Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 06, 1884, Image 1

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    \ )
'Mara Yard Emblems of Democratic
. Exaltation.
Ye Shanghai Whoopers of Bourbon
Joy ,
You arc Shockingly Out of Tiino
and Tune ,
Oouie Down ! The Nation Orders
it ,
The Eepublioan War-ship Not
Yet Sunk ,
Ai . . But Breasting the Storm , Colors
I Nailed Apeak ,
Wisconsin Saved by a Big Ma
jority ,
llinois For Blaine Logan and
Oglesby ,
Indiana Not Lost by a Long
Shot ,
The Pacific Surf Booms For
Blaiue ,
The Unholy Fusion Downed in
Michigan ,
New York the Onlv Field of
Struggle ,
The Fight Eiging in Eepublioan
Favor ,
But the Battle Wavers Uncer
tain ,
'JCIir Krstilt of the lOleclloii now
itrstni with tlio last Returns
From New-York Slate , telegram to the HER :
f Al'ousTA , Me. , November P , 5 a. in.
It has ju3t come to light Blaine is dan
gerously 111 , confined to his bed with severe
and dangerous inflamalion of the lungs. Phy
sicians are in constant attendance. Orav
alarm is felt by all friends and relatives , Mr.
Blaine is remanded to the closest seclusion ani
strenuous efforts are made to suppress al ,
knowledge of the matter.
Yoiuc , 5 a. m. , November -Twelve
legislative election diotiicts in New York
state outaido of the citiai of New York and
Brooklyn give Bluino200,029 ; Cleveland , 251-
870 ; Butler , 7,970 ; St. John , 15,524. The 725
districts not heard from , if they vote as they
did in 1880 , will ivu lilaiuu a plurality in the
atato of about 5000.
IS KVV YOUK , noon , November 5. 1J2I voting
ing places outside of Now York and Brook
lyn give Blaine 327,791) ) , Cleveland 278,201' ;
net democratic gain , 11,1'JS , There are 570
voting plac H to hear from. Cleveland's
majority in New York city mid Kings county ,
including Brooklyn , it 58,322. Tne latent re
turns from the state outeiilo of Now York aud
Kinfls county show 1,432 election districts
reported. Front ! that suction of the state- the
( iverjg.i republican plurali y has been 8,3. If
each of the 501 districts heard from return
the same average plurality , they will
yield 19,7-10 plurality for Blaiuo.
Tins' ' , added to thu 40,088 plurality
shown by those reported will make uu the
plurality exclusive of Nuw York and lungs
county of ( i9,07S. The democratic plurality
in Now York and Kings county is 57,03S ,
which will bo overcome by republican plurali
ty with upwards of 11,0(0 ( to spate by the
plurality with winch Itlaino comes to the
Harlem river. This depends up in returns
holding out as favorably fur the re-publicansUN
they have up to this time in the state at
lame. Later returns have boon more favor-
ublo for the republicans.
TAMMANY lEl'KATii : ) .
NKW YOIIK , November 5 , Noon , The entire
county democratic ticket is elected by probably -
ably 10,000 majority. Six election districts are
missinir. Twelve hundred and ninety-six
districts In New York state outside of the
cities of New York and Brooklyn give Blaine
801,21.0 , Cleveland 2.30,510 , Butler 8,058 , St.
.li'hn ' 15,715 , 11 not democratic gain of 111,900 ,
Thirteen hundred and forty-nine election dU-
tiicts outside of the cities of NH.V York and
Brooklyn give Blaina 3111700 , Cleveland
21)8,801 , Butler 8.KI1 , St. John 10,093 , u net
democratic ( jam of 10,720.
IN nouirr.
ALIIANY. November 5 , The Journal claims
that New York state in in doubt. The con-
grefcsional delegation will bo heventeen repub-
cans aud seventeen democrats.
BltooKLV.v , Nuvomber 5. The figures on
the electoral tlckut give Cleveland's majority
in Kings county over Blaine 15,152 , Butler's
vote 2,091 , St. .John 1,369. The democrats
flicted three out of four congressmen , niuo
out of twelve assemblymen , alee the chief city
judge , controller and auditor , besides a ma
jority of the BiiHnisorH. | :
NEW YOUK , November 5 , 2 p. in. Fifteen
hundred and eleven districts outside of New
York and Brooklyn give Blaine HI 1,0 4 ,
Cleveland 291,891 , Butler .1201 St. John
17t-i30 , a net democratic gain of 11 , 72. If
tins ratio continues tlia republicans will carry
the * to to by ten thousand.
NEW YOIIK Isovember5.-fi15 p. in. Six
teen hundred mid fourteen district * , outside
of New York city and Brooklyn , give Blaine
JK2.878 Cleveland 307,951 , Butler 9,119 , St.
John 18,031.
NKW YOIIK. November 5 , 8:45 p. m. One
thousand six Imndrrd and < ighty-two election
districts in NHW York atut * outside of the
cities of Now York ami lirooklyn givn Blttir.e
875.1.00 , GlHveUri'i 317 221. Butler In 815 , rit.
John 10,085. Thin giyei BUino n plurality of
11 , wiih illl electiondistrict * t" hear /rum. /
NtwYutK. Novtmber 5 , 9:10 : p. in. One
thousand seven Iiiibdro'l and forty-two di-
tricU ouUide of th * cities < if Now York anil
Brooklyn give Hhiiii" 3S04'JI ' , Cleveland
J13-MOO , Hut'ur ' 10,500. St. John 20PL1i ,
NMV YOIIK , Noveinb.r < > . -Tliu lakt thirty-
evt-n dUt'icU from WfstchiwU'r c'Hin'.y jitit
CUtrlatid 7i.O ahead of Blu'iio ' in thu mate.
N VOUK , N'ovemtor \ Jt-turn * f.-om
nil election districts in tliU city Rive Clovolntul
a plmnlity of 43,233.
AI.UANV , November ( V The latest figures
received liy Governor Clovolnnd glvo n demo-
cnitic ninj'irlty in the slate of 1,708.
Nltw YOUK , November 0 , 1:15 : a. m. The
Times claims that New York is for Cleveland
by from 2,500 to 3,000 , Now Jortoy by 3.UOO ,
Connecticut l.SOO.
The London Dally Newi in nn editorial
upon the hut advices concedes Now York to
Blnino bv 10 , ' 00
NKW YOUK , November G. The Triluno
; lves the coiiiixultioH of the Now York a scm-
jly as 73 republicans , 1 5 democrat ? . Senate ,
tepub'.iertiu . 111. democrats 13. The World
Cives the assembly , republican 71i dcmociat *
> 7.
AI.HANY , November 5. The Aigua will fay
, o-muirow : "Cleveland is elected nu'l ho will
jo inaugurated. The state is not at all In
doubt , it will elect Cleveland aud Hen-
dricka who will take the scats toVhtch the
> eople ha\o appointed thoni. Tlio commuui-
: atton < * to the Argus to-day from counties in
Sow York state demonst ate the election tif
, ho demo ratlc electoH by a conclusive and
iafe majotity over the Blaine electors , llnv-
rig been made democralic by the people , Now
York will remain , to declared and bo counted
democratic , and whatever is necessary to this
act of truth and justice and juitica will bo
horoughly and fearlessly done. "
November 5. The returns
are coming more rapidly this mtirning but the
state is still in doubt , Green county gives a
republican mujority of 125 , n gni u ot 27.
L'osey county gives 000 majority for Clove
unit. Ohio county gives n rejmbhcm nwjorl-
, y of lot , a gain of 13. Scott county , democratic -
cratic majoiity 303 , : i dfiuocratic gain of 30
Die republicans gam 1,000 in Vaudcrburg
county. Newton county gives a republican
uiijcnW of 39 i , a gain ofifi. . If the pretent
ratio of npublican gain continues the state
\\illLovery close. The plurality will not bo
inoro than 1,010 either way. It is impossible
to state thu complexion of the lfgWituio.
i'lvo hundred and sixty voting ] > laces ho a
republican gain of 10'J'O , n democratic gain
of 0.723 , not republican gain 3,517. ThU in
dicates a democratic plurality of about 501) ) in
the stulo.
1'utnam county , dnmocratic nmjorty 358 ,
republiuan gain of 83 ; Cuss county , demo
cratic majority ! , republican gam of 331 ;
ha pur to county , democratic m.ijurity 90i > ,
democratic gain of Gli ; Martin _ county , demo
cratic majority 2"5 , democratic g < in of ) ( ! ;
Grant county , republican majority 750 , n > pub-
lic.iii gain ol 147 ; Whitley couuty , democratic
majority -100 , democratic gain of 82. The
vote will bo very close. The democrats claim
the state now by 0,01)1' ) ' . The republicans are
equally confident ,
iNDiANAi'OLis , November 5 , 0:15 p. in , Six
hui.dreil and nfty-thrc \-otinir places gives a
net republicim c in of 501) ) and still indicates
1,000 to 1,200 for Blaino.
IXDIAXArpi.18 , November 5 , 3:50 : j ) . m. In
diana polit city aud county give a republican
miijority of GOO. Tello , republican , for con
gress Indianapolis district is defeated by By
mini , democrat , by 000 majority. Ward , dem
ocrat , in ths Ninth district defeats Dorey by
400 , Tlio legislature is largely democratic.
DKTIloIT , November 5. It Is believed the
republicans elect the presidential electors.
BeRole ( uision ) for governor , and Alsor ( republican -
publican ) will be close. Both claim a victory ,
For congress the fusioniots elect representa
tives in the Firat , Fourth , Sixth and Seventh
districts , all democrat ? . The republicans
elect in the Second , Third , and Ninth. The
Fifth is in doubt and the Kighth undecided.
LANSINU , November 5 , 4:15 : p m" Four
hniidrtd aud seventy-seven precincts gho
Blaine 80751 , Cleveland 71,039 , Butler 14,007 ,
St. John 7914. A fusion plurality of 4,36 * in
tha sainu precincts , give Ager , republican can
didate for governor , 77788 ; lioyle , fusion , 72-
4l8 ; I'restun , prohibition , 0,871) . Tlio returns
show that thu dem-icrats jiavo carried the 1st ,
5th , ( iih , 7th , 8th , 9th and 10th. and the 10-
publicans the 3rd' 9th and 1 1th. The 2nd anil
1th are in doubt and ttie oth is very and
may yet go republican.
DETHOIT , November 5. Iteturns from
Midiiguii in regard to the fusion vote muy bo
some * hat confuting. The republican vote is
iri full on the leading candidates. To get the
full fusion vote on president it is necessary to
add the vote given separate ! } ' in the bulletins
for Cleveland and Butler. If tha vota of the
state is decide i fur the fu ion ticket as it
seems probable at this writing , 7 p. m. , Cleve
land will receive six electoral vote * , Butler
and one goes for Blaino. In vuting , the
grtenbackorH and democrats voted for the
amo men for twelve electoral places and for
different men for the tbir' place which
allows the chunco for one Blnino elector. The
reports so fur in , give very little information
about the upper peninsula which is a republi
can Ktrongiiold but the indications are for
rcat democratic fains there.
DKTr.oir , November 5 , 9:10 : p. in. This
afternoon the vote received indicated the
election of the t-tate and national fusion
tickets , but latter figures alter this somewhat.
The democrats now claim tlie state , but Hay
the votewdl ba too cloio to tell so soon , The
republicans claim the hUto by a clear majori
ty. Tlie upper peninsula has been heard
from in favor of tne republicans , bjt the exact -
act vote is not yet known. 'Die congressmen
: uo about as heretofore reported.
The republicans claim the slate at one
o'clock this morning by 8,000.
I Id j 1X0 IS.
CHICAGO , Nov. 5. One hundred and sixty-
two districts in this city givu Cleveland 43- ,
127 ; Blaine , 48,107. I1 or governor , Harrison ,
21,400 ; Oglcsby , 18,001. Jc is estimated that
Clevilnnd's majority in thu cjunty will bo between -
tween 3,000 and 4,000 , Harrison's majority
will be between 10,000 and 12,000 majority.
CllliJAOO , Nov. 5 , 6:30 : a. m. The results
on congressmen uro as follows : First district ,
K.V. . Dunham ( rep , )
Second Fiank lj wlor ( dem. )
Thlrd-J. H. Ward ( dem. )
Fourth George K , Adams ( rep , )
Fifth Ruben Klvvood ( rep )
Sixth-Robert R. Hill ( rep )
Seventh Thomas J. Henderson ( rep. )
Kighth Ralph Plumb ( rep. )
Ninth Lav , is C. Pnynou , ( rep ) .
Tenth Julius S. Starr , ( rep ) ,
Klaveutli Alexander P. Petrio. ( rep ) .
Twelfth -James M. Uiggs ( dem. )
Thiitesnth Win. M. Uiiriiuer , ( dem )
Fourteenth Jonathan H. Jtowell , ( reii. )
Fifteenth -John U. Black , ( dem ) .
Sixteenth Jamei McCartney , ( rep ) .
SeventeenthJotm 1C. F.den ( dem. )
Kighteenlli-Wm. 1 ! . Moirison ( dem. )
Niutteeiith Itichurd W. Townfchend ( dem )
Twentieth -John K. Thomas ( rep. )
According to this khowlnsr , fUdl.tricts have
changed the political complexion of their
congressmen witiout changirg the relative
fctrcngth of the parties In the house , there be
ing gums and louses by ouch party. The con
test in the Tenth district Is close , and the liual
returns may give it t the democrats. The
changes m the congressional peraunnel is n
follows ; In the Second , hawler ( dem ) succeed *
Fiuerty ( ind , ) ; In tha Third , Ward ( dem. )
succeeds UavUrop. ( ) ; in tha Kighth , Plumb
( tep ) succeeds C'ullea ( rep , ) ; in the Tenth ,
hturrrep.l ( probably succeeds Worthing on
( dem ) ; In tliu Klaventh , Putrio ( rup ) nucccods
Neoco ( dem ) ; in the Fifteenth lil < ck ( dam )
Biieceeils Cannon , ( rep , ) ; In the Sixteenth Me-
Cartn ytrnp.i xnceeolri Khaiv ( dem. ) : In thu
rioventii Kluen ( dom. ) Bneceedn Munltoii ( dem ) .
All others ar ro-olccted. The eleotion of
l.awler in the Second over Fiuerty ( Ind. ) It
given as a democratic gain ,
The Dally Navvs from iiaitlal rcturni pivcs
repubhuiiiia u mnjuilty of two uu joint ballot
iu thu leg ! * uttire ,
Latest returns to the Chicago Times Indi
cate that llli fclatn'd delegation in coiiKre B
will ktand : Itipnblicins , twilvo. ( lumocrntH ,
dlk'ht. The In jelatiiro is boliuvJ to \ > i republic -
public in on y iut b.tllut.
' IIICM.O Novt-iiilivr-3 Seven IniMlriMnnd
nen-iity-four precin ti in lliiuoUu ,
lli I In Chicago for covtrnnr nivo O lr9vj- , if
tm lica-i , lis,13l ( llarrison , dnmr.crut , Ifi"-
9f > 3 , llobbs. peohtbltloii , I,1S.Harper grcon
luck. 1,234. Ojjlosljv.n inajoritv over all.
I02. ChiMSogivo < lllnlnn 49,4P3 , Cleveland
4 ' . .4HSt. . John 497 , Butler 502. Blaiuo over
all , 1 , ! < 30.
INIHAXAI-OI is , November 0 , 12:0. : ( a. m
At the democratic comintttott room , whili <
the claim of carrying the state by v < < r 10,000
in ptill kept up , the further claim U undo
that thoirpublicins aid doctoring the tcturiH
to ilccnlvo tlin ) ) op'e. CluHiian lli'iuleraon
cavi the democrat * Iwn oloctcd ten coiigrrsi-
inci ) . Ilia opiib1lcnn > ono ( llrnwn ) with two
'HMrii'K tha Ivichth and Ninth in doubt.
Tin- state Is in doubt and claimed by both
I'IIII.AIIKI.IMIIA , NovembiT 5. The Mlow. named congri'ismeii are elected in I'onn-
nvlvnn'ni ' First district , Hinghim , rrntiMicanj
Pecnnd district , O'Neil , republ can ; Tlilrd dls-
trier , Itandall , ilo ocrnt : Four'h cli'tilct ,
Ivellv , rpp'ibhcan ' : Vth | ( district , Harmir. to-
: iubllcan ; ixth dlstriet , Kir-i-hvt , rcpu ilic. n :
ovrrith district hvan , repubh-aii : IVghth
di'tiict , KrmtMitiout , democrat : Ninth dls-
: nct , Hu tnndt , ronublican ; Tmith district ,
Sow ! nr , demncrvt : ; IClevnntli district , Stern ,
lomocrnt : Twelfth iltntrirt , Scranton , repub
lican ; Tliirteputh district , Bruinin , it'imbli *
nn ; Fourtwutli district Houid , i-cpublic-in ;
Flfternlh ill tnct , liuimell , republican ; Six-
tuontti diatrict , Ikown , rcpiibllcin ; Seven
teenth djstrict , Campbell , rupubllcnn ; I'lfih-
teenth district , Atkinson , republican ; Nino-
tncnlh district , Diincnn , domocritl Twentieth
district , Curtin. republican : Twrnty-first di < -
t iet , Boyle democrat : Twonty-second dts.
trjct , Nejzley , ropublicin ; T\vt > ntv-thinl dlt-
trict , Bayne , rppublican ; Twenty-fourth dis
trict , Jackson , rapnbllurtn ; Twonty-lifth ilii-
trict , Whitp , lopublinan ; Twenth-sixtli dis
trict , Flaovjo rppublioui ; Twenty-seventh dis
trict , Scott , democrat. lUuinin is a rrpnbli-
cau-grcenbiickcr. Tlio republicans gain four
members , preswt delegation ntan < 1int ; repub
licans tixtccn ( includins Brumm ) , dnmocrats
A plurality of "O.OOO'is'.imlicated for Blaine
here. Complete returns from all the legisla
tive districts of the state , excent Wavno coun
ty , show that the Benstn will liavo 31 repub
licans an 1 19 democratshouse 140 republicans
and 59 democrats , with Uvn doubtful districts
hi Wayne county. This vvil give the repub
licans 91 majority on a joint ballot , even
should tlio democrats cirry the Wnyiio coun
ty candidates. In tuo present legislature the
democrats have a majority of li ou a joint
ballot as follows : Itnnublicano , 30 ; demo-
cints , ' _ ' ; . House , republicans , 88 , ( .cniocrats ,
MILWAUKEE , November 5 , 4:10 : p. in.The
state democratic central committee concedes
7dOO to 8IH:0 : republican majority on tlio basis
of thu returns RO far read , and the repub.ican
central committee claim about 10,010.
MILMAUKKS , November 5 , 9:10 : p. m. Five
hundred precincts show net democratic gtinx
of 8,000. If tlio democratic ticket should
have-n proportionate gain in the remaining
precincts thn republicans will carry the state
by about 10,000.
MILWAL'KKK , November I. Following are
the repub ican congressmen elected with prnb-
able m ijnrlttca : Caswell First district 5-
(00 ( , hafallete , Third district , 1,000 , Van
Schaick , Fourth < inttict , li 00 , Tiiomas ,
Seventh I'Istritt , 1,500 , Trice , ICighth district ,
0.-OIO , Stephenson , Ninth district , 12,010. The
democrats have elected Bragg in the Second
and Kaukin in thu Fifth disttict. The con-
tet between Guenther , repuMican , and
Smith , c emocrat , in tlio Sixth district is very
close and will probably require the ollicial
count to decide.
MlLWAUKKK , November 5. At no proviotu
election in Wisconsin has there ever been such
u delay in receiving the returns from the btato
as at the presenttime. For twenty-four hours
the figures have been coming in , in diible.tr1 ,
and uro xo scattered about the ttate that it
has been almost impossible to form u reliable
estimate on any i > articuhir section. Thu le
spectlve iioaihiuiirterj of tha republican iind
democratic state central committea.- tlds
city , have been crowded during the tntire day
by party loaders from various parts of the
btale , and an interested populaca about the
republican headquarters. There was for the
greater part of the time a croud
of a thousand or more massed in front
of thu largo h'jildlng ( ojd Milwaukee
club house. ) Unable to gni'i admittance.
Bulletins from all pints of tha union were
legularly received and announced fron tlio
balcony of tlio buil incr. The great inteiost
was centered in New York and as telegram
after telegram told of the brighter outlook for
the republicans in that btato , wild cheers weie
; ivon by the enthusia tic crowd La to i j thu
ifternoon , Gen. J'aiiehilds , of Mndlson , ap
peared and was greeted vyith deafenini ; ap-
[ ilause. Ho was lifted bodily from the pinund
ind c.irried into the largo reception room aud
r response tn determined calls ueliverod a live
minute speech , expressing his conlidemo of
epublican victory having \ > ten wui. Brief
Hipeches | were also mudo by oilier prominent
jentloiten present , Couslduring tliat Witcon-
Din republicanluvo tills cirnpaixn in
addition to assisting out ! do HtatiH , worked
hinxlo-handcd and ulono , furiiiHhing their own
funds and spnukeis , they claim that the ro.-ult
of their lab rs i a leading achievement of thu
cont' ' t. They have the entire state ticket ,
lecuri'd the legislature ami gained four eon-
pressmen The returns from deciding pre
cincts in the Sixth congressional district now
absura the election of Guintlior ( repub icnn ) , I
which Iind Ijeon in doubt until this
ovcnini ; . This will nuke this state's con
gressional representation Ktand 7 republicans
Ui two democrats. At this hour the majori
ties of these his not malmidly changed trorri
the liguros given in this afternoon's dispatches.
ItHturns from 438 towns and wards show a net
democratic gain of 7,778 on the presidential
ticket as compared witli 1880. Should a pro
portionate gain bo shown for the democratic )
ticket in the remaining precincts , Blalrm will
liave c rrltd the htate by 10,000. But thu
later returns are showing a smaller averugu
y\m fur the democratic ticlict ,
hatost returns received at Milwaukee insure -
sure the state republican by 10,000 ,
SAN FIIANCIBCO , Cal , November 5.-3:10 : p.
m. The probabilities now are thnt out of the
MX congresniomd districts In California the
republicans hayo carried the Hi-C'jml , Tlilrd ,
Fourtli anil Fifth , with doubtful republican
gain elsewhere.
HAV KIIANUIMIO , November 5. Two hund
red and eighty-six precincts and wards in 41
counties m California give liluino 20,020 ,
Clevulaud 2',820 , against Garlield 21,074 ,
Hftiicock 18,718.
118 precincts and wards In 43 counties out
side of Sanfrulicisco five liluino 2,878 , Cleveland
land 2,4 > .9 , against Garfield 2.'l KM , Hancock
Bl ino's majority In Sin .Toso county Is 700.
1 he entire lepuhllcun county ticket U elected
except thu sheiilf and recorder.
Conservative estimates to-night give Call-
fornla to Blaine by 2,000.
UENVKII , Col , November 5. The roturna In
Colorado are very slow In coming In , Kalon
republican , for governor , is running behind
Ids ticket , but his election Is conceded by
about l.OCO. In Arapahoe county leturns
from about two thirds of the pr clncts indi
cate th election of th > > republican national ,
siato and Irglslativo ticketx. Ninoty.eijlit
precincts outdde of Denver glvo Blaine a
majority of 1 277. Uno hundred and two
precincti ! outside of 1 Oliver givu thu republi
cans a majority of H'J ' ; 101 piecinas miUido of
ldnvvr KVU | tlio republican congressman 11 ma
jority of Wi3 ,
NK\V OHLKANH , November 5. Tha frlendii
of Boatner and Moroy concede ( ieneral King's ,
democrat , vlectinn to coiifjitsi in the Fifth
dlntrlct by 3000. ( Joven-or Keiloirg's , re-
jinblU-an , friin U admit I.M . defeat for mmurean
In th Thlnl district by IljO by K. JG. y ,
limttjctl i iil democrat aud wealthy muur
plrtiiter ,
Slowly Receipted Rclnrns of Nelirasla's ( '
SufliciontEvidpnooThat the State
is Loyal ,
"t " ' " " ,
Aud For Blaine and Logan by
25,000 , L
The Eipiiblioau ? Statof Ticket
Doubtless All Elected ,
Probability That Dorsoy and
LaitdHavo Won ,
Strong , llopofnl Bliowliift tut Clinrloy
Itrowuvltlui Dlj ; lloost from
1'lrst nlHlrlcl , '
Brownvtlto product , Noinalm eounty
Blaiuo 150 , t lev-eland 141 , Morton 1&.3 , Dawoj
148. Brown 153oaver 1-10.
Washington precinct-Cleveland 122 , Blaine
110 , Morton 181 , U.vwo4 Iu7 , Broun 122 ,
Weaver 107. <
Auburn [ Special. ] Church Howe , for
senator , has u mnjoiity of between 000 and
La Platte Precinct-Cleveland- majority ;
Morton , democrat , 1-1 ; 1'nce 8 ; l Boiiestulle ,
democrat. 0 ; Clancy , democrat , 8 ; Mont
gomery , democrat , 10 ; Scovillo , democrat , 8 ;
lirowii. democrat , 10 ; Godwiu , democrat , II ;
ForqiiHon , democrat , 11. Total vote cast , 01 ,
The following is the ollicial votonfSarpy
countj ; Blainu 010 , Cleveland (110 ( , St. John
23 , Dawes 001 , Morton 021 , Wowr 5Si ) ,
lirown 057 , Kstollo ( i 14 , Godwin G20 , Clarke
031 , Ferguson 581. Forntate roprosentutivo
Hancock , republican , 523 ; Hulfj do.iociat ,
715. County ticket democratic by unall ma
MTccumsehgives Blaiuo 105'plurality over
Cleveland 88 majority over all. Some cutting
on Weaver.
Vo ta precinct- Republicans 89 , democrats
OS ; congress , republicans 80 , democrats 100 ;
Morrton 103 , Dawos S3 Shodd 87 , I'ace 01) ) ,
Saloon 102 , Ojgood 8. ' , No ris 8J , Nuttier 108 ,
Swan 102 , Hoi.ry 83 , Varuor 71 , Karncst 110 ,
Berry \Vhoutou70. .
Palmyra and Houdricks prccbio.H combined
lllaiuo's majority 01 ; Morton's najority 17.
Shelby precinct , Blake , 100 ; democrat' ,
100. Prohibition , 20 ; Stickles , 141 ; Baird , 72 ;
Crabb , prohibition , 108 ; Dawes , 1)8 ) ; Morton ,
122 ; Miller , prohibition , 17 ; Shodd , 110 ;
Pace , 111) ) ; secretary of state , Hogpen , 100 ;
Boncsteel , 110 ; Bigelow , prohibition , 10 ;
auditor , Babcock , republican , 100J Benneckf ,
democrat , 110 ; Norton , prohibition , 1C ; treas
urer , Willard , republican , li 0 ; Clancy , demo
crat , 110 ; prohibition i7 ; regent , liunilmni ,
republlcau , 101) ) ; Scoville , democrat , 119 ; Gra-
bai.proiiibitinn , 17 ; commissioner public
lands , Scott , republican , 100 , Dean , democrat ,
110 , Cline prohibition , If.
Six precincts out of ten in Johnaon county
give majurity as follows : IMaino 91 ; Dawes ,
220 ; Shedd , 2'i ! ; Hoggen , 214Villurd , , 244.
Bibcock , 240 ; Lees , 240 ; Burhhamr 'J14 ;
Weaver , 231 ; Ofgood , First judicial districc ,
182 ; Norris , Third bonator'al district , 233 ;
Henry , representative , 107. !
10:30 : a. m. Wrstern product. Johnson
c unity , fives the following vote : Blaino. 131 ;
Cleveland , 51 ; tit. John , 11 ; 72 majority for
the stuto ticket ; Weaver , 73 majority ; OH-
good , republican , for district attorney.U5 ma
jority. The iiieclucls and county tickets all
truight republican.
Tecum.seh , Johnson county Majorities In
Sterling precinct , lilaiue , 80 ; ? i.awcs , 80 ;
O oed , rep , attorney , First 'district , 142 ;
Weivor , 87 ; Varner , iep. , representative ,
Fifth district , 75 ; Norris , utato at'iiator , Third
distiict , 80.
Wymoro precinct DavveH 230 , Morton 218 ,
Weaver 230 , Brown 238 , Neil , prohibitionist ,
5 , Roggsn 203. Bom-steel 215 , Cherry 28.3 ,
Blakuluy 101. Tl.e republican electors have
about 50 majority.
Birneston product BlrJne 57 , Cleveland
02 , St. John ( i , Diwes 05 , Morton 01 , Shedd
72 , Pace 01 ! . 1'ruasurer , W illard 07 , Clancy
03 , Fulton , prohibitionist , I Auditor , Bab
cock 00 , Benecko 03 , Noiton , prohibitionist.
0. Secretary ol state , Roggun ( M , BoLoxteol
03 , Biitolow , piohibitioniht , 0. Atto.ney gun-
i-rjl , Montgomery 00. Balnnco of ticket
Four bundled and two vc.U'i polled in
Palmyra and 158 counted. Blalno 80 , Cleve
land 00 , DaweH 7) ) , Motion 81 , Brown 78 ,
Hoebel 00 , I luvo 80 , Sloan 02 , Wiaver88 ,
Clnrles Brown 72. Twelve precincts glvo
Morton 8.30 majority , rest of bt ito democrat
ticket 2.30 majority ; Morton'd majority may
probably boltd and etabo ticket 8uO , nix pre
cincts yet to bear ft cm ,
Berlin precinct - casts 180 votoJ , D.vwos ma
jority 40 , Vi eaver's17. . All lepnblican legis
lators elucted ,
Dcjlawaru crecinct 101 votes cast , Dawes'
majority 57 , Weuvftr's 02.
Syracuse precinct - Blaine 28,3 , Weaver 280 ,
Cleveland 127 , Brown 120.
ISpeclil. ] All precincts heard from.
Weaver's majority is forty in the couuty.
Morton will go out of Otoo county with not
over 22.3 majority , and Weaver's majoiity is
verytimall. 'I he-remainder of tha lopublican
cl. to ticket has a majority. Brown , of Syra
cuse , forttuto senator , receives ubout 161) ) ma
jority. Tvggart , of Pahnviu ; Scbindler , of
South Brunch , and Stevenson , of Nebraska
City , r publican , elected representative ,
lleyu , rtpublican , for commidiluner , was de
feated by Sloan , the prevent incumbent ,
Stockings piL'cincl Dlaliie 285 , Cleveland
ll ! | . St. John 41 , Weaver 251 , lirowu 210 ,
O'Ncll55 , State , Da won 45 , Morton 100.
Union precinct I'lalno 100 , tiluveland 41 ,
St. John 7 Tickets run about tno Hauio
thionghoiiti showing u republican mujorily of
42 votes.
Rock Creek precinct , Saunders county
Blaine 05 , Fmion 03 , Weaver 01 , Brown 71 ,
state ticket republican 08 , l''uaion M , Day republican
publican 01 Docli G. B. 87 , Gitkeson demo-
erat8J , Hall OS , JJraiiiard li. ' , .Scovillo 53 ,
MiukhifiM Roanoner tii , Furiioy 07.
Seven preclnctH In Suimders eounty IMVI ;
Blainu 777 , Chivuland 515 , St. John 5.3 , Wuav
nrfidl , BrowriliSO , O'Neil 112 , Dawes C82 ,
Morton 570 , Miller 18o.
Falls City I'recinct Blaine 232 , Clovulam ]
220 , Weauer 288 , Brown 187 , Dawes 22 ! ) ,
Morton 238 , Weaver's probable mujority In
Rlcha-daon will b'j ' 300 , U.nveV majority at
Itast KO ,
Wuverly ulvos ] 51alno 58 majority. Hepub
liaan irmjoritv on ttato ticket 45. am
Weaver's miijurity 50 ,
In Lancabter product Blame , 101 ; Cieve
Und , 12 ; Vc uvt rl 10. ; Brown , 10 : Daueu
0(1 ( ; Morton , 22.
Little Halt Uhiino , I.1 ! ; Cleveland , -IK
Duwes. 55 ; Morton , 55 ; Woavbr. 01 ; liniwn
40. The rctt of the republican ntato ticke
polled U2 votes and the dimiocraliu ticket 8.3
On the cjunty ticket U wai hbout an uvej
Middle Creek gives Bhlnu 70 ; Cleveland
42. Thu ututrt and legUIativu tickets avcr < gc <
ubout ti I to10 , Weaver will have about 1,50 ,
mujority in huncitUr county.
Oak district. Republican ilnctors , 13'J
fiiblon , 82 ; St Jntiii , > ; | ) , tvvii > , llh ; Morton
' . ' 3 , Balance ftito I icier. , repulilican , 13 < i
IIHIOII , 8i ; Weaver , 130 ; Brown , nJ. Counti
tickot. Ropub'Iwut ' neiuvors , Buir , U
-'milh 01 : Pinion , Pnwyer , 100 ; Morrison , 70.
Halimevniimty lU-Itcl , republican , about 120 ;
filMon , ' .1.3.
Iiittle Halt prrcinc' ' " gives tlin republican -
publican rleclnrs 02. demoornt and fusion
IS , Dawes 5.3 , Morton 55 , halanro of
statii ticket republican C2 , fiuionIS , Weaver
01 , Urown I'f The county ticket about oven
Mlnden givrs Blaine 10l > ; Clovcl.uid , 1SS.
of tlckrt fame us D.uvva mid Morton.
I , did , 14 ! ) ; SllcUf , 1 UI. Full leturns from
tlin couuty glvo Slickloa majoiily nbovo Lairil
of 4 1.
l-'aton precinct , Ke.unny e nnty , Clovplnml ,
51 ; Ulnlni' , 4,1 ; Morton , O'J ; D. wen , ? I ; Stickle ,
Ml ; halnl , 33.
ril.I.MOUK rni'NTY.
Fairmont precinct givm l.ninl ICOituijnilly.
( IIMIOVA piocinct Kill. Vote N the H.IIIIO In
o her precincts reported. 1. ah. . IV nujorltv is
3 0 to 410. Tlio national republie.ui ticket
will c.irry by 8 0 , ttita by ( .00 , and county ,
rcptvoentnlivcH nml logislKtuiT by ft 0 at Ioa < t.
lintltuti precinct Bbiuo 11(1 ( , fusion llll ,
-St John 4 , D.IWPH | )0 ) , M utoi. 12.3 , Mlllor 12.
St.ito Hcnnin , Smith 43 , liyau 1SI. Coogros ! ,
1 , iid ! H , Stickle 12.3.
Franklin precinct Presidential clectois ,
112 dtmocrats , 82 rcpnblUv\n ; l.ttnl , H- ;
Stickln , D7 ; Crabb , 11 ; Koggun , 1 1.3 ; Bono-
stifl , 82 : Keeso 1 5 ; Montgomery , Ki.
A h Grovn Precinct , Ftanklin Co Clmo-
land , 33 : Blame , 3 ! ) ; l.aird 48 ; Sliokcl , 22 ;
D.iweK , 30 ; Morton , III ; De.iry , TO : Iviihiv , 10 ;
Glenn , 38 ; Kortly , 32 ; .Sklunor , 38 ; Cook , 3J.
Bnllalo pueluct , Franklin county Blaine ,
38 ; Cleveland , 11 ; St. John , 1 : lawes ) , 80 ;
Morton , 11 ; hniid , " ( ' ; Stickles , It.
(1AHK rOl'STY.
Gage county gives Bliinn , ' . ' 2 ; Clovo'aud ' ,
f.S ; rmliHtlon. Allllor , 0 ; Sludd , ' .HI ; lioci ,
05 ; Willnid , ! ) . ' ; Fu ton , 7.
Tlio ollicial vote of Liberty product , GI\KO
county , KIVIH Blaine l)2 ! ) , Cluvnland 70 , Uutlor
7 , St. John 0 , Weaver 183 , Brown SO , Dawes
183 , Mutton 81. For attorney of 1'irnl judic
ial district , Oi'Koml , republican , 1811 ; Faliooii ,
democrat , 82 For senator , Cherry , republi
can. lit I ; Bhkoly , democrat , 75. liupresonU-
tlve < , Holt , ri'putlican , 1H ! : llnzcen , republi
can IflO ; BulfiilKton , republican , 10 ! ) , Sparks
democratic , 75 ; McGinuiH , dnmocrat , 71 ;
Wi Kiior , democrat , 0 ! ) ; A N Nott er , pro
hibition , rtceivcd li vtes in this precinct ,
Oxford pre-clnrt , Itliiinp 03 , Cleveland 25 ,
St John 1 , D.uves 57 , Morton 82 , Shedd 72 ,
Pace i" , ltog an 02 , Unmjstoel 27 Willard 01 ,
Clancy 28 , Babcock (11 ( , Benekc 28 , Scott 01 ,
AlliMrta 28. .locus 01 , Dean 28 , Luso ti' . Sco
villo .8. Lain ! fiO , Stickol 31 , Morton 00 , Dor-
laa 74 , J toper 0 , Bjnnctt 75.
Phillips ( irecinct National , htatn and enii-
gressional , reimbllc.m O'.l ' , fusion 81 , prohibi
tion 1.
Deep Wells precinct fiivos a fusion majority
of 7. ! : COUNTY.
Ulysos precinct lilainn 170 , Cleveland Uli ,
St , John 21 , Dawes 102 , M-rtoa 101 , Miller
111 , Sticklcw 172 , Liird ' .13 ; loprcKentalivos ,
Lean I'.ll. Fairbury 147 , Mlllor 100.
Heading precinct Democralic electors 11 ! ) ,
republican 111. Laird 10r. Stickles 120. Dawes
110 , Mort n 111) ) , shod 148 , Pnco 117 , KoggMi
112 , Bernesteel 11. Itest of ticket about thu
David Citv prucitit Thin freciuct gives
Bluino 171 , Cleveland 10,3 , St. John 81 , luird
( rep. ) member of congress , 115 , Stickles ( antimonopoly -
monopoly ) 80 , Six pr.icln ta in Butler couuty
heard Irom give Bhdnu 0110 , Cleveland 017.
Balance of tlio ticket runs about the H.tmu ex-
cetLatrdwhol8iiiimingpomubehind. ) Stickles
will have a majority in the county of about
three hundred Thn democrat ! will carry the
county by about ICO majority.
roi.ic COUNTY.
Total number of votes east in Osceola pro-
einct , 3l0 ! ; republican electors 2"2 , democratic
82 , prohibitionists L'O , Blaiim's majority 151 ,
votes cnst for Laird ( 'epnblican ) 221) ) , Dawns
25i , Shedd 272 , Jtepuon 210 , Willard 2li ( ,
Babcock 217 , Lenno ! sij , Scott 217 , Jones 210
Buriihtm i47 , Diirnall 2U , Huid 100 , King
20' ) , Nowmyer 210 , Stickel 1U3 , Crabb 21 ,
Bigolow 20 , Benecko 88 , Morton 20 , Clauco88 ,
Fulton 20 Montgomery ill , lloststtor Uli , Al
bert 88 , Crosby 20 , Dean 88 , Cline 25. .Scovillo
87 , Grahhin 20 , Moore 10. ) , llurd 100 , Camp
bell 28 , Crosier 1 , Coleman ii" , llnllinan 0 ,
J. O. Jones Id7.
N'otoof Shelby precinct , 1'olk county , vl/ . :
Hepublicau electors 1U ) , anti-moiiopoUst 10 ,
St. .loliu 20. Stickel 141 , Luird 72 , Crabb 18 ,
D.IVVCH OS , Morton 122 , Miller 17 , Slindd 110 ,
Hopgon 100 , Benesteel 11 ! ) , Bi elow 10 , Babcock -
cock 100. Benecku 11 ! ) , Norton 10 , Willard
100 , Glance 110 , Butler 17 , Scott 100 , D.-an
110 , Cline 17 , Biiriiham 100 , Scovillo 111) ) .
Graham 17.
Following is the o'.lic'al ' majorities at pro-
tinets of Polk county : Blaine , president , 102 ,
Morton , governor , ill , Stickle. , congress , 01 ,
Mills 1 18 , senatorial district UK ) , King 278 ,
roprcttcntalivu district 70.
t'llc.i I'recin-Jt givm returns an follows :
Blaine , 1 1'J ' ; Cleveland , 112 ; St. John , 4.
Seward county Utlc'i townshiti DawfH ,
R7 ; Shedd , 41 ; Kougen , 87 ; , Willaril. 37.
Thu abnvii are republican nmjoriti JH in Utiua
Staplehurst. Clovehind 123 ; Blaine ! ) "i ; St.
John 0 ; Butler 1. CnngrexH , Stickol 150 ; Laird
71. Governor Morton , 128 ; Davverf , ! )3. Sen
ator Goelrier , rep , , 180 ; Craine , dem ; 08.
Belvidcrn precinct Blainu , 150 ; Clovpland ,
11 1 ; St. John. 2) ) Luird , 281 ; Stickln , 183.
Dawes , 153 ; Morton , 110. Wliolu republican
ticket carried from constable to president.
( Jarleton PrecinctBlainu 151 , Cluvalarul
77. CoiiRr'-H Laird , republican , 180 ;
Stnckel , fusion , 81 , State OllierH - Itepub-
lean , lr > .3 ; fusion , 70 , LegUlatlvo Kepnb-
lic.ui , 152 ; fusion , 77.
Saiipa precinct Blaine 'M. Cleveland 18 ,
Lainl 22 , Sticklu25 , Morton 15 , D.ivvea 80.
Alma precinct. Dlalno , 102 ; Liinl , 101 ;
Dawu * , 103 ; Cleveland , 48 ; Stickel , 55 ; Mor
ton , 4l ! ,
Itepubllcnn , Harbin county. DIaino , 5,3 ;
Cleveland , I4 ! ) ; St. John , 22 ; LalrJ , 28 ; Stickol ,
78 ; Luce , rep , 0.3 ; Dommt'-r , 70 ; DAWI'H , 5 : ;
Morton , 40 ; Miller , 22 ; I'llnxet , 07 ; Wi Hams ,
Orleans precinct , Ifiirlnn county. Blame , ! )2 ) ;
Cleveland , 51 ; St. John , -I ; Duwcs , III ; Mm ton ,
5li ; Laird , 01 ; Stickol M ) .
Nowlun prccnutB uino l)8 ) , Cleveland 01 ,
Butler 5 , St. John 2 , Lainl 1 II , Stickle 70.
Following is ollicial count for JelFerson
county Nebraska -Hainu 1,851 Cleveland
770 , tit , .lohn 1.3 , Luird republican fur con-
gieMhoH 1.2IK , Htiel.el fusion , KIO , dlrtlict
ittorney Savage , I 122 , Kumbfll
riision , 1 001 , Senator Siinll republiean , 1,217 ,
Willard fusion , 8-1 , Bnily ritpublluin , 1,885 ,
Thompson ropublicjii , 1,800 , Wiulian fiitlon ,
iIS ! , , Comers fin-ion 820 , ( Jovenor Dawns
1.2S8 , Morton K82 , Miller 17 , for Lieutenant
Govoinor , Shodd 1 81' , Paca882.
JSWaluifieM iirecinct Blaine 181 , Clevelam :
41 , St. John 18 , Durtey n > , Nevil o 51 Fltcl
( prohibition ) ] _ ' , Dawes 181 , Morton I , Milloi
( prohibition ) 13 ,
DeWilt prcuinct Total vote cast 203.
Blaine 110 , Lainl 1(11 ( , Dawes 01 , Koggen 100
Willard 100 , Bitbcock 07 , Jones 07 , Burnhan
Oii , Savaxi 11 , Paddock 0. , Callahun 102 , Jlii-
do-iH7 , Kiitner 107 , Hiuleyj50.
Siitton Precinct BUiine , 215 ; Cluveland ;
183 ; Laird. I'.Hs Stickel , IIH ; D wi,2l8jMnr !
ton , Mllt \ > Kan , 211 ; Hom-kteel , 121 ; Wil
laid 21) ) ; Cluiiey , 121 ; Bullock , 215 ; Mont
gouiery , U.'i ; Hcjtt , 1W ) ; Albeits , I7 ; Jone
Jill ; Dca'i , 128 ; Buniham , 211 ; Kuovllle , 1 4
Havafo ( district attorney Mb dinttlct , rep ,
218 ; Jluliibal ( deni. ) | V2
Olive pied netOiliulal ; Blaine 18'i. , | ;
183 , Cleveland ! St. John 2 , Dawes Kill
Murton 41) ) , hfdil 1J < I5 , Puce 51 llown 1311
Bono-tot-l 55 , WilUrd 181 , Clancy 50 , Hid ;
cock 181 , Bencku 5j , r'ejts 181 , Alberts ' -
Jones 181 , Dean 5,3 , Deoxi ) 183 , Montgomery
50 , Buiiiliain lii.3 , Sc'ivllle 5-3. ConglOfWWial
Lair U It ) , 61'oltlo ' fi'J.
' ( .lCOIMY ,
i Howard , Clay county precmet. pol'ed 3 :
ntrs. Hlft'ni' , 217 ; riiivi-lnmt , IW ; state
ickot , DAwes. 2i.3 ; Morton , | 'J.3. Congre.ii ,
Sfrotnlolfttlct , l.ilnl , I ! " I ; Stickle , 131. find Lojjan pnclets . ivo Bl-iiiui
71 , Cleveland fusion 1 : 1 , St John 2i. Cnn-
r.-f > lpiiril , Lilid , H > I . 201 , Htlcklo , fiiKlon ,
31 Crabb , nrohibition , 8l. ! For governiT ,
'awes , rep. 201 , Morton , fu lon , 101 , Miller ,
imbibition , ' . ' 7. Balniici' of > tat-j tlckrt ro-
lubllcin by about drtmo ninjority.
Hardy precinct , Bialne' * inojorily , 53 ;
> a\ve , 77 ; Laird , 5lj Sklmtur , 77 ; Sivago ,
iS ; Alkcn. M.
Completn relurni from NuckolN oiimty ,
ivc ropub rlcctorj majority , 401 ; Dawes ,
injority , 378 ; Liiid's majority. 235 state
cnator , 432 ; rcpii ontitivti nmjoiity , 410.
I'l.ATTK nil'N'Tf.
Looklns Glnsn proclnct Blaine 5,3Clnvn-
iiiliM , Dorscillt , Niville33 , DAWOR53 , Mor
0118) ) .
KM > \ COUST\ ,
CiiKiiiuiON' NKII. , November 5. [ Spncial. ]
Inox comity gave Illaltio a majority of over
ircu liumlrtxlt Dor. ov. onn lutndrod and
fty mijiiilty , White R Van WyoV. democrat ,
epnisenUtivo , two hundrctd majority.
Front ifr profiuct , Hitohcork uoimty.-
ilnine , 2 . Ch'velniid. ' 7 ; L.iird , 21 ; Stlckul , 7 ;
lortou , 21 ; l\wei > , 23.
Somorfl precinet , Adams coimtv. Illalnr1 ,
. ' ; Clovelaud , ( I ; Ft. John , 4 ; D.xwpc , 08 ;
lortou , 11 ; Miller , 2 ; LMrd , rep , , 58 ; Sttckol ,
UKJOII , 3D ; Cobb , 2 ; SOU-CM , rep. , 4' . ' .
Haves township , York omity. Lainl , 53
Wneo township. Voik comitv. Blaine , net
iajority , 0l. ! Indie iliont are thnt Stickel has
00 majority in this e umiy.
New Vilife towimhip York county.Illnlnn ,
12 ; Cloviiliind , 40 ; St. John , 0 ; 'Laird , 01 ;
Ickol , 70.
Brad baw township , Voik county.
laioo , 10 ; vjlovnhuid 7 * > ; Sr. John , 7 ; Laird ,
t ; Stickel , 07 : C abb. II.
Hampton , Hamilton county standr : KUlim ,
71 ; Clovehmd. 70 : Lilr.1 , 170. Stickel , C3 ;
'iitnam , 152 ; P.iikburst , " 0.
South 1'latto precinct , MariiieU | , Hamilton
unity lllnlnn , 107 ; fusion , 5J ; St. John , 7 ;
) awiH , 10.3 ; Morton , 81.
\vKiisrnu COUNTY.
The ollichl roturiis of Wnbilcr eounty
lows Hi- following majnrllios : Dawe.i 571 ,
.airil 801 , Kttloy 471 , Newconio 501.
It PI ! Cloud , Weliiter county. Republican
iajority over all , 4 II ) ; Laird'jj majority over
II , lt > 8.
Third DislHcl.
Norfolk Precinct -lllMno 200 , Cleveland
! ) l , Neville HO , Dorsey 20. , St. John 7 , Mor-
m 208 , Diwos IAS , Senator Britton 107 ,
) errland 20S , Pnrrlno 120 , Parmor ( republl-
m ) 321 , Bickley 180.
Alkali Precinct , Keith County-Blalno 11 ,
"Mevohmd 0 : congrus-K , Dordoy 11 , Neville ' . ) ,
) nvvu ll. Morton 0 , Lieut. Gov. Shedd 11 ,
'aco 0 , Koggeii 11 , Bonestaol ' .I. Tioiisiirrr
Villanl 11 , Clancy 0 , Leesa 11Iontoin ( ; -
ry 0.
Beaver Preclnct-Bliiino 101 , Cleveland 01 ,
t. John 7 , Dorsey 00 , Novillu 78 , Dawes 88 ,
loiton 70 ,
Hiimburg precinct , Blniin ) , 82 ; Cleveland ,
ii ; Dorsoy , 33 , Nuvllh , 08 ; Dawes , 31 ; Mor
m , 55 ; Lccx , 3 < ; Montgomery , 50 ; Scott , 'M ;
Mbeit , TM ; Itobinson , 81 , MaUhur/s , 8S.
Lincoln county ( jivoa Dorsoy u ninjority nl
Wayne and Sriugbranch | totvim , Blame ,
( il ; Cleveland , lift : lornoy ) , 22.3 ; Neville ,
2.1 ; D.IWOH , 215 ; Morton , 1'j" .
Fremont prncinct lllaiiip , 552 ; Chivcland ,
) orBny , 580 ; Novillu , 1 12 ; Dawes , 527 ; Mor-
.n , 408.
North Bend Product Prohibition ticket ,
t. John 42 , Ktato. Mlllor 50 , Blgelow 50 ,
niton 13. Morton 48 , Hosteller 40 , Crosby
8. riino 51 , Graham 48. lUpublican tickut ,
ilaluo and Logan 218 , Htate , Dawes 231 ,
hedd281 , Itogt-on 230 , Wlllnrd 2 8 , Babcock
81 , Scott 231 , Jones 231 , Lucso231 , Burnlmm
81 , Dorsey2U4 , Marshall 210.
North Loup precinct Blniur , 180 ; Clovp-
uul , 52 ; Dawes , 17) ; Morton , 50 ; Shedd ,
Wl ; Paco. 51 ; Kogi.'cri , 17H ; Benstool , fcl !
iubcnck , 151 ; Buneko ; 70. Lyese , 170 ; Mont-
emery , 51 : Scotc , 170 : Alberta , 51 : Jens ,
77 ; Dunn , 51 ; Bnrnhain , 170 ; Scoville , 51 ;
) oi-iey , 188 , Neville , Mi.
Sidney 1'r.irinct Blaine 100 , OlnvulnndlOl ,
) orK y 100 , Neville 10 . DIWIH 107 , MM ton
1)0 ) , balanei ) of ticket about evenly divide 1 ,
Loi'gepolo ' Precinct Blaine 81 , Clovohmd
1 , D.iwtn , repnbliciin , 8 { , Morton , demo-
rut , 12 , D.irs y , republican , 21 , Neville ,
'emocrat , 23. Dixtrict judge , limner , repub
iciin , 83 , Barnel , democrat , 12
Big S.iimiH , , Cliujdimo coun'y , Blnlno , 10 ;
Iluveland , 12 ; Davves , 10 : M rton , 11. ; Doiney
( I ; Nuvillo , 12 ; U'iggen , 10 ; Bonestuol , 12 , At-
oiney Gonural Letsit , 10 , Montgomery , 12 ;
Suekworth , 10 : Brrgadem , 12.
Itetnrim nro not all in. ICstinrtted results ,
'ilionnl and utato tickets , republiean comity
iy 125 mujority. Uoreoy , republican , for
urn IOHH , 100 majority. Putnam , republican ,
Icetcd Btuto senator. Coriialliis , ivpnbllcan ,
ml Woltuck , ( Umocrat , elected us utate
Clovehmd 01 , Blaiuo 8i > , Dawes ( llep ) 80 ,
lortou ( Dem ) 00 , Dorsey ( Kep ) 31 , Nuvilli-
Doiri ) Oli , ItngRun ( llep ) 31 , Bouesu-el ( Bern )
0 , NVillard ( Hop ) 88 Clancy ( Dem ) CO , Hat-
ick ( lUp ) 81 , Beneko ( i , Li'eKo ( Kep ) 81 ,
Montgomery ( Dem ) 00 , Scott ( Kep ) 31 , Al-
ort. ( Dem ) 00.
ACnmil island diapatch says ; Republican
najority , Blaine 85. WolOach mid ( Jorniillus
lected by u hugo mnjoilty. Koturns from
irecincU hnard from in Hull county show a
opnbllcan majority for the national ticket ot
5(1. ( D.JWCH' mujority , 150.
Harrison Precinct- Cleveland 50 , Blaine. 52 ,
Morton ( Dun ) 57 , D.vwts ( It'p ) 47 , Pace-
Dt'ino7 ) , Shedd ( Kop ) 54 Bonrsteiil ( Uem )
7 , U"KKHii ( Kej.52 ) , Claiiuy ( Dem ) 57 , WIN
aril ( Kep ) 52 , Jieneko ( Dem ) 57 , Babcock
Kep ) 52 , Alberts ( Dem ) (0 , Scott ( Kep ) 52 ,
'ilnliifroiiicry ( Dtin ) 5 ! ) Locxo ( Itep ) M ; , .Sen-
Plum Crock Precinct Blalnn 1.3 ! ( ) , Clovn-
and. 118 , St John 7 , Dnrsoy 210 , Nevillu 120 ,
'itch 7 , D.IWCS2I' ' ) , Morton I/O. Miller ( i
Imlgu Tenth judicial diatrict , JIamer 270 ,
Btirud ! U.
N'ASCl ; 10UST )
ClorkftvilhiPrccinct-Blalno 150 , Clevolam
85 , lom ) < y ( republican ) 1 8 , Nuvillo ( dem
icrat ) 02 , Fitch ( prohibition ) 8 ;
Meililljohn 150 , I'MgiiiKton ! )8 ) , Jd'nrmeiiUilivi
N'owmey ( republican ) 100 , J , O , Jones ( unti
nonoioi | ] t ) 83 ,
nurrAi.o cou.Nn.
Kim creek product , Blaine , 51 ; Cleveland
( i' ' ; repretentativo , utato , WI ; democrat , 01
Dorsuy , 58 ; Neville , HI ; I'ttul , 67 ; Calklnn , 5'J
HaniHr , 50 ; hard , 07.
Bmhi precinct , Blalne , 72 ; Cleveland , 00
Nevill , 0l ! ; Dorfoy , 08 : Morton , 00 ; DOWCH
17 ; Seott , 70 ; Alberts , 01 ; Hal ml , Ii7 ; llamei
precinct BlaiiiH , 17' ' ; Cleveland
85 ; Butler. 8 ; lUui/s 11 ; Morton ( dem )
80 ; Mill. r fa. b. ) 7 ; Hhwl ( rep. I , 108 : Puc
81 ; Koxgcrti , 171 ; Bonstcel , Ilii BlKglo ( g. b. I
0 ; Millurd , 171 ; Clancy , 3d ; Fulton , ( if. U. )
7 : Buliciick , 171 ; Bmeku , 80 ; Norton , 't
Soutt , 171 ; AlhoilH , 80 : Crosby , 5j .Innis
17 ; Daun , 80 ; ( 'line , 0 ; Leese , 171 : Mont
gomi'ry , Mi , HuM > eltine , 7 ; Burnham , 171
Kcovillu , 3(1 ( , ( iraiium , 7 ; Dorsey , i"3 ; Ne
ville , 80.
Centra prrcmct IHnitio , 72 ; CliveVilW !
Nnville , 08 ; Domuv , 08 ; Moitoii , i-O ; Dauoi
1)7 ) : Barnard , 07 , HBIHH' , US.
KKAIINKV , Novtmb-jf fu-Thu 'iVnth judii
lul distiict | { lv i lUimir , repub. iwi , lUt )
nujoiity over Bariwv , { iwloulttj Scott , fc
and commissioner h.-v ? 800 majority in Bnif.i'o
oimty ,
llulfix'o ' citinty stvM the national rcpubli-rin
Inknt 80 umjorlty , state tiokrt from 225 to
.3' ' : Paul , ippiibllcan , carries thn county ever
Calkins , fuslonii % hy 2Kthnropubllcin ( ) ; login-
atlvo and cuiinty ticket ha < nearly 30J major-
lyShnlton Inwnflup , Bull do enmity , pivfi on
it , Mortm .37 , P.IOT 5 1 , Clancy 50 , Bom-itcol y
i"i , Montgomery 50 , B ueke , 50 , Alberts 53 ,
) diui fif , Scnvllln fi , ! CulkiDx 01. Hi'imorccr er1
81. .InoUiiN : ill. Nnvlllrtfil. This is official. i f
Sharon toivnuhip , Mulfnlo ounly , pjvo4 ro- Sib -
ib icin ticket lor Blaine 01 , Doisoy OH , Paul '
II , Btusntt 52 , llnimv 43. Tha ifomocratio
irket glvoH Clevchind BO , Neville 25 , Cnllcliu I
IlUtlT COUNTY. I. i *
BuU Creek precind , Hurt county Blnino , I
07 ; Cleveland. 31 ; St J-lm 1 ; l-iillor , 1 ;
lomriy , 178 ; Dovilln. 10 ; D.nvrs , 102 ; Morton.
3 ; n'mi'mintiitlvai , ICyurott. rrp , I'.U ; Petor-
on , 101 : senator , Lo i ? , lP"Ty : on , dom , 32 ;
fpraiuntatlves. Spjilmuti , 8T ; Hanson dam ,
KoturnH from four or the eight tircclncls of . -
hurman eoun'-v nhouhtrgn veimblicjui gains.
'I i- ' four prrcinctx iiru toinelinu.'s dmilitful ,
tut am muo now. Tlioothar four nro always
republican Honor is running nuo d , nml
iils'i Sinclair for diUrkt attorney. Meagre
rnturi s from Custur enmity fliuw tVo e.ntlro
republican ttnta ticket eleotnd. If inner In
mining ahead , nml returns In show tint ho
las can led i vtry iiniiuy in the T uith judicial
Istriot , Sinclair carries the district by
bout 1,500 majority.
PATKIWOX , November 5. Pn salc comity
complete gives Blaine 1,8" I plurality ; Phelps
or coiigrcfB has 2,111. Throe republican aa-
emhlymon are olectjd and the entire enmity
THKNTON , Novemlior 5. Glnucpster coun
ty gives Blniuo 550 majority ; Farrell for con-
; n > hH has u niajo'ity ' of 115. Blnino's major- !
, y In Atlnntio county will teach 5,30 , and in
Kiirlington 415. Tlio Ti ( niton Times estimates
Cluveland's ninjority lit 8,000. The republi-
am r-lect four nut of ntn-ou congreasmen , and
irobably carry theleglslaturo by live tunjcrity
in joint ballot.
HAHTFOIIII , Novtmb-M- . Cluvelniul ha-i n
.ilurnlity in Comn'cticut of about 1,000' ' .
llm election of stito ollicer' , with 0)to the
egislature , which ia largely repiibllcau.
Clovf-hmd canios the state by 1'JOJ
ty. Thoru is no election of a governor by thu
iiuiple , Waller ( dam. ) failing of n majority by
, li-nt 12,000. The legisl.ituro Is largely re-
iiiblican , and will elect 11 irrison. This is
lulinltu and ruliablo and the result will not bti
llAiirrouii , Conn. , November 5 The vote
> f Connecticut for president , with only the
small tiiwn of Wat-hingtou to hear from , is
113,582 , of which lllnina receives (5,7.18 ( ; and
lleveland , (10,052 ( ; St. John. 2,205 ; Butler ,
.807. Cloveland'H plurality is 1,21 1.
KHOKUK , November R , 0:8,3 : n , in. Koturns
rom the 1' ' irdt lowji congrd'flonal district i i-
Ilcatii the election of Hall ( demo ratio ) by l.i
IOWA CITY , November 5 , 8:07 p. m. Fred-
ricks , fusion , for cumnoss and Bull for judge ,
will bavu about 1,20 , ' ! majority. Johnston
htAtJ Uckut 0 to 1.10J inajiirilv. ,
Stoux CITY , StrubDr is raolected to con- .
grots by an Increased majoiity.
lIl'llJlONI ) , November 5 Ollicial unil semi-
'tli.'i/il ii'turiiii from 70 counties and all cities
n Virginia give Cleveland 11,781 majority. i
rin'Ho returns embrace many largo republican I
nunUoi mid imlieat" that the ntntn will give ,
31ovulind : from ! l.i,0l , ( to 10,000 majority. It j
H now ipiito certain thst the deinijcr t'i have ] j
clucti'd eiirlitof ton L-oniru.'sm"u.
I'irrciisTiuiui , Niiveinbir , 10:5 : ! ) p. m. The '
lemocrats uni claiming the ntato by 2,00j m - i
oriiy. beinitnr Mahiiiie elaiins it , for the re-
[ lubbcans by 8,01)0. ) ,
ViiiniMA , Nov. , N-ivniriber 5 , 3:0.3 : p. m.
I'liu count is progrn-s-iinf veiy slow. Only
iboiit half the b.illoti nro counted up to 8 p.
m. , but Giiou.jli to hhow Iliac lila'ne , Wnsh-
nirii and tht ) entiru lepublic in lugifhtturo in
Story comity is carried by from thrco tu four
iiindred m.ijorlty. Tim lepubllcan Btato con- j
: ral commltteo claim the Htiito by 1KO ma- {
iorlty. t '
Linilnr county gives Blnlmi 145 majority.
ViitiiiNiA Cirv , Niivnubcr 5. 1015 ; p.
n UeMiltH Htill imkio n , but enough is
inriied to jiittify the insertion tint Nevada
will join tint other Patllic Htuto ? m going re-
[ iiiblican. lllalno'H in ijuntj' will probably lo
iiver 1,100.
I'oiiTl.AMi , Oni-XiuN , November 5. Oregon
has gon'o rupubllcin certainly by a majoiity
of 1,500 t > 2,0)0. ) No doubt whatever that
LhuHlato lus gene It.ilii4. | Kvnry appoar.uiee
indicates that Ariin-trong republic. . ! ! Inn been
ilectrd dulegato to cougiens triim Washington
AVU911 VlllGlMA ,
Wlliiil.lSU : , Novomber5. 8:30 : p. m , From
irrnent Indii-atiuns thn state will nivo n mu-
onty for Bluine. Tlio republicans have
irobably elected two congressmen.
Blaina'H nmj > rlty in tbla Htivto Is 50,009.
Martin , ( iep. ) for Kovornor , 4UOuO. I'lvery
' . onrfresMiun. lupulblcan , ehtccuJ , and the
exixlatuie villl bo r. . > [ 'nlille ' in.
All but four counties repoiteil unollicially
Indicate that Bluino umiou the Ntato by about
WII.MINHION , November 5 , Safe for the
democracy. The tate will give W.UOO major , '
ity for the entire ticket.
\AIll > S MdlirTIIADINi. .
Special telegram to TlIK BKE.
CliK'AiiO ' , Novombur 5 There wore i.bout ,
JOOeuitiof we terns and Texuim amuD { ; llm
Ireuli lecaipti , ur mo o tlian half the inimbjr.
ollered. J' ' ' t natlvi-i were bcaico. 'Jheio
were only about tiJoaiU of what would bu
classiliod us good bteer.1 on the inuiket this
morning , am ! they mill i found about ( i.50.
'i'lieic were two loads of very piime itteru
sold that avcruired about 1,000 at ti 05. There
was a small expo t order on ilia market , but
tlio order was limited to prices below what
was asked fur stock that would fill the sami- .
KxporK 085005 ; good to choice hipjliig,12flft
Ml. 'I JO Ibj , , 5 5U@ii 1 < ; C'imiiion tu tair , 10UU
tel200 puuiidi , 4 10 )550 ) , llango cattle ,
were generally steady and Texima tinner.
Salrsi One Iiimdred and thhtyiK Wyoming , ,
1010 , SI 50 ; 170 Wyoming , KOi , St BO ; 11) ) ! *
\\.Vomiiig. 1135 , $1 25 ; 2u7 NebMbka-Texous ,
' .1575 S-875 ; 12 J Ntbranku-To-wu iiavvn , 8t2v
SJ40 ; 201 Wycml'ig-Tixaus. 1)18 ) , 81 10I Id
Nobraskii-Tt-xaiH , t'2S ' , S3 ' . ; 880 Valwta.
Tinnns , OS8 , S3 70.
Thomnrkct opentil stioug and rdvauojd 5
( idll'o ' but Inter , Lt thu ulonea \ \ ojJvauca was
loil ttiii ni'irkt-t cb'tltj ' ratborvuak with
i.iiuly 100 Inadi Idit uutiHd. Ojiunr.ui iind
routjli packeru sold luotiud ab ut f15@liJO } ,
ami fair to Rood luiokers 1 ? I 70,2 80 ; beat
hiftvy f I 83G8I5. ! Onu or tw loa of fancy
hi-k'uiuU heavy fculd ul S5 til Theru was only
limited ilomikUit fwr lljihs fh'pping ' orU.
kms and ihlppUK ' 'Juis.225 pimiulj1 (0 (
'l paututK , ( : (0S-85i ( |
< ! " _ > - -