. DlUHIlllltloil , The firm of II. II. Horno& Co. whole ftulo dealers in cigars nnd tobacco is by mutual consent dissolved , II. II. Ilorno retiring. The business hereafter will be conducted by Frank K. Kern with when all our patrons indebted to said firm wll settle nt the old stand in opera house block Council Bluffj Iowa. All outstand ing Indebtedness against the firm will b settled by Frank K , Kern.II. . II. n. IIon.VK. KKHK & BHADEK. Per F. K. Korn. Special Notice. All of our old customers will find thai Ian shall continue to deal in genuine goods and guarantee satisfaction to my now customers as I handle no cigara but those made nt our own custom factory and therefore know just what I am Boiling , thW F. K. KB UN , Wholesale dealer in cigars , Opera house , Council Bluffs. BATTERINCTTHE BAES , Tli Prisoners in tin ; County Jail Maho n Brcnlc for Llliprly. The old court house and jail is in such shtky condition that ia requiors special igllanco on the part of Sharif ! Quittar nd Jailor Shouts to prevent an outbreak prisoners , of whom there is just now largo number , and they are an unusual- hard sot. Whllo the excitement at- ondiug election was in progroafl , the lisonors evidently concluded that It rould ' bo a good time to in alto a break , 'hoy accordingly began sing- ig songs , to drown the 110190 their work , and began breaking vraysomoof the iron protection at the oar of the hallway , hoping by making a 010 there to gain an unit on ho west ido of the jail. Unfortunately for lorn , Mr. Shouts having his suspicions routed by the universal enthusiasm rhich ! the prisoners put into the singing , nd having his suspicions strengthened hearing a peculiar clinking sound , ont i in ono then nnd found that they 'oro at work. Ho immediately leaked the prisoners up in their cells , and icy will not bo allowed the freedom of 10 hall for a few days. Wrought Tron Ilangoa utreducod prices , o Vol & Wright , 504 Broadway. Order hard wood of P. Overtoil. L. 0. Arbuthnot'a millinery opening ikes placa on Friday and Saturday , fovombor 7th and 8th. Platte Ovorton is Holllng screened Jontorvillo coal .torJErJ 50l Gr * tbn ni hr ° wn jrfSlundloof kindling. OOUNOIL Iir.UKFS MA11KLT. Wheat \ No. 1 mlDliiR. CO@C5 ; No. 2 , C8 ; i in. a , N ) : rojocto.1 . Gs-10. ( Corn Now , 2S@2'J. ' Oats Kor locivl | ) urix > B03 , 35 , liny $ > ( 00(2.7 ( 00 jior tou ; baled , DO@CO. Uyo-35o. Corn Btoal 1 'M per 100 pounclx. iC Wood 1 Good supply ; prlcou at yards , G 00 ® 00.Coal Coal Delivered , hard , 9 50 per ton ; soft 50 per ton Lnrd I'Vilrlmnk'n , wholesaling at 9Jc , Flour City Hour , 1 50@2 OJ. Broomn-2 < J5@3 00 per doz. Live STOCK. C Cftttlo I nntrlior cows 8 25@3 73. Butehor itooro , 3 76 .4 00. Sheep ! 2 50@3 CO. 125. inionuoE AND Poultry LI vo old hans , Co ; aprinj ? chlckoiu , 2)0@3Xpordoz. ; ) lititlor Croatnory , 2S@SOc ; choice country 22o. 22o.Kggs 22 poc iloicn. VoKotnble.'i Potatoes , 20@40c per bushel1 anloiiH , I0@f)0c per bu ; applon , choice cookuif ontiiiff , 2 25 ; bimun , 1 C0@2 00 per bushel ; tiweet uiitntona , 'JJotor Ib , Tlio ( Cowboy Itiuitl. from the Doilgo City Liva Stock Journal. The oiwboy cornet band of this city met last night and reorganized. Com mitteei were appointed to notify and cal toyethur Huch nioinbora as have been ont the rangu during tbo tummer , thai they mieht at once got themselves iu readiness for rolitmrsals , preparatory to making their trip to St. Louis during the national cattlomcn'a convention , which convoncii on the 17th day of No vumbnr next. The band is composed of eighteen men including drum major and color bearer The eductions which they will render are nitrons , and among them are pieces the best composers in the country , Among the members are gentlemen who during their residence in the east , ha7i boon professors of high aUndiiii : , as wol mnaical directors of some of the load inu bjiicla of tlmt day , such as the hth in funtry , as well ns inenibots of Mentor'i Imiul , of Cincinnati. Others of thu bam have had moro or lesa \poriunco their wbnlo lives , nnd all in all will go to St Luma , not only as a , novelty , but as n bind of moro than ordinary talent.rol aware of the fet that there wil profosaioual bands In attend unco much superior to thorn wo foe conlidont they will till their placn credit ably. The uniforms will bo tlmt of thu cowboy , A lur o sombrero will take th place uf thu ordinnry hat , while a blu lUunel flliirt will bo substituted fur th white bosom shirt , and a silk scarf take the place of the neck-tie. Leather leg ghn , suppported by a cartridge belt am scabbard , a vy alx-nliootor , spurs 01 boots , completes the drt-as of this famou bund of musicians , They are the only rupresontalivu baud of thu stock interests the country , and to thoao who hav novcr seen the like , wo will say , "prcpar a gniud sight and a ruul live sot o cowbojH " It is uioless to spunk further of the excellent collont mid attractive qualities of thi tnudjsulllco it to say they will fill the entire communily with wlldoit delight Our atsociatiou may wt ll bo proud o suoh a band , nnd Bt. Louis will no iloub foul lUttered ut their pri < renix , Darin their uUendanco at the Tupekn Fair twi years ngo they oroatod great furore , and weni thu cimter of oltracti' u duriiii ( thuit untiru utJty. 'I'no bana at this day behiR superior to what it was then , wo predict thu result , vill m t fall short of two years ago. 0. , . - * , < 5S3 ts6 * W * BJWIW rBJ > trjM v-jfiuu tiwft 1 H m I ft uf Jcwfl n > H 1 J fifa In UN ! BiMveSu * * fPqin ! smaM cCacLJ JL PHOPKIETOII OP Upon'lie oncnine : of the season for the Holiday Goods trade , I beg to inform my customers and ilie public in gener al , tli 11 liava made extensive prepara tions for a large trade and feel confi dent that I can fill all orders that may lie entrusted to me to youn entire sat isfaction , My assortment of imported and do mestic goods , I am pleased to assure you , is far superior to any of previous seasons , and a visit to my establish ment , 103 Main street , Council Bluffs , Iowa , will repay you , The entire stock has been selected by myself with a view to meet the wants and demands of the general trade in the west , Should none of my agents be able to call on you during the season it will be of great advan tage to you to pay me a visit and per sonally select your wants , as travel ing men nev6 * i arry such a full line as is shown you at my head quarters , J , MUELLER. 103 MAIN STREET , Souneil Bluffs Iowa , - - - NOEEHE & ! LANDSTEOM , Fall Goods Ready. Suita Made to Order in Latest Style on Short Notice mid n lieasonnlo Pi ices. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. 205 Main Street , . . . . . . Council Hlnfls. DE. JUDB'B ELECTRIC BELT. 0,000 Klcctrlo Belts f oU for the Month of Scjit , 1) } ' us. Hcforcnccs Any of the bt lncM houses la Council IJIiiflj. JOT3D & SMITH Proprietors , Salesrooms 310 , Broadway. Manufactory 30 , Fourth St. COUNCIL BLUFFS- KIEL CJUB STABLES Keep Horses nnd Mules constantly on hand which wo will sell in retail or wholesale lots. All Stock ( Warranted as Represented , Wholesale andraUll dealers In drain mil Haled Hat. Trices gon&ble. "ntlffnctioti OtmnnUciI , Corner Fifth Avo. A 4th St. , Council Bluffs. SMITH & 'JCOLJjEir , ARTS. , LEADING MERCHANT TAILOIIS 7 and 0 Main street , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. A Complete Line of Fall Goods to Selecc From. LARGEST ANDBEST STOCK OF ALL KINDS OF In loira and Nebraska , and sold for the least money at 337 Broadway , Council Blnffo , Iowa. MRS , D , A , BENEDICT , Hannfectnrer , urtalno , in Lace ; riife , Turcoman , Etc.2 outclotba , Mattings , Llnolouma Etc hoicest and Best Soleoted STOCK in the WEST , Dmo and bo convinced that wo are headquarters for all goods in our line , hoapest place to buy CARPETS , Curtains and House Furnishings In the City. Upholstering and Bedding Supplies. Nos. 5 , 7 and 9 MASONIC TEMPLE - - COUNCIL BLUFFS Mail Orders Filled I'romptlyCardane Both new and second hand , ranging in prices from § 3.50 to § 25 each. Take advantage nnd call early to obtain the best bargains. I am making a bice TeducHon in TFa19 "if "I" l3--v ? T'&T"1L ' Of ? "SU 'Jt' ' . nSRHii As 1 nci.J tho/oom toUeplaj' my stack ot stoves. A. J. MANDEI , , Council BluCa. Iowa , ' C'JS lirovlnay , A i COUNCIL BLUFFS , 10-t"VVhitoScotcli Wool Blankets at $1.50 worth 82.25. 11-4 White Hall : Wool UlunlMts at $2.35 worth SS.OD. il-tt White Blank-ts , heavy \veigh1 , at 32.50 worth $ .50. ! 1-1 Scotch Dlankotsu $200 , worth $ . < > . 11-1 Scotch Mixed Blankets , $2,25 , worth 8IJ.25. 11-4 Scotch wool Blankets , S3.50 , worth § 5 00. 11-1 Red Wool Blankets , $3.50 , worth $5.00. 11-4 : Groy Wool Blankets , -51.00 worth 85.50 , 11-1 Scarlet , all Wool Blankets , .SI. 50 worth $0.50. 10-1 White all wool Blankets , 51.00 worth 80.00. 11.1 Fine all wool Blankets , $5 50 worth § 7 00. Ill Fine Cashmere Wool Blankets $7 00 worth # 10 00. 11-1 Extra Fine Cashmere Blankets , 8 ! ) 00 worth 812 00. 114 Nonpareil Cashmere Blankets , § 11 00 worth 815 00. 12-1 Extra Fi o"Hnliis1oii1" Cashmere Blanket * , $1 5 worth WOOL All wool Scarlol Flannel at20c worth 25c. Atl uool Scarlet plain Flannel at ? oc worth 35c. All wool Twill llannel ut HOc worth lOc. All wool Iwill flannel , ' Golden Cross" at 35c worth luc. All wool Medicated flannel at lac worth 55c. This week wo are making a big drive iu * , : n.ooL ; : si , : . : . . , The public are cordially invited to inspect our over varying stock rrespectivoofc' desire of purchasing. Lmlics white m'rino vesss , silk fin-sh , 5c ( ) worth 75c Ladies white merino vests , extia fmo 75c worth $1 00 ladi- all v/ool scarlet vests and iiauts afc 1 each worth SI 50 Ladies woolen white vests and p.mts at $1 each worth # 1 40 Ladies white cashmere wool vesta nnd pails ab $ i 05 worth $2' Ladies all wool medicated underwear at $1 75 worth $2 25 lien's white merino shirts and drawers 50e each worth 75c Men's scotch wool shirts and drawers 75c each worth $ L Mcn'rf all wool gcarlefc shirts ami drawers $1 each worth 51 50 Men's juedicated red sliirls aud drawers $1 25 each worth $1 75" . Mcu's f.incy strips underwear $1 75 wt-rtli each 8225 Men's camels hair shirts and drawer ? , all wool cushinews # 2 worth $2 75 A\re have a full line of ladies , missoi and children'rf CfiOAKS ; havinjj purchased very late in the season , vo eve prepared t& make Lowwt utrid than those who bought earlier. Wo are sho\viag. a 1'uVl assort- muni of RUSSIAN GIKOULA.HS , NJiWMAlllvBTS , i lau : .mil withcoochman'scnpe. LANGTllY'S , PALETOT'S , MOHAIR SEAL and SILK SEAL PLUSH COATS. V BLUFFS , IOWA ,