Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 05, 1884, Image 4

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Omaha Oinoo , ftu. ui Fiirnwn Sf.
Council BlutTBOmoo , No 1 1'cnrl S
fJtroot , flcnr H roadway.
Mew York onico , Hoom (15 Tribune
mWtohrxS trtiy n-ofnloR , * * { - ! Bondi ) Th
oat ) Monday tiotnli.ft dully.
ixvs BT KUI >
One Twr . | ictWjTht MJnthj . 88.00
llxKonw . 6.00 Ono Month . LOT
rcr Week , IS Cents. j
ts x POSH-AID.
nt 7e r . 12.001 Three Months. . . . . . .I SO
IxKontbX . 1.03 | Ono Uoutli . W
A i Occimnnleattoni routing to Ncwi n J IMItorlal
uiltcrJ iheuld bo iddrossod to the Korroa or Tin
Ut ( .
susinus Limaa 1
All BaslncM Ixittora and Remittances ihonld bo
tiSdrossed to Tun BFH ronLt ni > ca Com-AiT , niuiu.
DritU , Cbockt and PcotofT.ce orders to b m d ftj-
tblo to the ordat ol tbo company.
K. KOSI5WATHU , Keillor.
A. ILVitch , Manager Dally Circulation , P
O. Hot , 4t& Omahn. Neb _
The returns received up to this hour ,
thrco B. m. , indicnto a very close election
in the douhtful states. There is , how-
ovof | no serious grounds for alarm on the
part of the ropnblicins. Blaine and
Logan still have a fair lighting
chance in Now York whllo
Connecticut , Now Jcreoy and Indiana
nro not given UD 1 > 7 the national republi
can committee.
The country will await more complete
and conclusive roturna with intonao
anxiety. At thin critical juncture when
commerce and industry are well
nigh paralyzed an electoral contest
is of all things to bo averted. Roturna
from Nebraska , although very meagre ,
leave no room to doubt that her electoral
vote will bo cast for Blaine and Logan by
from 15,000 to 20,000 majority , while
tha ntato ticket has probably boon elected
by majorities ranging from 5,000 to
A VPKY heavy vote waaj polled in
Tin : couutry is anxiously awaiting the
MONKY made the major go yesterday
in Now York.
TUB people are tick and tired of poli
tics , and well may they exclaim , "Give
us a rest. "
CINCINNATI , the musical festival hub of
the caimtry , had to have its unual mua-
culat festival on election day.
Tuny had the null'rago question down
to fltisti a fine financial question ycatcrday
that n cindidoto would nnt vote for him
self unless ho got two dollars.
WIIILI : the board of education is con
sidering the matter of insurance on the
high ochool building , it should also take
into consideration the precaution of sup
plying ttahd pipes for the building.
IT seems that our nalntly capital city
wants to Hock all by iUolf politically. In
addition to an unnecessary and unjust
attack on Charley Brown , a strcnuoun ef
fort waa made to elect Pace , mill-monop
ely candidate for lieutenant governor ,
merely because ho resides in Lincoln.
Tun Now York correspondent of the
Philadelphia Jlcvord reports Oonornl
Grant as saying that since it has become
known that ho is writing u uoricn of
articles for the Century , which are after
ward to bo printed In book-form , ho has
ho baa had letters from all over the coun
try from px-uoldicra who want to canvass
for the book when it a published. As
Geu Grant is to receive , as a starter ,
50,000 for lib war articka hi the
Ccidury , ho would rather write than bo
MB. JOHN ELK , uu Indian v/ho has
long since separated from hia tribe and
has lived in Omaha like a white mnn , has
boon endeavoring to occuro the privilege
of voting , but the oiipromo court , to
which hia case was carried , decides that
ho is not a citizen of the United Slates
within Iho meaning of the first section of
the fourteenth amendment of the const- !
tion , because ho has not been naturalized
or taxed or rncognlzod an a citizen either
by the United States or the state. Wo
should Infer from this decision tlmt Mr.
John Elk can become a citizen by tak-
out naturalization papers.
WIHTKVEH political effect the annul ! *
raent of the Scott liquor law may have In
Ohio , it Is certain to provo a dlsastroui
financial blow to every city and county
In that state. Under the decision of the
supreme court the taxpayers of Cuya <
Logo , county , In which Cleveland is lo <
catod. will have to bo taxed about SMO-
000 , this amount to bo rofundnd to BA-
loon-koopers tor one and a half years tax-
ca they have paid under Iho Scott law ,
also the additional tax of § 210,000 tc
tnako up what It was expected would be
paid by the esloor.iuta the coming year ,
making a total for that time of $570,000.
Hamilton county , In which Cincinati It
situated , will have to ra'.Ee 027,250 , ; and
$118/00 annually thereafter. During
the next Iwojcara it will , therefore ,
Imvetoraico § 1,402,250. Erlo county
wijl be obliged to levy a tax cf § 33.250
Summit county § 30,000 ; Lucas county
8220,000 ; and to on throughout Uu
/talo. The total la : collected from thi
nloon keeper * amounted to nearly $ U- ,
00,030. Th's ' mm will havj to ba re
turned , an 1 ibodellclcney will inornate
jiu ( ax a of the pospla just that tnush.
Socialism in Germany is evidently ni ;
( ho increase. This fact in shown by UK
recent elections to the roichstA . In the
city of Berlin , which in the olronghold ol
LocliUism , the socialist vote has increased
28,000 , whllo the liberal vote has do
cllncd 10,000. In 1871 the socialist vole
in Berlin only amounted to 1..H51 , in
1877 it had Increased to 3l,57fi , and the
next year it run up to 60,3:10. : The total
vote of the socialist ) ! in the Gorman cm-
piro in 1871 was only 120,000 ; iu 187-1 it
wa 010,000 , nine socialist members being -
ing elected to the roichato ; ; , nnd In 1877 ,
when Ihcy elected twelve mem
bers of the roichsUg , the
total vole was nearly . ' (00,000 (
Those figures certainly shown r.'markublo
growth of socialism , and the wonder in
that the doctrines of Iho socialists are
becoming so popular in the fico of the
vigorous clfjrts to suppress them. A
great many persona nro apt to confound
Gorman socialism with French commun
ism or Russian nihilism. This , however ,
is a great mistake , na one of the princi
pal objects of socialism is the
amelioration of Iho condition ol
the workingman. "Every man
according to his capacity , and ovorv ca
pacity according lo ils work , " M Ihc
great maxim laid down by Saint-Simon ,
the distinguished French ccholar , who is
credited with being one of the principal
promulgate of scc'mliatio doctrines.
It was aint-Simon who , In 1820 ,
In the first number of his
social journal , JSObscrv < ictt > ; said
that the death of 1COO workiiiRmen was
a greater loss to a community than
the death of 1,000 oflico-hoJJers
or the whole royal family ,
For which utterance ho was indicted , tried
and acquitted. To carry out the maxim
of Saint-Simon is the chief aim of all
socialistic movements. Socialism may bo
said to bo n moral reform , nnd to accomp-
Hah ita objects it employs political and
economical measures. Although social
ism is by no means a now idea , it was
given an encouraging growth in Franco
oy Saint-Simon and hia disciples , among
whom were several eminent and gifted
ruon. German socialism , however , maybe
bo eaid to bo a homo product of that
umpire. The socialists of Germany
demand that labor shall receive
all it caniB , and they are strong advo
cates of Iho policy of protection to homo
industries. The government has in many
respects complied with their demands for
protection , and it is claimed tlmt this
has uono much to bettor the condition of
the Gorman workingman. It in evident
tlmt the government is beginning respect
as well as fear , the rapidly incroasiug
socialistic party the party of reform
which is bound to cxercioo a powerful
iniluenco in German politico.
The method of voting in Nebraska
can bo considerably improved , and stops
in that direction ought to bo taken before -
fore another election Is held. The pres
ent system of votinc ; for presidential ,
otalo , congressional and county o.Iiccro
all ono ticket ncccBsarily complicates the
ballots , and makes it a slow und tedious ,
and in mary instances an uncertain tank.
For several years the counting of the
counting of the ballots in the
city of Omaha has never been
'ully completed until a Into hour of
ho next day after election , and long bo-
ere learning the result in Omaha wu
lave boon intormod of the result in the
argost city in the country. AVe certain-
y ought to know the exact result in
Omaha at midnight of elec
tion day. Thin can readily bo
done by having aoparato ballot boxca for
national , otalo , congressional and county
tickets , and by counting the ballots
whenever 100 have boon deposited. This
would of course necessitate an increase in
the numbnr of judges and clerks of elec
tion , but the quick results of sucli a cya-
torn would certainly ba gratifying lo the
public. Thin plan ia followed in many of
the larger cities , notobly in Now York ,
where on yesterday the ballot boxoa were
as follows :
Number One , "President , " In which
box were deposited Iho ballots endorsed
"President , Number Ono ; " Number
Two , "State , " the ballots endorsed
"State " Number Three " ' "
; , "O'Mic.roBB ,
balloto endorsed , "Oongi-osu , Number
Three ; " Number Five , "Assembly , "
ballota endorsed ' 'AtRombly Number
Five ; " Number Six , "Oily , " ondoisod
'City , Number Six ; " Number Seven ,
"Justices , " endorsed "Justices , Number
Seven ; " Number Eight , "Judiciary , "
endorsed "Judiciary ; " Sumber Nine ,
' 'City nnd County,1' ballots omloruud
"City and County , " and an additional
box marked "Constitutional Amend-
mcnts , " in which were deposited the
ballots endorsed "Constitutional Amend
ments , "
IT is to bo hoped that U'Q next legis
lature will puss a law providing for eop-
oruto tickets and ballot boxca , and the
hourly counting of ballots , upon the plan
dcecribnd above , for cities of the first and
second class , Such a law will certainly
bo appreciated , aa It will bo n great Im
provement on the present slow-going nnd
anchnt eyatoin.
Now that the cimimlgn excitement is
about over it ia expected that thcro will
bo a noticeable revival in trade circles
which have boon rather dull for sovera
wooku. There is no denying the fact thai
Iho campaign Imo had a depressing ( ll'ocl
upon buainona , which , added td other
uauecs , 1ms made trade very ulow. Tha
number of business BUipontions hat week
in tliu United States was 2 ! < 1 and in
Cnmda ! ! ( ! , or a total of 2l > 7 , us ugainat
258 liht week nnd 218 the previous wauk.
The increase is notioeablo in thu woMurn ,
southern and P.ioillo ntutoi uud in Can
ada The cotton iruvkuts have dovolupcd
Increased firmness In the faoo of o ntiu-
nod larfo receipt } andaslowconBUmp'ivr '
demand. The strength rf the marmot
cornea mainly from reports of an improve
meet in demand and prices abroad. 1.x-
porla for Iho week show a falling off , but
the aggregate clearances for the crop
year nro largo and cotnpiro favorably
with tlinao ( if last year. Wool
hiu been in light demand , but holders
have confidence in their ability lo main
tain present pricoa , and while the market
is not strong there ia no general disposi
tion to ( juickon the movement by moana
of concessions to buyers. The dry goods
trade is generally quint. The jobbing
movement is collectively largo , but the
sales are in small loin , and there is much
complaint about narrow profit margins
nnd slow collections , The iron trade sit
uation shown no important change. Orders
are mostly for ncnr rcquirorncnls , and
the general market lacks firmness. There
is a bettor movement of nnthracito coa
in the oast.
The Philadelphia Record in Ita review
of the trade sltiulion says :
Business in breadstuff han boon gen
erally unsatisfactory. The price of wheal
han Juctuntcd within narrow limits and
shows a not decline of } c. per bushel for
the week. Export Irado has disappoint
ed expectations , and speculation has
been restrained by the sluggith foreign
demand and general want or confidence
in business circles. A great deal oi
wheat is uoing abroad in the form ol
flour , for which there is an increasing de
mand at ruling low prices. Receipts of
nhoat have brou checked by bad weather
and heavy roads , but the supply contin
ues to accumulate. The visible ( .upply
In thin counlry is 2,200,000 bushels
larger than a week ngo , and
2-.05,000 buaholn larger than this
time last year. The corn market is about
2c. lower than last week , as a result of
free selling in anticipation of nn increas
ing mopmcnt of now crop. Nearly all
the receipts r.t western centers that have
graded up to the export standard have
boon bought up for through shipment to
Europe , and there 13 ovcry reason to an
ticipate a good export buolno&s in corn
as soon as supplies of the now crop become -
como available in suflicient quantity. Old
corn is too ocarco and too dear to ship.
Speculation ia almost at n standstill nn
account of the scarcity of old corn nnd
the prevalent uncertainty as to deliveries
nnd jualiiy of the now crop.
Tm : fact of n man's butting on elec
tion disqualifying him from voting hao
boonsottlcd in Philadelphia. The judgcsof
election refused to take a voter's ballot
yesterday because ho had made a wager
on the result of the election and the state
law provided against hia voting. On ap
peal to Judge Allison of the superior
court the latter decided tint anything in
the Mate laws conflicting with the pro
visions of the Btnto constitution relative
to the right of franchise was null nnd
void , and Imperative. Consequently the
man Vr-aa was [ allowed to deposit hia bnl -
AT present it may bo properly Haid that
wo have telegraphic straws to show
which way the wind blows. The count
will soon bo down to official herd pan ,
however , and the respective candidates
can then toil where the laugh comes in.
THE Omoh * Herald has no farther use
for that column and a half democratic
platform. The opaco that it occupied
during the campaign will now bo filled
with patent medicine advortiaomonts.
Tlio Ctiincd Citlfs of Arabia ,
Potrn has long boon famous , but it ap-
[ loara that it can no longer claim to bo
unique. It is but ono of many cit ? sites
with which the Peninsula of Arabia is
atrowu. The romuinn at Petra are rock
cut nopnlchrcs nnd a Cuv/public halls , , the
dwellings nro yono. Probably the hnusea
were of clay , as were thoao of the oitn ot
ol-Iioir , or Modyin Saliln Hero , hc-wn
out of a cliff that border a Bandstouu
[ ) luin oixtoen miloa in longlli nnd width *
ire numerous tombs , cimilar to
.hoao % t Potra. The facades are fr.ll
ol cornices nnd pilaziors , shov-
ng u strange mizturo of the Exytian nnd
i rook nlylua. Urns and utrango gnll'm-
iko figuraa adorn the piodmenta , and in
aomo of the tyinpani a man's- head witb-
jraidcd sitio looks ia introduced aa an 01 *
nauionl , The walla of the chamber hava
r.mgou of shelved , graves are zunk in tli9
floor , and human bonoa , mummy clmiUi
Mid other remains nro found. At a gorge
in thoadjoiuin mo'intninaof ISthlib la tlio
only oxctwatud chamber that ia nnt n
tomb. Thiacoutains a numbur of tablet. )
with figures sometimes like pillars ,
ono , two or three Ingothur , nnd en raveiV
inscriptions in n Nubnthean-liku clinrnc-
tor nlt'jvo. Eleven miles frum l-lltj ! ,
near the village of c-l-Ally , ; a the sight oh
another old town , wlinro thu inouriptioto
nro IlimyorlcAt Tuyma , aomo eight ? ,
milfH mirth of Medyin Sulih , are thu
walls of the oil ) cityof Toyum , muntioni-iti
by the llobrovr prophets. Tiiero are ulcu.
Borne largo co-lums af barbaric \/orltnuu-
ahin.Tho aspect of Arabia ia that of n do-
cnyod country , While the ancient Arnbu
ana bored duop wells in thcirnck , walled )
them with atone , and built stone houniav
thuir i\l'oolou \ > euccutsors wire clay builcb
ore , nud nair the Bedouiiu only ilk' HIUI-
low pits with their Immls and n stick
Among th oldest Arabiin remains uri >
hugo orout atoneH such ns would be calluu
DrnUlical in Britain , and buildings of
hugo irregular blocks , uuch ns nro cpni-
mnnly called Ccloponn or PelsB an
Monumonto of uncertain xgo , buiU of
unhorrti atone , are frcijuont In the vnltaya
rind nn the eurfaco uf the llnrrni ( or
buttc < ) ol-Anuyrn ) , near Medyin Sahli
They are elmped like boo hives anil nro
about tiYclvo feet high and twouiy-fivo
feet acroas. In on place 150 ot thorn
stood together. IS.ich ia built over n
sopul lirnl cell , access to which U ob
tained through a hole in tha top. Mr.
Dougherty , lie discovercd tlii'so remains
mains in 1870 78 , has b un followed by
Prof. Kilting , who tins recently mturuotl
to Eiiyyt. Sir llc'iiyy Aawltnson does
nnt buliovo tlmt the insuriptious Are uld jr
than llio llrat or eoo-ml century of ti\n
Ohrlotinn orn. The Ilimyr.rilio iiiscip
tiona were jwobably loft Uy pilRrims fvom
the south i f Arabia , \yhoro Qiniywrilij
waa thu l nmu git , which thu northern
Arnba would , ( ( i courao , write In their
own linyuago. the Natathonn. Thu
ttinnitio inajrip'.iona , > vMoh inadn , to gron1
it coiitAtioii n loir YUQIU ago , nud were b > i-
lioved to bo racordolnjt by M ea of tlu >
Exwlue , had benii proved to bo biiuil | )
momoiinla of ixlrcinis nn their way
fiiim Sl-iwl. No nionumonla 11 niuli MI-
iKjiiity Imvo y > t been f mint in ArAbia ,
i scoot the font < f n simu-j found In t'n.
f Bahrein , and beaiug i\u jr-
uiucun.if nil .hcir.cUu >
llS AND Till.Ill UOVllOS ,
H of ( told anil tlic
AVoalth They Mid.
Now York Stnr.
There is every roasnn tn believe thai
Iho hoards of money nnd valuables one
often reads of us having boon discovered
by workmen while engaged in pulling
down r > ld hntiooa have been secreted by
misers ; the result IB that , in many c.iioo ,
property thus found is ttken possession
of by pureona whom the miser * never In
tended to benefit nntnoly their hcirs-at-
law nnd next of kin.
It is protly certain lhat misers of both
Boxes existed ages ago , n3 they do in our
own day , and the following notes con
cerning aomo notable examples of thi a
class of monomaniacs may not bo unin
teresting. Of those who made it a rule
of their lives to "pathcr soar by every
wile , " the case of M. Oatorwald , who
died nt Paris In 1701 , is remarkable , ac
allowing that thu richest man In a city
may also bo the most miserly ono. He
WAS the on of a poor minister , nnd be
gan life 03 a clerk in a banking houeo a'
Unmburg , where ho acquired a small
sum , which ho nuinnonlcd by his specula
tions in business andhia economical mode
of living ; ho afterward came to Paris ,
whcro ho accumulated his onormoun
fortune. Ho wna n bachelor the ox-
ponsoa of a wife and children boitip
incompatible with hia frugal mode cf
living , lie had for n servant a poor
wretch , whom ho novi-r permitted to en
ter his apartment ; ho had always prom
ised that at his death ho should bp hand
somely recompensed , and accordingly ho
loft him a pittance of nix months' ' wagca
and a suit of clothca , but no ho expressly
aUtod"not the most now. " A few days
before his death somu of his acquaint
ances , who naw that ho waa reduced to
the lust extremity by want of nourish
ment , proposed to him to have seine soup
"Yes , yes , " ho replied , "it is easy to
talk of soup but what is to become of
the meat ) " Thus died ono vrho waa re
ported to bo the richest man in Paris ,
more from want of c.iro rsnd nourishment
than from disonso. JIo ia stated to have
loft to relations whom ho had probably
never aeeu , the sum of 3 000,000
Under bin bolster waa found 800,000
livresin paper money.
Tao neighborhood'whcro Mary Lu-
homo died aooms to ba still famous for
its miaors. In 1877 there died nt Wool
wich , England , n Mr. John Cliirko , ajed
3G. lie is described aa being n man of
education , but a very singular character ;
although reputed aa immensely
wealthy ho waa very miserly
in hia habits , end lived to the last
in a squalid hovel In tha poorest pr.rfc of
Woolwich ; the greater portion of hia lifo
waa spent in tha accumulation of books
of which ho loft a large utoro. It was
reported that the front shutters of his
louse had not beenopenedfor over thirty
yoara ; ho never took a regular meal ,
lor did lie know the luato of wino or
ipirita. Yet , notwitbbtanding that ho
ived in such a den cud suffersd ouch
: irivationo , ho reached an octogenarian
ago , nnd died worth ? iCO,000 or there-
An inatanco of miserly habits in thereat
; roat nnd noble ia to bo found in the
caao of tlmt renowned cnptaln , the duke
nf Marlborougb , of whom it ia chrou-
clcd that , when in the last Btr.go of lifo
and very infirm , ho would walk from tbo
public room in Bath to hia lodgings on a
cold , dark night , to save a sixpence in
chair hire. He-died worth 37,500,000.
It is recorded of Sir James Lowthor
that , after changing a piece of eilvcr in
3oorgo'o coffao-nouao , and paying two-
pence for hia dish of cofl'do , ho was
iclpcd into his chariot ( ho waa then very
amo and infirm ) , and went home. Some
.imo after ho returned to the same coffee-
louao on pirposo to acquaint the woman
who kept it that ohe had given him a bad
lalf-ponny , and demanded another in ex
change for It. Sir James is atntsd to
mvo then had about $200,000 per annum
joming in , and waa-ivt n loss whom io ap-
> oint hia heir.
Sir Thomas Colby , an oflicial hi [ h in
oflico , shortened hia cxistencn by hie
> asalon for thia > world's goods , na appears
> y the following anecdote. "lie roao in
the middle of the night , when ha won in
a very profuse > ierspiatiou , and walked
down-ataira to louk for the kiy of the col
or , -which ho inadvertently loft on a
able in the parloho ; vraa approhansire
hat his servants might 30:20 : the key and
rob him of a bottle of port wine , iuateal
nf which ho himself waa ooized vith a
chill and died i : > to3taio , leaviiu : over
Sl-,000,000 in the funds , which was
timed by five or sis dr > 7 laborer h >
vojo hia next of kin. " Mnrvuloua good
uck for his poor rolntiona
At Northtlcnt , Ffaglanii , thcro died in
.TT a Mr. Page , doiior : in limoatonc }
and gunlhnto , by wliioli occupation , nnd
> y a niont i > onunou3-v/iiy of living , ho
i > id itccumulatod n fortune ot Komu $ t0 ; , < -
000 Ho lived nlo-u in u brgo houou for
ove/al yoAT-j , no on a coaiing ncnr hue.
> ut nn old wonuiu in iho villa /o , who
) iic n day wont tomalts hia be-J. Ilhi
loutli waa caused byi hia running , a hni.'o
nto the palm of htu hautl while opening
nn ivyater.
Sumo yoara sinco-a cftifionnioj1 ( or irag.
nnd rufuuu nathoi'er'l died intssuito hi
rnnco , Imvitig hicrjDy "Hcrnjed" io-
gotyior-ll\UOO fi-.inw , tiiuwholo of whlcli
vent to the huir-nt-lnw.
1110 KdldiLiniiLt tint Ti.-iinp.
X w Yoak Jotirnab.
"Got any workvfnr rneP ashid a Low-
exgud iMmp | o [ : i country nuitorwho
van alurjiening iin ihuura cja a g'and-
"Oaa you B0t tyyaV'
"Dunuo ; novw tried. "
"Wull , you ir.igUt take n. , e so ia the
oompixiing-ronm and But yoor legs up na
) aroiteoo3. Vrd'ro out of sorts to ilay , "
aid iiio editor .
ot tl > o
Jlanlr. Monk.
I eng bo.'nro Horace ( Areoluy had
lim famona , this nuui Munk uai n iiiro
among the boroua vS the Pjcllio coast.
Ho waa ponlMps the trjt man to utw , thu
oliort , d mbl-j-ban tiled ohut un which
Wulla-FAr o meoson oi-a mtulo fntutus in
iheir biooi y battUtt with etago r Voers.
The fuat waa liaak Murti.vnn. . nucli u
rocklrro driver thah , while every euo waa
proud of ibu honcr of Imvijig crrMsod the
-iorrai with him , no trcjuro laossungor
waa willing to luako reaular thing of ih
I1'-1 * it waa ccttcndod Hint it waa onV >
a q-wstii n of iimuvhuu llauk Jlonk aJ
Ina now famyua "T.illjj llo" stage , nlcriu
with r.u Bis. humti , would bo tumMvd
fc < m thu huightfunto onuof thuinuunur-
ahln gorgc-i that lay yawning uudui
his narcow epau of road srutiuc
the nuMU'.iuin peaku. And uo thu darinp
diivct lud to sic un hi * box tilonp , savi
lii-.i thu nu'niWr if oongri'sa or juilyi
lib circuit , in order to fclu/tv his valoi
. I \\n \ Vi t9 > , lodk iM-far-cnion' I * l'l > I'T
prat. It was thoiiig/ cf Mn \
t introduced the er > uri < Kul < lo tunlet
, But ln d JL 1 * < " ' \ ' t' \ |
his cloak with cock lifted nnd finger on
trigger. Nothing of thnt nort ; his h.inde
were too full of the ten or n doBdn roinf
for auylhing of sort. Ho eirnply
had thu gun pointed inwn on the side of
his leg with the muzzle juct pcepinq
through the soli ) of his heavy bootn. And
nn nnu wr.a permitted to know of thn
presence of tlila arm at all. It was known
that ho carried hia biwio knife down the
back of hia ntck , no na to bo iti roach
when ho pushed bak his broad hat to get
a ) > oed look nt his enemy ; but thu now
fiunoun shotgun no ono know anything
about ; nn , not oven if ho had twicn been
Attacked and had thrice beaten oil' the
I am told that the ( irni lime ho uacd
this rroapon ho stopped Iho otago and
was blowly handing down the trcar.uro-
box to the lender , when getting hia lop
in range , ho entered n load of buckshot
into the robber's heart. A second shot
into thu crowd of surprised robbcra , nnd
ho clashed away with all hid desperate
speed down the mountain. And oven
then no ono know who fired the shots.
The robbers boliovcd it was all the work
of the paoaongora inside the stngo. A
repetition of thia same feat drew nome
suspicion on Monk , nnd nin lifo waa now
in great poril. Once ho handed in n bill
for n now hat , saying the ouo ho had was
so full of bullet holes tint it "wouldn't
hold shucks. " The amount of gold that
this man c.irricd out of the mines
mounted fnr up into the millions , nnd
never n dollar in all hia years of servicn
waa lost. Counting hia peril , the peculi
ar opportunities ho had to betray his
trust and cccapo suspicion by collusion
with thn robbcra , nnd so on , thonnnio _ of
Hank Monk , particularly at thia time * ,
ought to rank high.
Reckless and hard driving with him
was n passion. And yet there waa
nothing reckless about it at all ; and no
waa Uu ) kindest of masters to hia horses.
lie loved them , nnd they loved him , nnd
know his every tone and touch of the
roin. Ilia tcnru waa literally n part of
Once some timid pasnciifjcra com
plained ID Ben Ilolladny , and told him
Lhat nn the otigo ; whirled at railroad
speed round a prccipitoua point , every
: aat whuol was tor a moment over the
rdgo. Monk twistud hia broad hat
about iu hi.i ttvo hnnda na ho Blood with
.tncovorcd head before the great otngo
ling , and at last oaict slowly , with a
iwinklo in hia fine oyeo : "Governor , they
ie ; only two of the wheels was ovor. "
The Only Remedies far ihs Skin
Blood t/nivsr&ally
\Vm. T T.itt'll , 072 North T.nth Street , Plii'-i '
UlphU , rcporti ) that mn of Mtiu'omcra i-UCtd t >
iioi lnti, , ho > \ * fc l\JB o well ami I ad
gairel iwfiitv-.oMii toas'h in ihe list juar , I.TI if
whlcli he at rihutml U > ( i fJEtonntlc eoiu-o of tbo
Cutl-uraUkSDltcnt , which.haspicwcil effectual ben
til wlhcr nineda'S tailcil.
rbv , TltiAf , Som'rvlllo , Ifvn . nhorcfCTS to Dr.
J. .r. 'iVjort , dumist , of thli city ceiMflea trj a won-
dciful eire cf running HI ro1 , on the neu < which ha < l
iccn trcatod liy hoftpitil plijjici&na with lit cure ,
and walehjie'.iltd complolcly tutho Oalicui lie-in-
edit- * .
JtysUn dlspatc , uhlo1 ! ro iito ) toMital popular
jcimilUaamloiheriemeiilta nlvi-cd liy uftjsjaads ,
us hfeu Hired hy your utlcura lUoicdloa. va't ) v
urtawed mj iOiiuiuo cxi co utloiu vd jai Id-
y Hlocted a e-irtr. J & AllBS rilUK.
"inccincs , inJ.
All of your Ciitlcuri Iktncillei Klvoer ? aood nit-
sfctlun. Too Cuuciira I c cclally roMaimtnd for
lie diaeasw for nliioh ltl Ubd. 1 know f(0 ! i expcr-
cncultnalnu. .
Ell , It. 3 I'U.VT T , llontcHo , ' .Vis.
Tnrouirhaliomo rcttrnoANornc Ian.l ha > Itarnod
0 knoir juurCiiteiua , hijh h In u short time
mud lieoi an Ik-asm that iavrh > slciitt'aic jdiclnis
uuM n. t hc.ll
till1. . HDIjT KIJ , Bergen , Norwavv
Tin : Eouryo\vu3. ] :
A feclhjr-nfuratltiido IIEJJJ roe to nckmwlcdiro
hu iic > t iniitin ol uiir Cut.uiira , iind 1 conlr.A' ri-j-
niiuend ! t to tlin l.o as n icry aluill c r mtdy.
II , i . rmVKrtW , Utldn'uport , CDHII. , ,
I or aaH'H'rjtthero. I'flca Cutlciuo , tbo great
kin Curj , Ida. C'liiiua ' S ap ; an t-xui liSh > u
ioiiitMl r , tJJc Cum JM 1 ualveut , the nuw ! ili > 3
-miller . .
CUUHU - , iu..oxiii | ! lt < i TollU , Jloth ,
-sr.i h
To i < / / ! - > In
MPUKV Dm It cd Co. , hial X.ti.tu a d l.ran
AReniH , 1'05 turirjnht. ! Hlil
i /uNijy | loiiiiui oa chalvJj. U-ilIroul 'D-omiti
hi ami cold. A. Foreman , m It l > th
Kinaniil Ilj-chAavo , 'JJ HUI nmrU
/ iiitiluriiapiiMiiiui ( .ocuiltA1 i Slice
ucok < l i.'i. ' 0 iii iSuniln , : ' UCO t'.iiuin dU
Itl t l > eu2
\ 7'Ali : i-AlUtclit-ta : IKKF.utl
A'rANT. , . I ) A tintj | rf 6' ' iul laumJitH In-
uln-at rwlOai tu tll & WfXMl. tl. ni rtti - * 1
Uit.tcj C 8iunl ( , ul'wili. | 12-jtl
yANTKif-IIIrl fiVrMUMTn'oTk. 0.1 ! illor 6 in
' thoitcnlrK , I3i3l a'l/or ' / liitretl \u \ !
\-\ANTii : ) . Ai'caly Vuicrund nnn-i.mikrr Hh
i'I retainum. Apl'y linratdUt > l > luloun IKU I ) ,
Noith Hind , Neb. 124 ( p t Uk ir
if child L'.JUt ilo t. i..Uk ntie > t. I'ti '
" * '
I , ( riMruJjT Viit. ( 1000 f.p
AAfAN JKD-tlo .JjuiS.r at I'AXUa llutj ll > rlivr
I } bhsp. loj 4i |
T\7Ar JKD-OnatnUtr : ( latui. Deal ind Tivilli
> i AnhimbutVliK. CouucliJH itft. U. r-.trauj.
110 Ci.
\\T * STEM vaik ai Kinact Houis. Nurncn need
I1 - .py. iasi
\X7AKTKU-A Uiciclajj pixry co.t , at tku tVj.
TV' i.-us. BC6-II
' A < cr > d i-oitir."il.r , p'ljci nt all
work \nd fiue iaU. Aidr JJJ. W.
lUktrlo , J.i'.i.
ll'ANIJJ ) Aflrlfrrlimuo udikatH. U corn i
II IS band U-u\ti.u. < Uli , nrvt l > 4 * k'i.cdi k ,
nuither bi.d'ir > n.r. .Scii.'ji'Unr HUN ! i\ply. ] ! WO
, Xl'AXPKP Ilist-oinsa luiK'rtt-'l. W. Li > lk < n ,
\ \ ' < * VlllJf * Imi'Ui ; ; lwunu to 'ill rnbuci
it lx.iit inl on ui' ' > kUn to i loot mill
tine l&duti'r ' ( > uho\t ; ) ihoNorli wii-t Htlcni i- < -ri-
.Ill rod Add i-t < "K. B. 1IKaoitmt. . 9 S-Pp
S'TKDv oil uiuuil touK at 1.7 tculli ! 0l >
' . Mri. Hill. U.'i7lii
l\ AM'l'.UUnol till Ur [ oiiural UJ.IM w rk.
> \ j ut IMA | t o4 ( took. Api < l > at Sl.'O II WH \
iidit , llriJ M Ihur-ton. U > M [
U'\M" C < A.k'u. U ( ; lil tu i\j \ general h'.viru T >
I" a luii. v ci t j pt'iaMm , AdUribii , c H ,
Iltu orlluu ,
XV'ANTIU ) Immi dittvli , 3 K < io4 KK'nltrd Ir-i
> - - 'IhI I k'll ' > . .
iuunrti a i-r- - 'i u Be- vlil i.
r Kl 'Jlii l.uit'C H' ' . lx11 will , Nc ( > . C.D 4 ,
ANTED-- enH for IhoItntiu Iltil tn un M
\v \
Co.dd. . ' 9 th * ( < iri tny at Sttiait
TlIfsnrjrn.Humor Incltv of ronntfj
? lotalioti'rp ' , lliht M I ! ' * nrk nt Ihch
rwii ! ioitc , fj tn J/j rv iliy calliy tnriiic'ly ) | tniilc
vti tk if ut hy i , si ) ; no ratna tlnif ; t o i amp fur rerl >
1'ietKaddtcvJ Hollftlilo IV CJ , rhnailclnbUi , 1'a
WAVTHD-AK-cntu to fell Oataly's UnlTarml Kclu-
( utoronmo.nthly | nt > mtnt9 Call on rr tv\- \
dronW. 1) . I' . Lnwry , room f , 119 noitti 10th U ,
Onnha. S7t-lm
or c-ountry , to taho nlco , lluLt and | > tciv > ant
rvnrk nttdclr ownhonieii ; $1 to fS per day emlly and
inletly | madoiwork tent by mall , i rAnvarslmr ; no
Htamp for roplf. I'leino luUlrcM Hell iblo MinfY' On. ,
1'hlUilelntiH. I' * . 803-1 in
\T7 ANTKD APltuatlnn b < - a flr t-clvn falt-im n ,
In cxlhlrn , ' , ctiit" furiiMrim' or ill } ( food * licit
of rcfp'cnro ( 'lu-ti I l < i mnUintunil how lo keep a
tut of books , Adilrmlj. H. Mrcr.tnro lliolko
\ANTKD By a ldw , a | m < 1llnii wi bmi'o-
> keeper. Addrom-ll.M. " Ilcc olllro. 1SJOp
cwlnit In Ili3il y nrvrrk'n flmpnr
> ? pthato faniilv. 'y ftncxuoilonrcl ilrvmnikcr
Ca'l or ail .rcis K. " Mo. lOSNor h Ihtti Ht. 13'iji
Slluntlnn M'nVitlAit book'Vcei | r or
i cUrk In wholciilo cHUMI-linii'iil. lint f rtf
crenrc csrcifirJs rhaucter and iktillll ) . Adlrcni
1115California ( tract , 1.12.lp
WANTKU-Hlfiutlon'm coachman ; ono tiied to
care rf lilch bred hunm. Hot tf rfrronrca
Addr 83 "II. K. " Bee otnco. If 3 Ip
"IT--ANTED In a fort-nlglit by * tii > dv c.potlcnco1' '
\i man , n tintlon M broid and cake biker. Kef-
cnc'8. Apply J. Iruln , Baker N ith Bend , Nob.
VtJANTKD Dy a jctuij , ' ladyasltuatl'ti aibcok-
Vi ktipcr of copjlst , Addrcis "X. Y. 7. " Bee
otllcc. 109-Sp
By a Rltl a place In itnall fatnllv to do
eccondor Kcnerat housowork. Inpiliu at
5'.C Clark Si. B71-4 | > j
I ) I'oclllonaaniirso. Ho'Tcn-eRlvmi. '
Mrs. J. N. KlllngwooJ , 1123 N. 17th St. 029-1
A\rANTiD-A : poalllon as book keeper or aset of
} } bookiloicjciorimntln the ovenlnc , by n com
petent lnok keeper. Spook ? Uunmn an-l Engllsu ,
bi of ratcrcnco. Addici " / . J."Ileeollico.
054-'p '
oun 'mirrlod man wants situation oa ooot.
Ai . In wliolesalo i > sUblbhmout Iu Omaha.
AililrMs.v'ilr care Uoo. f30-tf
IT ANTW 1'aplhli shorthand. l'itmai > .v tem.
V > MitM Kilts , 10th ami Hlrkory M. ISMOp
\1TANTGD Two day boirdara at 1721 Douglas.
> V CD0.7p
> 33 oqnaro yanlt good second hand
UrANTEI - ' - 33. " Bee of-
ca-pet. . NamolottestprK-o. . -
fieo. 120 tv
_ _
TTf7ANTEI-CljOO ( for 1 or twoycarjlB pr cent In
V llrst cl.vfsscurlty.'Eiiiplct. . - , " Bee ollUe.
\ / J.'Tni ) lo-it-nt a H-nnll Jurnhhcd home ,
V > niuldlmy tarnllurull dcslrib'c tnd .hup
AUJrciBH. . " ilrawir 22 , city. 070 5p
" \TJTAN1ED Ilufiliicts. An actl\e merch nt cf
V7 through hi-t.n .B uilucatlon and hnblts o n
tumrlatlnsfB china o January 1 t. 1835 , wl lieatoimr-
rhaionn Inlcroit Ii a well csiahlUlud mor antlioor
mnnufai.tuiinK buslnes" , w uld buy cut a small bu--
ncrta.lms $10 CX)3 cash , tan furnish refcrvLCCS ota htith
under and would ixpct ani3 To sccu e reply , ad-
< ! ref tinner ( ml naino aaid putlcula s , "Mcrchnnt1
e re Bee oiHco. 850-Ot lo fcp
\VANTiD-55CO : -J.O.OCO on thlity , f Kty or
V > nnutydajs.bcet Eicurlty. Addreaa "S " Boo
oin.e. S39-tt
D To buy a itylottobo pa'd ' In weekly
ormoathlylnstallmenfci. Address" ! ! , n " 1'ee
ollloa. 012-tf
TX7AHTKD f-2,000 on Drst-cUss city sccurlty.for 5
VV years , r.t 0 per coat. Addrcea Boi 620 1'oat-
nfE.'p. _ _ _ 7nn-t ?
s r.aci Loc.
" ' " "
T 10 r"irm hon'sa 21iud Burt $15.
i1 4 rooi-jhousn 2Sfi and Douglas < ? 10. Boirs < &H111
tell eutatu 14''t ' > Faintm St. OSi-1
17O1 HbUT T > o fron1 ! ro 3i3"for Hiht'liouia-
I ? k-opinir , ati2313ClicaR08tiett. 135-Kp
TjlOll HUNT Vurnifhed room S.V. . cwnerof 17th
.I1 and Capilvl avenue. 138 Cji
. . .NKelfirnlshed rooms lor single gen
tlemen In ) ) iivata"fainllv , dovrablo'Jorati MI , h use
ernttlthiu ttIS fclou't. Korpirticul * s uddr s "A"
Btsirtlicc. lOt-Op
. IU'.NT--To nn'urnUliod rooms for boose-
'iccpirL'.anJicne furnUhcd room,1 1617 Chicago
rcit. 134 0,1
IOIl UKNT A cottazo on Chicago 14th
F end ; 15th IB juiroot .Ijln fcwilt 14i-6p
F'MltPNT ( Virydfsimbli IODDI at 1724 Cip'tol '
a inuci Caii-at that number. llU-Up
HUNT K-iinitihud mite of rooms ; also une
slrrlo loom , \trjr p t-aea illy located on Cap tel
Mil , wri'of liljh'.School. AdJrjis v.rtlvrefircnro ,
' \ V. Z , " lleoulllse. 118 10p
FOI iirN'l'F irnlnlicd room b'txl , 10i Da-
\orjmrt btrct'lbee. ICth anil lltn H04p
oil UENT-TJi-i corner st ra 10th nuM.a'Ucn
App ! " , lr. n. I'uUrton. lei : tf
FiilltlCNT Ilor-jii. Oil N. ) tth ; ntr i , 810 per
moitth. Ji.h-1 Uiallord,102 lOihS ! .o-2-tf
'OIl I'.KN'T Aifutiil.bcd looinat 131SCftr''f ! ti St.
J 1 -
71011 1UNI' : I'i'u-c lurnliled front room , . iitahj ]
J 1 for anvot t oijniitleiiicn ; 1710 Lhitruo St. COi-tf
rrollKV T VAih board , nlcolv furnhhud IOOIIH
1 vtlthiimandjiruhrnuiii , S. W. cor. 14th and
lonea scrcctu. 767 8p
.iUIl 'ItiNF htSfgo rl fno rooms , .il.H'r Hlo lo-
1 mtwii. O. i. Ix.usiCo , .fi'.D r t.
IT OIlJlKNr Tu-u'igint roi m.s In s ilc with mod-
urn li | ' - < n > itr.N top ll-or. Iliuac ur's ,
S. xv tor iCihMid lioJg * . llo'crencci.t'Uiiiwl ' ,
075 < - . .
' . ' . ' - nlco hunt rooms In p./h .to fun-
Hj Kr livhal t > i iikevv1"gorl.dl ii ; ( uewcottngo
I block north iJ-St. JUry's v-f. utictt. out. App y
410 1 cu.tntt *
- jells. 13l-vasi3l mlles
1 N r. Clhanr SinVxi ,
IBJitresl wild N RKorertcUy.
IHi " 5. mile * N W , Klotrnco.
1111 " I , . " " '
ICO ' ' : ' ilkn Houih nf lotinai ; ! . ;
1OI " iinllesN. W Waterloo.
ViO " I.HU fretno't.
lifri " a ar Hiliniler.
HO " at Ccdnr Ciiintf.
101 " rifiar Valptrilsi
; < -0- " t ml'ui HI atn l ravpliliaa
.I " 6inllt-sH W. Onuba.
Ui " otHo irwlnku. lnr/-3'c ! Hill , i : l
K t to kiW r.inia'n St. C8.--i
riouwit lurnUhml rown.OJj N. 17th.
! SS8 Pp
IT'HR Ul'.NT lldirtti it / . rooica. 13 , house ol 10
1 rouiiiulli ) , d l v all 1 iiMa uluU lot $20. houss 0
j , lioiuo * iOvin ,10. U.liou Bros 31/HoulU
ITVu-Jl IHUJT-JunfuuJsliod nv > m > , w II rui sepa-
17 litecr tcgftbt-f ioio0uabc ! } 910 Douglii St
JTUIU HiNTr-l'lcAir : > at JmnWi * . ! room n'OS
f llol uvu 7t.7 )
POll HKN-J Ocu nofu > niVd ! mini Jor
kuiilng , Bcenura ulaeli , cor , tta aid
\ UtlilHKNT Ilimant jasna with Uard 10f/
! < KNT-Hi ; .c ! : a tbico it r/ brick nutal
.U uartlu.uio , Iij0r ul3 ) ilt-wfor ,
. .V'- } , " " ' 'roail r todoor. a
U Firuun ,
l7" ! yiNT : urii'iiJ ' : rooimtt.1810 D
TjUniU.NT-0.Jii ju.lralli ! rnoni , W1itablo Iti1110
I.'or two i'iii ' iiuii. U'lUt'jl Hio.v iricr Mwk
U"Vi ht Jlaty'i unuuo , b th rco.u cii.l rt "nil
W'kl wil-t , oWllja ntitrotl. 63711
Tr < OUltr.NTitj of '
njrc'y fu-nl hti r-otuR , s
i .t. ranraxtia'id Dn < . ) > rt sttcai. 9U-lp
I with I Mrd mo tern unrivuulv. o n r iiniucoinf < * rc *
li.U t4nuui , biuot al j\u uo Cojit homo tm lp
r-Ai < > vs ore room aril oilc ! iu- l 'ri
i . n Jimnry l t , 1WJ , mi J3 li WOJ--KWU WI1IU
a-d Illik ry mqn ru at . J. a per. U 0 II
lm llEST-Fi u to. m huu.o th | l and c < &
I tun liviur imn t. io.lul , i'.iii I v-i
'in ' * | p r > au I ci | u _ M , nf i
j. UU III-NT I'lfi i'fur i I ) r - - > > } ' or
[ TTIfl IlEMT Fnrnl bed roonf mrlb'Whl JS 01 | ef
I1 ec ! : . Very b t location , IJH DatrnjKiit.
1 street l i. I cmnuottli ami ) l\ n . Inquire i t ft
S2.10th stretlVt. I-Arimm and Ilarnet. A. Jta Ish. jf >
Si'tlf y
17011 BEST Mcg&ntlt lurnlehtil fronl ruOm owt f
1 r l onth tx * nur" , inojtrncjiiunlencco , S. W
corner I7lh in 1 O M 811-tf
T .lOIl IH/U Thlrt'cn I ew.lwelling ] by 0. T T y.
i 1 lr , corner Hth itiri D .jclo. S49-H
IT nll HKNT Ilou c 7 rormi good loallty by & T.
1 Tajl r , c rscr Hth and Doujl.v. 19-if
1 7011 IlKNT OK SAtK-Ahou'e of ft roomi
I 1 ntid . ofi ftttr-4los : ltlj b.rn 21x38. Knit * IB.
per monta. li.fp.'to north-nst ciiiicr Vfltli nnd
Itrro St. '
"IOH HUNT Tuoor tlirctftrrnt rooun furni'hcd
J1 to xentto tan and wile , 2110 Ca'.llotnh tit.
tdll UK\T lirlrk tia "liujnire Dtu Store
mrne r ard Don jlai S
| > ( ) ( > M3 Withloard , dsitah o or whiter- Apply
Jtfttlt C'livIn lintel. 7 Oi-tf
( JOll 11KNT Very doilralMo furnltlifil rooms csn-
I' trally located. Apply nt Atklinonr < millinery . , Ulh St 700-tl
TMUBHAV has Rood paitunaif , Sprlne ; water.
' Cottazoof Ore loonM. J. Iloo
1 lCg | ! .uthCtli _ utrcol. _ OTOtt
Suitcof rooim nndboaid 1812 Uod o
| 7UllilKMT ) I'lunoi and organs floui two
JL1 lip. A. llof | , 1C19 Dodco. 489-lm
IlljNT Ila'f ot double lieu < m , four rooms ,
IpUU 1 ' .M addition , 811. n month. Apply room
24 , Omium National Dunk. S7S-t
KENT Han Jaime furnished roons 3101 St
1 luthSt. UH. M y Spencer. E72-tt
r\01l IlKNT A furnlsliud room 1000 Farnam St.
1 207-tf
(7 011 KKNT Ono Rriml H-iuro piana. Inqulia
1 ? omiliohn nJ Krlckaon. 440-tt
OH SAIiS Ne rly r.csv. nplenilld baas b--.rncr ,
F Klkhrrn coMug ( tovo and houishold furnlturir
at 2117 DiMcnpoit Htre t. 1-27-3
SATiB OK TitADK-Intctoit In now c-.ttiRB
FOIl lo' , two bljcka fiometraet oir , for
coed Nohrnekt Una or vacant Um.lia propcrtv. Ad
dress "Q.1 this office. 1S5-7
T Olt MALKSix frcHb Jcrsny runs with calvoj2 to-
Mi ) dtya ol I , at reaainnhlo pficci , ono nillo utst
ct Knlr Uroundi Spring Vklley St ck Furci.
210-S N. I D. SJLOMON.
pult SAliIJ T o HiUiont IToao Double Hcnlcrj.
I 1 parlor Stoves No. 02 , neatly new , cheap. Com
plete null a'l c\trai J. C. Cowln , Uooni No. 7 ,
JrciKhtc.ii Block. 112 Up
J7 OU h MC \ thiiouihly ostiMishnd jawelry
" lusliR' ' . Tor pirticu ars , address Mr . George
7. v , 'I cknninh , Neb. 110 S
f AMtrOit 8ALK-53 quarter tacMonB Ipt class
JLIiiid 10 lo iJ ! mdesfrrm Omaht , $2i > to S30 per
ni-u. 1 nig time. lio/Rj Si Uill , Uual estate 14H Far-
laiu3' : . 079 1
* T.07S100 ( 'DOil lotsln 1'Atk Fi rust only 7
CHKAl ) from S'rcctcir ill o ot. loiuli 13th St. . Sl..f
to iUO per lot. Ilo s & Hill. OSO-1
HRSIDiN"Cii.OTS : : S00\eiy choice lots In
F1VK Viewai-ditlon , only 3 hlockj lr m "New
Tcrminuu" i f both roH and gitcn car Hues , $1CO lor
iii'l'J" . I'ICO for corner lots. Bcg a & Hill , eal 03-
ta o 1 503 Farnam St. Ou-l
, SIDE REAL ESTATK-30 lots on Karniml > ouir
1 las and lud o In BO RS & IIII 't flrat and' ' secorcl
odditinns flCOO to ? 1 00. Bogci i : Hill , Heal eatlto
MIS l'ain < im at. 932-1
SAI1 ! Silosn with all equipment i ready for
FOIl ' . Icciteil tnapojd ; Nu rasva town , not
'ar from Omaha. Llccnao miiru.tceil ll/urei iud
termsirc HoiMHa. For further intjnnat on applr to
loh-i A. Frcihtn. mho'oialo llnuor ilo.ler , No. 1335
Djuylaa St. , Omatn , Neb. PS7-4
SMiK Defirablo cottaze ecod nclshbo-hood
FOIt moil > 111 V T TmcntJ liillou Bros , 317 Smith
13th St. 875 4
I \OU SALK Coiti J y foom P-vtO monthly ixiy-
i1 meritIl.llou Brca ,3'7 south I3tn St. U74-4
IO < S\Ii'5 ' BM ! locited ro'idense lei In Omaha ,
F * , ! JCO , mint 0)80JU. Uo ja&Ulll. 03J-1
TTIOIl S LE OK BE.Vr A Lidios' Riarilinz.Uousi ,
_ goo I Iccitloti.Mdreis "F. H. " Boo otlijo.
SALi : OB nXCIMNGKFor horses or freed >
FOH - , a ? ! OJJ r.tot ! : of good ? coililstlnu' cf
clofdiiK , hits , capj , boots and shoes , and jjonta'
iindcrAcar Wll Ukoaomo horsesin put i > a > intiit ,
nart on four months' ticvo bilncocash. Address
IV J K. ' Lock H > x 'Ji , Oniwa. Towi. 018-lt
l-'Oll SALE Ono ol the best ro .
RESrAUIlANT Imkwy tunbined in Nebraska with
? oud'locution arid trade nstnUlthc i in ci y of CO JO
l > oprlation. Only llrst-clws restaurant in the plav )
mil c'ciii more In bakci > line than a I others In city
combined , leu cream p lor in beason. Ott-n" , ice
houvu end c\erjthinif coiuji-etc. Will sell furnished
MidlM\ee\erthlii ; ; . Mill BO I at a anpiln and to
rljjht ! nan ith Biiull ca < Ji paj nuint and lialinco on
lonif tln-o so nurchiiur cui nxiko it p.iy for Itself.
\V. d. WIPK , 1'lattjmouth , Neb. 817-n S3
SA7.KK.iur IS foct , walnut couters. . andSO
FOIt of first claHtfl'tfMn/c.ilcsiiaiic foi dnitr.Kro-
; ery or l k store. Inq3irat the oltlceof ConinUni
J.nik.'on V Hunt , 1-31 Itirnain street. SlWlI
FOR HALE I pausa e chopper , horse power ; ona
rt-L-ieiinu kettlo.onu.Jard prejj. Apply at Itrook-
I ) n Market , cor. I'lth iind Pierce E02-tf-
SAIE-8COCO ) fest dry lumber , A h , Oak ,
ITiOll , Bas oodaiidSol ! > JJ plo. K.A. atinson.St.
Clnrlss , Mlslsixan. bCO iiZIp
rpY"B Aqtuntltv rl Jjih an I newspaper typo for
JL f"Jo. Aljo a ( 'Jod iitl-.i ! ? . C. T. Ban.e , oirj Bus
alticCT. 755tf :
J70H.8ALE Cottage fj C rcoms. barn , comer lot in
f yhlnn'ti additionoil- ; 0smallca ; h pajincnt
\nd hillanc-o monthly. Bat-vain. ilcCainie , opp.
J7 Oll SK OH iXCIANUR : A water powef O 1st
aiUI , ica ona f jr'tl'.inc iUfiion ajijltr-tlon ! to
JivuK Drag ; , > Va-iirljr. lb. tOJ-IJi .
7OIl ; i-AIira-Naw phanon. Inquire of ( Ico. Hiff-
J. iim ut uortil-eo oorucr lUthand DcdijofiSltf
SALE ( M foot on famam direct between SS
andiD. U.-loe , Urooer , 2'd aivl L a\en orth.
jjiOllSALiKlao ; li-uinu i i hineuat Drtn4 UUnd
J1 Neb i > 5. < 4OOoi : > - the bank buildiT 2T41 ; an ,
nifico build'nc ' whicnicnn I n $15 a nnuth ; larno
Srn and burlier proo' fi u with Vale I'.mo look coit
Ul.fiCO , al-o xerv : rio twik buok f a proof tufo ,
! nk cinitin-r , dulis hard coal etovu. In Uer , a com-
Vlo u banon tit , Uiiuhtr vii | lot 4 Hil on Locust
ttrett. Tltlii | erfcct 'Urma J c&ih , ta ance on mm
cnJ two j ears timed ! defJrcd. C.Uloavraadro-n Jay
K. White , Uraud Inland , Nub. 62Ml
I71OR8AT.K AKOO ! Jramo house , fi roorrs , all In
1 peed order IIJ * ! to milled atccwa Apph' , to
the \V teru Nun ; upur Union , cor .l h and How.
ardutiect ) . Sli'tf
FOIl SAT.E-Chonpa ssoonrt ha-xMdsh top bnirify.
Inijulra at ShniMoiTi Carrla.'j.Factoiy. . Dodjje.
bctvreou llth ruiutClh. ISo-tf
3 -160.WW brick uaui atJclUru .
T. Olarko. VIS-tf
POIl HALK A whole lock oic.othinjr. boots an < li
r thotH , tulMlnjfs at ooHt , rmrin < ; Ire i business.
FOIl PALK Two open dooono-niwd bugyt < i cd-
ou Jatlvery f zen , choup , t IBID TUrni.y HI.
STIC , * VCil From m N. W. wriirr 50 Ji , a < li
&auq | sftnehackli | * , KB pjit ajuut 10.U Ib
; mJI lui iJtfoinuy u i hr rlif1 ' w. A V IIOMOB ,
3iid nit fui-li lursn , plena notify VV. J. W.Iihini.
Ta-ilion | JIS.
M1AHKH Ul'-on Ortolier 8 , 'n 1'ght ' iuyhw.cT
Juhl'c tpitlnforehijvlund iwhltop Hu taboic
Jiu till ) V. Kdiott , ino uillo iwaiof tie
It iv.
. ro-
MKS. SCI.itODKH , ir sn.t.o HeJsr , Is no ? * Icca. .
ta N Vf. oc-ioer 20th And Ciu Bt It agii s i
dl-UJ'9 frea. Y-J3' 17
"KjniVV M'llts , tlnki iril coispwUcli Rol at th
J iihorti-st ni/.cu and iuany tU.e t Diailay , In an
( .rli-ilyor'trljrfMV-ivK.t.hout tie IcaA moUrt'atlon
t < i.ciiptutiintlhl > i/'i ltiv our ku < r < 'Vo1 anil
iHiufltiijajvi.- | . / > . li jiit li Cj , 1(1 )0 iiuHu
' vj. _ _ _ _ _ _ 7iO-nlflp
1)HIVY \aultM , nlnlj rn I w-ujucJi olat'ua witti
Kiultw ) cKi.ui-j. ti tUactio.i ( cuiutwil by t' ,
U Abi-l.tJ-icccworlo J. U , Huuth. ) UuxS ( < i 0)Snl3p ) , HTXVl'S-u. > ma acturor * lnOmaS
I > , < | . I'rluUitf 'Vi.
( Qf CO' OSOl'A TO JCH.I U. JACJJ' t. >
At lit ild i Uud (4 ( > 7 lur. im .plif. I OtutwLy
t'liyr-jtif - * - ' , jjjuint it- , ' 1 j